sconefacedgirl · 5 years
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glitradora · 5 years
Lonnie, underestimating the gay alliance to impress her crush: It's fine, none of that stuff was real.
Loonie, .2 seconds later: well fuck me I guess.
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n7punk · 3 years
hello fendt! I was wondering if you could talk a littl about how you frequently characterize lonnie has being not interested in sex, even though she is usually in a relationship with rogelio (and sometimes kyle by extension). I always thought it was an interesting character choice so I was just wondering if that just comes from someplace specific, or just a matter of ace representation (if that's what she is to you?)
its part of a larger pattern of me giving background characters complex sexualities lol. part of it is rep, but its kinda complicated. lonnie is somewhere in the demi range for me. under a cut because longish and GUTT spoilers lol
basically, i never thought about lonnie's sexuality until Roll With It, when i began shipping her with scorpia (which is still a ship i like and, spoilers for GUTT, will likely appear in it. i dont think scorpia and perfuma are ever going to meet in the fic itself, so its going to be lonniexscorpia and kylexrogelio in the bg, if there's room). because i haven't gotten the vibe of her having much interest in dating aside from tho, i think that spread to my view of her sexuality as well.
heres the thing. i like the throuple theoretically because im poly and like rep, but it's also not a ship i really feel? like ro and kyle, yeah i definitely get them, and i see lonnie and ro to some degree, but i never felt anything romantic between kyle and lonnie and if it weren't for the fandom i probably wouldn't have thought to ship lonnie and ro either.
so to reconcile all that, i make her grey ace/bisexual in most of my fics, where she rarely forms attractions to people and she's generally sex indifferent. its more common for her to be attracted to women, but it can happen with men too (which isn't to say its "less" with men, just rarer).
for the throuple, when i include it in a fic, i either ship it kind of like a chevron or with ro and kyle together romantically and lonnie as their platonic life partner (who could very well go out and find a romantic partner one day too, but she's content doing her own single lady thing since she does have people who she has deep bonds with regardless of the nature of them. she isn't "missing" a "real" relationship).
for the chevron, lonnie and kyle are both dating ro, but lonnie isn't super interested in sex. she and kyle are partners too but like... platonically (even if others who dont know all the details might call kyle her boyfriend too because of the extension thing. she's pretty private about it and doesn't give a fuck what others think of it).
it works out because then ro and kyle can do their sex thing together and if she is feeling it, she can join in, but she knows her partners are satisfied and happy regardless of how present her libido is, which is honestly her ideal setup. Part of the reason that formed is im one of those people who doesn't feel like i can be "everything" for one person because i just dont have a bandwidth, so spreading things out in a poly relationship is ideal for me and i like to write about relationships where that's possible.
regardless of their specific dynamic in a fic, they're best friends but lonnie's kind of doing her own thing when it comes to relationships. in beg for me specifically, she almost never has vanilla sex and isn't really dating either of them, more of a platonic partner, but she does occasionally dom ro because that interests her on a like... psychological level, i suppose. she isn't into anyone in particular, so i guess for that fic she's ace but interested in bdsm still.
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