#louisa chase
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Louisa Chase, ‘Untitled,’ 2000-2021,
Oil on board,  
 W.24 in x H.24 in (W.60.96 cm x H.60.96 cm)
Courtesy: Hirschl & Adler Galleries Inc
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alder-iris · 4 months
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im literally about to cum
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diioonysus · 2 months
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"Crying doesn't mean we're weak, it means we're human"
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bethanydelleman · 4 months
I watched a TV show this weekend (Captivating the King) where a tree was planted to represent a guy by his brother. Then there is a lightening storm and the tree is the only thing hit and burns to the ground. Predictably, the guy is freaking out because God smitted (smote?) a representation of himself. So I think to myself, "Never plant a tree that represents someone."
BUT THEN, I'm re-reading A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott today where Rosamund (main character) watches a tree her dad planted at her birth get struck by lightening and if she had paid attention to the bad omen maybe she would have avoided some very bad stuff later (trying not to spoil). So then I think to myself, "No, no. Plant trees that represent people and pay attention to omens."
So now I'm torn. What do you think?
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bellasbookclub · 3 months
BBC Read Along - A Long, Fatal Love Chase by Louise May Alcott
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What time is it? Time for a sexy priest 🥵💦
This month's read along is Chapter 12 - Behind The Grating on the American March 13th and the Aussie Thursday 14th of March!
How does the read-along work?
Jump onto the Bella's Book Club Discord
Just here to listen? Go to our voice channels (at the bottom of channel list with a speaker icon🔊)
Connect your audio (we suggest joining muted by clicking on the mute button)
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4. Want to take a turn reading? Let the mods know in the #read-along-chat channel before you click on over to the voice channels and join in the chin wagging!
5. Reader turns are usually approx. 10 minutes each (mods will keep track and ping you at the 1 minute mark.) Read along from your own copy or keep track via our livestream of the text.
Have fun!
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calypsobulbasaur · 3 months
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I bound this month's book club book! There are so many technical flaws but I learned so much. Not to mention what a *scandalous* book this is - kidnapping, cliffs, shirtless priests, oh my!
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bookwormchocaholic · 4 months
I just finished "A Long Fatal Love Chase," by Louisa May Alcott...
::spoilers under the cut::
I know fatal is in the title, but I wasn't expecting that kind of ending! Of course Philip died...But Rosamund?!?!?! She and Ignatius were supposed to end up together.
Louisa May Alcott, how could you do this to me?!?!?!
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darkvioletcloud · 4 months
*levi teaching his new mom how to use a gun properly before getting slightly frustrated and yelling "damnit" after Louisa scoffs she ends a perfect shot out of shear anger of hearing her new son curse*
Levi's gonna get chased with the wooden spoon for cursing!
Or... la chancla.
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eleftherian · 1 year
I feel like we should talk more about how bounderby is literally a pedophile
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
What to Read After Dracula
If you want to read more Stoker: Dracula’s Guest and Other Stories by Bram Stoker
If you want more foundational genre-defining gothics: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
If you want homoerotic vampirism that’s both intriguing and problematic: Carmilla by J. Sheridan le Fanu
If you want a gothic heroine fighting against the villain trying to possess her: A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott
If you want a protagonist entering an extremely fucked up old money home and fighting for their freedom: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia
If you want basically the same plot as Dracula but a lot more batshit and can put up with 1800s racism: The Beetle by Richard Marsh
If you want a modern take on Dracula that acknowledges the sexual assault subtext: The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix (note: this one is very hit or miss, people either love it or hate it)
If you want academics fighting ancient evil and an actual implied cameo by Dracula: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by H.P. Lovecraft (my personal favorite Lovecraft!)
If you want morally ambiguous mad scientists: The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories by Robert Louis Stevenson (and read the rest of the stories in it while you’re at it!)
If you want rootin’ tootin’ Americans fighting gothic monsters: Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard
If you want a gothic mystery with a spooky villain: The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
If you want an implied polycule where a nerdy lady does all the real mystery solving: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
If you want the kind of vampire romance Dracula has become in pop culture: A Taste of Blood Wine by Freda Warrington
If you want something campier: Haunted Castles by Ray Russell
If you want something sexier: The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
If you want something weirder: Blood 20 by Tanith Lee
If you want to read foreign bootleg Dracula: Powers of Darkness or Dracula in Istanbul, both creatively mistranslated from Bram Stoker
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hrsrabbitcenter · 2 months
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(San Francisco Bay Area) Buffy and Binx* are one month old sweet, friendly, curious rabbits, living in Berkeley, CA. Binx is mama's twin with brown ears and spots. Binx is adventurous and brave, the first one to explore new things, they love to run fast zoomies, chase mama for milk, climb to the top of their favorite beanbag chair and snuggle with Buffy. Buffy is a beautiful albino snowball. Their hobbies include trying to eat everything mom eats, jumping in the water bowl and snuggling with Binx. Buffy has gorgeous ruby eyes that are sensitive to bright lights and enjoys having a cozy dim place to relax. They will be ready to go to their forever homes when they are fully weaned (mid April). They would love to go to a home together or a home with other rabbit friends to play with. There will be a small rehoming fee, just to make sure they are going to a safe place.   If you can give Buffy and Binx a safe, loving home, reach out to Louisa at [email protected]!
*We are not able to tell the gender at this time we will update when we have more information but they are happy and thriving!  
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
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☾ book recommendations: *✲⋆.
my all time favorites:
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky
notes from underground by fyodor dostoevsky
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
frankenstein by mary shelly
the plague by albert camus
we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
others that i'd recommend:
break the body, haunt the bones by micah dean hicks
tomie by junji ito
uzumaki by junji ito
berserk by kento miura
the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
i have no mouth, and i must scream by harlan ellison
the tell-tale heart by edgar allen poe
the cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe
rebecca by daphne du maurier
wuthering heights by emily brontë
dune by frank herbert
a shadow over innsmouth by h. p. lovecraft
the color out of space by h. p. lovecraft
the dunwich horror by h. p. lovecraft
crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky
demons by fyodor dostoevsky
the idiot by fyodor dostoevsky
jane eyre by charlotte brontë
animal farm by george orwell
do androids dream of electric sheep? by philip k. dick
a long fatal love chase by louisa may alcott
the stranger by albert camus
the metamorphosis by franz kafka
the trial by franz kafka
dragonwyck by anya seton
discipline and punish by michel foucalt
the castle of otranto by horace walpole
faust by johann wolfgang von goethe
the fall by albert camus
the myth of sisyphus by albert camus
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy (do look into the content warnings though, there's heavy violence/depictions of 1840s-1850s racism)
the death of ivan ilyich by leo tolstoy
the dead by james joyce
the overcoat by nikolai gogol
dead souls by nikolai gogol
hiroshima by john hersey
useful fictions: evolution, anxiety, and the origins of literature by michael austin
no exit by jean paule satre
candide by voltaire
white nights by fyodor dostoevsky
notes from a dead house by fyodor dostoevsky
the shock doctrine by naomi klein
the 100 year war on palestine by rashid khalidi
blackshirts & reds by michael parenti
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j4m3s-b4k3r · 5 months
Slow Horses
Fave viewing over the past few years has been SLOW HORSES on AppleTV+. A spy show with all the intrigues of a John le Carré novel, but if George Smiley was written as a sarcastic smart arse and every other spy was a downbeat comedian. 
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River Cartwright chased by one of ’The Dogs’.
The show focusses on spies who’ve disgraced themselves, but for various reasons can’t be set free into the wild. We are led into this espionage backwater by an earnest young spy who has become persona non grata with Mi5. His efforts to get back into the slick world of Regent’s Park puts him at the heart of the action in the series. Though he’s from Mi5 royalty (as his grandfather used to head the organisation) he’s banished to a shabby facility called Slough House. 
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Lamb uses his signature flatulent power-move on Taverner. 
This kingdom of losers is ruled by Jackson Lamb, hilariously played by Gary Oldman. Famed for being a chameleon, Oldman is clearly having enormous fun here, playing this jaded old cold warrior, who doesn’t care any more. Lamb has let himself go physically, but is still mentally sharp enough to anticipate when he’s being setup. Which is often, and most likely by his Mi5 boss Diana Taverner (played with deadpan ice queen flair by Kristin Scott Thomas). Her disdain for the screwups of Slough House doesn’t stop her from using their services. These ‘Slow Horses’ are ostensibly kept on by ‘the service’ for menial jobs - filing and desk work - but they are sometimes caught up in intrigues too. Simply because Mi5 often needs fall guys.
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Shirley & Marcus pinned down by The Tiger Team.
Mi5 is portrayed as a world of grasping political climbers. The higher up the political totem pole, the more damehoods & knighthoods there are. But ruthless sociopaths abound too. More than willing to sacrifice their underlings if it advances their own interests, or covers up a blunder. The traditional baddies of spy stories are here, but rather than the Russians or international terrorists, domestic political dirty dealing is responsible for most of the body count.
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Min & Louisa surprise an intruder at Slough House.
For all their flaws, the Slow Horses have more decency than the ‘winners’. They are prickly & snarky characters, that are nevertheless likeable. A fave of mine is Roddy Ho, Slough House’s IT expert. His hilariously pompous dialog is brilliantly played to the smugly annoying hilt by Christopher Chung. Pint-sized firecracker Shirley Dander (Aimee-Ffion Edwards) and wily old school operative Catherine Standish (Saskia Reeves) are a couple of other faves, but honestly, all the characters have their moments. 
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Roddy analyses the kidnap photo of Standish. 
The show-runner is standup comedian & writer Will Smith, who manages to deliver laughs aplenty but also real drama. Main characters can die, and probably when you’d just learned to love them. We enjoyed watching this show so much that, after finishing the 3rd season, we RE-watched the entire thing, and were entertained even more the 2nd time. 
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Jackson Lamb has an ice cream.
Having just exhausted all the viewing options available, Julia & I just began the book series that the show is based on, by Mick Herron. Though many details differ, the books are remarkably similar to the TV series, tonally. Added background details to the characters & plots make them enjoyable even after seeing the show. Hopefully they will feed us enough Lamb until season 4 drops at the end of 2024.
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bethanydelleman · 10 months
These novels are taking up similar space in my brain:
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A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Allcot
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
Image description below:
Venn diagram, three circles, one for each novel. Short forms for novels mentioned above are ALFLC, MP, and TTofWH
In the centre with full overlap: The rake never reforms, root of the fundamental flaw is boredom
ALFLC & MP: Man has something wrong with his looks, the ocean
ALFLC & TTofWH: unwilling to let her leave him, she thinks love can change him
MP & TTofWH: final straw is an affair
Just ALFLC: fake marriage proposal
Just MP: refuses to marry him based on his morals
Just TTofWH: Has a child with the rake
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bellasbookclub · 4 months
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Did someone order a deep cut? 🌊🌩️
This March, BBC is reading a long-lost gothic thriller from Louisa May Alcott's flop era! Rejected for being "too sensational," this tale of intercontinental stalking, secret identities, literal cliffhangers, and sexy priests wasn't published until 1995—and now, like a virtuous maiden we've trapped on a yacht, it is OURS, ALL OURS! 🪦🥀
Discord discussion: Monday 03/18 8 PM EST | Tuesday 18/03 11 AM AEST
See you there!
Bella’s Book Club is an interactive virtual book club created by the Three Books One Plot podcast. Our monthly Discord discussions are open to all! More info here.
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calypsobulbasaur · 3 months
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phillip tempest call rosamond her own name challenge (impossible)
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