#decendants hades
theborgchives · 6 months
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wierd guys the lot of them
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kind-hufflepuff · 5 months
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persephoneflowerpetals · 10 months
Can someone please explain to me how Disney’s Descendants had Hades (before he was revealed to be Mal’s father) going from looking like this in the cartoon shorts:
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Extremely accurate to his original design. No fire hair since I guess he’s supposed to look more “normal and human-like” but at least the hair style suits him. Looks like a slicked back, sleazy business man hairdo lol.
To frickin this?:
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Looks NOTHING like his original design (not even with the hair) and hardly acts like the original Hades (he acts and dresses like a washed up rock star rather than a sleazy, bitter used car salesman, I could tell they tried to make up for it with him being all sarcastic and sassy, but it didn’t have the same effect the original Hades had).
So bizarre to me lmao. I mean, I know the original Hades is hard to replicate since his facial structure borderlines inhuman, but c’mon. I’ve seen the live actors at Disneyworld and Disneyland and I’ve seen cosplayers that do a better Hades than this. I know this is basically a big ol “modern fairytale au” of the Disney universe so everyone looks fairly human, but I mean, if you can’t look like Hades then at least ACT like Hades, y’know?
But then again, I’m not surprised because a lot of the original villains in the Descendants series were ooc. Like Cruella was no longer this snobbish woman who loves all things fashion. She was basically insane. Talking to a fake dog plushie and acting crazy while also having a huge fear/hatred of dogs. Maleficent was no longer the mistress of all evil, very regal and refined, and scared you out of your wits with one look from her. She was turned into this silly, quirky Broadway singing villainess that was obsessed with power. So…yeah, as I said, doesn’t surprise me that Hades’ personality changed in the movie series. But still as a Hades simp, I would’ve really liked to see Hades portrayed accurately.
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itsawritblr · 1 year
I found out who Gabriel really is!!
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kebriones · 1 year
Did you stage "mourning for hector of troy" evenings with your siblings or were you normal.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Badun Detective Agency Detective Profile (Hadie Olympian):
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Name: Hayden ‘Hadie’ Prometheus Olympian of the Underworld.
DOB: March 20th, 8 years after Mal.
Status: Living.
Last Known Address: Hades’ cave.
Previous Address: N/A.
Country of Origin: Isle of the Lost.
Race: Caucasian. 
Gender: Male.
Dental:? (Profiler does not know what dental is and thus cannot answer the question).
Height: 3’6 (106.68000000000002 cm).
Weight: 50.5 lb. (22.9 kg).
Hair color: Electric Blue.
Eye color: Sky blue.
Languages: Greek, Latin, and English.
Title: Prince of the Underworld, Prince of the Underground, Protégé,and Junior Detective.
Identifiable markings: Freckles and a dog bite scar on the left ankle.
Family: Unknown (Mother)(Unknown),
Hades Olympian (Father)(Living), 
Mal Fae (Sister)(Living),
Cerberus Olmpian (Pet dog)(Living),
And Mystery Noir (Pet turtle)(Living).
Education: Elementary School (Ongoing).
Employment: None.
Badun Detective Agency Employment: Junior Detective and Protégé.
Skills/abilities: Sensitivity to Death, phobikinesis, mediumship, breaking and entering, stealth, limited pyrokinesis, etc.
Hadie Olympian of the Underworld.
—Agent is ONLY a junior detective and protégé, and is thus not permitted access to active crime scenes and investigations. 
—Agent is permitted to share information given to him by the deceased if any however.
—Agent is reckless and disobedient but his heart is in the right place.
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ixmxgod · 1 year
LIKE or REBLOG for a starter from HADES
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imagine an artist!MC drawing the kings kissing each other (maybe even involving the angels too is MC is feeling a little unhinged and trolling with the shippers)
I think Satan and Levi would ban MC from drawing 💀
Artist Mc drawing the kings kissing
Satan is surprised by your talent, and depending on the ship he might even like it. He'll be very amused if you shipped him with Mammon and he'll make the ship art matching pfps with Mammon. A lot of devils already shipped the two, so he'll play into it.
Mammon is a lot more open to the idea. He adores your art and he might even ask you for a few commisions. He loves you, wierd insensitive ships and all. He totally does the matching pfps with Satan since he finds it hilarious. He's the most encouraging one of them all. He follows your art blog and leaves comments like "Bought a gallery for you to hang your art on, master <3"
Leviathan hangs you. Even if you're in another country, you're not safe from Leviathan's wrath, he drags you to Hades and hangs you while interogating you about your drawings. No more internet access for you.
Beelzebub is so happy. He might ask you if you're in need of a model cause he's flexible like that. He probably sends it to Bael with no context and then blocks his number again. He knows you're trolling so he doesn't feel threatened or offended by anything you draw.
Lucifer just glares at the screen. Each time he interacts with you he wonders why he's wasting his time pursuing you. Are you trully the decendent of Solomon, the key to ending the war? Because it sure as hell doesn't feel like it. He'll be like a disappointed father, he just nods dismisingly and sighs.
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supercap2319 · 7 months
I was going through all your work (which I love btw) but I was thinking about Baby Bart, but then I was like, who doesn't have a kid?!?!? Ans then I was like BEN (from decendents)!!! But I don't know if you still write for him but if you do?
How would Ben and Y/N be as dads to their child?
Ben and Y/N smiled as they watched baby Charmant, or Charm for short snooze in his carrier outside the walls of Auradon City in a small park. The sun was warm on their skin and their son was wrapped up in a blue and gold blanket, with a black red beanie that said 'Hades was here.'
"He's beautiful." Y/N smiled.
"You're beautiful." Ben mirrored his smile.
Y/N blushed and looked at the blades of grass. "So... Ben?"
"Yes, dear?"
"My dads want to meet Charm. Is that okay?"
"Of course it's okay. We can go tomorrow if you'd like? After I get done with my meeting with Arthur's son, Artie."
"Sounds like a plan."
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chelablackcat · 1 month
so I met eris I fucking love her. Her voice actress is so bright and cute! Unexpected!
I got to chronos! I beat Scylla first and second try! Woo!
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She is soooo funny! She literally sings a song that different and the lyrics ARE I'm gonna claw out your eyes and drown you to death!
I pacified cereberus! The goodest boooooyyyy!!!
Chronos killed me but I got his life down to a third! Wouldn't be surprised if he has extra life bars like Hades did. RIP to a great build. Selenes boon that gave me indestructible for a while did a NUMBER on him!
Went up top and got killed by polyphemus. :/ sick setup with the city tho! Like in Hades when you had to find the bag of guts for cereberus. You gotta take down the enchanted by freeing pillars of trapped shades. Free then first because they decend on the enemies.
FRINOS MY LOVE MY SWEET BOY MY BEST FRIEND I gave him the thing and now he's my familiar and he follows me on my runs.
DORA! I freaking love Dora! She's sooo funny! More love blogging in the coming hours, days, weeks as my special interest continues.
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theborgchives · 3 months
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Based off that one iamge im sorry
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Decendants where they go full Ever After High.
And Audery is to become the next sleeping beauty.
Slight problem because all the villains are locked up on the Isles.
And thus no Maleficent to curse baby Audery and set off her story.
Soo the Auradonians have the great idea of sending someone to the Isle to kidnapp the next Maleficent.
Somehow this succeeds and Mal, who we'll say is several years older than Audery is now in Auradon.
And thus now has powers.
And well getting any child to do what you want them doo is already a task and a half.
Getting a scared, angry fairy child is even more difficult.
What happens is instead of cursing baby Audrey, Mal just straight up kidnaps her and takes her home with her.
Maleficent finds this hilarious and upon seeing Mal's dragon has already claimed the girl as family.
She allows Audrey to stay but tells Mal once Audrey is no longer a baby, she will be Mal's responsibility.
Which Mal takes very seriously.
Later personally threathing any and all villian on the isles.
That Audrey is her baby sister and under her and her mother's protection.
So no one really wants to fuck with baby Audrey.
No one from Auradon goes to get Audery back.
They assume she's either dead.
Or just straight up don't want to waste their magic doing the whole thing again.
Audrey's mum is devastated.
Everyone just defends it as "well she's been taken by some kind of fairy... Dragon? Soo."
Because if EAH tells us anything the heroes are generally worse than the villains.
Mal: Your a dad again.
Hades: jumps both from that and cos Mal just appeared out of nowhere What?!
Mal: points to baby Audrey giggling in her wagon my first theft.
Hades:..You stole a baby?
Mal: Sleeping Beautys baby, they wanted me to curse her I said no. She's family now.
Hades: processes this... Sure why not, lemme meet the lil bugger.
That and Maleficent like yeah sure but I don't care this baby... Too excuse me where's my other child?!
Because her dragon also sees this child as family so might as well embrace it.
Also baby Audrey even in her teenyness somehow manages to piss off Uma when they first cross paths.
Mal: teary eyed despite also being a small child they grow up so fast.
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I've been a bit busy this last few weeks and I just discovered, toy absolute shock, I overlooked The Villain's Lair on YouTube by PattyCake Productions. I have no idea why (or maybe I do but won't tell 🥺), but the song from "That's All" is my favorite so far and I thought of this idea while hitting replay - replay - replay - replay:
This is Great 7 AU + Ambiguous Villain Resurrection Plan + A Yuu that's not above seeing them as family, but isn't afraid to call out BS (but can be gullible).
Basically, the idea that came from this song is sorta coinciding with a Yuu that is known to have visions / hear things, and the other students just see it as a reason why the mirror chose them. They think they're a medium, but definitely it's much less that.
You can insert what you like the Great 7 to be here but I'm also taking a bit of "everybody knows somebody that owes Ursula something" and "Ursula deserves a power creep because she's kinda a demi-god". Basically: Maleficent would physically have no wings if she returned because of Ursula's assistance with the potency of the sleeping spell, The Evil Queen owes her because her original demise was stopped by Ursula seeing use in her, etc cetera. Scar and Jafar like: nah, no thanks.
Definitely, working together can lead to an alliance of sorts, but no matter what beginning the Yuu has with them, they all do still have that underlying animosity and, well, fear. Hades, Maleficent, and Ursula would be big threats to the others if they did succeed, and this world is also not the same as it used to be: Malleus and Crowley definitely hold a threat, Grim is very clearly an unknown variable only probably the powerful know how to use (I can see Hades going: "oh that guy... what? no, i didn't say anything at all..."), and of course the current magic state of things.
I can see The Evil Queen definitely getting easily agitated, and probably Jafar or Scar as well, that maybe resurrection will be more trouble them it's worth if the debts and power creep are so evident. This can lead to a meeting of Evil Queen and Maleficent in the chambers of Yuu's mind palace (Persona 5 YOINK) about why the queen is not as helpful anymore with driving Yuu to research. She had been go ready to be free, she forgot who else she'd free too (and if your Gunhildr likes Yuu: who she'd be potentially hurting/worse in the process of somehow resurrecting them).
All of this to say... They duet in Yuu's head and Yuu can faintly hear the emotional bouts of it (because it's their head, and even with the other's blocking themselves, they're emotional singing loudly), and tap their foot to the beat. A bit of mumbling of words they don't process as they study.
Ace, confused: "What song is that? Sounds like a cat fight from a musical."
Yuu: "Oh? Uh... I don't know. It just came to me. But I don't understand it."
Ace: "Ghost music?"
Yuu, keeping the Great 7 a secret: "Ghost music."
No no dude u don't understand I would listen to Pattycake to write the seven. Like it fits them so well.
And I always imagine them singing these songs to yuu whenever they ask about their past and they make themselves to be the better person and manipulate Yuu to their will before they end up loving them.
They make being bad look super good and stuff and encourage Yuu to be evil like them. Listen to Evil Like Me from Decendants and imagine Maleficent herself singing that Yuu idk I love the concept so much bro
Though my great 7 is more fluffy I do debating writing a toxic 7 with Yuu as they all work together manipulate and use them. Maybe once I finish my regular fic idk.
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castieelsblog · 4 months
Hello! So I'm in the PJO Fandom (have been for a couple of years) and I wanna talk about some of the characters that get hate or aren't understood. Starting with Bianca Di Angelo. There ARE spoilers to HoO and TOA, proceed with caution.
Bianca and Nico grew up in WWII era Italy and were brought to DC when Bianca was...10?? I think?? Whatever that's not the point, when they were brought to DC with their mom, Zeus had tried to kill them (because hades, Zeus, and poseidon kids were too powerful and Bianca was a hades kid) but he only killed their mom because hades had a barrier around the two kids. Fast forward to when we meet them, Bianca is 12 and Nico is either 9 or 10 (can't remember but that's not the point) and Bianca leaves Nico to join the hunters of Artemis. On the surface level, you might think that's a pretty shitty thing to do but let me put this into perspective for you: their dad is a God, meaning he can't associate with his kids directly and their mother died. Bianca had to become the sole caretaker to a hyperactive 9 or 10 year old boy for 70+ years. The ONLY reason she left was because she KNEW Nico would be safe at CHB (or as safe as you could be) she wanted to do something for HERSELF for once. It's not her being a bad sister, it's her wanting to finally do something for HERSELF. As an older sibling, I can understand her more than anything.
Next, Reyna. She grew up in Puerto Rico with her older sister and father, she was the first person in her family to be a decendant of Bellona, but her father became manic and she killed him. In doing so, all of her ancestors had gathered and called her a murderer-punishable by death at camp Jupiter. She and her sister fled Puerto Rico. Fast forward to current times, she's 16 years old and a commander of camp Jupiter. She's the one that brought peace between the Greek and Roman demigod camps. 16 and a commander. Why is she disliked so much? I think she's a badass person who shouldn't be treated like filth-from ANYONE, fictional or not. She's been through so much and yet you don't like her? Grow up.
Next is...well Jason AND Thalia Grace. Thalia and Jason were born a couple years apart (I not sure how many) to the Greek and Roman forms of Zeus. Their mother was a beloved actress who turned to the bottle because Zeus wouldn't notice her anymore. Jason was kidnapped by Hera when he was 2 and brought to Lupa. Thalia ran away from home. Fast forward to current time, she finally finds her brother again, but his memories are...well, they aren't in tact. Thalia is a hunter of Artemis and Jason is a child soilder. Thalia is forever 15 and Jason just turned 16 while on a quest to defeat Gaia. In which he nearly died. He hadn't seen his sister in YEARS and he couldn't even remember her because Hera had wiped his memories, can you imagine how they both felt? Thalia was so relieved to see him alive and he didn't even remember her face. They're both so complex and I WISH we saw them together more...instead Thalia will never see her brother again because he's dead.
Next, funshine bear personified: Will Solace. Okay, where to start with him...his mother traveled all over as a country singer bringing him along. When he was 9, monsters disguised as pigeons attacked him. He was brought to camp half blood, claimed by Apollo and then...well..hell broke loose. In the first war, he lost so many of his siblings it-hurts. The ONLY reason he's head of the Apollo cabin, is because the one before him died. He was only about maybe 11 or 12 when he was leading the main healing legion in the war with Kronos. He's lost so many people in his life, yet when people think of him they only think about him being Nico's boyfriend.
There's so much more and I could do a whole essay on this. ESPECIALLY Bianca and Rachel, but for now: please read their backstories before you say someone is selfish.
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ask-catalyst · 2 months
Chapter 5 Headcannons: Midas edition
-Midas has been in the underworld since his death during the Island Flip. In this AU, that is almost three years!
-Midas has also learned how to control the Golden Touch. So the gloves are no longer necessary. He's quite happy with this.
-Midas is not the same King Midas from myth, but a decendant. He has a lot of Greek heritage but also European, from somewhere around the UK.
-that's why he's British.
-Montague is Midas's half-brother.
-has not reunited with Catalyst yet, but is actively looking for her and their daughter.
-the crown he now wears is actually one of Hades, he decided to take it as a trophy of his escape from the Underworld.
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