#look this was for a scouting j&w au
shittywriterbrain · 4 months
i was looking up the founding year of the boy scouts and stumbled upon this article complaining about the boy scouts of america changing their name to "scouting america" to be more inclusive. it's the dumbest shit i've ever read but it does have an absolutely amazing idea
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this is not happening. Anywhere. but it should!!!
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Number 17 (kissing to hide from bad guys) for the fic prompts? Bonus points if it's from one of the earlier seasons (maybe when they're still actively researching statements?) but the choice is entirely yours
so this is set in s3, sometime after 102. (possibly an au... who's to say!!) as such, warning for references to jon's kidnapping in 101, and scenes of people think they might be taken/killed/etc.
17. Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys
" Here, " Jon whispers in a panic in Martin's ear, and pulls him abruptly towards a shadowy spot in an alley. Martin goes along immediately, pressing towards the wall while also trying to push himself in front of Jon. Jon's breathing is sharp and frantic, his hand tight where it's clutching at Martin's arm, and the footsteps of their pursuers are still echoing slowly down the street. 
This was meant to be a work trip—or whatever passes for that these days. Another attempt to locate the ritual site for the Unknowing. Elias had suggested Jon go, and Martin hadn't wanted him to go alone. That's the last thing Jon needs, after everything, after being held captive for a month… Martin hadn't been willing to risk it, the possibility of Jon being taken again. 
It wasn't supposed to be dangerous, Elias had said. Just a simple scouting, it probably wasn't the site in the first place, the Stranger might not even be there, surely the fact that Jon had escaped so easily meant they wouldn't come after him again… 
This is clearly not true. They'd been spotted, inside the warehouse where they'd been searching. Martin can remember the moment with a shocking clarity: Jon's sharp intake of breath as he'd reached out to grab Martin's arm, his nails digging frantically into Martin's skin, the slow way Martin had looked up and seen it. Them. Things that looked wrong, inhuman, in a way that Martin can't even describe.
They've come after them. Followed them out of the warehouse, onto the street, and of course no one is around to see them, and Martin knows they should've gone for the rental car, should've immediately gone for the rental car, but they'd taken some wrong turns, frantic to get away from the blank-faced figures (the cheery voice calling for the Archivist and asking about his skin, and Martin is going to throw up). And now they're here, hiding in some alley while these things pretending to be human are searching for them, coming for Jon all over again. 
Jon's breathing has gone shaky. He's pulling at Martin's arm like they can get any further into the wall. Martin's got an arm in front of Jon, like they're in a car about to crash, and he's staring out at the alley, waiting for those things to catch up, and he says the first thing he can think of, in a whisper: "I-I won't let them take you again." 
Jon's breathing goes tighter somehow. "Martin, you can't… "
"I'm not going to let them take you, Jon!" Martin hisses, his voice pitching too high for a moment. Jon squeezes his arm frantically and he backtracks, quieter: " Sorry, sorry, it's just… I'm not letting that happen to you again!"
"They'd kill you," Jon whispers. "They wouldn't hesitate , Martin, and I am not… I am not losing anyone else!"
The footsteps echo closer; the echoing sing-song-y voice comes again, calling for Jon. Panic slices through Martin like a knife and he presses closer, as if physically shielding Jon will do a damn thing. (Maybe it will. You never know; maybe it will.) "W-we should run for the car," he says. (Although at the moment he has absolutely no idea where they parked it.)
"We'll never make it," Jon murmurs. Martin turns a little in time to see Jon, who's staring off into the distance with wide, haunted eyes. "We need to hide. " 
Martin looks back towards the street, at the approaching shadows. "I'll distract them," he says—one last ditch effort to at least get Jon to safety. "A-and you run."
"What? No. Martin." Jon's voice is pressing now; his hand slips from Martin's arm down to Martin's hand, intertwining their fingers. Martin looks back, startled, and finds Jon staring at him nervously. "Martin, do you trust me?" he says, voice wavering. 
Martin blinks a few rapid times. "Wh-what?" he says, caught off guard; he holds tighter to Jon's hand, suddenly worried that Jon is going to run out and distract them so Martin won't have to. 
Jon exhales frustratedly. "It's just that… I have an idea of how we could hide, and i-it's a little unusual, and stupid, a-and so I wanted your… to make sure you are all right with it first…"
The voice is getting closer. Panic snaps through Martin, and he hisses frantically, "Yes, whatever, it's fine, j-just do it before…" 
Jon lets go of Martin's hand and moves, in a flash, to cup the side of his face, both hands, and Martin only has a moment to wonder what the hell is going on before Jon rises on tiptoes, pulls Martin down a bit, and kisses him. 
Martin's brain shorts out for a moment—stuck between the marvel of him kissing Jon, Jon kissing him—and the panic of the fact that they're being chased by mannequin-things that will probably skin them. He makes a muffled, startled sound into Jon's mouth. Jon's hands are trembling on his face. 
Then the pieces start to slide together—Jon's doing that movie bit, where you kiss to hide from the bad guys. Quite possibly ridiculous, but it's something, something more than one of them being bait. (And to be entirely ridiculous for a moment… if they're both about to die, Martin's glad he's gotten to kiss Jon before he's done it.) So Martin plays along. He leans down and turns them a bit, so Jon's in the corner between the Dumpster and the wall, and his back is blocking the both of them from view; he'll look more inconspicuous than Jon will. 
And then he kisses Jon back. Tentatively, at first (just because you kiss someone to hide from monsters or whatever doesn't mean you actually want to kiss them), and then a little deeper. The way he's wanted to kiss Jon this whole time, as long as he's ever thought about it. He brings a hand to Jon's face, too, thinking to hide it from the Stranger. Pushes a little bit of hair behind Jon's ear. Jon leans into the touch; his right thumb moves, slowly, over Martin's cheek, and Martin has to hold back something that might be a sob. He leans closer, their foreheads almost touching, trying to focus on the fact that there are things trying to kill them, and not just on the fast that he is kissing Jon… 
Jon breaks away abruptly. Pulls back just far enough that their mouths aren't touching anymore—his hands still on Martin's face—and says, "I… Martin, I-I think they're gone now." He is breathing hard, his eyes darting over Martin's shoulder and then back. 
Martin is probably breathing hard too. He is drawing a blank; his hand is still in Jon's hair. "They're… they're gone?" he says, still in a whisper. His voice is shaking, he thinks. 
"Yes… yes, they're gone now." Jon looks right at him, his dark eyes huge in the dim light of the alley. "Martin… Martin, I am so… " 
"Car," says Martin. It is the first word he comes up with—they need to go, there are still things trying to kill them, and they can't just stand around talking when… He grabs Jon's hand where it's lowering, somewhere around his neck, and squeezes urgently. "Jon, car, we need to go… "
" Christ, I forgot, I…" Jon shakes his head hard and moves with Martin towards the opposite end of the alley. He doesn't let go of Martin's hand, all the way to the car, where they've left it two blocks away. Martin climbs immediately in the driver's seat, and turns the key, and drives off without hesitation, too fast to even buckle his seatbelt. 
There is silence in the car for a moment, as they drive away. Martin grips the wheel hard and stares straight out of the front window, unsure of what the hell to say. (Unsure whether to say Thank you for coming up with a plan to save our lives, or You just kissed me in an alley, maybe we should talk about this? or I've been in love with you for about a year now, and I guess you beat me to the punch, except I don't know if you actually MEANT it. ) But in the end, it's Jon who breaks the silence—to say, in a tight, rigid voice, "Martin, I am so sorry."
Martin's hands actually tighten around the wheel somehow. "Wh-what?" he says, uncertain. "What do you mean… Jon, you saved us."
"Th-that was entirely unprofessional, I… I shouldn't have kissed you like that, I just… I-I was afraid they'd find us, and it was all I could think of, and I just…" Jon's blushing. Martin can see it out of the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
Martin takes a shaky breath. He must be blushing, too, he thinks; his face and neck feel like they're on fire. He says, "You don't have to be sorry," just as Jon says, "I-I didn't want to go back." Martin's mouth shuts like a trap as Jon keeps talking: "I… if I went back, I think they would have… and I didn't want… and I thought if they took you… th-they would've killed you, Martin, and I wouldn't… I didn't…"
"It's okay , Jon," Martin blurts, and as soon as he says it, he finds he means it. "It is. I… I was scared, too."
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you, Martin, I should've left you at home…"
"Did you forget the part where I insisted on coming?" Martin laughs a little. "I… I'm glad you weren't here alone, Jon. I didn't want them to take you again. I…" He swallows hard, stares out at the road in front of him. One of his hands falls away from the wheel, towards the center console. "Please don't say you wish I hadn't been here. Please."
Jon's quiet for a moment. The only sound is the tires chewing up the road beneath them, before he finally says, "Still. I-I never should have kissed you, Martin. I am so… "
"Jon, you don't… y-you don't need to apologize, okay? You don't, " says Martin. "It's okay, it's fine, it was… I-I didn't mind, all right? You don't need to apologize."
"I… I should have clarified. I didn't really ask before I…"
" Jon. Please, it's okay. " Martin reaches for something else to say, and all he can come up with is: "I have had much worse kisses, okay? Much worse."
Jon laughs, a laugh sharp with surprise. After a moment, Martin laughs, too. This whole night has been so absurd. They were chased by some mannequins or whatever, they had to run for their lives, and Jon kissed him, and he kissed Jon, and they're alive. It's pretty hilarious, if you think about it for more than five minutes. It's about as absurd as anything else they've been through in the past year. He'd take this all over being trapped by worms. 
"I… I have, too, actually," says Jon, finally, after they've stopped laughing. " Much worse. You're not…" He stops, makes a strangled noise like he's embarrassed or something, before going on. "Th-thank you, Martin. Really."
Martin chews at his lower lip. "Thank you, " he says. "For… for getting us out of there." 
Jon takes a shaky breath. His fingers brush over Martin's free hand, where it's resting over the center console; Martin tenses all over, automatically, but Jon doesn't take it. Just brushes his fingers there. Martin thinks of Jon's expression before he leaned up to kiss him, Jon's fingers against his cheeks. 
"I… I should've left you at home," Jon says, almost reluctantly. "But I'm… glad you came with me, Martin. I'm glad you're with me."
Martin swallows hard. Bites back a small smile. He'd meant it, when he kissed Jon back; he wishes he could tell Jon he meant it. (He could, he supposes. Nothing stopping him. He wonders what Jon would say back.) 
But what he says is, "I am, too," because it's a sort of a confession, and he means it, too, as much as the kiss. Even with the almost dying, with all of it, he's glad, somehow, he was here. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Jon smile, just a little. Martin smiles, too.
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madroxed · 4 years
for the fic writer meme - J, U, W
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
i think literally everyone on the planet knows it’s bedsharing followed by friends to lovers. examples of fics i’ve written off the top of my head: here comes the spark (will/paul), something to sleep to (will/paul), under sideways down (jaime/bart), i wake up lonely (clay/tony), shade our faces from the sun (sam/blaine), hand across my heartbeat (alice/will), in this town of ones and zeros (scout/will), little pieces of the nothin’ that fall (kaldur/roy), the party isn’t over tonight (sam/blaine), (i’m) setting us in stone (reggie/luke).
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
SO MANY. right now i want to write a whole bunch of different julie and the phantoms ships (reggie/luke/alex, julie/luke, alex/willie, and reggie/alex all have word docs open right now), and i still want to write the hamish/randall fake dating fic for the order. one day i will finally finish the jack/kent college au that’s been sat on my laptop for approx a million years. i’m also desperate to write amos/holden post-s4 expanse fic but lol s5 starts in less than two weeks so..... 
basically, yeah, there’s a ton.
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
i have loved writing for saphael with my whole heart, and for the brief time (*cough* two years) i was writing for sam/blaine i loved that, too. they’re definitely the ones i’ve been most prolific for. on the other scale, i love writing one off fics for small fandoms, just to get it out of my system, like with find what you’re looking for (miles/jax) and forget yourself (christian/sammy).
favourite pairing to read will still to this day probably go to harry/draco, merlin/arthur, or any of my many bandom ships. i can re-read the same handful of classics over and over and never get bored.
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|| last updated 01/06/2020 ||
Claude von Riegan/Reader - Taking the Hit [FE]
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Hubert von Vestra/Reader - Divided Attention [FE]
Hubert von Vestra/f!Reader - Dual Tragedy [FE]
Hubert/Edelgard/f!Reader - Her...Saviors? [FE]
Randolph von Bergliez/f!Reader - Why Love a Man Who Can’t Protect You? [FE]
Sylvain Jose Gautier/f!Reader - No Competition [FE]
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Annette Fantine Dominic/f!Reader - How to Say It [FE]
f!Byleth/m!Doctor!Anonymous - The Way to Someone’s Heart... [FE]
Claude von Riegan - Nicknames [FE]
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Touch Starved!S/O [FE]
Dimitri, Dedue - Piggyback Rides [FE]
Dimitri, Sylvain - Dimples [FE]
Edelgard, Hubert, and Ferdinand - Meeting Their Partners [FE]
Elincia Ridell Crimea - First Kiss [FE]
Felix Hugo Fraldarius/f!S/O - Meeting the Duke [FE]
Ferdinand von Aegir - If You’re Stressed [FE]
Ferdinand von Aegir - Fatherhood [FE]
Ferdinand von Aegir/S/O - At the White Heron Ball [FE]
Ferdinand, Dimitri - If You’re Cold [FE]
Ferdinand, Hubert, Sylvain - Piggyback Rides [FE]
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Ensemble - Secret Fantasies: normal ; spicy [FE]
Fluff Alphabet - Dimitri, Dedue, Ashe - W, X, Y, Z [FE]
Fluff Alphabet - Edelgard von Hresvelg - B, I, O, P, V, W, X [FE]
Fluff Alphabet - Ferdinand von Aegir - C, D, L, M [FE]
Fluff Alphabet - Hubert von Vestra - B, C, J, K, O, R, V, W [FE]
Fluff Alphabet - Hubert, Linhardt, Claude - B, K, L [FE]
Fluff Alphabet - Jeritza von Hrym - O, V, W, Y [FE]
France, America, North Italy - Hugs [APH]
Hubert von Vestra - Fatherhood [FE]
Hubert von Vestra (Papa!) - Halloween (Modern AU) [FE]
Hubert von Vestra - General Angst [FE]
Linhardt von Hevring/S/O with Chronic Migraines [FE]
Linhardt von Hevring/f!Crush - Dating Advice [FE]
Linhardt von Hevring/S/O - Handling Their Panic Attacks [FE]
Lucina - First Date/Romance [FE]
Metodey - General Headcanons [FE]
Seteth/f!S/O - Fatherhood [FE]
Sylvain, Ashe - Cuddling with S/O [FE]
Sylvain, Hubert, Dimitri, Ferdinand - New Dress? [FE]
Randolph von Bergliez/f!Reader - Empire’s Call [FE]
Caspar von Bergliez [FE] - ♡
Linhardt von Hevring [FE] - ♡
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Eusine ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Eusine and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Eusine with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Eusine w/ a Villain
Top rated ships: Diamondstud, & Uxorious shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Fanatic, Fixation &  Hoax shipping.
*DiamondstudShipping - Colress & Eusine 5/10 I mean they’re both fabulous dudes who are focused on finding legendaries so I’d give it a fair shot of happening. Then again would Colress be able to put up with Eusine? 
FanaticShipping - Eusine & Saturn 0/10 Hehehe, they’d kill each other. (Saturn would kill Eusine)
FixationShipping - Eusine & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni would kill him let’s be honest. 
HoaxShipping - Archer & Eusine 1/10 I.........hm.........yeah don’t really see it too much either as a long term thing. Maybe a hook up?
*UnfortunateShipping - Butch & Eusine 4/10 I mean it’s interesting you got 2 folks who like to show others up, and are fancy bois. Could kinda work I suppose. 
UxoriousShipping - Eusine & Hunter J 6/10 And in this corner we have the wild ship that kinda makes sense just make Eusine more crazed. I mean they’re both obsessed with finding legendaries??? So just watch em run around trying to find certain stuff. Not much love there tho
*WorthyShipping - Cyrus & Eusine 4/10 I’m sorry but I do not see Eusine as hitting the ‘worthy’ level on that I mean he’s strictly emotion based tbh. This would be wild though to see. 
Eusine w/ a champion
Top rated ships: Regent shipping
Bottom rated ships: Gnomon shipping
AeonShipping - Eusine & Cynthia 0/10 Oh gosh no, how the f is that gonna work? Like bruh I don’t think she’d put up with him. 
GnomonShipping - Eusine & Steven Stone 4/10 Gnomo means gnome, so this ship is about gnomes???? Anyway moving on from that def another one night stand scenario.
MantleShipping - Eusine & Lance 4/10 Here we have another one night stand! Seriously just very few people can handle Eusine long term.
*RegentShipping - Alder & Eusine 7/10 Eh Alder did casually shoot his shot at Cynthia so if he did with Eusine def would of at least gone a round. Tho hm long term???? Maybe? I mean Alder has more patience???
SplashShipping - Eusine & Wallace 4/10 Both fabulous, but can they handle each other’s extraneous is the real question.
Eusine w/ an elite 
Top rated ships: Ouroboros, and Harker shipping
Bottom rated ships: DarkMagic, MythHunter, and Elitist shipping
DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen -50/10 Hehehehe, no. Yeah no even if Morty wasn’t involved in why Eusine hates her they would soon find a reason to be at each other’s throats.
ElitistShipping - Eusine & Will 1/10 Will would be sick of him pretty soon, or Eusine would be sick of him. If they didn’t chat much before hand maybe 1 night.
HarkerShipping - Eusine & Marshal 7/10 Cuter than some others I will say and I mean Marshal does seem to have more patience than some, and maybe it’d work.
MinaShipping - Eusine & Grimsley 5/10 Oh grims baby boi shipped around. Yeah I could kinda see it running better than some but again 2 dramatic bois, we’ll see how long they can take each other. 
*MythHunterShipping - Drake (Orange) & Eusine 1/10 I just want to see em exploring the world trying to find crazy legends and such. 
OuroborosShipping - Eusine & Flint (elite) 9/10 Kinda want to see this happen. I just imagine it being the refined boyfriend and messy other boy friend who were originally roommates. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 Ye Bruno would have the patience of a saint to handle him but would it be a good relationship?
WellReadShipping - Eusine & Lucian 5/10 Hm, nerd meets fabulous extrovert. Kinda sorta maybe?
(Surprised to see everyone in the Johto league and no Koga)
Eusine w/ a gym leader
Top rated ships: Sacred, Maelstrom, and RagingInferno shipping
Bottom rated ships: Camilla, Sacrosanct, and Broxa shipping
BroxaShipping - Eusine & Winona 0/10 Winona would not put up with this man. 
CamillaShipping - Eusine & Sabrina -10/10 Sabrina WOULD NOT put up with this man.
CeladonShipping - Eusine & Erika 3/10 I kinda want to see this in that Eusine can usually get away with his slightly flirty shiz and expects Erika to fall, but she just outright does not and boom he’s like,”but....hm I am intrigued.”
CorruptShipping - Bugsy & Eusine 0/10 No way in heck would Boy Scout and Eusine get along
DropletShipping - Eusine & Misty 2/10 Huh it’d be interesting but also they’d probably just fight alot.
HereticShipping - Eusine & Falkner 6/10 I think the name is funny, and brings up some interesting possibilities in au, but as the same time I kinda see it in the main timeline and wanna see it. 
IntertidalZoneShipping - Eusine & Jasmine 0/10 Ye they might ship, but would it be a healthy relationship?
JustinShipping - Eusine & Elesa 0/10 Who is Justin. They would be fashionable together but trying to romance would not work.
MaelstromShipping - Eusine & Volkner 8/10 Ok maybe. Tbh Volkner and Morty have somewhat of the same vibe to me, but Volkener has a bit more sad energy. 
MinakaneShipping - Eusine & Whitney 0/10 This is the first time I feel like Eusine would be annoyed and only becasue she’s just a happy ball but like all the time.
*RagingInfernoShipping - Chili & Eusine 7/10 Ok but watch em both get mad and scream like and then like cuddle afterward and both apologize. 
RueShipping - Eusine & Candice 0/10 Eusine is bent on finding legendaries and Candice is all protect them. no.
SacredShipping - Eusine & Morty 1000/10 Top for the boi cause they just have alot of character moments, and also they have the same salty chemistry and I love it.
SacrosanctShipping - Eusine & Clair 0/10 Clair would hurt him first before any sparks flew. 
SiWongShipping - Byron & Eusine 4/10 Eusine is your dad now Roark. So anyway I think it’s kinda interesting I like the contrast they have with each other but Idk how it’d work together. 
TesseractShipping - Brock & Eusine 1/10 Please explain the name to me, are you telling me they’re Avengers now??? So anyway I kinda feel like this wouldn’t happen. Like I mean Brock is a kind soul, and Eusine is kind of a goblin. 
WTFEverShipping - Brawly & Eusine 3/10 The name says it all. They’d have a one night stand, Brawly would think it was more and scream that at Eusine who’s confused why he’s mad. 
Eusine w/ Professor or assistant to
CrossRegionShipping - Bill & Eusine 3/10 Bill I suppose could work but I feel like things would fall apart when Bill realizes ‘oh you don’t just like suicune in a research sense you’re a bit fanatic.”
***ForelockShipping - Eusine & Professor Sycamore 5/10 .....Ok but if Sycamore was evil maybe? Idk why specifically this, but for some reason I feel like that would vibe??? In general tho naw.
*InvestShipping - Eusine & Professor Rowan 4/10 Naw don’t see this long term but I see it going longer than most.
*LifelongDreamShipping - Eusine & Fennel 9/10 There aren’t too many heterosexual ships I see with Eusine but oddly enough I can see this one. Especially after Eusine lost suicune and they get to talk about what they want from life. 
Eusine w/ a minor GAME npc
Top rated ships: Bowtie, and Value shipping
Bottom rated ships: Chaser, and Jinx shipping 
*BowtieShipping - Eusine & Juggler Irwin 6/10 You know what ye, let em both be showy but one has the cool ability to juggle.
ChaserShipping - Eusine & Satsuki 2/10 Satsuki is a kimono girl about protecting the legendaries idk if she’d be down with his goal unless you just want to focus on them enjoying the journey of looking. 
HarangueShipping - Eusine & Thorton 5/10 I can’t tell if Thorton is a child so that’s weird but for this we’re gonna head cannon he’s an adult. I mean kinda cute I guess with crazy pants McGee energy that Eusine has and in control Thorton. SO eh.
*JinxShipping - Eusine & Palmer 2/10 But Palmer making a hologram suicune? Eh Might be cute, but it’d need more depth than my little cute joke. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 3/10 Funny to imagine same energy as Erika, but long term I don’t see it. 
PokeWifeShipping - AZ (XY) & Eusine 4/10 Someone please explain, please. I mean it’s a no from me dog, but like maybe in an alternate timeline???
*ValueShipping - Eusine & Riley 6/10 They just wanna go find legendaries. They both have the slight cool vibe and I like it.
Eusine w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc
Top rated ships: Harrow, Thunder, Jones, and LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping
Bottom rated ships: 20Questions, FollowMyLeader, and Legato shipping
*20QuestionsShipping - Eusine & Flint (Kanto) 0/10 Ya’ll this is Brock’s dad. Like wut??? Brock I am your dad now. I guess the fandom just sees Eusine with dads/dad bods. what 20 questions are they asking?
*AncientPossessionShipping - King of Pokelantis & Eusine 5/10 ..........yeah if anyone was gonna end up possessed it’d be Eusine. They both want to find a legendary pokemon, but Eusine still has their heart focused on wanting to help the pokemon. Although hm idk but what if the king corrupted Eusine??? 
FollowMyLeaderShipping - Eusine & Molly Hale 0/10 So this is the child from the movie and I get we see her all grown but still I don’t like this. 
ForeignShipping - Eusine & Harrison 3/10 This guy has a houndoom as his main and has a tie with ho-oh, I’m shocked the fandom didn’t slam him together with Karen. Anyways he doesn’t have too much depth in the way most anime NPCs do but like mayhaps
GoldbergShipping - Eusine & Noland 5/10 Another dad bod type. Anyway I see this one tho since the cold calculations of Noland may mix with Eusine’s craziness. 
*HarrowShipping - Eusine & Harley 10/10 Yes def on this one. Harley is kinda intense, Eusine is intense. I think this makes sense. 
JonesShipping - Eusine & Ian 8/10 There isn’t much on this guy except that he takes care of pokemon. But he has that dad bod which apparently is Eosin’s thing so sure. 
LegatoShipping - Butler & Eusine 0/10 So Butler has a girlfriend for one. I honestly feel like they have the same energy but Eusine is gay. 
LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping - Eusine & Lawrence III 8/10 Again this is just crazy Eusine with someone enabling him. 
*MadShipping - Eusine & Tyson (Johto) 6/10 The Tyson they’re talking about it she one that forced the evolution to happen. I mean I guess but also again this would be the crazy Eusine one. 
ThunderShipping - Eusine & Kudou 8/10 One gets Suicune, and one gets Raikou I mean he’s one of those anime characters that doesn’t get much character so let it happen.
WitnessShipping - Eusine & Ritchie 0/10 This guy is a rival to Ash so ya know it’s a kid, and I don’t see anything they’d connect on.
Eusine w/ Orre or Ranger npcs
SuicuneShipping - Eusine & Venus 8/10 So they’re both conceited, and focused on folks liking them? 
Eusine w/ manga characters
UnworthyShipping - Eusine & Walker Guess what folks, it’s another dad-o, specifically Falkner’s. 
Eusine and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: ImaginaryFriend, and Oos shipping
Bottom rated ships: MissSaigon, Erratic and CrystalIntegrity shipping 
4KingsShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Lyra 3/10 I’m kinda lost on the name here, and I could see them all hanging out I guess. Maybe a couples date thing, Eusine & Morty w/ Lyra and Falkner. Where do the kings come from tho?
BromanceShipping - Eusine, Flint (Elite), Morty & Volkner 7/10 Bromance where nothing is platonic and clearly 2 couples, or heck maybe it is, anyways I like it though! CapeShipping - Eusine & Jackson (Vincent) / Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 9/10 Ok but cape awareness club though where they all sit down and make up good reasons to have a cape, and they make PR for it cause they’re tired of getting teased. It’s a funny idea. CrystalBellShipping - Eusine, Morty & Suicune 5/10 Ok this is just Eusine completing his goal in life and morty also being there. I mean I feel like Morty would be the 1 person to support him having the pokemon but I mean it’d eventually just be his fav pokemon on his team.
CrystalIntegrityShipping - Eusine, Paul, Kris & Suicune 1/10 This is just eusine hanging out with children and a legendary pokemon what are they supposed to do?
CrystaltrioShipping - Eusine, Morty & Kris 4/10 Just a gay couple handing out with this child who defeated them both in pokemon combat. Look she just thinks they’re cool ok?
DashingFanboyShipping - Baron Alberto, Eusine & Lawrence III 9/10 3 bad bois all out wanting to catch their pokemon favorite. Please don’t leave them along longer than 5 minutes because bad things can and will happen. 
EastWindShipping - Crystal, Eusine & Suicune 4/10 This is just Eusine being mad that she caught the pokemon. It makes sense tbh, but I think she’d get annoyed with him trying to convince the legendary to be his pokemon.  ErraticShipping - Eusine & Morty + Eugene (Eusine) & Kudo 2/10 Ok so this is just Eusine shipped with one guy and another Eusine shipped with Morty cause Eugene and Eusine are the same person. I am confusion and I feel like Kudo and Morty would be too. 
ImaginaryFriendShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III, Morty, Ho-Oh, Lugia & Suicune 10/10 .........This is just people giving them a hard time about pokemon they will never get/see isn’t it. Heh I feel like you could put more people in this thing, and I think there should just be that as a support group.  IntelligenceShipping - Eusine, Lucian & Will 5/10 Bruh Lucian would lose his mind trying to deal with these two, It’d be funny to watch but poor Lucian.  KarmaShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Will 5/10 What did Falkner do to deserve bad karma? And yes I say bad cause Will, Morty, and Eusine alone would cause some shiz. This is the above but with one more person and falconer stuck with it.  LovelyangstyfanserviceShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Lawrence III & Morty 5/10 Ah so these are the angsty bois huh? You’re missing a few folks.  Marina'sFondestDreamShipping - Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 3/10 I think this is just a 4 way someone wants to happen. Eusine would have a good time talking to Vincent about Raikou cause it could help him find Suicune. Lance is wondering how he got wrapped up in this convo. 
MisledShipping - King of Pokelantis, Ash & Eusine 4/10 So Ash got possessed by the king and Eusine would def fall into the same boat if there. Yeah the king would have 2 minions basically. 
MissSaigonShipping - Brawly, Eusine & Morty 1/10 So many Eusine and Morty with another person. Hm I can’t think of much they’d have in common immediately...
MovingOnShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III & Professor Carolina 5/10 Professor Carolina helps 2 dorks get over the fact that they can’t have the legendary pokemon they want. MysticQuestShipping - Eusine, Jimmy (Kenta) & Marina (Johto) 4/10 This is just them all looking for suicune and only one gets it, spoiler it’s not Eusine
MysticShipping - Eusine, Morty & Will 6/10 Ah yes the clairvoyant, the psychic, and a fanboy. One of the most powerful forces to ever exist. Real talk though I feel like they’d just all cause trouble together. 
MystifyShipping - Eusine, Morty & Whitney 3/10 Is it just me or is anyone that ships with Morty and Eusine feels like a 3rd wheel? I feel like they’d have an ok time together but idk if it’d go long term. OnMyHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Clair 6/10 Ok yeah they all definitely have that ‘honor’ vibe about them but I fell like their honor systems have various levels of skew to them. It’d be interesting to get them all in a room to talk about it though. 
OosShipping - Brawly, Eusine, Morty & Will 10/10 Please catch them all in some school au where they are the trouble makers of the school. Brawly is the wanna-be intimidating jock, Will is the class clown, Eusine is the dramatic theater kid, and Morty is the introvert they adopted.  SacredDevotionShipping - Eusine, Morty, Ho-Oh & Suicune 9/10 They finally got the pokemon they have fan boy crushes over. Cute but I feel like they’d not realize how much for it takes to care for a legendary. That and be bad at trying to defend them, interesting thing to explore.
SacredFireShipping - Eusine, Morty & Ho-Oh 5/10 Now morty got his pokemon he wants. Kinda cool, maybe it’d show Eusine what he looks lie to other people. 
SacredHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner & Morty 3/10 Again falconer feels like the third wheel here, and idk what they’d do long term. 
SuitUpShipping - Butler, Darach, Eusine, Lance & Steven Stone 6/10 All the dudes in suits huh (and Lance)? I feel like some are missing. I can see them all going shopping some time though and getting wild new styles. 
TrimurtiShipping - Eusine, Giovanni & Lance 4/10 Huh....ok I mean I just see it as Lance reluctantly keeping Eusine safe from Giovanni cause Eusine would def do something to make him mad trying to act tougher than he is.
Eusine w/ Eusine
RagingEgomaniacShipping - Eusine & Eusine 10/10 He’d band himself in a heart beat, and they’d be wildly annoying to everyone else. 
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
Forever In My Sights PART 2
Sorry it took forever with part 2 (lol) but I wanted to properly construct this story for you guys. But I believe that I have made it intertwine with the AU and perhaps the other two stories. Time will tell
First   Next
“Hope I didn’t keep you up.” A voice spoke in the darkened room, mixing into the music that played throughout the house. The shadowed figured hummed and shook their head.
“Not at all, I was just enjoying the night sky. Around that time of year when the harvest moon comes out.”
“You’re right…huh, the views not that bad. But you know what else is better to look at?” The voice questioned, causing the figured to turn around in their place.
“What’s that?” Being tugged into the darkness, the figure snickered at the playfulness.
“You, right here and right now.” The shadows lingered in the dark in a silent dance.
“Were you always this much of a charmer?”
“Only to you.”
“I must be lucky then.”
“I’m luckier to be with you.” The music crackled a little as the darkness was lit by the moonlight outside, the voice holding onto the figure in a silhouetted embrace.
“I love you…J-“
You woke up to the sound of the birds chirping from outside. Straining your eyes open to the peeked sunlight behind the barricaded windows. Groaning at how early it was as you turned over to face away from the sun. In the hopes that you could return back into your slumber. But sleep wasn’t something that greeted you with kindness was it? Especially with what happened last night. If anything you expected him to be gone again on another patrol. Your stomach turned as you knew you couldn’t think of him at this time.
Tossing and turning in your sheets didn’t provide you with the proper comfort, so you decided that it was time to shower. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you stretched your arms over your head to pop any stiff bones in your body. Your stomach peeking out of the shirt you wore in your sleep. It was an old run down band shirt from long ago. The band no longer existed but it was great to sleep in. Standing up without the comfort of warm sheets, you shuffled over to your vanity to see the messy bed hair that was gained from the restless night. Thinking that you had no one to impress, you made do with it to handle later in the water. Opening the bedroom door, you began to shuffle to the bathroom until a scent lingered in your nose.
The smell of coffee taunted from the kitchen as you suddenly picked up the sound of grilling. Furrowing your brows, you moved further down the hall until you reached what was supposed to be a vacant kitchen. Right before your eyes was the very man that had stumbled into your place last night (and every night before). Looking as lively as ever while cooking what appeared to be eggs on the stove. It was as if he had eyes in the back of his head as he turned around to see you at the entrance. Red eyes sticking out from the black circles around them. Looking a little awkward and guilty in his stance.
“I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked, looking about ready to apologize. Crossing your arms you shook your head. He let out a sigh as he gestured to the pan, “Hope you’re hungry, I was just making you breakfast.”
“You cook?” Asking as you sat down at the table, observing him as he was assembling a plate for you.
“It’s survival, everyone needs to know how to cook. Even if they don’t need to eat,” he states, letting out a grunt as he pointed the spatula he was using, “I only know the basics…but I’ve always wanted to try out the grill.”
“I’m sure you’d be great at it.” Resting your cheek into your palm trying to think if you were dreaming or not.
“This isn’t a problem with me being here is it?” He noticed your frown as you shook it off.
“N-No! It’s just…I’m surprised you actually stayed. Figured you’d be gone by dawn.” He stilled his movements, only to continue frying up the egg and settling it with the bacon and toast that was on the plate waiting.
“Didn’t get much sleep…I didn’t want to leave on bad terms. So I wanted to make it up to you,” He comes over with the plate to set out in front of you. For such an easy dish, it looked really good and unscathed, “Consider it a way of saying thanks for putting up with me. For always barging in and expecting so much. I shouldn’t and yet I always do. Sorry if I have caused any problems in your life.”
You looked up at him, seeing the tired eyes that you yourself shared. Shifting in your seat at the gesture, smiling gently as you couldn’t stay mad at him. Placing a hand over his own, you shrugged.
“Nothing to apologize for. I just worry about you. I know it’s weird to say, but you are the only connection I have around here. I don’t want to end up not seeing you come back here one night for doing something reckless.” You admitted, seeing the relief built up in his stature. He nodded in understanding, looking towards the window.
“Sometimes a soldier has to remember what exactly he is fighting for. Otherwise there isn’t a war to take part in. I worry if one day I show up and you are taken by Los Muertos.” He confessed, causing your cheeks to heat up at his words. Ruffling your hair, you looked back down.
“Don’t have to worry about that when I have 76 to protect me,” You reminded him. Taking your fork to eat, you hummed as you placed the food in your mouth. He looked at you as if waiting for your verdict. Finishing the food in your mouth, you swallowed with a smile, “This is amazing, thank you. Umm…you wouldn’t mind getting me a drink too?”
He nodded with less tension in his body. In the midst of your eating, you suddenly heard another sound you didn’t expect. He was…humming? Even through his rough voice, he was humming a tune. A tune you were familiar with. Halting your eating, you looked up to see him pour you a glass of orange juice on the counter. Staring at him in disbelief. He came back over, puzzled at your face as he set down the glass next to you.
“Something the matter?” He asked sitting down by your side. Snapping out of your thoughts, you rested the fork down.
“…That song.” Realizing what you were implying he shrugged.
“Just a tune I never seem to get out of my head. Don’t know where I picked it up. Luckily it’s a catchy one otherwise I’d be bothered about it like no other. Why do you know it?” You fiddled with the silverware and picked at your food once more.
“Maybe once or twice…don’t remember the name of it.” Sheepishly shrugging he sighed.
“And so my search for the song continues…”
He stayed with you as you ate. Conversing about things besides shooting the undead and being patched up. It was very calm and serene, as if the entire world wasn’t crumbling a part. He ensured that he cleaned up everything from the night prior, saying he would wash the sheets despite them not even being touched. The sun was at its highest peak when he figured it was time to go. You watched as he grabbed his pulse rifle, checking the ammunition and those things he called biotic fields. They seemed to do half the work that you didn’t need to do. But he seemed like he didn’t even gain a bruise from last night’s events. Watching him carefully as he made his way to the door.
“Be sure to lock up as always. Going to scout out if there are any day movers, check to see if any survivors need help finding shelter. I should be back by tonight.” He instructed, pausing at the last words as if questioning if he was able to return. You snickered and nodded, pressing your lips into a thin line.
“My doors are always open for you 76,” You assured. He gave you a nod turning towards the door, “Thank you. For sticking around…it’s been a while since you’ve stayed longer than a few hours.”
Glancing over his shoulder, his red jacket shined in the sunlight. Looking at you softly in a way that made your stomach grow butterflies.
“Of course…I’ll do anything to see you again [Name].”
Your smile twitched a little. Looking at him with a bit of surprise as he went to open the door. Face going pale as he began to move. Your words nearly stuck in your throat as you whispered with a croak.
“W-What did you say?” He didn’t seem to hear as he began to move.
“See you around.”
Before you could stop him, he was already gone. Into the streets for another long period of hunting. You stood by the door in silence. Unable to move your legs as your heart pounded ferociously. Hands shaking as you felt suddenly weak. Voices lingered in your mind until you quickly shut the door and locked it. Pressing your back against the door, you quickly caught your breath and clasped your hands over your mouth. Breathing with shallow and shaky inhales and exhales. Remaining by the door until you had the strength to head over to the bathroom. Taking your shower in a barrage of cold pellets.
Hugging yourself as you suddenly pulled yourself away from the tiles and porcelain. Wiping the fog off the mirror as you suddenly found tears pouring from your face. Remaining frigid as you gripped the sink to maintain your composure. Glancing over to your left hand, you lifted it up to your eye level. Brushing against the imprint on your ring finger. Trembling as your sobs echoed the room.
To be continued
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cloudymochi · 8 years
Hold Me Tight Before I Kiss You
Pairing: Jikook Fandoms: BTS, Blackpink Genre: Band!AU, Rockstar!AU, Fluff Words: 2212 Summary: Jimin's the lead singer and bassist of The Inside Out. Jungkook's the lead singer and guitarist of Sour Cheeks. Their chemistry was undeniable, they find their way to each other. (or Jimin and Jungkook are secretly dating and their bands are rivals.)
Chapter 1
“Tae! Hurry up we’re gonna be late!” Jimin screams right outside Taehyung’s room as he bangs his fist on the door. He vaguely hears a loud thud and muffled curses coming inside the room.
“Taehyung! Come on!” He continues to bang his fist on the door.
“I’m coming!” Taehyung shouts.
Jimin releases a heavy breath. He had been waiting outside for god knows how long and both his voice and fists hurt which was very bad. He can’t lose his voice and put too much pressure on his hands because he has an important gig today.
“I swear if you don’t leave your room at the count of three, I’m gonna break down the door!” Jimin warns, half serious and half jokingly. He really doesn't know how he'll break down the door if it comes to that.
“Okay! Okay! Ohmygod wait!”
“2” Jimin hears another thump come from the room.
“2 and a half”
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” A loud crash comes from inside.
“Holy shit, Tae are you oka-“
The door bursts open, almost hitting Jimin on the face, “YA KIM TAE-“
Jimin doesn’t finish his sentence. Right in front of him was Taehyung wearing blue metallic pants. Taehyung grins at Jimin and loops his arm around his, “Okay let’s go.”
“What the hell are you wearing?” Jimin almost shrieks.
“No time for explaining. Come on we’re gonna be late!” Taehyung says, tugging on Jimin’s arm.
Jimin rolls his eyes and pulls Taehyung outside their shared flat, “Seriously Tae you can be late as much as you want when it’s just us but not this!” He locks the door to their flat and climbs inside Yoongi’s car.
“We’ve been waiting for almost thirty minutes,” Lisa whines.
“Ya Jimin, don’t you know how to use your phone?” Yoongi says, irritation evident in his voice as he starts driving the car.
Jimin checks his phone and sees seven missed calls and three texts from Yoongi and five texts from Lisa.
“You could have just gone inside, you know,” Jimin replies, going through his phone.
From: Yoongi
we’re here
From: Lisa
where are u???
From: Yoongi
are you coming or what
From: Lisa
we’re gonna be late :’(
From: Lisa
yoongi’s mad :((
From: Yoongi
we’re leaving
From: Lisa
don’t believe yoongi we’re still here :-)
“Do you really expect me to do that?” Yoongi replies.
“You could have asked Lisa or Jisoo,” Jimin argues.
“Lisa’s Lisa and Jisoo’s asleep.”
Taehyung gasps, “Lisa! I told you not to let Jisoo sleep before the show! Her voice will be asleep and tired when she wakes up and that would be really bad! She’ll have do at least ten voice exercises just to wake up her voice.”
Taehyung leans toward the front and shakes Jisoo from the front seat. Yoongi blindly swats his hands away, “Stop. You know she had overtime shifts this week.”
“But-“ Yoongi briefly glares at Taehyung then returns concentrating on driving.
Taehyung huffs, “Fine, but I’m waking her up in ten minutes.” Yoongi grunts in acknowledgement.
They were already late for their call time which was an hour before their set. Traffic was really bad, barely moving and they only had thirty minutes left before their set would start.
“Why did you guys have to take such a long time? Ughhhhh!” Lisa complains, slapping Jimin’s arm who was beside him.
“Hey it wasn’t my fault. Tae was the one keeping us from leaving,” Jimin counters.
“Guys please. I had to find my blue metallic pants for this gig!” Taehyung explains, lifting his legs up despite being cramped in the car.
“You’re not even a member of the band,” Jimin deadpans.
Taehyung clicks his tongue and waggles his finger at Jimin, “But I’m your manager so I have to look good.”
Lisa giggles mockingly, “Sure, you look good in those metallic pants.”
“Excuse me! These pants make my ass look good,” Taehyung points out, lifting his butt from his seat and wiggling it at Lisa’s face.
“Kim Taehyung, get your ass away from my face!” Jimin shouts, who was between Lisa and Taehyung. It was difficult to sit in the middle of the two, always bickering and riling up each other, even about the most pointless things. One time they were arguing about how toilet paper should be placed. It was a very detailed argument.
Yoongi rolls his eyes from the driver seat, “Tae, sit down. You don’t have an ass.”
"See. Yoongi understand," Lisa says mockingly, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Yoongooooooo why? Now Lisa's mean to me,” Taehyung whines loudly, slouching in his seat and crossing his arms.
"Stop calling me Yoongoo. It sounds like a disgusting bean"
"But Yoongooooo!"
“Oh you guys are here,” Jisoo says, stretching from her seat, having just woken up.
“Slept well?” Yoongi ask, softly.
Jisoo smiles, “Yeah, thanks.”
“Eugh. You guys are disgusting,” Taehyung makes retching faces and noises, making Jimin laugh.
Lisa rolls her eyes, “Of course they would. They had history.”
“Until Yoongi realized he was gay,” Jisoo continues, giggling and slapping Yoongi’s arm.
Lisa shakes her head, “How you guys stayed friends after you broke up still remains a mystery to me.”
“We’re cool, seriously. No hard feelings,” Jisoo shrugs as she fiddles with the radio.
Baby by Justin Bieber starts playing on the radio. “Oh my god this is my jam!” Taehyung screams, bouncing on his seat and pumping his fist up and down.
Jimin groans, massaging his forehead, “I had to listen to him sing to old Justin Bieber songs for two straight weeks. Two fucking straight weeks!! He stopped three days ago and now it’s gonna start again.” Jimin nearly cries.
Lisa pats Jimin’s back, “Poor Jimin.”
Yoongi smiles from his seat.
The car ride was filled with laughter with Taehyung making Jisoo do ten ridiculous voice exercises, each sounding like distressed animal noises or even some questionable sounds. There was also loud singing (from Tae who insisted on playing Justin Bieber's old albums) and playful banters. Before they know it, they were finally at the venue with ten minutes to spare. Taehyung, being the manager, rushes to the bar’s manager to notify their arrival while grabbing the attention of many people because of his shiny pants.
“Excuse me, we’re the band that’s gonna perform at 8,” the manager looks at Taehyung, scans him up and down, his gaze lingering on the blue metallic pants.
“Oh! Uh-I’m sorry but you guys were late so we contacted the backup band. They’re gonna play in your place,” the manager explains, his gaze still lingering on Taehyung’s pants.
“But you promised us that we were gonna play?” Taehyung argues.
“We also told you that your call time was an hour before your set but you weren’t here,” the manager shrugs.
“B-but we-”
“I’m sorry but the backup band is already here and they’re all set up,” he says, gesturing to a group of people with guitars and equipment beside the stage. The manager pats Taehyung’s shoulder, stares at Taehyung’s metallic blue pants and walks away.
Taehyung mechanically walks back to the band, his mouth wide open.
“So what did the manager say?” Yoongi asks, fiddling with his guitar.
“I-I, W-we-“
The lights dim. A guitar riff begins to play accompanied by the beat of the drums. The tune was heavy but had a catchy tune to it, making the crowd bob their heads to the beat. The lights flicker and open, revealing two guys and two girls. The guy in the middle had parted bangs and dark brown hair, a red guitar slung around him. The girl at his right had a black guitar and straight long light orange hair. At his left was a girl with long wavy dark brown hair and a bass guitar on her. At the back was a guy with pink hair on the drums. “Good evening, we are Sour Cheeks!"
“What the fuck?” Yoongi says, looking back and forth between the stage and Taehyung.
“That’s the backup band…” Taehyung explains lamely.
“Hey guys! I’m Jungkook, that’s Rose on the guitar, Jennie on the bass and Namjoon our drummer,” Jungkook introduces, pointing at each member one by one.
“I thought we had a slot,” Jimin asks, his gaze landing on the middleman on the stage.
“I guess not anymore,” Jisoo frowns.
Jungkook begins strumming a series of chords, “This is our first song, Boy in Luv. Enjoy the night!” he shouts to the mic. Namjoon claps his drumsticks and starts playing the drums, Jennie and Rose playing along.
Lisa tightens her grip on her drumsticks, unamused with the situation, “This is so unfair! This could have been our big break. Someone could have signed us!”
Silence falls among them as they watch the band on stage, a bitter atmosphere surrounding them. This gig was important to them because they were supposed to perform in the most famous music bar in town where scouts from different record labels visit to sign potential bands. It was indeed very frustrating for them.
Jimin breaks the silence, “They sound good though,” he mutters, earning himself glares from his band members. Jimin doesn't notice, too focused on the guy in the middle. The band on stage was good. Not super amazing (like Fall Out Boy or Paramore) but good enough to keep the crowd hooked and going. But it didn't really matter because that was supposed to be their set. They were supposed to be the on stage performing.
Taehyung pulls at Jimin’s ear, “Oww fuck, Tae! Let go!”
“Do you seriously think that band is better than us?” Taehyung asks, glaring at Jimin and feeling quite offended. Taehyung takes his job as the band's manager seriously. He's the one who's scheduling band practices, making sure their instruments and equipment were fine, nagging them to make more songs and looking for gigs for them to perform. Jimin, being Taehyung's best friend for years, knows that Taehyung feels really bad for making them late and making them miss an opportunity as big as this that's why he's acting defensive and whiny.
“I-I they’re okay I guess?” Jimin carefully answers. The guy in the middle, Jungkook, if he remembers correctly was singing, his voice soft and smooth yet very powerful. His biceps were flexing from strumming the guitar and his neck was glistening with sweat from the heat of the lights and moving around.
“Ugh! Freaking Sour Cheeks. And their stupid ass name! I will not forget this band!” Taehyung says, anger apparent in his voice, his knuckles clenched tightly.
“It’s okay. There will be other opportunities,” Yoongi mutters, yet there was an underlining bitterness in his tone.
Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?
“Let’s leave. Seeing them on stage when you were supposed to be there annoys me so much,” Taehyung tugs on Yoongi’s arm, “Come on!”
Yoongi allows himself to be dragged by Taehyung, Jisoo and Lisa following along. When they were a few meters away, Taehyung looks back, “Jimin are you coming?
“You can go ahead. I’ll just leave my stuff with you.” Jimin walks to Taehyung and gives him his bass guitar. “I’ll take a cab home.”
“Don’t you feel down at all?” Jisoo asks, though there was no judgement in her voice.
“Yeah I’m good. I just want to be alone for a while. These past few days has been stressful you know, with school and stuff,” Jimin says, lying through his teeth. Though, he wasn’t lying entirely. He was really tired from school and practicing dance all afternoon, with him being a third year dance major and a music minor while being in a band.
“Fine. Stay safe.” Taehyung says in a clipped tone, not completely buying his lie.
Jimin nods, only sparing him a brief glance and continues watching the performance, “Yeah, you too,” though he was grateful that his friend wasn’t asking any more questions.
Taehyung scrunches his eyebrow, curious at what or rather who Jimin was staring at. He follows his line of sight and sees the lead vocalist of the band on stage.
“Park Jimin, I’m watching you!” Jimin blushes.
Yoongi pulls Taehyung’s arm, “Let’s go.”
Once he sees that Taehyung and his bandmates aren’t around anymore, he sits at an unoccupied table near the stage. Sour Cheeks were playing an upbeat song. He bobs his head to the beat, enjoying how appealing the tune is. The guy on the drums, Namjoon (he thinks), was currently rapping. His pronunciation was clear, swag laced in his voice yet it still matched the rock genre they were playing.
His gaze moves back to Jungkook, entranced with his singing, his playing and his movements. Jungkook looked so hot with his piercing dark brown eyes, muscular arms, strong form and toned thighs. The fact that he was wearing a tight black shirt and ripped skinny jeans while intensely shredding on his guitar and biting his lips only made it worse. Jimin was almost drooling (he was).
He hears the slide of the chair beside him “Oh Hoseok! You’re here.” Jimin was surprised to see his school mate and dancing partner.
“You told me about your band performing tonight. I have to go of course,” Hoseok says cheekily as he ruffles Jimin’s hair.
“Hey stop that! I styled my hair for almost an hour,” Jimin complains, pushing Hoseok’s hands away.
“But it just looks messy?”
“That was the style I was going for. The messy yet hot look.”
“I think you missed the hot part,” Hoseok chuckles, “I’m just wondering though why you’re not on stage and why my roommate is on stage.”
“Jungkook’s my roommate and he’s the freshmen I was helping out. Remember I told you about it a few months ago,” Hoseok explains, “That’s why I couldn’t hang out with you sometimes.”
Jimin nods his head dumbly, clearly surprised, “I see but how come I never met him?”
“Dude, you’re always busy practicing your ass off and you never asked.” Hoseok shrugs.
“Are you guys okay though?” Hoseok asks, concern evident in his voice.
“I w-we,” Jimin shakes his head still quite frustrated, “This was our chance you know. We were hoping that there would be a hotshot scout out there who could get us to sign a record deal.”
“Maybe it’s not yet the right time.”
“Maybe,” Jimin trails off, “They’re good though.”
“Yeah?” Hoseok says, looking at the stage, “I hear Jungkook sing in the shower almost every day. That kid’s got talent.”
“I can see that.” Jimin smiles as Jungkook starts singing again. Hoseok grins when he sees Jimin staring and smiling.
“Ooooh I see somone has a crush.”
Jimin blushes, “It’s not like that. He just sings really well and okay maybe he’s a little too hot.”
“You want his number?” Jimin bites his lips, choosing to ignore what Hoseok said. He did want Jungkook’s number but he wasn’t sure. He already had a fair share of bad relationships in the past and he didn’t know if he was willing to risk it again.
“This is our last song for tonight.” Jungkook speaks, “We’re gonna slow things down. This is Just One Day.”
Rose starts plucking his guitar, Jungkook’s guitar harmonizing with her as Namjoon plays the drum along with them. Jennie starts rapping, Jungkook harmonizing with her from time to time. When the chorus comes, Jungkook starts to sing, his voice so sweet, emotions evident in his voice. His eyes were closed, lips so close to the microphone and his body swaying to the beat.
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)
If only we can be together
Jimin sways to the beat, lips curving upwards at the message of the song and the sweet tune. When Jungkook finishes his part, he opens his eyes and meets Jimin’s. Jungkook smiles at him and winks before focusing on performing. Jimin blushes while Hoseok pokes his side, witnessing their brief moment.
The band continues playing, the crowd waving their arms along when Rose begins waving hers. Throughout the remaining parts of the song, Jimin notices how Jungkook would steal glances at him and subtly look away when he would catch him. It was so cute and endearing. The song climaxes, Jungkook sings the last few lines.
Can you please stay with me?
Their gaze locks, trap in their own world.
Jungkook was too mesmerized with the guy he was staring at that he only comes back to reality when he hears numerous clapping and feels Jennie pinching his arm.
He forces a grin, arms still stinging, “Thank you for listening! Enjoy the rest of the night.” He removes his guitar and goes down the stage with his band.
“Wow guys! That was an awesome performance,” Jin exclaims who ran immediately to them after they finished performing. Throughout their set, Jin was waving the light sticks he brought, catching looks from some people. He didn’t really care because he was supporting his friends and boyfriend.
Rose was jumping, adrenaline still pumping through her veins from performing, “Yes! Let’s do this again! Please!”
“Group hug!” Jennie squeals. They pull each other in a tight hug despite being sweaty and gross from performing. Tonight was their biggest gig yet, the past few weeks not being kind to them. They were going from one music bar to another, asking if there were any available slots for them to perform. Fortunately for them, the band that was supposed to play tonight was late.
“I’m gonna get changed first. I’m really sweaty,” Namjoon says, his grey shirt sticking to him with wet patches around it.
Jin pinches his nose and makes a face, “And you smell gross too.”
“Hey don’t be mean! I just did a bomb ass performance,” Namjoon whines, trying to look cute at his boyfriend.
Rose laughs, “And you also sweat buckets every time we perform. Go change, Namjoon.” Namjoon grumbles, handing his drumsticks to Jin and walks off to change.
Jungkook's eyes scan the bar and falls on the guy he saw during their performance, “Uh guys. I’ll be right back.” He passes his guitar to Jin and walks away, heading to the direction of the guy and surprisingly Hoseok.
Jungkook was very nervous. It’s weird because he was just confidently performing in front of around a hundred people and here he is now, tense and awkward. Though, he reasons to himself that he’s not the type of person to make the first move.
Usually people would make the first move on him and he would politely decline. No one really interested him. But the guy sitting in one of the tables with Hoseok looked so cute and adorable and he can’t pass up an opportunity like this. The guy was also staring back at him while they were performing. He swears he wasn’t imagining it.
“H-hey,” Jungkook stutters, standing in front of their table.
“Jungkook!” Hoseok screams and pulls Jungkook in a tight hug, “You grow up so fast, child. I remember when you were a stuttering mess during your first day in college,” he wipes a fake tear from his eyes, “Oh how fast time passes by.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at him, pushing himself from the suffocating tight hug. “Hoseok, really?”
“Uhm hi,” Jimin says, feeling awkward with how close the two was.
Hoseok jumps back to his seat, “Oh Jungkook this is Jimin, my dancing partner. I told you about him before but you never met.”
Jungkook eyes widen, “Oh. Wow.”
Hoseok stands up and pushes Jungkook to his seat, “I think I see Jin calling me. Catch up with you guys later.” He winks at Jungkook before going off to where Jin was.
A brief silence falls between them, both trying to look anywhere but to each other. Jimin was playing with his fingers while Jungkook was looking at his bandmates who was laughing with Hoseok.
“Uh hi I’m Jimin,” Jimin starts, smiling shyly.
“I’m Jungkook,” he replies, finally looking at Jimin.
“I know.”
“So uh we uh y-you uh-“
Jimin giggles and Jungkook feels his heart skip a beat. Maybe even twice. It sounds so fucking cheesy and cliche but he really felt his heart jump with how cute that sounded.
“You guys were great up there,” Jimin smiles, unaware of how badly he was affecting Jungkook.
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook scratches the back of his neck and tries to compose himself, “I think we’re pretty decent.”
“You’re fingering was amazing,” Jimin blurts out. Jungkook chokes on his spit, nearly knocking down the table centerpiece in front of him.
“Uhh I mean you play the guitar really well and your bandmates played well too,” Jimin explains, cheeks flushed, still embarrassed from what he said.
“We got lucky. The band who was supposed to perform was late so we did instead,”
Jimin bites his lip, “That was us,” he mutters quietly.
Jungkook freezes, “Oh.”
Jimin tries to smile, “It’s okay. You guy were great up there and entertained the crowd well.”
“I’m really sorry,” Jungkook mumbles.
“Just… don’t tell your bandmates anymore. I don’t want to rain on your parade. You guys were honestly great.”
“Alright,” Jungkook offers a smile, “Will ice cream tomorrow make up for it?” He doesn’t know where this sudden burst of confidence came from but thank god because Jimin’s smiling brightly now and he thinks he’s nearly blinded and holy shit what’s this feeling in his stomach.
Jimin giggles again, eyes turning into crescents, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I really want to get to know you,” Jungkook blurts out and his mind goes into panic mode because maybe he was too forward.
Jimin blushes, “I think I’d like that too.”
“Uh c-can I get your number so you know I can talk to you easily and uh stuff,” he stutters, fumbling with his phone.
Jimin nods and types in his number. He also gets his phone from his pocket, unlocks it and passes it to Jungkook, “Here so I can also talk to you easily and stuff.”
Jungkook’s face heats up and wordlessly types in his number. Damn was he lucky tonight.
Jimin checks his watch and realizes it’s almost 9pm. He’s been in the bar for almost an hours now. “Hey I’ll be heading out now. I stayed longer that I planned and I think my roommate’s waiting for me already,” Jimin says, standing up from his seat.
“And I’ll wait for your message.”
Jungkook nods dumbly and watches Jimin as he waves at him and walks away. After he sees Jimin gone, he goes back to his bandmates.
“What was that?” Jin inquires, hand on his hip. Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows and gives him a pointed look.
“Uh n-nothing. He said our band sounds great,” Jungkook tries to explain.
“Yeah right,” Jennie snickers.
Namjoon comes bounding to them, “Guess what guys!”
“What?” Rose asks, fixing the strap of her guitar case.
“There was this guy wearing a fancy suit who stopped me on the way to the restroom. He said our band sounded great and he’d want to see more from us someday,” Namjoon says, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Holy shit man that’s great!” Jungkook exclaims.
“Oh my god! My friends are gonna be rock stars!” Hoseok screams, clapping his hands excitedly, “Don’t forget me when you’re rich and famous!”
Rose squeals, “This is it fam. Our road to fame!”
It was a great night for Sour Cheeks, especially for Jeon Jungkook.
Also cross-posted on AO3 here
39 notes · View notes
kidsviral-blog · 6 years
We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/we-tried-out-pinterest-hair-tutorials-and-this-is-what-happened/
We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
Looks like things are about to get Pinteresting.
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Nathan W. Pyle for BuzzFeed / Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
2. With Pinterest being one of the most popular beauty resources, we got five women with different hair types to try out the most popular DIY hairstyles.
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I’m Jewish so I got that Jew hair: longish, darkish, curlyish, frizzyish.
Kirsten: I have short, thick, wavy hair. I’ve never been very into doing my hair, so this is going to be interesting for me. I’ll be excited if I can find some quick, easy hairstyles.
Candace: Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been “blessed” with more hair than I can handle. It always air-dries into a a grown-ass Simba mane.
Kristin: I have long, fine, curly hair. If it’s too long I look like a cocker spaniel; if it’s too short, it frizzes up and I look like a clown. I am bad at Pinterest, so I do not have high hopes for this.
Sheridan: Well, I’m black. But really, I like to describe my hair as “What the fuck are you?” It does this weird curly-wavy-straight thing and there’s a reason why I see my hairdresser as often as possible.
4. The Half-Crown Braid Tutorial from Hair Romance from the front…
Christina Butcher / hairromance.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  6. …and from the back:
Christina Butcher / hairromance.com
Macey Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: Not to be Allison Bragg, but I was pretty sure this one was going to be easy for me since I’ve been known to dabble in the braid crown. My technique is typically the poor man’s version of this, so I was a little thrown off, but overall it was pretty easy.
Kirsten: This one isn’t bad. I mean, I am pretty bad at hair, but I can conquer a braid, so this one wasn’t terrible for me. Though I do wish I had some Rapunzel locks to make this look cooler.
Candace: Braiding is actually a way for me to pin down the puffiness of my hair. It was hard to determine how much hair to actually grab though. I was really proud of my braids, so I discovered I DID get something out of Girl Scouts.
Kristin: I got lucky. I got so lucky. I was not expecting this turn out OK and THEN IT TOTALLY DID. I haven’t seen it from the back, but I suspect I am living the American hair dream. Also, taking this out was easier than putting this in.
Sheridan: Like WTF kind of black magic is this shit? The chick’s hair looks FLAWLESS in the tutorial, and if she’s gonna tell me she didn’t blow-dry, straighten, then perfectly wave the bottom in order to have a good base to do this, then buh-bye. In the end, it didn’t look as terrible as I thought it would, but let’s be honest, this style is for longer hair.
8. The Two-Minute Updo With a Headband from Hello Natural
Hello Natural / hellonatural.co
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: LOL! We all looked like George Washington or judges from the 18th century.
Kirsten: Is my rat tail out? My ears kept poking out like that girl from Lord of the Rings. Actually, just Orlando Bloom. But like a not-hot version. Also, this did not take me two minutes. This could come out at any second. Actually — like right now, it is coming out right now.
Candace: I think my hair is just too damn thick for the Pinterest lifestyle. I aimed for 1920s chic, but because of how bad I am with hair, I got George Washington mixed with Princess Leia.
Kristin: I think this only takes two minutes if you are good at things, which I am not. Also, my hair is way too fine for this. I feel like I’m wearing a hat. Allison and Kirsten look good, though.
Sheridan: I feel like it’s the Regency era and I’m a Bennet sister but no one mentions me because I’m worse than Lydia.
10. The Easy Hair Bow from Beautylish
Alicia Hentemann / beautylish.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I was so excited for this one because it’s a BOW MADE OF HAIR, GUYS! But it ended up looking like three buns on the top of my head. Whatever, I’m not mad at it. Going to try this every day for the rest of 2015 and see if I can perfect it. Hoping to really nail it down as my summer look.
Kirsten: I feel like this is a hairstyle that I would see on Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Or maybe Ariana Grande would wear this and people would look at you like, “How does that girl not have a headache?”
Candace: I swear, it is pretty much impossible for me to line something up perfectly in the center of my head. I need to live in the ’80s where everything was to the side. I’m proud because I could actually get a semi-decent bow, but the lopsidedness was so sad, so, so sad.
Kristin: Look, I’ve always wanted to join the Mickey Mouse Club, so this worked out fine for me.
Sheridan: LOL. No.
12. The Half-Up Criss-Cross Updo from Ma Nouvelle Mode from the side…
Natalia Simmons / manouvellemode.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  14. …and from the back:
Natalia Simmons / manouvellemode.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I don’t get this one at all. It’s just like a half pony thing? Also teasing my hair is a big mistake, and I know not to go there.
Kirsten: When I teased my hair that gave me a nice “after sex” look, but not the kind you want, the kind where you run into the bathroom and fix yourself so the person isn’t terrified of you.
Candace: So, I feel like Snooki pre-baby right now, and I’m ready for my duckface selfie. You’re supposed to tease your hair for more volume in the tutorial, and I should have known not to do that based on how poofy my hair already is.
Kristin: This took me three tries. I tried so hard, you guys, but all I got was mad bumps. My hair just didn’t wanna. No amount of back-combing was gonna make this happen for me. Now I just have a head full of frizz.
Sheridan: So, according to the tutorial, short hair girls can totally rock this hairstyle, and I have to say…doesn’t look too terrible. The teasing was my favorite part — it brought me back to my picturesque New Jersey childhood in which bumps were REQUIRED. I wish I had a little bit straighter hair just so that the sides would look less frizzy and a little more ~sleek~ but I didn’t hate this so SUCCESS.
16. The Straightened Braid Waves Tutorial from Hey Wanderer
Hey Wanderer / heywandererblog.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: This made me look like I’m in an ’80s hair band. I guess it’s supposed to curl your hair, but it kind of straightened mine?
Kirsten: I think I should have tried larger braids because I kinda look like I got electrocuted. This hairstyle was described as “after beach” wavy and I look like “after I got caught in the undertow” wavy.
Candace: Welp, I was super excited about this, thinking, “YAS I can finally do my hair in under an hour.” Wrong, so wrong. I ended up getting this, like, ’00s middle school crimped-lion hybrid. I made my natural waves turn into teeny tiny riptides. I feel like I have no skill.
Kristin: Yeah, my hair looks the same.
Sheridan: I feel like this hairstyle actually made my hair look straighter. I could totally rock this look normally — no sarcasm. Maybe people will mistake me for Solange Knowles. Don’t white people think that all black people look alike? They’ll be like, “Black girl, big hair, Solange, Solange!” I’m just getting carried away now. This one is an A+, y’all.
18. After putting our hair expertise to the test, we had some final thoughts:
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Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Allison: I don’t even own a brush, hair dryer, or straightener, soooo I suppose I’m not the target demo here. I prefer to keep my look au naturel, but I am a big fan of all these braids and bows and will definitely incorporate them into my look (summer 2015 here I come).
Kirsten: I’m the type of person that can’t even get all of my hair into a ponytail correctly, so these tutorials were hard for me to say the least. They are advertised as being super easy and quick to do, but if you don’t have fine, long, wavy hair I think they don’t work as well.
Candace: I mean, it’s always been incredibly hard to do anything with my hair, and I know I am an exception, but people still have insanely thick hair like me. I guess there really are hairstyles that are specifically for certain hair, and that’s OK. To those with coarse and unruly hair out there, you’re NOT alone.
Kristin: I think the important takeaway here is that doing your hair is hard, and being good at it is harder, so everyone should just try to be a little nicer and more patient with themselves because we all have to go through a lot of bologna to look good in the morning.
Sheridan: I’m glad I got to be a part of this and represent the awkward black girl who doesn’t know how to do her own hair, but this honestly just reaffirmed my belief that you don’t get in between a black woman and her weekly hairdresser, whether that’s her sister, mom, paid professional, aunt, or even a dad who knows how to wield a comb like no other.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/candacelowry/this-is-what-pinterest-hair-tutorials-actually-look-like-on
0 notes
kidsviral-blog · 7 years
We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/we-tried-out-pinterest-hair-tutorials-and-this-is-what-happened/
We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
Looks like things are about to get Pinteresting.
View this image ›
Nathan W. Pyle for BuzzFeed / Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
2. With Pinterest being one of the most popular beauty resources, we got five women with different hair types to try out the most popular DIY hairstyles.
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I’m Jewish so I got that Jew hair: longish, darkish, curlyish, frizzyish.
Kirsten: I have short, thick, wavy hair. I’ve never been very into doing my hair, so this is going to be interesting for me. I’ll be excited if I can find some quick, easy hairstyles.
Candace: Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been “blessed” with more hair than I can handle. It always air-dries into a a grown-ass Simba mane.
Kristin: I have long, fine, curly hair. If it’s too long I look like a cocker spaniel; if it’s too short, it frizzes up and I look like a clown. I am bad at Pinterest, so I do not have high hopes for this.
Sheridan: Well, I’m black. But really, I like to describe my hair as “What the fuck are you?” It does this weird curly-wavy-straight thing and there’s a reason why I see my hairdresser as often as possible.
4. The Half-Crown Braid Tutorial from Hair Romance from the front…
Christina Butcher / hairromance.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  6. …and from the back:
Christina Butcher / hairromance.com
Macey Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: Not to be Allison Bragg, but I was pretty sure this one was going to be easy for me since I’ve been known to dabble in the braid crown. My technique is typically the poor man’s version of this, so I was a little thrown off, but overall it was pretty easy.
Kirsten: This one isn’t bad. I mean, I am pretty bad at hair, but I can conquer a braid, so this one wasn’t terrible for me. Though I do wish I had some Rapunzel locks to make this look cooler.
Candace: Braiding is actually a way for me to pin down the puffiness of my hair. It was hard to determine how much hair to actually grab though. I was really proud of my braids, so I discovered I DID get something out of Girl Scouts.
Kristin: I got lucky. I got so lucky. I was not expecting this turn out OK and THEN IT TOTALLY DID. I haven’t seen it from the back, but I suspect I am living the American hair dream. Also, taking this out was easier than putting this in.
Sheridan: Like WTF kind of black magic is this shit? The chick’s hair looks FLAWLESS in the tutorial, and if she’s gonna tell me she didn’t blow-dry, straighten, then perfectly wave the bottom in order to have a good base to do this, then buh-bye. In the end, it didn’t look as terrible as I thought it would, but let’s be honest, this style is for longer hair.
8. The Two-Minute Updo With a Headband from Hello Natural
Hello Natural / hellonatural.co
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: LOL! We all looked like George Washington or judges from the 18th century.
Kirsten: Is my rat tail out? My ears kept poking out like that girl from Lord of the Rings. Actually, just Orlando Bloom. But like a not-hot version. Also, this did not take me two minutes. This could come out at any second. Actually — like right now, it is coming out right now.
Candace: I think my hair is just too damn thick for the Pinterest lifestyle. I aimed for 1920s chic, but because of how bad I am with hair, I got George Washington mixed with Princess Leia.
Kristin: I think this only takes two minutes if you are good at things, which I am not. Also, my hair is way too fine for this. I feel like I’m wearing a hat. Allison and Kirsten look good, though.
Sheridan: I feel like it’s the Regency era and I’m a Bennet sister but no one mentions me because I’m worse than Lydia.
10. The Easy Hair Bow from Beautylish
Alicia Hentemann / beautylish.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I was so excited for this one because it’s a BOW MADE OF HAIR, GUYS! But it ended up looking like three buns on the top of my head. Whatever, I’m not mad at it. Going to try this every day for the rest of 2015 and see if I can perfect it. Hoping to really nail it down as my summer look.
Kirsten: I feel like this is a hairstyle that I would see on Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Or maybe Ariana Grande would wear this and people would look at you like, “How does that girl not have a headache?”
Candace: I swear, it is pretty much impossible for me to line something up perfectly in the center of my head. I need to live in the ’80s where everything was to the side. I’m proud because I could actually get a semi-decent bow, but the lopsidedness was so sad, so, so sad.
Kristin: Look, I’ve always wanted to join the Mickey Mouse Club, so this worked out fine for me.
Sheridan: LOL. No.
12. The Half-Up Criss-Cross Updo from Ma Nouvelle Mode from the side…
Natalia Simmons / manouvellemode.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  14. …and from the back:
Natalia Simmons / manouvellemode.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I don’t get this one at all. It’s just like a half pony thing? Also teasing my hair is a big mistake, and I know not to go there.
Kirsten: When I teased my hair that gave me a nice “after sex” look, but not the kind you want, the kind where you run into the bathroom and fix yourself so the person isn’t terrified of you.
Candace: So, I feel like Snooki pre-baby right now, and I’m ready for my duckface selfie. You’re supposed to tease your hair for more volume in the tutorial, and I should have known not to do that based on how poofy my hair already is.
Kristin: This took me three tries. I tried so hard, you guys, but all I got was mad bumps. My hair just didn’t wanna. No amount of back-combing was gonna make this happen for me. Now I just have a head full of frizz.
Sheridan: So, according to the tutorial, short hair girls can totally rock this hairstyle, and I have to say…doesn’t look too terrible. The teasing was my favorite part — it brought me back to my picturesque New Jersey childhood in which bumps were REQUIRED. I wish I had a little bit straighter hair just so that the sides would look less frizzy and a little more ~sleek~ but I didn’t hate this so SUCCESS.
16. The Straightened Braid Waves Tutorial from Hey Wanderer
Hey Wanderer / heywandererblog.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: This made me look like I’m in an ’80s hair band. I guess it’s supposed to curl your hair, but it kind of straightened mine?
Kirsten: I think I should have tried larger braids because I kinda look like I got electrocuted. This hairstyle was described as “after beach” wavy and I look like “after I got caught in the undertow” wavy.
Candace: Welp, I was super excited about this, thinking, “YAS I can finally do my hair in under an hour.” Wrong, so wrong. I ended up getting this, like, ’00s middle school crimped-lion hybrid. I made my natural waves turn into teeny tiny riptides. I feel like I have no skill.
Kristin: Yeah, my hair looks the same.
Sheridan: I feel like this hairstyle actually made my hair look straighter. I could totally rock this look normally — no sarcasm. Maybe people will mistake me for Solange Knowles. Don’t white people think that all black people look alike? They’ll be like, “Black girl, big hair, Solange, Solange!” I’m just getting carried away now. This one is an A+, y’all.
18. After putting our hair expertise to the test, we had some final thoughts:
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Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Allison: I don’t even own a brush, hair dryer, or straightener, soooo I suppose I’m not the target demo here. I prefer to keep my look au naturel, but I am a big fan of all these braids and bows and will definitely incorporate them into my look (summer 2015 here I come).
Kirsten: I’m the type of person that can’t even get all of my hair into a ponytail correctly, so these tutorials were hard for me to say the least. They are advertised as being super easy and quick to do, but if you don’t have fine, long, wavy hair I think they don’t work as well.
Candace: I mean, it’s always been incredibly hard to do anything with my hair, and I know I am an exception, but people still have insanely thick hair like me. I guess there really are hairstyles that are specifically for certain hair, and that’s OK. To those with coarse and unruly hair out there, you’re NOT alone.
Kristin: I think the important takeaway here is that doing your hair is hard, and being good at it is harder, so everyone should just try to be a little nicer and more patient with themselves because we all have to go through a lot of bologna to look good in the morning.
Sheridan: I’m glad I got to be a part of this and represent the awkward black girl who doesn’t know how to do her own hair, but this honestly just reaffirmed my belief that you don’t get in between a black woman and her weekly hairdresser, whether that’s her sister, mom, paid professional, aunt, or even a dad who knows how to wield a comb like no other.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/candacelowry/this-is-what-pinterest-hair-tutorials-actually-look-like-on
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