#look at that a lot of spelling mistakes
moksutinn · 2 years
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i started reading michael kurland’s moriarty -series (i’ve only read first book atm) and got inspired
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capisback · 3 years
Ace’s ASCE tattoo Before the Post-War Arc: Wow, such great characterization! He might seem like the suave, typical cool older brother at first, but he’s a dumbass like Luffy! He even spelled his name wrong in his tattoo!
After Post-War Arc: Wow, such great characterization! Ace loves his dead brother so much he immortalized his jolly roger on his arm, carrying him and his dreams out to sea for the adventure he could never have, robbed of his life far too soon. By entwining the jolly roger with his own name, Ace shows his brother is a huge part of him and who he is and who he shaped up to be, and that despite him being gone, part of him will forever live on in Ace
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deerloaf-trash · 2 years
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wanted to make another 5D’s oc that wasn’t my sona, so here’s Kanna. They’re a criminal from sattelite and one of Crow’s buddies. 
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elfilibusterismo · 4 years
hey jam! please ignore this if its explained in ilb (and if it gets sent twice) but can you explain me this? because i really loved your explanation for bb portrait
bird in a cage = imogen (valid)
moth (??) = tom (for what? metamorphosis?)
latern/light = mc (valid, they save the day etc)
directions = parker (ok but how)
eye= Danni (photographer)
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OHHH ty for sending this in!!! i’ve been wanting to write about this for months (ive saved screenshots for it already) but im..lazy. lol. i’ll expand mostly on parker (and a little bit on danni) here.
parker’s symbol is the compass. first we have to ask — what does a compass do, exactly? no-brainer, a compass is used for navigation. it always points north, it’s steady. we can use this to allude to parker; i argue that (depending on how you treat him in your playthrough) he keeps the group on track, and is the anchor to the group. mc may “light the way” but what good is lantern, used for short-sight, without a long-term goal to show you where the fuck you’re ACTUALLY headed? 
parker thinks ahead. he knows that you can’t just jump in and do shit because that’s not going to fucking work. you need a plan. in his diamond scene at richard’s house this is especially highlighted; even with everything they’ve just been through he’s already thinking of the long-term. here’s a portion of the scene:
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another scene where he shows this aspect of his character (if he has high nerve) is the group scene at ned’s house. he initiates the group to calm down. if tom flips his shit, parker’s the one who tells him off:
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now, the thing about compasses is that they’re no good if they’re broken. broken compasses lead in you in circles and then you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. which is why i find that parker leaving the group (if he doesnt have high nerve) is a fitting path for him. he doesn’t have direction anymore, his life was built on lie, the one he looked up to turned out to be a homicidal freak who doesn’t abide by the very principles he taught parker to live by. and so what does he do? he skips town. doesn’t know where to go, but hopefully if he goes somewhere he’ll be able to make sense of it all.
ok enough on parker lol. i’d write more but thats it for now hfsjdhfsj
a little bit on danni. her symbol is the eye; you could take this as she is a photographer in ilb, but it goes farther than that. when we meet danni she is introduced as a barista by day, photographer by night. her family isn’t too well off and she knows that, living in pine springs where rich families easily flaunt their wealth. she sees through the town’s bullshit. to put in simple terms — her eyes are open. she’s “woke,” for lack of better term.
danni is frustrated at how the rich treat (people like) her and her art. when you talk to her at the party, she rants about how the rich patrons simply see her photograph (the one with the larger boat skidding past the smaller boat) as a photograph, and not as what it really was: criticism on wealth inequality. this aspect of her character is why i find her rune item — the seeing stone — so fitting: she literally sees what most people don’t! 
she knows something’s wrong with the town but she doesn’t know where exactly to start searching, and that’s where mc comes in to “light the way” for her to see.
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ebelas · 3 years
(solas vc) back in my day pronouns were something you opted into for fun. like beach volleyball (do not rb do not do it)
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shiroolynn · 3 years
I subscribed to eurosport player and f1 tv, and I am able to watch sports now, how about thaaaat 😌 kinda cool
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Why are there so many cardinals in my yard right now bndsndsks
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Ok so I finally have some time off from work so it’s speculation time again.
so one of the quiestion @touyanii​ asked is:
do you have any theories on what zunisha has done to be damned to walk for eternity? 
Ok so let’s review what we know about Zunisha
Zunisha is over a 1,000 years old
The island of Zou and the mink tribe, who resides there, have been living atop Zunisha for a 1,000 years
In the past, Zunisha commited a terrible crime and was sentenced to walk the seas for eternity, and now it can only act when commanded to
Some people like Luffy, Roger and Oden have the ability to hear “the voice of all things” but so far Momonsuke is the only one who was able to communicate with Zunisha.
The mink tribe was surprised to learn Zunisha has a will of its’ own and some have wondered about the destination of Zunisha’s wandering
Ok, so as we established already, Zunisha has been around for more than a 1,000 years and the mink have been living there for at least a thousand years.
Meaning, that during the void century Zunisha has already been their place of residence. 
Considering that, it’s no surprise Zunisha seems to care for it’s citizens, providing them with means of survival (bestowing them with fish from the sea) and caring for them when they’re attacked. 
Now as for it’s target, to me it seemed as If Zunisha is aimlessly wandering.
When we first laid eyes on Zunisha, we see this massive elephant with long legs and a huge trunk, but what struck me the most was that it appeared as if it had no eyes. 
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Yet, when Jack attacks it looks as if Zunisha is awakened, regaining its will and spirit. 
Suddenly we can see its eyes and we can see its pain (which is also explicitly stated).
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furthermore Zunisha’s movement becomes much more definite and clear, its posture changes and its "docile” presence becomes intimidating and formidable.
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With a single strike it demolishes an entire fleet led by a powerful man. 
And once this ordeal is done with, it looks as if Zunisha lays dormant once again, as if running on auto-pilot, waiting for the promised day, when it will finally redeem itself and end the curse that has befallen it. 
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But who could cast this curse? and for what reason?
Well, there is no doubt Zunisha has relations to the Anceint Kingdom but what exactly are they?
The nature of the Ancient Kingdom is not yet known and it seems as if many “mythical” and extraordinary attributes are associated with it, like the “Voice of all things”, the moon (its technology and former dwellers), The clan of D and maybe even devil fruits, but so is the mystery most relevant to this theory: the ancient weapons. 
The ancient weapons are powerful weapons capable of mass destruction. 
We already know the nature of two of them. One is the blueprints of a warship and the other a mermaid who can control sea kings. 
But nothing about the 3rd weapons is yet known, wouldn’t you say it’s possible that Zunisha is Uranus?
There is absolutely no doubt that Zunisha wields incredible power and is more than qualified to be called a weapon of mass destruction. 
So I wouldn’t say it’s a far fetched idea.
Even if it’s a false conclusion, there’s no doubt Zunisha is a force to be reckoned with. 
And as such we are left to wonder what was the fault for which Zunisha was damned to walk for all eternity.
I can only assume that the one who punished Zunisha for his crime was none other than Joy Boy (the ruler of the Ancient Kingdom).
And as I said before the minks have been living atop Zunisha during the events of the void century, which mean during the war between the Great Kingdom and the WG. 
And as I said in the original post the minks were allies of the Great Kingdom. 
But what does that have to do with Zunisha’s crime? 
so I have a few hypotheses and I’ll explain the one I think makes the most sense. 
During a crucial point in the war between the WG and the Great Kingdom, Zunisha, being the minks’ home and their only way of transportation, has decided to turn his back on the Ancient Kingdom in order to protect the mink tribe who he seems to care for. 
By doing that, the military strength of the Great Kingdom was reduced (without both Zunisha and the minks), resulting in the tipping of the scales to the advantage of the 20 kingdoms who will become the founders of the WG. 
Following this, Joy Boy has punished Zunisha for its actions, robbing him of his free will making it so that he can only act on order issued to him by an individual who is a descendant of an allied nation (I think specifically from Wano or Toki who came from 800 years ago).
***It could also be that he betrayed the Great Kingdom due to other reasons not related to the mink (maybe that’s even more plausible).
Zunisha might have even directly opposed or attacked the Great Kingdom.
Anyway, Zunisha’s inability to act of his own free will puts Momonsuke who can command him as the equivalent of shirahoshi, when it comes to the ancient weapons.
Shirahoshi is the queen of the sea kings while Momonsuke can command Zushina.  (I guess that makes him Uranus and not Zunisha?)
And as Luffy jokingly predicted we are sure to see more of Zushina probably in the big war that will surely come once the One Piece is found.
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And I believe the final ground of that great battle, that will engulf the whole world and changes it, is Zunisha’s destination.
and at that place either Zunisha’s life or its curse will come to an end. 
But I also have other questions that occupy my mind and bother me, such as:
How big Zunisha really is? Can it go over the Red Line?
Can it destroy the Red Line?
What kind of creature is it? what is its origin? are there any others like it?
What kind of power does Joy Boy posses?
Can Shirahoshi and Momonsuke hear the “voice of all things” or can they only hear what their destiny dictates?
and many others that I hope we’ll get a clue to soon.
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@ask-arclight-varus | In response to “Who hurt you? WHAT hurt you?”
The question didn’t register, the agony was just too unbearable, hot spikes of pain lancing through her entire being, coursing from her non-existent veins. What had made Them decide to punish her for this time? They shouldn’t be here, although, considering her very own existence, she should have known better. And why now of all times? She just didn’t understand it, writhing uncontrollably on the ground, too weak to stand. 
Despite the spasms wrecking her body, she managed to make out some kind of being, lavishly decorated with soft glowing golden lines spiraling up their limbs, standing close to her. Too close. Immediately, her fight or flight response kicked in and in a desperate attempt to get away from them, she beat her wings with rushed and panic laced motions, further compromising her body.
Her panicked thrashing had kicked up a considerable amount of debris around her, claws tearing up the ground and her wings created a small and local dust cloud, all the while she was shrieking in pain at an earsplitting volume.
Her once meticulously cared for body now looked like it could fall apart any moment now, her former crisp lines dominating her form were almost reduced to the haphazard folds of a balled up sheet of paper, ready to be thrown away. She was doing everything in her power not to unfold right now. She couldn’t afford it. Couldn’t risk Them getting free reign in this world. She wouldn’t let Them hurt them. Like They had treated her.
But she was too vulnerable right now and this being could hurt her any moment- 
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Me, at three in the afternoon yesterday: Oh boy, time for a short nap and then some food.
Me, waking up this morning, having slept through two meals and all attempts to contact me: What-what happened? What year is it?
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m4rkshouse · 5 years
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allhealwesttexas · 6 years
AJJ concert recap
@ljossalfheimr (who is the most amazing human being) and I went to a concert tonight and it was pretty awesome.
Emperor X
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Support for AJJ was Emperor X. I hadn't listened to his music before, and it's really cool! He had a tablet with him that he used to (?) make music and create echoes (or check Twitter I'm really not sure) and a guitar. It was really a stellar performance and I'll definitely listen to some more of his stuff.
"Fuck Geert Wilders" & "I'm gonna burn a cop car."
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The main act of the night was AJJ. I'm not super familiar with their discography, but I know People That Eat People and some other albums. As this was the anniversary tour of that album, they played in it's entirety and then played some more random songs.
Ben and Sean both seemed equally happy they would never have to play Randy's House again. Hearing Big Bird live with a crowd like this was really something else. I wish I could experience the first part of that song over and over again. The entire room chanting their biggest fears together.
The concert is over that is so sad, Sean, play America Body Rentals again. (Yeah I think they did play it twice or I'm crazy)
"No more shame, no more fear, no more dread."
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frith-in-tombs · 6 years
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To the sea, to the sea; the white gulls are crying The wind is blowing and the white foam is flying West, west away, the round sun is falling Grey ship, grey ship, can you hear them calling? The voices of my people that have gone before me I will leave; I will leave the woods that bore me For our days are ending and our years are failing I will pass the wide waters lonely sailing
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joannechocolat · 2 years
On sensitivity readers, weakness, and staying alive.
The other day I was part of a Twitter conversation begun by a fellow-author on the subject of sensitivity readers, in which he said that no serious author would use sensitivity readers, and spoke of work being “sanitized”. The conversation devolved, as it often does on Twitter, but it got me thinking. It must have got someone else thinking too, because a journalist from the Sunday Times got in touch with me the next day, and asked me to share my ideas on the subject. Because I have no control over how my words are used in the Press, or in what context they might appear, here’s more or less what I told her.
I think a lot of people (some of them authors, most of them not) misunderstand the role of a sensitivity reader. That’s probably mostly because they’ve never used one, and are misled by the word “sensitivity”, which, in a world of toxic masculinity, is often mistaken for weakness. To these people, hiring someone to check one’s work for sensitivity purposes implies a surrendering of control, a shift in the balance of power. 
In some ways, I can empathize. Most authors feel a tremendous sense of attachment to their work. Giving it to someone else for comment is often stressful. And yet we do: we hand over our manuscripts to specialists in grammar, spelling or plot construction. We allow them to comment. We take their advice. We call these people editors and copy-editors, and they are a good and necessary part of the process of being an author. Their job is to make an author’s work as accurate and well-polished as possible.
When writing non-fiction, authors sometimes use fact-checkers at the editorial stage, to make sure that no embarrassing factual mistakes make it into print. This fact-checking is a normal part of the writing process. We owe it to our readers to be as accurate as possible. No-one wants to look as if they don’t know what they’re talking about.
That’s why now, increasingly, when writing about the lives and experiences of others, we sometimes use readers with different specialities. That’s because, however great our imagination, however well-travelled we may be and however many books we have read, there will always be gaps in our knowledge of the way other people live, or feel, or experience the world. Without the input of those with first-hand knowledge, there’s always a danger we will slip up. That’s why crime writers often consult detectives when researching their detective fiction, or someone writing a hospital drama might find it useful to talk to a surgeon, or a nurse, or to someone with the medical condition they are planning to use in their narrative. That’s why someone writing about divorce, or disability, or being adopted, or being trans, or being homeless, or being a sex worker, or being of a different ethnicity, or of a different culture – might find it useful to take the advice of someone with more experience.
There are a number of ways to do this. One of my favourites is The Human Library, which allows subscribers to talk to all kinds of people and ask them questions about their lives  (Check them out at https://humanlibrary.org/). The other possibility is to hire a specialist sensitivity reader to go through your manuscript and check it. Both can be a valuable resource, and I doubt many authors would believe that their writing is sanitized, or diluted, or diminished by using these resources.
And yet, the concept of the sensitivity readers – which is basically another version of the specialist editor and fact-checker – continues to cause outrage and panic among those who see their use as political correctness gone mad, or unacceptable wokery, or bowdlerization, or censorship. The Press hasn’t helped. Outrage sells copies, and therefore it isn’t in the interest of the national media to point out the truth behind the ire.
Let’s look at the facts.
First, it isn’t obligatory to use a sensitivity reader. It’s a choice. I’ve used several, both officially and unofficially, for many different reasons, just as I’ve always tried to speak to people with experience when writing characters with disabilities, or from different cultures or ethnic groups. I know that my publisher already sends my work to readers of different ages and from different backgrounds, and I always run my writing past my son, who often has insights that I lack.  
Sensitivity reading is a specialist editorial service. It isn’t a political group, or the woke brigade, or an attempt to overthrow the status quo. It’s simply a writing resource; a means of reaching the widest possible audience by avoiding inaccuracy, clumsiness, or the kind of stereotyping that can alienate or pull the reader out of the story.
Sensitivity readers don’t go around crossing out sections of an author’s work and writing RACIST!!! in the margin. Usually, it’s more on the lines of pointing out details the author might have missed, or failed to consider: avoiding misinformation; suggesting authentic details that only a representative of a particular group would know.
Authors can always refuse advice. That’s their prerogative. If they do, however, and once their book is published, they receive criticism or ridicule because their book was insufficiently researched, or inauthentic, or was perceived as perpetuating harmful or outdated stereotypes, then they need to face and deal with the consequences. With power comes responsibility. We can’t assume one, and ignore the other,
Being more aware of the experiences of others doesn’t mean we have to stop writing problematic characters. Sensitivity reading isn’t about policing bad behaviour in books. It’s perfectly possible to write a thoroughly unpleasant character without suggesting that you’re condoning their behaviour. Sensitivity is about being more authentic, not less.
People noticed bigotry and racism in the past, too. Some people feel that books published a hundred years ago are somehow more pure, or more free, or more representative of the author’s vision than books published now. You often hear people say things like: “If Dickens were around today, he wouldn’t get published.”
But Dickens is still published. We still get to read Oliver Twist, in spite of its anti-Semitism. And those who believe that Dickens’ anti-Semitism was accepted as normal by his contemporaries probably don’t know that not only was he criticized by his peers for his depiction of Fagin, he actually went back and changed the text, removing over 200 references, after receiving criticism by a Jewish reader. And no, it wasn’t “normal” to be anti-Semitic in those days: Wilkie Collins, whose work was as popular as Dickens’ own, managed to write a range of Jewish characters without relying on harmful and inaccurate stereotypes. 
But it isn’t automatic that a book will survive its author. Books all have shelf lives, just as we do, and Dickens’ work has survived in spite of his anti-Semitism, not because of it. The work of many others has not. Books are for readers, and if an author loses touch with their readers - either by clinging to outdated tropes, or using outdated vocabulary, or having an outdated style – then their books will cease to be published, and they will be forgotten. It happens all the time. What one generation loves and admires may be rejected by the next. And the language is always changing. Nowadays, it’s hard to read some books that were popular 100 years ago. Styles have changed, sometimes too much for the reader to tolerate.
Recently, someone on tumblr asked about my use of the word “gypsy” in Chocolat, and whether I meant to have it changed in later editions. (River-gypsies is the term I use in connection with Roux and the river people, who are portrayed in a positive light, although they are often victims of prejudice.) It was an interesting question, and I gave it a lot of thought. When I wrote the book 25 years ago, the word “gypsy” was widely used by the travelling community, and as far as I knew, wasn’t considered offensive. Nowadays, there’s a tendency to regard it as a slur. That’s why I stopped using it in my later Chocolat books. No-one told me to. It was my choice. I don’t feel as if I’ve lost any of my artistic integrity by taking into account the fact that a word has a different resonance now. On the other hand, I don’t feel that at this stage I need to go back and edit the book I wrote. That’s because Chocolat is a moment in time. It uses the language of the moment. Let it stand for as long as it can. 
But I don’t have to stay in one place. I can move on. I can change. Change is how we show the world that we are still alive. That we are still able to feel, and to  learn, and to be aware of others. That’s what “sensitive” means, after all. And it is nothing like weakness. Living, changing, learning – that’s hard. Playing dead is easy.
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jinseulss · 3 years
I still haven't moved on from jinki and rosé's duet 😭
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crimxonwrites · 2 years
Billy’s girl | Eddie Munson x fem!reader | part 1 - ❝ Fuck that, fuck Billy.❞
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A/N: Hi! This is literally my first fic ever so I am hoping it’s not too bad. !! English is not my first language!! feel free to point out any spelling/grammar mistakes. Thanks ♥ (Eddie is sooo goddamn hot) and yes, I am making this a series.
☇ summary: You are trying to get over your ex-boyfriend’s death by getting high out of your mind. Your plans fail as you realize that you don’t need drugs to forget Billy, you need someone to make you forget.
☇ warnings: drugs, sexual innuendos, mmm some sexual tension, some throuple confusion? TRAUMA, bad coping mechanisms, season 3 spoilers
☇ pairings: eddie munson x fem!reader (ft. clueless Robin and Steve.)
Part 2
“Y/N? Earth to Y/N!” Robin’s raspy voice snaps you out of your trance. “What is going on with you?”
“Nothing.” You answer quickly and start picking up the movies and placing them on the shelf in front of you.
Truth is, you are mourning. After everything that happened last summer… You were silently mourning. The events that took place at Starcourt have changed your life. Sure, the idea of another dimension and creatures existing intrigues you, but suddenly losing your almost-boyfriend, Billy, not so much.
You and Billy got close at the beginning of senior year. He’d drive you around the town, get drunk with you and listen to you speak about your passions, dreams and goals. You were in love with him. Not that you knew what love was, but Billy came close to it and besides… Billy was not perfect. Far from it, actually. He wanted all the benefits of dating you but without actually making it official. You two would go to parties together, sure, but he wouldn’t touch you in public. He would not hold your hand; he wouldn’t even wrap his arm around your shoulders. Nothing. And one day, in early summer, he stopped contacting you.
He started a new job as a lifeguard and stopped hanging out with you. The last conversation you two had was when you confronted him by the pool. You were so angry and so, so drunk. Your idea of “confronting Billy” was yelling mean things at him and throwing weak punches. Billy never showed any sign of emotion. He just stood there, watching you. With one last “I hate you”, you left and that was the last time you saw him.
And then Starcourt happened. And Billy died. And you got cold. Very cold.
“Do you know where I can get pot?” You ask Robin, who has been staring at you for the past minutes.
“Pot?” Robin raises her eyebrows. “Are we celebrating anything? Oh my god, did I forget your birthday?”
“Birthday party?” Steve’s voice is coming from behind the register.
With a big frown on your face, you turn to face Steve. “My birthday is in October.” You answer.
“What?” they both ask in unison.
It’s not their fault. You never told them your birthday, how could you? You befriended the two last summer and after the events that happened at the mall, you spent your birthday getting drunk, ugly crying and watching tv in your room.
“Yea…” you pause, watching their surprised faces. “Anyways, can you guys hook me up with someone?”
“There is this weirdo that is hanging around Henderson and Mike. Some D&D fella.” Steve speaks.
“Cool… I’ll drive.” You take Steve’s car keys and start walking towards the door.
“I still can’t believe you never told us your birthday.” Robin adds, following you into the car.
“Ah, Harrington, heard a lot about you.” The long-haired boy speaks as he sits down on the wooden bench.
The boy, who introduced himself as Eddie Munson, is wearing a “Hellfire Club” shirt and a denim jacket. He weirdly reminds you of Billy. Except, he is nothing like Billy. Billy wouldn’t smile that often and he would definitely not smile at you like that in public.
“Who are these two beautiful ladies?” Eddie asks and opens his metal tool box, revealing a bunch of green and purple buds.
“Robin and Y/N.” Steve answers.
“I’ll take this.” You pick up the small plastic bag and look up at Eddie. “How much?” you ask.
“Slow down, beautiful.” Eddie stops you and takes the bag out of your hands. “What are you guys? A three-way couple? A throuple?” he asks.
“What?” Steve scuffs.
“No.” Robin laughs nervously.
You roll your eyes and pick up another bag from his tool box. The buds are purple, this time.
“How much?” you ask again, making eye contact with Eddie.
Leaning on his elbows, Eddie’s smile fades as he comes closer and closer to your face. Taken aback by his sudden movement, you lean back. “Do you even know how to roll?” Eddie smiles again and returns to his original position.
You don’t know how to roll.
Why would you? You’ve only started smoking once Billy got in town and you befriended him. He would always roll the joints for you as you watched carefully. As a contribution, he would let you lick the thin paper before lighting it up.
Come to think of it, you have not smoked ever since Billy passed away.
“No.” Robin answers for you.
“Here’s the deal. I will give this…” he picks up the original bag of buds. “And that.” Eddie points towards the bag that you are holding. “For free. And I’ll roll the joints.”
“What’s the catch?” Steve asks. “Come on, you’re not gonna give them to us for free.”
“Ouch!” Eddie gets up suddenly, pretending he just got shot in the heart. “You’re hurting me, Harrington.” He walks over to your side of the table. “The catch is, I get to smoke with the throuple.” He laughs.
“I’m out.” Robin gets up, throwing her hands up in defeat.
“Robin…” You catch her by the wrist. “Stay, please?” you practically beg her. You really need a distraction right now, and you would rather do it with your best friend.
“Yes, Robin, stay.” Steve adds.
Robin sighs and sits back down on the bench.
“Perfect!” Eddie exclaims and sits down, opposite of you.
You hand him the bag of buds and watch him quietly as he starts grinding the weed. His technique is gentler than Billy’s. Eddie mixes the weed with tobacco and rolls it carefully, making direct eye contact with you as he licks the paper.
You wince, giving him a confused look. He smiles and starts working on the other joint. Is he flirting with you? Why is he flirting with you? Doesn’t he know? You’re Billy’s girl.
You were Billy’s girl.
No, you weren’t.
Billy is gone, Billy is dead.
After Billy, you didn’t really think about going out with other guys. You weren’t looking for other guys. Robin and Steve always wondered why you’d never give any guy a chance, but you couldn’t just tell them why. They both hated Billy with every bone in their body. Steve tried his luck with you, but you made it clear that you were not interested. Robin even asked you if you were into girls.
“Would you like to make the honors?” Eddie places a joint between his lips and hands you a lighter.
You light it up and he takes a small puff, handing you the joint. The familiar smell of weed reminds you of the late nights you spent with Billy, smoking in the back of his car.
Fuck that, fuck Billy.
The reason you wanted to get high is to escape him.
You take a puff, inhaling it quickly and holding it for a few seconds before exhaling. You hand the joint to Robin. She takes it and you give her a forced smile.
“Stuff’s good.” You speak, shifting you gaze towards Eddie, who is watching you closely.
“Shouldn’t we smoke in my car? You know… to max out the effect?” Steve speaks and lets out a little cough.
Although the car only made you think of Billy at first, the effects of the pot finally started kicking in and you could literally feel your body melt into the car seat. Your vision is a bit clouded but you manage to get the small joint from Robin’s hands. You take another puff.
“It’s dead.” You speak, handing the remaining filter to Eddie, who is sitting in the passenger’s seat.
He pulls the other joint out of his pocket and lights it. “Come here.” He points at you and leans towards the backseat.
You feel like you are on autopilot, so you manage to lift up your body, moving closer to the long-haired boy. He takes a big puff and you can feel the cold rings against your skin as he cups your face. “Open.” Before you know it, your mouth opens and he gets closer, blowing the smoke into your mouth. His lips almost touching yours.
He takes his hands off your face and you immediately sink back in your seat, shakingly exhaling the smoke.
“Should… we give you guys some privacy?” Robin laughs, looking at you and Eddie.
Your brain just registered what happened. Does Eddie like you? Does he do this with every girl? He didn’t do it with Robin. You feel your cheeks heating up and quickly move your gaze to Robin, who is sitting besides you in the backseat. She has a lazy grin on her face.
“So, you are telling me you hang out with these beautiful ladies and you are not dating any of them?” Eddie laughs, looking at Steve.
“I like girls.” Robin speaks making both you and Steve look at her.
You didn’t know if it was the weed, but Robin has not been open with her sexuality with anyone but you and Steve. So, for her to just confess like that makes you worry.
“Yeah uh… I am not dating anyone at the moment.” Steve chuckles nervously before passing the joint to you.
“I’m…” you speak before taking a puff. “I’m Billy’s girl.”
Oh, shit.
Realization hits you after a few seconds. Shit, shit, shit. Speaking before thinking, nice job, Y/N. Both Steve and Robin are now staring at you.
“I mean, I was…” You cover your face with your hands. “I’m single now.”
“Billy? Billy Hargrove?” Steve speaks, raising his voice. “When? How?”
“Why?” Robin adds, freaking out.
“Isn’t the kid dead?” Eddie asks.
You hand the joint to Robin before opening the car door.
After what felt like minutes, you step out of the car, inhaling the fresh air. It’s dark now, and your mind is still fizzy. How are you going to explain to your best friends that you dated the man they hated? You start to feel your knees weaken as panic invades your entire body. It’s not a good time to open up to them. Not now.
You contemplate running away and never talking to them.
Chills run down your spine when you decide to open the car door and sit down.
“Y/N…” Steve speaks, softly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” He adds.
“I’ve never told you guys. I’m sorry.” You apologize.
“Should I give you guys some privacy?” Eddie speaks, emphasizing on the “I”.
“No, no, it’s fine.” You brush it off quickly before you take the joint from his hand. “I don’t want to talk about it.” You take a puff. “Should we listen to some music?”
As Steve turns on the radio, you can’t help but stare at Eddie’s side profile. You also can’t help but replay the previous moment in your head. The way his hands felt against your skin, the way your lips almost touched his, the way your body just obeyed him.
Maybe you don’t need drugs to distract you from Billy. You need someone to make you forget.
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