#looking for alaska hulu
candiedviolence · 11 months
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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Alaska Young🚬
Looking For Alaska
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iconsfinder · 2 years
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ecnmatic · 2 years
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henryclaremontdiaz · 1 year
i forgot they made looking for alaska into a show time to check it out
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margumis · 1 year
18, 20, 27&42 for the ask game 💛
18. Who is the last person you texted? 
one of my long distance best friends!!! I sent her a little care package and she finally got it today !!!
20. What/who do you miss?
randomly deep but I miss who I used to be before I let someone in my life significantly change me; trying to find my way back to myself still
27. What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
Looking For Alaska by John Green, very sad very beautiful and they also made a tv adaption that really good its on Hulu!!
42. Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
trying to avoid anyone whom I talk about/to often just because they know I love them!! : @potionpeddlerpatchy @tteokdoroki @deartouya @peachsayshi @gardenofnoah
ask game!
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shutupptara · 2 years
Looking for Alaska is my favorite book. I finally watched the Hulu show years later because I was afraid they’d ruin it. I’m wishing I hadn’t watched it. But of all the things that irked me, the fact that they not only changed the line “the labyrinth blows, but I choose it” but gave it to Miles to deliver? It destroyed it for me. Doesn’t help that that’s my favorite quote.
I love that John Green is of the mind that books belong to their readers because the tv adaption does not belong to the readers.
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notjustasadstory · 1 year
“Is Fudge going to fall in love with Arizona?”
-my grandma, upon me showing her episode 1 of the Looking for Alaska Hulu series
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sheisanimposter · 1 year
I was already mad at John Green for destroying me when I read Looking for Alaska last week..
But now my face recognition on my phone won't work because I'm perpetually sobbing over the hulu series and this is just unacceptable.
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katurdayss · 1 year
Hi friends, if you're looking for a TV show to watch Alaska Daily is on Hulu and a really great show about journalism/ local newsrooms. It's not Shadow & Bone or Euphoria or a Star Wars spin off or a LOTR spin off but don't let that fool you.
This show is a great show where a romantic relationship is the tertiary story line instead of some stupid love triangle. It's main story line is about the violence against indigenous women, which is barely talked about in main stream circles.
Think if Shemar Moore's S.W.A.T and the movie Boston Strangler with Kiera Knightly had a baby in Alaska. Now add in Hilary Swank.
Please go watch this show so we can get a second season! I promise it's worth it!
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have you read any of John Green's fictional novels, Sarah? seriously aging myself here, lol, but back when everyone was on tumblr I remember he/his books were very popular here and I read a bunch of them. though in hindsight I guess maybe they weren't actually very good. but kinda cool that The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns were made into movies, and Looking for Alaska into a show on Hulu.
Hahahah we are definitely of the same age for sure.
I believe I read An Abundance of Katherines which I think is the only one I've read and can admit is such a random John Green book to have picked out of all of them lmfao. But yes I was definitely kicking around when TFIOS was *the* thing.
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candiedviolence · 11 months
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dotthings · 2 years
Episode 3 of Alaska Daily I think hits its stride. Eileen and Roz and Sylvie head off to Meade to investigate Gloria's death. Eileen and Roz clashing because Eileen keeps railroading Roz and has tunnel vision and, yes, white privilege. Well-intentioned white privilege is still white privilege and Eileen kept stepping right over Roz's perspective and knowledge and acts controlling. Roz refuses to accept it.
This show has some layers and the acting is top-notch so check it out. The good news is that when ABC added up the overnights, the live+3, the live+7, and the hulu streaming numbers for the pilot, the audience was 8.7 million viewers.
I have some fuller thoughts on the themes the ep touched on.
Also this moment was important to talk about, and I'm speaking from the perspective of a white ally. Eileen's anger as a white ally personalizes it and makes it more than just an abstract quest for justice, which is good, but the thing is the anger of white allies, I realize can make PoC feel very tired because hey good for you that you're angry, Eileen, but Roz lives it. As Roz says, this is her life, her community, her people in danger. And she's been in this fight, she didn't just get there, and she can't just dip in and out the why Eileen can.
"I'm angry" "Good. I've been angry for a long time"
But we can see Eileen going deeper in, emotionally, and her and Roz becoming closer too, and Eileen isn't intractable, she doesn't triple down, and she does care in her heart.
Then by the end of the ep we have the two women as equals confronting the blatantly racist white police chief who is exploiting his job and the community for an easy paycheck, doesn't care, and neglects victims of SA and refuses to investigate cases to keep his record as low crime. All while stereotyping Natives in order to try to justify his attitudes. “Nonsense. Native girls who can’t handle their alcohol” and "That's just how they are" is how racism shows without it being slurs and violence, the racist police chief is still virulently racist. I can feel angry watching this, and appreciate Eileen and Roz screwing this guy to the wall, but it's not the same for me as it for women like Roz who have to live under it.
The case of the week was also interesting, concerning the ways politicians can "say whatever they want" but won't actually live up to it once they're in office and how some will cater to their big donors. Stanley, who runs the paper, is a badass, the type of old school journalist who could take down entire corrupt regimes. So he's going to go check into the family of the paper's publishers. Austin and Yuna's relationship is enjoyable to watch and mutually supportive, and we get a deeper look into Austin's life, insecurities, and why he is a journalist. Eileen and Roz's struggling partnership vs Austin and Yuna's playing basketball together and talking to each other with warmth and support were interesting counterpoints.
The settings on this series continue to be used beautifully.
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iconsfinder · 2 years
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beatriceeagle · 1 year
I was wondering - who are your top 5 TV characters right now? Do you have any TV show recommendations for stuff you've watched recently? I'm in something of a TV rut and trying to coax myself out. Thank you!
Oh man!
My top 5 TV characters may be a little different than they were last time I thought about this. I would have to say currently it's Julia Wicker (The Magicians), Donna Noble (Doctor Who), Britta Perry (Community), Ro Laren (Star Trek: TNG) and... Zuko, maybe? Julian Bashir? That fifth slot is so hard to pin down.
Unfortunately I've also been in a bit of a TV rut lately, but I can come up with a few shows from the past few years that I've really enjoyed.
Severance: I think everyone in the world has recommended this, but it's so unbelievably good, while also being extremely funny and watchable. Trippy near-future sci-fi starring Adam Scott. Season one is only 9 episodes, so it's not a big commitment. (Apple TV+)
Yellowjackets: Very fucked up, so don't watch unless you're cool with a lot of violence and cannibalism. Digs into trauma and the complexities of teen girl friendship, but is also just incredibly pulpy and weird. Stars Melanie Lynskey, Christina Ricci, Juliette Lewis, and Tawny Cypress. Season two currently airing. (Paramount+/Showtime)
Midnight Mass: An eight-episode miniseries from the same team that made The Haunting of Hill House. Very contemplative, emotional horror. Themes of religion, hypocrisy, and mortality. The central conceit of this one is so cool to figure out in real-time that I'm not gonna say too much more, but this is legitimately my favorite thing that Netflix has ever produced. (Netflix)
The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself: Already canceled, but the first season wraps up reasonably well. Urban fantasy about warring witch societies, with some cool ideas and very likeable actors. More-or-less canonical polyamorous relationship at the center. (Netflix)
Assorted Other Not-Necessarily-Recent Shows: Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street (astonishingly good live-action kids show on Amazon Prime, two seasons); Legacies (final show in the TVD-verse, similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in tone and execution, four seasons); Cobra Kai (intentionally over-the-top follow-up series to the already over-the-top Karate Kid movies, ongoing); 9-1-1 (watch if you enjoy the idea of a disaster movie every fifth episode followed by four Lifetime movies, ongoing); Looking for Alaska (very good miniseries adaptation of the book on Hulu); American Vandal (extremely funny and well-made true crime parody, two seasons); ER (it lasted a million seasons and covered every conceivable tone, and the first seven seasons are all-time great TV); Tangled The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (follow-up series to Tangled that I can only describe as "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt for kids," three seasons); Farscape (weird brilliant sci-fi that everyone should give a shot at least once, four seasons).
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ghostspiel · 1 year
Tagged by @sug-kuk teehee
Last song listened to:
I cannot lie this song kept coming up as an ad on Instagram and I kept thinking he was Jervis Tetch and it kept getting a reaction out of me so I was like Alright Tetch. You Won. And to be honest this song slaps
Last movie watched:
Call Jane. I liked it. Good watch. Would recommend.
Currently reading:
I’m rereading Looking for Alaska (John Green) because I started actually watching the Hulu show since it hit me I can pirate it, but I’m also reading What The Hell Did I Just Read? (David Wong) and a bunch of different DC comics and novels alike. Latest one is Killing Time. 10/10 for everything
Currently craving:
Nuggies. Want nuggies so bad. To be honest I also want the Espresso House blueberry pie and hazelnut coffee. I’ll treat myself before class tomorrow.
I am evilly tagging whoever wants to do this because I don’t like actually tagging people
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