artificialqueens · 7 years
Bunk Mate (Bitney, hints of Witney) lolacola01
AN: When the AAA girls hit LA, Shane wants to invite his knew boyfriend onto the bus, only Willam and Alaska aren’t too sure, and when Willam finds out who Shane’s new boyfriend is, he’s really not sure.
“So I want to bring a guy on the tour bus.”
The sound of Shane’s voice caused Willam and Alaska to turn around from their space on the sofa where they were watching Golden Girls.
“A boy to share?” Willam’s eyes lit up.
“No,” Shane sighed. “Not a boy to share. Just a… just someone I’m seeing.”
“Like a boyfriend?” Alaska frowned. “Are you telling us you have a boyfriend?”
“I… guess I am,” Shane nodded. “And he’s in town and I want him to stay on the bus with us.”
“Stay?” Willam asked. “Like all night? Like sleeping on the bus with us?”
“I’m not too sure I want some random guy sleeping in the same space as me,” Alaska said.
“Yeah,” Willam nodded in agreement. “It’s cool for an hour or two, but all night?”
“He’s not some random guy,” Shane sighed. “You both know him.”
“You’re fucking someone we know?” Willam asked.
“Not fucking,” Shane shook his head annoyed. “It’s more than that.”
“Are you seeing another queen?” Alaska frowned.
“Of course she’s not,” Willam laughed. When Shane didn’t answer Willam raised his eyebrow. “Or are you?”
“You can’t make a big deal out of this.”
“You’re seeing another queen,” Willam accused. “But why are you being so secretive about it?”
“Because it’s Sharon,” Alaska said quietly.
“You’re fucking Needles?” Willam laughed.
“Of course I’m not fucking Sharon,” Shane sighed.
“So if you’re not with my ex why are you being so secretive about it?” Alaska asked.
“Because it’s new,” Shane answered. “And no one knows about it.
“So you’re starting something with a queen?” Willam asked. “Is it Adore?”
“Adore’s like my sister,” Shane answered.
“We’re all sisters,” Willam pointed out before going back to guessing. “So if it’s not adore is it Farrah?”
“That would be like fucking herself,” Alaska laughed.
“It’s Trixie,” Willam gasped. “You two are always on the phone with each other.”
“I’m not Trixie’s type.”
“Is it Katya?” Alaska asked.
“Is it?” Willam gasped again.
“I’m not seeing Trixie or Katya,” Shane answered.
“Is it you?” Alaska asked pointing a finger at Willam. “Is this your way of telling me you’re both together.”
“Are you crazy?” Willam scoffed.
“Because I’ve always thought you two were a little too…”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Shane warned. “And can we stop playing the guessing game?”
“Is it Rupaul?” Willam asked. “Is this your way of telling us you’re fucking Rupaul?”
“I’d rather fuck Michelle,” Shane remarked dryly.
“Is it Pearl because…”
“It’s Bianca,” Shane blurted out. “I’m seeing Bianca.” Willam and Alaska sat quietly next to each other as Shane stared them down. “Why are you both quiet now?”
“You’re not seeing Bianca,” Willam frowned.
“I am.”
“But that’s… Bianca.”
“I know,” Shane nodded. “And I’m seeing her well him. I’m seeing Roy. I’m not seeing Bianca. I’m seeing Roy.”
“What do you mean why?”
“I mean why,” Willam answered. “Of all the queens you pick Bianca?”
“Look it’s not like I just woke up one morning and decided to fall for one of you,” Shane remarked annoyed. “It just happened. And if I’m honest it was in the works for a long time. We just weren’t brave enough to admit it to each other.”
“I don’t get it,” Willam admitted.
“What Willam means is we’re happy for you guys,” Alaska said giving Willam a look. “And of course B can stay on the bus. Right Willam?”
“I guess,” Willam answered as he continued to stare at Shane with a confused look on his face.
“What do you mean Willam didn’t get it?” Roy asked as he struggled onto the bus with his bags.
“It’s like my words didn’t register or something,” Shane shrugged.
“Dumb bitch,”Roy mumbled. “You should have explained it with Alphabet soup.”
“Well I’m sure it will just take some time for him to get used to it,” Shane shrugged.
“Where are they now?” Roy asked looking around the empty bus.
“Everyone’s gone shopping,” Shane answered. “I think they wanted to be out of the way when you showed up.”
“Like I’m some monster?”
“No they just wanted to give us privacy,” Shane smirked.
“Yeah well I’m not fucking you on a tour bus,” Roy frowned. “I’m not a groupie.”
“And yet you’ll fuck me in your dressing room?”
“That’s different.”
“It was my dressing room,” Roy answered. “You were my groupie then.”
“I know you’re only mean to me because you love me,” Shane smirked.
“Then I must love the fucking world then,” Roy remarked back.
“You’re not saying you don’t love me.”
“Are you going to show me where I’m sleeping?” Roy said ignoring Shane’s wide smirk.
“That bottom bunk there,” Shane nodded towards the bunk on the left.
“And where’s your bunk?”
“That is my bunk.”
“Okay,” Roy frowned looking around. “So if I’m sleeping in your bunk, where are you sleeping?”
“In my bunk,” Shane answered causing Roy to look around confused.
“We’re sharing a bunk,” Shane explained.
“Like hell we are,” Roy scoffed. “I’m not sharing a bunk with you, while Willam and Alaska sleep inches away.”
“Like they care,” Shane sighed. “I had to listen to Willam and a stripper last week.”
“Well I’m not your stripper,” Roy frowned. “I’m not going to become one of that bitches stories.”
“Look Willam knows that we’re not just fooling around,” Shane explained. “He knows we’re serious.”
“You know for a fact that if I get into that bunk with you then it will be all over reddit before morning.”
“And you don’t want that?”
“Of course I don’t want my fucking love life all over reddit,” Roy answered giving Shane a look. “And before you even open your mouth and start with the ‘are you ashamed of me’ routine. You know the answer to that.”
“Do I?”
“Of course I’m not ashamed of you, Shane,” Roy groaned. “I just…. oh for fuck sake. Okay I’ll share a damn bunk with you.”
“It’s scary, isn’t it?” Shane smirked.
“What is?”
“That I have you wrapped around my little finger.”
“Yeah well my manager said I should do more for charity,” Roy shrugged.
“So this is nice,” Shane said pressing a kiss on Roy’s neck.
“Nice?” Roy frowned. “I’m squashed into a box with you on top of me. It’s like I’m in a coffin.”
“But we’re alone,” Shane pointed out. “We’ve got this nice little curtain closed. It’s like there’s no one else in the world.”
“We could have that exact feeling in a hotel room,” Roy pointed out.
“You know when I told Willam and Alaska about us, Willam didn’t seem to get it.”
“Like I said, that dumb bitch needs Alphabet soup to understand things.”
“It’s like he sees us as the complete opposite of each other.”
“Because we are,” Roy remarked.
“I don’t think that,” Shane frowned. “Sure I always see the world as this bright happy place, while you walk around complaining about everything and hating everyone but my point is…”
“You’ve got a point?” Roy interrupted.
“My point is, we…”
“If you say we complete each other I am getting up off this bus and you’ll never see me again,” Roy warned.
“Never mind,” Shane sighed. “Maybe Willam’s right. Maybe we are a weird couple.”
“I just don’t get it,” Willam complained as he and Alaska headed for the bus. “Courtney could have anyone in the world, but she picks Bianca. I mean it’s weird isn’t it?”
“Not to them,” Alaska answered. “Maybe to them it makes complete sense. We don’t know what they’re like when they’re alone.”
“Bianca’s too rotten for Courtney,” Willam frowned. “I mean Courtney really could have anyone.”
“You’re starting to sound jealous,” Alaska warned.
“Of Courtney?”
“Of Bianca,” Alaska answered. “You know earlier when I said I thought you and Courtney might be…”
“Are you trying to say that I have some sort of thing for Courtney?”
“I’m just saying I see how you look at her,” Alaska shrugged as they got to the bus door. “Or more importantly I see how you look at Shane.”
“That’s… crazy,” Willam said as he glanced away from Alaska. “I don’t have feelings for Shane.”
“Okay,” Alaska shrugged. “Maybe I got it wrong.”
“Yes you did,” Willam frowned before quickly walking onto the bus.
“Well sorry if I…”
“Shh,” Willam hissed as low voices came from the back of the bus.
“Are you seriously pouting?” Roy asked as Shane tried his best to lay as far away from Roy as the bunk would let him.
“I’m not.”
“Of course Willam’s not right,” Roy sighed. “Well maybe to him we’re weird. But to me It makes complete sense. And maybe what you were trying to say about completing each other makes sense. Maybe.”
“That’s a lot of maybe’s in a sentence,” Shane remarked.
“You know sometimes you’re too outgoing,” Roy pointed out. “You’re too willing to trust people. I swear if you saw a man in a white van with a basket of puppies you’d go running to him.”
“Is this you trying to explain yourself to me?”
“I’m trying to explain to you that you’re too nice sometimes and I’m…”
“A hateful bitch?”
“And I’m not as nice,” Roy answered. “So maybe what I’m saying is that you bring me into the light. You make me see that I don’t always have to be in a bad mood all the time. That sometimes life can be fun.”
“Well that’s nice,” Shane nodded as he inched a little closer to Roy. “And maybe you make sure I don’t go running towards men in white vans.”
“So maybe we do complete each other,” Roy sighed.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to say,” Shane smiled.
“How the hell did this happen?” Roy groaned.
“How did I fall in love with you?”
“You have great taste,” Shane answered.
“Or all those years of using wig glue has finally screwed with my brain,” Roy added.
“Okay we’re going backwards,” Shane warned. “I want you to say something nice to me.”
“Something nice?”
“Just one thing,” Shane nodded.
“Okay,” Roy sighed. “Your crows feet don’t look that bad up close.”
“I’m being serious,” Shane warned. “One nice thing.”
“Okay okay,” Roy said rolling his eyes. He paused for a moment before looking Shane in the eyes. “In the past I’ve thought I was in love, but I didn’t know what love was until I met you.”
“Aww,” Shane gushed as he pressed himself closer to Roy’s side. “See, you can be nice.”
“Yeah but I think I almost gave myself an ulcer doing it,” Roy complained causing Shane to giggle.
“Do you get it now?” Alaska whispered.
“That love line was a fucking lyric from a disco hit,” Willam complained.
“I give up,” Alaska sighed before walking towards her bunk, leaving Willam standing alone looking miserable.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Bianca’s Acid Tongue (Bitney) - Lolacola1
After a long day of interviews all Roy wanted to do was get home to his boyfriend, Shane and relax. But things don’t go to plan when he opened the front door and found a very annoyed Shane waiting for him.
Roy gathered up all his Bianca things from the back of the car before making his way up the small path towards his front door. He had left the house at six in the morning and fourteen hours later he was finally home. He had hoped Shane would have guessed the kind of day Roy had, and would have dinner ready for him. All he wanted was to close the front door behind him and enjoy a nice quiet night at home with his boyfriend.
“You son of a bitch.”
“Are you talking to me?” Roy asked confused as he looked behind him.
“Yes I’m talking to you.”Shane stood at the front door, arms folded giving Roy his pissed off look.
“Okay,” Roy nodded. He placed his bag down by the front door before straightening up to look at his boyfriend. “And what exactly have I done?”
“Well if you don’t know then I’m not going to tell you.” Shane spun around sharply and marched towards the bedroom.
“So that means there’s nothing to eat?” Roy asked.
“Go fuck yourself Haylock,” Shane yelled from the bedroom.
Roy looked around the hallway confused before he made his way towards the bedroom door. He found Shane sitting on the edge of the bed. Legs folded, arms crossed. “I left here this morning to you being happy. The last thing you said to me was I love you. The last text you sent said you were missing me. What the fuck happened here today?”
“Do you know what I did today?” Shane quizzed.
“Of course I don’t, I haven’t been here all…”
“Don’t be a smart ass with me,” Shane warned.
“But you asked,” Roy mumbled.
“Today I had the pleasure of watching some you tube videos,” Shane continued. “Do you know what kind I watched?”
“No,” Roy frowned. “But I’m guessing they weren’t good ones. I’m guessing they’re the reason for this pissy mood you’re in right now.”
“I got to watch a channel called Wowpresents,” Shane snapped. “And a little show called Really Queen.”
“Did I wear something of yours and it’s annoyed you?” Roy asked confused.
“You made a fool of me,” Shane complained, which really confused Roy.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I watched your Really Queen about me,” Shane snapped.
“I see,” Roy nodded. “But you know that…”
“You called me old.”
“Shane I’m seven years older than you,” Roy pointed out.
“You said my outfits were shit.”
“I told you that last week in this bedroom,” Roy frowned. “Why are you so upset?”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Shane answered quietly. “Of all the people out there, you’re supposed to be the one that’s on my team. You’re not supposed to be on line pointing out my faults. I have enough people doing that.”
“And you know what hurts the most?” Shane continued. “You decided to pick ever real thing I’m ashamed of and make fun of it to the world.”
“Come on Shane that wasn’t what I was…”
“It might not be what you were trying to do, but you did it,” Shane interrupted.
“Shane,” Roy sighed as he took a seat on the bed beside him. “You know… you know more than anyone that I don’t mean any of the shit that spills out of my mouth when I’m in drag. Jesus I don’t even remember saying half that shit.”
“I’ve accepted your weird distaste for showing that you care about me in public,” Shane sighed. “But did you have to treat me like I’m just another queen to you? Like I’m nothing to you.”
“Shane please,” Roy sighed as he took Shane’s hands in his. “You know you’re not nothing to me.”
“Do I?”
“Shane we told everyone about us,” Roy sighed. “It’s not like we’re hiding. Everyone knows we’re a couple. They’ll also know that all I said about you was just jokes. Just my sense of humor.”
“Is it though?”
“Is it just one of your jokes or do you really think of me as a talentless blonde bimbo? A Spice Girl reject.”
“I said that?” Roy asked confused.
“Not in so many words,” Shane shrugged. “You just called me an ageing twink.”
“That’s not all I said,” Roy frowned. “I mean your video was the longest one I did. Hell I had to stop just to think of things I could say. And what about all the nice things I said about you? You’re just choosing to ignore all those?”
“What nice things?”
“I said plenty of nice things about you,” Roy answered.
“Well I’m guessing they had too many bad things to fill up the video,” Shane shrugged.
Are you seriously angry about this?” Roy frowned. “About a few jokes.”
“It’s like you can’t let the public know you love me,” Shane sighed. “I mean that’s if you love me.”
“Of course I love you,” Roy frowned. “Now you’re just being stupid.”
“It’s not the first time you’ve done this,” Shane shrugged. “What about last month when we went to that party in West Hollywood. You wouldn’t even dance with me.”
“I was stone cold sober,” Roy frowned. “I never dance sober. Anyway you soon got over that when Alaska’s brother got up and danced with you. But then you do forget about me when there’s a straight man around.”
“Don’t you dare,” Shane warned as he stood up. “Don’t try and turn this around on me.”
“I’m just trying to get this to stop,” Roy sighed. “It’s all silly. We’re arguing over nothing.”
“We’re arguing because you made me look stupid in front of the whole world,” Shane snapped. “All of our friends are going to see that. My mother is going to see it.”
“You want me to call them and get them to take it down?” Roy asked. “Because I will.”
“What’s the point?” Shane shrugged. “Everyone has already seen it. I’ve already got the twitter messages asking if I’m okay. Telling me to move on because they know you’re not that into me. That I’m just some fun until you get bored. That we’re not in a real relationship. That we’re just hooking up”
“Who the hell is sending you messages like that?” Roy frowned. “If Willam thinks…”
“It’s not Willam,” Shane sighed. “Its fans. And they’re all saying the same thing. Well there are a few that are trying to make me feel better.”
“And what are they saying?”
“They’re asking if I’m okay, and that I shouldn’t listen to you,” Shane answered. “That you probably don’t mean it.”
“Of course I didn’t mean it,” Roy groaned. “Shane you know most of the shit that comes out of my mouth I don’t mean. Well unless its a Queen I don’t like. Then all bets are off, but you happen to be my favorite queen. So anything hateful I say about you isn’t true.”
“I just wish you were brave enough to say something nice about me,” Shane admitted quietly.
“I say nice things about you every day.”
“Sure,” Shane nodded. “When we’re alone. When we’re in this bedroom surrounded by walls. Then you can say all the loving things you want. But when people are watching, you have to turn back into Bianca. You just can’t let people know you have a heart.”
“I just thought you’d know it was a joke,” Roy admitted. “I mean you always laugh when I say something.”
“Because if I don’t laugh everyone will see how heartbroken I am by your words,” Shane admitted before standing up and walking out of the bedroom, leaving Roy sitting on the bed alone.
Shane lay curled up on the sofa for the longest time. The silence surrounded him. He had left Roy alone and the older man had chosen to stay in the bedroom. It was probably their biggest fight, and Shane didn’t see how they were going to fix this one. As he lay staring at the coffee table in front of him his phone began to ring. Even before looking at the screen he knew it would be Willam.
“Yes I saw the video,” Shane sighed before Willam could even say hi.
“Court, what have you done?”
Willam’s stunned voice has Shane sitting up from his position on the sofa. “What are you talking about?”
“You better tell Bianca to take that post down before her fans turn on her,” Willam continued. “That mean bitch had a bang to the head or something?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Bianca’s new instagram post,” Willam answered. “Look I’ve got to go, just tell your other half she’s crazy.” With that Willam hung up leaving Shane to look confused at his phone. Before he could think, he went searching for Roy’s instagram to see what Willam was talking about. It was the latest post.A picture of him and Roy together, with a long caption beside it.
‘I know I sometimes come off as a heartless bitch, who was raised by wolves, and mainly that is me, but there is another side to me. A side I didn’t know I had until someone came into my life. You might see the two people in this photo as Bianca and Courtney, but to me it will always be Roy and Shane. And it wasn’t until today that I realised I can’t blur the two any more. I’m Bianca so much that I sometimes forget to be Roy. Because truth be told, most people only want Bianca. It’s a rare few that are happy with Roy, and today I hurt the one person who loves me just for being Roy. Today I finally realised that I have found what I’ve always been looking for in life. For years I was desperate to find that one person who would love me and cherish me. The person who doesn’t need for me to be Bianca to have a good time. Shane’s just happy for me to be Roy. He doesn’t need the added bonuses of Bianca. He just wants the stripped down version of me. Plan old me. He just wants me, and I didn’t realise that until today. I guess like with every other relationship I’ve been in, I’ve been waiting for the time to come when he sees plan old me and he decides he doesn’t want that any more. I just didn’t know he was staying with me for the real me. That he saw that person the very first time we met. I guess I’ve just realised that I don’t have to be a clown for this relationship. I know most of you won’t understand any of this so I’ll make it clear. I am in love. Me, Roy. I’ve gotten to forty two and I’m finally in love. I want the world to know that it’s very real and means more to me than anything else in my life. Shane has given me so much. He’s made me a better person. My whole world changed the second he stepped foot in it. And no matter what I say trying to funny, doesn’t matter because it’s not real. What’s real is what I have with Shane and as long as he’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life making sure he knows what I feel for him. Because he’s it for me. He’s what I’ve been looking for.’ #myangel  #loveofmylife #ImsorryifyouthoughtIfeltanydifferent
A noise from the bedroom door pulled Shane’s eyes away from his phone. “What did you…”
“I meant every word of it,”Roy answered as he took a cautious step towards the sofa.
“Willam thinks you’ve had a bang to the head.”
“I don’t give a fuck what Willam thinks,” Roy admitted. He stepped around the sofa and sat down beside Shane. “I only care what you think.”
“I think people are going to think that you’ve had a bang to the head as well.”
“I don’t want one person to ever think we’re just two people hooking up,” Roy took Shane’s hands in his. “You will never have to hear that question again. The whole world now knows how serious we are. I mean that’s if you still want to be serious with me? I wouldn’t blame you if you ran out of here and into the arms of the first buff body builder you find.”
“And break all those Bitney hearts?”Shane asked.
“That wouldn’t be the only heart you’d be breaking,” Roy pointed out. “You’d be breaking my heart too if you decided I wasn’t worth it any more.”
“Well it’s lucky I still think you’re worth it then,” Shane smiled before leaning in to kiss Roy’s lips.
“So I’m forgiven?”
“This time,” Shane nodded. “But next time…”
“Oh trust me,” Roy interrupted. “There will never be a next time. Courtney is completely off limits when it comes to Bianca’s acid tongue.”
“Well don’t go too far,” Shane warned. “I’m sure Courtney would love to experience Bianca’s acid tongue.”
“Don’t,” Roy said pulling a face. “Don’t go all lesbian on me.”
“but you want to make it up to me, don’t you?” Shane asked as he ran his hand up Roy’s thigh.
“Yes, I do,” Roy nodded. “But Bianca has nothing to do with it.”
“Bianca was the one that said it,” Shane pointed out as he pressed his lips to Roy’s ear.
“You won’t be happy until Bianca has Courtney face first into a pillow, will you?” Roy asked annoyed.
“Or bent over the sofa,” Shane smirked. “Whatever floats your boat.”
“My boat feels like it’s sinking,” Roy grumbled.
“I don’t know,” Shane smirked letting his hand go higher on on Roy’s thigh. “Your boat feels like it’s sailing just fine.”
“I have a feeling I’m going to regret ever meeting you,” Roy frowned as Shane giggled into his neck.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Emergency Contact (Bitney) Lolacola01
Shane had only just arrived back home after a long day of photo shoots and interviews for his up and coming shows. The front door had only just closed when his cell began to ring loudly through the empty hallway. With his bag in one hand, and his keys in the other, Shane struggled to get his cell out of his back pocket.
“Hi am I speaking to Shane Jenek?” A woman with a strong American accent asked.
Shane rolled his eyes, he had been getting random phone calls all week. Usually people asking about his power supplier. “Depends,” Shane answered. “Who’s asking?”
“I am a nurse from Cedars-Sinai medical hospital, your name is down for one of our patients emergency contacts.”
“I.. what?” Shane asked confused.
“Our patient… Leroy Haylock has you as his emergency contact.”
“I think you have the wrong person,” Shane answered back confused. “I don’t know anyone called Leroy.”
“You might know him as Roy,” the nurse suggested.
“Yeah that’s… you mean Bianca?” Shane asked.
“I’m sorry Mr Jenek but this conversation is going round in circles,” the nurse sighed. “Maybe I do have the wrong person.”
“No, no,” Shane said quickly. “No you have the right person… wait, you’re saying Roy is the the hospital? Is he okay?”
“I’m sorry I don’t know about his case, I have just been asked to call and let you know where he is,” the nurse answered. “If you come to the front desk of the emergency room and ask for his name, someone will have more information for you.”
Shane only took the time to throw his bag down in the corner of his room before he rushed back out of the front door and towards his car. He had no idea Roy was even back in LA, the last time they had talked he was still in London. And he had no idea why he was his emergency contact. Why wasn’t it Jamie, Bianca’s assistant. Surely he would be a better match. They were always together anyway. As Shane sped through the streets, he tried to imagine why Roy was at the emergency room. His first thought was car accident, or someone had hurt him, but the more he thought of that, the more his heart pound in his chest. So as he pulled his car up to the front of the hospital he tried to think of anything else. Of course Roy wouldn’t have gotten into an accident, and there is no way he’d been attack. It’s probably something stupid like he tripped on his heels or something. One of those long dresses he insists on wearing tripped him up, and he’s sitting on a hospital bed with a bandaged ankle and he needs a ride home. That was probably it.
Shane found reception as soon as he rushed through the doors of the emergency room. A small elderly looking woman stood behind the desk, looking bored out of her mind. “Roy Haylock,” Shane said quickly as he rushed to the desk.
“Excuse me?”
“Roy Haylock,” Shane repeated. “I’m looking for a Roy Haylock. I got a call to say he was hear.”
“Roy Haylock?” the nurse asked, looking at her computer. “Are you sure they called from hear, because I don’t see a…”
“Sorry Leyroy,” Shane corrected. “His name is Leroy Haylock.”
“Ah I see,” the nurse nodded. “I have him here.”
“Is he okay?” Shane asked in a panic. “I mean he’s not like… he’s not dead is he?”
“I can assure you he’s not the dead,” the nurse answered. “But I can’t let you know anything until I know who you are.”
“I’m Shane.”
“That’s nice dear,” the nurse smiled. “But I was looking more for what your relationship is with the patient. I can’t just let anyone who runs in here know about my patients.”
“Oh well I’m his emergency contact.”
“That’s also nice dear,” the nurse smiled. “But I need to know your relationship with the patient. Are you family.”
“No I’m…”
“Because if you’re not family I can’t let you see him,” the nurse interrupted quickly before Shane could finish. “Like if you were his brother or his husband.”
“Well I’m not his brother,” Shane frowned. Unless one of us were adopted.”
“So that would make you his husband?” the nurse asked.
“Do you need to see proof that I’m his husband?” Shane quizzed.
“Of course not dear,” the nurse smiled.
“Then I’m his husband,” Shane answered quickly.
Then I can tell you he’s in room two, that door right behind you,” the nurse said pointing over Shane’s shoulder.
“Thank you,” Shane smiled before turning to look at the open door behind him.
Shane stepped silently into the open door, he was afraid of what he was going to see, but once inside all he could see was Bianca. Laying back in the hospital bed, wig off, make up all over the place and wearing an awful looking hospital gown.
“Who the hell called up?” Roy groaned as he looked up and saw Shane staring at him.
“The nurse,” Shane answered taking a step towards the bed.
“I told that nosy old bitch to leave me alone,” Roy grumbled. “You don’t have to be here Shane, I’m fine. I’m just waiting for the doctor to say I can go home.”
“Well I’m guessing the nurse called because I’m listed as your emergency contact,” Shane explained.
“Don’t look so excited about it,” Roy warned. “I was fighting with Jamie when I filled that in, I didn’t think I would have to use it.”
“Well I’m here now,” Shane shrugged.
“And you can also leave now,” Roy sighed. “You don’t have to be here Shane.”
“Just let me know that you’re okay,” Shane asked. “I mean you are okay, aren’t you?”
“I’m fine,” Roy grumbled. “I just got a little light headed. Maybe my heels were too high or my wig was too tight. Anyway I’m fine now.”
“How did you end up here?”
“Okay Mr Haylock I have your test results back.” A doctor walked into the hospital room looking down at a clipboard in his hand. “Ah you must be Mr Haylock’s husband,” the doctor added when he looked up to see Shane standing by the bed.
“Husband?” Roy asked confused. “What the hell are you…”
“Yes dear,” Shane said grabbing hold of Roy’s hand. “You know because it’s only family that get to see you.”
“You’re an idiot,” Roy grumbled before looking back at the doctor. “I’m fine Doc. I don’t need to know any test results.”
“Roy don’t be stupid,” Shane frowned. “If there was nothing wrong with you, then you wouldn’t be sitting in a hospital bed right now. Go on Doctor.”
“Well like I was saying,” The doctor said looking down at his notes. “We ran a few blood tests and well a few of the results came back a little… off.”
“Off?” Roy frowned. “What the hell does that mean?”
“It means we have to take more blood,” the doctor answered. “Just to compare.”
“Look I’m fine,” Roy sighed. “I don’t need.”
“He’ll have the tests,” Shane interrupted.
“It might take an hour or two to get the results back,” the doctor explained as he gave an nervous glance towards Roy.
“That’s fine,” Shane smiled patting Roy’s hand. “I’ll be here with him.”
“Well I’ll send an nurse in to get more blood.”
“Like there’s any left,” Roy grumbled as the doctor walked out.
“So are you in a mood because you’re not feeling good or is there something else?” Shane quizzed as he pulled a chair towards the bed.
“I’m not in any kind of mood,” Roy shrugged. “I’m just… you didn’t have to come. I would have been fine.”
“And I would have been the worlds worst friend if I didn’t,” Shane pointed out. “I couldn’t leave you here all alone. And I needed to know you were okay.”
“Well you can see I’m fine so…”
“I’m not leaving you Roy,” Shane interrupted. “So don’t go on.”
“Great,” Roy groaned. “That big mean bitch is back.”
Shane looked towards the door where an nurse stood talking to the doctor. “I’m guessing she took blood last time.”
“She dug that needle in too far,” Roy complained.
“You’re acting like you’re afraid of needles or something,” Shane laughed causing Roy to shift uncomfortably in the bed. “You’re not, are you?”
“Don’t be so stupid,” Roy snapped.
“You can’t be scared of needles,” Shane remarked confused. “You’ve had botox.”
“I was drunk,” Roy snapped. “Oh god, here she comes.”
“Now Mr Haylock,” the nurse smiled. “Are we going to be nicer this time?”
“Nicer?” Shane asked glancing at Roy.
“I might have called her some names last time,” Roy shrugged.
“He’ll be fine,” Shane smiled as he took Roy’s hand in his. “Won’t you?”
“Just get on with it,” Roy sighed.
Shane sat quietly as he watched the nurse prepare the needle. He could feel Roy’s hand grip his tighter and tighter as the nurse got closer. “Hey,” he whispered causing Roy to turn and look at him. “It really is going to be okay. Just keep looking at me.”
“I hate this,” Roy said quietly.
“I know,” Shane smiled softly as he reached out to stroke Roy’s cheek. Letting his thumb dip into his dimple. “But look she’s already done it,” he said nodding towards the nurse as she placed the bottles of blood into a tray.
“That’s not what I meant,” Roy mumbled.
Shane waited for the nurse to leave before answering Roy. “What do you mean then? What do you hate?”
“I hate.. I just… I hate being this vulnerable,” Roy spat out.
“But it’s only me,” Shane laughed confused. “You don’t have to hide anything from me.”
“When I got backstage after my show I could feel myself getting sick,”Roy admitted as he picked at the bed sheet. “It was like everyone was going distant, like they were all slipping away. I just had to get out of there. I ended up in the parking lot of the club, and before I knew it I was laying on the ground and this couple were calling me an ambulance. I knew I was going to need one, that’s why I went outside.”
“You went outside so you didn’t collapse in front of your friends?” Shane frowned.
“Pathetic, isn’t it?” Roy sighed.
“You’re too hard on yourself,” Shane sighed. “Like admitting you need help is some big scandal in your world.”
“I really didn’t want you to come here,” Roy sighed. “I must look terrible and for you of all people to see me like this. Well it’s not good.”
“I think you look great,” Shane smiled. “I mean the make up is a little on the clown side, but when isn’t it?” he added with a smile.
“Bitch,” Roy grumbled as he tried to hide his own smile.
“Wait what do you mean me of all people?”
“You just said for you of all people to see me like this,” Shane answered. “What does that mean?”
“I don’t know,” Roy shrugged.
“Because I’m your friend Roy,” Shane pointed out. “If I can’t see you like this, then who can?”
“Friend,” Roy scoffed.
“We’re not friends?” Shane frowned.
“Yes we’re friends,” Roy nodded.
“But you just scoffed like we weren’t,” Shane remarked. “You did that little eye roll you do and everything. In fact if I’m being honest you’ve been like this for months with me. Every time we get together for dinner or something, it’s like you can’t wait to get away. We hardly even call each other any more.”
“You’re being stupid,” Roy shrugged. “That’s all in your head.”
“Last month we were both in New York and I suggested that you stay in my hotel for the night. We could have hung out, watched a movie. You know, caught up. But when I suggested it, you looked like you wanted to run.”
“You only had one bed in your hotel room,” Roy pointed out.
“And?” Shane shrugged. “it was a double. We’ve can’t share a bed.”
“You know what I think this is?” Shane asked.
“Tell me,” Roy sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Ever since I called you that night and told you I had slept with someone with HIV you have been different,” Shane sighed. “It’s like you are judging me. Like you’re disgusted by me. I think that’s why you didn’t want to share a bed with me that night.”
“Oh don’t be so fucking stupid,” Roy snapped. “It’s got nothing to do with that.”
“So there is something wrong,” Shane nodded. “I knew there was. Well go on. What’s wrong with me?”
“There is nothing wrong with you,” Roy sighed. “And I don’t want to talk about this any more.”
“Well if there’s nothing wrong with me,” Shane remarked. “Its got to be what happened with that guy. You can’t stand me now because of it.”
“I can’t stand you?” Roy laughed. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Then why are you being like this with me?” Shane snapped. “Why are you pushing me away?”
“Because I fucking love you,” Roy snapped. “That’s why.” Roy threw himself back against the pillow as he clenched his eyes shut. “You just had to push, didn’t you?”
“I. I didn’t mean to,” Shane stuttered. “I just wanted to know what was wrong.”
“And now you do,” Roy grumbled. “And now you can get up and run. I don’t have the energy to stop you.”
“Well what if…” Shane paused looking down at his and Roy’s hand wrapped together on the bed. “What if I don’t want to run?”
“I’d say you must enjoy awkward situations,” Roy answered, not opening his eyes.
“maybe,” Shane nodded. “Or maybe I liked hearing what you said.”
“What part?” Roy asked opening his eyes and turning his head to look at Shane.
“The because I fucking love you part,” Shane smiled.
“You only enjoyed that because you never hear people saying they love you,” Roy said rolling his eyes. “They’re usually too busy tip toeing out of your room in with their shoes in their hands.”
“Nice,” Shane nodded. “Telling me you love me and calling me a whore at the same time.”
“A bad whore,” Roy pointed out. “If you were a good whore they’d want to spend the night.”
“i hope that nurse comes back for more blood,” Shane frowned causing Roy to laugh.
“What I said,” Roy sighed. “We’re going to put that down to me being high on pain meds, aren’t we?”
“Are you on pain meds?”
“No,” Roy answered. “But lets pretend I am. It’s better than having our friendship ruined by my outburst.”
“We could do that,” Shane nodded. “Or we could talking about you being in love with me.”
“I’m not now,” Roy frowned. “I got over it.”
“I’m not that easy to get over,” Shane smirked.
“Why am I in love with you?” Roy asked confused. “I mean you can’t be my type. You’re too full of yourself.”
“And yet you are in love with me,” Shane smiled.
“You’re taking this very well,” Roy remarked. “I think if one of my friends admitted they were in love with me, I’d want to run a mile. Hell I would run a mile.”
“Well I guess I’m taking it well because I might feel the same way,” Shane smiled softly.
“Don’t,” Roy warned. “Don’t, say things like that just to make me feel better.”
“Like I’d do that,” Shane scoffed. “I’m not that nice.”
“So what’s your game here?” Roy asked. “Why are you saying this?”
“Why do you think I was so desperate to get you into my bed that night in New York?” Shane asked. “I don’t just let anyone sleep beside me.”
“Yes you do,” Roy frowned. “You do that all the time.”
“They never sleep.”
“Because they’re too busy tip toeing out of your room?” Roy asked.
“Something like that,” Shane mumbled. “But that’s not the point. The point is I love you too.”
“Just like that?”
“No not just like that,” Shane rolled his eyes. “It’s been a while.”
“A while?”
“Maybe a year or two,” Shane nodded. “Hey when did we spend that night laying in the grass watching the stars?”
“The pizza party?” Roy frowned.”
“Yeah,” Shane smiled. “It’s been since then.”
“That was three years ago,” Roy frowned.
Well it’s been three years,” Shane smiled. “When did you start loving me?”
“You have loved me for three years and you didn’t tell me?” Roy asked annoyed.
“Like that was going to end well,” Shane laughed. “You would have told me to fuck off. So how many months have you loved me?”
“Four years,” Roy sighed.
“Longer than me?” Shane asked surprised. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Like that would have ended well,” Roy scoffed. “I mean you’re… you and I’m… just me.”
“And what does that mean?”
“It means I’m not exactly your type,” Roy answered. “You usually go for big buff guys with no brain cells.”
“You make me sound shallow,” Shane frowned.
“I’m quoting you directly,” Roy pointed out.
“Well my heart doesn’t understand my type,” Shane shrugged. “Because for three years it’s been craving you.”
“This is weird,” Roy sighed. “How are we having this conversation so calmly?”
“Yeah,” Shane smirked. “In the movies when people confess they love each other, there’s usually tears and music and they fall into each arms. We’re talking like we’re agreeing that we both love pineapple on our pizzas. Oh I know what I can do.”
“Sing and I will have you thrown out of here,” Roy warned.
“Well it’s either that or one of us cries,” Shane frowned.
“See this is why we’d never work,” Roy sighed. “You’re too crazy.”
“I guess,” Shane shrugged. “So does that mean we’re not going to try?”
“Try what?”
“Being in love,” Shane answered. “Together.”
“It would end in us killing each other,” Roy answered. “Or me killing one of your muscle bound trade.”
“Because you’d be jealous?” Shane smiled.
“Yes,” Roy said through gritted teeth. “I’d be jealous.”
“Well I could help you what that,” Shane remarked.
“And how would you do that?”
“I could stay away from muscle trade,” Shane answered. “Hell I could stay away from all trade. And just be with… you.”
“Like that could work,” Roy laughed. “You being faithful.”
“Hey I can be faithful,” Shane frowned. “Single Shane boyfriend Shane are very different people.”
“Well yeah,” Shane nodded. “I mean if we were to do this, we’d be boyfriends. I mean if you wanted to be.”
“You’d only get bored,” Roy said shaking his head. “Let’s just forget it.”
“I know,” Shane smiled. “Lets make one of those packs. Like we get to a certain age and if we’re still single we get together.”
“Like we have our fun while we can and then become a couple?”
“Sure,” Shane nodded.
“Okay,” Roy smiled. “So what age do we pick?”
“How about when I turn thirty five? Shane suggested.
“Shane you turned thirty five months ago,” Roy frowned.
“Oh so I did,” Shane smiled. “I guess that settles it. We’re a couple.”
“It’s that simple is it?”
“It’s that simple,” Shane nodded. “Now stop fighting it. You love me, I love you. Just let it happen,” he added before picking Roy’s hand up and kissing the back of it. “We’re a couple now.”
“Romantic,” Roy scoffed.
“I’m trying to be,” Shane nodded. “That’s why our first kiss won’t be in an awful hospital room with you still in half Bianca drag.”
“Oh god,” Roy groaned. “I forgot I was still in make up. Well this is just great. How can you love me?”
“Call me weird, but I happen to find Bianca very attractive.”
“Says no one ever.”
“Shut up,” Shane laughed. “You happen to make a cute clown.”
“Thanks for not kissing me right now.”
“Said no one to me ever,” Shane smirked. “But don’t worry, you won’t have to wait long for a kiss. As soon as we’re out of here, you’ll get it.”
“If I get out of here,” Roy sighed.
“What does that mean?”
“You heard the doctor,” Roy answered. “They have to run more tests. That means they found something weird.”
“It might not.”
“I’ve not been feeling great for a while,” Roy sighed. “I keep getting these headaches. I don’t sleep. My mind is all fuzzy. I think there could be something serious.”
“Or it’s nothing,” Shane said squeezing Roy’s hand.
“I’m scared,” Roy said quietly.
“That’s okay,” Shane said moving to sit on the bed. “you can be scared if you want, because I’m here and I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Got your doctors degree now have you?”
“Okay fine,” Shane said rolling his eyes. “Things might happen but Ill still be here. Better?”
“A little,” Roy sighed as he rested his head on Shane’s shoulder.
They both stayed like that until the doctor came back with Roy’s test results. Shane held Roy’s hand in both of his as the doctor began to talk. “so we ran the test again and it looks like everything is normal.”
“Normal?” Roy frowned.
“I knew they would be,” Shane smiled.
“Yeah we just wanted to run them again to make sure,” the doctor nodded. “But it looks like everything is fine.”
“Fine?” Roy frowned. “But I collapsed. I passed out.”
“Mr Haylock when was the last time you went on a vacation?”
“Vacation,” Shane scoffed. “Like he knows what that is.”
“It’s been a couple of years,” Roy frowned. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
“And do you take regular days off from your work?”
“No,” Shane answered. “He finished one tour on a Friday and started the next one on a Monday.”
“Thank you Shane,” Roy said through gritted teeth. “I can take it from here.”
“Well that explains it,” The doctor smiled. “Mr Haylock you are exhausted. You are working too hard and this is your body telling you to slow down. Now I hope you listen to it.”
“Oh he will,” Shane nodded. “As soon as we get home he’s booking time off.”
“When did you become the boss of me?” Roy frowned looking at Shane.
“Oh about twenty minutes ago,” Shane smirked.
“So that’s all,” the doctor said causing them both to turn and look at him. “Unless there’s anything you want to discuss with me?”
“No,” Roy said shaking his head. “I just want to go home.”
“I have something,” Shane smiled. “He loves me,” he added nodding his head towards Roy.
“I would hope so,” the doctor smiled. “He is your husband after all.”
“Oh yeah,” Shane laughed. “I’d forgotten about that,” he added causing the doctor to give him a funny look.
“Oh god you’re an idiot,” Roy groaned.
“But I’m your idiot,” Shane added with a wide smile.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Cooking With Courtney (Bitney) - LolaCola1
AN: All Roy wanted to do was get off tour and spent time with his boyfriend. Sure they were still a secret but that only meant they were still in their perfect little bubble. Well that is until Cooking with Courtney.
“I swear to god Shane, if you pull your phone out one more time,” Roy warned.
“But it’s a cooking with Courtney, how am I supposed to do a cooking with Courtney without my phone?”
“I haven’t seen you in over a month,” Roy sighed. “I just wanted to come home and enjoy a nice quiet night with my boyfriend.”
“But this is the hardest recipe I’ve ever tried,” Shane complained as he looked down at his cell in his hand. “It’ll be a waste if I don’t film it.”
“Fine,” Roy sighed. “But I don’t want to be a part of it. And you’re only filming the cooking part of it. I will not have a phone in my face when I’m trying to eat.”
“Bit rude,” Shane mumbled to himself. “I didn’t might your phone being pointed in my face last month when my mouth was full.”
“Well that was a private video,” Roy pointed out. “Unless you want me to share that one with all my twitter followers?”
“And have our dirty little secret be exposed?” Shane raised an eyebrow causing Roy to sigh.
“Please stop calling us that.”
“Oh so we aren’t?” Shane asked. “What would you call a eight month relationship that no one knows about?”
“I can go home,” Roy warned. “I mean I haven’t seen you in over a month, but I can go home.”
“No,” Shane sighed. “Lets keep our fights for when we’re in different Countries.”
“Just cook my food, will you?”
“So you’re getting bossy now?” Shane smirked. “And I thought you only kept that for the bedroom.
“Will you not say things like that when you’re holding that phone in your hand,” Roy warned. “You could be calling anyone.”
“Oh relax will you?” Shane sighed. “You have been a raving bitch since your plane landed. Why don’t you go have a shower and relax or something, I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
“I don’t mean to be a bitch,” Roy sighed as he came behind Shane to press a kiss on the back of his head. “I promise to be better.”
“I’ll call you when I’m done,” Shane smiled at Roy’s attempt at an apology.
Roy must have stood under the shower for a good twenty minutes before he felt his body relax. The tour had been fun, but he was finding it harder and harder being away from Shane. Sure they had both tried their hardest to keep things light, but their relationship soon got serious. It hadn’t even been a month into sleeping with each other before Roy was admitting that he wanted to be exclusive with the blonde. He had been afraid of what Shane would think. Through all the years Roy had known him, Shane had never been in a serious relationship. Sure he had boyfriends, but none of them kept Shane’s attention for long. So when Roy confessed that he didn’t want to share Shane any more, he was almost expecting the blonde to end things between them. Only Shane didn’t do that. Instead he admitted that he wanted the exact same. He was fed up with watching all the cute twinks in West Hollywood hitting on Roy when they went to the clubs together. Roy was confused with Shane’s confession at first. The blonde had never struck him to be the jealous type. Roy was sure Shane was all about free love. But Shane soon set him straight. Courtney was all about free love and sleeping with as many men as she could, but Shane was different. Shane wanted a boyfriend. And not only any boyfriend, but he wanted Roy. So now seven months on things between them had grown very serious. They were all but living together. Only no one knew. They had both been afraid to tell anyone at first. Not wanting everyone in their business, but as the months went on, they both realised it was getting harder and harder to tell people. They didn’t want their little bubble to burst.
Once Roy had dried off and put on some sweats and a baggy t-shirt, he found himself standing at the kitchen door watching his boyfriend talk into his cell. Shane could be so full of life when he was having fun. Nothing like Roy was. Shane’s default emotion was always happy, while Roy’s was bitterness. They were the complete opposite of each other, but they seemed to work. Shane was full of light, and it make Roy’s life a little bit brighter.
“Okay so once you mix the veg together, you place it on a tray and put it in the oven for forty minutes,” Shane said quickly into his cell. “Now please remember not to burn them. No one likes burnt veg. Now you’re going to want to have the rest of your meal ready for when its time for veggies to come out. Then you just plate up and enjoy. And this meal is perfect for those lazy Sunday nights in. When all you want to do is lay on the sofa with someone you love and snuggle.”
Roy could feel a goofy grin forming on his face as he took a step closer to Shane. Without his boyfriend seeing him, he snaked his arms around Shane’s waist and pulled him close, burying his face in the blondes neck. “So is that all we’re going to do tonight is snuggle? I was hoping for a whole lot more. I mean it has been a month since I saw you naked. Unless you count those hours of webcam fun we had.”
“Oh god,” Shane said wide eyed as Roy looked at him through the camera.
“Yeah you’re probably going to want to edit this part out baby,” Roy joked before trailing kisses down Shane’s neck to his shoulder.
“This is live Roy,” Shane said quietly causing Roy’s eyes to dark back up to the screen.
“Oh,” Roy said weakly as the messages started frantically scrolling up the screen.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Just wanted to say Emergency Contact was a really cute fic! Keep up the good work 💕
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