alexandermartini · 7 months
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futurride · 1 year
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Was blurring and uncertain over whether it was really me coming into front, then realised my first thoughts were wine + food + nicotine. Fool proof method.
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loremoment · 9 months
rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten ppl
TY FOR THE TAG! WEEE! @scuntallope was tagged by @jonathanhulten but I'm forwarding it to our co-host's sideblog @loremoment because we already did a music ask game on main 2day and hes itching to share his tunes lol.
oh fuck yeah 😏😏😏
Please please please let me get what I want - Deftones
Say it right - Nelly Furtado
Heart of Glass - Blondie
Under The Table - Fiona Apple
L'Amour Looks Something Like You - Kate Bush
The Seventh Son - Mose Allison
Inertiatic Esp - The Mars Volta
Frontier Psychiatrist - The Avalanches
Lost But Never Alone - Oneohtrix Point Never
Blasphemous Rumours - Depeche Mode
tagging @chesapeakeripper @indicabutch @sativabutch @chainsnatcher @phasmo @postalmovie @litchkiing @corduroysockz @hagfishslime @youcouldbewonderful and the girl reading this.
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henryfitzempress · 2 years
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“The Black Prince had received the best education available. He was taught by the scholar and astrologer Dr Walter Burghley, and was expected to excel as the future King of England. This served him well for he gleaned a sense of his own majesty from an early age: at seven he was even accoutred with his own suit of armour. Whilst his parents were in Flanders, the year before John of Gaunt's birth, the Prince opened Parliament on behalf of the King.'
Before he was ten, the Prince led an elite entourage, greeting the envoys of the Pope at the gates of the City of London (in the fourteenth century London was still encased inside a large defensive wall, with around seven gates that allowed access from north to south of the City).
Aged ten, the Prince represented his father as the head of state, and even served as head of the realm whilst Edward Ill was in Antwerp around the time of John of Gaunts birth. Thrust onto centre stage, the Black Prince's ability to work the crowd came from ample experience at a young age in the public eye. Alongside his glittering public image, the Black Prince managed extensive land and property in Cheshire and Cornwall, overseeing local administration, and cultivating loyalty from his tenants.
When John of Gaunt lived with his brother he was expected to learn the skills required for leadership military and domestic. This period of fraternal bonding forged an enduring closeness between the two boys, despite the ten-year age difference between them.
The military victories of Prince Edward were legendary. He went on to be the hero of Poitiers, and his reputation was that of a chivalrous prince, albeit an arrogant one. During the Battle of Poitiers, the Black Prince captured the French King, John II. That night, he served his royal captive on bended knee as a page.
Isabella Plantagenet, born two years after the Black Prince and named after the dowager Queen, was equally as indulged by Edward Ill as her older brother. She ran up vast debts due to her extravagant lifestyle. (…) She eventually fell in love with, and married, one of the King’s hostages from Poitiers, Enguerrand de Coucy, a French aristocrat. During the war, Councy (…) refused to fight for either England or France.
Princess Joan was five years older than John of Gaunt, followed by William of Hatfield who died in infancy, and was subsequently buried in York. His death was followed by the birth of another prince, Lionel, who would grow to be the giant of the Plantagenet family, an improbable seven feet tall according to chronicler John Hardyng. After John, came four younger surviving siblings: Edmund, Mary, Margaret and Thomas, filling the royal nursery.
Aged fourteen, Edward's ‘dearest daughter' Joan left England to marry Pedro of Castile, cementing an Anglo-Castilian alliance crucial to Edward's military agenda. As her ship drew into the harbour at Bordeaux, her retinue were unaware of the horror they were about to face: the relentless and devastating Black Death now spreading quickly throughout Europe. The royal party fled to Loremo, a small village in ordeaux, but the Princess could not outrun the disease. Joan died unwed on I July 1348, with no family around her. His sister's death had a lasting impact on John of Gaunt; in 1389 he endowed an obit - an intimate religious service - for her at the Cathedral of St André at Bordeaux, where she was buried.”
Carr, Helen. The Red Prince.
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orodiroma · 1 year
Los placeres más simples de nuestra vida son nuestras mayores alegrías
La mayoría de las personas no descubren qué es más importante en la vida hasta que son demasiado mayores para actuar en consecuencia. Pasan gran parte de sus mejores años persiguiendo objetivos que al final importan poco. Aunque la sociedad nos invita a llenar nuestras vidas de objetos materiales, la mejor parte de nosotros sabe que los placeres más simples son los que nos enriquecen y nos llenan. No importa que nuestra situación sea difícil o
acomodada, todos poseemos una gran riqueza de sencillas bendiciones a nuestro alrededor, a la espera de que la va- loremos. Si lo hacemos, nuestra felicidad aumenta. Nuestra gratitud se propaga. Y cada día se convierte en un asombroso regalo.
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sirbagelface · 2 years
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bad man from five night feddy???
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lochiels · 5 years
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royal families in history: King Edward III & Queen Philippa of Hainault → 13 children
EDWARD (1312 - 1377) ♔ King of England from 25 January 1327 - 21 June 1377 PHILIPPA (1313/15 - 1369) ♔ Queen of England from 24 January 1328 - 15 August 1369
✧ ━━━━━━━ ✧ ━━━━━━━ ♔ ━━━━━━━ ✧ ━━━━━━━ ✧
EDWARD (1330 - 1376) ♔ First born and eldest son; Edward of Woodstock, known to history as the Black Prince. He was made guardian of the kingdom in his father's many absences and in 1343 he was created Prince of Wales. In 1361, he married his cousin Joan of Kent, a former ward of his parents. The marriage is widely believed to have been a love match that produced two sons. The prince earned distinction as one of the most successful English commanders during the Hundred Years' War. He was regarded as a model of chivalry and one of the greatest knights of his time. In 1362 he was granted the King’s dominions in Aquitaine and Gascony, together with the title of Prince of Aquitaine and Gascony. Edward predeceased his father when he died in 1376 from dysentery, at the age of forty five. His only surviving child was Richard II who ascended to the throne after his grandfather. He is buried in Canterbury Cathedral where his surcoat, helmet, shield, and gauntlets are still on display.
ISABELLA (1332 - 1339/82) ♔ Second born child and first daughter; Countess of Bedford and Lady of the Garter. Named after her paternal grandmother Isabella of France. She is thought to have been her father’s favourite daughter having been pampered from cradle through adulthood. Unusually for her times, she did not marry until the age of thirty three. Her father permitted her to marry a wealthy French lord, who she was in love with, named Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy. In 1366 she gave birth to the couple’s first of two children, a daughter named Marie de Coucy, who is the ancestress of many European Royal Houses. By 1376, the princess was made Lady of the Garter and was at her father’s side when he died the next year. Under mysterious circumstances, separated from her husband and eldest daughter, Isabella died either in April 1379, or between 17 June and 5 October 1382. She is buried in Greyfriars Church, Newgate, London, where her grandmother is also buried. 
JOAN (1333/34 - 1348) ♔ Third child and second born daughter; also known as Joanna and possibly named after her maternal grandmother. Joan grew up along side her older siblings Isabella and Edward, and their cousin Joan of Kent. In 1345 at the age of eleven she was betrothed to Peter of Castile, the son of Alfonso XI of Castile. By 1348, she left England along with a heavily armed retinue, likely making her the most protected lady of Europe at the time. Her father had spared no expense in the arrangements for her voyage and union, equipping her in the most impressive manner he could. The princess' entourage docked at Bordeaux, ignoring warnings of the Black Death. As her retinue began falling to the plague, Joan was likely moved to the village of Loremo. Sadly, she fell ill very quickly and died at the age of fourteen on 1 July 1348. It is unclear where she was buried, some believe she was interred at Loremo or at Bayonne Cathedral. In October 1348, Edward sent an envoy to Bordeaux in an attempt to retrieve his daughter’s body for burial. However, there is no record of Joan's remains being returned to England, nor any account of a royal funeral extant. Her statue, in Westminster Abbey, is on the South Side of her father’s tomb.
WILLIAM (1337 - 1337) ♔ Fourth child and second born son; died shortly after birth and is buried in York Minster.
LIONEL (1338 - 1368) ♔ Fifth child and third born son; known as Lionel of Antwerp. Named as his father’s representative in England in 1345 and again 1346. In 1347 Lionel gained possession of Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster’s Irish inheritance, who he was betrothed to as a child. He was called the Earl of Ulster and was eventually appointed governor of Ireland, landing at Dublin in 1361. Following that year he was created the Duke of Clarence. In 1363 Elizabeth died and Lionel married Violante Visconti daughter of a lord of Pavia. The couple were married in 1368 in Milan and later that year Lionel died. Through his first marriage to Elizabeth he had one child, Philippa, who made him the ancestor of future English and British monarchs.
JOHN (1340- 1399) ♔ Sixth child and fourth born son; founder of the House of Lancaster, the King of Castile and León and Duke of Aquitaine. During his life, John of Gaunt was a principle military commander and was effectively the head of English Government for some time. In the year of 1359 John married Blanche of Lancaster, his third cousin and had seven children. Upon his father in law’s death he inherited the Earldom of Lancaster and in November 1362 he received the title of Duke. After the death of Blanche he would marry Constance of Castile and have two children, the oldest Catherine of Lancaster would be the grandmother of Isabella I of Castile. Throughout his second marriage, John began an affair with Katherine de Roet who would eventually become his third wife. The couple had four children. Through their descendants, John is ancestor to all kings of Scotland beginning in 1437 and the English monarchs of the House of Lancaster, York and Tudor. He died 3 February 1399 and was buried alongside his first wife.
EDMUND (1341 - 1402) ♔ Seventh child and fifth born son; founder of the House of York, known as Edmund of Langley. At the age of eighteen in 1359, he joined his father on an unsuccessful military expedition to France and was made a knight of the Garter in 1361. He was created Earl of Cambridge in 1362 and married Isabella of Castile ten years later. He had three children with her. In Richard II's will, he was highly emphasised as the king's heir despite the stronger claim of his nephew Henry Bolingbroke. Edmund was elevated to Duke of York in 1385 and after his wife Isabella died in 1392, he married his second cousin once removed, Joan Holland on 4 November 1393; this marriage produced no children. During Richard II’s absences, he was appointed Keeper of the Realm and when the exiled Bolingbroke landed in Yorkshire in 1399, Edmund raised an army to resist him, but quickly decided join him instead. He thereafter remained loyal to the new Lancastrian regime as Bolingbroke overthrew Richard II to become Henry IV. Edmund died on 1 August 1402 at the age of 61 and was interred at King's Langley Priory. He was the last of his siblings to die, and lived the longest out of all of them. His youngest son Richard is the grandfather of King Edward IV and King Richard III.
BLANCHE (1342 - 1342) ♔ Eighth child and third born daughter; died shortly after birth and is buried in Westminster Abbey.
MARY (1344 - 1361) ♔ Ninth child and fourth born daughter; known as Mary of Waltham and Duchess of Brittany. Was betrothed to her future husband John IV, Duke of Brittany since birth and grew up with him. At the age of one she was given the title Duchess of Brittany. During her life, she and her younger sister Margaret were only allowed very limited visits to family and were given less pocket money than their older siblings. On 3 July 1361 Mary married John at Woodstock Palace. After her marriage she still had to remain at the English court. There was arrangements for the couple to leave England and take up residence in Brittany as the recognized Duke and Duchess. However, within a few months, Mary developed "a lethargic disease from which it was impossible to rouse her" and she died sometime before 13 September 1361 without ever setting foot in Brittany. 
MARGARET (1346 - 1361) ♔ Tenth child and fifth born daughter; known as Margaret of Windsor, she would be the last English princess born to a reigning monarch for over a century until the birth of Elizabeth of York. Having had two failed marriage arrangements she ended up marrying John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke. The couple who were raised together and had a close companionship, married on 13 May 1359, the same week John of Gaunt married Blanche of Lancaster. Soon after the death of her older sister Mary, Margaret died of unknown causes. Both sister were buried in Abingdon Abbey beside each other. Queen Philippa commissioned a tomb and the king had windows erected in memory of both princesses at King's Langley Priory.
THOMAS (1347 - 1348) ♔ Eleventh child and sixth born son; died in infancy of the plague and is buried at King's Langley church in Hertfordshire.
WILLIAM (1348 - 1348) ♔ Twelfth child and seventh born son; died in infancy and is buried in Westminster Abbey.
THOMAS (1355 - 1397) ♔ Thirteenth child and eighth born son; known as Thomas of Woodstock. In the year of 1374 he married Eleanor de Bohun and was appointed Constable of the Realm. Three years later, at the age of twenty two he was knighted and created Earl of Buckingham. In right of his wife, he became Earl of Essex in June 1380. Five years later, he received the title Duke of Aumale, and not too long after was created Duke of Gloucester. During his life, he was in command of a large campaign in northern France that followed the War of the Breton Succession of 1343–64. When Richard II was king, Thomas was apart of the Lords Appellant, a group of powerful nobles whose ambition was to take power away from Thomas’ nephew. Although the kings power was weakened in 1388, by 1397 the group was disposed and  Thomas was imprisoned in Calais to await trial for treason. Sometime in prison he was murdered, he is buried in Westminster Abbey. Through his marriage to Eleanor, he became the ancestor of the Dukes of Buckingham, who would claim right to the English Throne.
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liamtheocreative · 6 years
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My favorite month and my favorite time of year. Today is the tops! #loremoments @fractureme #evil #photography #edits #wicked #halloween #lore @lorepodcast #dark #spooky #manipulation #photographer #october #fall #autumn https://www.instagram.com/p/BpndUPFBLsW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s03f78j0ido6
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flatpyramid-blog · 6 years
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Loremo logo 3D Model
Loremo AG was a German automaker corporation, based in Marl. It was founded in 2000. Loremo was focused on designing prototypes of cars with very low weight and air resistance, the term "Loremo" is an abbreviation for "Low Resistance Mobile". Initially the car was conceived for emerging markets such as China and India. The project is currently inactive. No plans to restart development are currently known. It is high polygon, detailed 3d model of high quality. It was built on vector drawings. All sizes are designed in accordance with the original. The model can be used in the manufacture of games, videos, flesh or rendering images. Verts - 8442 Edges - 16872 Faces - 8436 Tris - 16872 UVs - 9860 Thank you for choosing our 3D models . Rmodeler team.
- #3D_Model #Logo
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alexandermartini · 7 months
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guess what i just made a sideblog for myself watch me never ever post anything on it. @loremoment
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saignus-blog · 12 years
I thought this company was dead. I'm so glad to see they're still working on it. This is the hard part about innovation. struggling with details and naysayers.  
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posting again in case anybody missed it go follow our most beautiful and intelligent and handsome alter lore @loremoment
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