#yay remodeling
bogglebabbles · 1 year
My skin is so gd oily.
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boggsart · 4 months
So, I fixed the phone at the start cuz I admit the old one wasn't the most intuitive choice 😬. Also, this is my first time doing a walk animation, and of course, I'm not totally happy with how it turned out. But honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever be completely satisfied with anything I do but at least that mindset keeps pushing me to get better. Once again, all credits go to @highgroundanimations for letting me include all his bois in this project 🫶🏻 Good news: I only have Fox and Cody left to animate for the menu, and then I can finally start working on the game trailer. I’ve also completely remodeled my clone models, fixing all the mistakes (and the major inaccuracies lol), so now I can finally use them in Unreal. I’m a bit bummed I couldn’t animate this one with the new models, but I’ll make up for it in the trailer (or at least I’ll try, lol). Fox and Cody’s menu animations will use the new models, so yay for that (and they look so good i can't wait to show them) 😁
Here's one for Tech
Here's one for Hunter
Here's one for Rex
Here's one for Echo Here's one for Wolffe
taglist: @callsign-denmark @techwrecker @dahscribbler @lightspringrain @dreamsandrosies @brainless-tin-box @thecoffeelorian @luzfeather @burningfieldof-clover @99tech99 @theglitterdark @fangirl-goes-nova @foundenterprisefamily @fanfictasia @jedi-hawkins @megmegalodondon @lifblogs @photowizard17 @isthereanechoinhere96 @inthemiddle0feverywhere @namechange-mykidfoundmyblog
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
In some local DC urbanism news, Georgetown University is doing a remodel of one of its dorms, Henle, so it can be bigger and fit more students. Yay! But of course, that means the existing dorm will be out of commission for a bit, so the students need to live elsewhere. Which means they will rent apartments, basements, townhouses, whatever, in the local area, maybe even spur a little construction, for a few years and then things return to normal.
Hahahaha fuck no This Is America - the local resident housing committee had 100% veto power over the multi-billion dollar institution's ability to remodel its own dormitories, so they were only able to get approval by banning all juniors (the dorm's typical residents) from living in a 'neighborhood zone':
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"Students cannot live inside this border" which, hilariously, includes the entirety of the university campus itself. Just amazing that this map exists, printed on an official website. Students will have to live outside the zone and commute to campus, and the university runs its own dedicated bus service to some key apartment hotspots since public transport isn't reliable or expansive enough. The number of affected students, will, of course, outnumber the entire local population of neighborhood property owners. Because democracy!
In unrelated news, NIMBYism Delenda Est.
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things batmom did for her kid’s when they were younger and they still think about! (The robins)
(All art is mine)
-remodelled his intier room after he mentioned at dinner he missed being able to practise his acrobatics right in tents and not having to ask you to drive him two an hour away gym, so when he was at school you put up some silks, a hoop, mats on the ground just to be safe, but his favourite thing was the flying Grayson’s poster you put above his bed.
-sat down with him for 10 minutes before bed and helped him learn some words from the English dictionary and you always helped with English (as he constantly struggled and still asks for help sometimes reading some emails).
-forced asked Bruce to bye a small motorbike jacket and helmet so you could take dick out on your one from when you were a young adult that you saw him watching as you fixed the engine, Bruce complimented and dick got a bright blue jacket and navy helmet that you wrote dick Grayson on and dick put his painted hand print on the back, (you still have it!).
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-simply hugging him after he started crying and repeatedly apologising after he accidentally called you mom (which turned into ma later on) for the first time, he thought you would get mad but you told him he could call you mom or y/n you didn’t mind only if he wanted to though. -you took him to the library every Monday afternoon, after he told you he wanted to learn how to read better so he wouldn’t be behind when he started school
-You again forced polity asked for another motorbike helmet because Jason had seen your bike in the garage this is how it went:
“Don’t we have a child’s halmet?” “Not for Jace we don’t.” “Why can’t he have Richard’s old one?” “Number one Jace likes red not blue, number two i have had enough of Jason having the second hand treatment, number 3 call him by his nickname you know dick hate’s it when you call him that.” “Fine” “Yay, thanks babe” “You are a child.” “Say that again you’ll be on the couch tonight!” (From out the room)
so yea Jason got his own red version off the helmet. (You still havethis one two, right next to dick’s on a shelf)
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-this one is very simple but it means a lot to Tim. You and Bruce had been arguing a lot after Jason’s death and one night you took Tim and when out to coffee shop. You just didn’t want to be around Bruce and we’re not about to leave another one of your sons with him. Well you and Tim spent around 3 hours at the coffee place and during those 3 hours Tim asked if Jason would hate him for replacing him. So you spent the next 2 and a half hours talking about how Jason would off loved Tim or how Tim was his own person or reassuring him that he wasn’t the cause for all the arguments or that dick would come around eventually but was still hurting really badly after Jason died.
-you were the first person Tim came out to saying he had a crush on kon’al Kent or when kon asked him out he asked your opinion for everything! What to wear, how to act, what to say. Everything!
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Damian (I can’t draw Damian 🥲 so I found this)
-Damian din’t like you at all so when you learn Aribic he was shocked to hear *good morning* come from your mouth he was surprised! You did this for 2 things. 1 two help Damian feel more comfortable and 2 so you could cuss out talia for sleeping with Bruce.
-you had some fencing equipment put out so Damian wouldn’t continue to butcher your lawn. (The poor bushes)
-you yelled at talia multiple times for miss treating YOUR son badly.
-and you helped dick bye Damian bat cow
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ct-multifandom · 3 months
Miraculous s6 Trailers Breakdown
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Before I get into it, if it calms anyone’s nerves, I think this poster is a case of questionable graphic design. The weird official render style makes the characters look different from normal, plus Chat, Carapace, and Rena are all squished to match Ladybug’s proportions on the poster. This is an interesting choice from the designer: making the smallest character in the group take up the entire height and corresponding width of the poster and then awkwardly smushing the others in next to her. That’s why Carapace looks more short and stout than usual, and why Chat and Rena are kinda elongated. It doesn’t help that they shrunk Rena to accommodate her fox ears.
I’m liking the little updates to the hero suits. I honestly wasn’t expecting to see change for anyone but Ladybug and Chat, so now I’m excited to see everyone else. I love the changes on Carapace. They took his old, pretty simple suit and added a lot of new textures like the chest plate and wrist guards, and they gave him fingerless gloves and neck speakers. This gives me hope that they’ll update other designs that get criticized for just being a bodysuit with a decal on it like Ryuko and Viperion’s into something more interesting.
Rena is very similar, but her ears are bigger and pointier, the flute has been redesigned, her palms are white now, she has big poppin’ eyeliner, and her tail seems to be dark. Some people noted that they seem to be making Alya’s skin look darker after accusations of whitewashing her, so I hope they’ll finally give Pegasus the same treatment.
I’ve seen people say LB and CN must’ve taken influence from their reverse selves for their current designs, and CN seems to have some PV nods like his new shirt collar. Ladybug’s design feels more mature and is probably a response to criticism of her looking too simple as a character with a fashion interest among other superheroes with more detailed designs.
I didn’t include the poster of Marinette’s outfit, but overall I like it. I agree with people saying the bow on her shirt feels extra, but I like her emonette jacket. Her tights under jorts remind me of Mylene’s outfit, making me wonder if there’s some character influence there, or if they’ll be changing Mylene’s clothes so they don’t look too similar.
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First look at Alya! Yay! I love her new haircut. It reminds me of Haru from persona 5. She seems to be wearing the same shirt, which is lame. Maybe the rest of her outfit has changed, or maybe they’re not fixing what isn’t broke. It’s disappointing, though, that Adrien’s outfit looks the same. I can only dream that they’re leading up to a makeover scene where he realizes he’s allowed to pick out his own clothes now, but alas.
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Here Adrien is jogging with a new character (?) who has a prosthetic leg. There’s no good look at their face and even this screenshot sucks. If this is the same scene as Marinette with binoculars, then we might be getting a rare moment of a new character being introduced through Adrien rather than Marinette, perhaps someone he knows from rich people stuff or whatever nebulous and dubiously canon sports he participates in.
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This frame appears after a camera pan right from a modernized remodel of the school. Before, there were average city blocks around the school, so whatever this is might be part of an expanded campus built for Bustier’s utopian academy.
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I think I’ve written in a post before that I hope ML does something to commemorate the Paris 2024 Olympics, so I’m thrilled to see an Olympian akuma in the trailer! Perhaps this character is a celebrity cameo, but idk anything about Team France and its stars. It’s possible this scenario will be a special episode as well, but maybe more like the plastic special than the world specials. I hope they have to beat her by competing in games like Penalteam but with less cheating. It’d be awesome if the other heroes helped represent events that fit their characters. An episode like that would be a fun and light way to introduce the new animation and hero designs without diving into deep overarching drama and lore.
Perhaps the character jogging with Adrien is connected to this episode since they have a prosthetic running leg and seem athletic.
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Here’s our first look at Lila’s akumatization. Her mask thing is very pretty and soft looking compared to Gabriel’s sharp, geometric, simple one. It reminds me of a masquerade mask with all the swirls. Maybe there’s some visual symbolism here of Lila being a more complex butterfly user than Hawkmoth. We also see her shooting some sort of beam at CN from the mask, maybe separate from the akuma’s power. I hope they’ll revisit the somewhat-retconned bloodbending power we saw Hawkmoth use on Evillustrator and Pixelator and explore the full extent of the butterfly’s power over their akumas.
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Tomoe? Astruc said he wants Kagami to fight her and take her down further down the road, and I believe she may be a bigger villain than they’re making her out to be now. Lila is great and all, but an adult threat who owns a tech megacorp and is one of the only surviving members of Gabriel’s creepy billionaire sentibaby cult seems like a scarier enemy than the pathological liar from class. We don’t know Lila’s deal yet, but I imagine her villain motives are probably something deeply personal. Meanwhile, Tomoe might be trying to reach some greater goal that Gabriel failed to achieve. Both she and Lila practically had all the fruits of his evil labor fall into their laps without lifting a finger, so they might have an interesting dynamic as rival villains or fake allies.
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Okay this is from the London special. The synopsis says someone found Ladybug’s identity to take her down, and she and Bunnyx have to solve the mystery and reverse the events. This masked person looks like they may be the enemy, and their design is themed after the rabbit miraculous. People have been kinda assuming that it’s just Lila, but everyone in the audience knows she’s the next big villain right now, so it feels like a cop-out to frame this special as a mystery. It could still be her, and it’s just a mystery to the heroes, but what if the enemy is someone else? If they’re using the rabbit miraculous, Lila wouldn’t have access to it during season 5 unless she stole it somehow and gave it back unnoticed.
My theory is that the villain is Tomoe who got the miraculous from Gabriel. The trailer shows catbug looking in on Adrien and Kagami in their white rooms, so maybe during that time, Gabriel sent rabbit!Tomoe after Ladybug to ensure his victory in the upcoming finale, and maybe she has her own motives as well.
I recall Zag releasing concepts of some hero or spy characters from London a long time ago, and I thought they’d be for the London world special like Eagle and Lady Dragon, but maybe they’re for a different show or got scrapped in favor of focusing on the main miraculous plot (which honestly, good. Please focus on the existing characters)
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Finally, poor Nooroo in Lila’s creepy catacomb bunker. I hope her jumpscare reaction at the end of s5 wasn’t just the sight of him. It would feel odd after the latest of Marinette’s hero friends were totally chill seeing kwamis for the first time. He’s in some bubble here. Maybe it’s stopping him from sharing things he’s not allowed to say, or maybe Lila is forcing him to stay put? I’m also curious about the angle and what that metal bar is a part of. Is Lila sitting under a table?
Anyway! TLDR I like the new designs overall and I’m excited to see everyone else. I’m also excited at the prospect of an Olympics episode and I think Tomoe may be the next big villain next to or even surpassing Lila.
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Thanks to Curieously for sending this 1892 Victorian Painted Lady in St. Paul, Minnesota. The extensively renovated beauty has 7bds, 4.5ba, $1.695M.
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Original oak doors with beveled glass inserts.
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I mean, this place was reno'd right. Look at this magnificent entrance hall. All the incredible millword is preserved right down to the brass newel post lamp.
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Look at this fireplace. Incredible. It looks like the molding was lightened and refinished, but not painted. Yay!
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The fireplaces in this home are amazing. So many and each one different.
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Another beautiful fireplace in the dining room. This one is recessed in the wall and is a display case.
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The large primary bedroom is elegant with its lovely fireplace and room for a sitting area in front of it.
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The en-suite was completely remodeled and features a vintage sink.
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How cool is this room? Look at the magnificent bar. The elevated chairs on the right look like they came out of an old shoemaker shop. I wonder if they convey.
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Check out the TV room.
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The new kitchen cabinets were chosen to match the original cupboard in the wall.
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Look at this, and even though it was refinished, it still has the patina.
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Look at the ceiling in the office. Whomever painted those clouds was very talented.
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Beautiful vintage bath.
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Large exercise room with a tin ceiling.
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This is interesting, 3 sinks in a row.
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And, look at the cool wine cellar.
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There's also a lovely 2 car garage with another residence.
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This is a beautiful rental.
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It even has a dining room with a built-in cabinet.
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New kitchen with white Shaker cabinets.
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Very nice bedroom.
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And, vintage bath.
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This home is on a .51 acre lot.
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groenendaelfic · 3 months
haven't seen you around a lot lately. Just writing to check in. how is it going? Wish you a nice evening
it is going, thank you for asking!
Life has been very busy these past few months but is moving in a hopefully good and definitely exciting direction.
In this particular order (if memory serves correctly) I've:
decided to move halfway across the continent
marked the one year anniversary of the worst time of my life
had other people mark the one year anniversary of the worst time of my life with all that entails
quit my job (I'd been planning that for a while)
had my boss and hr offer to let me go instead and half my notice period to two months (aka 'give' me more money and facilitate my move, yay pity)
started looking for a place to live and organizing my move
found a new job in a slightly different corner of halfway across the continent (I start July 1st)
got my request for citizenship approved (epic timing guys)
found a place to live in an awesome area (I will be able to do all my errands on foot and my new job is only a short bike ride away)
told everyone I was leaving for sure
signed the paperwork to have my uncle in law take over the place here
had my cousin offer to move my stuff with his remodeled fire engine in exchange for gas and (bridge) tolls
did all the paperwork in the universe ever
started saying my goodbyes for now (I still have lots of family and friends etc here so I'll be back a lot)
had my cousin tell me he'd make a bro trip out of the move because his friends really wanted to see a basic bridge, and room and board plus no girls was all the compensation they needed for getting to carry my boxes
said thanks but no thanks to citizenship (sorry Wille, you'll always be my King)
was asked if I minded the move taking a bit longer because the guys wanted to stop for totally unplanned soccer (a not insignificant part of their motivation if not a deciding factor I dare say)
did more move and job leaving planning and paperwork
welcomed, fed and watered a bunch of guys really into soccer bridges and very disappointed I didn't have more boxes they could compete carrying
prepared a big lunch basket and said goodbye to said guys and my boxes
sat down to write this list wondering where I should celebrate midsummer (aka do I want to travel back and forth to get everything ready or stay until it's time to hand in my work laptop etc)
Phew, yes. Also a million other things which won't come to mind right now. Thank you to everyone who left me such kind messages btw. I appreciate them so much but am still learning to respond to kindness and compliments without awkwardness. They nevertheless give me life.
In more interesting news to everyone here I've also done a lot of writing.
Mostly on One Wild Summer, which has already grown into a monster, but I've been writing the exciting parts later on and still guesstimate a 15k or so stretch which needs bridging to get to all the fun stuff I've already written.
but also on The Prince and the Barista and As Long as We Have Each Other. I only need to make it coherent and once again fill the gap to where I stopped posting.
plus *cue exasperated sighs* I'm also 9k+ into a new fic! The (once more) absolutely most self-indulgent thing I've ever written in this fandom and something I swore I never would turn into a proper fic. Expect the prologue for that (which was meant to be 500 words and not 5k) soonish.
Everything else including regular updates not before mid to late July though I think. Because moving and starting a new job and life means busy times and while I can write scribble down connected sentences with half a mind, I can't beta read and edit with half a mind.
tl;dr: I am still writing yr fic and haven't abandoned my fics, but am also busy moving. goodbye cloudberries and lingonberries, hello wineberries vineyards and appleberries apple orchards.
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cora626 · 17 days
Sim State University: 30 Peanut Street
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I have uploaded this home furnished. The property will look a little different when it comes to the trees and greenery as I have TvickieSims defaults. The file contains no CC. After this one, I will only have 9 more homes to remodel and SSU will be complete! YAY!!
Download [SFS]
Alternate [Simblr.CC]
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i-love-love · 5 months
Chrissy and the Female Athlete Triad
More Chrissyposting! Yay! This one is wordy and a little heavy on medical jargon but I promise it's interesting.
Another thing to think about when it comes to Chrissy Cunningham is the Female Athlete Triad. This is a concept from sports medicine which addresses three problems which tend to appear and snowball together in female athletes.
Low BMI (whether from high exertion/poor nutritional energy replacement and/or an eating disorder-- especially in sports where smallness is an ideal or beneficial for performance, such as cheer, ballet, gymnastics, figure skating, etc.)
Irregular or absent menstruation
If you want to read some of the science around it, here's a PubMed article explaining stuff about prevalence, symptoms, mechanisms, effects, etc. (Please note, I'm not an expert or medical professional! None of this is medical advice! I just know about this from having an eating disorder while doing sports in high school and thought you Chrissy fans might be intrigued.)
Some things to know about the Female Athlete Triad:
As many as 70% of female athletes (in leanness-emphasizing sports) might lose their periods, compared to 2-5% of nonathlete girls. As many as 70% of athletes are dieting and may have disordered eating patterns/eating disorders (estimates of eating disorder prevalence in female athletes is 16-47%, vs 10% in nonathlete girls). As many as 22-50% of female athletes may have osteopenia, and up to 13% of female athletes may have osteoporosis (vs 12% and 2.3% in the general population, respectively). All that to say, these issues are all pretty prevalent in female athletes! Not all of these issues are necessarily present simultaneously, but none of them are unlikely in, say, the head cheerleader.
These issues can to make each other worse-- amenorrhea (loss of period) is associated with decreased leptin (hormone that makes you hungry), which can worsen the weight loss, and decreased estrogen, which makes osteoporosis worse. Insufficient food intake can make amenorrhea worse, and nutrient deficiency (calcium specifically) can also worsen osteoporosis.
Amenorrhea can be either primary (period doesn't appear by age 15) or secondary (loss of period for 3+ months after periods have begun). Secondary amenorrhea can be caused by suppression of the part of the brain that tells the menstrual cycle to keep moving (this results in estrogen deficiency, which can lead to mood swings, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, headaches, depression, fatigue, dry skin, and trouble concentrating-- plus make weight loss and bone strength worse), overstimulation of the parts of the brain that respond to stress (caused by very high, prolonged stress, which also tends to cause, y'know, psychological problems), or disturbances in a part of the brain that talks to the thyroid (leading to someone who doesn't have a thyroid problem, but looks like they do-- fatigue, constipation, feeling cold, joint/muscle pain, difficulty concentrating, thinning hair, rapid or slowed heart rate, weakness, etc.).
Poor coaching can be involved in the low food intake part of the issue-- if coaches don't inform their teams about proper nutrition, athletes may not even realize they need to increase their food intake to match energy expenditure from their workouts. They can also make things worse by praising/encouraging weight loss without care for how it happens. This was worse in the 80s before preventing eating disorders in female athletes became a big conversation.
Adolescence is a hugely important time for acquiring your bone mass, for women-- 25% of all bone mass accrual happens in the 2 years surrounding your first period, and 92% of bone mass is achieved by age 18. Bone problems in female athletes can take multiple forms, including insufficient minerals (not enough stuff to make your bones, so you don't have sturdy ones) and poor bone remodeling (bone cell formation can be interrupted, and if this happens the bone will be weaker and more prone to injury). Typically, female athletes have stronger bones than nonathletes because they're strengthening the bones with exercise, but amenorrheic and malnourished girls are observed to have significantly less bone mineral density (BMD) compared to girls who are eating well/have their periods, which overrides the benefit of sports for the bones. Tibial fractures (shins) are the most common. Also, if you don't make strong bones during the developmental period you're supposed to (adolescence), sometimes you never recovery and have weak bones for life.
Longterm complications may include infertility, decreased immune function, stress fractures/broken bones, permanent osteopenia/osteoporosis, and organ damage from nutritional deficiency.
Some implications for your fics and headcanons:
Often, when stress is reduced and eating goes back to normal, periods can come back very suddenly. When she moves out, enters recovery, or even just when she graduates and isn't cheering (regular intense physical activity) anymore, it may start up again, which might make her kinda mad (wouldn't you be?) or be a source of guilt (as in, are my problems really even that bad if my body is being normal again, why am I being So Dramatic, etc.)
Longterm menstrual dysfunction can lead to infertility. Laura, being Laura, may harp on her about it (either in her teenage years, as in "if you keep this up you'll never be able to have children and men won't want a broken woman" or later in life, as in "where are my grandchildren? your infertility is all your fault and I'm the real victim of it")
She may think she can't get pregnant due to her absent period. Her doctors/coaches may have told her this (it's not strictly true but this idea is not wholly uncommon even today, and back then before this was better researched it was sometimes spread by professionals) or, better yet, her teammates! A little locker room wink-wink-nudge-nudge "it's okay to put out, nobody will find out because we can't get pregnant, perks of being a cheerleader!" type deal is great for drama. Especially relevant if you're wanting to do a teen/surprise pregnancy fic. Relatedly, bone problems can cause complications during pregnancy/labor/birth (broken tailbone, broken pelvis-- ouch! and full of narrative conflict/drama!)
Decreased immune function -> sickfic. You're welcome.
Stress fractures are often overlooked at first, especially among athletes who are kinda used to treating their bodies like punching bags. Because they're not as obvious as a break, athletes might walk and exercise on them until they're excruciating. Y'know, not like Chrissy would ever do something like that, right?
Also, she's at permanent risk for health issues like fragile bones (easier to break a bone in the future, even without cheerleading) and organ problems (especially since her eating disorder is shown to involve self-induced vomiting, which is particularly catastrophic for organs like the heart, kidneys, stomach, and intestines). Great for medical drama even in stories where she's older.
Broken bones in minors are a big red flag in emergency rooms for abuse. Even if they come from sports, doctors/nurses may try to get Chrissy aside to ask about her home life if she comes in with a broken bone (it was the 80s so child abuse as a social topic was much less discussed, but a broken bone was still a flag at the time as I understand it). Conversely, Laura may not let her go to the doctor if she has a broken bone/stress fracture, either to prevent this discussion from taking place or because she believes Chrissy is faking/being overdramatic.
Anyway that was maybe a little incoherent but I hope it was helpful!
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xxfabulashxx · 1 year
Bestowing my asexualness onto Jevil and Spamton because I can (more HQ time yay)
They've been dating for a while and decided they want to share a room so staff builder people whoever tf works there do some remodeling and combine both their rooms and they go to see the result and the Wardens there and he's like "Heehee I had them make it soundproof so you can have some fun ;)" and Jevils like "Oh we will have some fun! Fun! Fun! ;)" and then they stay up all night singing karaoke
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violetstormms · 1 year
FNAF Sun and Moon x yn Fic List Update
This is update 1 for my FNAF Sun and Moon x yn fic list. www.tumblr.com/violetstormms/710457016218435584/sunmoon-fnaf-fanfic-recommendation-list?
As always look at the tags and read at your own discretion as while I will try not to include explicit material in this list, the stories can contain other mature content. If you want to see future updates to this list feel free to follow the “Violetstormm fic list updates” tag
When I have more time I will also be adding fics from my mermay list as well just to have everything in one place. The list will still be left up though as people seem to like that one.
Change: old vers Heart, Mind & Soul by SmolShampoo updated to new version.
+All Around the Mulberry Bush by Chaussette_et_Chaussures
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun
POP! Goes the weasel.
The Fazbear corporation has always been surrounded by dark rumors, so was every other heavy hitter in the entertainment industry. Conspiracy theories and creepypastas abound. But when you took a job working as a repair technician, it slowly becomes more and more clear as to why you're the only one anymore. And in the dark crypt-like atmosphere of parts and services, you can't help but wonder if there isn't some grain of truth to everything you've heard.
(Please mind the tags)
`The Unseen Friend by EllaspenFrost
"The pizzeria's extensive dark past was lost to almost everyone...
Not you.
A ghost knows all the dirty secrets of its final resting place."
You are the pizzaplex's resident spirit. You were there when the place was built, and watched events unfold for the unfortunate animatronics that entertained the public. Your favorite animatronic, previously performing in the theater, was re-purposed as a daycare attendant. Though it takes several years, Sun and Moon begin to realize that they were never as alone as they believed. Someone had always been there with them.
*Thing on your swing by SourTomato
Yay cheap housing!
Why is it so cheap? Probably has something to do with mushrooms!
~A Song of the Seas by StarForgedStories
You don’t know what possessed you to buy that boat. Was it just a whim? A wish for a bit of adventure? To flee from the only life you'd ever known? Or perhaps even the call of something far more alluring than just the sea itself...
The sea has many mysteries within its dark depths and you're going to uncover them, whether you like it or not.
+Golden Midnight by friendcharlie
Recovering from severe depression and isolation, you're accepted into a position at the newly rebuilt and remodeled Mega Pizzaplex. You're expecting a tedious and boring customer service job, but after meeting your celestial-themed coworkers, it might be more than you bargained for.
~Crush Depth by NaffEclipse
You stare out the forward viewport—the window. The sub’s only window. Blood splashes against the thick glass. It is human blood. It fills an ocean on Moon FZ-87. The atmosphere is dark and barren, speckled with the ghostly light of stars that have been gone for decades.
This is the last view you have of anything above the blood ocean surface. Futility sinks roots into your ribs.
DCA x Reader (SFW)
~Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
Mermaid!Sun & Mermaid!Moon x Reader (SFW)
*Celestial Sundown by clutterspace
There was something slumped beneath a tree, and you had no idea what it was.
The sunlight shone brighter where it laid, despite the leaves above not differing from any of the other foliage.
It was such a small thing to notice in comparison to everything else, but it brought a small hysterical giggle out past the lump in your throat as it finally clicked in place what you were seeing.
It was a god.
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
+*So(u)l by Strawbubbysugar
It will take every single sign the universe can throw at you to realize that you are capable of being loved. Specifically, by an animatronic daycare attendant.
Check out @strawbubbysugar on Tumblr for art related to the AU!
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papiliomame · 2 years
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Chapter 18 from Everything Was White by @lexosaurus
Over the holidays I took my time and read all the chapters I missed and than I did a little animation for it.
Maybe I missed it but I think there is no description of what Danny wears in that scene and how exactly the wheelchair looks like? I just modelled his usual outfit and I used different wheelchair references from pinterest for the wheelchair. I also add that he claws for the lockers. The audience are like ghosts in the background with no form.
(Some technical stuff under the cut)
Yay, I remodelled Danny again! Well, I could have used my old model but I couldn't add the the details on his face without looking weird. I watched Blender Studio open movie "Sprite Fright" again and I thought that this artstyle is kinda like DP artstyle but in 3d. I modelled Danny like this and I think it works somehow.
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mochamoth · 5 months
Some silly hcs for my silly little rarepair from a random AOSTH episode!! (Scratch x Henrietta hcs!)
(.. I wanted to write a fic but didn't know what to write about exactly plot wise 🥲 anyways this is probably gonna be cringey so you have been warned! And long! Probably long!!)
So these would all take place after they met up again. Scratch wouldn't be with Robotnik probably by this point and is probably recovering from y'know, actual abuse.
The two sorta meet up and Scratch apologizes for the whole amnesia thing (finally giving him a chance to explain) and Henrietta forgives him. So it goes from there (can ya tell idk what to make the story exactly, aa 😭).
Also I do hc Scratch as a trans lesbian. So um y ea. I use he/she for him usually.
Anyways, the two preen eachother like.. Well birds!
Scratch attempts to help Henrietta out on her farm, but he kinda sucks at a lot of the tasks. He's good with the chickens, though.
Also obviously motorcycle/bike rides! I like to think Henrietta has multiple, cuz I find the fact she's both a motorcyclist and a farm girl charming. She likes to speed through random fields near the farm for funsies.
The two probably move out on their own. Not far from Henrietta's parents (obviously) but like, to their own cottage (haha cottagecore).
Scratch is very awkward when it comes to showing affection. Henrietta will be all OVER her, and she won't know what to do because she's simply not used to it. Scratch does try though! She gives random kisses here and there and occasionally cuddles up with Henrietta first. It's not that Scratch doesn't like affection, she adores it. Scratch just doesn't know what to do cuz she's used to abuse and isolation. (Ofc except Grounder, yay siblings!)
The two do eachothers makeup because cute!
Self indulgent as HELL but both are autistic.
And share special interests.
And will rant about them to eachother for hours and hours.
Scratch and Henrietta both wake up at sunrise. As much as Scratch finds it funny to annoy poor Grounder by crowing at the night owl (or uh.. Mole) to wake up, it's a nice change of pace to live with a fellow morning bird. He still crows though!
Scratch will fight anyone who tries to harm Henrietta. Henrietta insists unless one of them is in immediate danger that the fighting isn't necessary, but Scratch sometimes forgets about that.
Pet namess I mean this is already canon. Henrietta has her cute little pet names for Scratch like dear, darling, sweetie, and ect. Scratch isn't very good at coming up with pet names, but she started to mimic her's which Henrietta finds cute.
They share a nest bed. Because I find Scratch's nest bed in the show downright amazing and incredible.
Henrietta gains comfort weight and is chubby, CRY ABOUT IT!!
Henrietta kinda helps Scratch learn about the world from a non-villain perspective. Scratch is still a little "evil" ofc, I'm bias I adore silly little evil guys (team Skull my beloveds). But not legit taking over the world, endangering lives, and abusive evil! Anyways, Henrietta kinda helps Scratch acclimate into a more peaceful life.
Scratch is secretly a bit insecure about how she looks, but Henrietta helps him love herself a little more.
Henrietta helps put Scratch together if he ever breaks. She's no robotics engineer, but she does know how to fix vehicles. So she has a bit of knowledge plus guides and studies on robots.
I'll probably come up with more later, but that's all for now! Sorry if there's any bad grammar or typos, I am so so tired cuz been busy on remodeling my entire room 😭!
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platadesangre · 9 months
we NEED to talk about jcs 1975 madrid cast!
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i have come to make camilo sesto justice
(i finally finished this post yay!)
i may be a bit biased, since this was my first jcs.
short story on how i discovered it
my dad used to be an apostle for a bootleg staged playback jcs in peru during the 70s! they used this version.
he had the cd. he also had the mp3 files. i used his computer, so that was how 13 year old me found it.
those were tough times, bc later i started doing catechesis and i kind of got depressed and started questioning my faith lol. judas' character really resonated with me
since this is a recording, i didn't have any footage to reference, so i made up everything in my mind. (this is why it was a bit weird for me to see the english productions, bc they looked nothing like in my head lol)
now, a bit of historical context for spain in the 70's
camilo sesto was a popular spanish singer and actor who went to see the jcs 1971 broadway production in london. he loved it so much that he did everything he could do financially to bring the show to spain.
spain was in a fascist dictatorship at the time
they fought with censorship for years, that's why the lyrics are a bit different (i'll make a post about that too)
they had to remodel the alcalá-palace theater stage entirely
franco (our dictator) died two days after the premiere (about time lol)
the "ultras" (conservatists) didn't like the show so they did lots of crazy stuff (for example, praying for the cast outside the theater or sending BOMB THREATHS?)
anyways, this was the first official translation for jcs!
on the main cast we have
camilo sesto as jesus christ (he wanted the role from the beggining)
teddy bautista as judas iscariot
ángela carrasco as mary magdalene
here's an old pic of them (and some apostles)
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(now that i look at it closely, it kind of looks like a bootleg jcs 1973 lol)
on the recording
it's a stereo recording, so use both headphones or you'll miss out on half of it
musically speaking, it's similar to the og concept album (songs ending on fade-outs and shorter trial before pilate) but it has some interesting choices (teddy, the producer and the voice of judas, took a lot of... artistic liberties)
some things this version has
it adds lots of synth. it's very psychodelic. i understand this can be a turn off for some people
they kinda change the key to many songs. maybe to fit vocal ranges idk
teddy just loves to make up new melodies (please give this man some water)
EPIC GUITAR SOLO in what's the buzz
what's the buzz and strange thing mystifying are separated tracks for some reason
camilo sings so good
cute synth in everything's alright ángela has such an angelic voice she makes such a good mary
the drums and guitars during this jesus must die are so danceable
the BEST simon zealotes i've heard. shit goes HARD. he goes CRAY
i really love this pilate, in my rating he would be the best one
camilo's "¡SALVAOS VOSOTROS!" during the temple is really pathetic lol
damned for all time interlude replaced by synths. the SAX SOLO is also replaced by synth (questionable choice)
cool thing happens during the end of this song that i'll talk about in another post
judas' occasional nervous laughter really adds to his character
also he cries a lot
"you sad pathetic man" part during last supper is... fairly different! (i'm looking at you teddy...)
camilo's gethsemane is epic. he's a baladist singer but MAN he can ROCK
cool harmonica during the arrest
i'll never shut up about our pilate (he nervous laughs too)
herod is so fruity
judas' death really hits different when you were depressed and questioning faith (this version is BRUTAL) also lyrics change (i'll talk about it i swear)
teddy's one of the few judas who sing the i don't know how to love him reprise in the higher scale!! it sounds so painful and anguished
the album continues acceptably
other cool things it has
jesus and judas have this interesting accent difference. since camilo is from valencia, he has this pristine and traditional spanish accent. and teddy is from canarias (also lived in the usa) so his accent is rougher and more, crusty? idk how to explain it but it's neat and stablishes their dynamic a bit. (ángela is from dominican republic! but her accent is barely noticeable)
on the footage aspect, we only have old vhs videos and live audios uploaded on youtube. also some old photos
there is a book about this version. it has some anecdotes (only available in spanish)
now we have a 4 episode mini-series about the odyssey that it was to produce this. it's called "camilo superstar" (i won't be watching it bc it's a bit fan-ficy from what i've seen)
the posts i'll make about this production will be tagged as #jcs 1975 madrid
you can listen to it on spotify!
or on youtube (playlist made by me)
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clambuoyance · 1 month
I saw your art last night and was like “yay kaveh art where he’s not white” And then I had a dream that hoyo remodeled him and it was just the big buff eremite guy model wearing his outfit and they changed his face to be more sculpted 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
well ig even ur dreams know how cheap hoyoverse is
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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I posted this fascinating 1885 townhouse in St. Louis, Missouri, 2 yrs. ago, but it's still on Zillow's site b/c it's so unusual! Thanks to thefurgler for sending it to me, b/c I love to re-post these homes in case anyone missed it. 3bds, 3ba, sold for $325K, which was much less than the $399,500 price tag. (I guess sometimes unique properties are harder to sell.) Enjoy looking at this one.
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The first thing we encounter out front is this sign. What does it mean? The address is 1204 S. 18th St. Notice the Foo Dogs guarding the door.
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The entrance hall has one of those magnificent giant wall mirrors and it was painted gray with silver accents. I'm getting a creepy castle vibe.
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A lot of remodeling was put into this home, but I'm so confused by it. I THINK that this is what was once the sitting room, b/c of the original fireplace. (Notice how low above the coffee table the light fixture is.)
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This piece looks like an architectural salvage church altar. An "altered altar," b/c it has a glass display in the middle.
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Looks like conversation seating.
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Okay, this is recognizable as the guest powder room. Interesting.
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I have no idea where we are or what this is. Looks like a sunporch w/a lap pool, maybe? This house is surreal. Note that the gate is chained.
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Okay, we're in the kitchen. What a weird stove. Nice exhaust hood, though.
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Kitchen cabinetry, a sitting area, and a display case in the wall?
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Going upstairs.
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What is this place?
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Where the hell are we?
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One of the baths.
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Modern gallery?
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Oh, yay, I think we found a bedroom. This house is exhausting.
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You can go out on the roof from here.
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Not much up here, though.
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That glass pyramid is kind of cool, but what could you do with it?
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Bedroom #2 is modern and has an en-suite.
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Big ol' heat stove down in the basement.
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Zen garden in the back yard.
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Have to be careful back here.
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Covered patio.
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Beautiful block, but you never know what kind of decor could be lurking behind someone's front door. $325K, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it, though.
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