#loki x s/i
nubsoftherat · 7 months
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I made a Loki Self-ship flag for ourselves
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   I heard this audio somewhere and this was the first thing to come to mind, and I needed to put it down.
   I started working on this at 6:00 AM, and just now finished it. TELL ME WHY IT TOOK ME THAT LONG-
   Featuring: -The version of Loki from Avengers Assemble (I.E: Secret Wars) -My Marvel OC, Copycat’s ‘son’, Austin. He’s a talking cat.
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candy-ship · 2 years
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Aaaah! My part of an art trade with @starryeyedselfships !! THEY WERE SO MUCH FUN TO DRAW AND I WENT WILD HAHAHA. My art trades are still open for those who want to draw ship stuff too so LEMME KNOW!
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lokiusly · 7 months
Everyone moved on but I’m still here
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azula-karai-27 · 4 months
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Started giving up on the word "forever"
Until you gave up heaven, so we could be together
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loopsisloops · 2 years
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thursdaymorningchild · 7 months
And Mobius ended up alone....... But someone is always watching him...
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(But like where is Mobius gonna go now? Ignore the quality i haven;t made gifs in years, this episode just really didn't do it for me, I'ma go play Character AI and fix it that way)
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musclesandhammering · 8 months
I’m gonna need a D-90/X-5 one on one showdown at some point.
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Eraserhead baby adpotion - update
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Obviously bing wasn't very helpful but aagghh these look just too cute 😭❤
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Oh yeah and the family mansion in Oymyakon
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I hope you don't mind me rambling a bit here (please feel free to ignore this, if you wish), but I've been deep in the Lokius feels lately, and I can't get over how much Mobius almost single handedly turned Loki's world upside down. Prior to meeting Mobius, Loki was all about his "glorious purpose". It seemed like everybody had turned their backs on him, and so he'd rule them, and make them see him. But then a seemingly normal guy with a moustache and a tan suit showed up, and saw him perfectly, then showed him that his glorious purpose doesn't have to involve conquest and destruction. It can be about helping and saving people, instead. In return, Mobius went from someone who did everything by the book unquestioningly, to being willing to burn the whole corrupt system that had been his entire world to the ground. And nobody's supposed to ship that?!
Anon you are so right
Like yes!!! I've seen a lot of people complain that Show!Loki, who originated from 2012, underwent the whole character arc, that took him years in the sacred timeline, in like five minutes in the show, and while I agree that it was a bit rushed, it's about the people he met. In the sacred timeline, he just kept following his plan of ruling somewhere (following his "glorious purpose") and he had noone who shared his experiences.
Meeting Mobius and seeing his future and eventual death, along with the destruction of Asgard and finding out that he isn't the only Loki progresses his view a lot and kind of helps open his eyes.
I think the fact that Mobius specifically told him that he can do and be good did something to him. Just like seeing the world from Loki's point of view and start to question things did something to Mobius.
If you think about it, they both have kind of similar stories: Loki was taken away from his actual home, just like Mobius, and then they were both made to believe that everything they knew was correct, and then they find out everything they thought they knew is actually untrue and they start to question everything (twice with Loki: when he found out about his actual lineage, and when he arrived at the TVA). Like. The parallels.
Haha now I also started rambling anyway I sometimes feel like Lokius has actually good chances of becoming canon sometimes (I know, I'm a clown)?! Like, the scene where Mobius was very obviously jealous, THE FACT THAT ONE OF THE SONGS FROM THE SOUNDTRACK IS LITERALLY CALLED "LOKIUS"...but like, on the other hand, it's Marvel, so I'm crossing my fingers but not holding my breath.
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iguessigotta · 1 year
'nother desmon drabble. this was gonna be one part but i think i'm gonna make it at least a two-parter no warnings, aside from desmond's foul mouth
“How much longer are they gonna have me under surveillance?” Desmond said, stopping in the doorway to lean against the frame.
“What- w- ow-” a screwdriver and a few smaller pieces fell to the floor as Tony smacked the back of his head off the edge of his work table. He cursed quietly before standing, hand rubbing circles into the back of his head, “Who’s got who under surveillance?”
Desmond rolled his eyes, “You know what I’m talking about, jesus christ-”
“No taking the lord’s name in vain,” Tony interrupted with a barely-contained snicker.
The dramatic, frustrated sigh Desmond let out could have earned him awards, had there been awards for “acting like a teenager in your late 20’s”.
“Shield, dad,” he said, closing his eyes and taking intentional, slow breaths, “The absolutely fuckin massive military intelligence….branch…..thing.”
He deflated when he finally opened his eyes to see Tony stifling laughter, hand clamped over his mouth. He could tell Tony wanted to keep poking at him, and when the man in front of him tried speaking, moving his hand from his mouth,he had to clamp it back down as a fresh wave of laughter bubbled up. Desmond grimaced.
“W-wai- I’m sor-” Tony cut himself off but failed to stop a bark of laughter. He cleared his throat and tried again, “You were right, Des. That’s what they are - ‘the absolutely fuckin’ massive military intelligence branch thing’”
“You know what I mean,” Des grumbled with a roll of his eyes, “How much longer are they going to be stalking me?”
Turning to grab some things from his work table, Tony let out a long breath, beginning to idly clean something with a rag, “Few more months I think.”
“Months?!” Desmond near-shouted, “Why?”
“Why?” Tony paused cleaning whatever he was holding, “Desmond, you were brainwashed. By the scepter.”
Desmond, frustrated, refused to respond. That made Tony nervous, “You….do remember being  brainwashed by the scept-”
“Yes I remember being brainwashed by the scepter,” he said with a slight whine, dragging a hand through freshly-dyed hair. Before he could speak again, Tony cut him off.
“Well. That’s why you’re still under surveillance,” he looked at Des while gesturing to his own head, “You’ve got scrambled eggs for brains now or something. I don’t know, they never tell me anything - and why do you care so much? You never leave the compound so nothing should really have changed for you.”
“Thanks for confirming I’m being stalked.”
“Whatever, oh my god.” 
Tony paused a moment, simply watching Desmond, before taking a breath, “All right, spit it out, kid. Who’s got you so antsy for freedom?”
“W-” Desmond sputtered, face screwing up in confusion, “The fuck makes you say who?”
“That!” Tony gestured towards Desmond with a wrench, continuing through laughter, “That look on your face! You’re so mad!”
“Gee, I wonder why,” Desmond rolled his eyes, turning to leave. If Tony was going to just sit here and make fun of him, then he’d go find help somewhere else, “Whatever, nevermind, I’ll go ask Buzz…”
There wasn’t a doubt in Tony’s mind that no matter what the request was, Buzz would be able to find a way to complete it. The last time Desmond asked Buzz for help tracking down a copy of a rare video game, Buzz had found and somehow gotten his hands on it within a week and a half. Which would have been all well and good if they hadn’t also created, sold, and then ran away with the money from some absurd crypto currency in order to pay for it. Ok, it was pretty funny. Buzz put so little effort into the currency, it was honestly kind of their fault for falling for it. Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. caught wind of it and saddled Tony with a mountain of paperwork. ‘Still better than the time he had them find Wade. Yeah, let’s not do that again…’
“Wait no - Des!” he shouted, a bit louder than intended, making Desmond jump slightly. Tony ran his hand down his face before continuing, “I’ll do it - what did you need?
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nubsoftherat · 7 months
What is self ship? /gq
When you ship yourself with character. Like how you would ship two characters together. y/n fanfic is an example. Our flag was to represent our love with Loki.
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More soulmate nonsense, haha.
Soulmate mechanics:
After your 18th birthday (Or equivalent), your soulmate’s voice becomes your inner voice, your inner monologue. (Not just accent and general voice sound, but how they would say something, the slang they use, etc.)
Trigger warnings: Extremely brief mention of a bad homelife/abusive home, mentions of drug lords and drugs, lots of swearing.
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It was a fairly difficult thing for Loki to get used to. They expected many things, but this particular speech pattern wasn’t one of them.
One moment, they were using slang, crude language, and swears as casually as one’s own name. The next, flowery language and poetic descriptions, easily equatable to something Loki might find in a poetry book in Asgard’s palace library. It was difficult to discern when and where the change in tone would take place, but it was always without warning.
‘A beautiful star-filled sky, as if fireflies danced in the endless expanse beyond. So wondrous, it makes the mind curious as to how many unexplored worlds and interesting cultures could be out there. If only there were time to dedicate to such a venture.' Flowery language like that, which could then, for seemingly no reason at all, turn into: ‘That fucking horizon is beautiful, holy shit, my guy!’
As crude as it was, sometimes Loki couldn’t help but snicker at how the voice would translate their thoughts. Sometimes it’d say the most ridiculous and out of nowhere things from the simplest ideas. ‘She’s parading around like she’s Aphrodite. But... come on, with that shade of green, plus the orange? She looks like vomited up baby food.’ “*Snort*” “Are you alright, brother?” “*Throat clear* Yes, I’m fine...”
They had to admit, some of the slang they used became fairly endearing after a while. ‘Ya’ll’, ‘Honey/Hun’, ‘Dude’, etc. At one point, Loki even caught themself nearly using one of those in a conversation. Thankfully, though, they caught it before they said it out loud. ”As much as I’d love to join you du- uh, *ahem* my friend-” ‘Jeezus crispy! You almost embarrassed the fuck out of yourself!’
In the end, despite how annoying the crude manner was at first, Loki grew used to it, and eventually, some of the little verbal quirks became endearing.
‘Your soulmate must be a fuckin’ weirdo if they talk like this. Just imagine how awkward it’ll be for Odin and Frigga to meet them, woof. ...But regardless, ‘weird’ is something you’re considered too, are you not? So maybe that isn’t so bad.’
Blake found the inner monologue in his mind very comforting. ‘I wonder what kind of person could be behind such a lovely voice?’ He put a lot of thought behind that, especially after he realized how prim and old-fashioned they spoke.
Reading poetry, or any book, really, was something he enjoyed greatly, even before his soulmate’s voice arrived in his mind. But, that inner voice only made it better. 
Blake actually kind of liked how it would hiss in such an aggressive tone when he got angry, as well. It almost made him feel like he wasn’t alone. ‘Fools, barbaric fools! How they could possibly say they ‘love you’ when they so readily harm you only the all-father knows. They don’t deserve you, not at all.’ ‘Hearing’ things like that always made him feel a bit better about the abusive home he was born into.
Blake assumed that his soulmate must’ve been a massive mythology buff like he was, or perhaps was even a Norse pagan, considering how often he seemed to reference Norse myth in his casual speech. *Lighting strikes a few feet away from him* “By Heimdall’s eyes! That almost hit you!”
Sometimes he’d even entertain sillier ideas, especially after news about Steve Rogers returning. ‘Perhaps my soulmate is one of those ‘men out of time’ as well?’ or even, ‘Maybe my soulmate is even a god? That could explain why they always make reference to them.’ But, Blake knew the odds of having such an unnatural match were slim. It was far more likely that he was just an average Joe who enjoyed mythology. 
Hell, with how his life has been going, Blake was surprised that he even had a soulmate. ‘Why would someone like you ever be chosen by anyone, much less a god?’ It was thoughts like that which hurt him to ‘hear’. Though, in the back of his mind, he knew they weren’t really saying it. It was just simple intrusive thoughts. ...But it felt like so much more coming from that voice.
But later...
‘These mortals are nothing. Not but bugs to be crushed under your heel. Show them and your beloved ‘father’ what you’re capable of!’  “An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” “Are you planning to step on us?” ‘Fool doesn’t even realize the fire he’s playing with. What a fucking moron.’ His thoughts manipulated by the mindstone, those thoughts translated through that voice. Loki probably should’ve realized something was wrong when he heard so little of that slang and casual attitude they were so used to. But there was just enough of that crude language and simple manner at times to keep their guard lowered. Not to mention, the mindstone itself keeping him from realizing what it was doing.
‘That man was an innocent person caught in the crossfire. If it weren’t for you and that drug lord, he’d still be alive.’  “I can’t just sit by when someone ended up killed because of me.” “It wasn’t your fault, it was his. Right now, you need to stay low, or he'll target you again!” ‘He doesn’t understand. Of course he wouldn’t, how could he? You have power now, avenge that innocent stranger and stop him before he harms anyone else.’ That voice behind his motivation only strengthened his resolve. He would put that man, ‘Cortez’, behind bars for killing that innocent truck driver, and for trying to kill him. Of course, that only left the task of finding him.
Loki was imprisoned within the helicarrier, while Blake was discovered by Nick Fury after taking down a rogue group called ‘the drug lords’. (Barely managing it, but doing so nonetheless.) ‘That mindstone was a joke. Let’s hope that you never see it again. ...Though the staff was very snazzy.’ Nick offered Blake, aka Copycat, (And his cat, Austin.) a place in SHIELD, possibly even as an Avenger! Of course, Copycat went with him right away. ‘Finally, someone recognizes you for your clear talents.’
But then, something weird happened. Blake heard from Thor about his brother, and out of curiosity, went to see them for himself.  “So, you’re the famous Loki, then?” That voice immediately made Loki jump. He turned, to see him standing on the other side of the glass. “Gotta admit, that outift... nice.” Normally, Loki would’ve responded with a simple chuckle and some comment about flattery, but that voice gave them pause. ‘Holy shit. No way, that can’t be him, can it?!’ “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. ...Jee, I’m not that scary, am I?” ‘Oh god, that’s definitely him. SHIT, why did this have to happen now?!.’
‘Are they alright...?’ “It’s you, you’re my destined, aren’t you?” Copycat’s eyes instantly widened when he heard that voice. ‘Is he your destined? No, they couldn’t be...could they?’ The fact that that word ‘destined’ came up in both sentences made Blake’s breath hitch. Loki immediately stood from the chair at the back of their cell, they walked up to the glass, neither breaking eye contact.
“Oh my god-” ‘Oh my god-’ ‘It’s them.’     “It’s you.” It was almost like they finished each other’s thoughts.
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The idea of Loki with a beard will forever ruin me in a positive way
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azula-karai-27 · 4 months
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Happy Valentines Day!! 💕
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 months
No Mercy [Loki x Female Reader]
A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: Loki interrogates you....sexually. Warnings. 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Ceremonial erotica. Fun & Games. Soft! Dom Loki. Established relationship. Light bondage. Denial. (w/c 1.8k)
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“Do you plead mercy, little one?” Loki’s voice is terrifyingly calm. If it weren’t for the violently hard erection pressed against his thigh beneath those tight, slutty trousers you might actually believe you were in danger. Deny me, you’d challenged him. Make me break. And he has. And he’s close.
“You’ll never make me talk,” you say defiantly. The layer of fear in your voice is fake, but the tremble isn’t.
It feels like you’re dripping on the bed, knees together, folded to the side, hands tied to the posts. Loki’s eyes flicker to the sheets beneath you as you squirm and a slight narrow of his eyes confirms that yes, you are in fact, dripping on the bed.
You’ve been at this for almost an hour. He’s barely touched you. Just a graze of his tactfully deployed fingers, a blindfold, the targeted skim of his breath and the devastation of his carefully chosen words.
Now the blindfold runs between his fingers as he tilts his head, thinking. “My interrogation requires a little more...finesse, then,” he says, making the blindfold disappear in a flash of green. “A touch more...pressure.’ You whine, yanking the thick leather binds wrapped around your wrists. The manufactured innocence on your face is like blood to a free-wolf and Loki’s lips curl in a wicked smile.
“I’ve been doing this a long, long time,” he says imperiously as he unbuttons a cuff. His long fingers make slow work of folding the sleeve up the meat of his forearm. “I may be a Prince, but an Interrogator of the Crown was my calling, I think. Don’t you?” Your chin rises and you nail him with your stare, hoping your tits look as great as you think they do. You arch valiantly towards his quiet wrath and with a deep breath, you deploy your best 50's starlet impression. “You’ll never break me….Loki Laufeyson.” He releases an exaggerated growl that makes new arousal well between your tightly closed thighs. “Is that right?”
A golden flicker licks from his forehead, the horned diadem unfurling from nothing at all. He’s working on the other sleeve as he swaggers to the side of the bed, taking his time. An oil of sweat has formed on your chest and you squirm for real, trying to break free. “You know how I feel about the horns, oh god-” you mutter, breaking character, clenching as another devilish smile stretches his lips. He stands by your head, crotch inches from your face. So close you can see his cock throb through the fabric. So close you can smell the earthy sweetness of his pre-cum. A low rumble of laughter penetrates the air. “I think you’re closer to defeat than you let on, little one,” he says, drawing a cool finger down your cheek. “Desperate to yield to me, desperate to give in to my demands; to furnish me with the carnal knowledge of your body that I require…that the realm requires.” Against every instinct screaming in your body, you yank your face away. “Perhaps not,” he says bitterly. A wave of dark sandalwood fills your nostrils as the mattress dips and Loki mounts the bed one impossibly long leg at a time.
He spreads his knees while he spreads yours. His face is bladed and angular in shadow, smouldering eyes sparkling beneath his battle-crown of gold.
The god reaches forward and runs his huge palms up the front of your thighs. His touch is electric. You buck up, feeling a web of arousal stick against the bedsheets. Loki glances at it through half-lidded eyes, his trunk heaving with heavy, silent breaths. “You bring this on yourself,” he whispers coldly as a strange object appears in his hand. It looks like a little bell with a round, tapered tip. But heavy. It looks heavy. There's a slight amber tint that warms in the low light.
“My seal,” he explains with an air of condescension. He swings it between his thumb and forefinger. “You will submit to me...one way or another.” He leans closer, dragging the cool golden seal over the curve of your breast and a violent shiver wrenches down your spine. “They always do,' he says. "And I have come prepared.” His eyes follow the metal seal’s descent over the dip of your waist, enjoying the shudders of overstimulation they cause. The graze of his raised markings harden your nipples and you strain your neck to the ceiling as he runs a line down the centre of your stomach and pauses at the top of your mound. The weight between your legs is unbearable; it’s an emptiness only Loki’s cock can fill. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk?” he murmurs sweetly with those dark brows peaked. But it’s an act, trying to trick you – of course. Oh god, he’s so fucking hot, it’s terrible. Every urge screams to cry mercy and have him fuck you like a victorious king; ride him as you hang onto those horns and make him see double. “Do it,” you spit, clenching your teeth. You yank the leather ropes again. “Pervert.” Loki’s brows rise in genuine surprise, a flash of mirth you recognise skating across his face before his features harden again. Role play with Loki is like nothing else. The king of your heart, but king of the performance too. “Very well,” he says, and the cool roll of metal slips against your cunt. He toys with it, pressing its ridged base against your clit and rubbing it in slow, maddening circles. “This seal has started wars,” he says in the same calm, even tone, “ended them, too.” Your stifle a groan of pleasure as the curved tip dips inside your pussy. Its sharp bite seems to melt inside the heat of your slit. “But you may be my greatest challenge,” he purrs as he slides it from the hole. You whimper as he brings it to his lips, rolling it, moaning in a low inhumane frequency. “And since I have just now claimed you with my crest...perhaps your conscience will allow me to claim you with my cock.” Your will to resist is fading fast. Loki tsk’s with feigned irritation as the seal vanishes and his attention turns to the mess beneath your legs. Arousal sticks to your inner thighs in a glistening sheet.
You groan as he flexes his fingers in front of his face, thick veins standing to attention on the back of his hands. He folds all but two, sucking them between his lips and hollowing his cheekbones in the process like an absolute whore. Without a pause, he curls them inside you and the air dissolves from your lungs in a strangled moan of his name. “Doesn’t count…” he warns. You look at him with your mouth open, brow a map of twitching lines. "You have to say it."
Loki kneels between your legs, as cool as Jotunheim ice, pumping his fingers slowly inside your slippery cunt, thumb sliding against your swollen clit with an arrogant smirk on his face. Your hips rise to meet him on every thrust of his palm. Breath comes in short bursts as you clench around his fingers, back arching into his touch as orgasm threatens to ruin you- He slips them out. “Loki!”
The frustration is real - no need to act. The god’s eyes widen in a shameless caricature of innocence. “I have given you every opportunity to yield to me, I have I not?” He pushes the rolled sleeves of his perfectly fitted shirt higher in a targeted attack. Your legs have begun to tremble at the loss of his touch. “And at every opportunity," he continues, "you have stayed true to your loyalties...which I respect."
The ceremonial sincerity in his voice is sickeningly erotic as he hooks his hands beneath your knees. “But pleasure...true pleasure...is a privilege reserved for those who yield to me.”
The sharp cool of his metal diadem stings your flesh as he kisses your inner thigh. He draws closer to your desperate sex, so close you can feel his breath cool against it as he says, “So cry mercy darling, and it will be yours.” He’s really dialled the drama up to eleven tonight. Instinctually you try and lurch your arms forward to grab the curve of his horns and press him deep into your pussy; mad for the feel of his tongue flat and flawless moving against it. “Oh god,” you whimper, fighting yourself. “Good girl,” he purrs, grazing his parted lips over your swollen labia. It’s too much. “Oh god, Loki…” “Good girl, say it...beg for it,” he spits as he falls back on his haunches and reaches for the button of his suit trousers. He looks so fucking mean.
The beat in your chest has turned to syrupy thumps as your legs straighten and contract on either side of him. “You want to be my good girl…” A pop echoes and his cock suddenly weighs in his hand like a weapon. You’re salivating...actually salivating. He pumps slowly back and forth, jaw clenching, his eyes hard as flints. “Don’t make me finish myself on your traitorous face.”
“Mercy,” you gasp. Loki’s grin widens and it touches his eyes. He licks his lips. “Do you want me to stay in character?” he asks quietly as his clothes disappear- everything but the horned diadem on his head.
His shoulders roll and every muscle in his torso tightens, thighs bulging as he clenches against the punishing grip of his fist. You bite your lip, nodding. His eyes flash. “Well chosen,” Interrogator Loki says. The hard edge in his voice has returned with a vengeance and he melts the leather binds holding you with a wave of his hand. “I trust my faith in your repentance is not misplaced,” he says as he crawls up your body with intent. Loki’s hair swings around your jaw, the scent of him, the weight of him. His length presses like metal against your throbbing clit and you buck your hips, trying to catch him. Every thought in your head evaporates as Loki of Asgard buries himself inside you with a shuddering exhale. Your legs wrap around his hips, forcing his ass down, pushing him deeper.
There’s a thud, and then another one; the curve of his horns beating against the headboard. Loki deploys a wolfish smile as his fingers curl around your wrists. “Can’t take any chances with my minx of a prisoner,” he whispers against your cheek. “No mercy,” you moan into his open mouth. It’s a request he understands as he delivers another targeted roll of his hips. “No mercy,” he replies.
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A/N - Have I told you guys how much I love you recently? Because I really do. I hope you know that. x
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