virtie333 · 9 months
Day 18 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Food
Summary: Poe wants to get Rey a special present for Life Day
Notes: In my short story Secret Admirer, I created the loloberry. I have continued to use them in my canon stories. This particular short could be considered a sequel to Secret Admirer.
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It was no secret Rey loved loloberries.
She had never had them before joining the Resistance, and though that could be said for a lot of food, loloberries became her favorite quickly. Poe had recognized this fact early on, and had tried to save some for her whenever they were offered during a meal. At first, he had made BB8 sneak them into her quarters, but she found out who was doing the sneaking pretty quick. After that, Poe would bring them directly to her at the end of the day and they would share, though Poe made sure she got the majority of what he brought. He liked them, too, but not as much as she did. Plus, he took a great deal of pleasure seeing her so happy.
Unfortunately, with the war dragging on, it was getting harder and harder to find fresh rations for everyone at the base. Loloberries were at the bottom of the list of necessities. Rey, of course, understood this, and was okay with it, but Poe knew she missed the sweet treat she had become so fond of.
Life Day was approaching, and it would be Rey’s first real Life Day. While certain individuals on Jakku celebrated it, it wasn’t a community wide event, so Rey rarely ever knew it was even happening. Despite the tight rations, Leia had approved an evening for everyone to celebrate this year, and Poe was determined to get Rey a present he knew she would appreciate.
Whenever he knew someone was going off base, he asked them to keep their eyes open for any fresh loloberries they might be able to purchase, or at least to let Poe know where some might be. Because he was one of the First Order’s ‘Most Wanted’ right now, he knew that he couldn’t really go anyplace too populated for fear of being recognized, but he was ready to bargain with anyone who could get him those loloberries before Life Day.
Snap and Jess teased him mercilessly for his devotion to finding Rey some loloberries, but Suralinda and Karè both supported the idea wholeheartedly. It was Jess and Suralinda that finally found them. A farmer on Kenoshii that was selling several processed Tip-Yips also grew loloberries and had several ripe ones ready to go. While Jess and Suralinda had only been sent for the Tip-Yip, they made sure a nice sized load of loloberries were included. On the way back to the base, they agreed that Poe should spend the next month doing their laundry in return for their purchase of the berries.
Poe was ecstatic and though he rolled his eyes at the ‘payment,’ he didn’t argue. He noticed the look the women gave each other at his acquiesce, but he didn’t try to defend himself. At this point, he didn’t care if the First Order knew he was smitten with Rey.
Life Day came. While a skeleton crew kept an eye on their defenses, the rest of the base took the evening off to enjoy the Tip-yip, mashed topatos, spiced bogwing, and Rorkid bread. The evening was half over when Poe brought out the big bowl of loloberries and placed in on the table in front of Rey.
“Share them, or keep them all to yourself,” he told her as she looked at the bowl with wide eyes. “They’re all yours.”
Rey blinked rapidly as everyone around her cheered. “Happy Life Day!”
“Of course, I’m sharing!” Rey finally said, laughing. “But I’m also keeping some for later!”
It was as the party wound down that Poe found out what Rey’s ‘later’ meant.
She grabbed his arm, towing him out of the mess. “I need to talk to you in private.” She led him to her quarters. Once there, she deposited her small stash of berries, which she had wrapped in a handkerchief, in the middle of her bed. Right where Poe used to have BB8 leave his berries back when he had been sneaking them into Rey’s room for Poe.
“Share them with me?” Rey asked softly.
“You know very well I’m not as addicted as you are to them,” Poe said wryly.
“Then sit and talk with me while I enjoy them,” she said with a smile.
Poe nodded. “I can do that.”
They talked until the loloberries were gone, and then even beyond that. When Poe finally left a half-asleep Rey shortly before 0100, he knew there would be rumors around base. And he didn’t care. He had just had one of the best Life Days ever with the most amazing woman he had ever known.
And maybe someday, when Rey was ready, those rumors would become true.
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lolo-berry · 7 years
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at Biarritz, France
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virtie333 · 7 months
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will i EVER get over this face right here??
What is the most romantic thing poe does?
hope you had a great day!
Oh, my goodness. Poe is such a romantic, it's hard to determine what is the most romantic thing he does!
He's a gift giver, for sure. He is so observant, and he notices right away what people like or don't like, even if they are completely unaware he's watching. So, when he gives them a gift, they're more than a little surprised. "How did you know?" Just ask Rey about the loloberries!
He's also a very tactile person. He loves to touch. Whether it's just a hand on the shoulder or a full-on hug, physical contact is as natural as breathing to him. Can you imagine how he touches the one he's romancing? He would have a hard time letting them go!
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virtie333 · 7 months
A Very Damerey Valentine
Just some of my Damerey shorts that I think are the most romantic. (I'm fasting today so I'm trying to stay busy)
Trinkets - Very short Pentadrabble (500 words) about that ring
The Secret - One of my most popular shorts. From Leia's POV
The Song - Rey hears a song she just can't get out of her head
The Soul Guide - Everyone dreams about finding their soul mate
The Back Corner - One of my favorite little smut pieces
Up in Flames - I firmly believe this really happened after the movies...
Secret Admirer - Introducing loloberries! My contribution to the Star Wars universe
Rosemary for Remembrance - I have a thing for secret relationships I guess
El Dìa de le Boda - The wedding of my dreams
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virtie333 · 4 months
character ask — 10, 13 and 27 for Rey!
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
Oh, this one is easy, because it's probably the best moment of Star Wars for me, and still gives me chills when I see it.
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13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Probably when she left Poe and Finn on Kef Bir, taking the skimmer out to the Death Star remains by herself. Still mad at her for that.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Food. Think about it. She's essentially survived on only rations for years, probably only getting actual seasoned food on rare occasions (and probably getting sick if she ate too much). I imagine eating her fill of anything tasty makes her feel guilty, and I can also imagine Poe joyfully introducing both her and Finn (because he probably hasn't has a wide variety of food for most of his life, either!) to the good stuff.
Like loloberries. *evil grin*
Thanks so much! Anyone else want to play?
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virtie333 · 3 months
🍦🛒📚 on the emoji ask game. I got greedy as I went further down the list.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Hmmm... I think a lot of my short stuff is tooth-rotting fluff sweet, but I think we'll go with the one where I invented loloberries, Secret Admirer!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I do have a tendency to give my heroines migraines. It helps me deal with them in real life! As you know, I love angst, but it always has to have a happy ending! My heroines will always be independent but oh-so desperate for love, and my heroes will always be absolutely besotted with their lady... as soon as they admit to themselves they are in love. I'm a hopeless romantic, after all.
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
The quick answer is yes, I've always wanted to be able to publish something and maybe actually make a living off my writing, but I also know how hard that is to do, and right now my writing is one of the few things that gives me comfort and a feeling of control over my life. I'd really hate to turn it into a job that I will stress over. So, until my real life finds its own stability, writing is going to stay a fun, pleasurable hobby.
Thank you so much for the asks!
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virtie333 · 10 months
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Bringing back loloberries. They are canon in my Star Wars world.
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virtie333 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Here's a bit of what I wrote just last night on my Damerey WIP. Things are heating up!
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They were well into the bottle of wine when he found himself staring at her face, his eyes tracing the smooth, graceful lines that were currently being highlighted by the two glowing moons. She was staring at those moons, her eyes huge and luminous.
“Beautiful,” she whispered.
“Yes,” Poe replied, not looking away from her.
She blinked, then turned to look at him. She was so close, her lips just centimeters away. He wouldn’t have to move hardly at all to…
Before he could even finish the thought, her lips were on his, soft and sweet, just as he had imagined earlier. He leaned in, adding pressure to the kiss, then carefully opened his mouth, letting his tongue taste her carefully. Slowly. With a sigh, she opened her own mouth, and soon their tongues were tangling in an erotic dance that made Poe’s blood sing. Force, it was even better than he had ever imagined.
Suddenly, Rey had moved, getting up on her knees and straddling his lap, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. He reacted without thought, wrapping his arms tight around her, pulling her closer. He groaned as her center settled down over his crotch and his growing erection. She wiggled her hips, almost as if she was trying to burrow into him, and his tongue dived deep into her mouth, tasting a hint of loloberry underneath the wine.
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virtie333 · 11 months
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Another challenge short. I wrote this one the same day I posted it, something I never do. It was a busy week with Mom's funeral and then going back to work, so this was a last minute rush job. I loved how it turned out. It's also where I introduced loloberries; I've brought them back to my canon stories more than once since.
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virtie333 · 2 years
Life Day Celebration 2022 - Damerey Edition - Chapter 18
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There's those loloberries again!
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virtie333 · 2 years
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One of my favorite challenge shorts. I wrote this one the same day I posted it, something I never do. It was a busy week with Mom's funeral and then going back to work, so this was a last minute rush job. I loved how it turned out. Cute and fluffy!
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lolo-berry · 7 years
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Who knew there were so many hydrangeas in Spain???
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lolo-berry · 7 years
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Check out my new purse y'all 🐝
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lolo-berry · 7 years
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Happy almost Memorial Day
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lolo-berry · 7 years
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My favorite dog on earth was in town this weekend ❤️
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lolo-berry · 7 years
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Basically my uniform
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