griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
Bonus Challenge Loony Two Writing Challenge
Song: Savages Artist:  Marina (and the Diamonds)
Underneath it all, we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages How could we expect anything at all We're just animals, still learning how to crawl Underneath it all, we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages Truth is in us all, cradle to the grave We're just animals still learning how to crawl
Chosen Verse: 
We live, we die We steal, we kill, we lie Just like animals But with far less grace We laugh, we cry Like babies in the night Forever running wild In the human race
Griffin sat in shock he was still shaking and he couldn’t steady his hands even clenching them together. He can’t seem to focus. He’d been walking home when someone had grabbed him, the last thing he remembered was a searing pain in his side and hearing his mother calling for him sounding confused. 
He’d blacked out but only for a short bit when his mother had screamed he’d snapped back and had run out of the alley adrenaline keeping him on his feet though his side is excruciating pain. He’d rushed towards the street turning only to freeze his mother was on the ground blood on her dress and Griffin feels white hot rage flood him and he barreled into the man holding her purse wrestling him down and he manages to somehow get the knife out of the man’s hand he slams his head as hard as he can into the pavement before rolling away and crawling to his mother. 
She’d been stabbed several times in the chest and abdomen. Griffin had searched her bag and his own pockets for a phone he called for help and was to  wrecked to give more then their location, the Saint’s Bridge and that he’d subdued their attacker but his mother was bleeding badly and needed urgent help. 
“Hey kid, there’s a man that says he is a family friend, says his name’s Oberon.” An officer says and Griffin looks up feeling the shakes still he nods silent he’d given his account and hadn’t said a word since. He can’t get his mind to wrap around what had happened. His mother was defenseless they could have just as easily just brandished the knife... She’d have given the man what he wanted he was meant to protect her. He stands side protesting and he paused sitting back down hard as his arm curls over the side wincing as he closes his eyes.
“Hey kid says he knows him you can send him in.” The officer calls and he moves in closer and Griffin glowers at the man as he crouches down and goes to take a look at the wound. Griffin would prefer a doctor looking it over but they’d treated it and brought him for questioning as Griffin had bluffed being shaken but okay enough to handle the questions. The man frowns and Oberon steps in looking worried only to look at Griffin and purse his lips. 
“You alright Griffin?” He asks and Griffin shakes his head closing his eyes as the tears start leaking again. 
“I was supposed to be there to deter these kinds of things.” Griffin spits shaking from more than just grief. Oberon shakes his head.
“Whoa there pretty bird, it’s not you’re fault that some people just can’t be decent. There’s animals out there that won’t behave like we think they should.” Oberon says moving in to look at the bandage next to the officer who cringed and stands.
“I suggest getting him to a doctor as that bandage is starting to stain and that can’t be good. He insisted he was okay but I’m thinking that stab wound’s deeper than he let on.” He says before heading out Oberon gives Griffin a flat look and picks him up bridal style Griffin grumbling but staying quite blushing as he stares hard at the albino’s chest as he caries him out to his car. Griffin tries to stay awake but on the drive he drifts off to seeing street and sign lights. 
He wakes up in a hospital bed feeling groggy but not enough so to not be immediately displeased by where he’s at. Oberon would suffer for this. Speaking of he walks in behind his father who looks worried at him and like he ran out of where ever he had been his hair was disheveled and his suit was far from it’s typical neat and tidy appearance. 
“Griffin, thank god you’re okay...” He says moving closer and taking his hand Griffin swallows his throat feeling tight as he tries to work the words past his lips.
“What about Mom..?” He asks and both men look ashen as they look down.
“The doctors are trying everything they can, she lost a lot of blood, they’re not sure she’ll make it.” Oberon says and Griffin nods looking down he just sighs. Of course. Of course she has to be hurt like this. He couldn’t have been the one to get gutted? Why did it have to be his mother? He just stares at the wall. He was always trying to keep his mother safe, he grew up hearing he should, the city could be dangerous and it was his job to keep her safe. 
Griffin was kept in the hospital for a few days as the doctors monitored him due to blood loss and the deep wound. Then Oberon is taking him home they pass a cathedral and Griffin asks if they could go in. It’s the church his parents had been married in. He sits in a pew and thinks, he wasn’t religious he did however enjoy being in this church as it was a peaceful place. He’d be in the courtyard garden but it was closed as it was too late. Griffin just took a deep breath and stared at the stain glass window. 
“Have you come to pray for forgiveness, child?” A man asks and Oberon hides an internal wince. Griffin was well known for finding the thought that he should apologize for even existing as ludicrous. Griffin stood and looked at the priest. 
“I was actually getting ready to leave. I come to reflect on life in this peaceful place. I’m not afraid of God, I am afraid of Man.” Griffin bitterly retorts as he turns and leaves. Oberon following pursing his lips at the shocked affronted look on the old man’s face. 
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
Loony Two’s Writing Challenge Prompt 1: The Captain’s Heart
  Adam sighed as he walked off L’appel de L’océan, his pride and joy, well except Ben, but as far as earthly possession’s went his ship was his one true love. Ben was his son and Adam loved him more than anyone else on the earth. Since Belle had passed away Ben was really the only person he had outside the crew. He sighs as he goes about the dock his First Mate had taken Ben and he was making sure the ship was fully supplied and stocked before they left again, though first Adam would need to find them a job to do. So while Jean showed Ben the ins and outs of managing L’apple de L’Ocean, Adam was walking abroad the boards of the dock looking about for his typical contacts that gathered information on jobs. 
“Oiy, Adam, over ‘ere!” A loud voice calls. Adam looks over to see it’s the dock master Uma, who’d taken over for her father some years ago, and had a rather aggressive temperament due to her mother who’d run off into the sea or so her father claimed. She was a fine Dockmaster, and she had her own ship and crew so Adam felt no urge to argue given she kept everything inline, at least here at the docks. 
“Yes, Uma? Is there something I can help with?” Adam asks and she snickers, she nods and waves him closer as she turns to start walking away. Adam jogs up and starts walking by her, she’s roughly Ben’s age but he had known her for quite some time, her age wasn’t an issue, some might think her gender was, her First Mate was quick to deal with those fools though, luckily she kept him restrained for the most part. Harry was hot tempered and given what Adam knew of the Captain that was his father it was no small wonder he was.
“Depends on if you find his pay well enough worth it. He says he’s never been out to sea it makes him nervous supposedly like setting foot into a kingdom as an opposing Lord. His words too, I can take you to meet him if you’re interested in the job?” Uma says and Adam shrugs. 
“Depends on the pay but I’ll transport him wherever he’d like to go so long as the pay justifies the distance.” Adam says and she nods and leads him to a seedier bar on the docks and they go to a dim corner where a candle burns a blue flame and a sullen looking man sits playing with a small blue stone he glances there  way and pulls up a neutral face as he sits up hand closing around the stone.
“Dockmaster.” He greets looking wearily at Adam. Uma takes a seat and Adam follows suit the stranger wears dark colors and was on the paler side, his eyes catch Adam though, they seem to shift between blue and grey. 
“Hades. This is Adam Florian. He’s Captain of L’apple de L’ocean. He’s looking for a new job for his ship and crew and he’s been known to help transport people as well as cargo. He might take your job, I’ll leave you two to talk it over. Play nice on my docks.” She walks away and Hades looks at Adam with a curious look. He rolls the stone through his fingers and takes a deep breath.
“So she found a french man... Great...” Hades sighs looking around nervously it would seem but Adam can see this man isn’t nervous though he should be in this bar. Though the man’s name and choice to remark on his nationality makes Adam twitch.
“Is that a problem?” He asks and Hades shakes his head, then shrugs.
“Depends, it could be good or bad. are you superstitious?” Hades asks and Adam scoffs shaking his head grinning.
“Most sailors tend to be. Depends... Are you asking if I refuse to go to certain ports and waters, or are you asking if I believe in the Underworld?” Adam asks and Hades glares and his eyes flicker a fiery blue.
“Don’t mock me, Florian, you were cursed to be a Beast, I’ve been to the Moors, that fay was a grudge bearing hypocrite but if you don’t temper that pride you’ll end up pissing off another fay, or someone worse.” Hades growls and Adam straightens in his seat paling. 
“Alright... You’re well informed.” Adam says and Hades chuckles.
“I never forget a name. She was gloating how you’d be doomed to a beast forever as you were such an arrogant ass and now that your appearance matched your heart you’d be beastly forever and blah de dah... I was there for... A vacation from my duties. I’m going there to pick up my daughter. I need your help to go there so I can meet her, and get back safely.” Hades says Adam pursed his lips and leans in.
“You mean to tell me you’re The Hades and what, your daughter is in danger from who, your wife?” Adam asks incredulous and Hades laughs and smiles all white teeth and fire in his eyes. 
“No! Well, yes I am The King of The Underworld, but Perse wouldn’t hurt anyone I care about, not intentionally. Hera on the other hand... I’m married thus she thinks I should look no where but at my wife. She’s a testy one got angry being married to my pig brother. Can’t blame her but I’m already not the favorite in Olympus, I don’t need more reason for them to lash out at me.” Hades says leaning back in his chair his hair spills out of his hood and Adam notes it’s bone white. 
“Alright... Hades... I’ll humor you. I can take you to the Moors. What can we expect if we do catch attention?” Adam asks and Hades looks pale and he shrugs. He looks down and then to the side.
“That I’m afraid I don’t know. I can tell you I don’t want to go out on a ship but Poseidon agreed I could use the seas to hide Mal for a bit as that is his dominion, I just need to tell him the ship he needs to keep afloat. I’m not looking forward to this; I’ve never been out to sea. Only crossed the five Infernal rivers... I might be able to swim but I’ve never enjoyed being on large bodies of water. So my job for you captain is to get me to the Moors, then get me and Mal to Taenarum, well the cape near it... Mal and I can get to the gate I’ll take her through from there.” Hades says and Adam sees the man shift his gaze and clutch tighter to his stone. 
“Hades... Odd to see you here.” A smooth voice says and Adam glanced over to see a large tan man slide into a seat at the table hair a smooth rich brunette and sees how Hades goes rigid. 
“I came to visit Poseidon. So I’m securing a Captain and his ship to get out to sea. He insisted I come and see his newest daughter.” Hades says smooth and nonchalant. Zeus snickers and looks Hades over.
“A bold choice for him, why weren’t you at Olympus when he brought her?” He asks and Adam gets an odd itch to hit the man something in his general demeanor and bearing bothered him. 
“I was away looking into several natural disasters that could lead to an influx to my kingdom. So Adam, I’ve got plenty of wealth to give you and your crew if you could be so kind as to get me out to him?” Hades asks and Adam nods sensing Hades wants out of the conversation.
“Aye we can cast off once my son and quarter master get back after making sure we’re seaworthy. Knowing Lumiere he’ll have the ship ready in the morning and no later unless heaven and hell move to stop him, even then he’s a tenacious man, he’ll get around it.” Adam says rising and Hades nods.
“Then I’ll meet you on the docks later.” He says and Adam nods and leaves hearing bits of the conversation as he goes he can tell Hades is uncomfortable and he almost wants to stay at the least to encourage the other to be some semblance of polite. He hears several remarks on how Hades must not be very welcome here and a few more... Cutting comments on Hades in general.
It’s a couple hours later and Adam is walking back from a tavern further inland after a nice hot meal and some revelry with s few crewmen. He’s sees a few women in rather revealing dresses and passes by not interested in what they’re selling. They flirt with him but none follow, until he passes a darker alley and a lone woman steps out smiling at him with painted rose red lips.
“Hello there handsome... Care for a bit of rest and relaxation?” She purrs and he paused, she’s blocking his path forward and he sighs.
“I’m sorry mademoiselle, but I’ve a heart for only one mistress and that’s the sea. Might I pass?” He asks and she pouts.
“A handsome man like you doesn’t want any company?” She teases moving in closer and Adam moves back to a wall and leans back and away from the woman.
“I’d rather not. I’m not interested I’m afraid, my wife though she passed still holds my heart and interest.” Adam says getting agitated he fights to hold his temper down. He holds his hands up and gently keeps her at arms length.
“Ah, but surely you’ve desires? You’d deny yourself that comfort?” She asks pouting and He grits his teeth.
“Ma’am, I am sorry to tell you but you’d not get a response from me, only my Belle could. If you’ll excuse me I’ve a crew to check on aboard my ship.” Adam says and she pouts and moves back hands sliding to her hips as he turns he doesn’t expect the sudden pain in his shoulder, he bellows in rage some of the lingering Beast comes out in the roar and he turns sharply nails darkening as they lengthen to claws.
“I suggest you halt there Missy, you see I need his help and I’m not above a bit of violence tonight.” Hades says and Adam looks to see the dark stone alight in fire in Hades’ hand Adam snarls as the woman runs off and Hades grabs his arms quenches the flames and pulls Adam along through twisting paths until they’re at the docks. Uma is walking but stops staring at them. Hades speaks first.
“He got stabbed, can you help him?” He asks Uma nods and starts using her rarely used magic to treat the stab first washing it then healing it. Adam relaxes slowly and smiles at her.
“Thank you Uma, and thank you for getting me out of that Hades.” He says Hades shrugs awkward with praise he looks away. Uma helps Adam stand from the barrel he’d been sat on as Hades manhandled him. 
“So, you got uncomfortable need any other help or is it just to the Moors than the little cape of Greece?” Adam asks and Hades sighs.
“Just that... L’appel de L’ocean, right? She’s yours?” Hades asks and Adam grins wide, his kingdom and castle.
“Yes, she’s my soul, Belle’s got my heart unless she wills it to another.” Adam says and Hades paused remembering Adam’s comment to the harlot.
“She was your wife. I’m sorry for your loss.” Hades says and Adam shrugs looking at the gold band at his hand.
“She left this world a couple years ago. No need to feel sorry for me. Just kindly don’t mention it around Ben. He still misses her, I do too I won’t lie but seeing that look on his face isn’t something I like seeing.” Adam says and a man walks up long black hair and a wide grin on his face as he does a spin and flourished bow to Uma then looks at Hades.
“Hello, Dockmaster! Lovely to see you! Alright Hades, you said this was important and Hera can’t find out until you know she can look after herself so... What ship am I paying special attention to?” He asks and Adam realizes this must be Poseidon. 
“L’appel de L’ocean. It’s Adam Florian’s ship.” Hades says gesturing to the Captain and the tall tan man glances to Adam and grins.
“You’re the one that has that white stallion Phillip! Aye you’ve my word the waters will be fine and fair for your voyage. Also I’ll apologize in advance for how terribly Hades is gonna handle this.” Poseidon says and Adam chuckles as Hades shooed the other away.
The next morning Hades is near the ship looking at it nervously and he boards looking unsteady on his feet and the crew all grins and teases good naturally as they bustle about getting the ship  ready to cast off. Adam watches the sick look on Hades only get worse the further they get out until Hades is retching off the side of the ship. 
Adam hands off the wheel to Ben and goes and grabs Hades by the arm and moves him with him as he does several tasks with some of the crew who give sympathetic smiles to Hades who just tries to focus on breathing and some of the things Adam shows him. Eventually Adam has Hades actually walking the ship though he wobbles a bit he isn’t stumbling like he’s drunk and isn’t as constantly sick. 
Ben’s a great help side tracking the god and having him tell him stories of Greek myth and legend though eventually as well studied as Ben is it leads to questions that Hades wanted to avoid. He’d been spinning tales most of the day non-busy crew members would stop and listen making comments on the stories and Hades views on them. Ben grows curious and asks about the Titans and Hades goes green.
“Yes... They exist... Thankfully locked in Tartarus. I...” He turns lurching to the side of the ship and retching gasping as his head and eyes are swimming and the voices in his ears are screaming and the water below isn’t helping it’s dark and he starts shivering. Adam asks Lumiere to make some ginger tea and pulls Hades to his quarters and has him focus on knot work as typically it helped him to focus on something with his hands if he felt unwell. He talks with Hades trying to keep his mind preoccupied and Ben comes down with the tea looking sheepish.
“Don’t worry about it. Bad memories haunt you, it’s the way it is.” Hades says shrugging and Ben nods eyes growing distant and Hades winced and asks if Ben had heard of Icarus and launches into the tale when Ben shakes his head looking curious.
The next few days it’s Hades moving about trying to not get sick and the crew giving him things to do to keep him somewhat okay rather than full blown seasick. It’s only a few more days when Ben decides he’ll start an old song he used to hear constantly. It brings smiles to the crew who join in and soon everyone but Hades and Adam are singing. Eventually the crew and Ben go silent pointedly staring up at Adam who’s at the helm manning the wheel and staring forward. Hades is near him staring at the setting sun though now he’s looking over curious. Adam sighs before taking a deep breath.
“Tout seul, Tu t'en iras tout seul, Coeur ouvert, A l'univers, Poursuis ta quete, Sans regarder derriere, N'attends pas, Que le jour se leve..” Adam sings the crew and Ben smile as they burst into the next verse Adam smiling as he sings along and Hades watches smiling softly himself enjoying the way Adam looks so peaceful though how and why the man loves being out on open water Hades will never understand. The french words sound nice and Hades watches Adam admiring the man as he watches him sing. He can’t stay on his feet the sway of the ship makes him unsteady and he’d learned that just makes him sicker so he sits on a crate and crosses his arms over the banister watching the sun sink into the ocean and listening to the song until he falls asleep smiling. 
Adam later carries the sleeping god to the quarters he’s bunked in and lays him down smiling as a hand snags his the half asleep man mummers something in greek goes bright red and lets him go his eyes going wide as he quickly rolls over and covers his head with his pillow. 
“I’ll just assume it was a compliment.” Adam chuckles and goes to walk out as Hades grumbles into his pillow is hair flickering at the ends with blue flame. “Please don’t light my ship on fire.” He calls shutting the door on a muffled scream into the earlier mentioned pillow.  He chuckles as he goes to his own quarters and Hades smiles softly into the pillow. Maybe, this, wasn’t so bad. Adam laid down and chuckles the misgivings about the job at the starts gone. He almost looks forward to the next couple of days. Both men fall asleep smiling.
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griffinsandpeacocks · 5 years
Loony Two Writing challenge Week 2 Prompt
  I keep waking up to silence filled with soul deep dread.It’s been like this for almost a month now. Everyday I wake to the eerie silence that’s blanketed the castle with a winter like chill. Yet there’s still hope within the silence, everyday I wake up to the silence without it being split by my mother’s grief stricken wail I know father is still fighting. It should have been me laying in bed life draining away from some incurable poison. The attack was aimed at me. The crushing guilt has been festering and slowly gaining weight as the days stretch by. I drag myself out from beneath the royal purple sheets and dress in one of my more formal suits of dark purple accented in gold and silver.
  I take a last glance in the mirror as I place my circlet on my head. The dread comes back in a harsh flood and I shiver. Even having been raised to take the crown it feels wrong; just thinking about father’s crown feels wrong. Even if I’d had longer would I ever fill the throne like my father had? He was touted as one of the greatest Kings of Griffin’s Keep History. Even if my namesake was the first King,I felt like a failure already. What kind of King would I be? I couldn’t protect myself, I couldn’t protect my father, how was I supposed to protect an entire Kingdom? A knock sounds at my door, as I walk over I know who it is even before opening the door.
  “Good morning Sir Oberon I’ll assume it’s time for me to meet with... The councilors.” My discomfort at the idea they’ll soon be my councilors must show through because he reaches out and pats my arm. His demeanor rarely softened though since he had saved my life many years ago we had been close, and he had quickly risen as a prominent Knight within my father’s service. I’d thought myself invincible thanks to Oberon I was spared the harsh fate that awaits most who foolishly flaunt such beliefs when faced with a forest. I’ve been grateful he followed me into the forest when as a moody teen I tried to run away. He was only ten years my senior yet still had much more martial skill than I could hope for. If the recent assassination attempt had anything to say it was my incompetency.  
  “Aye it is.” He says tone as neutral as it can be given how close he is to my family. I feel sick and guilty as a quite insidious voice in my mind asks why it wasn’t Oberon who had taken the dagger instead of father. He must have similar thoughts... Me in my father’s stead.
 “Let’s be off.” I say faking a smile though it feels brittle as glass on my face as I step out and shut my door. The click of the lock sounds ominous in the heavy winter like silence that’s fallen over the entire castle. Oberon matches my stride as I head for the Council Chambers, which must be easy given our almost matched height. The silence bears down with the weight of a mountain, so it was a near thing I didn’t startle when Oberon breaks it.
  “No matter your doubts or anyone else’s you shall make a fine King. One that I, at least, will gladly serve.” Oberon rarely spoke, he was a man of action, however, he was no dolt. He carefully weighted his words before speaking, it was a quality I had admired him for often, one that my father praised him for frequently. I pause mid step blinking at him in shock.
  “I am delighted that makes at least one person who believes I can be a good ruler.” I reply and look away and keep walking certain the council will be much less supportive as it was my fault my father currently lay dying in his own chambers. We step into the room and the hushed whispers all suddenly cease and silence envelops the room like a sickly fog. One of the higher ranking councilors stands and gives me a sympathetic look as he bows his head and clears his throat.
  “My liege, it is regretfully we must inform you King Corvus has passed. Last night in his sleep he simply slipped away, our condolences for your loss.” He says and my vision blurs as white noise fills my ears. No, this can’t be right. I fall to my knees not caring about the harsh impact into cold stone, my emotions cut my strength into shreds as the pain pulls me into the abyss. I feel hands on my shoulders and it snaps me from the stupor I shake them off standing and tripping over myself as I turn and run out. No, this can’t be right, I would have heard mother’s scream. I run as fast as I can breath tearing at my lungs as I tear through the halls I see knights lower their heads as I pass all of them moving if they’re in the way none making attempts to stop me as I run to my father’s room.
  “Mother!” I cry bursting into the room and she sits by my father’s side she looks up tears still falling down her cheeks and she holds an arm out for me keeping one hand over my father’s hands that rest over his chest. I break again stumbling over and collapsing into her side. I look at father whose eyes are closed the dark circles the only thing making him look less than peacefully sleeping, albeit he’s been sickly pale for days now. I reach out and he’s cold I look to mother and she nods, confirming my worst fears.
  I thought my father would never die, he had been King for so long a running joke of the Kingdom had been to say ‘Long live the King!’ King Corvus the Immortal he had been called. He was Immortal no more, I choke trying to force the saying one last time and I can’t I collapse over my father with a cry of anguish. I can’t do this! Mother rubs my back hugging me as she sobs.
  “Long live the King.” Oberon says softly, he must have caught up but I can’t move I never wanted to be King, I feared I would never fill the hole my father would leave behind, he was beloved and wise, and had years of experience I was lacking. He was a skilled warrior while I was just a well studied fool.
  It is several days before I can summon the strength to leave my mother’s side both of us shut within the Royal chambers. When I do leave Oberon is at my side. I prepare the rights and ceremony with the help of the advisers and councilors closest to me and mother. Mother and I wear matching black attire and I wear my heir’s circlet for the last time, my hair is pulled into a high tail and my golden eyes are stark against my pale skin and all black attire. My golden circlet bearing two griffons holding aloft an amethyst moon feels heavy as lead as I bear the lantern through the dark town as we carry father to the tomb in the gardens at the back of the castle. Many of the citizens had gathered from beggar to noble and all bowed their head as my mother and I passed followed shortly after by those carrying my father’s body on a pallet.
 “With crown and sword we send you on, may you serve the Gods as faithfully as you have served us in life.” I say and I set the lantern upon the head of the coffin as he is lowered into the coffin carved with a life like relief of him upon it’s lid. As they seal it I lead them out locking the gate and leaving the lantern to burn out. I look out over the sea of faces sharing my and my mother’s grief.
  “We stand still. The line is unbroken, and I swear upon my father and every King before him back through them unto my name sake King Griffin, I will stand as resolute as he did and I will serve this Kingdom till my dying breath, to defend it’s interest, your interests. For Griffin’s Keep, For it’s people, From the mountain to the Skies!” I have practiced this in my head since I woke up but the shouts that answer of the Kingdom’s service motto is still deafening the crowd all raise their fists to their hearts in salute cheering back the line to me, and I bow my head tears falling as I place my hand over my own heart and bow to them.
 As I rise Oberon unsheathes his sword and raises it and all the knights around follow suit and call the same oath, For Kingdom, for it’s people, from our humble starts to greatness. I steel my resolve and as we reenter the palace I feel weight easing off my shoulders as Oberon smiles at me and inclines his head and Mother though sadness lingers around her smiles at me proudly. Perhaps I can be a proper King. It is not might or wisdom that makes a King, my father once told me, it is his heart.
  “Your coronation will be held in the main square the preparations shall be complete within the week, Your Majesty.” The Chief Councilor says simply as I walk past I nod and go to the office Oberon staying with me as a personal guard and this must irk him. Often he and my father would ride out with a handful of other knights upon hunts or scouting parties and yet the best I could offer was him watching as I hunched over a desk and poured over finances and supply reports making sure that the city would run properly. It’s late when Oberon pulls me up despite weak protests he drags me to the balconies that overlook the city. The skies have darkened to indigo and the stars glittered like far off diamonds.
  “This kingdom looks up to you. Not just as their protector and ruler, but because they’ve seen you walk the same streets they have and seen your grief at loosing a loved one, the same grief all of them know or fear. You are so much more than you fear Griffin. You are the King we need, for within your heart burns the desire to see us all safe above all else.” Oberon speaks softly hardly disturbing the peace this sight bears and the city he looks out to with candles and lanterns softly illuminating it is the home I’ve known all my life. He’s right I want nothing more than the safety and happiness of my people. It was the lesson my mother and father taught me well. The needs of the many shall always outweigh the needs of the few.
  “Thank you.” I say just as softly he hasn’t looked away from the city below but he looks to me as I step closer. I kiss him softly feeling a rush of so many years of fought back emotion and I feel him stiffen and pull back fearing the reaction. He pulls me right back into a deeper kiss and I melt into him. I hardly remember the hurried walk back to my rooms feeling his gaze bore into my back like two ruby fires. When I enter my room he presses into me and I give in, I don’t want to fight though I was trained in combat I never liked fighting. I especially don’t want to fight in this. He wraps his arms around me which is simple as he’s easily two of me side by side though roughly my height.
 “Submitting already my King?” He teases and I look over my shoulder to him admiring his pale skin which matches my own alabaster, where I am sleek elegance he is rugged power, his hair is pulled back in a lose tail showing the soft waves in the white hair. He was albino, but that was never seen as a flaw to my family, merely a curious trait.
  “I don’t wish to fight. I yield to you.” I say softly praying he understands and as he pulls me to bed I smile knowing it does. I forget a moment everything that troubles me and perhaps a moment I’m flying with my name sake through the heavens. It’s early when I feel him leave I open my eyes and he looks back at me when I touch his back not wanting him to go. He turns and sighs he dresses slightly before coming back to bed and curling around me.
  “You know you’ll have to marry to produce an heir?” He cautions softly and I shake my head the though churns my stomach. A King is not made by blood.
  “A wise man once told me it is a King’s heart that makes him. Not his blood, his power, or his wisdom.” I reply and Oberon chuckles softly.
  “Aye.” He agrees and the next few days are a blur of preparations and meetings and I do my best to keep up a front that I am fine. It hurts and I’m plagued with doubts that I will fail. I wasn’t able to defend myself. I train when I have spare time with Oberon I used to only train enough to keep sharp now I do it to improve my skills. I don’t want to just be competent with my sword, a light saber that’s as elegant and sharp as it is deadly. Oberon is a master at the long sword and he gives me no quarter driving me hard as I asked him to do.
 At the end of the week I am dressed in the kingdom’s colors, black, silver, gold and royal purple. My circlet has been placed in a box and my crown waits with the Chief Councilor at the foot of the main square fountain. It’s a design I remember on King Griffin’s crown but with a few variations. Two golden griffons reach up cupping the silver moon and they’re wings arch out and around highlighted gold and silver. The eyes are amethysts. My Black boots and pants lead to a dark purple high color shirt and a black trimmed over coat that bears the Kingdom crest upon the back. They’re elegantly embellished with silver and gold depicting the mythic beasts we bear on our crest. I stare at myself not sure I can see me in my own reflection.
 “Are you ready?” Oberon asks and I shake my head and look at him my mother waits with the Chief Councilor so it was just me and him.
  “This doesn’t feel real. I imagined father would hand over the crown not... Never this.” I say in pain and he comes close to hold me and he looks me in the eyes holding my face steady.
  “You are not at fault Griffin. You never meant to hurt a soul.” He assures and I take a deep breath nodding and we walk down the knights flanking the roads leading to the city’s main square draw their blades and raise them over head as an archway of steel I pass under as flowers rain over me from balconies and those upon the streets. I keep calm though I want nothing more than the safety and quite of my rooms. I step up the steps that lead to the fountain that my mother and the Councilor wait at.
  “You have come far young Prince, yet a Prince you are no longer, are you ready to accept your role as the rightful King?” The Councilor asks voice carrying over the crowd that has grown silent. I pause uncertain the words feel like venom on my tongue. Can I do this?
  “I object! I am the King’s rightful heir!” A voice calls and all eyes go to the man striding out of the crowd. He is strangely familiar and I pause looking to the Councilor about to abdicate to the stranger. Then I look back a small crest on the hilt of his sword catches my eyes I knew it well, after all the blade had been close to me though it had been the dagger no doubt in his boot. Pure rage fills every fiber of my being as I draw my own saber and stand in the way of the crown and my mother.
 “Come no further liar!” I shout and he pouts smiling as he stops cocking his hip and tilting his head as he crosses his arms over his chest.
  “What a shame! Whatever gave me away?” He asks and I shake with the emotions coursing through me.
  “Your damn crest! I know it from that cursed night! How dare you come here spouting such filth a mere few days after my father’s death! This will be finished.” I snarl and he laughs drawing his own blade he bows and has the gall to move a hand behind his back.
  “Indeed it shall... You’re move first... You’re majesty.” He sneers and I lunge in the clash of blades and shrill scream of the crowd and the knights shouting to create a ring to protect the crowd and all I focus on is him. Silence reigns as tension builds and we dance dangerously blades clash and we pivot and step again and again.
  “You fight well for someone who needed Daddy to save them.” He says and I don’t take the bait an uppercut slash sending him back.
  “Big talk from someone trained to kill before the target can fight back.” I spit back both of us circling before lunging back towards each other.
  “Looks like the fledgling’s growing in their feathers!” He barks and I smirk at him as an idea unfurls it is dangerous but if it works... I spin creating an opening he lunged for I step away and back bring up my blade and this time it meets flesh instead of steel. He drops his blade crying out in pain but I give no quarter coming up for the kill I lunge burying my blade through his leg I draw back as he falls my blade at his throat dripping crimson beads on his skin.
  “This ‘fledgling’ has long left it’s nest. If it weren’t for the fact you won’t give me a name or the antidote to the concoction you used I’d let you live. Instead you will die here and now for your crimes against The Crown.” I say voice steady despite how much I feel sick though there’s this strange glee at seeing my father’s killer at my mercy. He looks up wide and crazed eyed.
  “Wait! I can give both!” He cries and I pause I gesture a guard closer, Oberon answers and he grabs the man’s sword.
  “Sir Oberon, this is now your problem to solve. Once he gives you the information be sure to throw him in the dungeon.” I am filled with anger but I will keep my word. I wipe my blade with the cloth another knight offers and I sheath it back at my side.
  “But, you said-” He tries and I pivot on my heel walking back to the Councilor and mother I look over my shoulder down at him with contempt.
  “I said I would let you live. I said nothing about you going free.” I state coldly as I kneel to the councilor who places the crown on my head as I stand and turn out to the crowd I hear him chuckle softly.
                                              “Long live the King.”  
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griffinsandpeacocks · 5 years
The Loony Two Challenge
Week One Prompt
Hades fumed as he stormed away to his bedroom or at least what passed as a bedroom in his mine shaft abode. He was getting aggravated again without his powers he felt defenseless and that had always bothered him. He lays down staring up at the dingy rock and it calms him a bit a familiar setting the only thing missing his best friend and Queen Persephone. He sighs and wonders how angry she is at him for leaving all the work to her. Oh well, not his problem. He isn't sure when he fell asleep he is painfully aware of the instant he wakes up. He doesn't open his eyes at first trying to reason why someone was wrapped around him. They're too heavy to be Maleficent and she doesn't cuddle. He opens his eyes and looks straight at the sleeping face of none other than The Royal Pain In His Ass, The King of Auradon himself; Adam.
"The fuck...?" He mutters before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath and slowly counting to ten. As he lets it out he opens his eyes. Nope, the too pretty gorgeous brat Adam was still there.
"Well then..." Hades says more to himself as he turns his head to the ceiling and wonders what in Tartarus was happening. Was this a sick punishment? Had the lack of his powers killed him and his father was getting a sick glee from watching him fumble through his panic?
"Good morning, lovely." Adam grumbles voice rough with sleep and Hades goes ridged. Lovely? What? Not a single person immortal or not had ever called him lovely. Not even his Queen. She called him her friend but that was it. He can't do this he jerks away and moves out of the bedroom area hearing Adam call after him sounding worried and Hades runs at that point he can't do this. He can't handle having something that he has longed for just dangled in front of him in a sick joke.
"Hades darling, you look a bit frazzled, are you alright?" That was Maleficent's voice... Hades stops to look and it finally registers he is in a castle. He is not in the mine on the isle. He sees her walking up wings and horns on display glittering in a way that makes her seem sleek and dangerous and it is definitely a suiting look on her but... How? He sees a small child next to her who rushes up small horns and wings on her as well, her purple hair swishing as she stops and looks up at him wide green eyes wide with worry.
"You ok, Daddy?" She asks and Hades feels something flutter in his chest dangerously close to where is heart should be. He feels dizzy and feels sparks at his fingertips getting a chill down his spine at the distantly familiar sensation. He feels hands on his shoulders and snarls twisting slightly and his hand lighting up in blue fire making him pause. He hasn't been able to summon a single spark in so long the fire distracts him from lighting up whoever touched him.
"Hades, love, you must still be stressed from Zeus' visit why don't you go lay down for a bit longer?" Adam says gently and Hades lets the fire burn out. Zeus’ visit? Since when did the pretentious Thunder Dick himself visit Hades willingly? Why was Adam calling him love? Why was this purple haired little girl calling him daddy? He lets Adam lead him back him tossing over his shoulder that Hades had been shaken since the visit. Back in their room Hades changes into a dark blue pair of slacks and a lose light blue shirt and black boots.
“This can’t be real.” Hades states blinking at Adam in confusion who looks at him concerned. He stops and turns to him and cups his face, Hades paused not certain what was happening but trying to at least catch up to whatever it was when lips gently press to his he goes ridged and Adam pulls back thumbs swiping over his cheek bones.
“You are worth every bit of attention we give you. You are an amazing partner and father to our daughter and son. Mal and Ben both adore you. We all do; your are a devoted soul Hades. You are worthy of love you stubborn blind bastard.” Adam says adamant and stern and Hades blinks at him in shock wondering again just what in Tartarus was going on. He’d been kissed by an... Arguably handsome man. Who thought he being a father was in any way shape or form a good idea? He swallows deciding he may as well play along with this madness. He leans in and rests his head against Adam’s shoulder reassured he made the right move when strong arms wrap around him. This is what it felt like for other’s to care?
“So...  As I’m a bit stressed what shall we do?” Hades falls into familiar habits quickly deciding to flirt when he has no other idea what to do. Adam chuckles and shakes his head grinning fondly he lightly bumps his chin to the blue head.
“Well, given Mal had asked to spend the day with you why don’t we start there? Ben can keep you both company, I’m sure you three could get up to great mischief. He’s waiting down in the garden with Belle.” Adam jokes and Hades swallows nervous. Why would they leave kids with him? Who in their right mind though child care and The God of the Underworld were meant to be even remotely be near each other in the same sentence?
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea...” Hades says softy feeling like his throat’s gone dry. Adam looks at him worriedly.
“Maybe the visit did worse for you than I thought...” Adam says looking worried and Hades feels an odd twist in his gut. There was the concern again. A soft knock and Adam opens the door for a concerned looking Maleficent and Mal. Hades looks away until a little hand tugs his and he looks down to a wide eyed child with bright green eyes.
“Are you going to be alright, Daddy?” She asks and Hades isn’t sure what to do instead he stoops down and scoops her up and smiles at her.
“Daddy’s alright, just tired was all I’m out of practice with how exhausting Zeus is.” Hades says grinning covering his worries with a smile and her small but bright grin is worth it. He smirks at her giggles and accidentally steps back taking them through shadows to a garden blinking as he hasn’t used that skill in so long he’s shocked he managed at all. Mal giggles and looks around delighted by the magic and Hades smiles. A little boy dashes away from a woman in a beautiful yellow summer dress and Hades recognizes her immediately as Belle. She smiles at him lowering a book as the boy hugs Hades leg Hades is looking down in shock at the boy who looks up at him wide blues focused but openly concerned.
“Are you feeling better Papa?” He asks and Hades feels a lump in his throat.
“Why would I be anything less than alright? My brother has nothing on this!” Hades teases spinning the two with him as he lifts the leg Ben is holding and twirls on his other foot with the help of some magic the two are shrieking happily as he dances them about and Belle watches smiling fondly not even a least bit concerned. Hades isn’t sure why or how any of this is happening but he can’t suppress the sense of happiness suffusing his soul. 
“Alright you three, breakfast is here, come sit and eat.” Belle calls and Hades is skipping away from the two as they chase after him Mal popping in and out of sight in small puffs of soft purple smoke. He gets tackled by Ben allowing himself to get pinned. He’s laughing as the two kids laugh at their victory and he paused sitting up and looking over he looks at the two.
“Time to eat; you heard her.” Hades says cocking his head Belle’s way. The two pout but go off to eat Hades lays in the sun staring up at the blue sky. Belle’s face comes into his view and he focuses on her blinking as his eyes adjust to the change in light.
“You heard me. Come eat.” She teases and he grins at her still not certain about this strange reality he found himself in. It was... Peaceful. He’d give it that. Strange but nice. Incredibly nice.  
"I will." Hades says softly in reply a bit shaken by how much concern everyone was showing him of all people. He was used to people reviling him. Yet here he was with a daughter and son... Though he can't deny Mal was his Ben was most definitely Adam and Belle's. Could he actually be this happy it has to be a dream, right?
"Still stressed from his visit? You know he was lying through his teeth? He wanted to rattle you. We all love you Hades. You helped me make sure my best friend stayed happy, and have helped raise Ben with us which I thank you for who knew being a parent was this messy? But you are my friend, you are a wonderful father and Adam loves you more than anyone else in the world. Well... Except Mal and Ben. They're special." She jokes and he laughs and nods tears starting to build. Whatever Zeus did must have hit hard. Belle was too kind. She always had been from what he recalled. He sighs and sits up and looks at her smiling. This reality or dream or whatever it was... It was so much better than what he’d known. He had people who cared in this fever dream. 
“Alright, alright...” He stands with her and walks by her shocked she takes his arm though he allows it not accustomed to the habit after years of being bored or angry or listless and cold. He was warm here and happy he had two kids that weren’t afraid to walk up and play with him. He hadn’t had that ever, except with Ares, but Hera had always watched.. Then again Ares had been hers, and Ares had been her favorite from the start.
“He lied Hades. We all adore you. Son of a titan or not, you are not your father.” Hades froze and Belle looked at hi concern on her face as Hades tries to come to terms that a human just said that to him... A human had more understanding of his pain than any of his supposed family back in Olympus... A human could find the source of his pain and pull it plainly into view.  He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He opens his eyes and looks to Belle and smiles at her.
“Who could resist me?” He says hiding and she smiles right back and rolls her eyes. She sits him next to her and they eat like a normal happy family. He then has the two follow him until he has them lead him about under the game of it being his first visit and so Mal is his little princess and Ben is the noble king giving a grand tour. Hades can’t help the fascination when they explore the family wing. Seeing things of his scattered about he smiles stopping to let his hand ghost over an old mural, it’s of him and Persephone on their wedding both look regal in the dark blues and blacks though hers were lined in white and grey he misses her terribly and wonders if she misses him. 
“Will auntie Perse be visiting anytime soon? I miss her.” Mal says and Hades feels his heart skip, so at least in this reality she missed him and would visit.
“I’m not sure... She must be busy little pomegranate.” Hades says petting Mal’s hair surprised how soft it is but content to pet it none the less. Ben is grinning as he bounces a bit.
“It’s lunch... Are we going to eat in the dinning hall?” Ben asks and Hades nods and gestures the kids ahead and saunters after them looking over old armor he had once worn and even several weapons hung on the wall. He froze as sitting on a pedestal is his crown, it’s damaged a bit but it’s obviously been well cared for since... Since he had fallen from grace within Olympus. He would admit he had stepped several bounds with Hercules. He’d admit it, but... He had the rights to Meg. She made a deal and it had backfired, cruel as it was he wasn’t a fate he had no idea. He had never wanted to kill the hero though the outcome wouldn’t have phased him. He was just... Angry he looks to where purple hair is swaying and his chest tightens and he backs up and turns away.
“I can’t do this...” Hades wheezes and he uses the shadows to step out of the hall filled with bitter memories and out into the sun staring up at it feeling dizzy. His thoughts swirl Hercules if he had died would have hurt the mortals that had fostered him like their own. He couldn’t imagine anything happening to the small child that he could feel was in fact his. Mal gave off a similar aura to his. He hears a peacock and gets uneasy he looks around feeling uncomfortable he goes into the gardens to hide.
“Running away like always?” Zeus snarks. Hades goes tense having been standing in a small alcove where a fountain was it had a three headed dog standing in the center heads down as if lapping up water water pouring from the Cerberus’ three jaws. The detail was impeccable almost as if he’d frozen the great guardian beast himself. He still should have struck down that brat for hurting his lovely puppy. 
“I don’t want to talk to you.” Hades says softly more a sigh of words really and Hades really doesn’t. Zeus was a complete screw ball who couldn’t be a proper god and king even if the definition of both were to bite him in the ass. His beautiful wife a mere trophy on his arm as he went after whatever human struck his fancy no wonder Hera had a vindictive streak miles wide. 
“Well I want to talk to you.” Zeus states and Hades looks away from the water to glare Zeus down.
“I’m not in the mood for your bullshit Zeus. Go away. We’re not in Olympus I’m not expected to play nice with you.” Hades is getting angry and Zeus knows and Hades knows he’ll just keep going to get a rise and it’ll work or Hades could just ignore him... 
“Play nice? When have you ever played nice?” Zeus taunts and Hades looks at him and starts laughing at how stupid the King of Gods was.
“PLAY NICE IS WHAT I DID FOR MILLENNIA UNCOUNTED WHILE THE REST OF YOU KICKED HELPLESS INNOCENT PUPPIES! PLAY NICE IS WHAT I DID WHILE YOU TREATED HERA LIKE SECOND RATE TRASH AND SLEPT WITH EVERY OTHER HOLE YOU DEEMED FANCY! PLAY NICE WAS WHAT I DID WHEN I COULD HAVE KILLED YOUR DARLING BASTARD BRAT! I let Hercules walk out with a soul he had no right to. I even made a deal to give him the right. I could have immediately summoned Megra back to the underworld, I still can instead I allow her to live. I can change that. I could hurt your son, yet I chose not to. You on the other hand, constantly torment me with how much alike to Kronos I am. I’m done with you begone, there is no need of you to be here.” Hades had been shouting but reminding himself why he’d run out here he softened his voice and cooled his temper. He had not raised a hand to kill the brat. He had done no actual wrongs. That’s an odd feeling to suddenly realize that in reality he had done much less wrong than he’d felt he had. 
“You tampered with my son! Hera didn’t deserve-” Hades whips around rage lighting him up in flame.
“HERA DIDN’T DESERVE TO BE LIED TO ABOUT SOME HALF RATE DEMIGOD! HE ISN’T HERS AND HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN FORCED TO EARN A PLACE IN OLYMPUS I DID US A FAVOR BY MAKING THAT BRAT PROVE HE WAS A HERO! Don’t you dare tell me any differently. That king murdered his Queen for cheating on him because of you a brilliant light was extinguished. You throw fits of rage fit for a child yet I’m the bad guy. You cheat on your spouse who is so blindingly loyal it’s sickening to watch how you treat her. Yet, again, I’m the evil over lord of the dead. Fun fact asshole I’m a glorified manager. I’m not god of Death that’s Thanatos! I just take a soul wipe the memories and through that soul back into the world. You exhausting man child! First I’m reviled then I ‘steal’ Demeter’s daughter when you dropped her off and said fuck you both your married now, I of course get blamed by Persephone’s mother who is a complete sociopath so thanks for that, also fun fact Perse is at least an amazing friend so I guess I am thankful to you for one thing, JUST ONE! That’s it! You see when I played matchmaker it was to take a soul of a woman in exchange for you lover only to have that blow up in my face when Hercules decided she was his. Persephone is a darling but she chose to stay with me on her own not with your help; her own insanely genius brain came to the conclusion that she could eat the fruit of the dead and thus tie herself to my kingdom after all you idiot from death comes rebirth, things must die to form foundations for the next generation. Death isn’t bad and everyone seems to understand that yet me, the one who tends the dead is somehow a bad guy? Know what... I’m done. Go away this isn’t worth it. I’ve done little in comparison to you. I haven’t spread seed about making little half god brats at least once a decade. If you’re such a good guy then stop harassing me go back to your wife and leave you’re darling older brother alone.” Hades sneers now purely disgusted he storms away anger clear on his face and he turns when Zeus tries to follow possibly to continue the argument, but Hades cuts him off fire licking over his form and glowing blue scorching the area around him he snarls at the other god as his hands wrap around his throat.
“I SAID I’M DONE!” Hades shouts using his powers to throw Zeus far far away the shadows sucking the other down and throwing him somewhere far away. He is shaking and grinding his teeth and feels sick all at once it’s dizzying and he hears a gasp and looks glaring at first but it’s Belle and the kids and they look scared. He feels cold suddenly and the flames burn out in wisps of blue smoke as he feels his stomach churn.
“Sorry you saw me like that...” Hades croaks his throat feeling dry and he is wondering how loud he had been. Adam walks up surveying the blackened patch of what had been grass at one point and looks at Hades not a hint of fear in his face. He walks up and holds Hades face.
“Take a deep breath love. We’re here for you. Kids, you okay?” Adam asks and Mal walks you looking at Hades clearly worried.
“What he do?” She asks and Hades pursed his lips thinking desperately for a way to explain it.
“He said some things I strongly disagreed with. Some very hurtful things.” Hades says to put it mildly and in a child friendly way. She holds out her arms and he picks her up hugging her tightly and stroking her hair as he tries not to show how much he’s affected. Belle picks Ben up and brings him over and Ben Holds out his arms so Hades moves Mal a bit and holds Ben feeling calmer as Adam leads them back inside to eat lunch. 
They eat and Hades decides to focus on the matters before him like Belle joking with Maleficent and the kids childishly ribbing each other playfully as Adam strokes his thigh under the table. Hades wants to peruse a real distraction but resigns himself to more parenting when Adam and Maleficent walk off to discuss more regarding some tricky fae causing trouble. Hades leads the kids in several lighthearted pranks on the staff and even a few on Belle that lead to the three cackling as they run from the brunette. As the day winds down with Hades and Belle telling some elaborate fairy tail to the kids after dinner Hades almost wishes this would never end... Whatever this was... It was the best day he had ever had. He kisses Ben and Mal on the fore head goodnight as he tucks her in and Belle does the same to Ben. The two in a room they’d share whenever they were both at the castle. 
He goes to bed giving the sheepish excuse to Belle that the day had worn him out, she smiled at him full of gentle care and understanding as she goes to her own room or perhaps the library for some late reading. Adam joins him in the room not long after and lightly hits on him as he changes into pajamas. Hades is in a pair of sleep pants that are decorated with flaming skulls in white as he lounged waiting for Adam in bed. 
“Will you come keep me warm?” Hades teased and Adam looks at him grinning.
“I will, but nothing too heated, you had a long day and I’d rather you be in a better head space for it.” Adam says and Hades nods curling up on the man when he lays down he wraps himself around the former Beast and smiles as arms encircle him. Drifting off was all too simple and Hades is still smiling when he does feeling lips brush his forehead before he drops off fully into sleep.
He feels colder than he should when he starts waking up given he should have a hunk next to him. He opens his eyes to see Maleficent with her chin on her hand grinning at him and he jerks backwards.
“Tartarus!” He shouts as he rolls back and falls off the bed flailing as he get tangled in rags he used as bedding she’s cackling in hysterics as he grumbles. 
“I wanna go back..” Hades mumbles into the sheets under him as he realizes he’s back in his mine.
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
Loony Two Writing Challenge Bonus! I Feel Like Time’s Standing Still
Griffin sighs as he sees yet again, everything seems to have frozen. He get’s up from the cafe he’s at walks up to the counter and leaves a note over the cost of his order. He walks down the road and sighs looking around. At first he had thought he was the one doing this unintentionally. After several times he realized it wasn’t him but he seemed to be the only one unaffected by this. Eventually he manages to get to the bus and slides into the back and hides behind a book. He waits and hops off at a stop near the University and sighs. He’s always been an odd one out. The kids from other rich families disliked him because he not only payed to get it he tested and was begged to come. The kids that tested like him refused to believe he had tested as high and had paid his way in. So he was... Not too popular. He hums and goes to the dorm and steps in he had been clear, he didn’t have much he just asked they leave his bed desk and wardrobe alone. Which took up one wall. Thankfully they have so far.
He sits at his desk and starts working on his thesis. He keeps it on his laptop which he carries on him everywhere, though he also keeps it backed up in his email. He might be slightly paranoid. He’s been working on theoretical bio reading tech that can scan, register, and possibly even duplicate bio-signatures. In all reality he’d found though species tend to share a large portion of a bio-signature, there are specific quarks that make each unique. Like fingerprints but as of yet he hasn’t found a way to scrub and change bio-signatures. He’d made a prototype but all it does is register and record a single bio-signature. He’d created a locking mechanism that required to scan the little bracelet he’d made the bio-scanner into. He’d had to tweak it and had been tinkering when his roommate came back Griffin wasn’t fully comfortable with working on his tech but he was close to getting the lock to work he takes off his goggles and his gloves and rubs his eyes waving attempting to be nice. They nod and look at his lock and the bracelet. 
“What is that..?” Alec asks, his room mate was thankfully laid back and had slowly realized since a lot of their classes were together though rich Griffin wasn’t faking how smart he actually was. Then again no one cared to look up his last name and realize who his parents were. One was a leader in archaeology the other was a leader in sociology. One dug up ancient civilizations the other went through and worked out how that civilization functioned. The two of them often worked together and Griffin had grown up fascinated by the way ancient people interacted and what they could build even with primitive technology let alone limited resources.
“Um... Basically it’s a lock and scanner combination. It’s meant to scan a bio-signature and the lock and bracelet are meant to sync so only that specific bio-signature can open it. I’m trying to work out a few bugs that are making it kind of useless.” Griffin explains and Alec nods he was working in coding, in fact he was hoping to become a government sanctioned hacker. Griffin always found it odd that the government frowned on hacking but would gather up ‘White caps’ to help them. 
“Sounds complex.” Griffin shrugs and sighs rubbing at his eyes again.
“That’s half the problem. Besides nothing worth doing is ever easy. Or at least that’s what father likes to say. I wonder how their latest dig’s going...” Griffin mused and he sighs and packs up his project he’ll just go ask the engineering professor if he can see a way to stop the damn scanner from locking in the signature.
“Yeah, that sounds seriously complex and my brain isn’t weird like yours.” Alec jokes Griffin snorts as he stands stretching.
“Yeah might be a blessing, if you were more like me you’d be hopeless with those ones and zeros you love so much.” Griffin jokes and Alec laughs as Griffin walks away to go ask his professor some questions. He spend the next few days noticing the random freezes start to happen more frequently. It’s starting to annoy him as he can’t just go about his day if this keeps up. Especially if his classes keep getting interrupted. As he’s walking back to the dorm he sees time pause again and growls looking around as it’s the second time that day. He sees an albino skipping around moving people and cackling and Griffin freezes waiting for them to get closer. When they do Griffin sighs.
“This shit’s getting old quickly do you mind? I have classes I’d love to do without getting paused in the middle of drinking water. I don’t have time to pretend I don’t see odd shit happening!” Griffin shouts making the man jump and cough. He moves slowly back and then books it away Griffin keeps a firm hand on his bag to keep it from jostling too much and books it after him growling hating when time stops being frozen and he’s now dancing through a crowd to get after the stranger. He catches up in an alley. 
“Seriously asshole, explain! I thought I was doing it though I know I don’t have any crazy magic or any kind of mutation.” The man groans.
“Look I do this because it’s fun and I know how to not that I know how it works but eh, obviously however I can do this you have something similar that makes you immune to my effects.” He says and Griffin sighs.
“Can you just go screw with people away from Uni? I’d like to not look anymore out of place than I do.” Griffin whines. The man paused and raised a brow.
“Out of place you’d know how that feels?” He asks incredulous and Griffin glares. 
“Look asshat I might not be albino or have some odd social quirk but you try to be a rich background walking into a Uni with high IQ stats and see how long it takes for no one to like you. The people that tested in for merit hate me because I got in and they only see money, the rich hate me because half my way in was merit alone. I don’t need scholarships I didn’t ask for any I just paid like I could do and showed I have the smarts so everyone seems to hate me with a passion so fuck you yes I’m an outcast.” Griffin rants and the man leans back and nods.
“Alright I get your issue. I’ll leave the Uni area alone.” He says and Griffin sighs.
“Thank you. I’m just getting fed up with everyone hating me and I don’t want this on you of it. Though... Have any theories on why we can do the thing with stopping time?”  Griffin asks and the other shrugs.
“The most I can say is I know when I freeze an area it basically enters it’s own little bubble the moment I let go of the affect everything resumes back at the time I paused it. Like the area I pause basically loops back to the start point. That’s all I’ve really been able to see.” He says and Griffin nods having noticed it too.
“Well then... You go have fun I guess.” Griffin says walking away confused about the man’s flippant carefree personality. 
“We should get drinks some time, you’re interesting.” He calls and Griffin looks back.
“Sure, so long as it’s not in a time loop.” Griffin jokes walking away hearing the other laughing. He’s grinning as he walks away.
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
Loony Two Writing Challenge Week 4 Prompt 1: Birds and Erm... Birds?
Griffin paced around nervously as he had told his parents he couldn’t marry a princess that was interested in him. When they ask he explains he’d tried through tears to be the prince they needed he just couldn’t. His mother had calmed him down asked him to explain and he admit softly that the princess had made heavy advances but he hadn’t responded at all nothing had happened and he’d been terrified he’d be killed, banished, disowned or anything else because he just had no interest in her. 
“There is a King I was wanting to make an alliance with... You can help me with that.” His father calms him and he nods a bit numb as all he’s heard since were crude rumors about him and nasty comments from other nobility that have heard. His life was miserable. Guards made snide remarks! He didn’t have a single friend within the Kingdom at this point. The only good thing he had going for him  was the fact he wasn’t dead and his parents didn’t seem disgusted with his existence. Though the near death experience a couple days later makes him wonder if exile would have been safer. 
He’d left his room to meet with his father when a man had run at him with a knife he’d fallen on his ass but managed to wrestle the knife away and hold it to the culprit's neck until the guards finally decided to come and help after he’d called for them several times. He’d gone straight to his father and had been unsettled since. They’d discussed going to the other’s city and Griffin relaxed realizing that would allow him to get away from all the harsh words and crude comments aimed at him. Hopefully once he comes back the gossip would have been stirred up by something new. 
The travel is grueling several hours he is only happy he’s good at protecting himself as when bandits attack it’s everyone for themselves. Griffin can’t rely on other’s to have his back like his father can. He get’s a sword in his side before his father takes charge furious the guards had left Griffin open to attack without support. Griffin just pants as a cold sweat starts up and he is grateful his father drags him onto horse back hearing they’d make as quick a run for the city as possible. He faints. When he comes to a nurse is dabbing cool water over his brow. He swallows and blinks trying to see clearly. 
“Oh you’re awake! I shall fetch your father, King Marius, and King Oberon. They’ll be glad to hear you’re alright.” She says and Griffin tries to say something but she’s already gone and Griffin just looks around feeling drained. He sees he’s in a very nice room and sighs closing his eyes to take a deep breath.His side throbs and he groans in pain as the door opens he opens his eyes the attack making him paranoid. There’s an albino man next to his father wearing a silver crown sporting diamonds and star patterns. This must be the king they’d come to negotiate with. He tries to push himself up but the pale King stops him a hand on his shoulder keeping him down.
“Don’t stand on my account. You’re wounded enough as is.” He says and Griffin blushed as he stopped trying and laid still. He’s certain nothing can get worse. Making a terrible impression, getting stabbed because the guards despised him, having his life threatened at every turn and now he can’t even properly stand and thank the king whose staff had saved him. How could this get worse?
“Griffin, King Oberon agreed with the treaty on a single condition.” His father says and Griffin looks at his father uncertain. Typically a marriage was requested to lock in an alliance but Griffin had looked through all the information he could on the Runes Kingdom and it’s ruling King and had found nothing about the Mage King having any daughters. Not that he’d be useful in that regard as soon as it was discovered he couldn’t preform the woman he was married to would probably demand her father kill him for lying. 
“And... What might that... Be?” Griffin asks feeling incredibly insecure as he can’t hide how uncertain and uneasy he is. Oberon snickers watching him and his father sighs and looks uncomfortable. 
“Once you’re fully recovered he asks you duel him.” Griffin felt his brain break. He was wanting to ask a multitude of questions but he couldn’t quite get his head around the fact a mage wanted to fight him. 
“You... Want to duel me? Not my father?” Griffin asks confused and Oberon laughs and Griffin blushed both because he suddenly felt stupid and because it was a nice sound to hear. Also slightly mortified as he had a sudden urge to make the man laugh more often. 
“You’re father’s married, there would be little point.” King Oberon says and Griffin blinks and looks at his father the gears creaking as they begin to turn. 
“I would like an explanation.”  Griffin asks his father who blushed rubbing the back of his neck looking at Oberon then Griffin. He doesn’t like the way his kingdom had responded to the gossip about Griffin especially the number of near assassinations on Griffin. 
“You’ll be safer here... I know you’ve practiced heavily to be able to fight along side me in the case of a war... I just... I want you safe and in this case you’d be in the place of a princess and become the standing Queen of the Runes Kingdom.” King Marius explains and Griffin swallows thickly looking at the wall. So his father had seen how the staff had responded. His father cared enough to drag him to another kingdom to get rid of him which he supposed was a blessing. He looks at the Mage King and wonders if he could stand a chance.
“So the duel’s to make sure I can at least protect myself and be somewhat useful.” He guesses and his father frowns going to say something but Oberon nods.
“You’ve made it this far so I’m sure you are somewhat capable but I would appreciate having a partner that can actively defend themselves should the need arise.” He explains and Griffin nods. There’s little in the way of options. He either impresses the other enough he agrees to take him off his father’s hands or he fails and ends up as useless baggage on his father’s name. 
“Then I suppose I look forward to the chance to duel you. Can you do me a favor if I fail just kill me.” Griffin says and thunks his head back looking up at the ceiling. His father sighs and it sounds like he tries to say something but whatever it is he must not know how he wants to word it and instead he squeezes Griffin’s shoulder and walks out. Griffin closes his eyes tears glittering in his lashes as he clenches his hands fighting not to cry.
“Why would you want to die if you don’t prove to be up to my standard?” Oberon asks and Griffin flinched hissing as his side aches at the sudden reflexive jerk. He looks at the mage who is sitting in a chair by the bed watching him with sharp red eyes that seem to be cutting into him and dissecting him.
“I’m the only Prince my family has. Instead of getting a competent future King they have a son that can’t respond in any way other than flustered blubbering to  escape the advances of a woman. I can tell you anything you want to know about my Kingdom’s history, even the bits that I’m certain were very different but victor writes history and all that. I can give decent battle strategy but I prefer the reserved approach. My father’s council has never liked me and they have constantly told me I’ll make a poor king. So if I can’t be useful this once then I don’t want to go back. I’ll get assassinated anyway, so at least this way I’ll go down fighting rather than a lucky stab or poison or something equally sad.” Griffin says ranting and needing to get this all out of his head and confide in someone. Oberon listens and sighs shaking his head.
“A king has no need for men that throw caution to the wind. A king is  not made great because councilors nor their opinions. You sound dedicated to learning which has never been an ill mark for a king.” Oberon says and Griffin sighs and looks to the wall feeling awkward.
“Yet I’ll never be a King. I’m marrying one if I can prove I’m worth it.” He says and Oberon snorts and leans closer grabbing Griffin’s chin and forcing him to meet his eyes.
“I want an equal not a concubine.” Oberon states firmly and Griffin goes bright red startled by how forward the mage King is. 
“Subtlety isn’t something you exercise is it?” Griffin squeaks and Oberon chuckles.
“I’m afraid not, so you’ll be a nice breath of fresh air to my court if you can hold me off in a fight.” Oberon says grinning. Griffin sighs again and looks up at the crown. 
“I was always curious why your Kingdom has such strong symbolism around stars.” Griffin says and Oberon leans back in his chair shrugging.
“For us the stars are what we attribute to the source of our abilities. We mages hold the heavens sacred and what is more beautiful than a night sky lit with diamond like stars?” He says and Griffin looks at Oberon.
“Then you’re Kingdom must think you as beautiful.” Griffin says as the King was gorgeous and pure pale splendor much like the stars. Oberon blinks at him blushing now as well he coughs and stands walking away. Griffin grins slightly at the very shy response to the compliment. He sighs as the door closes. He grins faintly thinking that maybe just maybe his life wasn’t getting worse. 
Once he’s on his feet and can manage moving without wincing he’s given a tour of the castle and Oberon watches him like a hawk as his father explains several customs Griffin will need to see to before and during the start of the duel.
“The wakestone might actually awaken a power in you. You’ll need to touch it before the duel as an acknowledgment to magic’s guidance.” His father explains and Oberon nods and Griffin frowns in confusion.
“Wouldn’t we have to have magic in our linage in order for a wake stone to have that affect?” Griffin asks and his father glances over.
“We’ve had several mages marry into our family none within the last couple of generations though.” He explains and Griffin nods deciding this might be where all his strange quirks come from. He is grateful he gets one last day he’s gotten mixed reviews. Those from the mage kingdom all gave him high praise for being bold enough to duel Oberon while those from his home made snide remarks on his uselessness and how his father was at least getting rid of him in style though he didn’t deserve to draw his sword for it. Griffin just dealt with it surprised how often the mages would compliment him and wish him well. There were several offers for his hand if he was not taken on by the King. He wasn’t sure how to handle any of it. 
“Prince Griffin place your hand on the wakestone with King Oberon.” A woman wearing robes says and Griffin had learned she was the Priestess that took care of the magical artifacts of the Kingdom. Griffin does and frowns as he feels an odd tingle run up his arm and he gasps as he feels like he gets a kick to the chest jerking back and swaying a moment feeling dizzy and like he might be sick. Oberon grabs his shoulder and holds him up.
“Just breathe, close your eyes and breathe.” Oberon instructs and Griffin takes a few deep breaths swallowing as the dizzy sick phase passes and he takes a deep breath. He opens his eyes and Oberon takes a sharp breath in when their eyes meet. Griffin feels confused until his father also blinks in shock and looks at Oberon.
“That was supposed to happen?” He asks and Oberon coughs and looks at him.
“Well apparently... It’s nothing bad it just means he is powerful really. To have golden eyes is regarded as a mark of someone destined for great things.” Oberon says and Griffin paused his eyes had been a yellow brown that looked like gold in the right light but they weren’t gold. The Priestess with wide eyes holds up a small mirror for him and he blinks in shock his eyes are bright shocking yellow gold. 
“I’ll call this duel off, I’d be honored if you’d agree to be my fellow King.” Oberon says looking at Griffin with awe. Griffin reluctantly nods not sure what’s going on he knows that his father making this alliance would be the only thing he could do for his home. He’d take it. 
“I’d be honored...” Griffin says confused still and feeling a bit unsteady he yelps as Oberon sweeps him off his feet grinning down with a mischievous look. 
“Then it’s settled, you’re mine.” Griffin goes bright red sputtering as he tries to catch up only to feel lips on his and blink in shock.
“Shall I get the circle ready?” The Priestess asks and Oberon nods and Marius smiles happy his son will be safe now though confused how he was so magically apt. Over the next several days Griffin is pampered by mages that go about making sure he’ll look the part of a king to stand by their current ruler. He is flustered when the day comes his mother had made the trip to see him marry and he’s bright pink as he is standing opposite Oberon and the Priestess sings a chant to make the circle glow and then they meet in the center and both recite lines in the magical language Oberon grew up with that Griffin knew so little of. The chimes like millions of little bells make Griffin blink in wonder as hundreds of star like lights float around them like glowing butterflies. 
“This means Magic herself approves.” Oberon says softly and Griffin grins reaching out to poke one that glitters merrily and more start flocking to his hand. Oberon chuckles softly and pulls the once prince into a kiss.
“I’ll teach you everything that I know... I swear to you I will make this day forward the best days of your life.” Oberon swears and Griffin blushes and looks up at the ruby eyes and smiles shyly. Maybe this wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened after all.
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
Loony Two’s Writing Challenge Week 2 Prompt 2: A Dragon’s Treasure
Oberon grumbles as he shifts against the precious stones and metal he’d collected mostly just superstitious humans hoping if they presented him gifts he would leave them be. He did, though it was mostly a matter of honor, though not an official agreement he was a creature of deep seated pride in his reputation and though he could care less of the humans thoughts of him for him to break an agreement would greatly irk him and stain his honor and thus pride. He lived in a cave deep within a delve that was over a small narrow valley, it was both a risk and an ideal roost. The only way to his cave was through the narrow valley and if he were to fly over any army would be cinder and ash in the wind. 
A dragon was judged by his treasures, and his oaths held, if a dragon were to break even a single small oath he would be considered lowly even if his treasures were vast his honor and pride would be stained and other dragons would sneer and ignore him. Oberon was among the eldest of his kind few of his kindred phantom dragons were his size and strength let alone his age. They’d been hunted like others of the dragon race and they were slimmer in build easier pickings given how pale they were though few were as pale as he. 
He looks out of his cave an odd commotion catching his ear he walks to the lip that would allow only a few men on foot or possibly two horse riders up side by side at a time. Smoke rises from the human kingdom that has long sat near his den. He grumbles uneasily as if that kingdom had fallen, he would be hard pressed to make the new king bow to the old agreement. He sits and watches the smoke spotting a white horse galloping over the valley he chuffs a plume of smoke and waits a man, a knight, ride atop the beast and he seems to carry a bundle. Oberon wonders if it was a last ditch attempt to entreat his help, so waits red eyes gleaming in the shade of his roost there’s a red gleam upon the silver steel of the armor and Oberon realizes the man is wounded. 
“Great Dragon of the Verdant Delve, I entreat you, please, as a dying man who remains loyal to his slain King, I beg and beseech ye take care of our prince... I was to guard him but I am dying I cannot but with my dying breath I beg you fulfill my oath that I have failed. Our Prince must live... I beg you...” The man wheezes almost falling off his horse he clutches the reigns to stand shaking and stumbling to collapse to his knees before Oberon who growls low in his throat feeling a pang in his heart. An oath unfulfilled... It was a fate every dragon detested. He lowers his head to gaze into the man’s eyes seeing a sleeping babe against the man’s chest. 
“I accept to see your oath fulfilled Knight, I see your honor and grief and accept this sworn task in your stead. Rest now. You’re journey ends.” Oberon extends his claws his fore paw offered and the knight hands over the small bundle shaking terribly he smiles at the sleeping child and looks up at the dragon. 
“I thank you... May the gods above ever watch over you and my Prince... Griffin... His father called him... I refuse to give those snakes my death... Please I ask a death at your hand so that they cannot boast of it.” The knight gestures to the smoke and Oberon can see a group enter the valley and sneers.
“I will do you one better. Have you strength yet?” Oberon asks the knight struggles but he stands swaying on his feet. Oberon holds the child close in one massive paw and he picks up the knight carefully in the other he gazed at the horse and it watched it’s master not wavering. He chuckles and sends it off into the cave with a soft word it nickers and stands by the entrance nickering sadly at his master who waves to the beast calling him Gilrand. A young fine steed meant to be the Prince’s. He was a young horse and would be a finer steed in time. Oberon dives off the lip and soars into the air with a roar that echos through the valley sending those on dark horses scattering as their steeds panic Oberon swoops low and his breath scorches a swath of the men to dust as he wheels back he lands still careful of the babe he lets the knight stumble out of his claws.
“They won’t leave alive Knight die with honor and sword in hand.” Oberon says and a determined gleam enters the once defeated eyes. He draws he blade and takes out every enemy that besets him Oberon clearing away the others with crushing blows he sits at the end the Knight collapsed leaning against the white tail of Oberon he gasps his chest had been crushed by a mace his breath was short and his death nearing. He gazed up at the red eyes and smiled.
“You swear... he’ll be safe?” He asks breath and voice a wisp. Oberon nods and lowers his head.
“Aye... I swear upon my honor. A dragon is loath to break an oath. Your people left me alone though it was never an official bargain, I swear to see your Prince safe. Sleep now Knight you’ve fulfilled your oath.” Oberon says watching as the man closed his eyes looking up to the sun and with a soft smile his breath stops. Oberon sighs and looks to the child who is wide away but silent eyes wide and scared Oberon has little idea how to raise a human child. They needed milk right? They didn’t eat meat at an early age... Humans ate a variety of things but babes had no teeth. He sighs digs a grave and placed the knight in it burying him he rears back and scorched the patch then he carefully seared the word honor in the dragon tongue over the spot filling it with the melted steel of the invading knights armor. He looks to the sky hearing a faint call echo over the land he looks down at the child and holds him close rumbling low keeping his fire steady to keep the babe warm. 
The call of The Elder Council, a call he could not ignore due to his place within it. He flies low over the land hoping to find a safe place to leave the child as he doesn’t wish to possibly fight others of his race to keep the child safe. He finds a small cottage with a Shepard and lands the man panics and runs but Oberon brings his tail around to stop him.
“I have no wish to eat you or your flock. I have a request. I was given this child by his dying guardian and asked I protect them. I must go do an important but dangerous journey and wish to keep this child safe. Will you help me?  He needs to be fed but I lack the ability to provide on that front. You’ve my word I wish no harm on you or yours.”  Oberon says lowering his fore-paw to reveal the babe that’s starting to fuss. The Shepard is pale but nods moving closer he picks up the babe and goes to his hut talking with a woman that must be his wife. They nod and take the babe inside. Oberon walks forward going to a ridge he’ll use to lift off.
“I’ll be coming back for him. If he isn’t well or here when I return I’ll burn this entire region.” Oberon grumbles as he passes lifting into the air he flies off. Once he reaches the old roost he lands on an edge snarling at another dragon a younger coal dragon that hisses at him in turn. He hates the brats they scuffled among themselves it was the last one standing that came to the Council rather than their oldest members. He swats the younger dragon and snarls pinning him down and spitting fire singing his flank as a reminder he was older and stronger. 
“I’m an Elder you insolent pest learn your place!” Oberon snarls letting him up and whipping the coal dragon towards the cave they’d need to go into with his tail. He walks in and they enter the great cave and Oberon looks about finding a suitable perch under a Sapphire dragon.He curls around the rock perching on it he waits watching the coal slide about but the growls and hisses dictate he stay as the sandy floor of the cave. He’d made the mistake of irking Oberon and thus a majority of the other old dragons. 
“We’ve gathered due to the movement of a human kingdom. They’re known to hunt us for our treasure and hide. Oberon they are near you. Have you news?” The leader of the council an ancient Angris dragon named Ra asks. Oberon growls low, displeased greatly. This will greatly complicate trying to raise the prince. He looks down then sighs.
“I do. The human kingdom I nest near fell to invaders, the prince was delivered to me by a dying knight I took on his oath to protect the prince and raise the prince, he’ll be waiting for me at a shepard’s cottage once I leave here. So the invaders are known to hunt us?” Oberon asks and Ra nods and sighs. He thinks and looks around. 
“We shall need to help you move your roost or, help you defend it. I’ll assume you’ll move?” Ra asks and Oberon grumbles. He’s lived in the Vale for ages he is loath to move. He sighs.
“Aye for the oath I took on it shall be best to move. My hoard has grown but I can move it with the help of five others. I refuse to have that coal near my roost.” Oberon sneers as the other goes to open his jaws to speak. Ra nods and looks about at the others who grumble softly among themselves no one is settled the news of hunters was never good. Often at least one of their number never returned after the hunters made an appearance. A gold dragon and the sapphire offer to help and a stone dragon as well Oberon nods and sighs unsettled he stands and then Ra stands and gestures them on.
“I will help we’ll move faster if you use a magical net to carry the riches that will free you to take the child. Or we can first move you then retrieve the child.” Ra says walking with them and then flying with them as they leap into the air one at a time circling the peak Oberon takes lead and sighs.
“We should move my hoard first, there’s a stallion I wish to take with us unharmed. It is meant for the prince.” Oberon grumbles the stone dragon snarls.
“Why even take on the brat? You had no oaths with that Kingdom.” He asks Oberon growls.
“Even though a deal was never struck they left me well enough alone. The knight that brought him was dying and had I not taken on the oath would have died with it unfulfilled. He risked his life to delver the babe to me, a true knight to the end. He died after fighting, I buried him with honor. Let’s first focus on gathering my hoard and leaving this Vale...” Oberon sighs they use a magical net around the treasure and move it out of the cave Oberon carries the horse as they leave he idles a moment staring at his long time home and grumbles at the thought of not returning. He flies after them unhappy that they find a tunnel system with other Phantoms to place him with he presses the treasure back into the back of the cave as he had had it with some along the floor he grumbles and nudged the horse to stay near the back as well. 
“You’ll need to know the rules.” An old female says walking up and Oberon growls. He’s not some hatchling.
“Don’t go into another’s personal area unless invited and hunt for myself. I’m one of the oldest phantoms, please be kind enough to not act like I’m a hatchling. I need to go retrieve a babe I swore to raise.” Oberon grumbles and the female hisses and Oberon looks back at her raising his head and baring his fangs.
“We were told you’d be bringing a human. How will you feed it?”She asks and Oberon growls at her.
“I don’t know but I made an oath I refuse to break it.” Oberon growls and she just snorts and goes back to the end of the cave. Oberon goes to the shepard’s hut and sees the man holding the child and sitting on a rock humming. Oberon lands and sits not going closer afraid he’ll startle the human. He doesn’t know what to do. If he takes the child he’ll need a way to feed him. How would he do that?
“Ah you’re back.” A feminine voice says and Oberon sees the woman from earlier. Oberon nods and watches the man the woman stands near him but wasn’t a threat. He lowers down to lay there and watches contemplating what he’d do.
“Might I ask how you got the child?” The woman asks and Oberon sighs.
“A dying knight asked I raise his prince. I took the oath out of pity as having such a burden is something no dragon wishes on any being. To have an unfulfilled oath upon death is seen as sad in dragon culture. It is said the spirit lingers trapped until another renders the oath null or another takes on that oath. I took his so he could die in peace with his honor unstained. We’re creatures of honor. Well most of us.” He sighs seeing the coal swoop down he growls and gets up as it stalks towards the Shepard who’d sprung to his feet and was stumbling back terrified but holding the child close. Oberon walks forward and snarls at the coal flaring his wings as a warning. The dragon goes to get around him and Oberon lunged claws sinking into his side Oberon grabs the other’s neck in his jaws and pins him to the dirt snarling.
“Leave or I’ll kill you.” Oberon growls low in his throat and the other spits fire and Oberon twists his head hearing a crack he drops the now dead dragon snarling and huffing fire into his mouth to clear the taste out. Coals tasted like burned coal and Oberon never understood the smaller dragon breed’s obsession with the cheap mineral. It matched their hide sure but still, he didn’t obsess over opals or other milky white material like bones. Though Graves as sick as their eating habits made him were powerful and terrifying. Anything that could spit acidic fire was a steer clear priority for him. 
“I came to collect the little one but I am uncertain how I’ll keep him fed...” Oberon mussed looking uncertain and the Shepard and his wife are pale but give nervous chuckles. 
“Well... There’s old legends of a mighty King that was suckled by a wolf... Perhaps a she-wolf would be willing to help you?” The Shepard asks and Oberon hums softly. Wolves had helped the dragons before as both had a great dislike of humans. He nods it was the best option. Even better if a pack was already helping protect the Phantom tunnels. He takes the prince and flies back to his new home uneasy as others stare at him in confusion and disgust. He sets the baby in a snug crevice he carves into the stone wall as a makeshift crib and then nudged the horse closer hoping it might help keep that spot warm enough as he walked to his alcove’s entrance.
“You will leave the child alone?” A phantom female asks confused and Oberon sighs he’s a loner he doesn’t like gatherings like this. It made hunting easier for certain humans. He’d grown up in a similar setting and he’d almost starved to death as a young hatchling because of this kind of set up. His parents had gathered all they could and fled he’d been the smallest. He’d been left behind. 
He had gathered all the hatchlings left like he had been and he’d hidden them behind a treasure pile and had caught rodents to fed them never eating much himself and waiting for any of the adults to come back. Ra had found him. He’d kept the others fed but they were all little better than scales and bone. Ra had fed them and reared them. He had never ventured far from the cave afraid the hunters were still close but Ra had swept the area and assured them the hunters were gone. He shivers and growls.
“No. I need a suckling mother wolf to help feed him. So I am leaving for only a moment luck willing.” Oberon says and she nods laying in the entrance to her own alcove he sees seven hatchlings of various ages playing behind her.
“I know there’s a wolf pack that stays in a cave near our tunnels. It should only be a little ways to the left once you leave, a dragon of your size would get there quickly. I can watch your place while your gone, since were right across from one another.” She says and Oberon hums glancing back he grumbles uncomfortable with leaving the babe unguarded. But her offer was as good as her word. He nods.
“Thank you. I’m Oberon, what’s your name?” He asks softly she smiles and bows her head.
“Nira.” She says and Oberon bows his head before looking back one more time and walking out to turn and weave through the forest. Finding the pack he grumbles a greeting lowering his head and rumbling softly asking if there are any suckling mothers willing to help. An older mother walks forward and agrees and he takes her back and lifts the child out of the make shift cradle and is relieved it works. He thanks Nira and the she wolf.
It takes years and Oberon is constantly reminded how quickly children grow even if human they grow as quickly as hatchlings they’re less knowing than a hatchling though. Where hatchling garble their words at first they at least talk, humans had to learn. He teaches him both the dragon tongue and the human ones he knows. Nira adores Griffin and encourages her hatchlings to play and make friends with him and Oberon is grateful he can leave Griffin with Nira as he hunts for himself. When Griffin’d reaching the age of fifteen Oberon knows he’ll have to answer the questions Griffin has. The child wasn’t stupid.  
“Why am I the only human in the phantom hold?” Griffin asks and Oberon sighs he’d taken Griffin out having him ride on GIlrand and he sighs again as he leads them to a meadow and lays down.  
“A knight had rode up to my roost on Gilrand. He asked I raise his prince as he was dying. I agreed and took his oath unto myself. You were a babe and I felt terrible given your sires were men that held little fear of me. Going back nine generations of your forefathers they would come to my roost and deliver trinkets in hopes I would leave the kingdom be. I did. Never did they steal from me. You’re the only human here because a nation of hunters invaded your home and I fled here to keep you safe and raise you as I promised.” Oberon explains and Griffin thinks quietly a while. 
“So my family was taken away by dragon hunters and you had to move because of them taking over my home.” Griffin muses and Oberon nods. He hears a branch snap and his head whips around a snarl erupting from him to hopefully scare whoever dared come near them. A man steps out and he keeps his hands raised in peace. The man looks fairly like the knight Oberon remembers burring.
“I’m sorry for intruding, it’s just... You’re the Dragon of The Verdant Vale, right?” The man asks and Oberon growls and moves so he’s ready to fight he keeps his tail in Griffin’s way to keep him back.
“Aye. The roost there used to be my home until the invaders came, they’re known to hunt my kind. Why have you come here to the Forest of Ghosts?” Oberon asks and the man chuckles nervously.
“I actually came looking for you. A wizard in the court that was imprisoned when the new King took over told me if I were true to the True King, and if I wished to restore my Kingdom’s Honor and that of my father then I must find the Prince. He must destroy the False King or all will fall under the tyrant and the dragons will fall. So I asked my mother where I might start she told me the king requested he raise his son far away should the worst come but he was gravely wounded and thus there was no hope in finding the prince. She mentioned you had left the same day our kingdom fell. I was hoping that maybe you would know where Prince Griffin was.” He says and Griffin starts laughing. 
“I thought you were joking!” Griffin says walking up to Oberon’s tail to try and get a look at the new comer. Oberon grumbles and moves so the two can see each other. The man blinks at Griffin in shock before he kneels almost tripping in the process. Oberon sighs.
“What use would I have to lie?” He asks and Griffin looks up amused.
“Me shutting up.” He says deadpan and Oberon hums softly.
“Good point.” Oberon chuckles as Griffin swats his side. 
“Erm...” The man looks nervous and is watching the dragon and prince interact with slight trepidation. His prince would get eaten and die all before he could even reclaim their home. Oberon smiles and Griffin smiles back.
“So why should we trust you?” Griffin asks looking at the other human wearily. He’d heard only bad things about humans and had once gone to Oberon in tears saying he didn’t want to be a human, they were all vile treacherous creatures. Oberon had been furious but instead of maiming the other dragons he instead sat down and started tell Griffin stories of Honorable knights and kings. Yet Griffin still harbored a mistrust of other humans. Oberon supposed it was a good thing. 
“Well... I mean... I have nothing but my word and I understand those are cheap but... I came all this way praying I’d find something. Whatever it takes I’m going to prove I’m here for good intentions!”He says and Oberon sighs now he had two tag-a-longs. Great. Oberon watched the distance and grumbled something wasn’t right... He snarls and lunges forward. 
“Both of you get back to the hold and tell the others there’s an issue!” He shouts and roars out a challenge as a large Drake bursts through the tree line. The man goes pale and backs up.
“I thought I lost that thing!” He shouts and Griffin swings up onto Gilrand’s back. 
“Come on! We need to tell the others! Drakes are pests and where there’s one there’s several sure to be following.” Griffin says holding out his hand the man looks at Oberon wrestling with the drake then grabs Griffin’s hand.
“I’m going to die.” He grumbles and Griffin snickers.
“You might.” He says and spurs Gilrand into a gallop, the horse suddenly rears back lashing out with his hooves and dropping both young men onto their asses. A snarl and Griffin’s on his feet with a cry of fear.
“No!” He shouts trying to grab Gilrand but the horse shrieks as a drake bites into his leg. Oberon bellows and several howls start up and several roars of other dragons answer. Griffin looks furious and yet like he’s been cut and the hopeful knight grabs Griffin and pulls him past the fighting horse and pulls them in the direction the horse had been charging.
“If you try and save him you’ll die too! Griffin stopped fighting tears pouring he stopped fighting and turned pulling the hopeful man along shouting something. 
“Nira!” Griffin shrieks as loud as he can fearful they won’t make it to the caves. There’s a roar that shakes the ground but Griffin keeps pulling them on and a shadow passes over them Griffin throws himself to the side dragging the other with him. The hopeful hadn’t escaped as well as Griffin had a gash was in his side and he was unconscious. Griffin drew his sword and rounded on the drake that had crashed down on them. He’s never wielded a sword he just knows the pointy end faces away. The beast swings it’s head towards him and Griffin lifts the sword and brings it down in as powerful a swing as he can and rakes it’s eye. It shrieks rearing back away from the metal and Griffin backs up grabbing the would be knight and pulling him over his shoulder he drags him away as quickly as he can looking around frantically.
“Nira!” Griffin shouts again feeling hopelessly trapped and this fear wasn’t something he was used to he’d always been safely tucked away with the other children when drakes were spotted in the forest. He’s afraid she won’t answer him and he starts to panic. He is blinking away tears and pulling the other as far as he can when he feels heat at his back he throws the other forward screaming as teeth sink into his sides. He turns the sword stabbing at where eyes should be and he’s dropped he lands with a thud gasping as the blade clatters against rocks and roots next to him and he’s gasping in pain. 
“You’re safe child.” He hears and he faints. When he wakes up he’s in Nira’s cave the other man is next to him. Oberon is no where to be seen and the hatchlings he’d grown up with are clustered around him switching between watching him worriedly and looking over the new human with interest.
“Momma said we couldn’t eat him.” One of the newer hatchlings chirps at Griffin who laughs then winced groaning in pain. The other man groggily opens his eyes and gives a confused hum flinching as one of the hatchlings looks down at him curious. When he whines in pain the hatchling hops back looking a bit ashamed. Griffin laughs softly groaning again as the stabbing points of pain in his side return. 
“Momma doesn’t want you lot getting sick, human leaves your system feeling yucky. Well at your age. Oberon could eat us and be fine. He says we taste stringy and grisly like fatty leather.” Griffin says wincing as it hurt to move at all it sent waves of pain over his side. Nira walks in with a wizard that lived near them out in a cave further south. he carries a bucket and is softly talking with her. This wizard typically came to heal Griffin if he got hurt while out playing. Griffin realizes Gilrand isn’t to be seen and feels his throat tighten up as tears spring to his eyes. He looks at Nira.
“Gilrand... He didn’t make it did he...? He asks and Nira looks saddened at the little human she looked at like a hatchling. She shakes her head not wanting to go into detail but she would at least remark on the fact the stallion had gone down fighting.
“He gave the drake that got him a fight. The thing was beaten bloody and missing an eye from a lucky kick. You did well as well little one you’d gotten both it’s eyes, well done.” She says trying to comfort him and Griffin sniffles lifting a hand to rub stubbornly at his face. The wizard kneels down and grabs his hand.
“Not all tears are evil little one.” He says gently and carefully cleans Griffin’s wounds using magic to heal the pierces though the wounds would stay tender and sore for some time then he went to the new comer and gently cleaned the cuts down his back from claws. He heals those then keeps the man on his back with a warning to stay that way.
“Those are harder to knit closed and easy to reopen. Stay on your back as long as possible the next few days.” He instructs and he looks at Griffin and smiles softly upset the boy had lost the horse he’d grown up with.
“Gandrim, what happened? I thought drakes were supposed to avoid the forest?” Griffin asks and the wizard sighs and shrugs looking tired.
“A number of things could have happened that fool shouldn’t have been able to get this far without being terrified. I’ll need to recheck the safety spells and wards I have woven near the forest edge. I’ll take you and your new friend with me when I do. I have a feeling those drakes were spurred this way. That racket they caused was sure to be heard for quite a distance. So I’ll take you two and have it seem lie I’ve a bodyguard and apprentice, if anyone is close to the forest edge. It’s unlikely but I’m worried.” Gandrim sighs and Griffin nods he sits up wincing and looking at the blood on the sandy floor he cringed. Nira scoffs at him.
“Don’t look like that, I’ve cleaned the floor plenty and I will plenty of times later you and the hatchlings see to it.” Nira chides and Griffin blushed. He struggles to stand and feels dizzy he braced himself against the wall and took deep breaths with his eyes closed. Oberon comes in and lowers his head to watch Griffin with worry and he smiles when Griffin opens his eyes and jumps. The large dragon could be silent when he pleased and Griffin would forget at times Oberon was silent on his claws most of the time.
“I couldn’t get to Gilrand in time, I’m sorry Griffin.” He says earnest as he knows Griffin loved that horse. Griffin nods sniffling a bit he moved over and hugged Oberon around the muzzle feeling miserable. The dragon rumbles blowing warm air over the human holding him as he brings his claws up to gently hold the human closer. It’s as close to a hug as they can get to given one is larger than most homes humans built. 
“I’ll take these two once they’re healed and check the forest line for the wards. Though you should know that recently the birds have been sharing troubling news. The Drathienian kingdom’s been expanding and more and more often dragons are either relocating or facing constant hunts. Several within the last few years have been slain.” Gandrim sighs and Griffin grits his teeth feeling angry suddenly. If it was those bastard’s fault those drakes had come... He concentrates on healing helping the other man who he learned was named Corvin. They became good friends over the few days Griffin’s naturally warm caring demeanor winning the other human over. And the man felt partly responsible for the horse’s death as he’d been chased by the drakes a while before finding Griffin and Oberon. 
When they venture out they find the wards and spells are stressed but with some maintenance they’re strong. Gandrim pursed his lips.
“If this continues the forest will soon be overrun with whatever that kingdom scares this way.” At the wizard’s words Griffin grits his teeth and looks at the man who admitted to being trained with a sword. He’d commented how lucky Griffin had been to get a moving target’s eyes with two separate attacks no matter it’s size. Griffin had shrugged and laughed ‘I’ve always been lucky.’ He’d said. Now he wants blood.
“Train me with a sword.” He says to Corvin who blinks. in shock.
“As you’d like.” He replies grinning at seeing that fire he’d heard so much about. The wizard grins softly.
“Then we’ll need to get you a blade.” He muses and they go to Oberon who finds a suiting blade for the human to train with out of his hoard. Oberon would watch them coaching Griffin with tricks as Corvin helped him with his stance and the basics. Griffin grew restless. He paced about the cave he was now matching Corvin and he was slowly starting to win more and more rather than ending in draws. The wizard walks up and is holding a bundle and news there was a tourney taking place. He gives the bundle to Griffin revealing a sword that had a shine even in the dimly lit cave.
“This blade is only said to glow in the hands of a royal heart. Take this to the tourney and win and challenge their King. If you can best him you’ll have you’re kingdom back, and leave them distracted long enough we’ll be able to come in with the gathered might of the dragons. This must stop.” Gandrim says with conviction and Griffin nods feeling a prickling of fear as he’s never fought like this. Corvin nods to him smiling.
“I’ll be right with you, you’ll do great!” He says and Oberon talks with Gandrim and they walk off. When they return an albino man with ruby eyes is next to Gandrim. Griffin watches him in confusion. 
“Oberon?” He asks in shock and the smirk on the face makes Griffin grin as it’s definitely Oberon. He is suited in leather armor and a heavy grey cloak. He has fangs and his nails are longer and sharper than a humans. Yet so long as Oberon keeps his fangs hidden he looked human. His eyes only becoming dragon like when he’s going to breathe fire yet even them Oberon can bluff being a wizard as they were known to have strange quirks. 
“We’ll both be with you.” Oberon promises and Griffin hugs him as he and Corvin get suited up Oberon finding specific things in his hoard from Griffin’s family. Within a few days they were traveling to the tourney. They rode on wolves for most of the way but sent them back to the forest far before reaching the city Griffin has been distracted lately both the anxiety of what was coming mixed with emotions he’s never felt before and he isn’t sure how to cope with them. Corvin takes him aside to try and figure it out realizing Griffin’s struggling with his own heart he puts it together.
“You’ve got a crush on a dragon.” He says and Griffin sputters bright red.
“No! I... I do don’t I?” Griffin asks sighing covering his face. Corvin shrugs.
“Better than a goat at least.” Corvin laughs and Griffin goes quite wondering if there was a chance even the slightest bit better than a snowball in hell that he could catch Oberon’s attention. He was so much lower in comparison to the dragon. He’d adored Oberon since he could remember and the dragon cared for him sure but... This was ridiculous he should focus on the tourney.
“You three here for the tourney?” A man asks at the gate and they nod, he gestures inward from the gates.
“Head to the castle and they’ll have ye sign your name. Corvin glade to see you back we’d worried ye died.” He says nodding at Corvin who smiled and waved and as they walk in Griffin can hear whispers start up about the crest he displays on his arms and armor. He sees many look suddenly excited and it spread like wild fire and the crowds began to gather around the tourney and Griffin looked at Corvin and felt the anxiety redouble. 
“How many people here know?” Griffin hissed and Oberon leans close to the other knowing full well why he goes tense and how it has nothing to do with fear.
“All of them know their Royal Families Crest.” He whispers and moves them along Corvin snickering at Griffin’s red cheeks.
“Good day all the grand tourney is about to begin the best men here will be chosen to become the dragon guard of The High King Varion!” A man shouts to the crowd which cheer and the fights start Griffin doesn’t remove the cloak he uses it as cover and distraction and Oberon and Corvin do the same they group together and they battle savagely back to back. Once it’s down to a few people a halt is called and Griffin is almost exhausted he’s panting and shaking. Oberon is worried he won’t last much longer. They sit at a table and Oberon gets him some cool water and removed the cloak.
“We’ll get through this.” He says and Griffin nods panting and sipping at the water. Corvin dumps a jug over his head and Griffin shouts and tries to tackle him but a man standing there freezes Corvin and Griffin looks at the man in confusion.
“You’re the one that everyone’s whispering about.” The man says and Griffin shrugs.
“I’m sorry to say I’ve no idea why.” He says playing stupid. Something he could do well when he felt like it. 
“I’m High King Varion, and you are?” He asks and Griffin feels his body tense up.
“Griffin.” He answers and the man tilts his head his icy grey eyes cutting.
“Just Griffin?” He asks and Griffin shrugs.
“Never knew my father he was slain during the war. So I don’t know if I had a surname.” He says and the man stares at the crests.
“The arms and armor you have have crests.” He says and Griffin nods.
“I got them from a dragon horde.”  He answers honestly and the man looks suddenly approving.
“So you’ve slain one of the beasts. Impressive.” Griffin grits his teeth.
“All challengers are to return to the arena.” The man calls and Griffin follows Corvin and Oberon back to the arena and the two work to keep as many as they can off Griffin. Once it’s down the six people a stop is called. Griffin is heavily leaning on Oberon at this point as he can hardly stand.
“You six will be given a few hours rest then you can challenge the king himself to earn a place in his dragon guard!” The man says and Griffin groans.
“I’m not gonna last...” He sighs and Oberon grabs his chin making him look him in the eyes.
“You will.” He growls and Griffin feels a shiver run down his spine he swallows and nods. Oberon lets him go and goes to get them drinks and Corvin gets them to a table. They take the time to rest and Griffin devoured the chunk of roast a woman gives to him saying thank you for coming back. The others tuck into the chunks given to them as well. When they are called to fight again the King tells Griffin and Oberon and Corvin they don’t need to fight as the dragon guard was for those brave and skilled enough to hunt dragons and they’d slain a beast already if they’d sacked it’s horde. Griffin looks at Oberon and the dragon looks back at him.
“We can challenge him now or you can kill him later.” He says softly. Griffin grits his teeth and moves forward.
“You killed my father with this war I never came to join your guard I wanted to contest your claim on the Crown of this Kingdom of Armillidian. I challenge you as the Prince.” Griffin retorts drawing his sword and the King sneers.
“Ah I see so you what made friends with the beast that lent you those toys then?” He asks drawing his own blade and marching down and Griffin sneers right back.
“I made friends with more than just him, A Dragon has more honor and pride than you’ll ever have than any human could. We back-stab and lie and cheat; a Dragon gives their word and never strays from that oath. A Dragon never backs down when those they care about are in need a dragon stands against any that would try him.” Griffin says getting ready to fight and the King scoffs.
“They pillage the same as us to collect their hordes you foolish brat.” He sneers and Griffin spits and holds his sword tightly in front of him drawing it back as he slides his foot into place the sword level with his eyes he sneers.
“A Griffin soars to it’s last breath on the same winds it was born to, a dragon lights even the darkest delves with the fires born in their hearts, I will back down for no one, I will bow to none but the Elder Council, I may not have been born to a dragon but I was raised as one.”
Griffin says and they lunge for each other a scream of steel heralding the beginning to the end.
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
Week 4 Loony Two Writing Challenge
Oberon was tired after another long day of archiving for the Institutes Library. He wasn’t naive he knew the majority of the other staff avoided him like the plague. His rather dower outlook on life made them think of him as a gnarled old dog growling at anyone who set foot in his junk yard. Then again being a veteran of a war tended to do that to you. They were all happy go lucky saps and was it any wonder their annoying naivety made him a bit aggravated? They talked about war from the spectator’s view. He’d lived it.  
Walking through the halls he passes the employee lounge and sighs as he hears whispers from some newbies about how scary he looks, and an slightly older staff member cautioning them to avoid him. Maybe old dog wasn’t the best metaphor, grumpy old dragon seems to be more accurate. He hears Ra chastise them saying Oberon wasn’t dangerous in the least, a bit grumpy and negative sure but he wasn’t the type of man to lash out for no reason. He peeks in an nods to Ra who was the only one to see him poke his head in.
“Heading out for the day, could you lot be sure I come in to a proper Library rather than a flaming mess of seven individuals looking for misplaced books tomorrow? That’d be grand.” He states flatly and sees a new hire he’s never seen sitting next to Ra filling out forms and the young man looks at him and then goes back to the forms not phased. Finally a newbie with brains. Ra shrugs and grins sheepishly.
“As long as I’m in I’ll be sure to see to it that everything’s in order, at least after walking the newest hire here through a tour and some training.” Ra says giving a faint smile at the largely negative man that nods gives an unimpressed look over the others and walks out. He only lives a few blocks away and is walking down the street absently watching the sky when he hears soft little mews and paused. 
Looking down he spots a box tucked by steps leading into an old candy shop and he waits hearing several more pitiful cries he moves closer and peeks into the box. There’s a litter of five kittens. There only a couple days old their eyes aren’t open. He sneers what sick asshole left these poor defenseless creatures out here alone? He grumbles and takes the box as he walks to his apartment grumbling the whole way about stupid careless human pricks. 
“Alright little guys, let’s get you warm and cleaned up then I’ll see about getting you to the vet and picking up some formula.” Oberon says softly he throws the box away and carefully washes the little kittens gentle and slow as he rubs them down after a warm wash off he doesn’t use any soap as he has none he trusts. He packs them into his side bag after carefully wrapping them together in his side bag. He walks out and is sure to keep his bag in front of him keeping one arm over the front of it protectively as he made his way to the bus stop to hop on and travel to his vet. Though he hadn’t seen them since his last cat Osiris had gotten hit by a car. That was right before he moved to his new apartment.
“Good day Oberon, I haven’t seen you since you came in with Osiris the last time. Have you gotten a new friend?” The assistant asks looking sad and Oberon shrugs. It still hurts to think about Osiris. He’d almost beat the man in the car but Ra who’d been searching for Osiris with him had held him back and they’d driven to the vet Oberon in near tears over seeing his little Mau in so much pain. Needless to say he’d gotten the man a hefty fine and Ra had backed him as a witness. 
“Friends actually. Some asshole left a litter of kittens in a box. I have the five little guys with me in my bag. I was hoping Marx could give them a look over and tell me what I’d need in order to keep them healthy.” Oberon asks the woman stands and comes around to peek into his bag and Oberon indulges her, opening it to reveal the five squirming kittens who are mewing pitifully. She coos at them and smiles at him. 
“I’ll go and see if he’s available, wait here a moment.” Ophelia was always so happy to help and Oberon was sure it was the only reason he liked her. That and she’d been equally enraged upon hearing what had happened to Osiris. She stepped out and went into the back only a couple minutes later and Marx peeked into the lobby smiling at him.
“Bring the five little ones on back you caught me on a slow day.” He says and Oberon sighs in relief. 
“Thank you both.” Oberon says and walks after Marx. Who chats a bit asking if Oberon’s still struggling with what happened. Oberon sighs. Being an old soldier has it’s perks he guessed.
“I used some of my therapist’s suggestions for my PTSD and so far I’ve handled alright. I miss him and it hurts that I don’t have him but I’m ok. These little guys though won’t handle without help.” Oberon says softly and Marx smiles at him and starts looking each of them over. He goes through and nods.
“They’re recently abandoned still relatively well fed, but you’re right they’re only a couple days old... Go get them formula and take care of them and they’ll be right as rain. You can purchase some here though given I know you I can write out the recipe I use to make my own.” Marx did so and Oberon bought some cans at the counter and wished Ophelia a good day as well as Marx and left going to a local pet shop he bought some new things as he’d been unable to keep Osiris’ things as it’d hurt too much to wake up and see the empty cat bed. 
“Ra, I’m going to be bringing in a group of five kittens every day with some supplies until they’re old enough I can leave them at home” Oberon has his phone tucked between his ear and shoulder as he talks with Ra who is still at the institute and must be with the newbie still, because he hears a soft comment about idiots and a snicker from Ra signaling the newbie must have insulted one of the other newbies. 
“Alright that’s fine by me, maybe it’ll brighten your mood enough the new hires will stop thinking you’re going to murder them.” Ra jokes and Oberon snorts as he feeds one smiling softly as it holds his hand suckling at the nipple furiously. 
“The eye patch probably doesn’t help matters. Honestly the brats could learn a thing or two if they’d have the sense to ask questions. Then again it’s human nature to be stupid I suppose.” Oberon says and Ra snorts and hums agreeing. 
“I’m going to shift Griffin’s training to you... He’s insulted every staff member but me at this point because I showed him the ropes and they’ve all tried pulling wool over his eyes and he isn’t taking kindly to it.” Ra laughs and Oberon chuckles. A mouthy one, unusual for Ra to hire but Ra had a habit of picking the fun ones. Oberon ends the call wishing Ra luck in wrangling the idiots and Ra huffed as he left the call grumbling about bothersome war heroes. 
The next couple of days he and Griffin bond over picking on the others and the bundle of kittens. Griffin has a similar less than friendly persona to Oberon’s. He dislikes most of the other staff except Ra who Griffin jokes with, but Oberon can tell he’s seen a bit. The young almost twenty something year old to Oberon’s own 35 years is intelligent but seems to like his space. He’d dote of the kittens when Oberon was busy and they needed to be fed. 
Yet he would sooner give a short snarky reply when one of the other new hires or older hires hit on him. He was one of Ra’s favorites though and had a knack for older antiques they’d gotten and either had to store or needed to catalog and or authenticate. He learns the kid was Dr.Aegel’s kid and suddenly it makes sense why Griffin is as snarky and reserved as he is. 
Oberon keeps the kitten’s with him until they’re finally eating solid food and he’s reluctant to stop bringing them but they’ve started too get too rambunctious for his bag. He works from home for a week to see how they’d handle and hates leaving them as he heads into work. Griffin’s sad not to see or hear the kittens but he’s working with Oberon to get a section reorganized and several staff walk by talking about Oberon’s dreary demeanor and how it must have finally gotten him rightfully fired as they hadn’t seen him for a week. Griffin looks at him and smiles evilly and Oberon grins. They stay quite listening to the rather rude gossip and then sneak around staying in ear shot and appear at the doors to the area looking at the group who notice them and freeze. Oberon’s restocking books onto the cart he looks up at them and raises a brow. 
“Don’t you lot have something to do?” He asks and Griffin is leaning in the door watching them with a flat look as he looks at Oberon.
“Shall I ask Ra about what other sectors we need to re-organize?” He asks and the group quickly walk away.
“Oh, how are the kittens by the way?” Griffin’s grinning though Oberon can see it the group can’t and their faces are worth how much he wants to report them to HR. He smirks happily as he turns back to his work.
“Go do that, and they’re doing great. They’re all healthy and I’ll be able to adopt them out soon. You want one?” 
0 notes
griffinsandpeacocks · 5 years
Loony Two Writing Challenge Week 3
Griffin was remarkably relaxed as he took the exam into the university. He was minor concerned but rather than sweat he just took a deep breath and did it. He is waiting for the results and is glowering as the twins pick on him having come to visit their soon to be freshman adopted brother. He jokes back but it’s halfhearted. He really wants to prove he could step with the big boys and was more than just a money sign to the University. He wanted to excel in his field and prove his theories weren’t just fantasy. When Griffin received the news he passed and was accepted he went to a bar with his brothers. He starts flirting with an albino he thought looked nice. Eventually the night finds him at the man’s place and a couple flirts later in bed. Waking up Griffin panics carefully he gets out of bed and slips out and walks to a bus stop to go home. He hears his parents ripping into the twins and cringed.
“I’m okay... I saw Able at the bar and stayed with him!” Griffin calls and four faces peek out into the entry smiling.
“Griffin! You startled us! We were so worried! You should have called.” His adoptive mother Aris scolds lightly walking up to give him a tight hug. Smiling sheepishly Griffin chuckles now nervous. He pats his pocket and froze. Shit.
“I... Uh... Have no idea where it is...?” Griffin replies weakly. Morgan his adoptive father waves his phone a bit smirking as he looks over.
“Good news then, one of your soon to be professors found it out on the street. Says he’ll meet you at the University in his class. Why don’t you go meet him he’ll be there soon and I’m sure that hang over you must be nursing could use some fresh air. These two can even drive you there.” He says looking at his twins with a critical look Griffin swears is genetically imprinted into the Lunari family. Griffin feels as stiff as a board. His soon to be what? The twins groan and trudge after Griffin.
“Oh and boys don’t go to any bars tonight please. We’ll need you back here for that dinner party.” Aris calls and all three call back that they’ll be good boys. Griffin is now panicking and stares at the two.
“Please don’t say anything. I’ll be skinned alive.” He wheezes and the two look over with winces as they’d put it all together too. They pat his back and nod and drive up to the University and show Griffin to the classroom, Griffin’s so happy his meeting with the Dean is in an hour so he’ll have an excuse to run away.
“Professor Oberon! We’re just dropping off Griffin, Father said you found his phone! Alright we can leave to get to our classes right, little brother? You can get to the Dean’s office to sign off on everything from here?” Lexius asks and Magnus nods looking at Griffin both wanting to run away from the awkward situation. Griffin nods looking up at the Professor wanting to melt into the floor. Thankfully the professor looks equally uncomfortable. Both straighten up Griffin schooling his features thanks to the time he’d spent at the orphanage and Prof. Oberon due to being the physiology expert he was.
“We should take this to my office you’re phone’s in my desk.” He says and Griffin reluctantly follows him content to ignore everything. If he acts like nothing happened nothing happened.
“So needless to say if words gets out both of us will face a lot of issues.” Professor Oberon says looking at Griffin wearily. Griffin snorts like he didn’t know. He looks at the man and shakes his head.
“I like where I’m at. I’m not ruining your life because I want attention. My family would disown me. I’d lose everything I’ve worked hard for.” Griffin states and the man snorts and arcs a brow.
“You’re family to the Lunari twins. How hard could you have worked?” Oberon asks and Griffin grits his teeth and holds his hand out.
“Why don’t you put your profession to use asshole and some minor observation skills. Can I have my phone now?” Griffin is shaking slightly and Oberon sees he may have hit a nerve. Though Griffin made a point the Lunari had tans atop having blond hair, with blue eyes. Griffin was almost as pale as he was and had amber gold eyes with black hair. His defensiveness put a lot into question. Oberon pulled out the phone and hands it over. Griffin turns and walks out.
It’s several hours later and Griffin is waiting for the twins out front feeling drained. If he wants to take over his family business he needs to not only pursue his interests but several classes that revolve around business as well as the meetings he’s in with Morgan constantly to practice. He sighs wanting to smoke but refraining until he can hide out in the manor’s back yard. A group of Jocks is walking by and spot him. He sighs and looks up at them as they circle him.
“So what’s up loner?” One asks and Griffin straightens up no longer leaning on the short wall he looks at them all and sighs on the inside. Why did he have to attract all kinds of trouble?
“Waiting for my brothers to pop up. Then we’ll head home for the dinner party We’re almost running late for. Can I help you guys?” Griffin asks and the group goes to say something but Just then the two waltz up grinning.
“Hello our glorious team! Unless you want the coach to boot your asses off the team be dears and leave our little brother alone, okay?” Magnus and Lexius say sweetly looking at the group with vindictive glee showing in their eyes. The team backs off and Griffin walks with them and at home they all dress up Griffin wants to sink into his chair at seeing Professor Oberon was one of the guests.
“So Griffin how’s it all going?” Aris asks and Griffin smiles though it’s forced.
“It could be going much worse. I have my schedule and I’m going to have virtually no free time anymore but I did chose to go for the business major next to my system engineering. So... My own fault.” Griffin jokes and there’s nods around the table and laughs and Griffin feels worry as Oberon is paying him a lot of attention. It’s a nice dinner and after during the little mingling session Oberon moves closer to him and Griffin gets agitated.
“So you’re the Aegel Heir.” Oberon says and Griffin sighs.
“Yeah. Now could you just leave me alone it’d be best for both of us because if I screw up I loose everything. I have to be competent in what I do or I don’t get my family business back and the board of chairmen can lock me out. This kind of scandal screws both of us. Nothing happened just pretend like it wasn’t a thing please.” Griffin says quietly and Oberon nods feeling rather disappointed as it would have been nice if not for the fact like Griffin said both of them could face major fall out from their night leaking into the press. He’d loose his job and Griffin would loose his family business.
“I am sorry about my comment earlier. Have a good night.” They part ways and Griffin doesn’t drink feeling tense through the night he’s just wanting to get everything squared away so he can go to bed. He doesn’t want to make any more stupid mistakes.
Waking up the next day he sighs and gets ready and goes to campus to start in on his courses. He paused to look at the old family photo from when his last name was still Aegel. He sighs and looks down he can’t have this get blown out of proportion. He can’t loose everything when he’s spent so long trying to make sure he didn’t disappoint his father and mother. He’d just have to tip toe around until he graduates and has his family business in his hands. Where it belongs. He just has to keep calm and not slip up till then, and hopefully Oberon won’t either. He considers moving Universities. He’s just nervous, he can’t say he didn’t like the man. Just that he had to keep his distance... When his family kept a close connection to the man.
These next couple of years were going to feel like forever.
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