#looks kinda… yk… like a pus-
gloriousfckingpurpose · 4 months
damn they really got our asses speculating about eddie and other very down-to-earth type icons for the year and then gave us this eldritch abomination on a random tuesday 😭
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ranboo5 · 3 years
can i still ask about the homestuck au? i have some classpect opinions but i would love to hear if there’s more than that!
YES you can I needed 2 make a proper Compilation Post anyway. Uhh here's a FULLY disorganized post of all the HSAU lore I can think of. There is a clear bias toward Ranboo here
- This is where I justify Rageboo - Anyway he and Technoblade are a Ragebound Derse dreamer Dancestor pair (Ranboo's a Maid, Techno's a Sylph) - There's at least four sessions at play -- the first is DTeam+Badlands maybe and was the creator of the universe w/ the initial L'Manberg session (roughly based around some of the S1 major actors) - And THAT session is scratched to generate the NLM session (roughly based around actors more significant in S2) - (how that division is drawn is... it is still complicated the only ones ik for SURE are that Wilbur Eret and Technoblade r in the former session and Tubbo and Ranboo are in the latter. Have not decided which one Tmmy is in. I wanted him to be in the same one as Tubbo bc he's a Time player to Tubbo's Space but it may not make sense? But it also might?) - The fourth session is another completed one: it's Philza's null session. Philza is a Doom player and he's beaten the session and now is hanging out in the cluster w/ everyone else - DreamXD is a First Guardian - The genetic sequence for DreamXD is written predominantly by Ranboo who does so much more consciously than usual - Especially laid groundwork via the Amnesiac (Ranboo as Techno's ancestor) who kind of went off the rails chasing cherubs which he thought he was somehow fatewise involved with bc he's a mutant red like Techno but he's also. Smth went Extra wrong so half his blood is the requisite candyred and half is the original lime - Ranboo who plays Sburb through related reasons ended up put in The Cherub Box for the first half of his life. It fucks him up - Then he gets to troll society which also fucks him up - So he has a propensity bc of those combined experiences for hiding parts of himself, compartmentalizing, caginess, trusting nobody except himself and not even himself for that matter, privately being Not A Fan of societal expectations in general, trying to look palatable anyway, and also sitting alone in his room. You could say he's. You could say he's Homestu - The Bloodgod (Techno as Ranboo's ancestor) fought Dream (fully realized cherub) and Won. He got the horrorterrors retroactively in the brains of every iteration of him for his troubles - this is what allows Techno who plays Sburb to get the survivors out of the scratched LM1 session into the NLM session after Wilbur scratches the initial session on Nov 16th though so  - Dream is a cherub btw that's kind of relevant to the above - Ranb and Techno r trolls (as mentioned above, they're lime/mutant candyred w/ Ranb having the blood weirdness and Techno bein just str8 red. Them) - Unsure abt jack anything else - To go back 2 Tubbo. So you know how the Space player is traditionally assisted by the Knight in breeding the genesis frog. - Tubbo's classpect is the Knight of Space that man is on his own - Whatever happens in Tubbo's session, Tubbo is basically left functionally to breed the frog on his own - While YOU were FUCKING AROUND going into RETIREMENT and DOING FETCH QUESTS, TUBBO was TRYING TO WIN THE FUCKING GAME - He ends up ghosting Doom. This is a thing you can do I chedked the fucking literature okay ghosting is not definitionally just your opposite aspect it's just acting your aspect in a way that outwardly (intentionally or not) evokes another Tubbo ghosts Doom - Dream and Tubbo both Prospit dreamers btw I only just realized this but yeah - Niki Life player also - Quackity Hope player - I don't remember what the meta was for this one but Wilbur Light - Oh and the literal only land I have worked out is Ranboo's which is LoRaO (Land of Rivers and Obsidian) - Anyway Techno has a whole Sylph of Rage arc he does it with his session he does it in NLM he may godtier in the equivalent of the Butcher Army? - If there is an Alternia/Beforus similarity w/ the sessions here Techno is definitely on the Alternia one. He's having a time - He also has to deal with (and be. I am an apologist but. There's a reason I classpected him the way I did) the concept of Sylph (derogatory) of Rage (derogatory) - Idk what his land is. I could make a potato joke but I feel that's low hanging fruit. Smth to do with the Arctic maybe... - He's definitely one of the first 2 be in contact with Philza also - I also Only have his and Ranboo's typing quirks worked out bc of course:
For Ranb: You are si imultaneously unsu ure and also ki inda wi ith a tende ency to double do own on thi ings, and you don't te end to use end pu unctuation a who ole lo ot, really, you ju ust ha ave a lo ot of qualifyi ing to do ju ust all the ti ime, and a te endency also to li ike, ra amble, ki inda. (simultaneously unsure and also kinda with a tendency to double down on things, and you don't tend to use end punctuation a whole lot, really, you just have a lot of qualifying to do, just, all the time, and a tendency also to like, ramble, kinda.) (when he starts Actually Punctuating His Sentences yk he means Business) For Techno: You tend to speak in a [PIG+++] kindaa drawlingg mannerr, withh thee occasionall Weirdd Emphasiss. forr thee effectt, yknoww. forr thee Brandd evenn
- peerpressure be like [have letter doubling quirks] - OH also. As ancestors Ranboo and Techno (or the Amnesiac and the Bloodgod as it were) both wrote Troll Art of War in their respective timelines
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