#love that they didnt plan the visit and just arrived announced to get a real impression
Ooohhh, he's doing an episode with Olena 😊❤️
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Stray Kids
medical resdidents au
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Bang Chan
He's the resident who's talking to patients even on his break and gives kids sweets to cheer them up when their parents aren't around. It's been his dream to be able to help others ever since he was a little kid, so no one was surprised when he announced that he wanted to become a doctor. He enjoys taking part in patients rehabilitation process a lot and makes sure to visit every one of them and talk about their improvements before he goes home. He really enjoys learning and takes his tasks very seriously, after all he's a hardworking perfectionist! Hes good at everything he does so he finds it hard to choose his field. It also doesn't help that all of the doctors would love to have him in their teams. He knows the importance of mental health as well so he makes sure all of his patients are at ease and tries not to overwork himself, tho he usually leaves the hospital last. He goes to parties to bond with the others but usually ends up leaving after a drink. It's important for him to have good results on his exams, tho he finds the hospital work more important than he's grades so he's not interested in being top of the class.
Woojin is that annoying resident who's just naturally good at what he's doing even tho he doesn't put in the most effort. He wanted to have an important role in society so he chose to study in the medical field. He takes working on his shift extremely seriously and will 100% tell the guys he's paired with and the other residents in his year or below him to fuck off kindly leave if they can't take their job seriously. But he's really nice with all of the patients especially with the children! He has an assistant resident with him: Mr. Bear the plushie. He wants to become a pediatric surgeon (children's surgeon)! He works wonders with the children and the parents love him. He studies a lot and answers all of the doctors' and teachers questions (aka the teachers pet) and because of his ego he also likes to be praised and chosen as the example on how to do things right. But ego aside he will drop hints at the others and teaches them how to do things properly and not make so many mistakes! (helps them because he cares like a real tsundere)
He barely does any of the work since there's always a coven of students, residents, and nurses who are by his side and would do anything for him because he's so "dreamy". Won the secret voting of most handsome med student consecutively since his first year. Not that he's not capable at his work or studies! He does a great job at both but pretty much only puts in effort when he wants to get things done quickly so he goes into a room alone and does his paperwork. Other times he just enjoys the attention and let's his fanclub help him. Why wouldn't he? They're making his life easier! He was planning on becoming a vet for a long time but he had a change of heart when one of his friends got into a car accident. He excels under pressure and is thinking about working as a trauma surgeon. Many people are intimidated by him and his cold city guy character but he's an actual dork once he gets comfortable with someone.
Changbin is the resident who arrives 10 to 20 minutes late almost every morning as a result of sleeping in because he was out there living his best life partying and drinking till 5am the night before. He arrives out of breath, hungover and generally just a hot mess. It's miraculous how he's never been caught by his superiors before and has managed to get away with being a mess. Tho he's able to pull himself together very well for the short time he spends with his patients. Thanks to his outgoing lifestyle pretty much everyone knows and likes him. It's not a party without him around! Coming from a richer household he was expected to become someone important and his decision to pursue a career in the medical field was extremely supported by his family. But since he spends most of his free time partying he barely has time for studying for his exams. Tho lady luck and some cheating seems to help him get pretty good grades without much studying and he's more than satisfied with that. He hasn't put too much thought into what he wants to specialize as. He believed when the time comes something will call his name and it will feel like the perfect fit!
Hyunjin is the directors kid. They didnt need to pull too many strings to get him the residency at the hospital. Because of this he's a lil shit! Pushing everyone's buttons perfectly and he's favourite target is Changbin because he's always a hot mess after all those nights out. Gets away with not doing anything ever and lowkey everyone thinks he's really dumb and only got in because of his father, until they are paired with him and realize that he actually knows everything they need to. Tho he still wouldn't do any of the teamwork and would only say anything helpful or clever when a doctor comes to complain about their lack of progress. A. Lil. Shit. Still Changbin likes to sit next to him during exams cause he's the only smart guy who doesn't cover his answers (Seungmin and Woojin do not tolerate cheating) and god knows Changbin needs all the help he can get! He's passionate about being a doctor and never even thought of any other profession for his future. He wants to follow his father's footsteps and become a transplant surgeon and maybe even the director one day.
Jisung is a transfer kid. Nobody knows much about him, his family or his past studies. He'll be at every gathering, drinking the most and being the loudest fucker, probably also going home last as well. Yet he's in the hospital right on time everyday drinking his coffee and doing paperwork like the night before that never even happened. Changbin is secretly jealous at him for being perfectly composed and professional all the time. He's not a show off tho, but always answers every question perfectly without having to think about it twice. Many doctors favor him and he was the first resident of his year who was allowed to help at an operation. He's thinking of becoming a cardiac surgeon and definitely has the talent for it! He's mysteriously good at everything but no one bothers asking too many questions because he'll most likely just joke about it and change the subject. Still most people like him since he's always the life of the party.
Seungmin is the guy who got into the best university and prestigious hospital because he studied his ass off. His dream is to become a well known neurosurgeon and to make his parents proud so he takes everything super seriously! While others are out there getting drunk and doing dumb stuff he's at his room memorizing symptoms and reading about special cases while getting angry at his roommate for being too loud. He is the top of his class and is determined to keep it that way. Of course he enjoys having the best grade but he genuinely enjoys reading about all kinds of diseases and how to treat them, it's his way of understanding the world better. Even the doctors are surprised at the specific things he knows sometimes. He feels like the nights out are just wasting his time and doesn't go to almost any of them. But he's not all that antisocial, he secretly loves hanging out with the others during lunch, even though he acts like they're getting on his last nerve. Because of his vast knowledge he finds something to talk about with everyone.
Felix & Jeongin
Felix and Jeongin are 2 childhood friends, both from medical families. Their parents are all also doctors and best friends so they pretty much grew up together in a hospital, and even though they always had a choice to become anything else they made a promise to each other when they were 5 and 4 that they'd work as surgeons at the same hospital just like their parents do. After highschool Felix spent a year traveling to far away relatives so he could start uni at the same time as Jeongin. Because they spent most of their youth in the hospital they already know a crazy amount more than even most residents in other years do without even having to think about them twice. Because of this they're rarely ever stressed and are always out their doing dumb stuff together and just having fun even at hospital. Thay have a relaxed and composed aura to them so the patients love them! They're also at parties a lot just enjoying themselves and chilling instead of going crazy. Felix has shown interest in becoming an orthopedic surgeon for a while, he also finds being a neurosurgeon like both of his parents (they're a power couple like that) would be too stressful. Jeongin is planning to become a general surgeon like his mother. Both have great grades but Changbin doesn't like to sit next to them as they tend to finish a good half an hour before everyone else and are out of there in a blink of an eye. They're like brothers and both of their parents see the other kid as their own. They're planning on moving in together once they finish their residency.
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burnitdownsasha · 5 years
Here is the next paaaart. A lot has been going on lately so its been hard to sit down and get this done. I hope you like it <3
warning: adult situations, minor smut (yes it will continue into the next chapter)
Tag-list : @ambrolleignsgirl90 @bethany99stuff-blog @never-sawft-princess @queenofthearchitect @sassyspacedust
pls let me know if I forgot to add you!!
Chapter 3
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I sat in the hair and makeup chair filling in my friend on what happened last week when I arrived at the arena. “He said that?” 
Alexa’s mouth open and waiting for my response. I nodded and kept scrolling through the tweet mentions on my phone. “What did you say?” 
“I literally just smiled and laughed. Then I awkwardly walked away from him. I didn't know what to say to that,” I shrugged. Alexa smirked pulling out her phone from her pocket. I eyed her movements, something seemed suspicious. I shook the feeling and looked back to my phone. 
‘@WWERollins: Congrats to @YTN, welcome to the main roster. Jobe well done’
I studied the tweet for what seemed like forever. I could not stop reading it, and I wanted more and more. Why is he trying to get my attention. That’s what he was doing, right? “Why are you blushing?” Alexa asked startling me. “Nothing,” I lied. 
After being done up in the chair I made my way to catering hoping to get something in my stomach a good amount of time before my match. 
Once I got there almost all of the tables had someone sitting at it. I guess everyone was hungry right now. I grabbed a plate of food and looked around to see who I wanted to sit with. My eyes caught a certain short hair blond as she waved me over. “Hey! There you are I’ve been looking all over the place,” she pulled out the seat next to her for me. 
“Here I am in the flesh.” I smiled and stuffed my mouth with rice. We spoke about pretty much everything. How we were and what we've been up to. I had seen Renee much but only when she visited the performance center. “Ladies.”
We both pulled away from our conversation when two more joined us at the table. “Hey babe,” Renee pinching Dean’s cheek. Roman grinning and giving a small wave. “Ambrose. Reigns.” I greeted them. 
Roman sat besides me listening to Dean tell Renee a crazy story that I could not keep up with. He poked my arm looking down at me. “So you and Rollins,” he smirked. I literally only told one person. Freakin Bliss.
“What about us?” I played it cool. If I stayed calm maybe he would brush it off and change the subject. “Getting cozy with each other?” I rolled my eyes and laughed a little. “I don't seem to know what you're talking about big dog.” It was his turn to roll his eyes. “Sure kid,” he smirked. 
I finished up my plate then spent thirty minutes or so walking around backstage to try and get my food to go down before my match. 
I made my way to the gorilla after hearing orders for me to get ready for my match. I would be fighting Sasha Banks tonight. They were pushing our rivalry for the next paper view which would be royal rumble. She was currently the Raw Women’s Champion, so she had something I wanted. I know I can get it. 
My entrance music goes off and I go through the curtain walking down the ramp, my head slightly tilted to the side. I push myself up onto the apron and climb through the ropes. I stood center of the ring before leaning against the ropes near the announce table staring at the stage. 
Soon Sasha’s music is playing and the titantron has her name on it. I stretched out my arms while she came down the ramp doing her thing up to the ring. When she slid in I became more aware of myself. It didn’t take long for the match to start. After throwing punches and locking so many times another song blared through the arena. 
I watched becky lynch walk down the ramp with the red brand title on her shoulder. Stomping her way to the ring. I paid for those couple of seconds of losing focus. Sasha hit me over the back the head with her elbow. My face going face first into the canvas. “Thats gonna be mine,” I heard Sasha yell over the noise. She dragged me up hitting a backstabber, flipping me into the bank statement. 
Pain coursed through my neck all the way down my back. “Tap!” Sasha shouted in my ear. I shouted in pain holding on as long as I could. Becky stood outside of the ring staring at me with a smirk on her face. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and smack the canvas repeatedly until Sasha let go. I held the back of my neck balled up on the ground. I scooted myself to the corner. Watching Becky slide into the ring. Sasha immediately getting in her face. Becky laughed faking turning away then swinging her title straight into Sasha’s head.
The crowd cheered loving this side of her. She walked over to me bending down. “Not in million years kid.”
I grunted in pain watching her walk away.
After walking backstage I made it quick to shower. Changing into my leggings and hoodie feeling extra lazy after tonight. I saw Seth from far and suddenly felt flustered but confident enough to go up and say hi. I walked up behind him while he was talking to Xavier and Kofi. I wrapped my arms around him squeezing all I had. “Woah woah,” Seth chuckled. His hand rested on my arm pulling me to the front of him. “Hi,” I whispered.
“Hey stranger. How’s your back? Sasha almost bent you in half.” He places his palm against me rubbing circles on my back. My cheeks heat up and I almost can't trust my voice to speak. “I'm okay thank you.” 
“Do you have a ride to the next city?” I shake my head cursing at myself forgetting to make carpool plans. “No worries you can ride with me, just let me get changed and we’ll head out,” he winked. I didnt even respond I just watched him walk into the locker room. 
I sat on the ground near the door waiting for him. My back did ache now that I had thought about it. “Ready?” I heard him as soon as the door opened. I got up and pulled my bags with me. “Here I got it.” He slung my bag over his shoulder while pushing his own. “Thank you sir.” 
“Sir huh?” I rolled my eyes playfully. “Don’t get too cocky,” I lightly shoved his arm. 
We made it to the car on the other side of the parking lot. Loading bags into the back. I sat in the passenger seat watching him fix the seat on his side. I smiled at him struggling to adjust it. “Dammit!” I laughed out loud. He smiled at me cracking up in my seat.
Finally he was able to fix it and we were on our way. “You look real pretty when you smile,” he complimented. “You look real pretty when you wrestle,” I looked at him. He brought his hand up to his chest clutching it. “That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said,” he joked pretending to tear up.
I erupted I giggles watching Seth be a dork. I missed this. I missed him. Time had passed but I’m glad we’re back on the same show again.  
“How'd you like your first day, besides the match that is.” I told him it went pretty well. Filling him in on my schedule for the rest of the week. Ours looking similar for most days. “Did you say something to Roman?” I asked looking ahead at the road. 
“About?” He looked between me and the freeway. “I don't know. Us.” He furrowed his eyebrows and then realization hit him. “Ohhhh you mean us.” I nodded playing with my nails. “I told him that I might be feeling something with this really cute girl we used to hang out with in NXT.”
A girl from NXT? I wonder who that could be. He answered my thoughts. “I’m talking about you Y/N,” he chuckled. “Me?” Butterflies moving around in my stomach. His hand moving from the steering wheel to my thigh. “If that’s okay with you,” Seth moved his hand up and down my leg. 
My breathing quickened. “Is it okay baby?” 
I nodded, whimpering when his hand slid up my thigh. I didn’t know what to feel. I mean it felt good and right. It was just all happening so fast. “Seth.” I moaned out his name the higher his fingers climbed. Minutes of teasing came until we reached the hotel. Seth practically jumped out of the car as soon as he parked and grabbed our bags from the back. 
We checked in as fast as someone can. Taking the elevator up to the rooms. “Can I come with you?” I asked him with a small voice. He wrapped his arm around my waist kissing my forehead. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Down the hallway and into Seth’s room we went. It felt like forever to get here after the moment we had in the car. 
He shut the door slowly. I pulled my hoodie off walking towards him. “We aren’t moving too fast are we? Wouldn't want to scare you away.” I pulled towards his bed. “I think this is a good pace,” I gently pushed him to sit on the bed. Seth pulled me towards him having me straddle him while he sat. I tucked my hand under his chin bringing his lips towards mine.
When our lips touched it felt like nothing ever before. As cliche as it sounds. He kissed me with everything he had. It felt so passionate and loving. Seth slid his hands underneath the back of my shirt. I pushed my tongue past his lips. He unclasped my bra, skimming my back with his fingers. A shiver passing through down my spine.
I pulled back to bring my arms into my shirt to pull the bra straps off to take off my bra. My thin t shirt still on. Seth pulling my hair gently to give him access to my neck. His lips dancing on my skin and occasionally a lick. I moaned with closed eyes. I could feel myself becoming wet with just us fooling around. My hips began to involuntarily rock against his own. Seth hissed when I pressed myself against him. 
He flipped us so now i’m on the bed. He pulls my legs from under me helping me lay down on the mattress. I spread my arms around the bed. Looking straight at him licking my lips. Seth’s eyes darken and he pulls the waistband of my leggings down until the material is leaving my ankles. Now I laid there only in a white shirt and lacy underwear. I swear I didn’t know this would happen. 
to be continued ....
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Come he’ll or high water is excellent can you please write more I love it 🥰 please thank you 🙏🥰🥰🥰👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Claire comes back to the past with Brianna and arrives at Helwater looking for Jamie—but must confront the Dunsanys first.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
Come Hell or Helwater - Part Eight
Rain pattered against the window while Brianna sat at the table in the corner with Isobel working through a set of simple mathematics problems. She didn’t have the heart to tell Isobel that she’d mastered both multiplication and long division two years prior. Instead she worked her way through them slowly, allowing herself the fun of observing the others in the room while they thought she was thoroughly engrossed by the numbers on the page.
Brianna had found soon after her arrival at Helwater that she couldn’t help but like Isobel—she couldn’t have borne pretending she was so far behind in her studies otherwise. But Isobel’s sweetness could become grating if not for the presence of her sister, Geneva. It was Geneva who knew exactly how to push Isobel’s agreeableness to the brink, to coax a few less-than-kind remarks out of Isobel—and then offer reassurance that she hadn’t been so unkind as to require begging anyone’s pardon.
There was more to Geneva that Brianna found mesmerizing, however. Quiet moments when she managed a glance at the older girl and it was clear Geneva didn’t realize she was being watched. In those moments she looked the way Brianna had felt when Mama and Daddy had told her the great and terrible Truths of her life—first, that Daddy wasn’t going to live with them anymore, he was going to live with his special friend, Sandy, and, just a short time after that, when her mother informed her that Daddy wasn’t her “real” father. From what Brianna could tell, it was partly Geneva’s parents who were causing her to look that way, but not because they were breaking up. No, the lady Geneva was going to be married soon and anyone could see she didn’t want to get married.
But that was why there were beginning to be so many extra people at the estate. They were guests visiting for the upcoming wedding. Several older relatives of the Dunsanys had taken to sitting with Lady Dunsany in the main sitting room while the younger guests preferred to gather in the drawing room. It was in the adjoining library that Isobel was giving Brianna her lessons but the door was kept open so Isobel might pop in and make her necessary appearances every so often. Brianna thought Isobel perhaps preferred the quieter library to the group in the drawing room.
Brianna enjoyed peeking up at them through the doorway. She could only see a portion of one setee and a fragment of the floor to ceiling windows behind but Geneva was partial to planting herself on that setee and as the bride to be, she frequently had company beside her—usually one of the two British soldiers who had startled her mother in the forest that day they’d arrived. The younger of those two often turned to glance through the same open doorway at her, which always made her flush and look down at her paper. Or was he looking at Isobel? Brianna peeked up to see Isobel looking flustered as well, no doubt aware of the soldier’s piercing gaze.
Even if Brianna could convince herself that the young man was paying his attentions to Isobel, all it took was Geneva seeing her sister’s blush to throw a wrench in Brianna’s plans of going unnoticed.
“Isobel,” Geneva called rising from the setee and floating to the door. “Aren’t you going to join us? As the sister of the bride it’s part of your duties to help me entertain my guests,” she teased with a playful giggle and glance over her shoulder. “John, Hal, won’t you help me coax Isobel into joining us?”
Isobel sighed but smiled at Brianna before pushing herself up from her chair at the table. “You’re doing wonderfully,” Isobel assured her. “Keep working on this set of problems and I’ll be back shortly to check your progress.”
Brianna nodded and then watched as Isobel glared at her sister who stood in the doorway with a satisfied grin on her face.
“Really John, you must ask Isobel about her latest obsession with playing governess,” Geneva continued, the conversation still drifting in for Brianna to overhear since the door between the rooms remained open. “It’ll be something to keep her occupied when she no longer has me around to entertain her.”
Isobel spoke too quietly for Brianna to hear but from Geneva’s subsequent, “Oh come, I’m only playing,” she assumed the young lady had rebuked her.
“It is the curse of younger siblings to always be tormented by the older,” John remarked, lightening the mood even as he too scolded Geneva.
Brianna set her pencil aside and leaned forward over the table, straining to see if she could catch a glimpse of them but they must be standing near the fireplace. The rain outside was unrelenting in a spring that was already slow about taking root. That was one of the things about this time that Brianna found most frustrating and quietly terrifying—how cold it was without proper, modern heating and how afraid she was that she would get too close to the hearth or that she’d knock over a candle and go up in flames.
“I know Isobel’s attempts to improve the poor child arrive from the best of intentions,” Geneva assured the others and Brianna could hear the eye roll in her tone. “I just think that when it comes to the staff and their families, it’s not our place to interfere. They have their lives and we have ours.”
“And the fact that their livelihood depends upon our whims doesn’t matter?” Isobel challenged more vocally, clearly surprising the others.
Brianna rose from her seat and tiptoed closer to the door to hear better and maybe sneak a better angle through the door so she could see them while remaining hidden in the shadows. If she was truly lucky, there’d be a mirror on one wall that would let her watch their reflections—she couldn’t remember if there was a mirror in the drawing room though.
“So long as they’re paid for their services, I’m not sure I understand to what you might object,” the older one—Hal, Geneva had called him—said gently.
“They require decent pay to support their families,” Isobel agreed, “and sometimes they’re compensated in other forms—for instance, housing or their meals—but what about their other needs, especially for their children? Is it not our duty to guide them towards being productive members of society where their parents are either lacking the means or the opportunity?”
“And what makes you think the Mackenzies are lacking the means and opportunity?” Geneva countered. “Did you ask them if they wanted it when you asked for their permission? Shall we ask the little lady now?”
Brianna panicked for a moment as she heard Geneva’s footsteps crossing toward the door but her instincts quickly kicked in. She started walking for the door herself and nearly collided with Geneva.
“Sorry,” Brianna muttered, backing away. “I was just coming to ask Miss Isobel if she might excuse me to go help my mother. Miss Isobel should be spending her time with your company, not with me just now.”
“I don’t mind at all, really,” Isobel insisted but Geneva made a dismissive gesture, keeping her eyes on Brianna.
“The child is quite right, don’t you agree, John? It’s terribly rude of Isobel first to ignore your presence and then to ignore her young charge’s. If she had a nursemaid, we might turn her over to so she doesn’t inhibit her mother in her work. Should we engage one for her, Isobel?” Geneva asked, looking over her shoulder at her sister. “Would that be more of the means and opportunities that our hired servants are lacking? I suppose we’ll just have to keep an eye on her ourselves then. Come child,” Geneva turned back to Brianna with an overly sweet smile. “Join us in the drawing room and we’ll try not to bore you too terribly.”
Brianna stood her ground, staring expressionlessly at Geneva.
“Geneva…” Hal said quietly, stepping toward her.
“Quiet little thing, aren’t you,” Geneva murmured, her attention still fixed on Brianna. “Do you speak at all?”
“I’m ten, not two,” Brianna replied, unamused even as the color began to rise in Geneva’s cheeks. “And my mother always told me if I didn’t have anything nice to say I shouldn’t say anything at all. I’d rather spend my time somewhere I can have a conversation. Thank you, Miss Isobel, for the lesson. I’ll see myself out.”
Brianna kept her ears pricked for their reactions as she turned on her heel and went to the table to retrieve her things before exiting through the door at the side that led to the servant’s passage and from there down to the kitchen. She heard one stifled chuckle (Hal) and Isobel’s gentle, “You were the one who provoked her.”
The sound of a slight commotion drew most of the others back into the drawing room—a footman announcing the arrival of another guest.
“Daniel,” Hal exclaimed in joy. “It’s a miracle you made it in this weather. You ought to have stayed at your inn until it cleared.”
“If he did that he might not have arrived in time at all,” Geneva declared, brushing away the awkwardness of being put in her place by a ten-year-old girl. “The way it looks now it could rain through the next fortnight and my wedding’s one week away. He knew I’d never forgive him if he wasn’t here.”
“Always said Gordon was like a brother to me so I see it as my brotherly duty to make sure everything stays on schedule,” a new voice chimed in.
“Well you might’ve been as a brother to Gordon but you’ve hardly been a brother to either of his sisters,” Geneva objected with a laugh. “You haven’t written a word to either Isobel or myself in over a year.”
Brianna snuck one final peek through the door to the drawing room.
John, the soldier who had come walking through the field with her mother that day, was the only one watching her as she made her exit.
“Bree,” Claire gasped as her daughter barged into the cottage, dripping wet from her brief run through the rain from the main house. “For heaven’s sake, what are you doing here? I was going to fetch you back after your lesson was finished. You’re soaked to the bone.”
“Well you might wind up back there later treating their latest guest. Sounds like he rode a ways through the rain and I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes down sick from it,” Brianna said, shaking her hair like a wet dog.
“Sassenach,” Jamie called from the cottage’s back entrance. “Do ye have anything hereabouts we could eat? Thought it might be nicer to have our midday meal alone together rather than trek through the muck to the main house. And as Bree’s occupied there with Miss Isobel…”
Claire cleared her throat loudly soon after he began and spoke over him, “We’re in here, Jamie. Bree’s just got back too. We hadn’t addressed the subject of lunch yet.”
Jamie came around the corner, his face pink and dripping with the rain that had soaked his hair.
“Bree,” he said with a smile. “Is it wet enough for ye out there? I ken I must look and feel like a half-drowned cat.”
“Well it is raining cats and dogs,” Brianna remarked without enthusiasm.
“Why don’t you fetch some dry things from your trunk and change in our room,” Claire offered.
“I suppose we won’t be using it after all,” Jamie whispered in her ear as he brushed a kiss against Claire’s cheek.
“I had brought a leftover side of ham from the house after tending the cook the other day,” Claire continued, ignoring Jamie, “and there’s cheese I had set aside as well. We’ll see what kind of meal we can make with that and maybe it will let up enough tonight for a larger meal with the others at the main house.”
When Brianna had closed their bedroom door behind her to change, Claire turned into Jamie’s arms and stood on her toes to give him a kiss.
“When the wedding’s over and their guests have gone home, things will calm down enough that we’ll have a little more time for ourselves,” she whispered, pulling away from him as his hands drifted down to her backside. “Not just the two of us, but the three of us.”
“Except for when we have time just the two of us to get back to work on making that three of us into a four, aye?”
“Aye,” Claire smiled and blushed. “Though by my watch we’ve spent a fair bit of time working at that already.”
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foolgobi65 · 5 years
meta re: figuring out how old bhadra is, and also when exactly bhalla got married and spawned a child lmao. (also some about the poor woman who had to be his wife.) under cut for length lol
hmm so i just saw a meta which puts bhadra as just a few months younger than mahendra which is interesting, and i can see that being possible given the two actors, but where i disagree is the part of this theory that implies bhalla is married when baahu and devasena are still together. i think if bhalla were to get married, baahu and devasena would have to be invited, just in terms of propriety. i think bhalla would actually enjoy the huge state ceremony that would serve to show how small devasena and baahu were now in contrast. i also think that at this point in the story, while baahu is still alive and married to devasena, bhalla has no interest in his own marriage -- he’s definitely not married (at least imo) at the time of their exile, and even if he wanted a child to compete for the throne at that point baahu’s kid would still be a good 6 months older regardless. i think bhadra must definitely be a few years younger than mahendra (who i believe is around 24ish years old.) bhalla’s obsession with devasena reads to me as about possession rather than a singleminded love or want to make her his real wife. the fact that we don’t see bhalla’s wife at all later makes me think that she’s either dead, or he never married and bhadra is bhalla’s child with a woman bhalla never married. i can see bhalla being obsessed with devasena his entire life, particularly as a transference of both his prior obsession with sivagami as the mother and queen ruler figure who in is mind loved baahu more, and also his obsession with baahu who was just better than bhalla at the things that bhalla wanted (primarily the easy adoration of the people and sivagami.) devasena, both as legal queen mother and clearly sivagami’s annointed heir at her last moments, and as baahu’s love, becomes the object of bhalla’s lifelong hatred and to me he tortures her daily as both substitute for sivagami and baahu who are dead and beyond his reach, and also for her own sake because let’s not underestimate devasena’s ability to piss off bhalla. i think on a surface level when he saw her picture he did feel lust, and so i think there is a very gross and terrible sexual aspect to his need to keep her in chains and under his grip. bhadra clearly states some very disgusting sexually tinged insults at devasena (calling her a whore multiple times) which is obviously a learned behavior from i assume bhalla and maybe biju. all this to say that for me, the main woman in bhalla’s life until his death is devasena. his last words are even to devasena, rather than mahendra who is the clear baahu replacement, and he tells her to join him on the pyre which is reminiscent of what this society demands of good warrior wives.
if bhalla was married, it was a grand alliance where she was probably fabulously wealthy and beautiful and the marriage was conducted with lots of pomp and circumstance in order to distract people from the fact that baahu and sivagami were dead alongside mahendra, and devasena was in chains in the city center. biju found the bride, sent the single most annoying proposal on earth, which implied invasion if she wasnt promptly sent having tied the mangalsutra to bhalla’s sword. definitely wealthy, may or may not have military importance. definitely a beautiful woman, a quiet woman with no personality who was promptly destroyed by having to live under a cruel sadistic man who was obsessed with his dead brother’s caged wife. if bhadra didnt seem so old that he could probably be only max a few years younger than mahendra i would say that bhalla’s wife probably takes a few years to concieve: bhalla would probably be the type of terrible man to treat a woman so badly she would miscarry. but bhadra is pretty close to mahendra’s age, so bhalla’s wife must have conceived pretty quickly. as he desperately needed an heir at the time bhalla, once she is pregnant, ignored her almost entirely except for once a week when he had her carried in a palanquin to see devasena so that he could gloat about his impending fatherhood. the poor woman would by this point be of a sickly sort, even if she had been healthy at the time of her marriage, have a difficult pregnancy exacerbated by her sheer terror at the thought of having anything less than an exceedingly strong male heir. ( i cant imagine biju or bhalla would be anything less than extremely direct about the consequences if the child was born with a disability, or god forbid was a girl.) her entire pregnancy would be one folk remedy after another guaranteed to produce a strong, healthy prince, all eight months after the pregnancy announced to the public an empire wide endeavour to ensure the safe arrival of the prince to be. thousands of ceremonies across the kingdoms would be funded, each sending her the fruits of their sacrifice for her to eat. everything about her day would be micromanaged from the time she woke, to the clothes she wore and the direction she faced when she slept. devasena, who spent the last three months of her own pregnancy exiled in a mining community and yet delivered a strong child, looks at the queen who somehow seems to be weakening every visit and wonders at the great gods’ irony. 
one of my headcanons about the weird family strength is that these babies take a toll on their gestating mothers, and so only a particular type of woman is capable of surviving the pregnancy and birth -- sivagami and devasena are both of this type, and so they find their pregnancies relatively easy, and their births are normal and safe. you can either take this to be something physical or mental, or if you’re more into magical explanations for magical strength, its a (terrifying and horrible) way of the family line basically validating the queen: if she survives, she’s deserving of being queen mother.  baahu’s mother and bhadra’s mother aren’t sivagami and devasena, though they’re probably wonderful women in their own right. the pregnancies sap them of their strength and nutrients (kind of like a leech), and when they give birth it is a long, drawn out process in which the babies had they not had the family strength would have died. the mothers both bleed out. the kingdom barely mourns the queen it barely had a chance to know -- if she becomes pregnant so quickly after marriage, bhalla would never have risked her out in public. instead, there is a massive celebration to anoint the heir to the empire, and bhalla invests heavily in propagating a narrative that has bhadra solely his son: his wife the queen is erased from the stories entirely, it is almost as if bhadra sprung straight from bhalla’s skull, the perfect son. 
the queen’s death doesn’t break the alliance of her marriage, but it does downgrade them from slightly favored allies to just one with the rest -- there is a rumor that does not die no matter how hard they try that she died of a broken heart, that she grew so sickly in the heart of the empire despite the best of all medicine because she did not want to get better, or try to mother the son of her demon husband. (they are half right: the queen, delirious in her last moments, does not regret leaving her husband who happens to be the worst man she has ever met, nor does she regret leaving her disgusting father in law. she regrets somewhat having to leave devasena, whom the queen had nursed a slight hope of helping somewhat in the future when her place as the heir’s mother gave her a little more leverage. most of all, she regrets that she leaves her son, whom in her heart of hearts she had viciously wished to be a daughter, to the cruel mercies of his father. she was never going to be a strong woman in this palace, but even something might have been better than nothing, she thinks. just a little kindness, she hopes for someone to teach him, a little mercy. and then, thinking again of her burning hatred for her husband, whom she damns to all the hells that exist, the only true empress mahishmati has in 50 years dies. her first marriage anniversary will be in one month.) 
the other option for bhadra’s mother imo is that she’s a favoured courtesan of bhalla. for this i think its definitely possible that their relationship can be established even before mahendra’s birth -- there’s no reason they aren’t together even prior to the kalakeyan war. this might be a way to make it easier for bhadra to be closer in age to mahendra, where bhalla, despite being consumed with his obsession for devasena continues to visit and the courtesan becomes pregnant (whether she plans this after reading the room and realizing bhalla has ruled for 3 years and has no heir is up to you.) there is obviously no pomp and circumstance here for the duration of the pregnancy, almost no one is aware of the child’s paternity. many kings have many natural born children, and bhalla initially believes that this child will be like any other though unique in a sense for himself because it will be his first child at all. then, he thinks, realizing that he isnt really inclined to marry but requires an heir. within this option there is the possibility for a queen who simply cannot give bhalla a child (maybe she miscarries, whether because of bhalla’s behavior or on purpose because she doesn’t want to have his child) or just ... bhalla doesnt want to get married because he’s obsessed with devasena. the courtesan is sent a message, and under the utmost secrecy is moved to a chamber in the inner palace where her every want is cared for in the hopes of her delivering a strong, male child. she is treated as a queen for the eight months and when she gives birth she probably survives. she is definitely not allowed to raise the child -- bhalla announces that bhadra is his heir, his natural born son, and does not announce the mother. bhadra is raised entirely as bhalla’s son, never allowed to question his mother’s identity or to meet her. either she remains within bhalla’s palace, as a continued object of his favor or is allowed to leave mahishmati after a vow of silence regarding bhardra’s parentage. 
anyways, i’m putting bhadra at 20/21 to mahendra’s 24, and if bhalla gets married he probably thinks about it a year after baahu’s death, gets married a year after that, the queen dies within a year of the marriage (all a space of 3ish years.) option 2, it’s been 3 years and bhalla keeps pushing off thoughts of marriage and then opportunity falls into his lap. in general this is in line with my belief that bhalla at a base level does not care about any woman except for devasena, particularly after he has her in chains. before this, his sole object was the throne, and if he married at that point it would be a political alliance to make him a more favorable candidate for the crown for sure. needing to get married doesn’t occur to him (and to be fair doesnt seem to occur to baahu until he falls in love.) as king he’d only consider marriage in terms of getting an heir, and he wouldn’t care about the woman he married at all -- he’d treat her horribly, probably venting all the anger and frustration he cant with devasena because she lives in the cage which in a sense protects her from the worst physical/sexual abuse. the only respite his wife, another woman entirely under his control, would have is probably becoming pregnant. a favored courtesan, particularly one who had a relationship pre the whole devasena obsession, would have a different dynamic with him, especially since she’s technically “his’ but also not entirely in the way a wife would be. less abuse imo for sure, and the significantly less scrutiny and pinned hopes on her pregnancy results in her general good treatment rather than the exhausting micromanaging characteristic of a wife/queen. 
both of these options basically result in bhalla and biju having total control on the raising of bhadra to be the Worst, and for bhadra’s identity to basically be “bhalla’s son” more than even regular princes who define themselves as their father’s sons. the woman is erased entirely from the narrative, and exists entirely to give bhalla an heir and then conveniently disappear, as distasteful as that is. 
as usual, any other ideas/opinions/complete negations are welcome!! please comment or reply i’m really interested to see what you all think!!!
@teammahishmati @teambaahubali
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xiaojusaur · 6 years
Beta Affair pt 3
A/N: Here’s the most awaited! I hope you guys like it! Thanks for all the positive feedback you’ve been giving me! It means a lot!
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Wow! You’re beautiful Y/N! Please don’t ever be insecure about yourself, love yourself more. I know you’re sassy and everything but I know you have a soft side. You’re gorgeous 😍
As soon as you turned on the phone that texted popped up on your screen. Your heart skipped a beat, Taehyung really think you were beautiful.
Thank you Taehyung. Im sorry, I’m aggressive sometimes because I’m not used to receive compliments or to people to flirt with me. I thank you for trying your best 😂
You pressed send.
Suddenly you couldn’t wait for next week to finally meet him. How would it feel to hug him? How would it feel his touch? Would you feel the urge to kiss him? How would he react to you?
You talked with your friends and told them what happened and what was going to happen. They seemed to be really excited, both for you and to meet Taehyung’s friends. You girls started to make plans quickly. You looked for a place to stay, places to visit and you checked for the tickets to the convention.
A week later you were at the airport waiting for your flight. You were excited and nervous, you were going to finally meet Taehyung. Since you were gonna fly overnight he was awake and also on the airport. He called you and you two were talking while waiting.
“To be honest, I’m excited,” he confessed.
“I’m pretty normal, just nervous about the flight,” you lied.
“It’s going to be fine. Think that at the end we’re gonna meet and hang out,” he sounded too excited.
A voice in the intercome announced that you were starting to board the plane.
“Taehyung, I gotta go. I’ll call you when I arrive,” you said sighing.
“Alright, safe flight and don’t be nervous, I’ll give you a hug when we see each other.” He was so supportive you almost puked.
“Sure, I’ll punch your arm.”
“See ya later.”
Your friends were all smirking at you. “What?” You asked holding a laugh.
“You’re trying so hard. Don’t hold back, you’re head over heels for that man. I mean, we’re traveling the country so you can meet him,” your friend Emmy told you trying to make you admit your feeling. Never.
After boarding the plane you just slept all the way to New York.
Your friends had to wake you up because you didn’t even noticed when you guys arrived.
After picking up your stuff, you guys headed to the house you were staying in. It was pretty close to everything necessary. You guys unpacked and threw yourselves on the beds to rest a little.
You texted Taehyung to let him know you arrived but after not having an answer you just went to sleep.
You woke up to the giggles of your friends, when you opened your eyes and your vision cleared a little, they were just watching something on the TV.
“Ah fuck, what time is it?” You asked all groggy.
“It’s 2:00 pm Sleeping Beauty,” your friend Cindy told you.
“Shit... Do you think he arrived already?” You said returning to the room to look for your phone that was charging.
“Yeah, it’s been long enough for him to arrive.”
You turned on your phone and there was his reply a few hours later from yours.
I have arrived now. Imma rest a little, I think Im jet lagged but I’m glad you’re safe.
You found yourself smiling at the screen and when you raised your eyes all of your friends were watching you. They exploded in laughs when your expression changed.
“What’s so funny?” You asked annoyed.
“You’re smiling at your phone like a teenager. I think someone’s getting feelings!” Said Emmy.
“Can’t believe it, Y/N has a heart?!” Said Nikky.
“Stop it! It’s just a text saying he arrived good. Can’t I be happy about that?”
“Sure, sure.” They all laughed again.
An hour later your phone started ringing out of nowhere. It was Taehyung.
“Hey, umm, where are you staying? Can I visit you?” He asked.
“Now?! I’m in pijamas already...” you said looking at yourself. Since when did you cared how you looked?
“Who cares. I want to see you, are you close?”
“I’d say we’re pretty close. Fine! Just let me change. We can meet up by a park that’s near.”
“Great, see ya there.”
You changed into some sweats and a decent shirt, put on your sneakers and you were heading out of the door when Amy said “Where do you think you’re going alone? What if something happens? Wait for us.”
You smiled because your friends cared so much for you, they were truly special.
You guys took the bus and then walked to the park, you all sat on a bench waiting for the guy. You were all bubbly and jumpy, your palms sweating and breathing heavier by the minute.
You phone made you jump when it rang “H-Hello?”
“The little demon is nervous? I can’t believe it.” He was making fun of your stuttering.
“Shut up! Did you call to make fun of me? I can easily go again.” You were agitated.
“Hey, calm down. Where are you? Im here already.” His deep voice calming you almost instantly.
“I’m near the big tree, on a bench with 6 girls.” You said looking at Emmy with wide eyes.
“Alright, I’ll go there.” He hung up.
“Fuck he’s coming,” you said too fast and jumping on your feet.
All of your friends started laughing. Your friend Nikky said “Hey, relax! It’s just a guy. You better calm down if you want to get that dick.” You almost choked “STOP!” You screamed while bursting in laugh.
Like in a dream you spotted him walking to you. It was dark already but the street lamps were lighting his perfect face. You grabbed Emmy’s hand—too tightly actually—and she unhanded you immediately.
You felt the time stopping with every step he took getting nearer. There was nobody else around you two. You were looking at him and he was looking at you, you never took your eyes off each other.
Finally he reached you. There, right in front of you was Kim Taehyung, the man who made your gaming night impossible and now was here giving you a zoo in the stomach. You both stood silently but you didn’t care, you were already enjoying each other’s company.
“Hi,” he said with his deep but breathy voice and you almost faint right there. He smiled and this time you actually felt your knees going weak. He had a perfect boxy smile, something you’ve never seen before.
You smiled and said “Hi,” back. You offered him your hand but he ignored it and came quickly to a hug, his arms wrapping your small figure. He was really tall, everything about him was big. You were stiff due to the surprise of the sudden contact but then you hugged him back.
“You’re so tiny! So cute!” He said while looking at you from bottom to top.
“Yeah, you could say that.”
Your friend Aria cleared her throat, reminding you they were there. You introduced them to Taehyung and he said “I didn’t know they would come, I would’ve brought my friends.”
Aria answered “Don’t worry, we just wanted to accompany her to make sure she was alright. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna be in good hands now,” she winked! You looked at her alarmed but then Taehyung interrupted you. “Shall we go for a walk around?” He offered you his arm to grab and you did.
“We’ll be here, no rush. You can take your time,” said Amy.
You and Taehyung went away in silence but side by side.
As soon as you were away from your friends you let go of his arm and he complained “Why are you like this? Are you not happy to finally meet me?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m just not used to being touchy,” you said trying to hide your blushing face but for your bad luck, he noticed.
“Oh my God! Are you blushing? The little demon blushes! That’s adorable.” He said too excited.
“Stop it!” You said covering your face with your hands.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He grabbed your hands and took them out of your face. “You look adorable when you blush.” His deep and mellow voice, making you shiver. He didn’t let go of your hands, in fact, he held them in his.
Your eyes locked and in that moment you understood this man was going to be your downfall. A man who lived at the other side of the world, a man that you met under not-so-normal circumstances. For this man you would try anything, for this man you would do anything.
You shook your head, returning to reality, he just smiled. “Shall we walk around?”
“Sure,” you said nervously, hoping that walking helped you with the nerves.
You talked for hours sat on a bench, you guys looked at the stars and at the moon together. You watched the kids running around and before you knew it, it was really late and you had to return.
Your friends weren’t there anymore and when you checked your phone you had messages from all of them saying they were leaving because they were tired. You were so consumed in the conversations with Taehyung that you didn’t even heard your phone.
“Shit, they’ve left me. I’ll have to go back alone” you said a little annoyed.
“You can’t go back alone, that’s dangerous. I’ll take you there.” Was he even real?
“A-Are you sure? But then you’ll have to come back alone,” you said trying not to make him worry.
“I don’t mind. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” He messed your hair and you hit his arm playfully.
You guys took the bus back to where you were staying. You guys talked some more and when there was nothing left to say you would just look at each other.
His eyes were a galaxy and you a curious girl who wanted to explore them. The intensity on those eyes made your stomach go on a knot. Did he felt the same or was he doing it on purpose?
You guys arrived at the place. He took you to the door and there facing each other.
“Thank you for bringing me back. You didn’t have to,” you said smiling.
“It’s nothing. I hope you had fun and I hope I didn’t disappoint you,” he said part joking, part seriously.
“Nahh! You’re just taller than I imagined.” And way more handsome.
“Well, see ya later. You coming to the convention?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be there to see you lose.”
“We’ll see about that.”
He then got closer and you instantly panicked and stepped back but he didnt noticed and kept coming closer. He embraced you in a big hug, his perfume invading your nostrils. He smelled really nice. And then out of nowhere his lips kissed your cheek, a little gasp coming out of your mouth. You hope he didnt hear it but if he did, he ignored it. Your shocked face you couldn’t conceal, he just laughed, turned and walked away.
When you opened the door you caught your friends peeking through the windows.
“You weirdos!” You screamed.
“We wanted to see if the kiss happened, but apparently you guys don’t believe in that,” your friend Caroline said.
“Let me guess, you didn’t sucked his dick either,” said Nikky.
“You guys are weird, I’m going to sleep.” Amd with that you changed your clothes and jumped to bed. Sleeping was easier because Taehyung was in your mind tonight.
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bangtan-spells · 6 years
Hoseok Scenario: Hearts Coming Home.
Request: Hey girls! for the christmas thingy, what about reader and Hobi meeting by accident at the airport? They were supposed to travel to visit their families, but bc of the weather or something like that the plane couldn't leave. So they decide to stick together :3 Btw, how have you been? I've noticed you've been inactive lately, so I hope you can solve whatever it's going on. Just keep being strong! love you girls, fighting!! <3
Genre: Fluff.
You rushed to the gate, you hadn’t heard the airport lady annoucing your flight but then you could have never been able to undertsand the voices of the airport speakers. So maybe you were late, and if boarding had started you were in trouble, well if boarding had ended you were doomed. The gift shops in the airports always caught your eyes and this time it was a necessary stop since you needed to grab a few last minute christmas gifts but spent way longer at the duty free than you intended. You were a little out of breath while walking down the hallway and wishing everything still worked according to plan since this was the only flight you could catch to reach Seoul on time for christmas because you had been in Busan for the past week because of work.
When you reached the gate area you saw the crowd gathered around so you thought that indeed the boarding had started but then you didn’t see the airline staff so that was weird. You approached a little and then was when you overheard that the flight might be delayed.
The crowd started to speak louder and then you saw a staff member coming your way. You trief to step closer to hear better, holding your bag but feeling the wieight starting to hurt your hand. -Excuse me- you said to a young guy that was standing next to just as confused. You put thE bag on the ground and listened. The flight had been delayed three hours because of the sudden bad weather, you sighed, that was a bummer, but three hours werent that much time and you could still be on time for christmas with your family. You’d be pretty tight on time but you thought you could pull it off if it was just three hours.
You were getting a little hungry so since you were stranded There for the time being might as well get something to eat. You wanted something healthy and nice but With your budget you were thinking that Mcdonalds was the right option. Sighing you got your bag and walked away.
You walked without any rush now. Thinking what a shame that you had rushed all the way here for nothing. At the end you settled for a starbucks toasted sandwich. You were munching on it when something caught your eye. You had your gift bag sitting on the other chair it had slided to the side a little bit and part of the content was visible now so you frowned letting your sandwich down. What?
You took out a pack of three tennis balls, you were certain that you hadnt bought that. More confused you went through the content of the bag to realize that none of it was yours. 
-Oh my god-
You had grabbed the wrong bag. But when? You thought hard when, the only time you let go of the bag was when you were standing near the crowd at the gate area. You thought hard on it and then you remembered the guy next to you had a bag just like yours. This one had to be his and surely he had yours.
- Shit - you exhaled, now you had to rush to find him.
You finished your sandwhich quickly much to your discomfort, you were walking looking around, but what if he had left.? No that wasn’t possible, he was there so he was most probably waiting for the same flight as you. You thought about your luck, way to go for a cheerful holiday spirit, not only your flight had been delayed but now you had lost your christmas gifts. Great.
Thankfully the airport wasn’t that big, those were Hoseok’s thoughts as he walked around looking for the girl who had taken his bag. He had noticed around fifteen minutes ago that he was holding the wrong bag, and he remeered you placing your bag right next to his so he guessed you had to be the one who took his bag away.
He had gone to almost every store around looking for you but he didn’t catch a glimpse of you, so at the very last he had decided to go back to the waiting area of your gate since he guessed you’d get back to it eventually. Hoseok sat on a visible spot and looked around, then he saw you coming also turning your head in every direction. Most probably looking for him. That made him smile for some reason, you had probably walked past each other without realizing.
He stood up and lifted his hand to get your attention as he approached you. You exhaled relieved and smile a bit awkwardly.
-Hi- you smiled again. -I’m sorry this must be your bag-
Hoseok couldnt help but smile too. -Its ok, it was just a mistake-
You lAughed a little. -Yeah this delayed flight thing has gotten on my nerves so I dont know where I have my head-
-Yeah same, it’s such a bummer that the flight got delayed, but at least there’s still hope-
-Well here you have it, let’s try to not get confused again- you both laughed and switched bags. -I was a bit shocked when I saw the tennis balls, I was like, I didnt bought that-
Hoseok laughed. -Oh those, it would have been terrible to lose it, that’s actually a gift to myself-
-So you play tennis-
-Yes!- he smiled even brighter making you feel a bit fuzzy inside, he had a cute smile. -I do, it’s one of my hobbies when I get free my time of my dancing and the other stuff in my life-
-Are you a dancer?-
-Yeah I actually…-
Hoseok stopped midsentence because a group of people was passing by your side and almost bumped you so he lightly grabbed your arm and pulled you away from them. You were a bit startled but thankful for the gentle gesture.
-No, you’re welcome sometimes people go like crazy in airports, why…- he smiled and stared at you a bit more shyly. -why dont we go grab a coffe since we are waiting for the same flight anyway, I mean it’s ok if you dont want to, I just think it would be nice to wait with someone, I…- he laughed notably nervous so you giggled a little.
-That sounds nice-
You went back to Starbucks where you had warm drinks and a treat. Hoseok was very nice, he was chill and easy to talk with, he was also very handsome. He was the kind of guy who was beautiful in a very refreshing way, effortlessly, his hair was deep red that complimented him very much and he explained to you that he chose the red for a recent show in which he was going to perform. You talked about both your lives, finding that you had several things in common so the time flew by until the three hours that you were suppossed to wait passed, so you decided to go back to the gate to investigate.
At first you were the only ones standing by but just like before people crowded around waiting for new info, hopefully saying that the plane had arrived. The staff came again but news weren’t so bright. The bad weather was still very much present and the flight might stay delayed until the weather cleared up and it was secure to fly, so practically they were saying you were going to be stuck at the airport indefinitely. People wasn’t happy and complains could be heard. You looked at Hoseok not knowing how to react, this might mean that you were going to miss Christmas with your family.
-This sucks, can they even do this?-
Hoseok sighed. -They can, maybe weather it’s bad for real, we just need to wait for a little longer-
-Is your family waiting for you at Seoul?-
He nodded. -Yes, they are there for Christmas, I was excited to see my noona, and you? Your family is waiting or maybe a boyfriend…?-
-Oh no, nothing of that, just my family-
Hoseok chuckled. -So we both are single-
-On Christmas day-
Both of you laughed and went to sit together again.
To distract yourselves from the bad news you went for a little tour after some time around the stores taking the freebies of coffee and chocolates that stores gave and checking out the christmas stores. Hoseok was a funny guy, he didn’t hesitate to try on the tacky christmas hats, the reindeer horns, the santa’s elves and he even put on a santa claus hat with the fake beard and everythig. It made you forget about being lonely on Christmas because you didn’t feel lonely with him making you laugh with his sense of humor.
It was eleven on Christmas Eve and you were sitting on the waiting area yet again, only that this time both of you were wearing matching santa hats.
You were thinking where to eat since it was getting really late and chances were you were spending Christmas there.
-Well if we dont get home on time, at least we are spending Christmas with each other and you are a pretty good company-
You smiled at that, if you had been alone you would had felt way more sad than now. You felt bad that you weren’t with your family, but you had to admit that this didn’t turn out so bad.
The speakers went on and suddenly announced that passangers of your flight had to go to a different gate. Your plane had finally arrived and apparently the weather was good enough to travel.
Hoseok and you walked there together seeing the people already forming the lines the flight attendants were organizing. You were on the same line so you waited together for your turn, you couldn’t believe your luck. You had been waiting for the plane all this time but now that it was there it made you realize that you didn’t really want to leave Hoseok’s  side because you had already warmed up to the idea of spending Christmas with him. It was a little crazy to think that you could get so attached to someone in that short spam of time but there was just something about him that told you that with him Christmas would be special.
You got on the plane finding that Hoseok wasn’t sitting beside you but he inmediatly asked a lady to trade seats and she very gladly obliged.
-Of course, I wouldn’t dare to split such a lovely couple on Christmas Eve- She said, so after all you ended up sitting side by side.
The plane was about to take off, both of you wrote to your familes and then Hoseok looked at you with a smile on his face.
-Merry Christmas Y/N-
You looked down at your phone and saw it was already twelve oclock. After all you did get to spend Christmas with him. -Merry Christmas Hoseok-
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