#love jackie o lantern here
gr1evance · 6 days
making a post about some of my miscellaneous pool toy and plane ocs/designs, since i mentioned doing so over on my main! i imagine all these guys living in a world where living planes and pool toys (maybe other objects?) are common, but i don't actually have any real worldbuilding for that or anything, it's kind of just a placeholder for me to do whatever with. i don't really have a set thing for these guys!
rest will be under a cut, because i suspect this will be a long post lol
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starting with my sonas! this is sugarsqueaks- he can't talk, but he WILL drag you into the pool with him. i think he's pretty laid back, he just likes floating around the pool, but i imagine when he's frustrated or excited he'll bap his paws against something or stomp on the ground. (cute!) and i'm always torn on if i think he should be scented like sugar/candy or if he should just have the classic vinyl pool toy smell
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my plane sona's name is cloud nine!! i love him, he kind of sucks at flying and doesn't do it very often, but he's super excitable and has a personality that definitely makes up for it. he gets himself into a lot of injuries while trying to fly, he's very much a klutz, but he REALLY wants to be good at doing plane things. he's younger and a bit smaller than most of his group, and he'll.. probably grow less clumsy with time.
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my boyfriend!! or, well, i almost exclusively call him my boyfriend out of habit but he DOES have a name. it's razzle dazzle :) he's based off the pool candy unicorn and he lives in my room! in my self indulgent thoughts, he's pretty softspoken, but very affectionate. i go between him being drawn as anthro and as just a pool ring, those are both very true in my mind. he's kind of just whatever i want him to be! i most often imagine him paired with and hanging out with captain starburst (me!) but that's not canon to starb's stuff at all.
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wanderlust is a pool toy AND a plane, and loves exploring (hence the name)! i'm not actually sure if he can fly or not, he probably can't? i doubt that would stop him from getting his plane friends to carry him around, though
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this is snail mail!! he's kind of another design i have that's on boyfriend tier to me, lol.. he's a mail carrier! he's definitely big, but i'm unsure if he's actually big enough for the houses and trees on his back to be people-sized. most likely not, but that may change. i think he's dating (or at least romantically talking to) cloud nine, i think they're a pair of cuties :3
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i like collecting holiday themed designs and characters, so here's my halloween and christmas themed pool toys! the cat's name is jackie lantern, he's another one that im romantically inclined towards LOL. but i've been trying to think of what he's like more.. i think he spends most of his time "sleeping" (can pool toys even sleep?) or just generally relaxing. the other one i don't have a name for yet or any real ideas, but i REALLY like the design (thank u theooo)! definitely lives in a colder environment and enjoys that, despite pool toys.. y'know, being in the pool and stuff.
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here's a few more pool toys, some less developed ones but ones i really like nonetheless! their names are finny, cherry pit, and candy zone in that order. finny is polite and reserved, just very kind and cute. cherry pit is my newest addition to all these guys and i don't have too many ideas about him yet, but i LOVE him. definitely feels like a pool party kind of guy to me. candy zone is very chill but VERY much a worrywart. they also have a partner that's a cute plushie dragon that i've yet to draw!
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and here's three more planes! aerodyne, chocolate delight, and powder. aerodyne is the biggest plane in the group, and their job is to be the big kind of airliner that carries people or cargo you most often see! a real gentle giant. chocolate delight is kind of aloof, but pretty nice once you get to know them. and powder is the smallest of the group, he's a little fighter jet. he can be kind of abrasive and has a lot of energy.
if you read all of this, uhhhh... thanks lol! i hope you like my silly object guys. i mostly post about my stories and stuff like that on here, but sometimes i really do just like having characters just to hoard them or have silly thoughts about them or whatever. maybe i'll post about them more after i revamp the tags and stuff on this blog!
a majority of these designs were done by my friends @apotheoseity and @pbjpuppy. some extra designs are by @citripede, shrillard, and jamsbunnies. other art is by @lame-4-u and feraljayce!
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ghostymallows · 2 years
anyway jackie is my favourite jack-o-lantern and jack-in-the-box. its so adorable and cute and i love how creative and imaginative they are. his only crime is not being here right his second so i can kiss its cute face <3
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tardisbadwolfrose · 3 years
For the character thing, please do Rose Tyler
Ooo thats fun. I was not expecting a doctor who character. Ok. Lets go.
Why I like them: part of it is just because she was my first companion. I fell in love with Doctor Who through her. But also, theres something to be said for a perfectly normal, ordinary person with flaws and who probably doesnt think much of themselves, who is young and naive and loving, who ends up doing extraordinary things without some preternatural destiny guiding them. The only other companion who really hit on that was Bill. Donna had a bit, but there were elements of s4 that implied that it was all some sort of prophecy coming together. The DoctorDonna and all that. Rose really was so ordinary. Even Bad Wolf was born of something so ordinary, so human, this intense love and desire to protect. Rose was, in so many ways, such a perfect first companion, because from the beginning shes such an every girl. And she has so much compassion for so many. Everytime she interacts with people, especially people who work for other people, she treats them like people and like equals. Theres the mechanic in "the end of the world," gwenyth, etc. I just... Ugh. I love her. Bills still my fave, but rose is a VERY close second.
Why I don't like them: her selfishness. I dont know if its really that I dont like her because of it, because I like that she has a real, human flaw, and its a real reason that people might dislike them. It means shes well written, and feels real and human. But it still bugs me. Especially in s1, but even in parts of s2. She treats Mickey and her mother with this dissmissiveness, which is very immature. Like she thinks they only exist when shes around. She gets called on it though, and pretty early on. She never fixes it fully, especially where Jackie is concerned, but she makes an effort. But you can especially see it in school reunion, with her jealousy of sarah jane. She has a problem with the people she loves fully having lives outside of her, especially when those lives seem like a threat to the one shes creating.
Favorite Episode: the Parting of ways, fear her, turn left, or stolen earth/journeys end. Aka, im a simple girl with simple pleasures, and those pleasures are rose being a badass/saving the day. Special mention for the idiot lantern bc i must have watched it 20 times and they give me LIFE the doctor and rose in that episode.
Favorite season: 2. Shes starting to get more confident and sure of herself, but shes still human and flawed.
Favorite Line: whatever the hell she says during the christmas invasion, when shes trying to get the sycorax to leave. Its utter bull, makes zero sense, and its beautiful.
OTP: Doctor/Rose. Any doctor. Im a little desperate to see rose/thirteen. Also Rose/doctor/river. If ianto didnt exist, id say rose/jack/doctor, but alas, he does.
Favorite outfit: oh god. Either the one in the unquiet dead, the idiot lantern, the long game, or the doctor dances. There are so many more though. Her costuming was brilliant.
BroTP: rose and jack.
Headcanon: you mean besides time lord/immortal Rose? Ok here it goes.
So when Rose dropped out of high school for Jimmy Stone, she ran away. Went off on tour with Stone and his band. While on tour, she got.very close to the other band members, including the lead singer/lyricist, a very cute 20 yr old Welshman going through his rebellious phase named Ianto Jones, who helped her figure out she needed to go home and, in the process realized he needed to stop rebelling and start acting like a mature adult, leading to him eventually signing on with Torchwood. Meanwhile, Rose is stranded all the way in Paris because she won't stay on that tour bus with Jimmy, and she's terrified to call her mum, who had told her she'd never forgive her if she ran off and wasted her life on Jimmy. Penniless and desperate, walking alone in the rain, Rose thinks she's never going to make it back to London when she almost gets run over by a car after forgetting to watch where she's going and wandering into the street. The driver swerves and just barely miss her, and after pulling over, a man hops out of the car and starts admonishing her, when Rose bursts into tears. Feeling badly, the man insists on taking her home. She tells him home is in London, too far away for her to accept, but the man refuses to listen, telling her he was heading to London anyway, and here, why don't you borrow my cell phone and call your mum, I'm sure she wants you home. He's right of course, and Jackie cries from relief at hearing from her and is thrilled she's coming home. The man's name was Rory, she learned on the drive, and he was married to a wonderful woman who he loved named Amy, and they lived in Leeds but he was travelling around from work and he was heading from Paris to London because of it. It took six hours to gt back to London, and once they got there, her mum treated Rory to breakfast and he went on his way and rose never saw him again.
Yes, it was that Rory. He was with Amy and the Doctor and he got stranded in Paris in the early 2000's and he wasn't heading into London at all but he felt very bad about almost hitting the poor girl with his car and he recognized her from an old picture he found while he was wandering the Tardis and he brought it to the doctor to ask him about it and the Doctor got very sad and very quiet and walked very quickly away from the conversation and Rory figured that meant that he used to travel with her and there was a sad story in there somewhere and he was curious about the girl and how she'd inspire that kind of emotion from a man he'd rarely seen care about anything real.
Should I make this a fanfiction? I kind of want to make this an actual fic... Anyway.
Unpopular opinion: ...She is a very much not straight woman. I don't know if that's unpopular, but it isn't popular. Or at least, it isn't talked about.
A wish: That she comes back in S13 and we see a reunion. I am but a simple girl with simple pleasures and I have been WAITING WITH BATED BREATH FOR A ROSE COMEBACK FOR YEARS AND I AM O V E R D U E.
An OMG-Please-Don't-Ever-Happen: For a character that is no longer in the show there isn't much I can say. I'd be very disappointed if they brought Rose back and ruined it but that requires them to bring her back first.
5 words that best describe them: Kind, good, jealous, badass, loving
My nickname for them: I don't really have one
Give me more characters! I love this!
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starredforlife · 3 years
I also am staying up late, but for insomnia and fucking with oc lore reasons instead hdjdhdj I offer this photo of my kitty, her name is sphinx :)
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SPHINX!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! she is so pretty i love her patches!!!!
i have also totally been there with the insomnia/oc lore, if anyone ever wants to hit me up with oc lore just fuckin, shoot me an ask. love hearin about it
anyways here's my girl (jack-o-lantern, or jackie) :)
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Attempting Love Potions
Day 7: Magic. And what’s more magical than love potions lmao. Yes, I'm pulling the old, "Love Potion No. 9" cliché. BUT WITH A TWIST! Read and find out what that twist is!
Summary: Kim's up to no good, brandishing a love potion guaranteed to make your unrequited love requited. Shame it doesn't seem to work on her intended target...
FF.net // AO3
"C'mon, Maka. You know you waaaant to!" Kim tried to entice, wiggling the little pink vial of liquid in her hand.
The scythe meister scowled at the young witch. "No, Kim. I've told you a thousands times already: I do not want any part of a love potion!"
Maka ignored Kim's pout. Ever since Kim revealed a witch acquaintance of hers had brewed up a love potion guaranteed to make your—quote—"unrequited love requited"—unquote—she had been bugging Maka nonstop to use it on Soul.
The blonde didn't even understand why Kim was so insistent on it. It's not like she liked Soul or anything…
Okay, fine, she'll admit she may be developing feelings for him that may or may not be romantic. HOWEVER, she refused to play Kim's game and force her weapon to develop the same affections toward her.
It was practically inhumane! And probably illegal as Kid hadn't figured out all the details when it came to using forms of magic in this new DWMA/Witch alliance yet…
Kim groaned, "Maka! Everyone knows you and Soul are, like, endgame! Why don't you do every single one of us a favor and speed up the process a little?"
Maka pushed away the proffered drink, "No, Kim. Please stop pushing this. It's making me mad."
She was not above Maka Chopping a friend—ask Soul and Black Star.
Thankfully, the witch backed down, but Maka could tell she was displeased.
"Fine! See if I try helping you gain a love life in the future!"
Maka rolled her eyes, "I don't need anyone's help, thank you very much. If I want a boyfriend, I can get one."
Kim snorted, eyeing Maka up and down, "Not with that figure you ain't."
Maka felt a vein about to burst. Maybe she should go ahead and Maka Chop her. Sure, Kim might get revenge on her in some way, but it wouldn't be anything major considering she knew Kim somewhat feared the scythe meister. After all, Maka did kill Arachne and went toe-to-toe with Kishin Asura.
"Who cares what anyone thinks about my 'figure'?" Maka huffed, "If they were worth anything, they wouldn't care. Anyways, even if I did want to 'speed up' my relationship with Soul—which, by the way, is none of your business—I wouldn't use something as underhanded as a love potion. I want Soul to like me because he chooses to. It's really sleazy trying to force feelings onto somebody, and Soul would never forgive me if I did that to him."
Kim held up her hands in defense, "Okay, okay. I won't bother you about it anymore. Geez, no need to get all noble on me…"
Maka nodded, "Thank you for understanding. I gotta go meet up with Soul now, so I'll see you in Stein's class later today okay?"
Kim waved at her friend's retreating back, "Alright, see you then."
As she watched Maka round the corner, Kim turned her gaze back to the love potion in her hands. She puffed her cheeks out in annoyance. She spent a good amount of money for this bottle!
When her friend Winifred sent out that notice that she had brewed "the perfect love potion," Kim couldn't help but jump on the opportunity. All the students at the DWMA could tell that Maka and Soul were taken with each other, so this felt like the most logical thing to do.
Sure, it may be an…she'll say unorthodox way in getting the two together, but she figured that if Soul started acting desperately in love with his meister then it would kick start his actual real feelings for her.
All the romcoms with love potions ended in happily ever after, who's to say this wouldn't turn out favorably?
Putting the love potion in her pocket, Kim leaned against the wall, waiting for Jackie to meet up with her so they could go to their next class. Across from her she noticed a soda machine. As she stared at it, she felt an idea pop into her head.
Well…Maka did say she didn't want to use the love potion. She never said anything about Kim using it for her own goals.
Goals that happened to involve her two friends getting together, that was.
Letting out an almost sinister giggle, Kim reached into her pocket to locate some change.
Maka and Soul made themselves comfortable in their seats as they waited for Stein to enter the room to begin class. In the row below them, Maka noticed Jacqueline but not her meister.
"Jackie? Where's Kim?" Maka inquired.
The demon lantern shrugged, "I'm not sure. We were on our way here when she told me she had to do something really quick. I asked her if she wanted me to go with her, but she declined and told me to save her seat."
Maka hummed, feeling unease in the pit of her stomach. She hoped this didn't have anything to do with what the two discussed roughly an hour ago…
"Here I am! Sorry for making you wait, Jackie!" Maka was pulled out of her thoughts at the sound of the witch's voice.
She looked normal enough, a bright smile painted on her porcelain face. In each hand were bottles of Coke. Maka felt herself smile. She supposed she was being paranoid over nothing.
"I got us some drinks. Here!" Kim said, placing one bottle in front of her on the desk before offering the second to her weapon.
Jackie frowned, "Kim, you know that I cut out soda from my diet after I got that kidney stone last month. I can't drink that."
Kim's mouth formed an "o" as she dramatically smacked herself in the head, "Oh darn! I completely forgot! Oh well…"
She then turned around, eyeing Soul and Maka…particularly Soul.
"I don't want this to go to waste, so…Soul! Would you like this Coke?"
Soul gave a nonchalant shrug, reaching for the drink, "Sure, whatever."
It was when she saw Kim's triumphant smirk that it hit Maka what game the witch was playing at. Widening her eyes, she reached out to her weapon as he opened the bottle to take a sip.
"Wait, Soul, stop!"
"Yes, Soul, drink it!" Kim exclaimed, grabbing Maka's hand, so she could prevent her from stopping her weapon. She then used her grip on Maka's hand to pull her forward so Maka was the first person Soul saw.
Seeing the strange reaction in front of him, Soul stopped drinking the Coke to give his meister an incredulous stare. "What's the problem?"
Maka blinked at him, biting her lip in anticipation of something happening. But after a minute passed and the only reaction she got out of her weapon was his usual bored expression, Maka felt herself relax before breaking away from Kim's hold.
Kim, on the other hand, gaped at the scythe in shock. "Wait, what?! You look and act the same!"
Soul blinked, his lips turning downwards, "Am…I not supposed to?"
Kim forcefully grabbed the bottle from his hand and sniffed it. Humming in thought she turned back to Soul.
"Did this taste any different to you?"
Soul narrowed his eyes, "I admit, it's a lot sweeter than I thought it'd be. Why? Did you do something to it?"
Kim ignored his questions, chucking the Coke across the room as she ranted and raved about "scams" and how she was going to skin alive some person named Winifred for "making a fool out of her." All the while everyone in the class stared at the pink haired girl as if she had gone crazy.
Soul turned to Maka, confusion clearly written in his red eyes, "What the hell just happened?"
Maka frowned. She knew exactly what happened. However, like Kim, the outcome was not something she expected. The young witch obviously put the love potion in the drink she gave to Soul. Her plan was to trick him into drinking it so it would have the desired effect on him. Only it didn't work.
The question though, was why didn't it work?
Why wasn't Soul in love with Maka?
"Hey, earth to Maka. I asked you a question."
Maka returned Soul's gaze, searching his eyes. They were the same. He really wasn't affected by the magic of the potion.
Before she could explain, she heard the faint rolling of Stein's chair and the subsequent crash of him falling over, indicating the beginning of his class.
"I'll tell you later." She said, hoping by the time the lecture was over and they made it home she'd have come up with an explanation as to why her weapon wasn't head over heels in fake love with her.
An hour and a half later Maka still didn't know the answer.
She and Soul were walking back to their apartment after school was over (the weather was so nice, Maka had begged Soul to forgo using the bike for today). Maka was concentrating silently on her thoughts while Soul trudged afterwards, glancing at his meister every now and then.
"So you gonna tell me what was up with Kim or what?" he asked.
Maka furrowed her brow. In theory the love potion should have worked. Soul didn't love her, so therefore if he had drank the potion he should be acting out of character right now as his emotions were forced to recognize her as the object of his affections. Keyword should. The reality of the situation was that Soul was acting the same, indicating that there was a flaw somewhere in Kim’s plan.
Maybe the potion was faulty? She couldn't imagine a witch selling Kim a product that wouldn't work, but witches were very crafty, so it couldn't be too off the mark.
"Hey, Maka! Are you listening to me?"
Maybe the ingredients of the soft drink messed with the composition of the potion? That seemed like a reach, and she didn't feel the urge to perform experiments in relation to whether carbonation affected your hormone levels or not…
Maybe the potion didn’t affect weapons? Or maybe Soul’s Black Blood had something to do with it? Like maybe it protects him from magic and spells. But, wait, then all the magic the witches they’ve faced in the past wouldn’t have affected him either… Ugh, she was getting a headache from all this analyzing.
"Maka Albarn is a scrawny, nerdy bookworm who definitely loves her Papa!"
"Excuse me?!" Maka cried out, halting in her stride. She glared at her partner, feeling the familiar urge to reach for a book.
Soul gave her an infuriating grin, holding his arms over his head in protection of a possible Maka Chop, "I had to get your attention somehow."
She pouted. "What do you want?"
"I want you to tell me what was up with Kim in class this afternoon. You told me you'd explain, so start explaining."
Oh, right. Of course. Even if Maka didn't know the full explanation as to why Kim's plan failed, the least she could do was tell Soul what said plan was.
"Alright, I'll tell you. But don't get mad at me about it because I specifically told her not to do it!"
Soul waved her off, "Yeah, sure. I got it. Now spill."
Maka took a deep breath. "Kim purchased a love potion from a witch friend of hers. She's been wanting to use it on you as a…prank."
She'd rather die than tell him the real reason for why Kim wanted to trick him into drinking the potion.
Soul blanched. "A…love potion?"
Maka nodded. "Yeah, she wanted to see if it would work and make you fall in love. I guess she thought it'd be even funnier if it were me you fell in love with…"
She averted her gaze away from his, unable to handle the look of disgust he must have on his face. She already knew he didn't have feelings for her, no need to rub salt into the wounds at his vehement protesting for why he would never fall for her, ever.
"I can't believe it…" he said, shock lacing his voice. Suddenly she heard him growl, "That meddling little bitch!"
While Maka didn't usually condone Soul's harsh language toward their comrades, she admitted he was justified in his name-calling. After all, she was thinking the same thing when she realized what Kim's plan had been with that Coke.
"I know. I told her it was a bad idea."
"A bad idea?! She was basically gonna drug me!"
"I know! It was definitely not cool!"
"Hell no, it wasn't! And she actually thought her stupid little plan was gonna work? As if!"
Maka felt herself wince. Okay, now she was hearing the part of his rant that she didn't feel inclined to listen to. Again, he was justified in his anger, but it didn't make it hurt any less that he didn't want to fall in love with her.
"I mean, of course I didn't fall in love with you after drinking it! I'm already—"
He immediately fell silent, his teeth audibly clicking together with how strongly he snapped his mouth shut. Maka blinked in shock.
"You're already…what?"
Sweat began to form on the Death Scythe's brow. "Nothing…"
Maka narrowed her eyes, "No, you were going to say something. What were you going to say?"
He began walking again, his pace picking up as he swiftly moved passed her, "I wasn't going to say anything, let's just drop it!"
"Hey, wait up Soul!" she called after him, practically running to catch up to him.
"I'm feeling pasta tonight, are you? What would you rather have, fettuccini or spaghetti?"
"Quit avoiding the subject, Soul!"
"What subject? The only subject I'm talking about is pasta!"
Maka screamed in frustration.
Why did she have to fall in love with this moron?
"Uh-huh… Yeah, okay… I get it now. Sorry for bitching at you earlier, Winnie. I'll see you at the next Witch Mass… Okay, bye!"
Kim sighed as she closed her cell phone. She and Jackie were sitting at Death Bucks, having a quick snack before heading back to the girls' dorm.
Jackie sipped her chai tea, "So what did she say?"
Kim stirred her iced mocha, "Winifred's potion wasn't a scam like I thought it was. Apparently, if the person drinking it lays eyes on the person they're already in love with it then there's no effect. Something about their love cancelling out the fake love or whatever."
Jackie nodded, "So it does work, you just have to be sure your target really doesn't love you."
"Yep…" she trailed off.
The two were silent for a second, sipping their respective drinks before Jacqueline spoke up again.
"Isn't this a good thing though? I mean, that means the reason Soul wasn't affected was because he already loves Maka. We now have concrete proof."
Kim nodded, but she still looked peeved, "Well, duh, of course I'm happy that the number one pair at the DWMA is practically one step closer to being a legit couple—fucking ecstatic actually!"
"But I was robbed of wacky hijinks!" Kim bellowed, "That emotionally constipated scythe was supposed to act stupidly in love with Maka! Think of the blackmail, Jackie! All the glorious blackmail!"
Jackie sighed. Sometimes she wished her meister didn't have such a devious side. "Well, maybe Maka will figure out why the potion didn't work and she and Soul can finally be together."
Before Kim could retort, they were distracted by the sudden appearance of Soul who was sprinting at impressively high speeds passed their table.
The two girls blinked, flabbergasted. Before either of them could comment on the strange occurrence, another figure barreled by.
Once the scythe meister had disappeared from view, Kim turned back to Jackie. Her face was passive, as if what had just happened didn't even faze her.
"Please! It's gonna take those two a miracle to get their shit together!"
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bots-and-cons · 5 years
since it’s getting closer to halloween time , could we get some of the autobots with a s/o who adores halloween?
I made general for averyone so a friend. Halloween is not really a thing here in Finland, so I went with the traditional american halloween stuff.
•You have a costume, and you carve pumpkins with the kids and throw wrapped candy around
•The kids probably have costumes too, maybe not Jack, but Miko definitely goes all out
•Raf is probably a ghost or a zombie
•You decorated the base with paper bats, jack-o’-lanterns and candles, all things spooky
•Everyone except Ratchet, Optimus and Ultra Magnus carved pumpkins
•Bee, Bulk and Smokes are definitely the most excited for halloween
•Optimus just watches everyone and is happy they’re having fun
•Ratchet keeps working, he doesn’t really get these human holidays and their significance
•Magnus quite honestly thinks it’s a waste of time and how can you all celebrate, they’re at war
•Bee has a cape
•Miko painted Bulk to be scary, maybe a skeleton, and then the paint didn’t come off for days
•Smokes scares everyone by using the phase shifter, he jumps out through walls and stuff
•The kids eat an ungodly amount of candy
•You all watch scary movies and Bee and Smokes are freaking terrified, they are very frightened by human horror
•Jackie on the other hand loved the movies, and even found them amusing
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A Taste Of Christmas, 4/6
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 4/6.
Pairings: Metacrisis Nine x Rose.
A/N: Sequel for The Summertime Of Our Lives. Written for doctorroseprompts' fall fic bingo and ficmas challenge. Fall fic bingo: Jack O' Lantern, Fire, Crunch, Hike, Road Trip, Book, Mask, Blanket, Hug. Ficmas challenge: Chestnuts, Coal, Naughty and/or Nice. Tagging @thebookster on her demand.
“Christmas is a time when you get homesick - even when you're home.” - Carol Nelson.
“Have you ever been told the story of Jack O’ Lantern?” The Doctor and Tony were sat under the large tent the human Time Lord had built with sheets, chairs and even the couch. He had used a Time Lord trick to make it look bigger on the inside. They could fit an entire room in this tent. Instead, they had put cushions and blankets on the ground. It was the greatest tent Tony ever had. The only one he ever had. Once he had built one in his bedroom. His nanny had found him, lectured him and forced him to clean his mess. He never ever did that mistake ever again. He didn’t want to be lectured for having fun. Which was happening every time he was having fun. They all seemed to forget that he was a kid and, as such, he needed to have fun so he could grow up as a decent man. However, fun wasn’t in their dictionary. As the only Tyler male, he was the inheritor of Pete’s empire and he had to behave. Tony loved coming over at Rose’s place because she had little respect for those conventions and was showing him the real side of life, the one where you were having fun and still could grow up as a decent person. She had told him stories about her childhood in the Estates of London – that were far more dangerous and devastated in this universe – and how she had fought to become an ordinary woman until the Doctor swept her off her feet. She had had her ups and downs but she had had fun. Tony wished he could have such a life. He could only live it through Rose, through the Doctor who always had amazing stories to entertain him. Something Jackie hated about him – among all the other flaws she was finding in him. But it was only because he had stolen her daughter’s heart. That was what Tony’s nanny was saying. “That’s our watchman’s nickname,” chuckled Tony. “But you don’t know the real story.” Tony leant forward. The Doctor was holding his sonic screwdriver under his chin like a torch. It was partly lightning his face and giving him a scary look. Tony was fascinated. The Doctor had tried to explain Christmas, had messed the story up and talked about Halloween instead. Another tradition they weren’t celebrating in this universe. “Jack was a farrier in Ireland a long time ago. He was known for his greed, his nastiness and self-centredness but also for his love for alcohol. One night, he was in a pub and jostled Satan, the big bad boss of all devils. Satan tried to convince Jack to work for him to keep his soul but the farrier was cleverer than that. He asked for one last drink before accepting the deal. Satan turned into a six pence coin to pay for the drink. Jack pocketed it with a silver cross: Satan was trapped. The cross was a powerful artefact against him.” No need to go into details for that one. Religious were a dangerous path to go on and since they didn’t seem to exist in this universe, the Doctor refused to be the one bringing them in. He wasn’t a believer. Neither were Rose and Jackie, the two only other persons beside him to have known about religions with their good and bad sides. “That’s rubbish.” “That’s not over.” “So Satan doesn’t stay trapped.” “Of course not. Jack convinced him not to take his soul in the next ten years. Satan and Jack met again after those ten years. It was on a road of the Irish countryside. When Satan asked for Jack’s soul again, the farrier asked him to pick an apple from the closest apple tree. Satan climbed on Jack’s shoulders and clung to the branches. And Jack carved a cross on the tree with his knife.” “And Satan was trapped again.” “Yep.” “Did they make a new deal?” “Yeah. But this time, Jack hadn’t been that lucky. The day he died, he was refused the gates of Heaven, of the good afterlife and the deal he had made with the great Devil prohibited him the access to Hell, to the bad afterlife. He was condemned to wander endlessly in-between those worlds. Satan tossed him a bit of burning coal that Jack placed in a carved turnip he used as a lantern to find his way in the dark until the end of times.” “I thought we were celebrating Christmas in this house. Not the time to carve pumpkins.” “But we’ve met Jack O’ Lantern once.” Rose sneaked in the tent and settled down beside the Doctor. She put cornets full of roasted chestnuts on the ground between the three of them. She had been roasting them on the chimney’s fire that was burning bright to keep them warm in the house. The Doctor picked a chestnut and crunched it happily. There were small pleasures that were similar to what he knew in their universe. It was making it easier to live here. “You did?” “Yep. A long time ago. When we were traveling.” “That was with Captain Jack.” The Jack of this universe was a totally different person. He was a geek with big glasses, a serious problem with people and had an impressive intelligence. Their Jack wasn’t an idiot but compared to this one, he would have felt like it. No one was as clever as the Doctor. It didn’t mean they couldn’t get close to his superior intelligence. “We decided to go on a hike.” “You decided that it was a good idea!” “I wasn’t the one who spent the night in a dance club getting drunk!” “Obviously, you were refusing all the plans Jack was making up!” “It only consisted on getting wasted and… ahem.” “I never did the second part. It was only Jack.” “Anyway, we did that hike.” “That turned into a complete road trip by foot because you lost our vehicle.” “I never lost my vehicle.” Tony burst out laughing. At least, the Doctor and Rose were cute when they were arguing. There was never the threat of them splitting up or doing worse than just arguing. They loved each other too deeply to even think about splitting up. This was beautiful and Tony hoped to live something like this one day. Stupid tales would say his father. Pete didn’t believe in these things. After all, his real Jackie had died when the Doctor came in his world for the first time and the one he had gotten to replace her was too wild and independent for his liking. “Anyway, we were walking through a forest. Night was falling. There was a thick mist and we were getting lost in the woods. And there was this soft glow traveling in the dark. A silhouette carrying a carved turnip and looking for its way just like us.” “I’m still convinced it was Jack playing a trick on us.” “Maybe. Or maybe not. We’ll never know.” “You could write books, you know? With all the bullshit you say.” “I could, and they’d be serious books. Books of knowledge. Humans have a couple of things to learn, especially in this universe.” The Doctor was a show-off, Rose was lecturing him on his Mr-Know-it-all attitude and Tony was laughing. He was the happiest little boy when he was around them. They took care of him like he was their child but also like their equal. He was so glad to have gotten the right to spend all his holidays here, away from the pressure his family was putting on him. He wondered if his big sister ever had to go through this pressure. From what he had heard, she was living her life freely and didn’t have the intention to change it. He wished he could be as free as her. If only he wasn’t the successor of Pete Tyler… “Come on, you two. It’s bath time.” “I can take my bath alone, thank you.” “Well, one of the two is going to the bathroom, the other helps me with the dinner.” “Bathroom occupied!” exclaimed the Doctor. He crawled out of the tent and rushed upstairs. Rose wasn’t surprised to see him reacting this way. The Doctor wasn’t a man to cook. Sure he knew how to cook and he knew that very well but he also considered it as too domestic for him and refused to use his incredible talents. Even if it was to satisfy his wife’s taste buds. What a selfish man sometimes. He felt forced to take Tony’s place when he found out that they weren’t done by the time he was out of the bathroom and pretended to be unhappy about it. Rose was aware that he was faking it all. This man was spending his time pretending things he wasn’t really thinking. Like the day he had called her a stupid ape. She had taken it badly then, but now, she was reading between the lines, seeing behind the mask he was wearing to protect himself in society. The Doctor was a complicated man and she was the only one able to understand him and to love him for who he really was. “Are you being nice to be sure to have gifts on our Christmas celebration?” “I prefer being naughty to unwrap the delicious present I have under my eyes.” “You, naughty boy.” The Doctor chuckled and Rose swayed her hips in a coquettish way and a gasp escaped her lips when he dropped what he was doing to pull her close to him. His hand grabbed her arse, his lips brushed her pulse point and she held her breath, not knowing what to expect from him now. “Who is being naughty now, Rose Tyler?” His voice was hoarse and Rose adventured her hand on the hard bump of his pants. She smirked. She wasn’t the only one to be naughty today. The hoarseness of his voice indicated how aroused he was feeling right now. She squeezed his groin, heard the muffled groan and was taken by surprise when she sucked on the tender skin of her neck. They didn’t go to the end of this naughty game. Tony was giving them an idea of what life with a child would be. Rose wanted to be a mother. This wish had grown more important with the birth of Tony. She had taken her big sister’s part to heart, and over the years, she had wanted a kid of her own. She just didn’t want to push the Doctor into this. He wasn’t ready. And what would it be like to have a Bad Wolf/Human Time Lord child? Certainly an interesting mix. “What’s going on, Rose?” The Doctor was in bed, lying on his side, his head casually placed on his hand, and he was watching Rose getting ready for bed. All evening she had been distraught by thoughts he couldn’t decipher. Something was bothering her. She joined him in bed and snuggled against him under the blanket. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her in for a hug. “Nothing.” “Don’t nothing me.” “Nothing to worry about.” “You won’t convince me.” Rose sighed, “Fine. It’s a thought I have casually. It really nagged at me with Tony’s birth but your question that day…” “My question?” “When I told you there’s three of us.” “Oh.” The Doctor could be very stupid at understanding her sometimes but this was pretty clear. What she wanted was a family. She had been alone for so long in this world and she wouldn’t have filled this need or expressed it if a version of him hadn’t been trapped with her in this universe. “It’s too early for you. Forget it.” “Rose Tyler,” he looked at her straight in the eyes, “I’ll be more than honoured to have a family with you. Now, or later.” He kissed her lips tenderly. She was astonished that he was so willing to have a family with her, so honoured that this man who had no ties and no home was now feeling comfortable enough to settle down and have children with her, a woman he loved passionately…
To be continued...
A Taste Of Christmas © | 2019 | Tous droits réservés.
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sam-i-am-27 · 5 years
Summary: They didn’t know that they were involved with him, but they don’t have a choice.
Word Count: 1563
Each of them had grown up with completely normal lives. No idea that the other existed and no idea as to what was going to happen that month; the month that would change their lives and the lives of millions of onlookers.
Noon, October 1st, 2016 was the first time that all five men began to realize that something was changing within them. Headaches, mood swings, spasms and twitches throughout their entire body, all of which happened to them on a near daily basis, rarely letting up and keeping them awake for hours at night. However, all took it as age beginning to creep up on them and went on as normal.
Halloween seemed like a perfectly normal day. Nothing at all out of the ordinary except the occasional headache. But what else was to be expected by the atmosphere of Halloween? Children squealing in delight as their bags were filled to the brim with candy; adults pretending to be interested in the costumes; teenagers trying their best to sneak more sweets than they were allowed; too much sugar for one to handle.
Chase Brody was somewhere in between all of these three ages. Happily eating candy to his heart's content despite Stacy’s complaining. Kids were running up to him, asking him to join in their nerf battle wars, which he happily obliged to do. As he pretended to lay dead on the warm asphalt, a young first grader having shot him in the abdomen, he noticed his son helping his daughter get her ‘wings’ to flap by tugging on them gently, much to her delight. Chase let out a burst of barking laughter that drew them to him, eventually turning him into their bed.
Everything was amazing and perfect.
Henrik von Schneeplstein was bent over his operation table, and although the operation was going quite well, his hands were beginning to cramp and shake from stress. Drunkards who had stupidly gotten themselves injured doing ridiculous stunts were being brought in by the dozens, people with costume malfunctions seemed like they needed their own ward, and there were too many sick stomachs to count. But he was trying not to focus on them, keeping all his attention on the man lying before him. His assistant Peter had today off and had somehow gotten all of these ridiculous items in a moment where alcohol, marijuana and the human mind had gone wildly wrong.
But it was his job and he was more than capable of dealing with the amount of work he was being handed.
Marvin stood in front of his mirror, looking at the burn scars all across the upper part of his face. They had long-since healed but still… anytime he used his magic too much, the memory of the accident would flare up in his mind. Still, the children loved his magic, and that was enough for him to keep on performing. He gave his reflection a grin and pulled on his Halloween-themed cat mask, orange instead of white, with black and gold accents coming out of the ears and surrounding the eyes. His fingers sparked with a bit of warm-up magic and he sighed.
Time to put on a show.
Jackaboy Man was having a great night. He could walk around the city in-costume and not be asked for pictures, an autograph, or get yelled at for being a superhero/vigilante. Sure, there was the bully or two that he had to stop from taking another’s candy, or the crime Sam informed him of, but other than that, he was having a grand old time. Granted, he was an adult in full costume, but there were others his age or older dressed even more elaborate here and at places like Comic-Con. He smiled and thanked those who complimented him and ignored the glares of those who disliked him dressing up.
This was his night, and no one could take away the joy he felt at finally feeling slightly… normal.
Jameson Jackson celebrated alone this year, whittling away at another wood project. The ones he was most proud of had been hung up in the window in a creepy fashion and whenever someone stopped to admire them or stare at them in shock, he would wave to them before they left. It didn’t bother him; he couldn’t strike up a friendly conversation and he couldn’t give them any candy if they asked (he had eaten it all like the mature adult he was). Jameson blew off some scrap shavings from the project and set it down, stretching his limbs after hours of working on his passion projects.
Sure, he was alone, but he was doing what he loved and that made up for the emptiness.
All five men were alone just before noon that day. Chase in his kitchen, Henrik in the breakroom, Jameson in his home, Marvin backstage, and Jackie on the rooftop of an apartment building. Their headaches had begun to pop up more and more frequently, but they didn’t know that it would mean anything horrible would be coming in mere minutes.
They all heard the laughter at the same time, cold and spine-chilling. It reached out to them from the very backs of their minds, taunting them to try and fight what was coming. Not like they could- a headache came so quickly and so unexpectedly that they were brought to their knees, screaming bloody murder before they could blink. 
Each of them felt the other’s pain over their own, paralyzing them as the image of a man filled their mind. He was sitting in front of a jack-o-lantern, staring at them with dead eyes as he dragged a knife across his own throat, a high pitched ringing filling the air. The image became broken and changed sporadically as the knife reached the end of his neck and the body dropped against his pumpkin. He lay there, motionless for nearly ten seconds before the other appeared, cackling and reaching out towards them.
“Help me!”
The world went dark and all five of them were faced with one another. All were aware of the fact that they shared the same physique as well as the fact that none shared a history. The Doctor, the Hero, the Father, the Magician, and the Puppet-Maker.
“Who are you?” they all asked. “Why do you look like me? What is happening?”
Another appeared in their midst, standing perfectly still until he raised his head and took a look at all of them with his maniacal grin and bleeding neck sending shivers down the others spines.
“Sǫ, ͠ỳou͝'ŗe͟ ̵the on̢es ̶t̶h͞at̢ kee̛p ̛hi̶m̵ ̛al̡i̧ve ͘hưh͟?̷” the man said, the high-pitched whine cutting through the air like a hot knife. “I ́a͢l͘wa͟y͝s ̶h̛at̀ed ́cats̸ ̧and th̸ęiŕ ǹine ̵l̷ives a̷ńywa͞y͡s.”
“Who are you?” Marvin called.
“Ì ͜woùl̴dn't͘ worry ̀abou̡t͏ t̡hat ̷n͟ow͜.͘” The man flashed him a glare that was subtly laced with worry. His form sputtered and for a second, they all saw him directly in front of the Magician, knife to his throat and hand reaching for his mask. But as soon as it happened, he had returned to his original spot, leaving all to catch their breath. “Does͞ it m̸a͜tte̛r̀ who̸ ̸t͟he͏ murde̕rer̶ i̡s t̶o̵ the ̀v҉i̕ctim͏ ̀w̵h͢e͏n͝ the v͟ic̢ti͟m is̷ ͜dea̛d?”
“What's going on?!” Chase cried.
The man turned to Chase, sensing his fear.
“Yo͝u ́a͡l͟l a̶re ͞conn̛ec͠t͝e̷ḑ ̕to s̴omet̀hi͟ng mu͡ch̨ ̸big͞ge͝r͝ t͜h͞a̷n ҉yo͠ưŕse̢l̡ve͞s. ̀M͠u͠ch.͘ ͜Much͞,” he appeared in front of the Father, grinning, his left eye shining with bright green light, “B͞ig͞ger.”
Chase stumbled back a few steps as the man returned to the center.
“Who are you?!” Jackaboy Man yelled again.
“Ye̷l͠ĺi̕n̴g̢ a͢g͡a̛in͘ won̛'t͏ m͠ak͡e me tel̸l͞,” the man taunted, “but ͠i͢f ͏yo͢ù ̀co̸m̵e͏ un͢ders̢ţand̶ ̢wh̢at͠ ̶is ̶go̸ìng on̨,͜ p̧er͡haps͟ ͝ỳou'l̷l͟ ̕fin͝d͠ ͝o͜ut͠,̡ l͡itt̕ļe͞ H͟ero.”
“You're going to hunt us down, aren't you,” Schneeplstein muttered.
The man looked at the Doctor and grinned.
“Y҉ǫu'r͠e̷ s̷m͜a͘r̴t. ̕I ́l͟įke ̀t͠ha͏t.̕ I̛t̷'l͢l ͞m̀a͏ke ͠yo̢u͟r͡ r̀o͜l̢e ͝so ҉m̀uc͜h̵ ͝m͜ore fun̕ to̕ ͘c͟u̕t̴ ͡out.̧” The man giggled, shooting him a wicked grin and then looked around as the void began to lighten.
“We̕ll,̵ ̛it ̸wa͡s ̵fun w͜híl͝e̕ i̵t ͟lasted͜.̡ ͟I̶t s̴eem͞s lįk͠e ͝the ͜lou̕d ͜ba̧stard͞ ̛ha͘s̡ b̡een f̶o͜und̛. No̡w re̸me͞m͏b͠e͟r͘,̛ ͡kídd͞íe̢s̴,̧ no͝w̨h̢ere ́is̕ ̵s̛a̛fe.͜ No̕t ̶evén̵ ̨you͝r͏ ͞ow͜n h͢ea̧ds.҉ And ͟be̶for̡e ̷I͢ ͠go,̛ I͞ ͠m̨i͢g̢h͜t͝ ̨a̕s ̷w͞el͞l͘ ̶s͘tart͜ ̴th͜i̵s͡ gàm̨e̛.”
Before any of them could react, the man appeared in front of Jameson, the only one who couldn't scream even as the knife entered his abdomen.
“No!” The other four rushed forward to help this complete stranger, but as the light touched their outstretched hands, they were whisked back to their bodies.
“Y͡o͡ú'͟ll ̶come in r̨e͏a͞l ͞handy̕, l͢ittl̀è P͟uppe͞t͞-̕M̡aker.”
None were aware of the hands helping them to their feet. They could barely feel the phantom stabbing pain in their stomachs nor the burning line across their necks. They knew were only aware of two things, the first being that no matter the cost, they needed to find each other. They needed to save the others from suffering the same fate as their silent comrade.
And second, all they could hear was the static in their ears of the millions of voices crying out one name in fear.
A name that meant that death was coming and that they had better start running.
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gettingvetted · 5 years
Absolutely gorgeous new addition to the household!
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If you’ve been paying close attention to the blog, you may have seen that my previous crested gecko was tragically killed two months ago when my cats accidenally knocked her tank over and the door came open, allowing her to escape and the cats to attack her. Despite the vet school’s best efforts, she passed away, thankfully quickly.
So here is my newest kiddo, which if I’m correct is a Halloween pinstripe. I’ve always been jealous of the Halloween owners on the forums and was super surprised to find one in my local reptile shop priced for a hobbyist (rather than a breeder). I’m already in love!
I got my last crestie as a hatchling too and named her Norbert(a) after the dragon from Harry Potter until she was heavy enough to determine she was a girl and became permanently Norberta.
This one I was thinking Harry before I went in the store, because “You’re a lizard, Harry” and Harry can be short for either Harold or Harriet so it could once again go either way once I can sex it.
But, now that I have this Halloween morph, I was trying to think of something more Halloween-themed? My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus, but there aren’t really any distinctive names from that movie that could be gender neutral. For example, Thackery or Winnifred would both be suitable because they’re distinctive names and one is a black cat and one is a redheaded witch, both of which fit the color theme, but neither of them would work with both sexes. Maybe Jack? Which depending on gender could be “Jack-o-lantern” or “Jackie-o-lantern”? Any suggestions??
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fordarkisthesuede · 6 years
At the Brink of Midnight - Chapter 11
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Important Spoiler Tags:  past suicide attempt (mention), death (mention)
(Read on Ao3 or Continue Below:)
Chapter 11:  A Laughing Matter
The ride to Jackie Lant’s apartment was fast and quiet. Bruce wasn’t sure why, as John had a tendency to talk a lot when they were riding around before, and would talk about almost anything.
John was mulling over something, and when asked, John had shrugged and said “just some things”.
Like Bruce couldn’t worry over a response like that. He figured it had to have been what happened at the Main Street Diner. John’s street make-up was back on, and done just as impeccably this time, but with the addition of heavy black eyeliner, so it wasn’t as if he’d left in a rush.
Jackie’s apartment was high up in a building that had definitely seen better days. The neighborhood wasn’t one of the best, either – Bruce had visited it many times, always late at night, and he was sure he’d been on the other side of the apartment building on a case long, long ago.
They entered through the rooftop door, which it seemed no one had bothered to lock. (Not that Bruce was surprised – he was the only one in the city who made a habit of flying roof-to-roof, and anyone who walked up to any building’s roof at night was up to nothing good ninety-five percent of the time. Raids by blimp or helicopter were few and far between, thankfully.)
“Kind of reminds me of Arkham,” John (no, Joker, they were outside together) commented in a hushed voice as he shook the rainwater off his borrowed fedora. The stairwell was vaguely reminiscent of the asylum’s, but rather than white-washed brick, it was bare and aged, and it didn’t have the large glowing florescent lights hanging on the walls. There was just a small light in the middle of the staircase leading down.
“Her place is just on the fourth floor,” Bruce said, leading the way with light steps. He was always careful about stairs; he never knew if someone was sitting below a set.
The metal door leading into the hallway was lighter than it looked. Peeling red wallpaper greeted them, and the dark wooden floor had seen better days, but it wasn’t the worst apartment building Bruce had ever set foot in. It’d be a four out of ten, if he was feeling generous… The water stains on the ceiling certainly detracted from that generosity.
“If I hadn’t been spoiled by your place, I’d say this was pretty nice,” John muttered, grinning over at Bruce.
Bruce bit back the comment that it was only because John had no decent standard of living, and gave a very small smile in return. He remembered the little place John had made for himself back at the Old Five Points – the Ha-Hacienda, as he had called it. He’d taken what was a run-down little shack and thrown his heart into it, putting up pictures and lights like it was a real home.
He’d tried going back there the day after John had fallen off the bridge, but John had somehow managed to smuggle most of his things out of there to one of his friend’s places, and now they were impossible to find. It hurt to think about.
Jackie Lant had the corner apartment, overlooking the back. Working the lock-picks in the door took so little time Bruce found himself thinking he should find a way to pressure someone into making a policy that apartment managers had to upgrade their client’s locks every few years.
The beam of light stretching in from the hallway cast his shadow over the place, but he could already see it was much homier than Dr. Crane’s, despite it being smaller than Bruce’s master bedroom.
He stepped inside, John (Joker) following him and immediately making a line for the dresser. Bruce decided to look elsewhere.
Posters were plastered and pinned all over the walls, most of which were for movies or famous plays. There were also over a dozen flyers mixed in, like those handed out for amateur gigs, and they all seemed to be for copyright-infringing shows at Gotham University or South End High School; the dates were in line with Jackie’s educational attendance.
There was a cheap wire shelving unit holding all matter of things – books, DVDs, and bits of décor that almost all looked like they came right out of the Halloween section of a D.I.Y. store. Casting a look over at the bed (it didn’t have a frame, it was just two mattresses piled on top of one another, but was a bed) told him it wasn’t just a seasonal thing, either; there were two different pumpkin-shaped cushions and the blanket on top was patterned with smiling jack-o-lantern faces.
At least she had a variety of different tastes:  romance, fantasy, popular YA literature, used psychology textbooks… There were some horror novels in the mix, but it looked more…pulpy than anything. Her little movie collection had a few of the same titles as Crane’s, too, but they looked to be either from the more popular franchises or cheesy b-movies.
Bruce cast a look at the kitchen unit – nothing spectacular, but he should go through the cupboards, just in case she’d hidden anything in there…
“Bats,” Joker called, frowning at the strung-up photos in front of the desk on the back wall, “can your gadgets scan faces?”
“Something like that,” Bruce answered, stepping towards him. Some photographs were placed directly above the desk, adjacent to the window surrounded by string lights with jack-o-lantern faces. They were hung up by laundry clips on wire wrapped around a combination of nails and tiny peel-and-stick hooks. Looking at them made Bruce think of John’s photos, all arranged in a smiley-face wherever he went.
The pictures were all group photos, varying in age, and it didn’t take a genius to notice that the last several pictures all held the same people, but dwindling in number. Bruce clicked a button on his visor, and waited as the Batcomputer scanned the faces he honed in on and ran through its database of connections to news and GCPD files. Jackie Lant was easily recognizable, due to her curly red hair, but in a few pictures she was very young. The oldest photo was just of her and another little girl, looking up into the camera with the sort of wide-eyed innocence that only children could really have.
He checked his gauntlet, and decided to go from the bottom to the top.
Richard Seed, deceased.
Zoe Smith, deceased.
Angela Maynard, deceased.
Deceased, deceased, deceased. It was just one after another, two of which happened one month apart, and half of the death records were pulled from the GCPD – car accidents, crossfire shootings, muggings gone wrong... The earliest death was almost fifteen years ago, when a missing girl was found wrapped in a rug by a dumpster.
Bruce cast a look back at the photo of the seven-or-eight-year-old Jackie Lant, and remembered her mention of how the formative years played a lot into one’s psyche.
The only people left alive came from the middle bunch of photos:  Dean Norton, who still lived in Gotham, and Veronica O’Reilly, who hadn’t lived there for a little over a decade. Dean showed up in only one photo near the end of the bunch, too, where he was with three other people who had passed away within the last four years.
Bruce thought back to the list of contacts she had on her FriendBook. He didn’t remember seeing any R.I.P. posts or anything like it in her timeline, but he’d checked out the people she contacted most on there, and none of them were dead… “Have you seen any other photos?”
“Just two on her dresser – pretty sure it’s her parents and… I dunno, an older guy, so maybe an uncle?”
“I’m beginning to think you were right,” Bruce grumbled, clicking off the scanning feature in his cowl, “Jackie Lant’s current friends might not really be friends. Almost all the people shown here are dead.”
“Yikes,” Joker winced, “and I thought I had it bad, with most of mine in jail…”
“Did you find anything in the dresser?”
“A few spare bullets and a box of condoms. You know, the essentials,” he joked.
Bruce cast a look down at the desk. A laptop and a tray of loose papers. “Check the closet. If she hid Crane’s stuff here, the only spot left is there or the kitchen.”
“On it,” Joker said confidently, swinging open the flimsy panel doors behind them. “Though I would think I’d scatter them all over the place… You know, put the drive in a bag and tape it inside the toilet tank. That kind of thing.”
Bruce flicked through the pile of paper – mostly the bills for rent, insurance, and student loans, at least two of the latter bearing ‘OVERDUE’ stamps. “Then check there, too. Follow your instinct.”
“Ha ha, okaaayyyy,” John drew out quietly, shifting through a pile of clothes. Jackie seemed to prefer yellows and reds; Bruce remembered her work clothes looking rather nice, and wondered if she hadn’t spent more money on them than anything else.
Bruce opened the laptop on her desk, mindful of the speakers she had plugged into it knocking over the well-loved stuffed cat sitting there. The lock-screen was password-protected and the hint was “check the handbook”.
Handbook…? Hadn’t he seen something with that?
Bruce returned to the shelf – The Handbook for the Recently Deceased sat next to an empty candlestick holder molded in the shape of a raven.
Sure enough, it was a blank journal with a list of contact information (birthdays and death dates were listed, too, much to Bruce’s surprise) and passwords to different sites – banks, her social media, and even a bloggr account – with the laptop’s password written on a sticky note in the front:  Pumpk1nPr1nc355.
“Hey, Batman, I found somethiiing,” Joker called, tugging out a heavy-looking lock-box. “Hidden right under the loose floorboard, how cliché… Ooh, you looking into her laptop?”
“I figured it might give an insight into her, if she didn’t have Crane’s work copied onto it.”
“Right. You look at that, I’m going to poke around her bathroom for a key to this thing.”
Bruce wanted to question that, but Joker left without another word, a confident smile on his lips.
Jackie Lant’s laptop hummed to life. It seemed it had been in hibernation mode – her browser was still open to her email.
Bruce read through the headers:
New post from Batman Watch
New post from Gotham-Sucks
[!] Application for job #P283451
[!] Application for job #E7990S2
We’re sorry to inform you that your…
New post from Gotham-Sucks
RE:  St. Mary’s Mental Ward Position...
RE:  Hopkins Mental Clinic application
BatmanChick96 replied to your post
[!] Application for job #8714E03
Bruce could deduce without even opening any of them that the application notifications were rejections. Judging by the bloggr notifications, she was likely trying to leave the city. Scrolling down further and seeing the list of rejected applications amidst the odd bank statement and old blog notifications told him she’d been trying to do leave Gotham for months.
That explained why she wanted to steal Crane’s work – she must have figured that she could take it and run out of the city, publish it with her name attached, and make something out of it. In her mind, he supposed, she had bills to pay and not much to lose.
He opened her file browser; thankfully it looked like she was the type to keep all her files fairly organized. There was what looked like a folder for her old school documents, a folder for her Arkham internship-employment, tax folders… A quick search said the only thing with Crane’s name in it was a term paper on Working Through Grief and some copies of his work, though they weren’t opened in over a year.
Looking under her recent files, she had a video labeled with a date from several days ago, and she did have a webcam… Maybe she was the type to vlog.
“Whelp, nothing in there… What’d you find?” Joker asked, coming to stand behind Bruce and lean on the back of the rolling office chair.
“Hopefully, a video log.”
“Well press play, then! Maybe she’ll just tell us where she stashed Crane’s stuff. I’m going to be mad if it’s not in that safe…”
Bruce double-clicked the video dated several days ago.
Jackie Lant sat in front of the desk, pushing back the laptop screen until she was entirely in view. She threaded her fingers together under her chin, on level with her hair, and and gazed right at the camera with an intense focus as she breathed deep.
“Normally, I try not to talk too openly in these sessions, in case I have one of those Agents monitoring me like everyone seems to think we do, but just in case I fail miserably, or Professor Crane decides to bury me in his backyard, I want to say something. I’m probably going to regret this video later… Then again, if everything works out, I’m going to delete this and pretend it never happened anyway.”
Jackie shrugged, folding her arms on top of her desk.
“There’s…no going back for me, now. I had to keep telling myself that if I did… If I did, then I might as well just throw myself off of the bridge tomorrow. I’m in too deep. I know too much. I’ve…seen too much.”
The young woman scowled slightly down at her hands.
“I can’t pretend that I’m not going to regret anything. I already regret a lot. I don’t think I’d be at this point if I’d chosen a theater major,” she said with a slight hint at a smile. “But in case something happens, I just really want to say – I’m the one who tried to kill Dr. Jonathan Crane, and stole all of the research that would’ve given evidence pertaining to his unethical experiments at Arkham Asylum. I’m hoping someone will find his bloated corpse floating around the docks or face-down in a pool of his own blood in the street,” she continued with a nasty curl of her lip that lasted all but a couple of seconds. “If not, then I failed, and I’m probably dead already, either by Dr. Crane himself, or Bruce Wayne, for taking advantage of him like I am tonight. I wouldn’t blame him for it, honestly…” She looked down, regret flashing in her eyes. “He and I both have mobster blood in us, I’d be surprised if he didn’t want to kill me for letting his friend get hurt and not doing anything to stop it… It’s what Great-Uncle Finger would do.”
Jackie looked back up at the camera, sincerity peeking through a steely gaze.
“But I am sorry to whoever might get caught in the middle. I hope there’s none, but… If I could see the future, then I would’ve swallowed that bottle of ibuprophen years ago.”
The video cut out after a moment, and Joker immediately leaned over Bruce to click through the video folder, his eyes shining in the light of the bright screen. “She’s got to have more. Something,” he muttered, and promptly played a video dated nearly six weeks ago in a folder marked “personal vlogs”.
The first thing Bruce noticed was that Jackie still had her long ponytail, giving credit to the date on the filename. The second detail was that she looked rather conflicted, even as she just sat there hugging herself in her jack-o-lantern blanket.
“I had…an epiphany, last night. I normally would’ve done this when I got home, but… I couldn’t. I was too… I’m not sure. Not scared… Bewildered, I guess is the right word. Dr. Crane invited me over to his house again, yesterday. I thought, ‘yeah, last time was nice, despite the talk about death in the middle, why not’? It was okay, at first. You know, home-made pumpkin spice lattes, catch-up about how I’m doing, gossiping about patients’ sessions I have to sit in on… And then we got onto the topic of Gotham, somehow. I think I asked him why he stayed here, since he had the means to leave, and he just…”
She was half looking into the camera with general disbelief.
“He said he liked it. He thinks all the general misery is fun to study. I didn’t know what else to say to that, so I tried to change the subject, and asked what he thought of Batman, because…I mean, what normal person doesn’t like him, right? And he thinks he’s fascinating. Or…really, he thinks the effect Batman has on the city is fascinating. He thinks the way criminals fear him is interesting. So… I just said, ‘yeah, that makes sense, you like studying human behavior around fear, don’t you?’”
She got quiet, but stared dead at the camera.
“He lit up at that. Like, the happiest I think I’ve ever seen him. He actually smiled a little,” she pressed, leaning forward to emphasize her point before sitting there with her arms on the table. “So, I figured that had to be good. We talked about his work for a really long time - I still remember going through bits of it at school, and I did genuinely like his stuff, so he walked me through his last one, and I guess I said something right, because… He said he was testing something special for his current research, and he asked what my worst fear was.”
She paused and sat up straight, crossing her arms again.
“I mean, I’m not stupid enough to ask why. I can guess why. So I told him my old one so it’d be believable. And he just looks at me and says ‘So imagine I can manifest those roaches before your eyes. What would you do?’” She phrased in a fairly good imitation of Crane’s pitch, “I said I didn’t know; probably squish as many as possible while screaming my head off, and he…he just said, ‘Yes, that’d be interesting, wouldn’t it?’”
She stared down at the surface of the desk, almost in awe.
“And I just… I just realized, right there, that he was making something to do that to patients. I never asked him about what he did in sessions, but… I’m allowed to peek at almost everyone’s notes to look at the progress of certain patients, and it just…hit me. He’s why some of them are regressing.”
She was quiet for a minute, only shifting to get comfortable again, and staring out the window by the desk.
“And I couldn’t help but think, ‘that IS interesting’. I thought that, and I meant it, and I hate that I thought it at all. And… I know that secret, now. I have to carry it around with everything else.”
Jackie stared a little longer, first out the window, then at her desk, and then she swiveled the chair and moved to click the mouse with an irritated scowl.
“Fuck it.”
That was certainly enlightening… Bruce had wondered how Jackie had developed the idea to steal his research – she’d apparently known for weeks already, before she’d reached out to him days ago and asked for his help. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it was her who had prevented him from seeing John, solely to drum up his suspicion and get him invested in her idea of helping her steal Crane’s files.
(Though he couldn’t see her knowing everything else in-between. There was no way she knew he stole Crane’s fake drugs from the lab, or that they would walk right by John that day, or that John would break out of his cell at all.)
John was already clicking to another video, a determined frown on his long face.
“Joker, that’s enough,” Bruce said, moving to stop him, but Joker was just fast enough to start a new one, dated almost four weeks ago, and it caught his attention enough that he let John’s hand go.
Jackie Lant faced the webcam with her head in her hand, taking deep breaths, and on the third, she turned her gaze to the window to her side.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I really, really, don’t.”
The look in her eyes was furious, despite her relatively flat expression.
“I hate it when people say it’s ‘the little things in life’ – they always mean ‘oh, life’s not so bad, just look at this fucking rainbow’, like that will make everything better for you,” she grumbled, turning to look at the camera. “It’s like, ‘hey, you ever see a guy get stabbed in the middle of the road? Just fucking stabbed? And you’re in your car, you have to keep driving, because you’ll be penalized for being late to work, and if you go out there and try to do something about it, you’ll be stabbed, too. And you have to just…pretend like you didn’t see anything. That everything is perfectly fine. It’s just…a little thing,’” Jackie finishes, a lopsided smile tugging on the corner of her mouth for a moment, and then it faded into a flat line. “I tried texting Dean about it, since he was there when Michelle got killed, and he just… He said ‘that’s how life is around here, you gotta be tough’.”
Jackie stared at the table, her eyes glistening slightly, the anger never leaving them.
“Four years… Four years, and that’s what seeing her die in the fucking street has reduced that to. Just another part of life in Gotham.”
She blinked away the tears threatening to fall, taking the sleeve of her hoodie to wipe at her face properly for a moment.
“I tried telling Ver’ about it, too – not directly, just, ‘hey I’m feeling super awful and I hate my life.’ And all she said was, ‘Look on the bright side! It’s the little things that make life worth living!’” she paraphrased in a falsetto sort of voice, her brows furrowing. “Fuck her. Just…fuck her. She can come live in Gotham for a day, see if she can look on the fucking bright side…”
Jackie grunted to herself, rubbing her face into her hands for a moment, and when she reappeared, she had a steady gaze.
“I just have to shove all this down, I guess. Like I don’t already do that all the time.” She stared right at the screen, as if watching herself, and her face grew soft and contemplative. “I’ll just put it next to the thoughts of how I threw my dreams down the gutter, or how much I’d rather risk taking the train to East End than having to work at Arkham one more day,” she added spitefully, despite the glint of humor that crossed over her expression. “I guess I just have to…” She smiled a little wistfully at the camera, even as her eyes dulled. “Smile, though your heart is breaking,” she half-sang.
Bruce heard John snort heavily, as if trying to stifle a laugh, and turned to look just as a loud cackle burst out of him.
John doubled over, clearly trying to stifle his own raucous laugh as he held his stomach like it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard.
Bruce almost wanted to punch him, but held himself steady, clenching his fists as John turned away from him, giggling uncontrollably.
Half a year in Arkham wasn’t going to change him. He was always going to find this sort of thing entertaining. Bruce never quite forgot the conversation they had during Harvey Dent’s speech about hunting down the Children of Arkham; John had grinned wide and joked about it all like it wasn’t actually happening, even though they both knew it was. That same man was right there, throwing open the window and laughing like a damn hyena.
John stuck his head out into the pouring rain, letting the water drown out some of the noise as brown hair dye and make-up started to wash away.
“What are you doing?!” Batman’s voice growled out as Bruce shot up and yanked him back out by the collar, angry at him for laughing at all, for doing something so stupid as showing his face, for further washing away the only thing really keeping him safe-
“I-I’m sorry,” John managed, still chuckling to himself as he tried to steady himself upright using Bruce’s shoulder. “It-it’s funny, but I just… I just can’t – hee hee – be-believe… I’m…” He tried to breathe, a grin still plastered on his face, make-up running terribly in what almost looked like tear-tracks on his cheeks as his laughter slowed. The sound of the video continuing on low volume as rain hit the brick and pavement outside was almost loud enough to prevent Bruce from properly hearing him. “I’m sympathizing with her!” He finished, letting out another little burst of laughter.
That was sympathy…?
“I just – oh, geez, that hurts,” John breathed, a slight giggle coming out as he clutched part of the cape draped over Bruce’s shoulder. “When she was threatening you, back at Arkham, I just thought she was like Crane; a weird, more emotional version of him, but… I hated her for it! And it turns out we - we not only having something in common, but she’s like you,” he emphasized, looking up at the white lenses with a bright-eyed look. It made Bruce feel like he was stuck to the floor. “You both just shove your real feelings down so far even I can’t see them! You both just put on your public faces and pretend!”
Bruce was tempted to wipe some of the run make-up away, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of the knowing glint in the green eyes that stared up at him, or if was because he just wanted to distract the man from continuing to hit Bruce right in a sore spot.
“I still don’t like her,” he said, “but I don’t hate her anymore. And that’s so ridiculous, because I loathe anyone who even thinks about hurting you, Bruce,” he finished with a laugh, caressing Bruce’s arm through the batsuit.
He didn’t know what to say. What could he even do, in a place like this? In a situation like this? He felt guilt and warmth pile up on one another, and he wanted to tell him he was sorry, and he wanted to reach out and cup his face and get rid of all the color until there was nothing but John left, and he knew what John said wasn’t exactly healthy but it still sent a rush through him and he just wanted to…
It wasn’t the time or place for anything like that. He was Batman. John was Joker. They were supposed to be investigating Jackie Lant so they could get a lead on Crane.
Batman was sturdy. Bruce was sturdy.
“Joker,” he started, forcing himself to maintain eye contact even as John’s pupils dilated slightly in response, “Go wash the rest of that stuff off. I’ll copy over the rest of Jackie’s vlog files.”
“My face looks that bad, huh?”
“A little.”
Joker tore himself away, letting his fingers slide over the armored bicep as he passed by. He couldn’t feel the touch at all, but the gesture was more than enough to give him a pleasant little jolt.
Bruce copied a compressed version of her vlog files to the USB stick he carried in his belt. They might be useful, or they might not. A quick scroll through of the rest of her documents showed nothing nefarious, no hidden files, no detailed plans - not so much as a crude map of the asylum. Her browsing history was pretty normal, though he did see some bookmarks to particular blogs she followed, such as Batman Watch, Gotham’s-Dark-Knight, and Gotham Gazette Official.
Bruce was sure he could reason with her. Jackie Lant was stubborn, but she seemed desperate for someone to talk to, and relied only on herself for everything; she either had a backup plan memorized for if things went south, or she was making it up as she went along. She clearly internalized a lot of pain, and not having an outlet for it besides talking to herself seemed to be the final straw in what drove her to desperate measures of escape.
She would probably be thrown in a jail cell for assault and conspiracy to murder, but Bruce was fairly positive she needed some mental help. If he managed to talk her down, he could likely fix it so she wasn’t thrown with the rest of the wolves in Black Gate. Perhaps he could even transfer her out of Gotham entirely.
The files had almost finished downloading when Bruce heard a metallic clink ringing against tile followed by a muttered curse.
He rushed to the small, dimly-lit bathroom, and was greeted with John standing on the rim of the built-in tub, rubbing his head with one hand and holding what looked like part of the shower-head in the other.
“No need to worry, Bats,” Joker said without even turning around. “Just hit myself a bit on this,” he explained, holding up the outer piece to the shower attachment. “Good news though, I found the key to the safe!”
Joker hopped down, stooped, and picked up a key from the base of the tub, turning to face Bruce with a proud grin. “I knew it must have been in here!”
His face was mostly clear, now. His eyelids were still fairly dark, but it was a lot of make-up to wash away, and it couldn’t have been easy for such a fast job. His eyebrows were back to being green, and there were even chunks of color showing under the temporary hair dye.
Bruce forced himself to focus on the task at hand. “How did you think to look in the showerhead?”
“Jackie’s a super-secretive girl, and I would put a key to a safe holding what I was working my life towards in a place no one would think to loo… And the toilet tank was empty.” He dangled the key in front of their faces. “You want to do the honors, Batman?”
Bruce took the invitation. He dropped the lock-box onto the desk, minding the laptop, and turned the key, pushing away the tiny concerned thought about a potential bomb.
He pushed aside the academic papers Crane had written on top of the pile, and found a stack of Arkham patient notes that Bruce knew he’d comb through later, despite it likely not holding much more information than he already knew. And then, under all that, was Crane’s hard drive.
“See if you can find some plastic bags,” Bruce suggested, leafing through the papers to make sure everything was accounted for.
“No need to look, Batsy,” Joker grinned, and yanked an orange bag from the trench coat’s ticket pocket as if he were pulling out a line of scarves. “Ta-dah!”
“That’ll do,” Bruce answered, unable to stop the minute smile from spreading on his face.
He’d all but tied the handles together and passed it to Joker for safe-keeping when the head-set in his cowl rang obnoxiously in his ear.
“Hello?” He asked in his normal voice.
“It’s just me, Batman,” Tiffany answered, sounding somewhat drained; John mouthed ‘who is it’ as he stepped a little closer. “I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I’m just having trouble wrapping my head around…everything.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“Yeah, well… I also wanted to tell you I got a signal from one of Maroni’s thug’s phones. I’ll send you the coordinates. Is he with you?”
“Figures… I’ll…discuss that with you another time. Just…be careful out there.”
“Always am.”
“No you’re not,” Tiffany countered with a light-hearted scoff before hanging up.
Notes:  Blargggh, my brain failed me at a critical time, and then today my stomach acted up for about 2 hours, which impeded me further!! Something must have really wanted me to just wrap up this chapter here… That, or they wanted you guys to wait this long. I certainly didn’t!! (T^T)
As always, thank you SO SO much to everyone that comments, reblogs, likes, kudos, bookmarks, or subscribes!!! I said it before and I'll say it again - I love you guys!!! You guys are awesome!!!! (ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) I'm gearing up for some good times comin' soon... REAL good times. Stay tuned next weekend...
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pinkpossibly · 7 years
PinkPossibly’s Halloween Master Post
It’s that time of year again friends, Halloween!!! So here’s a huge list of Halloween cartoons. Be careful for popups and always make sure to click out of them right away! But other than that, these links are totally safe lol i use them all the time!
Adventure Time - The Creeps Adventure Time - From Bad to Worse Aaahh!!! Real Monsters! - The Switching Hour All Grown Up - Interview with a Campfire Almost Naked Animals - Howieween Almost Naked Animals - Hotel of Horrors Angry Beavers - The Day the World got Really Screwed Up
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meets Frankenstein Alvin and the Chipmunks Meets the Wolfman Alvin and the Chipmunks: Trick or Treason Angela Anaconda - The Haunting of Angela Anaconda Animaniacs - Scare Happy Slappy/Witch One/Macbeth Arthur - Hic or Treat Baby Looney Tunes - Log Cabin Fever/Mid Autumn Night’s Scream Beetlejuice Series Berenstain Bears - The Haunted Lighthouse
Bob’s Burgers - Full Bars Bob’s Burgers - Fort Night Bob’s Burgers - Tina and the Real Ghost Bob’s Burgers - The Hauntening Bob’s Burgers - Teen-a-Witch Winnie the Pooh - Boo to you Too! Brandy and Mr. Whiskers - Curse of the Vampire Bat/ The Monkey’s Paw Bugs Bunny’s Howl-oween Special Bunnicula Series Camp Lazlo - Hallobeanies Casper’s Halloween Special Catdog - Catdogula Catscratch - Scaredy Cat Chalkzone - Pumpkin Love/Chip of Fools/Irresistible/Please Let Me In Chowder - The Spookiest House in Marzipan/Poultrygeist  Claymation Comedy of Horrors Show Codename: Kids Next Door - T.r.i.c.k.y/Transcript Coraline Corpse Bride Count Duckula Series Courage the Cowardly Dog Season 1 Courage the Cowardly Dog Season 2 Courage the Cowardly Dog Season 3 Courage the Cowardly Dog Season 4 Cow and Chicken - Halloween with Dead Ghosts/Coast to Coast Daddy, I’m a Zombie Daddy, I’m a Zombie 2 Danny Phantom - Fright Night Daria - Legends of the Mall Dave the Barbarian - That Darn Ghost/The Cow Says Moon Dear Dracula Doug - Halloween Special Duck Tales - Ducky Horror Picture Show Extraordinary Tales Fairly Oddparents - Scary Oddparents Fish Hooks - Halloween Haul Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends - Nightmare on Wilson Way Frankenweenie Freaky Stories Series Garfield in Disguise  Ghost Stories Gravedale High Series Gravity Falls - Summerween Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Groovie Goolies Series Growing Up Creepie Series Halloween is Grinch Night Disney’s Halloween Treat Hey Arnold! - Arnold’s Halloween Hey Arnold! - Ghost Bride Hey Arnold! - Headless Cabbie/Friday the 13th Hotel Transylvania  House of Mouse: Villains  House of Mouse - Halloween with Hades Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom I am Weasel - I am Vampire I am Weasel - I am Franken-Weasel Inspector Gadget - Haunted Castle It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Looney Tunes - Jeepers Creepers Jackie Chan Adventures - Chi of the Vampire Jackie Chan Adventures - Fright Fight Night Johnny Bravo - Frankenbravo Johnny Test - Johnny Trick or Treat Kid vs Kat - Trick or Threat Kid vs Kat - House of Scream Kim Possible - October 31st Lilo and Stitch Series - Spooky Little Bear: Halloween Stories Looney Tunes - Transylvania 6-5000 Looney Tunes - A Haunting We Will Go Looney Tunes - Hyde and Hare Looney Tunes - Scaredy Cat Mad Monster Party? Men In Black - Jack-o-Lantern Monster House Monster in my Pocket: The Big Scream Monsters vs Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space Moville Mysteries Series Mr. Bean - Halloween Mr. Meaty - Nightmare on Josh Street Muppet Babies - Is there a Muppet in the House? My Gym Partner’s a Monkey - The Scary Old Custodian  Night of the Living Carrots Night of the Living Doo Open Season: Scared Silly Over the Garden Wall Series Pac Man - Trick or Chomp Pac Man - Pacula Paranorman PB&J Otter: A Hoohaw Halloween Pepper Ann - A Tween Halloween/Mash Into Me Phineas and Ferb - The Monster of Phineas and Ferbenstein  Phineas and Ferb - One Good Scare Outta Do It Phineas and Ferb - That’s the Spirit! Pinky and the Brain - Halloween Raggedy Ann and the Pumpkin Who Couldn’t Smile Recess - Terrifying Tales of Recess Regular Show - Terror Tales of the Park 1 Regular Show - Terror Tales of the Park 2 Regular Show - Terror Tales of the Park 3 Regular Show - Terror Tales of the Park 4 Regular Show - Terror Tales of the Park 5 Rocket Power - The Night Before/Violet’s Violet Rocco’s Modern Life - Sugar Frosted Frights/ Ed is Dead Rugrats - Candy Bar Creep Show/Monster in the Garage Sabrina (1999) - Nothin’ Says Somethin’ Like Lovin’ Somethin’ From a Coven Salad Fingers Scared Shrekless Scaredy Squirrel - The Stackinator/Halloweekend Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktacular Scary Godmother: Revenge of Jimmy Scooby Doo Where Are You? Season 1, 2, 3 Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost Scooby Doo meets the Boo Brothers Scooby Doo on Zombie Island Scream Street Series Season’s Greetings Shawn the Sheep - Little Sheep of Horrors Shawn the Sheep - The Visitor Shawn the Sheep - Things That go Bump Shawn the Sheep - Phoney Farmer Shrek’s Thrilling Tales Snorks - A Willie Scary Shalloween Spongebob Squarepants - The Graveyard Shift Spongebob Squarepants - Scardy Pants Spongebob Squarepants - Ghoul Fools Spongebob Squarepants - Don’t Look Now/Seance Schmeance Spookley the Square Pumpkin Spooky Bats and Scardy Cats Stoked - Penthouse of Horror Tales from the Cryptkeeper Series Tales from the Far Side Teacher’s Pet - The Tale of the Telltale Taffy The Adams Family Series (1973) The Adams Family Series (1992) The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius - Nightmare in Retroville The Buzz on Maggie - The Big Score The Buzz on Maggie - Scare Wars The Curse of the Were-Rabbit The Daffy Duck Show - The Duxorcist The Daffy Duck Show - Night of the Living Duck The Emperor's New School - Kuzcoween The Fat Albert Halloween Special The Flinstone Kids - Frankenstone The Flinstones - A Haunted House is not a Home The Flinstones Meet Rockula and Frankenstone The Flinstones New Neighbors The Garfield Show - Orange and Black/Freaky Monday The Great Bear Scare The Grim Adventures of Bill and Mandy - Billy and Mandy’s Jacked up Halloween The Halloween Tree The Haunted Pumpkin of Sleepy Hollow The Ketchup Vampires The Mask - All Hallows Eve The Mr. Men Show - Outer Space The New Archies - I was a 12 year Old Werewolf The New Super Mario World - Ghosts R Us The Nightmare Before Christmas The Pig Who Cried Werewolf The Pink Panther - Pink Panic The Pink Panther - Pink Plasma The Proud Family - A Hero for Halloween The Replacements - Halloween Spirits The Scooby Doo Show The Simpsons Tree House of Horror - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 The Smurfs: The Legend of Smurfy Hollow The Super Mario Bros Super Show - Koopenstein The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: Scared Silly The Wild Thornberrys - Blood Sisters The Wild Thornberrys - Spirited Away The Wrong Trousers Thriller Night (Shrek) Time Squad - Every Poe has a Silver Lining Tiny Toons: Night Ghoulery  Tom and Jerry Kid’s Show - The Ghost of Castle McLochjaw  Tom and Jerry Kid’s Show - Doom Manor Tom and Jerry Kid’s Show - McWolfula Tom and Jerry Kid’s Show - McWolfenstein Tom and Jerry Kid’s Show - Haunted Droopy Totally Spies - Halloween Toy Story of Terror Wander over Yonder - The Pet Wander over Yonder - The Gift 2: The Giftening  Witch’s Night Out Zombie Hotel Series
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those70scomics · 7 years
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T7S Halloween Week: Day 5 – Haunted House
Kelso did, indeed, egg Jackie and Hyde’s house on Halloween, 1985. So a few days before the next year’s Halloween, Hyde and Jackie put Hyde’s revenge plan into action.
Hyde calls Kelso on the phone and tells him, in confidence, that the Formans’ house is haunted.
Hyde: The Formans don’t like talkin’ about it, and Jackie and Donna don’t believe Forman’s stories--
Kelso: Say no more, Hyde. I’m a cop. It’s my duty to serve and protect Point Place’s citizenry.
They meet on the Formans’ stoop, and Kelso spots an item of suspicion: a jack-o'-lantern with no face.
Hyde: It’s just a pumpkin, man.
Kelso: Exactly. It’s just a pumpkin. It should be carved into a Halloween-y shape. ... [He chuckles.] Hallow-weenie. Anyway, we should get inside and see what these ghosts are up to. They’ve already defaced a jack-o'-lantern. There’s no telling what they’ve done to the Formans by now.
More story and art after the cut.
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Kelso and Hyde enter the Formans’ living room. Kelso finds Jackie on the couch, and she’s wearing an outfit he remembers. It’s from her sophomore year, the week she thought she was pregnant with his baby.
Kelso: Jackie? What happened to your adult clothes?
Jackie: What are you talking about? This outfit is very fashionable! And be grateful it fits because in a few months, it won’t anymore.
Kelso [to Hyde]: Did you knock her up?
Hyde: Knock who up?
Kelso: Jackie.
Jackie: What?
Kelso: I was talking to Hyde -- but did he knock you up? Is that your, “I think I’m pregnant,” outfit?
Jackie: Ew! I would not let Hyde “knock me up”. You’re my boyfriend, Michael. You’re supposed to be supportive, not making up stories.
Kelso: I’m not your boyfriend. I’m married to Brooke, and we already got a kid. She just turned seven. You were at her birthday party!
Jackie: You’re married to another woman? Get out of here! [She tosses the couch pillows at him.] Go!
Kelso: Hyde, your fiancée’s gone nuts. You need to take her to the doctor.
Hyde: Don’t have a fiancée, and maybe we should check the kitchen ‘cause I’m sick of watchin’ you stare at the empty couch.
Kelso: But Jackie’s on the couch. You don’t see her?
Hyde: Nope, and I’m glad I don’t. She’d be worse than finding a poltergeist, man.
Kelso, miffed, decides not to push it and takes Hyde’s advice of checking the kitchen.
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Kelso stops short at the sight that greets him: Mr. and Mrs. Forman are dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus and standing on the kitchen table.
Kelso: Okay, if you two have gotten into some sexy Christmas role-play, that’s fine with me. Even though it’s a little early in the season for Christmas, but you might want to do it in the privacy of your bedroom. I mean, the sliding door is see-through!
Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Forman respond. Their expressions don’t change, and they look ahead as if Kelso and Hyde hadn’t entered the kitchen.
Kelso: Oh, I get it! They’re wax figures! But just to be sure, I better touch one of them--
Red [through gritted teeth]: You touch either one of us, kettlehead, and Santa’s boot is goin’ right up your ass.
Kelso [nervous]: Uh ... Hyde? I think we should go to the basement. There’s nothing to see here.
Hyde: Was wonderin’ when you’d realize that.
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Donna and Eric are sitting in the basement, and Kelso blows out a breath. Finally, a little normality.
Kelso: You guys visiting the folks?
Donna: What are you talking about?
Kelso: You live forty-five minutes away. Why else would you ... oh. You’re here to revitalize your sex life, and you thought by doing it in the ol’ basement, you’d get that magic back.
Eric: Me and Donna? Sex? Doing it?
Donna: Kelso, we’re just watching TV. Why does everyone think Eric and I are hot for each other?
Kelso: Because that’s all you ever talked about in high school?
Eric: We’re two months into our freshman year, and I don’t remember saying anything about having the hots for Donna.
Kelso: Freshman year. ... [He sniffs the air.] I don’t smell anything nefarious, which is even more suspicious. Hyde, can we talk -- upstairs?
Hyde: Sure. Listening to you talk to yourself ain’t all that entertaining.
Jackie is gone from the living room, and the couch pillows are back in place. Kelso scratches his head and tries to piece all the information he’s gathered so far.
Kelso: Something strange is definitely going on in this house.
Hyde: I’ll say.
Kelso: People are here, Hyde. Here but not here. You don’t see them, but I do. Either ghosts have taken our friends hostage, or they’re pretending to be our friends. I gotta check the second floor.
Hyde: After you, man.
The second floor hallway is empty, but doors are ajar. Kelso decides to inspect Laurie’s old room first because he has a lot of history in that room.
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Laurie: Kelso?
Kelso: Laurie! I thought you and Fez were on Mackinac Island with his parents.
Laurie: Is this your latest lame attempt at hitting on me? I told you we’re never having sex. You’re too much of a child.
Kelso: But we’ve done it, like, a zillion times. Yeah, it’s all in the past, but we still did it!
Laurie [in a banshee wale]: GEEEEEET OOOOOOUT!
Kelso, startled by the force of her scream, pushes past Hyde and dashes into the bathroom. He leaps into the tub and shrieks when Fez greets him.
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Fez: Finally, someone to have a bath with.
Kelso: Wha--? We’re both fully-clothed ... no. Fez, what are doing in the Formans’  bathtub?
Fez: I’m here to have a fully-clothed bath. What are you doing in the Formans’ bathtub?
Kelso: Climbing out of it.
In the hallway, Kelso urges Hyde to be the first to check the Formans’ bedroom. The door is ajar, and that frazzles Kelso more than he already is.
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Hyde: They got a shower in their bathroom, not a tub. So that should make you feel better.
Kelso: Marion Crane got stabbed in a shower!
Hyde: In a movie.
Kelso: Well, whatever. If Fez is in there, too, I’m calling it: this house is haunted.
The Formans’ bedroom is empty, but the shower seems to be running in the bathroom.
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Kelso: Open that door.
Hyde: Why?
Kelso: Don’t you hear the shower?
Hyde: Alls I hear is you flappin’ your gums.
Kelso: Fine. I’ll open it.
Kelso turns the bathroom door knob and hits the door open before stepping back. Bob’s voice breaks through the running water. He’s  singing Tom Jones’s “What’s New, Pussycat?”  and Kelso darts back into the hallway. He checks Eric’s room, but it’s empty.
Hyde: Like the rest of the house.
Kelso:  Nuh-uh! This house is lousy with ghosts, Hyde! We’ve gotta inspect the rest of it. 
Downstairs in the den, Kelso’s breath stalls.
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Brooke: Hi, Michael. I was just taking a rest. The Formans have some interesting books--
Kelso: Y-you’re pregnant? But that’s impossible! I saw you this morning, and you weren’t all preggo!
Brooke: Um, I’ve been pregnant for seven months?
Kelso: Does Betsy know?
Brooke: Of course she does! She’s my grandmother.
Kelso: Not her. Our daughter!
Brooke: She’s not born yet … although Betsy would be a great name for a girl.
Kelso: Hyde, tell me you see my preggo wife.
Hyde: She’s pregnant again? You actually plan this one?
Kelso: She’s not pregnant. At least, I don’t think she is. … I’ve gotta get outta this house! Maybe my precinct has the number of a Ghostbuster.
Hyde: What about the garage?
Kelso: Oh, yeah. That’s got all of Red’s tools, though. If a wrench flies through the air, I’m using you as a shield.
Hyde: Not if I don’t use you as one first.
Kelso and Hyde go to the Formans’ garage.
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Kelso: Nothing here but tools and car parts.
Hyde: And a few ghosts.
Kelso: You believe me?
Hyde: I’m the one who told you the Formans’ house was haunted, right? Listen, man, the truth is … you’re dead.
Kelso: No, I’m not.
Hyde: Yeah, you are. Remember when you fell off the water tower?
Kelso: Which time?
Hyde: Doesn’t matter. You didn’t make it.
Kelso: Okay, if I’m dead, then how are you talking to me?
Hyde: Donna shoved me off the water tower, and I didn’t make it, either.
Kelso: But, no! I visited you in the hospital. You had a neck brace on and looked silly.
Hyde: We’re dead, man. Welcome to the afterlife. You’ve finally accepted your death enough to see it.
Kelso: Is this heaven?
Hyde: Guess again.
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Kelso finally realizes why Hyde couldn’t see all the “ghosts” of Kelso’s past. Because they’re from Kelso’s past, as is Hyde.
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Kelso: Oh, God -- I’m in hell!
Hyde, Jackie, their friends, and the Formans have a celebratory dinner that night. They’ve all been slighted by Kelso over the years, and they all agree their “haunted house” was a rollicking payback.
Kelso runs back to his house, where he finds Betsy and an un-pregnant Brooke. After a lot of talking, and some loving, Kelso is finally convinced he’s alive. But this is a Halloween burn he’ll never forget.  
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thedarkenedkeeper · 7 years
Glitched: Part 1 - Broken
Author's Note: I'm just going to put this out there - this entire fanfiction I plan to write is going to be quite dark. It's basically going to be an angsty horror story revolving around Anti torturing Jack as well as the egos. So if you're looking to have a happy fun time, this is not for you. There WILL be feels. There WILL be blood in chapters to come. You have been warned.....Enjoy!
Also, listen to this playlist while reading it
It was dark – blacker than black in the room.
And cold – very cold but not to the point of being icy.
No, this was the sort of cold that you could easily feel creeping up along your spine and chilling you to the very core – that feeling of unease you get when you feel like you’re being watched and you know something is very wrong.
And something was indeed very wrong.
The clattering of chains and heavy labored breaths of desperation and frustration echoed throughout the darkened hell. The green-haired Irishman behind a set of bars grasped at the chains linking both his wrists and ankles to the nearest wall and yanked with all the strength he could muster. No budge. Those chains weren’t coming loose no matter how hard he tried. He hissed in agony at feeling the shackles rub and dig deeper into the skin around his wrists and ankles, causing him to instantly release the chains and collapse to the ground. He lifted his shaky hands to get a good look. Those paled joints were bloodied and blistered horribly, some caked old blood from the first few attempts he’d made, while new blood was beginning to surface.
“F-Fuck.” It came out as a dry, raspy stutter, dread very evident in his voice.
He glanced up at the bars before returning his eyes to the chains. How long had it been? How long had he been here, chained up like an animal? He had lost track. And he honestly didn’t want to know the answer.
Faintly, footsteps could be heard coming towards him and with no warning, a creaky door flew open, a flash of blinding white light flooding into the room. Jack instantly pushed himself backward into the darkness, lifting a scarred hand to shield his eyes. He could barely see, but he managed to make out a dark silhouetted man stroll into the room, closing the door behind him. And as soon as that door closed, an eerie yet soft bone-chilling giggle rang throughout the room. His eyes widened. He knew that giggle anywhere.
“What’s so funny?” He demanded, sitting upright now and searching the room with his eyes, trying to spot the man.
Jack could easily hear the mirth in the figure’s voice when he spoke, taking a few slow steps towards the cage.
“Your so-called ‘loyal and loving fans’ are really something else, Jackaboy. I may have underestimated them.”
“What’re you talking about?” The Irishman snapped, not at all pleased with the demon mentioning his fanbase. “What have you done to them? What have you done?!”
A deeply amused chuckle came from the figure as he stood before the cage, peering through the bars to get a good look at his prisoner. “What makes you think I’ve done anything to them?”
“What have you done, Anti?!”
The demon only smirked and turned his gaze elsewhere. “Who said anything about me doing anything to them? I haven’t done anything.” Though he couldn’t see it, Jack could easily imagine Anti’s smile stretching further into a wicked grin. “It’s your community you should be questioning.”
There was a beat. And Jack didn’t like it, not one bit. There was something very seriously wrong with what Anti just said, especially with the way he was acting and how he had said it. However long he had been locked up here in this cage, Jack knew how Anti behaved and normally managed to jump to conclusions easily. But this time….there was something so unsettling about what he said that Jack couldn’t even begin to piece together what he meant. Managing to make out the shape of the demon’s head in the darkness, the Irishman stared at him out of both puzzlement and suspicion.
“What?” He gave himself a pause to give him a moment to think. He’s playing with you, you know that, He thought. He’s trying to use the community against you to bring you down. Don’t fall for it. He shook his head. “What do you mean by that?”
“Oh you know exactly what I mean.” Anti gave a fake gasp of shock. “Oh but wait! That’s right, you are just about as bad as them, aren’t you? Living in denial and such.” He cocked his head in his direction, his neck glitching out and causing a cringe worthy crack to emit from the gesture. “Ain’t that right, Jack?”
“What the hell are you getting at, Anti? Just get on with it!” The YouTuber shouted, slamming his cold and beat-up hands against the bars of the cage. “Stop wasting your time! If you want to kill me, why don’t you just do it already? What could POSSIBLY be holding you back, you fucking bastard?!”
There was a moment of dreadful silence, only the sound of Jack’s weak panting able to be heard. Twenty long and very painful seconds went by before the glitch gave a reply.
“I gave them a choice, Jack…I gave them a chance to redeem themselves.”
Confusion and fear swelled into a hybrid of emotion deep in Jack as he looked at his captor. He let out a shaken breath. “Wha-? What the hell are you - ?”
Very suddenly, Anti whipped around and crouched down to eye level with Jack, his face an inch away from his. Jack could easily see the sinister glee upon his face now.
“You’re not stupid, Jack. You think I don’t want to kill you? Believe me, I want to. I want to end you. Slit your sweet little throat,” He raised a hand and slowly ran his thumb along the wide-open gash on his own throat, “wide open and let you bleed out.”
Jack swallowed the lump in his throat and let out a shaken breath, watching Anti’s thumb before meeting his eyes again.
“But you know me, I like to have a little bit of fun with things like this. So I decided to go and give your fans a choice: Step back and watch good ol’ Anti slice and dice their hero or make a move and save dear Jackaboy.” The grin on his face stretched impossibly wide, giving the appearance of a frightening jack o’ lantern now.
A beat. A painful one at that. A wave of anxiety immediately came over Jack as he stared directly into those soul-devouring eyes. He shook his head.
“S-So what? What, you think they’ll side with you? They’d never do that, they’d never let you hurt me – EVER. They care about me, they’ll fight for me!”
A shrill unnerving burst of laughter came from Anti as he threw his head back, causing the green-haired Irishman to flinch and reel back from the bars. The demon’s eyes locked back onto him.
“Oh you have no idea just how wrong you are, Jackie. Do you not remember what happened in October?” He leaned forward. “I gave them a choice – the very same one. Save Jack or let him die. Now…which one do you suppose they chose, hmm?”
The anxiety the YouTuber had been feeling was ever so quickly beginning to transform into full-blown fear. His eyes slowly widened at what Anti was getting at. He was now finally seeing where this was going. He shook his head violently.
“ No…No, no, NO! You’re wrong! They care, I know they do!”
“Oh really? Is that so?” The glitchy demon challenged. “Because I gave an announcement just the other day, encouraging them all to create a bunch of fanart and you know what that’ll do, don’t you?”
Jack’s eyes were as wide as saucers now, knowing all too well what that meant. “No…”
“Oh yes. And here’s the kicker, Jackie: A lot of them have concluded it’s exactly what I need to emerge and take control fully. They know this, they know what’s coming, and yet…” He stopped himself, choking on a laugh at the notion of the thought, “yet they have gone and proceeded with exactly what I wanted.” Jumping to his feet, Anti pushed himself away from the bars and stood a few feet away from the cage. “I mean, just LOOK at what your ‘loving community’ has done for you, Jack!” With a flick of the wrist, a patch of darkness turned into a bunch of static, pulling back to reveal every single piece of fanart Jack’s fanbase had made in the past few days.
Jack couldn’t get himself to speak. Page after page was filled with fanart, a vast majority of it consisting of Anti. There were too many pieces involving Anti being the center of attention. Too many…Too many…
“So my question to you, my dear ol’ friend: Do you think they still care about you? Because I don’t know about you, but,” The mirthful creature couldn’t contain his chuckle, “if they truly did care about you, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have gone and done what they did.”
Snapping himself out of his dazed state, the Irishman licked his dry lips and barely managed to get out his response. “There’s still time to fix this. They’re smart, they’ll figure something out.” He sounded desperate, like he truly wanted to believe his own words…but he was struggling in doing so.
Anti threw his head back, another gross crack of his neck reverberating throughout the darkened hell. “HA! Is that what you honestly think? You really have no idea, do you, Jackie? Are you that blind?” With lightning-quick speed, the demon glitched right to outside the front of the cage, staring down at his weakened host. “They created me, Jack. They’re the ones who gave me a form, a face. They’re the ones who gave me life, not you.” That eerie toothy grin was still plastered on his bone-white face and it sent chills up Jack’s spine when a chuckle came from deep within his slit throat. “They are my creators…and being that they are my creators…no matter how much they say they love you, how they are on your side and that they hate me…they will ALWAYS come back to me, Jack. They will ALWAYS want to see me in the end.”
Jack shook his head in disbelief, trying hard to block out what this demonic abomination was hissing to him. There was no way it could be true, it couldn’t be. His fans – the community – they were there for him just as he was there for them; they would never abandon him, they would never give up hope!
Anti pressed his face against the bars, getting a better look at the now-cowering heap of flesh named Jack. “They say they’re on your side, Jackaboy, but if they truly cared, they would’ve saved you long ago. All of this,” He flung his arms out, gesturing to all around the room, “wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t be a bother!” He stopped himself yet again, a fit of laughter racing out through his vocal cords. “But alas, here we are.”
A painful pang of betrayal and hurt stabbed the Irishman’s heart at hearing this and he keeled over, gripping his chest and shaking all over at the thought. He shut his eyes tight, trying desperately to ignore the demon’s words. Anti noticed his struggle and chuckled, once more crouching down to eye level to look at Jack quiver.
“And you want to know the best part out of all of this, Jackaboy? I’ll tell you. You see, the truth in all of this is that they want to see what I’ll do – to you, the Doc, Brody, all of you. They say they care and want me to back off, but we all know they’re lying.” He leaned in close, whispering through the bars, “They’re my creators, Jack…and no matter how much they deny it, they’re curious to know what their creation is capable of. They want to see just how powerful I can be.” Anti’s eyes flashed a bright dangerous green, his tone shifting to a much deeper inhuman one. “In a sense….they’re your executioner.”
That last sentence had the poor green-haired man cringing and reeling back out of horror, forcing himself into the darkest corner of the cage and curling himself into a ball. He couldn’t ignore the words, he couldn’t get the thought out of his head. Was he right, was everything Anti said the truth? Was it over? Had he lost the community to this demon? Did they ever truly care about him? Were they all fans of Anti’s from the very start? They created him after all – a dark, sinister alternate version of himself. What reason would they have to create such a monster other than to cut him out of the picture? It would make sense why they would side with Anti. Maybe he was right….maybe he was just a lab rat in all of this, a test subject for them to release Anti onto like a helpless rabbit falling victim to a rabid dog off its leash.
The tears started coming and there was no stopping them. He buried his face in his scarred hands and sobbed, feeling both mental and physical pain radiate all throughout his body. Over and over he repeated softly, “No….No….They…They care….I-I know they care….I know they do…” Hanging onto that last string of hope.
With a scoff and a triumphant smirk on his face, Anti stood up and turned on his heel, heading for the exit.
“Oh but don’t worry, Jack. I’ll please your fans. It’ll be like you never left.” He reached the door, grasping the handle. “They want to see just how powerful I can be….” His entire being glitched and the tone in his voice changed once more. “They won’t have to wait much longer.”
 And that was the last haunting statement he made before leaving the weakened Irishman to drown in his sorrow within the darkness.
Part 2 - Save Him
@anti-support-group! I actually wrote a little Anti fanfic! :D
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lilpeachsworld-blog · 5 years
༺♥༻∞ Jackie Hills ∞༺♥༻
Full Name: He genuinely looked confused at the question, “HUH?! How do you not know me, I’m the captain of the volleyball team..!” He pouted at the fact that you don’t know him.
↳ Jackie Hills
Nicknames: Jackie smirked at the question, “Well I have been told I’m a little demon, but only my friends can call me that!” He said while giving you a warm smile, as he dimples show.
↳ Little demon, Little monster, Jack-Jack, Jay, and  Jack o lantern.
Species: Jackie looks at you with shock, “Well.. Umm.. UHHHHH..!” He sighs knowing he can’t keep his secret for long.. “ Um.. Can you not tell anyone, but I’m a neko..”
↳ Neko, but he usually hides his ears and tail to look like a human.
Age: “Well, I mean we’re both in high school.. So that means we’re like around the same age!” Jackie replied in excitement.
↳  14 - 18 years old. ( depending on the scenario)
Gender: “Um.. Why would you even ask that question..? Are you dumb or something..?” Jackie asked with a confused look.
↳ Male.
Height: “HEY! C-Can you not hover over me while I’m talking to you..? Next time I’m putting a rock on your head, so you can stop growing..!” Jackie said as he stood on his tiptoes to look taller.
↳ Five foot three. (5′3)
Birthday: “Why do you want to know so much about me.? But whatever.. It’s March 18..” Jackie replied as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
Starsign: “ It’s Pisces.” Jacke replied with a wide smile.
Birthplace: Jackie shrugged, “ In a hospital, DUH!” He replied giggling.
↳ In the United Kingdom; London.
Personality description: “Just ask my teammates.” Jackie says while playing with his fingers
↳ Being the captain of the team, he has a soothing and gentle personality for his teammates and acts as a pillar of support for them. Even though he and the team have lost a couple of games, he doesn't dream of giving up on playing in general. As such, he encourages himself and all of his teammates not to give up, no matter how rough the situation might be. Otherwise, he’s very kind unless you mess with him or the people he loves ( his teammates, friends, and etc.) He can be funny and serious at the right times, and 
Sexuality: “Um.. I THINK YOU’RE REALLY CUTE, I LIKE YOU A LOT!! Maybe we should hang out or something..” Jackie hiding his flustered face in his shirt.
↳ Homosexual.
Likes: “Does it even matter..?” Jackie replied while stretching.
↳ Sports, Hanging out with his friends, boba tea/bubble tea, sweets and treats, Volleyball, his teammates, spicy food, and his parents.
Dislikes: “Like I said does it even matter..?!” Jackie replied while being a little annoyed by the question
↳ Bullies, being popular, rude and mean people, people using him to become popular, people pulling on his cat ears and tail, anything that makes him look like a girl ( like dresses, skirts, and really short shorts), and sour foods.
Position: “Hm.. Um.. I’m a uke (sub).. Thanks for asking I guess..” Jackie said 
Turn-ons: He gave you a reproachful stare "Now, now - I'm too young for that, Mister!" 
↳ Unknown.
Turn-offs: "What did I just say?!" He puffed, his cheeks sticking out.
↳ Unknown.
Other info: "Honestly I'll just tell you more about me, so you stop asking me questions!" Jackie said with a cute smirk.
↳ In his free times he likes playing video games or annoying people because why not.
↳ He has a British accent.
↳ He loves to meet new peoples, so I guess he's outgoing.
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Scenario #1: You decided to join a sport since your dad has been bugging you about joining a sport at school, so you won’t be home all day playing video games. You begged and pleaded with him saying that you’ll not stay inside all day, but he didn’t listen and he threated to chose the sport for you. You got scared, so you get agreed to join a sport even though you didn’t want to.. You decided to join volleyball since it seems simple enough, so you went to the gymnasium to try out for the team. You see a small boy standing in front of the team members say something to them until they walk away from him and go play a round of volleyball, soon the small boy turns around to see you in front of the door. “Oh, Hi I’m Jackie Hills! The captain of the volleyball team, you must be the noobie who wants to try out for the team! It’s nice to meet ya!” Jackie says while giving you a warm smile showing his dimples. You..
Scenario #2: You were being shipped off to a boarding school because you were offered a scholarship there, and you were extremely excited to get this new learning opportunity. The taxi picking you up from the airport soon arrived and in a few minutes, you were standing outside the gates of the boarding school. You walked past them and went to get your key and room number, feeling excitement surge through your veins. You finally caught sight of your room, and went towards the door and unlocked it with your key. You opened the door slightly to see someone on one of the beds playing on their phone not noticing that you were in the room by now, you walk over to one of the bed and dropped your bags on the floor then fell on the bed and closed your eyes. Then your eyes shot open when you felt someone poke you and then you see a boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes hovering over you “ Hi! I guess you’re my new roommate, while I’m Jackie Hills and I’m the captain of the volleyball team! If you ever want to join a sport come check us out!” Jackie says with a wide smile with his cute little dimples showing. You..
Scenario #3: Make it up..! ( if you are making on up please do something that has the plot of volleyball and high school ;^;)
↳ This does not have to be a sexual roleplay if you don’t want it to be
↳ If you want to roleplay with dm on here, kik ( bobateaowo )or discord ( ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ#7124 ) and them what scenario you want to do
↳ And please roleplay with me in 3rd person and with 2 or more sentences 
↳  Thank you uwu
0 notes
Share our thoughts
"Hey, Star, I think I heard some… thing… um... is there something special going on?" Marco asked as he looked around Star's vibrantly decorated room. Streamers and flowers covered the walls while several colorful orbs lit up the room. The moon shone just through her balcony, bringing an even more beautiful ambience to the room. "Woah… your room looks amazing! What's the occasion?"
He found his best friend approaching him with glee and excitement. "Ohhh! Marco Marco Marco Marco! Tonight's a special niiiiiight~!"
"Yeah? Why's that?"
"Becaaaauuuuuuuse…" Star leaned closer to Marco's face. "Tonight is a special holiday on Mewni!"
The boy looked away, too shy to make eye contact. "Oh? What's it about?"
"Well, back on Mewni, we pair up with our closest friends and share our thoughts! Basically becoming besties for life, but on a whole deeper level kind of thing. And it only happens once every one hundred years when Mewni's moon is full!"
Marco tilted his head. "Share our thoughts? You mean you guys just… talk for a night?"
Star snickered. "No, silly! We share our thoughts."
"That doesn't make things any clearer…"
"Don't worry, it'll allllll make sense when we actually do it." Star walked over to her closet, looking for something.
"Wait, we? I'm doing it too?"
"Well, duh, Marco! You're my best friend! You're the one I'm closest to. Who else am I going to share my thoughts with? Tom? Bleh," he heard her say as she threw random junk out of her closet.
Marco smiled. 'Aww, she thinks of me as her closest friend.' "Well, I'll be happy to share my thoughts with you. So what're we going to talk about- why do do you have your wand and book?"
Star finally found the book and placed it on her bed, flipping through the pages for the right spell. "I told you, we're going to share our thoughts! Our minds and souls are going to connect. Oooooohhhhh~ maaaaaagicalllllllll~"
"O-oh… and what kind of thoughts are we going to be sharing again?"
"You know, everything from our past, what we saw, thought, felt, joy, sorrow, pain, and love. The usual."
"Oh." Marco watched as the princess searched for the proper incantation. "Wait… love?"
"Yeah, you know, who your favorite food, place, crush, all that stuff. Oh! Here it is!"
The boy began to panic. Their thoughts would be known to each other. All of it. Their past, their secrets. This wouldn't bother Marco so much if he didn't have a crush on his best friend. And he definitely didn't want Star to know about that just yet.
"M-maybe we can do that some other day? Star?"
Star gave him a sad puppy eyed look. "But Marcoooooo! Today's the only day we can do this! I don't want to wait one hundred years!"
"Um…" He stared into the princess' beautiful eyes. He felt his heart beat faster as he maintained eye contact. "...er… f… fine…"
"Yay!" She went back to the book for one last look before performing the spell.
Marco sighed. 'Maybe I can pretend not to have a crush on her. Would that work? No, she'll know what I'm thinking, I can't do that-'
"Okay! Let's do this!" Before Marco had time to think, Star chanted softly as the wand began to glow. The light from the wand began floating upwards, splitting into two orbs. One went towards Star's chest, the other into Marco. He suddenly felt a rush of emotions hit him like a strong wind pushing him back. He felt a familiar presence with him. In him. Bound by souls. The room became dark. The princess was no longer sitting in front of him, yet he wasn't afraid. He felt comfort and safety. He wasn't alone. He knew that this presence was kind and benevolent. He couldn't see it, but he knew it was Star.
The floor illuminated softly as a memory began to appear. He sat, watching from above as if he saw the images through a reflective pool. He could see a young Star in a blue dress chasing after a rainbow winged butterfly. He could hear her parents call her name as she followed the insect. He felt her exhilaration.
The memory soon changed to Star sitting in a desk, a tall, funny looking Mewnian teaching the history Star's ancestors. The tutor turned his back to write something down, allowing Star to sneak away from the room. She opened the door and tried to crawl away, but her mother stood in her way and pointed her back to her seat. Star groaned as she walked back to her seat. Marco couldn't help but laugh. He felt her boredom.
Star sat alone in her moonlit room. She walked over to her window and leaned out to see the town below. Fires and lanterns lit the streets while people laughed and talked with music playing through the wind. A smile appeared as she listened to the murmur of voices. Star sat down and leaned against the wall next to her window with her legs curled to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She sighed. He felt her isolation.
She watched as her mother and father met with King Ponyhead, an old friend to both Butterflies. Star looked behind the guest to see a smaller floating creature. The being approached her and introduced itself. It was Ponyhead. They became friends in a matter of seconds and asked their parents if they could go play with each other. They cheered as they ran outside. Ponyhead was Star's first friend. He felt her joy.
Star begged her parents to stop King Ponyhead from sending her friend to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses. Her parents told her to be silent and that if she ever broke an interdimensional law again, she would have the same fate. She was fortunate to avoid the reform school. Ponyhead was not. She watched and waved goodbye to her friend as the carriage took Ponyhead through the portal. Once again, he felt her isolation.
It was hers! She was now old enough to burden the responsibility of the wand! She could do anything with it- oops. A flaming rainbow over Mewni. And now the city is on fire. Maybe she should've practice with it more. Her parents approached her. She panicked, thinking she would be sent to the reform school. Her parents assured her she wasn't going there, but rather to a safer dimension to practice her magic. An unknown place called Earth. She got in the carriage with her parents and looked behind her. She was going to live in a whole new dimension. New people, new school, new friends! He felt her excitement.
Marco watched as he saw himself nearly go crazy as he adjusted living with Star. He smiled, thinking how much he's changed since then. Monsters and weird magic have become so commonplace in his life. He can't even imagine life without Star now. The two went on adventures, got into trouble, nearly died countless of times, and yet they laughed and smiled. He saw Star's Mewberty take place. She restrained all the boys in her cocoons, hunting down one after another. He saw himself step in and tried to stop Star. He felt her lust.
Star was surprised when she found out Marco had followed her to the underworld during the Blood Moon Ball. Tom looked up to see the red light disappear. Anger took hold of him as he began to walk over towards Marco. He jumped in the air, about to attack, but Star froze him. They went back to Earth, ending the disastrous night. He felt her betrayal, disappointment, anger at Marco. Yet there was another feeling mixed into it he couldn't figure out.
He saw Star panic as she ran back and forth, trying to find Marco. He felt her fear. She reported it to the police, but found out that he was taken to Mewni. She met Toffee and tried to fight off the monsters and free Marco, but to no avail. She had to choose either the wand or Marco. She chose Marco. The wand exploded, her family heirloom. A part of her history was now gone. But it was worth it. She needed to save Marco. He felt her… He felt her…
"Marco...? Marco?"
He heard Star call his name. It wasn't a memory. Star was done seeing all of Marco's thoughts… but he wasn't. Marco didn't respond. He continued to see through her memories.
The floor began to shift again, revealing another memory. It was Star trying to get Marco out of her closet. He heard himself read Star's secret journal. He felt her fear. He then heard her dip down and felt an immediate rush of emotions go through him again. He felt his heart race. He felt an emotion that was all too familiar to him.
"Marco? You don't have to go through all of it. We shared all our experiences together, remember?" he heard Star say outside the spell. He ignored her and continued to watch.
Star was now in the graveyard with Janna and Glossaryck, where they set up everything for Bon Bon. Star was a bit distracted though. She looked at the photo she took of Marco and Jackie. She called his phone several times before resorting to dark magic to spy on them. She saw the couple together. He felt her jealousy.
"Marco! You can stop now! I-I think that might be enough…" He heard Star nervously say.
He saw all the times he and Jackie went out on their dates, his neglectfulness of Star. He saw how happy he was before he left Star alone in the house. Star smiled and waved as she watched her best friend leave. She closed the door and went to her room. She fell onto her bed and hugged her pillow, tears beginning to form in her eyes. He felt her loss. He felt her isolation.
"Marco, stop!"
"Woah!" the boy tipped over, landing on his back. He looked around, seeing the room back to normal.
Star stood over him with an unreadable expression. "You okay? Y-you were going through those memories forever, haha…"
Marco rubbed his head. He was now alone to himself with his thoughts and emotions. There was no presence with him anymore. He didn't feel the unity he felt when he saw through Star's mind. It made him feel like he just lost a part of himself. He looked over to the princess who was watching him carefully.
"S-so… that was the spell… aaaand that's the end of the event! Time to sleep! Got some big plans tomorrow! I think I'll stop by the cotton candy dimension, then the mall, then the-"
She flinched at her name and slowly turned to face Marco. "Y-yes?"
Marco approached her. She wasn't too sure what was happening. Was he upset? Was he freaked out?
He pulled Star into a hug. She was surprised, too shocked to do anything.
"I'm… sorry, Star." He tightened his hug.
"..." Star slowly lifted her arms and wrapped them around Marco. A small tear formed in her eyes as she hugged him with equal strength.
"I promise I won't leave you."
"Thanks, Marco…" The two continued to hug. It felt more meaningful than any hug they've ever done. After all, they did just share their emotions and memories. He pulled away and planted a kiss on her forehead. The two blushed at the simple act. "So… you saw through all my memories."
"And I saw through yours."
"And I know you like me."
Marco looked at Star and smiled. "And I know that you like me," He said, leaning in for a kiss.
She put a finger on his lips "Ask me on a date first, Marco."
"...Will you go on a date with me?"
"Of course, silly."
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Muse interview thing
Pick one of your muses.
Answer the following questions/statements with the chosen muse.
Tag five people to do this meme
STOLEN FROM: @help-from-the-shadows
1. What is your name?
"Jackie Lantern!”
2. What is your real name?
“I feels like I got another name other than Jackie, but I can’t exactly think on what it is.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“Oh, Jackie? Because my head is a Jack-o’-lantern, I guess!”
4. Are you single or taken?
"I think I’m taken? He’s a biiiig hunk, you should see him some time”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“Does baking count as an ability? I mean, I also make potions, but I’m not sure if that would count in ya books.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“I’m not Mary, I’m Jackie!”
7. What’s your eye color?
“Yyyyyyellow?” Do the flames of candles count as eyes.
8. How about your hair color?
“Green?” Do leaves on your pumpkin head count as hair.
9. Have you any family members?
“Uh, not that I can remember. I have four friends, so maybe they could count? They’re monster-ish like me!”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“I used to have a pet mouse. Dunno what happened to it, though. I think somebody around here ate it.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
"Anything that is flat out sour. Oh, and water I guess. Strong wings.”
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
"BAKING! It makes me a good profit, too!”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Well, kinda. I mean, people request these kinds of things inside of the baked goods..”
14. Ever….killed anyone before?
“You would not believe how many newspapers I was in thanks to some people leaving behind evidence of my treats.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
16. Name your worst habits.
“People say I’m too hyper and annoying. Jokes on them, I won’t stop that any time soon.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
18. Gay, Straight or Bisexual?
19. Do you go to school?
"I was self-taught on how to make potions and baking, but I dunno about for real school.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
"Marriage would be fine, but considering who I’m in love with, III don’t think I can have children any time soon.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
"People like my baked goods, if that’s what you mean?”
22. What are you most afraid of?
"The candle in my head going out, of course. Oh, and i gugess I ain’t too keen with crows either.”
23. What do you usually wear?
“Purple dress, witch’s hat, boots... Ya know, witch wearing stuff?”
24. Do you love someone?
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“Nope, don’t remember doing that. I have a potion that weakens the bladder though.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
"Am I not annoying you? How am I not annoying you.”
27. What class are you?(High class, middle class, low class)
“Low class, I guess? I mean, the town I live in is pretty small...”
28. How many friends do you have?
“I know like, four other people. One’s an assassin, one’s some sort of shapeshifter, one’s a demon, and the other is a reaper! I should show you them some time!”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“If I had a tongue to enjoy it with, I would eat it all I want.”
30. Favorite drink?
“Er, it’s a bit hard to drink things with a candle in your mouth. I tend to just water myself.”
31. What’s your favorite place?
“Ooh, I love this lil’ town of Halloíchemh. It always looks like it’s Autumn, many spooky things happen, and for some reason, the water is naturally tinted red. No, not blood. It’s just weird water thingies.”
32. Are you interested in someone~
“La. Mo. Raaaak.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Uh... I think I’m flat. A? No, B. Er, the human friend of our group knows better about this I swear.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
35. What’s your type?
“Tall, dark, preferably strong...”
36. Any fetishes?
“I am pretty sure I can’t know what a ‘fetish’ is because I don’t have sex. Shoo, shoo.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“Uuuuh... What’s an uke. What’s a seme. What.”
38. Camping or indoors?
"I prefer the indoors”
39. Are you wanting the quiz to end?
“Are we done yet? I want to get back to bakiiiiiing.”
40. Now it’s over! Tag five people
@thcdark/@lcyclty  @infernalpursuit  @scarletscouting and tag you it 
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