#love the idea of modifying my dolls. Hate the idea of messing it up or hurting them in some way šŸ„ŗšŸ˜–šŸ˜£
trynadollsiesplay Ā· 1 year
@myondolls Gosh, your answer was good for my last question šŸ¤©. I'm still getting my head around it šŸ¤Æ. But you seem like you know your way around a doll (rainbow high specifically) so I wanted to ask about it!
Story time: When I only had, like, 5 rainbow high dolls, I pulled some of their hands off to get a jacket on them (before knowing it was a trap). Each time the wrist broke - like in that last post - but further down the wrist-discs rod, so it still basically clicked back into place. It still comes off again if you extend the hand too far (because the rod falls out). And that is sort of a problem ā˜¹.
I have questions about that. And I don't want to break my own doll open to look deep inside, so I thought I'd ask.
a) How far down does that discs pin go? is it all the way down to the elbow?
b) why doesn't the disks pins end (deeper in the arm) fall out when you break it at the wrist. It seems pretty tight in there, and I don't get why. Especially when there are so many people customising arms and hands in the doll customising world. It seems counter-productive to my uneducated brain for it to not do that.
If anyone has thoughts on this, or wants to take on some community doll education for the sake of us uneducated doll collectors, feel free to add on. (I just realised I could probably google this. But it's always nice to hear it from people, yk?)
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saltytothecore Ā· 2 years
this is from a whumptober '21 fill, Ā Iā€™VE GOT RED IN MY LEDGER (BETRAYAL)
Wherein Essek and Caleb have only just gotten together and are barely out of the ruins, when Essek's treason is found out by the Dynasty. Caleb, immediately, wants to start planning for how to keep Essek safe, but Essek believes that he'll only be putting Caleb, and by extension the rest of the Nein, in danger, so once Caleb falls asleep (and, crucially, before either of them have copped to consummating their relationship to the rest of their friends) he modifies Caleb's memory, telling Caleb that Caleb never loved him, and couldn't trust him, in full knowledge of how potent a betrayal that would be, and vanishes in the night. Later, he's of course found, and the Nein don't know quite how to deal with him betraying them with good intentions.
ā€œWell, if you decide to kill me, let me know.ā€
Essek pulls himself from the chair and walks to the iris in the floor. He almost thinks up but realizes he has no idea where he ought to go. There was a time he would have gone to Calebā€™s room. A time when heā€™d have one of his own. He realizes he cannot bear to see that space, that had once been so carefully crafted for him, is no longer the same. Is no longer for him.
So he thinks down instead, and goes to one of the Rooms of Requirement.Ā 
It will be what he wants, and what he wants are those few months, when his life felt full of promise, vibrant with companionship and possibility. That time, when they were in and out of the ruins, when they left like theyā€™d be able to have the feelings growing between them, could tend them and cultivate them into love, into a future.Ā 
Essek opens a door, and finds a replica of that room, under the ice, where he first kissed Caleb. It is dark, with broken furniture scattered on the floor, as if a child had tossed their doll house, devoid of anything interesting. Caleb had kissed him before, of course, in ways that had some deniability.Ā 
Essek hadnā€™t wanted that. Heā€™d wanted to make it very clear what he thought. There could have been better places, more grand, more worthy, but this is where his will broke. Where he had to make himself known.
The room did not have the comfortable trancing chair, of course, but Essek would like to rest, so now this little room, a forgotten corner of a forgotten city that played host to one of his best memories, now also has a passable replica of his favorite chair.Ā 
Essek sinks into it, tucks his legs up beside him, and closes his eyes. It isnā€™t cold in here, but perhaps out of the sense that it should be, he pulls his cloak tighter around himself.
How could this have happened?Ā 
Betraying Caleb should have been his failsafe. That hurt should have kept him far away, kept them all far away. They might have forgiven him once, but not again. Not when heā€™d acted so directly.Ā 
He doesnā€™t understand. Not why heā€™s here, why they hunted him, why his plan didnā€™t work.Ā 
Heā€™s not sure he cares.Ā 
He would leave, but if they found him once, they would find him again, and he doesnā€™t want them running afoul of anyone else looking for him.
A cat, a small gray figment of a creature, climbs up onto the chair by his feet. It makes a sharp, inquisitive sound, itā€™s tail lashing behind it. Essek knows that it is asking what he wants. He almost sends it away, butā€”
Well, what does it matter if he indulges in a little wine? Heā€™s as fuckedā€”or unfuckedā€”as heā€™s ever going to be. Ā 
(a little bit later)
ā€œWhat I want, what I need from you, is to know why?ā€Ā 
ā€œBecause I love you.ā€
Essek says it without thinking. If there is one thing he wants Caleb to carry away from this rotten mess, itā€™s that. He might hate Essekā€”he would be right toā€”but Essek loves him.Ā 
Caleb flinches away from his words, as surely as if Essek struck him.
ā€œAnd thatā€™s how you show it? By making me forget you?ā€
ā€œI'm not a good man. I don't think I ever could be. But I love you. I have watched you die already for this world, but I won't watch you die for me. I won't even let you try. The conscience you forced on me would not bear the weight of it.Ā 
ā€œSo if I am selfish even in my selflessness, so be it. I do not regret anything Iā€™ve given up for your sake, even you.ā€
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witchqueenofthemoon Ā· 6 years
BODY AND SOUL Part 8 (Duncan Shepherd/Mackenzie Stone Millory AU)
Authorā€™s Note:Ā Whew, okay yā€™all, Duncan and Kenzie are dragging me along at a breakneck pace, trying to tell me everything at once and Iā€™m trying to get them to slow down so I can organize everything, but I canā€™t stop writing this fic. Iā€™ve been forgetting to eat Iā€™ve been so wrapped up in it. I keep trying to take a break for a day but I donā€™t feel like doing anything else half as much as I feel like writing. Thatā€™s an amazing feeling I havenā€™t had in...a really fucking long time, years and years. I have to thank some of you again for your love and attention to me and this story: @nat-de-lioncourt, @impiorumrequies, @carousallie (thanks for your tips about cool DC places, darling!), @ladywriter94 (who had a fucking dream about Duckenzie, oh my god, a dream Iā€™ve vowed to make into a scene at some point), @ghostwithangeleyes (who made this edit a few days ago!), @icouldrun, @hi-ilovedamien (who made this which I fucking love and is writing an amazing Millory fic of their own that you should definitely read, Dichotomy), @killcort and @amanda-d0000, Thank you. Thereā€™s a lot of stressful stuff coming up for Duckenzie regarding outward pressures; the good news is, they have each other. Hereā€™s Billie Holidayā€™s BODY AND SOUL, which is a song I had never heard before until a few days ago, though now I feel like itā€™s as integral a part of this story as any other song Iā€™ve listened to or included as inspiration (and her name is Billie too; how amazing is that). I based Madelineā€™s little china dolls on the work of an existing artist, but I looked for her to link to it and couldnā€™t find it again; if anyone knows of an artist who modifies china dolls so theyā€™re little grotesqueries, let me know, because itā€™s probably the artist I was thinking of. Like Annette, I found Madeline (who is based on Carrie Fisher) challenging but ultimately rewarding to write; she sees the world very differently than Annette, and it was important for me to communicate the differences in Duncan and Mackenzieā€™s upbringings with their mostly-single mothers. I listened to Rihannaā€™s KISS IT BETTER a lot for the sex. As ever, if youā€™re reading and enjoying, your comments and reblogs are everything to me.
Kenzie pulled at the latch handle on her motherā€™s hardwood front door, stepping inside warily, practically tip-toeing. She was immediately enveloped by the warm, wonderfully inviting, deeply nostalgic smell of her motherā€™s homemade spaghetti sauce; a smell she seemed to be able to pinpoint in her dreams sometimes (smells in dreams, always weird, she thought). It juxtaposed sharply with the sinking feeling now nestling deep into her guts, the foreboding feeling of being a disappointment to her mother, who she couldnā€™t help but idolize in her own secret way; couldnā€™t help but want to impress, make proud, bring contentment.
She moved slowly through the doorway, setting her satchel down by the door, slipping her kitten heels off and checking with a soft tap of her hand that her phone was still tucked into the large pocket of Duncanā€™s cardigan, then moved past the staircase and into the living room, with its large oak-framed fireplace and soft, squishy, jump-in-there mulberry-colored couch, gazing at the odds and ends of her motherā€™s house, the tchotchkes that defined so much of her motherā€™s energy in her head. Her mother loved weird paintings in particular; things that looked like other things; on the mantel was her growing collection of delicate china girls that had been reconfigured to feature odd anomalies; one girl had tentacles growing out of her arms, another was holding her own disembodied heart with a hole in her chest, one had a gaping hole in her side, her arm on the little porcelain patch of grass at her feet, and a dazed, zombie-like expression, her mouth a mess of blood and gaping teeth. Kenzie had bought a couple for Madeline one Christmas while she was still in college, seeing them in an online shop by an independent artist; their defiant monstrous femininity was Madeline always in Mackenzieā€™s eyes, and theyā€™d made her think of her mother right away. Over time, Madeline had acquired more, and now they formed a small monstrous army there. On the wall over the fireplace, her eyes dusted over the large gold coin that was her motherā€™s Pulitzer prize; a prize Madeline had earned at an absurdly young age for a now-legendary editorial on her struggles with bipolar disorder. Kenzie scrutinized it with a mixture of pride and longing; she was already 24, older than her mother had been when Madeline had been awarded the prize. She wondered if sheā€™d ever win something so prestigious for her writing; couldnā€™t stave away her doubt that she wouldnā€™t. Who cares, make art anyway, because itā€™s for survival, itā€™s for your own heart and soul, the memory of her motherā€™s advices past pushing between her ears. Momby, who was in the kitchen, banging pots and pans with pointed slamming and slapping; Momby, who was mad at her.
Kenzie slipped her hand into her pocket, her little fingers closing around the familiar smooth rectangle of her iPhone in its gold case, thumbing the moon sticker; thinking of you, Duncan, her memory flashing back to his lips under her ear (leaving an invisible gold tattoo) before she slipped away from him into the car outside Le Diplomate, the moment now frozen in time by a strangerā€™s camera, her heart ramming into her ribcage, her body immersed in liquid fire. I have to make Momby understand.
She entered the kitchen where to the right she saw Madeline at the sink, past the fridge, staring at the water falling from the faucet into the stainless steel pasta pot she held steady under it. Her lips were pursed together, her expression neutral, far away. She glanced over her shoulder at Kenzie, who stood in the doorway in her knee-socks, making her hands into fists and then relaxing them, hesitant. Glanced, looked back at the pasta pot, glanced back again, silent, on the edge of her anger, but unable to find words for it.
ā€œMomby,ā€ Kenzie started.
ā€œMackenzie, how could you be so fucking naive?ā€
The words stung her like a slap in the face.
ā€œMen like that--ā€ Madeline began, and Kenzie walked past her, tears already stinging at the corners of her eyes (oh god, Kenz, not already), trying to hide her face from her mother, trying to find footing in her slowly disintegrating composure. She cried so easily with her mother; maybe itā€™s because she usually felt so safe to. But not right now. Right now she wanted to hide in a hole until Madeline decided she forgave her daughter. Right now, Kenzie wanted to fast-forward to everything being okay, because it had to be. She couldnā€™t bear the idea of not being with him now. A sharp, imaginary spear of pain jabbed into her chest as Madeline finished her words. ā€œMen like that will take everything away from you, they will try to control you and make you their slave and they will try to crush your spirit, Mackenzie.ā€
Kenzie jerked one of the squat wooden chairs from the round kitchen table in the corner and sat, setting her fingers against the edge of the table, gripping that edge for dear life, eye fixed on the brick wall behind it, refusing to look her mother in the eye. Kenzie, do not cry, do not fucking cry, donā€™t do it, you stupid crybaby bitch, donā€™t fucking cry--
But it was too late and she could feel the tears coming, pushing themselves out of her lower eyelids like a tide coming in to shore; she was powerless to stop them, just as the shore was powerless to stop that tide, that ocean wave. She felt the first of them course down her cheeks, and her lip trembled.
ā€œMomby,ā€ she whispered. ā€œI love him.ā€
She looked over at her mother then, more tears falling down her cheeks now; Madeline stood with her back to the sink now, the faucet still running, her arms crossed, her expression full of fury. She saw her daughterā€™s tears, and her face crumpled a little; enough that Kenzie could see her falter internally, double-back on her anger, try to go forward with it again, and become stuck in an in-between of emotions.
ā€œMackenzie. My dearest. You donā€™t know him yet.ā€
ā€œMomby, I will get to know him. Please listen to me.ā€
ā€œAnnette Shepherd has tried to ruin my career, destroy my credibility and my livelihood, she has tried to smear my personal life, tried to discredit my work, Annette Shepherd is an evil bitch--ā€
ā€œMomby, this is not about you!ā€
Kenzie shocked herself with the shrillness of her scream; her voice rising until it seemed to shake her entire body as it came out, rocking her back from the edge of the table into the seat, and she turned her body to her mother, her own anger now finally having risen, the tears still stinging their way down her face. Her motherā€™s face went white with shock, and she fell into a stunned silence. For a few minutes, the only sound was the water running over the edge of the now-full pasta pot, and the tick of the little classic black Kitty-Kat clock against the wall leading to the dining room.
ā€œMomby,ā€ Kenzie said again, and her voice cracked a little--she hated to fight with her mother so much. She hated it, it punched a hole through her heart, it fractured her spirit and filled her with abject sadness. ā€œMomby. Please. Let me make my own mistakes. You have to let me. You made mistakes too. Donā€™t I get to make any? Canā€™t I--ā€ Her face collapsed, unable to stave off the sob building in her lungs any longer, and she gasped as it burst out of her. ā€œCanā€™t I figure out myself if this is a mistake or not?ā€
Her motherā€™s face softened, her arms unfolded, and she turned, shutting off the faucet, moving to where Kenzie sat with her body now shuddering as she cried.
ā€œKenzie Lou,ā€ her mother said, and she reached out to grasp Kenzieā€™s hand. Kenzie immediately felt enveloped in the warmth of her motherā€™s now-wrinkly touch. She gasped out a little sigh of tear-clogged air, forced herself to speak between her hitching breaths.
ā€œDuncan isnā€™t his mother, Momby. Please, believe me. Why canā€™t you trust me?ā€
ā€œOh, sweet pea.ā€ Her mother pressed her other hand over Kenzieā€™s, so both grasped her fingers. ā€œI do trust you. But sometimes you feel blinded by something--by someone. Sometimes you canā€™t see whatā€™s going on because youā€™re looking at one tree in a forest.ā€
ā€œMomby, thatā€™s not what this is.ā€
ā€œHow do you know?ā€
ā€œI feel it. In my heart. In my spirit. He loves me and I love him and we want to be together and I love you so much, but Iā€™m going to be with him whether or not you like it, Momby, and Iā€™m an adult and you need to let me do this.ā€
Madeline let go of her, standing again, moving back to the sink, dumping the overflow water out of the pot, bringing it over to the stove, lighting it, grabbing the salt off the rack beside the stovetop, her expression exasperated again. Kenzie wiped at her teary face with the sleeves of Duncanā€™s cardigan, sniffling, feeling pitiable and tired.
ā€œIā€™m not stupid, Momby, and I need you to trust me. I need that from you.ā€
Madeline shook salt into the water, still not saying anything, still pressing her lips together, her eyes unreadable behind her squarish black glasses, shoving the container back onto the rack; grabbed the glass bottle of olive oil beside the rack, shaking it hastily into the water next. She was thinking. She was listening; at least, I think she is, Kenzie hoped. I think sheā€™s listening to me now.
ā€œI know in my heart that this is what I want.ā€
ā€œAnd what if he betrays you, my sweet Kenzie?ā€ She could hear the edge in her motherā€™s voice; the edge of tears. Her own tears sprang back into her eyes, threatening at the corners. Oh Momby, she thought, donā€™t cry.
ā€œYou experienced pain, you were betrayed, and you came out the other side, you survived,ā€ Kenzie replied, and her hand slipped down into her pocket again, clutched her phone in her wet fingers. Duncan, please, be true to me. Please, promise me Iā€™m not doing this in vain. ā€œIf thatā€™s what my path is, I have to see it through. Momby, you know, I was with Tyler for three years. I never once felt this way about him. Iā€™ve never felt this way about anyone. Like my eyes are finally open. Like I finally understand.ā€
ā€œLike you understand what?ā€
Kenzie stared evenly at her mother, who was now facing her again, hands resting against the back of her hips. She saw the moisture behind her motherā€™s glasses, could see the searching expression in her motherā€™s eyes behind the shield; knew that Madeline was as prone to tears around her daughter as her daughter was to her. And Kenzie knew that her mother was listening. Kenzie stood up, padding over to her mother on soft, earnest feet; she reached her arms around Madelineā€™s stiff body, burying her face in the crook of Madelineā€™s neck, pressing into her. She felt her mother soften in her embrace; felt Madelineā€™s own arms come around her little frame, hand coming up to stroke her hair.
ā€œWhat it means to love someone,ā€ Kenzie said into her motherā€™s skin, and her tears came back again, falling along the shoulder of Madelineā€™s indigo sweater, like little pearls of rainwater.
They stood that way for a little while; Kenzie could hear the soft hiss of the gas stovetop under the spaghetti sauce (simmering for hours now, filling the house with its rich, spicy smell) and the pasta pot, the soft ticking of the cat clockā€™s tail, back and forth, and the rustling of the trees outside in a drifting wind. A car passed by on the street, its rumble indistinct. And she could hear her mother breathing softly against her; feel the weight of her motherā€™s warm hand in her hair. And she knew: eventually, this would be okay. She knew with a startling certainty that sometime, someday, her mother would accept Duncan, and it filled her with emotion again, silent, still, and overwhelming.
Madeline had driven Kenzie back to the train station after dinner; over her motherā€™s wonderfully spicy garlic meatballs and long handmade pasta, her mother had insisted on meeting Duncan this week; if it were up to Madeline, Kenzie thought, she would drive to his penthouse now, an accusatory finger in his face as soon as he opened the door, provided she could get up there without a doorman hurriedly chasing after her. She couldnā€™t erase the worried tone of voice her mother used for the rest of the meal; couldnā€™t erase the apprehensive gaze hovering on her motherā€™s face. This will take some time, she told herself, trying to reassure her frayed nerves. Rome wasnā€™t built in a day, and neither was any lasting relationship. She wondered at her appetite, expecting it to have dissolved entirely over the stress between them, but she found she was starving; I guess I only ate half my lunch, she reminded herself, and no breakfast, didnā€™t have time for Duncan to make me eggs and toast again, and she felt wistful, wanting to go back to that first morning they spent together, the memory crystallizing in her psyche now; set to last forever. There will be so many days for us to have breakfast together, she told herself. God, I could die of happiness, I canā€™t believe it still.
She glanced at her mother, who was quietly staring out at the road, not speaking, lost in her own thoughts. Kenzie pulled out her phone and sent Duncan a quick text; she was disappointed to see he hadnā€™t yet replied to the last one that had included the link to the gossip website. Mom isnā€™t happy, but I think I made her understand, at least a little. At least for now. She wants to meet you soon; I thought maybe on Friday? She put the phone back in her pocket, determined not to stare at it in hope for a reply. Heā€™s at dinner with Annette, she told herself. Heā€™ll reply when he can.Ā Her mother pulled into the stationā€™s parking lot, the waxing half-moon scattering its light down on the platform.
ā€œKenzie Lou, promise me you will keep your wits sharp.ā€ Her mother had grasped her hand before she got out of the Jeep, tightly, insistently. ā€œPromise me you will keep your head. Words are just that; words. Itā€™s action alone that proves affection. And I donā€™t mean just the bedroom kind.ā€
ā€œI promise, Momby,ā€ Kenzie said, squeezing her motherā€™s hand, unable to suppress the smile that spread over her face at that last part. ā€œI promise I will.ā€
My heart is already lost in him, Momby, she thought. And in his bed. But my wits are always my own.
Kenzie waved a little as the beat-up Jeep Cherokee drove away, and her mother laid a light tap-tap on the horn (the way she always did) as the headlights turned to the street and the car accelerated behind Kenzie, drifting away into the waxing moonlight. She turned toward the station platform, seeing the glowing lights of the approaching train, still a quarter of a mile down the track; she held the strap of her satchel in one hand against her leg, and the other hand she used to pull her phone out of the big pocket of Duncanā€™s cardigan again. Sheā€™d noticed her mother looking at her clothing several times over dinner, and though Madeline hadnā€™t said anything; Kenzie could tell her mother knew the cardigan was too big for her; that Madeline knew it was his. But fuck it, she thought. I told her. It was awful. But now she knows. She pressed the home button of the iPhone, heart in her mouth, hoping Duncan had replied by now; but to her dismay there were no new text messages on her phone. She lowered her arm, thumb absently stroking the phone screen, her heart sinking. She realized in a wave how tired she felt; not a physical tiredness as much as an emotional ache. Her soul felt tired with all that had happened; her heart wasnā€™t used to being tossed back and forth this way, and now her body ached; ached with the hug sheā€™d shared with her mother, ached with the come-down of adrenaline, and most of all, ached because of Duncan--the ardent touch of his hands and mouth and cock, but also the ardent immediacy of his desire and his soul, and they way they had touched her, touched her in the deepest part of her being. She felt lost in the depth of feeling that had surrounded her for the past few days; the thought of sleeping in her bed alone tonight made her want to burst into tears again, as if nothing at all had happened, as if she was now supposed to go back to things as usual, supposed to sleep somehow, supposed to bring herself down from the highest peak of heaven, back to earth, unbothered.
As the train pulled up, rustling Kenzieā€™s hair into her eyes and against her cheeks, she felt the swell of an incomprehensible emotion fall into her, one that felt like a door opening, or a book falling open, or the rush of air that comes before a storm. She felt lost in the feeling for a moment; a feeling that had no definition, no name, and no intention of explaining itself to her. She slipped her earbuds on, and, too exhausted to choose, hit the shuffle button in her iTunes library; as she eased into one of the long, flat seats along the side of the train, she heard the sweet voice of Billie Holiday slip into the buzzing space of her mind, calming her, sweet and understanding, full of that emotion she had felt, unable to name. My days have grown so lonely, for you I cry, for you dear, only...why havenā€™t you seen it, Iā€™m all for you, body and soul...Kenzie closed her eyes, letting Billieā€™s voice wash over her, the train pulling her along, back to her empty little apartment, through the waxing moonlight.
What lies before me, a future thatā€™s stormy, or winter thatā€™s gray and cold...unless thereā€™s magic, the end will be tragic, and echo a tale thatā€™s been told, so often...my life revolves about you, what earthly good am I without you?...I tell you, I mean it, Iā€™m all for you...body and soul...
Kenzie made it to the door of her little studio apartment, its familiar gold moon swinging back and forth as she pushed it open with her elbow, and uncaringly dropped her satchel on the floor; it teetered and fell over, spilling her Macbook to the side, a pen, a tube of chapstick, a packet of tampons and the little bottle of Tylenol she always carried scattering out. Who fucking cares, Kenzie thought, and she walked over to her bed, sat on the edge, kicked off her shoes, pressed her fingers into her eyes, and felt the involuntary shake of a sob escape between her lips. The silence settled around her, enveloping, like a thick blanket; she suddenly felt unable to breathe, felt more tears coursing in an unstoppable stream from her eyes, pressing her fingers in harder, relishing the cold feeling of her fingertips against the hot tears. She wondered with a sudden, horrible, shaking fear if Duncan was going to leave her, if his mother had managed to somehow sway him to drop her, dump her unceremoniously; wondered if Annette had convinced him somehow that she wasnā€™t worth anything after all, that his reputation was more important than dating some two-bit mediocre journalist, that he, the wildly beautiful and wildly rich and wildly perfect Duncan Shepherd, didnā€™t need her, didnā€™t love her, and didnā€™t want to see her again.
Oh no, she thought, as she felt the despair of her wildly derailing thoughts pressing into her throat and her lungs and her ribs. Oh no, oh no. And Kenzie couldnā€™t stop herself; she started to cry, cry so hard she thought she might break into a hundred pieces, cry so hard, tears falling like tiny crystals through her fingers, that she thought she might never stop. She imagined that her long, fraught argument with her mother tonight had all been for nothing; that that pain and the ache of her motherā€™s disapproval had been for naught, and the feeling that had washed over her that everything would be okay in the end was a fraudulent one; that the feeling had been a lie. She thought of his passionate kisses and his beautiful hands and wondered if they, too, had been a lie; if somehow she was as stupid and as naive as her mother had worried she was...and as Kenzie cried, she heard the trumpet of her phone ring out in her pocket.
She pulled it out, eyes wet and blurry with her tears, her mind aching. Duncan.
Baby, Iā€™m so sorry it took so long to text you back. It took a long time to get my Mom to a place where she wasnā€™t being irrational. Thank you for sending me that link; everythingā€™s okay, my Mom has seen it already, weā€™ll make it through this, I promise. She wants to meet you on Friday as well; can we see your Mom on a different day? I can make time on Wednesday or Thursday, I just donā€™t know if itā€™s a good idea to have dinner with both of them at the same time yet. I feel like weā€™re going to have to ease them both into this, and I want everything to work out okay. I want them to accept this (accept us, accept you, accept me) because it means more to me than anything else. You do.
I miss you terribly right now.
Kenzieā€™s breath hitched; the sob there stopped abruptly as the wave of aching relief washed over her. It means more to me than anything else. You do. I miss you terribly right now.
For a few heartbeats, she read the text again; one more time after that. Then, she typed.
Baby, can you come to my apartment? Please come.
For a moment her breath shuddered through her body from the comedown of her tears; and she stared at her phone, her mind blank of everything but her hope.
Duncan: Ā Coming to you, baby.
Her heart slammed into her ribs the instant she read it, against the edge of the bottom of her throat. Whoever is listening, she thought. Thank you. Oh god, goddess, Fate, thank you.
It couldnā€™t have been more than ten minutes later when Kenzie heard the buzzer for the front door ring; it resonated in its shrill little voice through her apartment. She had been in the bathroom, trying to dry the worst of the tears and dab the worst of the redness from her cheeks and her nose; she turned, achingly, resigned to her tear-stained face, and practically ran to the button by her front door that unlocked the buzzer; she waited there, not moving at all, as if frozen, listening; she heard the front door snap open with a jerk, heard the sound of his pointed gait, the click of his boots in the hall, and then the insistent knock on her door, once, twice, three times.
ā€œBaby,ā€ she heard his low voice murmur, and she yanked it open, feeling her face crumple again, to her deep dismay; she couldnā€™t stop the feeling of relief that washed over her in more tears as she looked up into his face, flushed with what seemed to be the aftermath of him running up the sidewalk from the car, into her building; a curl of his caramel-chocolate-dark hair had fallen over his brow and his eyes were clouded with concern as they gazed at her tear-stained face, his expression one of desperate longing.
ā€œDuncan--ā€ she murmured, but that was all she had a chance to say; he had enveloped her in his arms with an entirety that stole all the breath from her body, pushing her back with aching gentleness, kicking her door shut behind him with one of his black boots, his mouth reaching down hungrily to hers in a burning kiss, the fingers of his left hand falling down to cradle her waist, the fingers of his right coming up to her neck, under the base of her skull, holding her face to him with aching softness that made her body vibrate with an immediate burst of feeling that sent waves of heat into the sensitive folds of her sex.
:ā€Oh, baby,ā€ he whispered into her. ā€œOh, Kenzie, donā€™t cry, please donā€™t cryā€¦ā€ His voice made her tears threaten to flow again, though, despite his words; they were full of ardency, achingly gentle, and blasted with the tenderness of his own sadness and longing. He was afraid too, she realized, lost in his mouth and the warmth and pressure of his hands. He was scared, too.
ā€œI thought maybe your mother--ā€ she started to speak against him but he shushed her, with that aching tenderness, that insistent need to soothe her. ā€œNo, baby, no,ā€ he said. ā€œNobody will ever come between us. Not her. Not anyone. I swear.ā€ His hand came up from behind her head, his thumb trailing over the incline of her jaw, over her lips, over the tenderness of her sore cheek. ā€œWeā€™re together now. Me and you. Only me and you.ā€
She nodded, unable to speak, her hands clutching at the thick smoothness of his leather jacket, leaning her face into his hand, full of such relief and warmth and sweetness suddenly that she felt faint with it; faint with the immediacy of him, where before her apartment had been cold and empty and void of him, faint with his realness, faint in the weight of his embrace. But then her head cleared; her sense sharpened, as if someone had turned a light on inside her; had turned up the volume of her spirit, had pressed a shot of adrenaline into her heart, and she pulled his face down to her, demanding, hungry; he came to her eagerly, a little moan escaping into her from his mouth, and she felt his aching need press against her belly; she pulled him over to her bed with its blanket covered in constellations, and she pushed him down insistently, needy and unselfconscious in this moment; she wanted him to know that he was hers now, she felt it acutely; there was a sort of possessive rawness growing behind her thoughts; she didnā€™t want to share Duncan with anyone anymore tonight, she wanted him to be hers now, and hers alone.
Duncan had leaned up a little on one elbow to look at her, gazing up at her from where he lay on her coverlet with hunger shining out of his gray-blue eyes; hunger, and that same look of wonder, of reverence, that had so thrilled and frightened her before. That hair still fell over his forehead; his beauty filled her with a demanding ache that she wanted sated, and she was going to make him give her what she wanted, and she felt, without any doubt, that he would give her whatever she wanted, with devotion.
ā€œBaby, I want your tongue inside me.ā€ Kenzie stared into Duncan (her boyfriend, her lover)ā€™s eyes as she said it. She moved her hands down beneath the hem of her dress as his eyes followed, pulling the waistband of her black panties down; her nerves thrilled at the soft groan that came out of him towards her as she stepped out of them.
ā€œYes, baby, please,ā€ he whispered, trying to reach for her.
ā€œNot yet. Lay back.ā€
He looked at her, a thrill of gold light flickering through his gaze. Then he lay back as she had instructed, his eyes never leaving her face. She could see the rise of his erection under his tailored slacks; she could see his neediness, and it thrilled her.
She pulled the turtleneck dress over her head, throwing it onto the floor, her hair cascading around her bare shoulders now; she unhooked the clasp of her cream-colored bralette, letting it fall to the ground as well, her eyes never leaving his. His expression was divine; entranced. He was so beautiful; she wondered if sheā€™d ever be able to look at him without feeling as though her body was simmering under a fire; his beauty pierced into her, causing her bare skin to burst into goosebumps as she stood there in soft light and shadow falling from the bathroom doorway, naked but for the thigh-high socks sheā€™d been wearing all day; she pushed them from her knees, keeping her eyes locked on his.
ā€œI want you to fuck me with your mouth, baby.ā€
ā€œYes, Kenzie. Please.ā€
She smiled at that; please. She liked that.
ā€œAsk me again.ā€
ā€œPlease, Kenzie. Please let me fuck you with my mouth.ā€ His expression was achingly sincere; he was truly begging her, and she loved it so much. She laughed a little, delighted. God, I love this, she thought. Him asking for it like this. This fucking Prince, begging to eat me.
She climbed on top of him; his hands came around her, but she pushed them gently down and he followed her lead, lowering them, gazing at her in desirous wonder. She moved up carefully, slipping over him so her knees came to rest on the coverlet on either side of his head, the softness of her ass sitting on his chest, right over his breastbone. He let a soft moan fall from his lips again; ā€œOh, baby--ā€
ā€œShhhh,ā€ she insisted. He quieted. She slipped her hands around his wrists, bringing his hands up so they rested against her lower back, just at the incline of her ass. Then she lifted her hips, feeling the lips of her labia stretch, wet with her arousal, gazing down at him, expectantly.
ā€œWhat do you want, Duncan?ā€ she whispered, smiling, hovering there.
ā€œI want you to sit on my face, baby,ā€ he replied, eyes gazing into hers; she saw the wild, rough abandon buried in them; an abandon that was for her, and her alone.
At that she pressed down onto his mouth (that beautiful mouth, holding the most beautiful smile sheā€™d ever seen captive), feeling the edge of his teeth graze against her clit, the warmth and wetness of his tongue press into her, slide up into the sweetness between her folds; she felt his hands move down to cradle her ass, clutching at her tightly as he buried himself between her legs, and it made her body shudder with a violent knowledge; he was going to make her come and he was going to make her come hard. He moved his head so she fell up and down onto him, each insistent lick of his tongue into her core rocking her body back in a haze of sunbursts behind her eyelids, fireworks, rolling thunder breaking into shocks of lightning.
ā€œAhhh, Duncan, baby, fu-uuuuuuuck---ā€ and her words bled into a groan of wordless, overcome sensation; he was working himself into her so utterly that she felt like she was a spool of thread unraveling into warm water; the heat building down at her sex where his mouth sucked at her with insistence was causing her mind to hum with warning, hum with the threat of an onslaught of sensation she wasnā€™t sure she could prepare herself for. The press of his large hands clutching at her ass, the weight of his tongue pressed into that overwhelmingly sensitive bundle of nerves, moving down again to probe into her swollen pussy, licking up again, hard and soft, rough and then achingly gentle, and she shuddered; she felt her release coming from behind a corner, rushing up. His eyes came up to stare into her again, as if he could feel her climax approaching, she looked down into their blue depth, and that was what sent her over the edge, tumbling into the abyss of them: she screamed and her body rocked back with an involuntary spasm that stretched into a prolonged convulsion, clutching his skull, pulling his hair back, pressing her core down into his mouth with so much force she worried for a moment that sheā€™d suffocate him; and he moaned under her, sucking the wetness that dripped out of her down his throat, eagerly, keeping his mouth there as her orgasm eked out of her in waves; she gasped as he continued to lick at her overly-sensitive, now-swollen clit, as if he was loathe to leave it.
Kenzie collapsed down into the crook of Duncanā€™s shoulder; she continued to moan, her orgasm still hovering around the corners of her eyes, her body dissolving into a post-coital daze; tears pricked at her eyelids again, and she felt them course down her cheeks; will my tears ever end tonight? she thought, overwhelmed in her release. Her body continued to shudder under his gentle hands as he moved them, softly, up and down her skin; caressing her breasts, her waist, the bumps of her ribs, the incline of her hip bone, the soft skin of her upper arm, the indentation of her throat, and all over again, starting at the beginning.They gazed at each other, blinking slowly, not speaking; Duncanā€™s mouth was wet with her release, and she pulled him down to her; he kissed her deeply, the taste of her mingling between them again (like that first night), and clutching her hand in his larger one, tracing his fingers through hers, slowly.
ā€œOkay,ā€ she whispered. ā€œFuck me now.ā€
ā€œAre you sure?ā€ He asked, hesitant, delicate. She nodded; said ā€œyesā€; she sat up, pulling him with her, pushing his leather jacket off his shoulders (he yanked it off, lips connecting with hers again) and she pulled his soft long-sleeved black shirt over his head; he unbuttoned his pants and pushed them and and briefs off together in a fluid motion, kicking his shoes off, pulling his cashmere socks off his feet; he turned to her, grabbing harshly onto her legs at the back of her thighs, yanking her down the bed to press against him, his naked cock shuddering between his legs against her skin, and stood at the edge of her bed, holding her legs together and her knees up so the back of her thighs were resting against his the front of his, her feet brushing against his shoulder. He lifted her a little; and then he buried his length in her sensitive cunt, groaning, and held her legs up as he pounded into her, his knees bumping into the edge of her mattress with every thrust, burying his entire length deep into her again and again; she gazed up at him, her mouth open, unable to look away; Kenzie felt like an invisible thread had extended between them, tying them into each other indistinguishably, souls threaded through one another.
Duncan gasped, pausing for a moment, gripping her tightly, staring into her, his chest heaving, still buried inside her; ā€œfuck me from behind, baby,ā€ Kenzie said, and he smiled (baby that smile that smile, eat me up) and pulled out of her, soothing her body down, and using his strong hands he flipped her over; she moved so she came up on her knees, hands pressed into her coverlet so she was on all fours; she moved her ass up just a little, so it was higher, against head of his cock, expectant.
He grasped her around the neck (ā€œoh god baby,ā€ she gasped) and right under the space beneath her left breast, and he buried himself inside her cunt, his mouth finding the small space under her ear. ā€œFuck baby, this feels so fucking good,ā€ he moaned into her. ā€œFuck, youā€™re so lovely, baby, fuck, I love you--ā€ and she gasped against the weight of his hand which he tightened a little, tightened and made little stars come out under her eyes, ā€œFuck baby, I love you too,ā€ she cried, ā€œfuck, keep your hand on my neck that way, fuck that feels so good--ā€ and he steadied his grip so his fingers splayed out and covered the front of her throat, possessively.
Duncanā€™s cock was wildly hard; Kenzie could feel the way it was stretching the lips of her labia, stretching her to the edge, burying itself so deeply into her she felt him bumping against her cervix with little dazzles of vague pain--he thrust into her again and again, hand steady on her neck, the other reaching down to her clit again; he pulled her up so she was pressed flush against him, her little body prostrate to him, his fingers working between her legs, lips still on her neck, hand still at her throat, and as he shuddered into her, coming deep inside her (ā€œKenzie, angel, Iā€™m fucking coming--ā€ and a longer ā€œFuu-uu-ck, fuck me, fuckā€ into the skin of her neck) she felt a second wave wash over her; an orgasm of smaller power than her first, like short tides bursting over a rocky shore one after the other, and she whimpered into his hand around her windpipe, shaking.
This time they both collapsed back onto the bed, hands coming around each other with need, holding each other between trying to catch their breath; ā€œare you okay, baby?ā€ Duncan whispered against her forehead, where a sweet film of sweat gathered along the hair at her temples; she could see sweat glistening on his forehead, too, and along the incline of his jaw.
ā€œI feel so fucking good, baby,ā€ she replied, hazy, quieting. ā€œDo you feel good?ā€
ā€œGod, so fucking good,ā€ he laughed, his lips falling on her shoulder blades, his hands trailing along her arms. Then his expression shifted, became serious.
ā€œKenzie, Iā€™m so sorry I made you worry. Iā€™m so sorry for not texting you sooner; today was terrible, neverending, but thatā€™s not an excuse. I promise I will never ignore your messages or disregard them. It kills me that you thought the worst; that you were sad because of my lack of perception.ā€
ā€œDuncan, itā€™s okay. I was just...blowing it out of proportion...today was just, so long--ā€
ā€œBaby, no.ā€ Duncan shook his head, hands falling down the wave of her hair, twisting his fingers through it. ā€œNo, Iā€™m sorry. I should have texted you before I went to dinner and I didnā€™t. It wonā€™t happen again. I promise.ā€
Kenzie nodded against his hand, closing her eyes, sighing. How are you real, she thought towards him again; how are you mine.
ā€œI need to text Samuel to tell him to come back in the morning--ā€ Duncan sat up a little, his eyes questioning, asking her. Kenzie felt a thrill course through her--heā€™s going to stay here with me tonight.
ā€œOkay,ā€ she said, smiling at him, hand trailing down his arm. ā€œYes. Please sleep with me here tonight.ā€ And he nodded, leaning down to kiss her, and she felt like she was dissolving into the waning moon that hung in the window, dissolving into him, and both of them melting into the stars on her bed.
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skibrps-blog Ā· 6 years
Hey guys!
So I am super busy this time of year with school testing at work, a toddler, and we got a new puppy...
Plus yesterday we found out my dad has bladder cancer (which is curable/treatable) but heā€™s freaking out about that because we donā€™t know much about what stage itā€™s at or what heā€™s going to have to do for it.Ā  So Iā€™ll be dealing with that a bunch.
Iā€™m not gonna be really active the next few weeks because of this so if this ruins any plots for yā€™all just let me know or feel free to just say whatever happens if it helps your ideas run free... Iā€™m open to anything including the drama....Iā€™ll pop in here or there to keep up with yā€™alls stuff because I am obsessed.
Iā€™ll eventually (I hope) respond to the 5 or 6 I have open but to sum it up so yā€™all donā€™t have to wait until then:
Derek x Nicolette- Save the last dance- Derek remains awkward but once she asks about him dancing her kind of just acts like dancing wasnā€™t a big deal and isnā€™t meant to beā€¦excuses excuses and then sort of does the whole I gotta go bye thing to get out of her questions if she has them.
Savannah x Stella- Boston U- Savannah compliments her choice of Goo Goo Dolls and they bond over the whole one direction music thing. Savannah doesnā€™t hate them but knows she has to modify their music too much to perform it. Sav really likes the girlā€™s thoughts
Ā Savannah x Cooper- Boston U- Sav thinks Cooper is hilarious and sings his Justin Bieber song, making sure to dedicate it to the girl he was trying to flirt with. She rolls her eyes through the whole song but has to admit singing the pop thatā€™s so different than her usual music is a fun change.
Ā Savannah x Juliet-Boston U- Savannah thinks Juliet is cute and likes hearing her talk about her past and how musically inept she is. Laughed most of the night at her depiction of mutilating her music teacher
Ā Evie x Ezra- Teachers- Evie couldnā€™t believe how forward she was being towards Ezra, flirting so openly when she wasnā€™t that type of person normally. She asked him what he wanted out of the challenge rather than inputting anymore of her ideas. She dialed back her flirting, realizing she was trying to be what she thought heā€™d want rather than being herself. She still intended to mess with him and get him to love color and glitter,and she had oh so many ideas in the hopes she won the challenge. She thinks heā€™s hot still and stares at him every chance she gets.
JJ x Jamie- OTH- Jamie clearly beats her in their basketball game because sheā€™s god awful but they flirt the whole time so itā€™s worth it.... JJ is falling in love with Jamie but she feels deep down he really does want Madison and has insecurities where sheā€™ll be unwanted by him, #mommyissues like her mom messed with her as a child. But she still remains herself and enjoys being with him.
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