#look. roleplaying dirt boss.... is really fun.
anima-virtuosa · 1 year
thinking about the ideal minecraft server I would wanna play on (hopefully later this year), if you might be interested let me know ;3;
~ some type of elaborate magic+tech modpack combined with being-a-creature mods (crucial). doing fun building+roleplay is the priority, not necessarily being overly hard or complex.
~ light roleplay where it is character/theme based, talking and acting like your creature character instead of being just 'normal player'. for example: elemental fire dragon hates water, likes bathing in lava everywhere, has a lair-area made in a volcano, probably violent and likes setting everything on fire.
~ other things I like doing are helping others with ambitious builds, orchestrating magic rituals, making art-pieces and machine-art, and making interactive challenge-dungeon type builds
build/roleplay ideas
~ Botania. I want to hug pet the flowers. (in my head blueprint for massive nature-temple flower nexus thing made only out of plants/dirt, central part is a magical altar containing the Flower Hivemind, other parts branch outwards in sections like a flower & are themed around different flower-types; throughout the complex would be Flower-Creatures like big dragons made of plants which are part of the flower hivemind and sometimes have interconnected automation functions.)
~ I might actually RP as MULTIPLE dragons using MorePlayerModels+Fakename to hotswap between them. Like different characters for different parts of the game , having their own themes & personalities, their own buildings.
ORACLE would run an Aperture Science type facility with winding hallways of machines & puzzles, having robot/AI companions there, probably ascending into Computer God at some point.
[Unnamed] water dragon would have a water temple where they commune with water-streams and phases of the moon to give prophecies; singing to an array of noteblock stone monoliths; doing lots of alchemy treating it like a divine art.
Red/black edgy vampire dragon who needs your blood for their undead army project (it's actually a recreation of NecroDancer having 100 skeletons in a room with flickering rave-lights and nightcore power metal).
Fox dragon who worships a society of tamed foxes it talks to like they are living Gods, maybe going and living in the wild sometimes chasing animals and eating raw meat etc..
...probably 100 other dragon ideas but those are the most interesting for now
current favorite mods/packs (list for later) ~ play as dragon; self explanatory (may use the pack or just take the dragon part) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/play-as-dragon
~ WarpDrive or something else with buildable ships in it (obviously would be cute living plane creature)
~ Meatballcraft; like FTB Infinity Expert but newer and 10x more complex. One of those progression-type modpacks where you gradually uncover more stuff to do through quests, crafting, rituals, fighting bosses, etc..
there are so many dimensions in this one wtf. Is this even real. I keep scrolling down expecting it to end but it just keeps going. this page overloaded my autism o_o
(it has DYSON SPHERES IN IT LOL WHAT ???? yeah it looks like minecraft modders just kept going and Ascended at some point.)
(I like how minecraft mods exist on this spectrum of insanity. on one end you have Super Hard Realism Survival scrabbling around in the dirt for hours just to get a single metal tool. on the other end you have slaying 100 different extradimensional demon-gods and creating dyson spheres from their blood. Idk something about that is really silly to me.)
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Guys I'm scared I don't think humans were meant to be playing this modpack. like you have to be careful playing this so the eldritch knowledge doesn't shatter your mind. (good thing i'm not human)
I remember playing indev in 2009 and the game was about mining dirt and decorating your wood-cube and being terrified of 1 creeper and getting excited about your first diamond. and now it's instead about doing the 9^29 Recursive Automation Lines Nightmare Synthesizer Nuclear Turbine Bossfight Dimension. I wonder what it will be like in 20 years with Minecraft 2 VR SuperModPacks that are even more complicated, I think at that point it's like staring into the face of God and no person could handle it without coming out changed. the future is so exciting!
I imagine the protagonist of this modpack being a normal survival-gameplay farmer, making a cute little house, eating bread and cake & talking to their pet cows... just living their wholesome life.
And then it begins. The whispers from the higher dimensions start slipping in, and over time the protagonist falls deeper and deeper into the rabbit-hole eldritch singularity. The allure of power is too great and no cost is too high, pain and death don't mean anything anymore, they just keep going until they shed their mortal form and become the shattered extradimensional husk of a machine-demon hivemind, their 'home' being their arcane blood-ritual computer megastructures scattered across innumerable dimensions. They ascended to Heaven and killed God long ago but they just keep going, there's always more power, more universes to consume; there's nothing else for them to do, nothing to care about, it all was harvested for the machines.
Then one time after a journey through SuperRainbowHell#73099 they're flying along and they spot a singular remnant of the old world - their old house in the distance, the cake still on the table and the farm-animals still happily ambling around; they stop for a solemn moment, reminiscing on how blissfully ignorant they used to be.
But they're too far gone, just too far gone to ever return, and they spy in an old portrait their blessed innocent smile, one of a feeling they'll never again know --
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hibiscera · 2 years
Girl u know my predictable ass- Tfa constructicons (including dirtboss) for the bingo ask game
Thank you for including my stinky little man, you know I love him, unfortunately. 💔
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First, for Mixmaster and Scrapper. I DO like their canon traits, but as we know, they were given very little, so there is a lot that I love that is also just headcanon and personal lore. 😔 They're fun tho, when I say done dirty by fans I mean... them getting ignored or hated. 💔
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I love him, unfortunately. Though I do think he works better as part of a dynamic, he's not much of a standalone character?? Anyways I'm his only fan and I wear this badge with honor.
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fruitysoupy · 3 years
Kurt's famous Murder Mystery Dinner Parties
This is gonna be a headcanon post about those, since tragically all took place offscreen
Also as a sidenote, this would've made for a great Halloween special
Aight let's go! Starting with some general information
Kurt has a notebook written full of ideas for his next murder mystery (themes, time periods, characters, overall systems)
He makes sure it's something new each time, so no one gets bored
The invitations are handwritten by himself in perfect cursive, ink on thick designer paper
Everyone also gets a short description of their character, and the dresscode
(Kurt used to let everyone pick their character's name but none of them were creative enough, so now he assigns the names)
Upon arrival everyone finds a second envelope at the place at the table, in which they'll find additional character information as well as their own unique set of clues only their character would realistically know
Cheating is frowned upon, it ruins the fun for everyone so don't even come near any envelopes not meant for you
There's no in-game consequences for breaking character, but it's frowned upon as well and everyone will act like they either don't know you or don't hear you
Kurt completely transforms the room everytime. No one knows how he does it, or where he gets the material for it. It's very impressive
Now I'm gonna get a little more specific since there's one specific murder mystery of his I have in mind, as part of the imaginary Halloween special
This one's theme is 1900s high-society
Kurt plays the host's Butler this time around, since the host is gonna be the victim
The other roles could be as follows:
Lady Rachel, owner of the neighboring land who might be hiding a dark secret
Lord Finn, the host's brother who'd inherent everything
Duchess Santana, tragically widowed and already looking for another source of money
horse breeder Brittany, the closest Kurt could get to her request of her character having something to do with unicorns
Count Mike who may or may not have been blackmailing the host
Factory owner Puck who the host may or may not have serious dirt on
Professor Artie, in desperate need of funding
Influential Author Tina who might have been blackmailed by the host
Opera Diva Mercedes who had a more personal connection to the host
Lady Quinn who may or may not have murdered her husband
Now on to the actual party
Kurt greets everyone at the door, already in character (complete with that old timey mildly british sounding accent), and leads them to the dinner table
Rachel's always the first to arrive, she loves the roleplay aspect of it all
That being said, when she opens up her second envelope and finds information conflicting with the ideas she had for her character herself she'll get upset
Quinn's dresses are always the most stunning
Despite literally living in the same house Finn somehow manages to arrive second to last everytime
Puck is always the last to arrive, he thinks if he's late no one will suspect that he's actually really into these murder mysteries
There's an actual in-character dinner first
No one expected him to, but Kurt goes the extra mile of not eating with the others since he's playing a butler
Santana might be enjoying bossing him around in-character a little too much
Artie's just talking about outlandish made-up theories in-character
Quinn just sits back and enjoys the show
Everyone's characters are so chaotic together
When the lights go off and on that signals to everyone that the murder has happened/body has been found
Everyone gets their third envelope, in which they'll find more information on their character's relation to the victim, their possible alibi and whether they are the murderer or not
Everyone's doing their best to keep a pokerface on, because they all know everyone's watching everyone
Once the letters have been read Puck gets super into it, interrogating every attandant one by one
Tina and Mercedes form a partnership and exchange their personal clues with each other
Finn is just confused and sticks to Rachel
Mike surprises everyone by being the first one with a real lead on the case
At some point an argument breaks out between Santana's and Rachel's character who accused each other
Everyone else is listening in, taking notes and taking sides
"I didn't murder her!" "that's exactly what a murderer would say!"
Burt or Carole comes in while that big in-character argument is happening, takes one good look at what's happening, turns around and leaves
The group goes straight back to yelling accusations at each other
Juicy, juicy in-character drama
Kurt, who's just watching and giving hints when he sees fit, was pretty sure Quinn was gonna be the one to figure it out, but in the end Brittany solves the mystery purely by accident
And that's all I got so far
Feel free to add to this! :)
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tayerroos · 3 years
Patchwork Tales: Book 1
A “9" roleplay compendium.  Read on AO3 Chapter: 13 [First] [Back] [You Are Here] [Next] Warnings for this chapter: Torture, Body Horror
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justphilia · 4 years
Mob Psycho Characters Playing Minecraft (Headcanons)
He starts with creative mode, just to get the gist of it, before finally heading into survival but on peaceful. Then he’ll do survival easy mode and just stay on that tier forever, until he feels more confident to up his game a little higher.
Only played because Telepathy club was playing and he heard the word “Mob” and was like; “Did you call me?” and the club goes “nah fam, it Minecraft.” “what’s Minecraft.” Boom he plays.
Most likely to have a farm with a lot of cows
Has a dirt house/villager’s house on the first night and stops at just that.
Not much of a great builder
Takes forever to get diamonds
Dies often, but not too much. Just often enough for him to lose a few good iron pickaxes.
Always goes to bed once it’s night.
Most likely to have a pet cat
He just plays for fun, when he’s bored and stuff. So he doesn’t go as far as to defeating the ender dragon. He’ll travel to the nether though, just for potion making
But he does play a heck more when Teru’s around, or when the Telepathy club invites him.
He awaits for a frog update
Jumps into survival hardcore right off the bat after watching one play through
Most likely to have a villager colony and farm
Makes a wooden house with windows and stuff on the first night with a furnace and a crafting table and a bed. The essentials. But he won’t stay in one house often and will move a lot
He can build, but he’s pretty amateur at it, he’s a fast learner though so he could easily replicate houses he see online
He’s the type of guy that never stops mining until he finds diamonds, which means he makes sure he’s at 13-11y in coordinates, has a shit ton of extra pickaxes, and stacks upon stacks of torches. Once he finds them goodies, he heads on home and repeats the cycle
He’ll defeat the ender dragon if he’s bored enough or when someone challenges/pays him to.
Same goes with The Wither
Will skip Minecraft sleep very often and will only go to bed when the phantom starts attacking
Most likely to have many many pet dogs, each one of them have name tags.
When he dies, he gets mad for a few hours, then jumps right back in. He doesn’t die all that often though, so he won’t rage quit.
He gets the minecraft books later on and you can see him reading it under his table time to time
He starts off with easy or normal without much knowledge on the game, probably only played because Shigeo introduced him to or Shou bugged him about it.
He’ll have a farm, but just for resources. Won't have much animals, mostly crops. He’ll live next to a village if there is one.
His first house will also be a dirt house, he’ll improve it overtime and add more levels and decorations. It can get very pretty in the end and he’ll be content to just stay and keep adding more to his house.
Not the best builder, but good enough for people to compliment it. He feels especially proud when Shigeo likes them, so he’s keen on building better and more.
He plans before he mines, calculates how many torches he needs and plans out what he’s exactly looking for, even calculates how many hunger bars each food item will fill before taking it with him.
If he gets really into the game, he’ll defeat the ender dragon, wither and head on into the nether. Not in that order though.
Will sleep if he doesn’t need to do anything
Most likely to have pets, perhaps a cat, or a dog, or a parrot. Only one though.
When he dies, he accepts it and moves on. Though, that would rarely happen.
Recently got into a forced Minecraft marriage with Shou. Is it forced if he enjoyed it though?
This bitch really just gonna jump right into survival just to flex on Shigeo.
Duh, of course he’ll have a farm. Will probably talk to the animals.
His first house is either borrowed from a villager or built with wood, but it’ll definitely not be a simple ass wooden house. It will be a nice fucking mansion, just watch him, he will. He’ll fight all the mobs he needs to just to built this mansion right off the bat, doesn’t even care if the first night he sleeps roofless.
Really good at building, because he wants to compete with Ritsu for fun and boast about it to Shigeo. Shigeo would just clap and be like “Wow so cool.”
“Thanks, made it myself, I can make one for you.” Shigeo declines, he’s an independent man, which makes Teru a mixture of disappointment and oh-my-god-you’re-adorable???
He doesn't plan when he mines, he just estimates and half ass some stuff before he struts into the cave. Sometimes he gets lost, but that’s perfectly fine.
Will defeat every mob boss and mob ever to show Shigeo he’s very powerful.
Doesn’t sleep, fights the phantom instead. Will sleep if Shigeo asks him to.
Most likely to have a pet cat, but he doesn’t mind dogs.
When he dies, he’s an angry baby and makes up some excuse as to why he’s dead. “I was distracted, didn’t see the lava. Whoops I guess ha ha no big deal.” But it is a big deal, he lost his diamonds, he wants to give it to his boyfriend but he cannot. Because he died.
Has yet to marry Shigeo in Minecraft.
Plays because he is a gamer. Survival hardcore ftw. He only plays multiplayer with Ritsu these days, never single player because he has been playing Minecraft his whole childhood and it gets boring on his own.
What’s a fucking farm? I take my food from my Minecraft husband.
Sleeps in a cave, but if Ritsu’s done with the house, he joins his bed with him and sleeps under a roof.
But he’s really really good at building, probably the best next to Serizawa. If you gave him the resources and time, he can recreate Seasoning City.
A concerning miner, jumps in with just torches and a pickaxe and somehow still survives (mostly because Ritsu always goes looking for him)
Could probably easily defeat the bosses because he has already done it so many times
Will only sleep when Ritsu is, which is almost all the time.
He owns every kind of animal.
He dies too many times because he really doesn’t mind, it makes Ritsu mad and that’s what keeps him going.
Shou was suffocated in sand.
“S H O U.” Ritsu yells at the boy next to him.
Was the one that proposed to Ritsu, invited everyone to the wedding; including Serizawa and Reigen.
Played while he was still hiding in his home, so he knows everything about the game when he finally played it with Reigen or the kids.
He loves farming, even the animals, it’s oddly calming to take care of something that won’t die unless he hits em.
He always collects resources first before he actually starts building a home, so he always sleeps in a cave or a villager’s house.
After years of experience, he became really good at building, he use to spend time recreating maps from other games. But he says Shou is better than him, the boy disagrees.
Yeah he mines, but he’s wary of dying when he heads into the cave, so he always brings too many torches. 
Makes sure he is very very prepared before defeating bosses
Always sleeps in time, because Reigen said so. Well, because Reigen advised it, what a hypocrite am I right?
Doesn’t have pets, and even if he does, he always make them stay put at one place.
Doesn’t die all that often, almost not at all.
He pretends to not be good at the game when Reigen’s around, he mostly lets the other do what they wanna do because he loves watching his husband play.
“Serizawa! Look, I made the zombie villager back into a villager!” Reigen pointed, Serizawa smiles and nods. He already knew how to do that, but Reigen’s discovery makes it feel he discovered something new himself.
Bro this woman is so experienced to a point everyone consults her for tips.
She’s building up to find aliens in minecraft, even though they don’t exist, but she’s convinced they’re an easter egg or something.
No, she doesn’t farm. She takes em from the villagers, but she has a few beehives here and there.
She’s only mining to find diamonds as a peace offering to minecraft aliens.
One time she thought the Wither was an alien.
One time, she thought the phantom was an alien.
One time she thought the ghast was an alien.
Has died multiple times because she is careless, but she is never upset about it. Always jumps right back into the game immediately.
Parrots are her pets, because they f l y and d a n c e.
One time she thought the creepers were aliens.
She has this summoning circle made of redstone and torches in case there really are aliens.
She believes in herobrine and sometimes tries to summon him.
She thinks the aliens made the temples in minecraft.
Other Characters
Minegishi has so many bees and flowers and crops it’s almost covering the whole map.
Takenaka plays because it’s very quiet and calming
Shimazaki cannot play. He is blind.
Shou’s old resistance team use to play with him, now they sometimes play together as a trio when Shou is playing with Ritsu.
Mukai and Tsuchi play because Mukai wanted to, she has a lot of armor stands in her house.
Tsubomi does not play, she played once and didn’t enjoy it all that much, but she’s perfectly happy watching her friends play.
Emi roleplays in minecraft.
Mezato doesn’t play, but she likes watching minecraft videos on youtube, mostly the theories.
Everyone in the awakening lab plays, Kurosaki is fantastic at mining because she always knows which way are the mobs and which way are the diamonds. Asahi is an arsonist.
Minori once got invited by Shigeo to play, then she proceeded to buy minecraft and everything in it to impress him. Shigeo only congratulated her once. Contemplating buying the whole of Mojang, but she’s a good girl now so she won’t.
Hoshida plays to impress Tome. Too bad, son, she’s not into you.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Soooo I remember you wrote one of little Kaito dresses like plague doctor. How about a scenario with Kaito and Haru both dressing and pretending to be like their dads (Kaito like before and Haru with like I don't know a hoodie 3 times her size and some rain boots???) And Kai's s/o secretly filming them and sending it to Kai and Chrono
OOF CUTENESS OVERLOAD SHIT 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💙💜💙💙💜💙
"You're all sick. What you need... is a cure."
You laughed at your six years old boy; whoose let out a laugh at seing his mommy reaction; imitating perfectly your husband.
Not only his looks were perfect for his actions, but your baby boy seemed to catch pretty much every movement correctly of his father.
"Mommy mommy look!" He tighten the plague mask around his much smaller face with difficulty as he mentioned for you to poke him, you, already knowing his actions, went slowly with your finger in his direction, getting immediately slapped; not hard calm down he loves you.
"Don't TOUCH ME!" you laugjed even harder, even their shouts were similiar!
"Mrs (Y/N)? Kaito? What's going on?" The little white haired girl entered the room with curiosity and she tilted her head at seing her friend dressing identically as the boss.
"Kaito why are you dressed like your daddy?" The older boy smiled as he lushed down his mask to talk with the girl.
"It's fun! You should try it Haru! You look very similiar with uncle Kurono after all!"
The girl widened her eyes, cleary feeling smug and proud at hearing she was zimiliar with her father as she looked up at your pregnant self as if asking for permission.
You giggled while shrugging it off.
"Your dad isn't here. So..." you mentioned with your eyes pointing at the ecit before Haru just ran out of the room.
Great speed...
"I have a new one!" Kaito started to cough before looking at his tiny gloved hand in disgust.
"This place is full of dirt, I think I might get sick with it."
"Don't ever saw that in front of your dad." You smiled nervously at only thinking about it "He is going to be very mad if he take this joke seriously."
Soon footsteps were heard and when you turned your head you swear your heart was going to explode along woth your giggles.
Little Haru had just picked one of Hari's white hoodies, which were seeming more like a over sized dress of hers, while with a huge pair of black boots as she tried to understand how to place the black mask on.
"Oh my god..." you whispered, bringing a hand over your mouth and looking at Kaito who was already giggling at his friend.
Mini Chisaki and mini Kurono... you could die happily now.
No wait, there's still your other baby growing.
"Come Chrono. We must cure this sick world." Kaito mumbled to Haru who seemed to catch up pretty quickly the roleplay.
"Right after you Overhaul." She said while still struggling to walk but imitating her dad just as perfectly as Kai.
Holy shit Where's that fucking cellphone of yours?
"Holy shit." Mumbled Chrono suddenly, catching Chisaki's interested.
Him, Chrono, Mimic were soon going to negotiate with another gang and were still waiting to get on the place as Nemoto ride it.
Kai and Mimic looked at the arrow haired man with judgment but yet curiosity, Hari sinply smirked and said to Overhaul to catch his cellphone ro see with his own eyes.
"Oi! WhY CaN'T I sEE PuNK?! THink YoU'RE BeTTer OR SoMEthINg?!"
"You're not a father to get these things so shut up."
Chisaki sighed in annoyance at hearing both start to argue before, for a mere second widened his eyes, as he looked dow at the cellphone.
'You're late.' His son's voice in false annoyance echoed through the phone and thankfully to his black mask he could smirk all he wanted.
'At least I didn't missed a shot. Phew!' Haru mentiomed while pretending jer own fingers were a gun while she standed right besides Kaito.
" 'Phew' ." Kurono chuckled in his palm as he covered his face "The sound of a gun is 'phew' for her. Dear god."
"So that's where my mask went... little rascal." Chisaki growled behind his own smile as he went to give the cellphone back to Kurono before he stopped midway when he heard your giggles.
'Someone spoted us boss.' Haru's voice manifested along as your false gasp.
'I will handle it. PERISH IT!' his son went towards the camera direction while you mumbled a 'oh god' before the video ended.
"That brat." He growled while standing up and tossing Chrono's cellphone back at him in irritatio .
"Where ya going Overhaul?" Mimic asked.
"The meeting is canceled. My wife's is pregnant and my idiotic son just attacked her."
Chrono got up as well and sighed
"I also need to have a talk with Haru." He snickered while walking right after his childhood friend "phew." He repeated again.
Mimic just groaned and followed the man's out of the room... those two had really changed after those brats came in huh?
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
give me literally All Headcanon for that post for Mysterio p l e a s e (also, for the one of my choosing, whether or not you hc he commentates movies while watching them or insists on ABSOLUTE SILENCE)
:D!!! my sweet boy, BLESS you nonnie! 
◉ whether or not you hc he commentates movies while watching them or insists on ABSOLUTE SILENCE IS A FANTASTIC QUESTION IVE BEEN LITERALLY LAUGHIN ABOUT IT ALL DAY THANK YOU
   Both actually! if you try to comment on the plot or react to an actor, immediately you get rudely shushed with the most scorching glare because how DARE you, focus on the ~ART~ you heathen!!! but also the Moment a slightly more advanced special effect takes place, he is all hoppin on his seat excitedly explaining how it’s done and how genius that is, how would he improve on it and how another movie dealt with it, the dialogue for the big plot reveal goin on the screen be damned :’D Also as the movie advances, he starts gettin more and more into long passionate rants either complaining about the lack/surfeit of respect the creators got, how arrogant this one actor is and how he doesnt respect his cues and so on….. lots of the stuff he says is actually pretty interesting but yeah, if you counted on just enjoying the movie, tough luck 
   He really likes watchin movies with people but prefers to see the movie first on his own at least once, to really focus on it. Often, he will watch a movie in the livin room while others do their own thing and he will comment on the good scenes, however if you agreed to actually watch somethin with him and got distracted during screening or worse, was on your phone?? you are dead to him. (and you can expect some …unpleasant surprises in the upcoming days)   
im gonna put the rest under the readmore cuz this is gettin long ^^;;
[ask meme]
☾ - sleep headcanon
Beck is the UGLIEST sleeper, he is the worst. He snores loudly, drools, moves, KICKS, mumbles and has the most vivid wildest dreams. (it happens rarely but sometimes he’ll dream about somethin, wake up and for a while be convinced it actually happened, you know like when you dream about arguing with your friend and being mad at them the next day etc) On the other hand, sometimes, all his features relax, he loses the scowl and looks surprisingly peaceful and happy… oh and he hogs the blanket.  
His sleep schedule is a fuckin mess, he is able to go like the whole week on few hours of sleep total when he is workin on a project but other days he gets grumpy if he doesnt get his 10h of beauty sleep every night.. 
★ - sad headcanon
uhhh i dont actually have much sad stuff for this boy yet, he brings me so much joy that i dont have the heart for that :’’’D (also i like him and chameleon team ups and Dmitri brings enough angst to the table for the both of them)
He really actually died that one time and went to hell (though in Patchwork, im not gonna keep everythin about that Daredevil plot, i really like Mysti being dangerous and actually a worthy opponent but most of it was too fucked up for my tastes…) and well… it wasnt great :’D  it mostly targeted his insecurities about his own talent he buried so deep he almost stopped believing them, the lack of respect and recognition and him willingly throwing away any chance he had at those by becoming Mysterio and of course everything that happened with his ex Brick Johnson…
☆ - happy headcanon
blease consider: autistic Quentin !!!!!!
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
he doesnt have a hair trigger temper like Ock or Electro but Damn does this boy holds grudges over literally everything :’D lots of overcomplicated, carefully crafted revenge plots just for eating the last yogurt in the fridge… He gets frustrated easily, getting snappy and rude, especially if people are not listening to him, but it’s often about the pettiest things, the bigger stuff doesnt affect him as much.  
He doesnt enjoy violence for the sake of violence but he is not above it either, everythin is allowed for his big performance…… he can be quite a good n friendly boss if you listen to his orders and work well but can just as much set you up to die in an explosion, all while smiling and patting you on the back… 
✿ - Sex headcanon
my Mysterio is gay as hell but also somewhere on the ace spectrum… not sex-repulsed but definitely not a high drive either (he feels oddly smug about that, like look at those fools trying to get into each others’ pants, how pathetic, *I* in the meantime have time for things that Truly matter, like recreating every Xmen battle ever with only straws and gum.) 
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
listen, i basically grew up on those “the entire villain team lives in a single place - shenanigans ensue” fics so im not givin up on the Sinister Six HQ, okay. (Chameleon usually finds them a suitable house with enough rooms, as luxurious as their current fonds allow, and he prides himself in putting in lil personal touches that he knows the sin six members would enjoy, for Quentin it’s often very obscure movies, rare memorabilia from his favorite ones, stuff for his illusions, a stolen Oscar…) 
 When these are unavailable (aka superheroes got them busted) or when he aint in the middle of a crime job, he usually stays at one of the Cham’s safehouses (with or without him) and in a few of them, he already has his own dedicated room with some of his fav old tricks on display. Speakin of which, he has a BIG warehouse with most of his setups and stages or at least models. He doesnt really plan on reusing them but he likes having them all together 
♡ - romantic headcanon
((jakjgkfajga im a loser and ended up shippin him with Chameleon and everythin i’ve thought off so far is EMBARRASSING AND CHEESY AS FUCK :’’’’D so im gonna leave those for another time))
Beck being an Extra Bitch he is, lives for the Big Romantic Gestures like in the movies and he often gets so caught up in the prep he.. kinda disregards the person he was makin it for, the making of the effect means more for him than  the actual sentiment behind it… 
(ok maybe One mysteleon hc, while it pains him, Quentin knows Chammy Would Not Enjoy being a target of such grand display… he gotta be more subtle, creating a scene where he could play in disguise and dupe some superheroes mayhaps…) 
♥ - family headcanon
like 99% of the villains and their grandma, his family wasnt great, mum left when he was very young with another guy, his dad considered his passion for movies a great waste of time and let lil Quentin know how disappointed he was at every occasion both vocally and physically.. After the first few broken models and ripped tapes with stop animations that took weeks to complete, Quentin stopped tryin to impress and convince his father about the greatness of special effects.. He joined a boxing club and learnt some other martial arts but as soon as he could, he left to join a proper film school which led to his father dropping both financing and all contact with him. 
☮ - friendship headcanon
Im not even gonna start about Chameleon’s and Mysterio’s friendship because that shit is canon and i cry about it on a daily basis. 
Despite his penchant for Dramatics, the constant Need for Validation and Backstabbing and other Throwing Shit in the Fan just cuz it was narratively better, Quentin actually has quite a few friends? He gets along quite well with everyone from the Sin Six and many other villains and even has some ‘normie’ pals from the film industry or just neighborhood… 
One of his most surprising is actually Doc Ock with whom he gets along even outside of business partners/partners in crime basis. Though maybe not so surprising, Mysterio is quite vocal with his praises when he feels like they are deserved and Doc as well actually admires and recognizes Beck’s talent while it is still enough specific for him not to feel threatened in his superiority (once he tried to improve them and show them to Quentin with his usual arrogance and flair and that was the biggest fight they ever had and they werent on speaking terms for a loooong while after that… Oct cant stand not having the last word so he still modified some of Mysterio’s tricks even after that but he actually cares about their friendship enough to not tell Mysti about it.. Not like he would ever admit that to Quentin’s fishbowl face) 
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
like 99% of everythin Mysti does is Somehow related to special effects/film or the Drama in general but my boy is a nerd in general, theater, books, comics, manga, roleplaying games, you name it. He especially likes flashy stuff obviously. 
He really enjoys learning new techniques and figuring out how to make something happen. When he was younger, he was viciously against CGI but later he started to sorta respect it as its own category that needs talent and effort… he still prefers to use the traditional techniques of course :’D (…as traditional as HYPNOTIZING PEOPLE WITH NEURAL GAZ IS) 
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
He has a very Complicated relationship with the film industry……. on the one hand, he loves the behind the scenes, the rush, the Action…. but on the other hand, he hates it with a fiery passion, everythin from how you get treated like dirt and the pretentious prizes being awarded just for the Big names and hollywood and everythin turning around the money an-…., he has a very long list and it is alphabetized. (While he has a point for many of those complaints, the fact HE himself never got any pretentious award remains probably the main issue…) 
he absolutely despises people making fun of D-grade shitty movies in the “this shitty horror is so cheesy and dumb it’s funny and i love it” way, either because the people workin on it were good and trying their best but the money or the producers etc ruined it (his experience) and then it’s an unfair critique or because the creators just didnt try hard enough and that’s even worse in his books and this movie should not get Any Attention much less a positive one.. 
he likes complaining and being snarky :’D he enjoys the challenge Spidey sets for them and loves playing tag with him (even when he loses..) He loves the prep before his big shows both alone or with help, the adrenalin when actually pulling it off and when he discusses it with Cham in details. He lives for the applause and recognition and ~Fame~ 
▼ - childhood headcanon
not as much as hc as adopting the Webspinners’ aproach: he spent most of his childhood daydreaming, hiding himself behind the stories and special effects….. not many friends aside from Betsy but he didnt really need them, he wanted audience not pals.. In the film school he started to be more social and communicative, he met Brick there and they started goin out… 
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
hhhhh im conflicted, there are like 3 comics where Q is retired because he has enough of superheroes beating him up and he Really doesnt want to go back to it.. I cant see him actually givin up on it totally tho… idk idk
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Like with sleep, it oscillates wildly. He can forget to eat when he is hypefocusin on a particular project (one single chip suffices as nourishment) or he just subsides on ramen for a month but on the other hand he is quite a capable cook. Nothing Extraordinary but he can make enough diverse simple meals. When livin with Chammy, they both enjoy eating out so they do that as much as the budget allows (so not that much, illusions arent cheap…) 
☼ - appearance headcanon
im still thinkin about that one post that described Quentin as a “toenail of a man” and i couldnt agree more :’D very short, pig nose, hairstyle à la Spock, stocky built and weirdly beefy, like this guy’s thigh is bigger than some heads… (for a nerd he is surprisingly strong what the fuck) 
All Mysterios are Good Mysterios but my preferred ones have a bigass ROUND fishbowl, the longest cape and somethin as a belt, preferably sash.. 
ൠ - random headcanon
he actually isnt….. that great of an actor nor director nor creator………………….. (im sorry baby i love you but it’s tru….) he unconsciously copies a lot of stuff he has seen elsewhere, he follows overused tropes, his work is packed with cliches and cheesy over the top pathos… his special effects mastery n creativity with workin out his illusions is absolutely INCREDIBLE dont get me wrong, it’s just… the plot/ideas……..  at first he lived in denial about this still believing 100% his work is Wonderful and Perfect and he is just a misunderstood author… later he decided to embrace it and he is livin the life now :D
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay server Log #225
“Cp Gk and Alexsezia at the Bar, Oak and Willows New Forms, Endrea Tweaks, Slender Leaves”
[CP] Is grumbling as GK carries him to the bar- Is this really necessary?
[Gk] Yes. It's been too long.
[CP] - What sort of nightmare could a baby dragon have anyways which would cause this sort of reaction!?
[Gk] Ashe dreamed that someone stabbed Lie with a diamond sword. Those are pretty rare. Even around here.
[CP] - Yeah?  So?  I'm not the only one around here with one
[Gk] Yes, but you're the only one who occasionally goes bananas because you have too much energy.
[CP] - But I'd never hurt my mate!  It is literally impossible for a pasta to harm their mate!
[Gk] Considering your weird behavior in the past, can you blame your friends for taking precautions?
[CP] - I think you're over reacting
[Gk] Well that's your opinion. But I don't think that letting Doc guard your wife for a little bit is a horrible thing.
[Gk] Then we're just paranoid and no harm done.
[CP] - Other than irritating the fuck out of me...
[Gk] Is mouthing in time to Cp's complaints-
[CP] - You're doing something...
[Gk] pppppth. - Reaches the bar and turns around to push Cp inside with his wing tentacles-
[CP] Grumbles as he's shoved inside-
[Gk] Shapeshifts and follows him in -
[Sam] Waves merrily. They're still a bit pumped from their stint bossing around Cp's kitchen staff, but happy to be back to their own quiet space.
[Alexsezia] is quietly playing pool by herself with a mug on the edge of the nearest table.
[CP] Takes a seat at the bar- You're not gonna let me leave, are you...
[Sam] Why Leave? You just got here sir.
[CP] - Because I was planning on staying with my wife today...
[Gk] Enough nattering. Sam, I think you know what's needed here.
[Alexsezia] That's sweet of you.
[CP] - Yeah, and then GK and Doc got paranoid because Ashe had a nightmare...
[Alexsezia] Has he shown some talent for prophecy? He is an odd little beast. Even for a dragon.
[CP] - I doubt it
[Sam] Heads for the kitchen-
[Gk] Nothing would suprise me. He's wickedly smart.
[Alexsezia] He's extremely good at chess for one so young.
[Gk] Ha, maybe you should give the vacant general's post to him Cp!
[CP] - No!  That would be far to stressful for him
[Sam] Comes back with a gigantic pizza covered in meat and cheese and sets it down before making drinks for Gk and Cp-
[Alexsezia] You never know. He has a mind as sharp as a diamond. Don't underestimate him Cp.
[Gk] Grabs a slice and chomps on it happily-
[CP] Grumbles, but takes a slice as well- Besides, I doubt Endrea would let me make Ashe a general
[Gk] Maybe when he's older.
[Alexsezia] I think he'll always be a bit small and sickly, but he'll make up for it in brains.
[CP] - The Nether mobs are more fond of strength in their leaders, not brains, I have to take that into consideration as well
[Alexsezia] Suit yourself. I've given him some rather complex sums to see how he's developing and he solved them easily.
[Gk] You gave the kid math homework? Fucking hell!
[CP] Snorts in amusement-
[Gk] He doesn't need that shit...
[Alexsezia] Maybe not, but it could be very useful later on. This seed is complex, special. He is the same.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Gk] Good shit Sam! Thanks!
[Sam] beams-
[CP] - Can I go back to my wife yet?
[Gk] No. Have some pizza and a shot.
[CP] - Fucker- Does take a shot
[Alexsezia] Sneaks a piece- That is good! What are the little balls?
[Sam] Sausage
[CP] Translate for her-
[Alexsezia] it's pig? Niiice.
[CP] His mind wanders to brush against Lie's, checking that she's alright-
[Gk] At Cp- Are you on the phone?
[CP] Scowls- No!
[Gk] You had that look.
[Alexsezia] It kinda looks like you're daydreaming Cp.
[CP] - I'm not!
[Endrea] Is walking around looking for Doc with her babies-
[Doc] Is walking back towards the town with Lie.
[Endrea] - Doc!
[Doc] Is still on edge and flinches-
[Lie] Puts a gentle hand on Doc's side- Hello Endrea
[Endrea] - Mistress
[Doc] Swallows the mouthful of healing flowers - Sorry Endrea. It's been a relatively stressful day.
[Endrea] - That is alright, I have a favor to ask
[Doc] What is it?
[Endrea] - As you can see, Willow and Oak have grown, and they're speaking full sentences now, do you...  Do you think we could give them human forms?
[Doc] I'd love too! And I'm glad to hear they're communicating fully. I was starting to worry they were stunted from sharing an egg like that.
[oak] -waves at doc and lie- hello
[Lie] - Awwww
[willow] rawr I am fearsome
[Endrea] Brushes her children with her wings-
[Doc] Taps hir claws in the dirt, now excited. - I just need a copy sample of pixels from each of you. Can you come over here?
[Ashe] Bounces a little in excitement-
[oak] -goes over to doc-
[willow] -follows oak- rawr
[Doc] Xe sets down some wood blocks and brushes a paw over each of them. It comes away with skin samples and xe starts multiplying them into a lot of raw pixels.
[Endrea] Looks down at her two youngest- Are you two ready for this?
[willow] I am I never fear
[oak] i am ready mama
[Ashe] - You'll be like me!  Able to shift forms!
[Doc] Is gleefully forming the raw stuff into a pair of small humanoid shapes like black and white dolls.
[Doc] Lie? Do you still have any of Ashe's small clothes hanging around? I can copy them and change the colors if you want.
[Lie] - I think so...
[Endrea] - If you don't mind watching them I know there are some in our room
[Doc] Is making little wings and whistling cheerfully-
[Lie] - Sure, go ahead
[Endrea] Spreads her wings and takes off, quickly flying towards Lie's place-
[Ashe] - Doc!  Doc!  Uncle GG started teaching me how to fly!
[Doc] Aww. How did it go? Did you get some air? - Xe's adding little ears to the two forms.
[willow] -is jumping around doc-
[Ashe] - I got a little bit of air...  And then I fell in the sand...
[Endrea] Is returning with clothes-
[Doc] Easy Willow, this won't take long.
[Doc] Is molding a short tail and pushes up one dolly to attach it.
[Endrea] Lands and passes the clothes over to Lie-
[Doc] Is embellishing the tails with little squared spines. -
[Lie] Get's the clothes ready-
[Doc] Puts some little claws on the fronts of their feet and takes a good look at the kids before working on their faces.
[Endrea]-  Calm down Willow, it will be ready soon
[Doc] Picks up the forms and looks them over carefully - Looks good to me. What do you kids think?
[willow] I like them
[oak] I do too
[Doc] Picks up Oak's doll and holds it out. - It'll vanish into your inventory almost immediately, that's normal. Just give it a big hug-
[oak] -hugs the doll-
-The figure poofs into Oak's inventory, and stays there in a small sprite as an item of clothing. -
[Doc] Just hold that for a minute Oak. Let me give Willow their doll as well- Offers the form to the other baby dragon-
[willow] -jumps on the doll excitedly-
-Also poofs and vanishes-
[Doc] Okay kids. Do you know how to change your clothes inside your inventory?
[oak] no
[willow] not but I will try anyway -tries to fettle to get to the new body but is just flailing-
[Doc] Pokes around them a little bit so they can see their inventories - Just move it from here to here. You only have to do it this way the first time.
[Ashe] Is getting very excited-
[willow] -quickly does and is now human-
[oak] -does it as well-
[Endrea] Looks at them proudly-
[Doc] You brought some clothes? What colors do you two want?
[Lie] Has the clothes at the ready-
[willow] I want it to look like diamonds and the rocks that stay on fire
[Doc] Adjusts the clothes to red and blue and lays them down on the wood blocks-
[Lie] - Come here Willow, I'll help you into them
[Doc] Oak? How about you?
[oak] I like the colors of big brothers wings and gg's
[willow] -tries to get up to walk like ashe but instantly falls over she crawls over instead-
[Doc] Okay. - Xe fixes the other set of clothes and holds them out for them.
[Lie] - It's okay Willow, we'll help you learn how to walk upright- She takes the clothes for Willow and starts helping her into them
[Doc] Is obviously proud and whispers to Endrea- thank you for letting me do that. I want them to be safe. it'll be Yaunfen's turn before I know it.
[Endrea] - You're welcome Doc
[oak] -crawls over to lie-
[Lie] Smiles at him and helps him into his clothes as well- There you go
[oak] yay now I can be like big brother and gg
[Lie] - He's never going to lose that nickname, is he?
[Doc] Let me help you Willow. - Xe's puts hir paws under their arms and helps them to their feet.
[Endrea] - Never, I'll make certain of that
[Ashe] - Oak!  Do you want me to help you?
[willow] -legs are a little wobbly-
[oak] yes please
[Ashe] Goes over and lifts Oak up-
[Doc] It's okay, I've got you Willow.
[oak] thank you big brother
[Endrea] Settles down- We'll let them have some fun for now, and then we'll go show Uncle GG
[willow] -tries moving around holding on to doc-
[Doc] Use your tail to balance like a brewing stand if you need to stop Willow
[willow] -is doing her best to stay upright then her feet give out and is still being held up by doc-
[Lie] - It's okay if you guys don't get it right away, it took your mom some time to learn how to walk upright too
[willow] I want to learn the fastest so I can run around
[Ashe] - Willow, it's okay to take your time
[Doc] Sets her upright again- I've got your arms. Just try to move your feet.
[willow] -tries walking like she has seen ashe do-
[Doc] Just moves along with hir on hir own back legs. Hir body's flexible enough to be nearly bent in half over the small child.
[Ashe] - You doing okay Oak?
[oak] yes I am just not good at this yet
[Ashe] - That's okay!  I'll help you learn!
[oak] yay!
[Lie] Sits next to Endrea- Endrea, earlier you called me Mistress, please don't do that
[Endrea] - And why not?  You are Mistress to me as your husband is Master to the others
[Doc] Is trying to walk Willow gently along.
[Lie] - I'm just not comfortable with it
[Endrea] - Very well, however some of the others may still call you that
[Lie] Sighs- Thanks for the heads up at least
[willow] -is sticking her tongue out in concentration-
[Doc] Is watching her feet closely-
[willow] her feet are not taking the right steps but she is managing to stay upright
[Endrea] Rolls over, her tail knocking into a tree-
[Doc] Uses hir tail to correct Willow's steps a bit- Whoah? Endrea? You okay?!
[willow] -are getting the motions closer but is starting to get tired-
[Endrea] - I'll be fine, my size sometimes makes things a little awkward
[Doc] See's she's tiring and helps her sit. -Endrea.... I think the next one who needs adjustment... is you.
[Endrea] - Me?
[Lie] - You are on a roll today Doc
[willow] -sits on the grass-
[Ashe] - Do you need a break Oak?
[oak] I think so
[Ashe] - Okay- Helps Oak gently to the ground
[Doc] Endrea... your size needs to be constrained. Otherwise, eventually you'll be too big to fly properly, or brood without crushing  your eggs.
[Endrea] - But right now I'm not even fully grown...
[oak] -sits on the grass-
[Doc] So? How big do you need to be? You're already twice as big as a normal Enderdragon.
[Endrea] - I don't know...  It's just a part of my coding...
[Doc] So? That's just baseline stuff. I'm asking what YOU want.
[Endrea] - I...  I suppose I'd rather not get any bigger...
[Doc] Then I'll fix it. I doubt it's anything complex since it's not supposed to be in your code in the first place.
[Endrea] - Alright, do you need me to do anything?
[Doc] Probably not, though, maybe sit on your haunches while I'm working on it.
[Endrea] Sits up and waits patiently-
[Lie] - Maybe you could make it so she's more normal sized but can access her larger size in a fight?
[Doc] Oh, that's a great idea! Geeze... that would scare the fuck out of  anyone! Do you want me to do that Endrea?
[Endrea] - If it would be easier for you...
[Doc] I can do either.
[Endrea] Looks at her children and considers everything- Let's do the second option
[Doc] Can do. - Xe puts down a command block and opens the screen to get a good look at Endrea's code. The snarly lines added by Cp's NOTCH stand out to hir practiced eyes.
[Lie] - Can you see where she was altered?
[Doc] Oh yes. And I can block it off too. It's close to her reincarnation protocol though, so I'll have to be gentle. Stay still, okay?
[Endrea] - I understand
[Ashe] - What are you doing?
[Doc] I'm going to put a cap on your mom's growth so she doesn't outgrow the server.
[Ashe] - She could outgrow the server?
[Doc] Is typing - Well, there is a ceiling up there. And it's possible to be too big to fly properly.
[Ashe] - But mama loves flying with Uncle GG...
[Doc] Exactly - Xe's making some delicate tweaks and writing a new set of commands for when she needs to be big and what kind of parameters need to be met to trigger and maintain it.
[Lie] Watches the screen carefully-
[Deer] Over chat- Love what are you doing?  I've felt you make several tweaks recently
[Doc] Over chat and aloud- It's been a red letter day darling. I made three new bodies and now I'm doing a bit of code-work for Endrea.
[Deer] - Such productivity
[Doc] Wait till you see Willow and Oak, they're adorable.
[Deer] - I'd come out to see, but Yaunfen is napping
[Doc] Awww. It can wait. I'm sure they'll be around. - Xe's adding a few touches. - You know Endrea... it wouldn't be a bad idea to make this a voice command. What's a word you never use that could trigger it?
[Endrea] - I don't know...
[Lie] - Use Mistress, that way you'll be better at remembering not to call me that
[Doc] Yeah but she might trip up and say it somewhere and explode out of a building and hurt herself. Try something else.
[Endrea] - What word might you suggest Doctor?
[Doc] Something that doesn't exist here. Or a forgien word in another language.
[Lie] - What about Artemisia?
[Doc] I have zero idea what that is, as long as you won't forget it, it's good with me.
[Endrea] - I believe I can remember that
[Doc] Has hir tongue poking slightly out in concentration as xe connects the codes on the screen in front of hir. - All ready?
[Endrea] - Go ahead
[Doc] Crosses hir paws to hit three keys at once- Resetting... NOW.
[Endrea] Jerks a little before her form begins to shrink.  She shudders as this happens and her form condenses into that of a normal enderdragon-
[Doc] Hows that? Anything errored or painful?
[Endrea] Twists around a little and flexes her muscles- Not that I can tell...
[Doc] Good. This should be a bit easier to manage. It'd be sad if you couldn't take your true form without smashing and bumping into things.
[Endrea] - Yes, thank you Doc
[Ashe] - Mama got smaller!
[willow] cool
[Doc] Well this is the normal size for an Enderdragon. And you only have to concentrate on the word you chose to get big for fighting. Once you relax you'll shrink down again.
[Endrea] Stands and goes over to her children to nuzzle them-
[Lie] - I bet GK will be very surprised
[oak] -nuzzles back-
[Doc] Dusts hir paws- especially if he pisses you off....
[Endrea] Laughs a little- I doubt he'd anger me on purpose
[Doc] grins- He was a little scared when you grumped at him for tricking you so I could jump on your head.
[Endrea] - I'm still not pleased about that...
[Ashe] - That was funny
[Lie] - Wait, you what?
[Doc] I'm a doctor and I knew she wouldn't take a pain pill without a struggle. i just employed a bit of trickery.
[Lie] Groans-
-A few days later-
[Slender] Is fixing Splender's bowtie- And you're certain you're going to be alright now?
[Splender] - Yes brother, besides, Sally needs you
[Strangled] He and the proxies are waiting while the slender beings finish up-
[Doc] Comes down the hill with Yaunfen at hir side -
[TLOT and Steve] are heading that way as well. Pinwheel is roaming a bit but generally behind them.
[Yaunfen] - Mada! Mada!  Burp?
[Doc] We're just seeing a few people off kiddo.
[TLOT] Takes Steve's hand so he isn't too scared.
[Ring Leader] Is super tired and yawning, but does notice them approaching-
[Pinwheel] Growls at the water-
[Doc] Waves- We came down to see you guys off.
[Ring Leader] - Oh!  That's really nice of you!- Yawns again
[TLOT] Gives Pinwheel a pat- Stay away from the water.
[Doc] Why so tired Ring Leader?
[Pinwheel] Hisses-
[Masky] - She's been sleeping in till mid day lately
[Doc] Ah. Are the short days and nights messing with your internal clock?
[Ring Leader] - A little
[Slender] Approaches the three waiting for him- Are the three of you ready?
[Strangled] - Fuck yes get us out of here!
[Doc] Looks a little hurt by Strangled's comment-
[Steve] Quietly at Ring Leader- It was nice meeting you.
[Splender] - Brother!
[Slender] Sighs- Did you undo your tie again?
[Ring Leader] - Same to you!
[Doc] Come play with us again some time, okay?
[Ring Leader] - Absolutely!
[Splender] Approaches his brother, having accidentally undone his bowtie-
[Slender] Redoes the tie for his brother- Stay safe brother
[Splender] - I will!
[Doc] Safe travel, all of you.
[Splender] Creates an opening for the others to the manor- Give Sally and everyone else my love!
[Slender] - I will brother
[TLOT] Catches a whiff of the smell from the manor and holds his breath to keep from hacking-
[Steve] Waves-
[Slender] Walks through with the others following him-
[Splender] With one last wave he closes the portal- Well that was a nice visit
[Doc] Just kind of falls over in the grass.
[TLOT] Takes a huge gasping breath-
[Pinwheel] Goes and hides under Splender's bed-
[Yaunfen] Satisfied- Burp
[Doc] Agreed. -said very firmly - Burp.
[TLOT] Laughs.
[Splender] Turns towards the others- It was wonderful for the three of you to come see brother off!
[Doc] Gives him a thumbs up-
[TLOT] We figured it would be polite. Your brother is awfully formal in his interactions.
[Splender] - It's how he was raised, he was supposed to take over our family household eventually, but then he took our other brothers and brought them here instead
[Doc] He told me. And I figured it was an age issue. - types to Deerheart- We're clear. How's the server?
[Deer] - I think the ground wants to say hello...
[Doc] Do I need to come over there? Just take a nap if you have too!
[Deer] - Nevermind, sheet's said hello first
[Doc] Awww. Just do what you need too. I'm communing with the grass myself.
[TLOT] Peeks into the house at Pinwheels tail poking out from under the bed- Someone was in a hurry to get home.
[CP] Over chat- Will you two lovebirds shut up?
[Splender] Is whistling as he moves things around in his house-
[Steve] Kneels down near the bed, but not too close. - why are you hiding?
[Doc] Types - No
[Pinwheel] Is clawing at the leg of the bed-
[Steve] Doc made you a scratching post upstairs Pinwheel, it's much taller too.
[Pinwheel] Hisses at Steve-
[Splender] - Oh Steve, what are you doing?
[Steve] Talking to Pinwheel. She's under your bed.
[Splender] - She likes to try and break the bed
[Steve] Why?
[Splender] Shrugs-
[TLOT] I could replace the legs with something harder?
[Splender] - No, it's alright
[TLOT] Okay. I'm glad you're feeling better.
[Splender] - Brother's always been good about making sure I return to my usual spirits!
[TLOT] Shame about Strangled though....
[Steve] Ring Leader was nice, you should invite her around more often.
[Splender] - I would, but it would be dangerous for her
[TLOT] To be around you? Or just digital in general?
[Splender] - To become digital, because of a proxies connection to their master, it would be very dangerous and painful for her to become digital, and the pain wouldn't stop
[TLOT] Geeze....
[Steve] Well you have to stay for a very long time for that to happen. Markus was here for so long before the sickness got to him.
[Splender] - I see
[Yaunfen] - Mada!
[Doc] Is still flopped in the grass, and opens hir arms- want a hug?
[Yaunfen] Crawls on top of Doc and tries to sit on their face-
[Doc] Little room for air please.
[TLOT] Peeks out of the doorway- You guys doing okay out here?
[Yaunfen] - Burp!
[Steve] Is sitting on the floor - Pinwheel? I'll scratch you if you come out.
[Doc] Shifts Yaunfen a little and cuddles them- You're getting big so fast.
[Pinwheel] - No!
[Steve] Are you suuuure?
[Pinwheel] Keeps scratching-
[Yaunfen] Snuggles back- Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp
[Doc] I love you too.
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Ghost recon wildlands
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Boy, some game. My beta impressions of the game were hilarious. The game was an incredible mess and still is, but now mostly by design. Or rather the lack of good design. Many issues have been patched, but you can’t patch out poor game design choices! It’s a half decent operators operating kind of a open world game. Where you go about in a weird version of Bolivia, dismantling the operations of a huge drug cartel as well as give the corrupted military/police/whatever a good kicking on the side. The game features a huge map where you can choose freely where to go, when to go and clear any area of the map at your on pace, in any order. You essentially go to a zone, gather intel, do story missions and then take down a leader in that zone, move on to the next until bigger guys notice you and then you go after them. Its open ended in every way, you can do full stealth or go in boom boom bang bang if you so wish, but the more loud option is sometimes the harder option, especially when going against unidad (the military types) since they can call in some pretty dangerous helicopters and such if the fight draws out to be a long one. Though to the games credit, escaping unidad can lead to some hilarious moments here and there. All this sounds fun on paper, right? Well, honestly. It kind of is sometimes. To my surprise. Though mostly fun in co-op with a friend or two. The AI is not only worthless (makes sense balance wise), but their presence is so weird. They can teleport to your car if you drive past them and don’t pick them up, they barely ever die and it seems like that they can conveniently teleport to your location if you get downed so they can revive you. They are like literal ghosts. The biggest issue with the AI however is their “banter”. Its so fucking bad. It tries to be this “cool&edgy” grizzled military talk with some pretty cringy, poorly used operator jargon thrown in here and there. It’s all so poorly delivered and the voice actors are just...not good honestly. One of them especially sounds so fucking irritating. They make awful jokes that are not funny in any way and none of them have any character to them. Their voices are mixed so stupidly in there too. Just adding some reverb when indoors could have helped. This dialogue is carried over even to co-op, but its slightly less present there. I was mostly playing with one friend, we had markers off (of course the game has that irritating thing where you can see spotted enemies through walls, but you could turn it off, thank god), played on a harder difficulty and I have to say that when you get into the roleplaying mode, the game becomes fun after you get used to its shitty parts. Still, there is some dialogue there during missions and such and so many times we both went “hooly fuck SHUT UP! YOU ARE RUINING THE MOOD!”. The open ended nature of the game was to its detriment sometimes. The map is huge and it has many good different areas in it. There are desert areas, a salt flat area, jungles, a marsh, forests, coastal areas. A wide variety of places which was nice. But since the game has this system where you can find the guns and attachments in different regions after you gather intel in those areas, the first 10 hours of the game was “oh, FAMAS is in that zone, lets go there!” and we traveled from one zone to another, just picking up weapons and not doing any of the missions. We could have just...not done that, but there was always some weapon than I or my friend wanted and we just couldn’t control ourselves. The game also has no structure and the story gets drowned underneath a chaos of random information about the bosses in the areas and such. When you enter a new zone, you get a new video briefing for the boss of that area and it wont go away until you fucking watch it. It all got in the way. Most of the bosses/leaders were honestly pretty interestingly made character wise, but taking them down felt like taking down any other trivial enemy in most cases aside from few exceptions. One leader we took out accidentally during their main mission. We didn’t realize that the target was there until one of us had accidentally shot her. Not good!
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There is a bunch of weapons in the game and most of them handle okay after you get used to them. Most of them are not really useful on paper, but I never get bothered by that. I’ll use guns that I like based on their looks, sometimes I didn’t attach any scopes on them, no lasers most of the time just to make the guns look neat. I like that. Having options on that stuff is always great. The character customization was alright too, but it could have been a bit more extensive. More actual military gear would have been neat.
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There is lots of optional stuff that has a purpose. Like gather resources/skillpoints to allow you to get all kinds of perks and new equipment. I liked that, it could have been better, but most of the options there were meaningful. Like more resistance to bullets, getting an EMP or an explosive charge on your drone, a grenade launcher, a parachute for base jumping/jumping from planes etc. There were some pointless ones, but I like how squishy you start out as and you can upgrade yourself to live at least a moment longer in firefights. Allows for some more fun later on. You can gather resources by tagging stuff in towns, small and large enemy camps, military bases etc. You can also stop enemy convoys that were always pretty hard, but it was actually fun. Some drive by action that always seemed to go south. Chasing a convoy, people firing back and forth wildly, unidad car driving randomly by, getting hit and then they are added to the mix. Sometimes a fuel truck we were supposed to stop and tag ended up exploding due to it, but it was still fun. Then there are some building clearing missions, some infuriating “drive to this place before time runs out” stuffs and so on. The main missions did have a good amount of variety to them. Some forced stealth missions, tailing missions, interrogations and personnel extractions, some simple ones like blow up drug caches. The ones where you need to grab some guy from a base were the most fun ones. Sometimes we did them mostly by stealth, by it always went to shit towards the end. It almost always ended up in everything exploding, my friend stealing a shitty car from somewhere, we would throw the guy we need into the trunk and drive away. Good stuff.
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The stealth system is a bit so so. You can sneak fairly well and as long as you sync up shots and go for close range/melee kills, you can stay undetected pretty well. The is a cover system, but the character sticks to  cover automatically. Its fairly smooth, but I sometimes wished that I could have just locked myself into a cover without accidentally jumping out of cover. The enemies are fairly perceptive (atleast on the harder difficulties, I hear they are braindead on normal and apparently rarely notice dead bodies) and they actually flank and investigate areas well. For some time we played without the minimap too and we had to use mines if we chose to be sniping far away. Few times they surprised us by coming from a weird direction in great numbers and gunned us down before we could say SHIT.
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Firefights themselves play out fine. It took a while to learn to aim in the shoulder view without the crosshair, but it wasn’t too hard. There is an actual aim down sights mode that is sometimes a bit awkward, but works fine for medium/long ranges. Actual close quarters firefights were almost always incredibly awkward. Many of the indoor areas are so cramped and the third person view was to the games detriment there. Sometimes I died when playing solo because the camera would not co-operate with me and I couldn’t see some areas as well as I would have in first person shooters. In Co-op it wasn’t that much a problem since we cleared houses and such at the same time. I really wish there were more larger indoors areas. There were factories that you could enter, a few mansions, a casino and so on. But they were criminally underused. At least the military bases and cities had a good amount of buildings you could enter. Sniping was fine balance wise, but the bullet drop was pretty ridiculous. DMR’s for example completely worthless when not in stealth as in stealth enemies have less health. When they are in combat mode, their body armor magically becomes effective. It’s fine honestly, but feels a bit odd how a fucking DMR turns into a worthless piece of junk. Only bolt action snipers were worth it, but I don’t really like sniper rifles so I rarely used those. I mostly ran with an SMG and LMG setup. Sometimes an AR and a shotgun. When playing with a friend, he did most of the sniping. I would spot targets for him or just go sneak around in some objective area and he watched my back from the distance. It was honestly pretty fun like that. We mostly drove/flew to places and tried to avoid fast travel, but goddamnit the cars are fucking horrible. They have no weight to them. They are like balloons that have tires glued to them. They slide all over the place, they can climb any surface and any terrain. A sports car has no trouble climbing a steep mountain in the middle of the jungle. The biggest issue really is the lack of weight with them. They feel so weird. Car chases and stopping convoys was still fun when on asphalt roads, but when it went to the dirt roads, it all became nightmarish.
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The people saying the game is okay in co-op were right. I’ll give them that. It can be fun when playing with someone you get along with, but overall the open world plague, the lack of refinement and lack of structure really bring this potentially great game down. I oddly enough enjoyed my time with it and I can see myself dropping back in from time to time if need be. But if you want to operate like an operator operates, just play rainbow six siege. The game ended up being better than I imagined it would, but its still not great. Its not for everyone and you have to be able to overlook a huge amount of irritations and issues. Most of which you get used to overtime. One reason why I can look at it so positively is the fact that I didn’t buy this game myself. My friend bought it to me since I refused to drop 60eurodoubloons on this game. So my view on its actual value is a bit all over the place due to this. If you are not tired of the open world genre, you might actually enjoy this far more than I did. 6/10 worth getting from a sale, grab a friend with you and you can have a surprisingly good time. Avoid cars, disable HUD elements and increase the difficulty. Take your time and try to clear areas in order and you might make some sense of the overall story.
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