#long personal post abt media analysis lol
iztopher · 1 year
I keep seeing posts going around with the sentiment of "people need to learn to distinguish media they like from good media/media they don't like from bad media," and while I appreciate the sentiment and I'm sure I've reblogged them before, the more I think about them the more I think that's not actually a useful way to judge media. If you approach things that way and it works for you, that's genuinely great. But I don't find it a productive road to encourage other people on.
I'm one of those people who think good art and bad art don't really exist in any objective sense. I think creativity is way too subjective for that. I remember, when I was first starting to use the "just because I like it doesn't mean it's good" metric, saying about a piece of art, "my personal opinion is this, but objectively-"
The best friend I was having this conversation with cut me off. "You can't be objective about art," they pointed out. "That's still a personal opinion." Yeah, okay, fair enough.
You cannot actually fully separate your personal opinion of art from your thoughts on it. Deciding what "objectively" makes good media is still a biased exercise. Where did you learn what makes good media? Why do you agree with it? These ideas are still personal! So is deciding whose opinion you agree with. You are, on some level, making a choice to agree with your mom, or your best friend, or the critic you respect, when you think a movie is bad but they say it's good and you decide that means it actually was good, personal opinions aside.
Everybody's different, but I lived by "distinguish if art is good or if you just like it" for years. It didn't help me understand media analysis any better, as any of my friends who had to patiently explain the basics to me time and time again could tell you. It didn't help me be less judgmental of other people's tastes. It just made me more insecure about my own.
It does not feel good to love a piece of art deeply, to admire it and use it as inspiration in your own work, and feel the need to tell yourself, but this is objectively bad. It does not feel good to suffer through art you've seen loved and praised but don't personally enjoy and feel the need to constantly remind yourself, but this is objectively good. In my experience, it mostly just makes you doubt your own right to experience and share your own opinions on art.
I am personally sick of saying that art I hold close to my chest is actually bad, but that's okay, because I love it anyways. Especially when I can articulate the things I like about it! I would much rather say, "I've seen people criticize this game's level scaling for requiring too much grinding, but I like it because it gives me more time with the characters and helps me better immerse myself in the game's world."
If you genuinely love a piece of art and also genuinely think it's bad art, whatever that means to you, all power to you. But both of those are your personal opinions, and I think owning that is a way more productive way to approach media than pretending one is and the other is just objective reality.
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rozaceous · 1 year
mariko, violence, and the meta of violence in fanfiction
ok so it’s apparently not enough that i write the most indulgent kind of fic, but now i’m writing an essay about my fic. this got so long, abt 2k total. if i said sorry, it’d be insincere, but at least no one is making you read it?
i want to piggy-back off the post i made earlier this week where i was talking about how mariko was not well-adjusted, and was, in fact, doing extremely poorly. what this post turns into, however, is an analysis not only of mariko’s relationship to violence and her subsequent trauma, but a meta-analysis of how violence is treated in canon more broadly, and how that ends up translating into fic. because, and i mean this in a way that is distinctly not about tooting my own horn, i’m approaching violence with a different lens than what i've found in a majority of fic, but also in a way that is unique to SI fic.
‘to continue being alive is also an art’ starts in medias res ch 1 with mariko haring off to the confrontation at the bridge in wave. we find out later, she’s fresh from just having killed people for the first time. kakashi and mariko have their little chat abt it in ch 2, but it’s treated as done and resolved afterwards. it was self-defense, she was protecting others, she was justified and shouldn’t lose sleep over it.
mariko also kills during the chuunin exams itself (members of the sound team) and during the finals (she on-screen beheads a foreign ninja). there’s a sort-of killing w the itachi puppet in ch 15, and a mention of sasori, but otherwise we don’t get any particular details of her killing people until the events of ch 17, where she kills danzo and the rest of the elder council, as well as whoever was caught in the bombings. (i’m going to word-of-god this for everyone right now and tell you that there were people caught in the bombings, just like i will confirm that she’s killed other people in the interim of the time skip.)
from a writing-level, i approached violence in a very specific way. most of the violence is off-screen and mentioned as a retrospective; what occurs on-screen i tried to keep brief and matter-of-fact. graphic, maybe, but not gory. i also try not to play violence as something that’s done for laughs, like how sakura will beat naruto up in canon when he annoys her. (we’ll come back to this.) and a lot of this has to do with how mariko herself deals with violence.
i mentioned in that previous post, that mariko grows up in a militaristic culture where violence is a norm and acceptable, as someone who is not actually a kid who can be acculturated into that thinking in the same way. mariko comes from a culture and personal history where interpersonal violence is abhorrent. she tries to duck out of canon events and any requirement of violence on her own part by being a medic, but the team assignments (the narrative/me, if we’re wanting to get meta abt it lol) prevent her from achieving this relatively more peaceful role.
when mariko gets assigned to team seven, she has to get real comfortable with violence real fast. she’s already befriended naruto (and hahahaha you may remember that she does so by punching a guy 🙂) and she cares about kakashi and sasuke. she’s come to the realization that this is her lot, these are her people, they are her responsibility. as she notes in ch 2, she’s not good enough to solve her problems without killing. this is also to say, she’s not good enough to problem-solve without violence. it’s beyond her capacity and skill when the stakes are as high as they are. let’s also consider that caring about everyone is a luxury that mariko cannot afford, widespread mercy is potentially a death sentence, and so she narrows that care down to a handful of people. and so if she’s taking the well-being of her teammates as her ultimate good, she will absolutely let the ends justify the means.
added onto any personal sentiment is that, as far as mariko knows, if anyone on team seven dies, the entire world is fucked.
mariko one hundred percent and sincerely believes that violence is wrong. even when it’s justified, self-defense, etc., mariko views it as ugly. there may be situations where she assigns herself less blame, but she is always blaming herself for being too weak to find another way, because her (somewhat unrealistic) view is that violence is the sign that you’ve run out of other options to get your way.
however, with the stakes being as they are, and with the world she’s in treating violence as a form of currency, mariko sees violence as a necessity.
so we can see the dissonance, right? she has to use violence to protect not only herself, but the people she loves, and the entire world. and mariko’s fundamental optimism is that people are worth helping and that the world is worth saving, because if she doesn’t believe in that with her whole heart, she’d literally just curl up and die. she wants to be kind and to help and nurture and build, but her most effective tools—once again, she views using violence as a failure—are the ones she hates the most. but she has to use them. more, she has to be very, very good with them.
this isn’t a small-level dissonance, it’s a diametric opposition. so in terms of narration, mariko can’t think too much about the violence she’s enacted because it would destroy her. she knows this about herself. she hates it. but it’s necessary. and so she doesn’t think about it. and if she does think about it, she’s very clinical and writes it off as unfortunate and necessary and—well, it’s done, no use crying over it now. she’s disassociated herself from it. and i wanted that perspective reflected in the way i wrote about violence.
the other aspect of how i wanted to handle violence is from how i approach the canon. we’ve all read the fics where konoha is a grimdark dictatorship, with death and torture around every corner. and, uh, it is? it’s a fascist war machine, plainly. it’s child soldiers and state-sanctioned assassination baked into the world economy? there’re multiple instances of genocide? it’s a fucking nightmare.
i, personally, am not able to brush aside those things. i like the meta and the reading-into-things and the what-if’s that happen when you don’t take things at face value. so for me, the writer, i can’t glorify violence. there’s a reason i wrote mariko walking through the uchiha compound in the way that i did. so i’m not going to write like killing a thousand people in one go is anything but horrifying (staring at you, minato), even if i’m not interested in directly interrogating every particular instance of violence within the narrative.
but canon doesn’t approach it from this angle. for canon, this is all the quirky backdrop, and violence and killing are bad, but very few people tend to die in a meaningful sense. violence doesn’t often have lasting consequences. (this is, also, the evolution that Naruto goes through as a series, where it starts off as a critique of the state and then turns into bootlicking, but that’s another meta that plenty of others have written better than i can.) in canon, the ability to do high-damage moves is considered a cool power-up. in fact, your power level is directly correlated with your physical danger level—ie, your ability to do violence.
moreover, casual violence is funny in canon. (we’re back to sakura beating up naruto and it being treated as a joke.) these things are entirely the conceit of reading/watching canon, and it’s what we do with every piece of media. this isn’t a judgment! we are suspending our disbelief and buying into the premise of the story that gets told. and i would hardly have written over 50k of naruto fanfic if i didn’t find it innately compelling and, yes, fun.
so this is where the presentation of violence in fanfiction can get dicey, because not every author is approaching canon with the same spirit that canon itself has. i also want to make the blanket statement that i don’t think any one interpretation is right or wrong, it’s that they’re all interpretations. i’ve read and liked fics of all varieties; i’m not morality policing, i’m trying to place myself and my own fic within a broader phenomenon of how fics present the morality of violence. i don’t personally care what one fic thinks is morally good, nor do i think that a particular presentation necessarily corresponds with what the author thinks in real life, or even that a presentation has to be consistent from fic to fic. these are all lenses/perspectives, and fanfic is inherently about playing with the little details of canon and going, “And?”
so on one end, you’ll have some fics that 100% correspond with the attitude towards violence that canon has and aren’t too interested into getting into the grittier moral quandaries of the canon past what canon presents as good or bad. on the other, you’ll have other fics that will rip the morals of canon to shreds. again, i like both! it always depends what the focus of your story is!
i feel like i’m somewhere in the middle. i feel like a lot of naruto fics commit hard to either of the above scenarios from the start and i...don't (as one commenter pointed out). there's a level of progression I'm trying to portray. and, i have to say, part of the comment that @vermillioncrown left on ch 17 really resonated: “She's sunk as low as them, she's just as fucked up in this second life despite knowing another moral framework and society. And she's mud-wrestling them down at ground level lol.”
mariko ‘knows better’ but isn’t better. she doesn’t feel like she’s a good person. arguably, she isn’t a good person. she has enough of an outsider perspective to see the system for what it is, but she is still inherently within the system. she is absolutely playing the game, and doesn’t have any moral high ground. she kills, she lies, she deceives, she betrays. she harms people. her intentions might be noble, but as tumblr loves to say abt causing others harm: intention isn’t magic. mariko wants better and is trying to achieve it, but she’s in the system and can’t get out of it because we all inherently live in a society, and removing yourself from society isn’t exactly as feasible as our ideals might like.
and because tcba is, mostly, from mariko’s perspective, her understanding of violence colors the narrative. because mariko is an SI/OC, her perspective is one that is ALWAYS going to be a negotiation of ‘canon at face value’ and ‘me personally doing an analysis.’ and i think that’s really cool and interesting, which is why i’m doing it!
but—and this is not me throwing shade or getting mad or singling anyone out—this is also a take that is a little counter to broader fandom habit that aligns with ‘omg she was so badass when she killed that guy!’ or ‘yes! fuck it up!’
reiterating that i’m not trying to scold or slight anyone, bc this is the ‘canon at face value’ take, where we are supposed to see these things as badass and praise-worthy, and often these are climactic scenes where mariko is ostensibly cast as the righteous victor! and if people don’t see what i’m trying to do as different to that take, that’s also on me as the writer, especially bc, as i already said, this is a story that is trying to negotiate those different perspectives on violence. but i also want to point out that there’s more than just ‘violence as badassery’ happening. this is also ‘violence as tragedy.’
and since the meaning and role of violence isn’t a theme that’s going to go anywhere any time soon, i thought it was worth discussing.
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catboyroycebracket · 2 years
out of curiosity what abt people drawing characters as red + mr nobody and then calling it a transistor au do you like? no hate I’ve just never seen anyone with strong feelings on the subject haha
short answer: im mean. i hate shipping. i hate fandom culture. long answer:
i dont like shipping very much to begin with. i prefer more concrete analysis of what is actually in a given storys text. if theres romance, theres romance. if there isnt, there isnt. if theres romantic subtext/implications, its fun to analyze. i might humor the idea of characters in non-canon pairings, but i do not enjoy shippy fanfic. i do not see the fun in engaging with romance-centric media/fanfic constantly and/or squeezing 2-3 ships one becomes obsessed with out of every story one engages with. i find that most people that are really into shipping to the point of making/enjoying "[setting] aus" of the ships they like are seeking substantial romantic threads when there are none to be found in the source story. just read a different more romantic story lol. theres lines between "lets imagine the characters in a different setting" and "lets imagine if this pairing i like was recognized in-text" and "lets imagine the characters as a pairing in a different setting specifically so i can play out how i want them to kiss like theyre my dolls". like... sure, thats fine, but it bores me personally, and i get mad with it when it sort of tramples on the related characters or stories in favor of shipping.
transistor is a complete and self-contained story that centers on romance. it isnt a little template to force whatever jigsaw pieces youre currently interested in into. thats a really sad way to treat stories. aus are fine and fun im not your boss but almost all of these "transistor aus" are not actually about transistor. its all "what if my current favorite character couple was exactly like the transistor couple?" with no thought put into it past "its angsty". it feels like people are treating transistor as a source of inspiration towards something "more important" rather than recognizing it as its own whole work. transistor as a story employs tropes but its just the one story thats exactly like this... there is no "transistor trope". its not a widely recognized work thats commonly imitated/parodied. no one else goes through exactly what these two protagonists went through within the same game for it to be an in-story trope. no other unrelated characters fit the story's exact bill in a believable way, because they are from other stories.
in another life if the game was massively popular and genre-defining (lol) enough to bring that opening pose to an iconic status i wouldnt have a problem with all this. but it literally isnt. its an indie game thats popular enough to have people adore its soundtrack for life, yet very few people are actually talking about the game on tumblr in 2023. people keep posting about their limited tip of the iceberg perception of the game exclusively as a vehicle for unrelated ships. do you understand how frustrating that is??? people feel the emotional impact of transistors story and care deeply for its protagonists but halt their analysis of it there. its "this romance is tragic and i like it, how can i adapt it to my interest in shipping?" rather than "wow, i like this story that contains a romance, lets explore the full cryptic plot of the game as a cohesive and whole story".
i hate those aus because they betray an embarrassingly surface level understanding of red and mr nobodys deals + the entire games setting and plot + an obsession with shipping im too old to care for :/ the main tag on this site most often updates to have one of these aus rather than more straightforwardly on-topic posts. or at least it feels that way for me, someone who dislikes them lol. its really saddening to see an already overlooked indie game with a rewardingly complicated and hard to uncover plot (that most players dont bother to engage with) go further unengaged-with in favor of a butchering of a uniquely tragic and well written romance.
(spoilers if youre somehow unfamiliar yet on my blog) mr and mrs transistor's entire dynamic is born from the fact theyre a famous celebrity singer and unnamed off the grid bodyguard couple in love to the point of dying for one another within their strange futuristic 1930s-esque cyberpunk setting. they have specific disillusionment and despair problems tied to the city they love, and an over-willingness to die for one another. they kept their romance/engagement a secret, and thats why the guy is killed. red is running from robots that are trying to kill her. these are very very very specific parameters. you cannot divorce them from cloudbank + their love towards her and produce the same dynamic. you cannot give red and her man an entirely different set of personality traits and say the story would still play out the same. its not a primarily "singer/bodyguard" romance story, its a cyberpunk utopia robot apocalypse love story. there is much more to this story than its romance, but you cant have one without the other. if you only actually want to borrow the "singer/bodyguard" aspect, just... say that. why make it transistor specific. ditch the part where one of them is getting usb stick stabbed. everyone who i see place their blorbos into this dynamic is treating this one of a kind game's protagonists as if theyre a preset "trope" that any set of characters can fit into if you ship them hard enough. they really, really, really arent.
furthermore im extremely picky with what fictional romance interests me to begin with, and my interest does not extend to "what if we stripped these characters of their setting and development and entire reason to be who they are / why theyre in love and think about what they would be like in place of other super unrelated characters". i dont really like aus like that. they can be fun maybe in extreme cases but i would rather think about javascript. the "current blorbo + other blorbo = 🤔" mindset hinges on how accurately one read the text of both blorbos to actually work. it feels like online nowadays stories are being treated as something to consume, map your entire personality around temporarily, draw as much inspiration as possible from, then move on to the next, repeat. people eat the top layer of transistor, then move on very quickly. its fine but it tires me. also the m/f ships are ''less valuable'' than m/m ships aspect "transistor but make it gay😜" style. stop doing that. there are in-text gay characters in this story. red is slightly implied to be bi. open your heart to well-written m/f romance. or the aspect of people projecting what they personally desire upon ships and mass consuming/producing progressively further from canon shippy works out of their own loneliness (not the case with everything, but yknow.) which i personally find strange. its aggravating to see my favorite characters willfully misinterpreted for projections sake. i like romance in stories, but not in a shipping way. i dont like thinking of pairings i like as part of a maintained list of ships i care for or tags i check on tumblr. my interest in those pairings cannot be separated from my interest in their source material. the tightly written romance in transistor is something i really enjoyed about it. i thought others would recognize how special it is. sigh
this is just me though im mean. others can like these aus and feel free to make their own. its your art/stories. have fun online
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threequeensss · 3 years
why taka’s ultimate isn’t useless
spoiler warning for trigger happy havoc and taka’s free time events!
HIHI SORRY FOR THE LONG INTRO SKIP TO THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IF YOU DON’T WANT TO READ IT ,, ok lol so i only make an original post like maybe once a year AT BEST so here we go,, anyway, i’ve seen a lot of posts on tiktok, instagram, etc. saying that taka’s ultimate makes the least sense or that it’s a “useless” ultimate. maybe it’s because he’s my favorite DR character overall (which may be surprising if you don’t know me considering how barren my blog is of taka content), but after thinking about it a lot, i personally disagree with that and here’s why. (side note: i know the original translation of his ultimate is shsl public morals committee member, this is an analysis of his ultimate overall, not just the way the english dub titles it, so it can be applied to any translation :) )
most criticisms i’ve seen surrounding his ultimate is that it’s not a real ultimate or that it doesn’t have any practical use. a moral compass one’s means of distinguishing right from wrong and to follow the morally “right” path. taka is the ultimate moral compass, meaning he quite literally acts as a moral compass, guiding his peers. on the surface level, we see this through him scolding the other students for having dyed hair (leon), heavy makeup (mukuro presenting as junko), or for students sharing a room (aoi and sakura). sure, at first glance, this may seem like a silly or pointless ultimate, but if you talk to taka during free time, it quickly becomes apparent that it’s so much more than monitoring halls and scolding his classmates for acting like teenagers.
let’s talk about why taka behaves the way he does and why his ultimate is, in my opinion, perfect for his character. we can trace this back to his grandfather, a disgraced prime minister of japan and a “genius.” his grandfather abandoned his morals as one of the most influential people in the world, effectively shaming the ishimaru name and sending the family into enormous debt that would haunt them even after the former prime ministers’ death. through the way taka explains it and how upset he gets when a well-meaning makoto calls him a genius, unwittingly implying that taka and his grandfather are similar, it becomes abundantly clear that his grandfather’s scandal tears him up inside every day. he’s ashamed to be related to such a morally questionable individual and wants nothing more than to repair his family’s reputation, to step out of the enormous shadow his grandfather cast. 
taka’s way of doing this is for everything about him to be inherently “good,” so that the ishimaru name is no longer associated with scandals and disgrace. this is why he sacrifices any sort of self-indulgence (only wearing his uniform, staying away from popular media, etc.), to remain as seemingly “good” and unquestionably “morally upright” as possible. being a model student and leading the public morals committee are the most immediately accessible ways for him to begin repairing his family’s reputation, alongside guiding his classmates (whether they asked for it or not). this isn’t meant to be a commentary or judgment of the way he interacts with others, but he’s definitely not critical of others just for the sake of it. he genuinely wants to make the world a better place due to his trauma and his own ambitions, which i’m about to delve into next. 
ok so. now that i’ve dumped enough info that hopefully explains his personality and motivations, i’m going to talk about why i believe his ultimate is useful and deserves to be recognized as a legitimate ultimate by the fandom. the most obvious cases are when he takes on a self-appointed leadership role at the beginning of the killing game. if i remember correctly (i haven’t played thh in a hot minute), it was taka who had the idea of the morning breakfast meetings, and he was also the first to suggest that everyone announce their secrets at the beginning of chapter 2 to undermine monokuma’s motive. the latter example was unsuccessful given the events that proceeded, but it was him using his ultimate and position as a leader to the best of his ability. 
i understand that this next part is debatable as to whether or not it applies to his ultimate since it’s his untapped potential more than anything, but i personally believe it’s a central part of it so,, here we go! i feel like it’s pretty much agreed that despite being “super high school level,” an ultimate shouldn’t be a skill that someone can just drop after graduation. it should be able to be applied to the real world and society as a whole, hence why they’re at hope’s peak academy. it may seem like taka’s ultimate doesn’t hold up in the real world, since he’s the president of a high school club, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. taka already plans to use his ultimate after graduation to become prime minister and establish a meritocracy. 
taka has a vision of a society where it’s an equal playing field for everyone so that individuals can build their lives through their own effort, so the history pertaining to his grandfather can’t repeat itself. (this part is meant to analyze taka’s ambitions and the reasoning behind them, not meritocracies as a whole!) he has been so badly burned by immorality and the concept of geniuses (side note. his disdain for geniuses and ambition to create a society without them reminds me SO MUCH of edelgard’s ambitions from fire emblem. anyway sorry abt that) that he has chosen to take it upon himself to one day reinvent society. he wants to use his experiences and sense of justice, or moral compass, to better the lives of other people. if he has proven to effectively use his ultimate within whatever situation he’s in and has a dream pertaining to his ultimate that will take him far beyond his high school years, then i don’t think it’s fair to call it “impractical” or “useless.” 
taka’s ultimate title may not have the same immediate wow-factor as the ultimate programmer or ultimate pop sensation, but it’s not meant to, taka regards himself to be an average man ! he acts as a guide for those around him and truly wants to make the world a better place. all of these examples can be traced back to his ultimate, which in my opinion, is SUCH an interesting concept and has too much potential to be called useless. 
if you’ve made it this far, tysm and i’m sorry. if anyone has any thoughts at all, please don’t hesitate to share!! i’m the only taka stan i know lol
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abnormalpsychology · 3 years
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About Me
• Zoe / Blue
• they/them, 20
• bisexual & nb
• adhd-er? i barely know ‘er! (#just adhd things)
• autistic (#autism moment)
• white
• writer (but usually just here for the vibes)
• been on this site since 2018 💀
• I love writing the longest paragraphs about small things ever and trying to fight cringe culture singlehandedly
• critical of the flaws in my interests
• I aspire to make people’s day a lil brighter. The world can sometimes seem a bit of a better place, even just bc of a silly lil blog, y’know
• past urls: bluish-brownish-greenish-eyes -> surfledblues -> abnormalpsychology
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Here lies mostly multifan fandom! Current loves:
• Succession (I love it sm help)
• Rocky Horror (more on sideblog @bradassholemajors lol)
… are beating my brain up in an alley rn! But I also reblog funnies, poems, art, media analysis, and hopepunk stuff in support of my own / others’ mental health recovery :)
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I also have old hyperfixations that may reappear for:
- Undertale/Deltarune (tagged #utdr)
- the Rocky Horror Picture Show (tagged #rhps)
- Community (tagged #community)
- Doctor Who (tagged #doctor who)
- Good Omens (don’t really reblog just love it lol)
- Ouran High School Host Club (tagged #ohshc)
- the Warrior Cats series (tagged #wc or #warriors)
- Severance (tagged #severance)
- MLP FIM (only appears occasionally but it’s there lol)
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• Triggers are tagged under “#[word] tw”, pls pls let me know if you need anything tagged!
• I reblog posts w gay slurs untagged, will tag if asked tho!
• I use tone tags (mainly /lh and /j, for when intent could be misinterpreted), and I appreciate them being used towards me too if intent’s unclear / i don’t know you
• I use a lot of caps and exclamation points bc I am excited <3
• Also I post about kindness and unity etc but do make / rb jokes about violence (”i would beat him up”, “i am shaking them violently”, etc) as well lol. I contain multitudes
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DNI: TERFS, maps / nomaps, proshippers / inc*st shippers, racist, ableist, aroace exclusionists, bi/pan discourser, truscum / radfem / “gender critical”, zooph*les, anyone not critical of the media they enjoy, or anyone justifying any of these points of view. No ED blogs or gore blogs following me either, pls thank u.
Disclaimer: I don’t support sides of Tumblr’s “purity culture” in a way I may followed before, because I think it can be way more harmful then helpful. I don’t think that believing in harmful shit in the past ruins you as a human being forever, as long as you’re actively trying to do better now. No media and person is completely unproblematic. But some dangerous beliefs just don’t allow me to have fun or feel comfortable being real on a blog that’s meant to be a silly little enjoyable hobby! And more importantly, I really morally disagree with what you’re doing / supporting if you’re in my DNI!!! Repeated support of bigotry causes serious harm, no matter what space it’s in, every time. I post abt fandom bc I love fiction and believe fiction affects reality wholeheartedly.
Also consider that me and pansexuals and ace people and trans women are all holding hands and skipping in a field rn. If you disagree, pls get out ty <3
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Thank you for reading this I owe you my life!!!!
(Icon from the incredible Toby Fox, user boxes from @ sweetpeauserboxes , and rainbow dividers from @ maysdigitalarts !)
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