#love buying steam games for 10 dollars and then only playing them for 4 minutes
benhorst · 5 years
Unsolicited Game Things
A few months ago I was ruminating on how game subscriptions are coming. They’re coming in a really big way. Now E3 has happened and that has become more clear. Clear in a scary way. There are too many game subscriptions. This is really interesting to explore though. I’d say that Netflix came up without much real competition. Traditional media is too slow to adopt new technology effectively. They slow it down by enforcing parity in every way and forcing the new medium to accept the weird facets of the old one. Shows must be 22 minutes long. Commercial breaks must exist. Content must be locked by publisher, region-locked in completely arcane ways, the dvd extras aren’t available... the list goes on. Games are different. The medium is, as a requisite feature, on the cutting edge of technology. The publishers and creators are more used to operating without the fetters of the past (with the important exception of HID which maybe is a different blog post). The frightening thing is that means there is no distinct front runner in the war for consumer dollars and that’s actually kind of terrible for the consumer. Games are a social behavior. Everyone is currently chasing the “lifestyle game” dollars. Most large games want to be a service. They *already* want you to subscribe to their particular brand. WoW is *still* $15/month. Dota2 Plus wants $4/mo (. Destiny 2 wants about $90/year from you ($7.50/mo) in a game+season pass format. Beyond that, publishers are now asking for subscriptions.EA/Origin All Access and Uplay+ are frontrunners because of their extensive back-catalogs that are fresh for new monitization opportunities, but they won’t be the last publishers to jump in. Then you have the Platform Holders themselves like Microsoft, Sony, and Google offering their own subs that partially encompass the back-catalogs of the other subscriptions, plus other, slightly more indie goodies. For a while, this will be anti-consumer. It’s going to feel real bad. Steam, Epic, GoG, Itch.io, and other Stores will get in the game, and that ALSO has overlap (microsoft has a store, sony has a store, google has a store). I don’t believe that these are actually very competitive because most of these services are aiming, perhaps rightly for the shareholder, at market capture. So that thing I said about social behavior. Yes, there are many insular gamers. Yes, there are many lovers of single player games. However, even in the case of single player games, people LOVE to share their experiences with each other. There are plenty that will disbelieve me, but I think this was all played out in the Console Wars in years past. Some people got to play Halo and others got to play The Last of Us. The Nintendo fans got their own set of games that nobody else could touch without buying additional hardware. It’s a real bummer to have a $400 gate between you and a game your friend played that you want to share with them. Borrowing consoles isn’t a very good option when they want to be rooted to your TV as your Netflix supply. That may be alleviated now that smart-tv apps are reasonably standard and more usable than in the past. There shouldn’t need to be an audible gasp when I tell someone I’ve never played The Last Of Us and it was simply because I had no access to the game. In the past, there were 4-ish platforms. Subscriptions have the potential to fragment that into the 10-20 realm. I think we’ll end up with 4-6 big players, with 2-3 subscriptions covering 90% of games but that’s not good enough if half the outliers are games that everyone wants to play. I can only hope that the big industry players think of the customer first and put their best foot forward in content negotiations. That said, while I’m no expert on publishing and content, I’ve seen some of the effects in other mediums and I’m not encouraged. I think the real sham here is that cross-play is FINALLY catching on, which means that platform doesn’t really matter as much anymore. People can finally play with each other without having that $400 gate between. However, as purchases move toward subscriptions (I don’t think this is an “if”), the gate will shift from hardware-based to a $10/mo which-subscription-do-you-maintain. Unfortunately, I think we’re going to see the same WhyCantWeAllHaveNiceThings problem unless the corps get their act together. The silver lining is that signing up and canceling these subs is more fluid than a 10-year console cycle. That much will be nice.
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blindrapture · 6 years
“Vidya Games” could actually be a funny pun if Sanskrit is considered
Right, well. A couple months into living in the NEW HOUSE, enjoying my NEW COMPUTER and also my brother is here and keeps BUYING ME GAMES, so let me talk a bit about the GAMES I have been PLAYING.
Hiveswap Friendsim
This is a visual novel being released episodically in between acts of the greater Hiveswap. There are five volumes right now. If any MSPA readers are here and haven’t already played it, then listen: You’re basically the Jailbreak guy, and the game is basically a longer and more thought-out Bard Quest, set in the (Side 1) Homestuck universe. The goal of the game is to make friends with everyone you run into. It’s good. Fucking good. Not only is it constantly hilarious, it tugs at your emotions at times in ways that are kinda hard to expect? And it seems to be one semi-consistent narrative, across all the volumes, which... is promising! If you know nothing about MSPA or Homestuck, it’s probably not a bad place to start. Volumes are only a dollar on Steam, and you’ll get pretty immersed in the worldbuilding. (I don’t want to talk about it much more because... well, I guess I might wait for it to be closer to something like “done.” But also, I would want to get very Homestuck if I were to talk about it, and for now I’d rather just talk video games.)
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Another visual novel, this one was back on the original Nintendo DS. You’re an ex-cop who is now a traveling salesman, and you stop at an isolate hotel for the night. All the guests have secrets, and something tells you you’re going to learn something new about the day your cop buddy betrayed you those many years ago. Now, I’d beaten this nearly 10 years ago. I remember loving every minute of it, and I vaguely remember some of the plot reveals. But it was cheap at my local game store, so I’m playing through it again. Wanted to mention it because... it is a wonderful game, great for anyone who has a DS and can find the thing. It’s a 3D adventure! With a lot of text. And some puzzles.
Professor Layton and the Lost Future PUZZLES. JUST PUZZLES. Also a plot that I’m.. still getting through! I beat the first two also nearly 10 years ago, decided to finally get around to the last one in the original trilogy. I remember the first two’s puzzles often gave me great difficulty, but uh. I’m kinda breezing through this one! I am nearly 10 years older, I mean, so that does make sense. And I know a lot more about how puzzles are crafted. (the story is a little silly. the first two’s stories were also a little silly. it’s nice. I really hate the voice direction, though, and how SLOW AND CAREFUL EVERYONE SPEAKS. .....it’s for a younger audience than I am.)
Earthbound Chances are, if I need to explain anything about this game to you, I’m not the one you should be asking. There are plenty of smart articulate people on the internet who would be more than happy to introduce it to a new audience. I grew up knowing about and, uh, emulating this game, but one of the things Adam got me first was a Super Nintendo mini classic thing, and that comes with a legit (legal) copy of Earthbound on it. So I’ve been playing through the game. This is also the first time I’ve, um... gotten past the Third Strongest Moles without, um... using cheats for... level-ups. <__<;; SO. I’m kinda still on what I guess is my First Ever Earthbound Playthrough. Haven’t played it in a while, because as I’ve said, Adam keeps buying me more games, and every one of them interests me in some way. BUT I CAN REMEMBER, from my playthrough:
- I named Ness “Quinn.” Paula is “Issy.” Jeff is “Dolph.” Poo is “Kev.” Dog is “Karkat.” Favourite food is “S[hepherd’s] Pie.” Favourite thing is “Love.” - I have already had a CLOSE SAVE, finishing a battle right before my HP rolled down to zero. - My mum has been watching off-and-on. She laughed when someone ran into the Onett library bathroom, or.. wherever that was. Whenever the photo guy leaves, she wonders why he hasn’t yet given us any of the photos he’s taken. - Mondo Mole gave me the most trouble, not counting ALL THE FUCKING ENEMIES IN THE THIRD STRONGEST MOLE CAVES.
Anyway, that’s all the games I feel like talking about right this minute. Let me give you a list of all the other games I’ve been playing.
YUME NIKKI - DREAM DIARY - Proteus Metal Gear Solid 5 (the really big one!!!) Fallout 4 Black Mesa A Hat in Time Life is Strange Mass Effect: Andromeda
Super Mario World + Galaxy + 3D Land (the MIGHTY MARIO TRIAD) Sonic and the Secret Rings + Sonic 4 (the NAUGHTY SONIC CORNER) Super Metroid + Super Smash Bros for 3DS (the.. uh.. SAMUS GAMES?) Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath + Psychonauts (the WEIRD EARLY 3D PLATFORMER DUO) Bioshock: Remastered + NaissanceE (the FIRST-PERSON UNLIKELY LADS) Slender: The Arrival + Layers of Fear (the SCARED JORDAN PAIR) Euro Truck Simulator 2 + Universe Sandbox 2 (the SIMULATORS) Left 4 Dead 2 + Evolve (the rare event: JORDAN ENJOYS MULTIPLAYER)
Which ones sound most interesting? <3
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theareya · 6 years
do the even numbers for the vg ask binch
Video Game Asks!
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.answered!
4. Who do you play with now?Who? Like my friends? Mostly the same people I played with when I was a kid, but now they’ve grown up into ripe gaming fruits. And some new friends who I met through love of video games  *stares directly into camera*
6. Ever buy strategy guides?No. I’d rather spend money on the game itself. I see the pretty art books often and wonder though…
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?uH. What? Rarest? I don’t have any of those classic games that are worth a fortune now. Most expensive was probably the Dishonored 2 bundle that I bought because I wanted Corvo’s mask super bad
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
I have not! I usually pre-order using the internet and try to distract myself until I can feel the game with my fingers
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?Wheeeen I was younger, yes. I stopped playing for a little while, even though I was not any good at the time anyway. I didn’t pick it back up again until the middle of high school when I stopped caring.
14. Favorite game music?I… really like the Journey and Undertale Soundtrack. However, Kingdom Hearts and Nier: a tomato have been my… main music go-tos .In fact, I’m listening to the Nier ost right now.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?Answered!
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?No. Bitch. Worst-case scenario they “tolerate” it. Just kidding, NO that’s impossible. Worst case is they’re indifferent. And in that case, they’d have to be pretty darn spectacular. Like they own Disneyland spectacular. Trust me. 
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?BIOSHOCK. I can tell you where every audio diary is. And every ridiculous jump scare. I also could say the same about Nier, but that’s a little too recent, so the obsession is still fresh.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?I have a Fallout t-shirt, Kingdom Hearts Sweater, some lovely Nier pins, and a 2B phone charm accessory. I love game merch, I just am a bit picky on which ones I wear.
24. First Pokemon game?It was actually Yellow. I never got Red and/or Blue.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?I don’t like those, but literally Pokemon Go sets them up by making you pick teams and publicly fight the other teams down.
28. Ever play in a tournament?nOpe I’m not that good. I watch a lot of tournaments though.
30. How many consoles do you own?Uhh, since forever? I would say 8. However, the only active ones right now are my ps4 and Switch. Everything else is stored away in the closet or was given away.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?Not. Really. No. I don’t really love those. One time I got Narnia as a gift and cried at how bad it was. And then there was Shrek Party?? Which was a depressing version of Mario party, but with Shrek characters. I liked it… actually. If it were done well, maybe?  
34. Do either of your parents play video games?My mother plays pokemon go and is level 40, which is higher than me. And it’s kind of made her more open to the idea of playing video games. But my mom knows the basics of certain video games enough to not get mad at me when I tell her I can’t pause. 
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?I have cried over a few video games. Not full on crying, but my eyes will water and that’s pretty wild. Sweat is all over my controllers. I clutch them so hard. I was also very emotionally compromised over The Last of Us, but it was mostly internal.
oHH! One time I was playing Battleborn and got a nosebleed, but I’m pretty sure that was on account of the weather and not the game. 
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?I have no shame at all whatsoever in any game that I like. I guess Fable, 2 and 3 were absolutely awful according to everyone, but I thought they were alright, mostly because it made me think of the first game.
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?I think they’re fun! But am sad that they probably won’t be able to reach their full potential in my house.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?…Bioshock tbh. That was the first game I legitimately played after stopping gaming for an awfully long time. The one that started it all. Kingdom Hearts and Bioshock. Two completely different games. 
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?I never really played arcade games? Soul Calibur? DDR??
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?YES THOSE ARE LIKE MY FAVORITE TYPES OF GAMES!!??!? I can seduce Harvest Moon characters all the ding dang day. And I can fish for hours. Fishing mechanics are vital in every game. 
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?84 years. In all honestly, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the options that are available. Dragon Age took so… so long. Basically any game with the objective of making your character look cooler is… dEATH
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?Answered!
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?Pokemon Y
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?I use my friend’s steam and he has like 2000 dollars worth of games, so I’d say he definitely does.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?I never played that game, but I remember quality video compilations of that.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?Answered!
60. Do you know the Konami Code?It’s like a bunch of directional buttons, but idk which ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?I bought a gosh darn PS3 like 10 years ago because I thought KH3 was going to come out for that. Now here with are the PS4 pro and KH3 will be out in a year.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?I have! Or I mean it was a family TV anyways, but I sneakily snuck in a question or two about gaming quality and the guy hooked me up.
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?No. I didn’t have a legit cellphone until after high school.
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?LOL no I’m so bad at those, I spend all my tickets immediately on the dumbest thing I can find like those finger traps.
70. Very first game you ever beat? I want to say Fable. As a kid I didn’t know what a memory card was and sort of assumed you had to start over every single time.
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theantisocialcritic · 5 years
This AntiSocial Life: My Top Fifteen Criterion Collection Recommendations
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One of the most interesting things I find about other people is what kinds of entertainment they stock their personal library with. Perusing people’s collections is a great way to immediately sum up a person’s tastes, beliefs and priorities because it shows you what a person is willing to pay for to have next to them in their house. I’d judge a person with the complete collection of Jane Austin’s published works differently than someone with a complete collection of Chuck Norris’s filmography. I feel this fascination is shared by a number of people on the internet. This is the reason why videos of popular film reviewers sharing their entire movies collections are so popular on YouTube. People want to know what kinds of movies the people whose opinion they respect personally go out of their way to purchase and put on display. 
I’m bringing this up now because July is one of the four times a year that the Criterion Collection goes on sale. If you’re not familiar with it, I applaud your money saving ignorance. The Criterion Collection is a collection of hundreds of critically acclaimed and culturally influential movies that are curated by a small group of industry professionals for the purposes of helping historically and artistically vital films find distribution. The collection prides itself on providing the highest available quality video transfers, commentary tracks, essays and collections possible to best fully make your purchase of one of their movies worth the expense. That’s important because Criterion Collection DVDs and Blu-rays can run you a pretty penny. At the normal price, DVDs run an average of $30 and Blu-rays an average of $40. Special collections in the Criterion Collection of multiple movies can run anywhere between $100 and $300 at a normal price depending on the size of the set. Criterion has no choice but to make every release they make worth the full price purchase. Thankfully most fans of the Collection rarely have to buy at full price. Four times a year, the Criterion Collection’s website and Barnes and Noble run sales each February, July, September and November where all Criterion movies are sold as 50% off. This tends to be the time when most people who purchase from the collection binge purchase multiple movies they want. 
I’ve been a long term fan of the collection since approximately 2014. In the leadup to Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, I purchased my first Criterion Blu-ray which was a copy of his first film Following. Since then I've lined nearly two full shelves on my DVD shelf with Criterion Collection movies. As the July Barnes and Noble sale is currently in full steam until August 4th, I wanted to offer a quick shoutout to the collection and offer a quick starting place of some of my favorite titles to begin seeking out if any of this sounds interesting to you. I’m offering these recommendations now not because I owe anything to the Criterion Collection. I’m doing this out of brand loyalty. The Criterion Collection has delivered consistently in terms of quality and detail since I’ve begun supporting them. There have been only a few rare occasions where the film I bought was something I didn’t like (cough cough Traffik) and often the films I don’t enjoy the first time improves upon multiple viewings. For anyone who regularly follows me on Geeks Under Grace and Legal Insurrection, I hope this offers a brief look into my tastes as a cinephile and offers a glimpse into what it is I prioritize in my favorite movies. 
I should note though that this is not a definitive MUST OWN list of great and culturally significant movies in the Criterion Collection. If I were making that list I’d be recommending films like 81/2, Breathless and Seven Samurai. There are also a ton of movies in the collection I enjoy and recognize for their importance that doesn’t make this list. Certainly, every Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and great silent film in the collection deserves a watch too (see: The Passion of Joan of Arc). Similarly, there are movies in the collection I haven’t been able to purchase because they’re out of print. The Third Man and Diary of a Country Priest are great films in the collection but some older DVDs are so rare that they’re effectively impossible to attain. 
Without further ado, here are fifteen of my favorite Criterion Collection releases in my collection (in alphabetical order)! 
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1. 12 Angry Men
I owe the venerable Chris Stuckmann credit for this first recommendation as he recommended it on his youtube channel years ago. This wonderful small scall drama is far from an accurate representation of an actual jury proceeding (as I’ve been told, it would’ve been thrown out for relitigating the case) but it is an enthralling thriller that makes the most of a room full of characters we never fully learn the names of. Despite that, its a movie that lives and breaths and lets the prejudices and beliefs of each character bounce off one another until the final harrowing minutes. What’s at stake isn’t merely one man’s life but the process of justice itself played out in a cramped, boiling hot jury room. 
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2. Blow Out
Brian De Palma is often considered the successor to Alfred Hitchcock. As much as I love his films (Untouchables, Scarface, etc), I find his work to be excessively pulpy at times. They’ve definitely got their heart on their sleeves at times. Of his filmography though, Blow Out is one of my favorites. This beautifully made conspiracy thriller and a remake of Antonioni’s Blow Up represents one of his most thematically complex and dense works ever; a satire of both Hollywood and 70s politics led by a spectacular John Travolta performance. 
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3. Brazil
I could’ve put any Terry Gilliam film on this list and been just as justified but what beats out Brazil as his enduring masterpiece? I almost put The Fisher King on the list in its place since that one is growing to be my favorite film in his filmography but his first breakout dystopian science fiction film is the one that people remember his for. At once a merging of his impulses as the former animator of Monty Python, a dark comedy riffing on 1984 and an art deco masterpiece featuring some of the best production design in film history, Brazil is worth adding to your collection. 
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4. Chimes at Midnight
Orson Welles once said that if he ever had to use a film as his excuse to get into Heaven, Chimes at Midnight would be the film he used to make his case. Despite the film’s criminally low budget (the crew couldn’t even afford to hire audio techs), the movie’s brilliant lighting, energic cinematography, excellent lead performance by Welles merges into a near singular vision. This is a story about revelry, the tragic story of a young adventurous prince who must learn to put his life of hedonism and joy behind him for the sake of his destiny. If you can get past the occasionally impenetrable dialog, the movie opens up into one of the most exciting and well made Shakespeare adaptations of all time. 
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5. A Face in the Crowd
Elia Kazan is a name every film buff should know from On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Name Desire alone. Kazan was a daring and masterful filmmaker by the standards of any time with the bravery to buck social stigmas and take stands against the powers that be even when it was difficult. Of all his films though, this unassuming Andy Griffith film stands as one of his most contrarian and cynical films. This story of an ex-criminal turned populist celebrity with a massive cult of personality wasn’t popular in its day but is receiving a massive critical reanalysis in a time when actual populists and cults of personalities are quite normal. 
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6. The Flowers of St. Assisi
As a non-catholic, I’m sure this unassuming episodic film about the life of one of the church's most famous saints is less vital and emotionally affecting to me than it would be to someone who has undergone confirmation. Still, this rather unassuming little film is one I can’t deny enjoying. It’s not showy, it’s not grand, and it doesn’t even have an overarching narrative beyond the basic setup of watching a group of priests form a convent to purposely live in poverty as to better connect with Christ. At the same time, it’s more charming and approachable than most films about faith. It’s better to live out faith than preach to the choir (cough cough Pureflix).
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7. Following
The first films of great filmmakers are always exciting. With these, you get to see how great minds were able to work within practical limitations. Christopher Nolan’s first film, shot with only a few thousand dollars, bears a remarkable similarity to his later time stretching, existential, neo-noir thrillers like Memento and Inception. Additionally, the criterion collection copies of this film come with Nolan’s student films. For fans of modern cinema’s favorite spectacle filmmaker, this is required viewing for completionists. 
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8. Gojira
It may surprise you to learn that the original Godzilla film and it’s American remake Godzilla: King of the Monsters are in the Criterion Collection. As a fan of the series, this is a must own if just for the commentary tracks on the movies. Having high-quality transfers of one of the best films in the series is great but getting to learn the ins and outs of the series from a legitimate film scholar is what cinches the deal on this excellent Blu-ray set. 
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9. House of Games
The more you watch David Mamet, the more you’ll learn to love his very specific niche of storytelling. Untouchables is easily his most accessible film but this moody, atmospheric con-man thriller is easily one of his masterpieces. Though a recent addition to the collection for me, after a single viewing it’s already nearing the top of my favorite films in the collection. House of Games is a masterful, hypnotic, low boiling thriller full of smart characters that you love to watch interact with one another. 
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10. Inside Llewyn Davis
For shame. There are only two Coen Brothers films in the Criterion Collection. Of the two, Inside Llewyn Davis is my favorite (the other one being Blood Simple). Though one of the less showy and popular of the Coen Brother’s impressive filmography (Big Lebowski, True Grit, No Country for Old Men, etc) it's arguably one of their strongest films. This tragic tale of a failing folk singer still grieving over the suicide of his musical partner is lead in one of Oscar Isaac’s greatest performances and one of the more painfully somber films in their filmography. 
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11. Le Samurai
Style is the key word of this classic French crime film. The movie, much like it’s lead character’s apartment, is immensely sparse but purposeful. Our enigmatic lead is a deeply focused and committed assassin who gets caught in a situation wherein he must evade authorities and survive. The movie is gorgeous to look at, engaging and supremely satisfying to watch. 
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12. The Night of the Hunter
Charles Laughton’s sole directing create is one of the most haunting and quietly unsettling films of all time. Settling in a strange niche between a horror film and a noir morality tale, the film portrays the great Robert Mitchum as a fanatical priest (of sorts) who seeks to marry his way into wealth before killing his new bride and riding off into the sunset with his fortune. Unfortunately for him, this task is stopped by the woman’s children who seize the money and proceed to flee from the stalking figure of the priest. It’s a strange but powerful parable, unlike anything you’ve probably seen. 
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13. Red River
Tarantino once said that Howard Hawkes was one of the few directors who never stopped making good movies. It’s hard to argue with that. Hawkes’ style and consistency are tangible across his career. Amusingly this might actually be one of the only westerns I’ve seen yet that actually deals with the history of the short-lived but real career of the cowboys. The story details one of the first cattle drives from Texas to Oklahoma before the railroads rendered that career pointless. It also represents one of the rare antagonist roles John Wayne sparsely portrayed in his long career. 
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14. Stagecoach 
It’s strange that only 3 of John Fords hundreds of films are in the Criterion Collection. Certainly, some of his rare or early work like The Iron Horse or They Were Expendable deserve a proper transfer into the collection. Alas, the three we have are excellent transfers. My Darling Clementine, Young Mr. Lincoln and his enduring masterpiece Stagecoach are all part of the collection. Of those three, his 1939 classic western is my favorite. This was the movie that established by John Ford and John Wayne as part of the Golden Age of Hollywood’s greatest artists and myth makers. 
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15. To Be or Not to Be
Those who are fans of Mel Brook’s The Producers will understand right away why this is one of the films that most influenced him. Set against the Nazi invasion of Poland in September of 1939, a troupe of actors finds themselves part of a resistance movement against the occupation who must use their unique talents to escape to England. It’s a dark film at times but it comes with some of the funniest comedy you’ll see in a movie about the Second World War. 
How about you? Are you a Criterion Collection Fan too? What are some of your favorites? Comment down below or Tweet me @AntiSocialCriti with some of your favorite films in the collection! 
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tonic31 · 6 years
Please don't forget to leave a like and comment on the video, your feedback means SO MUCH to me :) Buy Clustertruck (Steam Summer Sale $6.74): https://ift.tt/2MLmeTl https://ift.tt/2IXpicT Please don't forget to leave a like and comment on the video, your feedback means SO MUCH to me :) Horton Brothers Grimm - A Videogame Podcast (Leave A 5 Star Review!): https://ift.tt/2HHcX0x Bang Bang Potato Merchandise: https://ift.tt/2CI3ylM Follow me on other Social Media sites: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bangbangpotato1 Facebook: https://ift.tt/2hSv9al Instagram: https://ift.tt/2FSRtZc Tumblr: https://ift.tt/2EMg961 Snapchat: bangbangpotato Stream Commands: !bankheist [coins] - Play the bankheist chat game (Still In Beta, I have no idea how it works but give it a whirl :D) !flipcoin [coins (10 max)] - Gamble some of your Bacon Soup to win more Bacon Soup. !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) by Bang Bang Potato
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tonic31 · 6 years
Please don't forget to leave a like and comment on the video, your feedback means SO MUCH to me :) Buy Clustertruck (Steam Summer Sale $6.74): https://ift.tt/2MLmeTl https://ift.tt/2IXpicT Please don't forget to leave a like and comment on the video, your feedback means SO MUCH to me :) Horton Brothers Grimm - A Videogame Podcast (Leave A 5 Star Review!): https://ift.tt/2HHcX0x Bang Bang Potato Merchandise: https://ift.tt/2CI3ylM Follow me on other Social Media sites: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bangbangpotato1 Facebook: https://ift.tt/2hSv9al Instagram: https://ift.tt/2FSRtZc Tumblr: https://ift.tt/2EMg961 Snapchat: bangbangpotato Stream Commands: !bankheist [coins] - Play the bankheist chat game (Still In Beta, I have no idea how it works but give it a whirl :D) !flipcoin [coins (10 max)] - Gamble some of your Bacon Soup to win more Bacon Soup. !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) by Bang Bang Potato
0 notes
tonic31 · 6 years
Please don't forget to leave a like and comment on the video, your feedback means SO MUCH to me :) Buy Clustertruck (Steam Summer Sale $6.74): https://ift.tt/2MLmeTl https://ift.tt/2IXpicT Please don't forget to leave a like and comment on the video, your feedback means SO MUCH to me :) Horton Brothers Grimm - A Videogame Podcast (Leave A 5 Star Review!): https://ift.tt/2HHcX0x Bang Bang Potato Merchandise: https://ift.tt/2CI3ylM Follow me on other Social Media sites: Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bangbangpotato1 Facebook: https://ift.tt/2hSv9al Instagram: https://ift.tt/2FSRtZc Tumblr: https://ift.tt/2EMg961 Snapchat: bangbangpotato Stream Commands: !bankheist [coins] - Play the bankheist chat game (Still In Beta, I have no idea how it works but give it a whirl :D) !flipcoin [coins (10 max)] - Gamble some of your Bacon Soup to win more Bacon Soup. !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) by Bang Bang Potato
0 notes
tonic31 · 7 years
Time to get a blast from my past but in HD!! Halo CE is one of my favorite games of all time! I'm firing up the Xbox One and we're going to experience where Halo started!! I'm a Humble Partner!! Use my link when you BUY to support my channel and my favorite charity Child's Play!! http://ift.tt/2C0kvri Check out my T-Shirts! http://ift.tt/2ADmCwQ Do You Want To Help Out The Channel? Donate Through Super Chat Or Sponsor Here: https://goo.gl/1gEjP2 Stream Commands: !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. A fan shop where you can spend your Bacon Soup containing new emotes and shouts will be added if the demand is high! Let me know your interest level! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Discord Group Chat: http://ift.tt/2wv5jRg Nintendo Friend Code: SW-1102-5915-9227 Steam Curator: http://ift.tt/2qwsgNp Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hSv9al Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tonictaz VidMe: http://ift.tt/2lqCX0D Twitter: @BangBangPotato1 Twitch: http://ift.tt/2sG8yDr Metacritic: http://ift.tt/2fEI1Rl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my friends: Follow Shook50: Twitter - @JEShook01 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwIei4PxTthZEH16Xc1HvA http://ift.tt/2fgTJP0 Follow Biz: Twitter - @Bizrebellion Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3hbp77FTL21PInQNtlNaQ http://ift.tt/2wW63OH Follow MacGhriogair: Twitter @MacGhriogair Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxlV-f3DOv1gR0N-18M2Bw Follow Boogyman659: Twitter @Boogyman659 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhxF9UPfZjL9n5qvOBPkjA Follow Genova: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CLBqsrKPWLGIvmy8lV0dw Follow Dethdealor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrud_P0Ukdq8N_n-w4e7E_g Spairtyme: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvu8g8sRpBACAUAanFrXwg http://ift.tt/2fh3Jrq http://ift.tt/2wVE4P6 Hugabug: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC408c3ygqZubLbKtFKJbcew Sniperfury: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TePbjoUPsd4EA by Bang Bang Potato
0 notes
tonic31 · 7 years
Time to get a blast from my past but in HD!! Halo CE is one of my favorite games of all time! I'm firing up the Xbox One and we're going to experience where Halo started!! I'm a Humble Partner!! Use my link when you BUY to support my channel and my favorite charity Child's Play!! http://ift.tt/2C0kvri Check out my T-Shirts! http://ift.tt/2ADmCwQ Do You Want To Help Out The Channel? Donate Through Super Chat Or Sponsor Here: https://goo.gl/1gEjP2 Stream Commands: !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. A fan shop where you can spend your Bacon Soup containing new emotes and shouts will be added if the demand is high! Let me know your interest level! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Discord Group Chat: http://ift.tt/2wv5jRg Nintendo Friend Code: SW-1102-5915-9227 Steam Curator: http://ift.tt/2qwsgNp Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hSv9al Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tonictaz VidMe: http://ift.tt/2lqCX0D Twitter: @BangBangPotato1 Twitch: http://ift.tt/2sG8yDr Metacritic: http://ift.tt/2fEI1Rl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my friends: Follow Shook50: Twitter - @JEShook01 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwIei4PxTthZEH16Xc1HvA http://ift.tt/2fgTJP0 Follow Biz: Twitter - @Bizrebellion Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3hbp77FTL21PInQNtlNaQ http://ift.tt/2wW63OH Follow MacGhriogair: Twitter @MacGhriogair Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxlV-f3DOv1gR0N-18M2Bw Follow Boogyman659: Twitter @Boogyman659 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhxF9UPfZjL9n5qvOBPkjA Follow Genova: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CLBqsrKPWLGIvmy8lV0dw Follow Dethdealor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrud_P0Ukdq8N_n-w4e7E_g Spairtyme: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvu8g8sRpBACAUAanFrXwg http://ift.tt/2fh3Jrq http://ift.tt/2wVE4P6 Hugabug: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC408c3ygqZubLbKtFKJbcew Sniperfury: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TePbjoUPsd4EA by Bang Bang Potato
0 notes
tonic31 · 7 years
It's TIME!! The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Champion's Ballad LIVE!! Come on in, say hi and get comfortable!! I'm a Humble Partner!! Use my link when you BUY to support my channel and my favorite charity Child's Play!! http://ift.tt/2C0kvri Check out my T-Shirts! http://ift.tt/2CI3ylM Do You Want To Help Out The Channel? Donate Through Super Chat Or Sponsor Here: https://goo.gl/1gEjP2 Stream Commands: !bankheist [coins] - Play the bankheist chat game (Still In Beta, I have no idea how it works but give it a whirl :D) !flipcoin [coins (10 max)] - Gamble some of your Bacon Soup to win more Bacon Soup. !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. A fan shop where you can spend your Bacon Soup containing new emotes and shouts will be added if the demand is high! Let me know your interest level! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Discord Group Chat: http://ift.tt/2wv5jRg Nintendo Friend Code: SW-1102-5915-9227 Steam Curator: http://ift.tt/2qwsgNp Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hSv9al Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tonictaz VidMe: http://ift.tt/2lqCX0D Twitter: @BangBangPotato1 Twitch: http://ift.tt/2sG8yDr Metacritic: http://ift.tt/2fEI1Rl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my friends: Follow Shook50: Twitter - @JEShook01 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwIei4PxTthZEH16Xc1HvA http://ift.tt/2fgTJP0 Follow Biz: Twitter - @Bizrebellion Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3hbp77FTL21PInQNtlNaQ http://ift.tt/2wW63OH Follow MacGhriogair: Twitter @MacGhriogair Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxlV-f3DOv1gR0N-18M2Bw Follow Boogyman659: Twitter @Boogyman659 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhxF9UPfZjL9n5qvOBPkjA Follow Genova: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CLBqsrKPWLGIvmy8lV0dw Follow Dethdealor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrud_P0Ukdq8N_n-w4e7E_g Spairtyme: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvu8g8sRpBACAUAanFrXwg http://ift.tt/2fh3Jrq http://ift.tt/2wVE4P6 Hugabug: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC408c3ygqZubLbKtFKJbcew Sniperfury: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TePbjoUPsd4EAaNsRlM by Bang Bang Potato
0 notes
tonic31 · 7 years
Happy New Year!!! It's TIME!! The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Champion's Ballad LIVE!! Come on in, say hi and get comfortable!! I'm a Humble Partner!! Use my link when you BUY to support my channel and my favorite charity Child's Play!! http://ift.tt/2C0kvri Check out my T-Shirts! http://ift.tt/2CI3ylM Do You Want To Help Out The Channel? Donate Through Super Chat Or Sponsor Here: https://goo.gl/1gEjP2 Stream Commands: !bankheist [coins] - Play the bankheist chat game (Still In Beta, I have no idea how it works but give it a whirl :D) !flipcoin [coins (10 max)] - Gamble some of your Bacon Soup to win more Bacon Soup. !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. A fan shop where you can spend your Bacon Soup containing new emotes and shouts will be added if the demand is high! Let me know your interest level! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Discord Group Chat: http://ift.tt/2wv5jRg Nintendo Friend Code: SW-1102-5915-9227 Steam Curator: http://ift.tt/2qwsgNp Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hSv9al Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tonictaz VidMe: http://ift.tt/2lqCX0D Twitter: @BangBangPotato1 Twitch: http://ift.tt/2sG8yDr Metacritic: http://ift.tt/2fEI1Rl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my friends: Follow Shook50: Twitter - @JEShook01 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwIei4PxTthZEH16Xc1HvA http://ift.tt/2fgTJP0 Follow Biz: Twitter - @Bizrebellion Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3hbp77FTL21PInQNtlNaQ http://ift.tt/2wW63OH Follow MacGhriogair: Twitter @MacGhriogair Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxlV-f3DOv1gR0N-18M2Bw Follow Boogyman659: Twitter @Boogyman659 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhxF9UPfZjL9n5qvOBPkjA Follow Genova: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CLBqsrKPWLGIvmy8lV0dw Follow Dethdealor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrud_P0Ukdq8N_n-w4e7E_g Spairtyme: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvu8g8sRpBACAUAanFrXwg http://ift.tt/2fh3Jrq http://ift.tt/2wVE4P6 Hugabug: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC408c3ygqZubLbKtFKJbcew Sniperfury: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TePbjoUPsd4EAaNsRlM by Bang Bang Potato
0 notes
tonic31 · 7 years
Happy New Year!!! It's TIME!! The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Champion's Ballad LIVE!! Come on in, say hi and get comfortable!! I'm a Humble Partner!! Use my link when you BUY to support my channel and my favorite charity Child's Play!! http://ift.tt/2C0kvri Check out my T-Shirts! http://ift.tt/2ADmCwQ Do You Want To Help Out The Channel? Donate Through Super Chat Or Sponsor Here: https://goo.gl/1gEjP2 Stream Commands: !bankheist [coins] - Play the bankheist chat game (Still In Beta, I have no idea how it works but give it a whirl :D) !flipcoin [coins (10 max)] - Gamble some of your Bacon Soup to win more Bacon Soup. !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. A fan shop where you can spend your Bacon Soup containing new emotes and shouts will be added if the demand is high! Let me know your interest level! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Discord Group Chat: http://ift.tt/2wv5jRg Nintendo Friend Code: SW-1102-5915-9227 Steam Curator: http://ift.tt/2qwsgNp Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hSv9al Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tonictaz VidMe: http://ift.tt/2lqCX0D Twitter: @BangBangPotato1 Twitch: http://ift.tt/2sG8yDr Metacritic: http://ift.tt/2fEI1Rl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my friends: Follow Shook50: Twitter - @JEShook01 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwIei4PxTthZEH16Xc1HvA http://ift.tt/2fgTJP0 Follow Biz: Twitter - @Bizrebellion Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3hbp77FTL21PInQNtlNaQ http://ift.tt/2wW63OH Follow MacGhriogair: Twitter @MacGhriogair Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxlV-f3DOv1gR0N-18M2Bw Follow Boogyman659: Twitter @Boogyman659 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhxF9UPfZjL9n5qvOBPkjA Follow Genova: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CLBqsrKPWLGIvmy8lV0dw Follow Dethdealor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrud_P0Ukdq8N_n-w4e7E_g Spairtyme: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvu8g8sRpBACAUAanFrXwg http://ift.tt/2fh3Jrq http://ift.tt/2wVE4P6 Hugabug: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC408c3ygqZubLbKtFKJbcew Sniperfury: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TePbjoUPsd4EAaNsRlM by Bang Bang Potato
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tonic31 · 7 years
Hello Neighbor is a Stealth Horror Game about sneaking into your neighbor's house and figuring out what he's hiding in the basement. Am I cut out for this???? Time to experience stealth, POTATO STYLE!! I'm a Humble Partner!! Use my link when you BUY to support my channel and my favorite charity Child's Play!! http://ift.tt/2C0kvri Check out my T-Shirts! http://ift.tt/2ADmCwQ Do You Want To Help Out The Channel? Donate Through Super Chat Or Sponsor Here: https://goo.gl/1gEjP2 Stream Commands: !Soup - See how many Bacon Soup you have earned !rank - Tells you what your stream rank is !time - Tells you what time it is where I am !uptime - Tells you how long the stream has been live !viewers - Tells you how many people are watching !hours - Tells you how many hours you have watched my streams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How You Earn Bacon Soup: Viewers gain 10 Bacon Soup for every 10 Minutes of watching the stream! You can earn more Bacon Soup if you do the following: Channel Sponsors get 3 times more Bacon Soup. Viewers get 5 times more Bacon Soup for subscribing (one time only) Superchat messages get rewarded with 3 Bacon Soup for each dollar they donate. A fan shop where you can spend your Bacon Soup containing new emotes and shouts will be added if the demand is high! Let me know your interest level! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Rules To Stream By: 1. Have Fun! 2. Please No Sub Begging. 3. Shake Your Maracas! 4. Please don't emoji spam 5. Hints Are Welcome But Please Wait Until I Request One 6. Provide Bacon Soup When Necessary 7. Don't Advertise Without My Permission...But Do Not Be Afraid To Ask! 8. 4 Letter Words Are OK In The Chat With The Exception Of F-Bombs 9. No Racial, Sexual Or Religious Shaming. Respect And Love Anyone Who Joins The Stream 10. Don't Ruin Someone Else's Fun If You're Not Having Any, Just Quietly Exit The Stream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream Ranks: We have a ranking system (for fun) here are the current ranks and watch time to acquire: Sprout - We all have to start here, grow my beautiful potatos! Yukon Gold - 12 hours of watch time Purple Peruvian - 24 hours of watch time Idaho Russet - 36 hours of watch time Katahdin - 48 hours of watch time Red Bliss - 60 hours of watch time Adirondack Blue - 72 hours of watch time Adirondack Red - 84 hours of watch time Fingerling - 96 hours of watch time These ranks are all types of potatoes!! Look them up to learn more about them :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: Discord Group Chat: http://ift.tt/2wv5jRg Nintendo Friend Code: SW-1102-5915-9227 Steam Curator: http://ift.tt/2qwsgNp Facebook: http://ift.tt/2hSv9al Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tonictaz VidMe: http://ift.tt/2lqCX0D Twitter: @BangBangPotato1 Twitch: http://ift.tt/2sG8yDr Metacritic: http://ift.tt/2fEI1Rl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my friends: Follow Shook50: Twitter - @JEShook01 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwIei4PxTthZEH16Xc1HvA http://ift.tt/2fgTJP0 Follow Biz: Twitter - @Bizrebellion Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3hbp77FTL21PInQNtlNaQ http://ift.tt/2wW63OH Follow MacGhriogair: Twitter @MacGhriogair Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxlV-f3DOv1gR0N-18M2Bw Follow Boogyman659: Twitter @Boogyman659 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOhxF9UPfZjL9n5qvOBPkjA Follow Genova: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CLBqsrKPWLGIvmy8lV0dw Follow Dethdealor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrud_P0Ukdq8N_n-w4e7E_g Spairtyme: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvu8g8sRpBACAUAanFrXwg http://ift.tt/2fh3Jrq http://ift.tt/2wVE4P6 Hugabug: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC408c3ygqZubLbKtFKJbcew Sniperfury: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TePbjoUPsd4EAaNsRlMDg by Bang Bang Potato
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