#lots and lots of couple facials 🥴
allieinthesky · 4 months
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My Valentine’s Day in a nut shell. 💐🍫🍕🧖🏼‍♀️
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leonaluv · 8 months
What type of Roles would you play as Actor / Actress?
I was going to do Idol but I'm always curious 🥴 plot I would play in so. Anyways for fun
Four piles ,pick a cards
Choose a photo, words or number ~
Action ,Scene 1 , Cut , Scene 2
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Pile one - Action
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You're the one to question the system around you.   Look into the dark secrets of your family . Your love interests are normally going to be obsessed  with you or  not, you must focus on love ,more so focus on your character's journey .  Your first few roles , your going to face some criticism, people talking about how you express your facial expressions . People would want to be more emotional.  People like how you express your anger , and make scenes more intense .  Also, people hope to get a glimpse of who you are behind the scenes.  People like seeing you play more villain roles , more you like gambling and hunting down others. 
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Cards: Queen , the moon reverse , five wands reverse , and truthseeker 
Characters / Descendants - Mal , disenchantment -Bean,bridgerton story - Queen Charlotte
Pile two: Scene 1
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The roles you play , help to show off your sexy side , leaning into being innocent, the plot twist character, telling others to just trust you , while making sure your the one everyone feels comfortable around . Your acting reminds you of Lee Soo Hyuk . Someone that has cool vibes like that. Other roles remind me of mistress.
People perceive you as a good actress/ actor, despite playing the role , turn off the comments on social media. People see you winning awards ,even as a rookie. They see you as someone that has talent to play any role .
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Cards: three wands , the fool reverse , angel reverse , and Prince reverse ice disaster
Pile three - cut
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Here , the person that can pull off  playing different characters , you know, like Raven Symone, but still it's you , now your grandma , neighbor , aunt etc.  Either that or just like to play different types of characters .
 You have talent already at acting , as some of you all have already acted before in your childhood / teenage years . I guess more aspiring actors / actresses chose this pile . You have a good active imagination that helps you to bring your characters to life more.
 So some roles will be where you marry a famous person / reliving the life of a famous couple. Working in corporate but then you have some type of magical powers. . It starts off ordinary but then turns into something magical for your character when your play.  Playing the role of villain reminds me of strangers from hell.
Pile four- Scene 2
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Here , your roles will have you playing someone that either time travels or given a second chance to live.  Going on 17 again type of shows.  You will playing role of sick patients , probably starting out.  Movies that are disasters .Most roles you have to play a younger person and at times you later are the one taking care of kids . Family type of drama. The type of dramas that get pick up from books but different when are screen. Dramas that in up showing more of dark side like winix clubs or new Sabrina show . More of mysterious reboot . People think your acting is new , that you tend to commit yourself very well to your role. Although some think you can be expressionless and a bit just of void like that of the death card.  Some think your bit psycho like the roles you play in film. This the supernatural pile to , where your cast in a lot of horrors , dealing with death , being the role of someone that here to spiritual heal . The roles to have you waiting to be save by someone , so the clumsy hero / heroine . Anime type of heros  role with the orphan card. The 'I die for you' type romance films. Aka till death do us apart . Eternal lovers.
Cards:  father, advocate, angel reverse, damsel reverse, child orphan , child eternal reverse , death
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
My Movie Review: "Madame Web"
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Whew....LAWWWWWDDDD..... Y'all where do I even begin? 😭😭
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This movie was SO bad y'all.... Like.... I'm almost in shock at how bad it was lol... 😓
It takes a LOT for me to label a movie just plain BAD, so this is really saying something. It was awful... 😭
Like, you know a movie is bad when you and other people in the audience are laughing at how BAD the film and the acting is lol. 😅🤣 Seriously! My friend and I and a couple sitting beside us were laughing the ENTIRE movie at how bad the acting was.
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You guys, the acting was so criiiiiiinge! 🙈 I seriously have not seen acting this bad by an ENTIRE cast EVER lol. It was so bad, I was literally sitting there laughing at the dialog and the delivery. The only people who were decent were Adam Scott, the other side characters, and the three younger girls who were playing teenagers (Sydney Sweeney included). Everyone else sucked wind so bad. I swear, I don't think I've seen a movie where not only the LEAD was doing bad acting, but even the VILLIAN in the film was such a baaad actor, omg. 😭 His voice was so robotic. He was so WOODEN. He sounded like he was just reading his lines. Half the time, I wasn't sure if he was really talking to someone in the room like that lol. His voice sounded so unnatural.
This movie made me appreciate DECENT acting lol. I never realized how just your VOICE and your delivery of your lines can make the entire difference btwn someone who's a good actor, vs someone who's a bad actor. 🥴
Dakota Johnson.... Okay.... I gotta talk about her cuz lol..... 👀 This was actually my FIRST time seeing one of her films, so I went in with an open mind ykwim? But CHILE! That woman cannot act. 😭 At least, not in this film! Half the time, her character was talking out loud to herself. 👀 Her line delivery was so bad, and her voice was so monotone and didn't fit some of the scenes she was in. It was so cringe to the point where the couple of people beside us were LAUGHING at how bad her acting was. 😭 I know Dakota is another NepoBaby, but I thought that surely her acting must be better than this since she's had quite a few lead films under her belt by now. But nope! I was legit shocked by how bad her acting was in this. 🥴
Not only was the acting bad, but the WRITING of this film was horrendous also! Stuff that should have been conveyed by a look, a glance, a facial expression, etc. was all SPOKEN OUT LOUD by Dakota's character Cassie smh.
Like, what on earth kind of writing is that?? I haven't seen writing and editing of a film THIS bad in a very long time.
It took forever for the real action of the film to even begin. It took over an hour and a half to even get to the "meat" of the film, and when you finally get there, it's like: "this was it???" 🥴
Sony Sony Sony!!! What is you doing??? Y'all know I try to defend Sony on here. I have a soft spot for them. But geez.... I'm sorry Sony, I cannot defend this movie lol. 🤦🏾‍♀️
What on earth??
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What sucked the most though, is that we didn't even get to see anybody suit up in their costumes/uniforms/suits because we only got snippets of them in the future in costume.
Soooo basically, it really wasn't a "superhero" film to me. Like, it was all this buildup and buildup to NOTHING in the end.
At the end, my friend said that the movie was so bad that she liked it lol. 😅
I'm not going to try to sway anybody's decision....Go see it if you wish. All I know is it was so bad to the point of laughter out loud for me all throughout the movie lol. 😅🤣
You know how some actors OVER-act and it's so cringe?? Yea, it was THAT level bad in some scenes lol. Maybe not on THIS level bad like the film "Showgirls" ROTFL, but it was still pretty bad...
The Pros:
The three "teenage" girls and Adam Scott were probably the best parts of this movie tbh lol
It was so bad, that it was pure comedy for us after a while lol😅
The Cons:
The writing was HORRENDOUS in this film
Dakota's acting and voice was just awful lol
Most of the acting SUCKED in this movie lol
The Villain was awful and sounded like a robot. Most of the time, it sounded like he was literally just reading his lines off of a script rotfl 😅🤣
The editing was horrible also!
We didn't really see the protagonists become "superheroes"
Just plain bad!! I seriously haven't seen a movie THIS bad in a VERY long time. 😩 Thank goodness I have a movie membership and didn't have to pay full price for this, cuz I'd be PISSED! LOL
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading ⛲️- September 2022 - Leo
Overall energy: The Sun
How you will meet: 3 Cups
How they will treat you: 6 Swords
Long-term Potential: 6 Wands
This one is going to hit you like a ton of bricks, because you’re obsessed with them, and it happens very quickly. You could meet them at a party, some sort of celebration, or through mutual friends. This could be a “love at first sight” kinda thing, the chemistry is off the charts, and it probably heads into more passionate territory rather quickly. For whatever time you’re together initially, it’s The Sun, the greatest connection you can imagine and you’re very happy. How they treat you is having to leave, they could’ve lost a job, or some financial means prevents them from being or staying close to you. It’s probably temporary but there’s a period of uncertainty. Eventually, once time time goes by, Wheel of Fortune indicates time, who knows how long…they’ll come rushing back, because they’re supposed to, the Wheel can indicate destined connections and divine timing. 6 Wands is an excellent card for the future, victory and success, it’s only a matter of time.
Messages -
Their side:
- Facial Hair
- Loud
Your side:
- Don’t underestimate my potential
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo & Sagittarius the most
Overall energy: The Hierophant
Current: 4 Pentacles
Challenge: Knight of Cups
Potential: Queen of Swords
I see you being concerned about making plans for the future and getting serious about the long-term, and your partner not being on board with much of what your personal plans are. These are two people that insist their way is the right way…and with the “possible signs” that are showing up here, good luck changing the minds of any of them. They have more negative messages, indicating things like control, an orthodox or old fashioned way of doing things, religious beliefs are possible with this Hierophant…and you’ve got bigotry on your side. There is a clash on who the two of you are at your core. There’s probably a lot of independence within your relationship because you’re so different, it works for you both, but sometimes the opposition raises its head and it’s unavoidable. You move cautiously towards working together, but both of you are so stubborn in your views that a Tower usually follows, it’s impossible to get on the same page when it comes to long-term visions and goals, when they aren’t compatible.
The challenge is re-lighting the spark of romance, manifesting any positive outcomes together, or either of you getting what you want, you’ve rubbed each other the wrong way this month in several ways. The potential is sitting in a chair with your arms folded because you’re not getting your way, and they’re basically doing the same thing. Neither of you are satisfied or happy with how things are turning out. Queen of Swords could show you communicating this at least, or communication could be a big issue between you, that shows up on your side. Bluntly stating your feelings in the most peaceful “let’s talk about this” way is probably the best way to go, though I don’t know how much it will change the other person’s equally stubborn views, yours will at least be made clear. This Queen can also show you or them severing the connection further and just being alone for awhile, that shows up on their side.
Messages -
Their side:
- Condescending
- Uncomfortable Tendencies 🥴
Your side:
- Wise Spirit
- I don’t know how to communicate!
- I’m happy where I am.
Oracles -
Their side: Being alone can help you know yourself - and even more important, love yourself.
Your side: Never allow bigotry of sex, race, religion, creed, or to politics into your life.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Aries, Capricorn & Scorpio
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ebonyslasher · 3 years
I don't know if asks are open rn, but could I get Poly! Ghostface, Carrie White, Brahms Heelshire, and Tiffany Valentine with an partner that has vitiligo and gets made fun of for it? People at school suck. If asks are closed just ignore, thxx.
Ask/Request are open!! Thank you for sending in one!
Slashers react to reader with vitiligo getting bullied:
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Protection squad summoned
So, you have chosen death? Please proceed.
Whether you like it or not, they plan to kill anyone that’s mean to you. Calling you names, laughing at you, or making disgusted faces gets them on the kill list.
Either both or one of them will stick by you at school, daring someone to approach
At home, they boost and hype you up in any way that they can
Will give you clothes to model. It’s photoshoot time!
Prints out the photos writes sweet captions on them
“ I can’t live without you, and I don’t want to try”; “Smoking hot, as always babe”; “We will kill to protect you” etc etc
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Learned that people from school and online made fun of you on IG and Facebook, once he learned how to use a laptop
Makes a profile just to go crazy in the comments. Will reply to every single hateful comment. He will also threaten to kill via dm
Some people at school get scared and stop, others just think it's a random crazy dude talking shit online
Little do they know.....
Goes on rants when you get home
“Them fucking lots got the audacity to bully my fucking girl?! My fucking princess? Just because you look better than them? They can eat shit!”
If any of the comments get to you, he gives you a hug and rubs on your skin. He complements you from day to night.
Tiffany Valentine
So you've really chosen death??
She will definitely set someone straight, might even slice them right there
Threatened to cut someone's tongue out after they called you ugly
“The audacity of this bitch calling you ugly out of that stank mouth of hers!”
Takes you to the spa to make you feel better. You both get the couples special, with a massage, facial, and a nice time alone in the sauna
Worships your body after when y'all get home, all of it. She knows how to take her time too 👀🥴
Carrie White
Completely understands what you're going through, since she's been bullied too
She's shy, so she's not to type to yell at people for being ignorant and mean
But she will use her powers to make their life living hell, she times it after they say something mean (she recently learned about conditioning in psychology class).
Maybe a trip down the stairs will make them think twice
Gives everyone who dares to say something an evil look
Comforts you at home by baking you your fav dessert
“I don't get how they make fun of how you look?? I mean they are so basic. I can find 10 of that same person around the block.”
Peppers your face with kisses 😘💋
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destinyc1020 · 29 days
I think that Tashi hated Patrick when they met again during their 30s because he was the one that could crack the hard shell that she had developed to protect herself. She cracked when she saw him when she was newly engaged at 23. The whole artifice that she had built as a tennis power couple with top of the line endorsement deals was already shaken by Art losing the passion for the sport and she knew that having Patrick back in her life could completely destroy it. And Patrick was not innocent: he wanted to be back in her life and saw that Art was close to retirement and that Tashi would need a new challenge to feel alive so he suggested that she become his coach. Tashi knew that his intentions were not innocent and she hated herself for still loving and desiring him
Also another thing that made Tashi hate Patrick is that she had seen as he had wasted his potential just for being too hardheaded and not recognizing the problems in his game, just like she had pointed out back in Stanford. She hated that he had wasted his talent while she was not even able to show hers due to the injury that prematurely ended her career. A similar reason that she has started to resent Art because he had lost interest in the sport and wanted to retire even though he was still physically able to do it
A solution that none of them thought about is for Tashi to transition to becoming a coach of other hungry players while Art and Patrick eventually retire from the sport. That way she could keep her link to the sport that nourished her soul
Thanks Anon for this take! You might be on to something here... I did find it sus that Patrick was asking her to be his coach smh. Definitely shady lol. I literally cracked up out LOUD in the theater when I saw Tashi's facial expression to that crazy request lol. 😅
She hated that he had wasted his talent while she was not even able to show hers due to the injury that prematurely ended her career.
I can see why she might have felt that Patrick was wasting his potential, but I can't imagine HATING someone over that. What someone chooses to do with their life is their business?? I can understand being frustrated, but HATING on someone cuz of that?? For over a decade?? 🥴 Idk girl lol...
Even that fight they had in her dorm room was ages ago. Couples sometimes say harsh stuff when in an argument w/each other. And it's not like she was saying nice things towards him while they were arguing either. I would have just let that mess go lol.
A solution that none of them thought about is for Tashi to transition to becoming a coach of other hungry players while Art and Patrick eventually retire from the sport. That way she could keep her link to the sport that nourished her soul
Now see, THIS right here would have been a perfect solution imo. Cuz I kept thinking to myself all throughout the movie that it's not really the best idea for couples to coach each other in a sport/any type of competitive deal. I especially don't think that things go too well in a relationship or a marriage when it's the wife coaching the husband. 👀 It usually tends to create this very weird, awkward, power dynamic, and the man usually ends up feeling emasculated, and the woman in turn doesn't respect the man.
Idk... I can just foresee a LOT of bad problems in a marriage when it's based on this type of "work" dynamic....😅 The marriage also tends to become about "work" and less about romance, and that (imo) is a HUGE recipe for a disaster marriage if you ask me lol. It's okay if both husband and wife work in the same industry and do the same type of work, but when it's the wife coaching the husband, or even the husband coaching the wife, it can get to be a really weird dynamic that doesn't end up well in the marriage dept. The relationship sometimes turns into more of a "work relationship" and a "roommate" living situation than an actual separation of work life and home life. I can't explain it. But I agree w/you...I think Tashi would have done better to coach other people who are NOT her husband (or Patrick), or maybe even started teaching her little daughter to be a tennis champion at a young age. I think that would have been a much better dynamic honestly.
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