#lol i just wanted to write and couldn't be bothered to find the original link
scary-monsters · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @crown-of-winterthorne, thank you friend!!! 🧡🧡🫶🏻
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 33 total! i've got 8 for jjba, 25 for haikyuu
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 473,497 🤯🤯🤯
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently only jjba, i don't anticipate anything else for a long time since my major interests tend to last for years
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? unsurprisingly they're all ushiten 😭 i won't link them but: "i'm a house with no windows" (200k friends-to-lovers), "shuffle" (fake dating/only one bed tropes), "fascinating facts about geckos" (high school teachers au), "on display" (nsfw oneshot), and "morning routine" (my very first fic ever posted :')) aw)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try to!!!! sometimes i get really behind (like i am right now ugh) and that's either because i'm busy or i can't properly put my gratitude into words 😔 but i think i get to most of them eventually. i don't really reply to the ushiten ones anymore, but they still mean a lot to me.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i.. don't think i have any?? i love writing angst but i really cannot handle sad endings.. i'm a sappy little romance-obsessed fool, i fear i'm incapable of anything but sweet and fulfilling endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i mean it's gotta be "i'm a house with no windows".... they literally grew up together and got married and then visited their hometown as middle-aged men.. i don't know if i can out-do that. but if we're talking jjba then probably my most recent diego fic, "ritz to the rubble"
8. Do you get hate on fics? i have before LMAO, nothing too horrible but honestly i just shrug it off. i like my writing and i know lots of other people do too so i can't be bothered
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? ummmmmm yes.. i write a lot of it HFDSKLHGKLS.. i won't detail that here bc this isn't a nsfw blog but my ao3 speaks for itself.
10. Do you write crossovers? nope! the idea hasn't ever even crossed my mind
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i feel like.. i remember someone telling me that one of my ushiten fics was on wattpad at one point but i never saw it myself and that was years ago so ??? MAYBE?? i truly don't know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i couldn't find evidence of it but i remember someone requesting to translate a fic of mine to chinese?? and i had no problem with it but AGAIN LOL these things happened in like 2016 or 2017 so it's been a hot minute and my memory is garbage
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not really, i attempted to collab with a couple friends in the past but it really didn't work out very well.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? diego and me (im kidding. kind of.), i mean currently it's dinopants and dinoballs. i love diejoni as well but the other two reeeeaaally hit that sweet spot for me. i like ushiten in a way that's like... aww.. those were my boys and now they're grown up and moved out ?? they are cute but they aren't My Guys anymore
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? UGH I HAD a dinopants university au that i started over a year ago but i ended up using one of the previously written scenes for my recent fic so i doubt i'd ever finish the original one. for the most part i finish what i start, though.
16. What are your writing strengths? DIALOGUE !!! at least to me, anyway. i think i'm really good at getting into a character's head and analyzing them and how they'd handle social situations, which is funny bc i have trash social skills. i fucking love character analysis in general
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i think i tend to overuse words sometimes... maybe lean too heavily into dialogue.. i'm always always always trying to get better, so in a way i think i look at everything as a weakness that i'm constantly working to improve
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i've tossed in little fragments of Italian when i write gyro but other than that i don't think i'd personally do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? realistically? naruto 💀 my original old-ass clunky desktop had several word docs of deidara fic, i'm like 99% sure. too bad limewire and heaps of viruses killed the damn thing
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? atm i think it's gotta be extra hot, well stirred, light foam :')) i was so iffy about it while writing but i think it's such a perfect balance of funny and sexy and i'm quite proud of it. it would make sense to say a fic from a while ago but i don't like my writing from back then.. i just think i've gotten so so so much better
IM TAGGINGGG @reclusiverisottonero @swallowed-teeth @hammerofspace @penny-lane-123 @phvntom-limbs but no pressure, lovingly patting y'all on the head regardless 🧡
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jimothystu · 1 year
Top Ten Fic Game! share your top [10*] fics by Kudos! drop the links so people can read them! bonus: do you agree or disagree with the readers on these being in your top 10? tag some homies who might want to do it too!
thank you @milf-arteta!!
10 better than in my dreams [cole caufield/nick suzuki]
this is one of my personal favourites, so i'd say i agree that it's one of my better ones. though i feel like more of my recent ones are better in general re the writing style, the plot, etc.
9 later [juraj slafkovsky/arber xhekaj]
oh yes. this was my first xhekovsky fic and i fucking love it lmao. it was so much fun to write and also @donttelltheelff helped me with it so that made it extra fun. idk i also just enjoyed the like, not quite edging but the teasing of them almost getting time to be alone together but things keep coming up. but they do, eventually, get their alone time in the second chapter lmao.
8 you're my instinct [auston matthews/mitch marner]
meh. this was one of my first hockey rpfs i think, and maybe the first one i wrote for 1634 so i don't feel like it's my best work.
7 they're not glass slippers but they're close enough [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk]
i love me some crack mixed with more serious stuff, and this has pretty much everything - crack/fun, smut, and fluff. i also just find the idea (shoutout to @may-the-puck-be-with-you) to be hilarious - timmy seducing brady with crocs lmfao.
6 the bitterness upon your lips [juraj slafkovsky/arber xhekaj]
i am a sucker for angst. writing and reading, and i also like how i was able to have various hab players in it, not just slaf and arber. and it was fun to play with the jordy/arber roommate thing a bit!!
5 paper thin walls [auston matthews/mitch marner]
agree/disagree? neutral
i liked the idea i had for it (4 times auston heard mitch through the walls + 1 time he joined him) and it was fun to write for the most part, but idk reading it now i'm not super proud of the way it was written ig, or i feel like i should've added more maybe
4 the secret truth off your numb lips [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk] ignore the title similarity to number 6 i named it without remembering and then just couldn't think of anything better
agree/disagree? neutral
this originally went down a different path and was going to be pretty angsty, but i changed the second half of it and while i do like how it turned out and i liked writing it etc etc part of me still wishes i had finished the angst part. but i did save the angst i'd written so i'll probably write a different fic around it
3 don't break the dam or you might drown in the current [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk]
this fic. this 12k fic. this is one of my favourite fics i've written. it was very self indulgent and i 1000% projected onto brady so that in and of itself was therapeutic lol. but i'm also just really proud of how i wrote the emotions and how i conveyed everything. and how i was able to write so much!! it's the longest fic i've written to date
2 intoxicated [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk]
hell yeah i love this fic. writing it was so much fun and i do go back and read it (bc if i don't want to read my own work then why bother writing it). it was just some dumb idea i had one night while trying to get to sleep and it turned into a crack/fluff piece that i enjoy a lot
1 je t'aime [thomas chabot/josh norris]
okay this is also one of my favourite fics i've written. chabby and josh grabbed me by the throat and i just had to write something about them. i'm actually shocked and really happy that this is my top fic because i didn't think there'd be that many people who'd want to read about this rare pair! but i love it, and i am tempted to make a part 2 at some point!
tagging @saintknightcowboys and any other writers who'd like to do this!!
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pebblysand · 1 year
[a bit of news!]
hello all! i hope you're doing well! i just wanted to give you a bit of news as i've been getting a few asks lately and thought you were due a bit of a life/writing update.
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welcome to march, welcome to spring. all is well. i'm still on a bit of a writing break punctuated by holiday breaks and a couple weeks of house renovations but i am hoping to get back to writing sometime after paddy's day. i'm thinking of getting a one-shot out in april, then castles afterwards, but nothing is set in stone - we shall see.
i also wanted to clarify something because i've received a couple of asks/messages about this in the past few months. you might have noticed i recently (sneakily, perhaps) turned off the "tipping" function on tumblr, which i previously had activated. honestly, this is because it was appearing on everything i posted and i found it incredibly annoying and in your face (or, more like, in my face). i appreciate that we all need to do our best to function in this capitalist hellscape, but over-marketing just makes me want to vomit lol. it's possible to turn off the tipping icon for certain posts but tumblr makes that a bit cumbersome and so, i couldn't be bothered with that either 🙄.
anyway, all of this to let you know that: i've restarted and rebranded my Ko-Fi. it is also linked in my pinned post if you ever need to find it again in the future. i feel like this is a much better alternative to tumblr in terms of design and offer, and i think it's a platform that most people online are familiar with. so, if you would like to support my writing financially, you can do that there. please note, however, that i do not currently write for commission and that i am committed to never putting my content behind a paywall. i also have a mildly profitable day job and am not in need of money. please prioritise your own needs, or even ngos, other struggling artists, etc. this being said, writers do spend countless hours on their craft and sometimes getting a few tips for our hard work is nice, ngl. so, if you would like to donate a few euros towards my work, both on this tumblr and on ao3, you are than welcome to do so.
(and, if your first thought reading this is "but the monetisation of fanfiction is illegal," please read up on it before screaming. the legal framework is lot blurrier than you think. if you can't be bothered, ask me and i'll explain to the best of my ability. lastly, i also do produce original content and posts that are not fanfiction so if you want to donate but feel uncomfortable doing so for fanfic, you can do so on the basis of those 😊).
now, if you would like to support the podcast financially, lani and i are in the process of creating a different Ko-Fi, for that purpose only. this will be announced soon. i am trying to keep the "accounts" separate for the sake of viability and transparency.
anyway, i wish you all a fab rest of the day and of course, if you have any questions, let me know!
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yyukhei · 2 years
Lol I sent this to a fic account that writes smut and hates Lucas. You can literally see in her pinned post that she explicitly says she doesn't support Lucas like she's the moral police or something. I couldn't help myself because I'm sick and tired of tolerating and being nice with these self righteous smut writers—
"You're so up your own ass that you don't even bother to research and inform yourself that the original account who accused Lucas was/is a marketing account that's already been sold. I don't even want to be nice at this point because you and so many other fic writers on this app think you're moral champions because you don't write for Lucas while you write the filthiest shit about real people. Not hating about the fanfiction, just saying that there's no place for thinking that your morals are so high in comparison to those who believe in innocent until proven guilty or who believe in Lucas's innocence from the piles of recorded evidence that sm did not even bother to do. And it's quite telling that you don't find it a red flag at how sm did not even bother to give a proper statement for him and is simply just waiting for everything to simmer down because they're incompetent in protecting their artists— especially their foreign artists. You can ignore this ask or give me a smug and snarky answer, I don't care. But I hope you read all the evidence proving his innocence before you do the same to anybody else in the future. Yes, someone's reputation very much impacts their livelihood, so don't even act like the rhetoric you're spreading isn't harmful."
And I linked 4 sources of evidence and if she still doesn't open her eyes then I don't know what to say lmao
Damn anon, that's savage lmao but i cant blame you for being fed up
when ppl so loudly declare themselves ot6 they open themselves up to questioning and criticism. but the fact that so many people ignore the evidence is baffling??? ive seen so many ppl on twitter saying its antifeminist to still support and im BAFFLED
"we have to believe the victim to support women"??? what happened to innocent until proven guilty???
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notimminent · 5 years
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@lighthouscd​ sent a meme that Shannon is too lazy to find because she wants to answer it and not lose motivation to write.
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    “ and further perpetuate the evil twin trope that seemed to just come out of nowhere that ever writer and their dog is calling new age and edgy? ”   the brunette huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she allows herself to sink further into the plush material of the couch behind her.   “ i miss when plot twists were actually twisty and showed hints leading to the reveal in the plot. i like connecting dots that have a satisfying conclusion, not things that are decided upon and implemented last minute with no lead up. it just all seems like cheap gimmicks for views to me. ”
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