#love the HC that he’s friends with ollie and elliot and geordi
k0pi0 · 9 months
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ice-palace-art · 2 years
Fuckin strap in cuz I'm gonna be real gay and do some body hair hcs for the bois <3 (nothing sexual I just love spreading my "body hair is beautiful on all bodies" ideology)
I'm putting it under the cut just because it got a bit long lol. I mean cmon who else is gonna ramble at length about men's body hair????
Smooth and aerodynamic to furry friend spectrum
Regulus: nothin. Nada. This man is smooth as they come.
Vega: not much but his arm hair is strangley pretty
Geordi, Avior, Morgan: some leg and arm hair but that's about it
Damien: smooth boi but that's alright cuz he would probably have sensory issues with hair interacting with his clothes
Vincent: has, like, the faintest happy trail. He wishes hrt gave him more but eh what can you do. His leg and arm hair grew in very nice tho
David: surprisingly not much. A bit on his stomach and legs but that's about it. It's pretty thick and dark tho
Asher, Ollie, Elliot: average happy trail enthusiasts and a bit on the chest. Asher has on multiple occasions waxed it cuz he was dared to. This has made the hairs a bit dark and course.
Gavin: none on the chest, but this man's trail is thick, pretty, and goes just a bit past the navel. Freelancer goes feral for it. (Gav does this thing when he wears crop tops where he'll stretch and show off his tum hair and they will instantly parish)
Huxley: little bit more than Gav. He kinda lacks the stomach hair but definitely makes up for it with his chest and arms. Soft tiddies
Guy: this is when we get to the bois that would be considered hairy. Guy's is a bit patchy on his legs and stomach, but spread nice and even on their chest.
Sam: hrt was kind to this man. Pre t he had a bit of stomach hair that he shaved to make it grow back thicker and darker (from experience this actually works), but he grew some nice foliage when he got on t. This also means he did get the hrt ass hair.
Blake, Ivan: stuff that spreads far but is thin and not as visible.
Lasko: this man is HAIRY. It's soft, dark, and spreads oh so nicely across his stomach and chest. His stomach hair connects to his chest hair by a strip on his sternum.
Cam: same as lasko but a bit thicker.
Milo: HAIRY. ITALIAN. MAN. He's got hair on his shoulders for God's sake.
Aaron: Bear. If he leaves one button undone his chest hair will peak out (this, for the uninformed, is known as male slut behavior/j). Thick, soft, and oh so pretty.
Uhhhh I think that's everyone? Tell me if I missed anyone lol.
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