#look at me writing for the guy who inspired my url (¬‿¬ )
saetoshi · 2 years
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itoshi sae does not make mistakes.
he simply makes not entirely thought out decisions which just so happen to not be the best.
which is probably why you found him sitting in front of the coffee table in your shared apartment, a panicked look in his eyes, and five plants in front of him.
(five plants which neither of you own.)
he looks up at you.
your eyes flicker between the plants. “where’d you get those from?”
you look at him, taking note of how pained his face looks.
“i didn’t buy them,” he sighs, running a hand down his face, “if that’s what you’re asking.”
confusion paints itself on your face. annoyance paints itself on his.
“where’d they come from then?”
he turns away from you, allowing you to see the soft flush to his ears.
“sae,” you walk closer to him. “why are there plants in our apartment?”
he crosses his arms. you sit next to him, carefully grabbing the small chart in his lap.
“sae,” you huff, poking him in the ribs.
he turns to you, “the old lady next door.”
you blink at him. he looks at the chart in your hands.
“i was coming back from practice,” he leans against you, “she seemed to be in a hurry, and then we bumped into each other.”
“oh,” you hum, “i think she told me last week she was leaving to visit her daughter today.”
(or at least you think that’s what she said; she’d always talk to you when you returned from class.)
“yeah, well,” sae sighs, “she saw me and i think she knew me?”
(she’s never seen him before in his life, but you always make sure to show her his most unflattering pictures.)
he rubs his temple, “anyway, she asked me to take care of her plants while she was gone.”
“why didn’t you say no?” you look at him.
he plays with a loose thread in your hoodie, “she seemed really stressed.”
“that’s never stopped you before,” you deadpan.
“she was in a hurry!” he whines, “i didn’t have enough time to think it through.”
“so you screwed up?”
“i did not,” he groans, “she said something about wanting to ask you instead, but you weren’t home.”
you gawk, “so you thought i would’ve said yes?”
“like you could say no,” he scoffs.
“i would’ve thought about it more thoroughly!” you shove him. (you would’ve said yes. but sae doesn’t need to know that.)
“well, i already said yes, so, who cares?” he sulks.
you rest your head on his shoulder, an aggravated sigh leaving your lips. sae rests his head on yours.
“i should’ve thought it through,” he mumbles.
“yeah,” you glance at the plants, “you should’ve.”
he softly elbows your side. you elbow him back.
“well,” you sigh, “i guess we’ll just have to figure out how this works.”
he lifts his head off of yours, grabbing your face in his hands so you look at him.
“what?” you smile at him through squished cheeks, “someone has to take responsibility for your mistake.”
he glares at you.
“besides,” you take his hands off your face, “it seems simple enough, even an idiot could do it.”
sae shrugs, “good thing i’ve got you here.”
you smack his arm. he simply laughs.
he gently takes the chart from your hands, placing it on the coffee table.
“we’ll be the best plant parents ever,” you hum, leaning against him.
he wraps an arm around you, “totally.”
(you were not.)
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arkiliastuff · 7 months
Prologue - In a Concrete Jungle
Noah Sebastian x OFC (Aurey)
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(pictures edited by me. Originals url linked on the pictures.)
A/N : I thought about this one for a while and, even though I have a lot of other fanfics that are waiting to be finished/written, I wanted to share this one in particular with you :D It's been on my mind for months, the lore maturing in my head. It's going to be a LOT different from what I usually write but I'm trying things and despite the dark mood in this story I hope you'll enjoy it as well ! :D
Warnings/Tags : Strangers/Enemies to Lovers trope, violence, blood, post-apocalyptical universe, cyber-futuristic vibe, "no god, no religion" vibe (I don't mean any form of disrespect in any religion), mention of trauma, death, loss, drugs, mental and physical abuse, trust and abandonment issues. (Just in case MDNI please).
Disclaimer : I haven’t read the comic book “Concrete Jungle” written by Noah Sebastian and illustrated by many cover artists such as Nicola Izzo, Jeremy Wilson and many more, so I don’t know much about the lore and the universe. I just got inspired by the song and the few panels of the comic book that I saw about it. The rest is a pure work of my imagination and it’s not related to anything official. Nothing is canonically official. This is totally fanfiction. And so this is how I pictured the world in the song “Concrete Jungle”.
~The little bean taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @talialovesmiw -> ask me if you want to be tagged :D
She walked there, in this desolate landscape, with a strong determination. Two girls who seemed to look like her friends were following her, looking behind them briefly. Probably afraid of someone or something that will come after them. After all, they went out without authorization. They went out in this no man’s land, caused by gangs and mafias. Many civilians had perished because of this war. The survivors were hiding underground, in the subway. The reason why they went outside was because one of them, a girl with glasses and blue eyes, forgot her necklace at the church where she always went to pray. So after complaining to her friends about her precious loss, the strong-willed brunette who was among them decided to go and get the necklace back. The two other friends eventually followed her even though they were feeling nervous about disobeying.
“If we hurry, we will be back in no time” She said, trying to reassure her anxious friends.
And so, just like the bold brown-haired girl said, they arrived at the place. The church had been bombed. The two girls felt sad about the destruction, but the leader didn't seem to be moved by it. Instead, she was more focused on her mission, looking for the necklace, while making sure nobody would come to arrest them. She was in hypervigilance, almost looking paranoid. She looked everywhere under the seats and chairs that were still there until she saw something shiny. She reached for it and then wiped the dust on it. It was a crux with a silver chain. 
“I found it, Faith.” She stated, calling for her friend.
The latter one walked towards her, analyzing what she found before realizing what it was.
“It's my necklace ! Thank you so much, Audy !” Faith replied happily, using the usual friendly nickname for her friend.
The latter one just nodded in silence, her focus back on her group and looking for their second friend.
“Where is Daisy ?”
The two of them looked around the ruined church before they saw the red-haired girl who was near some candles next to a shrine of prayer. She lit up a candle and prayed in silence for their sake. Faith joined Daisy, lighting up a candle as well while Audy was watching them, starting to get annoyed.
“Come on guys, we cannot stay here too long.”
“Just a few more minutes.” Daisy replied.
A few seconds later a breeze came through, extinguishing the timid flames on the two candles. From this moment, Faith and Daisy stood up and stopped praying, turning on their heels at the same time towards Audy.
“We’re done.” The first one said.
“The Lord has heard our prayers.” The second added.
“What ? Already ? But you just lit the candles a few minutes ago” Audy replied, confusion in her eyes.
“It is the way it is. It’s probably a good omen” Faith said.
“Wait.. Let me just light the candles again.” The brunette said sheepishly.
As she was going slowly to the shrine, about to light the candles with another one, both of her friends widened their eyes in shock, attempting to stop her.
“DON’T !” Daisy yelled.
“DON’T DO IT, AUDREY ! You’re disrespecting His words !”
The long browned-haired one stopped her movement in the air, the spark just above the candle’s wick reaching it slowly but surely. Then, she looked at Faith and Daisy, an angry and dead gaze in her dark eyes.
“Even if I lit up those candles again, do you think it would change a fucking thing for what happened to our city ? To our families ? To our friends ?” She replied, clenching her teeth together as she spat her words like venom, anger getting the best of her, before she continued.
“No, it wouldn’t. Don’t take that fucking breeze as a sign from your Lord, ‘cause you two know better that, if He wanted to help us, He would have done it already. We are responsible for our own downfall. For our own misery. And no Gods will ever help us. Only the demons that you’re afraid of will answer us because they're close to what we are.”
After that, she saw the shock on her friends' faces, trying to reach out to her and yelling at her that she was irreverent by saying those words. It was the shock before the sound of something falling as fast as lightning just dropped on the ruined church. And then everything exploded. Bricks of the building were thrown away at Daisy and Faith’s head, knocking them out immediately. Audrey got hit as well, feeling her blood flowing from her face before blurring her vision. The last thing she saw was her two friends on the ground, blood running from their heads. Then, it went completely white.
Aurey woke up, sweating all over her body as she was panting, trying to gain some air. She put a hand on her forehead, trying to wipe the sweat away and checking it. There wasn’t any blood. She sighed in relief but not too long. She knew it couldn’t be just a dream.
“This wasn’t just a nightmare” She whispered to herself, knowing too well this situation.
She stood up, got her gear on her and packed her stuff together before leaving the spot where she slept. She knew she shouldn’t have slept there. 
It was a small cave of collapsed buildings parted together which were composed of cables, metal pieces of broken engines everywhere. 
It could crumble any minute. But she took the risk anyway, as she felt this one was more safe. She didn’t know how long she slept but she was aware it was late. Once she got out, she covered her nose as she smelled an heavy and toxic smoke. It was the smell of somewhat burned vehicles and trash cans not that far away. It was, probably, another threat from a gang who were arguing again in the city.
She put her customized respirator on, breathing again. Then, she started to climb up the ruins, reaching for a higher spot to get a better view. She climbed a few minutes after finding a window, which gave a great opening view from below. She took her binoculars out of her pocket and started to look around. 
Through it, Aurey saw a usual wildfire in the city, on her right. She could barely hear the sound of gunshots. A lot was happening and she hoped her teammates could handle it while she went patrolling on her own. Suddenly she saw something blinking, in the corner of her left lens. She turned a bit more to her left and saw a black car entering the Nameless City. She had never seen a car like this before. This was the first time that she had witnessed new people arriving. Who could they be ? And why were they coming into this hell hole ? She made a mental note to herself to keep an eye on this vehicle and the people who were in it.
Meanwhile, Noah was lost in his thoughts as they were passing through the barbed wire gate of the city. He was just getting bored of the trip, having no idea why they got a call to come here. His partners and best friends in the car told him it was a well-paid mission, but he wasn’t really convinced by it. They had to do some cleanup as they were told. And given the sight of the city it seemed this town needed it. What was left of the police authorities were just broken cars, with no more tire or windows. They probably run away from all the chaos, just to survive somewhere else. Just being out of this mess. Noah kept staring through the window, his chin in the palm of his tattooed hand, just looking at all the clutter those crumbled buildings had made.
“A real concrete jungle…” He muttered.
Then he heard a howl. He was taken by surprise, not expecting to hear such a sound in this kind of city. He listened again, opening his window just to hear it more clearly. Another howling. It wasn’t human. It sounded more like an animal.
“ What was that ? Did you guys heard that ?” He said, his eyes widened as he couldn’t believe his ears.
"Heard what ?" Folio asked, not really paying too much attention to their surroundings.
"A howl. It sounded like a coyote. Or was it a wolf ?" Noah continued, his ears attentive to any other sound.
But the howling animal had stop. He still had no idea what his friends and him were getting into but he promised himself to investigate this strange city.
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iceeericeee · 1 year
Welcome! Come in, sit down. We're all friends here. There’s pot brownies and weed sandwiches to help you relax. I’m Iceeericeee, but I generally go by Toast, or Cinnamon Buttered Strawberry Toast if you want to use my full name. I am aroace. I’m 19, but I don’t feel it </3. Every once in a while I’ll make my own post, or even a poll if I have a question I’m dying to know the answer to, so look out for those. My pronouns are whichever one suits the gag better (I’m not super hung up on pronouns) and hummus. Fandoms? A decent amount, so I’ll make a list.
Psych (side blog is @thespiritssaidso)
Ghosts CBS (Pete my beloved) (side blog is @petes-neckarrow)
Night at the Museum
g/t (side blog is @tineeericeee)
Marvel (every once in a while) (side blog is @marveeelriceee)
Hermitcraft (also every once in a while, but mostly just Grian and Mumbo Jumbo)
Helluva Boss + Hazbin Hotel (Side Blog is @helluva-hazbean-hotel
Good omens (side blog is @imaziraphalesbookshop)
Percy Jackson (and all of the books that take place in the same universe) (side blog is @peeercyriceee)
A Series of Unfortunate Events (THE BOOKS. NOT THE SHOW.) (once again, every once in a while)
Gravity Falls (it’s been a while tho, so my memory is rusty)
The Iron Giant
The Owl House (it's been a hot sec since i've seen it tho)
Dr. Who (currently watching it for the first time tho so I’m a lil behind)
I also write poetry and short stories every once in a while! I post on here and on AO3 (url is Isolation68). If you want me to write something specific, go ahead and ask (and put a 🖋️ next to it). Just no smut please, it makes me uncomfortable. Whether I answer it or not depends on how much your ask inspires me.
side-account for reblogs is @iceeericeee-reblogs (I know so creative lmao)
DNI if you are a hater or terf
Also: I’m literally begging you guys. Please please please stop asking when I’m going to change my name to strawberry. It’s gotten really old really fast. I’m just going to delete any asks that are about my name change.
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normal-enderman · 10 months
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Welcome to my blog! I am a multifandom artist, writer, and animator :3
I am the instigator of frazzled charlie slimecicle secretary in a pencil skirt dash events. you're welcome <3
Fandoms I participate in order of autism intensity:
Just Roll With It: Wonderlust (troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy troy)
Just Roll With It in general (HIGH AUTISM)
Ranboo Live (MODERATE AUTISM) (I'm usually not a hater but when it comes to bootwt I'm a hater. I hate you guys. Log off)
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I keep accidentally making banger takes about jrwi members
The creator of the legendary (not really) "I thought Condifiction was a trans woman" post I just changed my url after bc it was too easy for people who knew me irl to find me
I post on ao3 once in a blue moon. I've been more inspired recently, so more writing may be on the horizon
⚠ I have been known to write smut ⚠ so keep that in mind if you are not comfortable with that sort of thing. But of course I will make it very clear if any fics I publish contain mature content!
Dividers by @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune !
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#my writing - my writing
#my art - my art
#my sketches - my doodles, sketches, and rough works
#asks - asks
#pretty art - people's art which might not be related to something im interested in but i still think its cool
#fav - stuff which i think is important, interesting, or beloved
#memes - memes
#animals - cute animals
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it was my rp account but I was involved i swear
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miercolaes · 6 months
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alias / name : veronica, vero
birthday : june 12
zodiac sign : gemini
height : last time i checked 159cm / 5ft2 ???
hobbies : writing, drawing, visiting haunted places, watching movies, sfx makeup because i gave up on normal makeup (can't do an eyeliner without a tiktok filter...), video games
favorite color : purple, red, black
current book : interview with the vampire (i was supposed to look into interviews as a data collecting method but oh well...)
last song : the great war by taylor swift / frunzuliță, iarbă deasă by subcarpați (romanian song if any1's interested, here's the song and the translated lyrics if you're curious)
last film / show : miller's girl / family guy
inspiration : goodreads quotes on different topics, all addams canon material, this one wednesday addams playlist, edgar allan poe's work (got a complete tales and poems and i randomly open it and read for inspo), my own past experiences (be it information from uni or stuff i've experienced), witchcraft i grew up with, horror movies
story behind url : previously woednesdayaddams, after a while i found it too long so i switched to a shorter version. miercolaes meaning wednesday but in spanish and tbh it was easier to remember since spanish is a latin / romance language (fun fact in my language wednesday translates as miercuri, but that was already taken and didn't fit with the addams lore)
fun fact about me : the reason i'm currently studying marketing is because i know i'd be godmodding irl had i chose security studies (think cia but for another nation) or probation. i've seen enough movies to know how it'll end. like i wouldn't imagine being professional if i had the ta.te brothers in front of me. they also managed to get arrested again so there's that.
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tagged by your friendly neighbourhood @freakarus ily s
tagging : the legend that is @havvkinsqueen , the gore queen i adore @peachwrites / @anthrcpophagi , the sexy gorgeous addams family member @silent-stripes , the hippie mom @pierprincess along with her @nancewheelr & @wildhecrt brand , the one who accepts my morbid child @swervdcity and their dead princess @stvrsold , my morbid twin @wickedslip and if you haven't done it already, you (in a joe goldberg kind of way)
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pillarsalt · 29 days
Anon worried about her trans-identified friend again, I wish I had the words to express how much I appreciate your kind words!!! (Maybe admitting it made me tear up would help? haha) Your response was just as thoughtful and considerate as I thought it would be, but I never expected you'd write so much for a stranger talking about another stranger, let alone throw compliments my way. You're a truly special person and everyone on here, including me, is so lucky we get to hear what you have to say and chat with you :) (And see your wonderful art to boot!! Finding another bug-lover is such a lovely surprise!)
I'll keep your kind thoughts in mind whenever the rare friction comes up again between my friend and me. It was such a quick process for me to desist and become gender critical that I think it's easy for me to forget how much harder it is for people to change their minds on the trans topic when they're so much more invested in it than I was. (Feel the same way about religion too, even as a little kid I was asking questions about why certain things bothered me in the Bible and getting frustrated when I got shame instead of answers. Maybe being annoying and asking too many questions is just in my DNA haha. But all the more reason why it's important to help those who aren't naturally critical: they're the ones falling for unreality the hardest because of that fact.)
Ultimately I will keep being me and see what happens, like I've done before. If nothing comes of it, then there was nothing else I could've done differently anyway. I've asked her if she'd like to do gift exchange for the holidays. We're planning on getting each other a few embarrassingly nerdy collectibles we've been eyeing for a while :)
Thank you again for your help, I'll cherish your words always!!! Hope you have a blast on your trip and get to see all the little guys you could dream of!!!
I'm very glad to hear from you, anon! :) and thank you so much for the kind words! it makes me very happy to be able to help in any way. ❤️
It's funny that you mention questioning the bible as a kid. I went to catholic school and I remember being taught in first grade that we were supposed to love god more than anything. More than we loved our parents or even our dogs, and I just couldn't get past the notion that I had to somehow love the kinda mean, angry, invisible flying grandpa*, who never says a damn thing when I pray, over the actual people who had raised me. I stayed in catholic school until graduation despite opposing catholicism, argued a LOT. I think my point is that I've also kind of been primed for voicing unpopular opinions, so I'm biased when it comes to people who are more hesitant to take any position on the matters at hand.
*sidenote, around this time I obsessively read My Book of Bible Stories (1978) which was given to me by JW doorknockers. This is a bit uncanny, I haven't seen this since I was about 8. It was a treasured book to me, it's full of old testament stories and pretty brutal:
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To demonstrate how young I was while reading this: the book refers to god as Jehovah, but I was still learning to read and thought he was called Joseph. So all the adults I told all these Joseph stories to were confused as to why I thought Jesus's stepdad was so OP. Anyway yes, Joseph was a scary guy in my mind, I mean look what he made abraham do before he said sike:
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which really didn't give me much faith in him. Kind of a questionable thing to do to a guy tbh. Finally here's the illustration that basically inspired my URL:
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Sorry to hijack your ask anon, for some reason your message sent me down memory lane. Finding that pdf was crazy.
ANYWAY: you made my night with yoir nice message, so thanks for that, hope you stay well. I'm happy that it's chill for the time being, and the gift exchange sounds like fun. Come around to chat anytime.✌️
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esther-dot · 1 year
Hi, i sent that link for more reference about the subject. The more the merrier, right? And i think it's always nice to appreciate the efforts of all the meta writers, old and new ♥
Curiously, the other post from 2017 you linked (by princess in a tower), was written after the convo in the link i sent (marydri was princess in a tower old url).
Have a good day :)
(Continuation of this convo)
I genuinely do believe “the more the merrier” which is why I always attempt to link to posts if I know where I first heard something, but I’m also reluctant to go too far into the “crediting” idea because the last time this came up, it wasn’t a celebration of what the older Jonsas had written, but an attempt to make a newer Jonsa meta writer feel like crap. It wasn’t used to include, but was a deliberate attempt to discredit and just kinda, exert ownership of ideas and prevent people from taking things in new directions.
As a Jonsa, a fan of a ship that only exists because fans decided to come to their own conclusions and offered new readings on characters and dynamics, even reinterpreted themes of the story, you have to understand just how off-putting and counterproductive that behavior seems to me. I want every jonsa to feel heard and appreciated for their efforts, for them to enjoy the fandom, which is why, when I’m active, I do my best to both boost newcomers and link to older metas, but prior experience with this works cited idea has made what I consider a pleasure, a real minefield.
Fandom is all about how we inspire each other to create, it isn’t just about the source material. A comment sparking a meta, a meta inspiring characterization for a fic, a fic inspiring art, I’ve seen all of that and think it’s a beautiful thing. So no, I don’t think that’s “curious,” I think it’s perfectly normal for a comment to inspire someone to write a meta. I’ve tagged people in asks to get them to write about an idea, had other people then write metas about it. I like it! Also, ifeas grow in unpredictable ways, and we’re all engaging with our beloved book or show via different mediums and on different websites and in many different languages, so choosing to assume the best of each other’s motives is necessary, and I’m wary of anything that discourages people from engaging. We don’t know which meta someone else has read. For a while, I read all the knew meta, this year, I haven’t even tried to keep up. Sometimes not being credited isn’t an exclusion, it’s simply because you weren’t part of the journey for that specific individual. I’ve seen people come to the same conclusion following very different paths a lot in fandom! And generally speaking, I’m really not sure how “ownership” of a parallel or of a theory works? Waymar’s death foreshadowing Jon’s or that he’ll lose an eye or that we’ll get romantic Jonsa, all are offshoots of the basic “these guys are described the same way,” but I’d think it a bit odd for the person who first noticed the parallel (years before it became a Jonsa thing) to feel ownership over everything that came after.
An infamous example of the futility of theory ownership is the poor blogger who came up with a Sansxn version of the Ashford theory which Jonsas looked at and said, “you do not know what to do with this but we do!” and ran with it, and they’ve been trying to squash people jonsa-ing it or speculating about Sansa x Aegon ever since:
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You get the idea. It’s a great theory, I don’t like the original ship, but kudos for op for noticing the parallels. They saw something, someone else saw it too. Many, many people ran with it. It’s inspired a general “Jon is the last suitor” or specific, “Jon will literally go to the tourney” spec in our fandom. I’ve read lots of stuff about it and enjoyed it all. However, I don’t assume everyone who writes about the Ashford Tourney is stealing from the op. I genuinely think a lot of fans didn’t even know where it (potentially) originated, and I certainly don’t think the original goal of the theory (Sansa ends up with the Hound) precludes reinterpretations.
Anyway, I absolutely make an effort to credit Jonsas whenever I can, but having witnessed what I have within our fandom, and seeing how other people treat Jonsas because of this stuff, I’m resistant to getting bogged down in this issue. I don’t want fans to feel like they can’t post about Waymar without someone vague blogging because they weren’t credited. I’ll gladly read a dozen posts talking about the Waymar -> Jon -> Sansa wildly in love -> Jonsa idea and love each and every one of them. I enjoy reading different takes on the same idea. It takes nothing away from those who have already made up their minds about what it means, and sometimes, the new post words things in a way that clicks with a new audience which is something we all should appreciate. It’s all upside imo!
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jynxd · 9 months
🍒  +  shimmerbeasts
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@shimmerbeasts - I could never get tired of saying positive things about you! I am still very glad, even more so now actually, that you gave me the chances you have! We started with writing your Silco first and let me tell you, the love you pour into him is obvious in how you write him. You're SIlco is so true to how we both perceive him and he is so flawlessly written. Not only that but he and Jinx clicked so well, right from the start. His lore? hell the lore of zaun as a whole? That makes everything so much better and I love that we get to write darker aspects of our muses with each other.
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Then we have the opposite situation, where my Silco, which you helped inspire me (and poked me to add lollll) so much of him, fell head over heels for your Jinx. You and Jinx help bring out the best (and worst ;) ) in my Silco and I love that. Seriously, I don't think I loved him as much I do now because of the ideas you've helped inspire and the ooc rambles had on just him alone. And Ekko? You and Panda have helped so much with realizing who my Ekko is, and just how different he is from canon. The other day it literally melted my heart when you called Ekko "your default ekko" and best boy.
And especially after everything that has happened, I am so grateful to have you guys as my friends. I look forward to seeing 100+ messages on discord when I wake up or when I get off. You are just so amazing.
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solomonish · 1 year
Ok, it's about time I talk about this blog for a little bit.
Don't look so scared! There's good news ahead!
Alright, so it's obvious by now that I've kind of fallen out of the Obey Me! fandom. Before Nightbringer came out, I just burned out with the constant events and the difficulty in progressing through the main story and levelling up cards. Plus, I had gotten pretty invested in Twisted Wonderland and Genshin Impact, so my attention just never stuck with Obey Me. Eventually I drifted away to other blogs for other fandoms, leaving this one in the dust. I may have said that I wasn't leaving for good, but inspiration never struck me, so it was kind of like I had given up anyway.
I've been playing Nightbringer casually since it came out, and I'll be honest...it has the same problems as OG Obey Me. However, I am still kind of interested in the main story, and my love for Solomon has been reinvigorated <3 (Not that I ever stopped, of course.) I was hoping I'd get at least a few ideas to toss into the void, but alas...that didn't happen either, and I'm not the kind of person who can or wants to force myself to write.
So, where's the good news?
Well, I'm not ready to say I'm done with Obey Me for good. I'll be honest with you right now: any Obey Me fics will probably be few and far between. This is due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to a general decrease in fixation and the simple fact that I'm older and have a lot more to focus on in my life. But I do still have a soft spot for these boys (mostly Solomon. It's like 99% Solomon.), and I miss you guys! I still get notifs every day and I'm honored and astounded that people still like my works. Even though I have a LONG list of complaints with Obey Me at this point, being in this fandom has never been boring or negative for me. I've genuinely missed the experiences and connections I made here that I lost with my dwindling presence in the fandom.
So, FINALLY, here's where the good news is: I don't think I'm finished with Obey Me. I will still be pretty absent on this blog for a while, but I've decided on a plan that will help me feel less stressed to write whatever I want.
Sometime in the future - so, not right now (and in fact it will probably be a while) - I plan on remaking my blogs. I'm going to start an all-new x reader blog, much like this one, but multifandom. That way, when I feel like writing for a fandom I'm not all that present in anymore, I won't feel guilty for resurrecting a dead account and potentially giving you all false hope.
When this time comes, I'll be a little annoying with the promo to ensure that you won't miss it. There's no guarantee, but I'm really hoping that this blog will be permanent for my reader insert writing, rather than my trend of making a new blog per fandom.
I don't expect you to follow it or even really care, of course. Even though I have built a healthy separation between myself and my online presence, I did still feel a little bad about leaving you all hanging. I'm sure it gets annoying when I'm constantly promoing blogs and changing my URLs, but......well, I apologize for the inconvenience ^u^
Before you leave, let me tell you two more things!
1.) My old NSFW blog, solomonish-afterdark, is no longer a NSFW-only blog. I haven't removed any of my fics, but I reblogged a lot of my old fics on various blogs to that account. It's now sort of a fanfic archive! I was originally planning to use that as my catch-all fandom writing acc, but I just didn't like the organization of that. I can't explain it lol but it was just STRESSING ME OUT. So I changed the url (it's now @/sampologist) and it'll probably stay as an archive forever. Sorry :(
2.) I've gotten a lot of notes and asks about Love Disconnection. Thank you so much for reading it, enjoying it and talking to me!! I do actually really want to continue it, but if/when I do, I'm going to warn you that I'm probably going to rewrite the first part before I add any more. Don't worry, it'll keep the same plot, premise and vibe! I just think I've improved a little bit since I wrote it - and, TBH, there was already a big plot hole I wrote myself into that I was dreading explaining my way around. I'm making no promises! But it does still occupy a slice of my brain, even after all this time.
That's it for now, I think. Sorry if this wasn't as good as I may have gotten your hopes up to be, but I'm looking forward to this change! I'm going to wait until my interest in my current fandoms fades a little bit before I start the arduous transition, so if I get that divine inspiration for these boys in the meantime I'll be sure to post it here! Until then, I hope you understand why I've left and why I've been so reluctant to leave permanently. And I hope you can stick with me through one more move, if that interests you when it's time.
Thank you for reading this far, and thank you so so so much for all of your support! My time on this blog has been endlessly fun, and I really do hope I can add to the Solomon pool once more. You've all been so incredible, supportive, fun, and so much more. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in this fandom, from drunkenly posting about catboy Solomon a few days after my 21st birthday to the day we finally got to call him our boyfriend in canon. You're always welcome to drop by my ask box and chat if you want! Until then, thank you all for everything.
(and if you're interested in keeping up with me now, but somehow missed these announcements: my main is @/kusemai, my twst blog is @/ridhearts, and i have a touchstarved blog @/kurasthetic. you can also find me on twitter @/KARANO1A if the site doesn't crumble into a thousand pieces.)
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
we have the same pfp and i go based off of pfps to figure out who i’m looking at before i look at urls (idk why my guy i just do) and so for a solid 15 seconds i am confused as to when i posted any of your posts.
LOL it took me a minute too! I'm just very inspired by his hands and rings, lol. I don't know if I'll stick with this forever, but it just fits the current writing muse!!!
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mencnfire · 1 year
🍒  + mencnfire NO UNO REVERSE, HAH
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.
(( isn't that that wierdo who exclusively rps as like...miserable military dudes? she's got a thing for guys who always look sad?? its a lil WIERD IF U ASK ME
nah, im gonna miss that url cause she seems stinky - BUT, YOU, LIGHT.
URGHHHHHHHHHHHHH, LIGHT. *squeezes ur head but in a nice way*
we have been mutuals for so long now & i have loved every second of it. you've always been so kind to me, so fun to write with and be around. i know that everything i say to you will just be a repeat of the things i've said before but it's because i wholeheartedly feel them. like, i enjoy seeing you on my dash, i enjoy chatting with you and witnessing your enthusiasm for your characters. i've said it before, but even the ones i know /nothing/ about - it's fun seeing you love on them. it's inspiring, yknow?
and your love for all things cool? the fact that you like mad max? bro. it doesn't get any cooler than that. you make me wanna have a big bingey mad max watch party with you (we should though lol) & i adore that i can waffle about it with someone here. not only that but dude, your love of re? which, i am extremely jealous of ur re collection (rip me not a troo fan). i love that i can hit you up and waffle about some random re bullshit and you just /know/ the crazy shit i'm chatting.
i suppose from the rp side of things as well like, not only your wicked character selection but your writing. i have always been in such awe of your writing. you write these glorious pieces of character insight that it just feels so wonderful and an honour to write opposite. i always have so much fun with our threads, be it biggs/jessie (which god, that was such good shit) or luis/krauser or even the various threads we've had between. i really love writing with you, light, i love chatting with you, i love being moots with you. you're just - you're just an absolute STAR and i hope you know it. <3 ))
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heaven-said · 7 months
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TAGGED BY : @archorcist thank you !! :0 TAGGING : I don't know if you guys have done it yet but !! @do-these-eyes-look-human @cast-you-dxwn @sainticidal and everyone who hasn't yet tbh !!
BIRTHDAY : Aug. 5 !
HEIGHT : 5'0 i am tiny and angry about it !!!
HOBBIES : Art ( sketching, painting ), i sew a little, hoping to maybe get into making little art dolls if i ever have the work space.
FAVOURITE BOOK : Alice's Adventures in Wonderland + The Looking Glass !!
LAST SONG : Blue ( from steven universe! )
LAST FILM / SHOW : I've been rewatching SU on and off !
RECENT READS : Only non-fiction stuff, nothing with a story!
INSPIRATION : RP wise, I am really more inspired by visual media than written media when I write, which I think i why I'm so much more familiar with describing movement and the nuance of dialogue than I am writing prose? At least I feel that way? I like a lot of very old films, wes anderson, lots of animated movies. Weird indie things, when I happen upon them. I definitely have a pretentious streak, but I am an art student lmao.
STORY BEHIND URL : Its the lyrics of a fan song! You can see the song in my pinned post! I thought it fit the vibe i was going for on this multi-muse because it compares angels to a spell-with-me toy, and the song is very spooky!
FUN FACT ABOUT ME : uhhhhh i had a huge steampunk phase when i was a preteen in the 2010s lmao
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Anonymous Qs: What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses as a writer? And...what fics/writers on here would you say gave you new perspectives, ideas, inspiration?
I would say that my strength definitely lies in my dialogue. I think that ever since I started writing fanfiction way back in the Before Times, that was always the case. I love it about my writing, but I think that it also has made me reliant on it, in a way, and my ability to write description has suffered because of it. I've been making a more conscious effort lately to get out of my comfort zone and try to put more description in my story. I have to get out of my own head with it, because when I do description I tend to feel like I'm rambling but I know that it doesn't have to be that way. I've also been trying to get more comfortable with having my characters make shitty decisions 😂 I know that might sound kind of weird but I really do want to get more comfortable with writing characters just making the absolute wrong moves, doing things that might make them unlikable to people, etc. Gotta get that conflict from multiple sources, you know?
I also have a really bad habit of letting myself get overwhelmed by stories, especially multichapter ones. Hence why most of them have been on unplanned hiatuses. 😅
In terms of fic writers who have inspired me, I gotta give it up first and foremost to @withmyteeth and @garbinge because these two lovely humans have talked with me about writing more than any other people on the planet and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Knowing you have people in your corner that you can talk to about whatever and they're going to be along for the ride? More valuable than I can put into words. Plus their writing slaps I go back and reread their stuff all the time amen god bless.
Other writers who have inspired me:
@lovebarefootblonde can build out worlds and characters like nobody's business. Like, I could just revel in her OC's and universes for the rest of my life and never get bored.
@ashlingnarcos is 100000% the writer that made me want to round out my description-writing skills. Every fic I've read of hers has brought me to my goddamn knees. I'm weak and in awe.
@charmingoutlaws will always get a shout-out for these types of questions because their The Other Guy Saga is something that hit me so hard and inspired me so much as a writer. There aren't words to explain it.
@imagineredwood has been someone whose writing I have looked up to since I got into the SOA/Mayans fandom and continues to be one of my fave fic writers.
@yourwonkywriter is another one who has been a real cornerstone for me in terms of writing. If I hadn't come across their fics for Nestor I truly don't think I ever would've been brave enough to try writing any myself. The amount of times I reread them to try and get just a sliver of the grasp they have on his character??? Too many to count.
@awildcur writes things and I immediately lose myself in them in the best way possible. You ever read stories that just give you that warm, cozy feeling of coming home?? Yea. That's it. I just love them all.
There are definitely more but guess who is terrible at remembering url's 😅😅
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550 Followers: Meet The Writer
Welcome to another Meet The Writer Q&A! We reached 550 followers! Yay! We’re grateful to all of you who continue to share your work with us and support the fanfic authors of the fandom. As usual, a writer was randomly selected to share a little something of their work with us. Anyway, let’s get to the good stuff!
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Blog: @monsoonblooms12
Name (or petname): Manamee
Birthday: 12th April  
Nationality: Indian
Current residency: India  
Languages you speak: English, Hindi, Bengali
Masterlist/AO3: Masterlist | AO3
1- Is there a meaning behind your url name?
Not really. One day I was googling Instagram usernames and this one caught my eye. I tweaked it up a bit to fit me and having using it as my username on various platforms since.
2- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
It was actually in mid 2019 but I wasn't much of an active player. I started playing more frequently during the lockdown. The first book I read was The Royal Romance, Book 1.
3- When did you decide to join Choices fandom?
Because I was enamoured by the fics I had been reading and wanted to find more writers and creators whose works I can enjoy. I had begun reading fanfiction related to choices during one of my lowest times, when everything seemed out of my control. And the works I read got me through my tough times. So I also wanted to give back in some way and chose to make an account.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us what was your first post on your Choices blog was about.
It was my first moodboard! I made one for the TRR MC
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I began in August last year. I was inspired by the amazing works all around me and thought of finally taking a dive into it.
6- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
It was the first part of my first Open Heart Series, Detectives by Chance: Chapter 1: Notes in Scarlet. There are some parts of it that I like, while other parts not so much. But honestly, it was the beginning of a journey of constantly learning to improve myself which would have never happened if I didn't write it. So as much as I dislike some of the parts, I wouldn't want to change anything about it.
7- What are your favorite Choices books to write about?
Open Heart. And honestly, that's all I have written about since the beginning 😆
8- What is your specialty as a fanfic writer?
If I have to answer, I will go for fluff. Not speciality really, but I feel that my angst is never really angsty and fluff has become a bit of a strong point for me. So, yeah.
9- If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Fluff, because a) My heart cannot take too much pain and b) Fluff is the only thing that I feel I can write well
10- Do you ever recognise yourself in what you write?
Yeah. I tend to put pieces of myself, my culture, my likes and dislikes, both in my MC and in my stories. And it brightens my day when people like my inclusion of those.
11- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Writing itself. And also the self-deprecation that comes when you are writing something, always feeling that no one will ever like what you write, or that there are numerous writers better than you, and your stories will never be as good as theirs.
12- Is there any neglected work of yours you wished you would finish?
It's my series, In sunshine & In shadow. I began it as an ambitious project last year, only to give up after the 1st chapter. I have it outlines, and I definitely wish to get back to it someday.
13- If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them?
If yes, what would you recommend they read first? I might, it depends on who asks. I would ask them to read my fic, Eumoiriety first, because it is one of my favorite things that I have ever written.
14- Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I have always looked up to authors like Agatha Christie when it comes to crafting mysteries, or to authors like Ruskin Bond when I want to take a lesson of how to make a fic simple yet significant. And talking about fanfic writers, there have been many who have influenced me in some way or the other. But I would like to mention about those whose works inspired me to write for the first time: @bbrandy2002, @drethanramslay and @jamespotterthefirst (Thank you, you guys❤)
15- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?
Detectives by chance! Mostly because it's a mystery and I would love to see the drama unravel on the silver screen.
16- Do you write original stories?
I haven't...yet. I just might do it someday, who knows? 
Thanks for reading! Reblog to share your appreciation for  @monsoonblooms12​
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Dating Photographer!JJ Maybank would Include:
It should be basic knowledge now that when I see a cute boy with a camera, my Photographer heart gets all happy and warm. I was inspired to write this lil headcanon after I saw this photo of Rudy. I hope you like it!
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JJ finds an film camera in the garage (he thinks it used to belong to his mom but doesn't ask his dad)
So then he just gets used to knowing there's a camera in his bag
Then he gets used to having the camera around his neck when he gets tired of holding it
He likes to take photos of you
"Stop trying hide from me, babe!" "I'm hiding from the camera!" "Then stop trying to hide from the camera, babe!"
His favorite photos to take are candid's
"Did you just take a photo of me?" ".....no?"
Kiara gets you a Instax mini Polaroid camera in your favorite color (since she has one and you always thought it was cute)
You start understanding why JJ always has his camera with him
And why he likes capturing moments
Sarah asks him for a copy of the photo he takes of her and John B
Pope flips off the camera in every other photo with a smile
You ask him to a photo of both of you, you holding the flowers he picked from someone's yard
He takes a photo of each sunset you two both watch, sitting on a warn and old blanket in the sand
He laughs when you strike a pose with his friends on the boat and almost forgets to take the photo
On hikes and on walks, he tugs onto your hand to let you know he sees something he wants to take a photo of so you both stop
Sometimes you have to wait for him since he gets so excited and it makes you happy for him
If you catch him staring at you, you tell him, "take a photo, it'll last longer" and he smirks, "wanna bet?" then kisses you
You even use his camera sometimes
He will tell you that you're lucky he loves you and trusts you with his baby "I thought I was your baby" you tease "You know what I mean, Y/N"
You get him a black photo album and fill the first few spots with your favorite photos he has taken and you kinda wish there was someone taking a photo of the goofy smile he has before he pulls you into a tight embrace
The guy who owns the only camera shop on the island grins brightly when you first come into the shop "glad to finally met you. I'm glad JJ wasn't lying about his beautiful girlfriend and was actually a stalker" and his smile gets even bigger when you tell him you want to buy JJ more film
You are his biggest supporter, even if he does try to lie and say it's just a hobby he likes to do
You get a booth for him for a flea market and there's so many people who I've lived on the island their entire lives tell him that he has a great eye, they need to stop and look at flowers more often, and some Kooks ask him if he does any Shoots with families, couples, friends, Seniors protaits since they would love to work for him and see his work grow
After a little while, he buys his own camera and thanks you for all the support and starts calling his new camera his new babe which you tease him about
His bedroom walls get covered with photos and memories
Taglist (ask me to join!): @softstarkey @mahleeyuh @jjmaybanksbaby @maddiebee2019 @pixelated-pogues @mrsmaybankhere @outrbank @cognacdelights @ssjiara @jjaybank @ilovejjmaybank @wildflower-obx @starkeymarkey @collectiveuniverses @milamaybank @bxllasanosa @jellyfishbeansontoast @afterglowsb-tch13 @dpaccione @jiaraendgame @poguestyleskye @jeyramarie @all-american-fangirl @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @obxmxybxnk @summer-clouds-and-long-days @talksoprettyjjx @royalmerchant @poguelifesurfshop @pit-zuh @loveop5500 @bricksatanakinswindow @jjsbxtch (please tell me if you've changed url or want to be deleted off of my taglist!)
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Yeah, kind of insane that the Adoption AU started with a 3am Taco Bell run.
I do actually have a few one shots already written for this AU! There's the Taco Bell story, the time Sky got arrested, the time Twilight got shot, a funny story I wrote based on real events with Twi, Wars and Wind trying to cook, and something based on that one picture of the boys playing the floor is lava by cherypaii(? I think that's the url?). And I have a half finished fic about Lullaby reacting to Time's increase in kids I call "Lullaby reacts to Time's Batman-Level Adoption Bullshit", and a half finished fic introducing Wild's twin. So if anyone is interested in reading some of the fun bits for the AU, since I'm still writing for the plot part (although this conversation has given me inspiration and motivation to write the bit where they find Twi after he was kidnapped, so,) then I'd be happy to post them.
And since you mentioned hoping more info would magically appear, consider this magic.
Midna is a mafia princess, and her family immigrated to get away from it. Zant is her cousin, and his parents followed to make sure Midna's parents didn't embarrass the family. She briefly had to move away after the incident where Twi got shot, but she's back before the plot happens.
Twi and Time both have their face markings in this AU. Time had his tattooed on after the FD incident as a reminder of what he's capable of and what he's lost (considering this plot beat's connection to his family and the Order), for better or worse. Twilight was gifted his by Midna after he fought Zant to try and protect her and Dusk from Zant. The markings are traditional Twili tattoos, painted on with some kind of something that acts as a mix of tattoing and henna, and have to be earned. Twilight's represent courage, boldness and sacrifice.
Warriors has a whole plot I've done nothing with involving Cia being, well, creepy as all get out. Basically I read somewhere that a victim of abuse is more likely to end up in other abusive relationships when looking at how Warriors' bio parents being abusive would effect him and then I remembered Cia and decided to be mean to him.
The underground hospital that took care of Wild after the wreck is called the Shrine of Resurrection because I thought that was a cool way to connect that.
I had this stupid idea once that Midna writes purposefully terrible fanfic and a few people suspected she wrote 'My Immortal' for a while, and when she comes back everyone is like "The Chaos Corner guy's brother is dating the lady who wrote My Immortal???" and Midna decides to set the record straight by doing a small livestream on like, Instagram or something where she explains she's actually dating Dusk. She's reapplying Twi's markings as she says this, and is basically in his lap. Twilight spends the whole thing looking like he wants the floor to swallow him.
Rottla is informed by a therapist that she should try and do something since her kids don't feel safe (which, considering Time got stabbed in their living room, not feeling safe is understandable), and decides the best way to fix this is to teach them how to fight. Time and Lullaby are both black belts in several martial arts and can use most weapons well as a result. To Rottla's credit, this does actually work.
The sorority Warriors befriends is made up of the fairies I saved in his game. Because I love those fairies. They're my favorite part of his game. Also, Proxi is here.
Navi lives! She's rescued by the Order, like how the rest of Deku's kids were. She plays the role of a Great Fairy for the order. Her fairies are actually Warriors' sorority. And Tatl, actually.
Saria is a strong contender to become leader of the Order eventually.
Majora is here and I can't tell based on my outline if I have Time kill Majora or not. So, Time potentially kills a man.
Wind has a boat with an old radio connected to a lighthouse where an old man lives. This old man is Daphnese Nohanssen, but Wind always calls him Red. They talk a lot, and Daphnese is glad he has someone who will talk to him because he is very lonely.
Wild has a motorbike (Master Cycle) that it is honestly a miracle he hasn't wrecked yet. He breaks himself but never the bike. Wars has an older car that he's put some elbow grease in and you'd never know it wasn't new. Twilight has a beat up old pickup truck everyone is just waiting to die, but it hasn't yet. This is impressive, considering Twi does drag racing.
Also, Warriors has a tendency to get in fist fights, and between them and Legend (who is never arrested for the same thing twice), Time happens to be on a first name basis with most of the police in the city. The chief has his number on speed dial for when he needs to go pick up a kid.
Wild's friends are all alive and they love him. Flora is laser focused on helping him with his memory issues. And feeding him weird things. For science.
Wild's twin, Knight, is mute. He speaks in sign. He's also a bit blindsided by how chaotic the house is, but he fits in very well. They buy a roomba that Knight tapes a knife to and blames Wild.
At some point I'll write the fic where someone modifies a nerf gun and things escalate until Time shows up with one of those machine gun nerf guns hooked up to a car battery (a modification he did with help from Sheik and Ruto). Who needs depth perception who you can shoot 60 darts per second? It's chaos and when Malon gets back from a trip she takes this week she finds the house in disarray and a hockey puck in the wall. Clean up takes three days, and they are still finding nerf darts in weird places.
This is off the top of my head. I am certain I am missing something.
Forgive the weird formatting, I don't know what happened there.
honestly i’d love if you ever posted any of the one shots you have already - and i think i saw one or two other people say they wanted to read the story too in the post where you explained most of the plot, so i’m not alone on this aha
Can i say i love how you somehow connected a lot of their games’ original details and made them make sense in a modern setting???? like it can be a hard thing to accomplish but with wat you just told us here it sounds like you did it amazingly and it makes me all the more excited to see what other connections there are!!! 
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