#genius koushiro
izzyizumi · 2 years
IzzyIzumi Watches Sonic Prime 1~2
(under the 'read more')
{Yes, I relate DigiAdvs}
Sonic, about Tails: "MY GENIUS Friend..."
Me: Yeah that doesn't (still / to this day w/these series and both these charas) sound like Koushiro.
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Tails, using a 'tail' to hold up drink Tails sips on while typing:
Me: Yeah, that's not exactly like how Koushiro acts in every single tech-involved scene where Koushiro's on Koushiro's own w Oolong
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Sonic: "So if this Genius hacker-slash-Loner thing doesn't work out--"
Me: Wow that doesn't sound relevant to Koushiro backstorys at all!!!
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Tails: "I WAS [rEDACTED for Spoiler]!!!!"
Me: DEFINITELY not heavily implied in Novel!Koushiro's backstory among some other Notable Koushiro Backstory[s] details.
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(Novel translations with credit to Onkei of Digital Scratch)
Tails, typing in multiple passwords and being denied at every turn in a ~Dramatic Moment~:
Me: That DEFINITELY didn't happen to Koushiro in Tri or Adventure at multiple points (looks at Mugendramon Arc)... it's almost like it's not a "plot point" or common "trope"---
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Tails, using semi-sarcastic-implied tone, only slightly more "forward" speech or quips/quotes at various points even with Knuckles:
"I'M one of the GOOD GUYS."
Me: Koushiro's J.P.N formal speech things, aside, that's DEFINITELY still not Koushiro-dynamics when Koushiro counters Taichi's or Yamato's back-and-forth with quips, and is definitely only something that ever existed in the U.S. dub version, Among Elsewhe--
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(I Can't Take The Canon!Koushiro-Discoursing Seriously Anymore You Guys)...
{This Is Not A "Bad Thing", But I Find It Interesting how one character is now overall heavily loved and another (ADOPTED CANONICALLY)'s J.P.N canon personlity still has to be actively defended to the fan base to this day...}
{all by Me} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
{This is a 'no re-blogs post' because it's mainly just my personal commentary for my page, but 'Likes' are OK}
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Episodes 5 & 6 of OPLA! I think that anyone who comes to the manga or anime after watching OPLA might be disappointed. I mean, it's kinda genius for Arlong to have Buggy's head, and then for Luffy to steal Buggy's head when the Arlong Pirates attack the Baratie, but, like, none of it happened in canon. The one piece wiki is gonna need a separate wiki for OPLA, I guess.
I liked, nay loved, that they kept the fact that Zeff ate his leg in OPLA, to save Sanji. Love that Sanji is foul-mouthed from the beginning and that the love-hate relationship is there from the beginning. The oregano thing is fun, but, really, Sanji? I doubt a chef or cook anywhere would hold that opinion, so I want Sanji's backstory on it. Maybe it was Judge's favourite spice!
The Sanji and Zeff story packed a lot more weight than Kuina and Zoro, although it shouldn't have. Maybe it's just that adult actors have a much better handle on their craft than child actors (although child Sanji, and child Kuina were pretty good,
but child Zoro was a bit lacking). Or they should have maybe started Zoro's story a little bit earlier, with him being a child and coming across Koushiro Shimotsuki's dojo.
When the fishmen appeared at the Baratie, and when Nami didn't secure passage with the guy she'd organised to go away with, I thought they were going to water down her story somewhat. But the way they did it still smacked of betrayal for those who don't know her story, and it was a nice touch to have her read the North Blue stories to Zoro. Nice way to plant future arcs and chances to expand. Also good to also seed viewer sympathy when she kinda explains her actions to the supposedly unconscious Zoro.
Luffy seems a little too self-aware, maybe, but it was the first season without guarantee of season two, so I guess the Zoro and Luffy bond needs to be laid on a bit thick at this point. I kinda remember from the manga that Zoro was badly hurt, of course, but I can't remember the angst. I'm sure parts of it are there. It'll be interesting to see how that kinda thing contrasts with Ace's death in the future (if the series gets that far), cos' that's when Luffy canonically and importantly really goes deep.
Mihawk was camp and wonderful as fuck. Those golden eyes pretty freaky, but definitely hawk-like. Really leaning into that whole thing. Our boy's pretty pasty, but that's fine. I also would've liked to have seen Zeff fight a bit more. He did a good job of that in the manga, as I recall, and I understand missing out on the Luffy and Zeff conversation about Sanji, but I liked that in canon too.
Also, I'm glad that Gin appeared, considering Mihawk took out Don Krieg off screen-ish. Series shoring up against possible future inclusion, although we're still waiting. Very cool to have Zeff help Zoro too, and the way it was done with the fish skin (and that Sanji cooked that yellowtail soon after, I think!).
I think Zoro was shown plastered in bandages, right, and that was the extent of his recovery process in the manga? Again, could be wrong. He was in pain, and took on more, up to Thriller Bark and Sabaody.
Also, practically, I understand why Sanji needs to strip in a live action to save Luffy in the water, and I'm not complaining, but just a difference. I did like Taz Skylar! (I love all of the actors). Love Usopp's stories, that he has his slingshot with him, but is also cowardly (at the start) as in keeping with his canon character. It's funny that Luffy seems to understand that they're stories, but it's true, I think he only believes some of Usopp's stories in canon (like Sogeking)
I'm wondering if Jinbei will sound like Arlong if we get that far. It was probably very pointed, but the Arlong exchange with the fishman waiter carried a punch.
RIP Johnny and Yosaku! The live action is doing a good job of condensing the arc. They really would've had to have done their homework.
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froggie-bolt · 11 months
Day 4: Trauma and Healing
Tell me Taichi wasn’t having a difficult time after Kizuna. TRY.
I bet you can’t.
I was preparing a comic! But I couldn’t get it done soon enough and I’m already late. SO! Either tomorrow or at the end of the week, I’ll post the finished comic!! But please take this thing from my drafts!!
Taichi’s grip on his shoulders grew tighter as Koushiro felt his back press into the offices couch.
After the week they just had, Taichi’s weight was just so comforting. Grounding him.
But the conversation that was to come was far from such.
And the way Taichi was going about starting it…
Because when the brunette leaned in and pressed his lips to Koushiro’s, he knew what this was about.
It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Well, maybe it did. Koushiro did fit that description.
But this?
This took someone who knew Taichi.
Luckily he knew him like the back of his hand.
Taichi kissed him again, Koushiro engaging this time.
His hands went to hold the others hips, pulling him closer, hoping to maybe bring Taichi the same comfort he was bringing him.
It seemed to work. Sort of.
His shoulders were released at least.
Honestly, they really shouldn’t be making out in his office after hours.
However, when Taichi insisted on grabbing them some food and hanging out, Koushiro couldn’t bring himself to say no.
But he couldn’t afford to become distracted. They needed to have this conversation. He needed Taichi to be direct about his feelings; to tell him what was on his mind.
“Taichi-san you need to…T-Taichi, hold on, we need to—“
He expected Taichi to interrupt him again.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he rested his head on the crook of Koushiro's neck, and fisted the boys shirt.
“Do you know” his voice shook “How fucking worried I was?”
“I..can only imagine..”
“What if we didn’t beat that thing, Kou.”
Koushiro bowed his head.
“That wouldn’t have happened—“
“It almost did!”
“But it didn’t.”
Taichi let out a sharp sob.
He wasn’t going to cry. Of course not. He wasn’t going to, he told himself.
But now here he was, sobbing into his boyfriends shoulder about something that didn’t even happen.
Koushiro rubbed his hand up and down his lovers back. He couldn’t know how Taichi was feeling.
He could only guess. His guesses are usually spot on though, and this time was no different.
“Koushiro, if things didn’t work out..! I-I would have lost my sister, everyone’s digimon... I would have lost you—! A-And Yamato, I would never be able to look him in the eye again I— it was too much. J-Just too much, Koushiro and now that it’s over I—! I don’t know if I’m supposed to be relieved, or angry, or sad! I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel and it’s fucking me up.”
It was fucking both of them up.
Koushiro knew how to hide his emotions well. Always had.
But when Menoah turned out to be the perpetrator, he felt so stupid. So betrayed.
So used.
He hated feeling used.
Not only that, but the knowledge that someday, he might have to say goodbye to Tentomon…
But because of Taichi, he knew how to deal with his feelings.
Taichi was good at giving advice on such things.
But sometimes, he couldn’t follow his own.
“Taichi, you know the answer to that.”
“No! I-I—!”
Koushiro cupped the others cheeks and pulled him up until they were eye to eye.
He kissed Taichi sweetly before wiping the others face.
“Taichi-san,” he spoke gently. “You, more than anyone knows.”
“What..what do I know, koushiro…” his voice trembled, another sob waiting at the back of his throat.
“You don't have to feel a certain way. You don’t have to know how you feel.”
The red head pulled the other into a gentle embrace.
“You just…feel.”
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pulaasul · 1 year
Izzy - Koushiro - is Really a Genius!
I will preface this by saying, We already knew that. I’m just pointing this out as more proof of the matter.
Like he’s the only one who has reverse-engineered the digivices and transferred all of its functions into a smartphone from digivolving the digimon partner even to opening digital gates to the digital world.
Why did I make a post like this out of the blue.
Well, Izzy also incorporated Jogress Shinka - DNA Digivolution - into the phones. Wait, we’ve already seen that with Omegamon - Omnimon in Kizuna! Oh well, it's because a new trailer for “the beginning” has dropped.
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How would you describe Koushiro's personality, this is definitely not me following up on you describing Iori in DMs :P
Hehe, as I said, that's perfectly fine, since I highly enjoy doing character (and relationship) analyses! And this is a good one, because it forces me to put my own biases aside to make a somewhat objective statement. (Potential biases will probably still be included, but I'll try my best.)
So... How would I describe Koushirou's personality?
Aside from being Digimon Adventure's smart info-slash-exposition-dump-boy who has to figure out both the plot and the potential solution to every single problem the group encounters...
He is incredibly dedicated, committed and loyal - and I think the screenshot below sums that up quite well:
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He has a high sense of responsibility and, in accordance with his dedicated nature, will do whatever it takes to find answers and solutions. Whether it's for the sake of his friends or the entire world(s). Because researching, being curious and wanting to know everything about everything - those are the "things that make him himself", the true holder of the Crest of Knowledge. Thus, he is not only "the resourceful problem-solver", the group's resident computer genius and an absolute over-achiever (he's got his own freaking company by the age of 21 after all), but also very prone to overworking himself, neglecting both his physical and mental health in the process.
It also means that he goes into hyperfocus mode easily - and those are the times where he is prone to become somewhat ignorant and unable to pick up on social cues. And so he may come off as too rational, not empathetic enough or even rude - but that doesn't mean that he's always that way! He's actually quite capable at making others open up to him - like a true dad senpai. He's quite observant of his friends and their issues - at least when things are not too urgent or at stake. His great sense of senpai-ness, unfortunately, also means that he feels responsible for keeping "the kids" in check (that includes friends that are actually older than him, btw.). He enjoys (over-)explaining things (read: rambling!) and providing tech and guidance for them - but they may also exhaust him sometimes, especially when they get themselves into unnecessarily dangerous situations. After all, he may not always be able to understand or adapt to the people around him, so he'd rather turn to technology at times instead. But he's really trying.
When it comes to himself, he used to hide behind a mask of self-imposed politeness. And yes, he is a kind and caring person at heart - those who grind his gears, take his gadgets without permission or make his computer freeze know that he can get very snappy and shouty though. Especially when they act irrationally to him. Or against his very strong moral code. He may make use of his networking and hacking skills to save the world - but he wouldn't break the law for harmful reasons. He is a giver through and through, his love language is definitely "acts of service" and he would do anything for his family and friends. To the point of literally sacrificing himself.
He's very much used to keeping secrets and his emotions (mostly) to himself though - Tentomon may still be the only one who has actually ever seen him have emotional breakdowns. Because he, unfortunately, still assigns a lot of his self-worth to being able to use his computer for the sake of "good". If he cannot be "useful", he still has the tendency to panic - all by himself. And may get flustered if you praise him too much. Otherwise, he is pretty confident in the mentioned hard skills. And since he's so goal-oriented, one can easily see why he evolved into a leading figure (basically Taichi's second in command) AND the #1 Digimon research expert, who not only manages the Chosen Children network as a connector and tech-sponsor, but also does PR work and such.
(On a sidenote: The subjects of fashion and romance may not come easily to him, but once again - he is trying his best.)
Tldr; he's an awfully smart, incredibly caring and loyal bean, immensely resourceful and a natural problem solver, but there's a lot he carries on his shoulders by himself (even if he doesn't have to) and he is still pretty bad at opening up to others.
I love him a lot and if you're interested in all my other meta posts I wrote about him, feel free to check these out: [Breaking male stereotypes] [On his own] [Selfishness vs. Selflessness] [Reboot] [Physical Touch] [Boyfriend] [Appreciation Hours] [Magical Boy] [Stageplay]
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dpganime · 2 years
Michi (Mimi Tachikawa x Taichi Yagami) short fic for Michi Week/Michi Karaoke
Today we have the pleasure to sit with actress, writer, producer Mimi Tachikawa who became a star from her film, Princess Karaoke. The musical film was a critical darling and box office success. But what was it really like for Mimi, who went from an unknown to a big star?
Mimi Tachikawa: First, I’m not a star, really. I’m an actress, an artist, and a business woman. And...I’m engaged (shows her ring).
Mimi Tachikawa’s love life was interested by many. Her Princess Karaoke co-star singer Yamato Ishida was linked to her for several years, even to this day. Fans often paired them together and rumors had it they were a couple until Yamato was photographed with tennis star Sora Takenouchi. Press and tabloids never gave up on this story. 
Mimi Tachikawa: Yamato is a talented singer but we never really got to know each other (shrugged). It was amazing how everything turned out well for the film. We got good chemistry on screen but that was it. There was never a relationship to begin with. 
So Yamato and Mimi, or rather Mimato, was just a teenage dream or a fantasy made up by the tabloids. While many still linked her to Yamato, some linked her to Nobel prize winner Koushiro Izumi.
Mimi Tachikawa: Poor man...he is a genius and a family friend but nothing more. I would not want him to be linked to me. His poor life would’ve been destroyed by the tabloids. 
The tabloid’s fantasy of Mimi x Yamato really took a toll on Mimi. She could’ve had a music career but decided not to pursue it.
Mimi Tachikawa: My voice closed up. Every time when it comes to singing, my voice closed up. I was scared...if I were to sing one note, then everyone will link me to Yamato, saying that I’m depressed or I desperately wants Yamato’s attention. None of it is true. I have to get treatment because once, I lost my voice altogether.
Dr. Jyou Kido was Mimi’s main support during her recovery.
Mimi Tachikawa: Jyou is a wonderful person. He’s very patient and caring. Not only he helped me found my voice, he also helped me to discover my real talents.
Instead of pursuing a music career, Mimi turned to television. She produced and starred her own television series. She now has her own Youtube channel where she promotes healthy eating and skincare.
Mimi Tachikawa: Having my Youtube channel enables me to interact with my fans. I learn something from them and they learn something from me.
But what about her love life? 
Mimi Tachikawa: Once I was so afraid to get into a relationship because I was scared that the press and tabloids would drive him away. Whoever it is, tabloids would compare him to Yamato, saying things like I’m looking for Yamato 2. But when I met Taichi at a charity concert, it was like...wow. 
Footballer Taichi Yagami and Mimi were seen together since his last football match. The two are now ready to tie the knot.
Mimi Tachikawa: Taichi is the one for me, and I just know it. This is my life and my choice. 
And Mimi Tachikawa just leave it as that. She refused to give more details on her relationship with Taichi. However, the happiness on her face says it all. 
Mimi Tachikawa: My life and happiness should be defined by none other than me, myself, and I - never by anyone else, whether I’m single or with someone. It’s my life. 
Looks like Princess Karaoke is now a Queen who sings her own song!
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Me, reading more With the Light, reaching this page}
{Me, Sitting Back}
Bonus: {Cap'd by Me} {Do Not Re post!}
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"Koushiro's bio-logical father was a professor at {Uni}, and Koushiro's bio-logical mother was an Assistant {Professor}."
"...{Koushiro's biological father} was a university lecturer and genius mathematician." {Novel}
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0 notes
detectiveichijouji · 11 months
Case 24 - A panicking digimon’s plea
[AO3 version]
“HE GOT TEN?! TEN FRAGMENTS SO FAR?!” Daisuke babbled, shouting and making iconic angry Daisuke noises, “THAT THIEEEEEEEEF…!!”
“We should focus on who will be the next target!” Miyako snapped, “We can track Arsenemon’s stolen pieces later, ok?!”
“Miyako-san is right,” Ken sighed, “There’s something bugging me about this though…”
“Hm?” The digimon, Hikari, Takeru and Iori looked at Ken. Miyako was still on the laptop and Daisuke… was just babbling something inaudible right now (probably gibberish noises).
“Espimon was there too, but we didn’t see Noel Leblanc around.”
“Oh, that’s true,” Patamon replied.
“But Noel-kun said he doesn’t like to leave Espimon locked inside a room,” Hikari explained.
“This could mean Ken’s theory that Noel created Arsenemon is true, right?” Armadimon asked.
“Makes no sense!” Daisuke snapped, “Noel wouldn’t create a smug thief digimon and be playing with us! He’s not like… Uh, forget it.”
Ken stared at him for a moment -- yes I know what you wanted to say. But Ken also knew Daisuke didn’t mean any harm. And besides, Ken himself admitted creating Chimeramon was a bad bad idea.
“... Y-you know, sometimes I forgot you were… that guy” Daisuke blushed in shame. He was about to blame the Kaiser again, in front of the one and only former Digimon Kaiser.
“No, I get it. I just hope he’s not like who I was in the past.”
“... Awkward,” V-mon whispered to the other digimon.
“Hmm…” Iori was thoughtful.
“What is it, dagya?” Armadimon asked him.
“Instead of waiting for the next victim to appear, we should set a list of potential targets so we could prevent them from getting caught.”
“Ooh, that’s a good idea,” Hawkmon exclaimed.
“Iori-kun is really a genius,” Hikari giggled lightly.
“Of course he is!” Armadimon said, proudly of his human partner right now.
“Well done, Iori-sama” Daisuke gave Iori a pat in the head.
Iori blushed all of those compliments though. Then, the group started listing the potential victims. Patamon then asked, “Should we include ourselves in this list too?”
“Everyone has a potential to be a target here,” Ken explained. The others could feel he was afraid of something… But still not sure if about him turning into a potential menace again, or about the enemies using the other five against him like they had tried previously with Takeru.
“Right, I think they wouldn’t come after Takeru again,” Daisuke said seriously, “That Impmon noticed Takeru had some resistance to the wicked Digimental fragment, or the brainwash.”
“The lightning doesn’t strike twice, so I don’t think they will target me again.”
“Right, this means…” Miyako looked at the others, “... The rest of us are in danger.”
They nodded. Hikari frowned, “Okay, so who else is left from our seniors?”
“Mimi-san, Yamato-san and Koushiro-san,” Wormmon replied.
“Well, Mimi-san can’t be!” Miyako smiled, “She lives in New York, and we haven't got any request from any American Chosen Child yet.”
“Ok, then Yamato and Koushiro are possibly the next ones” Tailmon mused, “How is Yamato’s mood, Takeru?”
“Huh? He’s… fine, I guess.”
“Fine?” the others repeated, the worried faces made Takeru uncomfortable.
“Y-yeah, everything is fine with him. He told me at least. He’s just busy with university stuff, but nothing to worry… Yet.”
“When you say ‘yet’ like this, it means something is off,” Daisuke sighed. V-mon imitated him as well.
“They would totally target Koushiro, dagya” Armadimon said with a serious gaze at the group, “He got the shards we collected so far. Soon or later they will come after those too! To use it on others.”
“And then there’s Arsenemon too, who will come after those shards once he gets the remaining three…” Ken began musing again.
“... I think we should ask Arsenemon why he wants those,” Daisuke commented, out of the blue, making the others look at him in surprise, “He said we wouldn’t believe him if he told us what he wants with the shards… But… I think we would’ve at least tried to.”
“What?? He’s a thief!” Miyako squinted her eyes at Daisuke, “Isn’t you who keeps saying he’s a thief and that it’s our job to catch him!?”
“Yeah, but he helped us countless times! Even if we had the shard stolen later!”
“Daisuke-kun, why are you suggesting we do that all of a sudden?” Hikari frowned, “And besides, Inspector Fujieda didn’t… Contact us anymore…”
“Did she kick us out of the case??” Patamon asked them.
“Hmm, no. It’s that Arsenemon’s targets are not related to stealing usual objects anymore” Ken replied, “Seems like she and the police decided to quit the case.”
“AH~ Japan’s Autumn is so good~” Mimi’s plane has just landed and she was stretching her arms and she started to hum a song, excitedly.
“Mimi-san?” someone else came with her. Someone… who wanted to see a couple of old friends after a long time without seeing them… “I had never been to Japan before, so please don’t leave me behind…” he chuckled nervously.
“It’s okay~ I bet Daisuke-kun will be happy to see you again, Wallace~ ”
“... W-will they hate me?” a tiny Lopmon was holding Wallace’s leg. Yes, it was…
“I don’t think so, Chocomon. Don’t worry about it” Wallace responded with a smile, “I think they will be happy to see you again, now that you’re back.”
“Yeah, it was Daisuke himself who gave Wallace hope while you were inside that DigiEgg” Terriermon replied, “I bet he will like to meet the real you.”
“The real me…?”
“Now, let’s go!! I want to visit everything while we’re here!!” and then Terriermon took Lopmon’s hand and dragged him through the airport.
“D-don’t go without us!!” Wallace, Mimi and Palmon gasped and went after the twin-mons.
Later, at night…
Despite everything, Arsenemon kept watching the kids’ activity from the shadows. Especially now that they are the next targets from the eyepatched Impmon and Dracumon. Also… Who would be this Naito person? Would he be the same person mentioned by Taichi?
“Sigh, I’m running into a wall here” the elusive thief sighed, “We could track Impmon down and retrieve the remaining pieces, but this would end my fun…”
The truth is, he’s enjoying the caper shenanigans.
“... But if I don’t stop them, something bad will happen to those poor innocent humans and their digimon…”
He used his own magical tricks to write on the air, making notes on the current thread of events.
“Let’s see… Takenouchi Sora, Yagami Taichi and Kido Joe… Trying to use the Chosen Children with crests huh…”
“What’s up boss?” Espimon popped in, and she realized he was busy thinking about complicated stuff again “Oh…”
“I guess they’re just doing it purposely this time.”
“Huh, but why?”
“Maybe revenge? But it wouldn’t make sense… If the human named Naito is after the Chosen, he would’ve targeted Yagami Taichi’s peers first and then him later. But Taichi was the second victim this time…”
“Hmm… I think they might indirectly attack one of the younger humans…?”
“Oh, that’s for sure mademoiselle. But… Who?”
“I dunno,” she shrugged, “So, who’s next?”
“I’ve come to the conclusion it would be the less expected, less obvious human in this group of douze personnes , and it’s…”
He wrote the name in a calling card, then copied the calling card with his magic. He gave her the original one, “Send this immediately. Maybe if we get their awareness… Maybe we can prevent those Chosen Children from facing something terrible.”
“Aye, sir!!” and with this, Espimon flew away.
But that new target was…
In the morning…
Mimi and Daisuke found the calling cards in their rooms, respectively. Daisuke’s one made him confused -- ISN’T MIMI-SAN IN NEW YORK OR SOMETHING!? -- but Mimi’s confusion was why would she become a target if he had nothing like a shard in possession?
“Might be a mistake,” Wallace looked at the paper “Are you sure it reads ‘Tachikawa’ and not another way? It doesn’t have furigana…”
“Maybe we should talk with Miyako-chan and the others…” She took her phone from the desk and started typing a message on it.
“Mimi-san is here!!?” Daisuke blinked, looking at the message he got on his phone minutes later, “Wait… How did he know?! Is she the next victim?! But it makes no sense!!”
“Huh… He’s really good at spying on us” Chibimon had his arms crossed, and he nodded his head sagely.
“It doesn’t matter! We have to protect Mimi-san from Arsenemon!!”
“But weren’t you saying recently that… We should ask him what he wants with the pieces?” Chibimon’s eyes narrowed.
“... Yeah, I did. But I’m not sayin’ we should become best friends ever with him!”
“Anyway, Mimi-san needs our help. This is a case for our special digimon crimes unit!!”
“He’s back into that ‘detective’ mood…” Chibimon gave a long sigh.
Mimi and the 02 group gathered at the usual karaoke booth. And with her… Wallace and the twin digimon. This was the very first time Ichijouji Ken and Wallace were seeing each other.
“Why is Wallace here!?” Daisuke exclaimed.
“Oh he asked to come to see you five!” Mimi grinned and replied with joy, “See? He asked if they could come too and I said yes why not…? Daisuke-kun and the others would love to see you again!!”
“Huh, is that digimon…” Ken noticed Lopmon. The others looked at Ken and Wormmon.
“Oh, yeah it’s Chocomon!” Wallace took the digimon and put it on his lap, “He hatched!”
“What, didn’t I tell you before?” Daisuke blinked, “Wallace got twin digimon partners.”
“Anyway,” Miyako cleaned her throat, “Why is Arsenemon after Mimi-san if she does not have a shard?”
“Maybe he knows something we don’t?” V-mon mused.
“That thief is really good at getting one step ahead from us, dagya” Armadimon complained with a pout.
“Um… Can you please explain to us more about those shards and this digimon called Arsenemon?” Terriermon asked them.
“Well, we can…” Hawkmon answered, “But we still didn’t get enough details figured out yet. Is that okay?”
Mimi, Palmon, Wallace and the twin digimon nodded in return. Then the 02 Team started explaining to them what happened.
“Oh I see…” Mimi stroked her chin “Ichijouji-kun destroyed a forbidden Digimental, hid the broken pieces somewhere only to be found by some mean digimon and then started to be spread through Tokyo…”
“Yeah,” Miyako nodded.
“Then this digimon called Arsenemon appeared,” Wallace was also stroking his chin, “claiming he would gather all of those pieces for a reason he claimed none of us would believe him…”
“Yup,” Patamon confirmed with a nod.
“But then an eyepatched Impmon and a Dracumon appeared and started corrupting people with those fragments…” Terriermon said, arms crossed.
“... And now you all have to not only get the shards before Arsenemon, but before they’re activated by someone’s desire?” Palmon completed the line.
“Yes,” Tailmon replied, “There’s also this new student at Hikari’s school named Noel Leblanc. He’s suspicious, but so far he has not been involved with anything bad yet.”
“Oh, is it because…” Wallace asked.
“... He’s a distant relative from Maurice Leblanc” Takeru answered, “Arséne Lupin’s creator.”
“In other words, we suspect he had created Arsenemon” Ken added. Daisuke looked at him.
“Well, we will have to be your bodyguards,” Miyako explained with a serious voice, “At least to prevent either of them from attacking you!”
“I’d like to have you as my bodyguard, Miyako-san,” Wallace said with a smooth voice and a smile. Ken suddenly took the microphone from the table and…
“THAT’S ALL, THANK YOU FOR COMING.” … screamed on it.
And he then gently pushed Wallace and Mimi out of the booth. He closed the door. Everyone stared at him, confused. Except for Daisuke, who definitely got the gist.
“Why did you do that!?” Miyako snapped, “That was so rude coming from you, Ken-kun!!”
“We need to talk. About that plan. Right now.”
“What was that…?” Wallace whined in his seat, at a local fast food chain around the karaoke’s location, “Daisuke told me that Ichijouji Ken was nice and tidy.”
“Oh don’t mind him,” Mimi giggled nervously, “Ichijouji-kun can be a little assertive when it comes to some of his friends.”
“Does he like Miyako-san too?” Wallace wondered, “He got good taste then.”
“I think we shouldn’t jump to conclusions yet,” Palmon commented.
“Oh so do I still have a chance…?” he smiled.
“Wallace,” Mimi laughed, “You’re so funny~”
“Hmm…?” Terriermon blinked, then called for the others’ attention, “Wallace, Mimi, look.”
“??” they looked to the direction Terriermon’s ears were pointing.
It was an Impmon. It had an eyepatch. So it’s one of the enemies, right? Mimi and Wallace, alongside their partners, got up from their table and slowly left the building, trying to contact Miyako and the others as soon as possible.
On their way, Wallace accidentally bumped into a young man with short white hair: Unryuuji Naito.
“Ah, I’m sorry!!” Wallace apologized with a bow.
“Oh it’s okay, kid” Naito smiled, “Oh you have dropped something.”
“Huh, did I-- Oh yeah, my phone! Thank you, mister!!” Wallace got his phone from the streetwalk and then bowed again to Naito. Finally, he ran after Mimi and the digimon.
Naito smirked, but a certain cyborg digimon witnessed the entire scene.
“What, you saw that Impmon we told you and Wallace?” Takeru and the others had met Mimi again. Oddly, Wallace was not around yet… the twin-mons neither.
“Yeah, we saw it!” Palmon confirmed, Terriermon saw them-- Huh? Where’s Terriermon, Lopmon and Wallace?”
“That’s no good…” Patamon frowned, “Maybe they went after that digimon?”
But, suddenly they see Wallace walking calmly with the twins. He smiled at them and went to meet with the group, “I finally caught you up. Sorry, I bumped into a dude…”
“Are you okay?” Hikari asked, and then Wallace nodded.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, no one got hurt. Well, shall we look for that digimon then?”
“Hmm…” Ken mused.
“What is it?”
“Nothing… Takeru-kun and Iori-kun should go with you. Miyako-san and Hikari-san with Mimi-san.”
“Hey, who made you the leader here?” Wallace stared at him, “You just think I’m after your girlfriend right!?”
“Girlfriend?” The group exclaimed.
“She’s not my girlfriend…” Ken spurted quickly. The group glanced at him again.
“Wait who’s Wallace talking abou--” Miyako raised an eyebrow.
“He’s jumping to conclusions,” Ken babbled again, “Anyway, let’s go. Daisuke agrees with those groups, right Daisuke?!”
“Huh?? Y-yeah I do…” Daisuke blinked, “Ken’s a good strategist so I trust him.”
“Hm… Going by those choices,” Iori stroked his chin, “Ichijouji-san put Mimi-san in priority, Silphymon is smaller and faster, alongside Lilymon they might counter the enemy until we arrive. However, Shakkoumon and Gargomon might be useful to protect you and the twins from turning into a target too.”
“Yes, exactly.” Ken nodded, “Paildramon and Imperialdramon should be used only in an emergency, in case either of you or Mimi-san get corrupted by the fragment.”
“I dunno…” Wallace squinted his eyes, “But if Daisuke says so, I’ll trust him more than you.”
“... Ken,” Daisuke and V-mon had narrowed eyes on the boy.
“Yes?” he gulped.
“Now that we’re alone… Be honest with me. You did it on purpose right?”
“What are you talking about, Daisuke??” He was sweating cold now.
“Y’know, you saw Wallace flirting with Miyako and… Decided to keep the girls away from him.”
“Oh?? Oh no no no no, I thought it would be good if they had Silphymon with--”
“He definitely did it because of Miyako” V-mon nodded sagely. Daisuke kept staring Ken.
“Don’t you believe in Ken-chan?!” Wormmon hissed, “Of course he didn’t do that for Miyako-san--”
“Ok, I admit… Yeah, but. Don’t. Tell.  Them. About. It.” Ken gave Daisuke and V-mon the stare most known as the ‘Digimon Kaiser murderous glare’
“R-right, sir…”
“Sigh, was it too obvious…?” he blushed.
“Y’know, it’s still funny” Daisuke chuckled, “You’re not the kind to be this aggressive when it comes to someone.”
“You should be like me and be more… Discreet? Is that the word?”
“You? Discreet?” Ken held his laugh. Wormmon and V-mon looked at Daisuke, impressed (but not surprised) that he had the audacity to say that.
“... Say, is it true Miyako-san doesn’t have a boyfriend?” Wallace tried to start a convo with the other two, but they were too focused on catching Impmon before things went south. They didn’t answer Wallace at all.
“Wallace-san,” Iori spoke, looking at the older boy now, “Where did you and Gummymon see that Impmon?”
“Uhh… It was in a fast food restaurant…” he answered, “Gummymon, show them the way.”
“But I… I have never been to Japan before…!!” Terriermon frowned, “How can we get there…?”
“Hmm, is there anything you could remember from that place?” Takeru asked, trying another approach, “Like, what’s on the other side of the street?”
“... I wasn’t paying attention… All I remember is we left and I bumped into this white haired dude, Then I used the digivice to find Mimi-san.”
“That’s a big problem, dagya…”
“But we don’t need to look for the place,” Terriermon said, pointing with his ears at someone in the horizon, “That Impmon is right there.”
“Let’s catch him!” Patamon said, and then the boys nodded. But Lopmon was a little slower. Something made him a little wary about this.
“Um.. Umm…” the bunny digimon tried to run faster, to catch them up, but he stepped on his big ears and slipped, rolling like a ball through the street. He then heard some screams and a loud noise. He got up and looked into the direction of the sound.
He saw Wallace and Terriermon. But…
“A-aahh…!!”Lopmon flew away from there. What did he see??
“Strange…” Miyako pouted, “Why is Ken-kun acting so weirdly today? Geez, I don’t understand him sometimes.”
“Maybe Iori-kun was right and it was to take advantage of a Lilymon-Silphymon combo” Mimi tried to cheer her up, “Or do you think he did it because he was jealous?”
“Jealous?” Hikari, tilted her head, “Um… It’s true that sometimes…”
“Hey, there’s no way he would be jealous!” Miyako snapped, “He’s not Daisuke. Daisuke used to throw tantrums every time someone flirted with Hikari-chan.”
“He didn’t do that anymore though” Tailmon shrugged, “Maybe he grew out of it.”
“Mhm, mhm” Mimi and Palmon nodded.
“Hmph! Ken-kun is too intellectual to lose his patience with someone like Wallace! He’s well mannered, and calm. There’s no way he was putting us in a team to keep Wallace away from us!”
“I think I heard something…” Hawkmon commented, “Oh, someone’s nearby.”
“Hm? Oh it’s…”
… Noel? He seemed to be looking for something or someone. He then saw the girls and panicked. Well, maybe he’s just awkward… He passed by them, in a rush. But something fell from his pocket.
Mimi took it from the ground and it was…
“A card?” they all exclaimed.
It was one of those black calling cards. Miyako then read it, it was actually a calling card specially for him?? 
Your friends are in danger. Hurry up and find the shard, before it’s too late.
“Why would Arsenemon send a calling card to Noel-kun?” Hikari frowned, “And… Is Arsenemon planning to attack Daisuke and V-mon?”
“Oh no, we got to warn them…!!” Mimi babbled. The girls then went back, trying to phone Daisuke and Ken immediately.
“You were laughing!” Daisuke growled, “ Don’t lie, Ken! You were laughing when I said you need to be more like me!”
“I don’t know what you mean, but it was funny the way you said it.”
“Hah! You admitted it! But now you’re feeling less upset, right?”
“So Daisuke was trying to make Ken laugh?” V-mon blinked, Wormmon shrugged in silence.
“Well, if you want to know, I don’t think the word ‘discreet’ suits you. You’re more… ‘carefree’ if you ask me.”
“Carefree huh… Well, that’s how I am, I don’t like to take time worrying about useless stuff.”
“Suits you. See?”
They laughed lightly… Until they saw Lopmon coming in their direction, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” The bunny just hit Daisuke in the face and hugged it like the times Koromon did it with Taichi.
“G-GAH!!” Daisuke fell on the floor, then he took the bun off his face. He held Lopmon gently, “W-what happened, what’s wrong, where’s the others!?”
“TOO MANY QUESTIONS AAAAA!!” Lopmon cried, like a baby. Yeah, Gummymon was right -- Chocomon is a crybaby.
“Hey, take it easy,” Ken then took him from Daisuke’s hands, to let the other get up, “What happened…?”
“Wallace… He--”
Suddenly, a calling card flew in front of Daisuke. He took it from the ground:
Pardon my mistake. You six might be in real danger now.
“What? What does he mean??” V-mon asked the boys.
“Please… save… Wallace… and Gummymon…” Lopmon said, with his voice wavering. He grabbed Ken’s shirt tightly, as if he was saying don’t leave me.
Ken and Daisuke looked at each other. Something happened. Daisuke looked at the calling card again, “Alright so this means the bad guys caught Mimi-san and Palmon.”
“Are you sure…?”
“Arsenemon knew she was the target. There’s no other option here. Let’s go--”
“Alright/Yeah…” Ken, Wormmon and V-mon nodded and then the four went after the girls.
“Ugh…” Takeru woke up, and then he realized he and Iori were stuck inside a basement, “Iori-kun…!”
“Ghn… My head…” Armadimon growled, “Are y’all okay?”
“I’m fine…” Iori finally spoke, “Where are we?”
“We’re underground,” Patamon explained, on the top of Takeru’s head, “Seems like we got trapped here.”
“... Can we open the trapdoor?” Iori asked, but Takeru and Patamon shook their heads.
“Gah, I don’t think we can call for help now, dagya…!!” Armadimon sighed.
“Stay calm, please…” Iori asked him, softly. Then he took his phone, “Maybe I can ask for help.”
“But… How did we end up here, dagya…? Huh? Where’s Wallace and Gummymon, dagya?”
“Mimi-san!!” Daisuke screamed, and then approached the girl, “Huh, you’re… Normal??”
“W-what do you mean!?” Mimi pouted, “I’m fine…!”
“But… Arsenemon…”
Miyako and Hikari come, along with Silphymon and Lilymon. They all were confused. Daisuke then asked their digimon: “Why did y’all evolve?”
“Miyako-san found this,” Silphymon (Aquilamon side) answered, and then Miyako showed him the calling card.
“Huh, another one??” V-mon exclaimed.
“Did you get one of those?” Miyako raised an eyebrow. Ken was also curious about it, “This one dropped from Noel’s pocket.”
“Noel huh…” Ken mused.
“Maybe he went to warn us?” Wormmon said.
“But why would Arsenemon send him that?” Daisuke frowned, “A-anyway… If Mimi-san and Lilymon are fine, then this means…
Then Daisuke and the others look at Wallace coming into their direction. He was smiling, walking calmly and normally. But they all definitely noticed that Takeru and Iori weren’t with him so it made them all a little terrified.
“Sorry, we couldn’t find that Impmon” Wallace frowned, “Anyone got some luck?”
“Wallace,” Daisuke said with a serious voice, and he was glaring at the other boy, “where are Takeru and Iori?”
“Oh? They decided to keep looking for the digimon a little more, but I got lost from them.”
“You could’ve phoned us,” Mimi said, “I thought you had mine and Daisuke-kun’s number…”
“Hey, what if we split up again? I’ll go with Daisuke this time. We can find them quickly this way.”
“Uh…” Daisuke looked at Ken and the others, and at Lopmon who had asked for them to help Wallace… “It’s pointless to split up now. We need a better plan--”
“No, go with him” Ken interrupted him, and whispered something in Daisuke’s ear.
“Ok… If you say so…” Daisuke shrugged, but whatever Ken had told him made the goggle boy pout. He walked to Wallace, but Ken held V-mon’s arm for a moment. For some reason, Lopmon refused to go with them.
Wallace and Daisuke left, V-mon looked at Ken: “Huh, don’t you think it’s dangerous to leave Daisuke to go all alone?”
“Trust me, I have a plan” Ken said with a determined gaze at the blue digimon.
“Hey, Wallace…” Daisuke grabbed his digivice inside his hoodie’s pocket, “Where’s Gummymon? If you get in trouble you might get hurt…”
“He went with Iori and Takeru,” he replied calmly, “Huh?” Wallace looked behind, “V-mon and Chocomon are not coming?”
“V-mon is a little tired. I think it’s okay to look for the other two without him. And when we found Chocomon he was afraid, so leave it in Mimi-san and Hikari-chan’s hands.”
“Fine then.”
Wallace, you’re acting too suspicious here… -- Daisuke thought -- I think something is wrong here, but being used as bait sucks!! Hurry up Ken…
“Uh… Shouldn’t it be easier if we call them with my phone?” Daisuke asked, “I think it would be easier--”
“... Daisuke.”
Wallace led him to an alley. They stopped, and Daisuke clutched the digivice in his pocket. He gulped.
Suddenly, Daisuke noticed something in Wallace’s hand. It was… A shard?!
Behind Wallace and in the shadows, two flashing red eyes appeared and then from that direction missiles like the ones from Rapidmon Golden were shot. But Daisuke couldn’t defend himself!! So he closed his eyes waiting for the worst, BUT!!
“Un deux trois!”
A magical barrier made of a giant Ace of Hearts card protected him. The three looked up and saw a silhouette of a humanoid digimon. Arsenemon jumped from the top of that building and landed in the middle of the scene.
“My my, you’re a bit reckless when I told you you were a target, non ?”
“I… I didn’t ask for your help!!” Daisuke babbled angrily, “... B-but thanks. I guess.”
“Your little blonde friend here has not only been consumed by the fragment,” he said hesitantly, “But also one more little detail. May you believe me?”
“If you’re goin’ to steal that thing do it now!”
“I won’t let you ruin it.” Wallace’s voice sounded creepier now, “Rapidmon, get rid of them…!!”
 A black digitron Rapidmon appeared from the shadows and assaulted Arsenemon, who used his cane to block the opponent’s attack and shielded Daisuke. The boy was completely confused about why Arsenemon decided to protect him instead of going after the fragment.
“Forget me!” Daisuke shouted, “Get that thing out of Wallace’s hand!”
“If you want this, then better you stop shielding him and come get it!!” Then Wallace ran away.
“He’s escaping!!”
“Are you ok, though?”
“... Yeah I am, but you might not like to lose a piece right?” he smirked.
Lilymon used her Flower Necklace technique to wrap Arsenemon with her flower and vine rings. Little do they (Wallace and Arsenemon) know that Lilymon had been following Daisuke.
“Kh!! It was a trap!?”
“Hehe” Daisuke laughed, “We caught you, sneaky thief!!” Then he phoned Ken, “Ken, we got him. Now it’s up to you to catch Wallace.”
“Heh, you smooth detective caught me.”
“Shut up, I hate to be used as bait!”
Wallace and Rapidmon were successfully running away when Silphymon and Shakkoumon blocked the way! It wouldn’t be a problem to get rid of them, right!?
Except… a pair of cables wrapped Wallace and Rapidmon. They looked back and saw… Paildramon?! But HOW did V-mon evolve without Daisuke…!?
“Kh!! H-How!?”
“Easy,” Ken smirked a la Digimon Kaiser, “Lopmon witnessed you using the shard. And then he used ‘save’ when asking us to help you and your digimon.”
“Then Iori called me on the phone and explained everything” Miyako added, “That they were trapped in a basement by you and Gummymon.”
“... So, you figured things out, huh?” Wallace smirked, “But not enough for THIS!! ” and then Rapidmon fired his revolver on his back, attacking in all directions. The group had to cover and hide.
But… More of those card-shields protected them all. Lilymon took advantage and used her Flower Necklace technique on Wallace and Rapidmon by wrapping them with her flowers and vines, thus removing the wicked mental control from the fragment and Dracumon. Rapidmon devolved back into Terriermon and passed out due to exhaustion. 
Ken took the fragment from Wallace’s hand, “I’ll take this, thank you.”
“Huh… How did this thing end up in my hand…!?” Wallace blinked, “Argh… My head hurts…”
They all looked at each other, then back to Wallace.
“Don’t you know?” Patamon asked, raising an eyebrow.  The three Jogresses had undone and all six digimon devolved back to their usual forms.
Wallace shook his head, “Nope… All I remember was… I was using my phone to call Mimi-san and… Suddenly a flash light came from the screen… I don’t remember when I had that shard in my hands, but I clearly remember doing something bad to Takeru and Iori… ugh…”
“Maybe it fused with Wallace’s phone” Ken mused, “Like when Mokami Ryouma fused the shard with his partner’s DigiEgg…”
“Wow, you’re pretty smart huh?” Wallace gasped in surprise.
Mimi walked in, with Lopmon in her arms, Lopmon then jumped on Wallace’s face and hugged it. The boy grabbed the twin-mon gently and took him off his face.
“Thank you,” Lopmon thanked Ken, looking at him timidly.
“Daisuke’s friends are my friends too” Ken smiled kindly, “I hope Terriermon is not hurt though…”
“He will be fine, he’s a tough digimon” Lopmon smiled back.
“But where did those cards come from, dagya?” Armadimon asked, looking at those objects fading in the air.
“Arsenemon…” V-mon clenched his fists. Then, the group saw Lilymon and Daisuke coming to meet them “Daisuke, did you let him go?!”
“... No?” Daisuke blinked, “A-actually he… He was a dummy. Like, not the real one.”
“A dummy!?” the rest of the group exclaimed.
“Yes, a dummy” Lilymon nodded her head, “I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay, you did your best” Mimi tried to comfort her.
“... Sigh, we got THIS close to get the other ten shards back…” Daisuke commented, dramatically.
“Hmm… 8 shards for them…”
In the distance, Noel watched them. Why was he there though? Maybe he arrived too late to warn Daisuke and the others about what happened with Wallace?
“Good… Very good…”
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huntersanarchy · 6 years
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I did some cute bubbly splash art of my favorite digimon character
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! (2000) 
Vaporwave: the anime!! Well, kinda. I’m not sure what to call this aesthetic exactly, but it’s a vibe. Eerily similar to Hosoda’s other works. He sure likes his digital, CGI-animated worlds. I liked the mixture of his signature style and the more flashy looking title sequence. This all looks pretty modern and sleek for 2000. 
Digimon introduced: Omnimon, Kuramon, Tsumemon, Keramon, Infermon, Diaboromon 
-I don’t get how these short films worked back in the late 90s/early 2000s. Wikipedia says that this was screened at some kind of anime fair, but I wonder if it was ever in normal theaters or on TV. Nowadays, the only chance I get to see shorts in theaters is when they screen the Oscar nominees back-to-back, so there’s probably some kind of criteria against showing stuff that’s too short. 
-At the start of the short I thought the kids were supposed to be aged up, but then Taichi mentioned elementary school, so I guess it hasn’t actually been that long after all. I think they just look a little more mature in this art style. Sucks that Joe has to take an entrance exam just to go to middle school. Yikes. 
-I got a wave of excitement coming back to these characters. It’s only been a few months since I finished Adventure, but I think it improved my viewing experience to take a break in between that and this short. 
-Taichi was pretty annoying in this, not gonna lie. He’s just so hyperactive and dumb. This is more apparent in the higher budget art style cuz he’s constantly moving around and very expressive. I wanted to smack him at points and be like “Chill out!”
-lol @ Mimi just vibing in Hawaii the whole time. Must be nice.
-When the digimon were like “we’ll go into the network to save you guys this time” I was kinda like “you mean the digimon world isn’t already in the network?? I think I need a diagram lol. 
-The fact that Sora canonically refuses to take off her winter hat to the point that she gets offended when Taichi gives her a barrette is pretty funny. She’s weird. She’s a weirdo. Have you ever seen her without that stupid hat? That’s weird. 
-Seeing them put up with the crappy 90s tech, including the computer being hooked up to the phone was pretty amusing and the Windows 98 ending credits were a beautiful thing 
-Seemed kinda random how Koushiro was chugging back teas just for the added drama of him having to pee. I thought he was going to reveal he had some weird illness or something, but I guess he was just inexplicably, extremely thirsty. 
-The fact that all those random kids around the world just kinda understood what was happening was a little weird. I get the super genius kids, but I think some of them were just supposed to be average so...
-The combo of the country bumpkins and the technological battle was clever, but also I’ve already seen Summer Wars so it kind of felt like a repeat to me. 
-That final battle was hype af! A little over-the-top dramatic with the swelling choir, but when they revealed Omnimon’s sword hand thingy, I was sold. He kind of looked like something out of Evangelion. This is the first time we see any kind of digimon fusing. I feel like that opens up a whole new can of worms...
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earlgreymon · 3 years
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digidestined inception au taichi as the extractor ∙ yamato as the point man ∙ koushiro as the architect ∙ takeru as the forger ∙ jyou as the chemist ∙ mimi as the tourist ∙ sora as the mark ∙ hikari as the shade
along with his comrade yamato ishida, taichi yagami was an extractor, who had the ability to steal someone else’s secret through a shared dream world. mimi tachikawa, a successful businesswoman, wanted taichi and yamato to do a job that seemed impossible: to implant an idea in the subconscious of her rival, sora takenouchi, so that sora would dissolve her mother’s company that had been a long competitor of the tachikawa industry.
to perform this job, taichi and yamato assembled a team. koushiro, a genius technician with the ability to build a dream’s labyrinth. takeru, yamato’s manipulative estranged brother with the ability to forge identity. jyou, a medical expert who was also the creator of the infamous dream sedative.
however, the obstacle came in the form of taichi’s subconscious: hikari, his little sister who had died believing she was still dreaming after taichi took him to the dream world. would the team be able to finish the mission?
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digmon Adventure + 02 + tri. + Kizuna; + "Adventure:" 2020 reboot Spin-off Series vs Sonic Prime {Eps. 01~08} + (Two Personal) Favorite Characters featuring Characters: ~ KOUSHIRO[u] Izumi (+Taichi Yagami) {as Ship [by Kizuna or post-Kizuna]} vs. ~ (+Tails) "NINE" the Fox (+Sonic) {as Friendship} + (Common) Media Trope{s} / Storytelling Parallels -The Computer Genius; (+special "Interests") -The Once-Loner / (Initially) Intentionally Avoids People; (Koushiro specifically also pre-series & in Novels backstory); -(Eventual growing Interest or relevancy with) "Fashion"; -"Samefooding"; (with preferred Drinks) + on the Job (in Koushiro's case, it's the Oolong tea specifically) -Expert Hackers + (Genuinely Good/recognized) Skills; -Frustration when Inadequate (at said Interests); - Quipping back at Lead Protagonist or Team in Tense Moments {whether Sarcastically or J.P.N "Formally" Style (Koushiro)}; [and displaying 'sudden' bouts of "Forwardness" with Team] ...
-The (Canonically Appointed) Advisor-slash-Strategist (who often comes up with genuinely creative plans) {even IF they take time to Work} - (Being asked Directly) to Support the Protagonist/Friend + HESITATING due to own fear of Inadequacy (at Such) - Racing Against The Clocks / Countdowns; (after Agreeing to Help / On a personal Mission to Achieve) - "Big Damn Hero" Moments!! (+Saving the Hero{s}/Friends)
My Commentary:
"Tails" (Nine specifically also, here) is a character I've loved basically since I was old enough to pick up a Sega controller as a 3-year-old child; and Koushiro came slightly later on when I was still young but closer to / basically exactly Koushiro's J.P.N canon age as I watched.
I've always noted these similarities in their storylines & even, one could say, "personalities" ever since I kept up with Digimon Adventure's series specifically (and Koushiro's also kept evolving and growing in various ways across multiple medias, including a 2020 "reboot" spin-off series that nonetheless still uses the original "Koushiro Izumi" as a base); however, "Nine"'s story dropping today (it's 2k22?!) really feels like it's driving the point home for me when it comes to these storytelling parallels.
(Oh, and Koushiro is also canonically Adopted, yes?)
{This 'comparison's gif-set was made on a whim mainly for my Koushiro specific head-canons series; but I won't mind if cross-fan-base fans enjoy this too!} [There's a very specific "head"-canon I have in mind for both, too... you might be able to note them in the tags of this post!]
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{When EVEN "the rival" Canonically ACKNOWLEDGES your Computer / Hacking Skills & Abilities}
gifs by @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption} (Please ASK to Use)
{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC CHARACTER SUPPORT-FOCUSED. {(Koushiro Izumi); & (Nine) Specifically / Separately} please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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[Note: Tagging/replying Positively/respectfully is OK!]
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
You should do a Koushiro event! What kind of prompts would you do?
Oh geez. Well, I am considering it, but I would want to have it far later in the year- I just held a big event, and I need to give other people space for their great events! Maybe October? Koushiro feels like an autumnal guy to me. Is it the red hair???
I'll be honest, I'm not a big prompts gal- I find them restrictive instead of inspiring. But, I suppose if there's anyone I could think of stuff for...
Do prompts have to be single word? I'd love to see stories about Koushiro telling his Chosen friends about his adoption- he's never spoken about it to anyone but his parents onscreen, correct? I'd also really love to see content about his life outside of Chosen stuff. What is his friend group like? Does he have a bajillion internet friends who would drop anything to help him? And as the guy funding Chosen activities through his business (in Kizuna), how beloved must he be among the global Chosen?!?! I've also always wanted to see a story where another tech genius shows up, and Koushiro is shaken- is his role in the group in danger? But of course, everyone reassures him that they love him for him, not for his skills alone.
So, I guess if I try to strip that back to phrases:
-adoption/family (telling his friends about the adoption, visiting the graves of his biological parents, meeting his first ever biological relative when he has his daughter, etc)
-friends/life outside of the Chosen
-confidence/the Chosen love you for you/everyone loves Koushiro
-confiding (is Koushiro... EVER seen to share his personal struggles/feelings outside of Plot Stuff? GIMME)
-Casual (Koushiro tries to speak more casually to his friends- this is inspired by an official post/release about the Chosen's new year resolutions, I can't remember from where)
-Koushiro as the head of Chosen information/Koushiro's company
These are the first things that come to mind! I'd have to have a good think on it, though.
Thanks for your interest! In the meantime, please check out the cool events everyone is hosting soon! Does anyone else have any ideas? I know we have Koushiro Stans in the house.
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hedgethemaze · 3 years
16 17 18 Digimon Tai "goggle-head" Kamiya🌞
*in Mcconaughey's voice* Alright, alright, alright.
Let's do this!
16. Strictly non-romantically speaking, I pretty much like all of his relationships, but my favorite has to be:
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Before Daisuke and Ken, there was Taichi and Koushiro. The goggle-head and the boy genius partnered with a dino and insect digimon respectively! Just now I am realising how much my view on their friendship has changed in the last few years, I always liked their partnership but I guess now I like even more(?). Forget Taichi x Yamato, those two are the real Dynamic Duo of Adventure!
Damn, now I want to know what a jogress between Greymon and Kabuterimon would look like 🤔🤔🤔
17. Taiora, at least in my (many) early years as a fan. I was practically obsess, even the epilogue from 02 couldn't stop my shipping brain 😆 Then I matured, and TRI happened! Boy was Taiora a big mess, platonic and non-platonic-wise 🙄. I fell out of love with it so, currently there’s no favorite ‘fanon’ relationship...
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Look, there could’ve been a period of “figuring myself out” first for both of them. They could totally date different people through the years and still be endgame, but most importantly, if TRI and Kizuna never took place:
📣 Taiora should have been canon. There! I said it...
Thanks for asking gray face! Digimon is one of the anime series/franchise most dear from my childhood :D
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Digimon Kizuna: Last Evolution (spoilers)
So I just watched Digimon Kizuna: Last Evolution in German (in the cinema), and I have a couple of comments: (spoilers below)
- Overall, I enjoyed the movie, but the ending was just weird. It was definitely meant to make me cry, but also, it was already subtly hinted that this wouldn’t be how it all ends up, and we also have the 02 epilogue that tells us that they’ll get their partners back so... I don’t see the point of the ending. It’s just disappointing and needlessly sad. - Butterflies are evil. - Don’t go Frankenstein. He’s not a role model. Making your own Digimon is not a good idea unless you do it with colouring pencils. - Being a genius child definitely sucks. - Can you imagine Menoa going for Ken and trapping him in his childhood; I think his rage would have made her “Neverland” explode right away. - Dark Water equals Dark Ocean equals Depression. - Yamato still doesn’t trust adults even though he pretty much is one at this point. - The DigiDestined share one braincell and Ken, Yamato, and Koushiro have joint custody. - “Well this was a little too easy,” says Ken. NOTHING EVER COMES OF IT! - Koushiro’s eyes are still without light, so well done, animation team. - Well done also on the German Voice casting team - someone paid attention enough to hire the season 1 and 2 narrator for Takeru. - That said, I think Daisuke’s voice is still in puberty. - Way too few scenes with the 02 kids but I love them, and I miss Iori. - Still more scenes than in tri, but that’s not hard. - But! They remember the global DigiDestined! There’s Rosa! There’s the French girl! Wallace! (I think I saw a Ryou, but I also think that I probably imagined that). They even remembered Meiko, which I didn’t expect. - There’s a French little girl with a Numemon as a partner who left a bunch of tiny poos in front of the Eiffell Tower, and I love her. - The background animation is hilariously abysmal. - The foreground animation is nice, though! - They translated 4 (!!!) songs into German, and I love them for it - now I just need to find them somewhere so I can listen to them on a loop. - Agumon wants an icecream. Get him his icecream, right now!! - I want to finally get back to my fanfiction because I really, really want to write it right now, but I still have to finish the introduction and conclusion to my PhD. I might have more thoughts later on, but that’s it for now!
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gossipchii · 3 years
The irony of the crest
FF.net: here / AO3: here
Characters: Takenouchi Sora and Izumi Koushiro
Words: 1200+
I love this underrated duo soooooooooooo much, I hope you do as well!
Sora did not consider herself to be a nervous person, in fact most people tended to praise her calming aura. However, there she was, at the frozen yogurt shop taking a glance at the clock every five seconds. Of course, she knew she was early, which meant he was not late, he was never late, yet her foot could not stop stomping.
“I did not realize I was late, I’m so sorry,” Koushiro was carrying a backpack almost his size, Sora wondered how such a tiny human could carry so much weight.
“You’re not late, I’m just very early!” the mouth of her stomach felt as if someone was punching her, she winced in pain. This was not how she was planning on feeling at such a young age.
“I got worried for a second,” Koushiro sighed in relief, getting rid of his backpack, looking somehow taller. Sora had wanted to talk with Koushiro for a while, but she had not found the words on asking for alone time with him without it seeming off. Not that they were not close, Sora considered her fellow redhead one of her dearest friends, but she had never asked him for a one in one chat. “Are you going to order something?”
“Oh, sure!” truth was, the mere thought of eating made her sick, but it would be weird if she did not order a fro-yo, considering she had chosen where to meet in the first place.
Koushiro seemed excited, one would never guess a boy-genius could be so passionate about frozen yogurt and its toppings, he chose them so carefully, taking in fact every flavor and coming up with weird combinations, which Sora could never be brave enough to try.
They went back to their seats, and soon enough Sora realized she had to get ready to come clean and spit out the words that made her meet him in the first place.
“Thank you for taking some time off to talk with me, I know how busy you are, with the computer club and school, and your multiple projects.”
“It’s nothing! Miyako is taking care of everything today, she’s such a bright mind, I feel safe knowing she will take over the club next year.”
“Crazy to think they’re kind of our descendants, sometimes I wonder how did Miyako inherit my crest instead of yours, but then I remember how much she cares for everyone around her, and it makes sense.”
“I’m glad your crest is in her hands, it’s such power not anyone could bare it.”
“Yeah…” she had not had a single bite of her strawberry fro-yo, which was slowly melting. The Crest of Love, how ironic. “Even if I miss the Digital World all the time, I’m glad it’s not totally on our shoulders anymore, we have so much going on right now.”
“Right! You’re doing fantastic with the Tennis team, and Taichi with Soccer as usual, and Yamato is basically the local superstar!” The punch in her stomach came back, this time harder. She took a deep breathe. “Is everything alright, Sora?”
“I mean, nothing’s wrong but…” she was glad the store was almost empty, people did not really crave frozen yogurt at the beginning of December, plus she knew how much Koushiro loved it, she was in a safe space. “I’ve been thinking lately about the future and how our actions could affect it. I love the dynamics of our group, you know?”
“Yes, I’m particularly fond of them as well, but change is inevitable.”
“I know, and lately destiny has showed me this, Jou keeps getting ready to be a doctor, Mimi moved out to the United States, Daisuke and company joined our group…”
“You’re right, I hadn’t realized how many changed had happened in such a short time.”
“And many more may happen soon.”
“What do you mean?”
She took a deep breathe, leaving her untouched fro-yo in the table. “Lately, I’ve been having this annoying stomachache non-stop, it’s so annoying, I feel like throwing up half the time.”
“That sounds serious Sora, have you considered seeing a doctor? Or at least talking with Jou about it?” She scoffed, Koushiro was so innocent somehow.
“Actually, that’s the reason why I asked you to meet me.”
“But Sora, I know nothing about anatomy, and you must not believe everything you read online, you know? It may be a wonderful place, but it’s also very dangerous!”
“Don’t worry, I already know what’s going on, I just have no idea what to do with it.”
“So, you’ve seen a doctor? Didn’t they tell you if you should be taking medicine?”
“My stomach hurts, but I’m not sick, heck, I think I’m actually the opposite of sick. I think I’m in love.” She bit her lower lip, whispering the last part of her sentence.
“I…” Koushiro’s cheeks heat up immediately, that was the last subject he thought Sora would want to talk about.
“I have been trying to hide it for months now, but it’s gotten to the point where it hurts so bad, I know I have to do something about it,” she sighed, avoiding Koushiro’s dark eyes. “But if I do something about it everything will change, and it may not even be mutual, there’s so much at stake here, I’m scared.”
Koushiro left his fro-yo right next to Sora’s, clearly analyzing this whole situation. He could not believe Sora had chosen him to talk about the matter, he felt flattered she trusted him that much.
“I’m guessing it’s someone we know?”
“You’re guessing right, I wish we had the power to choose, because then I wouldn’t have to change a thing about our group’s dynamic…” Koushiro felt in his gut who she was talking about, but she clearly did not want to mention names. Maybe empathy was not his strongest quality, but he knew Sora well enough.
“I may not be the best person to be giving advice on this matter, but I’m certain you’ll be better off by telling them.” He sounded so serious, not an ounce of mockery in his voice. That is when Sora reaffirmed, she had made the right decision in confiding in Koushiro, he made her feel sane.
“I mean” he continued, “even your body is begging for you to let it out, I believe it will end up feeling free once you say it out loud.”
“I know you’re right, it’s just very frightening.”
“And by saying it you’ll be the bravest in our group.” They shared a comfortable silence, both stirring their melted fro-yos. “By the way, this person? The luckiest.”
“You really think so?” Sora’s eyes lit up, adding them a few shades of red.
“Absolutely, I know it’s scary, but no matter the outcome, you’ll come out a winner.” Sora could not resist, and she knew Koushiro was not much for physical affection, but she hugged him. Their friendship was nothing like any other duo in their group, they communicated through an unspoken language, which assured her she had made the right choice. She felt almost in peace.
“You’ll be the first one to know once it happens, I promise.” And Sora wasn’t one to break a promise, she started planning her next move that very same night.
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