#love my tedependents love you guys
lokiiied · 1 year
may i propose: last game of the season richmond greyhounds play in musical form (this WOULD fit the theme actually since the team canonically are musical nerds) to this song.
in the middle of the song when gabriella shouts “tROOOOOooooOOyyyY” it’s actually roy on the sideline yelling to jamie lol and they have their romantic cheerleader moment leading up to the end of the game where jamie scores the winning goal they all praise him like zava and then he runs to roy and at the same time colin is running to michael and then sure if you want it we have trent and ted turn and catch each other’s looks as they see it and both raise their eyebrows and shrug their shoulders before going for it
& then they all get to kiss their fellas and the whole team also comes out as queer/unlabelled & colin doesn’t have to be a spokesperson and chris & arlo are saying colin hughes has made absolute strides this season, he’s inspiring, and has proven himself to be richmonds hidden ace up their sleeves and that jamie tartt is most certainly the best player on the team (if not one of the best in the league) & then BOOM. perfect end to the season (maybe not last scene of *this season i meant like the season of premier league) soo yeah.
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phyllistines · 1 year
I know we all love the reactions from trent and roy when ted claims to be straight, but i feel like we’re sleeping on this:
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this is the shot we see when ted says the infamous line, “i was a straight fella, in middle america”. While colin might not be in the center like he was in ted’s earlier speech about shame, he is still in focus, while richard and jan are both blurred slightly. Seeing as this is exactly when ted says he was straight, there is definitely a reason we are supposed to focus on colin. this could mean multiple things. it could just be alluding to the fact that colin isn’t a straight guy in football, (ted using the word fella when colin just did in the last ep also lends to this) and seeing as ted needed to stand out, colin knows being straight is the norm and he shouldn’t stand out.
however, my tedependent brain is always firing on all cylinders and i think this can definitely be hinting to a bi ted. let’s think about the scene, ted says he was a straight fella, and we get that colin shot, the roy side eye, and trents “i know what you are” stare. the last two have been joked about, and they both have a little credibility, though they are mostly jokes. But with colin added to that list of reactions, it isn’t really a joke anymore. ted gets looks from a closet gay footballer, an openly gay ex-journalist, and a manly man coach who spends most his time with another man, and just spent practice tying men’s dicks together with “soulmate string”. to have all of the reactions in that scene when ted says he’s straight be solely from the queer (or allegedly queer) characters isn’t a coincidence. to look at it in canon, they’re just claiming him. they all have gaydar, and they know teds either lying to them or lying to himself when he says he’s straight. to look at it from a cinematic standpoint, the only people that are really focused on during that scene are colin, trent, and ted. one of these things is not like the other. or is it?
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We'll always have (more than) Paris
Different Meeting Tedependent AU where Ted had planned a trip to Paris for him, Michelle, and Henry, but before he can tell her she hands him divorce papers.
But after so many months of researching places to go and things to do and food to eat he finds he still wants to go. So, he and Henry go to Paris without Michelle.
They're wandering toward the base of the Eiffel Tower when a little girl darts past him giggling and screeching that ear splitting high pitched happy screech kids that age can so easily hit.
A few moments later a harried looking man with amazingly white streaked hair trot-runs past him, trying to catch up to her without full out sprinting.
But Ted knows how toddlers can be when they're in that darting away phase and she's not going to stop until she's scooped up.
He also knows no parent actually wants to look like they can't get their child back without yelling or running, so he turns to Henry,
"Hey Henry, why don't run up past that little kid there? Get her to chase you and get her back to her dad, hm?"
Henry doesn't need to be told twice and takes off, dashing past the man and then the little girl.
Ted speeds up his walking pace to tap the man on the shoulder.
"Excuse me! Er- Excusez moi! Uh parlez um- inglese? My son's gonna bring her back, don't worry! Toddlers love nothing more than chasing big kids!"
Ted tries to make himself look as encouraging and friendly as possible in case the man doesn't understand him. The man had turned to look at Ted at his shoulder tap so Ted finally got to see that magnificent hair up close.
"Oh! Uh yes, thank you. Though he might have his work cut out for him, she hasn't been a very good listener today, I'm afraid," He looks back to the kids who are giggling and zig-zagging around the green, before turning back to Ted looking slightly bewildered, "And I'm sorry, was that supposed to be French earlier? I think there might've been some Spanish in there."
Ted huffs out a laugh and puts his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, I tried to learn some French on that owl app before we came here, but three years of high school Spanish keeps slipping through instead," He nods toward Henry, "He's actually taken to it a lot quicker. Probably cause it's like it's just another game on his tablet."
He holds out his hand, "Ah right, Ted Lasso. That's Henry out there."
The man gives him a bemused look and takes it, "Trent Crimm. And she's Darcy"
"Well, nice to meet you Trent Crimm," He nods toward where Henry and Darcy have flopped down on the grass, breathing hard, "Looks like someone's been tuckered out."
"Well, thank you for that. Fortunately, our hotel isn't far and it's just about time for a nap," He starts toward the kids, before pausing and turning to Ted, "Have a good vacation Mr. Lasso. You should make sure to visit Musée d'Orsay, they have a little art scavenger hunt Henry might enjoy."
"Thanks for the tip. And please. Ted." He smiles at Trent.
"Ted." Trent holds his gaze a moment longer, a faint flush spreading across his cheeks, before glancing away. He turns and calls out, "Darcy! Come on! It's time to go!"
Henry and Darcy sit up and clamber to their feet. Darcy races over to Trent, slamming into his calves, "Daddy! Can Henry come picnic with us?"
"No darling, we're done picnicking for today. And I'm sure Henry's dad has plans for them."
"T'morrow?" She gazes up at Trent with glistening eyes.
Ted wouldn't wish those big crocodile tears on anyone, let alone his new friend.
"Well hey there, little Miss Darcy!" He bends down to address her where she's still wrapped around Trent's legs and she turns her eyes toward Ted, "You guys have been picnicking? That's fun! Henry and I love a good picnic! We'd love to join you sometime!"
He stands up to look at Trent, smiling gently at him "If that's alright with you?"
Trent blinks a couple times up at him, a slow smile over taking his face, "We'd love for you to join us." He pauses and breaths out a laugh as he glances away, "But tomorrow we actually have plans. To visit the Musée d'Orsay, in fact."
Ted smiles wide as he realizes, "Why Trent! And here I just heard a great recommendation for the Musée d'Orsay! And an art scavenger hunt, I believe?"
He glances over at where Henry's attempting to do cartwheels in the grass. Darcy notices as well and abandons Trent's legs to run over and start somersaulting alongside him.
Ted's smile softens as he tilts his head to the side and looks at Trent from under his lashes, "I'm almost sorry I messed up our "Accidentally running into each other for the second time" meet-cute, but at least now we can spend the whole time together! Then grab lunch afterwards? Besides, art scavenger hunts are much more fun with more people, everyone knows that."
Trent smiles up at Ted, "Well, if everyone knows that. Who am I to disagree?"
For a moment they gaze into each other's eyes, picturing the rest of their time in Paris; Visiting museums and tourist spots together, meeting at cafes for breakfast, finally making it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, ice cream along the Seine, Henry gaining a Darcy shadow, Ted and Trent spending their every moment learning about each other and falling in love faster than either thought was possible.
But for now, Ted and Henry walk Trent and Darcy back to their hotel for nap time. And as Ted looks at Henry skipping ahead of them while Darcy chatters on and he feels Trent's sliding his hand into his own, he suddenly knows they're going to have so much more than Paris
post scripts: Before their flight, Ted got an email and was offered the Richmond coaching job, but hadn't thought much of it. He's definitely going to accept it now. Michelle always wanted to travel and move abroad, but Ted never wanted to leave Kansas. She studied abroad in London and would actually love the opportunity to move there with Henry and Ted (but not with Ted) Trent is overwhelmed when Ted tells him he was one of the deciding factors for Ted accepting the Richmond coaching position. He never imagined someone could ever love him so much they'd move across the ocean for him. It takes time, but he finally starts to believe it
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i want to address the tedependent-ers since s3 is nearly upon us.
if tedependent doesnt happen next season i genuinely wont mind because it was so fun to be deluded with you guys and share my silly theories and obsess over tiny details w/ u guys :) its honestly been such a silly goofy time in the best of ways! tedependent will always be real in our hearts <33 keep making art or writing fanfic or overanalysing tiny details <3 i love u all!
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danadaria · 1 year
Tedependent fic ideas
Fuck it.
Here are part of my Ted Lasso fic ideas. Some are wips, some are just the summaries.
There's a big chance I'll complete none, or one or two at most, but maybe sharing it with the world would inspire me (or you!) to write more.
P.S 1: All of them were written pre-S3
P.S 2: Feel free to comment :)
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1 __________________________________________________
"That would be your dream, isn't it? Food that makes you learn something." 
Or Ted goes to grab food with Trent, and he asks questions, and questions, and questions: About Shakespeare; the West End; the UE, Brexit, and the lettuce; the Queen and Queen, the best museums, and british series he watched with Beard in the 00s. 
And Trent is happy to provide. He was like a whole internet but with better hair, a handsome face, and a silky voice. 
2 __________________________________________________
"So Ted, what is in your lockdown plan? Are you going to share housing with Beard?" "I wish! But no." "What do you mean with no?!" "Well, I offered to be roomies, but he's going to lock down with Jane. He has my key in case of emergency, but he's extremely responsible and anal with health relating things, so I doubt he'll go to my house. It's too big the risk." "I see. So are you… are you going to be by yourself?" "That's the plan, cayman. Well, seeing the bright side I have most of the streaming services." Ted started to fill his backpack with the last things from his office that he may need. "Do you think I'll need these book-" "Ted" "Yes?" "Go home with me." "What?!" "I mean-! … Ted, I have a spare room, a two-floor house, and a little yard. I know it's not much, but I think it would be good for you, I mean… I won't mind the company, even less the conversation. I can offer a roof, food, books and mostly reruns of every single Disney movie ever released. What do you think?
(Or the season 3 2020 AU where I decided to get some of my favorite characters to share part of the trauma that was the 2020 lockdown, but it's wrapped in a rom-com. Because I need it.)
3 __________________________________________________
The thing is, Ted loves to know people. It is like reading a book, well, technically, listening to the audiobook version of the person in question.
And yeah, he tries really hard to actually listen, because he, better than anyone, knows how vital it is to be heard. And well, he's a curious person too. He loves when people start to brighten with a good question. It's like pushing the right switch. So he asks questions to all people. Most of them gave him the stink eye, and ignore him, but Trent Crimm enjoys questions too. Even if he has to answer them.
4 __________________________________________________
When Trent Crimm, newly Independent, started doing some freelancing at Richmond, Ted really hoped none of the guys held anything against him. What he never expected, it was Trent becoming rapid friends with Roy Kent, of all people. It didn't bother Ted. It didn't bother Ted at all.
5 __________________________________________________
"Beard said something about Trent Crimm?" asked Nathan with interest. "Well, I accidentally heard a conversation between Lara and Sara, talking about how Trent has a crush on me." "Really? They said your name?" "Well, no. But they said somethin' about him having a crush on an American coach, who gave long philosophical answers and with who he had a one-on-one interview."
Or Ted hears a rumor, he shouldn't listen to the rumor, but he can't help wishing the rumor was true.
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New Ted lasso thoughts new Ted lasso thoughts new Ted lasso thoughts tell me now please
we called it. WE FUCKING CALLED IT. so many people literally knew that isaac was gonna beat up that guy for calling colin a fag when he first showed up because why else have so much focus on some random guy in the crowd
bi jamie confirmed (yeah i know not technically but HE DIDNT DENY IT)
not enough trent. sorry
k but like what was that ted speech?? it took me out a bit tbh
like cmon man
kola bokkini emmy when???
but also i’m still holding out hope for my royjamiekeeley endgame because honestly i think they’re really setting that up
also i’m kinda losing faith in tedependent
like i still ship it but i feel like something needed to happen that ep and it just didn’t
the end scene with colin and isaac <333
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lassoorleaveit · 10 months
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"I think that if you care about someone and you got a little love in your heart, there ain't nothing you can't get through together."
(Say nice things to my Ted Lasso or I'll cut you. )
My husband @thatelyguy wont post his solo photos so Im gonna 😇
I hope you guys don't mind our faces because we're literally planning a bunch of other tedependant shoots at some point 🫡
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strangeannamaul · 1 year
My Tedtrent Tinhat Theory (brief form)
Not sure if it's been said (edit: of course it's been said) (struggling to keep up with everything) but I wanna smoosh some theories together.
We assume in s3e2 Trent was not talking to a publisher, but it was ewowompe (ExWifeOrWifeOrMotherProbablyEx).
For this theory, it's ex wife.
In s3e6, Trent tells Colin "..and that's the second time I came out to her. This time, she believed me."
What if the first time he comes out to her is after the s1e3 dinner..."what do you love?"
He goes home and tells his then wife " I think I might be gay".
Because all their years of marriage he never felt lightening like that one brief dinner with a preposterously genuine man from America.
It takes a bit of time, but he does eventually realize that there's no maybe, it's real, and he tells her. They get a divorce, but it's ok because they still have platonic love and the desire to be good co-parents. He goes on his first date with mystery moustache at the crown and anchor in s2e7. It's fine, but he still leaves his date outside to come talk to Ted.
Tedtrent is real, love is real, I am right.
Edit: also I want at least by the finale to have a tedxtrent kiss in front of everyone at a win "like the guys get to do with their girls."
I put it in my fic thinking that it was unlikely to go canon and that I was wanting too much but I've changed my mind; it's just enough. Give me the romcom final kiss. Hallmark gay my football boys.
#im tinhatting but I'm also right #tedependent #tedpendent #tedtrent #iwillbetmoney #tedistrentsgayawakening
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Your tedependant masterpost is sodding incredible thank you so much for an awesome read, do you actually think it could be canon?? Like taking Apple into account as well, I think definitely we’re looking at Trent canonically crushing on Ted, but idk about reciprocation, tho I love the points you made about how much they actually do (surely intentionally?????) parallel other couples in the show and also just generally follow romcom tropes. I also saw someone (maybe it was you I’m sorry I just read a lot of tedependant posts in the last hour and it’s all a bit of a blur) say that they might be going for a reverse queerbait with tedbecca and tedtrent where they subvert expectations, reinforcing the importance of friendship (particularly between men and women, in this show where they emphasise the importance of friendship a hell of a lot, especially affectionate and open and loving male friendships and here, if tedbecca doesn’t go canon, affectionate and open and loving and purely platonic(!!) male/female friendships). The people everyone automatically assumes will get together (the leading man and woman) don’t, and we get what could potentially be absolutely incredible queer representation, in this show already working wonders on the straight male sports fan bro dudes. Yeah I wasn’t fully convinced on tedtrent before reading your post (like sure I saw where people were coming from and they were cute, but yk) but I think you’ve got me now. I’m a tedependant truther. I’m so so sorry to be throwing this massive massive paragraph that probably doesn’t even make much sense into your ask box, but oh well. Pls don’t answer if it’s too much pressure. Again I absolutely loved your masterpost so thank you for that
do i think it actually could be canon?
yes and no! yes in that i do see the groundwork laid in the show and it definitely could happen, but also no because im trying really hard not to get my hopes up too much LMAO! it's fun to theorise about and as i said it definitely could happen but im going into season 3 with an open mind and ill enjoy it whether we get tedependent or not :)
also why are you apologising for writing a big paragraph to the guy who wrote a 1.6k word post 😭 i appreciate your input! us tedependent truthers have to stick together hehe
tysm for the ask :o
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