#londyn pierce
thewickedharlot · 1 year
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Londyn Pierce at the Legends Awards 2023
Everybody’s favorite MILF shows us that she’s bounced back all the way to her pre-baby body and dazzles in a black gown with connected gloves. The look is classy, yet sexy and the efficient use of jewelry makes it far from boring to look at. Strictly from looking at the provided photos though, we do wish for the cut to be even tighter to really hug each and every londylicious curve! 8/10
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snspice · 27 days
💄+ 💍 for piper ! hope she has a lovely birthday !!! <3
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💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
Piper instantly whips her phone out once she is asked about makeup, scrolling through a photo album until she finds what she's looking for. "Oh my gosh don't even get me started on makeup, I will not shut up once I get started."
"I am the resident makeup artist when it comes to SNS. Londyn handles our outfits, Nami does our hair, and I'm in charge of our makeup. If you ever see an elaborate eye makeup look on one of us, you can bet on either me planning the look or applying it myself."
"I have a sketchbook full of different complex looks that I want to one day try. If you tune in to any of my instagram lives after we round up a promotional period, I am usually doing the makeup looks that didn't get to make their public debut on myself or one of the girls."
She turns her phone around to show off what is on the screen, "here are a few of my favorite looks I have done within the first half of this year."
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💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
"Okay I am a little bit less picky when it comes to jewelry, which usually comes as a surprise to a lot of people. Unless the jewelry is given to me by a stylist, I often don't even try to wear anything besides the basics."
"I think people assume I care about jewelry because I'm an ambassador for a few jewelry companies but," she shrugs her shoulders, "out of all the accessories to chose from, jewelry excites me the least."
Piper moves her hair to show off her earrings, "I do have a plethora of piercings but those have mainly happened so stylists can have more freedom with giving me earrings. I usually just keep my plain ones in until Londyn forces me to switch them up."
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worldlymatters · 5 months
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is that normani kordei? oh, no, that’s londyn smith, a twenty nine year old tattoo artist at caos tattoos who uses she/her pronouns. they currently live in quilpué, and the character they identify with most is gwen from total drama island. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
full name: londyn smith nicknames: lonlon, lon age: twenty nine zodiac: scorpio birthday: october 28th, 1981 birthplace: new orleans, louisiana orientation: biromantic / bisexual education: graduated southern university of new orleans in business administration occupation: tattoo artist at caos tattoos height: 5'4" eyes: brown tattoos: outline of louisiana on her ankle piercings: basic lobes languages: english
coreem smith (father/alive) mercedes thomas (mother/alive)
londyn was born in louisiana to wealthy parents. growing up she never realized how lucky she was to have the resources that were offered and given to her since the start. she was shy around new people in her life, but once she knew that you could be trusted she started no one could get her to stop talking.
if there was something that londyn even showed the smallest interest in, her parents made sure that she got the best for whatever activity. most didn't stick for longer than a couple of months. one of the few that she really did enjoy was drawing. there were a few acting classes, singing lessons, and personal trainers thrown in there. the sky was the limit for her.
in high school londyn was popular because she had all the connections, being head cheerleader didn't hurt that either. plus her parents made sure that her grades were great and that followed her through to college where her parents donated a large sum of money to the college of her choice and a couple weeks later an acceptance letter was in the mail.
she went into college majoring in business, knowing that it would be the best choice in the long run even though that wasn't her passion. it never stopped her from working on what she loved, art. several exes and flings later, she managed to graduated college. her parents secured the degree for her and londyn knew that her grades should have stopped that from happening but went with the flow.
after graduation her father started to push her into looking for a job. nothing felt right to her and she jumped from job to job looking for something that would make her happy. she wished that selling her art would make her dad happy but he worked for their fortune that they had and the same was wanted from her.
londyn looked into something that could satisfy her creativity, she found tattooing might be an option. this time her parents couldn't help her get this job, she actually had to apply her self and work hard to achieve this if she wanted it. she went to a couple of different shops locally and gave them a portfolio of her drawings.
a shop accepted her work and took her in as an apprentice in her hometown. she worked hard starting on fake skin and working her way up to tattooing on people. finally, she was so proud to say that this was one thing that she finally accomplished on her own. money from the job wasn't the best, but her parents were still proud of their only child for getting a spot at her dream so they still supported her financially.
the excitment of getting the job wore off quickly and she had a new plan. she told everyone that she was moving to texas for a fresh start. rinse and repeat, every couple of months she moved to a different state before getting bored. louisiana, texas, new york, florida. then she wanted to accomplish more. next destination overseas, she moved to the uk and was satisfied there for the longest she's stayed since leaving home, even if it was only a year.
now she's packed her bags and found her new home in valparaíso.
wanted connections.
ex-partner: they could have broke up because she decided to start moving around, possible that they followed and surprised her in chile. they broke up on good terms, so plenty to work with! best friend: basically like a sister to her, could either be a short or long friendship since they mesh so well it's like they've known each other their whole lives.
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legendsmagazine · 2 years
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When looking at how ruthless the music industry can get, something that is often forgotten is the value of real, genuine friendship free of expectations of reciprocity. People pretend to like people they don’t, because they know that knowing the right people at the right time could save their careers if push ever came to shove. Because of circumstances like this, music-lovers of all kinds found themselves at least a little bit baffled when brooding alternative artist SAINT and UNDEAD’s very own Sebby Jones announced their US-wide „Holy Hell“-Tour. While fans of either artist were thrilled enough to sell out every venue within a few hours, people were still left wondering: How would Sebby Jones’ new age pop-punk mesh with SAINT’s ethereal laments? Is there a place for shows where Jones’ cheerful proclamation of nymphomania can be the pathway for SAINT mourning their perceived loss of innocence? I decided to investigate, making my way to the duo’s Chicago show on February 7th and can say: I came for business, but I stayed for pleasure. 
If you’re over the age of 35 and/or don’t have children, I don’t blame you if you don’t know who either of these artists are, although they’ve both built up an impressive body of work over the last year or two: 
SAINT is the chosen name of Saint Harper-Yamaguchi, a nineteen-year-old singer-songwriter from Walnut Park, known for their devastating path through life (seriously, it’s a crazy rabbit hole), culminating in an eventual adult adoption by Hollywod leading man Austin Harper (31) last year. The young artist managed to cement their way in the contemporary music industry with the release of their sophomore album „Perish“, which received universal acclaim from critics and audiences alike and allowed Harper-Yamaguchi to be awarded the Top Artist award at the 2022 Legends Awards, beating out industry titans like Madam Vivi and Elsa Bergström. 
The other headliner, Sebby Jones has been actively releasing music a little longer than his counterpart - the twenty-two-year-old London-native is a member of controversial Gen-Z rock band „Undead“, mostly known by mainstream audiences for their controversial lyricism and cutthroat fanbase. Unlike the notoriously reclusive SAINT, a lot of Jones’ fans love him for his extroversion and boisterous personality: He first made headlines for his shotgun wedding to fellow scandal-prone teenie-rocker FOXIE, followed by the release of his solo-album „The Freak Show“ in April of last year, catapulting him into the level of  celebrity required to be cast on the 2022-season of Dollhouse, where Jones yet again became a central character after pushing „Londylicious“-singer Londyn Pierce (26) off a balcony during a verbal altercation. After this, Jones went on to win the Top New Artist award to mirror Harper-Yamaguchi’s win from that same night.
The two unlikely collaborators met „around 5 or 6“ years ago while homeless, couchsurfing together and „building a bond that most people probably wouldn’t understand“, says SAINT. The night of last year’s Legends Awards incited the feeling of finally feeling like the two had won something after being handed nothing but losses in life, causing them to make the decision that if people liked to see them separately, their bond would only improve their individual talents.
The show lasted for about two hours and was jam-packed with music, crowd-interaction, fanservice and some genuinely touching moments - I don’t want to give everything away, of course, but here’s 5 of my favorite moments of the night: 
#1 The „Golden Age“ Performance
With the crowd still on a high from Jones’ performance of „Parents“,SAINT stepped onto a completely dark stage before only the floor was illuminated in a warm white light. „And I don’t wanna talk about love anymore / Cause it’s getting too much for me“, they introduced their newest single „Golden Age“ - a very personal hymn of reflection and emptiness, wrapped in a translucent bow of eerie sentimentality: „I’m so beautiful and it’s wasted on me / Because the taste reminds me, I hate what love’s turned out to be.“ The young artist’s wistful performance though, was what really drove the point home. In light of her recent breakup with Undead frontman Axel Parrish (21), Harper-Yamaguchi’s mournfulness feels real and tangible. In its core, the performance was a raw declaration of uncertainty, a very common feeling within the artist’s generation, showcased through SAINT’s lens - deeply evocative and bleak, yet laced with a deep determination to set out and overcome.
#2 The “Don’t Feel Like Feeling Sad Today” Performance
“To be honest with all of you, I feel shit sometimes. Life can be fucking shit, ya know? Bad days, bad months, bad years. And sometimes I feel proper sad,” Jones��� stated almost solemnly, his English accent as thick as ever as he stood centre stage. All eyes were fixated on him as the microphone was secured to the stand, an impressive swig of a beer housed in a plastic cup was taken, and then the guitar resting across his back was swung to his front as a cheeky smile appeared on his face. “But ya know what? I don’t feel like feeling sad today.” The plastic cup was launched above the crowd. As beer rained upon us, Jones wielded the guitar and the beginning chords of the unreleased song caused a wail of screams from the crowd. “But I think I’m too late and I’m sinking now / And I need somebody to pull me out.” The energy displayed within the performance by Jones was addictive, eager and it pulled us all in. As the chorus hit and the Englishman paraded from either side of the stage with the guitar, the crowd came to life even more as the warm light bled into a multicoloured array of positivity over us. “While all the people are cruel, you’re an hour away / Don’t feel like feeling sad today.” Over all, the performance exuded positivity, an absolute eagerness for happiness to rule and for all signs of negativity to fade into the dark. The way he displayed himself on that stage, I could feel the intensity from him as well as subtle undertones of desperation. The want and need for everything to be okay with the world, and perhaps within himself too.
#3 Duet Debut
Avid fans and Twitter users already found out about the fact that one of the promised „surprises“ for tour was the debut of an as-of-now untitled track that Jones and Harper-Yamaguchi perform together. Heavy guitar riffs typical for Jones’ signature style meshed together with a dreamy, glossy production finish that’s commonly seen in SAINT’s most hard-hitting tracks provide the framework for the long-awaited official collaboration between the two artists and give fans what they were asking for. The lyrics tell a story of starcrossed love, giving fans sufficient reason to go crazy with their theories: „Wide awake all night thinking about you / Do you think of me too?“ SAINT belts, sometimes overpowered by the strong instrumental, but it comes off as purposeful, as if her insecurity is being drowned out by the noise of everyday life. „I keep on losing track of time / Cause what’s the point if you’re not by my side?“ Jones questions, and I’m sure after seeing this powerful display of compatibility, fans wonder the same thing.
#4 The Rainbow Flag Moment
Something a lot of people who don’t necessarily listen to SAINT’s music can attribute to them is a series of tweets they made around the time the Legends Awards nominations were announced. They expressed frustration about the gendered categories that barred them as a gender-nonconforming artist from being nominated in some categories, which heated the discussion of inclusion of nonbinary performers in an increasingly diverse industry and cemented the 19-year-old as an important figure in the LGBTQ+ community. On the other hand, Sebby Jones’ band, Undead, has just very recently come out of a controversy concerning the use of misogynistic and homophobic language. When a pride flag was thrown on stage during an interlude, Jones eagerly picked it up, presenting it to the audience, which led to mixed reactions in the audience, with some boos ensuing and several people gesturing for him to hand it over to SAINT, who reacted with irritation: „We’re not doing this.“, they stated, taking over the mic to remind the crowd that Jones, who is bisexual, was also a member of the community and „shows people a lot more kindness than I do“. Jones appeared slightly shaken by the crowd’s reaction, but seemed equally happy for his friend’s support.
#5 The Encore
By the time the crowd was begging for an encore, I was sold - the two artists had taken all of us into their two deeply distinct worlds: Jones’ sensations of anger, fear and perseverance in a world that is inherently against you, juxtaposed with Harper-Yamaguchi’s mindset of hazy sentimentality, regret and yearning, as well as the realisation that to her, the scary thing about the world isn’t its hostility, but its indifference. The two forces bleed into each other repeatedly over the course of the evening, allowing fans of one of the artists to get to know the other, giving them a chance to understand who they are and why their bond is self-described as invaluable. I had reached the end of the show, being sure that this was my takeaway; that this concert experience was crafted in a way that allows two very different camps of young people to gain appreciation for the other, because their idols have always held this appreciation. And then, both of them returned to give us one last encore - as a professional, I thought I knew what to expect: A final collaboration tying their styles together before sending the crowd off; yet what we good was so much more unique than that: A true-to-the-source-material cover of actress Lucia Hernandez’ (22) 2009-blunder „Friday“. The crowd went wild (partly, as I found out later, because of a viral video that showed the two partying to the notorious bop at a karaoke-club a few weeks ago) and I was completely transfixed, quietly cursing at myself because this completely messed with the holistic picture I had of the show. I wasn’t sure what to make of it - but I couldn’t help but cheer along with the crowd, because SAINT taught me that nothing matters, and Sebby Jones taught me that sometimes, Friday can happen on a Tuesday.
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doubleattitude · 4 years
Radix Dance Convention, Atlanta, GA: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: MIla Simunic-’Never Enough’
2nd: Brenna Ferrell-’Showstopper’
2nd: Alaina Chadbourne-’Walk The Dinosaur’
Mini Solo
1st: Ellie Melchior-’Function’
2nd: Barrett Robison-’Ping’
3rd: Spencer Parnell-’The Return’
3rd: AnaKate Danner-’Unleashed’
3rd: Paislyn Schroeder-’Vibin’
4th: Kaylee Schwamb-’See Me Now’
4th: Lily Planck-’She’s A Lady’
5th: Georgia Beth Peters-’Come Together’
5th: Ava Grace Merritt-’Love Me’
5th: Anslee LeBlanc-’Take Care Of Yourself’
6th: Bella Smith-’Against The Music’
6th: Clare Gibbons-’Baby I’m A Star’
7th: Xin Lee-’Finding Home’
7th: Avery St John-’Tomorrow’s Song’
8th: Londyn Knox-’Without You’
9th: Lauren Fenton-’Boogie Shoes’
9th: Madelyn Laken-’Surprise’
10th: Penelope Thomas-’Love Shack’
10th: Lila Morath-’Miss Velour’
Junior Solo
1st: Amaya Llewellyn-’Must’
1st: Leila Winker-’Takt’
2nd: Emme James Anderson-’Resume’
3rd: Riley Fiorello-’Crippled Bird’
3rd: Estella Guzman-’No Contamination’
3rd: Ally Reuter-’Stagma’
4th: Mia Doyle-’Designated Harmony’
4th: Brinkley Pittman-’Gravity’
4th: Addison Cullather-’Tangent’
5th: Morgan Belyeu-’Older’
5th: Kalli Ramet-’Rock Me Baby’
5th: Roberta Marcos-’Torn’
6th: Luna Powell-’1977′
6th: Ella Paige Moore-’Breaking Point’
6th: Zella Wentz-’Fearless’
7th: Addison ?-’How Does A Moment Last Forever’
7th: Collier McLain-’Love Has No Limits’
7th: Mia Mondok-’Music Box’
7th: Gabriela Miller-’Sinking’
8th: Mia Narvaez-’Destinations’
8th: Amanda Fenton-’Devil In Disguise’
8th: Annabel Ellis-’The Forest’
8th: Sidney Hill-’The Moon’
9th: Zoe Kappler-’Changeling’
9th: Callie Ludtke-’Impossible’
9th: Leah Midgett-’Mirror Mirror’
10th: Kinley Andrews-’All That Jazz’
10th: Meredith Lee-’Especially A Woman’
Teen Solo
1st: Harlow Ganz-’End of Love’
1st: Preslie Rosamond-’Possibly Maybe’
2nd: Emery Sousley-’Birds of Paradise’
3rd: Olivia Taylor-’Closure’
3rd: Oliver Keane-’Electric Pulse’
4th: Kenzie Robertson-’1977′
4th: Josh Stephens-’Fires’
4th: Johanna Jessen-’Party’
4th: Gabriella Kennedy-’Ritz’
4th: Rianna Weck-’Sensory Overload’
5th: Delaney Lorenz-’Creep’
5th: Haley Midgett-’Smile to Me’
5th: Sydney Tam-’Touch’
6th: Natalie Bumgarner-’Maybe This Time’
6th: Kate Higginbotham-’Polly’
7th: Kennedi Washington-’Epilogue’
7th: Kayla Pierce-’Fire Speak’
7th: Kayla Montgomery-’Lalia’
8th: Cady Cropper-’Godspeed’
8th: Maddie Laine Callaway-’Piece by Piece’
9th: Mia Lott-’Flawless’
9th: Jordan Stevener-’Ghosts’
9th: Ally Organo-’Like You’ll Never See Me Again’
10th: Julia Deana-’Hate You’
10th: Madison marshall-’Icon’
10th: Dempsey Foxson-’Vain’
Senior Solo
1st: Seth Gibson-’Identity’
1st: Dai Boyd-’Try A Little Tenderness’
2nd: Libby Wiley-’By Thy Light’
3rd: Brittany Willard-’Unchained Melody’
4th: Raven Rutledge-’A Pale’
5th: Rebecca Lewyn-’Devil I Know’
5th: Anna Goodman-’Fallen Alien’
5th: Alexandra Jinglov-’Take It Easy’
6th: Belle Mason-’Drones’
6th: Katelynn Midgett-’Georgia’
6th: Ayana Davis-’Progressing’
7th: Kaili Tam-’Malamente’
7th: Elaina Samady-’Loving Ghosts’
7th: Ally Pereira-’Daring to Love’
7th: CJ Parker-’A Letter From France’
7th: Madison Phelps-’A Feeling Felt’
7th: Avery Ferguson-’When You Sleep’
8th: Izzie Bringle-’Hush’
8th: Molly Fisher-’Moved’
8th: Lexi Elias-’The Weight’
9th: Gracie Avalos-’A Body’
9th: Kirsten Brown-’Asylum’
9th: Julia Hale-’Cellophane’
10th: Brooke Manchester-’Go’
10th: Ainsley Wharton-’These hands’
10th: Sophie Hooker-’We’ll Meet Again’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Academy for The Performing Arts-’Fall For You’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Miami’
3rd: Studio 413-’Party Planners’
3rd: Milele Academy-’Vibology’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Milele Academy-’Fiyah Speak’
1st: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Oceania’
2nd: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’The Mess We’re In’
3rd: Dance Productions Unlimited-’Superpowers’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Royal Dance Academy-’Greiving’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Down We Go’
2nd: Accolades Movement Project-’I Remember Her’
3rd: Studio 413-’Distortion’
3rd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Fledglings’
3rd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Rebuild’
3rd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Tiny Cities’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Studio 413-’Black Flies’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Darkest Hour’
3rd: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’Heartbeat’
Rookie Group
1st: Elite Studio-’I Don’t Want to Show Off’
2nd: Elite Studios-’90′s Babies’
Mini Group
1st: Encore Studio-’Uptown Girl’
2nd: Encore Studio-’Windowdipper’
3rd: Encore Studio-’Turn to Stone’
Junior Group
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’All I Want’
1st: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’Down The Line’
1st: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’History In The Making’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Save a Horse’
3rd: Elite Studio-’Collective Breath’
Teen Group
1st: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Don’t Forget Me’
1st: Encore Studio-’Kinjabang’
2nd: Studio 413-’Social Media Overload’
3rd: Milele Academy-’Close Up’
Senior Group
1st: Elite Studios-’I Still Remain’
2nd: Milele Academy-’Get It’
3rd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Holdin Out’
Rookie Line
1st: Encore Studio-’Conga’
Mini Line
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Jailhouse Rock’
2nd: Encore Studio-’Truth’
3rd: Elite Studio-’Get Busy’
3rd: Elite Studios-’What You Did To Me’
Junior Line
1st: Milele Academy-’Missy’
2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’It’s About That Walk’
3rd: Studio 413-’Into the Night’
Teen Line
1st: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
2nd: Encore Studio-’Yikes’
3rd: Encore Studio-’Just Say’
Senior Line
1st: Studio 413-’Rumors’
2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Lost’
3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Who You Are’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Encore Studio-’Vibeology’
2nd: Studio 413-’Critical Level’
3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’I’m Alive’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Covergirl’
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Footloose’
1st: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
2nd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Studio 413-’No One’
2nd: Studio Powers-’BLACK’
3rd: Studio 413-’Ready or Not’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Shut It Down’
2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Trust Me Again’
3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Resolution’
Junior Production
1st: Studio 413-’Electricity’
Teen Production
1st: Encore Studio-’Cardi’
2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’JLo’
3rd: Elite Studio-’That 70′s Show’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: Encore Studio-’Conga’ 2nd: Elite Studio-’I Don’t Want to Show Off’
Rookie Tap
Elite Studios-’90′s Babies’
Mini Jazz
1st: Encore Studio-’Uptown Girl’ 2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Jailhouse Rock’ 3rd: Milele Academy-’Move Your Body’
Mini Hip-Hop
Studio 413-’Lose Control’
Mini Tap
Studio 413-’Critical Level’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Encore Studio-’Windowdipper’ 2nd: Encore Studio-’Turn to Stone’ 3rd: Encore Studio-’Truth’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Elite Studios-’Every Single Thing I Have’ 2nd: Vermont Ballet Theater-’Build It Up’
Mini Specialty
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’I’m Alive’
Junior Jazz
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Covergirl’ 2nd: Studio 413-’Electricity’ 3rd: Milele Academy-’Save a Horse’ 3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’It’s About That Walk’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Milele Academy-’Missy’ 2nd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’ 3rd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’New Skool’
Junior Tap
1st: Studio 413-’Into the Night’ 2nd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’You Can Feel It’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Studio 413-’Goodbye’ 2nd: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’Down The Line’ 3rd: Elite Studio-’Collective Breath’
Junior Lyrical
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’All I Want’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Guns and Ships’ 2nd: Vermont Ballet Theater-’We Go Together’
Junior Specialty
1st: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Footloose’ 2nd: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’History In The Making’
Teen Jazz
1st: Encore Studio-’Just Say’ 2nd: Studio 413-’Body Language’ 3rd: Studio 413-’Social Media Overload’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Encore Studio-’Yikes’ 2nd: Studio Powers-’BLACK’ 3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Fire Emoji’
Teen Tap
1st: Studio 413-’No One’ 2nd: Encore Studio-’Cardi’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Studio 413-’Hold on Tight’ 2nd: Encore Studio-’Kinjabang’ 2nd: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Don’t Forget Me’ 2nd: Encore Studio-’Sadness’ 3rd: Milele Academy-’Hurting You’
Teen Lyrical
Vermont Ballet Theater-’Gravity’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Elite Studios-’Take Off With Us’ 1st: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Wait For Me’
Teen Specialty
1st: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’Cage of Bones’ 2nd: Studio Powers-’Area 51′
Senior Jazz
1st: Studio 413-’Rumors’ 2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Shut It Down’ 3rd: Elite Studios-’Sleep’
Senior Hip-Hop
Academy for the Performing Arts-’Welcome to Our Hood’
Senior Tap
Academy for the Performing Arts-’Holdin’ Out’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Elite Studios-’I Still Remain’ 2nd: Milele Academy-’Get It’ 2nd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Lost’ 3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Who You Are’ 3rd: Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Trust Me Again’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Elite Studios-’Kissing You’ 2nd: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’Came Here For Love’
Senior Specialty
1st: Academy for the Performing Arts-’Still Smiling’ 2nd: B-viBe The Dance Movement-’For This You Were Born’
Best of Radix:
Elite Studio-’I Don’t Want to Show Off’
Encore Studio-’Conga’
Milele Academy-’Move Your Body’
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Jailhouse Rock’
Encore Studio-’Uptown Girl’
Elite Studio-’Collective Breath’
Milele Academy-’Missy’
B-viBe The Dance Movement-’History In The Making’
Studio 413-’Goodbye’
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Covergirl’
Academy for the Performing Arts-’Don’t Forget Me’
Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
Studio Powers-’BLACK’
Milele Academy-’Hurting You’
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Fire Emoji’
Encore Studio-’Yikes’
Milele Academy-’Get It’
Elite Studios-’I Still Remain’
Studio 413-’Rumors’
Academy for the Performing Arts-’Holdin Out’
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Lost’
Studio Standout:
Elite Studios-’I Still Remain’
Academy for the Performing Arts-’Holdin Out’
B-viBe The Dance Movement-’History In The Making’
Encore Studio-’Yikes’
Jill’s Studio of Dance-’Lost’
Milele Academy-’Get It’
Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
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simanin · 5 years
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+ Londyn +
Londyn lives with her grandma in the countryside of Windenburg, is currently waiting for her application to college to study Biology and while she’s doing that she has the Beatsteaks on repeat. Music is linked below, if you’d like to give it a try and not already know them by heart, Idk.
And also all the fabolous custom content I was allowed to use, because of all of you talented creators. ♥
Nose Preset 1 @squeamishsims
Skinblend @raiichuu
Skindetail Eyebags @kismet-sims
Skindetail Bodyblush @imadako
Freckles @petaliko
Eyebrows N22 @obscurus-sims
Eyeshadow @goppolsme
Lipstick @myfawnwysimblr
Piercing @pralinesims
Earrings @giuliettasims
Tattoo @reevaly
Overall-Dress @kaliklub
Jacket @kismet-sims
Shoes @dallasgirl79
[the hair has the file name HOA_YuiRio_RightTailHair - since it’s retired content you’ll might be willing to find it by yourself and the magic power of the internet.]
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wikitopx · 5 years
Here are the top 500 baby name meaning!
1. Top 500 baby name meaning
Rank Male name Female name 1 Liam Emma 2 Noah Olivia 3 William Ava 4 James Isabella 5 Oliver Sophia 6 Benjamin Charlotte 7 Elijah Mia 8 Lucas Amelia 9 Mason Harper 10 Logan Evelyn 11 Alexander Abigail 12 Ethan Emily 13 Jacob Elizabeth 14 Michael Mila 15 Daniel Ella 16 Henry Avery 17 Jackson Sofia 18 Sebastian Camila 19 Aiden Aria 20 Matthew Scarlett 21 Samuel Victoria 22 David Madison 23 Joseph Luna 24 Carter Grace 25 Owen Chloe 26 Wyatt Penelope 27 John Layla 28 Jack Riley 29 Luke Zoey 30 Jayden Nora 31 Dylan Lily 32 Grayson Eleanor 33 Levi Hannah 34 Isaac Lillian 35 Gabriel Addison 36 Julian Aubrey 37 Mateo Ellie 38 Anthony Stella 39 Jaxon Natalie 40 Lincoln Zoe 41 Joshua Leah 42 Christopher Hazel 43 Andrew Violet 44 Theodore Aurora 45 Caleb Savannah 46 Ryan Audrey 47 Asher Brooklyn 48 Nathan Bella 49 Thomas Claire 50 Leo Skylar 51 Isaiah Lucy 52 Charles Paisley 53 Josiah Everly 54 Hudson Anna 55 Christian Caroline 56 Hunter Nova 57 Connor Genesis 58 Eli Emilia 59 Ezra Kennedy 60 Aaron Samantha 61 Landon Maya 62 Adrian Willow 63 Jonathan Kinsley 64 Nolan Naomi 65 Jeremiah Aaliyah 66 Easton Elena 67 Elias Sarah 68 Colton Ariana 69 Cameron Allison 70 Carson Gabriella 71 Robert Alice 72 Angel Madelyn 73 Maverick Cora 74 Nicholas Ruby 75 Dominic Eva 76 Jaxson Serenity 77 Greyson Autumn 78 Adam Adeline 79 Ian Hailey 80 Austin Gianna 81 Santiago Valentina 82 Jordan Isla 83 Cooper Eliana 84 Brayden Quinn 85 Roman Nevaeh 86 Evan Ivy 87 Ezekiel Sadie 88 Xavier Piper 89 Jose Lydia 90 Jace Alexa 91 Jameson Josephine 92 Leonardo Emery 93 Bryson Julia 94 Axel Delilah 95 Everett Arianna 96 Parker Vivian 97 Kayden Kaylee 98 Miles Sophie 99 Sawyer Brielle 100 Jason Madeline 101 Declan Peyton 102 Weston Rylee 103 Micah Clara 104 Ayden Hadley 105 Wesley Melanie 106 Luca Mackenzie 107 Vincent Reagan 108 Damian Adalynn 109 Zachary Liliana 110 Silas Aubree 111 Gavin Jade 112 Chase Katherine 113 Kai Isabelle 114 Emmett Natalia 115 Harrison Raelynn 116 Nathaniel Maria 117 Kingston Athena 118 Cole Ximena 119 Tyler Arya 120 Bennett Leilani 121 Bentley Taylor 122 Ryker Faith 123 Tristan Rose 124 Brandon Kylie 125 Kevin Alexandra 126 Luis Mary 127 George Margaret 128 Ashton Lyla 129 Rowan Ashley 130 Braxton Amaya 131 Ryder Eliza 132 Gael Brianna 133 Ivan Bailey 134 Diego Andrea 135 Maxwell Khloe 136 Max Jasmine 137 Carlos Melody 138 Kaiden Iris 139 Juan Isabel 140 Maddox Norah 141 Justin Annabelle 142 Waylon Valeria 143 Calvin Emerson 144 Giovanni Adalyn 145 Jonah Ryleigh 146 Abel Eden 147 Jayce Emersyn 148 Jesus Anastasia 149 Amir Kayla 150 King Alyssa 151 Beau Juliana 152 Camden Charlie 153 Alex Esther 154 Jasper Ariel 155 Malachi Cecilia 156 Brody Valerie 157 Jude Alina 158 Blake Molly 159 Emmanuel Reese 160 Eric Aliyah 161 Brooks Lilly 162 Elliot Parker 163 Antonio Finley 164 Abraham Morgan 165 Timothy Sydney 166 Finn Jordyn 167 Rhett Eloise 168 Elliott Trinity 169 Edward Daisy 170 August Kimberly 171 Xander Lauren 172 Alan Genevieve 173 Dean Sara 174 Lorenzo Arabella 175 Bryce Harmony 176 Karter Elise 177 Victor Remi 178 Milo Teagan 179 Miguel Alexis 180 Hayden London 181 Graham Sloane 182 Grant Laila 183 Zion Lucia 184 Tucker Diana 185 Jesse Juliette 186 Zayden Sienna 187 Joel Elliana 188 Richard Londyn 189 Patrick Ayla 190 Emiliano Callie 191 Avery Gracie 192 Nicolas Josie 193 Brantley Amara 194 Dawson Jocelyn 195 Myles Daniela 196 Matteo Everleigh 197 River Mya 198 Steven Rachel 199 Thiago Summer 200 Zane Alana 201 Matias Brooke 202 Judah Alaina 203 Messiah Mckenzie 204 Jeremy Catherine 205 Preston Amy 206 Oscar Presley 207 Kaleb Journee 208 Alejandro Rosalie 209 Marcus Ember 210 Mark Brynlee 211 Peter Rowan 212 Maximus Joanna 213 Barrett Paige 214 Jax Rebecca 215 Andres Ana 216 Holden Sawyer 217 Legend Mariah 218 Charlie Nicole 219 Knox Brooklynn 220 Kaden Payton 221 Paxton Marley 222 Kyrie Fiona 223 Kyle Georgia 224 Griffin Lila 225 Josue Harley 226 Kenneth Adelyn 227 Beckett Alivia 228 Enzo Noelle 229 Adriel Gemma 230 Arthur Vanessa 231 Felix Journey 232 Bryan Makayla 233 Lukas Angelina 234 Paul Adaline 235 Brian Catalina 236 Colt Alayna 237 Caden Julianna 238 Leon Leila 239 Archer Lola 240 Omar Adriana 241 Israel June 242 Aidan Juliet 243 Theo Jayla 244 Javier River 245 Remington Tessa 246 Jaden Lia 247 Bradley Dakota 248 Emilio Delaney 249 Colin Selena 250 Riley Blakely 251 Cayden Ada 252 Phoenix Camille 253 Clayton Zara 254 Simon Malia 255 Ace Hope 256 Nash Samara 257 Derek Vera 258 Rafael Mckenna 259 Zander Briella 260 Brady Izabella 261 Jorge Hayden 262 Jake Raegan 263 Louis Michelle 264 Damien Angela 265 Karson Ruth 266 Walker Freya 267 Maximiliano Kamila 268 Amari Vivienne 269 Sean Aspen 270 Chance Olive 271 Walter Kendall 272 Martin Elaina 273 Finley Thea 274 Andre Kali 275 Tobias Destiny 276 Cash Amiyah 277 Corbin Evangeline 278 Arlo Cali 279 Iker Blake 280 Erick Elsie 281 Emerson Juniper 282 Gunner Alexandria 283 Cody Myla 284 Stephen Ariella 285 Francisco Kate 286 Killian Mariana 287 Dallas Lilah 288 Reid Charlee 289 Manuel Daleyza 290 Lane Nyla 291 Atlas Jane 292 Rylan Maggie 293 Jensen Zuri 294 Ronan Aniyah 295 Beckham Lucille 296 Daxton Leia 297 Anderson Melissa 298 Kameron Adelaide 299 Raymond Amina 300 Orion Giselle 301 Cristian Lena 302 Tanner Camilla 303 Kyler Miriam 304 Jett Millie 305 Cohen Brynn 306 Ricardo Gabrielle 307 Spencer Sage 308 Gideon Annie 309 Ali Logan 310 Fernando Lilliana 311 Jaiden Haven 312 Titus Jessica 313 Travis Kaia 314 Bodhi Magnolia 315 Eduardo Amira 316 Dante Adelynn 317 Ellis Makenzie 318 Prince Stephanie 319 Kane Nina 320 Luka Phoebe 321 Kash Arielle 322 Hendrix Evie 323 Desmond Lyric 324 Donovan Alessandra 325 Mario Gabriela 326 Atticus Paislee 327 Cruz Raelyn 328 Garrett Madilyn 329 Hector Paris 330 Angelo Makenna 331 Jeffrey Kinley 332 Edwin Gracelyn 333 Cesar Talia 334 Zayn Maeve 335 Devin Rylie 336 Conor Kiara 337 Warren Evelynn 338 Odin Brinley 339 Jayceon Jacqueline 340 Romeo Laura 341 Julius Gracelynn 342 Jaylen Lexi 343 Hayes Ariah 344 Kayson Fatima 345 Muhammad Jennifer 346 Jaxton Kehlani 347 Joaquin Alani 348 Caiden Ariyah 349 Dakota Luciana 350 Major Allie 351 Keegan Heidi 352 Sergio Maci 353 Marshall Phoenix 354 Johnny Felicity 355 Kade Joy 356 Edgar Kenzie 357 Leonel Veronica 358 Ismael Margot 359 Marco Addilyn 360 Tyson Lana 361 Wade Cassidy 362 Collin Remington 363 Troy Saylor 364 Nasir Ryan 365 Conner Keira 366 Adonis Harlow 367 Jared Miranda 368 Rory Angel 369 Andy Amanda 370 Jase Daniella 371 Lennox Royalty 372 Shane Gwendolyn 373 Malik Ophelia 374 Ari Heaven 375 Reed Jordan 376 Seth Madeleine 377 Clark Esmeralda 378 Erik Kira 379 Lawson Miracle 380 Trevor Elle 381 Gage Amari 382 Nico Danielle 383 Malakai Daphne 384 Quinn Willa 385 Cade Haley 386 Johnathan Gia 387 Sullivan Kaitlyn 388 Solomon Oakley 389 Cyrus Kailani 390 Fabian Winter 391 Pedro Alicia 392 Frank Serena 393 Shawn Nadia 394 Malcolm Aviana 395 Khalil Demi 396 Nehemiah Jada 397 Dalton Braelynn 398 Mathias Dylan 399 Jay Ainsley 400 Ibrahim Alison 401 Peyton Camryn 402 Winston Avianna 403 Kason Bianca 404 Zayne Skyler 405 Noel Scarlet 406 Princeton Maddison 407 Matthias Nylah 408 Gregory Sarai 409 Sterling Regina 410 Dominick Dahlia 411 Elian Nayeli 412 Grady Raven 413 Russell Helen 414 Finnegan Adrianna 415 Ruben Averie 416 Gianni Skye 417 Porter Kelsey 418 Kendrick Tatum 419 Leland Kensley 420 Pablo Maliyah 421 Allen Erin 422 Hugo Viviana 423 Raiden Jenna 424 Kolton Anaya 425 Remy Carolina 426 Ezequiel Shelby 427 Damon Sabrina 428 Emanuel Mikayla 429 Zaiden Annalise 430 Otto Octavia 431 Bowen Lennon 432 Marcos Blair 433 Abram Carmen 434 Kasen Yaretzi 435 Franklin Kennedi 436 Royce Mabel 437 Jonas Zariah 438 Sage Kyla 439 Philip Christina 440 Esteban Selah 441 Drake Celeste 442 Kashton Eve 443 Roberto Mckinley 444 Harvey Milani 445 Alexis Frances 446 Kian Jimena 447 Jamison Kylee 448 Maximilian Leighton 449 Adan Katie 450 Milan Aitana 451 Phillip Kayleigh 452 Albert Sierra 453 Dax Kathryn 454 Mohamed Rosemary 455 Ronin Jolene 456 Kamden Alondra 457 Hank Elisa 458 Memphis Helena 459 Oakley Charleigh 460 Augustus Hallie 461 Drew Lainey 462 Moises Avah 463 Armani Jazlyn 464 Rhys Kamryn 465 Benson Mira 466 Jayson Cheyenne 467 Kyson Francesca 468 Braylen Antonella 469 Corey Wren 470 Gunnar Chelsea 471 Omari Amber 472 Alonzo Emory 473 Landen Lorelei 474 Armando Nia 475 Derrick Abby 476 Dexter April 477 Enrique Emelia 478 Bruce Carter 479 Nikolai Aylin 480 Francis Cataleya 481 Rocco Bethany 482 Kairo Marlee 483 Royal Carly 484 Zachariah Kaylani 485 Arjun Emely 486 Deacon Liana 487 Skyler Madelynn 488 Eden Cadence 489 Alijah Matilda 490 Rowen Sylvia 491 Pierce Myra 492 Uriel Fernanda 493 Ronald Oaklyn 494 Luciano Elianna 495 Tate Hattie 496 Frederick Dayana 497 Kieran Kendra 498 Lawrence Maisie 499 Moses Malaysia 500 Rodrigo Kara
2. Meaning of name "Liam" and "Emma"
Liam's name is the name of a boy of Irish origin meaning "resolute protection".
Liam originated as the nickname of Uilliam, the Irish variant of William. William is an English name from German origin brought to Ireland when the British fled England after the conquest of Norman.
The Irish began to use English names, including William, which led to the development of Uilliam and its short form, Liam.
Liam is the top US boy's name for 2018, joining the elite group of names to top the list. Liam started out as a short form of William but has long stood on his own and for several years has become one of the most popular baby names for boys.
Now it is the fastest-growing Irish name in the United States, first entering the Top 10 in 2012 and before climbing to No. 1, holding No. 2 for four consecutive years.
Initially, a short form of the German name beginning with the ermen element meaning "whole" or "universal". It was introduced to England by Emma of Normandy, who was the wife of King Ethelred II (and by him the mother of Edward the Confession) and later King Canute.
After the Norman conquest, this name became popular in England. It was revived in the 18th century, perhaps in part because of a poem by Henry Prior Henry and Emma (1709). In the United States, it ranked third in 1880 (after Mary and Anna were omnipresent).
It declined steadily over the next century, beginning another rise in the 1980s and eventually becoming the most popular name for girls in 2008.
At this time it also experienced similar levels of popularity elsewhere, including the United Kingdom (where it began rising a decade earlier), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.
More ideals for you: Top 500 Arabic Names
From : https://wikitopx.com/name-meanings/top-500-baby-name-meaning-711994.html
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chaoticrebels · 2 years
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Name: Kairi Elizabeth Sykes
Nickname: Kai, Ri, RiRi, Lizzie
Alias: Miss Sarcastic
Birthday: June 16, 1966
Age: 17-20+
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic
Location: Hawkins, Indiana
Species: Human
Occupation: Manager at A Slice of Frosty Delight, Manager at Cove’s Groove, Family Video employee, Starcourt Cinemas employee (formerly) Hawk Movie Theater employee (formerly) Student at Hawkins High School (formerly)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Black
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: None
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Lana Condor
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Kairi was born to Atlas and Sakura Sykes(née Nakamura) in Hawkins, Indiana in the spring of 1966. She is the middle child, having two older siblings and two younger siblings. Not that she minded being the middle child but it wasn’t always fun and games since sometimes she felt like she was invisible, she hated the feeling since she knew very well she was loved just as much as her siblings. She had to admit though growing up in the shadow of her older brother and sister wasn’t fun, in fact it was hard at times because she didn’t just want to be known as just her older siblings little sister but she still managed to make a name for herself among her peers, though sometimes some people still only see her as Noah’s and Zuri’s little sister. She assumed that it was like that with Thorn and Londyn too, she felt bad for them but at the same time she wished them the best since she was sure they’ll make a name for themselves as well.
For most of her life she lived next door to Steve Harrington, which led to them becoming the best of friends. They were practically inseparable, it had gotten to the point that her family swore that one day they would end up together. They would spend hours going on adventures, playing make believe, playing different sorts of sports, or doing whatever they could think of at the time being. Steve was one of the people she truly loved and cared about, maybe even more than she loved her family, either way she loved him like no other. He was also one of the few people she trusts with her life, she would share practically everything with him. She didn’t know if they’d ever end up together but she never wanted to lose him because she didn’t know what she’d do without him, she could only hope that Steve felt the same way about her as she did about him.
It was the summer before middle school when her heart broke, she had just gotten home from hanging with Steve when her parents dropped the news that her grandma was ill and that they were moving to California to take care of her. After protesting against it as much as she could, she resigned to her fate of having to move and just rushed out of her house without another word. She ran all the way to Steve’s, once he opened the door she didn’t give him much time to react as she just hugged him out of nowhere and broke down in his arms. It took a couple of hours before she could even get a coherent sentence out, once she was able to she told him everything that was wrong. After that she spent as much time at Steve’s as her parents packed for the move, she didn’t care to help but she just wanted to spend as much time with her best friend as she could. She basically moved in with him for the time being til it was time to go, her parents luckily understood and allowed it. Her last night with Steve was the first time she had ever kissed him, she explained afterwards that she didn’t want her first kiss to be with anyone else but her best friend. Her parents practically had to pry her from Steve’s arms the next morning when it was time to go because neither of them wanted to let go, she would never forget the look on his face as she drove away for the last time that morning.
For about a week and a half after moving to California, Kairi had locked herself in her room refusing to leave. The only time she actually left was to get food and something to drink, but most of her days of confinement were spent on the phone with Steve. She was quite aware of how she was acting but she was homesick and hurting, she missed her best friend and even though they made a promise to never forget one another she was still terrified of him forgetting about her. After a week and a half passed she finally left the confinements of her room because she felt bad that she was basically punishing her grandma over something that was out of her control, so she wondered out and started spending time with her grandma since she didn’t know how long she had left with her.
A couple weeks later she finally decided to get out of the house and explore the city since this is where she was gonna live for awhile, she figured it better to get acquainted with the city so she didn’t get lost. Especially since the last time she was here, she was too young to remember it. So she headed out with her older brother and sister, sometime along the way she ended up really enjoying Cali. Once she got the feel for the layout, she began to spend most of her time on the beach, though as much as she loved the beach it wasn’t anything like the woods back in Hawkins that she loved to explore. If she wasn’t at the beach then she was somewhere she could explore and go on adventures, sometimes she was at the mall with her older sister or at the arcade with her older brother. Sometimes she was at the movies with them both, either way her summer was filled with adventure and fun. Well as much fun as she could have while she was missing her best friend, she really did wish he was here with her but she would always call him when she got home and tell him about her day and listen to him about his day. It went like that for the rest of the summer, though sometime during the school year that ended up changing. She didn’t know how it happened but it did and it completely sucked, though sometime after she stopped talking to Steve as much as she did before she ended up making new friends in Cali and the pain of losing her best friend began to become a numbing tingle but there were days where she still missed Steve.
Throughout the beginning of middle school everything was normal, she was just another face in the crowd. However that all changed when she showed up a jerk then knocked them down after they tried to take a cheap shot at her, after that she started gaining quite a bit of attention. But despite the rise in popularity, Kairi still remained level headed and chose to hang with the friends she had made already. Though it was during that time that she met Billy, as charismatic as he was; she was on the fence about him because of how he acts. It was times like this where she wanted to call Steve and ask him what he thought but she decided against it, she just decided to socialize with Billy despite everything. Even though most of the time it's just sarcasm that comes out of her mouth when she’s talking to him, but there are those rare times she’s sincere and sweet. She likes keeping him on the edge with not knowing what to expect from her, actually she liked doing it to everyone because it kept things interesting.
It was during middle school that her sense of style changed, she went from full on tomboy to more of a girly tomboy, if that even made sense but she called it a mix of both styles. It was also during middle school when her love for drawing and writing developed, her love for dancing and singing developed when she was younger. However, since her love for writing developed, she began to write her own song lyrics and stories. She would sometimes spend a few hours of her free time before bed, just writing whatever she felt like writing at the time. The only constant writing she’d do every night before bed and that was writing letters to Steve, letters she never planned on sending him but still she wrote them because it made her feel better since in a way it was like she was still keeping her promise to never forget him.
It was just after middle school had ended when her grandma passed away from her cancer and it devastated her, she was so distraught that she ended up calling Steve in tears. However when he didn’t answer she didn’t bother trying again, her fear of being forgotten by him became a reality which caused her to cry even more. It took her awhile before she finally got the tears to stop falling all the time, but she was definitely still upset about it all. It was about a few weeks after the funeral that she finally started feeling better, though it still stung whenever she thought about Steve or her grandma but she was sure in time that would go away. She spent most of her summer with her friends doing whatever they came up with, the only time she wasn’t with her friends was the day of the funeral and the day her grandma passed away.
There was a month left before high school was set to start when Kairi was in an incident that nearly cost her life, it had scared her parents quite a bit that they decided to move back to Hawkins. She was upset that once again she’d have to leave her best friend, just cause she almost drowned. She knew at one point all she wanted was to move back to Hawkins, back to Steve. Now she didn’t want to leave California, she didn’t want to start all over again. She tried reasoning with them once again, even her siblings tried reasoning with them but her parents weren’t having it, so they packed up and moved once again. She ended up moving back into the same house she once upon didn’t want to leave, she guessed it was a good thing her parents only rented it out and never really sold it. The only difference was this time she wasn’t best friends with her next door neighbor so she didn’t rush to go see him, though she was sure he probably knew that he had new neighbors so it wasn’t as if he was rushing over either. It only took her about a week to fully unpack and get used to being in Hawkins once more, however it took her about two weeks to get her parents to stop pestering her about Harrington.
The first time Kairi saw Steve since she moved back to Hawkins, there was a week left until high school started. She wasn’t sure if he saw her but she definitely saw him while she was finishing her school shopping, he really had changed since they last saw each other but she could recognize him anywhere. Just seeing him though caused her heart to flutter a bit before it started to ache, it confused her because she thought she was over it but apparently a part of her wasn’t. Luckily for her the pain didn’t stick around too long. It was the first day of high school when she knew for sure that Harrington knew she was back and had seen her, after all they had a few classes together. She could have swore she saw something cross his facial features when she looked at him but she shrugged it off and looked away, afterwards she just quickly gathered her stuff and left without looking back. Though she could faintly hear her name being called, causing her to pause in her tracks for a moment and look back to make sure she wasn’t hearing things. When she did she locked on familiar brown eyes causing her to bite her lip gently, shifting her weight a bit as she noticed him getting closer to her. However before he could reach her, Tommy and Carol intercepted him. As he got distracted with his new friends, she turned away and walked away. After that she avoided Steve the best she could and it seemed like Steve avoided her as well.
Prior to moving to California, Kairi was known as an adventurous, sweetest tomboy, however that quickly changed and she became more of a sarcastic but she remained just as adventurous and still sweet. She isn’t completely a tomboy anymore but she isn’t a full on girly girl, she’s a mixture of both but in her own style.
One of Kairi's incredible skills is her proficiency with her katana, her adeptness with her katana was revealed when she displayed significant prowess in fending off the vicious Demogorgon that was trying to attack one of her friends. She also can adapt to using whatever object is closer to her to defend herself or someone she cares about, an example being when she used her older brother’s guitar as a weapon to defend herself from an attack from a demodog. She is quite flexible and she knows how to fight, in fact she has a mean right hook due to how fast she knocked down one of the mean kids after she had enough of their teasing.
She is quite an amazing singer and a phenomenal dancer but she rarely lets anyone hear her sing or watch her dance, she is also quite artistic. She loves to draw and write, she has a few journals dedicated to stories and song-lyrics, as well as some poems but again she rarely lets anyone see them.
Dead By Daylight
Adventurous and creative, yet sarcastic but compassionate, Kairi Sykes is always up for an adventure. She is often seeking that next thrill, if not she is either relaxing as she writes stories or lyrics, sometimes even poems or she singing as she dances her heart out.
One evening while she was out exploring she noticed Steve Harrington pulling up to the Hawkins National Laboratory, so out of curiosity she followed him a bit. She lost sight of him for a bit and when she finally found him again, she didn’t get a chance to ask him what he was doing because something strange was happening and all of a sudden he was gone. It scared her enough to make her scream his name and that’s the last thing she remembered before waking up in a strange place that seemed familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. The next thing she noticed was a familiar face that she once loved seeing which made her smile for a moment before she noticed another familiar face
Kairi is able to protect and support her fellow Survivors in her own special way while providing her own sense of wonder and adventure. Her personal perks; Songbird, To The Stars, and Guardian Angel, enable her to heal, repair, open the exit gates, cleanse totems, and wiggle faster when she is humming, distract killers in creative ways, switch spots with a survivor in dying state then fully recover quickly and be left in a broken state for 90 seconds.
Harry Potter
Location: Hogwarts / London
Species: Witch/Human
Powers: Magic, Occlumency
Occupation: Student - Entertainer
House: Gryffindor
Patronus: Black Stallion
Wand: English oak wood with a dragon heartstring core, 10 ¼" and slightly springy flexibility
0 notes
twistedstxrs · 2 years
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Name: Kairi Elizabeth Sykes
Nickname: Kai, Ri
Alias: Miss Sarcastic
Birthday: 1966
Age: 17-19+
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic
Location: Hawkins, Indiana
Species: Human
Occupation: Family Video employee, Starcourt Cinemas employee (formerly) Hawk Movie Theater employee (formerly) Student at Hawkins High School (formerly)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 118 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Black
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Lana Condor
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Kairi was born to Atlas and Sakura Sykes(née Nakamura) in Hawkins, Indiana in the spring of 1966. She is the middle child, having two older siblings and two younger siblings. Not that she minded being the middle child but it wasn’t always fun and games since sometimes she felt like she was invisible, she hated the feeling since she knew very well she was loved just as much as her siblings. She had to admit though growing up in the shadow of her older brother and sister wasn’t fun, in fact it was hard at times because she didn’t just want to be known as just her older siblings little sister but she still managed to make a name for herself among her peers, though sometimes some people still only see her as Noah’s and Zuri’s little sister. She assumed that it was like that with Thorn and Londyn too, she felt bad for them but at the same time she wished them the best since she was sure they’ll make a name for themselves as well.
For most of her life she lived next door to Steve Harrington, which led to them becoming the best of friends. They were practically inseparable, it had gotten to the point that her family swore that one day they would end up together. They would spend hours going on adventures, playing make believe, playing different sorts of sports, or doing whatever they could think of at the time being. Steve was one of the people she truly loved and cared about, maybe even more than she loved her family, either way she loved him like no other. He was also one of the few people she trusts with her life, she would share practically everything with him. She didn’t know if they’d ever end up together but she never wanted to lose him because she didn’t know what she’d do without him, she could only hope that Steve felt the same way about her as she did about him.
It was the summer before middle school when her heart broke, she had just gotten home from hanging with Steve when her parents dropped the news that her grandma was ill and that they were moving to California to take care of her. After protesting against it as much as she could, she resigned to her fate of having to move and just rushed out of her house without another word. She ran all the way to Steve’s, once he opened the door she didn’t give him much time to react as she just hugged him out of nowhere and broke down in his arms. It took a couple of hours before she could even get a coherent sentence out, once she was able to she told him everything that was wrong. After that she spent as much time at Steve’s as her parents packed for the move, she didn’t care to help but she just wanted to spend as much time with her best friend as she could. She basically moved in with him for the time being til it was time to go, her parents luckily understood and allowed it. Her last night with Steve was the first time she had ever kissed him, she explained afterwards that she didn’t want her first kiss to be with anyone else but her best friend. Her parents practically had to pry her from Steve’s arms the next morning when it was time to go because neither of them wanted to let go, she would never forget the look on his face as she drove away for the last time that morning.
For about a week and a half after moving to California, Kairi had locked herself in her room refusing to leave. The only time she actually left was to get food and something to drink, but most of her days of confinement were spent on the phone with Steve. She was quite aware of how she was acting but she was homesick and hurting, she missed her best friend and even though they made a promise to never forget one another she was still terrified of him forgetting about her. After a week and a half passed she finally left the confinements of her room because she felt bad that she was basically punishing her grandma over something that was out of her control, so she wondered out and started spending time with her grandma since she didn’t know how long she had left with her.
A couple weeks later she finally decided to get out of the house and explore the city since this is where she was gonna live for awhile, she figured it better to get acquainted with the city so she didn’t get lost. Especially since the last time she was here, she was too young to remember it. So she headed out with her older brother and sister, sometime along the way she ended up really enjoying Cali. Once she got the feel for the layout, she began to spend most of her time on the beach, though as much as she loved the beach it wasn’t anything like the woods back in Hawkins that she loved to explore. If she wasn’t at the beach then she was somewhere she could explore and go on adventures, sometimes she was at the mall with her older sister or at the arcade with her older brother. Sometimes she was at the movies with them both, either way her summer was filled with adventure and fun. Well as much fun as she could have while she was missing her best friend, she really did wish he was here with her but she would always call him when she got home and tell him about her day and listen to him about his day. It went like that for the rest of the summer, though sometime during the school year that ended up changing. She didn’t know how it happened but it did and it completely sucked, though sometime after she stopped talking to Steve as much as she did before she ended up making new friends in Cali and the pain of losing her best friend began to become a numbing tingle but there were days where she still missed Steve.
Throughout the beginning of middle school everything was normal, she was just another face in the crowd. However that all changed when she showed up a jerk then knocked them down after they tried to take a cheap shot at her, after that she started gaining quite a bit of attention. But despite the rise in popularity, Kairi still remained level headed and chose to hang with the friends she had made already. Though it was during that time that she met Billy, as charismatic as he was; she was on the fence about him because of how he acts. It was times like this where she wanted to call Steve and ask him what he thought but she decided against it, she just decided to socialize with Billy despite everything. Even though most of the time it's just sarcasm that comes out of her mouth when she’s talking to him, but there are those rare times she’s sincere and sweet. She likes keeping him on the edge with not knowing what to expect from her, actually she liked doing it to everyone because it kept things interesting.
It was during middle school that her sense of style changed, she went from full on tomboy to more of a girly tomboy, if that even made sense but she called it a mix of both styles. It was also during middle school when her love for drawing and writing developed, her love for dancing and singing developed when she was younger. However, since her love for writing developed, she began to write her own song lyrics and stories. She would sometimes spend a few hours of her free time before bed, just writing whatever she felt like writing at the time. The only constant writing she’d do every night before bed and that was writing letters to Steve, letters she never planned on sending him but still she wrote them because it made her feel better since in a way it was like she was still keeping her promise to never forget him.
It was just after middle school had ended when her grandma passed away from her cancer and it devastated her, she was so distraught that she ended up calling Steve in tears. However when he didn’t answer she didn’t bother trying again, her fear of being forgotten by him became a reality which caused her to cry even more. It took her awhile before she finally got the tears to stop falling all the time, but she was definitely still upset about it all. It was about a few weeks after the funeral that she finally started feeling better, though it still stung whenever she thought about Steve or her grandma but she was sure in time that would go away. She spent most of her summer with her friends doing whatever they came up with, the only time she wasn’t with her friends was the day of the funeral and the day her grandma passed away.
There was a month left before high school was set to start when Kairi was in an incident that nearly cost her life, it had scared her parents quite a bit that they decided to move back to Hawkins. She was upset that once again she’d have to leave her best friend, just cause she almost drowned. She knew at one point all she wanted was to move back to Hawkins, back to Steve. Now she didn’t want to leave California, she didn’t want to start all over again. She tried reasoning with them once again, even her siblings tried reasoning with them but her parents weren’t having it, so they packed up and moved once again. She ended up moving back into the same house she once upon didn’t want to leave, she guessed it was a good thing her parents only rented it out and never really sold it. The only difference was this time she wasn’t best friends with her next door neighbor so she didn’t rush to go see him, though she was sure he probably knew that he had new neighbors so it wasn’t as if he was rushing over either. It only took her about a week to fully unpack and get used to being in Hawkins once more, however it took her about two weeks to get her parents to stop pestering her about Harrington.
The first time Kairi saw Steve since she moved back to Hawkins, there was a week left until high school started. She wasn’t sure if he saw her but she definitely saw him while she was finishing her school shopping, he really had changed since they last saw each other but she could recognize him anywhere. Just seeing him though caused her heart to flutter a bit before it started to ache, it confused her because she thought she was over it but apparently a part of her wasn’t. Luckily for her the pain didn’t stick around too long. It was the first day of high school when she knew for sure that Harrington knew she was back and had seen her, after all they had a few classes together. She could have swore she saw something cross his facial features when she looked at him but she shrugged it off and looked away, afterwards she just quickly gathered her stuff and left without looking back. Though she could faintly hear her name being called, causing her to pause in her tracks for a moment and look back to make sure she wasn’t hearing things. When she did she locked on familiar brown eyes causing her to bite her lip gently, shifting her weight a bit as she noticed him getting closer to her. However before he could reach her, Tommy and Carol intercepted him. As he got distracted with his new friends, she turned away and walked away. After that she avoided Steve the best she could and it seemed like Steve avoided her as well.
Prior to moving to California, Kairi was known as an adventurous, sweetest tomboy, however that quickly changed and she became more of a sarcastic but she remained just as adventurous and still sweet. She isn’t completely a tomboy anymore but she isn’t a full on girly girl, she’s a mixture of both but in her own style.
One of Kairi's incredible skills is her proficiency with her katana, her adeptness with her katana was revealed when she displayed significant prowess in fending off the vicious Demogorgon that was trying to attack one of her friends. She also can adapt to using whatever object is closer to her to defend herself or someone she cares about, an example being when she used her older brother’s guitar as a weapon to defend herself from an attack from a demodog. She is quite flexible and she knows how to fight, in fact she has a mean right hook due to how fast she knocked down one of the mean kids after she had enough of their teasing.
She is quite an amazing singer and a phenomenal dancer but she rarely lets anyone hear her sing or watch her dance, she is also quite artistic. She loves to draw and write, she has a few journals dedicated to stories and song-lyrics, as well as some poems but again she rarely lets anyone see them.
Dead By Daylight
Adventurous and creative, yet sarcastic but compassionate, Kairi Sykes is always up for an adventure. She is often seeking that next thrill, if not she is either relaxing as she writes stories or lyrics, sometimes even poems or she singing as she dances her heart out.
One evening while she was out exploring she noticed Steve Harrington pulling up to the Hawkins National Laboratory, so out of curiosity she followed him a bit. She lost sight of him for a bit and when she finally found him again, she didn’t get a chance to ask him what he was doing because something strange was happening and all of a sudden he was gone. It scared her enough to make her scream his name and that’s the last thing she remembered before waking up in a strange place that seemed familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. The next thing she noticed was a familiar face that she once loved seeing which made her smile for a moment before she noticed another familiar face
Kairi is able to protect and support her fellow Survivors in her own special way while providing her own sense of wonder and adventure. Her personal perks; Songbird, To The Stars, and Guardian Angel, enable her to heal, repair, open the exit gates, cleanse totems, and wiggle faster when she is humming, distract killers in creative ways, switch spots with a survivor in dying state then fully recover quickly and be left in a broken state for 90 seconds.
Harry Potter
Location: Hogwarts / London
Species: Witch/Human
Powers: Magic, Occlumency
Occupation: Student - Entertainer
House: Gryffindor
Patronus: Black Stallion
Wand: English oak wood with a dragon heartstring core, 10 ¼" and slightly springy flexibility
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The Chipping Sparrow
Name: Taiki Bardwell
Bird: Chipping Sparrow
Family: Ronnie Bardwell (Older Brother. His brother is also the European Roller.) Julianna Bardwell (Mother.) Devon Bardwell (Father.) Sienna Bardwell (Older sister)
Age: 13
Birthday: September 25th
Personality: Taiki is an anxious, clumsy person. He worries about almost everything. But he also loves joking around alot and laughing. He doesn’t do well under pressure. He’s very emotional. He acts very affectionate to his friends. He adores musicals (Mostly Heathers and The Greatest Showman). He enjoys playing superheroes with his friends. And he’s basically just a huge dork.
Wings: Light brown with dark brown ends. The right one is torn from the middle. Although, the left one reaches his mid thigh.
Appearance: Shoulder length dark brown hair, and the left half of his hair is buzzed. His eyes are a light purple colour and has short eyelashes. His skin is slightly tan, with small freckles covering his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. His lips are thin and rest in a small frowning position. He’s tiny and short, his height only about 5'0 tall, and he’s only about 93 pounds. And his ears have small black piercings in them.
Clothes: he wears a long sleeved black shirt with a gray t-shirt over it. His jeans are medium blue and slightly ripped. His shoes are light gray high-tops. He wears a white heart locket with a picture of him and his brother Ronnie in it.
Gender and sexuality: Demi-boy and Biromantic/Demi-sexual.
Relations with family: He is extremely close with his brother Ronnie, he’s pretty close with his sister Sienna, and isn’t very close with his parents.
Friends: Delvon Field (Del for short.), Yazmin Brandt,and Londyn Flynn. He’s had the same friends for over 3 years.
Theme: I heavily believe his theme is Waving Through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen. Company: Came from a cruel company but managed to break free of them forcefully. He is now in a very nice company named ‘Montes Records’ Languages: English and Korean Voice claim: Damon Alburnz [ @siren-legion ]
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thewickedharlot · 1 year
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Londyn Pierce at the Met Gala 2023
What create is she going for? The slut fish. Or is she a bird? She’s getting over a five simply because she’s hot, but otherwise she looks like a mess. That headpiece was not a good idea, girl and it throws off the entire look.
6/10 - Overall
C - Theme
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legendsmagazine · 2 years
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Usually kept at arm's length and treated with disdain by celebs and newsmakers, without their courage and their resilience, the world would lose much of the gossip, secrets and inside scoops that makes news if it wasn’t for the paparazzi.
I’ve met hundreds of celebrities over the last ten years working as a paparazzi, and here are my experiences with some of your favorite (and least favorite) celebrities.
the (generally) positive...
Whitney Carlisle is always a positive experience to shoot. I’ve never had an issue with photographing her. She is always extremely polite about the whole thing. You can walk up, get your photo, and go without problem.
Noah Chang and Seth Seong are always extremely pleasant to shoot. They make it easy and are cooperative with the whole thing. One of the guys I regularly find myself out with told me that Seth went on a whole ramble about Big Foot. 
Vincent Barlowe is extremely polite, but extremely difficult to shoot. He is very good at evading paparazzi. I’ll look at my camera for one moment, and he’ll be completely gone. It can take a lot to get a good shot of him because he is also constantly moving on a skateboard or just running around. When you can get him, he doesn’t seem happy to be shot, but he doesn’t cause a fuss or ask you to stop. 
I’ve caught his assistant Stella Bennett a few times with Vincent Barlowe, Reilly Addams, and Zeke Hawthorne. She very frequently blocks shots. So that is less positive, I suppose.
Austin Harper is always extremely pleasant and polite, but another one that is very good at evading paparazzi. Unfortunately, however, has been much more difficult to work with since Essence has been pregnant. As it stands right now, there has been no proper face photos of their baby released / leaked to the public so people are going rabid to get a photo of Aurora Harper. While I typically avoid photographing kids, it would pay my rent for a while to get a photo of their kid.
Madam Vivi is polite if you’re polite. If you go up, take your photographs, ask polite questions, and go - she’ll be nice to you. I’ve had some guys I know ask her rude questions and she tends to get a little snippy with them, but as long as you’re being respectful - she’ll be respectful back.
Blade Vader and Roman Rizvi are another two that come to mind when it comes to just being generally polite about the whole thing. They don’t ever seem to seek us out, but they don’t cause a fuss. Blade let me bum a cigarette off of him once.
Olivia Marie is another that you run into frequently that makes it easy to photograph. She doesn’t seek is out, either, but makes it easy to photograph her and doesn’t typically get angry. There was once after her boyfriend died that she snapped at us to stop. Most of us did, but I know a few guys hung around. 
Candie Rose doesn’t seem like the brightest woman on Earth, but she’ll always seem excited to get her photograph taken.
calls on themselves... 
Not all of these people call on themselves a lot, but they’ve done it in my recent enough memory.
Cleo Holliday calls on herself every chance that she can get. I’m not big on photographing online celebrities, but sometimes you’ll get a few good pictures of her walking around.
Hiroki Hamada rarely calls on himself, but he has before. He can be easy when hes in the mood to be photographed, otherwise he is just running around too much to get a good shot of him.
Fletcher Astor and Parker Alexander both call on themselves. Ten years ago, I was foaming at the mouth to do it, but now..? Not so much. If there is some scandal going on with Philip Astor, I’ll go ask Fletcher about it. 
Venus Marie is always particularly sweet, but she calls on herself a lot. There are a lot of times she comes out extremely drunk. There was one point where Venus invited me inside as long as I didn’t bring my camera in. She made me a drink. It was a bit odd, but she was nice.
Caden Yang is..a bit of a mess..and not the most fun to photograph. He clearly has some type of drug problem that isn’t well hidden. He calls us constantly and often acts up. We mostly catch him outside of clubs (or wherever he says hes gonna be that day).  
depends on the day...
99% of my photographs of Axel Parrish when he is with Margaeux Fox, but in general he is..a bit unpredictable. He has never done anything too crazy, but he just doesn’t seem particularly happy to be shot. He doesn’t make it difficult, but he’ll flip you off and stuff.
I’ve been photographing Essence Woods since she was about ten. It really depends on the day. We frequently got calls from Alexis Woods telling us where Essence would be that day when she was younger. When she got married, it ended up with James Prescott calling us and telling us where she was whenever he was out of town. She is typically nice about it, but it depends on the day.  There are times where she has just asked us to go home for a while and said that if we did, she’d give us a particularly good photo (different outfit, eye contact with the camera) and has always honored that. 
Sebastian Jones really depends on the day, but generally he is a fun guy to be around when photographing. He is particularly chatty and will talk a lot to you if you’re trying to photograph him. He won’t really answer anything seriously if you ask him questions, but he so polite about it, you almost don’t mind. If hes in a bad mood, he’ll typically just ignore us and come off a bit moody. Hes never really rude about it, but you can usually tell within a few seconds if you’re getting some good clips, or if he’ll just side eye you and go inside.
In the same vein, Preston Barlowe has always been similar. He is typically extremely talkative. When he was doing Youtube, he was particularly in love with us and frequently called us. Though, there are times where he is typically snippy. He doesn’t like photographs of Oliver at all.
Eva Rappaport is clearly over every photographer. She isn’t rude, but isn’t nice either. She typically just ignores you and goes about her day. You’ll catch her in a good mood sometimes and she’ll give you a smile, but otherwise, she won’t really acknowledge you negatively or positively. As far as Rappaports go, Lyssa is very similar. She is very hot and cold. Some days she wants to participate, other days not so much.
A good shot of Elliot Lim is worth a lot, but he is extremely hard to find. When you do, he is typically just running errands.
the (generally) negative....
Sadie Brooks is generally not the best to photograph. She isn’t very pleasant about the whole thing. She is never outright rude, or like, throwing something at you. She just isn’t pleasant and clearly doesn’t want you to be there.
I started photographing Ryan Price after his breakdown and he was never pleasant about it. He typically ignores us now, but there are times where he just flat out tells us to go away or gets rude about it. He was especially rude during the filming of Vainglorious because he didn’t want us to get anything that he was filming.
Londyn Pierce probably doesn’t surprise anyone. She isn’t the most pleasant, has thrown stuff at us, and is just generally not my favorite person to photograph. However, you kind of deal with it because the photos go for a lot after whatever scandal or fight. People were seething at the mouth to get the first photograph of her after the balcony situation.
Jae Jhang is extremely difficult to photograph. He typically just puts his hood up and walks away from us. He’ll flip us off, puts his headphones on, and doesn’t like being photographed. He was a little miserable after Dollhouse, I imagine. There was once or twice that we caught Essence elbowing him and telling him to wave and smile.
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thewickedharlot · 2 years
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Sources say that Londyn Pierce and Greyson Addams checked into the UCLA Medical labor and delivery ward this morning. Sister, Peach Rivera was spotted entering the hospital shortly after Addams.
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thewickedharlot · 2 years
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Londyn Pierce at the Golden Awards
We want to sincerely apologize to Natasha Reynolds, who we dragged through the mud for her very simple maternity dress at the MET last year - we didn’t know that THIS was the alternative. Londyn’s “dress” looks like several loose pieces of black fabric loosely crafted into one messy outfit, which then had a hole cut through the middle because she couldn’t get into it. I hate it. It makes me viscerally angry to look at. Someone take that demon spawn out of her already.
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thewickedharlot · 2 years
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Londyn Pierce at the Legend Awards
Londylicious has entered the competition of which popstar can show the most skin at the Legends Awards, and by god she just might win! The hair and makeup are a slay and while the outfit does kind of work for her, we’ve got a serious bone to pick with the trains of the pants. Who tf thought that was a good idea?
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