#Trini x Kim x Tommy
azurezfiction · 8 months
For the send ships post
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship | @sentinelofstories NO LONGER ACCEPTING!
The fact that they are very open with each other and can commnicate, while calling each other's shit in a private setting and being able to work through their issues.
The fact that they work well together inside and outside of battle, and capable of keeping up with each other's banter and wit.
Their chemisty together. It felt more natural than Nick x Madison, but that's just me.
The fact that they support each other, but even when things go wrong. They always have each other's backs and help one another overcome what's happened, and do better for the future.
Cheering each other up when the other's down, especially during Cosmic Fury when Ollie is recoling from the horror's he's done while being evil.
Ollie and Javi bounce off of each other fairly well, and have greating timing with their responses and physical body lanuage in the episodes managing to play off of one another fairly well. And seem to understand the other is thinking.
Tommy/Kim 1. They were the first, they've both been together during the best of times and even the worst of times. Seeing each other hit absolute rock bottom but never once giving up on each other. They've been through thick and thin together. 2. They always supported each other, when Kimberly wanted to go to the Olympics during Season 3 of MMPR, Tommy was incredibly supportive of her dream and wanted her to grab onto it while it was there even if he was sad to see her go. 3. The romantic moments and cute moments from MMPR S1-S3 as a couple, being one of the few couples on the show that genuinely loved and enjoyed being with each other without any of the sterotypical issues that come from being a couple that's usually portrayed on TV.
Trini and Billy understood each other on a level that no one else seemed to, translating between one another and sharing moments together that were rarely shared with the other rangers. From being in his workshop at home to the Command Centre, they were always together.
Both of them always helped keep each other cool and calm during moments of uncertainty or even fright. Trini with her fear of heights, and Billy during his frustrations during battle or when trying to solve a problem.
Working together and understanding each other's movements and needs before the other realizes it. They know one another in and out it's unreal and yet feels so natural.
The cute rivals to lovers through Dino Fury, building up their relationship from competitors to trusting each other's back and becoming team mates together.
The fact that even when together, they still have issues with Izzy being protective but Fern wanting to prove herself and help out the rangers. It showed that their relationship wasn't 100% perfect and things still needed to be worked on.
I like the fact that their relationship is still something they are working on, both prior to Fern being a ranger and afterward. Seeing it grow and flourish through each episode and watching them navigate throught the changes yet still choosing each other in the end.
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ajgrey9647 · 9 months
"I'm yours. Only yours." Jason x Tommy
Couple Stubborn Asses
Time seemed to slow down and he felt as though he couldn’t draw breath, even as he paced agitated circles about the Command Center. Refusing to power down, the green and white boots clicked a steady rhythm as he moved, first one way and then around the other. Gloved fists twisted, clenched, and unclenched spasmodically.
Despite the other Rangers’ best efforts, nothing calmed Tommy’s panicked fretting. 
‘Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok. Jason, you have to live…’
He couldn’t get the awful sound of Jason’s agonized scream to quiet in his mind, couldn’t drown out Goldar’s triumphant cackle. The sight of the Red Ranger dropping limply to his knees before collapsing backward, his sword clattering to the packed stone, the hollow, sickening thud of his body striking the ground.
As the Green Ranger mindlessly shoved and fought his way to Jason’s side, he’d been laser focused on the crimson staining the crisp white of his best friend’s uniform and the smear of blood across his mouth guard. Unable to tell if the Red Ranger was still breathing, he couldn’t stem the enraged roar as he tackled Goldar, pummeling him so viciously that the golden ape had barely managed to drag himself away.
Scooping Jason’s limp body to his chest in a perverse bridal carry, his arms dangling like a rag doll’s, head lolling over Tommy’s bicep had been surreal. This couldn’t be happening. Not Jason, not the Red Ranger, their leader…
‘Please be ok, please be ok… Because I swear to God, I’m going to wring your neck like a fucking chicken when you wake up!’
Why had Jason let Goldar goad him in a fight like that? When Tommy was grappling with Rita’s newest monster of the week? And the others had been unable to teleport to the battlefield, blocked by the evil witch’s magic?
‘Fucking bullheaded, stubborn…’ Tommy swore hotly to himself. ‘Why couldn’t he just fucking WAIT!’
“Tommy?” Kimberly’s voice cut in, her small hand settling on his shoulder like a bird. “He’s going to be fine, alright? Billy and Alpha have him and they’re going to bring him around. You know they will…”
The Green Ranger shrugged her off and growled deep in his throat.
“You need to let Trini scan you, make sure you’re alright,” she tried desperately.
Whirling, the distraught teen snarled, a choked sob of fear flowing beneath the hostile sound.
“I’m fucking fine! Jason’s the one bleeding out!”
The emerald helmet obscured his scalding tears and for that he was thankful. 
“Easy, man!” Zack soothed, stepping between Tommy and the Pink Ranger. “Kim’s right. Jase’s in good hands, he’s strong and tough. I just know he’s going to pull through.”
But the Green Ranger wasn’t having it. Hissing, he turned his back and continued his anxious trek around and around, determined to wear a path in the bright blue tile. He chewed and sucked his inner cheek until he tasted the coppery blood coating his tongue. It made him feel marginally better.
“Goddammit!” he bellowed, making the others jump. Kimberly even let out a tiny, high-pitched squeak.
Zordon’s face swam in the otherworldly tube above the Ranger’s, his own expression tight with worry.
“Tommy, you must calm yourself. This isn’t helping Jason. Only serving to keep you isolated from your friends,” the sage advised. “Allow them to be here for you.”
“I want Jason!”
He hadn’t meant to scream at Zordon nor utter such a private sentiment, but there it was. He attempted to play it off as best he could considering the circumstances. 
“I mean I’ll feel better when Jason wakes up! This is killing me, Zordon! Waiting and wondering! I can’t bear this!”
He collapsed to his knees, not even feeling the sharp pain as he struck the tile heavily. His gloved hands went to his visor in a bizarre attempt to hide his pain and fear.
Before the others could come to his aid, Billy was rounding the corner, relief radiating from his brilliant blue eyes. It’d been a VERY close call. Jason had lost so much blood, the wounds nearly fatal. But, with Alpha’s assistance, a pack or two of blood, and Ranger healing, Jason had made it out of the woods at least.
The Red Ranger was still very weak, grumbling and muttering angrily like a bedraggled kitten. Jason hated being weak and helpless and he was mad at himself for being so boneheaded. With Alpha’s help, he had managed to sit up on the bed, though the movement left him shaky and short of breath.
“Ayi yi yi, Jason! You need to get some rest!” Alpha scolded. “But Tommy’s out there beside himself with worry! Is it alright to let him back here for a moment? So he can see you’re still alive…”
‘Poor Tommy,’ the injured Ranger groaned. ‘He’s probably about to shit a brick.’
“Of course, Alpha,” he gasped, one hand bracing the bandages to his lacerated belly. “Send him back.”
Scuttling off towards the door, the little robot didn’t have a chance to exit because the Green Ranger was barrelling past him, nearly dropping him to his metal ass.
“Tommy! Ayi yi yi! Everything’s fine,” he tittered in surprise as Billy’s hand shot out and grabbed his wrist before he could topple over.
But the Green Ranger was frozen in place, staring at Jason’s pale face, a sharp contrast to his dark hair and eyes, unable to make a sound. Was this just a hallucination? Was Jason really sitting there looking at him like he was daft?
He’d almost lost him, his best friend, his partner, his leader. 
His love…
Then his hands were popping the clasps on his helmet as he darted towards the bed. He tossed it absently to the floor where the enamel emitted a sharp crack before it rolled into the shadows. Tommy’s hazel eyes were wide and blazing with an emotion Jason wasn’t able to name.
For a moment, he considered that the Green Ranger was going to deck him, knock his head around for his dumbass actions. But it wasn’t exactly anger glowing there; it was merely a small part of it.
Reaching Jason, the gloved hands briskly glided along his cheeks, cupping his head as the fingers threaded his thick hair.
“You foolish, willful ass!” Tommy hissed, his lip lifted in his signature snarl. 
Then his mouth was covering Jason’s in a passionate kiss, his thumb tenderly brushing the Red Ranger’s jaw. 
For his part, the injured Ranger sat stock still in stunned shock, eyes wide as his best friend kissed him deeply, pouring every fiber of his emotion into the lip lock. Was this really happening or was this a hallucination brought about by severe blood loss? Perhaps even he was dead…
Pulling back roughly, Tommy’s forehead rested against Jason’s, his eyes squeezed shut.
“Do you know how it would have destroyed me to lose someone I love so deeply?”
The feel of Jason’s soft exhalations ghosting his lips brought him back to reality. At the same time, a gasp behind him made him jump.
‘Oh. My. Fuck…’
Did he really just suck Jason’s face in front of the other Rangers and Zordon and Alpha?
Sure as fuck he did…. And he’d confessed his love all in one fell swoop…
‘I wish I was dead.’
Risking opening his eyes, Tommy looked into Jason’s confused face, his poor dry tongue snaking out to lick his lips in the aftermath of the kiss attack.
“Jason, I… I mean… I didn’t…”
He felt the weight of the other’s eyes squarely on his back. No one dared utter a word.
There was no coming back from this, no way to spin it or play it off as a fever dream. He’d gone and fucking done it!!!
‘Fucking idiot! Jason will never talk to you again!’
Lips trembling, Tommy backed away from the Red Ranger, his legs staggering and struggling to keep him upright. He nearly slammed into Kimberly and Zack in his panic. The two Rangers stared at him, their expressions unreadable. 
“Tommy…” Zordon tried but it was too late.
The teen was off and running, scooping up his errant helmet as he dashed out the door, through the Command Center’s main room, and straight out into the desert night. He didn’t even teleport, unsure he could accurately do so while in such a harried state.
Embarrassed tears flowed freely and he was sure that they would all be repulsed by him, would order him to leave the team with his dirty, disgusting lustful behavior towards their leader.
“Fucking hell, Tommy! Will you slow down?” a weak voice rasped. 
The Green Ranger spun around to see a determined Red Ranger huffing and puffing his way after him, one hand holding tight to his injured belly, sweat beading his brow.
“Jason, what the fuck are you doing? Why did they let you out of bed?” Tommy yelled, crossing back to catch his best friend before he passed out from exhaustion.
“You should know… better than… anyone,” Jason panted, bracing himself on Tommy’s shoulders. “I don’t… listen… that well.”
Despite the circumstances, the nervous teen chuckled.
“That’s the understatement of the century, Jase.”
Helping the Red Ranger settle himself on the rocky outcropping, Tommy perched next to him, ready to have his ass chewed out mightily for what he’d just done.
“Why did you run from me?” Jason whispered. 
The green clad shoulders hunched.
“Because I embarrassed the shit out of myself? I told on myself?”
Jason’s brow scrunched.
“You love me?”
Taking a deep breath, Tommy lifted his face to meet Jason’s gaze.
“Yes, I love you. No, I don’t mean like a friend or brother. I ‘love you’ love you. Romantic love…” he hissed. “You know, the whole butterflies in the pit of my stomach, excited to see you everyday, lost in your beautiful eyes, coming of age romance movie style love.”
Now that it was out in the open, Tommy groaned and dropped his head to his knees.
“So, if you want to beat my ass, scream at me, insult me, tell me how I disgust you… go ahead. I don’t care anymore…”
Jason stared wildly at his Green Ranger. He’d never anticipated that Tommy felt this way about him. He was sure that he had a thing for Kimberly… how the fuck had he been so off base?
Swallowing nervously, he took a deep, calming breath. How did he feel about this? If he admitted he returned Tommy’s affection, what would that mean? How would the others respond? How would KIMBERLY respond? Would they openly hold hands, kiss, cuddle, go on dates? Was he ready for that even with another Ranger? What would his parents say?
Jason shook his head.
‘How do I feel about Tommy? That’s the real question. We’ll figure everything else out.’
He gently placed a hand on the other Ranger’s hand resting on the rocky ground between them.
If he were honest, he’d always felt a pull towards Tommy and he too had felt the butterflies swarming in his belly when the Green Ranger slung a friendly arm around his shoulders or when they sparred in the Youth Center. 
‘I do have romantic feelings for Tommy…’
“Hmmm?” The Green Ranger rolled his head to the side to look at Jason’s flushed cheeks.
Softly, the Red Ranger’s fingers fluttered along Tommy’s hand and up his arm playfully. 
“I’m yours. Only yours,” Jason breathed. “If you’re alright with that, Tommy.”
The other teen’s eyes widened and he sat up, turning to face Jason. 
“What did you just say?”
“You heard me.”
“You mean… you like me too?” Tommy stuttered, unbelieving. 
“I mean… I love you too.”
Tommy looked down at himself in panic, his hands palpating the green silk and golden shield.
“What’s wrong?” Jason frowned in concern.
“Just making sure I’m not on death’s doorstep and imagining all this. It’s too good to be true.”
Grinning, the Red Ranger leaned heavily against Tommy’s side, feeling an overwhelming exhaustion settle over his shoulders. 
“Oh God, Jase. We’ve got to get you back inside! You still got turned into Goldar’s personal pin cushion and I’ll kick your ass if you start bleeding out again up here!”
Jason chuckled as one again Tommy scooped him up in arms, only this time he was able to incline his face towards the Green Ranger’s.
“Kiss me again?” he breathed, biting his lower lip.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!”
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theoversky · 2 years
I have a fanfic I wrote in my mind that Jason/Kimberly didn’t officially happened because ASJ had some kind of affair with Amy Jo Johnson (or an unrequired crush) or Saban took down J/K because of ASJ’s salary fight. Their sexual tension was pretty clear to me and I was a fucking kid. I mean, they were always next to each other, touching, giggling, protecting. Pay attention. Power Rangers’ couples never have explicit kisses, Tomberly got the only one kiss of all tv show franchise and Jimberly got the kiss scene cut (in the 2017 movie comics is hinted they kissed anyway).
With all problems with money and Saban, a new ranger would be in the show. It’s known that ASJ and JDF never had a good relationship. Saban, then, to tease ASJ, paired the bad boy with the main female protagonist (the sexual tension could have been a hint that Jason and Kimberly would be together at some point, but now is turned down to prop Tommy) and, to top everything, Tommy’s popularity had grown as much as Jason’s (maybe bigger). They took Jason’s leadership in order to piss off ASJ and gave it to his “enemy”, they took the girl, they took his popularity, they took his money and they took his favoritism for years. So I guess, in addition to all this problems with ASJ, Saban chose Tommy/Kimberly because it would be easier to deal with JDF.
We already know Tommy/Katherine is endgame, we’ve seen their future together with grandson and the comics have their son, JJ Oliver, as green ranger. Tomberly is a fan favorite but now that JDF is gone(RIP JDF) I don’t think we will have more about Tommy. I guess it’s better than kill the character on the franchise. I also believe if Amy Jo didn’t left the show, Tomberly would have been endgame.
To top my theory, I take the comics in count. We had Kimberly x Matt, Tommy x Kimberly, Jason x Trini and Zack x Trini, in this cronology. Zack x Trini were in a kind of relationship in “Forever Pink” comics, the same one that Kim is writting the letter breaking up with Tommy. In the same page, we see a message from Jason calling her by a cute nickname and saying is her turn to pick, things that couples do. The suggestion is that Kim broke up with Tommy because she fell in love with Jason. And one more time we use the comics here, in that moment of comics Jason’s mom is dead and he quit Omega Rangers to have a normal life. He’s dealing with grief alone because he wants that way, he said to Kim when she went to visit him. Leaving Jason alone, she meets Trini outside and Kim seems to be the only one thinking about how to make Jason feel better, so in my mind she will figure out how and Rocky, Aisha and Adam are the new ones Mighty Morphin red, yellow and black, so the time Katherine will replace Kim is coming. I can relate Jason and Kimberly’s proximity maybe… doing scuba diving???? Well, in “Turbo - Power Rangers Movie” it makes sense. They’re taking rest of PR, being normal teenagers, living their relationship. In the cronology between comics, tv show and movie, the Turbo Movie is the last time we saw Kimberly (no morphed) and she seems very, very close to Jason. After this, she is mentioned by (a jealous one?) Jason in “Forever Red” and recently, during Beast Morphers, Morphed Kim was present when Jason calls for help to fight against Goldar Maximus. Jason and Kimberly as couple also explains why Kimberly didn’t mentioned the boyfriend she wrote about in the letter (she said PERSON I BELONG WITH) and Jason doesn’t talk about Emily (his girlfriend in “Zeo”) at Turbo Movie.
Also I am not saying Trini or the others doesn’t care about Jason’s grief, but Kimberly seems to be the one who will REALLY try to do something, even if Jason had asked for space.
We can say too that Jason and Trini didn’t end up together now that on TV show they’re coming back to present Minh Kwan, Trini’s kid. It’s said she lost her father recently and they won’t kill Jason, Billy or Zack now that an actor of PR is recently dead. Zack and Billy are here and she calls Zack “Uncle Zack”. So neither Jason, Billy or Zack is Minh’s father. ASJ and AJJ are the only originals that didn’t return to 30 years special so why don’t make Jimberly endgame? In my mind they are! We already have JJ and Minh as rangers’ kids themselves, I would love to see a Jimberly kid. Another fanfiction: imagine if is a girl and she falls in love with JJ Oliver? lmao. JJ is SPD Green Dragon Ranger and I can bet Minh will be MMPR yellow.
ASJ is having problems with justice now and is unavailable to portray Jason. He also is a Jason and Trini shipper, he was clear that didn’t want Jason and Kim together, and that’s why I’ve fanficted about his posible affair with AJJ, but maybe he only doesn’t want more comparisions with Tommy. But it really seems awkward the way he turned down the idea of JK. Amy Jo Johnson is grateful to PR, but is working behind cameras and it seems she will write something for comics. Let’s catch up with 30 years special and AJJ comic addition. I hope jimberly shippers can have something good at least once.
Finally we have MMPR reboot in 2017, a movie that hinted Jason and Kimberly all the way, even in their comics. It’s a shame that we won’t see a sequence of 2017 movie because I can say it would have Jason x Kimberly x Tommy love triangle, something that I can think would have happened if all those problems with ASJ didn’t happened.
PS: just to make clear, I’m on ASJ side about his salary problems in that time. ASJ, Walter Jones and Truy Trang were 100% right.
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theorangerangers · 3 years
I found this on Twitter and removed the name to create the funniest ship prompt I have ever seen.
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Tag with your favorite ships
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augment-techs · 3 years
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Adam does not like working for The Above; he never has--but he will follow the rules, because whenever he rants to Rocky about it, the Nighlok looks beyond terrified and starts to have anxiety attacks. Rocky remembers the Fall, remembers his time in The Above, with his friends and his lovers and his whole existence ahead of him--and how he screwed it all up by mouthing off to his Eltar superiors and placing humans on a higher plain than Anyone else. They aren't the only ones set out on Earth to keep things moving before another War tears things asunder; and they're not the only friends the other has--just their favorites. Adam helped in the founding of Angel Grove, him and a few other Eltarians of the lower orders that The Above didn't seem to like very much, always deriding them and snubbing them. Aisha with her adoration of human children (who despised Zartus of On High when he brought news of The Flood); and Kim with Zack always teaching some form of dance (when they weren't secreting information from one place to another); and Trini who made sure they weren't noticed in their shared brick apartment complex (so good with the animals she'd taken care of on the Ark--and generations of their babies afterward). Rocky took up residence in Panorama City about twenty years after Angel Grove was made to last, though he preferred the Grove. He would be much less likely to stay in Panorama if his bosses didn't send a small horde up from the river and then foisted them on him--but joke was on The Lowest, he actually liked the little cluster; all of them were older, but actually nice. Jason and Tommy with their tethered-if-mercurial nature inciting fights (with drug dealers and pedophiles and people that trained animals to kill each other) they always won; Matt with his memory of every sporting event that had long gone out of fashion by the 1990s (having Fallen due to jealousy, Rocky wasn't surprised in his keeping score among the Nighlok and Eltarians); and Billy who made sure that the others didn't get into too much trouble (which was funny, since he went batshit feral when the Library of Alexandria burned and had hymns written in homage to his Nighlok form). Fucking is not against any set code, so Rocky and Adam have engaged in the delight of it since the Nazis swept across Europe and the both of their groups were very disinclined to allow them into Britain when evacuations were going on; they fought together as what seemed to be a cohesive group and in the aftermath of being extremely embarrassed--everyone else flying for cover and places unknown--Rocky and Adam had a good laugh. Had a good laugh and found serviceable wine and biscuits, and had sex for two weeks in an abandoned building that used to be a café. When the battle for the end of all things commenced, not one of Rocky or Adam's group wanted it to happen; Billy, Zack, and Kim all had human lovers that they would have destroyed The Grid itself to protect--all of said humans even helping the group out when they were told The Supreme Guardian/The Next Morphin Master was set to bring about what their superiors called The Z Wave. Bulk and Skull of Angel Grove having befriended Candice Clark and helping her get somewhere safe when she was revealed to be Zelya of Eltar; Violet Arias that commuted between the Grove and Panorama and ended up driving the group in her car when their Zords were destroyed (Zack cackled as well as any Nighlok at the sight of them all piled into her wood-panel Keitora like clowns in the Ringling Bros). The Z Wave still happened--but it wasn't what anybody had expected. Rocky and Adam woke up in the bed they shared so often, getting texts from all their friends that they were all fine and they were having lunch together at the Juice Bar with Zelya meeting them to explain things. Rocky estimated they had a good hour before they had to be anywhere; Adam liked where his head was at and grinned wide as he pulled the covers over them and their big wings.
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thecousinsdangereux · 7 years
pink limonada prompt: the moment each of them realize 'god damn i wanna date both of ur faces'
(Combining this with @karatam’s thought:   college-aged Trini, Kim and Tommy having a tequila drinking contest/game)
If pressed, Trini will always say it was Tommy’s fault.
If not pressed, Trini will absolutely still say it was Tommy’s fault.
Because of course it was Tommy’s fault, with her smirking smile and several liters of tequila and the oh-so-innocent phrase that began with ‘wouldn’t it be fun if…?’ that slid from her lips before Trini and Kim even had a chance to fully enter the apartment.
“You do know that this?” Kim gestures between the three of them, then pauses and just points at Tommy. “This is going to end terribly.”
“Yup.” Trini nods.
This doesn’t stop them from following her into the kitchen, where Tommy (ignoring them both) gently deposits the several bottles on her counter, alongside an alarmingly large punch bowl. “It’s going to work this time. ”
“I want you to think back, Tommy,” Kim begins, stepping closer and placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder in an overtly patronizing gesture that Tommy just rolls her eyes at. “To a time not two months ago — on a girl’s night much like this one — where you made the same bold claim…”
“And we all ended up with stomachaches from drinking too much liquid and stayed sober,” Trini cuts in with a drawl, and Kim glares at her (just a little) for cutting off her dramatic spiel.
“Listen, babes — ”
“The plural just doesn’t work there, how many times do I have to— ”
“— Tonight, it’s going to work because I have math on my side.”
Trini scoffs. “So says the Art History major.”
“I have Billy’s math on my side, alright? Now can you two close your pretty mouths for five seconds? Because I have equations.”
She whips out the paper with a flourish, leaving Trini wondering exactly where it had been the whole time. (Tommy’s sweatpants do not have pockets; she may have noticed this as she entered the apartment. When Tommy was walking in front of them. Maybe.) She shakes this thought away quickly and leans in to get a better look at the scribbles.
“This is the Wiki formula.”
Kim sighs. “It says right there at the top of the paper that it’s the Widmark Formula.”
“This is the Widmark Formula,” Tommy says, as though she’s merely repeating herself. “Which calculates a person’s Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC, using their weight, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the amount of time that’s passed since the party got started. And a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t matter.”
“You would make a terrible professor,” Trini snarks, but immediately regrets it when Tommy turns a sinfully wicked smirk on her.
“Ooh, Professor Oliver and Student Trini. I could be into that if you are, babe.”
Trini’s blush is immediate and god, you’d think she’d be better at controlling this sort of reaction by now, given the amount of practice she gets, but apparently not.
“Tommy, come on,” Kim tsks, and Trini feels a wave of gratitude. “You came in late and then went evil and point is, Trini and I spent a whole lot of time studying together in high school. So if she has the professor fantasy for anyone it’s for me.”
And… there goes the gratitude. Right out the window.
“Neither of you are funny. I hope you both know that.”
She especially doesn’t appreciate the way the two of them smirk at each other. But… maybe she doesn’t so much mind the way Kim leans in to plant a smacking kiss on her cheek. Or… even how Tommy leans around Kim and blows Trini a kiss of her own.
But right now they’re talking about math. So.
“Fine, fine,” Tommy continues. “The point is, Billy figured we could use this formula and just modify it to take into account our crazy superpowers and how they make every organ in our bodies work four times as hard, or whatever. And he did all this math wizardry and got… this!” She points at the final scribble of numbers, which means… absolutely nothing to Trini.
“Which means, all we have to do is drink like… six shots.”
Trini and Kim exchange a look. “That’s… actually not too bad.”
“In under a minute,” Tommy adds with a grin.
“Oh my god,” Trini groans.
“Tommy, we can’t drink a wine glass of tequila in under a minute.”
Tommy waggles her eyebrows. “I’ll let you turn it into a body shot, Kimmy. Well. Six shots in a row, but then you could move on to the licking. I’ve got limes. And salt.”
Kim’s lips purse in thought. “Oh, well, in that case…”
“Really?” Trini and Tommy say as one (the latter clearly excited, the former… confused about the mix of feelings the thought gives her).
Kim rolls her eyes at them both. “No!”
Undeterred as ever, Tommy just shrugs. “Hey, I get it. Kimberly Hart likes to stay in control. And she doesn’t like to lose… which you would, by the way, if we did this.”
“You’re such a transparent ass!”
“Because I’d obviously drink that mug of tequila way faster than you.” Tommy sighs. “It’s a curse, you know? Being superior in every way. Like… that time Trini said I was hotter than you. Remember that?”
The noise that issues from Kim can’t be described as anything other than a huff, and Trini has to laugh at how put out she looks. Still, she’s not about to leave Tommy’s claim unchallenged.
“You mean the time when you both got the super flu and you had a higher fever than Kim?”
“Semantics.” Tommy waves her off, walking over to her fridge and rummaging around in it, presumably for further supplies. “The point is… it’s okay if Kim wants to admit defeat.”
“You’re not subtle,” Kim reiterates, crossing her arms. “And fine, maybe this would have worked on me in high school, but I’ve matured. It’s not like I’m incapable of resisting a dare.”
She sounds confident… in precisely the over-confident way that Kim tends to sound when she’s feeling exactly the opposite. By now, Tommy knows this just as well as Trini, and it shows in the smirk she levels at Kim as she pulls her head out of the fridge.
“That right?” Tommy shrugs. “Good for you, babe. Peer pressure’s a nasty thing. What about you, Sunshine?” She tosses Trini a lime, which she catches easily. “Good news is, you’re tiny, so you can probably get away with like… 5 shots, or something. I’ll obviously have to drink the most because, you know… tallest. And — ” She flexes, and her loose tank top was pretty much made for the gesture. (It’s irritatingly hot.) “Buffest, too.”
Kim grumbles something under her breath, and while Trini doesn’t catch the exact words, she gets the gist. She would feel bad for Kim… if Kim ever showed any mercy when their positions were switched (which was often). And really, it was only fair that Trini play this up as much as Kim would.
“Alright, I’m in.”
“Yes,” Tommy cheers, then, this time, throws Trini a lemon with a wink. “Gotta rep that yellow too.”
“I’m not doing six body shots of tequila.” She pauses, then scrunches her face in distaste. “Especially not with a lemon.”
“No, no, this is all part of my brilliant plan.” She pauses, holding up her hand. “But wait, first of all you would still do it with a lime. I’m the lime, obviously. You’re eating the lime and I’m the lime and it’s — these sexual innuendos aren’t fun if you don’t follow along, Buttercup.” Tommy lets out a little groan. “Anyways, the lemon is for the drinks that will come after the shots. To keep us at a good level of drunk. And this drink is going to involve limes, lemons, and…” She grins at Kim and reveals the final item with a flourish. “Pink lemonade. We’re making pink limeade margaritas! I’m a genius. Right?”
Even Kim, who’d been quietly sulking over the turn of events, has to laugh at that.
“You’re something, Tommy.” She sighs, but catches the can of frozen pink lemonade when Tommy lobs it towards her, and opens it into the punch bowl. “Though you should have made this last night. What kind of college student are you if you can’t make a proper margarita?”
“The kind that hasn’t been able to get drunk up until now,” Tommy grumbles, pulling a few more ingredients from the refrigerator and bringing them over. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been DD. Or how many drunken propositions I’ve had to turn down.” She sighs in remorse, but then perks up. “That all changes today, babes!”
Trini rummages around in Tommy’s drawers for a knife and begins to slice the citrus she’d placed on the counter, while Kim adds limeade, water, and sugar. “The drunken propositions part definitely will.”
“Nah, just the saying no part,” Tommy returns, rapid fire, with a trademark grin. “It’ll be sober Kim’s responsibility to respect us if we get all hands-y. How fun.”
“Um, no. That is not happening.” Kim hip-checks both of them, swaying from side to side. “And this is not me rising to your dare, Tommy,” she adds, unconvincingly. “This is me being… unwilling to be in charge of both of you.”
Tommy smirks and begins to pull out about 25 shot glasses from one of her cabinets (Trini suspects she bought them specifically for this), moving away to set up them on her small kitchen table. “Thought you liked being in charge, Barbie? You’re always getting off on ordering me around, at least.”
“Unwilling to be in charge of you two while drunk,” Kim corrects, eyes rolling up to the ceiling.
“She wants to be able to blame you,” Trini adds, and Kim grins a little in her direction. “When this all ends up being a disaster.”
“Nah, I don’t buy it.” She lines up the shot glasses neatly, three rows of six, then turns around with a wide grin of her own. “You still can’t resist a dare, Bubblegum. Or a bet. So… first one to finish their shots? Winner gets a lap dance from the loser?”
Trini’s throat feels a little dry as she considers this scenario. 
(She’s not sure ‘loser’ would be the right title for anyone involved.)
“That’s not what this.” Kim pauses, face carefully blank. “But obviously your ego needs to be checked, so fine.”
Tommy actually cracks her knuckles — like she’s preparing for a fight — then grabs a bottle of tequila and starts to pour.
“Don’t worry, babes. You’re not going to regret this.”
Naturally, when Trini wakes up, she regrets everything.
Her head is pounding and her tongue feels ten times too large and there must a spotlight on her because how can it possibly be so bright in… wherever she is. Even the thought of opening her eyes to learn more about her surroundings makes her stomach twist, so she decides against further investigation.
Of course, exactly at that moment, something moves against her. And a makes a little humming noise. Right in her ear.
And then another something moves against her. And pushes further against her stomach (which does not help with the nausea).
Her eyes spring open instinctively, before she’s able intercept the automatic response.
The regret deepens.
“Shit,” she whimpers, and has definitely more profanity ready to go, but her dry throat won’t allow it.  
Even with her eyes open, the light is so blinding that adjusting to her surroundings takes more than a few seconds. And then once she does adjust, there’s so much to take in that she finds herself unable to begin to process for another full minute more.
First, she is naked. Or, might as fucking well be. Because she’s wearing a tank top that’s way too big (it nearly comes down to her knees) and very little underneath and it’s green and it’s the one Tommy had been wearing last night and shit, that goes along great with observation number two. 
Observation number two is that Tommy Oliver is also pretty much naked, with just a sports bra and underwear on, and her face is nuzzling into Trini’s stomach, her arm is thrown around Trini’s waist, and her long legs are pretty much hanging off the small double bed that holds… the three of them. Because, yeah, that’s observation number three.
Trini might not be able to see exactly what’s happening behind her back, but she knows the (bare) arm that’s resting right alongside Tommy’s, and she definitely knows the (bare) thigh that’s thrown over her own hip and hell she even knows the few stands of brown hair that are just in her peripheral.
Moving her body is even worse than opening her eyes, but it still happens (without her permission); once she’s processed everything that’s going on around her, she jolts out of the bed and stumbles away, staring down at the two women she’s left behind with no small amount of shock.
It shouldn’t annoy her that they don’t appear to notice her departure, but it does. They both make noises of protest (a little whine from Kim and a low grunt from Tommy), but fill the space she’s left behind quickly enough; Tommy reaches blindly for a new pillow, finds Kim’s thigh, and tugs that closer instead, burrowing her face against it and letting out a soft sigh. And now it’s pretty clear that Kim is in a similar state of undress, clothed only in the strappy pink underthings that Trini has often caught glimpses of at various points in their friendship and always quickly looked away from.
She tries to do the same now, but just blinks instead.
And shit. Just… shit.
Because sure, she’s not an idiot. She knows she has a thing for Kim. And she knows it’s not entirely one-sided. Four years of friendship and sharing a weird-ass emotional link to the woman (and sometimes unfortunately, the rest of the Rangers as well) has given her that much. But it’d always been… the wrong time. Or maybe just a bad idea overall. They’re part of a team and that came first and the attraction and flirtation and (later) the feelings that had gotten harder and harder to call something simple like a crush or even lust… well, all of that had to fall to the wayside.
Not to mention the Tommy element of the whole thing, which, frankly had just complicated matters further, given the girl’s tendency to flirt with them both, which left Trini always feeling somewhere in between jealous and turned on and there wasn’t room for this kind of nonsense.
So they’d… ignored it mostly.
They’d hooked up with other people and kept the flirting light and the rest of the Rangers had just gotten used the dynamic like it was normal, or something, and maybe that’s what had led to this: Trini waking up in Tommy’s bed with both her and Kim and far too little clothing. They’d gotten too comfortable and this? This was going to be harder to ignore, especially if they start to put the pieces together about what had actually happened last night and goddamn if Trini didn’t — despite all this — still want to settle back in between the two of them and enjoy the hell out of the moment, hangover and all.
And well. Shit.
Apparently she wanted to date two girls. (Her fellow Rangers!) At the same time.
This was a problem.
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suhtaeyong · 4 years
new start by didi
jason x trini, tommy x kim, pr ensemble
chaptered, completed
future fic
They’re all grown up and separated. Just when you thought it was all over for the old gang, fate throws them together once more.
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thebiggestboloser · 2 years
It’s been 5 years and I’m still seething with rage that we never got a power rangers 2017 sequel, that movie is and always will be my absolute everything
Just the representation, the diversity, the immaculate found family of it. Yeah, it was campy at times, but I would take that as a well done homage to the source material. It’s got grit and darker tones, it focuses on lesser explored issues for characters, such as having Zack as a young carer, having Billy be autistic and how well he is presented, having Trini struggling with her sexuality and the fact they removed the kiss between Jason and Kim as in doing so it made the movie so much more fluid - rather than being focused on the romance between the two of them we instead get to focus on the relationships between all of them, and fact that the group and having each other gives them all the support and stability they need. I would describe it as a coming of age film mixed with the breakfast club, with a 30 minute power rangers episode at the end, and it is fantastic.
If you haven’t watched this movie, please do, and then please take a visit to its AO3 archive because the fandom saw the potential that everyone else didn’t, and the fan fictions that they made from this film just wholly embody what is truly is and stands for make me love it even more.
I’m glad people are finally seeing how good of a movie this was but I wish that they had done so when it first came out. I’m devastated this movie never got it’s sequels that were planned. I love the cast, and the film (as you can see above). Part of me consoles myself by saying that the second movie probably definitely wouldn’t have had the headcanons the fandom made it into, but then again that was something we able to and had to do as we never got any more content. Introducing Tommy would have also thrown up the comfortable dynamics a bit, and to be honest I’m not really sure how I would have felt about a second movie as I love where we left off with the first so much, but a big part of me will always be sad that we never got any more from the characters (apart from a comic that introduces a GREAT concept of them being against more of a human threat of a task force rather than aliens, but was also just abandoned with everything else and also focused on Jason x Kimberly which I don’t want to think about so let’s say it’s not canon x)
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trinixkim · 7 years
You know your ship is special when they parallel it to the original Tommy and Kimberly 
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wingsyouburn · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @ricochetoconnell :) 
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
My current big fandoms are the MCU (mostly focused on Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes), Power Rangers (2017 movie and MMPR mostly) and Final Fantasy (mostly VI, VIII, and X with some VII thrown in). My “forever” fandoms are Star Wars and Highlander: The Series. Thanks to doing some fic exchanges, I’ve written for a lot of smaller fandoms too. I want to write more for The Mummy too. 
Eventually I’ll actually post some Dark Shadows fic but tbh the requests for that fandom are always hella weird. 
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. My Little Dorito (MCU) - I’m hella surprised this is on top tbh
2. Angel of Mine (MCU) 
3. Beyond the Stars and Stripes (MCU)
4. The World Revolves Around Us (Power Rangers 2017)
5. You Reflect Me (I Love That About You) (Final Fantasy VII)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sure do! Sometimes it takes me a while to get there though. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I... don’t really do angst that isn’t resolved by the end. I think the only fic I have that comes close is Things My Heart Used to Know (Things It Yearns To Remember), the one Ben Solo fic I will probably ever write. 
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! Usually crossing Final Fantasy storylines (Rydia/Yuna for liiiiiiife). 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. It’s not the super kinky shit but I have a lot of fun with it ;) 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’ve been co-writing a novel with a friend of mine, but that’s currently on hold. 
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ask me what my favorite fucking child is, why don’t you. 
Always ship: Han/Leia (Star Wars), Setzer/Celes (FFVI), Rick/Evy (The Mummy), Tommy Oliver/Kimberly Hart (MMPR), Trini/Kim (Power Rangers 2017)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Man, I really hope I get to finish the full arc of my Power Rangers/MCU crossover before I’m dead. 
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and pacing
What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing the setting. What do you mean, characters can’t just talk to each other instead? 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m fine if it suits the fic, but I tend to stick to a word or two. If they’re speaking lots of lines, there are other ways to denote that within a fic without relying on Google Translate. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
My first published fic, back on ff.net, was for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I was writing Dark Shadows and Highlander fic in high school. 
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
uh...... can’t I like them all? Here are some favorites: 
Arabian Nights (The Mummy, Rick/Evy/Ardeth)
Together We’ll Mend Your Heart (FFVIII, Rinoa & Angelo)
What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Who We Are (Power Rangers Dino Thunder/MMPR)
Tagging: @runicmagitek @tilltheendwilliwrite @theoreticalconstruct and anyone else who might like to play!
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fuckyeahjasontrini · 7 years
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“Girl, bye!”
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jokeson-u · 7 years
I know none of us wanna see any of our small children hurting, but. is it really too much to ask for an unrequited trimberly fanfic? cus its likely that (if there are more movies) jason/kim will be a think (or maybe tommy/kim if tommy is a boy) and i mean. its a good opportunity to some good ol one sided Angst
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kimberlyannharts · 5 years
Why did I think that Kimberly was the newish girl in school? Didn’t I read that somewhere? How could she have known Jason/Zack/Matt since childhood?
YEAH in the pre-shattered grid timeline, kim WAS the new girl in the group - on kim and matt’s first date (97 days before arrival day) he mentions that she’s been in angel grove for three weeks.  so she’s only been in angel grove for about three months before becoming a power ranger
however (though this is mostly speculation rn, nothing in the book has confirmed this yet) the team’s history may have been switched up due to the shattered grid reset so that they ALL have now known each other since childhood (including tommy)
“According to Parrott this one will bring in new characters from the mythos into the comic books and will change up the origin story a bit of the six friends. Here all six of the characters (Jason, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy) were friends previously, but Tommy was separated from them after having to go to another school. That meant they couldn’t tell him about them being Rangers despite being friends, and now they will have to deal with the ramifications of that after he becomes the Green Ranger.” [x]
so childhood tomberly might be on the table (matt do not interact) 
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gaiagalit · 5 years
Fandom ask: Power Rangers
Send me a Fandom and I’ll Tell You:
How I first got into it: As a kid - friends were into it.  I started watching with them.  I was hooked.  I watched for years. I stopped watching during Turbo during the casting change.  Got back into it during Dino Thunder when I found out Tommy Oliver was in it. Started rewatching previous seasons that I skipped.  (The only ones I haven’t seen are Wild Force and SPD).  Power Rangers ends for me at Mystic Force - although I may get into Operation Overdrive because there’s a heartwarming father/son subplot and I always love those :)
Everything I ship: Oooooh boy….where do I start? I’m just only going to list one per season:
Tommy x Kimberly (MMPR)
Billy x Trini (MMPR) [okay I know that’s two)
Adam x Tanya (Zeo & Turbo)
Ashley x Andros (In Space)
Leo x Kendrix (Lost Galaxy)
Carter x Dana (Lightspeed Rescue)
Wes x Jen (Time Force)
Blake x Tori (Ninja Storm)
Kira x Trent (Dino Thunder)
Madison x Nick (Mystic Force)
Kimberly x Trini (Power Rangers 2017)
My favourite platonic relationship(s): Not sure if I have a favorite.  I love the overall friendship and comradery that exist between the rangers themselves.
Top 3 Characters:
Kimberly Hart
Madison Rocca
Kira Ford
One of my favourite scenes: Hard to narrow it down.  Here’s two of them:
Zordon is saved (MMPR: The Movie)
Stand By Me (Power Rangers 2017)
Links to three fan works I like: Unfortunately, a lot of my favorites got taken down from YouTube :( Here are some I could still find:
Tommy & Kim: It’s All Coming Back
At The Beginning - Tommy & Kimberly (yes, this one’s mine :) I’m really proud of it)
Fearless and Agile (Trini and Billy)
Favourite Fandom meme/inside joke: Hmmm…can’t think of any right now.
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augment-techs · 3 years
Future possibilities for fics providing the Billy x Skull content I desperately need, because nobody else (but a brave few) are giving us anything at all, in spite of the Go Go Power Rangers/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Shattered Grid comics being a treasure trove of gorgeous: I’m taking votes on which ones sound the most appealing, because of course I am. * * I do this because I have to amuse myself. 
1) Accidental/Unwilling/Secret/Suffering-From-Crippling-Anxiety/TEMPORARY-Red Ranger Skull x Highly Suspicious Billy: there will be so much crying alone in the showers at school and fallout with Bulk, I swear to god.
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2) Skull’s shitty home life gets infinitely worse and Billy is worried: I proceed to provide that situation where one person sits in the other’s lap, backwards, and texts on their phone while the other one cries/sleeps.
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3) The Coinless and Ranger Slayer accidentally end up in the Central Universe: Kim and Bulk are a thing (fucking fight me, they’d be adorable); Trini and Zack are the ideal of Lesbian/Bi solidarity that has aged like the finest of wine (same as them); Adam and Aisha are still trying to build trust after Drakkon’s defeat; Skull is the leader of the Red Ranger Sentries. Most of these adults in the Command Center make the teens nervous, but none so much as Tommy, especially since all of them look a sneeze away from blowing him away--until Skull gives him a once-over and declares, “Nah. He’s a baby disaster, not an evil tyrant. Wanna take us to the Juice Bar and pay for our food?” He can’t look directly at Billy without his face crumbling, and Billy can’t look at him directly after accidentally running into him in the showers without a towel. The latter amusing Coinless-Zack to no end, with Billy declaring, “THIS IS NOT FAIR, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO HOT?!”
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(Shoutout to @lordkingsmith​ for encouraging my thoughts on AO3 about this~)
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thecousinsdangereux · 7 years
Green Envy Prompt - Part II
This is a short continuation of this jealous!Kim + girl!Tommy ficlet because @karatam asked for it and what else am I supposed to do during my lunch break? Eat? How absurd. 
Tommy Oliver is fine.
And yes, Kim does also mean ‘fine’ as in ‘super attractive’, because look, she's big enough to admit that. She's confident enough to not shy away from recognizing that Tommy is tall and beautiful and has flawless skin and cheekbones right out of an issue of Teen Vogue.
That's all totally... fine.
Because hell, Kimberly Hart is fine too, and she knows that as well. And if Tommy wants to do this — some kind of animal kingdom bullshit competition for Trini’s affection — that’s just fine as well. And Kim isn't going to take it lying down.
Even if she is currently lying down.
Face down.
On the floor of the Pit.
With Tommy Oliver on top of her.
And her stupid low voice in her ear.
“Don't beat yourself up about it, Kimberly,” she purrs (purrs!), front pressing into Kim's back. “I'm just really really good at this.”
Kim pretty much snarls at that, but then her reverse headbutt catches Tommy right in the face, which is enough to turn Kim’s expression into something far more smug, especially when she manages to push the other girl off and scramble to her feet.
“Maybe you're not as good as you think.”
Tommy cocks her head and blows a strand of hair out of her face; her tight curls are barely contained by the tie that pulls them back into a loose ponytail, and Kim feels a wave of both irritation and admiration that she manages to make it look so good, bouncing on her feet in an easy boxer shuffle.
“Nah,” she says with a lazy little smile. “I am. And I’ve seen you noticing it, too. You’re not that subtle, babe. Hate to tell you.”
“Right, because you’re the subtle one.” Kim lifts her chin towards Tommy and her stupidly impractical workout clothes (green and tight and tiny are the best three words for them). “Don’t think I don't know exactly what you're playing at.”
Tommy’s in front of her in flash, knocking aside the punch Kim instinctively throws, but not retaliating, only leaning in with that same unconcerned grin.
“Then I sure as hell hope you plan on finally doing something about it, because I've been ready since we met, princess,” Tommy breathes, eyes dipping down and then up again.
That’s... a really weird way of putting things and Kim’s in the process of trying to sort it all out when Tommy is suddenly shoved away from her with no small amount of force.
“Hey! You better watch yourself!”
Kim has to blink several times before the scene in front of her starts to make sense, and even then, she’s not exactly sure why she’s staring down at the back of Trini’s head. Or why the girl is using (or… attempting to use) all 5’ 1” of herself to shield Kimberly from Tommy’s reach.
“Woah, Trin,” Zack calls, sliding into view and (for some reason) casting Kim a slightly apologetic look as he tugs gently on Trini’s arms. “I didn’t mean jump in now.”
Billy’s there as well, and then Jason, the former looking quite a bit more baffled than the latter, though still ready to jump in himself, if need be.
“Wait, Jason, who are we defending? Kim, right? Or Trini? Both?”
This level of confusion is definitely something to which Kim can relate, because yeah, she still hasn’t figured this out. She opens her mouth to ask for clarification from someone, but she’s cut off by Tommy, who’s apparently completely unfazed by the commotion going on around her (and in fact seems to be enjoying it).
“Calm down, honeybee.” She winks at Trini, but then looks over the top of her head to meet Kim’s (admittedly now irritated) stare. “If you wanna join in that’s totally fine with me.”
“Oh my god,” Jason groans. “Tommy, seriously, cut it out.”
“What?” Hands held up to the height of her shoulders, Tommy takes a large step back, rolling her eyes at the group. “Y’all need to chill. Look, I know Pink and Yellow are making lemonade, but damn, I just thought they wanted a third.”
“What!?” Trini and Kim’s voices (and their incredulity) blend together pretty much perfectly. Trini actually steps back to Kim’s side, as though physically struck by the implication. (She’s also blushing and definitely avoiding everyone’s gaze. Kim can feel her own cheeks getting hot as well, so… that’s not great.)  
“Holy shit,” Zack stage whispers and Kim would totally smack him for sounding so gleeful if she weren’t still reeling.
Tommy, for her part, actually begins to look slightly less sure about her role in this whole debacle.
“I know you guys are dating,” she reiterates slowly. “I just thought you liked using me to get each other riled up. And that we would all eventually…” She makes some sort of vague hand gesture that Kim has to try very hard not to picture the implications of, and shit, she’s really blushing. “Is that… not what we were doing?”
“Holy shit,” Zack says again.
“No! Trini and I aren’t... dating,” Kim explains, tugging once at the collar of her tank top.
“Wait, really?” It’s Billy who interjects now, his confusion apparently not at all cleared up. “But Jason said that Kim— ”
Jason shushes him rapidly. “Billy!”
“Said that Kim what?” Trini asks, turning to look at Kim with a sort of hesitant smile (though there’s still a definite pink hue to her cheeks).
And okay. This isn’t exactly how Kim had planned on swooping Trini of her feet with a declaration of her affections.
“Oh my god,” Tommy groans, throwing her head back. “Are you kidding me? You know what? I’m out. I’m done for tonight. Sorry boss man, but this…” She waves her hand in between Kim and Trini. “This shit needs to get sorted.”
“Um.” Jason clears his throat, looking sort of wide-eyed between the three girls. “That’s fair.”
Tommy starts to walk backwards towards the entrance. “But hey, once you two get things worked out…” She grins, then spins around to strut out, calling out over her shoulder to finish her thought, “...You know where to find me.”
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