#loner koushiro
izzyizumi · 2 years
IzzyIzumi Watches Sonic Prime 1~2
(under the 'read more')
{Yes, I relate DigiAdvs}
Sonic, about Tails: "MY GENIUS Friend..."
Me: Yeah that doesn't (still / to this day w/these series and both these charas) sound like Koushiro.
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Tails, using a 'tail' to hold up drink Tails sips on while typing:
Me: Yeah, that's not exactly like how Koushiro acts in every single tech-involved scene where Koushiro's on Koushiro's own w Oolong
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Sonic: "So if this Genius hacker-slash-Loner thing doesn't work out--"
Me: Wow that doesn't sound relevant to Koushiro backstorys at all!!!
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Tails: "I WAS [rEDACTED for Spoiler]!!!!"
Me: DEFINITELY not heavily implied in Novel!Koushiro's backstory among some other Notable Koushiro Backstory[s] details.
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(Novel translations with credit to Onkei of Digital Scratch)
Tails, typing in multiple passwords and being denied at every turn in a ~Dramatic Moment~:
Me: That DEFINITELY didn't happen to Koushiro in Tri or Adventure at multiple points (looks at Mugendramon Arc)... it's almost like it's not a "plot point" or common "trope"---
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Tails, using semi-sarcastic-implied tone, only slightly more "forward" speech or quips/quotes at various points even with Knuckles:
"I'M one of the GOOD GUYS."
Me: Koushiro's J.P.N formal speech things, aside, that's DEFINITELY still not Koushiro-dynamics when Koushiro counters Taichi's or Yamato's back-and-forth with quips, and is definitely only something that ever existed in the U.S. dub version, Among Elsewhe--
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(I Can't Take The Canon!Koushiro-Discoursing Seriously Anymore You Guys)...
{This Is Not A "Bad Thing", But I Find It Interesting how one character is now overall heavily loved and another (ADOPTED CANONICALLY)'s J.P.N canon personlity still has to be actively defended to the fan base to this day...}
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asknarashikari · 3 months
Now we leave Chikyu and return back to Earth with the Revice cast. All of the assigned Cybertronians are mostly based on their personal Vistamp.
The Revice Cast assigned Cybertronians:
Ikki and Vice: Formerly BW Megatron, now Gigatron due to Megatron's attack is the skillful and tactical T-rex leader of the Predacons in the future, but due to becoming good, he is willing to risk his own life to save his own friends. He's also good with kids and has a rubber ducky named Quackles that he considers his best friend and can transform.
Daiji and Kagerou: Nightscream the troubled but good bat.
Sakura: Colada the arrogant and loner cobra.
Lovekov: The destructive and mindless Abominus, comprised of Hun-Gurrr the brilliant yet gluttonous quadrupedal two-headed dragon, Rippersnapper the superiority obsessed bipedal shark creature, Blot the appallingly disgusting and friendly but dumb hunchbacked monster-thing with an inferiority complex, Sinnertwin the predatory robotic two-headed dragon-ish thing, Cutthroat the overly-violent hawk monster thing, and Cindersaur the not-very-smart bipedal horn-nosed lizard monster thing, who all treat Lovekov like a queen.
Hiromi: Blackarachnia the smart, sly, and dangerous black widow spider and girlfriend to Fuzor Silverbolt.
George: Tarantulas the scheming mad scientist Lycosa tarantula.
Hana: BW Scavenger the master blackmailer and strategist ant who uses fear.
The others (Go, Genta/Papa Igarashi and Orteca): BW Insecticon the creepy and spying stag beetle, Hardshell the hyperactive and extremely chatty rhinoceros beetle who helps Papa and Mama Igarashi with work, and Ikard the much kinder cousin and only friend of Scuba.
Ikki, Vice and Gigatron are taking care of the youngest Igarashi, Koushirou, while the others are away doing something. Ikki and Vice have left to cook lunch and left Gigatron to take care Koushirou.
Gigatron: What's your name little fella?
Koushirou: Koushiwou.
Gigatron: Koushirou is it? I'd like you to meet my best friend, Quackles. Say hi Quackles.
Quackles: *Quack* Hello.
Gigatron and Koushirou have some bonding time like Gigatron carrying Koushirou and playing hide and seek and Koushirou sees Gigatron as a cool uncle.
Gigatron: Koushiro, can you say Gigatron?
Koushirou: Giga-Gigatwon.
Gigatron: Yesss Koushiro, that's right.
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Unbeknownst to both of them, Ikki, with tears of joy and a smile, had been filming the bonding between his youngest brother and his big T-Rex friend, and sends to the Riders and the others.
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What are the Riders and Revice Cast to seeing the video Ikki sent of Koushirou and Gigatron bonding?
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No one can resist the power of Baby Koushirou
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs + 02 + tri. + Kizuna A.M.V. ~ Title: “STUDY ME{?} / Figure it OUT{?} / I’M NOT A PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED” (”STUDY ME” by: ZUTO.MAYO) ~ Pre-view / Un-finished / W.I.P + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} + Friendships: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / “Akiyoshi Hongo”
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this work
"Ah~ It’s fine, put on your airs as you are ...”
“A pair of complimenting rhymes / SIGNALS and as Always”,
“Ah~ It’s fine, put on your airs as you (you loner) are”
“You”, “Maintaining”---
“This funky feeling will CONTINUE to CHANGE TODAY’S Song, THAT’S WHY I TOOK the plunge but...”
“Now I just wanna--” “MAKE A PLAN”
“For this reference book of {EMOTIONS} that I’ve gathered---”
“‘STUDY’ ME? / Figure It OUT---”
My Commentary: {“I’M NOT ‘A ‘PROBLEM’’ TO BE ‘SOLVED’.”}
- Koushiro Izumi, Probably---
Time spent: About 3~ hours straight of work, but it was split up a bit due to the track crashing multiple times in-between (thus me having to fix it each time which is why a second may look “off”), so in total Vid sections took maybe about 1 and 1/2 hour{s} total.
(I also have very specific head-canons going on here, but as I’m using scenes straight from the canon, You could say this IS “canon compliant” to a surprising degree) - Scenes may change slightly by the final version, for the most part, everything here is working; I may splice in some quick things where I can fit them - This Isn’t the End of it yet!!! - It is meant as overall POSITIVE.
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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{Lyric[s] to this under the ‘read more’!} (it is recommended to view up to the 1st chorus end before you watch.)
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timelessanimo · 3 years
If you were to do a gogglehead and lancer swap, what gogglehead(s) would you pair with what lancer(s)?
I have multiple answers for this!
Taiki and Tohma are a definitive. I would love to see them partner up, both are more logical and strategic so their combo could be absolutely terrifying! Especially with Hunters!Taiki (Thats why i would love to see Koushiro teaming up with Taiki)
Masaru and Kiriha! Masaru could either help Kiriha calm down or make his competitive nature worse haha! Their fights would be brutal tho
Takuya and Ruki, their dynamic would start similiar to Takuya and Kouji since Kouji and Ruki both were more on the hardcore loner side but Ruki is so set on her ways Takuya would probably have trouble getting her to hang out with the group and argue way worse
I would love to see Tagiru and Ruki aswell! She would absolutely dominate the Hunt and probably kick Tagirus ass every chance she has
Taiki and Ryouma. Cmon he admiried Taiki imagine if they were in the same group?
Taichi and Kouji, again similar but different enough that we would get a different perspective. Taichi would become a certified asskicker the moment he would realise what Lucemon did to Kouchi, hes a mother hen to Hikari so he would understand why Kouji is so protective better than most
Daisuke and Adventure!Yamato. Please this dynamic would be hilarious. Yama wants to be left alone but then again Daisuke is reckless and someone has to watch over him
Takato and Yamato, they would probably get along extremely well. After a few initial hiccups i can see them being good friends
Taiki and Ken. He would punt the Kaiser but also offer Ken a second chance. Ken would be terrifying as a Kaiser who leads the Bagra army and their fights would be terrifying but also Taiki would join the protecc Ken club immediately after getting him back to who he was.
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evyautumn · 7 years
High School/Lifestyle Headcanons
I thought giving this a try...
Taichi: Pretty well known among his classmates and obviously the star of the football team. A good amount of girls might have a crush on him because of his good looks but some may find him a little too loud. A total prankster and very goofy. Has a large group of friends to hang out with every now and then but prefers to spend lots of time with Koushiro, Yamato and Sora. Mostly Koushiro on days off. Likes to tease Joe about him studying forever but really he just wants him to loosen up a bit. He probably buys something (favorites sweets or drinks) on his way home to Hikari making up the excuse that he was just passing by. A favorite hobbie of his is planning with Takeru the next prank for Yamato. Pretty active, with initiative. He may not have Yamato´s cooking skills but he does well in that area and knows how to do a good damn omelette. Not so bad in school, you can tell he does his homework and studies the necessary but can be lazy and Sora is always reminding him when the next exam or project is gonna be. A pretty good strategic and analyses the situation very carefully. Doesn´t show it too much but he does care when his friends can´t make it to his soccer match or a little trip to the fair. He can be very carefree but sometimes he can pressure himself very hard. 
Yamato: The Cool Guy. Or at least, that´s what he seems to be. Very good looking and all the girls in the school have a big crush on him. Want to attend his concerts and fangirl over him lots. Seems to be unapproachable but he is just a quiet person. People are intimidated by him at first but once you get to know him you see he is just a nice guy. Like Taichi, not so bad with his grades and is very organized with his schedule having a good balance between high school responsibilities and band practices. Loves music. So passionate to the point that he gets very stubborn and his mood changes constantly like the name of his band. A good cook. Always inviting Takeru to come over and taste his new dish. Gets scared pretty easily and hates horror films. Tries to maintain the cool image in front of his good friends but fails miserably.
Sora: The mother of the group. Reliable and caring. She could have been a class rep. Her classmates always know they can count on her. Likes to keep herself busy and although she is not the first one to take the lead and make some decisions she is always ready to create some cool stuff for the theme they are working on this years class cafe and so. Prefers to keep lots of things to herself and doesn´t tell anyone when she is in trouble. Wants to do it and resolve it herself but worries too much about others. She is always telling Taichi to be focused during class but knows he sometimes falls asleep so she makes sure to give him a copy of her notes. Telling Koushiro not to push himself so hard and gives him extra oolong tea. Checking on Joe and keeping him on good spirits. Hanging out with Mimi while shopping and talking about the latest. Advicing Takeru not to get in trouble on flirting with so many girls. Inviting Hikari to go with her to this new pastries shop. She and her mom have a better mother/daughter relationship and always spend time to talk and checking up on the other. Because of a lot of activities, she doesn´t play tennis that much like she used to but takes time to do some exercise by herself.
Koushiro: Kind of a loner, loves to be in his office a lot. Has a small group of friends in high school where they talk about the latest trends on technology. A prodigy on his field and very respected by his professors. Always curious, always doing research. Very awkward around girls and gets shy easily. Talks to lots of online friends and is more comfortable knowing his laptop is with him at all times. Likes to spends time with his family and is always making little surprises for them on special occasions. Hangs out with Taichi at his apartment always feeling very comfortable at the Yagami home and thankful when Yuuko makes his favorite meals when he is there. He might not show it but feels lowkey excited whenever he and Taichi are doing some kind of trouble together. 
Mimi: Independent, strong headed and free spirited. Lowkey likes that she is still a bit spoiled by his parents. Does and says whats on her mind not caring what other people think about her. Hates when people are not truthful and don´t say the things they want to say or what they really feel. Likes to have fun and bring some of the America culture to the Japanese which sometimes can be amusing yet confusing to her classmates and can every now and then get her into trouble with some of the girls not sharing the same thoughts. Lots of boys have a crush on her but she´s somewhat oblivious to it. Has become stronger and tries not to cry in front of others. Loves fashion and even more going shopping trying new clothes and combining new looks. Very girly. Likes to experiment with food and although her choices can come off as weird, stated by Koushiro one time, she finds absolutely an incredible combination of flavors that needs to be put out in the world. 
Joe: Responsible, very responsible. Feels pressured of what society expects from him but really he just want to makes his parents feel proud. Very smart, but struggles with his nerves that get the better of him and push himself sometimes a little too hard. Has a good amount of friends and dislikes that he cannot hang out with them that much now. His girlfriend is always texting him to take care of himself and relax. When he gets focused he can become very lonely and isolates himself to reach that goal on his own terms. Taichi and Sora are the ones who check on him the most and Mimi is the one who always tell him to drop the textbooks and go eat some at this new ramen shop. Even though he is the oldest of the group he likes when they all ask him how did it go or how is he and feels always included when they invite him to celebrate the good news. But in the end he is always giving some piece of advice to each of them when they most need it like telling Taichi some good options for his future career and comforts in every way he can.  
Takeru: The little tease. Doesn´t get scared easily anymore and loves teasing the others for good fun. Very popular among his classmates and very flirty with the girls. Knows when to say the right words at the right time and is always advicing his big brother Yamato to control his impulsive nature. May not show it, but he is still a pretty sensible boy and hates when people he cares about the most get hurt. Likes to hang out with his friends. Pretty intuitive. Good grades. Probably has a secret online blog where he writes about his experiences and thoughts on some delicate matters making some controversial statements. Likes to be with Hikari and have a pretty good bond between each other. Knows when she is upset and knows exactly what to tell her even if sometimes it can hurt a little bit, but he cares about her very much that he only wants means well. 
Hikari: A little tease too. Always making fun of Takeru´s little flings and even if she appears innocent, she loves to be cheeky. Sensible, always making sure her brother is okay, eating well and trying not to disappoint him. She has a good amount of friends, but feels more comfortable being around Takeru and confides on him in lots of things which she doesn´t feel she can do with her girl friends. Loves photography and keeps lots of albums of her memories with her brother, family and friends in a shelve. Really good grades. Very reliable among her classmates and boys tend to fall head over heels for her. Her health condition has become better but still can feel a little down every now and then which makes Taichi worry and tells her to take it easy. Likes to be organized and helps her mother tidy around the apartment. Likes sweets, specially ice cream, and is always happy when Taichi comes back with a little treat for her. Tries not to be a burden to others therefore think she can overcome everything herself not relying on others. 
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digmon Adventure + 02 + tri. + Kizuna; + "Adventure:" 2020 reboot Spin-off Series vs Sonic Prime {Eps. 01~08} + (Two Personal) Favorite Characters featuring Characters: ~ KOUSHIRO[u] Izumi (+Taichi Yagami) {as Ship [by Kizuna or post-Kizuna]} vs. ~ (+Tails) "NINE" the Fox (+Sonic) {as Friendship} + (Common) Media Trope{s} / Storytelling Parallels -The Computer Genius; (+special "Interests") -The Once-Loner / (Initially) Intentionally Avoids People; (Koushiro specifically also pre-series & in Novels backstory); -(Eventual growing Interest or relevancy with) "Fashion"; -"Samefooding"; (with preferred Drinks) + on the Job (in Koushiro's case, it's the Oolong tea specifically) -Expert Hackers + (Genuinely Good/recognized) Skills; -Frustration when Inadequate (at said Interests); - Quipping back at Lead Protagonist or Team in Tense Moments {whether Sarcastically or J.P.N "Formally" Style (Koushiro)}; [and displaying 'sudden' bouts of "Forwardness" with Team] ...
-The (Canonically Appointed) Advisor-slash-Strategist (who often comes up with genuinely creative plans) {even IF they take time to Work} - (Being asked Directly) to Support the Protagonist/Friend + HESITATING due to own fear of Inadequacy (at Such) - Racing Against The Clocks / Countdowns; (after Agreeing to Help / On a personal Mission to Achieve) - "Big Damn Hero" Moments!! (+Saving the Hero{s}/Friends)
My Commentary:
"Tails" (Nine specifically also, here) is a character I've loved basically since I was old enough to pick up a Sega controller as a 3-year-old child; and Koushiro came slightly later on when I was still young but closer to / basically exactly Koushiro's J.P.N canon age as I watched.
I've always noted these similarities in their storylines & even, one could say, "personalities" ever since I kept up with Digimon Adventure's series specifically (and Koushiro's also kept evolving and growing in various ways across multiple medias, including a 2020 "reboot" spin-off series that nonetheless still uses the original "Koushiro Izumi" as a base); however, "Nine"'s story dropping today (it's 2k22?!) really feels like it's driving the point home for me when it comes to these storytelling parallels.
(Oh, and Koushiro is also canonically Adopted, yes?)
{This 'comparison's gif-set was made on a whim mainly for my Koushiro specific head-canons series; but I won't mind if cross-fan-base fans enjoy this too!} [There's a very specific "head"-canon I have in mind for both, too... you might be able to note them in the tags of this post!]
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{When EVEN "the rival" Canonically ACKNOWLEDGES your Computer / Hacking Skills & Abilities}
gifs by @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption} (Please ASK to Use)
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC CHARACTER SUPPORT-FOCUSED. {(Koushiro Izumi); & (Nine) Specifically / Separately} please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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