#love interest whos way too into lego sets and has funky teeth and has a shit haircut and w/e but the main character thinks theyre hot shit
i need more books with romance plots to have the love interest be literally anything other than the most conventionally attractive person on the planet and im not even kidding. i will die badly if these needs are not met
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sillystringedrat · 1 year
Since recently learning abt the Lego Friends reboot I kinda went silly into a rabbit hole so now I have notes on the first ep and first impressions :3
* Definitely has some underlying social anxiety
* Lots of interests (that he makes up for other people)
* Gives major good boy dumb jock energy
* Seems to get caught up in his emotions and dismisses anything else that doesn’t have his attention, as seen with how he constantly dismisses Paisley when he’s enraptured with something.
* Probably a good dose of bottled up emotions
* Oblivious to physical boundaries (get better soon honey)
* Oblivious also to some—mostly emotional—social cues
* Probably has lived with some expectations to make him the way he is
* Introverted, perhaps has social anxiety but not in the same way as Zac (parallels perhaps?)
* Knows her boundaries and is obviously miffed at being treated the way she was
* Has problems with being a pushover, but she doesn’t guilt trip her brain into thinking she must do it, only frustrated she can’t stick up for herself
* Seems to be used to Lianne’s shenanigans
* Unlike what I originally thought, she seems to have no problem opening up to someone—at least when under stress, seeing as she opened up about her stress with Zac to Nova.
* Also bottles up emotions, but unlike Zac presumably she does let them out when people are available
* Seems to not know how to properly socialize to make a new friend, despite this she is quite emotionally intelligent
* Has ADHD, extroverted
* Literally just me smh
* Seems to know Paisley’s boundaries and they seem good enough friends that when she pushes Paisley’s comfort zone, Paisley isn’t that angry about it
* However she knows when someone has gone too far and will defend her friend
* Adopts introverts like it’s nobody’s business
* Has nothing but good intentions but sometimes puts people in situations she would better handle
* Gay ass /j (or is it a premonition?)
* Interested in fashion
* Loves being recognized for his work (perhaps his work isn’t that often? ) This thought is disproven his intro is literally him posing at his locker
* General good guy as of now
* Him, Aaliyah and Autumn seem to be pretty close friends already
*He’s my son
* Seems to be the typical nonchalant/distant one of the group for now
* A little arrogant about boasting her gamer status but eh
* So far the one putting the least effort into making dynamics with the other characters
* Just wants to chill
* Her gamer reputation seems to be a generally known fact considering Aaliyah comments if Zac plays video games around her. That or Aaliyah is the type of person to get to know every one of her classmates general interest, either one is likely.
* Can be pretty blunt
* Too busy than any child has the right to be
* A part of student council
* Very cheerful and welcoming to everyone
* Very organized and determined, a go-getter
* Probably lesbian (LISTEN—)
* Seems to not have much time for her friends although she would love to (Autumn and Leo don’t seem to mind much and seem to be understanding of her situation)
* DEFINITELY has been set up for high expectations
* Control freak to some extent
Idk if I’ll share my thoughts on the other eps, maybe if they’re long enough who knows .,.
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