#lore tag
beyhr · 1 month
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bringing the apple jam to market 🍎
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3idiotsandarainbow · 1 month
Day 1: Ready, set, Fight!!
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To the Anon who asked whether Horror and Murder attacked Color, the answer is yes >:)
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Oh the new short story is cute, damn you Halo.
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daily-vitamin-an · 2 months
she’s not dead.. she’s.. resting??? But the other lady is being creepy
the other one..
that could be my manager. she's some crazy genius who developed the formula. and made recent changes to it. she's a bit cryptic sometimes..
she wrote that letter. I can't trust her anymore. please be careful.
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tsunagite · 2 months
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The City of Atoria, and some stuff for Opiographia: A side story about Opia and Einya.
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Looks at Pep's profile on toyhouse:
Oooh, interesting stuff here! Also lots of sadness in the links! More thoughts below:
<"–and even being rescued himself in a few situations.">
<"- he and Porto helped me home when I was struggling to move, let alone keeping my form together -">
<"Porto, and Bello, found me when I wasn't in the best place, and very vulnerable">
My first thought was imagining Pep in 'Sopping Wet Creature' form being in either Porto or Bello's arms, but it's more likely him having a panic attack and both of them helping him get home.
<"but I realised what they needed, and I gave it to them - I still have that scar... I didn't even know I could get new scars...">
Wait, what do you mean new scars? And hmmm, clones don't really have blood (at least not like regular blood), but given what we currently know (or at least theorize) about Pep, perhaps he was the only one that could've helped Mirtillo.
(On a related note: Mirtillo being purple and considered to be Pep's baby. And a certain picture with a baby wearing purple. I'm not saying they're the same, just that maybe there's some subconscious connections here. Maybe the loss hits harder because he has lost his child before. It's twice now that he was taken away from his family.)
Also the dramatic irony of having an idea of what exactly happened to his family hurts! And every single one of Pep's links being one-sided thoughts! I'm over here making myself sadder theorizing that the last parts of each one are the exact thoughts he had while searching for them! That even though he was able to see the world outside the tower, he couldn't fully enjoy that freedom because in the back of his mind he's thinking that he failed them, that he was too weak and couldn't protect them–
He hopes that maybe, just maybe, he could find them. To be able to hug them again, hold them all in his arms and never let go. He would never ever lose them again.
Okay, I'm done for now.
On happier thoughts, Happy 1 year to this askblog! (It's March 1st where I am) Thank you for sharing this story with us! We appreciate all the love and care you bring with your designs and writing.
Always remember to take your time and have fun with it! Take care of yourself, Bean.
(Shy Theorist)
(AUGH, Shy Theorist Anon, must you sucker punch me right in the heart on this joyous occasion!!! (silly/lighthearted)
But you bring up various points! And I will provide context for others where applicable, like right now;
[Pep's updated reference on toyhou.se] and the [links where he shares his thoughts on his fambily members]
First point about [Porto] and [Bello] rescuing Pep I actually hope to touch on soon! Well, 'soon' as in 'within the next few story posts' - when they will actually be up is yet to be determined jfgksgd - but you're not too far off hehe
Second point about Pep getting a new scar - this is a little confusing since I don't draw scars in my cartoony style (for some reason that I do not remember) - unless it's like [Halloumi's] missing eye scar, which is just a big 'X' - but a lot of the characters do have visible scarring!
We just gotta hit them with the unsilly beam, like this;
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And there they are! Although Pep's 'scars' are just markings to mimic Peppino's scars - except for one - while clones do not typically scar due to their healing/regeneration factor, it is possible
[Mirtillo] and [the baby in that 'certain' picture] both being purple babies might be intentional, or it might be bc I have a bias for purple, I'll never tell - but I do confirm they are not the same being, since Mirtillo has been depicted as a newborn clone (the 'gummy bear' stage) and clones made out of human cadavers do not have this stage
And yes!!! Pep doesn't know what happened to any of them, and he misses them all so much!!!
But they just might be closer than he thinks...
... Any way, thank you so much! Your kind words really mean a lot to me, and I always love hearing your thoughts and theories - even if I am a coy bastard about them sometimes, fkgfksdf
I know I keep saying that hopefully we get back to it, and I really mean it, but it in the meantime I just do what I can, and drop a few crumbs now and then hehe)
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bastardtrait · 2 months
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idk why i hate myself so much but i committed to the oasis springs as australia idea. so i filled the downtown with multi-use colonial aussie style buildings. they're not done yet ofc but the shells are there. I think it looks convincing.
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the one residential area with dingy fibro houses. they're very charming in a crumbly oh god there's asbestos on my walls way.
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the one residential area's got mid century. i didn't build any of these, but i plopped them down and gave them metal roofs. pretty cute little neighbourhood. it's got a big ass gym too.
the one area the calientes live in, i'm picturing queenslanders there but idk. that area seems very definitely southwest american to me? like it's harder to suspend my disbelief. but i'm sure once those are all down i'll see the vision better.
building in ts4 is very relaxing. tbh if you asked me to build in ts2 or 3 again i'd probably kms
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gearthiefgrovyle · 9 months
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Hey, do you have any directions? We both seem to be a bit lost.
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starscourgc · 7 months
some micolash headcanons/fic outline:
almost comically sickly; anemic, asthmatic, brittle bone disease, you name it he probably has it. despite All that though, he managed to avoid catching the tuberculosis stint that killed his mother and two older brothers. he doesn’t remember any of them, being only 5 when they all passed away.
his dad was a doctor, though after the death of his family he became a grief-stricken recluse. he was still a practitioner, being the only doctor in his sleepy seaside town, but he closed his clinic and only took patients inside his home. he also became very overprotective over micolash, his only surviving child, and had him tutored at home and hardly let him leave the grounds at all. Micolash was EXTREMELY lonely as a result.
micolash’s only real freedom was the backyard and the beach just beyond that. his father thought the sea might help his fragile health (average victorian beach healing beliefs), and trusted him enough to stay within sight of the house. he liked digging up crabs and picking up seashells when the tide receded, and in the back garden he would find earthworms and slugs just after it rained and let them wriggle in his hands.
there was something else, though. around the time when micolash was seven he would start to hear something talking to him from the sea. not a true voice of a person, but like if words and syllables were being carved out of the crashing of waves and cawing of seagulls. micolash couldn’t discern a word out of it, but he knew something was trying to talk to him, and he was oh so curious. turns out he had some insight from an early age, and heard kos’s voice from the sea.
micolash returned day after day to find the voice, treading into the shallows of the ocean to hear the words clearer. with every passing one he thought he was starting to find words in the sounds of the sea, though they made no sense to a boy of seven, even one as smart as micolash. but he still went back everyday and listened and searched for it.
then one day, micolash had gone about waist deep into the ocean. the tide was going out and he couldn’t swim, but he was so close to the truth that he threw caution to the wind. he saw a giant white beast crest the horizon, white scales bright even in the cloudy, dim morning. he stood his ground as the creature drew closer and closer, its size not seeming to care for the depth of the water. micolash was fascinated, and understood that this was the source of the voice he had been hearing for weeks.
Then of course in a cliché moment, his father had saw micolash waiting to commune with the huge white leviathan from his window. He raced outside and dragged micolash out of the sea, who had lost all ability to move when the creature began its trek towards him. At the sight of micolash’s father the thing swam away, but this was not its last visit.
micolash for months after would see the creature on the beach just after midnight, staring up at him through his bedroom window. It seemed like no one else could see it, so micolash would stare right back and listen to the waves and the distant thunder as mother kos attempted to speak to him. This eventually stopped after a few months when kos stopped showing up at night, though micolash never forgot her and her eldritch words that he had been too young to discern and truly understand.
when kos washes up at the fishing hamlet and is dissected, micolash recognizes the creature with morbid elatedness for finally seeing the thing he might’ve only passed off as childhood dreams. that night kos’s voice returns to him and this time, he’s able to understand.
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lucent-nargacuga · 10 days
newly rewritten pikmin wraith headcanons because one theory being confirmed completely destroyed what I had
obligatory disclaimer that this is not canon nor a theory, this is my interpretation and also my pikmin au (but everyone is welcome to use my headcanons 👍)
note that the following are ocs: thermo wraith, the mudwraiths, the ghoulid classification, phantoms, and (technically) the revenant
wraith types
there are two types of wraiths: wraiths without a core and wraiths with a core. (as all wraiths are liquid, each type has two subtypes, cold wraiths and hot wraiths. this only has to do with what a wraith's body is made of. both the waterwraith and plasm wraith are cold wraiths.) coreless wraiths originate from beyond pnf-404 in meteorites, while wraiths with cores originate from pnf-404 itself.
what are wraiths?
all wraiths are souls of sapient beings trapped inside liquids. these souls can never move on to the afterlife as being trapped inside a liquid for hundreds of years corroded them beyond recognition.
wraiths with cores are specifically human souls, and the core is the soul itself as well as the memories from its past life. there are two notable artificial wraiths with cores, those being the plasm wraith and the thermo wraith.
coreless wraiths are souls from alien races that are not humans.
wait, artificial wraiths? how is that possible?
pnf-404, once known as earth, became a living being countless years in the past. the resident humans did not leave the planet for about a hundred years after this apocalyptic incident occurred until the planet was too unstable to be fit for living. this gave human scientists a long time to experiment with the new lifeforms and new laws of nature.
why there are multiple waterwraiths (and mudwraiths)
a giant meteor containing countless trapped souls due to a bizarre mining accident broke up near pnf-404 and the pieces fell to the planet's surface, one by one. as the meteor was full of water, all those souls became multiple waterwraiths.
upon landing, the waterwraiths were significantly weaker than the ones seen ingame, only having a physical form that is easy to destroy. some of these wraiths had their bodies destroyed and were able to go to the afterlife- but due to their souls being corroded they were swiftly rejected and were sent back to the mortal realm, where they gained an odd, invulnerable form. however, they are not entirely stable and gravitational waves will make them temporarily revert to their former form. interestingly, when this body is destroyed too, the cycle will only continue.
mudwraiths are waterwraiths that landed recently enough to have not experienced having their body destroyed (or they may have landed longer ago but got very lucky and avoided danger). they cover themselves in mud or another substance as armour of sorts for protection. interestingly, they outnumber the "reborn" waterwraiths by a vast amount, yet they are seldom seen as they are anxious, shy, and nocturnal.
do ghoulids still exist?
yes! this is just a classification given to all creatures that are not organic/biological (with the exception of glow pikmin and the mechanical creatures, such as man-at-legs).
what about the phantoms?
phantoms are the supernatural equivalent of convergent evolution. they are almost the same as they were (before my headcanons had to change) and have no connection to wraiths, other than being coincidentally similar to wraiths with cores.
phantoms originate from another dimension. they are not trapped souls, but some theorize they may be reincarnations of otherworldly beings. nobody has a single clue as to why they can be found on pnf-404 in the first place, and the phantoms themselves don't seem to know either.
what about the revenant?
pnf-404 will still be considered the revenant until there's more canon information revealed.
wraith cores and "wraithstuff"
wraiths with cores are notably stronger than coreless wraiths due to their ability to regenerate; their bodies are impossible to destroy. the core, while being the soul and memories of the wraith, constantly generates a substance known as "wraithstuff". this substance is an extension of the core and is bound to the liquid that makes up the wraith's body.
in coreless wraiths, "wraithstuff" is the soul itself.
glow pikmin, glow sap, and what they have to do with wraiths
glow pikmin are extremely similar to wraiths. their bodies consist of glow sap with a pikmin soul within, yet they retain some features of still-living pikmin such as eyes and a stem. they are able to fuse their bodies together into an amorphous ball to perform a powerful attack known as a glowmob. however, despite the similarities, glow pikmin are not wraiths.
glow sap affects wraiths differently than organic beings. while it is still unknown what exactly happens, being touched by glow sap makes all wraiths react as if it causes them physical pain. wraiths avoid glow sap whenever possible due to this.
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beyhr · 5 months
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pretty princess 🍬
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3idiotsandarainbow · 1 month
Day 10: to accept what you feel is undeserved
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Horror has a hard time accepting kindness but he’ll get there eventually
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withinthereeds · 2 months
The Mirror Man's Victims; a character study
Once again I have been plagued by the visions, this time about some characters absolutely nobody cares about.
This may get a bit rambly and include some speculation/headcanons, but that's just the nature of this sort of thing. Might also be a little image heavy as I toss up examples to prove my points. Putting it under the cut.
Note: for brevity's sake, I will be giving names to each of the children because frankly the names we know them as are entirely too long. The Boy Who Got Tall - Ricky The Boy Who Got Strong - Linus The Boy Who Got Forked - Casper The Humpback Girl - Destiny/Dess
First, the Setting:
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Clearly this is a more modern time, in some form of urban area. I'd wager somewhere between the late 90's and early 2000's, going off of the kid's clothes (beanie, baseball cap, hoodies, etc). This contrasts rather starkly with the more rural setting of the previous comic involving the North Wind.
I have reason to believe this city is not inside the Nowhere itself. While the children do seem to be aware of an 'urban legend' surrounding the old building, Dess is the only one that believes in any danger. With the Sounds of Nightmares, we've been shown certain people may dream into the Nowhere and become acquainted with the monsters within, and it's not out of the question Dess herself has had night terrors such as those.
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(the comment about the wind is funny, considering the last chapter was about the North Wind, but that very well may be a red herring. Even so, her conviction is strong. More on her later.)
An argument could be made about how is the Mirror Man in the real world in that case, which I understand. I have two counter theories for that though. Either the Ferryman himself brought him over as part of his trap, or the Mirror Man was never fully there to begin with. I'm more inclined towards the latter.
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Notably he was already described as "the thing that wasn't there." And he isn't, really. He's in the mirrors, and he only reaches out of them without fully leaving them himself. Mirrors themselves are often described as portals or windows to another world, and I'd be inclined to think the Mirror Man's realm is sort of inbetween the Nowhere and the waking world, though it may have been tainted in some way and it's influence is severely limited outside the Nowhere.
Moving onto the children.
Ricky, The Boy Who Got Tall
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Looking at him straight up, he is notably shorter than the others, and a bit more portly though the style doesn't make it that clear in most shots. I'd wager he's the youngest of the group.
His desires almost seem naive or softhearted in comparison to the others'. Reflecting a sense of self-importance, maybe?
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(ha ha cookie fat joke so funny funny. rolling my eyes here)
Regardless. Ricky was also the one to argue with Dess about going into the building, and was the first to uncover a mirror. He takes the most initiative out of everyone in the group and is stubborn/pushy with what he wants, as if making up for a perceived inadequacy. However, he was also the one to help Dess with her plan to send the Mirror Man away (while Casper was injured and unable to assist).
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(he also admits he was wrong, which is a nice touch)
Even with his rough edges, he shows the most consideration for what Dess feels, being the only one to stop and talk her into joining them inside, as well as the most concern for her wellbeing once things go to shit. He also promises to come back for her once they get help, and although Dess claims they never did, we don't know for certain how much time passed between the boys leaving and the Ferryman's arrival.
That being said, given the Ferryman's predatory nature, I wouldn't put it past him to manipulate her at her lowest point so she'd come with him to the Maw.
Linus, The Boy Who Got Strong
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This one, we arguably know the least about, given his early removal from the comic, to put it lightly. He has very few lines, but we can infer a number of things from his actions, particularly his interactions with Casper.
He's shown being rather close to him, in the bluntest meaning possible. Working alongside him while Ricky is busy talking to Dess, having no qualms about personal space, and so on. He's also shown leading the way inside, next to Casper, and quickly follows up on Ricky's impulsiveness in uncovering the mirrors.
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(note how they went in through the hole at the same time)
Moving on. The mirror's reflection showed him in a position of power. Building a "real castle," and sitting on top of it. Never to be picked on again. I'd reckon he views himself as king, or as the unofficial leader of his friend group. However he's not on top of the pecking order in his mind, so in a broader social scale I'd wager he's a Bully, but also a target for bigger bullies outside of his group.
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(minor thing: is he throwing bugs at people? i cant tell)
I can't talk about him fully without bringing up his best friend's interactions with him. Onwards.
Casper, The Boy Who Got Forked
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Props to this boy for being the only one in the friend group to have visible hair. Jokes aside, Casper seems to be sort of a two-faced cunt? In the beginning, he follows Linus' lead, yes, but also appears to be more put off by the place like Dess was, repeating what Ricky said to reassure himself. Once the mood lightens and they're enamored, he quickly falls into line, mirroring (hah) Linus and Ricky's sentiments.
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(very much unrelated but why do they all have lighters... have they been smoking something on their past adventures...)
Anyhow, his desires, as shown by the mirror, are convenience, and not being alone. Getting his chores done early to spend more time elsewhere, presumably with his friends, as well as having more support for his "games." He calls it playing sure but it definitely looks more like he's bullying that kid. (kids?)
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(note Linus is also part of his desires, while Ricky is not.)
After Linus is taken, Casper is somewhat reckless; approaching the mirrors to get changed back. The Mirror Man appears, and Dess barks at him to run.
He does not.
The Mirror Man grabs him, and so does Dess, pulling him in half. For the rest of the story, he is of few words and little help. Even after he was physically whole again, the mirror still held a massive part of him, I'd be inclined to believe.
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This is largely speculation on my part, but his story is rather tragic too. Like Mono, he watched his best friend get taken away. But unlike Mono, he couldn't follow them. He couldn't save him. He's just a kid, after all, he doesn't have that same power.
Maybe the reason they were taking so long to come back was because he was having a massive breakdown over the loss of his friend, but who's to say for certain?
Destiny, The Humpback Girl
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(sidenote: she appears to be wearing a hijab, or some other headscarf. interesting and neat.)
As mentioned previously, Dess is (rightfully) afraid of the building housing the Mirror Man, but how does she know it would be dangerous? Again, this is pure speculation as the comics were discontinued years ago, but now that we have the context of children slipping into the Nowhere through dreams, we have a potential reason for her fearful behavior.
Going back to what was actually said in the comic, is at odds with her friends. They don't take her seriously until it's too late, and they seem to have a history of shrugging her off (re: last week it was the wind). Despite this, she still risks herself for their freedom, and shows concern for Casper when he's hurt.
She was brave when she needed to be, and clever, more than her friends were, but she still slipped up. The mirrors never stopped being dangerous.
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She risked herself again checking to see if the Mirror Man was dead, only this time she wasn't so lucky, as we know. He twisted her image, knowing how she perceived herself (re: mirrors always talked too much), leaving her to wallow in despair for her efforts.
However. The Mirror Man allowed her friends to change back. I doubt breaking the mirror he was looking through had any effect on Him specifically as it was only a window as we established earlier, so why did he let them go?
I have another theory. Dess was growing increasingly exasperated her friends, having been plagued by nightmares that weren't taken seriously, or being listened to at all. This whole experience was a trap for her, orchestrated so she'd be wounded and left behind, ready to be taken away. The Ferryman is manipulative and clever, it's possible he struck a deal with the Mirror Man to terrorize some children, allowing him to take one for himself as payment, as long as he left Dess alive and hurting.
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closing thoughts: i think the ferryman should eat his own shorts. these brats and their dynamics have so much potential but i am likely doomed to scream into the void about them. maybe ill write something abt them myself lol
first time writing an analysis like this hopefully im coherent dsjknfdsjkfnjk. also my inbox is open to suggestions
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 11 months
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Excerpts from Ghosts of Onyx by Eric Nylund
Plus two additional lore notes from Halo Infinite's Multiplayer Intel for the Winter Update #3 and #4 archived on halopedia here
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ksvwzhj12y7 · 27 days
-.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- --..-- / .. - / -.. --- . ... -. .----. - / -- .- - - . .-. / .... --- .-- / ... - .-. --- -. --. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .. -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / -- .. --. .... - / .... .- ...- . / -... . . -. / -... . .- - . -. / .- -. -.. / -... .- - - . .-. . -.. / .- -. -.. / -.-. .-. .- -.-. -.- . -.. / .- -. -.. / .--. .- - -.-. .... . -.. / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --- ...- . .-. / .- --. .- .. -. --..-- / -... ..- - / -.-- --- ..- / .... .- ...- . / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / -.-- . - / - --- / .-- .. - -. . ... ... / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. / - .... .- - / - .-. ..- .-.. -.-- / -... .-. . .- -.- ... / .- / .... ..- -- .- -. .-.-.-
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Seeing The #00001 Post,
Who was the first test to have extra dna,
And what did they look like
And if thier dead, show us what they WOULD have looked like
(#00054 was the first to be spliced with additional DNA, and that was the humble House Mouse
They are also dead (died of shock), but I have drawn a hypothetical image against my better judgement!!!
It is also an excuse to show a bit of the life stages of clones! (They are very much not to scale jfdj)
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