#koushiros dynamics
izzyizumi · 2 years
IzzyIzumi Watches Sonic Prime 1~2
(under the 'read more')
{Yes, I relate DigiAdvs}
Sonic, about Tails: "MY GENIUS Friend..."
Me: Yeah that doesn't (still / to this day w/these series and both these charas) sound like Koushiro.
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Tails, using a 'tail' to hold up drink Tails sips on while typing:
Me: Yeah, that's not exactly like how Koushiro acts in every single tech-involved scene where Koushiro's on Koushiro's own w Oolong
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Sonic: "So if this Genius hacker-slash-Loner thing doesn't work out--"
Me: Wow that doesn't sound relevant to Koushiro backstorys at all!!!
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Tails: "I WAS [rEDACTED for Spoiler]!!!!"
Me: DEFINITELY not heavily implied in Novel!Koushiro's backstory among some other Notable Koushiro Backstory[s] details.
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(Novel translations with credit to Onkei of Digital Scratch)
Tails, typing in multiple passwords and being denied at every turn in a ~Dramatic Moment~:
Me: That DEFINITELY didn't happen to Koushiro in Tri or Adventure at multiple points (looks at Mugendramon Arc)... it's almost like it's not a "plot point" or common "trope"---
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Tails, using semi-sarcastic-implied tone, only slightly more "forward" speech or quips/quotes at various points even with Knuckles:
"I'M one of the GOOD GUYS."
Me: Koushiro's J.P.N formal speech things, aside, that's DEFINITELY still not Koushiro-dynamics when Koushiro counters Taichi's or Yamato's back-and-forth with quips, and is definitely only something that ever existed in the U.S. dub version, Among Elsewhe--
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(I Can't Take The Canon!Koushiro-Discoursing Seriously Anymore You Guys)...
{This Is Not A "Bad Thing", But I Find It Interesting how one character is now overall heavily loved and another (ADOPTED CANONICALLY)'s J.P.N canon personlity still has to be actively defended to the fan base to this day...}
{all by Me} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
{This is a 'no re-blogs post' because it's mainly just my personal commentary for my page, but 'Likes' are OK}
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{D I G I M O N} ~ {Post}-{Tri: Ketsui} x + T H E . B E G I N N I N G + S T E V E {J e w i s h A m e r i c a n C h o s e n} x K O U S H I R O {KouSteve} / {SteveKou} / {KouSteveKou} & T.x.t P o s t M e m e
Edit by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi
For A u t i s m Aware-ness Month {Apr} {A u t i s t i c!Koushiro H e a d-canon} + J e w i s h A m e r i c a n H e r i t a g e Month {May}
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hikaritakaishi · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning [My Movie Review]
This review will contain spoilers of the movie, continue reading if you already saw the movie, or just don’t mind the spoiler! Enjoy & comment something if you want to share an opinion! ♡
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After what seemed ages of waiting, Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning finally aired in Portugal, on May 16, 2024, several months after it’s national premiere in Japan, on October 27, 2023. I was worried that it wouldn't come to my country, but perhaps due to the huge acceptance of Digimon Adventure: LAST EVOLUTION KIZUNA, the distributor made the hearts of the DigiDestined from the most hidden corner of Europe warm again and brought us the sequel. Thank you remembering us once again! ♡
I really tried to keep my expectations as neutral as possible until the day I went to see the movie, which was pretty difficult, due to the fact that I was constantly being bombarded with online information about it, whether on Tumblr or Twitter, or through video recommendations on Youtube. I was so excited for the movie, that I had to control myself immensely not to go see the spoilers.
Initial considerations? I like it. In general. But let's go in parts!
This will be an analysis of what I consider to be the most important points of the movie and what caught my attention the most. A personal analysis, so don't take it too seriously if I don't talk about a certain point or a certain specific topic, I probably just missed that.
Firstly, I would like to comment on the initial dynamics of the movie.
Everything seems to happen much faster here than it did in Kizuna. Despite being two movies with practically the same time span, this one seemed to go by much faster. But it might just be me. [LAST EVOLUTION KIZUNA have 94 minutes, and The Beginning have 87 minutes total].
 We're introduced to the key plot problem pretty quickly too.
People's digital devices are glitching, and the same message is repeating itself on all of them, not just on the phones and televisions, but on computers and large digital screens in cities all around the world. And this all around the world is very important, because it not only brings us closer to what will be the future of humanity and it’s increasing contact with the Digimon and the Digital World, but it opens the path we take since 2012 [time of the movie] until to the epilogue of 02 (which the production team and Toei animation seem to insist on wanting to keep canon, despite all the script inconsistencies it can cause, or how different from the initial profile of each character it may be).
“May everyone have friends, may everyone have a partner Digimon”
It's the message. Meanwhile, we are told that a suspicious and unknown Digitama appeared in the sky of Tokyo, right above the Tokyo Tower, and it’s been there for a while. Taichi and Koushiro are showned to be trying to help resolve this issue as professionals in the field of diplomacy and technology respectively, but without major progress.
I think it's important to highlight that they are the only two characters from the first season of Adventure who appear in this movie, and even so, without any direct speech or great relevance, beyond contextualization, and later Taichi as well again for the context of “space- time”, in that frame we see in the trailer of the movie with Hikari, which we later discover is located in Hikarigaoka, where Rui also lived when he had his first contact with Ukkomon.
The focus is on the characters from 02, or at least, it should have been. But as in Digimon Adventure Tri, this focus is overshadowed by the introduction of another new character in the story: Rui Owhada [or Lui, in Japanese pronunciation].
Rui [or Lui] is a much more charismatic character than Meiko was in Digimon Adventure Tri. There is no doubt about that.
Meiko was a somewhat empty character. A static character without great charisma. The only pleasant scenes she had were driven by the other characters around her (namely Mimi).
Rui doesn't. Rui is a character on his own. With a much more aggressive personality and a much more interesting past. The only issue here is the length of the movie: This movie is too short; too short for us to get attached to this character and actually be able feel empathy for everything we are shown about him. So short, that it's difficult to develop both this new character and the others around him, which, by the way, is a shame.
I mostly went to see the movie in hopes to see more from the 02 cast, and not because, again, of a random character they created for this new script. Just like what happened in Tri.
And this is important because notice that one of the most complex and best-built characters in the Adventure universe is literally the character with the most screen time: Takeru.
Analyzing Takeru's character as a whole is extremely time-consuming, because he was in every season, and practically involved in all the main events of the plot, either by himself or through the relationships he establishes throughout the plot, which feed the character's emotional charge. Which makes him a very complex character.
There's no time for that here. There is no time to establish a relationship between Rui and the other characters, nor to establish a relationship between Rui… and the audience.
Rui's childhood is very shocking and once again, Digimon brings a very strong narrative based on a complex and deep family plot.
We had already had examples in Adventure of family issues with Takeru and Yamato, Koushiro, and in 02 with Iori and also Ken. To a certain extent, even with Miyako. But here we reach a higher level of complexity... and violence (remember that the age to see the movie is over 12 years old. I can totally understand why).
Rui is physically abused and neglected by his mother, who leaves him out in the cold, starving when he makes a childish mistake or does something she doesn't like... when he is only four years old. His father has a very serious illness and depends on his wife to survive. Rui is then shown as a sorrowful child, lonely and without any support network. We've never had anything in the Digimon Adventure series so… raw. The aura of the movie is deeply heavy and dark.
The evolutions and battles in this movie are far from being the focus, which probably frustrated many people who went to see the movie for this more dynamic side of the anime.
It is a film with a moral content and even touches on the philosophical, about the bonds we create with others and their nature, about how we should relate to others and learn about them every day we have them in our lives.
It's about healthy communication, and how it's okay to correct the people around us, as long as it's made based with pure intentions. Because love is not omissive. Love corrects, love draws the other's attention for what really matters, in the form of love. In the form of companionship. Nothing physical or superficial is worth the price of a real bond.
The movie really grew with it’s audience. It is not, at all, a movie targeted for new fans of the franchise, or for those who know little about the Adventure series universe. It's for those who know the characters, for those who grew up with them. If you don't know the characters, you will miss details and conversations that are important to really understand the plot as a whole.
Daisuke and Ken look on Rui’s past with him. They see the arrival of Ukkomon in his life, who should’ve bring peace and comfort, but it is only the beginning of all his problems.
Let's take a break from the movie's plot to talk about the characters of 02.
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I'm going to divide them into groups, because it seems like they individually… don't have much progress or very memorable scenes, honestly. It doesn't even make sense to separate them, in my opinion, and you'll understand why.
♡ Daisuke & Iori
There is not much to talk about them here. Daisuke and Iori are the flattest characters in the movie. Iori much more than Daisuke, let's be honest. Iori barely speaks, and has very few relevant scenes.
Daisuke works at a ramen restaurant, as he always wanted, where he gathers his friends to talk about the problems they are facing right at the beginning of the movie.
His personality is practically the same, Daisuke from 02 is the same Daisuke from The Beginning, and even the same character as in Kizuna, he is just taller here and wears different clothes. He still aspires to have his own ramen business and is extremely focused on his career goals. Which was predictable, given the way he talks about his dream in 02.
Daisuke's only two relevant scenes are seconds long: the first when he convinces Rui that the bond of friendship he and his Digimon partner share is much more than something superficial; it's something that comes from the heart, and that no object makes a difference between them, namely the Digivice, (something we also expected to hear from Daisuke in 02, which justifies my opinion that in the meantime... he remains the same).
The other is a scene that had enormous potential, but is cut short by a comical moment in which Miyako pops up.
Daisuke is talking to Ken seriously about Rui, and how he and his Digimon could understand each other better if they just communicate more effectively and directly, and Ken comments that Daisuke's more serious side is very pleasant and rarely appears. However, Miyako speaks up and dismisses the subject. Sadly.
We could have had a conversation here that could tell us more about Daisuke’s presente self and way he sees life now.
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*sigh* Anyway.
Iori, again, doesn't speak much. Seems to only have intermediary interventions, and serves as a “pair” for Daisuke and Rui in the snowball fight that we see at the end of the movie. A very beautiful scene, don't get me wrong, but only if we see it from the perspective of Ken and Miyako, and Hikari and Takeru. I'll talk about that now.
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♡ Ken & Miyako
Ken and Miyako are two characters who seem to grow more together than apart within the movie's plot. Which is natural, given that we know at the end of 02 that they become in fact a couple, and that they build a family together in the future. Here we see the first steps towards their future as a couple.
As expected, nothing explicit or direct is given to us about the nature of their relationship, but we can understand that there is progress, especially by the end of the movie, before the snowball fight, when Miyako tells Ken something that seems extremely vague, but actually means something.
 “Let's do it together! "  What? I don't think they are aware yet. Ken also seemed very confused about it.
“ Keep thinking Ken, we have to find another solution. “ We also see Miyako trying to support Ken at that moment when they have to make a decision about the future of Ukkomon and the world.
Here comes what I said above: Love cannot be omissive. We cannot expect the least from those we love. If we know the potential of the person we have by our side, we have to support them. If we see that they are trying to go further, we must support their journey and be a source of advice and rest. Alone we can go faster, but with the right company we can certainly go further.
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And I think this is where the movie touches on something really important.
It is in these small moments that we see that they really want to tell the audience something beyond, but we need to have a fine power of perception.
No conversation or comment is random, everything contributes to the story. Digimon Adventure has always been made up of metaphors and subjectivities, it is necessary to know how to interpret and be attentive.
In the midst of that dilemma of whether or not to defeat Ukkomon that we talked about a moment ago in relation to Ken and Miyako, we have another moment that I consider important between Takeru and Hikari, which for those who don't know the characters, can take it as a normal conversation of two people who know each other well. Too well, even.
♡ Takeru & Hikari
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Keeping in mind their journey, and everything they went through together, is the key to understand the nature of the relationship they share now. But before that:
Much like Ken and Miyako, Takeru and Hikari do not exist separately in the plot. It's ridiculously difficult to separate them. If you talk about one, you have to talk about the other.
At the beginning we see them together in the city when the electronic devices break down, and this dynamic continues throughout the entire movie.
They practically always walk side by side, Hikari takes the front seat in Takeru's car, and even when they are talking to Rui and trying to understand what happened to him in his past, they were a nucleus apart from the others. Nothing new, really. More of the same. But it's in that conversation I spoke about earlier that we understand something that is even part of the main moral of the movie: the way they now communicate with each other now, is different.
Anyone who has followed Takeru and Hikari throughout the series knows that the main “problem” in their relationship has always been direct communication.
Exposing things to others as they are is scary. And none of them were good at doing that.
Deliberating about feelings, exposing what disturbs us, what distresses us, what we think of a certain attitude of the other person. That was always Takeru and Hikari's problem and what hindered the possible evolution of their friendship, into a real love relationship.
In Tri we discover that Hikari starts to look at Takeru differently. And we know that Takeru has concrete feelings for Hikari (Said by the actor who plays Takeru's voice) And then? It's done? Things… are much more complicated than that.
They first need to accept the situation in question (And I tell you this as someone who also developed a romantic relationship with a childhood friend. It's not easy. Trust me. It's far from easy!)
And far from being quick.
It requires a lot of deliberation mostly. Just accepting the fact that we see that person we grew up with differently, someone who has always been part of our life, and we can lose them. Just because we developed feelings. Is scary. There's a lot to lose. It's all or nothing. Especially when one side has trauma associated with romantic relationships. (remembering that Takeru's parents are divorced) it's even worse.
What seems to exist between them in The Beginning was the result of a long process. But effective, it seems to me. Whatever decision they made, it went… pretty well.
Takeru is completely against defeating Ukkomon, from the moment he realizes that this could also imply the disappearance of his Digimon partner.
He probably saw the suffering Taichi and Yamato went through when Agumon and Gabumon disappeared and the suffering he would go through if he lose Patamon... again. And he is extremely vocal and firm in what he says and what he thinks about all of that. Impulsive really.
Until Hikari intervenes. Which cuts through his catastrophic reasoning. She asks him to think, opening up a new perspective on the situation.
Here we have a conversation between them that is quite lengthy (compared to the fast action standard of the rest of the movie) in which Hikari tries her best to make Takeru use reason and not emotion in his deliberation on the situation.
Takeru who, remember, whenever “darkness” or “sacrifice” is mentioned, leaves his rationality aside, becomes blind with pain because of his past traumas.
Hikari's role here is almost the same as Miyako’s in Ken's case: calling to earth and calming Takeru, always in an understanding way, because you can see that she knows where that feeling comes from and that position initially adopted by him (and it is something which she can almost predict would happen, by the speed with which she responds) but she knows that he is better than those triggers that make him impulsively speak based on emotion and neglect reason.
It's about getting to know each other. Knowing how to talk to our person about the most difficult topics. Because it is necessary to strengthen your union. Predict reactions, and be there to calm them down, because you may even know that the person is not to blame for the feelings and traumas they carry, but believe that they are bigger than them. And expect the same from the other side.
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The way Miyako knew that Ken could find a solution, he just needed to think a little more. Hikari understood perfectly where Takeru's impulsive reaction came from, but she knew that if she appeal to his racional side he would be able to think of a better alternative to the problem, which he thought would be the end of the world.
That's why I separated this analysis into groups (although the first one isn't... substantial) and decided to analyze the characters together, because that's what this movie is about.
It's about who you are with your people, and the bond you share with them. In a world so individualized, so selfish and so distant (largely because of technology, which distances us from each other), I found it a very necessary message.
And the role of adults? With children and more painful lives?
It is to understand that children are also humans. Who also think, and feel, and understand things. Just like them. Adults tend to forget that they were once children themselves.
We already saw this topic being developed in Adventure 02, but seeing Rui as an adult, reaching to his mother in the past, and drawing her attention to the fact that she neglects her son, is something very touching. Sometimes, we just need a wake-up call, and we can change the future. Ours, and our future with others.
 The DigiDestined of 02 encouraged Rui not to give up on someone he loved, Ukkomon, because after all, he only acted the way he acted because he thought it would make Rui happier, even though he failed. Several times.
Ukkomon basically gave Rui everything he thought he needed, everything he wanted. But this is not always ideal.
He acted with his partner's happiness in mind, and this blinded him to the risks he was putting him into. He idealized their entire relationship, and everyone's relationship with him. Instead of being, real. And real things are never perfect.
Rui wanted friends? He gave him friends. He even reprogrammed his parents. They became manufactured humans. And the movie is about reality and accepting it as imperfect as it is.
Do you know what that reminded me of? That whole fantasy created by Ukkomon of “perfect world where Rui is never sad and everything is wonderful?” The fantasies in which the characters from 02 cast were trapped in at the end of the series. That world created with the characters’ deepest desires.
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Takeru wanted his family united. Iori wanted his father back and to be able to show him the Digital Word. Miyako wanted attention. Ken… wanted to redeem himself. Hikari wanted peace. It's exactly the same thing.
Think about it with me: For example, Takeru's parents could’ve stay together, they could never have divorced, but they would still have problems. They would argue, and there would be conflicts. Which doesn't mean that this wouldn't traumatize their children even more. Maybe the divorce was in fact the best option for all four of them.
Ken felt he deserved the same suffering he inflicted on others. Would that really be the answer to appease his soul?
But none of it was real.
Not even Hikari's utopia of a world constantly at peace is real. Not even the absence of siblings in Miyako's life would solve anything. Things are not black and white and really, what we want is not always what we need.
Rui just needed to talk to Ukkomon and be sincere.
Where is Mimi tho?!
I will end with a few quick notes that I think are worth highlighting: First, the music and animation in general. As expected, they are excellent.
Very well done visually, appealing scenes, and the last snowball fight scene is so simple… but so delightful.
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Life is made up of beautiful moments as well as tragic moments, light and darkness.
Did you notice that part of the movie takes place in a much dark environment, and when the main action is resolved, the movie gains light? I believe that is not just because!
Visually it can be very strong because there is blood, there is violence, there are physical wounds, it conveys the affliction in a very literal way.
Another thing that was expected to happen, but that probably wasn't even thought of properly when the Epilogue of 02 was made, was the problematic of whether or not everyone deserves, has enough morals and ethics, to have a Digimon partner.
How do you maintain peace between humans when you give them free access to machines of war and mass destruction? How do we build the world we see bz the end of 02 where everyone lives in peace even under these circumstances? Which is the the role of the government?
We'll probably need one more movie to find out.
Honestly, I hope you enjoyed this short (not... that short in fact) and sincere review. If I were to give stars, I would give the film 4/5 stars.
It could’ve been better, sure, if there was at least another half hour of animation.
But I don't complain. Despite that, I liked it. I cried, I laughed, just like I cried and laughed when I saw Digimon in my childhood, and that's everything for me. I was surprised by the message of the movie and the way they chose to visually convey it to us. Either way, I hope there's one more movie. To finally conclude the arc of all these characters, and finally, reach the epilogue of 02 (but in a dignified way please).
♡ Thank you once again Digimon ♡
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
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Cover art commissioned from kbondoxxxxav
HAPPY ODAIBA DAY! I just published a new chapter of my digimon fanfic, Infinite Possibilities! Read it on AO3 or FFN!
In today's chapter, Koushiro gives Eimi background info on the relationship between the Chosen and the Bureau, and we see the lingering damage from the events of Tri. I was so interested in thinking up what happened to the 02 kids afterward, I hope I can expand those ideas into a full fic someday.
I'm so excited, because things really start to pick up next chapter, when Hikari and Miyako tell the villages of baby digimon what happened to their missing friends.
Fic Summary:
As more people meet their digimon partners, the challenges of digimon and humans coexisting on earth cannot be ignored. College student Anami Eimi begins her career in digimon research, hoping to help digimon and humans understand one another. When she discovers caged digimon in her new lab, she contacts the Japanese Chosen, setting off a chain of events that force the Chosen and their digimon to reevaluate the dynamics of their partnership.
This fic is set pre and post Kizuna, and is a mostly canon compliant expansion. It's a three phase story, the first starring OC Anami Eimi, then Izumi Koushiro, then Yagami Hikari. It explores the realities, challenges, and politics of digimon living on earth, and the nature of the Chosen/digimon partnership.
Can the Chosen and their digimon find the infinite possibilities that will sustain their partnerships into adulthood?
There are mentions of couples in this fic, but it's action/world expansion/plot driven, not a romance.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 01 - Adrift? The Island of Adventure! / And So It Begins....
Right off the bat, we can feel the tonal difference between how the two shows want to present themselves. The Japanese version opens with narration provided to us by a grim and stone-faced narrator, while in the English version, Tai delivers the exposition himself in a light-hearted and goofy tone.
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The Japanese narrator explains to us in a bit more detail precisely what is happening throughout the world. Drought has struck the paddy fields of southeast Asia, heavy rains are flooding the Middle East, and the U.S. is suffering from freezing temperatures.
Tai has similar dreary info to drop on us. He tries to keep it light because that's the tone the dub is going for, but his version's... a little different. In fact, hilariously, Tai's version is much worse.
The way he tells it, the whole rainforest has dried up and oceans have risen to flood "other areas like chocolate sauce". The freezing also is no longer in the U.S.; It's "cities which are normally blazing hot", not contained to any specific region. Holy shit.
So, yeah. Either way, the world's being fucked sideways right now by climate catastrophe, but it's ironically being fucked harder in the lighter and goofier English dub.
With that out of the way, we met our cast of kids - With the English Tai getting in a funny joke, claiming to be "working on my multiplication tables" while we clearly see him snoozing in a tree.
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Each character comes with their own special introduction slide to give us some basic information on them. For the Japanese version, the narrator coldly lists them off by name, while their information blurb tells us what grade they're in.
This gives us a general understanding of how old each kid is, relative to one another, which is kind of important for understanding their group dynamic down the road.
6th Grade: Jou 5th Grade: Taichi, Sora, and Yamato 4th Grade: Koushiro and Mimi 2nd Grade: Takeru
The dub omits that particular information and instead gives us some basic information on what Tai thinks of each character.
Sora: "She's okay, for a girl!" Matt: "Too cool; Just look at that haircut!" Izzy: "He should have gone to computer camp." Mimi: "I'll bet you can guess her favorite color on the first try." T.K.: "Matt's dopey little brother." Joe: "Don't ever scare him; He'd probably wet his pants."
For most of the character names, it's pretty obvious which name connects to which. Izzy's the odd man out, as it's an abbreviation for Koushiro's family name Izumi.
The omission of the characters' ages from the dub is something that I think hurts it; It's not super clear, watching the show in English, that Joe's supposed to be the oldest kid by a year or two, or that Mimi's one of the youngest in the cast. However, this is important context for driving some of the plot points that the show has in store for them.
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As the kids are struck by a freak blizzard, neither version really stops to explain this but the kids who will be our protagonists get separated from the rest of the campers. In both versions, we just see a group of counselors ushering kids into tents, and then Taichi opens this door once it stops.
I think the Japanese version was trusting its audience to understand from context where they are. Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Jou, Koushiro, Mimi, and Takeru have all taken shelter from the blizzard inside a nearby Shinto shrine.
This is why, when the aurora suddenly arrives and transports them across worlds, no other campers are taken with them. They're in an isolated location away from the rest of the group.
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Jou even has a line expressing that he wants to return to the others, to clarify that these seven children are presently alone.
The English version offers no less information than the Japanese. Well, it offers a little less; That one context-clarifying line from Jou is replaced by Joe saying "I was worried I'd catch a summer cold but this is even worse!"
However, more importantly, we don't have Shinto shrines here. So the context isn't quite as evident to a kid watching on TV in the 90's. I always thought they were just in some kind of cabin at camp.
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As the kids stare in awe at the sudden arrival of an aurora that's about to ruin the next several months of their lives, Jou again urges everyone to return to adult supervision pronto. This time Yamato agrees with him, pointing out that they could get sick if they stay out here.
Joe and Matt, on the other hand, have different concerns. In the dub, it's Joe that worries they're all going to get sick if they stay out here. This time, Matt disagrees, insisting that they can't miss a sight like this. That they are all alone in the wilderness with no adult supervision is not a concern for Joe at all, apparently.
Koushiro also points out that auroras aren't supposed to happen in Japan, so this is weird. The dub is trying to localize for an American audience, so Izzy's a bit more descriptive here. He calls this out as the Aurora Borealis specifically but says that's supposed to happen in Alaska. "We're way too far south."
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Then the Aurora strikes, delivering their Digivices and whisking the kids away on a magical adventure of violence, terror, and coming to terms with the reality of death. YAAAAAAAAAY
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So it begins! Taichi is the first we see meet his Digimon partner. This is Koromon. English Koromon explains that his name means "Brave Little Warrior". This is a bald-faced lie.
Like many Baby and Child stage Digimon, his name is based on an onomatopoeia; Specifically, Koromon is named for the sound of a round object rolling around. "Korokorokorokoro". I think the dub version of the character was embarrassed to admit that. :P
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Koushiro's partner Mochimon is next. The subtitle here says Motimon but you can clearly hear Mochimon. His name is based on the sound of a spongey goop extending and retracting. Mochimochimochi.
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Once these two are introduced, the dub goes in on trying to deliver information to the audience. This place is called the Digi-World, and Izzy speculates that the Digimon are the Digivices themselves, transformed into physical lifeforms.
None of this is in the original; This is a quiet moment as Taichi takes in the magnitude of their isolating predicament. The only information offered is that this is a place called File Island; the word "File" is said in English.
That they've Isekai'd into another world entirely is not something they know as of yet. At this point in time, the possibility exists that maybe we got washed out to sea somehow but we're still somewhere near Japan.
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When Taichi tries to scout out what's around them, our central antagonist for this episode arrives: Kuwagamon, an Adult-stage Digimon named for a particular species of stag beetle: Nokogiri-kuwagata.
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The first altercation with Kuwagamon goes terribly, forcing Taichi and Koushiro to take cover inside a special program. As Mochimon explains, they're inside a hologram of a tree which will conceal them from Kuwagamon.
The English Motimon offers the less helpful explanation, "It's a Hiding Tree, silly!" That'll do it. All I need to know, thanks.
Once Kuwagamon's gone, we meet up with Sora and our next Partner Digimon.
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Pyocomon, named for the sound of bouncing. Pyocopyocopyoco! The dub cuts off the P and calls her Yokomon.
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Immediately followed by Takeru's partner Tokomon, named for the sound of trotting around. Tokotokotokotoko.
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And Yamato's partner Tsunomon. This one isn't an onomatopoeia; Rather, "tsuno" is the Japanese word for "horn". He's Hornmon. You can probably guess why.
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Following that, we have Pukamon, named for the sound of floating or hovering. "Pukapukapuka", though the dub calls him Bukamon with a hard B sound.
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We cut to commercial break and then come back to a completely redundant second introduction. Each Digimon takes turns going around and saying their names, and then Tai introduces each of the human characters and tells us which grade they're in; The same information from those slides earlier.
I think the localizers realized how unnecessary this is because they use this time to waffle instead. Rather than intros, the Digimon just say things like "We're super cute!" "And loyal!" Tai, however, once again misses an opportunity to establish the relative ages of the characters and just reintroduces all of the humans by name.
Wait, but aren't we missing someone? As if on cue, Mimi comes screaming out of the woods with her Partner Digimon at her side.
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Tanemon, which translates in English to "Seedmon". However, like Tsunomon, her name remains Tanemon in the dub. Mimi isn't screaming because of Tanemon, however; She's being hunted by Kuwagamon.
I should note that the dub characters are extremely rude about Mimi's absence. Sora calls her "the girl with the funny hat" to which Tai replies, in the most eye-rolling and disdainful voice possible, "Now now, her name is Mimi." You can hear him sneering.
Then Izzy chimes in and, in a weirdly bitter tone, suggest she's "picking flowers" or "going on a nature hike". The fuck crawled up y'all's butts and died? This girl has done nothing.
The dub, however, does get in a fantastic line when Kuwagamon attacks again.
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As the kids cower in a clearing from Kuwagamon's renewed assault, Joe cries out, "My mom is going to want a complete and total refund!" XD I love that. It manages to land a joke without killing the tension in the process.
Cornered on the edge of a cliff, the partners are forced to fight Kuwagamon.
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It does not go well. Real quick, who do you think wins in a fight: An experienced lumberjack vs. several toddlers?
What a lovely start to an adventure. We have no idea where we are or why, and the strange magical creatures who showed up to protect us have all been beaten within an inch of their life by what, for all intents and purposes at this time, just appears to be Random Encounter wildlife.
We're gonna die out here.
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With their backs against the wall, Kuwagamon renews the assault once more and the Baby Digimon are forced to break free from their worried kids and fight once more.
The dub tries really hard to downplay the peril these kids are in right now. For instance, when Taichi asks Koromon why he attacked Kuwagamon so recklessly, Koromon uses what little strength he has to state that he needs to protect Taichi. Dub Koromon just says he wanted to show off and look cool.
Similarly, as Kuwagamon comes tromping out of the woods, Taichi expresses hopeless fear, and Koromon then insists that that Digimon must fight. Dub Tai instead says, "Get ready to run!" only for Koromon to argue that he wants to fight instead. Like. They're standing on the edge of a cliff. There is nowhere to run to. The dub's manufacturing retreat options to make fighting a personal choice rather than a survival necessity.
But now the bonds they've formed with their kids are strong enough for the first in what's going to become a major metaphysic for this series: Evolution.
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The dub calls it Digivolution, possibly to distinguish it from evolution in Pokemon which was airing alongside this show, but in Japanese it's just "shinka" meaning evolution. As each Digimon evolves, there's a stock quote format that they express in both versions.
In English, it's "Koromon, digivolve to: Agumon!"
In Japanese, it's "Koromon SHINKAAAAAAAA!!! Agumon!"
I admit, ever since the first time I watched this in subs, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the bloodcurdling battle roar of "SHINKAAAAAAA!!!" every time they evolve in Japanese.
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While Kuwagamon gets dogpiled by Child-stage Digimon as the Digimon theme song blazes in the background, let's take a moment to go over each of their new names.
Agumon: "Aguaguagu". The sound of biting. Gabumon: A type of puppet used in Kabuki theater. Piyomon: "Piyopiyopiyopiyo". The sound of tweeting. Tentomon: Tentoumushi, a type of ladybug. Gomamon: Gomafu azarashi, a type of seal. Palmon: A play on "palm", a kind of tree. Patamon: "Patapatapatapata", the sound of flapping wings.
The English version replaces the roaring Digimon theme song with some generic fight music.
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With Kuwagamon successfully fended off, the vibe of this scene is pure tension-relieving jubilation. The dub slides in Izzy saying, "They made vaporware out of him," and goddammit, that got me. XD The important thing is that Kuwagamon is gone and everyone is safe forev--
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Oh, never mind. Everyone fucks off a cliff and probably dies and that's where we leave off episode 1. This sequence features possibly the funniest "Easing Up on the Peril" edit in this entire episode. As Kuwagamon slams his pincers into the edge of the cliff side to send them hurtling to their doom, the English version splices in random still frames of the kids looking tough to show this is no big deal and they can handle themselves in this mess!
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Izzy standing there like "GRRR I'm a big strong American boy and they build us TOUGH over here! Me and mah gun can TAKE gravity!"
Before ending on the exact same shot of everyone falling to their doom anyway.
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Either way, this is where the episode leaves off. The kids have been transported to this mysterious location. They have no idea where they are, how they got here, or why. They were terrorized around the forest, and now they're all falling to their doom.
This sets the stage for what this adventure is going to be like. This is not a magical journey of whimsey and effortless victories. These children are in extreme peril and nobody is coming to save them.
Man, File Island sucks. I'm with English Joe. If I was one of these kids' parents, I'd be demanding a refund too. Worst camping trip ever.
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taikouvember · 4 months
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Taikouvember 2024 - Prompt Guideline
If you read about Taikouvember and are excited for the event, but don’t know how to interpret the prompts, let us give you a little bit of input about what was on our minds when we brainstormed them. Maybe it will give you some inspiration! Singular posts outlining every single prompt will follow soon as well.
Any kind of medium is allowed: Fanfiction, drabbles, poems, fanart & doodles, picture & gif sets, AMVs, playlists, meta analysis, rambles/rants... You name it!
Disclaimer: It is all up to you and you don’t have to follow any of the following ideas!
Day 1, Monday, November 4th 2024: Friendship
What is your favourite aspect about Taichi's and Koushiro's friendship with one another? What do you enjoy the most about their dynamics, what makes them special to you? Do you have headcanons about inside jokes, hobbies, etc.? Where could you see them have quarrels and arguments? Are there moments in the anime, manhua, games, etc. that stuck out to you, which display their platonic bond best?
Additional idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Yamato?
Alternate prompts: Connection / Distance (2022) & The Multiverse: Canon vs. AUs (2023)
Day 2, Tuesday, November 5th 2024: Love
What is your favourite aspect about Taichi's and Koushiro's romantic potential with one another? What do you think makes them work out as a couple, how do you think their dynamic might look like? What kinds of habits and routines would they have? Are there any hardships they would have to overcome together? Do you have fluffy and cheesy headcanons about their love?
Additional idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Sora?
Alternate prompts: Adventure / Calm (2022) & Past / Future (2023)
Day 3, Wednesday, November 6th 2024: Sincerity
What are situations where they would have to be sincere with one another? Are there any confessions they have to make (in regards to love and otherwise), any things they need to open up to towards each other? Are there secrets they have been hiding from the other?
Additional idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Mimi?
Alternate prompts: Work / Casual (2022) & Habits / Change (2023)
Day 4, Thursday, November 7th 2024: Reliability
How do you see them complementing and supporting each other? How does Taichi's brave mentality help Koushiro's intellect - and vice versa? Are there moments in the anime, manhua, games, etc. that stuck out to you, which display their loyal, reliable attitudes towards each other best?
Additonal idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Jou?
Alternate prompts: Confession / Lie (2022) & Trauma / Healing (2023)
Day 5, Friday, November 8th 2024: Hope
In case we would get any kind of new media (promo art, a new anime for the original or reboot timeline, a new movie, etc.): What are your personal hopes for them? How would you like to see their dynamic develop or change, how would you like to see it play out in the future? Are there any headcanons or guilty pleasures, however self-indulgent they may be, that you would love to see come to life?
Additional idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Takeru?
Alternate prompts: Extroverted / Introverted (2022) & Visible / Invisible Affection (2023)
Day 6, Saturday, November 9th 2024: Light
"Shedding some light" and positivity on your personal experiences: What does the ship mean to you? When and why did you start to ship or at least appreciate it, do you have specific memories you would like to share? Have you made any fanwork in the past that you are particularly proud of?
Additonal idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Hikari?
Alternate prompts: Loyalty / Jealousy (2022) & Brave Knowledge / Curious Courage (2023)
Day 7, Sunday, November 10th 2024: Kindness / Miracles
Do you want miracles to happen for them? Do you want to grant them a deed of kindness or highlight their kindest moments and qualities? Either way: In a series that regularly lets miracles happen to its protagonists, that kindly fulfills dreams, the last day shall be dedicated to your personal wishes: You may post whatever comes to your mind in regards to Taikou, something you always wanted to shout into the world, draw, write, create, but never found the opportunity to do so! We’re excited to see what you have in mind!
Additonal idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, Ken or any other Chosen Children?
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kideternity · 4 months
Okay now i've finished Adventure let me write up my full thoughts about the season. This will be less structured than the Tamers review and I apologise for that, I just kind of had a different watching experience with Adventure and thus sort of format my feelings about it in a different way idk. Whatever the case, here’s my full review of Adventure under the cut, and if you don’t care about that, then here’s the TLDR;
I liked adventure! I had a lot of fun watching it. It’s not a perfect season, but nothing is, and whilst I am going to take a break for now, I'm excited to start Digimon Adventure 02 in the foreseeable future.
-First, I do want to highlight things I really enjoyed. I really loved the animation and art style- I know its seen as very cheesy and dated and not the best animated (Most notable example that comes to mind is reusing the animation for special moves) but IDC, I love the cartoony style and I've always been very endeared to older styles of animation and how they make use of the medium.
-I liked the kids! I liked the kids a lot! They’re good kids! The cast of adventure is absolutely a highlight, and I can see why Bandai always goes back to them for use in future projects, whether or not that’s ultimately a good thing.
-Whilst I personally prefer the more Urban Sci-fi / Fantasy settings of Tamers and Savers, The Isekai approach lends itself to be a good way to immediately show off the digital world and the creatures within it, and to start exploring the worldbuilding within. I like the worldbuilding of Adventure! It felt kind of more purposely vague then Tamers and Savers, but it’s an interesting world they set up, and I'd like to see more of it explored
-I missed the global aspect of Tamers and even Savers. Though I can’t really fault Adventure, being as it was literally THE first season ever, for staying strictly in Japan. I just personally enjoyed how large and expansive things got in Tamers, and how people from all over the world were involved. I will say, I did appreciate Adventure also having more unorthodox or complicated family dynamics- such as Yamato and Takeru being the kids of divorce who aren’t able to 24/7 be around each other, or how Koushiro is adopted. It’s always a breath of fresh air to see media, especially for kids, tackle these sorts of things with nuance and grace.
-The soundtrack was absolutely gorgeous. Probably my favourite out of all of the soundtracks so far- there was just so much passion and emotion packed into each musical piece.
-Tone and themes were fairly consistent throughout, mostly due to the fact that Adventure doesn’t really have any sort of grand overarching messaging like Tamers or Savers did. I would assume, due to being again, the first season of anime, it cared more about plot and characters than trying to Say anything too radical. Hence, the themes follow pretty standard “good versus evil” tropes, as well as the power of compassion and community and optimism and hope that digimon usually utilises in each of its different stories across mediums, instead of anything more complex, like Tamers attempts at dissecting morality and violence, and Savers discussing the inherent value of lives that aren’t humans and trying to understand those not like you. Adventure plays it safe, and doesn’t get burned because of it, which I can’t fault.
-The villains are. Eh. They’re entertaining but none of them are necessarily very well written. The most well written villain was Pinochimon, and ignoring that i'm a biased party, most people seem to agree with me on this. Vamdemon was definitely the most intimidating and well built up antagonist. Apocalymon has a really cool and sympathetic concept, and I wish he had been focused on more. Generally, due to the nature of Adventure's “good versus evil” tropes, a lot of the villains aren’t really allowed any sort of nuance or are portrayed in a “They're Inherently Damnable Let's Kill Em” sort of way, which is unfortunate. Only Ogremon top of my head really gets any sort of minor redemption at the end without dying for it, ala Wizarmon, Gottsumon and Pumpkinmon.
-Like Tamers, Adventure is much more open to the idea of making horny jokes and talking about romance, which I do not enjoy, and it was by far the worst one when it came to that in my opinion. Why were there so many jokes about masc digimon hitting on Mimi. Stop that right this instant.
-Generally, I would say plot and character writing is a mixed bag. None of it is necessarily godawful, but you can tell that Adventure was very haphazardly and sloppily written. There’s a lot of inconsistencies in the writing- a lot of new characters or story elements are sort of abruptly added out of nowhere with no real build up and which sometimes ultimately don’t really matter all that much. It has definitely the worst pacing out of the seasons I've seen so far- Again, Building up momentum to then just suddenly stop and spill exposition on you. Savers and Tamers had issues too, but their handling of the plot was usually much tighter and the writing much more concise. Whilst I love the kids, and they do definitely get their own character arcs, none of them are written equally in that regard and often times it leads to situations where some characters get their arcs finished early and then stay stagnant for the rest of the season (Sora and Koushiro) whilst others only get major character writing near the very end (Yamato). It also definitely played favourites with some of them lol. Random things will interject in pivotal moments and the arcs for each different villain all have entirely different vibes to one another. Truthfully, it does come across as a much of mini stories hazily slapped together in an attempt to create a Larger Grander Narrative. Which, again, it was their first attempt ever creating an anime for Digimon, so I suppose I can’t blame them too much for this. It’s a miracle this took off so well in the first place.
Again, there’s definitely stuff I'm missing that i'd have wanted to say, but as a whole, again, I like Adventure! It’s not my favourite season of the digimon anime, and I can definitely understand the frustration for Bandai constantly milking it as a cash cow for the nostalgia points. But, I do think as a whole it holds up for the most part, at least for a kids anime from the late 90s, and Again, I don’t regret having watched it.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 months
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Word Count: 585 Prompt: & Takeru A/N: I stopped fighting my clear need to write about Kizuna era. Perhaps that will make the rest of these easier. In any case, I've always adored the dynamic between Taichi and Takeru, almost more than the dynamic with their biological siblings. Found siblings are always so much fun to me, I don't know why! (Maybe because I have so many.) @taichiyagamiweek
"I never would have taken Patamon for a caffeine addict," Taichi mused, watching Patamon slurp down the frappuccino Takeru had ordered for him.
"Honestly, me neither. I think he really likes the whipped cream." Takeru was typing furiously on his laptop, reminding Taichi of the days when Koushiro had been furiously typing on his in the Digital World. But unlike Koushiro, Taichi knew that Takeru was writing instead of researching. Well, he was researching, too, in his own way, he supposed.
"Thanks for meeting me," Taichi began, nodding to Patamon. "I just… I had to see for myself that you all were fine."
Takeru nodded, giving the older boy the understanding smile that he'd always had. Even when he was eight years old, he'd had a strange wisdom about him. It was nothing like Yamato, but everything like Hikari. No wonder they got along so well. "I get it. Really, it's weird that we weren't affected." He frowned. "Well, weird that I wasn't affected. I met Patamon the same time you met Agumon."
Taichi shrugged. "The rules have always been different for you, special kid that you are." Takeru rolled his eyes, and Taichi chuckled before turning serious again. "I'd wager a guess that you're not done yet."
"Why did I have a feeling you'd say that?" Takeru sighed, reaching out to scratch between Patamon's wings. "Am I the Jou of my generation of Chosen?"
"Now that's a comparison I never thought I'd hear." Taichi let out a hearty laugh, drawing the attention of other café patrons. "But I know you can handle it. You've always been more mature than you've realized."
"It's a blessing and a curse." Takeru dramatically fanned himself, and the boys grinned at each other. The blond's eyes returned to his laptop, and he smiled. "Maybe it's something about my Crest or whatever, but I'm sure we'll all see each other again. It wouldn't make sense for them to just take them away with no hope of seeing them again."
"Always filled with hope, I get it." Leaning back in his chair, Taichi folded his arms behind his head as he'd been prone to do as a kid. "You and I are on the same page, then." But then, it was rare when they had not been on the same page, even when they were younger.
"There's another reason you asked me here, I suppose?" Takeru said, eyeing the bag on the table between them.
Taichi grinned. "I was hoping you'd ask." He dug through his bag and whipped out a sheaf of paper, presenting it to his friend. "I wanted your opinion on this."
Takeru took the papers and scanned the first page, his eyes lighting up as he took in the contents. "Your thesis? Taichi, this is—" He bit his lip and kept reading. After a few minutes, he set down the draft and smiled over at Taichi. "It already sounds fantastic."
"I'm glad you think so. Would you mind terribly taking a look through it and giving me some feedback? I don't want to turn in something half-assed. I owe Agumon that much." Taichi cupped his hands around his drink, smiling down at it. "It's because of him that I could even figure out what to do."
"I'd be happy to help out, Taichi." Takeru smiled at him, and Taichi returned the expression. Patamon slurped loudly on the remains on his drink, and the two of them laughed.
With Takeru's help, Taichi knew his thesis would be perfect.
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jubilines · 1 year
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any interest in a digimon (adventure + 02) x miraculous ladybug au? 🫣
headcanons under the cut!
(full disclosure - i’ve only watched seasons 1+2 of miraculous ladybug. the rest of my knowledge is pieced together from the wiki + lurking off and on in the fandom over the last few years!)
koushiro as the ladybug holder:
the obvious ladybug-tentomon connection aside, i think his analytical abilities would be super helpful when figuring out how to use a lucky charm
his arc would be growing out of being awkward and socially withdrawn through the confidence he builds up as ladybug (mister bug?)
hikari as the cat holder:
no thoughts, just meow (jk)
her arc would be breaking away from being a people-pleaser and the “perfect” image that people project onto her, and learning to set boundaries and express herself through the freedom she gets as chat noir (lady noir?)
(she would definitely have a chat blanc episode!)
ideas other potential holders (open to suggestions!):
mimi - peacock
jou - turtle
takeru - snake
ken - bee
miyako - fox
wallace - rabbit
menoa - butterfly
also still brainstorming their love square dynamic... 👀
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dutchforstrangers · 11 months
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For @taikouvember 2023 - Day 4: Trauma & Healing
Hey Kou, I found this word on the internet, 'querencia'. Have you ever heard of it? Because I didn't. It means something along the lines of "a sanctuary where you feel safe". A place to always come back to. A home. It's nice, right? It made me think of you. Of us (: - Taichi
Inspired by this prompt. Lyrics from "Home" by Phillip Phillips.
In the Digimon Adventure universe there are so many ships, but what's so strikingly beautiful about Taichi and Koushiro -whether they're romantic or platonic- to me is that they always seem to find each other again in a very pure way that happens naturally.
Both of them had to face their troubles and demons, deal with traumas both together and seperately. But in the end they can come home to each other and help each other heal. And that's a relationship, friendship and dynamic that will stick with me for a long time. (On a very personal level that is, because I myself have been struggling a lot with the concept of finding and keeping my "homes" -both literally and figuratively-. Only shows what a ship can do to a person, am I right?)
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izzyizumi · 6 months
No One: Me: "The average Digital World astronaut reaches space a total of one time in their entire lifetime, but more instances may be possible with advancements in Space science. Izumi Koushirou, meanwhile, who reached (Digital) ""space"" twice depending on the universe involved, (BOTH times while still as a child) is an Outlier who Should Not Be Counted"
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventures (+2020) x “Quiet” (by: L.I.G.H.T.S) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} alongside; + 2020!Koushiro{u} & Taichi Yagami {as Canon-inspired A.U.} (the intent is to showcase them as ‘Parallel timelines’)
Digimon Adventure Franchise/Series © Toei Animation
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. NO $$$ is being made off this Fan work
“Are we {‘Friends’}?”
“I’m NOT Yours, and you’re NOT ‘Mine’, but we can {sit} and pass the time; no {fighting wars} no {ringing CHIMES}
... We’re just feeling ‘FINE’.”
“This is where we’re SUPPOSED to be, sitting by the broken tree...”
“Just staring AT THE Sky-”
“I could wait A THOUSAND hours, Stay THE SAME, in SUN and showers, pick apart a hundred flowers, Just to be QUIET. ...
TELL ME WHEN {YOU} FEEL ready, I’M the ONE, there’s not too many; HOLD MY HAND TO KEEP ME STEADY,
JUST to be QUIET ...
... WITH YOU ...”
- This has already taken me 1 hour alone. - It’s mainly meant as Adventure{s} O.G. series canon-compliant; However, A.U.s can be read in with the addition of 2020; or even canon-compliant spin-offs - minimal Kou+Tai relevant spoilers from Tri, Kizuna & 2020 01~03 - This is just heavily preview for now; as I’m still working on it, I’m going to smooth out the blips later!
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-upload} {DO NOT re-purpose}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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grandramian · 7 months
Taishirou dinamic
Do you have a specific couple that no matter what the fashion is, whatever it is, you always end up coming back to it, you just like the dynamic in a way that just keeps them coming back:canonically it's not even a romance but I really like Taichi and Koushiro's Digimon dynamic. There is an absolute trust between the two like whenever he is there and needs something he accuses him that he always supports him and everything not only in the most complicated moments but the moments of always being together from day to day it is always Izzi who is at his side. side. I think it is much more difficult to have a friend than to have him every day, to know that you can count on him both in good times and in bad times, that you can trust him and that he will not let you down no matter what, it is good to have a friend. to help you through bad things but I also like to have a friend that I can trust every day to talk to and know that he is there supporting me. The trust that is given to each other and the fact that when one needs something the other is there to support each other and know that you can count on them is something very different from any dynamic of rivalry or friendship that between us members and that is why I have always I really liked this couple both as friends and as something more, although I know that this is only from the fans.
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
Hidden's Digimon Fanfics
Happy Odaiba Day! I'm so happy to celebrate with Chosen around the world!
I've listed my Digimon fanfics beneath the cut!  If you’re looking for some digifics to read on this beautiful Odaiba Day, oh boy, have I got you! :D  I’m ahiddenpath on both AO3 and FFN. Please log into AO3 to see all of my works, and please note that some of my older works are only on FFN.
Canon Setting Stories
After August
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Status: complete, Ships: none/general, Rating: general
Summary:  “A few days ago, they were the Chosen. Now they were just a bunch of bereft, displaced kids.” When the Chosen return to earth, they have difficulty resuming their old lives. The story dips into everyone’s perspectives as they struggle to overcome the trauma they faced in the Digital World and their longing for their digimon so they can rally around Taichi once more.
Infinite Possibilities
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Status: in progress, Ships: none/general, Rating: teen
Art commissioned from kbondoxxxxav.
Summary: As more people meet their digimon partners, the challenges of digimon and humans coexisting on earth cannot be ignored. College student Anami Eimi begins her career in digimon research, hoping to help digimon and humans understand one another. When she discovers caged digimon in her new lab, she contacts the Japanese Chosen, setting off a chain of events that force the Chosen and their digimon to reevaluate the dynamics of their partnership.
This fic is set pre and post Kizuna, and is a mostly canon compliant expansion. It's a three phase story, the first starring OC Anami Eimi, then Izumi Koushiro, then Yagami Hikari. It explores the realities, challenges, and politics of digimon living on earth, and the nature of the Chosen/digimon partnership.
Can the Chosen and their digimon find the infinite possibilities that will sustain their partnerships into adulthood?
Ladybug House
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Status: complete, Ships: general/Taishiro-ish, Rating: general
Summary:  After his seniors graduated and Mimi moved away, Koushiro is the last of the older Chosen attending his high school. Although Koushiro doesn’t let it show, Tentomon senses that he’s lonely and joins him on his commute to school. When the harsh cold of winter makes Tentomon shut down, Koushiro asks him to stay home instead of braving the elements. Tentomon refuses, citing Koushiro’s loneliness. This pushes Koushiro to reconnect with his friends, and he starts with the one he misses most…Focuses on the relationships between Koushiro and Tentomon and Koushiro and Taichi. Taishiro written in such a way that it can be interpreted as platonic or romantic. Explores what it means to be an adult and forge an adult life. Post Tri, pre Kizuna, canon setting. Complete oneshot.Minor characters: Kae Izumi, Daisuke, Miyako, Takeru, Hikari
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Status: Complete,  Ships:  None/general, Rating: general
Summary:  Following the events of Kizuna, the Chosen slowly lose their digimon partners, all while struggling to launch their adult lives. Takeru has been smiling through it all, but Yamato is beginning to sense that he needs more help than he lets on… A story exploring grief, seeking, giving, and accepting emotional support, and navigating the line between expressing what you’re comfortable expressing and knowing when to seek help. Complete oneshot.
Sans San
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Status: Complete,  Ships:  None/general, Rating: general
Summary: It’s New Year’s Day, and Koushiro and his parents are observing Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year. There, he runs into Taichi, who helps him achieve last year’s resolution. A short story about support and being loved as you are while still committing yourself to growth <3 Cover art gifted by a dear friend.
Mostly Canon Setting Stories (ie, canon setting with some differences, like OCs, non-canon couples, etc)
Growing Up with You
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Art commissioned from Mitty (Tumblr deleted).
Status: complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC in the later half, Rating: general to teen
Summary:  A slow, simple story about relationships over time. The story focuses on Koushiro and OC Anami Eimi, following them through their childhood through the events of 01, 02, some of the movies, and beyond. This story is great for you if you love Koushiro and stories that are mostly canon.
Tri: Integrity Lens
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Status: In progress, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Rating: teen
Summary:  Sequel to Growing Up with You. Follows Digimon Adventure Tri primarily through the eyes of OC Anami Eimi and Izumi Koushiro. This story is fantastic for you if you love Koushiro, or if you’d enjoy a retelling of Tri that emphasizes Chosen proactiveness.
A Gentleman’s Wager
Status: Complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Daiken, Taichi x OC Rating: teen
Summary:   When Taichi notices Koushiro’s stubble, things somehow snowball into a facial hair growing contest between most of the male Chosen Children. Humor/romance/drama. One shot.
Public Eye
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Status: Complete, Ships: Daiken, Rating: teen
Summary:  Despite their best efforts, the Chosen couldn’t escape fame following their digimon adventures. When Daisuke and Ken’s relationship is exposed in a local tabloid, the backlash threatens their tenuous romance.
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Status: In progress, Ships: OC x Daisuke, Daiken, OC x Koushiro
Summary: An AU story where Motomiya Daisuke, Anami Eimi, Ichijouji Ken, and Izumi Koushiro are undergraduate students in 2024. This four chapter explicit story follows their exploration of sexuality and relationships in a consensual, queer-friendly way.
See You Soon
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Status: Complete, Ships: Jyoumi, Rating: general
Summary:  Two independent Jyoumi short stories themed on long distance relationships.
AU Fics
So You Were Alive
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Status: Complete, Ships: none/general, Rating: general
Summary:  Greymon meets Garurumon in the network and is glad to see that his friend is alive. Explores the possible (if unlikely) connection between the Agumon in the Digimon Adventure Reboot (Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Psi) and the Digimon Adventure Agumon. Oneshot. Contains spoilers for the Kizuna novelization and the first two episodes of Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Adventure Reboot/Digimon Psi.
Puits d’Amour
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Art gifted by a dear friend.​
Status: In progress, Ships: Sorato (main), Jyoumi, others to come, Rating: general audiences
Summary:  Yamato and his brother, Takeru, were born to royal parents from different countries, who wed to seal the peace between their warring nations. The brothers were sent to live in Autun, their mother’s country, until coming of age- and now, Yamato is old enough to return to Hakone, his father’s country, where he will one day rule. Displaced and missing his home and his brother, Yamato wanders into a café selling pastries he often ate in Autun… And meets Sora, a woman who exudes welcome and comfort. A bakery/royalty AU about finding your home and your path.Main characters: Yamato, Sora, Jyou, Takeru, Mimi, but the entire Adventure/02 cast is included
Four Years
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art by beeps (Tumblr deleted)
Status: In progress, Ships: Izzy x OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, others to come, Rating: mature
Summary:  An AU story where the older Adventure kids go to an American college. English dub names and personalities. Izzy/OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, Tai/?, some Takari. A story full of romance, laughs, drama, and fun things like partying and classes. The kids still have a lot of growing up to do, and they need each other to heal old hurts and go forward.  English dub names and personalities.
An added note for this one- I’m slowly editing and reposting.  There are a lot more chapters on FFN than AO3, so if you want to read everything available, go to FFN.
The Ouija Board
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Status: Complete, Ships: Izzy x OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, Tai x OC, implied Daiken, Takari, Rating: teen
Summry:  Companion piece to Four Years, set in the future of the story.  English dub names and personalities.  Tai and Davis drag the boys to a local cemetery to invoke the spirits on Halloween night. Strange things start happening afterwards, especially to Izzy. When the boys finally own up to their seance, Amy is aghast to learn that they broke all of the rules a Ouija board puts in place to keep spirits in their own world… A four chapter humor/horror story.
Seeking Resonance
Status: Complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Takari, Sorato, Mimi x OC, (Included couples that are not end game: Koumi, Jyou x OC) Rating: teen
Summary:   An AU story that follows Koushiro as his long distance relationship with Mimi begins to falter, then branches out to include the friends who touch his life.  This is an emotionally complex story about the Adventure gang in their late 20s/early 30s trying to figure out what they need and how to be happy.
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Status: Complete, Ships: Sorato, Jyoumi, Koushiro x OC, Taichi x OC, Takari mentions Rating: teen
Summary:   An AU fic set in Odaiba, featuring the older Chosen (Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Jyou, Mimi, and OC Eimi). The story follows them through their first year of high school in real time using journal entries, focusing on portraying character, and on delivering an authentic Japanese high school experience. Read on for teenage hijinks and school life :)
A Debtor’s Hell
Status: Complete, Ships: general/Taishiro-ish, Rating: teen
Summary:  Koushiro is in danger of failing his gym practical, and Taichi spends hours coaching him to pass. Suddenly, Koushiro finds himself in debt to his best friend, and when Taichi calls in the favor, our favorite nerd has no way out… Part actual content, part silly humor. Oneshot. Cross-dressing and some OOC moments.
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digimon02countdown · 1 year
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Note: These prompts are merely guides. You can use them however you want, or you can use every day as a free day. You don't have to make something every day. Please take care of yourself!
Day 1:
DAISUKE & V-MON: - What’s your favorite Daisuke moment? Favorite V-mon moment? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Daisuke things: ex. ramen, soccer, courage, friendship, miracles
DIGIMENTALS/DIGI-EGGS: - What is your favorite armor evolution? - Digimentals were linked to character growth and development in 02. What is your favorite character growth moment or arc? - Do you have your own original Digimental?
Day 2:
MIYAKO & HAWKMON: - What’s your favorite Miyako moment? Favorite Hawkmon moment? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Miyako things: ex. technology/programming, traveling, iMart, passion, love, sincerity/purity
JOGRESS/DNA-DIGIVOLUTION: - What is your favorite jogress pair and evolution? - The concept of bonds was an important theme in 02. What is your favorite bonding moment between humans and their Digimon partners? - What is your favorite bonding moment between human characters? - Do you have a jogress headcanon between other characters?
Day 3:
IORI & ARMADIMON: - What’s your favorite Iori moment? Favorite Armadimon moment - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Iori things: ex. law, kendo, understanding, reliability/honesty/sincerity, knowledge 
VILLAINS: - Who is your favorite 02 villain/antagonist? - What makes the villains of 02 stand out to you? Do you have a favorite villain arc? - Do you have any favorite/headcanon redemption moments for an 02 antagonists?
Day 4:
KEN & WORMMON: - What’s your favorite Ken moment? Favorite Wormmon moment? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Ken things: ex. Crime and detective work, kindness, soccer, the Digimon Kaiser 
THE DIGITAL WORLD: - The laws and boundaries of the Digital World were tested in 02. Do you have any headcanons about the Digital World based on what the 02 children learned? - What is your favorite area of the Digital World that was shown in 02?
Day 5:
TAKERU & PATAMON: - What’s your favorite Takeru moment in 02? Favorite Patamon moment in 02? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Takeru things: ex. writing/literature, hope, headwear, family dynamics 
THE DARK SEED/SPORE CHILDREN: - Do you have any headcanons about what the Dark Seed children did post-series? - Who is your favorite Dark Seed chosen child? - Do you have an original Dark Seed chosen child character?
INTERNATIONAL CHOSEN CHILDREN: - Do you have any headcanons about what the international chosen children did post-series? - Who is your favorite international chosen child or episode? - Do you have an original chosen child character from outside Japan?
ADVENTURE CHOSEN (Taichi/Yamato/Sora/Koushiro/Mimi/Jou): - What is your favorite “senpai-kohai” relationship or moment between the 02 chosen and the adventure chosen?
Day 6:
HIKARI & TAILMON: - What’s your favorite Hikari moment in 02? Favorite Tailmon moment in 02? - What do you like about their partnership? - Favorite Hikari things: ex. child development/teaching, light, photography, ties to the dark world/ocean, coexistence with Digimon
HURRICANE TOUCHDOWN/REVENGE OF DIABOROMON: - What is your favorite film moment starring the 02 kids? - Favorite Wallace moment?
Day 7:
THE 02 GANG AS A UNIT: - How well do the 02 children work together as a unit? - Do you have a favorite moment that involved all or most of the group? - What does the 02 group mean to you as a whole? What makes you care about them?
DREAMS & FUTURE: - The final few episodes of 02 focused on the dreams, desires, aspirations, and future challenges of the 02 kids, as well as the future of the Digital and human worlds. Do you have a character moment that spoke to you in the last few episodes of 02? - What are your own hopes for the future regarding the 02 characters and Digimon?
FAVORITE EPISODE/SCENE/LINE OF DIALOGUE: - What is your absolute favorite moment in all of 02?
FREE DAY: - Why do you love Digimon Adventure 02? What makes you care about the series? - What are the themes that resonate with you in the series? - When you picture yourself as a Chosen Child, are you an 02 kid at heart?
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taikouvember · 4 months
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Taikouvember 2024 - Prompt Guideline:
Day 1, Monday, November 4th 2024: Friendship
"Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an "acquaintance" or an "association", such as a classmate, neighbour, coworker, or colleague. Friendships are foremost formed by choice, typically on the basis that the parties involved admire each other on an intimate level, and enjoy commonality and socializing. Sometimes friends are distinguished from family, as in the saying "friends and family", and sometimes from lovers. Forming and maintaining friendships often requires time and effort. Most people underestimate how much other people like them."
What is your favourite aspect about Taichi's and Koushiro's friendship with one another? What do you enjoy the most about their dynamics, what makes them special to you? Do you have headcanons about inside jokes, hobbies, etc.? Where could you see them have quarrels and arguments? Are there moments in the anime, manhua, games, etc. that stuck out to you, which display their platonic bond best?
Additional idea: What is your favourite aspect about their relationship/dynamic with Yamato?
Alternate prompts: Connection / Distance (2022) & The Multiverse: Canon vs. AUs (2023)
Take a look at the prompts of the other days too!
Day 2, Tuesday, November 5th: Love
Day 3, Wednesday, November 6th: Sincerity
Day 4, Thursday, November 7th: Reliability
Day 5, Friday, November 8th: Hope
Day 6, Saturday, November 9th: Light
Day 7, Sunday, November 10th: Kindness / Miracles
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