#lord Remington fic
myfairstarlight · 4 months
An Ode to Friends to Lovers - Colin and Penelope's story
Fine, I give in.
As someone who considers themself more of a casual viewer (as in, I've never engaged in the fandom before), I went into this new season with mild interest. And then I fell down the rabbit hole. I should have suspected it though, Friends to Lovers is a trope I affectionate particularly when it comes to romance, unfortunately one I very rarely think is done well. So I was still skeptical going in.
But by God, did they deliver on that front and I need to break it down and talk about it. So I guess this is my review of Bridgerton s3, part 1.
Under the cut though, because this is gonna be a long one (seriously, this is a warning).
I don't particularly think Bridgerton is a complex show, and one can argue all day about whether it is even good (in my eyes, as long as it's entertaining, I don't care if a show is "good"), however, the number of takes I've seen online not understanding basic story-telling worries me a bit.
Don't get me wrong, I agree this first half has pacing issues but I do not think Penelope's and Colin's love story suffered that much, it did not feel rushed to me since we already knew these characters for two whole seasons (and I maintain Colin has always had more depths than what people pretend he does, it seems like, just like the ton, viewers like to overlook him and just characterise him as naive).
And I guess this long ass post was born in the process. So:
Part One: Penelope's glow up
Yes I'm starting by looking at them individually first. I think this post on reddit sums it up so perfectly. I get we're all joking about how unrealistic it is that no man was ever interested in Penelope despite how she looks like an absolute goddess (and I maintain she was the cutest in both previous seasons as well!) - unfortunately it is realistic. That's the reality of bullying, it doesn't get solved by a glow up. Even her association with the Bridgertons through Eloise and Colin did not lessen the bullying, so without them? Even the prettiest dresses would not have changed the ton's perception of her, and she's still the awkward, anxious girl she's always been, and unfortunately, most of these men are not attracted to that. It's not satisfying, she doesn't get her triumphant revenge on a society that always ostracised her - and I think it's important that she does not. That she accepts it. She should not have to change for a ton that will not change for the better either. And it's a lesson she learns quickly - someone will love her for who she is, pretending will only lead to misery. And, it is when she's being herself that she successfully gets the interest of some gentlemen (shout out to Lord Remington! I was so hoping we would be seeing more of him on top of Debling. He's such a Whistledown fan I thought that even after the whole lesson reveal scandal he would have stuck to call on Penelope the next day to gossip together, it would have been cute but I guess he too wanted to avoid being written about) (also I'm just saying in fics he should be the one considered as a proper other suitor for Pen since they seemed to have a genuine connection, meanwhile Debling was really searching for practicality).
The thing I wanna add to that post is this: despite all that, she decided to change her looks for herself. When I first learned of the plot of this season, Colin helping her find a husband, I was scared it would mean Colin would be the one to tell her to have a makeover. It doesn't happen. Sure, Penelope subconsciously requests for a more Parisian style for her new dresses because it is the last place Colin went to, but by that point she has already given up on him. She wants something new, and to feel good in herself. That's how she blooms, by finding a style that she feels comfortable in, finally free from her mother's horrendous tastes. That's what allows her to be more confident as well, the new looks and her motivation to move on from her "unrequited fantasy". As for Colin? He never comments on her change, he compliments her dress (and mind you, that is when he's trying to play up the charm because he knows she's upset with him and he gets humbled, hard) but he never says it looks better on her than what she wore before, he never has a "I never realised how beautiful you were" moment we see a bit too often in friends to lovers stories, because to him she's still his Pen, new dresses, new hairstyles, but the same Pen he's always loved, even if he didn't realise to what extent yet.
But Penelope's confidence... is not quite there yet. Difficult to be, when she's grown up in a loveless home, with horrible sisters, a father who barely cared and a mother who constantly puts her down. Whenever she gets a compliment, her first reaction is "ah, it must be a joke" - that isn't even exclusive to Colin, in the brief interaction between Edwina and Penelope, when Edwina compliments her dress, Penelope also dismisses it. And then, there's Colin, who is always oh so honest with her and does not shy away from praising her. But I'll touch more on that later.
Part Two: Colin's new self.
And then we have the opposite: Colin showing up with a new attitude, and succeeding at it (well, on the surface). Something I haven't seen people bring up a lot though is that he's already tried a new look in s2, and he got mocked for it. The only one who didn't? Penelope. Why didn't he try to emulate being a rake back then? Because Penelope's letters grounded him, he admits it himself. It's seeing himself through Penelope's letters that gave him confidence. But that kind of confidence was not enough in the ton's eyes, and on top of that, between s2 and s3, this time Penelope doesn't write back, and neither do his family. He grows insecure, he's lost the one person who kept him grounded, he thinks his family is annoyed with him, and he still is in search of a purpose, so what does he do? He clings to Anthony's words in s1 after the disaster that was his engagement with Marina: he's too green, time to "fix" that and be more like his big brothers. They got it together, they know their purpose (well, Benedict lost his again but that's a story for another day), so surely, if he acts more like them, and not like the sensitive and naive boy he was, then surely everything will be alright! Right? Note that as opposed to s2, where he kept talking about his travels and it annoyed everyone, in s3 he doesn't go into details about them anymore, even when he's asked. They're only interested in the company he kept during the travels rather than the sights he saw. And honestly, it was heartbreaking to see right away how much of himself he was holding back, even with his own family. Penelope, however, gets the details without even asking because he already knows she likes hearing him talk about them and she makes him comfortable, and he's fully aware of that when he apologises in s3e1.
(I also want to note that, even if this new persona is fake, his new style genuinely fits him better. Just like Penelope, this season Colin found the style that makes him feel good and confident.)
And here's where I need to praise Luke's acting for a bit, because he absolutely nailed the subtle way Colin behaves differently with Penelope vs everyone else. His voice is softer, he is effortlessly charming (I was kicking my feet when he recalled how they met), his smile is bigger, even his whole face looks more relaxed whenever Penelope is around, meanwhile he always appears stiff and like he's calculating his every move when around his "friends". In fact, it is in the carriage scene we finally truly see s1&2's Colin back. When he has that look on his face, as he decides right there and then he's gonna marry her, and then a second later when he asks the question, his face. By God, his eyes are sparkling, he's so happy, and he looks as youthful and carefree as he did in previous seasons, far are the thoughts of trying to fit in a society that he hates.
Because above all, these two know and understand each other in a way no one else in their lives does. And that is a fact that remains despite the outward changes. So yes, I liked that their dynamic did not shift to romance because of their "glow ups", but because they are spending even more time together now. Speaking of which:
Part Three: Authenticity and Vulnerability
One big theme this season is being true to oneself. It's no coincidence mirrors are such a big part of it (even outside of the yet to be seen spicy scene), because looking at a mirror means looking at oneself, and be vulnerable. If s2 was about duty vs heart, eldest siblings trying to do right by their family to the point of self-sabotage, s3 is a battle between the head and the heart. It is not even exclusive to Polin - Eloise is learning and growing by trying to take genuine part in society but struggling to fit in. Cressida wants to become a better person, torn between the pressure put on her shoulders by her parents and this new friendship with Eloise. Benedict is looking for his purpose after learning Anthony paid his way to art school, and feeling like a fraud as an artist. Anthony and Kate are unashamedly in love, as they deserve to be after the struggles they went through last season. Francesca has no care for the suitors the Queen and her mother parade in front of her as the "sparkler" of the season (sidenote but I hated that, stupid name, should have stuck to diamond or select another gem) as her heart seeks out the handsome and quiet John Sterling instead. And this will continue in part 2, as Penelope will have to be honest about Lady Whistledown (because she's always her most authentic self around Colin, there is still this big secret she is so determined to keep to herself, when she should not).
The beauty about friends to lovers stories to me is the small declarations of love sprinkled throughout the relationship. It's about the trust already built in with no expectations and the vulnerability we'd never allow anyone but our closest friends to see, something even our family can be ignorant to. I mentioned earlier that Colin never shies away from praising Penelope, way before their dynamic shifts to lovers. He tells her she's good, constant, loyal, special, warm. All of these are declarations of love, even if not with romantic intent, it's about showing his appreciation for her, for the role she holds in his life. And Penelope responds in kind as well. That is why I believe people who think the romance was rushed in s3 either did not watch the past two seasons or see friendship and romantic love as two distinct things rather than a cohesive continuation of each other. In s1, people focus so much on the Marina stuff, as if that cancels out Colin's friendship with Penelope. We still do see Colin actively seek out Penelope at balls, and defending her against Cressida, he compliments her and tells her she's the one who inspired him to travel. Then s2 rolls in, and they're exchanging letters, which will become the cataclysm for their dynamic changing later on. And then there's one of my favourite scenes with them: them talking about their purpose. They both open up here, Colin about his insecurity, Penelope about her dream, it is so intimate. And then, there's of course Colin protecting the Featheringtons from ruins. I'm mostly emphasising Colin's actions, because Penelope's crush on him was always in your face, and while Colin may not have realised it yet, he's always cared about Penelope in a special way, as manifested by his actions and how vulnerable he allows himself to be around her, when even his own family has no idea about what's going on inside his head.
There's a misconception that Colin calling her his friend was him rejecting her, and yet we see in s3 he had no idea whatsoever that she has a crush on him, so he could not lead her on (unlike his book counterpart, who was aware of Penelope's infatuation and was careful never to toe the line until he realised his feelings. Show Colin though? Completely oblivious. And it makes sense, he's still young.) He asks Violet "how do you know it was reciprocated" and not "how do you know you're in love with your best friend". As of right now at the end of part 1, he genuinely thinks he's the one who fell in love first, or at least realised it first. His "You're Pen, you do not count, you're my friend" in s2, was not a rejection in his eyes, but a declaration of love; he's forsaken love and women but not his Penelope, never her, she's his exception And it's not like Penelope resented him for that friendship he so readily gave her, yes she had a crush, but she was proud to call him her friend! He was, with Eloise, her solace away from her family. At the end of the day, this is a friends to lovers story, it is silly to get upset that they considered themselves friends first before there is a click as they realise they are now on the same page to shift their relationship.
Side note but I've never liked the term "friendzoned" because it makes it sound like being friends is a bad thing. I've had unrequited feelings before but I've always felt grateful that being friends with them allowed me to stay close to them even if I knew nothing else could happen. I was still very much happy and content. But maybe I'm projecting on Penelope and that's another debate.
See, what I ended up loving about the lesson plot, which I was so wary of at first, is that Colin barely teaches Penelope anything. At first, he goes for the "do what society expects women to do" (since it worked for him) but then she acts awkwardly, she can't fake it, and it surprises him for a moment. That's when it clicks for him, she just needs to be comfortable because with him, she's always smart, witty and charming, she's herself. He's always seen her that way, and he did not quite realise he had that privilege in the first place. And I love how we see him slowly realise it is no longer a privilege thanks to his help. We see it in e2. When she talks to the guy with the dead horse (forgot his name, oops), Penelope forces the flirt and Colin is amused by it. Fast forward Penelope approaching Lord Remington by herself, without Colin's initiative, and she's being more authentic, and suddenly Jealous by Nick Jonas plays in the background and Colin doesn't look proud, but apprehensive, or dare I say jealous. The shift in Colin's head happens long before Debling is in the picture. I'd argue it already shifted earlier in that episode, in his study, which he flashbacks to in e4.
His journals detail how unfulfilled he feels when he lays with random women in his travels. He longs for emotional intimacy. And guess with who he finally finds that, when a certain red-head asks the one question that allows them to break the physical barrier they had to keep between them for the sake of propriety?
Ah yes, that first kiss. To Colin, everything has been building up to this, this is his true Oh moment. A favour turned into a revelation. For Penelope, this is quite literally the end of her fantasies. This is Penelope's most vulnerable moment. She bares her heart, she's sad, she's desperate. And some people have been calling that moment pathetic, interpreting it as her being weak and giving in to her crush again, saying that she should not have to beg for that man's affection. I concur that she is brave, and bold. I also concur that some of you all are a bit too attached to the girlboss archetype forgetting that allowing oneself to be vulnerable is also a strength. She's never had to beg for Colin's attention anyway because he readily gives it to her, but in this one instance, for once in her life, she is truly being honest. In her head, she has nothing else to lose, and she wants to experience the one thing she thinks she can never have so of course she's gonna turn to the one person she's always trusted and feels the most comfortable with, because before her crush, Colin is her friend. She's asking a favour from a friend. And then she can move on, whatever "moving on" will turn out to be. In this instance, she has the power in her hands.
And it is her bravery that is the true cataclysm for things to change properly. Of course, things have already started to change the moment she stopped replying to the letters, but that moment really expedited their relationship.
Part Four: Lovers, but in a best friends way
The thing with Bridgerton, in the books or in the show, is that each couple has their trope. This is not news to anyone, I think. We've had fake dating, and enemies to lovers, and one characteristic that these two tropes share is a growing tension between the characters before it snaps. There is a reason the early marketing for s3 focused on Penelope being cold towards Colin, tension and conflict are more appealing on the surface. And then the first half of the season comes out and that conflict between our main couple? Solved after one episode because they did one thing that is severely missing in most romance dramas: communicated healthily. Penelope laid out why she was upset (although she does not stay to let Colin explain and then vents out her feelings in Whistledown... she still has some learning to do), Colin immediately went to apologise and make up for it. All of this by talking. And yet I'd argue friends to lovers still has its own tension, just not to the same intensity as the other two, and more difficult to market. The tension comes from the brewing feelings, the way you start seeing every touch, every interaction, in a whole new light, and wondering if it's only in your head or if it's reciprocated. But now combine that with Colin who's always been so earnest about his feelings with Penelope? And Penelope who's always quietly wanted their relationship to evolve that way? Of course they figured it out quickly and got together in half a season. And I'm delighted that we will see them handle the whole Whistledown mess as a couple, as two people aware they love each other deeply, which gives a whole new meaning to the conflict compared to the book where I felt like it was brushed over a bit too quickly (because they got distracted in that carriage). It is the last secret between them, their last obstacle.
I also do not like the "Colin should have grovelled and pined more" argument, when he is the one who insisted on the lessons to help her find a husband in the first place, and then has to face the fact that actually, he doesn't like the idea of another man taking Penelope away, and oh, isn't that the consequences of his own actions? He is grovelling, you just don't see Penelope holding it over his head, because that's not the person she is, this is not a revenge fantasy story, in fact she does not realise the power she has on him because she is used to Colin seeking her out. I like that he didn't stew on his feelings and decided to act on them right away. I also don't like how this whole grovelling thing makes it sound like love is a competition, that just because Penelope has known she's been in love for longer and "suffered" longer, that means Colin needs to do the same to even the planes. Because in my eyes love isn't exactly something to be earned — it is given. Now, are you worthy to keep it? To nurture it and make it bloom and last? That is the real question.
Admittedly, since this is only the first half of the season, we do not see them in a romantic setting a lot. That first half is focused on them rekindling their friendship lost during the summer when Penelope stopped responding to the letters, and Colin having the realisation he cannot live without his best friend, not just because she is his best friend, but also because he loves her. But we do have two important, and obvious instances.
So let's talk about that first kiss again. It is, in my opinion, one of the most gentle and romantic moments in the show so far and also showcased their friendship really well. Colin trying to joke to lighten the mood as Penelope spirals down (peak best friend behaviour actually), the gentle, swelling music, the light of the moon, Colin's deep exhale of realisation as he holds her face when he goes back in for the second kiss, with the furrowed brows of a man on a mission. This is Penelope's most vulnerable moment and Colin's big realisation. And I felt like I was intruding.
And same goes for that carriage scene, but even before they go at it; now this is Colin's most vulnerable moment, and Penelope's realisation that they can be more. He chases the carriage by foot, then goes on his knees to confess his feelings to his best friend in the softest and most determined voice we've ever heard him use this whole season, eyes wide, tears threatening to fall as it is his turn to bare his heart and ask for a chance. Meanwhile Penelope takes it all in, running her hand through his hair because she can finally touch him, melting under him. Things get steamy. And then... and then... The carriage stops, they get startled, Colin jokes that the driver should have kept on driving and then... they laugh. They just made out, and went to second base together, and yet here they are now, laughing. It is such a genuine and lovely moment. And it's then that Colin has that look in his eyes, that "I'm gonna marry her" look. That is when he realises he cannot live his life without her. That his purpose is now right in front of him: making Penelope Featherington, soon to be Bridgerton, laugh until the end of their lives.
There's no conclusion, I just love them so dearly. Yes, there still is the whole Whistledown mess to deal with and sure, the argument with Eloise may make you think great angst is ahead but if there is one big difference between Colin and Eloise, it is this: Colin has always listened to Penelope, and this is not a diss on Eloise. Eloise, bless her heart, can be pretty self-centred, she's loud and a bit immature, something she is growing from in s3, and you cannot ignore that she did not really listen to Penelope (she has no idea Penelope wishes to marry when Penelope tells her she does in s1, we can blame the writing, but I do think it fits with Eloise's journey to realising how privileged and dismissive she is. Penelope was too polite to call her out until their falling out. Meanwhile Cressida is exactly the type of honesty she needs for a wake up call). Colin, on the other hand, is very sensitive and a good listener. Furthermore, this season, Penelope is learning to be more confident, to voice what she wants, and I like to think it is leading to her finding her own voice and not needing Whistledown to hide behind anymore. If there's someone with whom she has no filters, it is Colin, so I have faith that when the reveal happens and an argument breaks out, this new Penelope will not back down and will lay out all her reasons and all her regrets, and Colin may be stubborn, but he loves that woman and he always listens.
A part of me also wishes they keep the jealousy he felt about her writing in the book, and that they don't focus just on the whole "you lied to me" aspect (we've already had that with Eloise). How he, himself, is insecure about his writing, and here Penelope is, less fortunate than he is, and yet who did have the courage to get her writing out there, even if publishing under another name. Because that is also a reality in relationships, when your partner is at a different stage in their career, and how they can communicate to support one another.
Anyway, I'm just rambling now (as if that isn't what I've been doing this whole time). I like them. A little. Just a bit. I'm very normal about them <3
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leiakenobi · 2 years
about the blogger
hello lovelies! welcome to my blog. a few things about me:
i'm rachel and i'm 29 years old.
i'm aroace and autistic and won't shut up about it.
i've been writing fanfic for over 10 years, most of which you can read on my ao3 account here. (i'm no longer cross-posting my fics to tumblr, but my old reader-insert masterlist is here.)
you can also find me over on spotify and letterboxd if that's your sort of thing.
about the blog
these days i'm particularly into dimension 20, star wars, and baldur's gate 3, but my interests are wide-ranging and perpetually multi-fandom, and my blog will reflect that. i do, however, tag everything. below the cut you can find a much lengthier list of stuff you might see.
my primary interests
Baldur's Gate 3
Dimension 20
Doctor Who
Moon Knight
Oscar Isaac
Pedro Pascal
Sam Rockwell
Star Wars (especially Poe, Leia, Obi-Wan, and Rey)
Ted Lasso
They Might Be Giants
Worlds Beyond Number
other things i like (far from comprehensive)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Gilmore Girls
Gossip Girl
Hunger Games
The Last of Us
Lord of the Rings
Monty Python
Once Upon a Time
Our Flag Means Death
Remington Steele
Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis
What We Do in the Shadows
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sacredsanguine · 1 year
5 Times Amer Doux Dreamt of Killing Nicholas Remington, and 1 Time He Didn’t
Little wonder that later that night, he dreams that Remington blood is as bitter as that chocolate.
Thank you @saviolum-sanguineus for beta-reading this fic for me! @kittenishdelights hope you're onboard the Nicholamer train too! Your pistachio chocolate scene suggestion was so scrumptious, lol!
He haunts Amer’s dreams: a figure of spectral black trailed by the cloying, metallic scent of blood. Nicholas Remington is a reaper whose scythe swings with the flash of his teeth, bared brilliant, searing white after softly swung whispers to a faceless throne. The blood spills whether Nicholas smiles or shouts—and his hands never bear the stains themselves. In his dreams, Amer steps out of the invisible, shadowed line that staff exists in, forces the Imperial Advisor to look at him with that poison-green gaze (not through him, at), feels his blood boil in his veins, and squeezes that black-collared throat until the poison flickers and fails. His scar stings like it’s been torn open when Amer wakes, breathing hard. His hands are clenched into fists in the sheets, crescent moons marking where his nails dig into the swell of flesh. The roar of the kitchen fires is never enough to drown out the screams of his past or the souls he knows will join it soon.
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2. Lord Daddano always tests Amer’s patience, but (unfortunately for the chocolatier) he’s grown too accustomed to the sight of Andrey’s tongue swirling wetly around sticky fingers and the sound of entirely too enthusiastic exclamations of gourmet appreciation. It’s the sound of the Imperial Advisor’s voice and his sudden, unexpected appearance that makes Amer wonder if he’s finally tipped over the edge into hallucination.
He’s never known if the presence of Nicholas makes his dreams nightmares or the other way around. Either way, Amer has to lean into the familiar exasperation of watching nobles ignore him in favor of indulging in each other to ground himself. It’s a struggle not to pick up the sweet little knife beside him and drive it into the Advisor’s heart, exposed as it is; instead Amer clenches his jaw and rearranges his features into a smile he knows neither Nicholas nor Andrey will take notice of.
His palm is flat and pointed as the blade he wishes it were when he motions at one of the new pistachio-nougat confections. Its layers are robed in dark, glossy chocolate that’s almost as bitter as Amer feels when he lets himself think too much. Nicholas nods at the recommendation and Amer imagines that pale throat flexing under his grip as Andrey presses the little bite to Nicholas’s lips. Exposed heart indeed.
Nicholas watches—studies—Andrey with a singular intensity that makes Amer’s scar itch. It’s almost enough to make Amer believe his station’s invisibility would last if he lunged across the table and tore Nicholas’s throat out with his teeth.
Little wonder that later that night, he dreams that Remington blood is as bitter as that chocolate.
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3. The macarons come out beautifully: smooth, evenly domed tops and tiny, clean feet, not a single crack to be seen in the airy pastel shells that hug rings of velvety buttercream and jam. They take two and a half hours to make, bake, and fill, and a day to mature in a temperature-controlled resting room before Amer hand-wraps them individually in pastel tissue paper and totes them over to the Remington estate in an enchanted silver box worth more than his rented room and the few possessions that fill it.
The cats enjoy them almost as much as Samael does. Amer, robbed somewhat of the perpetual invisibility of his station by his responsibility to introduce each course, despairs quietly in the corner of the room as the friskier of the little white kittens manages to dye himself and half the table pink with ruby chocolate sauce.
He half-expects Nicholas to be as harsh on his son as he is to everyone else in court; the Advisor’s unexpected, radical gentleness is so jarring it slips somehow back into the realm of terror. The same hands that have turned living beings into shapeless, broken bags of blood and bone wield a silver dessert spoon with the careless elegance of a hummingbird feeding from honeysuckle. Samael beams up at Nicholas, showing him some silly thing that the kittens’ pawprints have melded into on the tablecloth, and Nicholas smiles back with the fond, indulgent expression of a stained glass saint.
Amer focuses on the ruby chocolate pawprints until the light makes them gleam red as blood and he tastes his own from where he’s bitten his tongue.
That night, he pins Nicholas to the floor of his own dining room, hands tight around his neck and growing tighter; Amer realises it’s a dream not when green light bursts around him and his blood begins to flow backwards in his veins, but when Nicholas meets his eyes and croaks, “You’d murder a father in front of his son? Very righteous.”
Samael’s eyes are huge and watery, green just as piercing as his father’s magic as he stares at Amer from the doorway. His lip trembles first, followed by his shoulders as he wails, fat tears rolling down his thin face. Amer’s grip loosens, but Nicholas doesn’t move; instead, he begins to laugh—harsh and mocking, more crow-like than the songbirds his son takes after.
Amer’s stomach churns. Beneath Samael’s sobs he can hear the cries of children with dead eyes, the ones he tries to lay out extra blankets and smuggle a few sweets from the kitchens for at every meeting in the teaching hospital basement. Some of them cry at night, others scream in their sleep, and every single one of them would have a fuller family tree if the man laughing on the ground beneath him hadn’t whispered something in the monarch’s ear. He doubts Nicholas doesn’t know—he just doesn’t care.
It isn’t fair. It never has been. It never will be.
Good chocolate snaps when broken, with a loud, clear crack and a clean edge; Amer could identify it in a heartbeat. Maybe that’s why the wet crunch of Nicholas’s neck snapping wakes him up screaming.
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4. The Ward trial is a catastrophe. Amer reads the summary of events in the morning paper, launches it into the wastebin furiously, and almost immediately fishes the crumpled ball back out to reread the article in a desperate bid to convince himself that the Butcher of Seraphine Estate would face more than a tap (calling it a slap is too generous) on the wrist.
His despair follows him like smoke billowing out of burnt sugar; it’s only when he shouts at Kezia for a split ganache undeserving of such wrath that he realizes the rest of his kitchen is staring warily at him much like he’d stared at any noble when his scar was still a wound. Amer sets his bowl of frangipane down—it smacks harder than he intended on the counter and he winces—and wipes roughly at his face with the towel at his waist.
“I’m sorry.” Amer can feel the heat of the kitchen fires pressing sweat from his skin, but the pounding dizziness in his head comes with a sensation of being frozen in place. “Send the commis and the dishwashers home for the day—”
“Already did, Chef,” Kezia says flatly; her face is taut with understanding straining at its limits. She’s already chopped the chocolate to fix the ganache; it scrapes off the board and hits the oil layer with a quiet rustle. “Figured it’d be worse for you to see them cowering.”
Amer exhales noisily and nods. Kezia is a better sous-chef than anyone could ask for. Her voice is quiet when she speaks next, still carrying the clipped urgency the kitchens demand. “Go home, Amer. You’re a danger here.”
She could mean anything: distraction around knifes, fires, and the latter two in crowded spaces is all too easy to trip into greater injury, but Kezia pins Amer with a gaze that’s just this side of knowing. She’s a better sous-chef than anyone could ask for, and a better observer too. He’s lucky they’re on the same side.
Amer walks home feeling like he’s fallen into a pale waking nightmare. When he finally falls asleep on a pillow that can’t take much more punching, he sees Nicholas on the stand in the courtroom. There’s blood everywhere; the judge is a headless thing slumped and oozing over a gavel.
There is a sword in Amer’s hand and he can wield it as easy and precise as a dowel spinning sugar for croquembouche; he flies from the benches up to Nicholas, screaming names of people who will never answer him again. The sword finds its target like a lost child running home; there’s a breath of startled resistance before the flesh and muscle parts for Amer’s blade, length sinking in with a wet squelch.
The taste of bitter chocolate interrupts Amer’s litany for the fallen; there’s a moment of silence, sweet as raw sugar, before those green eyes flutter back open and Nicholas bares those scythe teeth at him. It’s soulless, the Advisor’s polished face of personal war, and it burns in Amer’s chest like it’s going to tear him apart—Nicholas clenches his fingers and Amer stumbles forward as the hand buried in his chest rips aorta and vena cava asunder, then plunges deeper and bursts from his back, bloody heart clutched like a pearl; there’s a soft grunt that Amer only knows is his because of the way his lungs ripple around the air driven from them, and Nicholas smiles. It’s a soft in the way moonlight off even the deadliest of poisons is soft, and fixated in a way Amer recognises by the itch that prickles along his scar.
The sword in Amer’s trembling hand sinks in to the hilt, grinding against some fragment of rib when Nicholas squeezes his hand again; Amer’s face is close enough to his that the wet plop of Amer’s heart as Nicholas drops it to the floor is drowned out by his raspy whisper: “My beloved spoke the truth. I’m holding everything else against you.”
Amer wakes violently, hands pressing frantically at his chest as he sucks in air.
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5. It would be wise to get to sleep early the night before the Day of Metamorphosis Parade, but Amer’s obligations are apparently dedicated to folly. He isn’t able to leave the kitchens until nearly two in the morning, visions of pastry cream and chocolate butterflies blurring over his vision as he stumbles home through dark streets. He falls into bed and sleep almost instantly, but the peace of a dreamless night escapes him.
It begins in the kitchens: cocoa butter melting while he scrapes pigments into powder with a curved knife, the smell of chocolate making his mouth and eyes water as he works. It tempers easily, eagerly popping out of the molds in glossy, perfect curves, and Amer smiles.
Nicholas is leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest, when Amer turns around; the tray of quenelles clatters to the ground, painted white chocolate shells rattling like chips of bone. Nicholas doesn’t so much as blink at the mess, boredom carved harsh and haughty into his face.
“Two dozen dolorosas,” he says; his voice is as strident as ever, demanding in the way of a man who’s seldom been denied and accustomed to making examples of those who do.
He watches Amer work, green eyes hovering over his shoulder like the fangs of a beast as he whisks and melts and whisks again. It’s enough of a reminder of Daddano that Amer’s dream shifts around him for a moment, melting into slick shades of grey and pearly white before he finds himself at the dark, cool shelves of extracts and herbs kept away from the fires. Nicholas hasn’t followed him; Amer’s heart pounds in his chest as his fingers close around an unmarked, dark glass bottle. The liquid inside glimmers clear; even in his dreams, Amer knows that poison is rarely as obvious as storybooks make it out to be.
It will do nothing more than perfume the air with almonds until the chocolate crystallizes and turns its fragrance into fatality. This Amer knows in the watertight, ineffable way of dreams; it’s that same logic that presses him forward against Nicholas, holding the open bottle up between them as fire burns in his gut. He will slip his hand into the mouth of the beast to watch it choke; dignity is a small price to pay.
“Does this please you?” Amer asks, voice low and raspy—partially a conscious attempt to mimic Andrey’s forwardness but mostly thanks to histamines.
Nicholas’s face is still, a mask sculpted out of ice and disdain; he doesn’t bother inhaling before his words are sliding over Amer’s skin like the burning thaw of icicles. “You’ve forgotten yourself.”
But he doesn’t push Amer away; Nicholas raises a hand, looking rather like a cat toying with some bird trapped in a corner, and lets his fingers crawl up the edge of Amer’s jaw, gripping a little too tight for comfort. His eyes are clear, green boring into green like a candle held between two mirrors. “Get back to work.”
The hunger in his voice is cold enough to raise goosebumps on Amer’s skin, even with the heat of the kitchens.
Death, it turns out, dreams of itself wrapped in the delicate scent of almonds and a glossy coat of chocolate so dark it’s nearly black. Amer rolls out twenty-four perfect spheres of bitter chocolate—how fitting, that they’re already in mourning colors—and holds one up between thumb and middle finger.
Nicholas doesn’t part his lips; he raises a brow imperiously until Amer lifts the dolorosa to his mouth, then smiles that scythe-like smile, malicious in the way of a beautiful thing meant to hurt. His tongue is warm, teeth blunt but unforgiving as he holds the tip of Amer’s finger between them and rolls the chocolate deeper into his mouth; the tip of his tongue flicks against Amer’s fingertip, oddly whip-like, and for a moment the dream imagines that the skin there splits, blood sizzling.
Amer draws his hand back and smiles at the sharp crack of chocolate; there will be an instant of smooth pistachio and salt on the Advisor’s tongue before the bitterness blooms into eternity—Nicholas lunges forward, one hand curling harshly around the back of Amer’s neck, dragging him down so Nicholas can slant his mouth over Amer’s, fingers digging in enough to force a gasp out—
His tongue is hot, slicked with chocolate that tastes of blood or blood that tastes of chocolate; Amer bites down and tastes bitter iron and smoke, swallows down Nicholas and his death as they fall together to the floor, hunger and rage twitching between them.
Green holds its reflection captive until both mirrors shutter, emerald candle between them snuffed out as suddenly as waking from a nightmare—Amer jolts upright in bed, every breath and muscle in his body throbbing hard.
That afternoon, when he crunches the detonator in a sweaty fist, he can’t help but think of the way Nicholas laughs—sharp and splintered.
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+1. Amer has never been particularly devout, but it does strike him as a sign that it was the third dream of his in which Samael appeared, and that it’s Samael who saves him, even if his life is paid for by the blood of those he’s torn from and a batch of pastel macarons. Kezia’s mutterings about what kind of man names his child “Poison of God” flash through his mind and Amer’s scar screams from its silent throne beneath the curve of his eye.
He pours himself into work as much as he can, hoping that exhaustion will be the end of the specter in his dreams: Amer’s nights know no such kindness. Every night, he finds himself on his knees with the taste of blood in his mouth, looking up at Nicholas and Samael like some corrupted version of La Pietà in Kezia’s church. The scent of gore holds him down, green burning into green; Amer finds himself in a wretched loop of looking up and meeting Nicholas’s dry gaze—to be seen by him in waking life carries only a dilute cousin of the satisfaction it does in dreams, the majority of its power turned to the induction of pitiless, fathomless rage.
Samael gazes down at Amer but does not speak. Amer is impaled by matching green gazes, his own rendered useless in the face of destruction; Nicholas is impassive as he looks down the bridge of his nose at Amer, and for a moment, monstrous, ravenous hunger roars above the pounding of blood around them. Amer cannot move. He cannot speak. All he can do is wait for the reaper to bring his scythe swinging down.
It never comes.
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huntingthehaggis · 3 years
14, 7 and 6 sis
6. what is your favourite sense to incorporate into your writing and why?
I like using smell! it's my cheat to getting a description of something/someone to stand out without having to do too much actual. yknow. description
7. what is your favourite sentence/paragraph? read it to us! (asker can choose what fic)
not my all-time favourite per se but I happened to have this Mary-lives-John-dies-Scooby-Doo-vibes-college-AU supernatural fic (yes it is the year of our lord 2021 and I still have an active supernatural WIP, LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT IT) open in my Google Docs right now and I've been laughing at this:
“Shut up. Let’s just ice this motherfucker and beat it,” snapped Dean. “I wanna hit something. Damn it, I knew I should’ve brought my Remington.”
“Mom says no shotguns in confined spaces,” Sam reminded him sternly.
14. what trope would you refuse to write even if you were paid to do it?
probably soulmate AU?? I've read some really really really good ones but in general they're not my favourite and I don't think I'd have anything interesting to contribute
soul-enemies though. now that I can get behind
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 3
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 3! < Previous Chapter | Next Chapter > | Masterlist Summary: “Remy? Remy? Remington? Oi, Remy, wake up!” Virgil said, shaking the snoring man.
“Huh? Where’s the dragon?”
“Here,” Janus answered.
“Eh? Oh, hey Snake-Eye, Wolfie, Lo, Violent.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “You weren’t responding to the gentle shaking.”
“That’s no reason to make a man think there’s an earthquake.” Warning/s: food mention. Characters: Logan, Remy, OC, Virgil, Roman, Remus, Patton, Janus. Tag List:@theimprobabledreamersworld @remy-please-come-back
Read on AO3
3 | Lessons Begin
Waking up, walking to the dining hall, and eating breakfast had been uneventful. Logan felt like the atmosphere was relatively peaceful despite the tension from last night. Then again, everyone was still rather groggy from sleep, so he wasn’t going to make any assumptions yet.
Once the seven students had reached the classroom though, they seemed much more awake, aware, and eager to learn about the mysteries behind magic. They all sat at the desks they had claimed the day before and waited silently as Remy came into the room. Remy looked at them with a raised eyebrow.
“Are you all in trouble already? I’ve never known kids to be quiet without adults shouting for them to be so… never mind, let’s get this lesson started. The first spell that all young magic users should know is Stat Check. Do you know what that is?”
The class shook their heads no.
“Good! Because it’s meant to be a closely guarded secret. Never written down or spoken of among anyone but wizards and their first-year apprentices. Before I can even teach it to you, you need to solemnly swear to me that you shall guard this secret as fiercely as all mages before you.”
“That seems rather dramatic,” Janus commented.
“This is magic we’re talking about! Of course, it’s dramatic,” Remy said with a grin. “Now, swear that you’ll keep this secret locked inside your soul.”
The class did as Remy asked, with a bit of speculation but agreement all the same. Unfortunately, I can not repeat the spell, but I can tell you that it is activated by holding a finger to your wrist and saying the ‘activation’ word which I shall from here on censor as ‘stats’.
Remy demonstrated the spell and once he said stats a sheet of light projected from his wrist. Written on the sheet of light was:
Remington Animosni
Titles: Lord Animosni, Friend of the Crown, Expert Wizard, +...
MP: 52 - Full
HP: 100 - Full
Skills: Magic, Potion Making, Charisma, +...
“So this is your main status board,” Remy explained. “It shows your name, titles, MP aka magic points, HP aka health points, and skills. You can interact with it by tapping on whatever to expand the information on it.”
Remy demonstrated this by tapping on the title Expert Wizard, which caused the screen to change to this:
Expert Wizard.
Title earned by increasing MP above 45. Perks: increased HP. Drawbacks: none.
“This is how you can better understand your own magical capacity and skill set. If you want to view your stats privately, then just say S stats. If you want to see someone else’s stats then say X stats while pointing your wrist at the person you want to check. You will only be able to see their name, HP, and MP, but that’s still good to know if you’re perhaps fighting them.”
“Why would magic-users fight one another?” Patton asked.
Remy sighed. “The world is a complicated place, Pat. But never mind that. Try checking your stats, everyone.”
The students nodded then tried out the spells for themselves. All opting to view their stats privately. Logan opened his and read it critically.
Logan Picani
Titles: Loyal Friend, Loving Son, Apprentice Wizard.
MP: 10 - full
HP: 40 - full
Skills: Magic, Baking, Student, +...
He raised an eyebrow curiously and tapped on the skill Student.
Level: 23/100
Rare Skill. Perks: faster reading and comprehension, easily picks up new skills. Drawbacks: none.
That seems like a good skill to have. Logan wondered if it was the reason for his ability to teach himself so well. He tapped the word again and the screen changed back to the main status board. Then he tapped onto the title Apprentice Wizard.
Apprentice Wizard.
Title Earned by unlocking the skill Magic. Perks: MP access. Drawbacks: HP conversion.
“Um, Mr Ainmosni?”
“It’s Remy, kid. What’s up?”
“What does the drawback HP conversion mean?”
“Ah, well, if you run out of MP during casting a spell, then your HP will automatically be turned into MP. This is a drawback because it can mean draining your HP to below five, which causes you to fall unconscious and die if it reaches zero.” Remy explained.
“Isn’t there a way to stop that from happening?” Willow asked.
Remy shook his head. “It’s an automatic drawback that comes with becoming an apprentice wizard. There’s no way to stop it apart from being conscious of what spells you’re using and how much MP they take. Calculating this will hopefully help you to keep from draining yourselves, so keep that in mind when you’re trying out new spells, kay?”
Everyone nodded.
“Okay, now that you’re more familiar with your stats, let’s do a quick assessment of your magical knowledge, shall we? What are the basic magical categories… Virgil?”
“Rock, animals, water, plants, fire, air, healing, and mind.”
“Correct. Logan, why do these categories exist?”
“They are the eight-core magics. All spells fall under at least one category, and depending on which there will be a different Initiation Word.”
“Correct. Willow, what are the eight Initiation Words?”
“Mowntayn for rock, Pawyng for animal, Ignyght for fire, Groh for plants, um... Rayne for water, Stahwynd for air, Embraes for healing, and... Wysdome for mind.”
“Right. Janus, how is a spell cast?”
“You say the initiation word, draw whatever runes are necessary, then end off with the sealing word.”
“Good. Patton, why do we use runes?”
“The runes represent what specific spell you want to cast.”
“Yep. Remus, how many runes are there?”
“A million?”
“Close enough. Roman, what is the sealing word?”
“Correct! Now,” Remy grinned. “Let’s get to the tough stuff.”
The following days were pretty much the same as this one. The class either revised what basics they knew or Remy explained what they didn’t know. They practised pronunciation, studied runes, and learnt about different potion ingredients. Within the first month, the kids had pretty much memorised the basics of magic.
Logan had visited home every weekend and told his dad and Everleigh about it all, but his eagerness from that first week seemed to be slowly wearing out as the class did nothing new. He had thought that today was going to be the same, but instead of leading the students to the classroom this morning, Remy led them to the gardens.
“Uh, Remy? Where are we going?” Roman asked.
“Today, you kids will be going on your first quest,” Remy announced.
The group perked up. “Quest?”
“Yep. I’m confident in your understanding of basic magic, so I am going to let you go off on your own to find some potion ingredients for our first potion making class.”
Remy pulled out seven different pieces of paper. “I’ve made each of you a checklist for what we will need, and while you all have different items, I hope you’ll work together to find what you need. Oh, and before I send you off, I need to teach you a new spell. Inventory.”
Remy stopped and the kids circled around him to watch as he demonstrated the new spell. He picked up a stone and held it in front of him. “Stawynd.” with the indigo light that flowed from his fingertip, he drew a rune that looked like a locked box onto the stone. “Solhart.”
The rune turned white and then vanished with the stone, causing the students to gasp.
“Where did it go?”
“Right here.”
Remy opened his status board and showed the kids a small icon in the corner of the screen that looked like the rune he had drawn. He tapped on this icon and the screen changed to show a bunch of different slots, mostly empty apart from two. One with a picture of Remy’s flask and the other a picture of the stone from before.
“This is an inventory,” Remy explained. “You can put different items into each slot, and depending on your proficiency you will have more or fewer slots. To add items to your inventory, you do as I did to the stone. And to take them back out, you just double-tap,” Remy tapped the stone and it reappeared in his hand. “Tada! Okay, you try with your lists.”
Everyone tried out the new spell and practised it a few times before Remy let them all go on their quest. They went out a gate by the fence that seemed almost hidden and set off into the deep dark woods. Of course, it wasn’t very dark since the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and filtered through the trees to light their way.
“Should we check what each of our individual lists says?” Logan asked.
Patton nodded agreeingly. “Yeah, then we can keep an eye out for the different things.”
“Actually, I think we should just look for our own stuff. More things to look out for means we might miss our own.” Roman said.
Willow frowned. “But this is meant to be a group project.”
“Technically, Remy said he hoped we’d work together.” Remus pointed out.
“I have an idea,” Janus suggested. “Let’s work in teams.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “I just said that would be hard.”
“I mean smaller teams. One team works individually and the other works together, then we’ll see which way is better.”
“How are we going to split up though? There are seven of us.” Virgil pointed out.
“We can have a team of four for the working-together group. That’s four people working together but also the team of three will have fewer things to find, so It works out fairly.”
“Well, how are we choosing teams then?” Patton asked.
“Well, obviously I would be one of the team leaders. I’m a natural-born leader.” Roman declared.
“Yes, the leader of the losing team, because I’ll be leading the winning team.” Janus states.
“Remus and Patton are with me, and we’ll be the individuals.”
“Sounds good. We’ll see you three later then.” Janus said before walking away from the group.
Virgil, Logan, and Willow followed after them till the four were out of earshot. “So, lists?”
“I have blackroot, ginfleck, and wild ginger,” Willow reported.
Virgil frowned. “What’s ginfleck?”
“A medicinal herb used commonly in potions for stomach aches,” Logan replied. “It looks like a sunflower but pink.”
“Why not call it a pink sunflower then?”
“Because… I honestly don’t know.”
“Logan, you live nearby here right?” Janus asked.
“In town, but yes.”
“Any idea where we could find some of this?”
“Well, I think I remember seeing a ginfleck patch somewhere along the road.”
“Let’s go there first then. We can keep an eye out for everything else along the way.” Virgil said, turning in the direction of the road.
And so they went and collected the pink sunflowers and everything else on their lists. It was only late afternoon by the time they returned to the house, but they found Remy lying on a hammock in the garden, napping in the sun.
“Remy? Remy? Remington? Oi, Remy, wake up!” Virgil said, shaking the snoring man.
“Huh? Where’s the dragon?”
“Here,” Janus answered.
“Eh? Oh, hey Snake-Eye, Wolfie, Lo, Violent.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “You weren’t responding to the gentle shaking.”
“That’s no reason to make a man think there’s an earthquake.”
“Whatever. Have the others come back yet?”
Remy shrugged. “I think the twins are in the house.”
“Patton wasn’t with them?” Willow asked.
“No. Did you all split up?”
“Yes, but we didn’t think they would split up. We divided ourselves into two teams.” Janus stated.
“Well, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about and Pat will be back soon. Why don’t you guys head inside and get some lunch.” Remy suggested.
The kids exchanged anxious glances but nodded and headed off to the dining room. While they were not exactly a close group of friends, the one person who’d befriended each of them was Patton. He was a kind little ball of sunshine and no one wanted any harm to come to him. Once they were inside the house, the four found Remus worriedly pacing by the door and Roman gloomily watching her from the corner.
Remus paused. “Did you guys see Patton?”
“No. Did the three of you split up?”
“I thought we could cover more ground that way,” Roman answered. “This is all my fault.”
“Let’s not go jumping to conclusions just yet,” Logan said. “Maybe he couldn’t find one of his items?”
“No. I saw Pat’s list before we split up. They were three common types of wild berries that he could have found easily.” Remus declared.
“You’re sure?” Willow asked.
“I saw them all over while I was getting my stuff.”
“He must be lost. It’s rather easy with how thick these woods are,” Virgil said.
“We need to find him,” Janus declared. “We’ve got to go back and look for him.”
“Where and how though? He could be anywhere,” Roman said with clear fear in his tone.
“Willow can track him. They’ve been trained in finding lost people.”
“Yeah, but I’d need a scent to go off of.”
“Like from clothes?” Remus asked.
“Clothes, or a personal item he keeps close.”
Remus ran away then returned in record time with a teal blanket. “Would this work?”
Willow took the item and smelt it. “Yes, this is perfect.”
“We might have to sneak past Remy, in case he tries to stop us.” Janus said.
“There’s another gate that’s closer to the house that we can get through.” Virgil declared.
“Who’s we though? We’re going to need to choose who is a part of this rescue.” Roman pointed out.
“I don’t think any of us are willing to stay behind, not if we could help. Patton may be in danger, and his getting lost is evidence enough that no one should venture off on their own. We need to work as a team here. A real team.” Logan stated.
Janus looked at the twins. “I’m willing to call a truce in the name of teamwork if you are.”
Roman nodded in agreement and Remus grinned. “Let’s go save Pat!”
The group followed Virgil outside and through the second hidden gate. From there, Willow took the lead as she sniffed out Patton’s scent. The group grew anxious the further Willow led them. Patton had gone quite far, from the looks of it, but it felt like something was wrong.
“Why would he have gone so far?” Logan wondered.
“I hate to suggest it, but something may have chased him,” Janus said and Willow nodded agreeingly.
“Wouldn’t that leave a scent of its own?”
“Yes, but I can’t discern anything. There are a lot of smells out here.”
“Can you smell anything?” Roman asked Janus.
“No. I can’t smell at all.”
“I’m a dragon. We don’t have a sense of smell like humans do. We use a special organ on the roof of our mouths.”
“Aren’t you half-human?”
“That just makes it easier to shift between my humanoid and dragon form. There aren’t many other differences.”
“Wait, do you hear that?”
The team paused and listened. The only sounds Logan could make out were the normal ambience of the forest. But then he heard it.
“Hello? Is anyone up there?”
“Patton?!” Remus bolted towards the voice, the others followed him close behind.
He came to stop at the edge of a hole and looked down. “Patton? How did you get down there?”
“Remus! Hi! I jumped.”
“You jumped? From this height?” Janus asked, eyeing the drop disapprovingly.
The hole looked like the beginnings of a well, around three stories deep and some stones piled like a wall around the one side. Either the well-maker had abandoned their project halfway, or half of the well had mysteriously been taken away. That wasn’t important though, because right now the team had to figure out how to get Patton back up.
“I’m fine! The water was here to break my fall!”
“Why did you jump in the first place?” Roman demanded.
“I was being chased by some bees.” Patton sheepishly admitted. “My mom always told me, if that happens then you should get below water, quickly. Bees don’t like water.”
“How did you antagonise these bees?” Logan inquired.
“I was trying to get some honey for Remus.”
“Aw, Pat, that’s really sweet. But I’ve been worried sick about where you went!”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. You’re safe now. Um, how do we get him back up though?” Remus asked the group.
“I can grow a long strong vine to use as rope for us to hoist him up,” Roman suggested.
Janus nodded. “Well then, get to growing. We don’t have all day.”
Roman quickly did as he was told and once the vine-rope looked long enough the team tossed one end down to Patton. Each of them lined up and held onto the other end then pulled to get him out of the hole. With all six of them working together, it was a quick and easy task. Once Patton was clear of the well, Remus attacked him with a hug, and he thanked everyone for coming to rescue him.
The entire group was relieved to have him back. So relieved that they didn’t feel any worry, until they returned to the manor and came face to face with Remy.
“Do you have any idea how worried I was? You didn’t even suggest you were going out! And what do I find? Not only one of my students is missing- all of them are! Gone without a trace! Like, poof, never there! What were you thinking? Actually, scratch that were you even thinking?!”
He went on like that until dinner time and the kids decided that among all the lessons they’d learned today, ‘Don’t Freak Remy Out’, is now at the top. Also, maybe it would be better to stick together than separate. They made a good team when their prejudices weren’t getting in the way. But above all, they should never freak Remy out.
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask.
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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sm0ak-queen · 5 years
Spotlight Saturday - Part 2
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This is part 2 of my Jaime/Brienne fic recs. You can find part 1 here. If you’re stuck at home right now and looking for something to keep you distracted these fics are a good place to start.
Title: Briana Tart Undercover Author: @ladyinredfics​ Rating: E Word Count: 19,749 Chapters: 8 Tags: Modern AU, Bodyguards Summary: Brienne of Tarth, bodyguard to the Westerosi elite, loves her job. That it leaves her little free time to pursue a personal life is a perk, not problem, until a mix-up at the local coffee shop opens up new possibilities with the coworker who fascinates and frustrates her most.
Title: Bright Lights  Author: lionheartedghost Rating: T Word Count: 23,300 Chapters: 10 Tags: Modern AU, Actors AU Summary: Brienne Tarth finally gets her acting break when she's cast as a detective in new crime drama 'Crowns'. What she doesn't count on is her producer's arrogant brother Jaime Lannister being cast as her partner.
Title: On the Night’s Watch Author: Miss_M Rating: M Word Count:105,820 Chapters: 26 Tags: Modern AU, Police Procedural Summary: Detective Brienne Tarth transfers to the King’s Landing Police Department and is assigned to permanent nightshift duty: the Night’s Watch, where careers go to die. As if that weren’t bad enough, her new partner is the infamous Jaime Lannister. When they land a time-sensitive missing person case, trusting each other is the only way they might solve the mystery.
Title: With All Your Faults Author: @seaspiritwrites​ Rating: M Word Count: 140,326 Chapters: 37 Tags: Baseball AU, 1940s Summary: In 1943, small-town slugger Brienne Tarth is recruited to play for Tywin Lannister’s newest business venture: the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. There, she meets Jaime, a maimed former Major League pitcher who’s been talked into managing one of his father’s teams. She can't stand her arrogant coach, and he is definitely not interested in his annoyingly principled star player. They don't like each other at all, really...until they do.
Title: This Is The One Author: disappointed_turtle Rating: Not Rated Word Count: 32,329 Chapters: 8 Tags: Modern AU Summary: Jaime, Brienne, football, feminism, friendship, dogs, cake, sex. Good things, basically. No one is getting crushed by bricks after a wildly unbelievable 'relapse' in this 
Title: I never knew home until I found your hands Author: @shipping-receiving​ Rating: E Word Count: 60,294 Chapters: 16 [WIP] Tags: Modern AU, Office AU Summary: A woman punches a man at an office party. This is the story of how they fall in love.
Title: She's Beauty, She's Grace (She'll Punch You In The Face) Author: @slipsthrufingers​ Rating: T Word Count: 49,826 Chapters: 13 [WIP] Tags: Modern AU, Miss Congeniality AU Summary: When the Miss Westeros pageant receives a terrorist threat, Agent Brienne Tarth finds herself in the most difficult deep cover she's ever been: beauty queen. As if her job isn't already hard enough, now she has to do it in heels and a ballgown.
Title: Your Mouth is Poison, Your Mouth is Wine Author: LSquared80 Rating: M Word Count: 19,085 Chapters: 5 [WIP] Tags: Modern AU, Cat and mouse game Summary: A painting is stolen from a prominent Westeros museum. After Jaime Lannister makes a donation to take its place, insurance investigator Brienne Tarth becomes convinced he had something to do with the theft.
Title: A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action Please Author: @sapphiresandsunlight​ Rating: T Word Count: 6,869 Tags: Book-Canon, Canon Continuation, Hyle Hunt POV Summary: Everyone who's anyone knows you can't shack up at the Quiet Isle if you're not married. So, Brienne's posse of Dudely Hangers-On decides to do the next-best thing, and set up camp right outside her door for an all-night jam sesh. What could go wrong?
Title: I will always hold you close, but I will learn to let you go Author: @angel-deux-writes​ Rating: T Word Count: 12,343 Tags: Canon Divergence, Season 8 AU Summary: Jaime is gravely wounded in the battle against the dead. When he thinks he's dying, he kisses Brienne. After, he heals, kept asleep with milk of the poppy. Brienne worries about what will happen when he wakes up.
Title: Of babies and misunderstandings Author: Apple_Queen Rating: T Word Count: 5,148 Tags: Modern AU, Meet-Cute Summary: The last thing Jaime expected when Tyrion persuaded him to take his nephew to a baby sensory class was that he would end up with the world's most inappropriate crush, and on a woman most people would describe as ugly no less...
Title: The Other Side of the Sky  Author: @hardlyfatal​ Rating: T Word Count: 8,002 Tags: Canon Divergent, Fix-It Summary: Bran came awake one morning and said, “Huh.”It had been a long time since he had had a proper greendream, separate from what visions the crow permitted him– certainly not in the two years since he had assumed the throne of the six kingdoms. He sat there and thought hard about it, waving off the servant come to help him wash and dress, until there was a knock at the door. Bran knew who it would be. “Enter, Lord Commander.”
Title: The Unicorn Incident Author: @ajoblotofjunk​ Rating: E Word Count: 14,183 Tags: Modern AU, Fantasy Summary: Catelyn needs a unicorn horn. Jaime knows where one is. Brienne is the only virgin she trusts to go with him. Time for a road trip!
Title: Jaime Lannister Investigations Author: ShirleyAnn66 Rating: M Word Count: 166, 842 Works: 13 Tags: Modern AU, Private Investigators, Remington Steele AU Summary: The great detective, Jaime Lannister? He doesn’t exist. I invented him. It was working like a charm—until the day he walked in, with his green eyes and mysterious past.
Title: The battlefield between us Author: @robotsdance​ Rating: E Word Count: 20,147 Works: 2 Tags: Canon Divergence, Secret Marriage Summary: “I missed you,” Brienne says like she’s admitting something else, and Jaime wants to say it back to her in exactly the same way: loaded with all of the things they’re not saying. Let that truth settle between them, unsaid but at least somewhat spoken. That could be enough. To share that quiet understanding with Brienne, here, alone together in the middle of the woods, in the middle of a war, in which one of them will be on the losing side. That could be enough. I missed you too. Brienne would understand. What Jaime says instead is “Marry me.”
Title: Works and Days Author: Mussimm Rating: E Word Count: 25,396 Works: 7  Tags: Canon Divergent Summary: Post-canon ficlet series
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Sanders Sides High School AU
Roman Prince:
-16, Sophomore
-Drama geek, almost always gets leads in the school musicals/plays
-Best friends with Virgil
-Very very very gay. Out to the school but definitely not his parents.
-His parents (or at leas his father) are very homophobic
-Lives only a few blocks away from the school
-Has a major crush on Logan
-His mom is Cuban
-Father is very white
-He speaks Spanish but avoids doing it around his father
-Loves Virgil’s dad
-has very bad anxiety
-Loves make-up/dressing up
-He’s usually a huge charmer until someone calls his bluff *cough* Logan *cough*
-Always has impeccable outfits
-Mama’s boy
-good cook
-His friends mean the world to him
-Dreams of going to Broadway
-unfortunately he lives in the middle-of-nowhere Indiana
-On the swim team
-His dad wanted him to be an athlete and said he could only stay in theatre if he joined a sport
-Actually adores being at school
Virgil Windsor:
-16, Sophomore
-Roman’s best friend
-Stylish emo
-purple hair obviously
-Out to everyone
-Adores his father
-Also drama geek, usually stage-managing 
-Lives a ten minute walk away from Roman’s house
-Enjoys teasing Roman about his crush
-Often has sleepovers at his house with Roman, Grace, and occasionally his little sister will join
-Would literally die for his sister
-History whiz
-Eats lots of gummy worms
-really digs dragons?
-Can’t cook worth shit but he can bake for days
-Sometimes has nightmares about his birth parents dying
-Calls Roman Princey
-has throwing knives
-has really good aim
-Lowkey has a crush on Remy but would never admit it (not to be confused with Remus)
Logan Addison:
-17, Junior
-Debate team, yearbook photographer, runs school instagram, Mathlete 
-Super gay. Not officially out to anyone but his mom but it’s not like he’s hiding anything. Everyone knows.
-Dresses kind of like a hipster
-Had dark blue hair a in middle school so now he has a few blue streaks leftover.  Barely noticeable unless you’re looking for them
-Lives kind of far from the school so he drives there
-Drives a blue Ford Fusion
-He has doctor who stickers all over it
-He’s a sucker for Neil Gaiman
-His only sibling is in college
-His older sibling is Joan btw
-knows all the science 
-mostly just psychology actually
-he aspires to be a psychiatrist
-eats a pretty healthy diet, but he really enjoys brownies
-Pretty infatuated with Roman
-Terrible at expressing emotions
-His debate hoodie has “Data” on the back
-Enjoys the paranormal
Patton Windsor: 
-35, works at the local library
-loves books, animals, and hot cocoa
-he also likes dying his hair different colors
-his favorite so far has been pink
-Dresses exactly like Jim Hopper in ST3 but like everyday and times 100
-Drives a minivan even though he only has two kids
-He has hippie/rainbow bumper stickers
-loves his kids with his entire heart
-Loves easy to enjoy books, such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the like
-Loves carbs.  Always makes some kind of pasta or comfort food for dinner.  
-Adopted Virgil when he was 5
-Virgil’s favorite that Patton cooks is Potato Soup
-Patton also adopted a baby girl when Virgil was 10
-The baby girl is named Isabel
-Adores his kids
-Very openly emotional
-Has lots of #1 Dad paraphenalia 
-Loves Roman, too
-Absolutely 100% willing to adopt him
-The sweetest man you will ever meet
-Wears large, round glasses
-has freckles literally everywhere
Remus Prince: 
-15, Freshman
-Roman’s half-brother
-The result of Mr. Prince having an affair
-aromantic homosexual
-Lives with his mom
-Doesn’t meet his father/brother until he’s about 7
-Doesn’t have many friends, he’s a little bit odd.
-While he doesn’t often hang out with Roman, his brother is there for him when he needs it
-Dyes his hair green
-Dresses very dramatically
-He’s really good at chemistry
Dee Harper: 
-17, Junior
-On the debate team with Logan
-Asexual, homoromantic
-When they were sophomores, he had a crush on Logan, but he was never interested
-Dee is very good at math
-likes the color yellow
-dresses very well
-Logan and Dee are good friends
-No one ever actually catches Dee’s eye, but he’s okay with being single
-He lives in the rich part of town with his wealthy grandparents
-Loves old classic books.  Like Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, The Anne of Green Gables books, Oscar Wilde, all of them
-He also loves The Lord of the Rings
-He has a pet snake named Legolas 
-and a rat named Gimli
-he plays the sims a lot
-volunteers at the zoo
-Dee is a very good singer
Remy (Remington) Gray:
-16, junior
-hella gay, out and proud
-extremely intelligent
-and intuitive
-most people think he’s a psychic
-honestly he never denies it
-he plays along
-thinks school activities are dumb
-but he does work at the local art museum
-he has a great appreciation for art
-he’s also a really good artist but no one knows that
-he likes to draw people
-including his friends.  He’s very close with Logan and Dee, and eventually will be with Virgil and Roman
-Virgil is his favorite to draw ;)
-its rumored that he’s from another planet
-really he’s just eccentric and mysterious
-likes birds
Mr. Sanders, Thomas: 
-30, drama teacher
-really, really gay
-connects really well with his students
-he’s very empathetic and just a sweet man
-He always dresses super eccentrically and nobody questions it because that’s just Mr. Sanders
-Sometimes he bets with the other teachers about which students will end up together
-he usually wins those bets
-perks of being the favorite teacher
Characters that aren’t sides: 
-16, sophomore
-Roman’s other best friend
-raging lesbian
-she’s very sweet, but she can also be very scary
-do not piss her off
-she enjoys hiking, travel, and theatre 
-she aspires to be an anthropologist 
Mr. Prince, Fred:
-40, lawyer
-Roman’s father
-he’s extremely homophobic
-he had an affair with a 30 year old woman
-also kind of racist but he married a cuban woman??
-he doesn’t let her speak spanish
-he’s also borderline abusive to Roman and his wife
-He doesn’t like Virgil. or any of Roman’s friends for that matter
-Honestly he’s an all around shitty person
-he’s not going to have an arc okay
Mrs. Prince, Estrella:
-35, works at the library with Patton
-Roman’s mother
-Not homophobic, but if Roman ever came out to her it would take her a bit to get used to it. She wouldn’t hate him at all though. She would still love him equally
-She wants to leave Fred, but she hasn’t been able to make enough money to get her and Roman out of there.
-sweetest mother
-always worried that Roman isn't eating enough
-she even thought Virgil had an eating disorder, but he’s just skinny
-delightful woman
Isabel Windsor: 
-6, 1st grade
-she only cares about Voltron, Mickey Mouse, and rainbow crayons. 
-her brother is her best friend
-she adores Roman
-all of Virgil’s friends are also her friends
-Sometimes Virgil and Roman pick her up from school and they go get ice cream. 
-She loves cats
-she thinks unicorns are real but not santa
-she’s a very bright kid, too
-she loves coloring books
All done! Man that was longer than I expected. This is based off of my Logince fic.  Feel free to send asks about this!
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