#louisisalarrie chats
louisisalarrie · 3 months
Due to the large amount of debating on Twitter around stunts and forcible closeting and who gains what from the partnership, let’s talk about stunts as someone who works in the industry and has a degree in this shit, baby!!!
Okie dokie. Stunts are just about our least favourite thing in this fandom, and we watch the boys get exploited, used, and see that they are thoroughly and visibly upset during pap shots and any public event with said stunt. I will be touching on bbg here, as a warning. But this will look particularly at Harry’s stunts, a bit more than Louis’, because people seem to all be fighting about Harry and TR at the moment, and there have been a lot of nasty things said between solos and larries and yeah… let’s have a chat about this all, so you folks can have a little more context of behind the scenes, and also a more thorough understanding than just “that stunt gf is using him for his fame and is part of the problem by forcibly closeting that artist”. Sooooo yeah, let’s get into it. I’ll break this down by Harry/Louis, and we can have a good look into this together. Feel free to hit me up in my inbox for any questions/comments etc., my loves. A lot of this stuff you might already be aware of, but yeah. Just thought I’d do something a bit more in depth while all this discourse is happening.
Harry - a brief history of stunts/his image, and why TR is his beard right now
So, we are all certainly aware of Harry’s past, with everyone from Caroline Flack, to Taylor Swift, to Kendall Jenner… the list goes on and on. His image was doctored to fit the ideal womaniser - sweet and funny, but flirty and cocky. If he was marketed as a dick, no one would idealise him, obviously. So he was allowed to be himself, as the sweet boy we all know, with the exception of flirting with every woman that breathes, and bedding them immediately, before moving on. He was still desirable like this. He was still seen as somewhat attainable, because he was never tied down. He didn’t do long term, he did one night stands and would keep women around long enough until the next pretty little (famous) thing came along. They wanted him to be seen as a sexual being, as so many young male boy bands are full of “goody two shoes” and are little happy cherubs who sing about what makes you beautiful, not waking up with a hard on.
So, his image flowed with the times. They seeded that baby as a womaniser, so when the band got older, he could be seen with multiple stunts, and be even more attainable than someone with a long term partner (Louis) because he didn’t fall in love. He was sex, and rock n roll, while playing innocent as well. It was a different twist to your usual “bad boy” narrative… the young girls saw him as a beautiful sweet angel, and the older girls thought they had a chance to have sex with him (multiple “receipts” that said Harry asked for numbers from fans and took them backstage after shows also posted on Tumblr/Twitter which the older fans had accounts on). They covered the very wide demographic that one direction had with this image, while keeping him closeted. S*mon always thought he was gonna be the main boy, so why not do whatever they can to give him even more PR? Two birds one stone, right?
Anyway, stunting is, and always has been, a crucial part of PR. The general public, and fans, are always interested to know the love life of celebrities. It causes drama, and gossip, and pays for the families of Paps, journalists, interviewers, etc. ya know? These folks would have a pretty boring job if they couldn’t spread gossip. They get paid more to do so, so it’s just the circle of life in the music industry. Almost all the jobs around an artist are there because of stunts. There’s only so many times a reporter can comment on what Harry is wearing if he’s not seen with someone else.
Anyway, this day and age, stunts have become pretty see through. We can spot one a mile away, anticipate articles, and guess what’s coming next. It’s embarrassing really. But, in the earlier days of stunts, it used to be a mutually beneficial agreement. Celebrity A “dates” and is spotted with Celebrity B, who both have large fandoms and make a lot of money (HS and TS). So, being seen together makes sense. A power couple, if you will. Two of the biggest stars on the planet, joining forces, exposing their already established fandoms to the other person’s music, and both of them gaining more followers, more money, and more clicks in the media. It’s the same with the OW shit show that happened… however, that was marketed as a 2 year long stunt, his longest yet, and was obviously to promo the movie. But, being his longest public relationship as of yet, they kinda dragged him away from the womaniser image a bit. Makes sense, right? He’s getting older, settling down a bit… he’s becoming a professional, not fucking the fans of his boyband backstage, and sleeping with every hot celebrity he sees.
However, because of a lot of these stunts are now being exposed and superficial af, they have tried a different kind of stunt, that, while we’ve seen before in different “womanising” artists, they do this to boost a positive image of the artist in question, and move them away from their… multiple sexual escapades. This is what I like to call the “Girl Next Door” stunt, which is exactly where Harry is at now, and where Louis has been all throughout his stunts.
The Girl Next Door stunt shows the public “oh wow, he’s not superficial!!! He’ll date someone who isn’t super famous and he loves them for them!!! He isn’t using her!! He’s attainable and would date someone like me because I’m not super famous!!!” narrative. Which, for Harry, pulls his image back towards being more “real” and authentic, and, for the fans, causes them to defend him because of this. They don’t see it as an obvious stunt because why the hell would this be mutually beneficial for Harry? Why would he bother to continue agreeing to closet himself with someone who isn’t gonna give him any PR from their own fandom? Who the paps are gonna wonder who she is? Well… it’s because he’s a sweetie pie baby boy cherub angel who doesn’t care about fame and fortune, just treats people with kindness and has fallen in love with someone who wasn’t really in the public eye to begin with. Wow. What an incredible guy.
And while you may say “hang on, TR wasn’t totally unknown, she had a following”, her following was nothing compared to Harry’s before they got together. So, with the above in mind about how this positively boosts Harry’s image, you can see why this is mutually beneficial. It’s not always about the money for both sides.
But… hang on… “why would TR agree to this? She’s actively participating in the closeting of Harry? She’s not a good person!!!!!” Well… if it wasn’t her, it’d be someone else. If every celeb/person boycotted the idea of stunts and refused them due to the fact they didn’t want to closet artists, that would be great. It would be a massive shift in the industry. It would be fantastic. But… that’s just not the way it is right now. And unfortunately I don’t think it ever will be.
Closeting has existed for years in the celeb world, and it’s not just gonna go away like that. Sometimes the artists get to choose who they stunt with, and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes bisexuality is seeded juuuuuust enough to get people talking even more. But in his case right now, that’s why people are relating to TR. that’s why they’re defending her, and that’s why they’re a good stunt for now, because she’s the girl next door. See that image shift, now?
Louis - bbg, long term gfs, and the Girl Next Door
Now that I’ve explained the idea of the Girl Next Door stunt (which I’m sure a lot of you have picked up on already prior to this post), that’s exactly what Louis’ closeting and stunting has been for the past 13 years. Eleanor was an unknown, young pretty girl aspiring to be a model. They had one womaniser in the band, two would just be sleazy, so why not make him somewhat “unattainable” but still show his love and commitment and as he was the oldest of the band, he took relationships seriously? It makes him look grown up, so people can take the band more seriously. They’re not just 5 boys who are fucking everything that moved due to newfound fame. It would keep Louis closeted, keep Harry closeted but in the public eye at all times, and totally remove any possibility of them being in a relationship behind closed doors. Sounds great on paper, right? So… if Louis was the sweet, funny, long term gf boy… then why did he go out and get drunk and fuck some unknown hairdresser in a one night stand and have a baby with her, and it be so public? Let’s have a quick look…
For obvious closeting reasons, someone who is speculated to be gay having a baby is quite a clear cut. They’ve had vaginal penetrative sex, they can’t be gay… right? Bisexuality is often overlooked in the media, but, that’s a story for another time.
So, bbg makes sense. They were seeding Harry’s bisexuality/coming out over mid 2014-2015 buttttt little problem… if Harry was in fact into men, then why couldn’t he be into Louis? Larry Stylinson is no stranger to the press, and to pay off every outlet to include in their article the previous denials of Larry’s relationship in the coming out articles, was more effort than what it’s worth. So, even giving him a male stunt, larry would still be prominent in all press relating to Harry’s sexuality. So, in the plans of Harry’s (not successful) coming out, what do they do with Louis?
Long term gf man Louis became quite the party boy, and slept around with Girl Next Door types. People who weren’t famous. People who weren’t gonna help his career after one direction, nor boost his popularity and exposure. He was almost attainable to fans, as so many fans have met him at clubs before. But Harry needed to be THE one who ended up on top (no pun intended), and THE extra attainable now openly bisexual man. They just had to stop Louis from being a desirable match to pretty princess harry, and kinda pushed him to take over Harry’s womaniser image. So, what better way than to push him into being a grotty undesirable party boy who was getting fucked up and sleeping with random girls? What better way than to make him be extra closeted with a kid whose mum he’d had a one night stand with? It could’ve been any fan… right? Quite the Y/N wattpad story if you ask me…
(Anywho, this isn’t a bbg post so I won’t go into S*mon vs Louis, the big gay war, Belfast etc., I’m just talking plainly about the images to the public eye).
So, bbg sticks and is set for the long term, and so Louis still has the committed image he always did. He’s always been tied down, except… he can’t go from party boy to doting dad in one breath. So a couple of VERY short lived stunts here (including one he did by himself in protest) and there, keeps him attainable. He cares SO much about his little lad, BUT is on the look out for some lady bits at all times. Funnily enough, with women who aren’t going to actively improve his career/popularity. So… Girl Next Door attainability, long term commitment grown up responsibility, and now, stunt free (apart from bbg) for over a year. Party boy louis lives on, though. And that is certainly an interesting deep dive as to why, but again, for another time.
Overall - why the fuck is this all happening?
So, they’ve pushed Harry and Louis as far apart from each other as possible, since 2015. Their images, everything. We know this, we’ve watched it, some of us have been here for it. But why is Harry now Girl Next Door stunting? It’ll be a year of them together in a few months. It’s arguably his first stunt gf who is not popular or influential in any way. Well… his image now is happy go lucky boy who loves everyone and is sweet as pie and while he still has suggestive lyrics and moves on stage, he’s actively been pushed away further from the womaniser image through OW and TR. I believe, since he has shot to fame, they’ve decided to kick him back down and seem more attainable, with a more “realistic and authentic” stunt. It makes him look like a real person again. Obviously, it’s forced closeting and you can plainly see it makes him upset and he’s doing everything he can to move away from it, but… that’s his image for now. They’re moving away from womanising because he’s older and needs to still look attainable and professional and “grown up” (30 yrs old isn’t grown up by any means, but it’s the ageism in the industry and generally around the world that pushes this), and so this is the purpose of TR. now, you can sit here and yell about her being an active part in his closeting, which she is, but if it wasn’t her, it would be someone else. Solo Harries who believe in them being together, would be stanning another chick if she was in TR’s place. It’s a Copy of a Copy of a Copy. Get mad at the teams behind Harry and Louis, not at the girls participating in it. (BBG is somewhat of an exception bc who tf would actively put a baby through that but whatever, the promise of money can sway people like crazy).
In short, Long-Term Tomlinson and Harry Sly-les are still in full force, but in an adjusted way to seem more authentic. Because in this day and age, where everything is fake, authenticity sells.
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louisisalarrie · 27 days
wow there is an insane amount of Larry articles now holy moly and even if some of their info is incorrect, well, it still brings attention to them.
to be fair, Louis could appease a lot of people by saying “yes, Harry and I dated very briefly during the early 1d days, but we didn’t go public with it and then broke up because of the pressure and I met me gf Eleanor” to literally:
1. not out all the stunts
2. somewhat out him and Harry as potentially still being queer
3. seeding a future coming out by “rekindling the romance” so it’s gently introduced prior to the GP as opposed to a denial
4. let antis and solos believe Larry isn’t real anymore so they don’t feel lied to
5. confirm larries’ beliefs
6. Receive public sympathy if the statement says “we were young and scared and it didn’t work out” or something along those lines
This strategy would make his life easier, his promo bigger, help with the fact people think Harry is queerbaiting if he’s actually seen as queer, make Louis not seem like a homophobe but a vulnerable real person, and would cover all bases.
Now, why would louis not want to do that? Well… there’s a couple of reasons, but I think the main ones are:
1. If they come out about it, he doesn’t want to lie. He doesn’t want to say he and Harry weren’t closeted and that they didn’t fight for their love, and not expose Simon and the industry executives for their awful behaviour
2. Harry and him are still together, they want to come out together, and they’re waiting for the right time (post stunts ending)
Now some of you may say “but… Louis doesn’t want Larry to take away from his career that he’s building, he wants to do it separate from that” and okay, fair point, but not after this denial. This proves 150% that his team, as a last resort, will bring up Larry to boost his promo. If he really was bothered by it, he wouldn’t bring it up. It wouldn’t connect them back together. And you wanna know something?
His denial would have had to be approved by Harry and his team.
Yep, this isn’t just Louis spouting a denial for promo off his own back. This is in collaboration with Harry’s team. With Harry’s fame and this linking them together in a way that will affect his fandom and bring him a large amount of publicity that he may not want, it needs to be approved by his team.
This isn’t just a random person claiming to have slept with Harry, it’s not a random person spouting some bullshit about Harry… his team don’t care about a lot of rumours. They let them slide because some of them just aren’t big enough or scandalous enough to care about, and it keeps him in the headlines. But the Larry thing goes waaaaay back. It makes people become larries and dig into it when this shit is online. It jeopardises Harry’s current stunt. It threatens to out him and a long line of massively important music industry professionals. It’s been an ongoing thing for like 13 years now.
Harry doesn’t comment on it, because he doesn’t need to. He doesn’t need more promo. He doesn’t want to jeopardise his image that hints that he’s queer. It doesn’t affect Louis’ image to that degree due to previous stunts and denials.
So… yeah.
Harry’s team approved the denial. Louis approved to be asked about it and released it as edited and pre recorded for promo as soon as he left LATAM. It’s rehearsed. Let’s push on and keep this all in mind.
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louisisalarrie · 27 days
I get that fans are upset with him but sometimes this boy appears so traumatised to me. All these poor PR moves outside of urgency etc as you rightly point out. I am pretty sure also that he and harry both must be pretty annoyed by a large group of the Larry fanbase and their behaviour. It must be quite challenging to navigate this environment when closeted, under various pressures and wanting to grow your own career.
Oh boy. Yep. That boy has been through so damn much. Let’s talk about Larry coding, and fan demographics/reactions. I think i can kinda hit all of your points in here with that. Anon, welcome to the show.
So, i can totally understand and agree with you about a small amount of larries who… take it too far isn’t really the right phrase, but just… reach? Massively? And are awfully loud about how Louis and Harry are always doing something that relates to each other? And.. that can be frustrating.
Navigating a closet in an environment where a huge amount of your demographic are larries, is no easy task. I don’t envy him whatsoever, and yea, he has absolutely been traumatised by Simon, previous PR managers, the 1d mgmt team… it’s just awful. He can’t be himself, and he’s trying to express himself however he can, but… everything is related back to Larry. And i actually don’t see these reaches on tumblr. We actively analyse and of course we talk about blue greening and stuff, but my god some of the theories on twitter are actuallly delusional. It makes Louis have to think 400 times before he does anything, because these “famous” larrie accounts are analysing it to an insane degree and a lot of other larries are eating that shit up. The analysis of the most simple things he does, being taken into a wild and ridiculous theory, is not helping him. I’d wager that that’s the bloody conspiracies he’s talking about.
And no, im not shitting on other larries. We are all fighting for the same thing. Freedom. But my god some of these twitter folk genuinely don’t give it a rest. Every. Single. Little. Thing. And yes, people reach because we aren’t getting any clear content at the moment. I get it. But sometimes this shit is actually pushing it, and Louis and his team would be seeing that.
They are seeing his career, every step he makes, being analysed and almost unsupported by some larries because they’re immediately making it out to be about Harry. I’m not saying neither of them Larrybait, but not everything is Larry coding. And i can imagine how frustrated that would make him. He’s trying to go out on his own, and of course Harry would support that and of course they do still wanna communicate with us, but damn. I hope they see tumblr shit, or at least see the good side of larrie twitter, because genuinely it’s too easy to lump us in with the folk who are truly taking it too far.
Yeah, anyway, he is 100% traumatised by being forcibly closeted and truly exhausted by this all, and throughout the continuous stunts and fame and threats and contracts and NDAs, still trying to do what you love can be hard.
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
hiiii, did you read the articles that harry wants to "get settled" now that he is thirty with his girlfriend, and he even started looking for rings, what is your opinion about it, i mean im kinda scared
I saw the headlines but I didn’t bother reading or clicking that shit, it’s ridiculous. Let me start this by saying the entertainment industry as a whole is ridiculously ageist. Anon, welcome to the show.
So, it’s seen fairly often in tabloids and interviews and articles, women in their late 20’s/early 30’s and onwards, being pressured about settling down and getting married and having kids. Hell, women in their every day lives get pressured and asked about this constantly too. Slowly, the script is flipping as more and more people are choosing not to have kids, but the societal pressure is still there. Because that’s what women are good for, right? Can’t be dating around as a women, can’t be a slag, you have to settle down and give the public your offspring so they have something to coo about and you look even more successful. You are “complete”. You’re “normal”. You’ve done what women are meant to do.
So, we see it all the time with women, and we do occasionally see it with men. Which sucks, and no one should be under that public scrutiny and pressure about their personal lives. But, the term “settle down” in relation to male stars, is used particularly for, you guessed it, men who are “womanisers”. Why isn’t the headline “TR and Harry look to settle down”? Why is the headline “Harry Styles ready to settle down”? Because, not to mention he’s way more famous than her, but he’s also notorious for sleeping with any woman with a pulse (so they say).
So, this narrative being pushed gets way more traction, because if you use the first headline that they are both ready to settle down, it implies TR wasn’t ready to begin with. But she is. Because she’s almost 30 and needs to have some kids before her biological clock runs out. Duh. So she’s finally caught the lothario that is Harry Styles™️. What next?
Of course! Now that they’re speculated to be engaged, and that news dies down, there needs to be another little shock. Perhaps… a baby bump? Well, not one exactly, but maybe a photo of TR after she’s had a big bowl of pasta that they can sell to the tabloids. Because it sells. Harry not only “settling down” but also a potential baby Harry? The fans will go crazy. The public will click on that link. That’s how to sell a narrative. And a new album. And some tickets to a play.
Now, none of this is probably news to you. We’ve seen it all before. It happened with him and OW too. It’s the standard relationship timeline, and hey… didnt TR’s play just start on stage in NY from March 3rd - 31st? Isn’t that great timing for her name to be tied to Harry with a big story in the press! What a coincidence!
So anyway, when we had the whole Louis and E engagement stories, we had way different headlines than Harry. Even though louis was an “off the rails party boy”, we got headlines that didn’t mention settling down at all. And that’s because, apart from a very short stint of blonde girls occasionally piling up in his van after clubbing and an “accidental child with a one night stand”, he’s always been a long term relationship guy. Always going back to E. So, he doesn’t have that narrative like Harry does. But also, everyone wants a piece of harry. He’s in high demand right now, so isn’t TR so very lucky!
Anyway, if there’s rumours two folks are engaged, the breakup articles sell even better. It means it was a super serious shocking split as opposed to TR being another one of Harry’s flings and he wasn’t serious about her at all. Hence the engagement articles. And we saw that with Louis, although louis seems to address rumours a lot more than harry, for image/PR op reasons. Remember his “no, no, no!” In that interview when being asked about his engagement? Ahhh… good times.
So, we can probably expect a BUA soon, when TR’s play finishes, and Harry announces something. So hold on for me, anon!
I also have a theory, that Harry’s narrative is slowly moving towards settling down, because when he comes out with/without Louis, it’ll look more serious when they get together. It’s not going to be “harry experimenting with sexuality”. It’s gonna be “he’s serious, he’s been wanting to settle down for a while, this isn’t a phase”. Well… more along those lines anyway. Maybe not straight away. But yeah, so that’s also why I think there has been a couple of engagement jumpscares, and also his narrative shifting from sexy womaniser to wholesome loving and doting man who wants to settle down.
Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! Always fun to talk about industry stuff. xx
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
Hey lovely. Wanted to ask you this as you work in the industry but who funds Louis’ tour? Is that the record company or is he doing it himself? And who pays his band, manager etc? I’m just curious as to how much support he’s getting from his record label or if he’s really doing a lot of self funding.
Hello, my love! I’m gonna try and explain this the simplest way possible so I don’t get into too much jargon and make you read a 3,000 word essay hehe. Also, contracts can all vary, but this is the most standard way of touring when it comes to big artists. Let’s goooooo!
Okay, SO, when a big artist (or band) go on tour, they will 99.9% of the time have a contractual Agreement with a concert promoter, this includes the likes of Australian exclusive promoter TEG (who Niall is touring Australia with this year), international promoter Live Nation (Harry toured worldwide with them, Louis did Australia/Asia with them and probably worldwide too because of global deals), Australia/NZ exclusive promoter Frontier Touring (T Swift for Australia, but she was with Live Nation in the US) and there are many other promoters worldwide too. You’ll see on some specific marketing material that the artist and promoter put out, it will have their logo at the bottom of the tour poster, and shows they are what is called a “sponsor” or the concert promoter for this tour. See examples of this below:
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^ niall’s Australian tour with TEG live on the bottom right
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^ one of Harry’s US posters with Live Nation at the bottom
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^louis’ Singapore tour poster, also with Live Nation at the bottom
So basically, what these concert promoters do, is sponsor the artist. That means, the booking agent/tour manager will sign a contract with whichever promoter offers the best deal, and will tour with them. The reason why they sign up for a tour with a promoter, is because the promoter provides a safety net, and takes care of a lot of the things that come with touring that the artist and their team don’t wanna think about organising, and so they let them do it for them. This includes stuff like paying and organising crewing teams and riggers and those guys, work Visas to get into the country, marketing, venues and available dates for shows, catering, sound/lights/backline/LED, rent costs for the venue, security, flights, accommodation, etc., which is negotiated per the contractual Agreement.
The tour manager of the artist also works really closely with these guys to approve any staging, catering, or locally rented lighting rigs and all that specific fun stuff that the artist doesn’t travel with, but is particular about to make the shows/tour exactly how they want them (this will be in their production rider and hospitality rider that they supply the promoter with).
Let’s say, for example, Niall really wants to stay in a specific 5 star hotel in Brisbane, he wants a flight to Aus at a very particular time on a very specific date, he wants to bring 40 crew members with him, he needs a specific set of lights and a particular sound desk at each show (bc he’s my little drama queen). Him and his team are super busy on the other side of the world, they just don’t have time to organise all of that. It would be constant emails and phone calls back and forth with quotes, availability, submitting 40 work Visa applications, multiple suppliers saying “yes we can do that” and “no we can’t”, time zones, etc., so why not sign up with a promoter and let them do it for him?
So now, we get into the money side of things. Sure, niall knows he will make money if he tours without a promoter, he knows he’ll sell tickets in Aus, and he knows that he’d probably come out with a profit. But apart from not wanting to organise and spending a heap of money on all of this stuff, is it worth touring if he doesn’t think it’ll be sustainable and he’s basically lost money from doing it? No, it’s not. SO promoters know this, and they all fight for artists to sign with them, by offering up the biggest guarantee they can. This is often a guarantee vs ticket sales scenario.
So, if TEG were like “hey niall, we’ll guarantee you $800,000 to tour with us, or, 80% of ticket sales, whichever amount is higher”. A guarantee means he’s not relying on ticket sales alone. He knows that if none of his shows sell out and less people come than he thought, he’s still gonna get $800,000. Or, if he sells a heap of tickets, he gets more than that, yay! But if Frontier Touring were like “nah, come with us, we’ll give you $700,000 vs 90% of ticket sales, he’d have to consider the fact he might not make as much money, unless he really trusts that all of his shows sell out. So they usually go with whoever can give a higher guarantee.
Now, within these deals, sometimes the higher the guarantee, the more the artist has to pay for themselves (I’m keeping this at like… what a Harry/Niall/Louis level deal would kind of be, not like an Elton John level or something, because that would probably vary entirely). So, Niall has been guaranteed this insane amount of money, but TEG are then like “well… we’ll do all of this and you know you’re making money, but we do have a budget. So you can pay for your flights and work visas, and everything that you want that is above our budget cap, but we will try to keep everything under budget unless you approve to pay more for a specific thing you want”. Ya know? So yeah, Niall is like “hell yeah dudes, sounds good. Sign me up”. And then it’s all a bunch of finance organising etc., but yeah. Usually the smaller the band, the more they’ll pay for if they go with a promoter, because the promoter doesn’t want to take too many risks on them and still needs to make money. They’ll still get a guarantee, but will have to sort out more by themselves, and not treated exactly like royalty like Harry would be.
So long story short, the concert promoter funded Louis’ tour, and probably organised just about everything. The concert promoter sends the money to Louis’ agent (whether it be the guarantee or higher due to ticket sales), and they divide that amount to him, his manager (which is usually 15-20% but can differ with how famous the artist is), anyone else involved in contracts for % of touring, and then happy days. The tour is over and everything has been a lot easier than the tour manager(s) having to organise it all by themselves, and risk losing a bunch of money in doing so.
Thanks for the q, anon! Let me know if you need clarification on anything xx
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louisisalarrie · 1 day
"louis leaked the weed video to daily mail and you cant convince me otherwise"
the weed video is so funny to me, I wasn't in the fandom back then so I don't really know how the fandom reacted. But looking at it now is so funny considering how he has a song high in california and even harry has admitted doing drugs not to mention his lyrics. but the funniest part about that video is that zayn says "i know you like dick"
Hello anon!! This was meant to be a lot shorter, but… yep. Here we are. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but, well, welcome to the show…
It was sooooo clearly planned. And hilarious. And at the time, because a lot of us were on the younger side, we were shook at this video. tried to rationalise it by them being excited about the actual food chicken, not coke, and there were more than a few people who unstanned. People burned physical concert tickets, deleted their blogs, sent nasty tweets to the boys… It was not something we were expecting, particularly because it just came out of the blue one day, and a lot of us were too young to have dabbled in the devil’s lettuce.
but yeah… louis filmed for a long time, clearly putting the joint in the middle of the frame multiple times so we wouldn’t miss it, spoke super loudly so we’d know it was him, kept talking about how they were smoking weed, and basically removed all plausible deniability. and there wasn’t really too much attempted clean up afterwards. things just kinda kept going on as normal, even after the video was leaked.
SC did a half assed attempt at saving face, Liam made a series of tweets to try and save their butts (as per usual, he cleans up haha), TMZ said One Direction’s lawyers were getting involved because someone stole that video and leaked it (which like… how? It was literally filmed on louis’ phone, and im sure there would be much more interesting things to leak off there), and then articles about how upset Harry was at Louis for the whole thing were planted the next day to a) push larry further apart and continue their enemy thing, and b) push harry for another reason for a solo career.
BUT the thing is… SC’s statement, came roughly a week after all the articles had come out. It wasn’t straight away. And you wanna know why I think that was?
This article from the BBC.
Plainly put, it’s a short speculation piece about whether or not One Direction were still happy. That was a massive thing that came out of that video… was just like, Zayn and Louis being annoyed that they were putting out ANOTHER book, and that it was just the same old boring stuff that the fans had seen and read all before (I have all the books still, and yes, he is correct). I think that probably encouraged a statement from SC, because what’s the best way to show you’re unhappy and wanna step away from your brand and get back at your big boss who has full control over your career? You guessed it! A scandal.
While they certainly were smart enough to do this while in a country where it is legal to have a small amount of jazz cabbage for personal use, to avoid further complications with the law etc., and never actually using any explicit terms like “cocaine”, it got them off the hook enough that this leak was successful while still protected them from “going too far”. And I 100% stand by that it was Louis who planned to film and leak it, and that’s why “I know u like dick” came out, too.
Precious Mr Tomlinson has always been a bit of a mastermind with a master plan, and he knew that by posting this, the media would jump on them doing drugs more so. That was meant to be the main feature, with a splash of hating their brand and wanting to do more for fans. But for us Larries? Well… zayn saying he knows louis likes dick and then a loud louis cackle was pretty huge. Louis encouraged it and probably suggested zayn say something along those lines just to stir the pot (pun intended) some more. This video truly had the trifecta: hating SC/the 1d brand, doing drugs, and encouraging gay rumours.
And theeeeen SC hit louis with a punishment, which was Eleanor was to accompany louis for the rest of the tour because she’s a “great influence on him” (lol) which was announced on the same day of SC’s statement (coincidence?).
That same article then commented on how louis was so upset about the video because he was trying to make a deal to buy the Rovers at that time and didn’t wanna jeopardise it (he knew that vid wasn’t gonna jeopardise shit lol).
I think Louis saying the N word (which we all argued about whether he said it or not for ages bc damn louis) is totally inexcusable. That was by far the worst thing that came out of this video, and the media noticed it too. I don’t think he intended on it being in the video leak, because regardless of how much he wanted to piss off SC, I don’t think he’d ever intended to hurt anyone else and him saying that obviously did. I won’t excuse that and I kinda think well did he even watch it back before leaking it? Did he rewatch it still stoned and didn’t think twice about it? Either way he shouldn’t have said it regardless of being on camera or not and he did really hurt a lot of people. It was stupid.
The vid still available online is cut exactly at 5 mins, and is chopped up and doesn’t show the whole thing (I think there was a longer version somewhere that came out too and it was like over 8 mins but didn’t have the cuts in it? Idk I remember there being a longer one that disappeared???) but yeah… it truly was a time.
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louisisalarrie · 27 days
Maybe the Larry denial has something to do with an HS4 announcement coming soon or something? y’know, to like throw us off from connecting any of H’s songs to being about Louis?
It’s definitely either damage control to something that is about to happen (end of bbg, Harry and Louis following each other or something a bit too obviously larry etc.), or just simply promo for some big announcement that’s gonna happen.
HS4 and H’s BUA are very good guesses.
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louisisalarrie · 27 days
Would Louis being tied to Harry’s name not be great promo? Harry’s a pretty popular and well known artist, so would that hurt to do denials about him once in a while to have their names tied together? Except it’ll only lead to more larries I suppose. Unless queerdenying will alienate the queer fans to the point where they stop being fans.
You’ve hit it on the head there, anon! Louis has a large queer demographic in his fanbase, as does Harry. That’s why Harry gets the queerbaiting hate, and Louis, with a larger amount of larries and a smaller fandom, gets the larrybaiting hate. Louis, by doing this, even for promo or whatever, is alienating larries, a lot of whom are queer.
This is a very large majority of his supporters, and every denial has just got him more hate (which i strongly disagree with), and more people unlarrying or leaving the fandom. Every damn time. And i know he hopes we stay and ride this out… but at what cost? A Larry denial actively gives antis and solos ammo to hate on us, and cause discourse in the fandom. It causes death threats, harassment, and everything in between.
And i would also argue if he wants to get bigger, instead of using Larry and Harry for a bit of clout, he needs to get a better team who know how to promote him.
There’s no reason he shouldn’t be having more success now than what he is. He came into a solo career with an established fanbase already, which is very rare. But he hasn’t grown it because he hasn’t had successful promo. His music is good, people like this stuff. He’s not done anything overtly problematic to the GP that would hinder people from being a fan of him. He’s touring and releasing music and hosting a damn festival. Why should he have to name drop Harry or 1d for promo? He shouldn’t.
His team is incapable, he’s not developed a niche or specific “look” or done anything groundbreaking, he’s not stunting with a woman far more famous than him (bc he doesn’t want to gain traction like that and further closet himself), they’ve tried somewhat to develop a brand through 28 clothing, but it’s just… nothing is taking off. Harry and Larry is a last resort, it’s a cheap shot.
But one thing I can’t figure out is how PR teams these days can’t fucking promote anyone without a god damn stunt.
It’s infuriating, the amount of ways Louis could be marketed. He deserves more than this. So does Harry. It’s horrible.
And stunting does the trick because the music industry is oversaturated as fuck and everyone has done almost everything, it’s hard to find a niche. But god damn there are ways to do it if you care about your client. It’s what you get paid for. And I have seen so many successful PR campaigns during my time that it’s just insane to me that you can’t do this properly when your client has an already established fanbase. It doesn’t matter if half of his fanbase are larries, get him to support a charity and do some work or support a big band on tour/a co-headlining tour, another collab with a big star, just fucking something else rather than using Larry as clout.
And Larrybaiting is a big concern since this denial, too. A lot of people now assume every larry thing he does is just bait, and not real. He’s unraveling support for himself, and for Harry, quick sticks. And more larries will go to Harry only. I’ve had people in my inbox say that.
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louisisalarrie · 27 days
i don’t give a fuck about denials because it will happen whether we like it or not. what frustrates me is that many only see him as an extension of harry and larry and that fucking sucks. i’m not angry at the denial, or at him, i’m angry at the fact that he has so much to offer and yet these questions are the only thing people focus on
hello anon, yes this sucks, but also his team, and Louis, have both used this as a minor promo tool for his own career. so, let’s chat about it. welcome to the show.
yes, it’s beyond frustrating that Louis is seen as an extension of Harry, and more so because of Larry. It has hindered his career as a solo artist, and he’s never really been able to move away from it. he never will, though. However, he was doing a great job of it during LATAM. sad to see it go to waste.
Harry is the biggest popstar on the planet and if ANYONE mentions him, they get some kind of traction. Whether it be a potential fling/gf, or a past band member, or someone who’s interviewed him or bloody deuxmoi. No matter who it is, their ratings boost and media searches go up and he’s used, yet again, for his fame. But louis’ LATAM promo rounds were going great. He didn’t mention Harry the whole time, and was asked specifically about his music. In fact, we got that interviewer who was gonna ask about F, but it was shut down. So, why was that particular topic shut down, but then Harry is brought up and then the interview is released just as Louis leaves LATAM? Why, out of all the personal questions he could’ve been asked (bc GP and interviewers looooove having the goss on celebs personal lives and surely they’re curious about a gf) was larry brought up?
For the exact reason you stated, anon. He used Larry, and Harry, for promo. That question was planned, and he danced around it, and still couldn’t give a satisfying denial, BUT it was a cheap shot at a bit of press to finish off his promo tour. His team thought bringing back larry briefly would stir some more promo outside of the fandom too, and link their names in the media. He’s done denials before, right? What’s another one to the list?
This one, though, is very poorly timed, even though they thought it would be timed well.
There has been 0 mention of Harry and Louis tied together outside of the larries and general fandom of the two. There are no recent news articles about Larry, regardless of how much we talk about it, they haven’t followed each other on Insta, there has been 0 major developments that would get people talking about them again. So I understand that Louis is often seen as an extension of Harry and Larry, but… they haven’t been connected in the media for ages. There is no reason for a denial. So that has to make you question the timing. There was no urgency or relevancy to it.
Louis lifted the blacklist, did a denial, fucked off out of LATAM after a very otherwise wholesome and music focused promo tour, and his team hoped for organic media to link their names together for some extra clicks to keep his name in the press until he comes back to tour.
I say organic press, because it simply would’ve been far too obvious to plan press around this. Pre written articles from the Sun and Daily Mail wouldn’t have done anything. They wanted this to drive more than just those publications to write about it. They wanted it to seem organic.
But you know what is absolutely fucking hilarious?
There has been a total of 1 article released about this shit. Apart from Pop Buzz tweeting about it, 1 actual news article has been posted online that comes up when you search either of their names. And it’s not from a massive publication, either. So they screwed the pooch on that one.
So, it didn’t work to use his connection to Harry as promo. It just caused a fandom stir, alienated larries yet again, and made us roll our eyes. It was embarrassing. He chose to do this question and release it, it was pre recorded, after all. edit it out if you want this promo to be just about your music. Don’t use Larry, and Harry, for a cheap shot at some promo that you know won’t work.
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
Hello! The LATAM dates anon is me. Ahh sorry I gave you a bit of a chaotic ask! I’m not sure if LATAM really isn’t selling well - Lou’s Mexico dates look sold out - but I read stuff on Twitter via various fan accounts that made it seem as though sales in some countries were slow and they were really trying to drum up sales by giving tickets away etc. I also saw a couple of other tumblr blogs mentioning poor sales but I realise now these accounts are kind of ‘Louis hate accounts’ (urghh) and they’ll say anything to put him down.
I guess I just wondered if you’d read anything different about LATAM? I want it to be amazing for him. He’s such a gem and I really want him to do have great shows out there.
Can’t remember what other stuff I asked…but thank you for taking the time to respond! Xx
No don’t stress at all lovely!!! I appreciate the q’s, but they were different topics so just wanted to break them down xx
Alrighty, let’s look at LATAM ticket sales. Anon, welcome to the show.
Let’s look at some tickets available, capacities, and then I’ll chat more about venue modes and draping etc for some more context.
So, the best selling show in LATAM looks to be Arena VFG, in Guadalajara, Mexico. I’ve had a bit of a look online, and it looks like the show is entirely sold out. That has a capacity of 15,000 , and looks full concert mode, but that doesn’t mean he will have use of all 15,000. The capacity would prooooobably look more like 11,000 - 12,000ish, as an estimate. I haven’t been to the venue so I can’t be 100% on that, but they’re not selling 15,000 tickets to it. We’ll circle back to this later.
Then, his show at Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez in Mexico City, is a race track used for Formula 1 events, music festivals, and stuff like that. It’s said to have a capacity of 110,000, but of course would be a reduced mode due to the fact that well… that’s pretty impossible for any artist to sell out. Hell, TS’s biggest concert ever was 96,000 people at the MCG in Melbourne, Australia in 2024. Ed Sheeran did 109,500 people in one night at the MCG in 2023. Harry’s biggest show in Australia for LOT was 69,512 people at Accor Stadium in Sydney, which for both show nights, had a capacity of 70,170 people (the first night sold 66,791).
Louis’ show at Arena 1 in Lima, Peru, has a promotion on until the 15 Match 2024 for 25% off certain tickets (the promotion started on 2 November 2023). It can hold up to 16,000 people, and by the looks of it is mainly used for concerts, not sporting events. So they could be selling an amount of tickets that’s closer to their actual capacity, as opposed to the other venues. Again, I haven’t been to it so I can’t be sure. The discount on these tickets, however, is only for people using payments of “Credit, Debit, Business, and Working Capital Cards”. We see similar promos with other artists, such as MasterCard pre sales, American Express presales, etc., but I haven’t seen discounted tickets like this for other artists off the top of my head. However…
I looked at Louis’ 1st June 2022 show at Arena Peru Explanada in Lima, Peru, and according to Team Louis News on Twitter, it sold out. They said it has a capacity of 15,000 people, but again, doesn’t mean every seat was utilised, but it doesn’t look like it’s used for sport, so they could’ve gotten close. And, funnily enough, at this arena and show, there was a 15% discount if you paid with an Interbank Credit or Debit card.
A lot of stadiums are owned/sponsored by banks, or insurance companies, or these companies may have a large share of profit for the money they invest in it etc., and it’s a great way of advertising. Signing up for a bank for discounts of tickets at their venue(s)??? Yes please. So, you can see the appeal. And I can 100% guarantee you that this is a partnership and a condition of said bank investing in the stadium. A quick look at their other shows, every artist (Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony, Paramore etc.) has a special discount based on if they used that bank’s cards to pay for tickets. So it’s not “oh louis could NEVER sell enough tickets, he’s a flop” and whatever these losers say, it’s that certain arenas (clearly more prominent in LATAM) will have discounts on tickets due to the partnership with the bank that invests in them.
let’s circle back to capacities. this frustrates me to no end because people throw these numbers around all the time and it just… that’s just not how it works.
You can find a capacity of a venue pretty easily when you google said venue, and often people go “oh wow, this artist is playing a venue that holds 100,000 people!!!!” which is yeah, you’re right, that venue does hold 100,000 people, but that depends entirely on the mode, stage setup, and how big the artist is. Also, if it’s used as a sports stadium as well, it’s gonna hold a hell of a lot more people than a concert mode, because they can utilise every seat. You can’t just sit behind the stage at a concert, but you can sit anywhere during a football match. So that’s a major difference in ticket sales already.
If you’re someone like Harry, who has a big old T catwalk and a larger built out base/main stage, that’s gonna lower the capacity of the venue. So then they make more of it GA on the ground as opposed to seating, to make the capacity higher again. But he plays stadiums, which are used for sport, and so he’s not utilising the whole capacity as it is.
BUT Ed Sheeran did the thing.
At the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground, used for cricket and AFL etc.), Ed Sheeran sold sooooo many more tickets than TS, because he had a 360 rotating stage in the middle of the stadium. SUCH a good idea, but that doesn’t work for an artist like TS or Harry. They perform and run up and down cat walks and dance and flail about, Ed Sheeran doesn’t. So, yep, the stage setup can seriously affect the capacity.
Then, estimated ticket sales. Louis sold out his last time in Peru, at a different arena, but it’s pretty safe to say he’ll sell out this one too (hopefully). But, that arena last year might not have been utilised at 15,000. So it’s a bit of guess work too, and finding out what he sold last year (which is easy if the same promoter is hosting but idk I haven’t looked that deep in hahaha but I’d say it’s the same one still).
And when tickets go on sale, they’ll release a certain amount (obviously smaller amounts in pre sales to see how it’s selling), but the ticket website doesn’t tell you how many tickets are left. Why would they? That defeats the purpose of trying to tell people that they might miss out. If the website says there is 10,000 tickets left, you’ll wait til closer to the time to buy one because you’re not worried. But, that skews ticket sales and a show can be cancelled over that, which is happening a fair bit at the moment with ticket reselling websites that aren’t authorised by the venue. I can go into ticketing and ticket reselling further if you’d like but yeah… best we stay on topic.
So, if a show sells enough to at least make a small profit, but isnt sold out regardless of capacity size, the promoter will often put a thing called “drapes” over a certain amount of seating to the side of the stage. These are just big black curtains that cover those seats to make it look more full. It’s what you’d call a “reduced mode”. And, that’s also a way they can use bigger venues if an artist won’t quite sell it out, but they’re too big for a smaller scale show and either don’t wanna do a couple of nights in a row or the smaller venue is super booked out etc. And, artists can sell out a reduced mode, which is great PR for them.
Anyway, there are a million variables that happen with shows. But, capacity does not equal ticket sales, discounts at venues does not equal the size of the artist, and I’m sure Louis is gonna do great in LATAM. I’ve seen so many people excited!!!
Hope this helps/makes sense. Thanks anon!
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
Hey lovely. So, I’m kinda embarrassed to ask this but I’ve seen a few posts about it. Do you think Louis is in a relationship with another guy (not Harry)? I’ve seen a few things now about Fin from Stone and the fact that he and Louis look quite comfy together. I don’t see it myself. They look like mates who support each other and for Louis is seems like business to me - when he meets him he seems to have his team with him - but just wondered what your take on it was. I feel like L has gone a long time now projecting his ‘single’ image which for someone as lovely as him seems kind of strange. I’d have thought someone would be snapping him up!
Sorry for the weird ask!!
Hiiiii don’t be embarrassed at all!!! It’s a topic floating around the solo Louies, solo harries, and larry fandom at the moment, so it’s natural to be curious about it. It’s a pretty annoying little theory though, and some larries have even been considering it to be true. So, anon, let’s have a look at this together, and as always, welcome to the show.
I’m gonna break this down a little bit so I’m not rambling and jumping all over the place.
1. No, i do not believe that Louis and Finn are together, nor have any romantic/sexual tendencies towards each other. I don’t believe that Louis is with anyone other than Harry. I am an unshakeable larry who will die on this hill hahhaa, but i will try and look at this as diplomatically as possible because it is actually causing a few waves and I’ve seen a fair bit about it from multiple parts of the fandom.
2. I don’t believe this is a stunt or seeding a solo coming out for Louis, which I’ve seen floating around. I don’t think he’d agree to that happening if it was with anyone other than Harry. And the Finn stuff doesn’t follow the same stunt timelines and PR ops that usually happen. So unless the V*nes team has had a massive shift in how they coordinate stunts and have agreed to even let Louis be a little fruity, would be a wild time. But as an industry standard, it’s not a stunt at all.
3. Louis’ body language has always been open, touchy, and basically doesn’t have many physical boundaries with the people he cares about. We’ve seen it with Liam, Niall, Zayn, Oli, other members of his band… and they’re all just his friends, right? He’s just naturally comfortable with that, always has been (except for the clear rigidness he has around stunts/women being touchy with him). His body language is different with Harry though, as we know. So I don’t think body language is a good argument for why people would think they’re together. There’s masterpost comparisons around that show his body language towards others and towards Harry explaining this all. But I’m sure you already know what I’m talking about!
4. On the topic of Oli… I think if there was a more general consensus of people finding him attractive (I’m not saying he’s not attractive, but there isn’t much hype from a majority of fans around his looks like there is Finn and Louis etc.), then these anti larry people would probably assume he’s actually dating Oli, you know what I mean? It’s like… solo Louies, who have been so against Harry and the concept of Larry… I’m seeing them be like “oh maybe Louis is queer, he’s probably dating Finn” and I’m like ????? So you have no problem accepting Louis May not be straight, but god forbid it’s with Harry. It’s such a contradiction, and they don’t even realise it.
5. So… on the topic previously on stunts and Louis’ singleness… we have to remember that BBG is still ongoing. That’s not ended, and it’s not shoved in our face as much anymore (apart from the feature in AOTV and the Christmas photos) and I think his deal is he’s not gonna have a stunt on top of that. Sure, he’s had some short lived gfs who he’s had a pap walk with, but I believe that was for him specifically to push away as far as possible from B and BBG so when it ended, he wasn’t still tied up to her and in the thick of it. I don’t imagine they’d do a long term stunt gf while that’s ongoing, because it’s overkill. His straight, party boy image is still there, but I think it’s settled a bit from what it was, and I think we’ll continue to see it settle a bit for when the coming out happens. So, yeah. That’s my take on why I don’t think he’s gonna have another long term stunt happening (I’ve made a longer post on this previously, but happy to expand more in an industry POV if you need). And someone had already snapped him up because he’s lovely, and that’s Harry!
Thanks for the chats anon. Youre always welcome in my inbox xx
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
Ooh, please tell me more about how Shiall today might relate to Larry? I’ve been keeping an eye on Niall, and I have so many thoughts, but I’m mostly just confused!
heya anon, and welcome to the show!
now, I want to start this off by saying I haven’t had much to do with the Shiall stuff, so I’m not an expert on it. But, here are a couple of my thoughts as to why this is an interesting turn of events, and what this means for larry.
so, it’s been pretty interesting seeing all the Shiall stuff online since the show happened. And well… I’ve seen a lot of larries/ziams also now start shipping Shiall, which is interesting, and while Shiall has never been as big as Larry or even Ziam, it blew up the fandom and even got headlines in the press. So… let’s have a deeper dive.
Now… people have believed in Shiall or at least entertained the idea of them together since at least 2017. It’s not a new thing whatsoever. But since the show of them performing together, it has become pretty huge. And there are a lot of solos reaaaaallllyyyy hating that, and it’s becoming a bit beefy between the niall girls and the shiall believers (which is yikes because can everyone just be nice to each other for a god damn second Jesus Christ) so it’s now dividing nialls otherwise pretty chill fandom. Which is new for him, and will be interesting to see how it’s handled. But so far in the press? It’s going well for him.
He’s gotten a write up in a few outlets which all have a similar headline of “Niall Horan Surprises Fans by Bringing Out Shawn Mendes at London Concert” (US Weekly). But, Rolling Stone really went all out here:
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Now, I dunno about you… but adding “fellow lover boy” and “that’s my boy” to a headline 100% grabs attention and maybe implies a bit more than just pals. In my marketing and journalism experience/study, this would absolutely fall under seeding and somewhat subconsciously sways the reader into further curiosity about Niall and Shawn’s relationship.
What’s funny about this, is 1 week prior to the show, Elle posted this article out of quite literally nowhere. Shawn and Camila haven’t been spotted together since (to my knowledge) April of 2023 when they were photographed kissing at Coachella. So… why was this dropped a week prior?
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Anyway, Niall is still signed to Modest mgmt, who we’ve watched control narratives and PR ops for the last 13 years. So, it’s safe to say we can see a bit of a pattern here, but it feels different this time too… right?
Niall’s mgmt would 110% know about the Shiall rumours. They’ve been around for over 6 years, and have continued to grow in popularity over the past couple of years particularly. It’s very obviously a topic that the fandom talk about, and that a lot believe in. So, to allow niall to bring on stage someone who his fans believe he’s actually dating as opposed to his “gf” who was also in the crowd that night (not that literally anyone cared lol) feels very freeing. Do modest and Niall not care about the rumours? Is it actually true and he managed to convince his team to let him do it in exchange of staying with his gf for longer? Or is it something entirely different?
Well… it’s a tricky one.
Modest have been well known to closet artists for years. We’ve seen it with larry, and other young men too. So, why the change of heart? Essentially encouraging rumours by giving this the go ahead, and rolling stone weirdly quickly posting that article with those particular words in the headline, why now?
It’s good PR, sure. It’s beneficial for Shawn to get back into the headlines more after not performing for 12 months, and gives nialls tour a bit of a boost. But i would argue that it’s encouraging Shiall. And I would also argue that modest have actively tried to squash gay rumours for years with larry (we will talk about the Union J shit show another time and just stick with larry for this) so it’s interesting that they’re encouraging it. But it’s been a pretty nice little test drive for larry, hasnt it?
In no way has Shiall divided the fandom to the same point as Larry, but the love we all saw for shiall (whether we believed in them being romantically linked or not, it was incredibly wholesome) from around the fandom was very loud. I saw a hell of a lot more positive chats than negative (and I looked deeper than just my timeline) and so it was pretty safe to say that it went well for the most part.
People are saying that niall might have done it behind his team’s back because Shawn was placed in Paris hours earlier, but that’s just a reminder of something we already know that we can’t trust photos to be released on the same day at the same time they are taken, but I think he’d get in a hell of a lot of trouble for that. So I’m not on board with that idea.
So I guess to put it down to a couple of options to sum this up:
a) modest has flipped the script and is okay with Shiall because they’re actually not dating (unlike how they handled larry because they were) and it’s all just rumours and niall and his gf aren’t bothered from it so it’s fine because it’s some good publicity
b) niall and Shawn actually are dating and his team is seeding a coming out, testing the waters with the fandom, perhaps try to encourage larry to sign with them again due to how “free thinking” they are now
c) nialls contract allows him to have more control over different aspects of his career so he was able to just invite him up there no matter what narrative is being pushed in his personal life
So… what’s this mean for larry and why have I rambled on for 3-5 business days?
Niall is dealing with the same rumours with Shawn as H and L do with each other. He is actively showing the fans that believing in a relationship between two dudes in fact doesn’t ruin their lives and families and their girlfriends are crying all the time, and he’s also showing other mgmt teams that you can do this shit without the world falling to pieces (aka the V*nes and Az*ff losers) whether or not it’s true. It’s a very small step in the right direction, but it’s a really good one. So I think yeah it’s important to see what this means for Larry and their next steps, because niall has made it look pretty simple. But I think we should keep watching this all very closely.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
if you don’t wanna see a bbg theory/thing I’m gonna talk about, please scroll by, I’m just in a bit of a posting and talking mood
So, 20 October 2015, aka Belfast, there were a number of “Louis is a dad yay!” articles and interviews that came out. One in particular, by the piece of absolute dirt that is Dan Wootton, who writes for the Sun, with a S*mon quote that truly showed how deep they were in this with bbg. The article was called “Cowell wants a newy Louis: 1D man shakes hands on Xfactor Job” for the 2016 season”, and mentioned louis being a dad A LOT, and apparently gave him parenting advice that louis had called him and asked him for. There was no turning back now.
I wanna talk about this quote for a second:
“I just said, ‘Enjoy it.’ If I had been his age and someone had said, ‘You’re going to have a baby,’ I’m not sure how I would have coped with it,” Cowell shares. “But he did call me and I said, ‘When you’ve embraced it, you’ll be amazed how much you are going to love it. It will change your life for the better.’ ”
I don’t think S*mon’s lying that he said this to louis. I think he genuinely said this to louis, but about embracing bbg, and how it’s gonna change his life because he got a bunch of PR from it and was able to stay in the headlines, and therefore, able to continue a solo career. He wouldn’t have, if he was still with Eleanor. Louis needed a scandal, and if you read that quote, you can read between the lines. The way he phrased this quote too, is very interesting. That first part, “someone had said, ‘You’re going to have a baby,’ I’m not sure how I would have coped with it,” is very telling. Someone had said Louis was going to have a baby, and it was S*mon.
We have no doubt S*mon and team were manipulative with all the boys, but he really took on louis as his project, and made it his personal goal to make money off of him, gaslight him, and grip him by the throat with empty promises and devastating threats.
It genuinely makes me sick, but I think it’s a very important quote straight from the man himself, about louis and their relationship. About what he tells louis to comfort him, to convince him, to coerce him into signing contracts and doing stunts. I’m sure people have talked about this plenty before, but I’m just… yeah. I needed to say my bit.
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
Also I haven’t seen any solo Louies say what you just mentioned [hating Harry & saying he is sabotaging Louis]
Haven't you come across this notorious blog? She has run a hate blog for Harry since 2019 and thinks Sony is still sabotaging Louis' career so that all the fans go to Harry. All the louies who liked this post think the same.
Woweee no I have never come across this blog before. I had to read this post like 3 times to gather some thoughts on it, Christ. It’s a bit of a mess, this post, a jumble of a lot of emotion and ideas, but I’ll do my best to make some commentary. Anon, and by extension OP, welcome to the show.
First off, I’d like to say that while Harry’s team, the Azoffs, did groom him from a young age and grabbed him the second they could to push a solo career and use him as a money maker, Louis, Zayn, and Liam being inactive to a degree does NOT mean that Harry’s team silenced them. And Harry’s success wasn’t entirely dependant on their silence (it helped, sure, but my point stands). While Azoff already has a massive monopoly in the industry, they knew the right ways to push, market, and deliver Harry Styles™️ to the public. That’s why the Azoffs are so big, because they’re good at what they do, and have held a legacy for a long time. Harry was picked up by them for a reason, and we all knew early on that Harry was always going to be the golden child. He was always marketed as it, from the very beginning of 1d, and they took advantage of that. Harry was the most famous member during 1d, and he had the potential to get bigger, more flamboyant, and appeal to a wider audience. It’s very simple marketing. It’s how a career grows. It’s how managers choose their clients. It’s why A&R positions exist.
Secondly, I know it has been a topic of discussion for a long time, but Harry not denying Larry is just a thing that’s happened. Whether you believe it’s because Louis was protective and took it on the chin as the older one in the relationship, or whether you think 1d’s team didn’t think Harry would be able to handle it/make it convincing, or whether it was simply to keep Larry as a topic still up for discussion because we held on to the fact Harry never denied it, is up to you. However, if the OP wants to talk about queerbaiting, let’s do it.
So, queerbaiting, or larry baiting, or whatever people in this fandom are calling it these days, can exist to an extent (before it truly becomes unethical). Sexually ambiguous pop stars in this day and age gains traction, gains attention, double the news stories and double the scandals. Yes, I agree that Harry’s team play up his image to keep people interested, and yes, I believe Harry truly enjoys dressing/acting more freely in his life. I believe that yes, he is allowed to act more himself and open, but still under the umbrella of stunts and needing to keep his sexuality open for interpretation to leave a space open for said stunts. I mean… people are speculating his sexuality alllllll the time, while still getting the added bonus of news articles with TR… it’s working, right?
I think, personally, OP is demonising Harry as a person, and slips in and out of the public narrative at times. Like, they believe it’s his team, but also Harry encouraging it. And I don’t think it’s the case. I think Harry is doing what he can right now, in the circumstances that he’s in. He’s at the high point of his career, the peak, you really think he’s gonna argue with his team to a point of losing everything he has??? Like I’m sorry, but simply put, if Harry gets dropped from a major music team like the Azoffs, they’ll ruin his career and any plans he has for the future. Tragically, he’s so reliant on them as well, because he knows that if he ducks out now, he’ll probably have like 2 years left of a dying solo career, and a lot of harries will leave. Not the die hard fans, sure, but the GP and more casual fans won’t be attending his shows, because he won’t have that platform anymore. It’ll be absolute crash and burn. And if he wants to do that, I think he’ll risk it all and do it with Louis, or do it when he’s contractually allowed to, without burning all his bridges. He’s under some seriously strict clauses right now (pls just trust me on that), but people seem to not recognise that due to the fact he’s more “free” now. It’s a problem, and continues to divide the fandom due to a lack of understanding of contractual obligations and toxic solos.
The whole thing of him recently where he showed up to the footy not as flamboyant as he usually is, is sooooooo dumb. Like, the fact people are saying he’s straight because of that? Truly shows you what an image and narrative can do. Anyway, let’s carry on.
So, I actually had never seen Euphoria and forgot entirely about that whole thing until my housemate made me start watching it and I got so shocked HAHA. But… I do find it extremely interesting that there seemed to be a lack of approval and it went to air. Using their names and likeness and throwing us and fic writers into the mix was not necessary for that scene to go ahead. Also, it’s a well known topic that causes some serious shit when it’s brought up. Perhaps there’s some sneaky little loopholes the writer used, I can think of a couple actually, but I’d have to dig deeper to make sure I’m getting my terminology right, but yeah. If that can go to air without problem, and Louis tweeting after the fact “I can categorically say that I was not contacted nor did I approve it”, speaks volumes. He didn’t get super aggressive, deny Larry, whatever. He made it clear that he didn’t approve it because like… why the hell would he? Why would Harry? They’d much rather have that part of their lives private and not aired like that, and god even if they weren’t together, that would’ve been horrible to see too. Euphoria fucked up for that, and breached fandom/band/GP crossover big time.
However, OP seems to think that Harry and/or his team approved it. That it was another one of his marketing ploys, using Larry as “fresh meat for Harry’s fetishizing, fantasizing, mostly heterosexual female fans” which, yeah. I get what they mean, but Harries don’t tend to like Larry. It’s not a tried and true method, like the stunting has been. In fact, I imagine it made a lot of Harries very angry and turned off of Euphoria and just caused a bunch of fighting instead. And trust me, Harry, nor his team, would’ve signed off on that shit. Absolutely no way. That doesn’t fit what they’re pushing, it just… doesn’t. And being mad about Harry not saying anything, well… it is what it is. I don’t think he needs to. I think Louis often says enough for the both of him, and is in a very different situation to Harry anyway.
Anyway, the further down this post from OP we go, the more bitter it seems to get, and the more emotional. They say how Louis’ overcome the odds, how he’s thriving, and yeah, that’s true. It’s just not necessary to compare them because that doesn’t make sense, in industry standards and trends.
Then, we head onto Harry “siding with the abusers and colonizers, because that’s where the money and fame are” which is a… uh… yikes statement? Sure, he’s been around some questionable folks. Sure, he’s stayed silent on topics that if he could comment on, he would. But his position in the industry requires him to rub shoulders with these people. It’s work. And it sucks. But simply put, would they be saying the same if Louis was hanging out with those people? Because if they would, then good on them for holding their values so highly. But unfortunately, it is almost impossible to consume any kind of media these days without someone horrible having been involved in the creation, promotion, or acting adjacent to the creator of the art or the art itself. So, yeah. It’s not something we should be silent about, I’m not saying it’s okay, but that won’t change for years and years and years to come. Plus, see above when I talk about him losing his career. Because yep, that’ll happen if he speaks up, too.
Next, OP says a bunch more nasty things about Harry, and then contradicts themself, and then the final sentence basically says that he’s made his bed, he’s sided with oppression and greed, and… idk, I feel like OP’s post jumps around so much, and fails to hit home with the point they’re trying to make, because it is so emotional.
Listen, we all love Louis, and it can feel frustrating to see Harry shoot out into the stars ahead of the other boys, and that of course can cause resentment and anger. I’m not blaming the OP for having those feelings whatsoever, I just think they maybe need to analyse a deeper split of Harry, Harry Styles™️, and how much control artists at that level actually have over their career. And it is a real shame that this is what it’s come to. And so many Larries turned into solos, and with Harry and Louis acting quite outspoken in very opposite ways, it’s easy to see the split of fans leaning one way or the other. But, I don’t like to see this kind of anger towards the boys themselves. Get angry at the industry. Fight the belly of the beast.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
A question about your Louis show. I always wondered how long before a show they come to the venue? And do they come for sound check and then leave again or are they there the whole time?
I’ll talk about this in general artists, not specific to Louis.
Usually, the artist (the bigger the production, the earlier) will arrive at the venue a few hours prior, to give themselves plenty of time to settle in, familiarise themselves with the stage, and then do a soundcheck. Every venue sounds different, and each venue will have lights that hit different because of the set up, so it’s crucial if you want to get a picture perfect performance each time, to arrive at least a few hours early to get it all sorted.
Every venue also has certain times they will allow artists to arrive at the venue, because the crew will be there early morning and there’s a lot of setting up to do, including dressing rooms, catering, accreditation, all that fun stuff! So this all needs to be sorted too. But also, there are certain times you are allowed to soundcheck, if the venue has sound restrictions (residential area etc.), so there’s no telling how early they get to the venue, but once they get there, they usually stay there.
I say this because often there are fans waiting out the front of venues and why bother with the logistics of sneaking out only to sneak back in unless you really need to? So, they get there, soundcheck, dinner is served and they have a few drinks and downtime to get ready as a standard practise.
The headliner always soundchecks first (so if they run out of time, they’re not rushing it), and then the support act(s) will go after, in order of the first support band always being the last to soundcheck. Sometimes things go wrong at no fault of anyone, and soundcheck makes the show start later, so it’s important to get it down early.
Some artists will make time to soundcheck for 1 hour, sometimes longer, sometimes less (depending on the size of the artist and how much of a perfectionist they are), and they’ll run through a few songs that are a bit more complicated in terms of sound and lighting. Even when there are “VIP soundcheck packages”, I can assure you the artist has already done a soundcheck prior to this, to stop any crazy mishaps from happening and ruining the VIP experience for fans too.
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louisisalarrie · 1 month
not d*uxmoi saying that celebrities and their teams don’t pay media outlets to run certain narratives because “that would be unethical”. like… her content is entirely unethical and she and her team absolutely get paid to run certain content because she’s somehow managed to foster a relationship with her followers who believe her content is organic. because she’s not The Daily Mail or The Sun, who most fans have less trust in, pr teams would use her to create and upkeep narratives because she’s an “insider”, who is not anonymous, so therefore she holds a certain authenticity and genuineness to her brand. her sources are fake.
she then backtracked in the comments and said “we were talking about monetary gain, not the exchange of other things” and like… listen. let me put it like this:
if Harry was caught doing something really bad that would jeopardise his career/brand, and a media outlet caught on and was going to post a story about it, his team would do one of three things, but this is heavily dependant on their relationship with said media outlet, the other content the outlet posts, the outlet’s demographic, the outlet’s current narrative, the outlet’s previous stories about him, and their exclusivity Agreement.
1. If the outlet had a good relationship with Harry’s team (previous exchanges, had run many successful Harry stories and narratives before, had a prime demographic similar to that of Harry’s fanbase/the GP they want to reach), Harry’s team would avoid monetary exchange, and instead promise this outlet exclusives, inside sources content, and big stories that would get the media outlet more clicks. This is an exchange, and kinda skates around and is a bit of a loophole from counting as a “gift” (which is illegal and unethical, and mid to major companies have a clause in their contracts of all staff saying that “gifts” cannot be accepted under any circumstances but this is technicaaalllyyy not a gift).
If H and L were going to come out, I can guarantee you maybe one or two outlets would have the exclusive. They’re not getting a free for all and letting any outlet post that breaking news. However, we know with such a delicate balance that is the Harry Styles™️ brand, they take his PR very seriously, obviously. So, in the scenario above where Harry is found out doing something really bad, what do PR teams do with media who they do not have a good relationship with/lack a relationship with them/they are not in an Agreement with them already?
That’s right! They take option 2.
2. They will pay off that media outlet to not run the story, with money. They are not going to give that company the promise of exclusive stories to run, because why would they? His team have exclusive outlets they are partnered with (Daily Mail being one in particular), and they don’t wanna be owing every media outlet the inside scoop, because that goes against exclusivity Agreements they already have, and ruins their relationship with said exclusive outlets, and makes the story, well, not exclusive. The Harry Styles brand has more than enough money to throw around, and they will silence these outlets with cash, as it’s an easy and quick fix, and media outlets looooove $$.
But, d*uxmoi talks about a paper trail, and that’s why they don’t do it. But… well… they still do. You think these big companies can’t get rid of paper trails? You think these big companies aren’t all owned and monopolised by the same few important folks? They certainly are. And hush money has been around for a very long time. She’s absolutely delusional by saying it doesn’t happen, but that’s her brand. She doesn’t wanna say it does, because people will believe she is part of that and she’ll lose her little famous corner of the internet.
But option 3, can also happen, it’s just a bit more rare and is resigned for very serious cases because it’s a long process and a lot of paperwork.
3. If for whatever reason the story is still posted by an outlet, even after being offered the other two options above, Harry’s team will sue for defamation etc. It doesn’t matter if the story is actually true or not, they’ll get everyone else to shut up and then absolutely kill this outlet. Anyway, this is a lot rarer but still happens depending on the size of the outlet and their relationship/sway on the public/how negative the content will affect Harry’s brand.
Now, you might be asking, okay… well if Louis has such an influential team who have connections, why do they let the media run negative stories about him? Why doesn’t he ever get the same amount of press?
Well, his team, while still being very important and respected (blegh) in the industry, don’t find much point of trying to run or stop these stories, unfortunately. They can’t run any inside scoops because Louis isn’t stunting right now. Their scoops promised to these companies at the moment would be “Louis announces AFHF via cryptic twitter post and everyone wants to know where it’s being held” in which… the GP don’t care. They’ll probably get some clicks from us and the Louies, but this story would be entirely different if it was about Harry.
So yeah, they don’t really have anything to offer these companies, and while we have pushed to see more Louis content in the media to try and reach a wider demographic, it’s not happening because his team don’t really have any scandals or anything that would gain clicks right now, unfortunately. And the Louis smear campaign that happened years ago affects his media presence immensely, and outlets don’t really care or wanna post about him. So, his team have neglected their media relationships through a lack of stunting, and he won’t be given any front page articles unless it’s something really big, or his team pay a lot of money to run it.
And you might be thinking “Liam, zayn, and niall are also neglected in the media, why is that?” And well, same as Louis, they don’t have any big scandals/stunts right now. Zayn got some promo because “he’s back holy shit!!” but that promo was also linked to Harry lol, and then that was kind of it. So his team are finding other ways to promo (Liam with Stanpass or whatever that is, zayn with the radio thing he’s doing right now etc.). And while this may seem like such little promo compared to Harry, their teams are focusing on different platforms because Harry stories are alwaysssss front page and overshadow the other boys, but they’re also fostering a deeper relationship with fans, something that Harry doesn’t have.
I’ve talked before about all their teams collaborating and organising when they will run stories because they don’t want their clients to overshadow each other and provide a media over saturation of 1d as they all have a similar demographic, but it’s mainly between the 4 of them. Harry has too much of a handle on the GP and stunting etc. to cooperate with that now. The only way I think they’d do this again would be if there was a massive announcement that Harry actively didn’t want to overshadow with stunting (any of the boys coming out or something), or something that Harry’s team didn’t want to associate with the 1d brand (a huge negative scandal from Louis/zayn/niall/liam).
Anyway, fostering the fan to artist relationship has really become huge over the last few years. Harry kinda missed that train though, except when he’s on stage. But he doesn’t keep it up when he’s not. He doesn’t do AMAs or twitter chats, he doesn’t do a live radio stream thing where fans can comment in real time, doesn’t give fans access to exclusive content, but he doesn’t have to. I’m sure he’d enjoy it, but it doesn’t work with his fanbase, demographic, how big he is etc., so there’s no need. Him doing a pap walk every once in a while is enough. But I do think the Harry train is gonna slow down more. It already has. Which I think is good for him. That’s not a negative criticism by any means. Like I’ve said before, he’s still untouchable at the moment. There’s too much of a divide between him and his fans.
Also I love and adore Harry and im immensely proud of everything he’s done, I promise. It’s just a fact about demographics and marketing.
Anyway, when talking about this, I wanna say that this post is focused towards the Daily Mail and the Sun, gossip mags and blogs etc., not his interviews and photoshoots with other media.
Also, this turned into a bigger ramble than I thought, but I’ve seen this shit happen… soooo yeah.
I know we already don’t, but don’t give d*uxmoi clicks or listen to a word she says. She’s protecting herself and her brand. That’s just simply not how the industry works.
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