#love in the air ep 8
itsallaboutzayn · 2 years
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“You went to my boyfriend’s university just to give a coffee receipt?”
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ichigokeks · 2 years
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I just knew Sky is my man, my boy. The taste is immaculate.
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boysthatlove · 2 years
I have to say this because the word 'R*pe' is being thrown around in terms of how Sky and Prapai found their way in bed together.
Let me be very clear that Sky under any circumstance was not r*ped. He was coerced. And I am saying this to say as someone who was able to get their hands on some of the chapters before it was removed, Prapai has never done that (r*pe) to Sky or needed to.
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Remember Prapai is a playboy, he uses charm or manipulation to get what he wants, never force. If he was told no, he knows he could have gotten from someone else and if episode 8 showed any indications, he has people who he can call or who call him when they want some. As a spoiler from the novel, from the very first chapter where they are at the race track, when Prapai propositioned Sky, he didn't actually expect him to say yes.
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Sky has his own insecurities he has to work through and through Praipai's pursuit we will see Sky face them.
I don't know what else to say at this point, but I do know that there are two side when it comes to the viewer. Those who got a chance tor read the novel and see what's going through the minds of Prapai and Sky (books are more complex compared to TV/Movie adaptations) and those who haven't read it.
Let's see how episode 9 plays out.
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aliceisathome · 2 years
Sky is a precious bean and Prapai is a dick. Seriously dude, you basically blackmail someone into sex and expect them to be happy when you get in touch THREE MONTHS later. I don't care how pretty you are, you suck.
And poor Sky looked so defeated as he left the apartment. This was very much a coerced, transactional thing for him, not an exciting night of consensual passion. There's a reason why he didn't even tell you his name let alone give you his number you asshole.
I loved the first half but this second half is shaping up to be Mame at her most problematic.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Thoughts while watching Love in the Air episode 8 (PrapaiSky 1):
~ Obviously they're going to return to that first illegal race to start this section - no question, everything was set up for that to happen. Yet I still feel inordinately proud of myself for predicting it. 😊
~ 🥺 Sky psyching himself up to follow Rain.
~ I don't think we've met Pakin yet? He keeps getting hyped as scary and I had the sudden thought that he's Sky's evil ex. But I don't think that would actually make sense.
~ What motorcycle adjacent company is sponsoring this, by the way? I wondered last time and then never looked into it.
~ Ooh. I think I like this moment of first eye contact - Prapai's interest and smirk, Sky's [puzzled?] stare. The musical cues there were effective.
~ I really really want to like these two together. Please Mame, don't fuck it up for me. Please.
~ I personally connect more with these actors and their chemistry, which makes them more fun to watch, but would also make any creepy parts harder for me to brush off. (Who am I kidding, I know there will be dubcon stuff, the only question is how much, how dubious, and for what percentage of their story.)
~ Sky! I love you. The way he gathers up his courage and grabs Prapai's collar. 💜
Ok. Well this kissing looks pretty fucking consensual so far (if I close my eyes and ignore the whole pressuring him into part.)
Ok. Yeah. That was hot. 🥵 😳 And Sky definitely looked like he was enjoying himself.
~ Ok why are we revisiting this entire scene with Rain and Puyu? Not what I'm here for. Oh maybe it's exposition about how powerful/dangerous the street race organizers are? (But we don't need the whole scene for that, musical cues, kiss and all. It takes away from the PrapaiSky momentum.)
~ Sky 🥺 Why are you sad?
~ But so far it feels like dubcon and pressure, not noncon, so it's tolerable to me. It helps that it's obvious that Sky enjoyed the sex, just doesn't trust Prapai (understandably!)
~ I hope this little nepotism baby at his desk in his suit is supposed to look like a kid playing dress up to go to his dad's office, because he does. Although he looks very good in the suit anyway.
~ Yes Sky! Ignore him and just walk out the door! I love you. 💜 (Shades of Sher from Fahlanruk)
~ I think I like this structure of both characters recalling the night before in flashes the next morning.
~ Prapai is smitten. It's adorable. And it feels true to me that he would be after that night.
~ Ooh. An entirely new character. Hello little brother. An odd conversation that I'm just going to ignore, but we establish that Prapai likes being single and free.
~ I'm starting to feel hopeful that Prapai will have his own character arc and have to change in some way. But not confident.
~ Oh, Sky 🥺
~ I do like that LITA is continuing this structure of their parallel lives in montage. And that we're revisiting some of the university moments from Sky's perspective.
~ Ok. Time skip.
~ SIG!!!! Sig Sig Sig 🥳 (And possible support for a Sig-Som background romance? 👀)
~ Long suffering Sky. My baby.
~ Random non-Sky lover, and Prapai is not feeling it.
~ SIG!!! He continues to be great 🥰 And it's nice to see a more serious but still weirdo side to him. Mediate, baby!
~ I guess we're still mid RainPayu? I don't remember their exact timeline, but I do think it wasn't finished until summer break.
~ Wise elder and occasional wingman/occasional cockblock Saifah is back.
~ I actually like Prapai's decision to pursue Sky. He's waited months, Sky's still on his mind; it makes sense. (However I still don't trust how he's going to go about his pursuit.)
~ More weather puns. They're probably even better if I understand Thai.
~ Sig relaxing and having fun reading 💜 And pulling an all-nighter to do it. I knew there was a reason he's a fandom fave.
~ (More acting through pouting. I'm still not sure about this choice, even with my beloved Sky. Ok, actually I am sure; I don't like it.)
~ Ok, yes, objectively Prapai is being a creep here. But it kinda works for me. And I love Sky's sarcastic responses. 💜 (I think he knows who it is?)
~ Or I guess not?
~ Not to justify predatory behavior, but I'm gonna justify predatory behavior by saying that it's at least plausible that Prapai would think that Sky would welcome this game. (If I squint and ignore a lot.)
~ Oh, Sky 🥺 Is that why you think it couldn't be Prapai? Obviously he's attracted to you, that's how this all started, remember? Are you dealing with low self esteem along with your trauma?
~ More shirtless seme in his home gym scene for... reasons. Damn, this scene isn't even pretending to be about anything but admiring Prapai's body. No objection here. I have to say, my first thought (other than hot!) when I see a muscled up actor these days is "good for him, I'm glad he gets a chance to show off all that hard work in building those muscles."
~ SIG!!! 🥳 In the perfect setting for his weirdness. I'll bet $100 bucks this scene was improvised by Tonnam.
~ Hiding behind the box!! Instant reflex. I love it. Too bad it's also completely ineffective.
~ Rain! Why are you selling out your bestie like this? 😟 oh, I guess he's just kind of oblivious.
~ Prapai is a manipulative dick, but my expectations for him were on the floor, so I'm able to find it kind of cute. And Sky kind of opened himself up by not accepting Rain's offer for a ride. He seems like he'd know better.
~ Prapai's attempt at seduction is neither awful nor all that interesting. I like Sky's hardass responses though.
~ Aww, I think I'm gonna like Sky's developing habit of grabbing Prapai by the collar. And Prapai's smitten look as he Sky walks away.
~ Again establishing (to the audience though not to Prapai) that it's lack of trust, not lack of interest.
~ the steel-hearted boy. I love it.
~ Sky makes a very good point and Rain should grovel. Never give out anyone's phone number without their permission. Rain you darling space cadet.
~ I 💜 Sky
~ Not really excited about this dorm manager gossip, tbh. I like her outfits though, those triangle earrings especially.
~ The complex and nuanced journey of Sky's face when he's on the phone with Prapai. (My instinct is to blame all the moments of overacting on the director, because he can be quite good and subtle.)
~ Plant daddy 🪴 Sky doesn't want to hurt the sunflowers 🌻 🥺 (25 bucks that next episode we'll see them in a vase and not in the trash can.)
~ Teenagers. Lol, Sky is four years older than you, you nepo baby.
~ I like this (probably long-suffering) assistant!
I went into this with basement level expectations for Prapai, both because of Mame in general, and because from the few glimpses I saw on my dash that made it past the filters, it seemed like people hated him. He managed to be nowhere near as bad as I expected, so I was able to enjoy him and Sky overall. I'm sure if I'd watched it naïve I would have hated him much more.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Same anon who talked about lita in the last ask. You took the words out of my mouth. I physically winced when I heard their voice on phone. I can do it for them with a simple phone app😭😭😭
hdjkgd omg right???? glad I'm not the only one who's bothered by this lmao. it's so weird and I don't get why they would do that?? It's literally so simple lol. makes the whole scene seem like a 4th grade film project djkhgd
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obviouslyelementary · 2 years
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I couldn’t choose my favorite so I’m posting all three. Guess who’s totally not invested??? Yep, it’s me.
Prapai better eat on Sky’s feet I’m telling you.
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nappingislife · 2 years
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luvlyspringday · 2 years
rain’s such an oblivious little bimbo i love him
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catchingsunsets · 2 years
been really looking forward to the start of prapaisky story, and god please i’m so scared of being disappointed after all the hype 😭 PLS LET IT BE GOOD, IF NOT BETTER
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Happy International PrapaiSky Day to all those who celebrate!
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ichigokeks · 2 years
Payu at Rain: I will scold you harshly for risking your life like this.
Prapai at Sky: Nice! Let's have sex.
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boysthatlove · 2 years
While I don't condone Prapai's method of getting Sky to agree to sleep with him ( never did, even from my previous post).
What would you consider the interaction between Prapai, Rain, and Phayu at the end of episode 7?
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And as much as I don't want to throw Phayu under the bus, he allowed that shit to happen.
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pinkmilk-addict · 2 years
One thing that bugs me about EP 8 of Love in the Air (besides the obvious first meeting of Prapai and Sky and everything creepy that followed) was how Sky actually didn't get into Rain's car but ACTUALLY chose to go with Prapai.
I get it- it's for the storyline but come on. That's so not his character. I feel like that could've been handled 1000 times better. Like how about he's caught in a storm or missed the last bus etc. and then Prapai can swoop in and pretend to play the hero (could've been his first step to redemption, too, just saying).
But Sky refusing to go with his bestie - a safe space for him - after MULTIPLE offerings and Rain even INSISTING and instead going with the dude he despise and who "blackmailed" him into THAT the last time they met? Yeah no. Even as far as realism flies out of the window when it comes to (bl) romances- It's still a no from me.
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youdontloveme-yet · 2 years
fuck that suit bro.. just-
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