#love that the weatherman is always fucking wrong anymore
raeathnos · 4 months
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kdbl143 · 9 months
Up-to-date Lists ♥
👀 Watching
✔️ Completed
⏰ Watchlist
💖 Favorite
All "Watching" shows will have episode number count at the end in parenthesis with watched episodes in front. ♥
"Drama" List
⏰ Hotel Del Luna
⏰ Fireworks of My Heart
⏰ Doom at Your Service
👀 CEO-dol Mart (1/10)
✔️ True Beauty 💖
✔️ Twinkling Watermelon 💖
✔️ My Lovely Liar 💖
✔️ Tale of the Nine-Tailed 💖
✔️ What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? 💖
✔️ My Roommate is a Gumiho 💖
✔️ My ID is Gangnam Beauty
✔️ Crash Landing on You 💖
BL List
✔️ My Personal Weatherman
👀 Only Friends (9/12)
⏰ The End of the World With You
⏰ Tokyo in April is...
✔️ Jun & Jun
I'll continue to update this list as I finish shows and find more that I've watched in the past...there's a lot to account for from Netflix (which I don't even have a subscription for, anymore!).
I'm always looking for suggestions, so please let me know!
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warwickroyals · 2 years
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Wishing you a Christmas full of treasured memories; even the ones that make you a little bit sad 🎄✨
AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I tell you this post was a labour of love. I mean it. The GIFs alone took me an entire night! But I really think all my hard work paid off because, damn, this might be my favourite storypost to date. This post takes place around twenty years into the future and there are so many hidden hints and spoilers and some pretty balant ones too. The first speaking lines of Millicent, Florence, Imogen, Thomasin, Athena. And a special foreign royal making a cameo? It just makes me so excited for where this story is headed next year.
Thank you all for reading, commenting, and reblogging. It means so much to me. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all!
[MIA] Oh, dear, Mom!
[KATHERYN] So, this is, what, the rehearsal? There has to be a better word for this
[MIA] But that’s exactly what it is. I suppose they want us to think about what to say beforehand. It’s a cute idea, stop picking it apart, you sound like Dad
[KATHERYN] I’m not picking anything apart, I just find it odd that we don’t even own our home vid—Oh! She fell over again
[IRENE] Maybe we should get a chair, sweetheart
[JAQUELINE] Noooo, I can do it myself [giggles]
[KATHERYN]  It’s so odd seeing her as a beginner. I only ever remember her being an expert. Talented from birth. Don’t laugh, but I used to be jealous. Everything I attempt turns to ashes, it seems
[MIA] Kat. You’re not responsible for Drake’s actions
[KATHERYN] Yet, here I am suffering the consequences anyway—you know what? Let’s just focus on the video. You’re right, it’s cute
[PHILLIP] Look, Jill, this is the Christmas tree and on Christmas morning, there will be lots of presents from Santa Claus but only for the good kids
[KATHERINE] Phillip, darling, you are far too old to still believe such things
[THOMASIN] Oh, my God, that is so fucking rude. How did he live with these people?
[MILLICENT] See? See? That’s the type of shit you cannot be saying, but you just can’t help yourself, can you?
[THOMASIN] Whatever, they can edit it. And why did they ask us to do this if they don’t want our actual opinions?
[MILLICENT] You think they care about our actual opinions?
[THOMASIN] Not really, but the fantasy is nice. Keeps me going
[MILLICENT] Does the word narcissist mean anything to you?
[THOMASIN] Don’t worry I’ll control myself this time, but only because they’ll blame Mom if I don’t
[Phyllis] What’s wrong with believing in Santa? I do. And, for the record, he thinks you’ve been very good this year, Phillip
[MILLICENT] Look, there’s Aunt Phyllis
[THOMASIN] Aw, she’s always been a sweetie
[THOMASIN] See? At least there’s one person on our side
[MILLICENT] One or two
[IMOGEN] It’s—that’s, uh, adorable
[FLORENCE] Right? Grandmother would love it, I don’t know why she tried to shut this whole thing down
[IMOGEN] All the pic—pic—pho-to-graphs of Grandfather make her [—] make it hard for her
[FLORENCE] Yeah, but I feel like the holidays should make it better at least
[IRENE] What are you looking at, mister?
[JAMES] I was looking for snow, the weatherman said it would
[???] Is that you? Because he looks like you . . . Dad?
[ATHENA] Dad? I was asking you a question
[NICHOLAS] Hm? Oh, no, that’s not me
[ATHENA] What’s wrong?
[NICHOLAS] I don’t think I can do this anymore, Tungsten
[ATHENA] Why? Is the video upsetting you?
[ATHENA] Then maybe we can do it together. That way maybe you’ll be less sad. And not embarrassed and it will be okay
[NICHOLAS] Athena, that video is of your grandfather when he was around your age
[ATHENA] Oh . . . Are you missing him?
[IRENE] If you’d like you can pick one present to open tonight. How does that sound?
[JAMES] Ooh, yes, please! I want the big one with the blue bow, Phillip and Jack think it’s a new bike or a scooter or something
[NICHOLAS] I miss him every day, but especially now.  I need his help, but  he’s not here anymore
[ATHENA] It’s making me sad, and I’m afraid that I’m going to embarrass myself tomorrow
[ATHENA] . . . Why did he die?
[NICHOLAS] I don’t know. He was very sad
[ATHENA] But he looks happy in the video
[NICHOLAS] I know, I remember him being very happy, too
[ATHENA] Then maybe you should think of him being happy and you’ll be happy, too. I know This because right now you’re sad and it’s making me sad too
[NICHOLAS] I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset
[ATHENA] It’s okay, I forgive you
[ATHENA] And I forgive you if you don’t do the video. I just want you to have a merry Christmas, Daddy
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cobythinks · 5 years
‘Might As Well’ AU
HEYY so I this is a bullet-fic kinda thing for an AU I’ve created, and unlike my other AUs I’m not going to make a story for it and if I write anything it’ll all be one-shots of certain bits. It's mainly Roloceit with like tiny bits of Moxiety as well.
Feel free to send in asks or request one-shots for this AU! I’m very happy abt it and I loved writing this so any questions for the characters or requests for scenes would be amazing!!!
Most of it under the cut because... I got carried away and it's very long
Roman Guerra is a YouTuber/actor
Horace (Dee) McMullin is a drama teacher
Logan Wright is a science teacher at the same school that Dee works at
Roman and Dee are roommates, and though their relationship has progressed FAR past what anyone would call a friendship, they really don’t care enough to label it or even talk about what they are to each other. They both know they care about the other, and that’s all that really matters.
Roman also tends to rant in Spanish when he gets passionate, and Dee responds by saying the names of ‘Mexican food’ as a reply.
Roman: *talks in spanish*
Dee: *nods* burrito. Quesadilla. Mama Mia.
Roman: that’s not even a food, shut up.
Logan meets Dee through work, obviously, and they quickly become friends
Something about the tall, dramatic, elegant man just drives Logan insane because he’s a little shit once you get to know him and it makes no SENSE
The adorable little science teacher shouldn’t scare Dee as much as he does, but he can’t help it. Something about the way Logan is always composed makes Dee feel like he’s a serial killer or something.
Despite this, they become friends when they discover they both have a passion for psychology and have long discussions about it during lunch and when they hang out on weekends
Dee - as much as he hates it - starts to fall hopelessly in love with the other teacher. He can’t help it, just like he couldn't help but to fall in love with Roman a year and a half earlier when they met. 
Not that he’d told Roman that yet, god no. They’d both dated other people on and off while knowing each other, even if they did end up fucking after every breakup and swearing to each other they were done with the whole relationship thing. 
Roman always found someone else to sweep off their feet, and Dee always found himself hopelessly pining for someone else to make the first move
So, that’s what was happening here, and it was torture.
Logan wasn’t much better, furious that this dramatic drama teacher of all people made him feel so flustered and confused.
Then the day came that Dee brought Logan over for dinner, and he met Roman
Roman greeted him dramatically, filling the entire apartment with his electric energy as he spoke.
Oh god, there’s two of them. Logan realized in terror as the two bickered playfully back and forth, eventually challenging each other to a duel despite the fact they had a guest over.
And like most of their duels, Roman ended up kissing Dee
“Oh,” Logan said, feeling like a complete idiot
“Fuck,” Dee said, realizing that Logan now had the wrong idea
“Maybe later,” Roman said with a wink because he’s a little shit.
Dee just freaking makes a mess of everything and accidentally confesses his feelings for both of them at once and then faceplants on the couch
Roman offers Logan some lasagna because it’s getting cold
Dee feels betrayed 
but joins them for lasagna in a few minutes
Logan is utterly confused and doesn’t know what to say, so he doesn’t say anything
Dee is mortified and wants to jump off the balcony
He and Roman proceed to do the titanic thing and Logan is still very confused but he agrees to take their picture
He’s Like: Sure??? I guess so??? Are we not going to address what just happened??? DOn’T FaLL yOU IDiOTs
Roman thinks it is all hilarious but he must agree that Logan is stunning
He helps to re-explain his and Dee’s relationship because Dee honestly did an awful job
And Logan is like okay
Because it makes sense now even though Roman used many slang words he did NOT understand
Oh my god these two are literally the most chaotic duo he’s ever met and usually Logan HATES chaos but he LOVES this
And so Roman - of course, it’s Roman - is the one to suggest they just go with the flow like he and Dee have been doing for the past year already, if Logan wants to
Logan has no idea what to expect but agrees that he wouldn’t mind
Horace.exe has crashed again
So they start doing whatever the hell it is that they’re doing
And if Roman is a chaos slut with Dee he is a chaos gentleman with Logan and it is BAFFLING he’s still dramatic but he’s overly chivalrous and polite and Dee is annoyed why can’t Roman hold the door open for him instead of holding it closed like a jerk after opening it for Logan
Dee and Logan just keep up their psychology discussions almost constantly and regularly have to ask Roman to finish a debate even though Roman knows NOTHING about psychology
Roman always finds an excuse not to support Dee (in a loving way)
“Roman! Tell Logan that Max Stirner-”
This doesn’t stop Dee from continuing to ask him to back him up
Roman always supports Logan in the debates despite being completely oblivious
“Roman, don’t you agree that-”
“Yes, my love. My darling. Genius whom I would die for. I agree.”
This always causes Logan distress in two ways
One: Roman didn’t listen to what he was agreeing with
Two: he is now super flustered because Roman is continuing to ramble on about how much he loves Logan
Logan turns out to know some Spanish
So now he and Roman have conversations in Spanish and Roman teaches him more and Dee just doesn’t really care
He keeps contributing using food or random words he’s picked up on and it drives Logan and Roman INSANE
And so they start dropping his proper name in conversation to either
One: make Dee think they’re mad because they used ‘Horace’
Two: make Dee think they’re gossiping about him
When really they’re talking about how much they love him OR just saying ‘Horace’ in the middle of a completely unrelated sentence
They stop doing this after they accidentally make Dee legitimately sad
It surprises both of them when they realize he’s crying after they don’t tell him what they were saying
So no more pretending to gossip about each other in Spanish
Roman offers to teach him Spanish
Dee responds to the offer by screaming ‘TORTILLA’ at the top of his lungs
Dee does not learn Spanish
Roman calls them his boyfriends first
In a youtube video title
Without warning them that they were being featured
Because he’s a little shit
Dee freaks out and tries to ask him about it but they just end up making out like they usually do when they try to have a serious conversation
Logan is okay with it and very amused at Dee’s reaction
Dee calls them his boyfriends next when he gets sick
When Dee gets sick he gets freaking delirious
Logan didn’t believe that it was the same person the first time he saw Dee when he was sick
Dee also only responds to Horace, his given name, when he’s sick and it's so hard to talk to him because they never seriously call him that
but Dee is so fucking sappy when he’s like that
And it's just pure and cute and he calls them his boyfriends
Logan calls them his boyfriends last
When introducing him to some other friends when they moved back into town
Patton Foster, a veterinarian
Virgil Storm, a weatherman (shut up he knows it's stupid his boyfriend (Patton) makes enough jokes about it as it is)
Both are baffled at how Logan managed to be dating two completely batshit crazy drama geeks
Once this happens they finally sit down and decide that yeah, they are dating
None of them say it’s exclusive, but none of them really want to date anyone else anymore anyway
Having Logan there to balance out the chaos is exactly what they needed
“Doesn’t Dee have a pet snake?”
“You’ve lived together for two years, how do you not know he has a snake in a terrarium in his room?”
“Logan I trusted you.”
“Only if I get to be in the video too, she gets nervous around cameras and she needs me.”
“Snakes don’t know what cameras-”
So it's just chaos and thriving in their little apartment
Roman has them in his videos sometimes, which is hugely popular among his viewers
“Hey, youtube! Today we’re throwing wet sponges at my tall boyfriend!”
“If you get water on the floor I’m not cleaning it up also watch out for the outlets you don’t want to get electrocuted.”
“That was my nerd boyfriend. I’d never throw a wet sponge at him, he doesn’t deserve it. Only my tall one deserves it.”
Logan and Dee both try to embarrass the other more whilst at work, which only caused a problem one or two times
“I need your help”
“With what”
“...a surprise”
“I told you I won’t help you teach them how to stage kiss anymore you always just kiss me for real and that’s not how it works.”
“But I love you.”
Roman and Dee regularly compete to see who can make Logan more embarrassed from compliments and it usually ends up in a cuddle pile or [REDACTED]
Dee is still positive that Logan is either a serial killer or a robot and that is one reason he enjoys making Logan embarrassed because it's hilarious to see the usually stoic teacher not know what to say
Roman, when he hears this theory, claims that Dee is the actual serial killer and he knows because he’s a ghost that’s just been haunting Dee since he killed him
Logan pretends to believe Roman’s claim and Dee wants to destroy them both.
He does… in a way *cough*
People who met Roman and Dee before Logan got there are baffled when they see either of them or both interacting with Logan
Because Roman and Dee are just CHAOS and DRAMATIC declarations of love (Roman) SCREAMING and sexual jokes (Dee)
Roman and Logan, though, that’s Roman at his most chivalrous. He opens doors, speaks eloquently, bows dramatically and is basically an over the top perfect gentleman
Deceit and Logan, well, no one understands that either because Deceit makes ZERO sexual jokes and he’s quiet and gentle and finally FINALLY he matches the elegant aesthetic he has going on 
And as soon as all three of them are seen together? The dynamic makes sense again
Roman and Dee are gremlins. Logan is the god they worship.
 Logan treats them both equally, as much as he can that is, and Roman and Dee would probably fight to the death for his hand and then end up making out like they always do when they fight to ‘the death’
Even Logan’s friends have only ever seen him express real emotion when he is with one or both of his boyfriends
The rest of the time he is in his robot/serial killer mode
Both Roman and Dee take great pride in this
Logan calls Dee Horace when he wants to make a point and it's usually why he ends up winning debates when Roman isn’t around because it makes Dee frustrated and annoyed so he stops talking
Apologies are made with kisses though
After the three get together, Roman learns a lot more about Dee as a person because believe it or not Dee is good at pretending and keeping secrets
Also they always just used to… sleep… in Roman’s room and not Dee’s but Roman didn’t even notice that and that’s how Dee got away with having a snake in secret for two years until Logan stayed the night in his room.
Roman falls more in love with Dee as a result and visa versa
Logan is awfully amused at this and they know it
Basically, the entire relationship is a HOT MESS
And that’s all I’ve got
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etherealvibespls · 7 years
Confessions for the rain
Some sappy Ohmlirious ft. Ohm as the pining guy and Delirious as the one who still loves him anyways. Hope you all enjoy! :) 
It starts with an innocent suggestion, a sleepy offer when the man is nothing more than mumbled sentences and soft sighs.
“Ohmie”, he starts, and though the phone is starting to slide out of his grasp because of how tired he is, Ryan sits up at the call of his nickname, “I was thinking…we’ve never met before and I…I want to meet you, is that okay?”
And then he’s really awake, because he wasn’t expecting that when Delirious called him nearly one hour ago- a nightly routine the two have picked up, “Your voice is really soothing, Ohm. It helps calm me down” the other had stated when Ryan asked why he always called so late at night.
It had taken him off guard, made him a bit flustered, but he had stuttered out an “okay” and has since looked forward to the nightly calls. There’s something about them that makes him feel lively, the soft spoken words that are shared as he lays in the darkness of his room tend to make him smile into his pillow, and wake up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the day.
Now is different though, if his erratic heartbeat is anything to go by. They’ve never treaded past that line, of one day meeting for the first time, and so he’s left trying to come up with a reply.
He can hear Delirious’ soft breathing, waiting for a response, and he says the first thing that comes to mind.
“I-uh, sure, okay.” And then it suddenly hits him what the other is asking, that he’s getting the opportunity to finally meet Delirious, the man who came into his life so fast and sudden, and who has since become an important person to him. The grin that takes over his face hurts more than the pounding of his heart.
“Yeah, okay.” He states more confidently, and though he grips the bedsheets from nervousness, he finds he’s never been more sure of anything in his life, “Let’s do this.”
There’s the sound of a breathy laugh, before Delirious’ voice cuts through the chaos in his head,
“See you soon, Ohm.”
He flies down that weekend, a jittery mess through his flight, and the constant huffs and side-eyed glares the woman does next to him only helps in calming him down faintly. Even then, though, he can’t help biting at the skin around his nails because of how unexpected and nerve wracking this whole encounter will be.
Delirious has always come across as the guy just out of reach, and Ryan is okay with that. Has known that the man is private, and accepted a long time ago that he would forever be the best friend he met online. A faceless friend, of sorts.
So it’s only natural that he has a mini heart attack when he stands in front of the door Delirious had texted earlier, right? All of this was done so indiscriminately that he’s only now having time to process just where he’s at, and he desperately tries to will his heart to calm down.
There’s the faint sound of shuffling from the other side, and he holds his breath as the door opens, and then, well, a gush of air passes through his lips because holy shit.
“Delirious?” He’s met with a wide grin, eyes that sparkle and nearly blind him, before arms reach out and pull him into a hug.
“Hey, Ohm.” He feels the rumble of the words where he’s got his head resting, just slight of Delirious’ neck, and he latches onto the solid body holding him, dazedly laughing, and still not believing that this is real.
They hold each other for a couple more seconds, before Ryan finally pulls back, just barely, enough to get a good look at the man he’s only dreamed of meeting. He’s beautiful, and Ryan blushes at the thought.
Delirious must notice, because he raises an eyebrow and smirks, “Take a picture, Ohm, I heard they last longer.”
At the sound of his nickname, he comes back down to reality, remembering just who they are, and he shakes his head, squeezing Delirious’ arms gently.
“No- I…call me Ryan. That’s who I want to be when I’m here, not anything else.”
The questioning stare and awkward silence he gets in return almost makes him defensive, before Delirious smiles softly, and in a way that makes Ryan’s skin heat up, and he nods.
“You got it, Ryan. Whose Ohm? Never heard of him.”
It’s an odd request, he knows, but for once he just wants to be Ryan, the guy who flew down to see his best friend. Delirious seems to understand, because before Ryan can walk further into the house, he grabs his arm, and smiles shyly when Ryan tilts his head, waiting for him to say something.
“If that’s how we’re doing this…then I’m not Delirious here, with you, either. I’m just Jon, the guy who geeks out over video games and teddy bears. That okay?”
The flutter of his heart becomes nearly unbearable at the sincere look Del-Jon gives him, and he has to push down thoughts that almost succeed in having him surge forward and answering the long awaited question of, I wonder what his lips taste like.
So instead he places his hand over the one still holding onto him, and squeezes reassuringly,
“Of course, Jon.” He has to look away when the other smiles, and instead jabs a thumb at the entryway behind them.
“Now I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. It’s rude to leave a guest hungry, you know.”
“Well, luckily for you, you have an amazing host who ordered pizza before you got here.”
They walk in, and Ryan sighs under his breath, watching the man point to different parts of his home to tell their backstory, because, yeah, Jon really is amazing.
It’s a few hours later, when they’re full on pizza and beer, that they hear the first sound of thunder.
They’re in Jon’s living room, watching old classics, laughing at cheesy parts, but it’s all just so comfortable and Ryan can’t get enough of it. He imagined it would’ve been awkward, because no matter how long they’ve been friends, they’ve never met, and so he had assumed the first day (at least) would be filled with hesitant glances and deafening silence.
The night proved to be the complete opposite. Previous hours were spent laughing and shoving at each other, making funny faces when they thought the other wasn’t looking, and overall being entirely relaxed.
It was an atmosphere that took Ryan completely by surprise, but he couldn’t deny the exhilaration that pumped through his veins when Jon laid out on the couch, and rested his feet over Ryan’s legs, accompanied with the occasional poke to his knee whenever he talked too much during Jon’s favorite scenes.
They ignore the distant rumble at first, too into their movie, until, well, the lights turn off. Jon throws his hands up and groans, while Ryan slams his head back on the couch, both exasperated.
“You have to be fucking kidding me! It’s not even raining that bad!”
Jon’s wrong, embarrassingly wrong, actually. They stand at the door, peering out into the street, staring in awe as lightning lights up the sky, as trees shake from the demanding wind, and from the rain, that pours down hard and fast.
Ryan snickers, nudging Jon who stands next to him, “You were saying?”
He huffs, and shoves Ryan back, rolling his eyes, “Yeah, well, I’m not the weatherman, Ryan, I was just guessing.”
He follows Jon back inside the dark house, and raises his hands, though he knows the other can’t see him.
“Hey, no need to get so grouchy. I just called you out on your horrible weather skills, that’s all.”
Jon fishes around in a drawer, before going “ta da” as he turns on a flashlight, and effectively shines it in his eyes.
“Found it! Oh, look, I can see your horrible face again.”
He mock gasps, loving the way Jon laughs and sticks his tongue out, “You love my face!”
Jon shrugs and pushes past him, throwing him a grin over his shoulder, “Maybe, maybe not. Guess we’ll never know!”
He knows it’s a joke, he knows this, but it still doesn’t stop him from nearly choking on his own spit and gawking at the retreating back. It’s only few seconds later that he remembers he’s standing in the dark.
“Hey! What about me, don’t I get a flashlight?”
It turns out he doesn’t really need one, considering Jon is a not so secretly (anymore) candle hoarder, and he lights up enough where neither of them need a flashlight. It’s not bright enough to properly see each other, but enough to where they won’t trip or run into things moving around.
Ryan stares around in wonder, only sneezing once as all the different smells tickle his nose, before giving Jon an incredulous stare.
“Why the hell do you have so many?” Jon flops back down on the couch, giving him the finger as he goes, and looks over at Ryan pointedly.
“For instances like this, duh? Also because they smell good, so who wouldn’t want to have as many as me?”
They do, in fact, smell really good, so Ryan doesn’t fight him on it, because he understands, and not because he’s totally thinking about going out and buying all different sorts of candles-definitely not.
He squeezes onto the tiny space left unused by Jon, who, in turn, only maneuvers around so that his head ends up resting on Ryan’s lap. He’s never been more thankful to be sitting in the dark, because he feels his face heat up, and he desperately hopes Jon doesn’t notice when the other grins up at him.
After a few seconds of him just sitting there and having no idea what to do, he hesitantly places his hand on Jon’s head, peeking down for a negative reaction, and only when he gets none does he gently card his fingers through soft hairs.
Jon relaxes even further, and Ryan smiles softly, willing himself not to lean down and place a delicate kiss on the man’s forehead.
It’s hard, in this environment, to not act on everything he’s kept bottled up, but as he continues playing with hair that slips through his fingers, he can’t help but think of thoughts he tries desperately to push down.
He doesn’t know when things changed for him, when he started to look at his friend in a new light, and when the simple call of his name by Jon had him blushing in the small space of his office.
Or when it was night and he cuddled close to his pillow, secretly wondering what it would be like if it were Jon wrapped up in his arms, or constantly looking forward to when they played together, so that he could have the other’s attention on him, even if it was just for a bit.
Maybe it started with the phone calls, the late night conversations filled with shared secrets and hushed whispers of what ifs. It would be easy to fall back on that, but he knows, deep down, it started long before the private talks, but it’s hard, to not feel anything but love towards Jon.
There’s a soft nudge to his thigh, and he looks down, seeing Jon staring up at him with concerned eyes.
“What’s got you looking so down, Ohmie?” He’s got a teasing smile, but Ryan frowns more, at the nickname and how it ignites something within him, and at the thoughts that refuse to leave him alone.
“Can I ask you something?” He’s not entirely sure where he’s going with this, but being surrounded by the hazy light of candles, and the soft patter of rain, he finds that he just wants answers, to some unknown territory he prays will treat him kind.
Jon only seems to get more worried, and he nods slowly, “Is something wrong?”
“Yes-well, no, or, maybe-” He shakes his head, because what is he doing? He’s going to ruin a perfect moment, he knows he is, and for what? Jon doesn’t see him like that, so why is he trying to bring up a topic that will only prove that and damage a friendship he loves dearly?
A soft hand grabs his wrist, stopping the shaking fingers from carding through hair, and he looks back at Jon, and he’s always pictured the man as being carefree in every way, so he’s surprised to see a serious expression adorning the man’s face.
“Ryan, what’s wrong, and don’t bullshit me, either. You can always be honest with me, you know this.” And he wants to laugh because he can’t, can he?
There are too many thoughts flying through his head, many yelling at him to drop it and play it off as a joke, but the tiny one, the nearly silent one, speaks the loudest, and he quickly says,
“Why do you call me at night? You’ve told me, before, how I’m the only one, and, I just want to know why. Is…is there another reason other than me having a soothing voice?”
He doesn’t look at Jon, instead stares at the blank Tv in front, counting every breath he takes to will himself not to fall over and pass out from how nervous he is.
There’s nothing said between them for a few brief moments, only the distant sound of thunder reverberates from the walls around them, but in some way, he’s relieved, at finally asking a question that plagues him late at night, hours after they’ve ended their calls and he was left with impossible scenarios.
Finally, after what feels like centuries that has passed between them, the hand that still holds his wrist tightens for a millisecond, before it relaxes.
“Would you believe me if I said there was a reason, beyond the bullshit one I gave you?”
He snaps his eyes down at Jon, his heart rate picking up at the implications. Jon’s not looking at him, instead staring up at the ceiling with eyes that closely resemble someone preparing themselves for something, and Ryan gulps, as he thinks about the question.
“No…I don’t think I would.” And he wouldn’t, not really, because how could he? Jon is wonderful in every aspect, a work of art, and Ryan is the viewer, forever limited to watching and never having.
Jon slowly sits up, and Ryan’s breath hitches at the way he stares at him, how clear blue eyes bore into him in a way that sets his skin on fire, makes him feel exposed and vulnerable, and yet, he can’t seem to look away.
“I need you to believe me, though, Ryan,” he watches as Jon places his knees on either side of him-watching Ryan for any signs of discomfort, and his heart just about stops when he realizes they position they’re in, “it’s important that you do, because I need you to understand just how much you mean to me.”
He can hear the distinctive sound of rain hitting the house in the background, and he’s sure it’s gotten worse outside, but he can only focus on the man straddling him and the light fingers that run up his arms.
“What do you mean?” He whispers, afraid to speak any louder and ruin the tranquil-like ambience.
“I mean that I call you so late, because that’s usually when you’re on my mind, and, when we’re talking I like to pretend I’m there, next to you,” His hands keep traveling up, until they stop at Ryan’s neck, where a thumb runs over his jawline, but Jon’s eyes don’t leave him, and Ryan gets lost in the soft smile that works its way on Jon’s face,
“And I imagine that when you start mumbling so low it’s hard to make out what you’re saying because you’re tired, I’d be there to kiss you goodnight. I’d be there to hold you through the nightmares you say sometimes keep you up, and still, I’d be there to wake you up and whisper ‘good morning’, because, well, I love you, Ryan, and I think I have for a while now.”
His heart pounds heavy in his chest, but he’s at a loss for words because he’s so confused and he doesn’t know what’s going on. There’s no way Jon could feel all of that for him, he’s told himself a million times that it’s not possible, so what does he do now, when the guy he’s been pining over for years is telling him that he feels the same?
Jon seems to read the dilemma going on in his head, because he moves his hands slowly up to cup his cheeks, and he breathes out slowly, leaning in a fraction of an inch as he asses Ryan.
“I’m going to kiss you now, if that’s okay. Been resisting the urge to throw myself at you since you walked in.” He feels the soft air of Jon’s breathy laugh on his lips, and though his mind keeps trying to tell him it’s not real, he places shaking hands on smooth hips, and stares into eyes that hold him prisoner in their irises.
“Okay.” He croaks, still nothing more than jumbled thoughts and stuttered words, but then Jon starts leaning in, and his mind goes entirely blank.
There are no words to describe the wave of emotions that wash over him when Jon kisses him. He’s left weak when lips press into his, and yet indestructible when he feels the soft sigh pass between Jon’s lips when he tilts his head, of the goosebumps that raise on hips when tongues collide and breaths mingle.
Jon presses down on him, making sure every part of their body touches, and he holds on tighter, kisses harder, to show Jon that he does, after all this time, finally understand.
They pull back only when chests ache from the strain of little air, and for a few seconds they sit there staring at each other, panting heavily, until he feels a smile slowly creep onto his face, that only grows wider when he sees Jon smile in the unique way he does. The one that makes him look lively and carefree, and maybe he is, now that Ryan thinks about it.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” He admits, now uncaring of the little thoughts that were once taboo secrets.
Jon’s smile softens into one that resembles all the fond he feels, and he runs a hand through Ryan’s hair, his eyes lightening up when he hears the content breath of air leave the man’s lips.
“Well I’m hoping now instead of wishful thinking on our parts, we’ll be able to kiss each other whenever we feel like, because I’d really like to kiss you anytime I want.”
He lowers his head until foreheads are touching, and Ryan melts when he rubs their noses together, before kissing the spot just between his eyes, “If you’re okay with me wanting that, that is.”
Ryan, in turn, runs his hands up a smooth back, reveling in the way Jon shivers and presses against him even more, and he nips at the exposed neck, loving how Jon turns his head, granting him better access.
“Only if you’re okay with me cuddling you close at night, or me thanking you when I wake up from a bad dream and you’re there, calming me, and still, with me making you breakfast, because I’ve been given the pleasure of waking up next to you, and, because, well, I love you too.”
Jon pulls back to stare at him, and the candles only help in making him look that much more bewitching, with eyes that pierce through the dark and shine in a way that beckons him closer, pulling him free of the shadows that once pulled him back when it came to the man before him.
Ryan cups a soft cheek, runs a finger over light freckles that even now, in the dimly lit room, he can make out, and watches vastly as Jon closes his eyes and leans into the hand, rubbing against it and Ryan wishes he could forever remember this moment.
“I’d like that.” He finally whispers, before leaning down and capturing Ryan’s lips once more.
And though he never expected the night to turn out like this, he’s thankful in more ways than one, to both Jon for asking him to come down, and for the rain, that helped in setting a tone that his mind subconsciously acted on.
The rain, that now, softens until it’s a light patter against the windows, and though thunder still rages on in the distance, the only sound worth paying attention to, that holds all of his attention, belongs to the silky moans and faint sighs from the man that loves him a way that even Ryan could have never prepared for.
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im-a-meteorite · 7 years
Fic Recommendations
I’m bored so i’m making this list of all the fics that I’ve read (and liked). I’ll be updating this every now and then. I’ll also probs put it in my bio. I’ll be categorizing them by main ship then I’ll have the links and their summaries. I’ll also add their ratings  
Charmed - kaythebest  (Teens and Up) 
"So you’re not going to eat me?" Seokjin asks, just to confirm.
"Why would I eat you?"
"Because you’re a dragon," Seokjin says slowly, because it should be obvious, despite Namjoon not looking very dragon-y at all.
Namjoon looks unimpressed. "I may be a dragon, but I’m not an animal."
before things come together - brightlight  (Explicit)
Namjoon didn't expect to run into the TA from his philosophy class at the gay bar Taehyung and Jimin drag him to, he really didn't expect him to look this nice outside of class, and he really, really didn't expect to have a crush on him.
It's going to be an interesting semester.
그 손을 내밀어줘 - sugavevo  (General Audiences) 
bangtan as kids ft. namjin as parents
Let’s Not Hurt Anymore - exfatamorgana  (Mature)
They don’t talk about it, and usually no one thinks to ask. But if you did, Namjoon and Seokjin would tell. They aren’t keeping secrets, and if you asked them, they’d answer. It just so happens that on a Sunday, not much different from any other Sunday, the other boys think to ask.
So how do two people who are always together end up… together?
you have 1 new message - bazooka  (Teens and Up) 
r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign
~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf
Creating a Home - CheekyBrunette (General Audiences)
Seokjin is used to getting calls from social workers at all hours of the day, but never this late at night.
(In which Hoseok loses a mom and gains two dads and four brothers.)
Spanish Doll - saengie (Mature)
What Seokjin expected of his summer holiday in the wine country of Spain had been wine, sleep, and more wine. Being the muse for the recluse painter Namjoon and arguing the finer points of post modern art as pillow talk had never crossed his mind.
(cause i) i’m a fool for you - onrainydays (General Audiences) 
yoongi wakes up in the middle of the night to feed seokjin's sugar gliders
of sweet kisses and raspberries - onrainydays (Teens and Up) 
seokjin loves soft things.
yoongi isn't a thing but he's soft. really really soft.
and seokjin loves him.
give me the warmth of your love - onrainydays (General Audiences)
just a drabble of tired seokjin craving cuddles
The Jung-Kim Family - onrainydays (General Audiences)
The kid was dressed very Namjoon and smiled very Hoseok. He looked like a perfect combination of the two in every picture, melted his parents’ hearts and made their eyes shine with the purest love.
or, namseok's child was too cute not to make him a model
An Aperture in Fine Balance - blurrylines  (Teens and Up) 
Fake Marriage AU in which Yoongi is an up and coming rapper whose fame had blown up in Korea, traveled throughout Asia and has now landed him in the States. Meanwhile, Jimin is in America to study photography and find success in this land of freedom. Except for one problem. His school's policy for financial aid requires him to be either over the age of 24, have a child, or be married.
Considering the fact that he’s only 21 and can’t have a kid, Jimin is left with the last option.
That’s where Yoongi comes in the picture.
a+++ cutie - yururin  (General Audiences) 
“Are you sure your name’s Jimin and not Jinyoung?” Yoongi asked, feeling extremely dumb, but the laugh that Jimin answered him with was worth it. Sort of.
“I’m sure, hyung,” Jimin replied softly, leaning both arms on the table as he grinned at Yoongi, “finally figured it out?”
85 Days of Summer - yururin  (Explicit)
When his friends dragged him to some secluded, intimate beach resort for their summer break, all that Yoongi expected to get were cheap souvenirs, sand between his toes, and a lot of sunburns.
He didn’t expect that a beautiful boy with honey skin, soft copper hair, and a smile so bright and happy would steal his heart instead.
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine - yururin  (Mature) 
On their second anniversary, Yoongi proposed to Jimin. On their third anniversary, Yoongi woke up to the news of Jimin's untimely death. On Jimin's first death anniversary, Yoongi met Jimin again.
The Letter Thief - d4wndust  (Teens and Up) 
Min Yoongi receives a text from an unknown number and it seems to be a suicide note. Park Jimin says his goodbyes through a text, but to a wrong number.
Min Yoongi makes Park Jimin live a little longer and Park Jimin makes Min Yoongi start living.
Truth or Dare - fratboyyoongi  (Not Rated) 
Based on a prompt I got from otpprompts on tumblr that goes like: (Imagine that Person A and Person B (who are not going out yet, but have crushes on each other) are playing Truth or Dare with their friends, who can tell about their feelings toward one another. One of their friends dares B to kiss A. B leans over and kisses A on the cheek. Very tired of B’s BS, A tells them, “Come on B, you know that’s not what they meant” and grabs their head and kisses them on the mouth.)
we pass in front of a flower shop (and i catch the scent of roses) - groovystars  (General Audiences) 
Jimin's a florist who sings to the flowers and crushes hard on the mint-haired man who just came in to buy a cactus.
The Boy in the Music Box - MissterMaia  (Teens and Up) 
Yoongi doesn’t really expect anything special when he finds an old music box in his grandmother’s attic and she tells him to keep it. Oh sure, he expects the music box to be a pretty decoration to add to the stale interior of his small apartment. He expects it to play a tune and he might even dare to expect the barely-functioning little ballerina to dance along to the soft chimes, but that's it, really.
The last thing he expects is for the little ballerina to take human form at night and throw his life out of balance with radiant smiles, soft giggles, and a heart-wrenching story.
Sunshine on a Rainy Day - MissterMaia  (General Audiences) 
It’s a fact as well-known as water being wet that Min Yoongi hates mornings. He hates the lethargicness of waking up, the temporary lack of complete motor control, the slowness of his sleep-drunk mind as it attempts to power up again after the six-hour long reboot session. Truly, mornings are the devil’s work.
But maybe Yoongi hates them a little less thanks to the cute weatherman he watches over a cup of coffee every morning.
The Songbird and the Sea - MissterMaia  (Mature) 
In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.
But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.
Hey, Piano Man - MissterMaia  (Explicit) 
In which Yoongi, after having his evening completely ruined by a drunk asshole on his way home from a rough day at the studio, decides he himself needs to get drunk and wanders into an old-fashioned pub. He may or may not find his bad mood washed away by the cute bartender, and he may or may not end up completely and utterly smitten when said bartender gets on the small stage and starts singing in the most angelic, beautiful, seductive voice he's ever heard in all his life.
“You play the piano?”
“I... yeah, I do, actually. How'd you know?”
The bartender's smile is shy and confident all at once, and Yoongi's heart lurches in confusion. “Just a feeling,” Jimin says softly, busying himself with drying a glass. “Your hands are beautiful. They look like they were made to play an instrument.”
Soul Bond - springrain21 (Teens and Up) 
Everyone is born with a Soulmate, but not everyone gets to meet their other half in their lifetime. Twenty one year old Park Jimin suspects he will never meet his Soulmate. When he accidentally makes skin-to-skin contact with the cold, distant Min Yoongi, he discovers that the two of them are Soulmates. But what happens when Yoongi doesn't even believe in Soulmates? Will Jimin develop the deadly condition known as Soul Sickness? And will Yoongi make it in time to save him?
Love is fulfilment of the law - Yoongi_trash (Teen and Up)
"They were a strange couple, Jimin knew it. He knew that it was wrong on so many levels. On every level. He'd read the books, knew the laws; homosexuality was a sin and it always would be. But Jimin couldn't help it, couldn't deny his feelings for Yoongi."
AKA the church AU in which Jimin is a probably an angel sent from heaven and Yoongi's nickname is the Antichrist
time follows you (and fades) - thebestofme (Teen and Up)
hp!au - how half-veela!jimin and yoongi fall in love in the Slytherin common room.
(or, two sides of one story: Jimin worries about the effects of his Allure and hides his veela nature; Yoongi loves Jiminie but is too confused by mixed signals to act on it).
you and me (are the difference between real love and the love on tv) - inkingbrushes (Teen and Up)
Yoongi is pretty sure his friends are conspiring against him.
Or: that stupid college au where they're all drunk and playing the "of course" game.
smile like silver - jflawless (Teen and Up)
Anonymous said: could you do a yoonmin fic where yoongi gets a tongue piercing ? and jimin just really likes it
when you’re in love all the lines get blurred - jflawless (Teen and Up)
Jimin isn't sure what possessed him to lie to his mother and tell her that he had a boyfriend, but now that he's opened the position, he has no choice but to fill it. Yoongi is, apparently, his only option.
It’s your Birthday but you’re my Gift - smoljean (General Audiences) 
Yoongi celebrates 5 birthdays with Jimin over the course of 20 years. (aka Yoongi growing up with Jimin only to realise he's falling for his childhood friend).
you wish i was yours (and i hope that you’re mine) -  awsuga (Mature)
Jimin is getting ready to sleep his summer away now that all his friends have left for college except for him. That is, though, until he meets Yoongi. A boy two years older than him from the city, who has been kicked out by his parents and is now living with his aunt.
Because of Yoongi Jimin learns more about himself in one summer than he has his entire life.
give me a sign - iwillalwaysbelieve (Teen and Up) 
Yoongi thinks the universe is a dick for a lot of reasons. Reason #1: It gave a deaf person a soul-mark that revolves around speech. Reason #2: Once he decided to hate his soulmate no matter what they were like, the universe gave him a really attractive soulmate. Reason #3: Said soulmate is overly kind, no matter how much of a dick Yoongi is. Reason #4: Yoongi is definitely fucked.
Midnight Dreamers - ghuns (Teens and Up)
Soulmates. They're something vague and the only clues to them lie within your dreams.
Speak to Me - noonatha  (General Audience)
Yoongi might not be able to hear what he's missing out on, but he can see it.
 give me thirty days (to fall in love with you) - kstorms  (Teens and Up)
"Hi! I’m Park Jimin!” when he gets no reaction, Jimin pushes on, a little hesitantly. “As in, your soulmate?”
Jimin meets his soulmate, and it doesn't go the way he's planned (nothing ever does, really).
Once Upon A Dream - yururin (Teens and Up)
“Somebody once promised they’d find you, and that they’ll love you more than they already do,” Yoongi murmurs, a smile on his lips when recognition sparks in Jimin’s eyes, “somebody once promised they’d ask you to be theirs when they can finally do so again.”
Jimin doesn’t say anything—just leans into Yoongi’s touch, that same shy smile Yoongi has grown to love still on his face.
“Be mine, Park Jimin?”
(or alternatively: "that yoonmin soulmates AU where you can see a glimpse of your past life on the eve of your 18th birthday and Jimin dreams of a forbidden Joseon era love story with an upperclassman Min Yoongi, popular basketball player in uni, 18384/10 out of his reach".)
Time Lapse - NomNams  (Explicit)
Min Yoongi is a time jumper, and Jimin is tethered to his timeline. Or he's tethered to Jimin's. Who knows. All Yoongi knows, is that no matter where he jumps to, Park Jimin will be waiting. __________
"Give me a reason not to think you're some spy working for the government who plans to..."
"You have a cow lick above your right ear. There's a scar on your right knee cap that you got when you were four falling off a pony in Daegu. You have a birthmark patch low on your left butt cheek, and another on your inner..."
"Fine. Fine. Just... please stop there." Yoongi begged, blushing five shades of red.
Bullet Boy - sugamins  (Explicit)
If you want to make it big, you’ve got to start off small. This is something that Jimin acknowledges, for he just carries on singing features for underground rappers in the hopes of breaking into the mainstream scene even when the lyrics mean nothing to him.
If you want to make it in the scene, you’ve got to fake it in the scene. This is something that Yoongi understands intimately. But he’s never been one to be a poser, and there’s only far stuntin’ can get you before you burn out like the end of a cigarette.
Yoongi finally wants to move on from his bad past and take the gamble so that he can drop his first mixtape as ‘D-boy’, and he can’t think of anyone more perfect to feature on it than rising talent: Park Jimin.
Jimin really wants to break free from nights spent singing at hip hop clubs for a pittance and finally have his name on an official track in the music charts, but he’s going to need some help navigating the brutal world of music contracts and the paparazzi; and being involved in a scandal the likes of which the industry has never seen before.
Multi-Ship (is that even a thing?)
Namjin, Yoonmin and Taekook: 
Nyctophile - yururin  (Mature) 
"Like I said, monsters aren't real, Taehyung."
Jimin quickly pulled the closet doors open.
At the bottom of the closet, sitting on the floor and leaning heavily against the walls, was a man with dark pink hair clad in dark clothes, bleeding and injured and looking positively close to death.
Jimin didn't know what to do.
Craigslist Date - springrain21 (Mature)
Main Ship: Yoonmin
Min Yoongi's family are judgmental and unsupportive of his lifestyle and his mother won't stop nagging him about how he's still single. When he finds Park Jimin on Craigslist offering to pose as someone's fake date to mess with their family, Yoongi can't help himself. What starts as a prank on Yoongi's family turns into something more when the two of them quickly develop feelings for each other. Will Yoongi, who doesn't know how to handle feelings, let his chance at love slip away, or will he go after the silver-haired boy and hold onto him forever?
Inspired by that tumblr post about the guy on Craigslist who you can hire to be your date for Thanksgiving to screw with your family because that post makes me cry laughing every time I see it.
Soulmate? No, Thanks - Bookworming (Teen and Up)
Main Ship: Yoonmin
Min Yoongi has been waiting to have his first colour dream since he was 17 because a dream in colour is the dream of your soulmate, whoever they are. In a world where all humans have only black and white dreams the only colour dreams one gets are those of their soulmate, if they have one. Soulmates get each other's dreams in colour and can speak to them through those dreams, a privilege Yoongi has coveted for a long time. Yoongi has also coveted his best friend Kim Seokjin for a long time but unfortunately for Yoongi, Seokjin's soulmate loves sleeping and occupies his mind in a way Yoongi never does. Park Jimin made the worst mistake of his life by getting drunk and driving himself home one day before his 17th birthday. When he wakes up, things have changed drastically, the biggest change being the sexy voice that interrupted his first pleasant dream in a LONG time.
Yoonminkook, Namjin and Vhope: 
Let Me Know - TheOrgasmicSeke  (Mature) 
Main Ship: Yoonminkook
Talking about it, of course, became harder as the days passed by. Yoongi could never find the right time to bring it up. He was still wondering if he was just imaging things. If he was just thinking he was feeling the things he was feeling. But that was quickly disproved every single time Jimin curled up around him and Jungkook kissed him. He was a fucking idiot in love with two bigger idiots and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Except probably ruin it by talking about it. Hell, maybe it was better to just never mention it and pretend it wasn't happening.
Namjin, Yoonmin and Vhope:
Can I Get Your Dewey Decimal Number? - melecs  (Teens and Up) (a series)
Seokjin loved working at the library, but some patrons got on his nerves. Take, for example, the grown man who sat in the corner every day and leeched off of the Wi-Fi. And Seokjin worked in the children’s department.
Namjin and Yoonmin:
When life gives you elephants… - tired angry egg (Mirabelle)
(Its a series so each part has a different summary and rating) 
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