#look I am obviously here for trimberly first and foremost
thecousinsdangereux · 7 years
pink limonada prompt: the moment each of them realize 'god damn i wanna date both of ur faces'
(Combining this with @karatam’s thought:   college-aged Trini, Kim and Tommy having a tequila drinking contest/game)
If pressed, Trini will always say it was Tommy’s fault.
If not pressed, Trini will absolutely still say it was Tommy’s fault.
Because of course it was Tommy’s fault, with her smirking smile and several liters of tequila and the oh-so-innocent phrase that began with ‘wouldn’t it be fun if…?’ that slid from her lips before Trini and Kim even had a chance to fully enter the apartment.
“You do know that this?” Kim gestures between the three of them, then pauses and just points at Tommy. “This is going to end terribly.”
“Yup.” Trini nods.
This doesn’t stop them from following her into the kitchen, where Tommy (ignoring them both) gently deposits the several bottles on her counter, alongside an alarmingly large punch bowl. “It’s going to work this time. ”
“I want you to think back, Tommy,” Kim begins, stepping closer and placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder in an overtly patronizing gesture that Tommy just rolls her eyes at. “To a time not two months ago — on a girl’s night much like this one — where you made the same bold claim…”
“And we all ended up with stomachaches from drinking too much liquid and stayed sober,” Trini cuts in with a drawl, and Kim glares at her (just a little) for cutting off her dramatic spiel.
“Listen, babes — ”
“The plural just doesn’t work there, how many times do I have to— ”
“— Tonight, it’s going to work because I have math on my side.”
Trini scoffs. “So says the Art History major.”
“I have Billy’s math on my side, alright? Now can you two close your pretty mouths for five seconds? Because I have equations.”
She whips out the paper with a flourish, leaving Trini wondering exactly where it had been the whole time. (Tommy’s sweatpants do not have pockets; she may have noticed this as she entered the apartment. When Tommy was walking in front of them. Maybe.) She shakes this thought away quickly and leans in to get a better look at the scribbles.
“This is the Wiki formula.”
Kim sighs. “It says right there at the top of the paper that it’s the Widmark Formula.”
“This is the Widmark Formula,” Tommy says, as though she’s merely repeating herself. “Which calculates a person’s Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC, using their weight, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the amount of time that’s passed since the party got started. And a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t matter.”
“You would make a terrible professor,” Trini snarks, but immediately regrets it when Tommy turns a sinfully wicked smirk on her.
“Ooh, Professor Oliver and Student Trini. I could be into that if you are, babe.”
Trini’s blush is immediate and god, you’d think she’d be better at controlling this sort of reaction by now, given the amount of practice she gets, but apparently not.
“Tommy, come on,” Kim tsks, and Trini feels a wave of gratitude. “You came in late and then went evil and point is, Trini and I spent a whole lot of time studying together in high school. So if she has the professor fantasy for anyone it’s for me.”
And… there goes the gratitude. Right out the window.
“Neither of you are funny. I hope you both know that.”
She especially doesn’t appreciate the way the two of them smirk at each other. But… maybe she doesn’t so much mind the way Kim leans in to plant a smacking kiss on her cheek. Or… even how Tommy leans around Kim and blows Trini a kiss of her own.
But right now they’re talking about math. So.
“Fine, fine,” Tommy continues. “The point is, Billy figured we could use this formula and just modify it to take into account our crazy superpowers and how they make every organ in our bodies work four times as hard, or whatever. And he did all this math wizardry and got… this!” She points at the final scribble of numbers, which means… absolutely nothing to Trini.
“Which means, all we have to do is drink like… six shots.”
Trini and Kim exchange a look. “That’s… actually not too bad.”
“In under a minute,” Tommy adds with a grin.
“Oh my god,” Trini groans.
“Tommy, we can’t drink a wine glass of tequila in under a minute.”
Tommy waggles her eyebrows. “I’ll let you turn it into a body shot, Kimmy. Well. Six shots in a row, but then you could move on to the licking. I’ve got limes. And salt.”
Kim’s lips purse in thought. “Oh, well, in that case…”
“Really?” Trini and Tommy say as one (the latter clearly excited, the former… confused about the mix of feelings the thought gives her).
Kim rolls her eyes at them both. “No!”
Undeterred as ever, Tommy just shrugs. “Hey, I get it. Kimberly Hart likes to stay in control. And she doesn’t like to lose… which you would, by the way, if we did this.”
“You’re such a transparent ass!”
“Because I’d obviously drink that mug of tequila way faster than you.” Tommy sighs. “It’s a curse, you know? Being superior in every way. Like… that time Trini said I was hotter than you. Remember that?”
The noise that issues from Kim can’t be described as anything other than a huff, and Trini has to laugh at how put out she looks. Still, she’s not about to leave Tommy’s claim unchallenged.
“You mean the time when you both got the super flu and you had a higher fever than Kim?”
“Semantics.” Tommy waves her off, walking over to her fridge and rummaging around in it, presumably for further supplies. “The point is… it’s okay if Kim wants to admit defeat.”
“You’re not subtle,” Kim reiterates, crossing her arms. “And fine, maybe this would have worked on me in high school, but I’ve matured. It’s not like I’m incapable of resisting a dare.”
She sounds confident… in precisely the over-confident way that Kim tends to sound when she’s feeling exactly the opposite. By now, Tommy knows this just as well as Trini, and it shows in the smirk she levels at Kim as she pulls her head out of the fridge.
“That right?” Tommy shrugs. “Good for you, babe. Peer pressure’s a nasty thing. What about you, Sunshine?” She tosses Trini a lime, which she catches easily. “Good news is, you’re tiny, so you can probably get away with like… 5 shots, or something. I’ll obviously have to drink the most because, you know… tallest. And — ” She flexes, and her loose tank top was pretty much made for the gesture. (It’s irritatingly hot.) “Buffest, too.”
Kim grumbles something under her breath, and while Trini doesn’t catch the exact words, she gets the gist. She would feel bad for Kim… if Kim ever showed any mercy when their positions were switched (which was often). And really, it was only fair that Trini play this up as much as Kim would.
“Alright, I’m in.”
“Yes,” Tommy cheers, then, this time, throws Trini a lemon with a wink. “Gotta rep that yellow too.”
“I’m not doing six body shots of tequila.” She pauses, then scrunches her face in distaste. “Especially not with a lemon.”
“No, no, this is all part of my brilliant plan.” She pauses, holding up her hand. “But wait, first of all you would still do it with a lime. I’m the lime, obviously. You’re eating the lime and I’m the lime and it’s — these sexual innuendos aren’t fun if you don’t follow along, Buttercup.” Tommy lets out a little groan. “Anyways, the lemon is for the drinks that will come after the shots. To keep us at a good level of drunk. And this drink is going to involve limes, lemons, and…” She grins at Kim and reveals the final item with a flourish. “Pink lemonade. We’re making pink limeade margaritas! I’m a genius. Right?”
Even Kim, who’d been quietly sulking over the turn of events, has to laugh at that.
“You’re something, Tommy.” She sighs, but catches the can of frozen pink lemonade when Tommy lobs it towards her, and opens it into the punch bowl. “Though you should have made this last night. What kind of college student are you if you can’t make a proper margarita?”
“The kind that hasn’t been able to get drunk up until now,” Tommy grumbles, pulling a few more ingredients from the refrigerator and bringing them over. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been DD. Or how many drunken propositions I’ve had to turn down.” She sighs in remorse, but then perks up. “That all changes today, babes!”
Trini rummages around in Tommy’s drawers for a knife and begins to slice the citrus she’d placed on the counter, while Kim adds limeade, water, and sugar. “The drunken propositions part definitely will.”
“Nah, just the saying no part,” Tommy returns, rapid fire, with a trademark grin. “It’ll be sober Kim’s responsibility to respect us if we get all hands-y. How fun.”
“Um, no. That is not happening.” Kim hip-checks both of them, swaying from side to side. “And this is not me rising to your dare, Tommy,” she adds, unconvincingly. “This is me being… unwilling to be in charge of both of you.”
Tommy smirks and begins to pull out about 25 shot glasses from one of her cabinets (Trini suspects she bought them specifically for this), moving away to set up them on her small kitchen table. “Thought you liked being in charge, Barbie? You’re always getting off on ordering me around, at least.”
“Unwilling to be in charge of you two while drunk,” Kim corrects, eyes rolling up to the ceiling.
“She wants to be able to blame you,” Trini adds, and Kim grins a little in her direction. “When this all ends up being a disaster.”
“Nah, I don’t buy it.” She lines up the shot glasses neatly, three rows of six, then turns around with a wide grin of her own. “You still can’t resist a dare, Bubblegum. Or a bet. So… first one to finish their shots? Winner gets a lap dance from the loser?”
Trini’s throat feels a little dry as she considers this scenario. 
(She’s not sure ‘loser’ would be the right title for anyone involved.)
“That’s not what this.” Kim pauses, face carefully blank. “But obviously your ego needs to be checked, so fine.”
Tommy actually cracks her knuckles — like she’s preparing for a fight — then grabs a bottle of tequila and starts to pour.
“Don’t worry, babes. You’re not going to regret this.”
Naturally, when Trini wakes up, she regrets everything.
Her head is pounding and her tongue feels ten times too large and there must a spotlight on her because how can it possibly be so bright in… wherever she is. Even the thought of opening her eyes to learn more about her surroundings makes her stomach twist, so she decides against further investigation.
Of course, exactly at that moment, something moves against her. And a makes a little humming noise. Right in her ear.
And then another something moves against her. And pushes further against her stomach (which does not help with the nausea).
Her eyes spring open instinctively, before she’s able intercept the automatic response.
The regret deepens.
“Shit,” she whimpers, and has definitely more profanity ready to go, but her dry throat won’t allow it.  
Even with her eyes open, the light is so blinding that adjusting to her surroundings takes more than a few seconds. And then once she does adjust, there’s so much to take in that she finds herself unable to begin to process for another full minute more.
First, she is naked. Or, might as fucking well be. Because she’s wearing a tank top that’s way too big (it nearly comes down to her knees) and very little underneath and it’s green and it’s the one Tommy had been wearing last night and shit, that goes along great with observation number two. 
Observation number two is that Tommy Oliver is also pretty much naked, with just a sports bra and underwear on, and her face is nuzzling into Trini’s stomach, her arm is thrown around Trini’s waist, and her long legs are pretty much hanging off the small double bed that holds… the three of them. Because, yeah, that’s observation number three.
Trini might not be able to see exactly what’s happening behind her back, but she knows the (bare) arm that’s resting right alongside Tommy’s, and she definitely knows the (bare) thigh that’s thrown over her own hip and hell she even knows the few stands of brown hair that are just in her peripheral.
Moving her body is even worse than opening her eyes, but it still happens (without her permission); once she’s processed everything that’s going on around her, she jolts out of the bed and stumbles away, staring down at the two women she’s left behind with no small amount of shock.
It shouldn’t annoy her that they don’t appear to notice her departure, but it does. They both make noises of protest (a little whine from Kim and a low grunt from Tommy), but fill the space she’s left behind quickly enough; Tommy reaches blindly for a new pillow, finds Kim’s thigh, and tugs that closer instead, burrowing her face against it and letting out a soft sigh. And now it’s pretty clear that Kim is in a similar state of undress, clothed only in the strappy pink underthings that Trini has often caught glimpses of at various points in their friendship and always quickly looked away from.
She tries to do the same now, but just blinks instead.
And shit. Just… shit.
Because sure, she’s not an idiot. She knows she has a thing for Kim. And she knows it’s not entirely one-sided. Four years of friendship and sharing a weird-ass emotional link to the woman (and sometimes unfortunately, the rest of the Rangers as well) has given her that much. But it’d always been… the wrong time. Or maybe just a bad idea overall. They’re part of a team and that came first and the attraction and flirtation and (later) the feelings that had gotten harder and harder to call something simple like a crush or even lust… well, all of that had to fall to the wayside.
Not to mention the Tommy element of the whole thing, which, frankly had just complicated matters further, given the girl’s tendency to flirt with them both, which left Trini always feeling somewhere in between jealous and turned on and there wasn’t room for this kind of nonsense.
So they’d… ignored it mostly.
They’d hooked up with other people and kept the flirting light and the rest of the Rangers had just gotten used the dynamic like it was normal, or something, and maybe that’s what had led to this: Trini waking up in Tommy’s bed with both her and Kim and far too little clothing. They’d gotten too comfortable and this? This was going to be harder to ignore, especially if they start to put the pieces together about what had actually happened last night and goddamn if Trini didn’t — despite all this — still want to settle back in between the two of them and enjoy the hell out of the moment, hangover and all.
And well. Shit.
Apparently she wanted to date two girls. (Her fellow Rangers!) At the same time.
This was a problem.
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