#lol on the form I had to fill out for the doctors office I wrote that I'm always tired
running-in-the-dark · 5 months
had my first real appointment with my new GP today (the time last month when I had to go in because of my middle ear infection doesn't count) - it was fine! not great, not bad, just fine. they had to take my blood too and surprisingly, the kinda rough nurse got a lot nicer once she realised how scared I was (usually they just tend to start talking to me like I'm a child).
then I saw that a package I was waiting for got delivered while I was at the appointment - to one of my neighbours. except it didn't say which one. there's 5 other families in this house, so that was a bit scary. I decided to just ask the people in the other ground floor apartment, and luckily they did have my package! the lady that opened the door was really nice. I'm glad I managed to do that - it was hard, tbh. really scary. but I just had the thought that I should at least ask those people and then basically ran out immediately so I wouldn't have time to think about it (and it worked).
we're getting closer to finishing our kitchen. just a couple things left now, like the hanging cabinets (that's the part that scares me a bit - I already don't trust those anyway, but if I know I'm the one who put them up... well that kinda makes it even scarier 😬). I'm excited for it to be done though - I really need to unpack the rest of our stuff before the chaos makes me go insane.
it seems that this period of having a slightly higher level of energy is over, unfortunately. I knew it wouldn't last, and it was like a month this time! that's impressive. but I'm still pretty upset about being back to having to sit on the couch most of the day. it's not great timing, there's so much to do still :( and I'm just permanently exhausted again, so it'll take forever.
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deanzboyfriend · 4 years
Boss Dad™️
[Not edited]
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Summary: We love when you have an overprotective dad that just so happens to also be your boyfriend’s boss
Pairing: Hotch x son!reader, Spencer Reid x male!reader, Jemily
Requested by anon: “Hi, I wanted to know if you could do a Dr. Reid x male reader, where the reader is Hotch’s son, and his father became kinda overprotective since his mother was killed (Idk if it’s right, my English is not that good)”
⚠Warnings⚠ Slight angst, Spence fluff, overprotective dad! Hotch, Spence comforts reader, bad writing, spoilers, I think that’s all
a/n: this is my first x male reader, and I loved writing this, so thank you anon. Also, apologies if the spacing gets weird, I wrote this in my notes and just copied and pasted lol. 
All of Y/N’s life, he’s had certain...troubles in his relationships. It’s not that he has any trouble finding partners, no, it’s more of my-dad-is-an-overprotective-profiler kind of problem. Ya see he loves his dad, that’s the unquestionable thing. But his dad is, as mentioned before, very protective of his eldest son. Especially after what happened to Haley. He couldn't stand to lose another person he loved.
So he was always wary when Y/N brought someone home. Always ended in the same way. They’d get scared away by getting their secrets exposed and when they left he’d say something along the lines of, “I didn’t like them.” with nothing else.
Now after a certain point, Y/N got tired of trying to reason with his dad. So he just gave up on dating. Until he met a certain Doctor Spencer Reid.
Spencer was a light in his life. The person he never knew he’d been dreaming of. Spencer filled in every empty feeling Y/N ever had. They were quite a pair.
Y/N was studying social sciences and psychology, so he had quite a bit on his plate, and Spencer was out on cases a lot. So the number of official dates they had was slim, but their love for each other wasn’t any different. Hotch had only recently discovered their relationship. And boy was he not happy. He tried to not express it or take it out on YN, but Y/N knows Hotch better than anyone. He could tell it was eating at him, and he wasn’t sure what to do.
“I should visit dad at the BAU. He didn’t bring a lunch anyway so I might as well bring him something...plus I get to surprise Spence.” Y/N mumbled, smiling to himself at the thought. He had a couple of days off school, so he decided to spend them with Jack and his dad. ”He did mention today was a paperwork day, so I shouldn't have to worry about him being out of town.” He said to himself as he grabbed his keys.
One drive to the BAU later, Y/N gets out of his car and makes his way to the entrance. He goes in and pulls out his visitor’s pass that he received from his dad. The security team there knew him pretty well, he visited a lot when he had free days. “Heya Mark, how are the kids?” Y/N asked as he waited for his bag to be checked. “Oh! Andrea got the lead in the school’s play, and she wanted me to thank you for helping her rehearse her lines. Micah is doing just fine, he enjoys soccer practice.” Y/N smiled as he grabbed his bag. “Be sure to tell me about any of Andrea’s performances or Micah’s games!”
“Will do!”
Y/N laughed as he walked towards the elevator. He presses the button for floor six and takes a breath as the elevator ascends. He finally reached the correct floor, and couldn't help but smile as he strolled towards the bullpen, where he immediately sighted Emily. ”Y/N! My favorite Hotchner! How have you been?”
”Oh please Emily we all know that Jack is the favorite Hotchner.” Y/N chuckled and hugged her. ”I’ve been alright, but school is kicking my ass, as usual. How are you and JJ?” Emily smiles warmly at his question. ”Amazing. We just finished unpacking the rest of JJ’s boxes yesterday. She’s officially moved in!”
”I’m so happy for you guys! Anyway, is my dad in his office?” Emily glanced towards Hotch’s door. ”Yep! Where else would he be?” The two laughed together before Y/N said his goodbye and started his trek to his dad's office. He knocked on the door and opened it after hearing a small ”come in” from the other side. Aaron looked up from the file he was working on to see who was at the door. ”Y/N? What're you doing here?” Y/N closed the door. ”Well, I did come here to see you, but I also brought you the lunch you probably didn't realize you left.” Y/N walked over and put the food on Aaron’s desk. The door opened again, and this time, it was Spencer.
“Hey Hotch, I had a question about- Y/N?” Spencer examined him in surprise, not anticipating him to be in his dad’s office. ”Heya Spence.” Y/N grinned, walking to him and engulfing him in a hug. Hotch couldn't help but slightly grimace at the exchange. Y/N saw this, making him wither a bit. Spencer noticed. ”Um- Spence- why don't you meet me in the break room and we can talk a bit over a cup of coffee, yeah?” Spencer pulled away from him, looked into his eyes, gave his hand a small squeeze, and walked out.
Y/N let out a sigh. ”Y/N. You know how I feel about this. You know how our work is- it's dangerous-” Y/N cut him off to finish the statement. ”- because it can compel the unsubs to come after me to get to him. I know.” Y/N looked over at his dad. “Which is exactly why-“
“No, dad.” Aaron was taken aback. “Is that the only reason you don’t like me being with Spencer? Dad, just me being your son puts me in danger. Being friends with the whole BAU team puts me at risk. No, that’s not the real reason, because if that were the case, you would’ve never shown me to the team at all.”  Y/N stood his ground, holding in his pending tears as he tried to stay calm. ”Spencer makes me feel safe. He takes care of me. The only reason you don't want us to be a thing is that you're scared that I'll leave and what happened to mom will repeat itself!” Y/N took a shaky breath in, storming out the door with tears running down his face. He knew he went too far, but right now all he needed was Spencer.
Y/N hurried his way to the break room to avoid being seen by anyone in the bullpen.  Y/N strolled into the break room, where Spencer had just finished making them both coffee. Spencer looked over to him and his smile immediately turned into a look of worry. ”Y/N what’s-” He was cut off by the strong hug that was given to him. He instantly returned the embrace, gently rubbing Y/N’s back and giving him a forehead kiss as a form of comfort. Y/N eventually settled down and moved back from Spencer a bit. ”Can we- you think you can afford to postpone your paperwork for a bit babe? I kinda just-  I need to talk about this with you.” Spencer moved some hair out of Y/N’s face. He pecked his lips and gently grabbed Y/N’s hand. ”Ok, my love.”
-Meanwhile, in the office of big boss dad-
Hotch did not expect that to say the least. He knew Y/N would be upset, but he didn't think he would have lashed out as he did. When he watched Y/N slam the door on him, the weight of what was said hit him. Y/N thought he didn’t trust him? Thought that he didn’t want him to be happy? That’s the opposite of what he wanted. He wanted nothing but the best for his oldest son. He had to think to himself for a while. Was he doing the right thing? Or was he just trying to keep history from repeating itself?
“I was too hard on him...he’s a grown adult, he can make his own decisions.” Hotch thought out loud. He sighed.
He needed to talk with Y/N. Hotch walked out of his office, surprising everyone in the bullpen, as he rarely came out of his office on a paperwork day. He made his way to the break room and was about to say something when he heard Y/N talking.
”Spence I just- I don't know what to do. I don't know why he's so hesitant to let us be a thing I mean- I wouldn't be as upset if it were anyone else but- it's you. He knows you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me- especially after- especially after what happened to mom. I just- I don't want to lose you.” Hotch heard it all. He watched as Spencer easily calmed him down. He saw the love as the two looked at each other. He knew he was mistaken. He had to fix it.
        -6:30 pm, Hotchner household-
Aaron returns from work, take-out food in his hands. As soon as he sets the bags on the dinner table, Jack comes running. ”Daddy!” Aaron smiles as he scoops up his son into his arms. Y/N walks towards the table and looks at his dad. ”Hey Jack, why don't you go play in your room for a few more minutes while Y/N and I set up the food ok?” Aaron set jack back down on the floor and ruffled his hair. ”Ok!” Jack ran upstairs, leaving Aaron and Y/N alone.
”Y/N I-” ”Dad I-” They both started. Aaron sighed and made eye contact with Y/N. ”Listen, dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so mad at you, and I know I went too far with what I said about mom. I know you have your reasons and-” ”Y/N. It's ok. Aaron cut him off, putting a hand on his shoulder. ”I know that I've been hard on you when it comes to you dating- especially after Haley...but I realized this today. First of all, you're a grown man now. I should let you date who you want to. I trust you, and I know that you can take care of yourself. And another thing, I realized how good Spencer is for you. While I shouldn't have been spying on you two, I saw how comfortable and safe you felt with him. I saw love between the two of you. I would never wish to be the reason you are kept from your happiness. So, you have every right to stay with him.”
Y/N had tears in his eyes. ”You mean it?” He asked. ”Yes, completely.” Y/N got closer and tightly hugged his dad. ”Thank you...” He mumbled into his dad’s shirt.
They sat there for a bit, just comfortably embracing one another. ”Who knew big scary boss dad could be so soft?” Y/N remarked, getting a laugh from both of them. ”Anyway, let's get the food set up for real before Jack comes back.”
That night, Y/N texted Spencer, saying all was well.
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hockeyisit · 3 years
We Lost Pt. 4
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Summary: Auston and Amelia have a baby or something?
A.N. Hope you guys enjoy it took me forever to write lol. More notes at the end!
Word Count: 11,804
Being a mother was something that I had always wanted to be. I was always playing house with my little sister as a child. I had dreams of what my family would look like with Auston and when Auston and I struggled to have a baby at first I thought it was the universe saying that I was never meant to be a mother. 
Then when I fell pregnant I was so excited. We had told everyone and started preparing for how our future was going to change. Then we lost the baby. I felt like I was never going to recover again but after a while Auston and I got through it. Now I was pregnant once again and I was terrified. I didn’t want to leave my bed because I was too afraid something would happen to the baby. I was so afraid we were going to lose it like we lost the other one.
Auston and I were on our way to our first checkup. It was too early to know a lot about the pregnancy but we wanted to get it confirmed before we got our hopes up. I was nervous that this could be me just making everything up in my head. I was also nervous that I had a miscarriage without even knowing.
Auston and I sat in the car in nervous silence as he pulled up to the doctors office. I took a shaky breath as I looked out the window causing Auston to glance over at me and reach his hand out to mine. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s all going to be alright,” he soothed into the quiet car. I gulped loudly before nodding my head and looking away from the window to him. Once I had finally calmed down he hopped out of the car and opened the door for me. I clutched his hand desperately as we began the walk to the counter inside the building.
“Hi, I'm here for my appointment with Dr. Montgomery under Amelia Matthews,” I told the young man sitting at the reception desk. He glanced up from his computer, his eyes widening  the second they landed on Auston.
“Uh yeah. I’ll let them know you're here. There’s some paperwork you're going to have to fill out,” he stuttered out as he handed me the clipboard. I gave him a small smile.
“Can you make sure they only call Amelia,” I asked him politely. He nodded his head quickly before standing up and making his way further into the office. Auston and I made our way over to chairs in the corner. Auston pulled his phone out while I started filling out the paperwork.
“Amelia,” the nurse called out fifteen minutes later as she held the door open.  Auston and I stood up and made our way over to the nurse before following her into a tiny room with a bunch of machines.
“How’s it going?” the nurse asked as she pointed for me to take a seat on the big chair in the middle of the room. I climbed up and Auston came to stand next to me.
“Okay,” I said, giving her a small smile. She smiled back before looking down at the clipboard.
“So you guys are here to confirm that you're pregnant?” she asked, glancing back towards the two of us. Auston reached out for my hand and interlaced our hands together before resting them on my thigh. We both gave her a nod.
“How many weeks do you think you are?” she asked as she pulled the wand out.
“I think four weeks,” I glanced to Auston with a questioning face as I counted how long ago it had been in my head he nodded in agreeance glancing back to the nurse. She nodded her head in thought before squeezing the cold jell out onto my stomach. The coldness caused me to jump slightly as I shared a look with Auston.
“You’d be about right. Almost five weeks,” she agreed, moving the wand around. She flipped a switch and all the sudden a quick heartbeat sounded through the room. I squeezed Austons hand hard as we stared and listened to the sound of our baby's heartbeat.
“That is the heartbeat,” she said softly. I glanced over at Auston and saw the tears forming in his eyes. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I stared at Auston. I knew how badly we wanted this but I was so scared it was going to get taken from us again. The nurse suddenly removed the wand and wiped my stomach.
“Alright everything is looking good for five weeks. I’m going to have the doctor come in to set up a future schedule for you and talk to you about any concerns you have,” she said as she made her way over to the door. She wrote something down on the clipboard before making her way out of the room.
“Wow,” I said once she was gone. Auston snickered before leaning in closer to me.
“I don’t think she likes this job,” Auston joked through a small laugh. Instead of laughing back like he expected I just gave him a weak smile. He frowned before leaning.
“We just heard our baby's heartbeat,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. My chest immediately filled with warmth and anxiety. Seeing him so happy made me want to be happy but I just couldn’t.
“Hi guys, it's so good to see you again,” Dr. Montgomery said as she walked into the room. Dr. Montgomery had been our doctor the first time we came in. She had been there and helped me through the miscarriage. She had also been the one who had helped us with the fertility drugs which is why I was even able to get pregnant in the first place.
“It’s good to see you too,” I smiled softly. She walked over to us and picked up the wand.
“Mind if I take a look?” she asked, reaching for the gell. I nodded my head and she poured some out before placing the wand onto my stomach. Once again the baby’s heartbeat sounded through the room as we all stood standing staring at the screen.
“Strong heartbeat,” she praised as she took in the screen.
“Everything looks good right now but I have some obvious concerns considering you did have a misacragie not too long ago,” she said as she removed the wand from my stomach and started wiping my stomach. I nodded my head in understanding.
“So you guys made it to about nine weeks last time. I think for now it might be smart to do a weekly checkup and then we can decide at week nine if that’s something that we want you to keep up or not,” she said as she wrote some notes down on the clipboard. I nodded my head in agreement not having anything to say.
“Is there anything we should do?” Auston asked timidly.
“Just get lots of rest and try to stay in a stress free environment,” Dr. Montgomry said as she stood up.
“Do you remember all the things that come with the first trimester?” she rested her hand on my arm gently. I glanced at her as I nodded my head yes.
“Do you have any concerns Amelia?” she asked, trying to make eye contact. I glanced at Auston before turning my attention back to her.
“I’m just nervous,” I said truthfully, turning my attention to the ground. Auston squeezed my hand gently as he pulled me into a side hug.
“That’s a very normal feeling to be having right now. Look, I can't promise that this baby is going to make it but we know what we're looking for now,” she said as sat down on the chair next to me. I let myself relax before finally allowing eye contact with her.
“It is?” I asked. She smiled gently before glancing over at Auston.
“Yes. Losing a baby is very hard and it's totally normal to have a lot of concerns when you fall pregnant again, Which is why we are going to be really cautious with this pregnancy and Amelia you are going to need to rest and take it easy. Stress is not good for the baby so anything that will help get rid of stress would be good,” she explained before standing up and clapping her hands together.
“Alright if you have any more questions don't be afraid to reach out. Do you guys still have my number?” she asked, we both nodded our heads.
“Perfect then I will see you for your next checkup,” Dr Montgomry said and then made her way out the door closing it behind her. Auston and I sat there in silence for a moment before he stood up and helped me off the big chair.
“Are you ready,” he asked gently, leading me out of the room with a guiding hand on my back. Once we made it to the car Auston opened the door for me before making his way over to the driver's seat.
“Do you want me to stop anywhere before we go home?” he asked as he buckled his seatbelt. I buckled myself before turning to face Auston with a grin.
“Chips and Salsa,” I exclaimed, dropping my hand to his hand that was resting on the center counsel. He sent me a bright smile before making his way to our favorite place to get chips and salsa.  
Auston laughed loudly as I sat at the table glaring at him. I was twelve weeks pregnant and could absolutely not stand the smell of chips and salsa. I couldn’t eat it anymore and if I even smelled it I felt like I was going to yack. I had tried to ban Auston from even allowing it in the apartment but he had gone out to eat with his teammates and had some leftovers.
“Babe, you can’t even smell it. Stop looking at me like that,” he said through his laughter.
“This isn’t fair,” I complained, dropping my head to the table. He laughed again as he shoveled another chip into his mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my emotions starting to build up. My shoulders started to shake and I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face. Auston’s laughing cut off abruptly as he took in my posture.
“Babe?” he asked lightly, confused as to why my shoulders were shaking.
“Amelia?” he asked sternly. I pulled my head up from the table and looked at Auston with tears streaming down my face. He immediately stood up and made his way over to me kneeling down.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” he asked, reaching out and placing his hand on my belly.
“This isn’t fair. I want chips and salsa,” I cried as I leaned into his touch.
“What? Your,” he started before trailing off.
“You're crying because you can’t have chips and salsa?” he asked in disbelief. I felt myself start to cry harder as I nodded my head.
“I love chips and salsa and now I can't have it. It’s your fault,” I said pushing away from him and crossing my arms across my chest in a pout. Only to wince when my arms brushed my sensitive nipples.
“Oh my fault huh?” he asked with a smirk. I sent him another glare pushing my chair back so I could stand up.
“Yes yours and your baby,” I said as I stood up.
“Our baby,” he grinned cheekily causing tears to spring to my eyes once again.
“Well right now I can’t have chips and salsa,” I whined making my way over to the couch. I climbed onto it before trying to settle into a comfortable position.
“Felix be careful,” Auston warned when he noticed him climbing over to me on the couch.
“Shush Aus,” I said wrapping my arms around Felix and pulling him in.
“I don't want him climbing all over you,” he mumbled as he made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed two cups out of the cabinet and filled them with water. I sent him a look my eyebrow raised in warning.
“Want some cheese?” he asked as he opened the fridge. Cheese had been one of my biggest cravings so far.
“Yes and can you get a blanket?” I asked looking up over the couch. He made his way over to me, setting the food and drinks down on the table before making his way over to grab the blanket on the other couch.
“Wait,” I said as he went to sit next to me. He raised his eyebrow waiting for me.
“Can you get me your Leafs sweatshirt?” I asked him innocently. He nodded and then made his way over to the stairs to get it from our room. Just then Ema walked down and went to the kitchen.
It had been twelve weeks and everything was going really good so far. I had another checkup tomorrow that Auston wouldn’t be able to make with me because he was going to be at an away game. Instead Ema had flown in and was going to go with me.
“Hi honey, are you feeling alright?” Ema asked as she took a seat on the other couch. I smiled at her as I reached for my cheese.
“Yeah just, chips and salsa,” I said sadly. She laughed lightly before taking a sip of her glass.
“Right. Is it the tomatoes?” she wondered out loud. I hadn't been able to stomach anything with tomatoes in it lately which sucked because I tended to put tomatoes on a lot of my food.
“Yeah. I’m really hoping it doesn't last,” I said truthfully sinking further into the couch. Just then Auston finally returned with the sweatshirt and sat down.
“When I was pregnant with Auston I was constantly craving Hoorchtas. I always wanted to have one,” Ema grinned shooting Auston a smirk. He ducked his head while he rubbed the back of his neck causing me to let out a giggle.
“All I ever crave with this little one is cheese,” I grinned at her while I rubbed my belly. We all let out a laugh and then Ema and Auston started to chat about the upcoming road trip as I drifted in and out of sleep.
“I can stay and pick you up from the airport. If you'd like,” Ema suggested. Auston glanced at me with a questioning look which I appreciated. He always wanted to make sure I was fine with things.
“That sounds amazing Ema,” I smiled politely at her as I buried myself into Auston’s side. He grinned down at me for a moment and then glanced back at his mom, who was already looking at us with a smile.
“How are you getting there tomorrow?” she asked leaning forward to set her glass down on the table. I looked up to Auston with a raised eyebrow as I shoved some cheese into my mouth.
“Mitch is going to drive us,” he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check it. I sneaked a glance at it to see he had a few texts from his teammates and one from Justin Bieber.
“I can’t believe you just text Justin Bieber,” I huffed pushing myself away from Auston. He immediately tried to follow my touch as he gave me an offended look.
“Why are you moving away?” he asked, giving me a look. I grinned at him as I stood up from the couch.
“I have to go to the bathroom. Is that allowed?” I sassed putting my hand on my hip in a dramatic gesture. He dramatically rolled his eyes as he stretched his body out on the couch.
“I guess if you must,” he huffed, closing his eyes. Turning around I glanced at Ema with a face saying can you believe this kid? She laughed before shaking her head lightly.
“Papi you're being extra dramatic today,” she teased him. I barked out a laugh as I made my way up the stairs.
“Amelia,” I heard the nurse call. I pushed myself up from my seat and Ema and I made our way to the nurse. She led us back to a similar room then the one I was in last time.
“How’s everything going?” the nurse, Vic asked as she looked over my clipboard.
“Pretty good. Nothing bad has happened,” I said putting my hand protectively over my belly. I had been struggling to come to terms with the fact that I was really pregnant again. I was still constantly fearing that something was going to happen to the baby. I was starting to get worried that I would never get excited over having another baby.
“Your at the point where we can figure out the sex of the baby was that something you wanted to know?” Vic asked as she pointed me in the direction of the chair.
“No we don’t want to know,” I told her. She approached me with the gell and warned me before spraying it onto my belly. She moved the wand around for a while before she looked at the screen in confusion. She moved the wand around in silence for a while causing my worry to start growing. Vic finally glanced back at me with a forced smile.
“I’m going to get Dr. Montgomery. I’ll be right back,” she said with a forced smile before turning and quickly making her way out. I felt complete dread spread throughout my body. Ema reached her hand out timidly to me.
“Amelia. Everything is fine, calm down sweetie,” she tried to sooth me rubbing her hand up and down my arm.
“I need Auston,” I choked out as I pulled my phone out with shaky hands. My hands were shaking so bad that I wasn't able to type in my password and ended up locking my phone. Ema pulled her own phone out and brought up Auston’s contact before hitting dial and putting it on speaker.
“Hey mom, I can’t really talk right now,” Auston said once he answered the phone.
“Auston,” I breathed out brokenly.
“Amelia?” he questioned confused. I immediately broke down.
“The nurse, she just,” I started to say but couldn't get anything out over my sobs.
“Nothing is wrong honey,” Ema said, cutting me off when she heard our panic, trying to reassure both Auston and I.
“What?” Auston asked confusedly through the phone.
“The nurse came in and looked at everything and she is on the way with the doctor. There is nothing to be concerned about,” Ema tried to express sternly. I reached out for Ema’s hand and tried to get the tears to stop.
“What is going on?” Auston asked, needing clarification.
“Hi Amelia, where's Auston today?” Dr. Montgomery questioned the two of us as she made her way into the room with a bright smile.
“He’s on a road trip. I'm Auston’s mom,” Ema introduced herself. Dr. Montgomery smiled sweetly at Ema before turning to me.
“Mind if I take a look?” she asked as she approached me. I nodded my head and she picked up the wand before moving it around on my belly.
“You see that right there mama?” she asked as she pointed to a blob on the screen. I nodded my head as I stared at the screen.
“Change me to facetime,” Auston interrupted through the phone. Causing Ema and Dr. Montgomery to laugh. Ema angled the phone so that it was showing the screen so he could see.
“That is your baby,” she said glancing back at us and then moved her hand to another area on the screen.
“And that is baby number 2,” she said grinning. My breath hitched as I looked at the screen.
“What?” I breathed out in shock.
“You are pregnant with twins,” Dr. Montgomery repeated. I glanced at Ema before looking at Auston through the phone, his expression unreadable.
“How?” I asked at the same time Auston exclaimed.
“Well, Amelia when you were struggling to get pregnant you took fertility drugs to help you get pregnant. That increases the odds of you having twins and by the looks of it that is exactly what happened,” she explained as she flipped the switch and two heart beats came through the monitor loud and clear. I felt my eyes water up in disbelief at what I was hearing. At first I couldnt even get pregnant than when I did I had a miscarriage and now I was pregnant with twins. This was too hard to believe.
“Oh my god,” I said loudly into the quiet room. The attention quickly turned to me as I started laughing.
“Mom please hand the phone to Amelia,” Auston asked politely to which she quickly handed it over. Ema and Dr. Mongomergy shared a look.
“Will give you two a moment,” she said and then the two of them made their way out of the room.
“Babe, are you okay?” Auston asked once he had heard the door shut.
“Oh my god Auston twins,” I breathed out. A huge goofy smile spread across his face.
“I know that’s amazing,” he grinned before glancing behind himself.
“Don’t tell anyone,” I said drawing his attention in.
“Why not?” he asked, confused.
“We can do a baby reveal for how many instead of the gender,” I told him excitedly. He grinned before nodding his head.
“Okay babe,” he agreed before looking behind him again.
“I really gotta go. I’m missing tapes right now and I think they might be a second away from benching me tonight,” he said as he turned back to the camera. I let out a loud laugh before nodding my head. Like they would ever bench him.
“They wouldn't bench you,” I teased. He laughed lightly.
“Love you and the twins,” he grinned.
“We love you too,” I grinned back cheekily before hanging up the phone.
I was now sixteen weeks pregnant, officially in the second trimester and definitely showing. So far are lists of people who knew were, Ema, Auston and I. Auston had been talking a lot about wanting to tell people though which is why we devised a plan to tell Mitch and Steph at dinner tonight. We had invited the two of them to dinner tonight for a reservation at my favorite restaurant.
“Babe have you seen my sundress?” I called out to Auston as I looked around for my dress that I had put in the closet. He walked into the room and made his way behind me wrapping his arms around my naked body, he rested his hands on my rapidly growing baby bump.
“Mmm, I haven’t seen it. How are the twins treating you?” he asked, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. I leaned back into him shutting my eyes and relaxing for a moment.
“I’m exhausted,” I admitted as I turned my face up towards him. He looked down making eye contact before leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.
“Is this the dress?” Auston asked, pointing at a dress hidden in the back of the closet. I grinned brightly as I reached for it and started to pull it on only for it to not fit. I glared at my reflection in the mirror before turning around to glare at Auston.
“It doesn't fit,” I said, about to be on the verge of tears. He noticed right away and  quickly reached out to put his hands on my shoulders.
“Hey it’s going to be okay. Will find something else to wear,” he tried to reassure me. At this point I was being completely driven by my pregnancy hormones. I started crying full on ugly sobs. Auston quickly pulled me into a tight hug, his body pressing up tight against mine.
“Amelia, shh it's alright,” he tried to say only to be cut off by my loud crying.
“I’m so big and it's only been sixteen weeks,” I cried into his neck as he held me tightly. He held me tighter as he swayed the two of us together.
“Shh babe that’s not true you're beautiful,” he tried to comfort me as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I have nothing to wear,” I said as I pulled away from him rubbing my eyes.
“Wear this dress,” he said pointing to another one hanging. I broke out into another set of tears before making my way to the bed and laying down. I pulled the comforter over my head and held it tightly. Auston quickly followed and tried to remove the blanket.
“C’mon babe. I’ll help you get dressed,” Auston tried to encourage.
“I don’t want to go,” I mumbled into the bed. Auston was able to yank the blanket lightly so he could see half my face.
“Yes you do. Remember how excited you were to tell Steph. She’s going to be so excited to hear the news,” Auston reminded me as he laid down in the bed next to me pulling me into his chest. I cuddled into his chest for another thirty minutes in comfortable silence.
“Alright sweet thang we really need to go if we don't want to be late,” Auston said, pulling away gently and sitting up. I stayed in bed as Auston shuffled around in the room. He came back over to the bed and laid a pair of jeans that I had bought the other day and a cute flowy shirt that Auston had told me looked really good. I rolled out of bed and quickly put the outfit on before making my way downstairs to let Felix out into the backyard before we left. When Auston and I had decided to move out of the city I never thought about how much earlier we would have to leave to get to things in the city. We used to be able to walk everywhere but now we always had to drive.
“Ready to go?” Auston asked as he grabbed the keys out of the key bowl. I glanced away from my phone that I had taken out to text Steph and nodded before walking over to let Felix back in.
“Yeah lets go,” I grinned, slipping on my shoes and making my way outside with Auston trailing behind me.
Auston pulled up to the restaurant and stopped in front of the door.
“Aus what are you doing? I don’t think we're allowed to stop here,” I told him as I reached over to rest my hand on his arm.
“Hop out and go get us a table. I’m going to find somewhere to park,” Auston said, unlocking the door. I sent him a grateful smile before hopping out of the car and making my way inside.
“Hi reservation for Steph,” I said as I approached the host. She sent me a bright smile before leading me back to the table. I followed as quickly as I could and felt a bright smile spread across my face as I noticed Steph and Mitch already sitting at the table.
“Hi guys,” I grinned as I held my arms wide open for Steph to give me a hug and then turned to hug Mitch as well.
“Hey where’s Auston?” Steph asked as she and Mitch sat back down.
“He’s parking the car then he'll be here,” I told them as I sat down across from them. As I was about to speak again we were interrupted by the server asking what I would like to drink.
“A water would be great please. Also my husband is going to want a bud light on draft,” I told her as I glanced down at the menu. She nodded before walking away.
“How are you guys?” I asked once we were alone. Steph sent a wide grin my way as she went into a story of something that happened to her at work. As she was talking Auston finally joined us and slipped into the seat next to me throwing his arm around me.
“Anyway how are you doing mama?” Steph asked as she took a sip of her drink. Auston snickered as he looked at me and reached out for his beer as the server placed it in front of him.
“Well she cried for fifty minutes before we left for this restaurant,” Auston announced to the table. I gasped as I reached out to slap his arm.
“Her dress didn’t fit anymore,” Auston said at their shocked look, like that explained everything.
“I really wanted to wear it,” I muttered reaching for my glass of water.
“Anyway’s it’s not my fault I’m emotional its your stupid fault,” I said turning to Auston with a slight smirk. He smirked back.
“How?” he asked
“You went and knocked me up with two babies so of course I’m going to be more hormonal than most pregnant ladies,” I exclaimed. He laughed lightly.
“I’m not sorry,” he winked with a bright smile.
“I’m sorry. Did I just hear you correct? Steph did she say ``two babies?” Mitch asked raising his hands to put air quotes around “two babies”, turning to his girlfriend. I giggled into my hand as I leaned into Auston’s side.
“Oh my god no way!” Steph said bouncing in her seat. I grinned as I locked my hand with Austons.
“Do you guys know the gender?” Steph asked leaning back against Mitch’s arm that was around her chair.
“No we're not going to find out,” Auston answered, rubbing his finger over my hand.
“I think it'll be boys. Mothers instinct and all,” I grinned widely at them as Auston shook his head.
“Boy and a girl,” Auston said, nudging me slightly with a laugh. The second we had found out we were having twins Auston and I had been going back and forth between what we thought we were having. He finally settled on a boy and a girl but I was convinced we were going to have boys.
“Are we starting a betting pool?” Mitch asked. I laughed as I nodded my head.
“Who knows?” he asked as he pulled out his phone to probably send a text.
“Uh you guys my mom and us,” Auston said, rubbing the back of his neck. Mitch looked up from his phone and locked it, setting it down.
“Oh. Well thanks for telling us,” he said glancing between the two of us.
“Are you going to tell anyone else?” Steph asked only for us to be interrupted so that we could order our food.
“Yeah I want to tell Macy and a few of the girls. I think Auston wanted to tell some of the guys on the team,” I told them as I reached out for another sip of my water. The server came by and placed out food down in front of us. I had been craving parmesan chicken so that's what I had gotten while Auston had decided to get a burger. I glanced at my plate and then his, feeling disappointed I hadn't gotten a burger.
“Auston,” I interrupted Mitch and Auston quietly. He glanced away from Mitch to me with a raised eyebrow before his smile fell slightly.
“No,” he whined. I sent him an apologetic smile.
“Your burger looks really good,” I told him, reaching out and stealing a fry.
“Yeah babe it’s why I ordered it,” he muttered, picking it up and trading it for the plate in front of me. I grinned at him brightly as I reached out to pick up the burger. I moaned in delight as I took a bite causing everyone at the table to let out a loud laugh.
“You're whipped,” Mitch joked as we all dug into our food.
“I’m growing two tiny humans Mitchy,” I reminded him with a glare. He quickly held his hands up in surrender.
“Also will make a post online announcing that we are having twins. So maybe don’t tell anyone until we've posted about it,” Auston said glancing away from me and back to Steph and Mitch.
“Or we could just have Mitchy or you send a text in the groupchat,” I suggested looking around at the table.
“Are you sure?” Auston asked, pulling his phone out and pulling up the ultrasound. I nodded my head as I pulled up a picture that Auston and I had taken the other day of him kissing my belly and I sent it in my group chat with all my friends from Uni. Guess who has two beautiful babies on the way I captioned it. After we had both hit send we put our phones away and continued to enjoy the meal as we sat and ate.
I was just getting close to the end of the second trimester and my belly was growing more and more everyday. I have started getting a lot more symptoms as we came to the end of the second trimester. I have been sleeping horrible while Auston is away on road trips and have been having constant cravings. The babies have started moving around but no kicking has happened yet. I was so nervous that they had not  kicked yet but Dr. Montgomery told me it was nothing to worry about. I was getting to the point of being so irritated that Auston was gone all the time that I had decided to call Alex and invite her down to stay with us. She agreed almost immediately and booked a flight down. She was staying in the guest bedroom and had been for the last two weeks and we had made plans to meet a bunch of the WAGs at the game tonight.
“Hey Steph,” I greeted as I pulled her into a hug. She smiled and hugged me back before turning to Alex and giving her a short hug.
“Hey Amelia, Alex!” she smiled brightly as she greeted us. She looped her arm with mine and started dragging me along to our box seats where the other WAGs were. I quickly reached my hand out to latch on to Alex’s arm so we wouldn't get separated.  
“Oh my god! Look at you,” Alannah said walking up to us. I grinned as I pulled her into a hug.
“I know I’m huge,” I pouted at her as she reached her hands out to touch my belly.
“Alannah this is Alex, Auston’s sister,” I said introducing the two as I took a step back.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Alannah said, smiling politely.
“She’s been helping me out like the queen she is while Auston’s been away,” I grinned at her before turning to face the ice. It looked like the game was going to be starting soon.
“They better pull off the win tonight. They got a lot of us cheering for them tonight,” Alannah joked as she took a sip of her drink.
“Don’t have the little one tonight?” I asked her as I grabbed a water bottle off the counter.
“Do you want water or a beer?” I asked, turning to Alex. She grabbed the beer from the counter.
“No he's with the babysitter tonight. I needed to get out of the house immediately-” she grinned.
“You’ll understand soon enough,” she joked tapping my arm. I laughed with her before moving over to take a seat. I preferred to be sitting more often than not now that I was pregnant with twins. I glanced down at the ice just as they started coming out for warm ups.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve been to a hockey game,” Alex said as she took the seat next to me. I looked away from where I had been staring at Auston.
“Was the last one when we were out in Arizona?” I asked leaning back and relaxing. She nodded her head before taking her phone out to take a selfie of the two of us to send to our Matthews family group chat.
“That was a good game,” I responded. We all stood up when they announced the singing of the national anthem. The game started up right after that. The first and second period went by quickly with almost nothing happening. There were a few good saves by Freddie and a few good shots on goal but other than that the game had been pretty boring which led to the WAGs drinking and chatting more or less.
I was unfortunately the only pregnant girl in attendance tonight so I was the only one that was still sober going into the third period. I sat in the chair that I had claimed at the very beginning of the game and watched as the players slowly filed out onto the ice and got ready for the next twenty minutes of hockey. Alex had joined Alannah and Steph at the bar top and the three were talking which is why none of them noticed Auston get hit in the face with a puck and fall down to the ice.
The whistles went off and everyone's attention turned to the ice. The silence caused panic to run through my body as the entire arena went dead quiet. I had stood up and was now covering my mouth as tears started to spring to my eyes. Alex and Steph were immediately at my side. Alex pulled her phone out and Steph wrapped her arm around my shoulders dragging me in.
“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered trying to reassure my rapidly growing nerves. After what felt like forever there was some movement from the ice.
“Look he’s moving,” Tessa said pointing towards the ice. I took in a deep breath as I watched him sit up. He talked to the trainers for a moment before they helped him stand up to which he pushed their hands away and made it off the ice and down the hall. I quickly turned towards the inside of the box where I had left my phone charging so I could grab it. Auston had put me down as his emergency contact so that if anything had happened to him during a game or practice I would be notified immediately. I walked back over to Steph and Alex anxiously waiting for my phone to start ringing.
“Should I just go down there and ask what's going on?” I asked, turning to face Alex who also looked anxious. Steph reached out to my shaking hands and grabbed them in hers.
“Hun, everything is going to be okay, he was up and skating on his own,” she gently reminded me. I nodded my head as I stared down at my phone. It started ringing a second later and I quickly answered it.
“Hello?” I asked quietly.
“Hey it’s me,” Auston responded. I let out a deep breath as I heard his voice. He’s fine, he was skating and he's talking, he’s fine. I repeated in my head as my tears freely started to fall. Damn pregnancy hormones.
“I’m alright,” Auston tried to reassure through the phone.
“Auston,” I breathed out my hands were shaking so bad.
“I have to get stitches. It got me close to my eye,” he mumbled into the phone. I took in a harsh breath turning to Alex.
“He needs to get stitches,” I told her before turning my attention back to the call. It was a bit hard to hear now that the game had started back up so I made my way into the box Alex following closely behind.
“Can I come down there with Alex?” I asked him.
“Yeah, do you remember the way?” he asked distantly.
“Yeah be there soon. Love you,” I said then hung up the phone as I turned to grab my coat I had taken off earlier.
“Alex I’m going to go down and talk to him. Do you want to come?” I asked as I turned to face her. She nodded and quickly grabbed her coat and the two of us started our way down only to be stopped at the door where Auston was.
“Do you have your VIP passes?” the guy asked, stopping us from entering the room.
“No but I have my ID, I’m Auston’s wife. This is his sister,” I said as I handed over both of our ID’s. He looked at both of us before pulling his phone out and checking the online record.
“Alright you're good to go,” he said stepping aside and pushing the door open for me. I pushed forward and immediately darted over to where Auston was sitting on the table. Once I was standing in front of him I leaned his chin up so that I could see the cut. The tears in my eyes were still falling slowly and Auston reached out to wipe away the fallen tears.
“They stitched me up and said I’m good to go,” he said breaking the silence. I glanced over at Alex hovering in the corner before turning back to Auston.
“No concussion?” I asked for clarification.
“Nope just the stitches and I want to go back out for the rest of the game,” he said pushing off the table and landing on his feet. I felt immediate panic go through my body at the thought of him taking another puck to the face.
“Can’t you just sit out the rest?” I asked hopefully. He shook his head, reaching out to grab my hand.
“You no that’s not what I want to do. I’ll be fine,” he said trying to reassure me.
“Oh please look at you! It looks like you've been in a bar fight,” I told him, rolling my eyes and looking over to the trainors.
“He’s really okay?” I asked them. Paul nodded his head gently before returning back to filling out his paperwork.
“See babe. I’m fine,” he said standing up and grabbing his helmet.
“Can you wear a bubble?” I asked him reaching out to take his helmet from him. He gave me a look.
“Babe the chirping would be unreal,” he said shaking his head no.
“Well I don’t care. Paul, can you go grab him a bubble?” I glanced at Paul and he nodded and quickly left the room.
“The Bruins have been taking cheap shots all night and nothings allowed to happen to you. So wear the bubble and suck it up buttercup,” I said as I tapped his cheek without the cut gently.
“The chirps though,” he mumbled as he took the helmet from Paul.
“For the babies,” I told him sternly. It would make me feel a lot less stressed if he went out there wearing a bubble. He pulled on the bubble and as he went to stand up I felt something hard press into my stomach causing me to lean over with a groan.
“Ouch,” I groaned loudly. Auston and Alex were both  at my side in a second.
“Is everything okay? Alex asked.
“What’s up?” Auston asked, concerned, moving his hand down to cup my stomach. Only for another sharp stabbing feeling to happen.
“Did they just,” Auston asked, staring down at his hand on my belly in disbelief.
“They just kicked,” I grinned, reaching down to place my hand on top of his.
“Wow,” he smiled widely, taking his bubble off and leaning down to press a kiss to my belly.
“Auston you need to get back out there,” someone I didn’t recognise said as he peeked his head into the room. Auston looked away from my belly to the door with a far off look in his eye.
“Right,” he said standing up and trying to reach for his regular helmet to which I quickly slapped his hand away and shoved the hand holding the bubble into his chest.
“bubble,” I said sternly and then turned to face Alex.
“I guess we should probably go back to our seats. Please be careful,” I said to Auston one more time before the three of us made our way out the door. Auston going back to the game and Alex and I made our way back to the box.
“Hey,” I smiled at Steph as I slid into the seat next to her. She glanced at me questionably before grinning back.
“Everything okay? I saw Auston’s wearing the cage,” she asked, reaching out to take my hand. I gave hers a grateful squeeze as I nodded my head.
“The trainors said he was fine but I asked him to wear the cage,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. She nodded understandably.
“Well I’m glad he’s okay,” she smiled. We watched the next fifteen minutes in a comfortable quiet as we watched the intense game play out.
“Auston I have another checkup this weekend. What day is best for you?” I asked him as I walked into the kitchen scrolling through my phone. He was sitting at the kitchen table but looked up the moment I walked in. I had just hit my third trimester and the pregnancy was starting to get harder and harder each day.
“Wednesday but babe you're supposed to be laying down,” Auston said standing up and making his way over to me to help me to the couch.
“Aus stop I’m tired of laying down. I want-” I was cut off by a sharp pain causing me to cry out as I bent over. His hand immediately came to my back.
“Amelia are you okay?” he asked, wrapping me closer to him and helping me sit down.
“I think it’s braxton hicks,” I mumbled as I tried to breathe through the pain. He sat down next to me keeping his arm around me. I was 33 weeks pregnant and I was so incredibly over it.
“We need to talk about names,” I told Auston as I leaned my head back against him and looked up at him. We had tried talking about names already but each time it came up we couldn’t agree on anything. It had been even harder because we had to decide on four names that we liked, just in case we got two girls, two boys, or one of each.
“Rico?” Auston suggested causing me to gasp.
“We are not naming our kids after any of your teammates,” I laughed looking ahead at the blank tv.
“What do you think of Jackson?” I asked.
“Allison,” he suggested. I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head no.
“I don’t want their name to start with an A,” I said after a moment of silence. He looked at me like I was crazy.
“Why not?” he asked, rubbing his hand up and down my arm soothingly.
“We’d all have the same initials, that's too much. And I don't think I could think of that many A names,” I said shrugging my shoulders. He laughed loudly as he looked at me.
“What about Emily?” he suggested. Emily Matthews not bad, I thought. I smiled at him.
“That’s pretty. I like that one. We should add it to the list,” I pulled my phone out of baby names we had already agreed on. I added Emily to the list. I felt a sharp kick to my bladder causing me to let out a quiet gasp. His grip tightened slightly on me before we both relaxed.
“I want salsa from that one grocery store near the arena,” I told him after a moment of comfortable silence. He looked at me with fear. My cravings had been pretty bad ever since the second trimester. It had been really rough for me when he was away on roadtrips. I would crave things in the middle of the night but was too pregnant to trust myself to drive that late. I had spent countless nights crying to Auston when I was going through a craving. I knew that it killed him to not be able to help me but he did as much as he could. Sometimes he would go as far as getting one of the guys girls to bring me things. Steph had been my biggest life saver so far.
“Babe that place is closed. It's eleven at night,” he said softly causing tears to spring to my eyes immediately.
“Your Auston Matthews. Can’t you pull some strings or something?” I asked, reaching up to wipe away a tear that had escaped. Auston’s expression softened as he hugged me tighter to him.
“I’m sorry even as Auston Matthews I can’t force a grocery store to open up at any time,” he joked lightly pressing a kiss to my forehead. More tears started falling as I leaned into his touch.
“I want salsa,” I cried as I tightened my hold on him.
“Alright I can get you salsa. Let’s get up,” he pushed me gently.
“Do you want to come or stay here?”
“Stay here please.”
Auston nodded as he helped Amelia to their bed. Once she was settled under the blanket he made his way out of the house in search of salsa. After forty five minutes of searching for salsa at four different stores he showed up at home to find Amelia fast asleep in the bed with Felix cuddled up to her. He pulled his phone out and snapped a quick photo before sliding into bed and spooning Amelia. She sighed happily as she cuddled further into him. He felt like the luckiest man alive.
I had officially hit the thirty-eight week mark of my pregnancy and was placed on bed rest while we waited for the babies to come. Auston had been on a road trip for the last week, tonight they were playing against the Oilers. Auston’s mom had flown down to stay with me so I wasn't alone.
“Hey hun, did you want to watch the game tonight?” Ema asked, opening the door lightly.  Felix, who had been glued to my side since I was placed on bedrest, lifted his head.
“Yeah what time is it?” I mumbled out reaching out to grab my phone. I had been in bed all day because I had been having a lot of sharp pains throughout the day.
“Six it starts in thirty minutes. Do you want anything to eat?” she questioned. I thought about it for a moment as I slowly pulled myself up. Being pregnant with twins I was a lot bigger then I used to be.
“Soup if that's alright,” since Ema showed up I had asked for soup almost every other day. She laughed lightly as she nodded before making her way out of the room. I quickly pulled on some warmer clothes. A pair of Auston’s favorite sweatpants and a Leafs sweatshirt. I slowly made my way down the stairs taking breaks every time I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I made my way over to the couch and sat down.
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked as she set the bowl down in front of me. I felt another sharp pain rip through my body causing me to gasp out loudly, my hands shooting to my belly.
“Is everything alright?” she questioned concern seeping into her voice. I waited for the pain to pass before shaking my head no.
“It's really uncomfortable,” I told her. She reached out and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
“Just let me know if it gets worse,” she says before letting go and making her way over to grab some waters. I ate my soup slowly as we watched the first period. Not even ten minutes in Auston scored a goal causing Ema and I to cheer loudly. When they showed him on screen doing his celly I felt one of the babies kick. I reached down to rub my belly.
“Your Papi scored a goal babies,” I said as I looked down at my very round belly. Ema glanced away from the tv to me with a happy smile.
“Is that what you guys want the kids to call him?” she asked.
“We've been talking about it alot,” I told her honestly as I rubbed my hand over my belly
“At first he wanted to go by dad because that is what he called Brian, but then he thought about Papi because it's what he grew up with and he likes it. He calls himself Papi to Felix so I think he’s leaning more towards it but he hasn't officially decided. But secretly I’ve been calling him Papi when I talk to them,” I glanced back at the tv just in time to see Auston score another goal. I cheered as I set my empty bowl down. Ema joined my cheering quickly. I suddenly stopped a weird feeling and then my legs started to get wet. I stared down in disbelief before glancing up slowly.
“Ema,” I called out shakily. Felix picked his head up whimpering slightly.
“I think my water just broke,” I told her panicked. Her head snapped away from the tv to me.
“Oh my god! We need to get you to the hospital then. Um, do you have a bag?” she questioned turning over to the front door.
“No,” I told her, my eyes growing wider. Was that something I was supposed to have ready?
“It’s okay we don't need one lets just put your winter coat on,” she held it open for me and I quickly pulled it on. She reached over and grabbed the keys of the hook.
“Did you and Auston have a hospital you need to go to?” I nodded my head and then told her the address to log into the car.
“Alright it says twenty minutes. You think you can manage?” she asked, reaching her hand out to hold mine. I nodded my head as I felt another wave of pain.
“Amelia, who do we need to call?” she questioned as she started the drive. I was so scared I hadn't even thought about how Auston was in the middle of playing a game. I threw my head back as I let out a cry.
“D-Dr. M-Montgomry, and Kyle Dubas,”
“Alright who do you need to call first? Call them right now put it on speaker,” she said helping me focus on something so I would stop panicking. I called Dr. Montgomery and told her that I was on my way to the hospital. She told me she would meet me there. After we hung up I called Kyle.
“Hello?” Kyle said, answering the phone.
“Hi Kyle, this is Ema Matthews speaking, Amelia has gone into labour and Austons needs to be on the next flight out here,” she answered for me.  
“Oh wow! Congratulations. He's on the ice right now let me run down and let them know. I can have him call you when he gets off,” he suggested to which Ema quickly agreed. As we were pulling up to the hospital I finally got my call from Auston.
“Babe, I’m on my way to the airport right now,” Auston tried to reassure me the second I answered the phone. I let out a small whimper as I heard his voice through the phone.
“It hurts,” I whined hunching over slightly. Ema hopped out of the car and helped me into the wheelchair the nurse had brought over for me. She handed the keys over for value parking and then started pushing me inside the hospital.
“I’m sorry babe, I wish I could help,” he whispered into the phone.
“I’m hopping in the uber right now and they have me on a flight leaving in the next forty minutes and then it's just four hours,” he said softly. I felt myself start to panic at the thought of giving birth alone before forcing myself to relax.
“Dr. Montgomery just got here,” I told him.
“Alright talk to her make sure everything is alright and have my mom send me texts, I’m boarding the plane so I will call you when I land. I love you babe. We got this,” he said trying to comfort me.
“I love you too,” Just as he hung up the phone Dr. Montgomery walked in to start the examination.
“Alright Amelia can I have you spread your legs for me to take a look?” she asked, bending down in front of me.
“On a scale of 1 to 10 what is your pain,” she continued as I did what she asked. I held seven fingers.
“Is Auston on his way?” she asked as did the examination. I felt a fresh set of tears start to stream down at the mention of Auston’s name. Dr. Montgomery looked towards Ema slightly panicked at my little outburst.
“He is at an away game right now but just hopped on a plane so he'll be here in the next four hours,” Ema told her as she squeezed my hand reassuringly. She smiled simpathecially as she stood up.
“Well you have definitely gone into labor. Now we're going to try to keep this natural birth but it does look like it might need to be a C-Section. I know that we talked about it and want to keep it as natural as possible but the babies do like to move on their own. I will be back every hour to check in and I’ll have a nurse by every thirty. You just let us know if there is anything you need. This may be a pretty quick delivery. Any questions?” she asked, clapping her hands together. Ema glanced at me raising and eyebrow and I shook my head no.
“Is there any chance we could move to a private room?” Ema asked sweetly.
“Yes of course we are actually clearing a room right now and we will have you moved there immediately,” she grinned at us before putting my clipboard down on the table and leaving the room.
“Ema has Auston texted?” I asked, she shook her head no and made some phone calls as we waited for the room to open up.
Once they finally had me set up in the private room I turned the tv on to try and catch the rest of the game so that I could have something to distract me. There was only five minutes left in the game, the Leaf’s leading 4-1.
“Oh turn up the volume sweetie I think they are talking about Auston,” Ema glanced away from the tv towards me. I turned the volume up just in time to hear them talking about how Auston was pulled out of the game and they were unsure of why.
“I’ve heard that his wife is heavily pregnant so that could be the reason,” Mike’s voice came through.
“Well if that's the case congratulations to the two of them,” Kelly responded to him.
“And what a day to have a baby, he only played in the first thirty minutes of the game but he managed to get a hat trick before he was taken off the ice,” she continued as they showed a replay of the three goals.
“Alright I called Brian and he’s going to tell Bre and Alex. Is there anyone from your family you want me to call?” she asked, slipping her phone into her purse and walking over to me. I nodded my head as I reached to grab my phone only for another sharp pain to disturb me.
“My sister and Steph,” I told her after she helped me get my breathing under control. Ema took my phone and walked out in the hall to take the calls when the nurse walked in.
“Your mother seems to have things under control,” she smiled at me as she walked over to take a look at my belly. I felt my eyes tear up at that.
“Yeah she's the best,” I agreed with her as I lifted my shirt up for her to take a look.
“They both look very good neither have shifted too much, so we are still good to go with a natural birth,” she reassured as she wiped the gell of my belly. Thank god. Ema walked back into the room holding my phone in her right hand and her own in her left. The nurse walked out leaving the two of us alone together.
“Steph is on her way to the hospital. She said she wants to be in the waiting room and your sister said she would call your brother,” she listed handing my phone over to me. I took it from her and looked for a text from Auston when I saw that there wasn't anything I turned my head to shove into my pillow. I swear to god that if he is not here for the birth of his children I will never forgive him.
“Dr. Montgomery will be here soon to do another one of your hour checks. I would say that we are definitely getting closer to getting ready to push soon though,” she warned as she wrote some things down on the clipboard. I changed the channel once the game ended and found a rerun of a movie I had seen before. I groaned loudly as another sharp pain passed.
“You alright?” Ema asked, reaching out for my arm. I nodded sharply as I pushed my face further into the pillow.
“It is starting to really hurt,” I told her, hunching over more to try to get the pain to stop.
“When is Auston going to be here? I cried out as I was hit with another pain. Ema looked at me worriedly before hitting the call button on my remote.
“Everything okay?” Dr. Montgomery asked, walking into the room with a purpose.
“She’s in pain,” Ema answered for me. Dr. Montgomery walked over to me and did a quick exam. When she was done she looked up to me making eye contact.
“You're going to need to start pushing,” she said softly. My eyes widened as I shook my head no.
“Auston’s not here yet,” I protested. She tried to send me a comforting smile but I started shaking my head immediately.
“I can’t do this until he's here,” I told them sternly as I tried to push myself up into a sitting position.
“Do we know how far he is?” she asked, pushing my legs further apart. I gasped as another sharp pain shot through my body. I shook my head crying harder.
“He should be here soon, it's been four hours,” I reached out gripping Ema’s hand.
“Ema can you call him?” Dr. Montgomery asked. Ema nodded her head reaching out for her phone and dialing Auston’s number. I screamed out in pain as another contraction ripped through my body.
“Alright Amelia, I know that you want to wait for Auston to get here to start pushing but your babies are not going to wait for that,” she told me as she moved some things around.
“Hello?” Auston’s voice rang through the phone.
“Auston,” I sobbed out, my body tensing up at the pain.
“Amelia. Hey, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I just got out of the airport and then I'll be on my way,” he told me. There was a lot of commotion coming over the phone, the sound of a door opening and then closing.
“They want me to start pushing,” I whimpered out. He took a deep breath.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can but you got this babe. Just listen to the doctors,” he told me. I took a deep breath trying to relax.
“Alright when I tell you I need you to start pushing,” Dr. Montgomery told me as she kneeled down between my legs. I let out a loud whine as I turned my head to face Ema.
“I can’t push without Auston,” I cried as I felt my body tense up. Ema’s hand reached out to rub my back.
“He’ll be here soon honey you need to listen to the doctor,” she said as she continued to rub my back. I let out another sob as I reached out to grib Ema’s hand harder.
“Alright when I count to three I need you to start pushing,” Dr. Montgomery told me, making eye contact. I let out another cry as I nodded my head. I let out a loud groan as I felt pain flash through my body.
“Alright one two three, push” she guided me. I let out a loud scream, my grip on Ema’s hand tightening as I pushed as hard as I could. I had never felt so much pain in my life and the idea of going through this twice was the worst thing ever.
“Alright stop,” she told me. I immediately followed her directions trying to get myself to listen,
“Push,” I screamed as I pushed, my grip on Ema’s hand tightening even more. Just as Dr. Montgomery told me to start pushing again when the door opened. I turned my head to find Auston making his way in. The second his eyes laid on me he made a beeline for me and grabbed onto my hand that wasn't holding Ema’s.
“Nice to see you Auston,” Dr Montgomry grinned. Auston smiled as he looked down at me.
“I wouldn't miss this for the world,” he grinned as he stared into my eyes. I grinned back as I let out another loud scream due to the pain.
“Alright Amelia you're so close, just one more push and will have your baby,” she grinned gently. I lazily smiled back as I gave another hard push. Two seconds later a loud cry broke through the sound in the room and a baby was placed on my chest.
“Congratulations it’s a baby boy,” she smiled at me gently. I let out a loud cry as I turned to look up at Auston.
“Baby boy,” I grinned. He sent me a wide smile as he looked down at the two of us with a gleam in his eyes.
“He’s perfect,” Auston ginned at me. I shared a soft smile with him as I felt another pain ripple through my body. The nurse quickly reached out for my baby on my chest and started examining him. Ema took one look at the two of us and followed the nurse with my son.
“Dad, do you want to cut the cord?” Dr. Montgomery asked over the cries. Auston looked away from the baby to her, his eyes filled with unshed tears. He nodded his head letting go of my hand and then making his way over to cut the cord.
“Okay Amelia, one baby down one more to go,” she told me as she tapped my leg. I let out another loud cry as I reached out for Auston's arm.
“I don't think I can do it again,” I cried out. I was so exhausted and all I wanted was a nap.
“Babe you got this,” Auston reassured me. I let out a soft cry shaking my head. It hurt so bad.
“Auston I can’t,” I cried louder.
“Hey hey, listen babe. You can do this, you are so strong. You can do this. You can have our baby, you can do this because you're amazing,” Auston told me as he kneeled down so he was lower to me. I let out a loud scream as I pushed.
“C’mon Amelia. You got this,” Dr. Montgomery told me as she led me through it. After another fifteen minutes I gave birth to another beautiful baby boy.
“Your mother is the strongest person I know and I can't wait for you guys to officially meet her,” I heard Auston say as I slowly woke up from my nap. I let out a soft groan as I tried to move and felt a strong pain rip through my abdomen. I opened my eyes to find Auston sitting on the chair holding our two babies. I felt tears spring to my eyes as I took in the scene before me.
“Are you alright?” Auston asked looking up at me. I sent him a soft smile as I nodded my head.
“I’m a bit sore,” I hesitated for a moment before continuing, “can I hold one of them?” I asked, holding my arms open. Auston sent me a wide grin before looking down at them. He moved closer as he held out the one in his left arm. I gently took him not taking my eyes away.
“He’s beautiful,” I breathed out as I stared at his little face. Auston grinned at me before looking down as the one in his arms.
“They are identical,” Auston grinned looking between the two of them.
“We need to name them,” he then mumbled after a moment of silence. I couldn't knock the grin off as I looked up at him.
“Auston they are so perfect. We-we made them. I can’t believe we made them,” I reached my hand out to his. His smile widened as he reached out to lock our hands together.
“Two boys,” I sighed. What the hell was I going to do with two boys. I looked down at the little bundle in my hands.
“Kai,” I whispered, moving the blanket away from his face slightly. His hand knocked into mine as he wiggled around. I looked over to Auston and down at our baby in his hand. He was yawning adorably as he wiggled in Auston’s arms.
“Noah,” we whispered at the same time causing me to grin. I love him. I turned my attention back down to Kai.
“Nice hat trick,” I teased looking towards him again. He smirked as he looked at me. He stood up and slipped into the bed next to me.
“It was for you and the babies,” he mumbled as he wrapped his arm around me. I leaned my head against his shoulder as I looked up at him. He grinned down at me as he leaned down to press a kiss to my lips.
“I love you,”
“I love you too.”
A.N. Hey guys its been a long time coming but here's part four!! I hope y'all enjoy it and it’s everything you hoped. I wanted to add more but it was already getting so long and I wanted to get it out here. If there’s anything you want to see that happened during the pregnancy or after with the babies feel free to send a request to me! Also thank you so much for all the love I have received on all my other post you guys rock!
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inorganicone2230 · 5 years
Divine Intervention (Part 3) Yandere!Erasermic x Fem!Reader
Part 2 Part 4
Summary: Sometimes a little divine intervention is necessary to take back the ones we love… whether they want it or not.
Warnings: Suicide, kidnapping, forced relationship, emotional and mental manipulation, typical Yandere behavior, possible non-con in future chapters
Side note: Holy shit! I certainly hope you guys have some time because this one is LONG! I’M TALKING 5K WORDS!!! Hopefully no one minds lol
Please enjoy!
“And was that the newest one?”
You laid back on the couch and sighed, “Yes. I just wish I knew what it meant. I mean, why bring up this supposedly dead woman?”
Doctor Kayama looked down at her notes in thought, “Perhaps it's simply your minds way of filling in the blanks. You've been having these dreams for quite some time now. And as an adolescent you didn't question the details and the facts near as often as you do now that you're an adult.”
You let another sigh fall from your lips. “Yeah, you're probably right, but there already was an explanation for her, she’s dead.”
You had been seeing Doctor Kayama, who specialized in sleep disorders -insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and in your case, reoccurring dreams/nightmares- since you were 16 and in a way it was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you had someone unbiased to talk to about them who you felt wasn't going to judge you, and a curse because by constantly talking about them, you could never really forget them or put them out of your head. They were always there, right at the forefront of your mind, just waiting for something in your day-to-day life to trigger a memory of them.
Doctor Kayama pursed her plump lips into a thin line, “The mind is a tricky thing, and dreams are even trickier. I can see that we are not going to make anymore progress today, our time is almost up anyway. And if I'm not mistaken, you have to be to work in an hour.” She said, standing up to put her things away and walk you to the door.
You followed suit, “Yes, I think I’m hitting a blank on how to think about it further. Maybe next week I’ll have some answers… or some ideas at the very least.”
Nemuri smiled at you in response, “I agree. Some time to think more will do you some good.”
You shook her hand and as always, you felt just a little bit better after your session, even if you didn't make much progress. Anything was better than nothing. Wasn't it?
“I'll see you again next week, same time as usual.” With your confirmation to return next week you were out the door and on your way to work.
You were fortunate enough to have found a nice apartment that was within walking distance to both your work and the doctor's office. Right in the middle actually! The only downside was that you had to go further into the city whenever you needed to do shopping. You made decent money at the bookstore/cafe that you worked at, but the area didn't really have any grocery stores, just a lot of restaurants and gas stations. And while that was fine every now and then, you would prefer not to waste all your hard earned money on expensive meals and unhealthy junk food.
You were about halfway home though when something caught your eye, or rather someone… and it made you freeze.
‘Was that? No… it couldn't be? Could it…?’
For just a moment you could have sworn you caught sight of a familiar head of golden hair. Long and soft looking, it caught the glare from the afternoon sun on the fresh snow in just a way that it seemed to make the strands glitter in the light.
Without a second thought you instinctively began to head in the same direction. Or you would have, if your phone hadn't rang. 
You scrambled to pull it from your purse. “Hello?” A brief pause, “No that's fine. I was going to stop at my apartment on the way but I can just head straight there, it's no trouble.” Another pause, “Sounds good. I’ll see you soon, bye bye.”
Hanging up and putting away your phone you took a look around, you had lost sight of whoever that was. “Oh who am I kidding, it was nothing! Just someone's regular blonde hair, my eyes and that appointment I just had are playing tricks on me.” You reassured yourself. It was a strange thing to see but there was no way it was real. With your pep talk over you began your trek to the bookstore.
In your haste you failed to notice the lime green eyes that watched you from the roof of the building beside you. Eyes that watched you with a predatory hunger. The bounce of your hair, the sway of your hips, the curves of you soft form. All of it was focused on you and you alone and the predator licked his lips in anticipation.
“Soon (Current Name), soon.”
You made it to work with a few minutes to spare and after exchanging pleasantries with your coworker and going through the usual shift-change duties, you were ready to start your day.
It was a Saturday and with most people still in school or at work, plus the cafe being closed, it was proving to be a rather slow afternoon. You did the usual tasks of dusting the shelves, taking inventory and putting away new items, calling people to inform them of their special orders and just general basic things. You soon found yourself with nothing else to do. Not even a customer to hep out!
Luckily, the couple that owned the store didn't mind the employees reading on shift as long as everything else was done and no customers needed help. Taking a seat behind the counter you began to read your current book. A horror/mystery novel about a young girl who goes to sleep in her bed but wakes up in an old house with no windows or doors leading outside, she has to find a way out while being haunted by whispering voices and a tall pale figure with teeth for lips that watches her from the shadows.
You had only gotten a few chapters in when you heard a voice speak to you though. “Excuse me miss? Could you help us?”
Funny, you hadn't heard the bell go off when the door was opened, nor had you felt the draft from the chilly winter weather outside. But you simply wrote it off, thinking you were too engrossed in your book. None the less you mark your page and put the book down. “Of course! What can I do for y-...” You freeze mid sentence.
Standing in front of you are two very familiar looking men. Both tall and handsome in their own way, but as different as night and day. 
The tallest one had black hair that brushed his shoulders and a serious case of five o'clock shadow. His eyes were just as dark as his hair, though admittedly, that could have been because he looked like he hadn't slept in a week. He was dressed in black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a heavy black winter pea-coat.
The other man practically radiated sunshine with his rather long blonde hair and bright green eyes framed by simple square glasses. Multiple piercings adorned his ears along with other jewelry, a silver chain wrapped twice around his neck and a few rings to match. He was dressed rather similarly to his counterpart but in tans and whites.
It was THEM! The one’s from your dreams… or at least... two men who looked exactly like them. And it scared you…
It took you a second to realize that you must have zoned out when you froze because they were giving you odd looks and asking if you were okay. You managed to give them an admittedly half-assed response. “O-oh yes! I'm p-perfectly fine, you just startled me is all! What can I help you with today?”
Both men exchanged odd glances with each other, like they were having some silent conversation. “Are you sure miss?” The black haired one asked, “Your white as a sheet and look like you've seen a ghost.”
“Yes! Absolutely!” You replied with a forced kind of enthusiasm.
The blonde snickered and gave a feral grin, first to you and then to his companion, “Aww, she's blushing Shouta! Maybe she's just flustered, what with having such good looking guys come in her store!” His insinuation and the wink he throws your way make your eye twitch in irritation. But he’s not done running his mouth, “Well if it makes you feel any better Sweetling, I’d be tripping over myself to if a lovely little thing you walked in on me out of the blue.”
You weren't quite sure how to respond to that. Luckily for you the other one -Shouta, the blonde said?- seemed to know what to do about his friends behavior since he reached out to yank on some of his hair. “Cut it out Hizashi. Can't you see you're making the poor thing as nervous as a wet kitten.”
Hizashi at least had the decency to look apologetic as he rubbed the spot his hair was yanked. “Sorry hun, my mouth gets the better of me sometimes, especially around pretty girls.” He held out his hand to you and grinned again, “Let's start over! I’m Hizashi and this here is my friend Shouta!”
You were still really put off -terrified actually- by their resemblance to the men from your dreams but you had a job to do still. You swallowed your fear and plastered on your best ‘Fake as Shit Face’ Before quickly shaking both their hands. “It's nice to meet you, my names (Fake Name)! What can I do for you today?” You hoped you sounded convincing enough. Your work had a policy about not using real names on the name tags, just better for the employees safety, especially in this day and age. Can't be too careful.
“We were hoping to find some books on religion… reincarnation to be more precise. Possibly even mythology and folklore.” He said it in such a strange way, like he was trying to explain something without going into too much detail.
You thought it was an odd request for sure, but you weren't really one to judge other people's taste in literature since you yourself had some weird ones. Right now all you wanted to do was get them out of the store ASAP.
“Sure! Follow me right this way.”
You lead them to a small section near the back of the left end of the store, no more than three bookshelves. Both sections were right next to each other since more often than not, both genres got classified under the same banner these days. “I’m not to sure if we have anything on reincarnation specifically but if we do it's over here. Feel free to look as long as you want, we're still open for a few more hours so take your time!”
Both of them smiled at you warmly and thanked you profusely.
“It was no trouble, please let me know if I can help with anything else.” You were trying to make a speedy exit. You needed to think, and breath, and process what was going on. But you couldn't do that around their confusing and suffocating presence.
“Oh don't worry Sweets, we'll be sure to let you know when that happens.” Hizashi said in a rather provocative way, obviously trying to get a reaction out of you.
You didn't respond, simply gave a nod  and turned on your heel and began heading straight for the restroom.
Once inside with the door shut and locked tight, you suddenly felt the strangeness of this situation hit you all at once. You ran to the toilet and puked, small quiet tears running down your cheeks as you hyperventilate. ‘What the hell is going on here?!’ Why the fuck do those two look like them?!’
It wasn't just a passing resemblance either, it was like they stepped right out of your mind and into reality. You just couldn't handle this right now. “Maybe they'll have not found anything and left already.” You said to yourself hopefully and decided to give yourself a few more minutes of isolation before going back out there.
Your prayers went unanswered though as you stepped out to see them at the counter, one book in hand and warm smiles on their faces. “You okay there sweetling, you're looking a little pale?”
You waved off the concern and booked it to the register to ring up their purchase. The sooner they paid, the sooner they would leave. At least… you hoped they would.
“I hope you found everything you needed!” You sounded totally fake even to yourself.
Shouta gave a low chuckle, “No, not everything. But I’m sure we'll get what we need very soon.”
Something about the way he said that sent chills up your spine. It almost sounded like a warning. “W-well if you have something specific that you're looking for we can try and order it for you.” Your reply is automatic and as the men share a look, you feel like your being left out of an entire conversation that is taking place right in front of you.
“We’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”
“Well I hope the two of you have a good evening, please come again!” You gave a short bow to them both.
“Come on! No need to be so formal! You seem like a real sweet girl, you should give us your digits so we can hang out sometime. We know some pretty awesome places to go have some fun.” The blonde suggests, leaning across the counter space and ever closer to you, a large toothy grin on his face.
Without thinking you reply, “Sorry, my boss's have a strict policy about employee/customer relations. Immediate termination if fraternization is found. I like my job so I’d rather keep it. Sorry again.” There was no such rule or policy enforced, but they didn't need to know that.
They give each other that same look again. “That's too bad. We're new to the area and were hoping to meet some new people to hang out with.” Shouta replied, both wore the same dejected look. It almost made you feel bad for fibbing. Almost…
“The folks around here are really great, I’m sure you guys won't have to hard of a time meeting some new people!” You really hoped they would leave or that another customer would come in. Anything to end this weird conversation!
For a moment, the two men frowned, like you said something awful.  But they quickly bounced back, “Well I’m sure we'll be seeing you around either way. We’ll be sure to come back here if we need anything else! Right Shouta!?”
Shouta gave a much quieter response then his friend, “Yes, I’m sure we're on the fast track to becoming regulars for you.”
‘I certainly hope not.’‘ You thought bitterly as you finished saying your goodbyes and watched them walk out the door. If you never saw these men again it would be far far to soon for your liking.
Back in their home in the Heavens and laying in their bed, the two gods of Life and Death basked in the happiness they felt at being in your physical presence for the first time so long.
Hizashi himself was a literal walking bundle of sunshine. “Oh Shouta! I know we've been watching her all her life and sending her those dreams for years, but to be in her presence again after eons apart! The memories didn't do her justice, her voice alone was enough to make my mind go blank.”
Shouta also gave a lighthearted smile, “Yes, and the way she seemed so shy and nervous after she recognized us from the dreams. It really was so sweet and precious. She was such a raging spit viper in the past, I rather like this quiet, demure version of her. Almost seems a shame to waste it by giving her memories back.”
The God of Life nodded along with his opposites words. “Yes, she's going to be quite angry once she remembers everything. Why don't we just forget about the medicine and bring her here as is? Start over completely! New and fresh?”
“Do you truly want that? For her to not remember anything about our time together in the past? Because I don't, I want her to remember the day we met, the time we spent getting to know her, the first time we made love to her. I want her to be able to understand how hurt we were the day she took herself from us!” Shouta’s eyes were beginning to flash red as his hair moved in an unseen wind. “I want to know why she did it in the first place, so that we can do better for her, be better for her. And…” Shouta trailed off here as if he was unsure if he should continue or not.
Hizashi reached out to take his lovers face in his hands and promoted him to continue, “And?”
Shouta took a deep breath, “And perhaps I wish to punish her for it... we have suffered for five thousand years without her, and it just doesn't seem fair that she should get to live in blissful ignorance of what she has put us through. That's why I want her to remember Zashi.”
A mouth was on his as soon as he finished, a warm wet tongue tangled with his own as he readily responded. The kiss lasted a while longer before both deities reluctantly pulled back.
 A smug Hizashi stared down on his other half with lusty eyes, “Very well, I can see your point, we will give her the medicine. But what do we do now that we've made her aware of us outside of the dreams? Do we simply bring her home, or do we wait and play it by ear? I want her here with us, so that she can be safe and happy. It took all my willpower in that shop not to just grab her and bend her over the counter. I can't wait to much longer Shou! So what is the plan? I know you have one.”
Shouta's smile was positively feral, “This is what we will do,...”
The rest of the night went smoothly -despite your nagging fear over the two lookalikes- and you tried your best to be as productive as possible until it was time to close up the shop for the night.
Since you got all your cleaning done so much sooner than usual, it was a relatively easy close. All you really had to do was count down the till and check to make sure all the doors and windows were locked. Easy peasy!
You were excited to get out the door so quickly after such a slow -and admittedly frightening- evening. All you wanted was to get to the comfort of your home where you could relax and breath easy. Tomorrow was the start of your weekend and you had every intention of staying home the entire time!
After checking that the place was locked up you headed for the door. You felt the bitter cold air as soon as you stepped outside, it was a clear night so it was much colder than the overcast day had been. And quiet too, you noted. Not unusual for you, all the other businesses closed at least an hour or two before you, and no bars or restaurants for a few blocks meant that you rarely saw a single soul this late at night. You still kept a switchblade in your coat pocket and pepper spray in your purse though, just in case…
You locked the door and had just started walking when you heard it, the telltale sound of snow and ice crunching under heavy footsteps, two sets. You had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you knew who was going to be there when you turned around. You wanted so bad to be proven wrong.
“Well look who it is! Our new favorite bookstore worker! Just closing up shop sweetling?”
Yup, you were right... unfortunately. You turned around and there they were, still dressed in the same clothes and with warm smiles adorning their handsome faces. “Y-Yes, I was just on my way home.” You said, not bothering to put on the fake customer service enthusiasm you had earlier. You hoped they would take the hint and let you go on your way.
They were much closer to you now, only a few feet away, when Shouta spoke next. “You seem awfully tired there Kitten, and it's quite the hour for a pretty young lady like you to be walking the streets so late at night. We'll walk you home.”
Your eye twitched at the use of that nickname, you didn't know these two well enough for them to act so familiar with you. And they never would if you had it your way. “That's not necessary, I live close by and I'm used to walking this la-”
You were cut off by Shouta’s firm voice, “We insist. We'll walk you.” It was practically an order. And it made you bristle. You were just about to tear into him when you were cut off again, this time by the blonde.
“Sorry, what Shouta means to say is that we live in the direction you were going. We have to walk the same way anyway and we just wouldn't feel right NOT walking you this late at night. Come on, don't make us go home worried sick about weather you made it home safely or not. Pretty please?”
You knew this wasn't normal. Meeting two guys -at the same time- who look identical to the men from your dreams, the way they just happen to run into you as your getting off work, that they live in the same direction as you. You wanted so badly to tell them to fuck off and leave you alone, to hightail it and run as far and as fast as you could away from them, but you didn't. You weren't that kind of person, you overthink and over analyze situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Just like now, you couldn't help but think that maybe they really were just trying to be nice, that it was just a coincidence they looked so similar. But another part of you thought that if you did tell them what you really wanted to say, it could backfire on you at work, they could come in and say something to your boss and coworkers. Make it sound like they were just trying to be Good Samaritans and you were being a self-righteous bitch. You needed this job more than you needed your backbone, you thought. So you caved…
“W-well if it's not out of your way, than sure. I could u-use the company.” You know you've made a mistake the second the words leave your mouth.
Both men beamed at your agreement. “Great! Then lead the way Sweetling!” They each took a stand on either side of you as you begin to walk.
Hizashi fills the silence with chatter and small talk while Shouta chimes in every now and then. They ask basic and harmless things, things like; “Do you enjoy working at the bookstore? Have you lived in the neighborhood long? What kinds of things are there to do?” You answer some of them honestly, but some you fib on or give vague nondescript answers. They don't seem to notice, and if they do they don't mention it.
Soon -but not soon enough- the three of you are standing outside your building. It's a modest three story complex, relatively new and decently maintained and you live on the third floor in a small one bedroom flat. You refrain from breathing a sigh of relief while still in their presence. “Well, this is me. Thanks again for walking me home.”
“It was no trouble. Me and Zashi are always happy to help. Especially when such a pretty face is involved.” If this was any other man flashing you that sexy smile you would have gone weak in the knees, all you felt right now was a desire to kick them both.
“Yeah! It was so nice meeting such a cutie right off the bat! And we got to run into you again, that's gotta be fate, right?!” Hizashi says dreamily. Was it just your imagination or had they moved closer to you.
You chuckled nervously, “W-who can s-say? M-maybe, I don't k-know.” They were definitely closer.
“ I'm positive it was! We couldn't stop thinking about you all night! We're so happy to see you again (Y/N)!” Hizashi kept gushing.
You froze in absolute terror. How did he know your real name!? They were still taking turns praising you when you spoke. “How do you know my name?”
Shouta was the first to take notice of your tense tone. “What was that Kitten?”
You didn't bother being polite this time, “I said how the hell do you know my name?! I never gave it to you!” You took a step back and freaked when you felt the brick wall of your building behind you instead of the door.
They looked at each other in that same way from earlier, speaking without words.
“Calm down, you gave us your name when we introduced ourselves in the shop.”
“Yeah, don't you remember? It was even on your name tag.”
If you hadn't heard it so clearly you might have believed them, but you had heard it and you weren't buying their bullshit excuse.
“No! I gave you a fake name in the store, the one you just said is my real birth name! How do you know it?!” Your breathing was labored and you felt lightheaded. A panic attack maybe? You needed to calm down and think straight.
They looked at you for a moment longer, faces blank of any emotion. And then Hizashi laughed, scratching the back of his head like he just made a simple mistake . “Whoops, guess I kind of blew our cover. Sorry Shou, I got carried away and wasn't thinking before I spoke.”
Shouta meanwhile simply shook his head and cuffed him in the arm. “Great job Loudmouth, now we have to move things along faster thanks to your carelessness.”
You were dumbfounded, completely lost as to what was going on in front of you. “What the hell do you two freaks think this is?! Some kind of sick joke?! Because I'm not laughing! What I’m doing is going straight to the cops.” You regretted that last line as soon as you said it because both men's eyes were instantly on you. Bad idea to admit you were going to go to the fuzz. Now you felt like a cornered animal. Like pray. And when your flight or fight response kicked in, you ran to the left, your switchblade and pepper spray completely forgotten in your panicked state. Or tried to anyway.
Two sets of impossibly strong arms grabbed you and shoved you back up against the cold brick wall, a hand covering your mouth to block your screams. Not enough to truly hurt or bruise, but just enough to knock the air from your lungs. Your eyes fell closed for just a second and when you opened them again you were greeted by a sight you only ever saw in your dreams.
They stood before you in ancient but elegant robes, radiating a strange and inhuman aura. Hizashi was dressed in green and emerald, ornate jewelry catching the light from the street lamps above. Shouta was in simple gray and black. Where as before they had only LOOKED like them now they WERE them. They were still smiling like nothing was wrong.
“Oh you won't be doing that Songbird, those pretty little lips aren't going to be singing for anyone but us ever again.” The blonde leaned in closer to whisper huskily in your ear, his warm breath fanning over your numb ear and making you shiver. “You have no idea how amazing it feels to be touching you like this again. You feel so soft Sweetling, I could just devour you right here and now.”
You had gone into shock for a few moments at the drastic change in them, both in physicality and in personality. But as soon as you felt the undeniable press of his hardening groin against your hip, you absolutely lost it. Thrashing, shaking your head, trying to scream through the hand that still covered your mouth and kicking out your legs, but it did you no favors as you soon found yourself too tired to move.
It only seemed to egg the blonde on further when you heard him groan -not in pain- but in pleasure. “Keep that shit up and I’m not gonna be able to hold back.” He said, grinding himself against you harder. You ceased all movement.
“Enough. It's far too cold to be doing that here Zashi. We can enjoy ourselves once we have her safe and sound at home, and warmed up.” Shouta said as casually as if he was ordering a pizza. You began to thrash again with renewed vigor, tears ran down your face and you felt his hand become slick with your drool from your muffled screams.
Hizashi pouted and rolled his eyes, “Fine fine, but it will be a lot easier to get everything ready if she was asleep.”
“I'm one step ahead of you. Do you want to or should I?
“You. I don't think I could hold myself back if I do it.”
“Alright, just take your hand off her mouth when I tell you too.”
This was your chance! As soon as your mouth was free you could scream for help! Even if it was only a second, you had to try! You closed your eyes and waited with bated breath for the pressure on your face to ease up.
The hand was gone. “SOMEONE HEL-” The Hand was replaced with a mouth. Shouta's mouth slammed against yours in a bruising kiss and you felt some kind of bitter tasting liquid slide down your throat. It took you a second to realize that he was still kissing you, sliding his tongue against yours and groaning into your mouth, probably in an effort to keep you quiet while whatever he forced you to drink kicked in. Which wasn't taking long as you felt your mind going hazy and your eyes getting heavy. Well, you weren't going to just take it without a fight, the moment you felt his tongue in your mouth again you bit down. Hard!
He pulled back with a curse shot you a disgruntled look as he spat blood onto the street. “That wasn't very nice. Maybe I was wrong and she dose still have some of that fire left.”
Your mind was foggy and your knees gave out on you, Hizashi caught you before you could hit the frozen ground. “G-go f-f-fuck y-yourselves!”
Both of them just grinned down at you and reached out to stroke your cheeks and hair. Your arms felt heavy, you couldn't even fight back at this point. You were slipping away fast.
“Don't worry Kitten, we'll explain everything once we get you home and you wake up. Things will all make sense soon, we promise.”
“We’ll do better this time. We won't let you get away from us, we've worked too hard to get you back. But we'll tell you all about that after you get some sleep. Just rest for now, your perfectly safe with us Sweetling. We love you so much!”
That was all you heard before sleep claimed you. Your last thought was that you hoped your sleep would be black. The last thing you wanted was to dream and have to see their faces again.
I hope everyone enjoys this extra long chapter, the next one will probably be about the same length, if not just a bit longer! If you have the time please let me know what you thought. I was incredibly worried about the pacing I set for it. I feel like it was too rushed.
As I said before, thank you again to @jadepillar18 for the inspiration on this story!
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
As Fate Would Have It (Part 16)
Paring: WinterSoldier!Bucky x Spy!Reader
Catch Up here | Masterlist
Words: 4.1k | Note: Reader’s alias is Elle/Helen
A/N: It is with great pleasure that I can finally, finally, say that this chapter was actually the first ever chapter I wrote for this series (before it was even a series tbh). All the previous chapters were meant to be simple, world-building prequels that spiralled out of control! lol. Writing just turns out like that sometimes.
Warnings: Violence, themes of PTSD, brainwashing, mentions of sex, terribly written action scenes and annngggst?
Note: I chose to call Bucky’s POV the 'Winter Soldier' because I firmly believe that at this point they are two separate people.
Songs: White Rabbit | The Winter Soldier | Siberian Overture
Feel free to ask to be tagged, leave a like, reblog or comment ♥
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You looked out the window overlooking a garden filled with yellow roses while a cup of tea cooled between your palms. Your reflection looking back at you with a blank expression, your hair still as white as snow. The steam reaching up to tickle your nose with the notes of chamomile and peppermint.
"How're the kids?" You asked the woman sat next to you. Her face framed by glasses that looked alien against her heart-shaped face. Grey hairs growing in number at a more frequent pace.
"Jack's finally got a job," she sounded thankful. "And Ellie just transfered to Brown."
You smiled warmly, "I told you he'd land on his feet."
"About god damn time, that kid nearly drove me up the wall."
You tutted, "Remember what the doctor said about minding that temper, it's not good for your blood pressure Sal."
"Keepin' my blood pressure in check is Hal's job," she said with a little sass as her thumb rubbed against her wedding ring. "You going somewhere?"
"Why'd you ask?"
"You only come over before you disappear for a while."
You chuckled, "Paris. Got a new job. Protective detail."
Sally looked out the window wistfully, her age showing clear as day, "Hal always promised we'd go to Paris for our honeymoon."
You turned to your old friend and nudged her with your elbow, "If you promise to keep your blood pressure in check, I'll take you someday."
"Someday for you isn't the same for me," Sally noted, looking at your reflection thoughtfully. "Hard to believe we were once the same age."
You stood from the chair and put on your bomber jacket, "We still are."
Sally took your cup to the sink, "Yes, you just discovered the secret to eternal youth. Good thing Annie isn't with us no more, or else she'd lock you in her basement till you told her your secret, god rest her soul."
You laughed half-heartedly. You placed a kiss on her temple before grabbing your motorcycle keys, "Try not to be too hard on Jack while I'm gone. Oh, and… uh, give Hal my best!"
"Will do, hun! Oh and Y/N!" She walked over to you and handed you a folded piece of photo paper. "I got Ellie to help me figure out how to use one of them copiers. It's a little darker than the original but..."
You looked down at the last photo you'd ever taken. Early 1942; you, Sally, Hal, Bucky, Steve and Annie stood under a going away banner that read:‘Good Luck At Your New Job!!’
"Two exclamation marks..." you mused lightly.
You left Sally's house and slid your helmet over your head.
The cryo-chamber unhooked with a metallic hiss, frost smoking out like fog as the cylindrical containment was lifted up. The hydraulics of the levers arm let out a groan of air. Yellow light bathing the room.
"Ghaaaaahh!" The Winter Soldier screamed in agony as the machine fastened over his right eye flashed blinding streaks of white light into his corneas.
"Zhelaniye," a man dressed in a decorated military uniform read out from a red leather-bound book -most likely a Major.
The screams persisted as a few more flashes of white light flickered.
The screaming stopped.
The machine gave off an electrical whizz as it dismantled away from the metal armed soldier's face. His breathing was raged, animalistic. His jaw still shut tight from the aftershocks of pain but it was his eyes that unsettled the most, seething with unbridled rage.
The Major continued reading out the words with no care for the soldier's disposition, "Rassvet. Pech’. Devyat. Dobroserdechnyy. Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu. Odin. Gruzovoy vagon."
Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight car.
The soldier in the chair had steadied his breathing now. Each breath calm, composed, sinister.
"Dobroye utro, Soldat." The Major said monotonously, slamming the red book shut.
Good morning, Soldier.
The soldier kept his eyes glued to something infinitesimal in front of him with almost inhuman stillness, "Ya gotov otvechat’." His voice was as rough as gravel.
Ready to comply
The Major walked over to a table and retrieved a file and opened it to the middle part. He placed the docket in front of the Winter Soldier, the file making a slapping noise with the table.
There were two photographs fastened to the docket with paper clips. The larger of the two photographs, and coincidentally of better quality, was of a rounding man with a thinning hairline and thick moustache. The smaller photo wasn't in colour or of a high resolution, the only features that could be made out were that it was an image of a woman wearing a trench coat almost as white as her hair, large glasses obscuring half her face.
"Your target is this man. He's a French politician."
The Winter Soldier stood, his metal finger tapping heavily on the photograph. "Understood."
"Soldat. Take extra precaution. He's hired extra security. Someone we've had trouble within the past. She has made quite a name for herself due to her illusive nature. No one knows where she came from, who trained her or her real name. The intelligence community has taken to calling her the White Rabbit."
The soldier flinched, his brain scrambling for a moment as a woman’s voice he didn't recognise spoke out as clear as day: "The little rabbit?"
Internally, a high pitched noise generated a distorted image of blood-stained lips opening into an unnerving smile. Dead eyes staring up at the sky.
His head jerked to the side in a ridged motion before it snapped back in place, strands of long raven hair sticking to the sweat on his face. The noise fizzled out of his brain as though it never existed. He looked up to his superior officer and shrugged off the incident that just occurred, "Understood."
~Paris, France~
You followed your client into the VIP lounge area of a prestigious club. As soon as you walked through the bead roped entranced, a ring of smoke diffused around your face, a trail of white smoke leading back to a patron sitting on a couch blowing out expertly crafted smoke rings from a hookah pipe. The smell of clover and something more primal, sexual, stuck to the walls of the secret member’s only club. Amidst all the fancy dressed men and women, you stood out with your all-black tactical gear.
Your client walked past several seedy rooms until he reached the final room at the end of the hallway. You stepped in front of him and opened the door. After canvassing the area you gave him the all-clear. Several minutes later his associates arrived and they all sat around in a circle of expensive tastes, finely tailored suits and beefy cigars that reminded you of Colonel Phillips.
It was strange how your memory of your encounter with him brought you comfort, but these days comfort was near impossible for you to find, so you took it where you found it.
You stood as still and balanced as a marble statue, your gloved hands held behind your back in a stiff posture. On occasion, you and other bodyguards would do a sweep of the room.
"Jesus, doesn't she freak you the fuck out?" One of the smartly dressed men asked in fluent French. A language you were well versed in. "She's like a fucking statue. I haven't seen her move once. Except for those dead eyes of hers."
Your employer glanced at you with a large cigar between his crooked teeth, "Sometimes, sure. But I've noticed how intimidating she makes me look when I'm in a room filled with assholes almost as lecherous as you!"
The men laughed- so did some of their protection detail.
"Besides, once you get passed the whole ghost look, she's actually not so bad to look at," your employer grumbled suggestively with a sick grin on his face.
Your eyes snapped to him and he choked on some of his spit, washing it down with a glass of port. You looked back to the windows as you canvassed the area again. A breeze blew the lace curtains softly, making you think of the lace curtains that had drawn patterns across Bucky’s face with the sunlight in his apartment.
You bit down, hard, as you forced yourself to focus on hand. A ray of red-light was reflected by a well-polished, silver, decor piece. The ray transformed into a dot and instinctively you reached across the room and pulled the back of your employer's chair to the ground.
The soft whistle of a silencer pierced through glass, grazing the side of your arm. You snarled at the contact.
The room was silent for a second and then a second bullet pierced through the glass window, this time forcing it to shatter.
"Get down!" You ordered as several security personnel moved to shield their employers and transport them away from the room.
You kicked the oak tabled to the side and took cover behind it. "Get them to the safe room downstairs!" You ordered the rest of the personnel.
"What about you?" One of the bodyguards asked.
"I'll lay down cover fire. Get them out of here." You said calmly as you upholstered your 9mm handgun and fired based off the trajectory of the bullets holes lodged in the wall.
Several of your bullets ricochet off something metallic from the sniper's nest on the adjacent roof. The impact forming sparks in the night air.
The room became a burial site for sniper slugs as they littered the walls and sofas and decorations. The metallic pinging sound reminding you to stay hunkered low until your enemies clip ran out.
You reloaded your gun and fired off cover shots as you moved away from the window. On the ground was a single casing. You recognised the make. Soviet slug, no rifling. The memory of the ambush in the mountains skittered across your synapses before you were brought back to the present by another shot tearing through the weak walls.
Suddenly, the shooting stopped. You rose from behind cover and tried to gain a visual of the target with a piece of broken mirror. From this angle, you saw the silhouette of what you assumed to be the rifleman run and then jump. The sound of glass shattering from the window a floor below alerting you to the fact he was now in the building.
A small object hit the floor in the room around the same time, you looked over and realised he had thrown a grenade into the room.
"Fuck..." you swore in a panic, holstering your gun before you lassoed the hooked end of your utility rope around a column and dove out the window. The explosion from the grenade sent off hundreds of pieces of shrapnel flying through the air. You managed to outrun the brunt of the impact, but some slugs embedded themselves in your back and thigh. You gasped from the pain.
Swinging in the air, you propelled your body towards the window the assailant had jumped through and unclipped the rope from your belt once you dove through the window.
You ran after the sounds of a heavy man’s boots sprinting down the series of open rooms. You were faster and more agile so you caught up to him faster than most would've been able too. As soon as you got close enough to the man, you sprinted closer and slid your legs under his in an effort to topple him.
He anticipated your moves with inhuman speed. As soon as your leg knocked his off-balance, he used his metal arm to balance his upheaved weight around and down so he was facing you as soon as his body stopped moving through the air. His fingers leaving a trail of claw-like scratches on the floor.
You quickly upholstered your weapon while your back was on the ground and fired off several shots. The assassin deflected them all with his opened metal palm.
You hissed in annoyance then backflipped twice to gain some distance between you and him before you fired more shots. This time he bobbed and weaved, avoiding most of your bullets save for the one that scrapped alongside his protective eyewear, grazing the skin above his eyebrow in an angled slant.
The assassin charged at you with all his strength. You pulled the trigger but the clip was empty. You tossed your gun and timed his charge so you could sling over and around him, wrapping your legs around his midrib as you furiously hammered the business end of your elbow into the concave of his shoulder blade.
One, two, three, you landed bone-crunching hits into his collar and shoulder blade but it didn't slow him down for a second. He reached over and around, grabbed the back of your tactical vest and flung you over and away from him.
Your body slumped into the wall with intense velocity, popping your shoulder out of its socket and leaving an indent in the drywall. You coughed out blood, then shook the ringing from your ears and stood to face him. Gripping your dislocated arm, you tugged on it hard, snapping it in place with a painful grunt.
"Okay, comrade. You want to play dirty, let’s play dirty!" You rotated your wrists clockwise, activating the current switch embedded inside you gloves. They thrummed with an electric current pulsating through them as you unclipped the metal batons from your back. Electric crackles of electricity sparking down the length of you metal fight sticks. "Let's see how well you handle current!"
The assassin stalked over in large strides, upholstering his knife from the side of his leg. He gripped it with the precision of an expert. Come to think of it, a lot of his tactics were similar to those you were taught in the Red Room.
He forward slashed and backslashed in quick succession of the other. You pirouetted away on your light feet and spun around him, bringing your electrified batons crashing down on his metal arm. The electricity conducted lethally from your gloves to his body, making him let out a shrill howl.
The sound of his cries sounded familiar. Darkened but familiar.
You faltered for a split second and that was all the time he needed to spin around and kick you against the wall.
You heard your rib crack as one baton fell to the ground. Relentlessly, he traded one blow after the other with his metal arm aimed at your head. You ducked and leaned away from each attack, but the wall now had four fist-sized punctures in them.
For his final move, he spin-kicked you in the stomach one more time and the wall integrity gave in. You fell through the crumbling wall and landed against a mound of white, dusty drywall.
The assassin hovered over you, knife in hand. Your mouth was filled with the taste of blood and your organs screamed in agony. You tried to crawl towards your batons a few inches in front of you.
You dragged your body at a snail’s pace, the assassin simply followed after you in languid steps. When your hand wrapped around the baton, his boot pressed down on your gloved hand, preventing you from lifting it and cracking the electric conductor that generated the current in your gloves.
He turned you over so your back was to the floor and your eyes stared at his black mask. He slipped his knife between your ribs and you let out a soft gasp for air.
"Hhhnngggg!" You bit down to keep from screaming, your mind beginning to fracture as you hallucinated pink petals raining down around you.
You gripped his hand and tried to push it away. A sliver of electricity passed through you both. Your eyes shot open from surprise. For a second, you thought you were back in your old apartment, hands laced together with Bucky while you sat on your couch. Then the bone serrating sound of the knife leaving your chest snapped you back to the present.
With what remnants of a stable mind you had left, you urged the muscles in your hand to work as you reached into a pouch pocket and pulled out a syringe of adrenaline. You took several controlled breaths and then plunged it into your heart, a scream rippling out of your lungs as you pushed down on the plunger.
The Winter Soldier stood, backing away from his defeated foe, wiping his knife on the sleeve of his shirt as he made his way towards his real objective. Then he heard her gasp raggedly and his mind instantly pictured her wearing a pink waitress uniform, notepad in hand, offering a handkerchief to a scrawny man seated across him.
He braced both sides of his head as this intrusive image seared like hot coals across his thoughts. The pain was so intense he was brought down to one knee in a loud thud. A scream filled the room and he willed the pain to stop as he turned to look at the woman he left dying on the floor, except she wasn't dying anymore.
In amazement and curiosity, he watched as she picked herself off the floor. Every scrape, cut and wound beginning to heal, as she came after him. She danced around him faster than before, the adrenaline making her a nimble opponent, too slippery for him to get his hands around. She punched, kicked and elbowed with combo after combo in a dizzying flurry.
The Winter Soldier was slowly backed towards a tall window. She kicked him three times square in the chest, face and shoulder, sending his back forcefully into the window glass, causing it to sound out a cracking sound the instant his face guard got knocked off.
When he thought she was about to finish her attacks and kick him out the eight-story building, she froze. Eyes opened wider than ever, eyeballs skittering across every inch of his face in search of something, her lips and fingers quivering subtly. It was then he saw her fists no longer clenched defensively.
"That's impossi--" Her words no louder than a pin-drop.
The Winter Soldier's metal arm reached out and grabbed onto her arm, using his tremendous strength to fling her into the adjacent wall. Their faces mere inches apart. Hers contorted by pain and confusion. She stared into his steel-blue eyes, causing a shiver to run down his spine. Her petite fingers wrapped around his hand -still connected to her throat- but she didn't fight him.
Anger filled his senses as he couldn't make sense of all the images and colours and flashes that were evoked by her touch. The skull-cracking headache placing unbearable pressure on his cranium. He tried to blink the pain away, and for all his agonising efforts, it only grew deeper. The Winter Soldier struggled to keep his grip fixed on her throat.
Bucky's metal fingers felt so cold against your skin, almost as cold as his eyes. It hurt you how devoid of emotion they were when he stared at you with menacing rage. Nevertheless, you kept searching for a glimpse of the man you once knew. The man you once loved. And if the swell of emotions tangling against your heart was any indication, you were certain you were still in love with him.
Your fingers slid along the length of his arm as he turned his gaze away from you as though you burned him. His brows close together and eyes crinkling in pain.
You were a half-inch away from touching a strand of his outgrown hair when his head snapped back to yours with a newfound determination, and then he began to squeeze his grip.
He effortlessly raised your body off the ground, feet dangling as blood rushed to your brain. Your fingers began to claw and dig against his iron-clad grip, fighting to open up your airways.
The woman struggled against his tightened grip, back of her feet kicking against the wall as she failed to gasp for breath. She made him feel uncertain. The touch of her skin, even against his metal arm, felt hauntingly familiar. Almost as though they had this before, be close to one another, touch one another. Another image attacked his thoughts, this time she was seated beside him high atop the world, watching an extravaganza of fireworks.
“What… Is she doing to me?” His thoughts screamed in disarray.
Whatever powers she had over him mattered not because no matter how many images shed conjure to bombard his senses, and no matter how conflicting his feelings became, she was keeping him from his target. And the Winter Soldier never fails.
"Bucky..." She whimpered.
His hand began to shake as another memory was awoken:
“Bucky,” she whispered before bridging the gap between the two them. Rumblings of a crowd begin to cheer and whistle. Her giggling into the kiss. Fireworks going off in the distance, bathing her skin in its artificial rainbow of colours.
The Winter Soldier shook his head furiously, blinking away the image. He looked back up at the woman locked within his death grip, her face turning red.
A single tear ran down her cheek and plopped onto his metal arm. She looked at him without fear or bitterness.
"Buck," she failed to let out the whole word through cracking vocals.
Another flash bombarded his senses:
“I’ve missed you, Buck,” she admitted. He placed one hand around her cheek, the other around the small of your back holding her gaze. His lips met hers in a passionate embrace, she leaned into his touch as a moan escaped her lips. He guided her body towards a wall, pinning her there while one hand moved achingly slowly from her waist to her thigh. His grip greedy and rough causing her to quiver.
The flash disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.
The woman saw this as an opening as sucked in as much air as her constricted airways were allowed.
"Buchanan!" She shouted with all the strength she had left, eyes glaring at him with fire.
This time the flash was stronger:
"Buchanan!" She mewled as she climaxed atop him. Her swollen lips placing sloppy kisses on his. The muscles of her core contracting around him, edging him closer to his own release. He gripped her hips higher, she moaned pleasantly in response. He thrust deeper, trying to become one with her, and then he climaxed inside her, filling her completely. She fell against his chest like a rag doll, her fingers drawing circles where his heart should be. Then he uttered: "God… I never want to be apart from you."  
Bucky, or whatever it was he had become now, instantly released his fingers from your neck, leaving behind deep bruised marks. You sucked in air like some famished animal, your hand gripping at your shirt collar.
You scampered for purchase on the wall as your balance was still uneven. Slowly, you brought your eyes to meet Bucky's and this time you felt relief.
He was on his knees, a lost expression taking over as tears slid down his face. He was looking up at you, hands shaking furiously. The veins on his temple swollen and exposed. This wasn't the face of the stranger who just tried to kill you. This was the face of a man torn in two.
Hope flickered to life inside you. Your eyebrows drawing upwards in solace. A dark chuckle sputtering in your throat.
Of course, this was how fate decreed you meet again. Any other way would've been too easy.
Through the silence, you picked up the soft sound of the elevator nearby ding each time it went up a floor. There was you back up.
"H-Helen?" He finally found the strength to speak in a voice darker than the one you knew.
You hadn't expected him to call you by that name. You knew your focus should have been on the miracle Bucky was alive and seemingly hadn't aged, or the fact he remembered you, but instead, your thoughts returned to that damned day in the mountains. To the sound of bullets cutting through bodies, explosions scattering shrapnel into your body.
Your mind retreated further into itself, returning to that chair in the torture cell and all the times you'd been showered with shock after shock after shock.
You knelt down and picked up a piece of piping that had been loosened during the fight. Your eyes closing shut for a moment as you took shallow breaths.
The pain, starvation and hate you endured while being held prisoner at the expense of Yelena's betrayal turned into a whirlpool of rage, dragging you to the bottom of a dark pit inside you.
When you opened your eyes, white-hot fury burned through your irises. You snapped like steam building in a pressure cooker and before you could stop yourself, you swung the piece of piping at Bucky's head, knocking him onto the ground. He was out cold.
The elevator dinged again. They were getting closer.
"I always hated that name," you dropped the pipping and ran your hand through your damp hair. You tried to strategize how to get out of this new predicament. "Now, what the fuck am I going to do with you?"
~Part 17 Coming Soon
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  Tags: @fangirl-colo @dormousse @smallmarvel @ren-ni @sargentbucket @nikolett3 @wnygirl2012 @jentismyname @evilgeniuslabz-blog @myrabbitholetoneverland @sleepingspacedragon  @500daysofbecky @reidreader  
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purplepatton · 5 years
a modern prometheus - chapter one
description: A large figure was standing at the foot of his bed. It towered above him, head brushing up against the ceiling. The figure noticed Logan’s movements, and it bent down, as if trying to get a closer look at him. Logan’s throat closed up as he recognized the figure for what it was. It was the creature—the one he had left lying in the lab with as much life in it as a rock. And here it was now, eyes an odd yellow color in the half life. Its mouth was twisted up in an odd grimace. It almost looked like it was attempting to smile. (OR: logan discovers the secret to life and decides the best course of action is to create his own human)
warnings: dicussions of death, bodies and slight body horror (nothing graphic)
notes: i present the frankenstein au that nobody asked for! it’s spooky month, so of course i have to adapt my favorite horror story to my favorite fandom!! i mostly wrote this because logan sanders is ten times the man victor frankenstein could ever be lol. there’s going to be three chapters, and hopefully it should be done by halloween!! i really hope you like this first chapter!! i also want to give a big shout out to the wonderful @nobody-is-evil who beta’ed this chapter,, thank you so much!!!
Logan was, by birth, Genevese. 
This isn’t a particularly important fact, but it does paint a picture into the way Logan was raised. Imagine, if you will, a cottage on a humble piece of land. Beyond the fence that does little to dictate borders, rolling hills slope away as far as the eye can see. To the right, a large lake where Logan spent many a day sailing with his brother, Patton, and his childhood friend, Roman, by his side. Down to the left, a barely paved road that leads into a respectable sized village where everyone knows each other. 
It should be pointed out that in technical terms, Patton was only Logan’s brother by mere association. No blood was shared between the two boys; Patton was brought into the family when Logan was five and Patton was four. Patton had been treated rather cruelly by his aunt, who had been tasked with his upbringing when his mother died, and when Logan’s mother had found out about the situation, she immediately volunteered to take over Patton’s well being. Logan, who was only five and understandably didn’t comprehend the difference between biological and adoption, took Patton under his wing as only an older brother could do.  
He even missed Roman, a fact that took Logan by surprise. Roman had lived in the town nearby Logan’s home, and even to this day Logan still didn’t know how he and Roman became acquainted. From the beginning, Roman was loud and obnoxious. He had gotten into his head that he was a knight, that kind that populate the pages of the fantastical and romantic books he was always reading. He would do his best to rope Patton and Logan into performing plays with him, acting out adventures involving knights and damsels in distress and, often at the request of Patton, dragons. Logan would rather have done a great many other things than play along, but he secretly enjoyed Roman’s talent for weaving stories. 
The time not spent with Roman and Patton (or with his nose deep in a book) was occupied by wandering the fields around the cottage. Nature was something that had always fascinated Logan—he admired the way it was resilient against all odds. Plants died and came back each year, animals ventured into places of danger just to get food. 
Logan loved nature, and he had notebooks filled with notes and observations about anything and everything. 
It’s this love of nature that leads Logan to the works of Cornelius Agrippa, and then later on Paraulus and Albertus Magnus. Each philosopher has their own ideas on what they call “natural science”, and while Logan is sceptical about some of their ideas, he does admit that it’s all rather interesting. 
He asked his father about the philosophers one day. His father took one look at the covers of the books Logan held in his arms, shook his head, and said, “Don’t waste your time on these, Logan. Those books are nothing but trash.” 
What Logan’s father should have explained was that Agrippa’s theories had been long since disproven, and that modern science had advanced further than any of the philosophers Logan was reading could ever imagine. But he didn’t say any of that, and so Logan continued to read and absorb every bit of information about natural science that he could. 
He was fifteen when his mother died. The sickness struck out of nowhere, taking his mother in the blink of an eye. Nothing could be done to save her, no matter how hard the doctors tried, and her loss hit the family like a ton of bricks. Logan locked himself in his room for a week, refusing to speak to anyone who came knocking at his door. When he finally emerged from his room, eyes red and puffy, he continued to hold his silence on the matter. 
The death of his mother followed him around wherever he went, unable to be shaken off. 
Two years later, his father sent him off to college. Logan had been going to different schools in Geneva, but his father found the university of Ingolstadt and decided that it could offer Logan the chance to learn about life outside his own little world.
Logan could hardly wait to go.
Patton was excited for Logan, but he couldn’t help but be a little upset as well. He and Logan had always been together as children, and this would be the first time they would be apart for longer than a day. 
“Be sure to write every day,” he told Logan on the day he left for university, clinging to Logan’s hand as if he wanted to make sure that Logan was really there. 
“I will,” Logan promised, squeezing Patton’s hand gently. 
“I expect letters too,” Roman said, hitting Logan on the back in what was supposed to be a friendly gesture, but really just made Logan stumble forward. 
Logan knew for a fact that Roman would be sending him letters comprised of all the “adventures” he and Patton would take in his absence. The thought stung a little, although Logan would never admit to it. He had a reputation to uphold, after all. 
The journey to Ingolstadt was long, and Logan’s only company came in the form of his books and his thoughts. The carriage driver didn’t talk to him at all throughout the trip, much to his disappointment, and so Logan filled his time with writing letters and rereading the books he shoved into his bags before he left. Logan was relieved when he finally saw the buildings that made up the city of Ingolstadt. He was never going to spend that amount of time in a carriage ever again if he could help it. 
As soon as the carriage stopped, Logan was shown into an apartment that his father had rented out for him. It was rather nice, with two rooms—a bedroom and what looked like a sitting room. As soon as he saw it, Logan began to plan out all the ways he could convert the room into a makeshift lab. He wasted no time unpacking and getting to work making the apartment his own. 
The next day, Logan went out to meet the professors he would be studying under. The first one he met was Professor Aisling, who taught natural philosophy. He was a rather laid back man, always with a drink in hand, and the two talked at length. Aisling asked Logan a lot of different questions, such as why Logan was interested in the natural sciences and different works he had read.
It’s during this conversation that Logan casually admit that he’s mostly read Agrippa and the like, rather than the newer works in the scientific world. He didn’t think too much of that, but the statement gave Aisling pause. 
“You’ve really spent your time reading that?” he asked, leaning back slowly in his chair and giving Logan a look of disbelief. 
“Yes?” Logan said, not sure how his reading habits could have confused the man so greatly. 
Aisling rolled his eyes and took a long drink from his mug before answering. “I hope you realized that you wasted your time with those books,” he said matter-of-factly, pinning Logan with a frown. “You could have studied today’s greatest scientific discoveries, and what did you do? Read about a science that has been disproven over and over again.” 
Logan was suddenly reminded of his father, and the disdain he held for those books all those years ago. 
Shaking his head, Aisling scribbled down a list of books and shoved the paper at Logan. “Here. You’ll need to read all of these if you want to be caught up with where we are in class.” And with that, he ushered Logan out of his office and closed the door before Logan can get a word in edgewise. 
Logan decided right then and there that he hates Aisling. The man hardly gave him a chance to defend himself, and his haste to brush aside the philosopher's Logan spent years reading leaves a bad taste in Logan’s mouth. Of course he knew most of those ideas aren’t one hundred percent scientifically sound, but Aisling made it seem like Logan was stupid for reading them. 
There’s another professor of natural science, Professor Picani, but Logan doesn’t get the chance to meet him before classes start. The first time he sees Picani is during a lecture. Logan doesn’t expect much - he’s still skeptical after the way Aisling acted, but he’s willing to at least give Picani a try. 
The first thing that Logan noticed about Picani is that he was so excited about everything. He all but bounced into the room and gifted every single person sitting down with a dazzling grin. He started off with a warm welcome, as if they were already close friends, and then launched into his lecture. It’s mostly an overview of modern natural science, with terms and explanations, but it’s the end of the lecture that draws Logan’s attention. 
“Science,” Picani said, hands waving animatedly, “is a constantly changing field. We know things today that scientists years ago could never have dreamed of! Every day is an opportunity for growth! And we have to remember that without the philosophers and scientists of the past, we never would have been able to reach the levels of knowledge that we have today.” 
After hearing Picani talk so enthusiastically about the philosophers that Aisling had flatly insulted, Logan started to feel much better about his place at the college. After the lecture, he went up and introduced himself to Picani. 
They go through the same questions Aisling asked, with Logan telling Picani why he’s studying natural science and the like. But when Picani hears about what Logan had read in the past, he seemed delighted to learn that Logan was so familiar with Agrippa.
“They’re the reason we can do what we do today, you know,” he said, inviting Logan into his office. It’s a warm and inviting place, walls painted a cheery color and bookshelves stuffed to the brim. “They laid the groundworks and let us study the world more in-depth.” 
Logan felt like a weight was being lifted off of his shoulders. He began to ask questions about Picani’s lectures and if Picani has any books he recommends Logan read to help him in his studies? 
Pushing a cup of tea into Logan’s hands, Pianci beamed at him. He seemed happy to answer all of Logan’s questions. He got slightly sidetracked when he began to ramble on about all of his favorite books, and he makes Logan a list as he goes along. He also took Logan into the lab right off his office and gave him a tour, pointing out each instrument and explaining their uses. Logan took it all in with wide eyes and tried to commit everything to memory. 
The night left Logan with a lengthy list of books to read and an open invitation to Picani’s office if he ever needs anything. “You’re going to do great!” Picini promised him when Logan leaves. 
The semester started soon after, and Logan threw himself into his studies with fervor. His days bled into his nights, and all his time became consumed by his studies. 
When he managed to pull himself away from his work, he wrote letters to Patton and Roman. They’re usually just responses to whatever they sent him previously. Logan’s letters could be longer; he writes brief overviews of his work and answers any questions they send his way, but that’s about it. Sometimes he feels guilty, like he’s neglecting them, but then he’ll get distracted and that particular worry gets pushed to the back of his mind. 
He kept every letter he gets. Patton’s detail each daily activity, from the walks he took into town to the latest thing he baked. Roman’s are filled with stories he would normally have Logan act out with him; Roman seemed to be determined that the distance between them isn’t stopping Logan from having to hear about his latest fantasy. 
Whenever Logan felt lonely or discouraged, he pulled out the letters and read them over and over again until he feels better.
It was sometime later during his studies that Logan became interested in the human body. Anatomy in itself is a complex science, but the question that plagues Logan’s mind is the idea of life. 
What causes life? What exactly lead living things to breathe, to walk around and have ideas of their own? 
It’s something that scientists and philosophers had questioned for as long as the world existed, but no one had ever found the answer. It’s one of the greatest mysteries of nature, and most people have accepted it at face value, not bothering to wonder too deeply why exactly it occurred.
Logan wasn’t one to let things lie, and he’d be damned if he let the question go unanswered. 
Of course, before he can really determine what caused life, he had to understand what takes it away. Anatomy became his newest area of study. He frequented mortuaries throughout the city and observed exactly how bodies decay over time. 
He doesn’t mention this part of his studies in his letters to Roman and Patton; he knew it would only upset them. They were both fascinated with superstition, stories told in the dark with the intent of sparking fear in the heart of the listener. Logan, on the other hand, never paid any attention to these stories, and so the nature of his work wasn’t clouded by fear. He approached every case with logic and logic alone, not allowing his emotions to get in the way. 
His days were spent in a haze. All his other studies were left to the wayside. What importance were they? Logan was trying to figure out the great mysteries of the universe; essays on different historical figures could wait. 
Logan couldn’t say for sure how long he worked like this, days bleeding into nights with little time for sleep or food, but then it changes. One minute he’s paging through a book Picani had given him, and the next he’s hit with an Idea. 
It’s a capital-I Idea that is so earth shattering that Logan drops everything he’s holding and lunges for his notebook, immediately scribbling it down so that he’ll remember it. 
When everything is said and done, Logan will be asked how he managed to find the answer to the spark of life. And Logan won’t have an answer. It’s only through extreme sleep deprivation and sheer will alone, he’ll say later, that he was able to succeed in his experiment.
But that’s later, when Logan’s had time to reflect. For now, Logan is so entirely convinced of his genius that he’s certain nothing could go wrong. 
Logan’s Idea, in short, is how to bring life to something that dies. Any sane person would recognize the fact that bringing things back from the dead is impossible; it goes against nature and anyone who thinks they can is just kidding themselves. But Logan wasn’t exactly in his right mind, which might explain how he is able to twist the laws of nature to his will without even trying. 
He decided that the best way to go about proving his hypothesis was to create his own body. He could technically find a body to use, but something about that felt wrong. Logan refused to dig up any graves or sneak into any mortuaries to steal a body. He may have been tampering with the fabric of nature, but he had standards. 
So Logan decided that he’ll make his own human. And it’s here that Logan encountered his first problem. 
Human beings are complex, filled with delicate veins and organs that are woven so intrinsically through one another that the slightest mistake could spell disaster. Logan knew all this too well, evidenced from the anatomical maps he spent months hunched over by candlelight. Logan’s hands are sturdy, but he isn’t perfect. 
His solution is to just make a bigger human. This way, he reasoned, everything would be on a bigger scale and there would be less room for error. Did that make any sense? Of course not. But Logan was busy trying to create life itself, and didn’t bother wasting time by wondering if his actions made sense. 
Getting the parts required for the completion of this project was difficult, to say the least. Logan tried his best and tried to keep the parts consistent throughout. It didn’t always work, and Logan learned early on that beggars can’t be choosers. He took what he can get, whenever he can get it, and tried his best not to get caught. 
It’s slow going, but eventually Logan gathered enough supplies to form a fully functioning human body. He kept everything in the back room of his apartment, which he had finished converting into a lab ages ago. The body lay on a table in the middle of the room. 
Logan thought it was beautiful. Most people would disagree. 
It was a dark and stormy night when Logan put the next stage of the plan into action. The body was prepped and all the instruments Logan gathered had been switched on, humming with energy. He himself is scribbling down notes in his notebook, muttering to himself every now and then. Everything had to be perfect. This had to work. 
The most important part of the set up was the lightning rod, which was hooked up to the body with wires that run and twist across the floor. Logan set the whole thing up himself, climbing out of the window with armfuls of wires and balancing precariously over the city. Electricity was the key to this whole experiment, and with this device he could harness it to give life to his creation. 
With each strike of lightning, Logan could feel his excitement rising. He was hovering over the edge of a groundbreaking scientific discovery. If he could only prove his theory to be correct, if he could get the body’s heart pumping, he could change history as the world knew it. The world of science would explode and, thanks to him, humans could discover a cure to death.
Logan glanced quickly at the clock mounted on the wall, noting the time. The storm raged around the apartment; at any moment the lightning would strike the rod, and Logan would find out if his calculations were correct. 
Any moment now. 
And then it happens. A bolt of lightning struck the rod in a violent crackle of energy, sending sparks flying into the air. The electricity raced through the wires and into the body. 
It’s like an explosion went off. The body arched up into the air, electricity coursing through its veins. Thunder cracks over the building like a gunshot, rattling the windows with enough force that Logan feared they’d shatter. He cried out, fear and excitement mixing into one another. 
But as soon as it started, it was over. The body sagged back to the table, the blue sparks that had been surrounding it fading away. Silence settled over the lab, heavy and all encompassing. Logan waited with bated breath, wide eyes watching the body and shaking hands clutching his notebook like a lifeline. 
And then the body took in a breath. 
As quickly as he could, Logan flew to the body’s side, notebook abandoned on the floor in his haste. He fumbled for the body’s wrist and pressed down, searching for a pulse. For a moment he couldn’t locate it, and panic started to settle into him. Had he been mistaken about the breath? But then he felt the heartbeat pulse against his fingers and he nearly sobbed with relief. It was weak, only fifty-six beats per minute, but it’s there. It worked. 
“I did it.” He whispered to himself, tears blurring his vision. He created life. He was right. He’s dizzy with joy, and his mind began to race, thinking of all the ways he could break this news to the world. 
The body’s ragged breathing drew Logan’s attention back to the present. The breaths were few and far between, and they sounded painful. The body’s eyes seemed to be moving sluggishly beneath the lids. When Logan checked the pulse again, he found that it dropped down to thirty-two beats per minute. 
“Come on,” Logan said, louder now, talking to the body—talking to the new life he’s created. “You can do it. You’re alive! Just keep breathing, come on.” 
He kept talking, alternating between encouragement and outright begging. He needed this to work; he needed this new creature to open its eyes and sit up and prove that Logan was right. Logan talked for the better part of an hour until his voice cracked with overuse, trying his best to keep the creature alive, but it’s no use. The creature’s pulse slips away and its breathing stops altogether. 
Tears slid down Logan’s cheeks, but now for an entirely different reason. He was so close. He was right there, had gotten the heart and lungs to start working and then had fallen short. Why did he think he could do this? 
Logan drops the creature’s wrist and stumbleed away from the table. The adrenaline that was driving him for the past few weeks ebbs away, leaving bone weary exhaustion in its place. 
Something had obviously gone wrong, but at the moment Logan had no idea what it could be. He needed to go over his notes, to review every little step in an attempt to find what exactly could have caused this experiment to fail. 
But right now he needed to sleep. 
Collapsing into his bed is a welcome relief. Logan can’t remember the last time he’d gotten a proper night sleep; he’d been so consumed by his experiment that there really wasn’t much time for anything else. 
He’s asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. 
Logan wasn’t sure how long he slept. It could have been a few minutes, or several hours. All he knew was that the next time he woke up, light was beginning to filter in through the window, casting the corners of the room into shadow. 
He rubbed his eyes tiredly. He had forgotten to take his glasses off before he fell asleep, and they hung awkwardly off his face. Adjusting them, he unconsciously glanced around the room—and froze. 
A large figure was standing at the foot of his bed. It towered above him, head brushing up against the ceiling. The figure noticed Logan’s movements, and it bent down, as if trying to get a closer look at him. 
Logan’s throat closed up as he recognized the figure for what it was. It was the creature—the one he had left lying in the lab with as much life in it as a rock. And here it was now, eyes an odd yellow color in the half life. Its mouth was twisted up in an odd grimace. It almost looked like it was attempting to smile. 
Logan gaped up at the creature in disbelief. The creature tilted its head and made an odd, garbled noise. 
“Hello,” Logan said weakly, fluttering his fingers weakly up at the creature. 
And then he promptly passed out. 
tag list (lmk if you want to be added or taken off!):  @basilstorm@artistfromthestars@storytellerofuntoldlegends@romananalogicality@verymuchanidiot @istolelittleredshoodie @dont-cry-croft @speechless-angel@thefamouszombiebouquet @wolfwalker100 @datonerougecookeh@virgilient @virgil-is-verge@impatentpending@zaisling@trixie85592 @sillysandersides @hamster-corn @adventurousplatypus @unring-this-bell@mymiddlenameisunderscore @evilmuffin  @zephyrria 
6 notes · View notes
mf-despair-queen · 6 years
Fake Dates - Stuart Twombly
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Characters: Stuart Twombly/Reader
Word Count: 17,921
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Unprotected Sex, Protected Sex, Drunk Sex, Kinda Jealous Sex, Oral (both receiving), Face Riding, 69, Reverse Cowgirl, Side Sex, Sexy Finger Sucking, Making Out, Multiple Orgasms, Dirty Talk, Cowgirl, Kinda Romantic Sex, Mentions of Alcohol, Mentions of Drunk Driving (please don’t do that, it’s bad)
Notes: I will actually admit that I really liked this. That says a LOT for me! As always, if the mobile app screws with you, I’m sorry. All I can say is try opening it in the web browser if you need to, even a mobile web browser SHOULD work. Thanks to @malia--stilinski and @savage-stilinski for lurking while I wrote and editing for me because I can’t spell LOL.
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“Lunch time!” You were hollering the second the clock on your desk struck noon. You barely were able to push in your chair before you grabbed your laptop, sliding it in your bag, throwing said bag over your shoulder as you moved from your spot. Bouncing towards your friend, you linked arms with her, draggin neha towards the exit and down to the cafe-coffee shop combo. Neha laughed at your excitement, joking about your love for food.
You broke away from her once you walked in, picking up a salad from the cooler and tucking it under your arm to head to the coffee counter. You ordered your two normal coffees - a tall with hazelnut cream and sugar and a tall caramel macchiato -  and shuffled towards the exit where Neha was already waiting with her own salad.
“Either you got me a coffee without telling me, you really need caffeine today, or,” she paused, nudging your side lightly so the coffee didn’t spill as you walked through the packed Google corridors, “we are expecting a third party for lunch today.”
“I hate ordering your coffee,” you smugly stated, sticking your tongue at her. “You always get something super complicated. Some… grande low-fat Italian Roast coffee with 2% milk and extra espresso and exactly two sugars, no more. Whip cream and caramel flavor and… No. Too much to remember.”
“It’s delicious though,” she hummed.
“Right,” you returned. “We know I’m not allowed more than one cup of coffee every few hours. So, yes. Stuart is joining us for lunch. He texted me about a half hour that he was on his way over. He had his optometrist appointment earlier and is just coming in for the afternoon. He said he would join us for lunch before we head back to the office.”
“Are you sure you want me there then?” She asked with an eyebrow raised. “I don’t want to interfere with you and your boy.”
“My little Stu Boo?” You laughed, Neha smirking at you. “Don’t give me that look. It’s just a nickname. You know that. There is absolutely nothing going on between us.”
“Right,” she drew out skeptically.
“What’s that supposed to mean? We are just friends, Neha! Nothing more, nothing less. He is my best friend and has been since the internship. I do not, and I repeat, do not have feelings for Stuart Twombly.”
She hummed under her breath, sounding unconvinced at your words. Instead of arguing further, you dropped it, changing the topic until you hit the lounge you normally ate in. The room was filled already, but your spot in the back corner was reserved by the sweater-wearing dumb dork that was your best friend. He pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, slumped backwards in the plush cushions of the couch he was sat upon. His nose was buried in his phone as always, not bothering to look up when you pushed the door open with some struggle. You smiled, seeing he had forgone his beanie for once. His brownish colored sweater hung open lazily, a white button up under it, his black undershirt poking through the top unbuttoned buttons. His hair stuck up in a stylish quiff, the dark chocolate color looking fluffy on his head.
“I see a Mr. Twombly in our midst,” you hummed, holding out the caramel macchiato. It was taken without looking, Stuart simply waving in acknowledgement. You sneered at him playfully, placing your coffee and salad on the table, purposefully pushing past him to take the seat to his right. “Excuse me,” you joked, tucking your skirt under you, dropping onto the couch next to him. Your flip flops slid off your feet, your legs curled under your form where you were planted.
“That’s rude,” he deadpanned, sipping his coffee. He glanced at Neha, who shook her head. “How do you put up with her?”
“I should ask you the same thing,” Neha laughed, suggestively glancing between you both. “She’s your best friend.”
“I regret that decision every day.”
“I regret it too,” you snapped back at him. “Because your rude ass got tacos on your way here from the eye doctor and you didn’t even bring me some? It’s from Jose’s too. That’s the best tacos in town, dude. You left me to get some shitty salad from the cafe. Friendship officially ruined.”
“Right,” he flatly replied, opening the bag of food he had on the table. He pulled out his platter, two loose tacos wrapped neatly on top of it. You squealed in delight, taking the tacos. “I know you and tacos, Y/N. I would have been disowned if I didn’t get you the carne asada tacos.”
“I love you,” you cheered, kissing his cheek. Wiping his cheek in disgust, the man grimaced and turned away, unamused.
“What about me?” Neha complained.
“Get your own damn tacos,” came Stuart’s blunt reply.
You pulled out your laptop, browsing the internet and your calendar as you sat in silence. The only sound between your trio was the crunching of food and the slurping of drinks, joined by occasional typing of your keyboards. Three laptops covered the table, joined by the scattered cups and food wrappers. It wasn’t unusual for your group to not interact. It was the peace of being with each other that gave you solace during lunch. No words needed to be shared unless there was something that needed to be discussed.
But, seeing as you saw their faces five days a week for nine to ten hours, if not more, you were able to have plenty of conversations to pass the work time.
You leaned back in your seat, watching some stupid video on Youtube your friend shared. Neha was typing furiously on her laptop, her smile curling occasionally - probably flirting with some tech guy again. Stuart was nose deep in his phone once more, his fingers skillfully swiping at the keyboard. He was hunched forward with his elbows on his knees, letting you run your fingers along his back absentmindedly, It helped him relax; it helped you relax. Only you were allowed to touch him like that. He always said he liked your light touch.
Perks of best friendship.
“Hey, Y/N,” Stuart called. You glanced over at him in confusion, Stuart’s phone held up in selfie mode. Your head cocked to the side, unable to smile before he snapped the photo. You blinked once, scooting closer to his side to look at the photo.
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“Stu, I look horrible in that!” you cried sadly. Stuart held a cute dorky, lopsided smile in the photo and you? You looked like a deer in headlights, confused why the nerd specimen beside you was calling out for you. You eyes were wide and your lips were slightly parted, head cocked ever so slightly.
“Not possible,” he said quickly, typing away on his phone. You leaned your chin on his shoulder, watching what he was doing. He had sent the photo in a chat it seemed. “I know, I should have asked first, but my friends wanted to see you.”
“You have friends?”
“Very funny,” he snapped. “They’re my best friends from home. They didn’t believe me when I said I you were my friend. They couldn’t believe that I, Stuart Twombly, had a girl friend. So, they wanted proof!”
You blinked, looking at him. “Girl… friend?”
“Yeah. A girl that is a friend,” he said, his head turning towards you. His eyes narrowed on your blank face. “What?”
“Your friends asked about you having a friend that is a girl?” He nodded slowly. “Because you told them you have a girl… friend.”
“Yeah,” he said, almost matter-of-fact.
“You didn’t think to tell them you have a female friend?” You continued.
“What’s the difference?” he asked, not understanding what you were trying to say. “Female, girl. Same thing in the end.”
“Alright, let me try saying it like this,” you tried. “Stuart has a female friend.”
“Or,” you breathed. “Stuart has a girl friend.” He blinked. “Oh my God, Stu. Girlfriend! They think you have a girlfriend! As in romantically. As in you are dating! As in you just sent them a picture of us so they think I am your girl.”
“You are my girl though.”
“Not like that!” You cried. “They think you kiss me. And we hold hands. And probably other perverted things because guys are fucking horn dogs and only think with the cocks.”
“Hey,” he sighed, almost offended.
“You can’t say you don’t,” you glared. “Need I remind you about the strip club? Or that time I walked into your dorm and you were-”
“We don’t talk about that!” he blushed, cutting you off before Neha could hear. “We agreed never to bring that up again.”
“Porn is normal,” you whispered under your breath for him to hear. “Masturbating is normal.”
“But you seeing me jerk off isn’t,” he seethed. “But, you’re wrong. These guys have known me for years. They are the only people I was able to talk to in high school. They know me and they know that I don’t mean girlfriend. Just wait and see when they reply.”
“Ten bucks says they think we’re dating,” you huffed, grabbing your phone from your bag. You stayed pressed to his side, arms wrapped around his bicep, hugging him close. Stuart didn’t protest, just resumed what he was doing before his group chat popped up you assumed. You smiled at the lock screen, a group photo of your team when you went out for dinner your first day on the job. Everyone was drunk and acting silly, but it was a night to remember.
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You quickly unlocked your phone, giggling at the home screen. It was of you and Stuart, his goofy smile present on his face. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, having taken them off while you were studying in his room that day. You were pressed to his side, similar to how you were now, licking his face playfully. His words replayed in your mind, him scolding you for such a thing. “Don’t fucking slobber on me, your punk. I will lick you back!” He never followed through, but his reaction made you laugh and fall off his bed.
“Stu,” you said in a sing-song voice. “Let’s selfie!”
“Pretty please?”
“I will lick you again.”
You grinned, Stuart turning to your camera, allowing you to take multiple selfies of you both making silly faces. You added a few Snapchat filters for fun, laughing between each photo. The final one was using this flower filter, flowers hover above both your heads and he leaned over, placing a firm kiss to your cheek. It was something Stuart did occasionally before hugging you close to him, constantly thanking you for being there for him. It was his subtle way of showing affection for his best friend and never once did you feel like it was something more. The butterflies in your stomach arose just by being by his side, the friendship between you both making your mood lift easily.
You didn’t like him romantically. It was just friendship.
Stuart stared at the final result, scowling. His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth, shaking you off his arm to elan back. “Send that to me,” he whispered lowly, biting at his cheek. “It’s cute.”
“Never say that again,” you giggled, leaning back against the couch with him. You did as he asked regardless, tucking your phone away. “The word cute does not fit coming from your mouth.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s better,” you smiled.
His phone chimed before he could retort, his lips tugging into a smirk. “Time to prove you wrong,” he grinned, opening the chat he had with his friends, effectively titled “404! Group Name Does Not Exist”, which made you giggle. The chat bubbles were popping up quickly, responding the Stuart’s crappy photo of you and him.
[Not a Disney Prince: Omfg Stu has a girlfriend. And she is hot as balls!]
[Memester: He wasn’t joking. This isn’t a drill guys! Stuart Twombly is dating the most beautiful girl in the world]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: What if he just conned some girl into posing with him?]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: How can we be sure he’s not playing us?]
[Memester: I’m so proud. Our boi’s getting action finally. Did you fuck her yet?]
[Memester: Like… was she good?]
[Memester: Don’t hold out on us, dude. Deets.]
[Not a Disney Prince: He’s a prude. He’s probably still a virgin LOL]
[Memester: I just want what is best for him! I want him happy, healthy and laid by his hot gf because come on. Stu needs to be laid. And with her? I approve of him losing her virginity finally.]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: Guys, he’s not a virgin. He lost it in college, remember?]
[Memester: …]
[Not a Disney Prince: Were we drunk when he told us?]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: Hammered.]
That’s there the chat ended. The phone slipped from Stuart’s hand, his eyes wide with disbelief. His lips parted, ragged breaths escaping. It felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack, his hands shaking. “No, no, no,” he panted, his hands knotted in his hair. The man tugged anxiously at his locks, mumbling to himself, “This can’t be happening. Fuck, no. This can not be happening.”
“Stu, it’s fine,” you whispered, picking up from phone from the ground. You held it out for him, Stuart making no move to take the device from you. “Why not just tell them it’s a misunderstanding? Accidents like this happen. It’s just a miscommunication. Just tell them we aren’t dating. We are just friends.”
“No,” he replied shortly, shaking his head. “I can’t.”
“Can’t? Why not?”
“I can’t,” he breathed, clammy hands rubbing to his jeans. “You just don’t get it. I can’t tell them that. They’re my best friends…”
“Stuart, that doesn’t make sense. Why can’t you tell them?” You pried lightly. You placed your hands on his, his having clasped together in his fit of anxiety.
“I can’t,” he cried quietly. “I can’t lose them.”
“I’ve never had many friends, Y/N. These are the only friends I have outside of you guys. And I’ve always been the… the nerd of the group. And I can’t imagine what they will say if I tell them I’m still single. It’s just… They’ll unfriend me because I’m just lame. I’m not cool. I’m not manly. I don’t fit in. I’m turning twenty-three soon and I’ve never had a girlfriend while they’ve had plenty. They joke enough that I’ll end up alone but if I tell them they’re wrong, they’ll leave me forever. I just want to fit in with these guys. I want them to know that I can have a beautiful girl too. That I’m capable to dating, not just computer shit. I don’t want them to look down on me because of this. I can’t…”
You frowned, sympathizing with the man. Even if it was a horrible decision, you understood why he was acting this way. You had your fair share of friends leave you for stupid things, especially when it came to not fulfilling their expectations. And Stuart had the extra pressure of being ‘manly’ to them, even if you thought it didn’t matter. Guys were complex and had this need to stand up to their friends views, showing how cool they could be. Stuart wasn’t the most manly man around, but he wanted to fit in with his friends as much as you would want to with friends back home. He was scared of losing the people closest to him, the fear of them making fun of him and leaving him for good for something as stupid as a miscommunication hanging over his head, and you couldn’t argue with that alone.
You sighed, giving him a small hug. Stuart sunk into your hold, massaging his face. “What do I do?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed.  
His phone chimed again, both of you staring at the messages that popped up.
[Memester: Isn’t Stu coming home in like… a week?]
[Not a Disney Prince: Oh yeah! HE IS.]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: So, why doesn’t he bring his girl with him? I’d love to meet her. Any girl that can win Stu’s heart must be awesome.]
[Memester: Greg, as always, makes the best suggestion in the world. I wanna meet her too! We need to meet this girl and find out why she is dating someone so far out of her league!]
[Not a Disney Prince: Hey! That’s our friend, Joe. We are supposed to be happy that he found a girl that is obviously smart, beautiful, and can stand his sarcastic ass for more than five minutes.]
[Memester: I am happy! It’s just… did you see her? Maybe she is a Stuart clone and we don’t know it though? That’s why he got such an awesome girl finally. He held off until he found a perfect female specimen!]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: Why all caps?]
[Not a Disney Prince: Emphasis.]
Stuart pursed his lips, staring at his phone in thought. His head turned to you, leaving you to melt in his orbs. He looked almost like a lost puppy, the liquid caramel color dripping over you. His glasses always made them darker - the color more like honey without them - but they were beautiful. Your heart broke slightly at the lost look he held, a spark of something unknown hiding in his slightly dilated pupils. His tongue ran over his lips, wetting them. He ruffled his hair, the ends sticking up more than before. He wanted to speak, his mouth opening and closing multiple times in an attempt to mold his scattered thoughts into coherent strings of words.
“I think I have an idea,” he finally choked out. “But, you have full right to decline.”
“What is it?” you asked hi, blinking slowly. He laced his fingers together, his foot tapping rapidly to the floor. You could see beads of sweat building on his forehead, a clear sign of his nervousness. You hesitated briefly before reaching forward, taking his hands in yours. “Stuart, you can ask me anything. I’m here to help.”
“Go on a date with me.”
His words were so fast, you were caught off guard. Your mouth opened, closing when nothing but a short croak came out. Stuart cast you a short glance, his eyes pleading with you with inaudible words. Your hands around his tightened subconsciously, letting out a shaky breath. “C-come again?”
“Maybe I should clarify,” he whispered. “Go on a fake date with me. I’m going home in a week. I haven’t seen these guys in months. Y-you can come with me as my… as my fake girlfriend just to show them that they are right. Then, we get back, we can fake break up because we thought it was better to stay friends. Then they won’t pick up on the lie. Everyone’s happy! I just… I’m scared of them finding out the truth and they leave me. So just one small, fake little date, appease my friends, and we can go on with our lives.”
“Why me?” you asked him. His eyes fell to the carpet, pondering for a second before he spoke.
“Because you’re my best friend and I trust you to do this with me. You know me better than anyone and I can’t do this without you.”
You stayed quiet, biting your lip. Something swirled in your gut, the feeling wrenching from side to side. I felt wrong to lie but, at the same time, it felt right to agree. It would just be one night. What harm could it do, right? He was your best friend and he made you happier than ever. Why not make him happy for once?
“Alright,” you finally squeaked, Stuart turning to look at you. “Anything for you, Stu. You are my best friend. You are one of a kind. Besides, how can I say no to a hot nerd like you?” Stuart chuckled, shaking his head. “Tell your friends I’m in. And… come by tonight. We will come up with a game plan for this fake date.”
“You,” he breathed, pulling you into a rare but tight hug. His arms looped around you with ease, crushing you to his chest. “You are a literal angel. What did I do to deserve you?”
“You got stuck with me during the internship and I wouldn’t leave you alone,” you laughed. “We just click, Stu.”
“Yeah,” he said, a small smile on his phone. “I’ll be over around seven tonight, We have a week to prepare. We need to know everything about each other. No holes. My friends will pick up on them and they’re going to want to make sure you are ‘right’ for me.”
“So,” you hummed, nuzzling into his cheek. “Studying!”
“Yeah,” he grimaced, poking at his ear. “Assuming I’m not deaf.”
“Get over it,” you laughed, kissing his cheek. “I’m gonna head back to work. Don’t forget. Studying, tonight, seven sharp. Bring pizza!”
Stuart waved you off, whipping out his phone to reply to his friends. You caught a short glance at his words as you packed your bag, gathering your garbage.
[Tech Lord: She’ll be coming with me because of you losers. Just… don’t scare her away please. She’s too good to lose.]
You smiled to yourself, tossing your stuff and rushing from the room, skirt flowing behind you.
Over the next week, you spent ever waking spare second of the day curled up on your bed in your tiny apartment, boxes of chinese or pizza lining the floor, crumbs covering your sheets from your constant snacking. You had your share of laughs and cries, nose buried in books and notes, practicing until things were perfect.
The first night, Stuart had shown up at seven sharp as promised. His arms were full of books and albums, the man stumbling into your apartment before they fell to the floor. He was determined to have you learn every bit of his life, forming you into the perfect ‘girlfriend’ his friends would approve of. You, too, had gathered materials from your past, wanting to make sure that every base was covered when you confronted his friends that weekend. Your answers needed to match perfectly because one slight slip up would tip them off.
Every night, you would be tested on your knowledge of the other. Likes, dislikes, music taste, college degree, relatives, first pets, allergies. Hell, even awkward things like puberty and first times came up. In those few days, you realized something. In the time you had known Stuart Twombly, the glasses wearing nerd becoming your closest friend in all of San Francisco, you never realized how eerily similar you were. You had similar pasts - bullies, choice of college, family drama. You had the exact same tastes, be it music, food or even movies. You would turn to blasting your favorite songs until your neighbors were banging at the door, letting the tunes relax you while you took turns on flash cards of the others past.
By day four or five, you weren’t sure at this point, Stuart had the bright idea to practice actual relationship gestures. If you were to be his fake girlfriend, you had to show it. His friends knew Stuart wasn’t the type for a lot of PDA, but they would want to see some sort of affection towards your respective other. If you sat stoic side by side in front of them, they would call you out for sure.
Hugs were easy. Stuart didn’t seem like it, but he was a giant teddy bear to you. He liked to cuddle during your movie nights. He hugged you good morning and good night as a normal greeting and goodbye wherever you were. His arm casually found its way around your shoulders when you were sat on the same couch, his nose not buried in his phone and his fingers not typing away on his laptop rapidly. He was used to you in his arms; it was your normal position and everyone knew it. Nick and Billy were always jealous too because Stuart nearly punches them in the gut every time they try to touch him.
The hand holding felt weird at first. It took a while to figure out how to hold his hand properly. One way was too uncomfortable while another would be sweaty. One wasn’t super romantic while one looked like he was ready to drag you to a hotel and ravish your body. When your fingers laced together, fingers tingling from the feeling of his soft skin, things felt right. Your hand fit in his exactly, the lines of your palms matching flawlessly. It surprised you how seamlessly your hands melded together - it’s like they were meant to be clasped together in a tight hold.
The most nerve wracking was practicing kisses. You were used to kissing his cheek playfully but that was it. The thought of kissing your best friend made a shiver run up your spine, your nerves through the roof. And no matter how many times he reassured you that it wouldn’t ever be big kisses - that short, chaste kisses would suffice - you would remain freaking out internally and externally. During practice, you backed out a few times whenever he got close, a wave of panic setting in before his lips could touch yours. A few times, he would be leaning in and his hand slipped from under him, landing in your lap instead of your lips that lead to a round of laughter that lasted ten minutes at a time. When you finally got a kiss out, it was like fireworks explode, your limbs giving away even though you were sitting on the bed. It was beyond perfect, and got better with each short kiss to follow.
The night before your trip to Oakland where Stuart was from, he was staying with you. You were deep in thought as he wandered your apartment in nothing but his usual sweats, making sure everything was ready for the short drive. The entire week, you were debating with yourself. You were feeling odd with the entire situation, and it wasn’t because of the lie you were partaking in.
It was Stuart himself.
Whenever you looked at him, your heart would race. Whenever he did something, your body would heat up. The look in his eyes made you melt inside. But you shook it away regardless. There was no way you were feeling anything for him. Stuart had been your friend since the early days of the Google internship. He was the only person you could bring yourself to talk to due to shyness and you were the only person he could stand to talk to reasonably. He was your best friend and there was no way it was more than that.
This isn’t a crush, you tried to convince yourself, pushing the butterflies in your stomach out forcibly, shoveling the feelings into a grave to never see the light again. But no matter what you did, a small sliver would slip through again, making you question what was going on. And as you watched the shirtless man walk out of your bathroom, a gentle look in his honey eyes that weren’t shielded by thick black frames for once, you felt your crack once more, a small ounce of fear settled deep inside you, rooted at your core.
He gave you a tender kiss to the forehead before retreating to the living room, collapsing on the couch. The lights went out around you, your mind too preoccupied to let you sleep. You spent hours staring at the wall until you let yourself drift off, asking yourself quietly if you liked Stuart. Stuart was barely able to sleep himself. He stared at the ceiling, his fingers grazing his lips, the touch of yours still lingering more than twenty-four hours later, your last practice kiss being the prior day. His mind raced with thoughts, the man unable to clear them to find the answer he sought.
Neither of you would admit that things were deeper than you thought.   
“Hey! Guys!” Stuart yelled to the three guys that were standing in front of the restaurant. Stuart left your side to run towards them, the three guys cheering and meeting the Googler halfway. They were tackled into a tight hug, the foursome letting out incoherent words at each other.
You were running late, the original plan of Stuart hanging with his high school buddies delayed by multiple things. The car wouldn’t start so you left later than you wanted. Stuart had to make a stop by his parents house, leaving you in the car for over and hour before you snuck out, wandering down the street to a local park. His parents didn’t know about this fake dating fiasco and he wanted to keep it that way. It was bad enough lying to his friends. He didn’t want to lie to his parents too just for you to supposedly break up days later.
By the time you were able to meet with his friends, the sky had grown dark, the time nearing seven. Your stomach was growling when you climbed into his car, yet you were elated when he mentioned you would be joining his friends for dinner at this fancy Italian restaurant in town. You were there shortly after, his friends already waiting for your imminent arrival. And the second Stuart was parked, he was running through the parking lot.
Stuart pulled from his hug when you were slowly walking over, shaking his friends off to grab your hand. Your fingers laced together as practiced, Stuart tugging you towards the group of boys. “Y/N, I want to introduce you to my best friends. Joe, Flynn and Greg.” The three guys waves in unison, you returning with your own shortwave. “Guys, this is Y/N. My girlfriend.”
Your smile fell slightly, catching the short stutter in his voice at announcing that, but his friends didn’t seem to catch his short hiccup. They all greeted you happily, pulling you from Stuarts hold to give you tight hugs. Stuart held a sour look on his face, disliking the closeness of his friends on you. The first chance he got, you were tugged back to his side, his arm securely wrapped around his waist. You fidgeted slightly in his hold, nestling closer to him regardless.
“I hate to be the one to ask,” you chimed in, all four sets of eyes turning to you. A red hot blush filled your face, making you nervous. “C-Can we eat now? I’m starving.”
“I like her,” Flynn said, pointing at you. “Get you a girl that can eat.”
“We haven’t even seen her eat,” Greg pointed out, walking towards the restaurant with Flynn by his side. “What is all she eats is salad?”
“Naw. I can tell. She’s a pasta loving girl,” Flynn reassured. “I have this food sense!”
“Sorry about them,” Joe laughed, walking with you and Stuart inside. “They’re stupid.”
“No, they’re nice,” you giggled, Stuart smiling to himself. “But, I really am starving. Don’t expect me to share any breadsticks.”
Joe laughed, nudging Stuart. “She’s a keeper, dude.”
Dinner was slightly awkward. You were able to maintain a proper conversation with the three new en in your life, Stuart chiming in occasionally to back up your words on something. But that was the easy part. Just like Stuart, you got along with his friends easily, understanding why Stuart was as close as he was with them. But it was, once again, Stuart that made your heart rate skyrocket. Your foot tapped against the ground, Stuart’s hand placed on your knee for some unknown reason. The guys couldn’t see it, so it wasn’t necessary. But the familiar heat of his touch bled into your bare knee, making you antsy.
“I don’t get how you can put up with this nerd,” Flynn laughed, handing the waiter his card for payment. You tried to protest, Stuart’s comrades repeating their desire to cover dinner since you had come out to visit. Stuart had moved his hand behind your chair, leaned back as he listened to the conversation. His eyes were glued to the side of you face, watching you laugh at Flynn’s remark.
“I dunno,” you hummed. “We just click I guess.”
“Same,” Joe laughed. “We were the fantastic four in high school, even if no one knew us. We didn’t seem like we fit together, but we were the best of friends. We had all agreed to stick together through thick and thin. Then this fool up and left us.”
“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Stuart protested.
“What happened?” you asked.
“This fool,” Flynn started, pointing a leftover breadstick at Stuart, “decided he was gonna abandon our plan to all go to Stanford because he wanted to go to Berkeley. He had full ride and everything and he gave it up.”
“Really?” you asked. You glanced at Stuart, his face a pale pink. “You gave up Standford for Berkeley? Why would you do that?”
“Better computer science program,” he said with ease. “Not like it mattered anyway. You all ended up at different schools anyway.”
“True,” Greg laughed. “Trust me, none of us were mad that he changed his path. We get it. You go where your heart tells you. We all kept in touch regardless. And we’re glad Stu was able to get where he is now. Google was always his dream after all.”
“You know,” you hummed, looking at Stuart. “I went to Stanford.”
“Oh my God!” Flynn yelled. “You squandered meeting her earlier because of your college choice? I am salty now.”
“It’s just a few years,” Stuart clarified. “Besides, I have her now, guys. That’s all I need.” He placed a kiss to your cheek, making you blush.
“You guys are sickening,” Joe fake gagged, everyone laughing. “But seriously. It’s been nice having you home, even if it’s just for dinner, Stu. We miss you around here.”
“I know, guys. It’s just hard to get away with everything back in San Fran,” he sighed. “Always busy with something.”
“Something. Or someone?” Flynn laughed, giving you both a wink. Stuart flipped him off, your head buried in his shoulder to hide your embarrassment.
“We get it, bro,” Greg reassured. “We’re just glad you’re happy. You have a great job and a great girl to share your life with. It’s nice to see you smile.”
Stuart gave a half-hearted smile, the weight of the lie on his shoulders. Your own frown was hidden, feeling his tense and knowing what he was thinking. I just lied my ass off to my best friends.
Your party headed out to the parking lot, Stuart twirling his keys. “I hate to cut the night early, but we are heading home. It’s been a long day and we have to drive home tomorrow.”
“Aw, come on Stu,” Flynn whined. “We barely get to see you. And it’s barely eight! We have time still!”
“We should hit the bar!” Joe offered. “The Dutch Pot guys? Best drinks in town?”
“Hell yeah!” Flynn and Greg cheered. Stuart frowned.
“I don’t know guys…”
“Come on, Stuart,” the guys pleaded.
“You are barely ever in town. Just a few more hours. That’s all we ask.”
“We just want to spend a little more time with you before you go back to your fancy Google life.”
“Just one drink. Please?”
Stuart looked down at you his eyes asking what his mouth didn’t. You nodded, squeezing his hand that was clasped in yours. “One drink won’t hurt, Stu.”
The man sighed, ruffling his hair. “Fine. One drink.
“One drink!” the guys cheered.
One drink didn’t happen.
It started with a round of shots. The one turned into two. Two turned to four. The four turned into a bottle each, the guys being kind enough to order a margarita since you didn’t care for the taste of their beer. And before you knew it, your small group was beyond buzzed, laughing and chatting happily amongst each other.
You spent time playing random drinking games, drinks being downed left and right. You were even dragged to the dance floor, your body ending up pressed firmly to Stuarts. Your hips grinded against each other, the slight blur pushing all of your skeptical emotions away. His arms were wrapped firmly around you, pulling you taut to him, your sweaty bodies moving in sync. You had unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it flopping open to reveal his dark undershirt, hands running up his torso to his neck. His hands pushed against the small of your back, shirt hiked up around your waist. The skirt you decided to wear rode up whenever you pushed your ass into him, Stuart groaning in your ear.
When the current song ended, you stumbled back to the table, the three guys sitting there with bottles in their hands.
“Have fun?” Greg asked, sipping his drink with a lazy smile. “You looked like you were.”
“It was a lot of fun,” you told him, sitting in your seat. Stuart flopped next to you, pulling you against him.
“You know. It’s weird,” Joe hummed aloud. “The entire night, we haven’t even seen you guys kiss.”
“Are you the non-PDA kind of couple?” Flynn asked.
“I guess you could say that,” you chimed when Stuart didn’t respond.
“Well, break your little code just for once. Give us a kiss guys!” Flynn cheered. You and Stuart shared a glance, shrugging in unison. You leaned forward, placing a short kiss to his lips, the touch tingling. Feel accomplished that you were able to do it so easily, you smiled at him, Stuart returning it. But when you sat back, his friends seemed unimpressed.
“Lame!” Joe whined. “That’s not a kiss!”
“What?” Stuart grumbled. “Of course it was. Maybe you’re facing drunk blindness or something.”
“I can see perfectly!” Joe claimed.
“It was lame,” Greg hiccuped. “Give her a better one!”
“A nice, sloppy, juicy lucy!”
“That’s a sandwich,” you deadpanned.
“You know what I mean!” Flynn cried. “The sloppiest, wettest, most passionate kiss in the world! Do it, guys!”
The guys started chanting ‘do it, do it” repeatedly, the words getting louder every time it circled around. The words kept hitting your ears over and over again, making you nervous. Stuart rubbed your shoulder to calm you, only making it worse. He tried to protest, but the guys weren’t having it.
“Alright!” he finally cut them off. You said nothing, turning in your seat to face Stuart completely. You felt your palms sweat, shifting uncomfortably against the leather booth. Stuart licked his lips slowly, leaning in slowly. Your heart was hammering to your chest, your only thought being Fuck, we didn’t practice this. What if I suck?
But when his lips hit yours, you instantly melted into it, arms moving around his neck. His arms moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your heads tilted in opposite directions, allowing you to get closer. His lips tasted of the bitter liquid he had been consuming, but you didn’t mind. They were still soft, enveloping yours completely in a passionate connection. He didn’t push to go further, but from what you were already doing, the world around you didn’t exist. All that mattered was him and the way he was making you feel. The kiss made your stomach knot and your skin burn.
You craved more.
He pulled away slowly, licking his lips once more. Your eyes fluttered open, your mind racing to figure out when they closed. Your hands were shaking slightly, layers of bewilderment running through your veins. You stared at his face, noting how pink lips that were slightly puckered still, swollen from the single kiss. His eyes were closed, his eyelids fluttering with the movement of his orbs behind them. Your body heated up, ready to lean in again.
Your heart nearly stopped before you did though. You were holding your best friend in such an intimate way, the shrill wolf whistles of his friends cutting through the muffled sounds in your ears, blood flowing quickly in them. You had kissed him and you found yourself wanting more. You admired the way he looked, admitting how handsome he looked. It felt good to have him pressed against you, and it wasn’t in a friendship sense.
It was like the alcohol was gone in a snap, your mind sobered. I think I like Stuart, you told yourself. Maybe it was the alcohol, but the feelings that lingered weren’t the friendship you always told yourself it was. And it scared you.
“Excuse me,” you whispered, not caring that you straddled Stuart to slip from the booth, your chest hitting his face and knocking his glasses into a lopsided position. Stuart finally opened his eyes, going to stand to join you, ready to say something. But you were gone, quick steps caring you towards the bathrooms. Stuart frowned, sitting back in his seat. He was handed a beer, Stuart not hesitating in drinking.
“That was hot,” Flynn grinned, Stuart glaring.
“Fuck off.”
Inside the bathroom, you were hunched over the sink, ignoring the looks of random strangers behind you. Your ragged breathing came out in wispy gasps, tears threatening to spill over the rims of your eyes. You quickly turned on the cold water, ignoring your hours worth of makeup to splash the droplets to your skin.
“Stuart is just my friend,” you tried to tell yourself over and over again. My insane handsome, funny, smart, sarcastic best friend. I kissed my best friend. I can’t like him more than that. It’s just friendship.” You paused, glancing at yourself in the mirror. Your lips still tingled from him, the memory replaying in your mind without end. The more it replayed, the more your heart sped up, your body burning with intensity. “No, no, no. This isn’t happening. He’s Stuart. I-I can’t…”
You thought back on the years of knowing him, from the second you met in the hall for the internship to the days sent in your apartment studying every aspect of your lives. You remembered the joy you felt from him, bewilderment raining over you as you learned everything you had in common. You thought about how comfortable he made you; cuddling in his arms randomly, hanging out and watching tv, hugging him multiple times a day, and even the rare tears he would wipe away from failed dates. He was always there for you, yet the giddy feeling you felt every time was overlooked, written off as the extreme friendship you had instead of romantic emotions. Now that you looked back on it all, you were sure you were wrong, having lied to yourself since the first time he pulled you into his arms willingly for a hug.
“I have a crush on my best friend. Fuck!”
You stayed leaning against the sink for a few more minutes, allowing your breathing to regulate slightly and the tears to cease. You splashed water to your face again, drying it before attempting to apply a quick layer of makeup to hide the redness from your crying. Once you were satisfied, you dropped them back into the bag that hung on your side, taking one more deep breath. You pouted at yourself before shaking your head, slow steps carrying you towards the door. You hand met the handle, one thought crossing your mind. This fake date was the worst decision ever.
You made it back into the center of the bar, spotting the table the guys were at. Not eager to return to the drunken idiots, you wandered towards the bar, thinking to wash down your sorrows in alcohol. Sliding into the empty bar seat, the bartender sent you a smile.
“What’ll it be, sweet cheeks?” he asked.
“Something strong,” you pleaded. The bartender, whose name tag read ‘Thomas’ , nodded, turning to make what you requested. You didn’t watch what he put in it, opting to smile when it was placed in front of you. “How much?”
“On me,” he chuckled. You sent him an odd look, Thomas giving a small smile. “I know boy trouble when I see it.”
“I saw you run off not too long ago,” he said. You gave him an odd look. “I’ve worked here for a long time, sweetheart. You get used to paying attention to everything.”
“Care to talk about it?”
You hesitated, sipping the drink in front of you. Your face puckered at the bitter taste, shaking it to rid yourself of the strong taste. Thomas chuckled, leaning on the bar. You finally caved after another sip. “I have a crush on my best friend.”
“I don’t see the problem then,” Thomas hummed thoughtfully. “Relationships are best when it’s with your best friend. My mom always told me to be friends first then lovers.”
“But, he’s my best friend. I can’t love my best friend.”
“Well, you seemed pretty loving earlier,” he quipped. “Dancing, kissing, holding hands?”
“Yeah, well, it’s not real,” you pouted. “Its all fake. I agreed to be his fake girlfriend just to show his friends that he was capable of having one. One stupid picture and wrong words made them think that we are dating. It was all a misunderstanding but here I am, pining over my nerdy best friend because he’s just… perfect. He’s so cute. He’s handsome and funny and smart. He’s sarcastic to boot. But we work so well together and I can’t picture myself without him. And it hurts because after tonight, we will go back to being friends. But I don’t know if I want that. How can I possibly go back to how things were after tonight? We were so worried about his friends accepting me and for Stuart to fit in like he wanted, for Stuart to not lose his friends, we didn’t even think about what would happen!”
You weren’t sure why you spilled your guts to him, your heart on your sleeve to this unknown man, but he smiled at your words, taking you hand. “Sweetheart, it’s fine. Things like this happen. And it happens when you least expect it. Sure, this is fake now, but who says that next week it won’t be real?”
“Because he doesn’t like me like that.”
“I doubt that. He looked pretty upset when you ran off,” Thomas claimed. “And it wasn’t the kind of look that says his best friend ran off. It was the kind of look that says the girl he liked ran off.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I guarantee it,” he laughed. “You just can’t give up. Because something good will come from this. Who knows, maybe this isn’t as fake as you think.”
“I doubt that,” you sighed. “But how are you so good at giving relationship advice?”
“Because I was in a similar situation once with my boyfriend, Isaac,” Thomas admitted. “We were ‘dating’ girls so no one would know that we were into each other. But it made us stronger because we realized how good we are for each other. And that was five years ago. We’re still going strong. The fakeness around our relationship made our relationship something we can’t forget.”
“That’s actually really sweet,” you laughed, Thomas smiling. “Thank you. I really needed that.”
“Anytime, sweetheart. You guys are cute together, so I’m rooting for you. I hope you have soe success after this little fake date. Don’t let your feelings be fake, either.”
“Oh, witty, ain’t ya?” you joked, Thomas grinning.
“Isaac loves it.”
You didn’t notice Stuart’s eyes glued to your from from his seat the man slouched deep in the leather booth with his hands in his pockets. His teeth gnawed at his bottom lip, his eyes narrowing when the bartender took your hand in his. He couldn’t hear what you were saying to each other, but his gut wrenched in discomfort from the short action. It twisted even more when he picked up on the faint echo of your laugh over the music, Stuart bouncing unhappily.
You were his fake date for the night. Sure, his friends were drunk off their asses, but that didn’t give you any right to flirt with the bartender, especially in front of him. Watching you smile and laugh hurt, his heart aching. He was pissed, but he was also sad. His fake girlfriend wasn’t by his side. His best friend wasn’t by his side.
He wasn’t going to have it. He stood from the booth quickly, pushing past people quickly. His hand wrapped around you upper arm, your eyes wide as you turned to him. “Can we talk?” he insisted harshly through gritted teeth. You frowned slightly, opening your mouth only to shut it quickly. “Please. Like, right now? It’s important.”
“Stuart, I don’t know,” you started, Stuart tugging you off the seat.
“Just come on,” he growled, tugging you away. Thomas sent you a sad look, giving you a wave. Your drink was left half finished, your body dragged through the crowd by your nerd of a crush. You stumbled behind him, arm beginning to hurt from his hold. His long legs carried him forward quickly, your own strides having difficulting keeping up with him.
“Stu, can you slow down?” you asked, Stuart not answering. “Stu, answer me.” Still nothing. His lack of response made you plant your feet, ripping your arm from his grasp. “Stuart, will you just stop?!”
He turned to you instantly, eyes flaring. Neither of you cared that you were in the middle of the dance floor, drunken idiots dancing around you. “What gave you any right to do that?” he snapped.
“Do what?” you snapped back, not backing down. “Get a drink at the bar?”
“No!” he yelled over the music. “What gave you any right to flirt with the bartender? Especially in front of me!”
“Flirt with the bartender?”
“Yes!” he practically screamed.
“Even if that were true, Stu, you seem to forget that this is a fake date. I’m not your girlfriend. This entire thing is not real!”
“I don’t care!” he hollered. “I can’t sit around watching you do that. It hurts too much to see you flirting with him. I care about you too much to watch it. I watched you run off, worried that I did something wrong, and then this? I can’t stop feeling like… like I’m losing you. I don’t care that this is a fake date! You are my girlfriend and I can’t stand seeing you talking to him. My heart hurts.”
He rubbed his lips together, massaging his jaw. “I can’t stop thinking like this, alright? I can’t stop this twisting inside me knowing that you weren’t by my side. You should have been flirting with me. I can’t watch you flirt with someone else when those words should be for me.”
You watched the man, surprise written all over your face. He just admitted that he wanted you to flirt with him instead of the bartender, even if you didn’t do what he thought. Your heart raced, slamming against your chest. Your eyes landed on his lips, admiring how perfectly plump and pink they were. His anger from before seemed to have subsided already, and now he was antsy, shifting between his feet like he wasn’t sure what to do next.
You launched forward, the fakeness of your date no longer weighing on your mind. The only thing you could think about was him. Your lips pressed his, arms wrapping around his neck to hold him close. Stuart didn’t wait to respond, his arms wrapping around your waist. He returned the kiss with the same amount of vigor, enveloping your lips with his. The sound of your lips pulling apart noisily and reconnected was washed out by the pounding music in the air. Your noses brushed together, teeth somewhat clashing whenever you leaned it. Sparks flew everytime you kissed him, your body smoldering hot in his arms. They weren’t fast kisses, but the passion level was out of this world. The taste of the alcohol on his lips mixed with his natural taste made you smile, giving him a flavor all his own. You mind was blank, nothing but him running through it.
The world around you seemed to vanish. The people dancing didn’t exist. The music was silent. The warm air was only because of your connected bodies. In that moment, with your hands on his cheeks and his moving down to grip your ass, nothing else mattered. Just the two of you in the middle of the bar, kissing like your life depended on it.
You stumbled together through the door, Stuart pushing you through the halls towards his room. It was a small apartment his parents continued to pay for for him so when he returned home, he had a place to stay without needed to be with his parents. They occasionally rented out the spare room in the apartment, but currently, it was unoccupied.
In retrospect, you should be glad you were in his apartment now. Alive, at that. You made the worst decision in the world, your common sense dulled by the alcohol allowing Stuart to drive you both home while intoxicated. Not the smartest decision, but your hormones were a bit haywire. He had broken a few speed limits on the way. It was also impressive that he was able to keep the wheel straight in his blurred, drunken vision, your lips pressed to his cheek and your hands running along his body. You tried to give him road head a few times, only managing to get his pants unbuttoned before he would do a sharp turn, your body flung from his lap. He was definitely antsy though with the teasing he got, jittering in his seat as he drove, overly anxious to get home - hence the speeding. You were glad, and surprised, that you weren’t pulled over with the number of traffic laws he had broken in the attempt to get home, and right now, you weren’t regretting the decision.
Tomorrow, you would though. When the hangover sets in and you remembered how you got there, you would probably vow to never drink and drive again.
Right now, your burning body was ready for more, Stuart’s touch making your blood pressure spike with desire. You were backed into the bedroom, your hands attempting to remove each others clothes. You struggled to walk and undress tripping over your own feet when you tried to pull his shirt over his head or he tried to pull and unhook your bra, your shirt left dangling on the doorknob of his bathroom. His pants were sliding down his hips, your skirt left in a heap in the hallway. Your heels clacked as you walked, Stuart bouncing to kicked his own shoes off.
Your kisses had grown messier in the tie between the dance floor and his room, strings of saliva connecting you together whenever he pulled away for air. Your tongues tangled together, his controlling for the most part, wandering your cheeks to memorize the shape and taste. His hands roamed your body as he kissed you, tugging your lip with his teeth. They were swollen from the intensity, the furious kissing making your lips hurt with want.
You bodies spun in an attempt to continue undressing. You were pushing his pants and boxers down eagerly, Stuart finally achieving his goal of unhooking your bra. But the second he pulled it free from your body, he fell back, his pants around his ankles making it hard to move. He let out a noise of surprise, falling back on the bed.
You smiled at him, dipping down to pull his pants from his legs. They were tossed behind you, breaking a lamp on the way, but you weren’t concerned with that. Your eyes narrowed on his exposed cock, licking your lips slowly at it. It was huge - larger than you were used to - with a swollen red tip. It twitched against his stomach, a string of precum connecting the tip to the happy trail of dark hair along his toned stomach. Stuart laid bare on his bed, crooked glasses on his nose as he propped himself up to watch you. He was definitely more handsome than you ever would have admitted, seeing him nude making your arousal rise. He was handsome; a toned stomach and chest, arms flexing under his weight, his giant cock twitching and ready for you, and his face staring down at you, moles lining his cheeks and his honey-caramel eyes turned a dark black. Your panties were soaked, your pussy throbbing and crying for attention.
“Fuck,” Stuart mumbled, watching you back away in nothing back your underwear and heels. You stood carefully, body wobbling from left to right uneasily to remove the heels. Your round breasts bounced with your movements, Stuart letting out raspy heaves. Your nipples were hard and taut, his mouth watering and his fingers itching to wrap around him, tugging at them. He watched you slowly shimmy from the wet panties, you ass exposed to him and your core dripping, juices running down the insides of your legs. “So hot.”
You said nothing to him, straddling him as you climbed atop him, pressing your lips to his in a steamy connection. Your tongues twisted together, swirling in circles, enjoying the taste that came from the other. Your bodies moved so you were properly laying on the bed, your nude bodies flesh against one another. His hands roamed yours as they had been since the kiss at the bar, yours tangling in his hair. Your groins rubbed against each other viciously, making your body shudder with arousal. Your core was throbbing more than before, yelling at you to do something to it.
Your lips left his, dragging down and tugging his lips with it. You kissed along his chest, flicking your tongue against his nipples to make him squirm. His breathing picked up, his eyes watching as red marks were left littering his chest. You continued down his body, licking his ab lines to his cock. You kissed it once before moving back up his body completely, connecting your lips in a sloppy, fast kiss. Your body slid up as you kissed his jawline until your lips left his skin completely, your core hovering over his face.
“Woah,” he breathed, inhaling your scent, his nose nuzzling into your clit. You mewled slightly, your nails clawing at the paint on his walls. His tongue ran through your folds, dipping into your core once before retracting. He let out a content sigh, his hands finding home on your ass. “It smells delicious. You taste even better than you smell. Fuck, I’m drooling, baby. I’m so hungry for you and your delicious pussy. Let me taste you, baby.”
“Please, Stu,” you whimpered, sinking further onto his face. He grunted happily, a low slurping coming from under you. His tongue rant through your folds repeatedly, lapping at your juices constantly. He would dip into your core, swirling circles inside you. He traced your walls, the tip smoothing over the sensitive nerves. It tapped at your g-spot, making you moan loudly. The buzz in your ears got louder, the alcohol that you had consumed making the pleasure even sweeter than normal. Or, maybe that was just him?
He made you feel amazing. He groaned against you, letting out low pants when he licked you harder and faster. He swapped between your core and your clit, spelling his name on the engorged nub and flicking it rapidly. His lips wrapped around your clit, sucking at it vigorously, tugging it with his lips. You moaned louder with each passing second, head falling back as he ravished your lady parts, loving them with extreme intensity. He ripped the moans from your throat, grinning against you.
You looked down at him, his eyes piercing into you. You couldn’t see below his eyes, but they remained unblinking, only closing occasionally to savor your fluids on his tongue. He watched your face contort happily, your breasts bouncing with the subtle thrusts of your hips. Your body shifted against his lips, pressing deeper onto him.
“Stu,” you whined. You could feel his body shuffling under you, your head turning to glance over your shoulder. His hand was wrapped around his cock, jerking it quickly, matching the pace of his mouth and tongue. The precum was smeared over the tip, his fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft as he stroked it. Your body heated up just at the sight, a trail of saliva dripping down your chin that you shamelessly wiped away with your hand. Watching him masturbate while eating you out was a dream you regretted never having because it was beyond sexy to see. “Fuck, Stu.”
You lifted off of him only to spin around, leaning over his body. Your core still pressed to his lips while your own lips replaced his hand. You bobbed along his length, Stuart ceasing his licks long to let out a long grunt. You moaned around him, the noise vibrating his cock. His licks resumed to match your bobs, your bodies moving in sync to please each other. Your nose was buried in the dark hairs at the base of his cock, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. Stuart’s tongue moved to your clit, licking it rigidly until you were a quivering mess.
“I’m gonna cum,” he grunted against your core, sucking at the nub harder than before. You return the favor, tongue running along the vein on the underside of him, sucking his length harshly. His breathing quicken, your own nostrils flaring with increasing breaths. Your core knotted, unraveling quickly in a sea of fire. You were shaking violently, Stuart’s cock twitching against your cheeks. “Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum.”
You sped up, urging him nonverbally to do as he wished. He let out a straggled grunt, his body convulsing under you. Streams of white, hot cum spilled from the tip, washing down your throat in waves. You swallowed every drop with difficulty, your own body quivering with your orgasm. Stuart let out a pleased nise the second your juices hit his tongue, the man selfishly lapping at every drop you released. He swallowed every last drop, same as you, savoring every second of it.
You pulled away, licking your lips clean of the droplets that escaped. Stuart was panting, his warm breath fanning over your core. Your desire spiked once more, your pussy contracting with want. You licked his tip teasingly, the shaft hardening from the simple action.
“Baby,” he whined, nuzzling his nose into your core. “You’re so wet still. God, you’re so wet. You must still be horny.”
“I am,” you let out in a raspy, seductive voice. You sat up from his cock, your body sliding down until you were situated on his pelvis. Your hips rolled against his, wet core making his shaft more slick than just with your saliva. Stuart grunted. Peering with dark eyes at your backside. “I want more.”
“Ride me,” he said in a husky tone. “Fuck me, baby.”
You smiled, though he couldn’t see it, lifting off his body to align him with your core, sliding down on his cock with a loud moan. Stuart groaned, letting his eyes close, relaxing under the pleasure of your tight pussy around him. You felt goosebumps run up your spine, stilling for a second to feel the pulsating of his cock against your walls, making your blood pump harder.
You circled your hips for a second before shifting forward, his cock sliding free from inside you. He was buried back instantly when you sat back, repeating the process steadily. Stuart moaned this time, his eyes cracking open to watch your ass move against him. Your body moved like a pro, rocking against him expertly. His cock emerged from your pussy soaked to the hilt, disappearing back in your tight hole with ease. Your ass jiggled timely with your motions, Stuart appreciating the way you looked as you rode him.
“You’re so hot, baby,” he gasped out, reaching forward to fondle your ass cheek. He gave it a gentle smack, making you squeal and shift against him. You moved against him faster, leaning farther forward. He coughed slightly at the new feeling, the feeling constricting around him more. “Oh, shit. So tight. You’re so tight.”
“You’re so big,” you whimpered loudly, head falling back, your hair whipping in different directions. Your sped up, Stuart thrusting up to meet your movements. “Oh God, Stuart.”
His fingers traced up your spine, his stomach tightening to keep himself upright. They tangled in your locks, tugging lightly at them. You moaned loudly, letting your head fall back more, Stuart’s tugs getting harder the faster you moved. You were on the verge of screaming, arching more from his touch.
He let go of your hair, arms wrapping around your waist. He sat up completely, your body halting. Stuart kissed along your shoulder blades until he hit your shoulder, sucking and nipping at your neck. You relaxed against him, mindlessly rubbing at your clit to please yourself. Your walls clung around him, making him bite and kiss harder at your neck. His hands moved to your chest, fondling them in the palms. He tweaked the nipples between the tips, tugging at them until they were stiff.
“What, baby?” he breathed. “Do you like this? You like me playing with your nipples? Or do you wish I was sucking them?” He kissed your neck once, a smile on his face. “God, I do love your tits, baby. So round, so firm. I bet you would moan loudly when I suck on them.” One hand moved down to yours, helping to rub your clit. “Such a dirty girl you are, Y/N.”
He pulled you back with him, his back colliding with the bed. You were rolled onto your sides, Stuart’s slithering down your body to lift your leg, slinging it over his waist. His hips snapped into your backside, his arm winding around your waist to keep you close to him. You moaned loudly, head falling back against his shoulder, allowing him to thrust as much as he wanted into you.
His cock hit your g-spot with ease, the arm that had ended up under your head, gripping your breast tightly. His hips bucked against your ass, the slapping sound filling the small apartment bedroom. His cock slid in and out of you without problem, shoving into you relentlessly and rubbing along your walls. You were a moan mess against him, the ecstasy you felt from his powerful, godly thrusts making your stomach coil.
“Stuart,” you whimpered, pushing back against him harder. His thrusts sped up, his head buried into your neck as he pounded into you. His cock pistoned in and out of you quickly, making your body shake with happiness. Your leg bounced against his waist, heel kicking against his ass. His hand squeezed at your breast harder, Stuart never once slowing down.
“Y/N,” he growled, pushing his head into the back of yours. His thrusts were getting sloppier already, his second orgasm obviously approaching fast. “Shit.”
“Stuart, baby,” you gasped out. You took his hand from your chest, bringing it up to your mouth. Two fingers were wrapped by your lips, Stuart’s grunting getting louder. You moaned around the two digits, sucking at them sensually, tongue lavishly circling them. His chest heaved, his sloppy thrusts hitting your backside.
“I’m cumming,” he rasped. “I’m cumming. Fuck, I’m cumming!”
His cock twitched inside you, a loud moan in your ear ringing before he was spilling himself into you. Streams of his seed spewed from the tip into you, his thrusts slowing. The warmth of his orgasm and his seed filling you completely burned the coil that had been building inside you. You moaned around his fingers, your juices washing over him, splattering your walls. His thrusts slowed to ride out your highs, your bodies close together in a thick layer of sweat, heat, arousal and passion.
He pulled out of you slowly, rolling from the bed to stumble on uneasy feet to the bathroom. You heard the rippled of water as you laid in the bed, signalling that he was urinating before cleaning himself off. You ignore the sticky feeling between your legs, bundling in the sheets. Stuart made his way back to the bed, not bothering to get under the covers as he curled into your side.
“I love you,” he mumbled in a slurred voice, the alcohol mixing with his exhaustion. He was out seconds later, a low snore escaping his lips.
You frowned. At this point, you had sobered up, fully aware of everything that had happened between you both. You turned to look at the sleeping man, his eyes fluttering against his cheeks as he slept quietly. Your frown deepened, your heart falling. You wondered if he would remember in the morning what happened and if he would still feel the way he claimed. You wondered if things would remain this way when you returned home, or if they would be awkward, attempting to go back to the way they were.
You knew there was no going back though.
You moved his arm from your waist, sliding out of the bed. You slowly dressed yourself, taking a pillow and blanket to the couch. You sat on it, glancing at the clock before sighing, your head buried in your hand with silent tears.
“I love my best friend. But, this is all fake.”
Things were awkward like you had feared when you returned home.
The drive home was silent the next day, neither of you saying anything about the events in Oakland. You weren’t sure if he remembered, but he never questioned. You assumed he knew, that his words meant nothing; it was the once time that drunken words did not represent sober thoughts. So, you let it go, never once choosing to talk about it.
Your office was filled with an unusual tension, words hardly shared. You didn’t embrace each other like normal and tried to remain on different tasks that didn’t overlap to keep from interaction. You sat on opposite sides of the room, no matter where you were. You couldn’t even spare him a glance without your heart clenching, a wave of sorrow raining over you. Your heart yearned for him, but he wouldn’t return the gesture, no matter how much you hoped.
Neha tried to ask, but you changed the topic every time. You just tried to put up a front, only allowing yourself to cry in solitude at home. You loved him - an unrequited love. You wished he would remember, telling you the same three words as that night. You wished you could forget that night at the same time you wished to remember; the pleasure you felt with him was beyond you, never something you had felt before with any other guy. You had shared the perfect moment but the fake date ruined it.
It was never meant to happen.
You were sure you had ruined your friendship with Stuart Twombly because of a misunderstanding, an agreement, a fake relationship, alcohol and your personal feelings that had developed. The mixture sent your life down a spiral in the toilet, letting it plummet to the ground.
Two weeks had passed since the unspoken night with Stuart, and you had yet to share two words with him. You sat outside alone for lunch, munching on a sandwich as you typed on your laptop in an attempt to finish your current assignment. Your headphones were in, letting the music block out your surroundings.
You heard the seat across from you scratch against the concrete through the music, your eyes darting up to see who it was. You had to double take when you noticed Stuart sitting in the chair, anxiously tapping his foot. He was fidgeting in the seat, obviously nervous and uncomfortable. Carefully removing the earbuds, you cleared your throat, knowing it was dry.
“C-Can I help you, Stuart?”
The man frowned, obviously saddened by the lack of nickname he was used to. His mouth opened to answer, closing when nothing came out. He tried a few times before clearing his throat as well, licking his lips. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he said flatly.
“What? No-”
“You’ve been avoiding me because we had sex.” Your face fell, the tears already forming in your eyes. “I’m sorry. We were drunk and I was mad. I-it was emotional and…”
“Just stop, please.”
“No!” he yelled, lowering his voice before speaking again. “I can’t. I’m sorry. But I can’t go on like this anymore. I…” he rubbed his lips together, scratching his chin. “I don’t regret it, alright? It was the best night of my life. And yes, I was drunk. But I remember everything so clearly that happened between us. Up until I… I came in you, I remember everything.”
“Oh,” you said shortly.
“I’m sorry though, alright. The fake date shit should have never happened. I ruined us because of my stupid ego with my friends. And I can’t stand what we have become from it. You’ve been avoiding me because whatever happened between us - it changed us. I feel like I hurt you because of what we did. And I want us to go back.”
“I can’t stand this anymore,” he cried, ruffling his hair until it was messy. “I can’t stand not having my best friend in my life.
You frowned. Ouch, was I just friendzoned?
Stuart rubbed his lips together, wetting them often. His mouth was dry and he was struggling to form words. “I-I can’t stand this awkward tension that has formed between us. I can’t stand not having her in my arms all the time, hugging her day in and day out. I can’t stand not being able to call her just because I want to. I can’t stand us not hanging out, watching movies or tv shows and throwing popcorn at each other. I can’t stand not hearing her beautiful voice, whether it’s happy or sad or confused or intrigued. I can’t stand…” he paused slightly, biting his lip. “I can’t stand that I can’t call her mine every day.”
“I can’t stand just being friends.” He stopped talking, leaning forward on the table. His hands were together in tight fists, pressed to his lips. His eyes were red and glossy, trying to hold back tears. That made you heart wrench, your own tears ready to spill. He ruffled his hair again, staring at the table instead of at you. “I can’t stand withholding these feelings - my feelings - because I know they won’t be reciprocated.”
You blinked once, taking in his words. You were confused slightly, taking a moment to understand what he was telling you. Your gut bubbled with delight, your body seeming to understand before your mind. You stared at him, Stuart glancing up when he got no response. When it finally clicked, you stood abruptly, leaning forward to kiss him.
But your heads bumped together painfully.
You fell back in the seat, both of you grunting in pain. You rubbed the spot on your forehead, watching Stuart do the same. His eyes met yours, a small laugh finally escaping both of you. The laugh gradually built until you were laughing loudly together, using the table for support.
“So um,” he started, leaning on the table. “All that practice we did kind of went down the drain, eh?”
“Oh, shut it,” you grumbled, kicking him playfully. He grinned, moving to your side of the table, taking your hand.
“Let me at least do this properly then,” he whispered, leaning forward to press his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, turning to wrap your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer by the waist, his lips enveloping yours. You felt a familiar spark, your body physically melting into his hold. It wasn’t a steamy connection - just a passionate, slow on, your feelings conveyed with every ounce of will you had. Your lips moved together, heads tilting to let the connection speak for itself.
When he finally pulled away, he smiled, caressing your cheeks with his hands. Your foreheads rested against one another, low breaths escaping your lips.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “The fake date was the worst.”
“It really was,” you giggled.
“But, it showed me how much I like my best friend as more than a best friend.” He smiled, kissing your lips again softly. “It showed me how bad I have it for her because she is the most amazing girl in the world. And I want to prove it by taking her out.”
“Wait, what?” you asked, backing away.
Stuart chuckled, rushing to his bag and pulling out a bag of food labeled ‘Jose’s’. “I had meant to use this as a peace offering to get you to forgive me for what happened. But, I guess now it’ll be my proposal to you.”
“Not like that!” he sputtered. “I meant like…”
“Y/N, I want to take you out on a date,” he said full of confidence, holding the bag of tacos out. “I want to take you out on a real date this time, not a fake one. Because I have a crush on my best friend and I want to take her out for a good time to show her how much she means to me.”
You blinked, staring up at him. His face faltered, scared you were about to deny him when you nodded, taking the tacos.
“You have yourself a date, Stuart Twombly,” you told him, standing up. You kissed his lips before grabbing your stuff, slinging your bag over your shoulder. “A real date.” You walked off, leaving the man to silently cheer, fist pumping the air.
Stuart shoved his finger into the doorbell the following Saturday night. He tugged at the collar of his button up, sweating profusely from nervousness. He glanced up at the light above your door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He took a second to sniff himself, wondering if he smell alright with the new cologne he was wearing. Following up, he pulled out his phone to check his slightly spiked hair and glasses, checking himself over. He prayed he wasn’t overly dressed in a simple button up and dark jeans. He let out shaky breaths, the long wait playing at the back of his mind.
Finally, he heard the lock click, the door tugged open. “Sorry. I was finishing getting ready,” you told him, leaning on the doorframe to slip on your shoes. Stuart didn’t reply, his jaw slack as he stared. “What?”
“You…” he tried to say, swallowing thickly. His Adam’s Apple bobbed up and down, his eyes roaming your body. You were in a black dress that hugged you perfectly with some black flats. You glanced down at yourself, almost worried.
“Do I look bad? Am I overdressed? Should I go change?” You rapidly asked. Stuart shook his head vigorously in response.
“No!” he almost squeaked, his voice cracking. He blushed at the sound, clearing his throat. “You look amazing. Like… beyond beautiful. I was just shocked because you look so good. I mean, you always look good but… I can’t believe I’m going out with you. And I think I’m underdressed now compared to you. We’re just going to dinner at Romano’s so it’s not fancy, but you look spectacular compared to me.”
“Stu,” you cut him off, pushing up on your toes to kiss him softly. “You look fine. Now, let’s go. I’ve been waiting all day for this.”
“Alright,” he chuckled. You shut your door, locking it and dropping your keys in your purse. Stuart held his arm out for you, yours linking through it as he walked you down to his car. He opened the car door for you, allowing you to slide in and get situated before shutting it for you, shuffling to the driver’s seat quickly. The ignition came to life, roaring with a slight hum. “You know, this is going to be hard.”
“What do you mean?” you questioned.
“It’s going to be hard to focus on this date because I can’t keep my eyes off you,” he whispered, tilting his head towards you with a bright smile that was uncommon for him. It was contagious, you own smile spreading on your cheeks. You leaned over the center console, pressing a kiss to his lips that he returned without hesitation. His lips remained puckered as you pulled away, smiling like the goofball he is.
“Now, date please?”
The date had been the best thing you had been on in all your years of dating. He had taken you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant, the two of you chatting like normal throughout the meal. You had agreed on no alcohol, considering what had happened with alcohol last time, opting for water instead. He paid for the meal despite your protests, saying how it was only right for the man to treat his girl to a god meal. That just made you blush.
Following the dinner, he took you to an aquarium on Pier 39. He was shy at first, your hands brushing as you walked through the glass tanks. When he finally gathered the courage to take you hand in his, your fingers lacing like they did when you practiced many weeks ago, you felt at home, nuzzling closer to him as you wandered through the building. Your hands even stayed connected when you stopped to pet the baby sharks and manta rays, Stuart recording the oy on your face with his phone.
On your way back to the car, you dragged him into a photo booth, Stuart almost reluctant at first. The pictures went fast, most being silly photos you would normally do with your selfies together. But you were able to catch him off guard on the last photo, turning him towards you so you could kiss him fully, the man melting into your touch and returning it before the click was heard. You each got a strip, your heart thumping rapidly at the smile he held looking at them.
The final stop was the same hill your team ventured to during your internship after the crazy night at the strip club. You sat at the same table you were at before, Stuart’s arm around your shoulders to keep you close. You head rested on his shoulder, his on top of your head, the two of you in silence as you stared at the night sky and the twinkling lights of San Francisco. After what seemed like forever, he called your name softly, making you look at him. He smiled softly, leaning in until he was kissing you, no words shared.
Just soft kisses in the moonlight to end the night.
The clock hit midnight as he parked in front of your apartment, killing the engine. He turned to you, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel before speaking, “Can I walk you to your door?”
“Do you have to ask?” you giggled. Stuart cracked a ghost of a smile, sliding out of the car to run around the front, opening your door for you. He took you hand, the two of you taking slow steps towards the door. Your hands swung in unison, a silence having formed between you both.
He stopped once you got to the door, both of you turning to face each other. You opened your mouth at the same time he did, neither of you managing to get words out before you started laughing. He rubbing his hand along your arm soothingly, playing with your fingers. “You first.”
“I just wanted to say,” you started, digging your toe into the ground, looking away awkwardly. “Thank you. Thank you for such a wonderful night. I’ve been on a lot of dates through college and even here, and nothing has compared to tonight. This was… this was perfect, Stu. Thank you.”
He chuckled, making you look at him. “You know, you took the words out of my mouth,” he mused. “I was going to thank you for letting me take you out. For giving me a chance after… after the whole fake girlfriend fiasco. I didn’t think I would get a chance like this because my dumbass proposed that whole thing. Then we had sex and I loved it but we fell apart after and I didn’t know how to talk to you about it. So I thought that This crush that had developed would be unrequited. But, when you agreed, I… I was elated, baby.” You blushed at the nickname, Stuart flushing also. “S-sorry. Slipped.”
“You know, you called me that a lot when we had sex.”
“I know,” he hummed. “I liked it a lot.”
You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck, drawing him closer. “Well, I like hearing you call me baby.”
“You do?” he smirked, pulling you closer by the hips. “Maybe I will have to call you baby more often then.”
“I’d like that,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his. Your eyes closed, his following suit. It was a tender kiss, lips pressing against each other firmly but barely at all at the same time. His lips were soft, slowly dragging along yours as he pulled away. The low smack of your lips disconnecting filled the air, Stuart pressing his lips to yours again. Your fingers tangled in the hair at the base of his neck, making him shiver amidst the kiss.
He pulled away, licking his lips to relish the taste of you, backing away slightly, keeping his hands on your waist. “I should go,” he mumbled. “It’s late.”
“Oh, right,” you replied shortly. “Late, yeah.”
“Thank you again,” he whispered, pecking your lips and pushing your hair behind your ear before pulling away. His hands tucked into his pockets as he backed away down the walkway, give one final smile before he turned to leave.
You tapped your foot for a second, going to unlock your door. You cracked it open, turning back to your date before he made it to the car. “Stu, wait!”
He whipped around, his thick black frames almost flinging off his face from the speed he turned. His eyes lit up, the caramel color making you melt on your feet. His hair billowed softly in the light wind, a toothy smile growing on his cheeks. “Yeah, Y/N?”
“I know it’s late and all, but I was thinking,” you hummed, hugging the jacket he leant you earlier that night closer around your body. “Maybe you’d like to come in for some coffee or tea? You don’t need to rush off just yet.”
Stuart smiled, clicking the lock button on his car so it beeped, signally the alarm was set. He didn’t want to seem too eager as he bounced back up the path towards you. “I’d like that actually.”
You pushed the door open for him, both of you stepping in. The door clicked shut, Stuart helping you take off your jacket. He turned for a single second to hang it up, finding your lips on his when he went to face you again. He returned it instantly, his hands cupping your cheeks, yours back around his neck. The kiss was infinitely messier than the one minutes ago, tongues greedily battling for dominance that he easily won. The smacking sound was louder and more consistent through the entryway to your apartment, Stuart pulling away for small bursts of air before he dipped back in. He easily controlled the kiss, your teeth clashing and your noses brushing even though your heads tilted to give you the best access to his luscious lips.
He pulled away with a short gasp of air, kicking off his shoes as he talked. “Maybe we should take this elsewhere.”
“I know the perfect place,” you told him, taking the front of his shirt in your hands, slipping your flats off before backing into the house towards your bedroom.
You both fell onto your bed, laying on your sides facing each other, engaged in a heated make out session. You played with his hair, moving down to mess with the buttons on his shirt, moaning into the kiss he gave you. His hand had settled on your thigh, playing with the bottom of your dress, flipping it up your waist so he could rub your ass through your underwear. He let out a few breathy moans in the middle of the kiss, shifting to help you push off the button up, leaving him in just a white undershirt. Your legs were tangled together in a heap atop the blankets, keeping you close.
Your hand moved next to the button on his pants, popping them easily and tugging the zipper down right after. Your hand slid into the front of his pants, his breath hitching when your fingers wrapped around his shaft, stroking it slowly. He pulled away to get some air, connecting his lips to yours again, shoving his tongue down your throat, tracing your cheeks to memorize the layout. His hand pushed into the front of your panties, drawing circles to your clit. You squirmed under his touch, your moans vibrating his throat and tongue in your mouth.
He pulled away from the kiss, tugging your hand from his pants after his was pulled from your panties. He sat up, pulling you with him, tugging off his shirt the second he had a chance. Your dress followed, your arms raised so he could lift the black material off your skin. Your breasts fell free, Stuart pushing up on his knees to hover over you as he kissed you for the umpteeth time that night. You were pushing at his pants as he kissed you, his hands finding your chest rather fascinating.
He struggled to kick off his jeans, letting them off over the edge of the bed when they finally hit his ankles. You were both just left in your underwear, Stuart moving to lay you back to the bed. He broke the kiss, his eyes locking with yours before he spoke. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” you breathed, scratching from his shoulders to the back of his head. “And this time, we are both absolutely sober enough to say that.”
“I never thought I’d say it, but thank God for no alcohol in my system,” he chuckled, pulling his glasses off the bridge of his nose, placing them neatly on the side table so they didn’t get damaged while you were getting frisky. The frames were apparently crooked last time. He leaned back on his heels, shuffling from side to side as he pushed his boxers off, allowing his cock to spring free. It slapped his stomach gracefully in all its glory, standing long, hard and proud at attention. It stood straight out for you, your panties growing moist at the sight. “So um…”
“What?” you asked, playing with the tip of his cock. He grunted, feeling it twitch under your touch, throbbing anxiously.
“D-Do we need a condom or anything?”
“I mean,” you blushed, turning to your table. “I have some if you prefer to be extra cautious. But I’m on the pill. And we weren’t that cautious when we had sex in Oakland.”
“W-well that… that was not the best,” he claimed. “We were drunk and I was horny a-and you were hot.”
“I know, Stu. You don’t have to justify it,” you joked. “Just make the decision. Rubber or no rubber?”
“Well, as much as I would prefer without because it feels way better, we should probably be proper adults and use it,” he huffed almost sadly. “We can work our way back into no condoms.”
“Oh. So, we’re going to have sex more than once?” you jabbed at him.
“Well, if I’m any good, you will always want me to sex you,” he laughed, leaving you to slap his chest. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. But, I would like to. You’re just that good and I don’t want to stop anytime soon.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me,” you told him, leaning over to grab the condom. You swear you heard him let out a sigh of relief, glad you had agreed. “What size? Regular? XL? XXL?”
“Do I want to know why you have that many?” he hummed, leaning down to kiss your stomach, working his way to your chest. You moaned at him, finding it hard to concentrate on the boxes in the drawer.
“I’ve had sex with guys before, Stu. And it never hurts to be prepared. But when every guy you meet is different, you have to have something for every occasion.”
“Well,” he said, sucking at your nipple harshly, tugging it with his lips to hear you moan. “Do me a favor,” he continued, sucking red marks to your breast, repeatedly kissing the stiff peak to prolong his words. You were a moaning mess, Stuart’s head nestled between your arms, your arms still outstretched to grab him a rubber package. “Toss those regular and XL ones and buy two more of the XXL because baby, you’re gonna need them with how much I’m going to fuck you.”
“Holy shit, Stu,” you whimpered, falling back on the bed, unable to fulfill the task. He was ravishly attacking your round mounds, licking and sucking at them vehemently. He was happily nipping at the buds, making them taut under his lips. He let out a throaty groan as he kissed at them, swapping between each one with a loud pop.
“I thought I told you to toss those boxes,” he joked, pulling from your chest, leaving you feeling empty. He grabbed the boxes of regular and XL condoms, physically tossing them behind him, making you break out into a fit of laughter. He pulled out the XXL box smirking at you. “Unopened?”
“No one has ever… fit my expectations for them.” Stuart rolled his eyes at your pun, opening the box and pulling out the square packet.
“Never say that again,” he scolded, placing the package between his teeth, he kept it there as he moved down, pulling your panties free from your legs. You spread your legs, two fingers running through your folds. The condom ended up falling onto the bed, his jaw slack. “Fuck, baby. You’re soaked. Are you ready for me?”
“I’ve been ready.”
“What do you want?” he asked seductively, his voice dropping an octave into a husky tone. The two fingers slid into your core, your moan loud.
“You want me?” he asked, your head nodding in agreement. “What do you want? You want my cock in you? You want me to please you while I tell you how beautiful you are?” His lips met your clit, lapping at the swollen nub. You back arched, scratching at his scalp with your nails. “You want me to fuck you, baby? You want me to pound you into your mattress until you scream my name? You want me to hold you while I show you just how perfect you are? I’m gonna make you cum, baby. Cum so hard you won’t remember your own name.”
His fingers had curled at this point, your body quivering at his words and touch.. He was able to hit you sweet spot without trying, his trimmed nails scratching along your sensitive walls. His mouth to your clit never slowed down, the man lavishly ravishing it, spelling his name over it like you remembered. He was determined to full the promise making you scream his name, the only thought racing through your mind being his name on replay. As much as you wanted his thick cock inside you tiny pussy, you were loving the way his fingers made you feel. And you knew after tonight, you would have a hard time being around him, the sight of his veiny names reminding you of what he can do.
You might get in trouble a few times because you would probably drag him off to the copy room for a little foreplay. AKA, his fingers and tongue so far up your pussy, you’d be seeing stars the rest of the day. And occasionally his cock, most likely.
“Stuart,” you gasped, aching against your sheets. His free hand reached up your body, fondling your breast firmly, giving it a squeeze to enhance your pleasure. “Oh, God, baby. I’m going to cum. Oh God, I’m going to cum!”
“Cum, baby,” he whispered against your clit, giving it a sloppy kiss. His fingers sped up, the noisy sloshing of your wet core around the digits mixing with your moans and gasps. “I want to taste your sweet juices.”
“Holy shit,” you gasps again. You body spasmed, walls clenching. “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming! Oh, God, I’m cumming! Stuart!” You screamed, violent shakes running through your form. Your juices spilled down his fingers, the digits soaked for a second before they were pulled from you, his tongue replacing them. He slurped at your pussy, drinking every last drop of liquid that you secreted, making sounds of satisfaction as he swallowed.
He pulled away, licking his lips before his arm wiped them dry, the man taking a moment to lick his fingers clean. “You taste delicious,” he quipped happily. He moved to stroke his still hard cock, the precum oozing more. “But, I think I need to be inside your tight little cunt, baby.”
“Fuck, me, Stu,” you pleaded.
You watched with half-lidded eyes as he scrambled to find the condom on the bed, having lost it when he realized how wet you were before. He cursed under his breath, finally cheering when he found it under your leg. He ripped it open with his teeth, rolling the rubber down his length expertly.
He nestled between your legs, leaning down to kiss you, his face softer than earlier. “If I hurt you, tell me to stop.”
“You could never hurt me,” you reassured him, kissing him lightly.
“I know. Just…” he sighed. “I don’t want to risk anything.”
You took his hands in yours, his body almost collapsing on top of you so you could link your fingers together with his. “I trust you and you aren’t risking a thing. I want this, Stu,” you told him.
He smiled softly, taking one hand from yours to align himself with your core, returning it to your hold when he slid in easily. You both moaned simultaneously, Stuart stilling to allow you to adjust. He laid soft kisses to your cheeks, forehead and jawline, finally kissing your lips passionately. Your tongues sensually rubbed against each other, slowly moving your lips together.
His hips shifted back, pulling himself from inside you only to snap back strongly, your moan caught in your throat. His thrusts became steady, speeding up gradually until he was wildly pounding into you. Your hands tightened around his, the hold on his hands keeping you grounded. He pulled from the kiss, his head buried in your neck instead, light kisses applied to it. Your nose buried in the side of his head, kissing at his temple and moaning into his ear.
His hips bucked anxiously, the tip skimming your g-spot with every thrust your legs wound around him, trying to tug him closer, wanting to feel him as go as deep as he could. You could hear his low grunt, feeling him piston himself in you quickly.
“Stuart,” you moaned into his ear, your hips circling against him. He grunting, telling you he was listening, a smile forming on your face. “I want to ride you.”
“Oh fuck,” you heard him rasp, rolling you both over instantly. You sat up against him, Stuart’s eye a dark shade at this point, shielded with layers of lust. “I love you riding me. You’re so hot when my cock is shoved into you, your body bouncing against my cock. Fuck, me baby. Fuck me hard.”
“Maybe I don’t wanna go hard,” you teased, rocking against him slowly. The way his cock slid out of you was slow, the slide back in even more agonizing. He groaned in dissatisfaction, bucking upwards into you. “Want do you wanna do, baby? You want me to go faster? You want me to ride you like a pro again?”
“No,” he let out. His hands found your waist, stopping you from moving. “I’m going to fuck you still.”
His hips bucked upwards quickly, rapidly shoving himself into you. A scream came from your throat, head falling back in pleasure. He hit better angles than before, hitting your g-spot full on. His movements were sloppy and fast, but they were beyond pleasurable, the level of ecstasy you felt through the roof. His cock pistoned into you core without remorse, your bodies colliding in deafening slaps. The sound of skin on skin filled the room, reverberating off the walls of the small bedroom.
“Fuck, Stuart!” you screamed, the man drooling at the sight of you over him. Your breasts bounced with each thrust, his fingers itching to touch them and his mouth watering to taste them. Your eyes were clenched, lips parted for your many moans. His cock was dripping when it slid free from you, the rubber glistening in your juices before sliding back in with ease. It was harder for him to feel aroused due to the condom, but he felt his heart racing and his stomach clenching, his cock pulsing and twitching as he neared his end. It was taking longer than he thought and hoped, but watching your pleased face made him happy and definitely was getting him closer to the orgasm he sought.
His thrusts slowed to a stop, his body pushed up until he was chest to chest with you. Your eyes cracked open, staring at his beautiful orbs, feeling him move your legs around his waist. Your arms moves around him, under his arms so he could keep you upright against him, his hips bucking into you. It wasn’t the hard, powerful thrusts as before. This was more sensual - more connected. He still could hit your sweet spots without trying, your body shaking against him.
“Stu,” you cried, nails raking down his back. Red marks lined his muscled skin, his nails digging into your hips. His steady thrusts into you made your stomach clench, eyes squeezing shut. “Oh god. I’m so close. Faster, baby.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, thrusting a bit faster than before, hips rocking into yours rhythmically. His eyes closed, lips puckering as he began chasing his orgasm, shoving into you as fast and hard as he could muster. He kissed and nipped at your collarbone, finding it harder to concentrate. Your walls were hugging him tightly, the pulsing in his shaft translating to your body. Your hearts beat together, sloppy thrusts an indication of his inevitable orgasm. “I’m cumming baby. Are you cumming?”
“Yes,” you cried shortly, out of breath. “Stuart, baby. I’m cumming,” you whimpered.
“Fuck,” he gasped, moving to kiss you instead. “I love you.”
You were taken aback, barely managing a short, “I love you too” before you were quivering in his arms, pressing your lips to his in a passionate connection. Your juices splattered around him in powerful waves, dripping down the latex around his length. Your toes curled into his back, nails clawing at him harder. Stuart’s body grew warm, the moisture and warmth of your core making his stomach clench. Even through the condom, he felt everything, his cock twitching sporadically. His seed spilled from the tip in squirts of white, filling the small air gap at the end. His groan was muffled by your lips, the knot inside both of you disintegrating. His thrusts slowed to ride out your orgasms, careful not to rip the condom before he pulled out completely.
He lifted you off the bed, still deep inside you, lying you on the bed so he could pull out. He waddled to the bathroom, supporting his condom-covered cock, stripping himself of the rubbed. It was tied off and discarded, Stuart using the bathroom before cleaning himself He returned with a warm, wet cloth, cleaning your thighs and core or your juices and sweat, giving it a light kiss when he was done.
He draped the blankets over you before curling up next to you, his head resting on your chest. Normally after sex, you would want to cuddle into the guy, but this felt more comfortable for some reason. Your hand ran through his soft hair, playing with the ends happily. You always loved his hair, the locks insanely pleasing to run your fingers through. And maybe it was just having his body pressed against yours, holding you securely, that made you comfortable.
You also knew that at some point during the night, you would adjust so you were resting on him instead. It always happens when you cuddled, falling asleep on your bed or his bed during a movie. You find yourself sleeping on his chest, his arms holding you tight.
“You know,” he mumbled sleepily. You glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had gotten. Two hours of sex later, here you were. “I can’t really sleep without my pillow.”
“I know.”
“But,” he continued, nuzzling your chest, kissing the side of your breast. “You make a better pillow I think.”
“You’re such a dork,” you laughed, continuing to pet his head. You knew he was falling asleep quickly, the man able to sleep with ease after sex it seemed. He must have been exhausted from all those thrusts he did. You pussy still aches just thinking about it. “Get some sleep, Stu Boo.”
He mumbled something incoherently, probably acknowledging what your said, He shifted against you, kissing your chest again before saying, “Be my actual girlfriend, Y/N,” he said, voice laced with sleep. “My real girlfriend, not my fake one. I can’t stand the fake shit.”
“Alright. Anything for you, Stu. You are my best friend and you are one of a kind,” you whispered. He turned to look at you, his eyes glazed with sleep. “Besides, how can I say no to a hot nerd like you.”
“I’m your hot nerd,” he whispered back, curling back against you, falling asleep. You smiled at his sleeping face, letting yourself relax on the bed.
“It’s not fake this time,” you told yourself through a yawn. “I fell in love with my best friend. And I don’t regret it.”
As a a subnote, the chat names are KIND OF inspired by friends in my real life. My friend, Joe, is the fucking memelord of our group. And my friend Greg (RIP) had once wired an audrino board to place Stepmania with bananas. It was the best thing to see while in college. 
Errthang Tag 2.0: @catcrown21; @parislight; @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone; @savage-stilinski; @honeymoonmuke; @rumoured-whispers; @youshiverwhenyouhearmyname; @caitsymichelle13; @addicttotw; @fox-lau; @xmadwonderland; @kaelyn-lobrutto24; @lobrien; @kal-pal; @espermirror; @nowthisiswaar; @belleknows; @ashpie97; @mixedupsammy; @dylobrienlover; @newtosaur250; @bandsweyhey; @crystals-marie; @livinginadreamersparadise; @tommyswolves; @veronicarapp; @bilesbilinskix; @danathewitchywoman; @thisismexxo; @you-all-have-guns; @soulaura-canavel; @bojabee; @obrienswxlf; @feelingsareharddd; @xoitsjustmexo; @supernaturaltakeover; @suggsmate; @cassiee867; @malia--stilinski; @barryallenplease; @flirtstiles; @bottleoffirewhisky; @jadalecki-jackles; @evansesdust; @everythingthatisrandom; @puppiesarehappiness; @ixlovexpeterxparker; @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed; @tenseoyong; @jadav5 
Want to be tagged? Send as ask! - Bold accounts are ones I cannot tag.    
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tumblunni · 6 years
The half week milestone of the hospital house thingie time! I think the term they use for it is "a residential stay"? Cos like its not a hospital its a shared housing block thats just full of doctors. I get to sleep in a real bed and there's a nice community room and board game nights and stuff. But its still really scary how intense the supervision can be! Like they have a window to look into your room once per hour every hour constantly. And they have to go through your undies and catalog them as part of the possessions check. I was not warned about that and it was mega embarassing trying to explain a binder to a bunch of old lady doctors! Oh and i had yo do a urine test today which was possibly the most fuckin embarassing thing in the actual universe. And you're not even allowed to take your own pills! They keep them locked in a big ominous wall of lockers and you have to come into the office and swallow the pill while theyre watching. I guess maybe because some people might be faking their illness and selling their pills on the black market or whatever? But that literally doesnt happen with antidepressants, they have no 'high' or even any effect at all on non-sick people. So it just makes no sense to me and its real embarassing cos like i said i suck at taking pills with plain water and without a straw. The ones i take are real damn chunky things the size of my thumbnail! I think i'l get better at not (literally) choking under pressure over time, tho. Hopefully.
Anyway that's all the bad out of the way! Now the good and the neutral and the just miscellaneous!
Its still nervewracking having to shower in a shared house but they have a cool walk-in shower and ive never tried one of those so it was vaguely interesting. And im allowed to take my showers early at 6am to minimize the chance of anyone else trying to use the door, lol. My biggest fear is having some staff member walk in on me when im naked like back in that homeless hostel. Oh or that time in the homeless hostel where the teenage boys filled the entire bathroom with inflated condoms wall to wall. Like wow so much damn effort to prank the stupid nervous bunni who probably would have been embarassed by literally anything else. Man this place is bringing so many memories of that homeless hostel but at least this time its a place specifically for sick people and they know i'm anxious doing shared cooking and board games and whatever so they dont make fun of me for it. But in a lot of ways that hostel had more freedoms too.. *shrug*
Anyway! A good! I get to have cooking lesson!! I know literally nothing about cooking and now i get to know several thing!! This nice doctor called Josie taught me how to make an omelette and i tasted ham for the first time! That is just how limited my life experiences are, lol. Oh and they want me to say that she's a 'mental health worker' not a doctor, but its all real confusing?? Like they have the staff that look after you and then the only ones we're supposed to call doctors are the ones who actually have the authority to prescribe pills and diagnosies. But like if youre in a hospital you'd call them all doctors, not just the actual surgeon? Or i guess theyre kinda like nursing home staff?? But they cant be support workers cos support workers are specific government assigned inspector type guys like Richard who only meet with you once a week.and i have to remember to not call him a social worker either cos social workers only work with family and custody related stuff. I dunno?? Basically the medical industry has a lot of names that dont really describe what the actual thing is, lol. Anyway the ham omelette was great and now im gonna try and remember so i can try and make it myself next time! HAM ACCOMPLISHED
Also i played bingo with a few other patients and it was fun but funny that i lost 6 times in a row when there were only 3 of us. I got a consolation prize of a pack of neon highlighter pens so hell yeah!!
I'm getting booked in to try some additional classes starting next week on monday and tuesday morning. The computer programming one was sadly unavailable, but i managed tp snag a place in "confidence building group therapy" and "basic how to use power tools". I wasnt really all that interested in that one but i thought it would be a useful skill even if its less fun. And maybe you get to actyally make something to take home at the end? A lil shelf to help organize this awkward lil room better, maybe?
And an unexpected bonus of being semi-hospitalized is that i get a free bus pass! And cos im here cos of my social anxiety theyre gonna help me get outside more and actually use this thing to the fullest! The first thing we did was the trip to actually get the bus pass itself. It was like "bus, take my money to take me to the place where i can never give you money again!" XD Ive been really stupidly nervous about going on tne bus in my old neighbourhood cos MAN it was really isolated there and everything just amplified my mental illness. An almost two hour bus ride to get to ANY SHOPS AT ALL, with only one bus for the whole town so it was always crowded and full of screaming kids and gossipy everyones. Social anxiety: maximum level proud mode!
So yeah i feel BIG ACCONPLISHED! I was able to take this bus for the first time with a doctor coming with me. Power Grandpa The Strong. His actual name is Paul and he has awesome sleeve tattoos of like anchors and dragons and sports teams and stuff! And he likes thrift stores and wearing silly hats too! Its like he's powerful enough to wrestle away everyone's anxieties! I was able to be a bit reckless too and i went out wearing my fave shirt thats like trans pride coloured plaid. A POWERFUL SHIRT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS QUEST! so we went to the office to register this bus pass and i panicked a bit cos apparantky we brought the wrong form and i wrote my name in the wrong box and then my passport photo looked terrible and aaa! But it all worked out and i was kinda freaking out for nothing. And he took me for a lil tour of the place and showed me this cool shop that does spray paint tye dye t shirts with spiderman on them?? Why does this incredibly specific shop exist and how have i never heard of it before?? There was also a new harry potter shop next to the disney shop, and the old used book store i used to visit as a kid was still there, complete with rickety spiral staircase and ominous basement trap door. I'm still not brave enough to go down there, but apparantly its just the history books section so meh. Then we actually went to a fancy coffee shop and i had this brain freeze mango ice frappucchino thing! Im trying all the new foods!!
And i was TOO HIGH ON DECADENCE and made a RECKLESS CHOICE! i blame power gramp's amazing tattoos, they were totally whispering to me that i shoukd screw the rules and ride off into the sunset on a metaphorical harley davidsen of mental health
So i was like Hey Paul I Am Totally Fine Getting Home On My Own, and it was like i was floating off in the distance somewhere begging my body to not speaketh these words. But it ended up working out okay! The excitement of it all and the sense of accomplishmebt from getting there all okay allowed me to mostly not freak out as i spent the day in town and looked at some shops and stuff. Basic Living Skills: Completed! I chilled out in the library (tho i dont have a card yet, alas!) and visited like five comic and anime stores, and got lost but found a Pizza Hut and that was SO NOSTALGIC FOR MY CHILDHOOD and it didnt taste quite as good as i remembered but the waiter guy was super nice and had a similar shirt and it was All Good! Oh and i gave all my money to a homeless person and that's why i'm broke now. And i bought a plastic slug! I just saw it from across the room and was like OH NO I AM BEING MAGNETISED TOWARDS IT OH NO IT HAS ALREADY BEEN BOUGHT. I need to think of a name for this new friend!!
So yeh i got home okay and i felt really acconplished and that was the furthest trip away that i've taken in ages! Man my mental illness makes me feel pathetic, but it also brings ridiculously big joys from the smallest of silly acconplishys!
Oh and thank you so much to the people who sent me emails! It really helped so much to keep me from giving up during the first few days before i made a bit of progress and felt like i could really do this, yknow? Especially big thanks tp the friend who sent me that mysterious super happy song that they found on a mystery disc in a german market?? Im still not sure whether its in greek or hasidic jewish but it sounds AMAZING and i hope someday i can figure out the band so i can hear their other singles!
Ok this is bunni out! BIG HUGS FOR THE EVERYONE AAAA
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hannahindie · 7 years
Museum of Death: Part 1
Characters: Theodore (OC-brief), Maggie (OC), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader Word Count: 2,581 Warnings: Canon violence, death, things being creepy A/N: I wrote this for @amanda-teaches’s UNDERCOVER HUNTING CHALLENGE! Congrats on the followers, love! (I left it in all caps because it just felt so enthusiastic. lol) This is just the first part, and though I was only aiming for two...it might have a third. My goal was to write it in an episode format, which is drawing it out some, but I really love it so far. I hope you all do too. My undercover job was museum workers. This part doesn’t get quite into that, but part two will!
ALSO a big shout out to @wheresthekillswitch for helping me brainstorm this whole thing, and for picking out sweet fake names for them. This fic would not be nearly as cohesive without her. Thanks for helping my gears get going, lovely. :)
Also, there is an actual Museum of Death in New Orleans, but disclaimer, I don’t know much about it. This particular museum is based loosely on it, and I know that the details won’t really match. Just...uh...roll with it, I guess. lol A special shout out to Manda for helping me with my Cajun dialect. It’s way harder than I thought it would be, so just a round of applause for all ya’ll fantastic Benny writers. Shew. lol If you have any suggestions that would help, I would appreciate it!
Beta’d by the always beautiful and wonderful waterbear, @trexrambling: “I wasn't supposed to feel this way about a side character... thanks for those unwelcome HURT FEELS HANNAH!”
And my lovely and encouraging and fantastic @pinknerdpanda: “Omg! I cackled. This is so 10000% Dean. I can hear his voice in my head.”
As usual, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please let me know!
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The dull click of the security guard’s heels echoed through the darkened hallway, the sound deafening in the otherwise silent museum. Normally, this was his favorite kind of gig. There was something about walking through what would normally be bustling rooms and popular displays when it was dead silent, the only light the soft beam from his flashlight and the muted green glow of the emergency exit signs. But this time, something was different.
His wife had warned him when he’d taken this job that it was a bad idea. “You hav’to respek de dead, cher. Dat place...it is couillon*. You work dere, you will get notin’ but trouble, Theodore!” she had fretted as he got his things ready for his first day. He had assured her that, despite the unusual and macabre subject matter that the museum focused on, everything would be fine; it was just her deep-rooted superstitions that were clouding her judgement, and besides, they needed the money. She had stopped talking about it, but every night since then he had found an amulet of protection in his uniform pocket. Although he was not originally from Louisiana and did not share his wife’s Cajun superstitions and beliefs, he greatly appreciated her effort in trying to keep him safe.
He paused at one of the glass cases and stared at the contents inside. Staring back at him, her eyes almost as cold as the glass separating him from the black and white photo, was an angry looking woman, her eyes wild and hair a tangled mess around her weathered and scowling face. In all honesty, he did not like walking through the displays at this particular museum, but this one...this one was the one that always threw him off the most. There was something about the look in her eye, the flat, dead stare that always reminded him of a shark. He couldn’t help but stare, and he’d had to drag himself away more than once. He’d read the description over and over, had even Googled the woman’s name one early morning after he'd gotten home from his shift. She was unnerving, and he always felt an awkward shiver go down his spine while passing the glass case.
He jumped as the sudden booming sound of a door being slammed startled him out of his staring contest with the shark eyed woman. “Doc?”
His hand slipped down to the nightstick he carried, the only weapon he was permitted other than his heavy flashlight, and continued his round of the floor. Instead of turning to go towards the stairs leading to the second floor, he turned the opposite way, the direction that the curator's office was. Dr. Lyons, the most recent curator to come into the museum, often stayed late into the night. Lately, however, he had been staying even later in order to catalogue and sort the newest exhibit. He had been incredibly excited to share whatever it was and was working diligently in order to get it ready for public viewing as soon as possible. Dr. Lyons had always been nice to him, and in the few weeks that Theodore had been working at the museum he'd grown quite fond of the eccentric curator.
“Hey, Doc? You okay?” Theodore called quietly into the dark. He stopped at the closed office door and sighed. Lyons had always told him that, no matter what, he was welcome in his office, but something told Theodore that it was always better to keep closed doors exactly that; closed. “Doc? Do you need help with anything?” He reached out to knock on the door but paused, his knuckles just hovering over the pebbled glass. He was worried, the doctor was never this quiet, but everything in his gut said to walk away and to let someone else worry about it in the morning. After a moment of arguing with himself, the braver side of him won out and, instead of knocking, he let his hand move down to the worn, brass doorknob. “I'm coming in, Doc, it's just me.”
The door swung open with a groan, the old hinges cranky as they ground against each other. The room was dimly lit by an old desk lamp, the light a sickly yellow from the shade, and the shadows stretched long across the cluttered office. Unopened boxes and crates were stacked around the room, and one sat open on the desk.
Theodore swung the MagLite around the room and the beam landed on a pair of leather dress shoes that were sticking out from behind the desk. “Oh, shit…” he whispered to no one as he slowly moved around so that he could see behind it. What he saw made him gasp.
Dr. Lyons was lying on his back, his glasses askew and his face frozen in what Theodore could only describe as pure terror. An already darkening bruise circled his throat, and his hands were clenched tightly at his sides. Theodore dropped to one knee, gently placed two fingers on the doctor’s throat, and groaned when he didn’t find a pulse. As he stood, he heard the dull thud of something hitting the floor. His hand automatically went to his shirt pocket where his wife had put the protection charm, and, finding it empty, he began to feel panic set in. He scanned the floor, looking for the small clay amulet. A wave of cold surrounded him, nearly freezing his breath in his chest, and he watched as the warm air he exhaled formed a small, frozen cloud.
“What the hell?” he thought to himself as the temperature continued to drop. He began to shiver, and the beam from his flashlight shimmied across the hardwood floor. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he turned slowly to find himself  face to face with the shark-eyed woman from the glass case.
“You...you can’t be here. You’re dead.” She gave him a cold smile, her crooked teeth dirty and sharp. “I looked it up, you were executed in 2002. You’re not real.” He heard the dull click of a pistol being cocked and his eyes widened. “Listen, I’m not a bad guy. I know how you feel about guys you think are bad, and I didn’t hurt you. I haven’t hurt anybody. I would never…” he trailed off when he felt the cold steel of a muzzle press against his forehead. “Please…no...I didn’t do anything! My wife is expecting me to come home, I promise I won’t do anything-” The loud crack of the pistol discharging interrupted Theodore, and he hit the floor, his wide eyes staring at the ceiling as a single drop of blood rolled down the bridge of his nose.
“Dean!” Sam’s voice echoed down the hall as he wandered the bunker looking for his brother. “Y/N! Where are you guys?”
“I’m in the kitchen!” Y/N shouted back as she blew a stray hair from her face, her flour covered hands too busy pressing dough into the pie plate to do the job themselves. She heard Sam’s long strides get louder as he approached the kitchen, and soon his large frame filled the doorway as he practically skipped down the steps, laptop in hand.
“Pie? What’s the occasion?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Does your brother need an occasion to demand pie?”
Sam laughed, “No, I guess not.” He sat down at the table and opened his laptop, “I found something, and I’m pretty sure it’s right up our alley.”
Y/N grabbed a bowl of chopped apples and poured the contents into the pie crust. “Oh yea? It’s been pretty quiet, you sure it’s one of our things?”
“Yep, pretty sure. Two people killed in a locked building. One was strangled and one was shot.”
“How does that make it ours? Anyone can strangle or shoot someone, and I think we both know that picking a lock isn’t exactly difficult.” She carefully laid the top crust over the perfectly mixed apples, cinnamon, and sugar, then pinched the edges closed.
“The strangulation, maybe. But this other guy was shot and there is no gun, no bullet, no GSR. It’s like he was shot with an invisible gun. Plus, the alarms were still set and all the doors were locked. Not a sign of break in anywhere.”
Y/N slipped the pie into the oven and set the timer. “Alright, that’s a valid reason. Where are we going?”
“New Orleans. It’s been awhile since we’ve been to Louisiana.” Sam closed his laptop and sat back in his chair, “So, do you know where Dean is?”
Y/N shook her head as she wiped her hands off on a towel, “No, but give it a minute. He’ll be here.”
“How do you know?”
Y/N closed her eyes and held up five fingers. Slowly, she began to count down silently, one finger at a time. Just as she got to only her pointer finger, Sam heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and Y/N smiled.
“Where’s the pie?” he demanded, his eyes narrowed as he searched for the source of the delicious smell.
Sam looked at Y/N, impressed, “Nice. How’d you know?”
Y/N shrugged, “Call it a gift.” She walked towards the door, then stopped and looked at Dean over her shoulder, “You’re going to have to take that pie to go, sweet cheeks. We’ve got a case.” She disappeared down the hall and Dean raised an eyebrow at Sam.
“A case? Where are we going?”
“New Orleans.” Sam opened his laptop and spun it around so that Dean could see it, “So, get this…”
“Are you freakin’ kidding me?” Dean griped as he and Sam strolled down the sidewalk, straightening his tie in annoyance as Sam’s last minute warning rang in his mind.
“It must have slipped my mind-” Sam started before Dean cut him off.
“Oh, really? You just failed to mention that this whole thing happened in a serial killer museum? That little nugget of information just ‘slipped your mind’?” Dean air quoted angrily.
“I didn’t think it was that important,” Sam mumbled.
Dean rolled his eyes, “No, it's because you have this freaky ass obsession with serial killers and you knew if you told me, I would have either relentlessly made fun of you or I would have refused to get involved. Luckily for you, I can't just let people get murdered. But I will relentlessly make fun of you. So what's the story with this woman, Nancy Grace?”
Sam glared at him and Dean smirked. “It’s the security guard’s wife. We’re going to see if her husband had told her anything about the museum. If it’s a haunting, maybe he mentioned something.”
They reached the front porch and Dean paused, his eyes narrowed as he leaned towards the porch post and ran his fingers over the small symbols that had been painstakingly carved into the wood. “Do these look familiar to you?”
Sam looked over Dean’s shoulder, “Huh...they’re five-spots.”
“Oh, yea, we saw them at that old hotel way back in the day, right? The one where that old lady was living in the attic.”
“Yea, it’s Hoodoo...but to make it a powerful charm for protection you have to fill whatever this is carved on with bloodweed. It wouldn’t be incredibly useful without it, and I don’t see any out here.”
“Huh, that’s weird. Oh well, maybe they didn’t realize that’s what it was.” Dean hopped up the steps and rapped on the door, “We are in New Orleans. It’s not like we aren’t surrounded by stuff like that, anyway.”
The door swung open, and a short, thin woman appeared in the darkened opening. Her red-rimmed eyes shifted from Dean to Sam and then back to Dean before she spoke. “I already spoke to de police.”
“Hello, ma'am, we truly are sorry to bother you. I’m Agent Tom Hannigan, this is my partner Agent Clay Miller. We’re with the FBI.” Dean flashed his badge, then quickly stowed it back in his pocket. “We just need to ask you a few questions.”
She looked between the two once more before pushing the door open wide enough to accommodate them, “If you are wid de FBI, I am Marie Laveau. You best make it quick. Close de door behind you, cher.”
Dean settled back into the flower print chair, the soft cushions nearly swallowing him, and balanced the hot mug of coffee on his knee. Sam was awkwardly shifting on the couch, his own mug of coffee cradled between both hands as he looked around the room. Photos of the victim and his wife were scattered around the room; on the coffee table, lining the mantle, arranged carefully on bookshelves. They looked happy, and Dean felt a sudden pang of sadness as the woman came back into the living room.
“You can call me Maggie, cher. My mere is ma’am. Theo called me Magnolia… ‘My pretty Magnolia’, he would say, ‘Not everyone can have a flower to call dere own.’” She sighed, “He’s de only one dat called me dat.” She sat in the rocking chair by the window and picked up a picture of her and Theodore. “I knew dat museum was no good.”
Dean sat his mug on the coffee table and leaned his elbows on his knees, “Why did you think it was no good?”
Maggie raised an eyebrow, “De place is filled with killers, with monsters. It is like dey built a shrine to dese terr’ble people. I told him dey needed to respek de dead, but I didn’t mean de murderers. I meant de people dey killed.”
Dean glanced over at Sam, who looked down sheepishly. He turned his attention back to Maggie, “Do you think that’s the reason Dr. Lyons and Theodore were killed? Because they were being disrespectful?”
Maggie shook her head, “My Theo wouldn’t ever disrespek anyone. No, no...I made sure he’d be safe. Ev’ry day, I put a special charm in his pocket, a protection charm. When dey gave me his belongings, it wasn’t dere. I t’ink dat is what happened. De charm was lost, and den whatever got de doctor got Theo.” She sat the frame back on the table and sighed, “I don’t know what you boys really do, but you best be careful. Dere is somethin’ dangerous happenin’ in dat museum. Somet’in’ evil that shouldn’t be disturbed.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out two small charms, “Take dese, keep dem wit you. A lot of people t’ink I’m too old fashioned, and maybe I am...but it’s better to be safe dan sorry, and if I’m wrong, den not’in happens.” She held out her hand and both Sam and Dean leaned forward and took a charm.
Sam smiled gently at her, “Thank you, we really appreciate it. And I promise, we’ll take care of whatever this is.”
Dean nodded in agreement, “It’s what we do. I know we can’t bring Theo back, but we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.”
Maggie smiled sadly, “I hope you do.” Sam and Dean stood and walked towards the door, and Maggie held it open as they left. “You boys be careful, now,” she shouted after them, and Sam turned and gave her a small wave. She watched as they disappeared down the sidewalk and into a dark car, her chest tight with worry.
*In this instance, couillon is to mean foolish. I linked it, but there were a few definitions.
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Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion @myloveforyouxx-deactivated20171 @atc74 @mrsbateshotel53 @easelweasel @there-must-be-a-lock
Dean Only: @lavieenlex @akshi8278  @valkyrieslament @highonpastries
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sweetteapauldee · 4 years
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After eight weeks of pregnancy, I could not take another milestone picture like the ones above.
On March 28, 2020, my monthly friend did not visit. I waited for five whole days before I took a pregnancy test. My husband and I were being lazy on a Saturday, and I casually mentioned we should go out and buy a pregnancy test. He was shocked and thought I was joking, but I knew I was pregnant in my heart. We were just one month away from approaching one year of marriage, and this was the perfect gift. We went to the store and purchased multiple inexpensive tests, and I came back home, took two, and waited on the results. Instantly, two lines that indicated I was pregnant popped up. I gave him both tests, and he was the happiest I had seen him in the five years we have been together. So, first, we thought about who we could tell. Well, our parents, of course. We invited his mom and aunt over and handed them the tests, and their reaction was priceless. They jumped up and down, screamed for joy, and hugged us both. However, his mom insisted we get a more reliable test. So, my husband and my mother-in-law set out to buy more tests.
When they returned, I took two more tests, and that was all the confirmation that we needed that Baby Williams was coming in 2020. My parents live about 1 hour, and 15 minutes, we hopped in the car again and got on the road to deliver them the good news. We arrived at my parent’s house unannounced they were confused at first, but happy to see us. We started chatting, my husband was smiling ear to ear, so we showed them our bag of tests, and they were sooooo excited. We discussed names, and my dad was super delighted to hear he would get another namesake (other than myself) if I bore a baby boy. We went back home happy as can be and cooked dinner that night. The next morning, we went out to get prenatal vitamins and healthier food options, because we were determined this would be a great experience!
On Monday morning, I called my gynecologist’s office, scheduled my first prenatal appointment, which was nearly a month away. I was concerned as first, but the office assured me this was normal, and they gave me all the new rules/precautions because of COVID-19 (our nation other parts of the world are in a pandemic state due to this new virus). 
Examples: My husband could not come with me to experience my first prenatal appointment. Have a mask on, or you will be provided with one.
I also called my insurance provider to notify them of my pregnancy. They offered to enroll me in a Motherhood Management program because it was my first pregnancy, and a Nurse Practitioner would send me articles and call me biweekly to check-in. I could also call them if I had questions about my new experience.
A few weeks later, I was off to my first prenatal appointment. Nervous, yet excited. I got dressed (put on a new dress, makeup, and styled my hair—something I had not done in months due to working remotely because of COVID-19). If you know me well, I always wear a new outfit for a memorable experience—I buy a lot of clothes. Haha. When I arrived, I was met at the door by a medical assistant (MA) that checked my temperature and asked me if I had a fever or traveled out of the country in the last 14 days. My answer to all those questions was NO. I had on a surgical mask; the MA offered me another. I tucked the new cover away in my purse and then checked in for my appointment. I wrote my name down, assured the front desk my address or insurance provider had not changed, and she told me I’d be meeting with a doctor, I wasn’t familiar with him. I knew I was scheduled to see my regular doctor, but I was anxious to know if my pregnancy was going well. I saw the stranger danger (I’m joking, of course, but I would have felt more comfortable seeing my usual doctor, who were familiar with my struggles with obesity and fibroids—we’d also discussed a pregnancy plan in February). The appointment was a struggle for the beginning. I went in for an ultrasound, and since I had fibroids, I was used to getting pelvic ultrasounds to measure fibroid growth, but this time was different. The technician counted fibroids and then pointed out the pregnancy; we heard a heartbeat and printed out copies of the ultrasound for me. Then I met this new doctor, who came in and announced I was pregnant. Well, I already knew that, sir. He performed a pelvic exam, saw a little concern, but told me it was probably from a subchorionic hemorrhage, but since my cervix was not dilated to keep an eye on it. My husband texted me the entire appointment wanting updates and asking questions. How I wished he could have been there in person. I was already worried about possibly miscarrying because statistics show 85% of miscarriages happen in the first trimester. But I came home with hope and continued working remotely and taking an online class. 
After my 4th Zoom meeting of the week, on a Friday, I got up to use the restroom and saw concern. My husband had just gotten home and was about to shower. I asked what do you think I should do, we Google, called my doctor’s office (they were closed, and the answering service was acting janky), and made a few more calls and decided to go to the ER. Again, I am met at the door with questions and people wanting to take my temperature. I fill out a form, and I am immediately taken into triage. I explain the problem I am having, and I am taken into a room. The doctor on call comes in and preps me with a miscarriage speech. We took lots of tests, and I was taken for two more ultrasounds, I asked the technician a question she was not allowed to answer. At that moment, she tells me a comforting story about one of her pregnancies, and I am taken back in the room. Twenty minutes later, I am escorted to my car to get my charger to keep my husband updated—and the doctor comes back in to tell me I suffered an incomplete miscarriage. At that point, I was scrolling through Facebook, leaving a comment on my friend’s picture, as she and her husband had just made their pregnancy public. I cried. The nurse brought me Kleenex and asked if she could do anything else for me; I told her no. She brought me a folder with two print outs explaining what an incomplete miscarriage was, and I drove myself home. My husband and I pulled up to our apartment at the same time. We hugged, and I cried a little more. We went upstairs and decided to come back out and get some food because I had not eaten since breakfast. We told our parents the sad news—They tried to be positive, and I appreciated that.
After the weekend, it was time to celebrate our 1st anniversary, and we made it! My husband brought roses 🌹 home while I was out grocery shopping to prepare for a COVID-19 anniversary dinner. I was surprised when I got back home, and they were on the table. That was sweet. Later that day, we went out to get cupcakes (any sweets are my favorite) and my absolute favorite flowers, SUNFLOWERS!!! 🌻 We ate a nice dinner and talked about the heck of the weekend we had, but still blessed to be celebrating our anniversary. 
Later in the week, I had another appointment, and since I had an incomplete miscarriage, I had to decide how to pass the pregnancy with the doctor. The less invasive way seemed to be medication, so that is what I chose. After a hell of a day of announcing Student Affairs Division Award winners and completing my Facilitating Career Development presentation– I went out and got lunch. I told my husband he would have to assist me with this process—we did it. He also went out and got me pain pills to help. I took the first round of meds, and then, I set the alarm to take the second round. The pain was manageable—but the types of undies I had to wear were not, lol.
I felt pain for like another week, and I finally passed my pregnancy. That Tuesday of passing the pregnancy was the worst pain I had ever experienced—worst than my degenerative fibroid from two summers ago. I could not even eat my dinner, which consisted of wingettes, and those are my favorites if you know me well. My husband knew I was in pain because I push them to the side and got in bed. After passing the pregnancy, we talked about it and went out to get donuts. If you know us, you know we like to eat. Friday was the first day I felt like myself. I went for a steam and did some grocery shopping. This month has been hard. I tried to write in my topic journal and could not find any reasons to be grateful. However, I am thankful to share my story. I am grateful for my parents, mother-in-law, aunt-in-law, and husband.
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scenario with a fem reader taking care of gregory after the whole music hall thing and they end up confessing to each other? maybe super fluffy bc i love your fluff (and your writing in general!!)
GUHHHH you don’t know how much I love this scenario!!! I made a whole OC for Gregory (Beatrice Till) based on this scenario, lol.
It’s a lot more hurt/comforty, but there’s a good amount of fluff too! Enjoy~
Tobe perfectly honest, part of you could never shake the thought thatat some point you’d be visiting Gregory in a hospital. Eversince you’ve known him, he’s always been… well… kind of odd.He’s a sweet enough person, but he’s always struck you as thatkind of quiet recklessness that might land himself in trouble. Wouldit be because he’d been affected by light in some way, orcollapsed? He’s had that photosensitivity ever since you canremember, and he gets dizzy easily. Would it be because he drank toomuch, or mixed things he shouldn’t have? His little hobby ofconcocting alcoholic beverages has always worried you.
Thelast situation that came to your mind was rushing to a hospital inBath because Gregory’s been found near comatose due to anemia.
Youwatch a police officer walk away from him, and upon receiving thego-ahead from a nurse, you’re by his bed in an instant. “Gregory!”
Hiseyes are half-lidded as he looks at you, seeming unable to focus. Ifyou were to pick one word for how he looks right now, it would beexhausted. “(Y-Y/N)… you’re here…?”
“What??Of course I’m here!” A chair is quickly pulled up, and you reachfor the hand that’s resting on top of his sheets. “Sebastian rungmy dorm and told me! He knew I’d be worried! What happened?!”
Heshifts, and that’s when you catch sight of his arm. Halfway up,where his elbow bends, the area just looks… angry. There arebruises upon bruises – deep violet and sickly green standing outagainst his pale skin. “Oh, my God… Gregory… what happened…?”
“… It’sa long story…” Gold eyes drift closed, but his hand grips weaklyat your fingers. It feels like he’s using all his strength and thathe never wants to let go. That’s actually kind of reassuring. Atleast he’s alert enough to let you know that he wants you here. “Idon’t have the energy to tell it all right now. Just… youremember Mr. Sky, don’t you?”
“Wh…the Sphere Music Hall director?” A memory of lavender hair,electric eyes, and stars inked on arms flashes against your mind.“Bravat Sky, at your service, madam! – Ah, my,my… look at this. Did you know you’re under the protection of thestar of (Y/S)? What a wonderful match for Mr. Violet! Youknow, I don’t usually do this, but if you’d like, I could arrangefor you to be the first to donate at our next concert. That way youcan get over the donation quickly and spend the rest of the nightwith Mr. Violet.” Of course you remember him! He was the onewho planned all their shows, wrote all the songs, took blooddonations from the crowd. There were even a few times that he allowedyou into the back areas of the hall so that you could relax withGregory after shows. “He always struck me as so kind. You’resaying he did this to you? Why? What on Earth did you ever do to himthat he would…?”
Gregoryshakes his head; if it were possible, the expression on his facelooks even more tired now. Maybe it is as long of a story as he says.“It’s too complicated to… go into all of it right now. Heneeded my radiance more than anyone else’s… h… he took toomuch… he said he didn’t want to… but… Lord Sirius…”
Thetrembling in Gregory’s voice makes your blood nearly freeze in yourveins. You know that Bravat always cautioned against the audiencedonating too much or too often. Why would he ask Gregory to give somuch? He knew the consequences, not to mention it should have beenobvious to him that Gregory is already a rather frail person. “Oh,my God… Gregory…” Tears well up in your eyes despite your bestefforts not to cry. How much blood did he take from Gregory? If Cieland Sebastian hadn’t found him in time… oh, God. “He could havekilled you…”
Thatkeeps repeating over and over in your mind like a sick record.
Hecould have died.
He could have died.
“H…Hey…” His eyes are open again, filling with worry. That grip hehas on your hand gets just a little bit tighter. “Please don’tcry… I’m going to be fine. The doctors… say that… I-I wasreally close, but… as long as I rest and get my iron back up…I-I’ll be okay… don’t cry… everything’s going to be fine…I-I don’t want to b… be a reason you cry…” The corners of hislips twitch up, and it suddenly hits you that his mouth looks so muchdifferent without his lipstick. In fact, he’s not wearing anymake-up right now, and it changes how he looks. Now he seems so…soft. Vulnerable. Open. “I’m glad you’re here. When I…when I fainted before coming to the hospital… right before my worldwhen dark…” His smile flattens out, as if he’s thinking ofsomething awfully wonderful. “… I thought of you. Life is soprecious, and I almost lost it, and I… I really… hoped you’d behere… if I woke up.”
If.That one word hits you like a ton of bricks, and the floodgates areopen. The tears start to drop down your cheeks like rainwater, andyour chest heaves as you gasp in ragged breaths. “Gregory…!”You can’t stop. The tears are uncomfortably warm on your skin,wheezes making your throat feel tight. He could have died, and younever would have seen him again, and you would have had so manyregrets. All you want to do is take him in your arms without everentertaining the notion of letting him go again. “Gregory… I loveyou! I love you–!”
Hishand slips from yours, and when you look up through blurry eyes, he’spushing himself into a sitting position. The gown looks too big onhim. Every motion looks like it hurts. But he raises thin arms up,fingers waving you toward him. “C… Come here… (Y/N)… comehere…”
Soyou do. You lean in and allow yourself to gather him against you,holding him as tightly as you dare to. His muscles are taut againstyou when he wraps his arms around your shoulders. He is holding ontoyou with all of his being, so hard that he’s actually shaking. Hishead rests on your shoulder, nestled in that intimate spot betweenyour neck and shoulder. His lips form your name against your skinover and over until he gathers the courage to finish what’s in hisheart.
“… I…I love you, too… please… don’t leave…”
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alright, so today was pretty good! Alarm went off at 7 as it does on work days, and unsurprisingly I REALLY did not want to get up, but I knew I had to because I had hearings to do, dammit. So it took me a few minutes, but I got out of bed, got ready, and hopped on the bus, while trying to forget how tired I was. But I made it to work, and ran around doing a few things prepping for the hearings before going down to court. They were set for 10 and 10:30 but nothing ever happens on time in court, and it was a bit of a circus today (I mean it's always a bit of a circus but still) so needless to say they did not get called at those times, lol. Court was entertaining though. My juvenile justice professor was in there for a case at the start so I was chatting it up with him for a bit since he's super chill and I like him a lot. He got transferred over from the delinquency side of the public defender's office to the child protection conflicts division. The first is something I would potentially be interested in doing, the second I would never do....but I don't need to share that view with him. Anyway. Court got started and it comes out that on a case two potential fathers had been named, but the mother hadn't shown up to court, so they just had the names and no other identifying info. So as is procedure, they checked with the department of corrections to see if there's anyone in custody with those names, and between the two names they had FIVE guys in custody- so naturally, they just bring all of them to court, LOL. So the judge is just like....well I guess we'll just order a DNA test for all of them and hopefully one of them will be the father! And the poor PD gets appointed for all 5 of them. It was hilarious haha. Then the other amusing case was one where there were 5 siblings they just took TC on, and 5 different fathers, which means when the case goes to trial there's gonna be a total of EIGHT lawyers battling it out like you would see a plaintiff and defendant in a normal courtroom. Just all of them and their lawyers in the courtroom today was pretty humorous. Fun stuff, I tell you. But back to my stuff. I met with the caseworkers when they got there and talked to them about the kids and a few preliminary questions to resolve before going in. I had just started talking to the second when the first case got called lol so I had to put that conversation on hold for a second. Both of them went pretty well, I was definitely more thorough than my previous permanency hearings, just getting more details on the record and such. I'm trying to be better with following up on answers more, and I think I did a bit better on it but I still need to work on figuring out when to press more and when not to, because you're always gonna feel kind of hesitant to press for more details that weren't offered because I mean it's awkward, so I just need to get past that. But yeah, I felt really good about both of them, and the lawyer I was covering them for was really happy, she was like "you knew them so well, you were bringing up stuff I had forgotten about!" so that I was happy to hear. I ended up getting back to my office around 11:45 (so only an hour and 15 minutes behind schedule, lol) and actually checked in with my main boss-lawyer (I work for the whole calendar, but she's my main supervisor) about the things I've been working on for her over the past few days and go over those. She ended up rewriting most of the CIMs I wrote, which I tried not to feel offended about because I'd never wrote one before haha so I really didn't feel very bad about it. So then I got to distribute those (had lunch somewhere in there too) and talk to a variety of people. One of the people I had to give it to was a guy who's a courtroom support supervisor that I don't think I've ever directly spoken with before, but he was in the meeting last week about sibling visitation talking about an ongoing lawsuit our office has against DCFS for enforcing sibling visitation, so that peaked my interest because it's more the kind of global issues I want to deal with in my long term career, so I had been looking for an excuse to talk to him, and here I was in his office and it looked like the perfect opportunity, so I asked if he had a minute and he was immediately like "sure, sit down!" and we started chatting and he was super open and explained what had been going on, how they'd been trying to force DCFS to follow the consent decree basically because they suck at doing so, and he printed off the last thing they filed in it for me to read. I asked about who handled those kind of larger suits and he said it wasn't really a department but just whoever is best suited and such. So I went back to my office and filled out the half sheets (court notes) from the hearings this morning, then returned those to the lawyer, and then read the filing, and man, it was like, YIKES. DCFS is fucking terrible. It was basically asking to extend the consent decree commanding DCFS to facilitate sibling visitation but also listing all the ways DCFS hasn't complied with the last court ruling and violated the consent decree, and it was just like, bad. A lot of it was about their tracking of how they're listening, and just how badly they are at doing it. So I finished that, organized some other halfsheets for my boss (intern tasks, man) then went back and talked with the guy about it and just how yikes it was, and he started telling me how the ACLU of Illinois has an ongoing case with the department about way more than sibling visits but how the entire thing is run, and how I should see if I could intern there, and gave me the name of the guy who was heading it up there, so of course I was like AWESOME, because that would be all sorts of great because that's basically the kind of stuff I want to do, although I'd like to work for a group that's focused specifically on children, and not just have it as one of several areas, but for Chicago right now this is a great option. It was about time to head home at this point so I headed out to catch the bus. I had managed to remember to call my psychiatrists office earlier, and I got a call back from him while walking to the bus and then waiting for it. I told him what's been going on with my ridiculous difficulty getting out of bed and how I accidentally stopped taking one of my medications (because I'm an idiot) and we talked for a bit and he called in new prescriptions for me on everything including the meds I stopped taking so I'll have those tomorrow and hopefully those will help with things. While I was on said bus I looked at the ACLU of IL website and they do in fact have internships for law students during the year, and give preference to students who have finished their second year of law school (can you say booyah??). My only thing would be all my experience is soooo specialized in children's rights I wouldn't really want to work in any of the areas, so I'd have to see how that would work. But I'm definitely going to apply and in case you couldn't tell I'm super excited about it lol. I got home around 6:25, got changed and stuffed my face with some leftover trifle before heading to PT, because I make solid life choices of course. PT was different, but productive. He started having me do full body planks on my feet instead of my knees, which is a workout for sure haha but I felt strong doing it so that was a good feeling. We were talking about pain area and my PT guy wanted to do just a general evaluation to see if anything we missed was off, and we started talking about how I broke my foot and that could be throwing off my walking, so we started testing that and ohhhh boy that had some results lol. and that would make a lot of sense because if I'm putting more pressure on my right side when I'm walking to overcompensate for the lack of strength that could cause that back pain that has mainly been on my right side, and the dates of my pain correspond within a few months of when I moved north and started walking a lot more. So we did some exercises for that and then he did some dry needling on my calf because apparently all the muscles in it were super tight and HOLY FUCK it hurt like hell but I'm a tough cookie so I hung in there. He was using this electric stimulus thing too to make the muscle contract with the needles in there and it was just like this steady pulse of pain and oh man is my calf sore now. But it was productive and I feel like this could solve a lot of issues so I'm pleased. We did a few more exercises and then I was pretty tired so we called it a day. Got home, made dinner (frozen meal because I was tired and it was already almost 8:30) and watched half an episode of Supernatural before the night shift came on. I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue with Supernatural. I'll give it a few more episodes. It's just like, it's okay, but it doesn't have me like enthralled like the tv shows I'm really into do. So we'll see if I stick with that. The night shift episode was...interesting. Upon it starting I was immediately reminded of the shit they pulled at the end of the last episode and was immediately filled with anger once again that they (spoiler) killed off a beloved character offscreen. So that kind of put me in a ticked off mood. The rest of the episode was okay, didn't really thrill me, seemed like a pretty average episode for them. I was rolling my eyes a bit at them being like "the only way to save his life is to perform an operation that's never been done before" because if ANYONE can do this crazy impossible operation it's OBVIOUSLY the doctors at this random hospital (/sarcasm). Then there was the ending, which once again left me VERY angry with the writers. I am just not appreciating some of the choices they are making with the characters this season, particularly with the untimely deaths of some of them. (Spoilers ahead) I'm honestly never really comfortable seeing suicide depicted in any form of media, and I can't say I appreciate it just being thrown in there like that without any real build up and what appeared to be mostly for shock value with no real meaning or explanation. So I wasn't pleased with that. But yeah, overall I was pretty meh about the episode. I left the news on afterwards because I was still checking the tumblrs I go through every day, and then Jimmy Fallon came on and I think it was a repeat episode from a few weeks ago but they did a bit on two bachelorette contestants apparently fighting after getting kicked off, and while I've never watched an episode of the bachelorette or the bachelor in my life, I was in stitches laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it. It was pretty damn hilarious. After that I started getting ready for bed, packed my lunch and such. After I showered my roommate got home and she gave me some cash (I covered a bit more of the rent check last week until she got paid to make sure it cleared so she was paying me back) which is the first time in 4 full days I've had access to any sorts of funds besides my Starbucks card (since it reloads in increments and I had money left on it) and damn I am so happy to have it back lol especially so I can pick up my damn prescriptions tomorrow. So overall I'd call it a successful day. I obviously had a lot to say and this post is very long, so I won't make it any longer and call it quits here. Hooray for tomorrow being Friday. Until then, folks. Goodnight loves. Happy almost weekend.
0 notes