#lova lova - just whoa
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Every year, for a few days, these spaces fill up with live music, colours and laughter. The universal language connects us all, and leaves our throats and our feet sore, our minds at peace, and our hearts soaring. I can't wait to be a part of this again next year. Thank you Ostrava - extraordinary, as always!
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pinknerdpanda · 4 years
Word Count: 1,368
Characters: Bucky x Reader (kinda), Steve, Sam
Warnings: Fluff, Quarantine shopping, Petulant!Bucky, Bickering Sam and Bucky, Exasperated!Steve, language (obvi)
SSB Square Filled: “I’ve Knocked Out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.” (bolded below)
Requested by: @princessmisery666: “Drabble request - Steve, Sam and Bucky shopping for quarantine supplies!! Let the games (arguments) begin 😘.”
Beta: @shy-violet-soul - you are da bomb dot come, Vy. I loves you! 
A/N: I loved this request. I feel like we could all use a little levity given the current circumstances. This is the first time I’ve written Sam or Steve, and only my second time writing Bucky. I hope this makes you smile. Feedback is greatly appreciated! If you’d like to request a drabble (which will decidedly not be a drabble because, words) - see this post.
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“Infiltrate, extract and then get the hell out of there.” Steve’s voice was stern as he continued. “Everyone clear?” 
The trio before him nodded solemnly, all of them feeling the dregs of weariness creeping in before the mission even began.
“Any questions?” 
Bucky squinted at a small scrap of paper clenched in one hand as he raised the other. Steve sighed, but nodded at his friend.
“What the hell is a ‘Clorox wipe’ and why do we need so goddamn many of them?” 
Sam choked on a laugh, earning him a terse glare from the former assassin. 
“What’s so funny, Big Bird?” Bucky grumbled.
Grinning, Sam clapped a hand on his shoulder, his palm stinging slightly from the contact with the metal. 
“Man, sometimes I forget just how damn old you are. But then you come in here with all that,” Sam waved a hand in front of a scowling Bucky and continued. “And it all comes rushing back.”
Steve groaned as Bucky launched into a diatribe of curses and insults aimed at Sam. Y/n shot Steve a sympathetic look before a particular string of four letter words made her clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling.
“Alright, enough. We don’t have time for this. I know this isn’t our usual job, but given the current situation, we don’t exactly have a choice. We are the ones imposing on y/n and she wasn't exactly prepared for us to be staying with her during a quarantine."
Their first reaction to the social distancing mandate had been fraught with eyerolls and grunts of protest. Yes, the serum made Bucky and Steve immune to the virus, but there was no way to know if they could still be carriers. And then there were Sam and y/n who did not have the benefit of super immunity. In the end, they'd all decided it would be best to comply if for no other reason than to be an example to the public. If Captain friggin America was doing his part to stop the spread of the disease, then everyone else should to. 
"We should pair off," Steve began. "Bucky - "
"I call dibs on y/n!" Bucky shouted, cutting him off. 
"Dibs? Really, Tin Man?" Sam groaned, exasperated.
"Yes, dibs. It's better than having to look at your ugly mugs for the next however-long-this-shit-takes. It's bad enough I have to be stuck in a house with a friggin pigeon -" Bucky jabbed a finger in Sam's direction before aiming it at Steve, “and Mr. ‘I’ve Knocked Out Adolf Hitler over 200 times’ until this thing blows over."
Sam and Steve opened their mouths to protest, but y/n cleared her throat, drawing the gaze of three pairs of guilty eyes.
“Alright, children. If you’re finished, can we please get this over with? Bucky, I’m overlooking the fact that you called ‘dibs’ on me like I’m some kind of possession, solely because I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you and Sam pair up. You two are the actual worst when you’re together.” Y/n plucked the list from Bucky’s fist and a disinfectant wipe from the container beside the door before wiping down the cart and heading inside without sparing another look in his direction.
Bucky sighed. “I swear I’m gonna marry that girl some day.”
“Bold of you to assume she’s into geriatrics with scrambled brains,” Sam groused.
Bucky flipped him off, metal finger gleaming in the sunlight before hurrying inside after her.
“This place is amazing!” Bucky marvelled, gazing up at the towering shelves and running his hand over a 50 pound bag of rice. “Whoa! Look at how huge this is!” 
Y/n looked up from her list just in time to see him dump a gallon of ketchup into the cart. 
“We do not need that much ketchup, Buck. We have a list. We need to stick to the list.” 
Bucky frowned, removing the ketchup and placing it back on the shelf. “You’re no fun, sweetheart.”
Ignoring his whining, y/n proceeded down the aisle in search of the next item on her list: peanut butter. As she perused the options before here, Bucky's attention was drawn to something else.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed.
Y/n turned to find her companion gazing longingly at a five pound bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips. She sighed as he directed a pleading look at her. The man was the former Fist of Hydra; a goddamned ghost story until a few years prior. And here he was, in the middle of Sam's club silently begging her for chocolate like a three year old child.
She sighed again. "Go ahead." 
Bucky's eyes went wide with excitement as he scooped up two bags and all but flung them into the shopping cart.
"Bucky we do not need 10 pounds of chocolate chips. Put one of them back."
He frowned. "But y/n…"
Holding her hand up, she cut him off. "No buts, James Barnes. Put. One. Back."
Bucky regarded her for a second, his mouth puckered to one side as he chewed the inside of his cheek. She met his petulant stare with one of her own as an elderly couple maneuvered their cart around them. Bucky groaned, stomping his foot and snatching a bag from the cart and tossing it back on the shelf.
"Come on, you big baby. Let's get this over with," she chuckled, tipping her head toward the next aisle.
Falling in step behind her, Bucky grumbled under his breath. "I bet this place doesn't even have any plums."
Thirty minutes and two full shopping carts later, the teams reconvened at the front of the store. Steve's usually tidy hair fell haphazardly over his forehead as though he'd been running his finger through it repeatedly. Sam crossed his arms smugly and leveled Bucky with a teasing glare.
"How'd you do old man?" Sam beamed. "You didn't forget the prunes, did you? You're looking like they could come in handy right about now."
Bucky ground his teeth together, only suppressing a searing reply because he felt y/n squeeze his arm in warning. He raked his gaze over Sam and Steve's cart and balked. 
"How come Sam gets a giant box of fruit snacks?" Bucky growls, starting at Steve accusingly.
Steve groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes closed. "Dammit, Sam. I told you no fruit snacks."
Sam shrugged, unrepentant. Y/n grimaced, shaking her head sympathetically at the exasperated Captain.
"If Sam gets fruit snacks, I'm getting that gallon of ketchup." Bucky flung his arm behind him, vaguely gesturing toward the condiment aisle. 
Y/n jabbed a frustrated finger into his chest, lifting her chin to look him in the eyes, fury darkening her features. 
"You have no idea how tempting it is to leave you here." She emphasized each of her words with a corresponding jab to his pectorals.
Behind her Sam snickered and she whirled on him "You too, Bird Man. Look at what you've done to him." She pointed at Steve, his shoulders slumped and his face drawn.  "He's supposed to be your friend, you idjits. And now look at him!"
Sam looked at the floor and Bucky scuffed the toe of his boot against the worn tile beneath him.
"Apologize and then Steve and I are leaving you two to check out while we go get pizza and ice cream at the cafe. Frankly we deserve it for having to put up with you two today."
Steve perked up a little at her words. Sam and Bucky shared a look but y/n ignored it and tapped her foot impatiently.
The two men mumbled a half-hearted apology and y/n smiled, satisfied.
"Come on Cap," she tucked her arm in his and began leading him away. "My treat."
Sam and Bucky gaped at the pair's retreating backs. Bucky sighed.
"I think I'm in love, Sam."
Sam chuckled, gripping the handle of one cart as Bucky took the other. Taking their spot in line, the men stood in silence until Bucky cleared his throat.
Sam hummed in response.
"She called us 'idjits'. What the hell does that mean?"
Like what you see? Want more? My SPN Masterlist is here, and MCU is here. Thanks for reading! :)
My Forever Tags - Stay weird. I love y’all: @wheresthekillswitch @pretty-fortune @arryn-nyxx @emlostinwonderland @becs-bunker @cookie-dough-lova @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @fandomismyspirit @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @charliebradbury1104 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67  @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @canadianjelly @kathaswings @feelmyroarrrr  @bethbabybaby @myfanficlibrarium @akshi8278 @emoryhemsworth @boxywrites @anticipate1003 @super100012 @lovesj2m @masksandtruths @ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek @there-must-be-a-lock @mrswhozeewhatsis @amanda-teaches @cassieraider @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @its-my-perky-nipples @squirrel-moose-winchester @sandlee44 @paintrider13-blog @arses21434 @petra-arkanian-1497 @sasbb23 @princessmisery666 @defenderrosetyler​
MCU Only: @arrowsandmixtapes​ @jamielea81​
***If you want to to be removed from my forever tags or just want to be tagged in either MCU or SPN just let me know***
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
So Sorry I Was Stuck in Traffic: Your March Horoscope Is Here!
So Sorry I Was Stuck in Traffic: Your March Horoscope Is Here!
Illustration by Cynthia Merhej. 
My favorite meme-theme in the whole wide world is the one that taps into the old “I’m on my way!” lie when you haven’t even left yet and are definitely going to be late.
Speaking of late, horoscopes on the 9th of the month, eh?
Look, Mercury’s gonna retrograde on March 22nd, so I’m going to go ahead and blame my tardiness on that planet. Susan Miller basically told me to do as much (Astrology Zone plug!!!) and you know that I do what she tells me to. But just in case you’ve found yourself frozen, unable to move without the star’s guidance, how about I make it up to you — right now: you, me, a little astrology? There’s that toothy grin!
Let’s get this party started! Oh and because I literally fall asleep while typing about Mercury being backwards-ass, allow me to throw out a blanket statement here: do all your electronics shopping and ticket-purchasing now. Otherwise, you’ll be fine.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGICAL (F)ARIES! I hope a thousand sprinkles and sugar balls tumbled out of your cake the moment you cut it, like they do from those viral Flour Shop ones, and I hope you caught it in time for social media documentation.
A recap of the last nine days: Thanks to the full moon, you probably finished a major project that resulted in great success. An annoying health-related matter likely came to a happy end. You may have received some cash. (God bless the grandparents who still include “walking around money” in birthday cards.) You also may have been invited to a party!
What to expect for the rest of the month: the need for a nap — and after March 17th, you’ll be able to get some rest; a serious career growth spurt is set to last until May 15th (“the coming weeks will be the most important of 2018 for career growth and progress,” per Susan, so make sure you act fast on the open positions you want); and finally, a hot-n-heavy (sorry) love life. Did “hot-n-heavy” make you think of Hot Pockets? Just wondering, also just wondering if you’ve had one lately and if they were under/overrated? They seem like a fast snack so why not, honestly.
Welcome to March or should I say, “Mooarch,” in Taurus-talk. Mooarch is going to be our favorite time of 2018, fellow bull-human-jelly-beans.
A recap of the last nine days: We had “wonderful developments to our emotional lives” thanks to the new moon (good lord, thank you), a romantic March 3rd and 4th weekend — kindly tell me all about it down in the equally romantic comments section, and one or more of you may have proposed to someone. I did not because I am trying to play it cool!!!
What to expect for the rest of the month: a moment of, “Oh shit, I’m spending money like I’m drunk at a bar and in a good mood, as in ‘SHOTS ON ME, PARTY FREAKS,’ only my bank account just told me I’m grounded”; a financial chill-out in response, probably around the 17th; a chance to travel (take it if you can); new romance around the 28th (if you’re not single, maybe just a lot of “REKINDLING THE FIRE” wink-wink-have-fun-be-safe); and on March 30th, thanks to Venus, an absolutely prime opportunity if not excuse to get our hair done and do a little or a lotta shopping.
Hi Geminini in a Bottle, Baby! I’m on a plane and the person next to me is snoring. Thought you’d like to know that detail about me.
A recap of the last nine days: You had a “joyous family event” at the start of the month (family barbecue or an aunt’s 90th birthday as celebrated on a cruise, perhaps?); you may have moved; you’ve hopefully been very happy.
Susan keeps saying that everyone is happy this month which makes me happy and I hope it’s true because if there’s one movie character in the history of the WORLD who’s me, it’s that woman who doesn’t even go here in Mean Girls with the rainbow cake and…whoa. IDK if you read Aries’ intro but I just had a life-changing realization and think that Flour Shop cake might be the manifestation of the cake that Mean Girls girl wanted to bake.
You’re lucky I’m able to keep doing horoscopes after that kind of revelation but I AM!!! Snoring seatmate on a plane, remember? He’s both distracting and motivating.
What to expect for the rest of the month: the best time in 2018 for career progress; a serious relationship commitment and a finally-completed major project.
I didn’t have one crab cake in Paris, I hope you’ll know.
A recap of the past nin days: You may have taken (or be planning) a short trip. If you’re planning a big one, however, wait until after March 17th. That’s it with the back-at-it stuff. Let’s look forward.
What to expect for the rest of this month: you’ll be “hungry for new experience and information,” so bring a toothbrush wherever you go just in case you’re chewing more than usual; romance — especially if you do plan that little bit of travel; a really exciting “media project” (sometimes Susan is vague and it’s nice to let it happen); a little home construction situation; your health or an ex driving you up a damn wall; a resolution to the last thing I just wrote that results in a “strong, nearly unbreakable union”; and who knows, you might just get back into waffles. Remember waffles???????
Susan wants you to pay attention to your finances, to which I say, “BOR-ING.” You might say “MEOW-RING” since you’re related to a cat, but if there’s one thing I was reminded of in Paris, it’s that everyone prefers you to just speak English if you’re going to accidentally give the wrong address three times in a row because you confuse the “teens” with the “twenties.”
Here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: Susan is “especially enthusiastic about your prospects to get a great deal on a mortgage or refinanced mortgage; talks of shared expenses between lovas; an opportunity to turn your creativity into a profit; a bump forward in your career reputation; romance as in romuntz-untz-untz, and romance of the TRUE LOVE variety. At the end of the month you’ll need a little nap, but you also might go to a rock concert. Susan said. I just sat here and binge-ate Meow Mix.
The beginning of the month has been busy for you! That must be because your star sign, Virgo, collaborated with Virgil Abloh of Off-White which means you’re a celebrity now. Don’t you worry about me, I’m not really keeping track of what I’m saying.
A recap of the last nine days: you may have seen “the fullness of a desire that is deeply important to you reach fruition” (ooooo-ie!); you may have proposed; your home life may have, out of seemingly nowhere, FINALLY started to feel “lighter, easier, and more enjoyable”; and you may have started to really focus in on a project that means a lot to you.
Here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: a permanent-good mood because of Mars in Capricorn from the 17th through May 15th; an itch to redecorate your home; a positive outlook on love; a readiness to find “the one,” have a baby child, or build a business; and, on the 28th, a big fat wad of money!!!
Hey Libra, so Susan seems to think you have feathers? Do you? That’s so cool, but she seems to also think they’re dragging. Are you hibernating? That’s okay!!! We all need to take a time out on occasion, stick our beaks under our wing-pits and fluffle for a bit until we feel cozy enough to come out on someone’s outstretched index finger again.
I used to have birds growing up! Rainbow and Webster, double-RIP.
Anyway, doesn’t mean you’re totally antisocial. If you get invited to a getaway situation before the 17th, you should definitely go.
Here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: March 17th through May 15th is the best time to sell your apartment if you’re thinking about doing that kind of thing; you’ll be supremely creative around the new moon of the 17th; go to the gym and the dentist at the end of the month; Libra will put “a big accent on your dreams and desires” toward the end of the month — you might feel overwhelmed in other areas, so breathe here, because these are exciting things, and see if you can’t get help; you may start taking piano lessons. Susan didn’t say anything about them but I thought it seemed like a nice note to end on.
Hey Stinger Pants! Better than Stinker Pants, am I right?
“When you eventually look back on 2018,” Susan writes, “you will view March as a magical month, one of your most romantic months of the year.”
A recap of the last nine days: You started with an enchanting full moon on the 1st; everything supposedly went your way thanks to the lineup of the planets; the full moon shone in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes; life was all around flowery and romantic. (Yes? No? This sounds lovely so I’m rooting for this truth.)
Here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: Susan really wants you to travel, if you can getaway; Neptune, the Sun and the new moon are going to work together to “set the stage for love”; if you want to have baby chickens of your own, now might be the time; your career will shoot forward like the star that it is and you are; there’s a “blue moon” at the end of the month that might make things a little tiring, but per Suz’s verbatim advice: “Certainly this is a month given over mainly to love and fun, so for once, let work take a back seat so you can enjoy those precious moments to the fullest.”
Oh Sagittarius, I brought a celestial apple with me, your favorite!
Did you read that in a sing-song voice? Do you think it’s weird how much I like your sign because I like horses so much? At first I was mad about Sagittari-ii because you guys get all the good astrologically-related logos and calendars and doodles, but then I realized, “If you can’t be them, join them,” so here I am offering you sugar cubes out of my palm and wondering if I can play with your horsetail.
A recap of the last nine days: Your career is more up than the Pixar movie (hey-o!) and everyone knows your name; you’ll make a lot of money; the man next to me is blowing into his nose so hard I’m scared for his brain.
Here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: Susan wants you to “toot your own horn” and celebrate your accolades, because it will lead to more of them — you’ve got a competitive edge right now; you’ll focus on redecorating and nesting; you’ll negotiate a beneficial contract (nice ’n’ vague); you’ll start getting into party mode even though you’re a little sleepy (take naps, please); you’ll need to be a brainstorming partner to a friend; and finally, on March 28th, you’ll “enjoy lighthearted mirth,” a sentence I am so glad Susan Miller wrote because we could all stand to work mirth back into our vocabulary!!!
I’m not saying you don’t, but if you had Capricorn horns IRL, would you pierce them, or would you let them be their own accessory?
A recap of the last nine days: the full moon of March 1st was “tailor-made for you” and made you smile a ton, apparently; your ninth house of long-distance travel sparkled; you may have gotten into grad school or something in that vein.
Here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: Hopefully better food than the weird airplane chicken teriyaki I just ate; a “big competitive advantage over the other zodiac signs,” thanks to Mars in Capricorn from March 17th through May 15th for the first time in two years (from Susan: “Use this time to launch an initiative that requires you have a lucky edge, such as a big interview…”); a lit-up career toward the end of the month and the culmination of a stressful, all-consuming project; a costume party that Susan didn’t really suggest I write about so much as she didn’t not tell me to mention it, so anyway, I think you should throw a costume party because why the hell not. I’ll brainstorm costumes with you down below if you want.
AQUARIUS I wonder if your name is to blame: I have had that “Barbie Girl” song stuck in my head for four days and I want it gone! I keep wanting to talk to you and Pisces about The Shape of Water and this so-called “fish sex.” I haven’t watched it yet which bums me out because I feel like it’s ripe fodder for these horoscopes, although this month’s batch has been a bit of a dead fish when it comes to the blatant innuendos. Oh well. There’s always next month to talk about Uranus and golden showers unnecessarily!
Anyway, here’s what to expect for the rest of the month: Ask for a raise on the new moon of March 17th — “it looks like you will get it,” writes Suz; you’ll begin opening talks for an exciting career move; your social life will be like PARTYPARTYPARTYDINNERHANGFRIENDPARTY, and you’ll be into it; after March 17th, you’ll be given the opportunity to go off the grid for a bit, which might be nice after that sentence I just wrote; use the end of the month to reflect, avoid travel if you can (Mercury in retro-lame) and reconnect with old flames — romantic or platonic. And hang out with your Barbie World friends!
Hello you golden fish! I literally just said this to Aquarius but my hands feel like hooves today (I am a Taurus, after all) so don’t mind the copy/paste and pretend instead that I put both of you on a group text:
I keep wanting to talk to you and [Aquarius] about The Shape of Water and this so-called “fish sex.” I haven’t watched it yet which bums me out because I feel like it’s ripe fodder for these horoscopes, all though this month’s batch has been a bit of a dead fish when it comes to the blatant innuendos. Oh well. There’s always next month to talk about Uranus and golden showers unnecessarily!
Work smarter, not harder, am I right, bubble breath?
That was a compliment!!! It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever come up with. I can’t wait to use it as a term of endearment again.
A recap of the last nine days: You may have gotten married, or you proposed, or you DTR’d — Venus is in Pisces so there was and is a lotta love and romance happening; you were very inspired, or at least the buds of inspiration began to bloom; you might have started to find someone to partner with professionally, too.
What to expect for the rest of the month: Start sending out your resume and making the most of ye old network; expect great news on the 11th (about something!); prepare for a cool opportunity in ~*media*~ on March 13th; you’ll have the best day ever on March 17th thanks to gift-giving, luck-distributing Jupiter getting the new moon all excited, which will result in a special new moon that you can use in any way you choose. “The actions you take immediately after that new moon appears will have far-reaching, positive ramifications,” Susan Thriller said. That sounds so exciting! I hope you’ll send me an old-school newsletter that I can tape to my fridge because if there’s anything I love more than good Suz and good news, it’s mall photos of my friends in turtlenecks!
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fadervoor · 7 years
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#twisted_sister #were_not_gonna_take_it #musikinuet
🎶  “... We've got the right to choose and there ain't no way we'll lose it ─ this is our life, this is our song...”  🎵
Har ar texten for de tva-tre “gyllene parlorna” (the tan’ts) i mitt liv som kan raddas ur det som inte ar en framgansrik varld. En ar frigga, den andra ar Hel (tio ar senare) och den tredje ar en “miniatyrkopia” (Mini-ME) som visade sig pa en buss nagonstans i Sverige. Sen kan inget mer lovas eller ens hoppas pa. 
En ar tag-motorn ur balans, en annan ar Ormet som kruper och “ny svensket larare” enligt Fleksnes och nar Honey greppat att Hunny ar skygg och Hun blivit ett offer for varldshistorien ─ da, da ramlar pucken ned fran domarens ringbeprydda hand. Da ar det match igen.
- - - 
TWISTED SISTER - WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it Oh we're not gonna take it anymore We've got the right to choose and There ain't no way we'll lose it This is our life, this is our song We'll fight the powers that be just Don't pick our destiny cause You don't know us, you don't belong Oh we're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it Oh we're not gonna take it anymore Oh you're so condescending Your gall is never ending We don't want nothin', not a thing from you Your life is trite and jaded Boring and confiscated If that's your best, your best won't do Whoa... Whoa... We're right! (YEAH!) We're free! (YEAH!) We'll fight! (YEAH!) You'll see! (YEAH!) Oh we're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it Oh we're not gonna take it anymore Oh we're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it Oh we're not gonna take it anymore No way! Whoa... Whoa... We're right! (yeah!) We're free! (yeah!) We'll fight! (yeah!) You'll see! (yeah!) We're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore We're not gonna take it, no! No, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore We're not gonna take it (JUST YOU TRY AND MAKE US!) No, we ain't gonna take it (COME ON!) We're not gonna take it anymore (YOU'RE ALL WORTHLESS AND WEAK!) We're not gonna take it (NOW DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!) No, we ain't gonna take it (A PLEDGE PIN?!) We're not gonna take it anymore (ON YOUR UNIFORM!)
0 notes
pinknerdpanda · 7 years
Shut Up, Cas
Word Count: 1074
Characters: Cas x Reader, Dean, Sam
Warnings: Cas being Cas, Fluff, Awkward Winchesters
A/N: This was written for @winchesterprincessbride for her 2,500 follower celebration! She sent me the gif below as a prompt. Congrats! I hope you enjoy this! :)
Beta’d by my girl @hannahindie - I love your feedback so much! Thanks love!
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Shut Up, Cas
“It’s not funny, Dean.” Cas’ voice is low and tinged with frustration as he looks back and forth between the two men. “She’s going to be back any time.”
Dean clears his throat, flattening his palm over his mouth to hide the smirk curving his lips. He shoots a look at Sam, whose entire bottom lip is clenched between his teeth, also trying hard to erase all traces of humor from his face.
“Of course, Cas. Tell us again what she said?”
Cas rolls his eyes before huffing out a quick breath.
“As I have already told you once, she said my ‘people skills’ are ‘rusty.’” Cas accentuates his statement using both hands to form air quotes. “What did I do wrong? How do I fix this?”
“OK, what happened just before that?” Sam asks, shifting seamlessly into investigator mode.
Cas throws his hands up in the air and sinks into the motel mattress, shaking his head.
“I don’t know. I simply stated that her menstruation, although a normal physiological process, is likely the culprit for her increased appetite and her general irritability.” Cas sighs and glances up to find looks of disgust plastered on his friends’ faces. Sam and Dean remain silent for a moment.
“You actually said that to her?” Dean’s eyes are wide with shock.
Sam and Dean both groan in unison and Cas tilts his head to one side, his eyebrows drawn up in confusion.
“Come on Cas! You can’t say that, man!” Dean hangs his head as Sam stifles a chuckle.
“Why? It is the truth. It is a very natural process, Dean. When the…” Cas begins.
“Whoa! No...uh uh. Stop.” Dean interrupts, waving his hands wildly in the air.
“I was just trying to be helpful, but she threw her shoe at me and yelled.” Cas frowns. “Then she accused me of being insensitive and walked out. I feel like I always do the wrong thing when it comes to her.”
“Listen, buddy, it’s just when you say things like that, it can sound…” Dean shoots a look at Sam, silently begging for some back-up on this.
“Clinical?” Sam offers, quirking an eyebrow.
“Yeah, exactly, Sammy. Clinical.” Dean moves to sit on the bed across from Cas. “She doesn’t need you to explain things to her, she just needs you to be there. Tell her how pretty she looks. Do something nice for her. That’s the kind of stuff that girls just eat up.”
“Not that that should be your motivation, Cas.” Sam’s face contorts into a well practiced bitch-face and he joins his brother to sit across from the angel.  “You care about her, right?”
Cas’s brilliant blue eyes light up as a look of pure adoration spreads across his face.
“Yes, very much so.”
“Have you told her that?” Sam coaxes. Cas’ cheeks flush and he looks down, his gaze fixed on the toe of one shoe.
“No.” Cas shakes his head gently.
“Well, maybe that’s a good place to start.” Dean smiles reassuringly, just before the door to the small motel room creaks open.
The two men and the angel stand a little too quickly and you eye them all suspiciously. You decide to ignore their awkwardness.
“Well, like I said Sammy. I could, uh, use your help to go get the stuff.” Dean rubs at the back of his neck and Sam shoots him a look. “You know, the stuff we were just talking about? The stuff….and...and...the things?”
Sam’s eyes widen and he nods a little too enthusiastically.
“Right...stuff and things. Yes. On it. Let's go.” The two large men step past you, patting you on the shoulder before walking outside and leaving you alone with Cas.
You squint at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You guys are acting weirder than normal. You told them didn't you?”
Cas sighs.
“I just wanted to understand what I did to upset you. I always seem to say the wrong thing.” Cas rubs his forehead with one hand as you move to sit next to him on the bed. He continues, his voice low and soft. “I just...I care about you. Apparently I have been doing a poor job of expressing this.”
Stunned silence fills the room and you steal a sideways glance at him. You've been attracted to the angel since the first time he appeared out of thin air, scaring the shit out of you.
The two of you had fallen into an easy friendship over the last few years and before you could catch yourself, you'd fallen for him. But you’d always assumed that the feeling was one-sided.
“You look beautiful today, y/n.” His rough voice pulls you from your thoughts and you glance down. You tug self-consciously at your baggy t-shirt and comfortable shorts as warmth spreads across your cheeks.
“I haven't even brushed my hair today, Cas.”
He turns and you are startled by the look on his face. A shy smile tugs at the corners of his mouth and he presses his dry lips together. He reaches to push a stray lock of hair from your face and his fingertips graze your cheek.
“I know. I love it that way.” The pad of his thumb brushes across your chin as his eyes meet yours, and you feel as though you are drowning in their crystal blue depths.
You lean forward, pressing a soft, hesitant kiss against his lips before pulling back. Cas catches the back of your neck gently, tangling his fingers in your hair and pulling you back toward him.
When your lips meet again, there is no hesitation from either of you. Your tongues glide against each other's until you feel lightheaded and you pull back enough to gasp for air.
Cas smiles before placing a single kiss to your forehead and wrapping his arms around you. You return the gesture, resting your head in the curve of his neck, and breathing in his scent.
“I’m sorry I threw my shoe at your head, Cas.”
“It's alright. You can do it again if it means more of this.” You giggle and sigh. Contentment washes over you as you sit wrapped in his embrace.
“Yeah, Cas?”
“If you were throwing it at my head, we should probably discuss trajectory and aim. Because you didn't even come close.”
You stay silent for a moment.
“Just stop talking.”
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My Forever Tags (I love you guys - stay weird!): @wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @amionthetumbler @abbessolute @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67 @barbedwireandbubblegum
SPN Fanfic Pond Tags (Cas + Fluff): @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @for-the-love-of-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @idreamofhazel @ilovedean-spn2 @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @oldfashioncdvillain @your-average-distracted-waffle @drarina1737 @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @mysaintsasinner @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @clueless-gold @melbelle45
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
Bad Blood - Part 3
Characters: Reader, Roy!Benny, Dean, Sam
Summary: You stop at a small cafe in Louisiana on your way home from hunting with the Winchesters. There is something about the man behind the counter that makes you hungry for more than just the pie.
Warnings for this chapter: Angst, Language
Word Count: 1535
A/N: This is Part 3 and I am working on part 4. Beta’d by the always fabulous and wonderful and genius @wheresthekillswitch! *resists singing “You light up my life”* :) Your feedback is so appreciated!
Missed part 1 and need to catch up?  You can read part 1 here. Missed part 2 and need to catch up?  You can read part 2 here.
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Bad Blood
Part 3 Guidry’s Cajun Cafe - Carencro LA “Son of a bitch,” you mutter, head still spinning. “Who the hell is calling me now?”
Roy follows the sound, digging your phone from your purse and glancing at it before handing it to you. His eye go wide and he stops, hand in midair, eyes locked on the ringing device.
“What Roy? What’s the matter?”
“Just exactly how d’ you know Dean Winchester?”
Your thoughts are spiraling out of control, each one cutting a little deeper than the last. Your breath comes out in short huffs and the dizziness, originally brought on by the blood loss is beginning to overwhelm you as your vision starts to grow dim. You vaguely register Roy’s voice calling your name, panic sharpening his tone. His blue eyes, a frantic expression darkening their depths, are the last thing you see before the darkness swallows you completely.
“What the hell’s going on, Benny?” Dean’s rough, whiskey cut voice echos in your ears as you begin to stir and you suck in a deep breath.
“Dean, look! She’s waking up.” Your eyes flutter open as Sam’s large hand goes to move the strands of your hair from your face. His hazel eyes are dark with anger and concern. You try to sit up, pausing as the room begins to tilt slightly.
“Whoa, there, y/n. Easy, tiger.” Dean comes to kneel beside you on the floor, his lips are curled in a grin, but you see the muscle in his jaw jump and you know the smile is for your benefit alone.
“I’m gonna go call Garth and let him know we found her,” Sam stands and you hear the thud of the screen door hitting it’s frame as he exits the cafe.
You glance around, confused, as you lean back against the bar. You are on the floor and you blink hard trying to remember how you got there.
Your gaze falls to Roy and your memories of the evening come rushing back. Heat fills your cheeks and you glance down, surprised to find you are not completely naked. You decide Roy must have put your shirt and underwear on for you. Or maybe it was Sam and Dean?
Sam and Dean.
“What are you doing here, guys?” Your voice sounds like shit in your own ears.
“We were a couple of hours away from town when the Sheriff called hours out of town. He said they found another body, same as the others. Asked us to head back to Baton Rouge and take a look. I tried calling you, but when you didn’t answer, I had Garth track the GPS on your phone.” Dean’s jaw twitches again as he throws a glare back towards Roy. “Benny here was just about to explain what happened. Isn’t that right?”
“Dean. Stop. Who’s Benny?” You don’t mean to sound so pissed, but your head is throbbing and you don’t understand what to make of Dean’s tone.
You hear someone clear their throat and you look up to find Roy’s blue eyes locked on you, his face expressionless.
“He means me, cher.” He’s talking so low, it’s hard to hear him. “My name’s Benny, but roun’ here folks...well...they call me Roy.”
“Wait. Do you know each other?” You shake your head before glancing between Dean and Roy...er...Benny.
“I could ask you the same question.” Dean’s voice is flat, but his words are clipped and he refuses to look at you.
“Yeah well, I asked first Winchester. So spill.”
“Yeah, Benny and I know each other. We, uh, fought together a while back. I didn’t know exactly where he’d ended up after the last time I saw him, but apparently he’s been here, slinging hash and serving gumbo.” Something about the look on Dean’s face makes you wonder how much of what he just said is true. You look back at Benny for confirmation.
“It’s true. Dean and I go way back.” There is a hint of warning in Benny’s tone as he looks hard at Dean, unblinking.
“So is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?” Dean moves to stand and you can see he is quickly loosing his last shreds of patience.
Too bad. You’re the one on the floor, half naked and probably concussed, being interrogated. Not to mention the fact that Dean is obviously hiding something. If anyone gets to loose their patience tonight, it sure as hell isn’t him.
“What does it look like happened here Dean?” you spit back indignantly.
“It looks to me like Benny here decided not to keep up his end of our deal,” Dean growls. His body is rigid as his eyes lock onto your neck, your cheeks burn and you reach up self consciously, trying to hide the marks Benny left there. Dean’s right hand is dangling conspicuously close to where his machete is usually stowed as he turns back to Benny. “But what I can’t figure out is why.”
“Look, it ain’t like tha’, brotha.” Benny stiffens at Dean’s accusatory tone.
“What’s it like then? You gonna stand there and tell me that she asked you to bite her?” Dean moves until he is inches from Benny’s face, the air between them practically crackling with pent up aggression.
“I did.” Those two small words fall from your lips before you can stop yourself.
“What?” Dean practically whispers as he turns to face you.
“I wanted him to bite me, Dean.”
The silence that fills the room is thick and it feels like an eternity before any one of you even blinks. It’s Dean who breaks first.
“Wanna run that by me again, princess?” His mouth is set in a grim line as he glares down at you.
Anger burns in your eyes, knowing he deliberately used the one nickname you hate, just to piss you off. You open your mouth to speak, but Dean cuts you off.
“So you knew? Knew he was a vampire. And you let him fuck you anyway?” Condescension drips from his lips with every word.  “And not just that. No, that wasn’t enough. No you decided, what? To let the fanger have a little bedtime snack? Do you even realize how many levels of fucked up that is, y/n?”
You stand too quickly, swaying slightly before regaining your footing and narrowing your eyes at Dean.
“Listen here, you little self righteous prick. What part of this is ANY of your damn business anyway? Obviously you knew what he was and you let him live. I thought you were Dean-fucking-Winchester. I was let to believe there was no grey area for you where vamps are involved, and yet here he stands. So why don’t you get down off your damn high horse and back the fuck off.” You didn’t realize your feet had been moving until you find yourself nearly chest to chest with the green-eyed hunter.
The door bursts open and Sam rushes in. “Guys, we have a problem.” You take a step back, turning to Sam as he continues.  “Sheriff called again - they have 2 more vics. Whoever we missed from that nest in Baton Rouge is moving fast. We need to get back there. Now.”
“Wait, Baton Rouge? You been huntin’ vampires there?” Benny moves to stand beside you, his nearness sends a trickle of warmth through your body.
“Not that it concerns you, but yes. We took out a nest there three days ago with y/n.” Dean rubs a hand over his stubbled cheek, obviously trying to regain his composure. “What, you know them?”
“Unfortunately, I do. About a week ago, maybe two, there was a couple of ‘em that came through town. Stopped by the cafe here, tryin’ to get me to join they lil’ operation. The head-honcho over there ‘members me from the old days. They are a dangerous bunch. I can help.”  
Dean frowns as conflicted thoughts play across his face. Sam moves to stand beside his brother, leaning down to whisper in his ear but you are close enough that you can still hear him.
“Dean, you know how I feel about him, but we could use the extra set of hands.”
You feel Benny tense beside you. Dean looks at you, narrowing his gaze in thoughtful consideration.
“Fine. Sam you and y/n take her car. Benny, you’re with me. Get dressed. We are leaving now.”
“Excuse me? Who died and made you boss, Dean? I am fully capable of driving myself.” You take a few steps toward Dean and the floor starts to tilt beneath you as your head begins to swim again. You fall forward and Dean reaches out to catch you, grabbing your waist. The feel of his hands on you sends a shockwave throughout your body and you look up at him. His face is a mask of indifference, but you can’t help but notice the way his pupils are threatening to overtake the green of his eyes and how his nostrils flare. He releases you quickly, taking a step backward.
“I think you just answered your own question. But for the record I think you’ve more than proven that you’re not exactly the poster child for sound judgement, so for the rest of this hunt, I will be calling the shots. You gotta problem with that? Tough shit.”  Dean turns on his heel and storms outside.
“I’ll be in the car, please try to hurry.” Sam looks between you and the vampire, before following his brother out the door.
“Well, cher. Looks like things just got interesting.”
Read Part 4 Here
Forever Tags (I love you guys!):
@wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester
Bad Blood Tags:
SPN Fanfic Pond Tags (Benny):
@aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @bkwrm523 @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @ilovedean-spn2 @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @oldfashioncdvillain @mysaintsasinner @deals-with-demons @faith-in-dean @bohowitch
SPN Fanfic Pond Tags (Dean):
@aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @purgatoan @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @salvachester @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1 @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @ilovedean-spn2  @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @melbelle45 @winchester-family-business
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