#look at leo snuggling against hongbin
yehet-me-up · 7 years
VIXX as Boyfriends
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N/Cha Hakyeon
Look at him pretending to be all innocent 😂 N would be such a sweet, caring, and romantic boyfriend. He’ll buy you a bouquet of roses and surprise you with it, just to watch the delighted smile on your face. He’ll spend hours cooking you dinner, complete with candles lit on the table, worrying about getting every detail just right.
He’ll love sitting on the couch with you, watching a movie after a long day; your feet in his lap, his hands lazily running up and down your legs. He’ll pull you to him, hands on either side of your face, giving you a dramatic smacking kiss each morning before you both leave for the day, grinning like he's won the lottery. He’s the type to text you cute love notes or send you cute snaps during the day, just to cheer you up and let you know he’s thinking about you.
You’re totally the parents of the group, nagging and making sure everyone is taken care of. He’ll easily go from everyone’s mom, making sure they eat and get lots of sleep, to “call me daddy” Hakyeon in under a second 😏. Especially when he dances, good lord this man knows what he’s doing to you, let’s be real. Will smirk and go extra hard on all the choreo if you’re in the audience.
You feel like home to him, so whether it’s been two weeks or three hours since you last saw each other he’ll wrap you up in his arms and kiss you deeply, not wasting a second on teasing or fooling around. One arm around your waist, the other along your neck, cupping the back of your head, tilting you up toward him. He’ll pull away for a second to look you in they eye, sliding his thumb across your cheek softly. “I love you so much,” he says reverently, before kissing you with renewed focus. ugh I cry.
His kisses are firm and steady; he hums his approval as you slide into that perfect rhythm that you always manage to find together, your lips joining and pulling apart over and over like they were meant for each other. He’s completely in tune with your needs and will never tire of kissing you, always wanting to make sure you’ve completely had your fill before he presses forward to something more. 
He’s also content to spend a whole morning just kissing you. You sitting on his bed, in your PJs, your knees on either side of him, holding his face gently, pressing light kisses against his lips - that's his idea of heaven. Sunlight streaming in, music softly playing; he loves nothing more than getting lost in you for hours at a time.
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Leo/Jung Taekwoon
This leggy ball of fluff! Most of the time he’ll be the cutest, most thoughtful boyfriend ever. He won’t be super talkative around other people unless he knows them well, but he’ll always be next to you, holding your hand or having you sit on his lap. Loves little texts or notes from you; knowing your feelings gives him the permission to tell you how much he feels for you in return. 
If you’re having a bad day he’ll stop by the store and pick up all your favorite foods and your favorite movie. Won’t even tell you about it or brag, he’ll do it quietly, instinctively wanting to take care of you. He’ll come in, pull you into a hug and be like, “Why don’t you go take a bath, I’ll cook dinner and then we can watch a movie?” And you nod against his chest, his arms running up and down your back, wondering how you found the most caring man ever. 
You’re that chic, put together couple that everyone finds intimidating the first time they meet you - until you both burst out laughing at something silly, faces lighting up, and they realize that you’re both total marshmallows underneath. Especially around his nephew - good lord, this man would be a complete mushy mess whenever his nephew smiles at or hugs you.
You’re both experts at reading the other’s expressions, not needing words to communicate most of the time. You've become fluent in reading his head tilts, eyebrow raises, and little smiles. While you’re not the most demonstrative couple, you have a love that runs deep beneath the surface. 
He’s never more open and honest than he is in his lyrics; anytime he shows you a new song you mentally prepare yourself to either start crying at how sweet it is or to want to jump his bones because it’s so sexy.
Won’t make a big production out of it if he’s in the mood, he’s more the quiet and stealthy type. Pulling you into the shower with him early in the morning. Leaning down to whisper in your ear if you’re out with friends, quietly suggesting that you head home for an early night, giving you a wink. 
Or you’ll be reading on the couch together and he’ll nudge you with his knee, nodding his head toward the bedroom, smiling like a cat so you can’t miss his meaning. He’ll be attentive, passionate, intense; and once he gets over his shyness with you, you’ll never be unsatisfied in the bedroom.
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Ken/Lee Jaehwan
ugh my baby Such a sweetheart, I can’t even. Kisses, non-stop kisses. Forehead, cheeks, lips, your hands, like - any part of you he can reach, kisses your ankle if your feet are in his lap. Very physically affectionate. Snuggles, anywhere and everywhere. Back hugs, resting his head on your shoulder while you’re out with the group. Cannot go more than ten minutes without holding your hand.
If he gets depressed or anxious he’ll just come over and put his head in your lap, pouting. Wants you to reassure him how amazing he is, run your fingers through his hair, and give him lots of hugs. Might try to keep to himself when he’s feeling down, but lasts all of like, four seconds, before he calls you and tells you what’s wrong, asking you to come over.
SO MUCH AEGYO. Leaves little drawings hidden in your jacket, your purse, on your fridge. Blows you kisses on stage. Does cute voices if you’re feeling under the weather to make you smile. Will immediately text you photos of any animal he sees and demands that you do the same. Calls you every single sweet nickname he can think of.
Wants to be out doing things. Going to the arcade, laughing hysterically while you battle each other at the games. Playing hide and seek in the grocery store. Getting dinner at a drive in, making the waitress laugh as you throw french fries at each other and sing along loudly to the radio. No matter where you go together you have fun - the DMV, the bank, just cooking dinner - no occasion is too small to be special between you two.
The moodmakers of the group for sure. Everyone feeling down? Here you two come - twerking, making silly faces, cracking jokes. Always there to cheer up your friends, but you’re also great at listening and being supportive. 
Will call and sing to you any time you’re apart, getting really close up to the camera, “see baby, it’s like I’m right there with you!” Brings you stuffed animals, keychains, magnets, little things to remind you of him. Always leaves behind his sweatshirt so you can wrap yourself up in it when you’re missing him.
Makes the worst puns ever when he wants to get you in bed. “Do you have a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them,” he says cracking up while he slides his hands into your back pockets. The most fun person ever in the bedroom, always making you laugh in between kisses. And good lord, this man will try anything once, so get ready to experiment!
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Ravi/Kim Wonshik
Ravehhhh! Life with him isn’t boring, that’s for sure. He’ll call you up at two in the morning to go and get doughnuts from an all-night grocery store. You’ll be in the back seat of his car, sitting on his lap, laughing and feeding each other bites in between kisses. Pretty quiet in the group, leaning against each other in the back, his hand playing with yours as you laugh at Ken and Hyuk’s antics.
You spend hours on facetime with him, sometimes when you’re only a few cities apart, sometimes from across the world. His handsome face bobbing in and out of the frame as he excitedly tells you about his day, showing you the places he’s seeing, promising that in the future you’ll come back together.
It’s hard on you both when he’s away, and more than once you’ve called him up, telling him that you miss him and asking him to sing you to sleep with his low, melodic voice. He always obliges, saying that he wishes he was there holding you in person. 
But you see each other as often as possible, spending countless days and nights at your apartment, reading while he writes lyrics, playing with his adorable dog, or just dancing around together to whatever song’s on the radio.
When it comes to intimacy, this is where Wonshik turns into Ravi - coming in hot and heavy; nipping at your lips, your neck, your thighs, any part of you he can reach. He’ll take you any way he can get you too. On the table, against a wall, in the shower; he’ll even talk you into quickies in the car on long road trips, when neither of you can wait the few hours until you reach the hotel. 
He’ll tease you relentlessly, sliding his fingers from your knee up to your thigh and under your skirt when you’re at a big group dinner. He’ll send you racy text messages stating exactly what he wants to do to your body the next time he sees you, making you blush at your phone in the middle of work or at the grocery store. 
He’ll never miss a chance to touch you, his arm permanently around you when you’re out together. He’ll press up against you from behind while you cook, fingers playing with the edge of your shirt, leaning down to mark your shoulder with a hickey until you can’t take it anymore and chase him around the apartment, laughing hysterically. 
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Hongbin/Lee Hongbin
This precious cinnamon roll! Textbook adoring boyfriend. He loves to take you out on the town, dressed to the nines. He’ll be a perfect gentleman, holding the door for you, never checking his phone, insisting on walking you to your door. Super positive, the biggest supporter of anything you do, will buy balloons and champagne to celebrate at any opportunity. 
Constantly tells you how beautiful you are, whether you’re wearing a floor-length dress or your PJs on a Saturday morning. Grins like he just won a million dollars any time you visit him on set or at a concert. Loves to create little special romantic moments for you, like dragging you outside into the rain just so he can kiss you under it.
He’s also a teasing little shit sometimes. If you beat him at video games, lord help you. He’ll sneak up behind you and pick you up by the waist, spinning you around until you’re begging for mercy. 
Meme couple to the max, known for your hilarious and sassy expressions. Will only do aegyo for you and jokingly threatens to kill you if you tell anyone about it. Will proudly high five you any time you roast one of the boys with a savage comeback. Knows how much his stage presents turns you on and will amp up the hip thrusts any time you’re in the audience, just to torture you.
He loves to sit with his back against the couch, watching movies with you snuggled between his legs. Hands wrapped around your waist, head resting on top of yours, he’ll be sighing happily. But before the movie has reached the ten minute mark he’s playing with your hair, trailing kisses down your neck and shoulder, trying his best to distract you. 
Does anything he can to get you to break your stubborn attention on the screen. He’ll try tickling you, using that deep voice of his, before eventually just pulling you up onto the couch and kissing the daylights out of you until you forget all about the movie.
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Hyuk/Han Sanghyuk
OMG this squish. He’s such a little kid when he’s in love! Very sweet and caring most of time, but occasionally turns into the most annoying/teasing/devil of a boyfriend ever.
Will throw you over his shoulder, spinning you around, you smacking him in the butt, laughing to be put down. Playing endless pranks on each other. Water balloon fights, chasing each other aroung the yard. 
Coming up with the most outrageous nicknames for each other to annoy the rest of the group. “I love you gummy bear.” “No, I love YOU honey crisp.” “NO, I love you, bumble bee.” “Guys, will you shut up!” 
Surprising him at concerts, watching his eyes light up as he runs over to give you a big bear hug after. “How did I do, babe? Sexy right?!” “Yes Hyukkie, very sexy.”
Everyone in the group calls you their kids no matter how old you get. When you all go to the beach you and Hyuk are the first in the water, running in together, dunking and splashing each other. N looks at the rest of the boys in alarm - “Wait, did anyone remember to make sure the kids are wearing sunscreen?!” 
Falling asleep on long plane rides or car trips, your head on his shoulder, his arm around you, both snoring softly. “Aww, aren’t the kids cute?” N and Ken insisting on taking photos of you two before big events, posing you like prom photos, talking about how good you look together. 
Surprise kisses are his favorite way to initiate sexy times with you. You’ll be sitting on his lap, reading or talking, when he suddenly grabs you and starts kissing you all over your face, making you giggle. “Gah, baby, what are you doing to me?” Then he flips you over onto the bed and looks at you with his eyebrows raised before dipping down to kiss along your jaw, pulling one of your legs over his hips. You laugh and say “Ohhh, I see,” sliding your hands under his shirt, pulling him up to kiss you full on the mouth.
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fixxofvixx · 7 years
Hello~~! I have a new chapter for you! I actually wasn’t expecting to write this one as fast as I did! I hope you like it! 😀😀
Please, please let me know what you think!! You have no idea how much it means to me!! 🙏🙏
Demon Leo is up next!
Enjoy the chapter!!
You followed Taekwoon back into the hotel room and looked around at the damage. Framed pictures had fallen from the wall, glass littered parts of the floor. The lamp on the bedside table had crashed to the floor and the phone had fallen off.
“Leave your shoes on just in case you step on glass.” Taekwoon walked around the room, surveying the damage.
“Okay. I can’t believe this happened! We usually don’t get earthquakes.”
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing that it happened when it did. If it was about ten minutes earlier, it would have been two different earthquakes at the same time.” He winked at you and your mouth fell open.
“Taekwoon!” You buried your face in your hands in embarrassment. When he gasped dramatically, you looked up at him.
“I hope it wasn’t us that caused it!”
“Oh my gosh, shut up! The others can probably hear you!”
As if on cue, someone knocked on the door. Your face paled, knowing someone had heard your conversation. Taekwoon opened the door to reveal Hakyeon.
Of course, it had to be the one with the best hearing.
“I, uh, I’m sorry to interrupt but I need to talk with you.” He slowly walked into the room and smiled shyly at you. You groaned softly and busied yourself by picking up some things around the room. “I received a call just a moment ago from Jimin’s uncle.”
Your heart all but stopped when you heard Hakyeon’s explanation of the phone call. Apparently, some of the hybrids from the jail had escaped.
“D-do we know which ones got out?” Your voice was strained and you could barely form the words. Taekwoon walked over to you and put his arm around your waist.
“We’re not sure yet. He’s supposed to call me later with more details. He just wanted to give us a heads up…you know…just in case.”
You nodded, understanding, but your mind was a mess. Tears threatened your eyes and your hands were starting to shake.
“We’re going to leave early so we can get back to Seoul. We need to leave in about an hour.”
Taekwoon must have agreed, prompting Hakyeon to leave. You could only stand there. Not knowing what to do with yourself, you started cleaning up the mess next to you on the floor. A large framed picture had fallen beside the bed and glass was everywhere. Haphazardly, you started picking up the shards.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?!” Taekwoon knelt down and pulled you up off the floor. Placing you on the bed, he took his hands in yours. It was only then that you had realized that your fingers were bleeding. Funny, you couldn’t feel the pain.
“I-I didn’t even realize.”
“Sweetheart, look at me.” When you met his eyes he continued. “It’s okay. They may not have even escaped. Don’t wear yourself out but worrying. We need to wait and see what Jimin’s uncle says. He should call us soon.”
There were thankfully only two cuts that needed bandaging so you just cleaned the rest off. You still felt like you were in a daze. There wasn’t a lot to repack before leaving so you simply sat on the bed and waited.
After what seemed like an eternity, you were all piling in the van. You had just settled against Taekwoon when Hakyeon’s phone rang. Your body tensed and Taekwoon wrapped his arm around your waist, rubbing soothing circles over your hip. Hakyeon’s face was stoic and you couldn’t read his expressions. You had to keep reminding yourself to breathe until he ended the call.
“That was Jimin’s uncle. MinJeong didn’t make it out. He tried but was crushed by some falling debris. He’s dead.” The leader spoke quietly but void of emotion.
You closed your eyes at the thought. Of course, you never wanted anyone to lose their life. But, for it to happen like that was something you didn’t want to imagine.
“However,” Hakyeon took a deep breath and you knew what was coming, “HaeJeong and JooHyung and a few other hybrids got out. They’re tracking them since they were all given ankle monitors when they were incarcerated. Those don’t really come off easily so they can figure out where they’re at. And right now, they’re headed for Seoul.”
You turned further into Taekwoon and he wrapped his arms around you fully. One of the managers tapped on Hakyeon’s window and he stepped out to talk to them.
“It’s okay, Noona. They’re tracking them, right? So they can find them really fast and put them back where they belong.” Hongbin patted your shoulder and you nodded. You desperately hoped that it would turn out like that.
Hakyeon returned to the van and you turned to see him.
“Well, our schedules have been cancelled because of the earthquake so I requested that we not go back to Seoul just quite yet. Since they know where we live, they might head there. We’ll steer clear to give the police time to find them. I’m taking suggestions on where we can go for a few days until the authorities can find those two.”
The van was silent for a moment until Taekwoon spoke up.
“We can go to my family’s hanok. It’s kind of out of the way but it’s a bit off the grid so it would be a good place to lay low. I’ve been meaning to pay a visit to someone around there anyway.” You knew he also wanted to go there for another reason but you kept quiet about that. It was not the right time.
“If you’re sure, that would be great.” Taekwoon nodded and Hakyeon put Taekwoon’s instructions into the gps in the van. He stepped out quickly to inform the rest of the group in the other van and soon you were all on your way.
The drive would take about 3 hours and you were dreading being alone with your thoughts for that long considering Taekwoon would most likely sleep. Knowing you wouldn’t be able to, you turned to Taekwoon.
“Taekwoon?” You whispered and he looked down at you. “I want to sleep but I don’t think I can. Can you…?”
He smiled knowingly and nodded. You would ask for him to do this from time to time when you were stressed out and couldn’t relax. He would sneak it in sometimes too when he wanted you to stay in bed with him. Lowering his head, his lips gently touched yours and you instantly felt the power course through you. Your limbs became heavy and you sank into his chest. He must have put a lot into it because it was only seconds before you passed out.
You woke to arguing and you tried to figure out what was going on but you were still so tired. It took you a few moments to realize that you were moving. Peeking an eye open, you only saw Taekwoon’s neck, so he must be carrying you. You guessed that you had reached the hanok and he didn’t want to wake you. You agreed with his decision.
“Taekwoon, dear, are you sure she’s okay?” The voice coming from behind Taekwoon sounded familiar but you couldn’t quite place it in the haze of sleep.
“Yes, I promise she is just fine. She was a little stressed out and asked me to help her sleep. She’s just really tired and finding out what happened today just took a toll on her. You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to her, Mom.”
Mom?! Now you knew why you found the voice familiar. His Mom must have met everyone at the hanok with the keys. You tried to raise up to say hello to her but Taekwoon pulled you closer to his chest.
“Sleep, love. You can say your greetings later. She’ll be here for a while.” His soothing voice reached your ears and you snuggled into the warmth of his chest. Soon, the natural light faded to artificial as Taekwoon laid you on an all too familiar bed. He tucked the covers around you and you didn’t have the strength to protest. He placed a barely-there kiss over your tattoo and you smiled, burying yourself further into the covers. His fingers ran through your hair until you were finally in a deep sleep.
The next time you woke, the room was dark. You turned to feel around the bed, hoping Taekwoon was there, but it was empty. Turning on the lamp on the nightstand, you surveyed the room. On the far edge of the bed was your suitcase. On top of that was a change of clothes laid out for you. You smiled at the sweet thoughtfulness of Taekwoon before heading to the bathroom, grabbing the clothes along the way.
Once you finished with your shower and a change of clothes you walked out of the bathroom to find Taekwoon standing right outside the small door. You almost screamed in surprise but he covered your mouth with his hand and forced you back into the bathroom. He closed the door and pressed you into it. He placed a finger over his lips urging you to stay quiet. His eyes turned predatory and a shiver ran up your spine. The closer he got to you, the more intense the glow in his eyes became. Oh, boy, you knew that look.
He removed his hand and replaced it with his lips, a barely-audible growl filling the room at the contact. His hips ground rhythmically into yours as his hands travelled everywhere he was able to get to on your body. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth before moving to attack your throat. Your only optipn was to meet him pace for pace. This definitely wasn’t what you expected when you came out of the bathroom. One hand found your breast as his lips brushed dangerously close to your tattoo. A quick flick of his tongue sent your body into overdrive. A sound of pure pleasure bubbled up from your throat and he raised his hand to place his thumb over your lips, silently reminding you to be quiet. When he was sure you were in control again he lowered his hand to your thigh, pulling it up until your leg was successfully wrapped around his waist. If he kept this up, you were going to need another shower. Your hands were under his shirt roaming over his back when he bit down–hard–on your shoulder. You cried out, but you couldn’t decide if it was from pleasure or pain. Honestly, you didn’t care.
Taekwoon must not have been able to tell either when he raised his head from your shoulder and looked at you, eyes glowing way too bright.
“Did I hurt you?” He was breathing heavy and his voice was laced with desire.
“No, no, I’m fine. Just surprised. What are you doing? Not that I’m complaining.” He chuckled before taking several deep breaths.
“I wasn’t sure how much I would be able to do this for the next few days. When I heard you wake up, I took my chance. My mom has decided to stay with us for at least a couple of days. She’s convinced we’re starving and need to be fed constantly.”
“Oh, okay.”
“I’m sorry I startled you.” He ran his finger over the patch of skin he’d bitten. “I didn’t mean to bite you that hard. It just kind of happened. It doesn’t hurt?”
“No, it’s fine. That’s not the first time you’ve done that, you know.”
“I know.” He brushed his lips over the spot before leaning back again to look at you.
“And I know you can’t control it. And you should know by now that I like it. So problem solved.” You smiled at the slight blush that covered his cheeks. “I’m assuming you want to take a shower now?”
“A very, very, VERY cold one. Care to join me?” He shrugged when you declined. “Your loss. But, wait for me in the bedroom okay? I won’t take long.”
You nodded and waited for him to release you but he didn’t move. His arms were just as tight around you as before and every inch of his body was molded to yours. He took your lips again but the heated ferver from before was gone. This was slow-too slow-and deep. One of his hands curled around the nape of your neck while the other stayed locked around your waist. Tears almost sprang to your eyes from the pure emotion that he was putting into the kiss. His had just reached the waistband of your pants when you both heard the bedroom door open. Taekwoon removed his lips and looked at you.
Your eyes widened when you heard his Mother’s voice from somewhere in the room behind you. Like before, Taekwoon put his finger over his lips to tell you to stay quiet but you were never one to listen. You opened your mouth to answer his mother but Taekwoon covered your mouth with his hand. Red tinged eyes narrowed at you, daring you to do something. When you tried to break free, he leaned forward and stopped his lips just mere millimeters from your tattoo. His warm breath over the small paw print was already causing your body to shake. His threat was heard loud and clear. If you called for his mother, he would have you screaming in pleasure before she could reach the door. Fear of embarrassment beyond imagination forced you to stay quiet.
“Where did that boy go?” His mother’s voice faded and soon you heard the bedroom door shut.
You breathed a sigh of relief but it caught in your throat when his tongue ran over the tattoo. You had to bite your lip to keep quiet.
“You’re evil.” You whispered into his ear, earning a delightful shudder from him.
“I want you.” His teeth grazed along your neck and you almost lost the ability to stand. He looked up at you and you saw that the black had already taken over half of his eyes. You almost said yes. Almost.
“W-we can’t, Taekwoon, your Mother is here. Not to mention all the rest of the guys. We’ve already done too much. I’ll wait for you in the bedroom, okay?”
He sighed, knowing he wouldn’t win. He backed away from you and you quickly slipped out the door. Seeing his suitcase on the bed, you realized that he had nothing to change in to. You gathered his clothes quickly and knocked on the bathroom door. He opened the door and you blushed. He had already stripped down to his boxers and now looked hopeful.
“Change your mind?”
“No, you forgot these.” You placed the clothes on the tiny table next to the door and turned to escape. You didn’t make but one step in in the opposite direction when Taekwoon’s arm curled around your waist with lightning speed, hauling you against his chest.
“I’ll get you later, don’t worry.” He growled into your ear before nipping it. He released you and closed the door. You slid down the door and onto the floor. You were tempted to open the door and take him up on his offer but the way you were feeling right now, there would’ve been no way you could keep quiet.
Eventually, you made it back to the bed and waited for Taekwoon to finish. Your thoughts were a mess between Taekwoon’s delightful advances and the whole ordeal with JooHyung and HaeJeong. It was ironic that you had just been talking with JiYoon about everything being quiet now that they had been arrested.
You put your head in your hands and rubbed your temples. You just wanted everything to go back to before the earthquake. You didn’t want to have to constantly look over your shoulder.
Fingers appeared on the back of your neck and you jumped. Your head snapped up to see Taekwoon staring at you, concern etched on his face.
“Hey, I didn’t hear you come out of the bathroom.” You stood and he immediately put his arms around you, pinning yours to your sides. You laughed until his lips came to your ear again.
“Stop worrying so much. Everything will be fine.”
“I know. We’ve stopped them before, we can do it again, right?” If only you believed that.
“Right. Come on, let’s get you to my Mother before she goes crazy. I know she’s dying to see you.” He removed his arms and grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers through yours.
You followed Taekwoon to the common area of the hanok where Jaehwan and Hyuk were arguing about who got to sleep where.
“There’s plenty of space guys, just pick something.” Taekwoon rolled his eyes and continued past them.
“Hey, Noona, we could have a sleepover party in your room! We can have snacks and play games and–” Jaehwan stopped short when Taekwoon’s loud growl filled the room.
You started to say something to him but a hand suddenly smacked him in the back of the head, sending his whole body forward a bit. Wided-eyed, you peeked around Taekwoon to see who would be that brave but giggled when you saw his Mother.
“Jung Taekwoon, don’t growl at your friends.” She turned and smiled at you, ignoring her son’s reactions. “Hello, dear, I hope you feel a bit better after your nap.”
“Yes, I do, Mrs. Jung, thank you.”
“Oh, gosh, honey, no! You can call me Mom! Especially since you’re really stuck with this overgrown troublemaker.” She winked at you and then turned on Taekwoon. “And you! Don’t think I don’t know where you were earlier! Lord knows I want grandchildren but hold off on all of that until we are not in the same house!”
It took you a second to realize what she was talking about and then your face turned four different shades of red. You gasped and hid your face in Taekwoon’s arm.
“Mom, don’t embarrass her like that!”
“You should be the one who’s embarrassed!” She smacked his arm and headed back into the kitchen, demanding that you both follow her. Taekwoon sighed and pulled you along behind him. You could hear the laughter of the boys behind you but you refused to look at them. You really just wanted to hide under the floor.
Right now, you’d take another earthquake over following his Mom into the kitchen.
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hyungtop · 7 years
C H I J K N S U Y for Vixx Ken?
wow this is a long post buckle up boys
C - Cuddles (cuddler? not a cuddler? maybe a cuddler? how would they cuddle?)
yes and no. when he’s in the mood, he’s going to cling onto you and follow you around until you cave in and find a comfortable surface to cuddle with him. if he’s feeling kind of prickly, it’s best to leave him alone to deal with whatever’s bugging him until he cools down enough to come looking for you and the comfort of your body wrapped around him.
H - Hugs (how would they hug you? is it common for them to hug you?)
ken hugs you all the time, especially since he wants to always be expressing affection for you but can’t exactly kiss you in public. he gathers you in his arms, resting his cheek against your head and gently nosing at your ear. after a few seconds, he leans down and kisses you repeatedly on the top of the head until you squirm away, then beams down at you with his eyes crinkled and his mouth wide in a smile.
I - Intimate (how touchy feely are they? when would they become comfortable to be touchy feely?)
he’s slipping in sly touches here and there before you even start dating, combing through your hair with his fingers, pretending there’s food on your face to wipe it off with his thumb, guiding your head onto his shoulder when you’re feeling sleepy. but much like cuddling, it all depends on his mood. if he’s not feeling affectionate, he’ll brush off your touches without a thought and find some space to be alone. if he is, prepare to be smothered in kisses and tickles.
J - Jealous (would they ever get jealous? how would they act if they were jealous?)
ken doesn’t get jealous in the possessive sense, but he does get irritated if he sees you bonding with his members in ways that he can’t really relate to, like cooking with leo and n or laughing at inside jokes with hongbin and hyuk. he’ll never admit it to you because he’s too proud to do that, but he’ll turn to you and tell you that he needs some time alone before trudging off with his eyebrows scrunched and his lower lip jutting out in a pout.
K - Kisses (how would they kiss you? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
different from casual pecks on the lips or cheek, his meaningful kisses always make you feel like you’re the only person in the world who matters. he doesn’t hold your waist, but he steps close enough to you that your bodies are pressed close. instead, he holds your face with both hands, gazing at you with all the love in the world in his eyes before pressing his mouth against yours. he likes to kiss the back of your hand because it makes him feel like a gentleman, but mostly because it makes you giggly. he thinks it’s really cute when you lean over and plant one right on his cheek when you’re sitting together. he tries to act like he was expecting it but can’t help from smiling until his eyes disappear into crescents.
N - Night (how are nights spent with them?)
usually he stays up late practicing or playing video games, but ken really loves to get ready for bed with you. if you’re showering, he’ll sit in the bathroom with you and talk with you until you get out, which is when he’ll attempt to dry you off before he gets lazy and gives up. he likes watching you go through your nighttime routine, brushing your teeth and applying any skincare products. he’s right there beside you, elbowing you away when it’s his turn at the sink. his favorite part of the night is climbing into bed with you, giving you a minty good night kiss before snuggling into the covers.
S - Sleep (what are their sleep habits?)
he doesn’t really have any notable sleep habits other than talking in his sleep about what’s been on his mind lately. usually he’s thinking about dancing or gaming, so you’ve heard him mumbling things like “but i didn’t make a mistake on that move…” and “suck it, hongbinnie!”
U - Ugly (what would be some ugly habits of theirs that you’d not like?)
ken’s an expensive hoe a big spender so that would be worrying if you’re the type to save up and spend wisely. he’s also quick to anger so arguments escalate quickly from civilized disagreements into screaming matches. another ugly habit, but one that’s not exclusive only to him: he gets majorly hangry.
Y - Yuck (what would be things they wouldn’t really like? either in general or in a partner)
a few of ken’s dislikes: being ignored, waking up early, receiving too much attention, waiting for food, slow wi-fi, being disrespected
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kpopgurl91 · 7 years
Vixx Leo Appa Ch1
Shielding her from the rain Leo began looking for shelter. He didn't like the area but the child couldn't stay out in the rain. Searching he found an abandon building. Entering allowed them a break from the storm. Leo kept the girl close and leaned against the cold concrete wall. He tried to stay awake, to make sure they hadn't been followed. His eyes quickly became heavy with exhaustion. Fighting the exhaustion proved harder than he expected. Before he knew it his eyelids began to droop closed. He was woken when thunder shook the building and the child began to cry. She really hated thunder storms. He wrapped his arms around her and gently sang. She quieted down and clung to his shirt. His voice always seemed to soothe her. Morning came all too soon. The clouds had cleared somewhat much to the relief of the boy.
The worst was over. He noticed the child was still asleep. This girl loves her sleep too much Leo thought with a fond smile. Standing somewhat clumsily as he hadn't eaten in a while. What he did steal he gave most of to her. Too afraid that something or someone could happen made Leo not want to let go of the child. He could feel a fever spiking. He could fight it though. He always did. She was his first priority. She always had been. Peeking out he noticed no one was around. He began walking, making sure to look over his shoulder. No one seemed to be following them but he couldn't take any chances.
He felt the child begin to stir and smiled down at her. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at the bright light. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. She snuggled into him as she watched everything around them. He didn't stop walking until around noon. At least that's what he thought with the location of the sun. He didn't have a watch on so he had no idea how to tell. He only stopped because he had to take the child to the bathroom. She was just learning how to use the toilet. After that he sat down exhausted. The child climbed up on the bench and kissed his cheek. He smiled and placed a hand atop her head. Poor thing hadn't a bath in over a week. He was at his wits end on what to do. His fever was spiking and they hadn't eaten in three days.
They stayed at the park so she could play. It was getting dark sooner rather than later now. Which meant winter was on it's way. There was already a nip in the air. The child shivered as she clung to him. He felt bad that he was no longer, the thing that could keep her warm. After a minute she seemed to decide it was time to play again. She got up and ran off towards the swings. He watched from his spot and smiled. He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until a loud piercing scream reached his ears. Instantly he was awake and running to the child. He reached her in record time scooping her up in his arms. She quieted down and pointed to her elbow. There was a trickle of blood where she had fallen.
"Oh do you need a bandaid?" A dark skinned boy asked holding one out to him. Leo nodded and took the band aid from the boy. Very carefully he placed the bandaid over the girls wound and kissed it.
"Thank you." She told the dark skinned boy quietly. It was so quiet he almost didn't here it. He smiled kindly and the little girl blushed and hid her face in the older boy.
"Im Hakyeon by the way." He smiled at the two. The little girl smiled shyly up at him and hid her head in the quiet boys chest. 

"Aww!" He cooed. The quiet boy just watched his actions ready to move the girl away in a second if he needed to. Before anything could happen two little boys came running and gripped onto the boy known as Hakyeon. 

"Eomma who's this?" They asked not bothering to say hello. Hakyeon scolded them to be more polite and greet properly. 
"And stop calling me Eonma! I told you it's Hyung!"
"Ne hyung!." They sang before giggling.
"Can she come play?" One with a dimple smile asked.
"Were playing dragons but we need a princess!" 

"What did I just tell you? Introduce yourselves!" Hakyeon scolded. 

"I'm Wonsik." A boy with a round face spoke while bowing politely.

"I'm Hongbin!" The other smiled and bowed. His features where a bit sharper than his brothers.

"What's her name eomma?" Wonsik asked pointing up to the girl.

"Why don't you ask her?" He suggested forgetting to scold them for calling him momma yet again.

"What's your name?" The one named Hongbin asked. She froze feeling everyones gaze on her. 

"Yuki." She spoke quietly. 

"Come play with us!" Wonsik said as he jumped up and down. He was growing restless. Yuki looked up at her appa. He gave her a short nod and she smiled. After giving him a wet kiss on his cheek he set her down. The boys took a hand on either side other her and ran off. 

"I never got your name." Hakyeon smiled at the scene of his younger siblings playing with Yuki. She was shy but was definitely holding her own with the boys. At one point she was even bossing them around.

"Leo." He replied quietly. He kept his face expressionless but it brought joy to his heart to see his little sister playing with the two boys. Even if she wasn't related by blood, she was the most precious person in his life. Leo had been placed in charge of the kids while the moms worked. His mom and the Yuki's mom had grown close. They became fast friends through work and tried to look out for one another. Sadly that's what cost them. Leo knew it wouldn't be long before something happened to him and the girl so he grabbed her and ran. 
Some other kids had joined in causing Yuki to become shy once more but one of the boys, Hongbin he believed grabbed her hand and kept her close. 

"Leo? Like the animal?" Hakyeon spoke with a slight laugh. Leo gave him no response. He spared him a glance as he watched Yuki play with the boys. He hadn't seen her smile and laugh like this before. She was usually so quiet and stuck to him like glue. Now she was so carefree and her smile reached her eyes. As they played either Hong bin or Wonsik was by her side. It gave him comfort knowing those two little ones where watching out for her. 

"Seeing as the kids are having so much fun," Hakyeon spoke after thinking for a moment. "Why don't you come have dinner with us?" Before Leo could respond Hakyeon continued. "I know your sick. You can't take care of Yuki if your sick." Leo let out a small quiet sigh. Hakeon was right but he didn't want to rely on a stranger. Still, he had to keep Yuki safe and she hated eaten in days.

"You can stay until your well again." Hakyeon spoke interrupting his thoughts. "Yuki and you will have a roof over your head and something to eat. Once your better, if you want to leave you can." Hakyeon looked over at the kids playing and smiled. "The boys seem quite taken with her. I've never seen them warm up this fast to a little girl around their age. Think about it. I'm heading home in about ten minutes to get the boys dinner and ready for bed." Hakyeon called a warning to the kids that it would be time to go soon. He then became quiet watching the kids play. He sat beside Leo and watched contently as the children ran about. When the time was up he stood and called the two boys. They whined and begged for more time but Hakyeon was firm. Dropping their heads and dragging their feet they made there way over with Yuki. She hadn't left their side and was holding Wonsiks hand. 

"Would you boys like it if Yuki came over for dinner?" Hakyeon asked before Leo had a chance to give him a definite answer. Leo glared at the other boy. Hakyeon was a little scared but tried not to let it show as he smiled and avoided Leo's gaze. Leo wasn't entirely happy or upset about the situation. He was at a loss for what to do. In one hand he would have food for Yuki. She wouldn't be hungry and out of the cold for a while. Yuki would have a full stomach and so would he.

"YEAH!" Both boys shouted. Yuki smiled and walked over to Leo. He debated it some more before giving in with a sigh. Yuki looked up at Leo smiling the question in her eyes. It was nearly impossible to say no to her. He gave a slight nod and stood. For a moment he was dizzy but it passed.
"Come on Yuki!" Hong bin said grabbing her hand. "We'll show you all our toys!"

"We can keep playing together!" Wonsik cheered. He grabbed her other hand and they began walking home. It wasn't far. The older two watched from behind as the boys talked none stop to Yuki who giggled and swung their hands back and forth. Leo stumbled a few times but asked for no help. Hakyeon didn't offer any help but kept a close eye on the quiet man.When they reached the street the boys stopped Yuki scolding her to be careful. Yuki nodded and the three waited for the two elders. 

"Alright it's safe." Hakyeon told them before they crossed. "Good job not crossing boys! And you looked out for Yuki! I'm very proud of you for that!" He praised. The boys beamed with pride and showed Yuki the way to their house. Once they arrived at the house Yuki was in awe. Leo stared slightly surprised. It wasn't what he was expecting. Then again he wasn't really sure what to expect. The house sat by itself in a yard that looked in need of some work. The paint was chipping and the stairs creaked as they walked. However, the small home seemed sturdy as the boys bounded up and down the steps encouraging Yuki to go faster. Hong bin helped Yuki remove her shoes and coat before pulling her to his and Wonshik's room. As Leo removed his shoes a heft a another way of dizziness wash over him. Hakyeon said nothing if he saw. He led Leo to the living room. Leo sat there stiffly. A simple black leather couch and a small but decent size TV with random scattered toys around. Leo wasn't sure what to do. Sitting on something comfortable felt nice and foriegn. This was all knew and as nice as Hakyeon seemed, that didn't mean he wasn't a bad person. He had to protect Yuki no matter the cost. She was like a daughter to him. He hated the house his mother lived in. He wasn't mad at her for her choice. She didn't like it anymore than he did. She tried to hide 
money away for him. Always trying to give him a better life than what he was growing up in.
 Authors Note This is my first true Vixx fanfic post. I hope you all enjoy the first Chapter. There is more to come! Everyone take care of themselves! ^_^/ Chapter 2
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jinnieboo-blog1 · 8 years
VIXX Hongbin: Bliss
Finally, 6 done! Whooo! This is based on @i-would-rather-be-queen ‘s The Five Senses of VIXX post! :) Enjoy Hongbin’s one!
NOTE: Please take note that before I even wrote this, I asked for her consent. I messaged her to ask if it was alright to write something based off of her work, so please keep in mind that I asked permission before doing anything! She did give me consent, so yeah :) ^_^
N’s Version Here!
Hyuk’s Version Here!
Leo’s Version Here!
Ravi’s Version Here!
Ken’s Version Here!
See him shiver as your hand glides across the planes of his chest
The sounds of birds chirping woke you up. It was such a beautiful sound. You stirred around the bed and saw that Hongbin was still asleep. A smile crept onto your lips as you took in every detail about him. His expression was so serene since these were the only times he could fully rest. His body, exposed because he slept without a shirt, was warm due to being snuggled with you. His chocolatey hair felt soft as you ran your fingers through it. You then planted a kiss on his nose and slowly got out of the bed, but an arm hooking around your waist prevented you from doing so. You let out a little yelp as Hongbin pulled you to lay beside him. He brought you closer and said, “Stay, y/n.”
You chuckled, “But I’m going to make breakfast.”
“It’s alright,” he continued, “you can do it later.”
He flashed that charming, dimpled smile that you loved. Smiling back at him, you gave in. “Alright, alright.”
You cuddled with Hongbin, feeling comfortable and safe. Your steady breathing matched his. The bed and pillows were soft, but nothing was better than the feeling of his embrace. Unconsciously, your hand glided across his chest, which caused him to shiver. You felt his body tremble under your touch. “Sorry.” You giggled.
Hongbin awkwardly laughed but kissed your forehead after. “It’s ok.”
Hear doubt when he asks if you love him for his looks or himself
You and Hongbin continued to lay there. There was a silence that lingered, but it was a pleasant silence. It goes to show that sometimes, all you need is the person you love by your side.
Hongbin had started to fall asleep once again, so you took this opportunity to plant soft kisses all over his face. You kissed his forehead, nose and cheek before proceeding to gently kissing his lips. Hongbin’s eyes fluttered opened. As soon as he knew what you were doing, he gently placed his hand on the back of your neck, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. It was an intimate and blissful moment that only happened when it was solely just the two of you.
Reluctantly, you both pulled away. You smiled down at Hongbin, and he returned the gesture. He then moved his hand to caress your cheek. “Can I ask you something?”
You replied, “Anything.”
Hongbin flashed a small smile and said, “Do you really love me, y/n?”
You grinned. “What kind of question is that? Of course I do.” You frowned slightly, heaving out a sigh. “Is something wrong?”
Hongbin’s smile faltered and with a shaky voice, he spoke again, “I’ll rephrase it. Do you really love me, as in myself, or just my looks?”
His voice was shaky. He was afraid to know the answer. Hearing the doubt in his quivering voice broke your heart. It hurt you to see him struggle with his doubts. His insecurities would often resurface, and you’d have to reassure him everytime. It didn’t matter though. You didn’t mind proving that you loved all of him with all your heart.
With as much assertiveness as possible, you held his hand and smiled. “Bean, I love you for who you are. I love every single thing about you. If I were to pick one thing I loved the most about you, I wouldn’t be able to do so because I simply love all of you. Everything that you are. You are so much more than a handsome face, Bean. You are the sweetest, funniest, smartest and most talented guy out there, and I’m lucky to have you.” You kissed him quickly. “I love you. I love you. I love all. Of. You.”
Hongbin chuckled and sighed with relief. “I don’t deserve you, y/n.”
“No, you deserve the best.” you smiled.
Hongbin smirked, “You're the best.”
“I thought you hated cheesy things, Cringing Bean.” you teased.
“Once in a while, it’s alright.” he chuckled.
Smell the cozy air between you while spending a day in bed
Just as Hongbin wanted, you spent more time with him, cuddled up in bed. You would tell him about how your new job was really tiring but enjoyable, and in turn, he would tell you about what VIXX had been up to. You'd exchange ideas, dreams and tell jokes, causing your laughter to fill the room.
After laughing too much, you needed to take a break. You knew Hongbin needed one too because he was out of breath. His giggles and laughs always made everything feel so right. You took a deep breath. Breath in, breath out.
As you did that, you could smell the coziness of the room. There was a certain, distinct smell in that room that made you feel more relaxed. It was a mixture of the fresh morning air, the smell of the pillows and sheets, and even Hongbin. He didn’t have any cologne or perfume on, but he always had that distinct “Hongbin” smell, and you loved it.
“Bean,” you said as you ran your fingers through his hair, “I’m gonna make breakfast for us.”
Though he still wanted to stay with you, he smiled, “Alright.”
He kissed your forehead, causing you to giggle. Then, you got out of bed and headed to the kitchen.
Taste the honeyed warmth of his sunshine smile
You made yourself busy by making sure you prepared the best breakfast Hongbin could ever taste. You couldn’t help but smile as you made heart-shaped pancakes and topped it with whipped cream and mixed berries. It looks so cute, you thought.
You set the pancakes aside and cleaned up the area. You then proceeded to preparing the tea that you two were going to drink. You brought out two intricately-designed teacups and poured hot water in it. You soaked the teabags and shortly after, mixed in a little lemon juice and honey. This was your go-to drink when you wanted to de-stress. You hoped it would make Hongbin feel relaxed too.
As you were mixing, you suddenly felt Hongbin hug you from behind. You smiled, and he tenderly kissed your shoulder. “What tea is that?”
You looked over your shoulder and replied, “Mixed berries with lemon and honey. Trust me. It’s good.”
“I know it will be.” Hongbin smiled.
His smile made your heart melt. It was like a sweet smile, sweeter than the honey you put in the tea. It was a smile brighter than the sun’s rays that pierced through the window. It was an infectious smile. You looked away with a grin, not wanting to show your blushing, pink cheeks.
You continued to prepare and took the two plates of pancakes, but couldn't turn to set them on the table because Hongbin still had his arms wrapped around you.
“Let me.” he said, reaching for the plates in your hands.
He placed the plates on the table and flashed a grin.
Feel his hands clench your shirt because he’s worried he’ll hold you too tight
“You're such a dork…but a cute one.” you laughed.
Hongbin went shy from the compliment and showed a cringey smile.
“What?” you playfully protested, smacking his arm. “Why are you cringing?”
“You’re really cheesy, y/n.” Hongbin teased.
“Oh wow. I thought a little cheesiness was alright once in a while.” you laughed.
Hongbin looked at you with so much admiration. He was mesmerized with your laugh and smile, and how your eyes turned into crescents as you laughed.
Smiling to himself, Hongbin took your hands in his and pulled you towards him. You let yourself get enveloped in his embrace. He was surprisingly much more touchy than usual, but you didn’t mind. You noticed how he gripped your shirt tighter as if he never wanted to let go.
You wrapped your arms around his torso. “Are you alright, Bean?”
Hongbin slightly pulled away to look at you. Smiling, he said, “Perfectly fine. I just want to hold you.”
“Hmm,” you blissfully sighed, “I like that.”
“Don’t ever go.” he whispered, “I love you so much.”
You looked into his eyes and declared, “I wouldn’t even think about it.” You kissed his cheek, “I love you too.”
You and Hongbin remained standing, hugging each other. His arms were wrapped around your waist as he kissed the top of your head, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head against his chest.  
You both wouldn’t exchange anything for the blissful moment happening right now. Being with Hongbin was bliss.
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jjungiee · 8 years
Family Naps | VIXX Reaction
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N: He’d be super exhausted after a long day and there’d be nothing he wanted more than to be back home with you and his daughter. He missed you both so much when his schedules were hectic. The second he stepped in the door, the house was dark and silent. Perhaps you’d gone out for some emergency diapers. Taking his shoes off he’d head to the bedroom to drop off his bag and coat and that’s when he’d spot the sight he’d want to remember forever. Your toddler was all curled up in your arms. Both of you sound asleep. His poor babies looked just as tired as he felt. After a quick shower you can bet that he’d be shimmying his way into this family cuddle session, not wanting to let go anytime soon. All three of you dreaming away into dreamland. 
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Leo: Taekwoon is a family man, so this would honestly be one of his favourite things in the world. He’d often initiate family naps more than any of the other members. So when he’d come home and see both you and your daughter already in dreamland he couldn’t wait to join you. He’d drop everything and lay next to you. He’d just love to have his babies all snuggled up to him, you in one arm face nuzzled against his chest. Your daughter in his other arm, completely wrapped up and snuggled against his arm. Taekwoon would stroke your hair softly as you’d hear your husband hum or sing soft lullabies as both you and your daughters eyes began to close. He wouldn’t be able to keep the smile off of his face when he’d hear the soft snores coming from his daughter. Taekwoon would gently kiss the top of her head wishing her sweet dreams. He’d sleepily press a kiss to your lips as you both fell asleep, holding you both closer; his arms keeping you all safe and protected all nap long. 
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Ken:  Because of your husband’s busy schedule it was rare for your son to have time with his father, which meant you would often try and coax your son to nap so he could spend time with Ken when he got home. You were falling into an exhausted sleep and your toddler was not far behind. When Ken walked in the door he smiled at his two babies sleeping soundly. It was a quiet and calming scene, something that was definitely rare in your household between himself and a toddler. He had to hold back a giggle, looking at you and your toddler huddled such a small bed. He grabbed the throw rug out of one of the cupboards, tucking you both in with a kiss on your foreheads. He’d let his babies sleep for a little while longer. 
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Ravi: Family nap time for the Kim family was an often occurrence. It’d be one of his absolute favorite things too. He’d come home after a long night of schedules and producing, the studio being not the most comfortable place to sleep. He would be super exhausted by the time he was heading home at odd hours of the morning. There’d be absolutely nothing he’d love more than seeing you and his baby together the second he walked in the door, often eating lunch or playing together, but more often than not napping together. He’d surround you both in a bear hug, placing a kiss on his child’s head and your lips. He’d often take his child in one arm, and hold your hand with the other, heading straight for your bedroom. If he was really exhausted the three of you wouldn’t make it past the couch. You would practically be on top of him, your baby resting against nestled in his free arm against his chest, your husband snoring off into dreamland.
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Hongbin:  The second he walked in the door, he’d be looking for you both. You and your son were out like a light on the couch, soft snores passing both of your lips. He’d bend down to you and whisper that he was home, getting a sleepy response. A soft smile would make its way to his face as he’d lift your son gently up into his arms. You followed behind him, getting up tiredly. Hongbin had rushed to your son’s room ready to put him down so he could sleep comfortably, your son would stir and clung to your husband even in his sleepy state. “Come on Y/S/N... Nap time, say goodnight to Mama~” he’d coax. Your son would just shake his head and hold on tight to Hongbin’s jacket and would reach out with his other little hand for you. With a tired sigh from Hongbin, the three of you would head into your shared bedroom and snuggle up together. 
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Hyuk: Coming back from a long tour he was very excited to see you and his son. It had been a few weeks and video calls just weren’t the same. He’d drop his bags at the door, slightly disappointed that he didn’t get a greeting the second he walked in. With a bit of a pout he’d trudge around the house only to find you curled up together in the nursery on your son’s rocking chair. He’d put his “manhyuk” muscles to use and take the both of you two bed. You’d wake up to find your husband home and sleeping peacefully beside you and your son. Pressing a kiss to his lips, you watched your babies sleep. With a smile on your face you would eventually snuggle into his chest, going back to sleep. Proper greetings could wait until tomorrow. 
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jinnieboo-blog1 · 8 years
VIXX Ken: Better With You
5 out of 6! Whooo! This is based on @i-would-rather-be-queen ‘s The Five Senses of VIXX post! :) I hope Ken’s one is good!
NOTE: Please take note that before I even wrote this, I asked for her consent. I messaged her to ask if it was alright to write something based off of her work, so please keep in mind that I asked permission before doing anything! She did give me consent, so yeah :) ^_^
N’s Version Here!
Hyuk’s Version Here!
Leo’s Version Here!
Ravi’s Version Here!
See the little comics of you together he draws when bored
You and Ken were seated on the couch, doing your own thing. You were studying for your upcoming finals, while Ken was busy doodling something on one of your spare notebooks. Even so, you enjoyed the company since Ken would randomly tell a joke from time to time, causing you to burst out laughing. It somehow made studying less…dreadful. Ken always made everything feel better, after all.
After reading at least 20 pages of your biology book, you set it down and leaned against Ken’s shoulder. Smiling, he asked, “Done?”
You shrugged, “I’ve read at least 20 pages. I’ll continue later…or tomorrow.”
Ken chuckled. “What do you think?” he grinned as he showed you what he’d been doing.
You looked over to the notebook he was doodling on. There was a comic strip of a familiar event: Your birthday.
In the first panel, you were greeted by Ravi, Hongbin and Leo. You giggled at the expression Ken drew for you. In the second panel, N had arrived with a birthday cake, ready to celebrate with you. In the third panel, Hyuk came into the scene while pushing a gigantic yellow box wrapped with a blue ribbon. In the next panel, you opened the box, only to be surprised by Ken jumping out of it. In the final panel, the two of you shared a sweet birthday kiss. It was really touching and made you feel fluffy inside, but then as you looked closely at the last panel’s scene, you could see that the other members had their phones whipped out. You burst out laughing again. “Ok, that’s really sweet, Ken, but I don’t remember the other members taking pictures of us. I remember clearly that they were already eating the cake.”
Ken grinned and laughed with you. “Now, where’s the fun in that? I thought it was funnier if they were like paparazzi.”
Hear one of the dozens of nicknames he’s made for you
Ken continued to show you more of the comics he’s made, and every single one was such a heart-warming creation. Minutes later, he put the notebook down and looked directly at your eyes. “I’m hungry.”
You chuckled and stretched, body stiff from sitting for long hours, “Me too. Let’s get something to eat.”
“But,” Ken pouted, “your home-cooked meals are the best, Munchkin.”
You cringed but laughed at the same time upon hearing his nickname for you. In fact, he had a lot of rather random nicknames for you. He’d use a different one depending on his mood or the situation. “Well, I’m not really in the mood to cook, you know? I’m kinda lazy.” you sheepishly laughed.
Ken smiled softly, “It’s ok, Marshmallow. Anything you want is fine.”
Marshmallow. There’s another one. He usually uses that nickname when he wants a hug. Smiling, you snuggled against your boyfriend, and he hugged you tightly. “If you don’t feel like cooking, let’s go out and try something from the street market.”
You looked at him, “You mean the one with fried snacks and all?”
Ken nodded, “Bingo!”
“Yeah, let’s try that.” you declared.
You and Ken stood up and after getting ready, you two headed out.
Smell the street food as you walk around late at night hand in hand
Walking hand-in-hand, you took in the sight of so many stalls, each busy with numerous customers wanting to buy food. Ken was looking around with a big grin before turning to you. “Tell me if you see anything you want, ok?”
You nodded, “Alright.”
As you both wandered around, you could pick up the different scents and smells of the various food. You could smell meat being roasted or friend, and you could also smell something much sweeter. Whatever it was, it made your mouth water. “Ken, I think I found what I want.”
Ken said, “Lead the way!”
You led Ken to a nearby stall that sold dakkochi and odeng. “Good choice.” Ken joked around.
“I know. I make good choices.” you said, subtly looking into his eyes.
You thought Ken knew what you meant because his cheeks turned pink as he grinned widely. Shortly after, you and Ken were sitting on a nearby bench, enjoying the street food you had in hand. “This is so good!” you chuckled.
“True.” Ken said before taking a bite of the dakkochi. He continued after swallowing it, “But honestly, your cooking is still the best.”
“Flatterer.” you smirked and playfully hit his arm.
He let out a laugh in return.
Taste a kiss more serious than his words could ever be
After you two had finished your food, you both leaned back and started watching the people walking by. “That hit the spot.” Ken laughed.
You chuckled, “I agree. I don’t think I can eat anymore.”
“Well…I think I still can. Maybe later.” Ken winked, causing you to giggle.
“Eat as much as you want, Ken.” you looked at him and smiled.
Ken turned to face you as well. As soon as you both met each other’s gaze, you didn’t shy away; you kept your gazes locked onto each other. Ken spoke up, “You know, everything’s better with you, y/n. Something so simple as eating street food and laughing is the best because I’m with you.”
“So cheesy. Bean would cringe.” you joked.
But Ken didn’t burst out laughing. Instead, he flashed a gentle smile and brought one hand to the back of your neck. “Ken?” you blushed.
Before any of you could say anything else, Ken pressed his lips on yours. Without a second thought, you scooted closer to him and kissed back. Your lips moved tenderly in sync- a kiss so serious, you didn’t want to pull away.
But you had to eventually. When you both did, Ken’s playful, aegyo-self came back. “Better with you.” he repeated.
“Way better.” you replied.
You both started people-watching again, then Ken said, “Hey, there are other stalls here besides food vendors.” He looked at a stall that sold small toys and keychains.
You looked around and nodded, “There’s one with jewelries and accessories, too.”
“Let’s continue exploring!” he suggested, and you agreed, hopping to your feet.
Feel the tickle of the paintbrush as he uses your body as a canvas
Once again, you and Ken walked around the busy street peppered with all kinds of street vendors. Besides food stalls, there were stalls selling clothes, jewels, toys and even stalls that had activities like mini-carnival games and face-painting. It was like a carnival, actually. There was no denying it- you and Ken loved it. You both had wide grins as you roamed around. “Hey Ken.” you smiled, “wanna try the face-painting stall? I wanna paint something on your face.”
“Oh? Sure. Seems fun!” he laughed.
You two arrived at one stall and told the vendor that you’d like a face-paint. It was rather cool that there was an option wherein you could be the one who painted instead of the vendor. The lady vendor took our payment and handed you the brushes and paint. Ken sat down on a stool and smiled like an innocent child, “Make it cute,y/n~”
“I will.” you chuckled.
You started to paint on his right cheek, then proceeded to his left. Afterwards, you eyed your masterpiece and declared, “Perfect.”
The lady handed Ken a mirror. On his right cheek, there was a pastel-colored flower, and on the left, there was a cute puppy. He playfully gasped, “I am so adorable!”
“You bet you are.” you grinned.
Ken cutely puffed his cheeks and did his best aegyo, causing you to laugh even more. “My turn.” he smirked.
So, you sat on the stool and patiently waited for what Ken was going to do. He started to paint on your cheek as well. You weren’t worried, since Ken was actually good at drawing. However, Ken’s concentrated expression turned into a mischievous one. Seconds later, he stopped painting on your cheek, and you felt the paintbrush on the side of your neck. The combination of the fluffy brush and cold, wet paint surprised you. “Ah!” you squealed, “Ken!”
“No one said we were limited to the cheek~” he stuck his tongue out. “Don’t worry. It won’t be ugly.”
He stopped painting at that area, but then moved on to the area around your collarbone. Suddenly, you regretted wearing an off-shoulder blouse. You tried to contain your laughter as the paintbrush was tickling your skin. Ken used gentle and soft strokes, and somehow, it tickled more that way. He finally finished and proudly looked at his work of art. “I’d like to think that I did a very good job.” he laughed.
You looked at it using the mirror. On your cheek was a simple heart. On your neck was an elegant, red rose, and on your collarbone was a message: MINE.
“Ken,” you laughed, “how cheesy can you get?”
“Way cheesier.” he winked.
The two of you thanked the lady vendor and started to walk again. Ken looped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer. “You are mine, though, y/n.” he said as he looked at the painted message he made.
“I know. You’re mine as well, Ken.” you smiled.
Ken grinned before placing a kiss on the top of your head. You both continued to enjoy the night, wandering and roaming around the night market. Everything was better with him.
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