#love your big hat big coat small pants method actually
Don’t Let Go
So this is a sequel (not requested) to Hold On that I really loved writing… I hope you all enjoy it, because I’m really nervous on posting it. I decided on the sequel after very careful thought, not wanting to ruin ‘Hold On’; but after scrutinising every detail, I hope people can have fun reading this. Also, over 2.5K words -- that’s a first lmao.
Also, this was beta read by none other than @marshmallow--3​! So, thank you, Sam! Go check them out -- they’re awesome!
Obviously, this is going to diverge from canon A LOT here -- so bear that in mind.
I could write this plot forever omfg I was finding it hard to stop -- I’m really sad to be putting this away now, but I could always write drabbles relating to it *wink wink*
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! I’d love to know what you all think; every comment/reblog is precious to me haha.
Tagging: @yourlocalfrenchie​ (if anyone wants to be tagged, let me know!)
The link to Hold On is HERE
Warnings: Violence, Angst with a fluffy ending. No swearing, (miraculously)
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Days went by. Your body lay in the train; Jacob couldn’t figure out what to do with it.
He couldn’t eat, sleep or even hold a conversation. Evie couldn’t communicate with him, as he would never reply. His mind was always occupied, for if it wasn’t, it would always end up in the most terrifying places.
The deprivation of necessities had taken its toll on his body. He was becoming fatigued after only a few hours, and he would frequently pass out from lack of sleep on top of his work, only to be woken up by re-enactments of the one moment he wished he could forget. He would be left gasping, sweating; clutching his chest as his anxiety and fear left an agony that squeezed his heart. In fact, the only time he managed to get any sleep was when it was dreamless.
In order to keep his mind busy, he studied.
Clad in only a shirt and breeches, he spent all his time pouring over the books in the train, for it was only a matter of time before you couldn’t be saved, and he had to let you go. There was a reason you mentioned the shroud, after all. Henry had talked about it once, when him and Evie went to visit the Kenway Estate. So he focused all his time on it, delving deep into lore.
One particular book was being heavily scrutinised by his hazel eyes. It was not a particularly interesting book, and in a half second of laziness, his Eagle Vision crackled through. The colours on the page, however, was not what he expected.
The words on the page turned from different types of fabrics to something much more relevant. It wrote about one certain thread; a material so powerful, it could hold the Elixir of Life.
It could resurrect people -- it was the fabric of the Shroud.
And Starrick had it.
Dressing, Jacob shrugged his overcoat over his shoulders and sifted his hand through his hair to allow his hat to sit on it. In the past, you would have done that.
Hopefully you would do so again.
He looked out over the sunset of the city as the train moved, adjusting his hat. His coat whipped at his knees; it was time to find that shroud.
The night was freezing. The temporary Stronghold was heavily guarded, and was also very sophisticated; it could easily be mistaken for a house belonging to a wealthy family. He sat on a roof overlooking the property. The easiest entrance seemed to be through the balcony, but it seemed extremely easy.
He took the risk; he was already on a time limit.
However, as he leapt towards the balcony, he didn’t take into account his weakened state from lack of sleep and food. Instead of landing inside the balcony, his fingers had just about brushed against the railings. He had a lot of trouble pulling himself up and over, his muscles already beginning to ache. In the cold, his fingers fumbled around his lockpicks. It didn’t take long for him to open the window, but the lack of urgency of his body was beginning to frustrate his mind.
Jacob stalked the halls, peering into every room, and working downwards. There were a few close calls where he was almost caught, but he blended into the shadows quick enough to hide.
He reached the ground floor, and made a beeline to the one door that stood out over all of the others. It had locks spanning from the top to the bottom of the door. Inwardly, he huffed. 
He almost made it without being detected. 
That was, until a force pushed him face first into the wall. A hand grappled to reach his throat. Jacob elbowed the enemy on instinct, and managed to turn enough to kick a brute away. He grinned maliciously. “Don’t look too good, Frye.”
Already in a foul mood, Jacob snarled. “Wait until you see the other bloke.” He unsheathed his hidden blade and struck like a viper towards his neck. 
His wrist got caught. 
The brute bent his hand and manipulated his arm to persuade Jacob to collapse on one knee. He tried to mask his pain, sharp breaths exhaled instead of pained grunts, which sat in the back of his throat. His nostrils flared as he tried to jab the brute’s leg, and what was between them. However, instead of letting go, the brute pulled against his arm harder, releasing a pained noise. Jacob’s other hand came to ease the pressure his perpetrator was putting on his bone. He could hear and feel it began to crack. “One too many beers, Frye,” the brute tutted. “Disappointing, really.” In one smooth motion his arm snapped.
He yelled, the brute throwing him to his side. Before he could get up, a shoe was pressed firmly against his limb, evoking another pained noise. Jacob’s other hand tried to pry it off. “D’you recognise me, Frye?” He pushed an inch harder to keep the gang leader’s attention. Squinting, Jacob did agree that there was some familiarity to his face. 
“I can’t remember angering such a handsome fellow; we can always reschedule those beers,” he panted, trying to ignore the throbbing through a pained smile. 
The man smiled angrily, pressing down harder as he placed his other foot against his throat. “You murdered my twin brother.” Jacob squinted again, and realised who he reminded him of. 
He growled. “Your twin brother murdered my lover.” 
Against the wall hung a spear on display, it was unknown whether it was old or fake. “And now…” He pushed the point against the centre of his chest, where Jacob’s hand struck out to grab the shaft above the blade, attempting to prevent the piercing of his skin. “I can finish the job. First you; slowly, painfully, and then--” 
All the pressure against Jacob disappeared. As air flooded through his lungs, his good hand dropped the spear and took out a small, agile throwing knife. He looked and threw it within one adrenaline-filled second. 
The brute went limp, bleeding out of his exploded eye socket. 
He drew in a few breaths, to take in oxygen and to calm the anxiety. A figure came into view, offering a hand out. The shadow looked familiar, and for a moment, he wondered…
“Good throw.” Evie smiled softly with a gleam of concern.
“I was aiming between the eyes.” He took the help, groaning softly at the pain in the arm he held against his chest. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to help my little brother -- and I want to get my best friend back.” 
Jacob smiled, grateful for the backup. 
“Why don’t you leave the combat to me?”
For once, that was something he could agree with. 
Evie picked the locks efficiently; it took no longer than a minute or two to get through all of them.
The dark, damp room was completely bare, void of windows and furniture, except for a single chest. It was big, it was grand, and it was definitely First Civilisation. It had various cracks, through which a mysterious light glowed. Evie knelt by the chest, and by methods unknown to Jacob, managed to open it. Inside was the most intimately woven shawl he had ever seen, showered in silver and gold. Picking it up, she partly unfolded it, moving to wrap it around Jacob’s arm. He recoiled. “What--” 
“Jacob, trust me.” He relented, not being in much of a state to complain. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
As they escaped out of the back door of the mansion, Jacob began to feel his neck begin to tingle. There was no doubt that there were bruises there, but he’s never felt them actually prick before. By the time they were clear of the territory, the throbbing began to worsen in his arm. “Evie, I don’t think it’s--” his vision blacked out suddenly, and his knees buckled beneath him. Evie managed to catch half of him, his weight still taking him to the floor. She leaned him against the wall. “Jacob? Are you alright?” 
He furrowed his brows. “Aye; I just couldn’t see for a moment.” He was about to get up before he felt a peculiar feeling in his arm, before he felt his bone snap again. He winced with a yell, before the pain all but disappeared. He exchanged glances with a very worried Evie before he tentatively pulled the shroud off of his arm. There was no pain, and he could move it just fine. 
“It works.” Jacob got up, hiding the shroud under his coat. “Back to the train.” He tripped over his words excitedly -- the hope in his eyes had returned. 
“Race you there?” Evie smirked.
In a sudden heart palpitation, he agreed. 
Jacob never waited for the train to stop, and instead leapt into the open door before Evie would even consider it safe. He unbuckled his gauntlet and threw his coat off without caring whether they would hit his sofa or his floor, heading to your carriage with the folded shroud in hand. Henry was inside, watching over you. With no time for words he unfolded the fabric and pulled it over your shoulders so it would cover your torso. 
Henry was left starstruck. “How--” 
Evie entered the carriage. “So?”
Jacob watched, eyes scrutinising every inch of the shroud. He lightly shook his head, expression not changing. 
He became restless very quickly, from rolling up his sleeves to keep his fingers occupied to pacing the length of the carriage, never once taking his eyes off of you. As soon as he let go of the shroud, he could feel all of his energy dissipating with it -- he was extremely tired and hungry again, but his anxiety wouldn’t let him look after his own body -- he could only think about you. 
As seconds turned to minutes, he became more sleep deprived, and therefore a lot more frustrated. He could feel it bubbling in his chest, and he resorted to the one thing he knew would calm it.
“I’m getting a drink.” 
As he walked into the bar carriage, all conversations and laughter disappeared. He knew it wasn’t because of how he was dressed, but rather the look on his face. “Keep talking,” he ordered, praying for his Rooks to just ignore him for once as he sat at the bar. Gesturing for a whisky, he hunched over his glass, savouring the burn as he knocked the liquid down his throat. He was worried that it wasn’t going to work; that it would all be for nought. As quick as his hope had returned, it was quickly seeping away. He felt the tears prick his eyes, and properly downed his glass to keep them at bay, ordering another one to nurse slowly… just in case sobriety was needed.
He took care in making his second drink last as long as possible. Once he had pushed the glass back to the bartender, he didn’t ask for another one, and instead put his head in his hands, threading his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. When the door opened, he didn’t look up at first, thinking it was another rook. So he just ignored it, clasping a hand over the other to work as a chin rest. What confused him was the look the bartender gave the ‘rook’ who came in. He turned over his shoulder once he realised that the crowd had once again gone quiet. They were all staring too. Furrowing his brows, he turned to look at the door. 
His heart skipped a beat and he froze. It was silent as he drank in the scene before him. He swallowed thickly, pushed himself off of his stool and walked with loud purpose. One hand wrapped tightly around your waist, and the other cradled your head. He rested his cheek on the top of your head and just stood there. You brought your arms around his back, and felt his shoulders begin to shake.
“I’m so sorry,” he sobbed under his breath.
“Jacob, Jacob.” You pulled him off of you and grasped his face in your hands. One of his own came over your hand while the other caressed your cheek. “Breathe.” You saw him inhale a shuddering breath, composing himself. “I’m here now; it’s okay.” Smiling, he pulled you to his lips, dipping down to close the height gap. You laughed against his lips once you heard the whooping of the Rooks around you. Although you both broke apart, your noses stayed touching. Jacob sniffed noisily, but you didn’t move. “Yuck,” you joked.
For the first time in forever, Jacob laughed. It felt foreign, but he welcomed it. He pecked your lips again, a smile fixed on his face. You trailed your fingers across his left forearm. “How’s your arm?” 
Jacob squinted. “How do you--” Looking up, he saw Evie and Henry in the doorway. They both looked like they’d been crying. Jacob shared a twin look at his sister. Thank you, it said.
Evie smiled, another tear running down her face as she gave him one back. No -- thank you, it replied. 
Jacob brought you into another hug, holding you less tightly this time around, but just as securely. 
“I love you, Y/N. So much.”
“I love you more, Jacob.”
“That’s not possible.”
“Anything’s possible.”
Jacob had finally succumbed to sleep. You watched him try and stay awake, but you negotiated until he finally lost interest and dozed off, his bottom half fully dressed, but top half shirtless; sleeping in a bloodied shirt was not going to be nice at all. Stuff like that always got him yawning. Evie came into the room quietly, fully aware of the lack of sleep Jacob had had recently. She greeted you with a sisterly hug. “Are you not going to join him?” she asked, watching over her brother’s sleeping form. “I’ve been sleeping for days, Evie. I’m anything but tired.” 
She chuckled, patting your shoulder. “Henry and I are in my carriage if you need us.”
You pulled a suggestive face. “Ah, I see how it is.”
Blushing, she tried to hide a smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Her tone showed that she knew exactly what you were talking about. You raised both of your eyebrows. “Don’t tell Jacob,” she whispered with a bashful smile, leaving you and Jacob alone. 
Looking at Jacob, you mulled over your thoughts. Coming to a quick conclusion, you did decide to join him. You stripped yourself of your heavy clothing and joined him in his bed in a blouse and breeches. As you settled next to him, you felt his arm enclose protectively around you. 
“So, Evie and Greenie, huh?”
Your eyes widened. “Uh…”
His chest rumbled in a sleepy chuckle as he responded in an equally sleepy voice. “Don’t worry, she’ll never know that I know.” 
It didn’t take long for his breathing to deepen again, and slowly you began to drift off as well, relieved that you’ll be able to wake up again.
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unfallen-angel · 5 years
Snowball fights with Bucky
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Such a cute idea and really needed to get me out of this terrible writers block!
Icicles dangled precariously from the gutters of your town home. The snow had been building up for at least 6 hours, and it didn't look like it would be letting up any time soon. You sigh and brush your hair behind your ears, dreading the idea of clearing off your portion of the sidewalk. "I hate the snow," you mumble and toss your body heavily onto the love seat in your living room. In the kitchen, your cell phone dings with a new text message. "I just sat down!" you complain to the phone but pull yourself to your feet anyway.
Snow day = the best day. Looks like you could potentially be snowed in for days! Go talk to McHotty in 234C!
You roll your eyes at the message from your friend Tabitha and type a quick NO. Your best friend of eight years trying to set you up because she thought you were lonely, but in all actuality, you just wanted to sit down with some tea and read a novel. Not just a short 300 page novel, but a 900 plus page monster of a book. Setting the kettle on the eye of the stove, you wander over to the bookshelf on the far wall of your living room.
No TV. No Entertainment system. Just an entire wall of books. "Let's see. I think I'll choose The Lord of the Rings. Not a complete monster, but it will keep me busy until it stops spitting this icy mess." The kettle screams as hot steam shoots out of the nozzle and fogs up the range above your stainless steel stove. The best sound in the world. Content with your little piece of solitude, you fill up a mug and nestle back down on the love seat under a throw blanket and immerse yourself in the story of hobbits and rings and dragons and wars.
Just as Frodo agrees to take  the Ring to Mordor a loud, thundering knock echoes through your room. "What the-?" You nearly jump out of your skin and then laugh at yourself for being so oblivious to the real world. "Coming!" you call out and untangle yourself from the mass of blanket wrapped around your legs. Stumbling through the entryway, you fall against the door to regain your balance before pulling it open to reveal a tall man in a grey pinstriped suit. The HOA committee. "Seriously... How can I help you on this wonderful winter morning?" Voice chipper, with an undertone of sarcasm.
"Hello, y/n, I see you have yet to clear your portion of the sidewalk. It is, in fact, a hazard and needs to be dealt with in a timely manner." The man states and pushes his glasses up farther on his pointy nose.
"Yes and it is, in fact, still snowing out there. I am obligated to remove the hazard once the hazard has stopped falling from the sky." Your voice is just as chipper, but holds more of an undertone than before. You open your mouth to speak again, but the words freeze in your throat as you see 234C shoveling snow in nothing but dark jeans and a navy Henley shirt. "I'll see to it as soon as possible," you assure the HOA committee member and promptly slam the door in his face.
Hiding behind one of the floor length curtains, you watch as 234C drives the shovel into the icy snow and the heaves it over his shoulder and into the yard behind him. You watch in a slight daze as his muscles coil beneath the fabric of his shirt and wonder if the cold stung his skin. His dark hair curling our from under his black toque hat. The exposed skin of his nose and cheeks pink from the bite of the cold. Leaning against the window, you smile slightly as he sends another load over his shoulder, admiring how quickly he seemed to clear the path.
His eyes dart to the left as if he senses someone watching him, and they land on you. Heat rises from your cheeks to your ears as you duck behind the curtain again, cursing yourself for getting caught up in his mesmerizing muscles. Peeking around the fabric again, you balk at his now cleared sidewalk and notice that he is nowhere to be seen. Another knock on your door sends your heart into overdrive. "So much for solitude," you mutter and trudge to the front door. "Listen. I'm going to shovel the sidewalk as soon as I gather the willpower and find my snow pants-" you stop as soon as you look up and meet a pair of deep blue eyes framed by locks of black hair. "Oh hi!"
"Snow pants?" His bright eyes dance with mirth as he chuckles at your expense.
"I...Yes... They..." You stutter, searching for the ability to form cohesive sentences. "Yeah. Snow pants. I don't want my butt getting wet from the snow!" you regain your composure and cross your arms.
"I know what they're for," he responds lightly. "It was just funny hearing you say 'snow pants'. I was going to offer to shovel your portion of the sidewalk. I saw Mr. stick in the mud harrassing you earlier." He leans against the doorway, blocking out most of the world with his massive frame. "I get the sense that you don't really like the snow all that much."
"Picked up on that did ya?" Smirking, you shake your head. "I'm not overly fond of the cold in general," you admit sheepishly and fight off a shutter. "That would be great, though, if you would be willing to clear my path. I'd owe you big time."
"No you wouldn't owe me anything. The cold doesn't bother me too much." He holds out his hand to you. "I'm Bucky. I live in 234C."
"I know. I've seen you around," you add hastily so you don't sound like a stalker. "Y/n." you shake his hand firmly. "Let me get my coat. I'll keep you company. It's the least I can do if you're going to do all the work." Bucky nods once and shuffles back down the stairs, shovel over his shoulder. Smiling, you dash to the hall closet and grab the thickest coat you can find and head out into the arctic tundra.
"So how long have you lived here?" You call out as Bucky tosses a pile of snow to the side with a quiet grunt.
"About 6 months," he states and slowly digs the blade into the snow once more. You make small talk for a little while, watching him methodically remove the piles of snow from in front of your house, all the while sensing that he was going slower than he was before when you were watching him. His movements almost languid. "Nearly finished. You must  be frozen. You didn't have to stay out here the whole time."
"Really. It's not that big of a deal. I'm fine," you lie smoothly, teeth chattering in your skull. "I enjoyed talking to the elusive Bucky from 234C."
"I enjoyed talking with you too, y/n. It was nice to have a little human contact instead of completely being snowed in." A broad smile breaks across his face as he tosses the last pile of snow to the side. "That's it," he states but hesitates with his shovel still in the snow. He didn't even seem winded from the workout. "To be honest," he says quietly, "I don't really want to go back inside yet." His tone was serious, but held a playful note and there was a slight gleam in his eye.
You realized it a few seconds before he acted and scooped up a pile of icy snow, tossing it at his large figure. It hit him in the chest and exploded in a white powder. At the same time, he tosses a small pile of snow in your direction. You turn, trying to make a break for it, but trip and fall face first into the snow bank that Bucky had created. "No!" you screech with a giggle and fling more snowballs at Bucky as he tossed handfuls in your direction.
Jumping to your feet, you stumble ungracefully forward and collide with Bucky, knocking you both to the ground with a dull thump. "I cannot believe you did that," you whisper breathlessly. "I didn't even have my snow pants on!"
"I know," he chuckles darkly. "Sorry your butt got wet. Can I make it up to you?" Bucky's eyes sparkle as he looks up at you.
"It's going to take a lot of making up for this one, Bucky. I think I'm frozen solid," you complain and roll off of him and into the snow. Standing, you offer him your hand and pull him to his feet. "Definitely frozen solid," you chatter breathlessly.
"Well, first off let's get you inside and I'll make you hot cocoa. Does that sound like a start?" Bucky tucks you under his arm and rubs his hands up and down your arms to warm you.
"It's a start I suppose," You answer and smile up at him.
"I'll take it." He smiles back just as brightly and ushers you into his house, leaving the shovel lying in the snow, forgotten.
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arichhipster · 4 years
Extra! Extra! Life As a Movie Extra in New Mexico
As I left the house, I glanced on the outdoor thermometer. It examine five under. Thankfully the car started out. Once on the street, as I approached my destination, in the nonetheless-morning darkness, I became off the primary street and observed the road of purple tail lighting up the hill's dirt music in the direction of the properly-lit tents above. Through the frozen tundra, I walk from the auto to the primary tent, greeted through warm smiles and friendly exchanges as I checked in, thankful that the changing room turned into amply heated https://new-solarmovie.com/countries After six previous workdays, the changeover from civilian to duration western garments turned into old hat now; long johns first, fast adding blouse, pants, each with severa buttons, suspenders, boots, jacket, work gloves and hat, all of the even as speaking to my fellow comrades. Next, stand in line to get grubby, as hair and makeup girls dirty you up. I look inside the mirror, thinking who that desperado is that's staring returned at me.
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Finished, I throw my civilian jacket over cloth wardrobe, and walk returned outdoor into the frigid air, trying no longer to slip on snow, ice and cables as I slowly assignment towards the eating tent for some short breakfast and important hot coffee. People are often subdued internal, something to do with the numbing bloodless.
A closely jacketed woman with a headset steps into the tent and yells to us "The van is right here!" Begrudgingly we step returned out into the bloodless, slide into the vehicles and tour closer to the western town this is just beginning to emerge in the dawning mild. Crawl out of the van. If the temperature rises above freezing, the snow we are hiking through turns into a muddy mess later. Somebody yells "I see Props" and we go and outfit ourselves with our weapons and holsters. More salutations from bundled team contributors as you walk towards the protecting facility hoping for one ultimate cup of coffee which of course isn't always brewed but. Too overdue besides, you're needed for the first shot of the day. It's time to play make-agree with. You locate solace questioning at least Russell Crowe and Christian Bale appearance cold as properly.
You glance round at your surroundings and say. "Hey, here I am, status inside the center of a Hollywood movie, ready to play a gunman in an Old West town." There's simplest one character I recognize who would be silly enough to position up with these situations for so little pay...I MUST BE A MOVIE EXTRA (or heritage artist as we within the commercial enterprise choose to be called). Forget approximately my close-up shot, I thought. Just area me inside the warm temperature of the solar!
And so starts another day as a movie greater on a movie manufacturing set. Usually the climate situations are not so intense as this particular New Mexico January day changed into at the set of "3:10 To Yuma", but while they're...Properly, that simply provides to the story.
Given those conditions, why could one want to be an Extra? Is it for the cash...Hardly ever, although for many it's far a paying activity which human beings are finding tougher to come by in recent times. Is it for the hazard to look your face on the silver display, if most effective for a 2d? There's the carrot on a stick enticement, the opportunity of having a speaking component, which right now catapults you to a higher pay scale, and a cooler pair of sunglasses. The rumor whisperers proclaim, "You know so-and-so large call actor began his career as an additional".
How about the opportunity for a departure from the normal habitual, gambling a man or woman that's quite one of a kind out of your ordinary self?
Other reasons might be the social benefit the prolonged circle of relatives bond offers that develops amongst fellow extras who have worked together on preceding movie productions; the capability to have a look at moviemaking firsthand; and the ego enhance you experience when you receive a pleasant nod or salutation from a chief movie star. And sure, there is additionally an inexpensive paycheck and complimentary food.
For me, it's a majority of these reasons, and maximum veritably for the tales.
In current years, Hollywood has arrived with a vengeance in New Mexico, a country with a moviemaking records so long as the enterprise itself. When I first moved right here in '94 several movie and TV productions have been ongoing. A woman pal of mine told me about a casting name. I stood in line in the resort lobby till a person in casting took my Polaroid and asked if I turned into to be had in two weeks. One surprise smartphone call later, I turned into attempting on my new western cloth cabinet for the TV mini-collection "Buffalo Girls". I've been in most cases available ever considering the fact that.
Movie hobby quick lapsed into a lull during the late 90s; but, new tax incentives for the film industry (and our a lot less expensive hard work force) created a resurgence in moviemaking in the past 5 years. Today, whilst the tediously lengthy casting call traces and Polaroid headshots have given manner to new methods like Internet bulletins, digital pictures and e-mailed resumes, lifestyles as a further has remained highly the identical. One moment hasn't modified; the manner you experience after a long twelve-hour workday, having worked due to the fact earlier than sunrise to sundown; you are cold and tired, standing in line within the dark ready to return your wardrobe so you can check out and go home...All at once exhausted and gratified.
If you are trying to pursue history greater work as a full-time profession, my advice would be high-quality to hold your day activity. A bendy paintings time table (unemployed being the exceptional) is a prerequisite for running as a further. The nature of the enterprise is to be geared up to paintings at a moment's observe which is near not possible if you paintings a often scheduled task.
It's no marvel Hollywood enjoys working with us New Mexicans, and plenty of production human beings will gladly country this reality. The majority of extras I've labored with are a very courteous, amiable, uncomplaining, cooperative, tolerant lot, some distance distinct we are informed from our "large town" cousins lower back in LA. Of course, even within this high-quality group of New Mexico extras there are constantly those exceptions, the demanding standouts: The Braggart, whose alleged credentials are without problems challenged; the Movie Star Wannabee Schmoozer who's determined for the large danger, willing to dangle and cajole all of us who they assume will assist circulate them up the stardom ladder; and of path, every big group has at the least one chronic complainer. Fortunately, those individuals get weeded out quite rapid.
I appreciate the eclectic, unbiased, iconoclastic kind individuals who often gravitate to this bendy innovative line of work: the creative, impartial people (artisans, rock band roadies, jack of all trades); the worldly iconoclasts (hippies, vacationers, philosophers); the tough-working, generous blue-collar souls who love the hazard to act out special roles inside the movies; the destiny movie makers; the unemployed; the curious; the ones looking for a loving, worrying circle of relatives; musicians between gigs; ex-veteran pensioners; those folks who come from sad houses and economic conditions looking for escapism and happiness; the real cowboys; those pursuing movie production careers; the coolest souls whose honesty and wellknown kindness has harm them in the cruel, actual global of commercial enterprise; and those individuals stepping out in their recurring exercises.
Learning the Hollywood lingo is a part of the process's attraction: terms which includes "back to at least one", "that turned into extremely good--- permit's do one greater", "martini shot", "checking the gate"' "this is a wrap", "silence on the set"' "checking sound", and "Action!" For a veteran history artist, this film jargon coats you in a mantle it really is fun to put on.
What is an ordinary day on the set? Days are lengthy. While on some productions you are working an awesome portion of the day on set, regularly you're waiting in some preserving room or tent, possibly hours in length, 9 hours my document, before you are referred to as for a scene. During these off digital camera moments, it is as much as you whether to make the most of the waiting state of affairs either thru social conversations or through quietly analyzing a ebook, gambling playing cards or chess, ingesting snacks, or, as what came about after nine hours of waiting on the "Beerfest" film set retaining location, breakdancing and lap dancing. Otherwise, you may pick to whine, pout and be commonly uninterested in the revel in. That man or woman can constantly move lower back to paintings on the thrilling vocation of financial institution clerk.
Regretfully, as an additional you are stored broadly speaking within the dark as to the storyline and the way your small contribution applies to the context of the movie. Very little is told to you approximately the scene or what sort of person you are gambling, so regularly as an extra you tend to create your very own person tale. You pay attention "Action!" yelled so that you begin to pantomime your imaginary speak with others as you sit down at a desk or stroll down a street. Suddenly the director yells, "Great...That turned into exceptional, everyone" and the scene is over. This method your cognitive instincts for the scene were spot on tremendous, or your presence wasn't even on digicam so it didn't depend what the heck you have been doing. I examined this concept out on "Into The West" by using acting Monty Python fashion backward funny walks at some point of my history crossings, and the scene turned into perfect; just as I idea, not on digital camera.
A given truth but is when you are seen on digital camera, and you're not doing what the director needs, to your know-how or in any other case; a director's tongue-lashing can arise, plenty to your humiliated chagrin.
On the rare occasion a director, AD, AAD (assistant, assistant director) or casting director actually enlightens us film extras as to the context of the scene we are approximately to movie and its relevance to the screenplay, it is significantly liked and facilitates us get prompted and obsessed on our position.
We're the background coloration, an imperative function in the scene's final outcome. We complete the scene's surroundings by bringing "the set" to lifestyles, offering the social environment from which the principle actors play off of, in place of forcing them to paintings in a vacuum.
Sometimes one's first-time more enjoy can be hard. One negative woman on the set for "Wild, Wild West" fainted difficult after succumbing to the mixed results of August heat and suffocating corset. Stoically, she attempted again the following day, only to be nearly trampled by horses at some stage in the chaos scene. Never noticed her again after that.
There's an artwork to getting on camera with out being too pushy or apparent. Get stuck mugging the digital camera, and, like what occurred to a pricey friend of ours, you are fired instant, which of direction now provides an possibility for a person else. The vintage standby, the casting sofa, or trailer, or tent, can nonetheless paintings, as a minimum temporarily. I have also discovered that one's possibilities are substantially improved in the event that they work on a comedy, for there are actually higher screen opportunities for extras on comedies than in dramas. Mostly, however, the best manner, which is totally out of your manipulate, is having "the right look" that a director wants. Before you understand it, you're positioned in a scene prepared to confront Pierce Brosnan or Liam Neeson. Suddenly, the director yells "and...Action!
Sometimes your digital camera time might encompass a few exciting computer graphics and make-up. If you've got been painstakingly, grotesquely rearranged via makeup artists to play a zombie, augmented with horrifying prosthetics, it is able to only be you that recognizes yourself whilst your horrifying face debuts at the screen.
I did a particular double-take at the "Unspeakable" movie jail set after I walked past Dennis Hopper's head sitting on a table, after which Dennis Hopper himself exceeded me via within the corridor.
You might not experience the dramatic scene you are taking part in, while status in front of a computer graphics "blue screen"; but, your jaw-losing aghast reaction may want to measure your appearing competencies since you're supposedly responding to a robot monster achieving towards you, no longer a scraggly droopy-pants group member.
On the "Beerfest" movie set, the emphasis changed into whatever however actual beer in our mugs. First, production attempted an ineffective vacuum system designed to suck near-beer out of our mugs, frequently with hilarious outcomes. Next process turned into to digitize the beer into our empty mugs. We because the Irish beer drinking group took moderate offense at these methods in view that first, in fact, we would have out drank the Germans, and 2d, we should have without problems drunk real beers in report competitive time!
And with set layout it is excellent not to look too closely, for in the course of the ones dramatic funeral scenes, the somber cinematic mood is probably broken if the audience knew who is without a doubt written on those movie styrofoam cemetery tombstones like Yo Mama, Three Stooges and Jethro Tull.
In some instances the story in the back of the film is greater pleasing than the film itself. The city of Madrid become selected via Disney to represent the all-American town ready with white-wood fences, flora, lace curtains, heat nearby diner, and Chili festival. However, there aren't any white wooden fences here in actual lifestyles; extra accurately associated with black wood enamel, gauged through some of the locals' abusive usage of crack. The city's decor is more raw and cool, than homespun, seeing that its origin as a coal mining metropolis and later, a hippie haven. The diner, now a tourist enchantment, turned into built in particular for the movie and any actual local would say, "We do not need no stinkin' Chile festival!"
There is the symmetry connection with Disney that is also charming. Flying over Madrid, an old coal mining city inside the overdue 20s, Walt Disney became so captivated by way of the metropolis's twinkling display of Christmas lighting, the scene inspired him to years later create the Disney World Parade of Lights. Disney, the company, had lower back to pay their respects to Madrid, in their personal warped corporate manner.
On some of films our old prison has been used for more than one units, occasionally at the same time as an antique jail which includes on the film "Unspeakable". Over twenty years in the past, the old jail have been witness to a macabre, deadly jail riot massacre and siege. Even nowadays blood stains are still visible from that horrible occasion and tales ran rampant at the set about team member's character reports with ghost sightings and other eerie sensations.
I'll regularly listen people ask "How do huge actors behave--- are the rumors true?" I recognize our tabloid-pushed inquisitive minds need to accept as true with the memories of prima donnas, spoiled brat temper tantrums and privileged treatments; however, in truth, the actors I've visible behave in a professional, conscientious manner on the set. They pay attention attentively to the director's recommendation and vice versa. Some actors can be very personable with the extras, other extra remote, staying in person or reviewing their lines. Some actors are very secure, taking the off digicam moment to journey their horses or trip their bikes between scenes. Sometimes you overhear the actor's occasional disgruntled tone which a few manufacturing member tried to speedy assuage. Heck, you pay attention those tones from us all the time. It become difficult however to restrain from giggling or yelling "Martin, come on!" while Martin continually arrived on the "Wild Hogs" Madrid set with his bodyguard entourage, pushed in a Mercedes golfcart for the arduous 3 blocks from his triple-decker luxurious bus whilst a beautiful assistant carried a mini-fan to hold him cool.
The movie and TV industry has been so prolific at some stage in the Santa Fe/Albuquerque/Las Vegas place, your day by day distinctions among fiction and reality start to blur. The second felt surreal while, after having watched "Swing Vote", I left the film theater simplest to pass the equal grandstand featured in the film on Rodeo Road simply ten minutes later. Blink, look again, and there may be "Astronaut Farmer's" united states of america fair. South of metropolis there may be one rural stretch wherein I assume to come upon the simultaneous convergence of "Wild Hogs" bikers, Billy Bob Thorton's rocketship, and a rough-searching Colorado Volunteers marching regiment.
Even a avenue crossing on downtown Albuquerque's Central Ave. Takes on a new dimension when you have to be cautious of large Transformer robots stepping on you!
Not discounting the great current successes of so many diverse film and TV cutting-edge project topics made on this country, New Mexico's center essence nevertheless embodies the traditional American Western. Once you are fully outfitted in western garb, and you are taking the moment to absolutely embody your environment, a dusty, windswept street within the middle of a western metropolis, a very special feeling envelops you. Your mind can also flashback to youth fantasies, gambling a cowboy or gunfighter, remembering studying testimonies of the Old West or seeing your first wild west TV display or film. On western sets the heritage artists virtually appear to be our pioneer ancestors, a length of records which was honestly only some generations ago.
Pierce Brosnan turned into fascinated by how much our motley institution clearly sported long hair and beards, wore cowboy hats, chewed tobacco, demonstrated know-how of horses and guns, and who nonetheless slept in tents.
While at the set, youngsters fast modify and revert to less complicated pleasures. Townsmen tip their hats to women in bonnets at the same time as the gunslingers exercise twirling their plastic weapons, hoping to be issued real guns for the shootout scene.
Western movies generally tend to have the most tough climate situations, either blistering hot within the summer, blow-dried dusty inside the spring, and brutally bloodless at some stage in the wintry weather months, which perversely is the favorite season for maximum productions.
The western set can also be the most hazardous. A properly-skilled choreographer and horse wrangler coordinator is obligatory for, if ill-prepared, tragedy may additionally strike. Such have been the instances on the primary day of shooting on "3:10 to Yuma" wherein a horse changed into mortally wounded and rider critically injured, or the primary day of filming the Sand Creek Massacre reenactment on "Into The West" wherein severa horse accidents took place. And, during the filming of "Wild, Wild West", there are careless acts along with the dearth of notification to some forgotten extras that they had to clean the western set earlier than production blew it up. Fortunately, no extras were blown up! And they worry approximately animal mistreatment.
With the latest proliferation of film activity, many new faces have arrived inside the business, while most of the players of just ten years in the past have left the region or long gone on to other endeavors. Sometimes you have to permit own family members go away the nest. Except for the few envious ones, most of the people of us extras are pleased whilst a person from our extended circle of relatives receives a speakme element.
It's a profession wherein one minute you are ready to retire, especially after a grueling fourteen hour day, however then you definitely get the itch to get returned into it, for some other shot at stardom, for some other interesting story, and primarily due to the fact you leave out your buddies.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 21 Most Wanted Rack Hangers
  Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4
Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4 - Works like a charm these racks provide support for hanging up your glassware, so it protects your fragile collection from getting chipped or damaged you can hang one or more of these racks to create additional storage space for all your glassware great as coffee mug holder. No hassle installation each of this wall mounted or under cabinet stem racks are 5 inches wide, 11 inches deep and hangs 1 ½ inches below the cabinet you can store up to 3 glasses in each row with a base up to 3 ½ inches. Conserve space neatly organize your kitchen cabinets and counter to work more efficiently when cooking for yourself or for your family you can free-up valuable space and get rid of the clutter that’s preventing you from finding what you need with ease. Collector’s rack if you love collecting vintage wine glasses or fluted dessert bowls, this rack will be your favorite storage solution in the house you can hang it on the wall space under your kitchen cabinets or anywhere that will satisfy your needs. Cost-effective with this set of 2 bundle you will get more for your buck and showcase your stemware with ease instead of investing in a credenza or buffet you can utilize this rack over your liquor cart to create your own bar storage without breaking the bank account.
  DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing
DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing - Board is made from mdf, painted white colour. Dimension 177″x37″x3″ (includes hooks) / 45x95x75cm. 2pcs screws, 2pcs white plugs and 2pcs yellow plastic covers included. 4-heavy duty satin nickel hooks. Mail box packing with epe foam has very strong protectation.
  Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White)
Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White) - It fits any standard door up to 1-3/4″ thick, for any bedroom, office, or entry way door. We always offer the best services to our customers,please do not hesitated to contact us any time,and we offer 60 days warranty for every purchase. No hardware is required for the simplest way to organize and make use of un-used door space. The best over the door hook for both style and organization,strong hooks to hold heavy coats and backpacks. Dimesions 167 x 96 x 2 inches (please allow about 03 inches measuring error).
  5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack
5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack - ❥ The clothes rail of each multi pants rack can be stretched horizontally in a horizontal direction you can pull out the corresponding clothes rail when you need a piece of clothing when you dry your clothes, you can correctly extract 2 clothes rails to make sure all clothing is ventilated note in order to ensure the balance of the muit pants rack, it is recommended that you take out 1 clothes rail each time, it is best not to take out multiple clothes rails at the same time. ❥ The end of the muit pants hanger has a plastic stopper and a transparent rubber coating protect your hanging jeans, trousers and ties without worrying about that clothes falling from the pants hangers. ❥ Made of high-quality stainless steel, the hook and tail plastic head are made of high-quality pp material, which is durable and tightly wrapped around the stainless steel tube to ensure that the steel pipe does not get from the plastic durable and guaranteed for 15 years the surface is smooth and will not rub or rust, ensuring that your clothes will not be scratched note amazon fba is the only way we are selling our product, please complain that seller if you order fake products that ship. ❥ Creativity comes from life, just to maximize the space to save your wardrobe 1pieces multi pants hanger can be used as 5 pieces you can hang jeans, trousers, ties, etc it saves 4 pants space for you when you hang the pants rack vertically. ❥ small and exquisite foldable, you can shrink it and put it in your suitcase when you are traveling or because of a business trip, you don’t have to worry about where your clothes and pants have no place to dry and hang.
  DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black
DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black - Fits over closet rod and requires one step installation. Space-saving compact and tidying up your closet storage. Comes with 4 pcs per package box,you can share with your family hanger only tie not included. Plastic hooks can hold ties,belts,scarf,neck tie or other accessories. Made from quality polystyrene material, smoothly finished plastic ensures do not hurt the fabric.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color - Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets (easy to installed with the installation method), ready to hang on wall or door 📢 black friday & cyber monday deals. Accordion designthis wooden coat rack is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 13 pegs in total, perfect solution for organizing coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, bags and dog leashes.
  SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT
SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT - Here, you’re gonna need this no more rummaging through every corner in your house for your keys, bags, hats, or coats every morning now, they can be well-arranged on the hooks in a neat row everything you need is just in front of you-what a time saver. It perfectly fits on your doors the door hook on the metal frame is about 2″ wide opening or closing the door will be a breeze-almost as if the hook rack isn’t there, because the frames are only 22 mm thick. 100% satisfaction songmics provides professional customer service before and after your purchase, don’t wait any longer and enjoy it now. Durability comes first sturdy metal hooks and high-strength engineered wood come together and provide a stable perch for heavy winter jackets and bags easily holds up to 35 lb after assembled and the hooks are not easy to deform. Hangs on doors, mounts on walls you’ll have a hook rack with the functions of both in one purchase say goodbye to hanging your coats on whatever chair you can find, this 2-in-1 over-the-door hook rack will be a perfect solution to tame the chaos.
  PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black)
PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black) - We will offer you the best service customers team if you have any question, please do not hesitated to contact us any time we facous on a better products service for customers. Dimension 149 x 9 x 2 inches (please allow a tolerance at about 03 inches by measuring error). Color 5 rack with black. Advise lifted on the door within 1-3/4″ thickness. Using have very strong hooks to hold heavy clothes without breaking.
  Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish
Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish - Espresso finished, wood coat rack with 3-tier storage shelves. Simple assembly required. 8 big hooks in a striking bronze finish for coats, scarves and jackets. Dimension 175” x 175” x 72”h. Three storage shelves are perfect for adding extra storage.
  Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″)
Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″) - Unparalleled quality the heavy duty kes towel bar is made from the most durable stainless steel materials ensuring that it will never rust, corrode or lose its shine this bathroom towel storage hanger is definitely made to last for years, while its rust-resistant design ensures that your towels will stay clean and hygienic. Hassle free insallation installing this handy wall storage organizer will not take you more than 5 minutes note that no assembly is required while you can just mount the towel hanger fast and easy using the hardware provided it is so easy that you can definitely do it yourself. The perfect towel bar for any bathroom this elegant towel bar is a beautiful and functional addition to any bathroom, smaller or bigger in just one bathroom organizer you can hang 4 different towels where they can air dry simultaneously this space-saver towel bar is definitely a must for any small bathroom as instead of taking up space, it gives you more. Get it with confidence being so sure about the great quality and durability of this amazing product we offer you a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee try it today and in the improbable case that it won’t meet your expectations you will get your money back. Amazing design- greater size while most similar products are around 13″ long, this stainless steel towel bar is 17″ long and 10″ tall, ensuring that it can store even your biggest towels this amazing towel rack features 4 swing arms that can rotate 180°, allowing you to hang your wet and dry towels simultaneously, without them touching one another.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White - Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Accordion design this wall mounted wooden coat hook is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets on back, ready to hang on wall or door. Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack hanger is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 14 pegs in total, perfect solution for hanging coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, mugs, bags and dog leashes.
  Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black
Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black - Easy to use 360 degree rotating hanger hook, just simply hang on the closet rod or hook, no any hardware ideal belt organizer for closet or door storage. Non slip design soft touch surface belt rack hanger with rubber coating can protect your belts, ties, scarves snagging keep your ties, belts, scarves in the great shape, prevent them wrinkle and off the floor. Upgranded material new updated eco-friendly abs plastic belt hangers closet, more sturdy and durable for long time use no sharp edges to hurt your fingers. Space saving standard belt organizer size 14″x039″x11″, this belt holder takes up minimal closet space this fashion tie and belt rack can keep your closet more neatly. Large 11 belt hooks special designed with heavy duty 11 hooks to hold ties, belts, scarves, necklaces, bracelets, jewelry or other accessories each belt rack for closet size is 03 inches(thickness) x 12 inches (height), depending on the belt buckle, you can probably put at least two belts per hook.
  Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black
Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black - Ideal holder in all rooms — it could use in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, garage, balcony, and also the closet. Multiple functions — it is not only a cloth hanger holder, but also is a towel holder it is absolutely perfect for our hand towels it looks nice with any towel and with almost any bathroom theme. Special and retro design — this hanger holder is designed as a black industrial pipe it looks unique and vintage in your room plus the ends have a cap so your cloth hanger won’t slide off easily. Durable material — made of good iron material, strong hardness, not easy to break this item includes hardware to mount on concrete/tile walls or other type wall it’s a nice sturdy design with full metal construction. Suitable size — base diameter 65cm/25″ distance between base to longer roll arm is 195cm/77″ the max roll arm length is about 49cm/193″ pipe diameter 28cm/1″ save space simple durable cloth hanger holder, also convenient to use as a towel holder while showering please notice the size information before you purchase.
  EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige
EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige - Ezoware 24 clip natural wood swivel tie rack hanger for ties, belts, scarves, bags and more designed to save space and organize closets, wardrobes, or other hanging storage areas. Elegant natural light maple finish to match closet systems and decor constructed of hardwood and steel to ensure durability complimenting style sturdier with greater longevity than plastic tie racks and hangers peace of mind without worrying about snapping or cracking from plastic tie racks. Multi-purpose hang ties, belts, scarves, camisoles and other items using the single or double hooks. Increase the longevity of ties avoid wrinkles, creases, and fabric bunching by allowing the tie to lay flat and hang properly on the swivel hooks 24 hooks, 12 hooks per side hook length 25in maximum extension (both sides extended) 525in pack of 2 hangers to maximize closet and storage space. Compact design holds ties / belts / scarves using a swivel hook system that can be folded flat when not in use the hooks can be pulled outwards for tie display and easy access, or pushed in to save space.
  Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks)
Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks) - Space saving → organize all your gear on one rack to free up floor space and provide easy access. Easy to install→ all you need is an electric drill, and maybe a level to make sure it was lined up for mounting on into the wall studs the hooks can snap on the rail and move around on it, so you aren’t locked into a specific configuration for items that are extra wide (ladders), etc. Easily relocate→ hooks can be easily repositioned anywher on tracks of the panel when storage needs change and fast wall-mount hooks can install in a snap. One solution for all your organizing and storage problems → 10-piece different hooks hangers of different shapes and sizes meet all kinds of your needs when it comes to organizing the garden tools or garage tools, like rakes, shovels, ladders, robes, rain boots, axes etc and we got 5 steel rails, you can have it settled on the wall of your garage, basement or utility room, shed, even in your living room, if you like the industrial look. Heavy duty steel → our garage tool storage organizers are well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the fine work while processing it and this garage storage rack can totally hold up to about 420 lb rubber-coated sleeves prevent the tools from being scratched or from slipping.
  KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray
KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray - Expandable compartment is big enough to hold 13 size running shoes,hiking boots, high-tops, derby,chelsea. Multi-function door hanger not only for shoes, but sneaker,kids toys,cleaning supplies,food or toiletries. Dimensions 56 1/2″l x 22 1/3″w, each pocket measure 5 2/5″ in width and 7 4/5″ in heightperfect hanging shoe storage in pantry, floor,cabinet,kitchen,closet or kid room. 24 large breathable fabric pockets hold over 12 pairs shoes,free up your space and keep your things organized. 4 remove-able metal hooks for easy installation and disassembly, fit door within 1 2/3 inches such as closet door, cabinet door, pantry door or on the wall.
  Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray
Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray - Versatile & decorative sticks multi hook helps keep your home organized while simultaneously adding a modern decorative touch to it use the coat hooks to hang your daily essentials like coats, scarves, purses, umbrellas, bathrobes and more. Modern & functional sticks multi hook is a unique wall coat rack that will provide you with 5 flip-down hooks for ample hanging space in your entryway, bedroom, office or dorm room hooks flip up when not in use, creating a clean, seamless profile that’s great for minimalist décor styles. Designed by david quan for umbra sticks wall coat rack comes in several different finishes to match your existing design style it measures 19 ½ x 7 ¼ x 1 inches. Unique & strong the deceptive vivid sculptural design of sticks multi hook makes this wall coat rack look at first glance like a modern piece of art, until you notice that some of the “sticks” flip down to become hooks for hanging. Easy to set up & use sticks coat hooks come complete with simple step-by-step installation instructions and all the necessary hardware to easily mount it to virtually any wall in your home, office, or dorm room in just minutes.
  Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack)
Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack) - Easy to install, easy to use ~ installs in minutes with common tools includes all hardware the unique mounting system means you can place bike holders anywhere on the channel you want and they will not come off or move with use includes smaller bonus hooks to hang your helmets and other accessories no other wall mount bike rack system gives you as much flexibility. Made with heavy gauge steel ~ the koova garage bike rack is designed and manufactured to last a lifetime of use each steel component is cut, formed and powder coated in our very own charleston sc factory. Satisfaction guaranteed ~ have fat tires our specially designed and crafted bike hooks easily handle 3″ wide tires and each holder has been angled to correctly support your bicycles weight without damaging the rim, tires or spokes. Built to last, lifetime warranty ~ it’s one thing to say the koova bike rack system is the best we back it up with a lifetime satisfaction guarantee if for some reason you are not happy with our bike rack we will repair, replace or refund your money made in our factory to exacting standards and backed by our commitment to make the best product, you have nothing to lose get a koova bike rack today. Fits all types of bikes, even fat tire bicycles ~ unlike other systems that try to cram your bikes on a tiny holder, the koova bike rack was designed to easily store your largest cruisers and mountain bikes when we say your bikes will easily fit this rack, we mean it.
  SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks)
SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks) - 👔 equipped with 24 polished stainless steel swivel hooks for easy access. 👔 make of solid quality natural hardwood and chrome plated iron, rust resistant, provides extra strength and long-lasting performance. 👔 package included1 x tie rack. 👔 there are 24 hooks with swivel clip end, 12 hooks per side, organize and storage up to 24 ties that can save much space. 👔 clips keep your ties, scarves, towels and belts etc secure and easily accessible without harming the material.
  ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer
ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer - 👍my wife best love tie and belt hanger for closet–my wife used the belt organizer to hang belt,but later found it could be used in many placesthere is big surprise and love it,my wife strongly recommended it. pounds weight capacity–944″ x 866″,03 lbs,stainless steel rack hangers provide superior resistance, don’t worry about hanger deformation, durability makes you values for money. 👍multifunction belt and tie scarf organizer –one rack hanger can used to hang belts, shoes, hats, scarves, backpacks, handbags, purses, save space in the closet,also can dry the above all. to your “cart”–add 2 multifuntion rack hangers to your closet,you’ll love it for convenience. 👍materials for belt hanger wall mount–the surface is plastic coating to prevent slip, the inside is stainless steel, it will not rust the clothes accessories.
  Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black)
Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black) - Heavy duty steel → this hook can hold up to heavy stuff about 50 lb, like car tires, chairs, garden tools or power tools in your garage and it is well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the rubber coating. Easy to install & space saver→ with 2 screws, you can mount hooks securely to the wall free up some valuable space in your garage. Enough available length → 124inch long gives you more space to hang on the wall and the hooks are equipped with all the sturdy screws you need. Double hooks design → better than the single hook, the double design provide more options, like ski boards, snowboard, shovels, rakes, axes, large garden tools or power tools. Anti-scratch rubber hook → rubber-coated hooks prevent stuff from being scratched or slipping powder coating is a good looking, resists of rusting, chipping and cracking durable finish, environmental friendly. Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/21-most-wanted-rack-hangers
0 notes
agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: 21 Most Wanted Rack Hangers
  Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4
Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4 - Works like a charm these racks provide support for hanging up your glassware, so it protects your fragile collection from getting chipped or damaged you can hang one or more of these racks to create additional storage space for all your glassware great as coffee mug holder. No hassle installation each of this wall mounted or under cabinet stem racks are 5 inches wide, 11 inches deep and hangs 1 ½ inches below the cabinet you can store up to 3 glasses in each row with a base up to 3 ½ inches. Conserve space neatly organize your kitchen cabinets and counter to work more efficiently when cooking for yourself or for your family you can free-up valuable space and get rid of the clutter that’s preventing you from finding what you need with ease. Collector’s rack if you love collecting vintage wine glasses or fluted dessert bowls, this rack will be your favorite storage solution in the house you can hang it on the wall space under your kitchen cabinets or anywhere that will satisfy your needs. Cost-effective with this set of 2 bundle you will get more for your buck and showcase your stemware with ease instead of investing in a credenza or buffet you can utilize this rack over your liquor cart to create your own bar storage without breaking the bank account.
  DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing
DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing - Board is made from mdf, painted white colour. Dimension 177″x37″x3″ (includes hooks) / 45x95x75cm. 2pcs screws, 2pcs white plugs and 2pcs yellow plastic covers included. 4-heavy duty satin nickel hooks. Mail box packing with epe foam has very strong protectation.
  Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White)
Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White) - It fits any standard door up to 1-3/4″ thick, for any bedroom, office, or entry way door. We always offer the best services to our customers,please do not hesitated to contact us any time,and we offer 60 days warranty for every purchase. No hardware is required for the simplest way to organize and make use of un-used door space. The best over the door hook for both style and organization,strong hooks to hold heavy coats and backpacks. Dimesions 167 x 96 x 2 inches (please allow about 03 inches measuring error).
  5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack
5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack - ❥ The clothes rail of each multi pants rack can be stretched horizontally in a horizontal direction you can pull out the corresponding clothes rail when you need a piece of clothing when you dry your clothes, you can correctly extract 2 clothes rails to make sure all clothing is ventilated note in order to ensure the balance of the muit pants rack, it is recommended that you take out 1 clothes rail each time, it is best not to take out multiple clothes rails at the same time. ❥ The end of the muit pants hanger has a plastic stopper and a transparent rubber coating protect your hanging jeans, trousers and ties without worrying about that clothes falling from the pants hangers. ❥ Made of high-quality stainless steel, the hook and tail plastic head are made of high-quality pp material, which is durable and tightly wrapped around the stainless steel tube to ensure that the steel pipe does not get from the plastic durable and guaranteed for 15 years the surface is smooth and will not rub or rust, ensuring that your clothes will not be scratched note amazon fba is the only way we are selling our product, please complain that seller if you order fake products that ship. ❥ Creativity comes from life, just to maximize the space to save your wardrobe 1pieces multi pants hanger can be used as 5 pieces you can hang jeans, trousers, ties, etc it saves 4 pants space for you when you hang the pants rack vertically. ❥ small and exquisite foldable, you can shrink it and put it in your suitcase when you are traveling or because of a business trip, you don’t have to worry about where your clothes and pants have no place to dry and hang.
  DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black
DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black - Fits over closet rod and requires one step installation. Space-saving compact and tidying up your closet storage. Comes with 4 pcs per package box,you can share with your family hanger only tie not included. Plastic hooks can hold ties,belts,scarf,neck tie or other accessories. Made from quality polystyrene material, smoothly finished plastic ensures do not hurt the fabric.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color - Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets (easy to installed with the installation method), ready to hang on wall or door 📢 black friday & cyber monday deals. Accordion designthis wooden coat rack is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 13 pegs in total, perfect solution for organizing coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, bags and dog leashes.
  SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT
SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT - Here, you’re gonna need this no more rummaging through every corner in your house for your keys, bags, hats, or coats every morning now, they can be well-arranged on the hooks in a neat row everything you need is just in front of you-what a time saver. It perfectly fits on your doors the door hook on the metal frame is about 2″ wide opening or closing the door will be a breeze-almost as if the hook rack isn’t there, because the frames are only 22 mm thick. 100% satisfaction songmics provides professional customer service before and after your purchase, don’t wait any longer and enjoy it now. Durability comes first sturdy metal hooks and high-strength engineered wood come together and provide a stable perch for heavy winter jackets and bags easily holds up to 35 lb after assembled and the hooks are not easy to deform. Hangs on doors, mounts on walls you’ll have a hook rack with the functions of both in one purchase say goodbye to hanging your coats on whatever chair you can find, this 2-in-1 over-the-door hook rack will be a perfect solution to tame the chaos.
  PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black)
PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black) - We will offer you the best service customers team if you have any question, please do not hesitated to contact us any time we facous on a better products service for customers. Dimension 149 x 9 x 2 inches (please allow a tolerance at about 03 inches by measuring error). Color 5 rack with black. Advise lifted on the door within 1-3/4″ thickness. Using have very strong hooks to hold heavy clothes without breaking.
  Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish
Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish - Espresso finished, wood coat rack with 3-tier storage shelves. Simple assembly required. 8 big hooks in a striking bronze finish for coats, scarves and jackets. Dimension 175” x 175” x 72”h. Three storage shelves are perfect for adding extra storage.
  Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″)
Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″) - Unparalleled quality the heavy duty kes towel bar is made from the most durable stainless steel materials ensuring that it will never rust, corrode or lose its shine this bathroom towel storage hanger is definitely made to last for years, while its rust-resistant design ensures that your towels will stay clean and hygienic. Hassle free insallation installing this handy wall storage organizer will not take you more than 5 minutes note that no assembly is required while you can just mount the towel hanger fast and easy using the hardware provided it is so easy that you can definitely do it yourself. The perfect towel bar for any bathroom this elegant towel bar is a beautiful and functional addition to any bathroom, smaller or bigger in just one bathroom organizer you can hang 4 different towels where they can air dry simultaneously this space-saver towel bar is definitely a must for any small bathroom as instead of taking up space, it gives you more. Get it with confidence being so sure about the great quality and durability of this amazing product we offer you a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee try it today and in the improbable case that it won’t meet your expectations you will get your money back. Amazing design- greater size while most similar products are around 13″ long, this stainless steel towel bar is 17″ long and 10″ tall, ensuring that it can store even your biggest towels this amazing towel rack features 4 swing arms that can rotate 180°, allowing you to hang your wet and dry towels simultaneously, without them touching one another.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White - Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Accordion design this wall mounted wooden coat hook is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets on back, ready to hang on wall or door. Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack hanger is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 14 pegs in total, perfect solution for hanging coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, mugs, bags and dog leashes.
  Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black
Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black - Easy to use 360 degree rotating hanger hook, just simply hang on the closet rod or hook, no any hardware ideal belt organizer for closet or door storage. Non slip design soft touch surface belt rack hanger with rubber coating can protect your belts, ties, scarves snagging keep your ties, belts, scarves in the great shape, prevent them wrinkle and off the floor. Upgranded material new updated eco-friendly abs plastic belt hangers closet, more sturdy and durable for long time use no sharp edges to hurt your fingers. Space saving standard belt organizer size 14″x039″x11″, this belt holder takes up minimal closet space this fashion tie and belt rack can keep your closet more neatly. Large 11 belt hooks special designed with heavy duty 11 hooks to hold ties, belts, scarves, necklaces, bracelets, jewelry or other accessories each belt rack for closet size is 03 inches(thickness) x 12 inches (height), depending on the belt buckle, you can probably put at least two belts per hook.
  Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black
Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black - Ideal holder in all rooms — it could use in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, garage, balcony, and also the closet. Multiple functions — it is not only a cloth hanger holder, but also is a towel holder it is absolutely perfect for our hand towels it looks nice with any towel and with almost any bathroom theme. Special and retro design — this hanger holder is designed as a black industrial pipe it looks unique and vintage in your room plus the ends have a cap so your cloth hanger won’t slide off easily. Durable material — made of good iron material, strong hardness, not easy to break this item includes hardware to mount on concrete/tile walls or other type wall it’s a nice sturdy design with full metal construction. Suitable size — base diameter 65cm/25″ distance between base to longer roll arm is 195cm/77″ the max roll arm length is about 49cm/193″ pipe diameter 28cm/1″ save space simple durable cloth hanger holder, also convenient to use as a towel holder while showering please notice the size information before you purchase.
  EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige
EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige - Ezoware 24 clip natural wood swivel tie rack hanger for ties, belts, scarves, bags and more designed to save space and organize closets, wardrobes, or other hanging storage areas. Elegant natural light maple finish to match closet systems and decor constructed of hardwood and steel to ensure durability complimenting style sturdier with greater longevity than plastic tie racks and hangers peace of mind without worrying about snapping or cracking from plastic tie racks. Multi-purpose hang ties, belts, scarves, camisoles and other items using the single or double hooks. Increase the longevity of ties avoid wrinkles, creases, and fabric bunching by allowing the tie to lay flat and hang properly on the swivel hooks 24 hooks, 12 hooks per side hook length 25in maximum extension (both sides extended) 525in pack of 2 hangers to maximize closet and storage space. Compact design holds ties / belts / scarves using a swivel hook system that can be folded flat when not in use the hooks can be pulled outwards for tie display and easy access, or pushed in to save space.
  Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks)
Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks) - Space saving → organize all your gear on one rack to free up floor space and provide easy access. Easy to install→ all you need is an electric drill, and maybe a level to make sure it was lined up for mounting on into the wall studs the hooks can snap on the rail and move around on it, so you aren’t locked into a specific configuration for items that are extra wide (ladders), etc. Easily relocate→ hooks can be easily repositioned anywher on tracks of the panel when storage needs change and fast wall-mount hooks can install in a snap. One solution for all your organizing and storage problems → 10-piece different hooks hangers of different shapes and sizes meet all kinds of your needs when it comes to organizing the garden tools or garage tools, like rakes, shovels, ladders, robes, rain boots, axes etc and we got 5 steel rails, you can have it settled on the wall of your garage, basement or utility room, shed, even in your living room, if you like the industrial look. Heavy duty steel → our garage tool storage organizers are well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the fine work while processing it and this garage storage rack can totally hold up to about 420 lb rubber-coated sleeves prevent the tools from being scratched or from slipping.
  KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray
KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray - Expandable compartment is big enough to hold 13 size running shoes,hiking boots, high-tops, derby,chelsea. Multi-function door hanger not only for shoes, but sneaker,kids toys,cleaning supplies,food or toiletries. Dimensions 56 1/2″l x 22 1/3″w, each pocket measure 5 2/5″ in width and 7 4/5″ in heightperfect hanging shoe storage in pantry, floor,cabinet,kitchen,closet or kid room. 24 large breathable fabric pockets hold over 12 pairs shoes,free up your space and keep your things organized. 4 remove-able metal hooks for easy installation and disassembly, fit door within 1 2/3 inches such as closet door, cabinet door, pantry door or on the wall.
  Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray
Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray - Versatile & decorative sticks multi hook helps keep your home organized while simultaneously adding a modern decorative touch to it use the coat hooks to hang your daily essentials like coats, scarves, purses, umbrellas, bathrobes and more. Modern & functional sticks multi hook is a unique wall coat rack that will provide you with 5 flip-down hooks for ample hanging space in your entryway, bedroom, office or dorm room hooks flip up when not in use, creating a clean, seamless profile that’s great for minimalist décor styles. Designed by david quan for umbra sticks wall coat rack comes in several different finishes to match your existing design style it measures 19 ½ x 7 ¼ x 1 inches. Unique & strong the deceptive vivid sculptural design of sticks multi hook makes this wall coat rack look at first glance like a modern piece of art, until you notice that some of the “sticks” flip down to become hooks for hanging. Easy to set up & use sticks coat hooks come complete with simple step-by-step installation instructions and all the necessary hardware to easily mount it to virtually any wall in your home, office, or dorm room in just minutes.
  Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack)
Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack) - Easy to install, easy to use ~ installs in minutes with common tools includes all hardware the unique mounting system means you can place bike holders anywhere on the channel you want and they will not come off or move with use includes smaller bonus hooks to hang your helmets and other accessories no other wall mount bike rack system gives you as much flexibility. Made with heavy gauge steel ~ the koova garage bike rack is designed and manufactured to last a lifetime of use each steel component is cut, formed and powder coated in our very own charleston sc factory. Satisfaction guaranteed ~ have fat tires our specially designed and crafted bike hooks easily handle 3″ wide tires and each holder has been angled to correctly support your bicycles weight without damaging the rim, tires or spokes. Built to last, lifetime warranty ~ it’s one thing to say the koova bike rack system is the best we back it up with a lifetime satisfaction guarantee if for some reason you are not happy with our bike rack we will repair, replace or refund your money made in our factory to exacting standards and backed by our commitment to make the best product, you have nothing to lose get a koova bike rack today. Fits all types of bikes, even fat tire bicycles ~ unlike other systems that try to cram your bikes on a tiny holder, the koova bike rack was designed to easily store your largest cruisers and mountain bikes when we say your bikes will easily fit this rack, we mean it.
  SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks)
SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks) - 👔 equipped with 24 polished stainless steel swivel hooks for easy access. 👔 make of solid quality natural hardwood and chrome plated iron, rust resistant, provides extra strength and long-lasting performance. 👔 package included1 x tie rack. 👔 there are 24 hooks with swivel clip end, 12 hooks per side, organize and storage up to 24 ties that can save much space. 👔 clips keep your ties, scarves, towels and belts etc secure and easily accessible without harming the material.
  ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer
ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer - 👍my wife best love tie and belt hanger for closet–my wife used the belt organizer to hang belt,but later found it could be used in many placesthere is big surprise and love it,my wife strongly recommended it. pounds weight capacity–944″ x 866″,03 lbs,stainless steel rack hangers provide superior resistance, don’t worry about hanger deformation, durability makes you values for money. 👍multifunction belt and tie scarf organizer –one rack hanger can used to hang belts, shoes, hats, scarves, backpacks, handbags, purses, save space in the closet,also can dry the above all. to your “cart”–add 2 multifuntion rack hangers to your closet,you’ll love it for convenience. 👍materials for belt hanger wall mount–the surface is plastic coating to prevent slip, the inside is stainless steel, it will not rust the clothes accessories.
  Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black)
Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black) - Heavy duty steel → this hook can hold up to heavy stuff about 50 lb, like car tires, chairs, garden tools or power tools in your garage and it is well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the rubber coating. Easy to install & space saver→ with 2 screws, you can mount hooks securely to the wall free up some valuable space in your garage. Enough available length → 124inch long gives you more space to hang on the wall and the hooks are equipped with all the sturdy screws you need. Double hooks design → better than the single hook, the double design provide more options, like ski boards, snowboard, shovels, rakes, axes, large garden tools or power tools. Anti-scratch rubber hook → rubber-coated hooks prevent stuff from being scratched or slipping powder coating is a good looking, resists of rusting, chipping and cracking durable finish, environmental friendly. Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/21-most-wanted-rack-hangers
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economistontherun · 6 years
Boston in a Rowboat
Running the Boston Marathon is always a privilege. Let’s face it running any marathon is pretty special when you turn 50. 2018 is full of big goals for me to match my shiny new age group. It was the 5 year anniversary of the bombing and I wanted to go back to where I felt the ground shake beneath my feet on the day that changed the running community forever. 
This was the second marathon with my coach Maria Simone. Throughout this cycle she taught me to push my edges and pick an attainable goal that was a little bit scary. Both Maria and my husband Gerard as coaches have this way of putting your mind in a place where you didn’t think was possible. It is a gift. I trained hard for this race with a goal pace of 8:24 and a new PR. 
The training was different than other marathons because I’m also training for my first Ironman in October (big goals, remember?). I swam two or three times a week, biked twice a week and ran quality workouts. Training this often at goal pace was new for me and frankly intimidating. I would see 4 times 2 miles at marathon pace and think......how will I do that? It is going to hurt. The track work was fast and pushed me out of my comfort zone, but there wasn’t a doubt that I was going to try and after I would whine to my husband he would just tell me to go into Spock mode and be done with it. I also knew I wasn’t going to go back to Maria with some shit-quit excuse about it. This doesn’t mean that I didn’t go to pieces on my 20 mile progression run in the freezing rain and come home crying because my arms and hands were frozen. Or that my hip didn’t act up from a previous injury. It did, but I kept on going toward Boston. 
One of the most important things I did during this training cycle was work hard on the muscle between my ears. I’ve always been amazed by athletes who can flip a switch and just work through the pain. Tell the negative voices in their chimp brain to shut the f*ck up and go for it. Gerard calls it “Spock Mode” and Maria calls it “embracing the suck.” I want to gain this quality and not settle in to that comfort zone in my racing. 
Race Week 
I was full of mixed emotions this week. G trained hard for this race and we were supposed to both be running. He sustained an injury about 6 weeks out and he wisely chose to take care of himself and not race. As a runner I know how tough that is, but I’m so proud of him for making that decision. We had many friends running this race and he shifted gears to become the unofficial photographer and the best race supporter with 1 mile to go ever! 
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G, L, C & me for the traditional finish before the Finish line picture. 
Weather stalking is always a bad idea. Couple that with runners on social media and the frenzy is just wasted energy. I shut that down when people were posting about Boston weather 2 weeks out. New England weather is unpredictable and April in Boston can be anything. As I packed for the trip I was prepared for a range of weather especially rain. My husband gets the award for the best addition when he suggested I take hand warmers for my gloves and the rain poncho from Disney. 
This is the 4th time I’m toeing the line in Hopkinton. The weather is always the topic of discussion on this point to point course. 2013 was perfect weather pierced with the devastation of a terrorist attack, 2014 was a beautiful day for redemption, 2015 was sideways rain and 50 degrees and 2018 was going to challenge runners and spectators alike. Rain, snow at the start, pouring sheets of rain, 30 mph headwind gusts and it was freezing cold. But every runner was facing this challenge and I was lucky enough to have my friend Char for the journey to the start. 
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Charlyn & I heading to the buses race day morning. 
Race Day Nutrition:
Yogurt & Coffee at wake up
Bottle of Water, Bagel with PB on bus
Banana and remaining bagel 1 hour pre race
PB Gu (no caffeine) 15 minutes pre race
During Race:
Gu every 4 - 5 miles (Water at water stops until mile 16 then gatorade)
Started caffeine GU before half marathon mark and dropped one. Took Cliff caffeine GU at mile 17. My mind was wandering so I needed a bit more calories. 
*Need to have a better hydration plan for that race. The water and Gatorade every mile throws me off my plan. 
Race Day Clothing:
Pre Race (stay dry)
Throwaway sneakers and socks 
2 throwaway shirts w sweatshirt
Plastic poncho
Garbage bag
Hat on top of cap and headband
Racing clothing:
New Balance Zante
SFRC crew socks
Boston 2013 short sleeve shirt
Bike sleeves (my intention was to throw them, but they saved me)
North Face rain jacket with hood
Boston Marathon cap over headband (hat on top of that which wasn’t thrown until it blew off at mile 24) and hood on top of head.
3 pairs of mittens/gloves - 1 pair for pre race, 1 pair mittens for race and 1 pair in ziplock back until mile 16 or 18. I can’t remember. 
*Wish I had - Playtex Dishwashing Gloves, Shower Cap, Actual Rain Pants & Rain Coat. 
The Race 
I raced in 2015 and it was on the BAA list as “unusual weather.” I PRed that day so I had my mind set on the big goals I trained to achieve. I also knew that I had to take what the day gave me in terms of conditions. There is where my work with focusing my energy on what I could control was key. I kept using positive self talk and telling Mother Nature to bring it. I was going to choose to have a positive attitude in challenging conditions. Let’s see what I can do! 
Char and I kept as warm as we could at the start. It was great to have her there with me. She is a positive force and it kept me focused on all the work we did to get here. In fact people complaining fed our fuel to race hard because this is Boston! 
I won’t lie. I’ve never seen it like this and it was obvious that runners had packed it in before they even started. The normal rush to the starting line was more like a slog and a number of runners from the earlier waves were choosing to be in my wave (3). I quickly came to realize that this was going to have more of an impact of my race than the weather. 
Took one last potty stop on the way to the start, changed my shoes and off I went. It was clear that the day was going to be different. The number of spectators at the start was significantly less than prior years and who could blame them and the start was really crowded. Those first few miles when runners have a tendency to go out to fast were slow. I was thrilled to have people cheering in very creative tents to keep themselves dry. 
I started the race with an extra layer on and a garbage bag on top. I dumped both of those at about mile 5 and largely drafted behind other runners when the driving sheets of rain came and pushed us around. 
I began to execute my race plan. Keeping pace for the first 7 miles was a challenge because of crowds but also because I could not feel my feet. They were like running on two blocks partially frozen mashed potatoes. I had a little give but hard at a rock in the middle. I wasn’t going to let my brain tell me that it was a problem, so I moved a bit faster to get the heat moving in my body. This proved to be my method of keeping warm for the entire race. I was soaked, working harder provided enough extra body heat to keep me warm and running. 
This race was a mental challenge. I struggled around mile 8-10 with voices telling me I’ll never race this again. All that work and this is what happens on race day.....small marathons are better...then I’d push them away and keep on going. I raced conservative for the first 16 miles and I think I would like to be a bit more aggressive the next time I do this race. When I turned to go into the hills at Newton, I wasn’t able to work as hard as I intended. It was odd at that point in time because my heart rate was well under racing zone and I was struggling to get any more speed. I knew I had the leg strength but it just wasn’t there. This part of the course is a mental battle when it is beautiful, but I was really perplexed by my body not responding. 
This was also a time when runners where dropping out of the race or already walking. Shivering runners in heat sheets where something I had to put out of my mind. This wasn’t going to happen to me. It did remind me to change my gloves for the last time. It was then I realized that I had very little use of my fingers. My split slowed down as I tried to put my fingers in gloves that appeared to shrink. I had 2 more hills to go and then Heartbreak Hill to Brookline! 
The race is a bit of a blur from that point. People where cheering as they held their disintegrating signs. The rain was relentless and the headwind was worse, but I’m small and there is always someone bigger to draft off of. I love the turn on Commonwealth Ave. I extend my arms like I’m flying around the corner. It is the point where any monkey on my back gets sent on its way. There were a few runners that were messing with my jam because there were still so many people who where slowing down and running 5 across. This was never the case in my previous experiences. 
Once I can see the Citgo sign for those last 5 miles, I’m energized. The carnage of those who had a rough day from the downhills and the uphills is apparent at this part of the course, but this day was particularly bad. It was also unusually quiet. Those who cheered Des Linden to her Boston Marathon win were long gone and the rain wasn’t letting up. I liked it. I like the quiet. It gives me a chance to focus and begin to pass people. This is also special because I’ve been running for hours so I can see Gerard cheering at 1 mile to go! 
There he is! He’s soaked to bone and I stop to kiss him and apologize for being slower than I planned. He laughs and tells me to go get it! 
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One Mile to Go! Picture by Gerard. 
That last mile is striped with a blue Adidas line guiding you to the best 2 turns in marathoning. I looked at my watch and knew I punched my ticket to a solid BQ. When I made the right onto Hereford Street the crowds were awesome and the sky opened up. The rain, as it was all day long, was so hard you could hear it falling from the sky before it hit the ground. I put my arms up in the air and yelled “Bring It!”
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The left onto Boylston was surreal. It is the longest-shortest sprint to the finish with spectators screaming. It is so loud it is quiet. I was overjoyed to run a BQ and be consistent on an unpredictable day. 
I was about 10 minutes slower than my goal time and that seemed to be the order of the day for many racers. Note to self - 30 mph headwinds with rain equals 10 minutes slower. 
On a serious note, I now believe I was meant to run a 3:52 that day. When I crossed in front of the memorial for those who had their lives taken 5 years ago the announcer asked for a moment of silence to commemorate the exact time of the bombing. The entire street became quiet. Chills went down my spine. I was running past ground zero of what those bastards did during the quiet. Then the announcer said, “Now let the world hear what Boston Strong sounds like!” The cheers were deafening. I cried again and crossed the finish line with such joy, pride and gratitude for the racing community and the city of Boston five years later. 
Thank you Boston! I will see you next year.
A huge thank you to my husband and best friend, G  and my coach and friend Maria Simone. Here’s to the next adventure! 
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0 notes
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November 23rd, 2017
Day 1: My Impromptu Social Adventure in Zurich
After quite a busy week of work and finally hitting vacation, I definitely welcomed being on a long flight with some relaxation and some doing nothing. So, after boarding for a red-eye to Zurich, I got comfortable in my window seat and ended up drifting off, in and out, for several hours. And after some sleep and watching Spider-Man Homecoming, I finally arrived in Zurich.
Once I was off the plane, I sat around the airport trying to figure out my next steps in these next 18 hours in Zurich. I hadn’t planned very much before leaving Los Angeles, so I knew I had to at least sit down, find WiFi, and download an offline map of Zurich so that I could at least walk around the city without getting lost. It took a while to figure out the internet situation at the airport and figure out where to go for train tickets into the city, but after some wandering, I finally figured everything out and was on my short train ride into the city center.
When I left the train station, I took a moment to find my bearings and after doing so, I started to walk. The weather was a little cool here, though probably cooler because I was in shorts and everyone else was all bundled up in their coats and pants and jeans with beanies, hats, and scarves. But it was a nice change, since L.A. is always always always the same and that gets a bit boring. I walked into town and eventually found myself walking past small shops and stores and people toward the river running through the city. I stopped a couple of times to check out the scene and took some photos before continuing my aimless wandering, hoping I would run into something.
Only a short period of walking aimlessly went by before I spotted a little alley-type street on which I saw some wooden pop-up booth things that were selling Christmas foods and gifts. Reminded me a little of Central Park’s gift shops in NYC. So, I headed over and strolled down the little streets, just checking out the stalls that were up and checking out the restaurants and stores as I walked by. Eventually, I found myself walking into a big crowd of people at a street corner and realized that people were congregating around food stalls of some sort. I decided to check it out and see what was going on. And yup, people were just standing in the streets, hanging out, and sipping on soup, eating chestnuts and corn, and drinking hot drinks.
I looked around a bit and came back to the corner where I saw all of the food because I was curious if I had to pay to get in on the fun as well. So I stood there, trying to figure it out, when an older lady waved at me to come over. At that time, she also asked the guy next to her who was serving soup to the locals to provide me with a cup of soup as well and she offered it to me while asking where I was from and what I was doing in Zurich. This sparked a nice little conversation that I had with the lady and her friend, whose names were Isabel and Therese, both locals of Zurich who had been living there for quite some time. After about 20 minutes of chatting and sipping a little more of the warm, yummy carrot/apricot/orange/ginger soup, I bid the nice ladies farewell and headed down the street to see what else was going on.
As I walked down the street, I realized that there were tons of lights hanging from between the buildings, all lighting up the beauty streets below them. A nice Christmas feel to the town. There were also tons of locals who were out and about enjoying each other’s company with no tourists in sight. After standing around and taking in the scene, from the musicians walking down the street playing some music to the food stands outside the other stores along the street, I eventually found myself stopping at a food stand that was giving out more pumpkin soup and some bread. As I stood in line to get some soup and bread, a Swiss girl around my age named Dorothea came over to ask where I was coming from. Supposedly, she told me that I looked very much out of place in the street full of locals and that right away, with my backpacks and shorts, she knew I was a tourist not from around here. So, we struck up a conversation and I walked along the street with her as she tried to find her friends who she was meeting up with.
And at the corner where I found the two ladies, we found her group of friends, who I later found out were almost all 4th year medical students at the local university. Wow, what a coincidence! And there, I met Jordi, Lini, Pascale, and a few other people whose names I’ve forgotten. It was a fun time! We spent about 2+ hours just standing in the street amongst the crowd chatting about everything, from medical school and our profession to our respective countries and governments, etc, and learning about Zurich and Switzerland. At that point, I learned that the whole celebration I was hanging out in was actually the Festival of Lights, a festival every year that Zurich celebrates when they light up all the lights that are hung up in the city for the holidays. And during this festival, store owners in the Old Town, where we were, would open their shops and invite people in, as well as have food stands outside their shops with soups and bread and snacks for people to enjoy while having a good time with other locals in town.
So we hung out as a group in the middle of Old Town enjoying soups, hot wine, chestnuts, bread, and each other’s company, and after standing around for awhile, we finally made moves and headed over to a bar to have drinks and continue to hang out some more. We made a stop at Cabaret Voltaire, a well-known location in town and around the world for its role in the dadaism movement back in the day (I learned about this once in IHUM at Stanford… very uninteresting at that time), for drinks. I ended up ordering a Swiss gin and tonic that my new friends happily paid for (since I didn’t have any cash), and we sat down and continued our conversations for another hour or so before we started to head in our separate directions with the night approaching. At this point, Jordi had offered me to stay at his and Pascale’s place nearby since I didn’t have a place to stay and I happily agreed to come back with them, have some dinner, and stay for the evening.
So, Dorothea, Jordi, and I trammed back to his apartment while Pascale peeled off to grab some groceries to cook food. She eventually made it home and we all helped her prepare food for dinner and ended up enjoying a delicious homemade pizza with tofu, tomatoes, and onions and a yummy salad with mango, avocado, and dressing, with roasted pumpkin and red wine. Man, so delicious! And after some more chatting, we finally made our way to bed as my amazingly impromptu night wound down and it was time to get some much-needed sleep before continuing to Athens tomorrow morning. What a great experience to not only meet amazingly nice locals my age who were in medicine but to also enjoy a home-cooked meal with new friends in their home in a foreign country while laying over in a country for 18 hours with no plans. How I love these impromptu moments! What a way to start my vacation!
5 Things I Learned Today:
1. Swiss people love their cheeses and creams. According to Jordi, about 30% of the Swiss population is obese. Wow, that’s a good chunk.
2. Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland, with about 500,000 to 1,000,000 people in the city.
3. The Swiss government has seven presidents, who alternate out of the primary presidential role each year. That strategy, Jordi mentions, is a good way to keep things in this neutral country balanced.
4. In Switzerland, everyone is opted into a baseline health insurance. But if you want more for your insurance, you, of course, pay more out of pocket. So everyone gets healthcare equally, at least if they all have that baseline insurance.
5. In Europe, credit cards are, again, ahead of our time in the U.S. They have credit cards that they can now tap to pay, like Apple Pay, instead of inserting a chipped card or sliding a card, though you can still do those. Having that method makes it hard for us Americans to use our cards at certain shops, as I learned at the bar that evening.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 21 Most Wanted Rack Hangers
  Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4
Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4 - Works like a charm these racks provide support for hanging up your glassware, so it protects your fragile collection from getting chipped or damaged you can hang one or more of these racks to create additional storage space for all your glassware great as coffee mug holder. No hassle installation each of this wall mounted or under cabinet stem racks are 5 inches wide, 11 inches deep and hangs 1 ½ inches below the cabinet you can store up to 3 glasses in each row with a base up to 3 ½ inches. Conserve space neatly organize your kitchen cabinets and counter to work more efficiently when cooking for yourself or for your family you can free-up valuable space and get rid of the clutter that’s preventing you from finding what you need with ease. Collector’s rack if you love collecting vintage wine glasses or fluted dessert bowls, this rack will be your favorite storage solution in the house you can hang it on the wall space under your kitchen cabinets or anywhere that will satisfy your needs. Cost-effective with this set of 2 bundle you will get more for your buck and showcase your stemware with ease instead of investing in a credenza or buffet you can utilize this rack over your liquor cart to create your own bar storage without breaking the bank account.
  DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing
DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing - Board is made from mdf, painted white colour. Dimension 177″x37″x3″ (includes hooks) / 45x95x75cm. 2pcs screws, 2pcs white plugs and 2pcs yellow plastic covers included. 4-heavy duty satin nickel hooks. Mail box packing with epe foam has very strong protectation.
  Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White)
Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White) - It fits any standard door up to 1-3/4″ thick, for any bedroom, office, or entry way door. We always offer the best services to our customers,please do not hesitated to contact us any time,and we offer 60 days warranty for every purchase. No hardware is required for the simplest way to organize and make use of un-used door space. The best over the door hook for both style and organization,strong hooks to hold heavy coats and backpacks. Dimesions 167 x 96 x 2 inches (please allow about 03 inches measuring error).
  5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack
5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack - ❥ The clothes rail of each multi pants rack can be stretched horizontally in a horizontal direction you can pull out the corresponding clothes rail when you need a piece of clothing when you dry your clothes, you can correctly extract 2 clothes rails to make sure all clothing is ventilated note in order to ensure the balance of the muit pants rack, it is recommended that you take out 1 clothes rail each time, it is best not to take out multiple clothes rails at the same time. ❥ The end of the muit pants hanger has a plastic stopper and a transparent rubber coating protect your hanging jeans, trousers and ties without worrying about that clothes falling from the pants hangers. ❥ Made of high-quality stainless steel, the hook and tail plastic head are made of high-quality pp material, which is durable and tightly wrapped around the stainless steel tube to ensure that the steel pipe does not get from the plastic durable and guaranteed for 15 years the surface is smooth and will not rub or rust, ensuring that your clothes will not be scratched note amazon fba is the only way we are selling our product, please complain that seller if you order fake products that ship. ❥ Creativity comes from life, just to maximize the space to save your wardrobe 1pieces multi pants hanger can be used as 5 pieces you can hang jeans, trousers, ties, etc it saves 4 pants space for you when you hang the pants rack vertically. ❥ small and exquisite foldable, you can shrink it and put it in your suitcase when you are traveling or because of a business trip, you don’t have to worry about where your clothes and pants have no place to dry and hang.
  DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black
DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black - Fits over closet rod and requires one step installation. Space-saving compact and tidying up your closet storage. Comes with 4 pcs per package box,you can share with your family hanger only tie not included. Plastic hooks can hold ties,belts,scarf,neck tie or other accessories. Made from quality polystyrene material, smoothly finished plastic ensures do not hurt the fabric.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color - Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets (easy to installed with the installation method), ready to hang on wall or door 📢 black friday & cyber monday deals. Accordion designthis wooden coat rack is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 13 pegs in total, perfect solution for organizing coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, bags and dog leashes.
  SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT
SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT - Here, you’re gonna need this no more rummaging through every corner in your house for your keys, bags, hats, or coats every morning now, they can be well-arranged on the hooks in a neat row everything you need is just in front of you-what a time saver. It perfectly fits on your doors the door hook on the metal frame is about 2″ wide opening or closing the door will be a breeze-almost as if the hook rack isn’t there, because the frames are only 22 mm thick. 100% satisfaction songmics provides professional customer service before and after your purchase, don’t wait any longer and enjoy it now. Durability comes first sturdy metal hooks and high-strength engineered wood come together and provide a stable perch for heavy winter jackets and bags easily holds up to 35 lb after assembled and the hooks are not easy to deform. Hangs on doors, mounts on walls you’ll have a hook rack with the functions of both in one purchase say goodbye to hanging your coats on whatever chair you can find, this 2-in-1 over-the-door hook rack will be a perfect solution to tame the chaos.
  PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black)
PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black) - We will offer you the best service customers team if you have any question, please do not hesitated to contact us any time we facous on a better products service for customers. Dimension 149 x 9 x 2 inches (please allow a tolerance at about 03 inches by measuring error). Color 5 rack with black. Advise lifted on the door within 1-3/4″ thickness. Using have very strong hooks to hold heavy clothes without breaking.
  Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish
Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish - Espresso finished, wood coat rack with 3-tier storage shelves. Simple assembly required. 8 big hooks in a striking bronze finish for coats, scarves and jackets. Dimension 175” x 175” x 72”h. Three storage shelves are perfect for adding extra storage.
  Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″)
Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″) - Unparalleled quality the heavy duty kes towel bar is made from the most durable stainless steel materials ensuring that it will never rust, corrode or lose its shine this bathroom towel storage hanger is definitely made to last for years, while its rust-resistant design ensures that your towels will stay clean and hygienic. Hassle free insallation installing this handy wall storage organizer will not take you more than 5 minutes note that no assembly is required while you can just mount the towel hanger fast and easy using the hardware provided it is so easy that you can definitely do it yourself. The perfect towel bar for any bathroom this elegant towel bar is a beautiful and functional addition to any bathroom, smaller or bigger in just one bathroom organizer you can hang 4 different towels where they can air dry simultaneously this space-saver towel bar is definitely a must for any small bathroom as instead of taking up space, it gives you more. Get it with confidence being so sure about the great quality and durability of this amazing product we offer you a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee try it today and in the improbable case that it won’t meet your expectations you will get your money back. Amazing design- greater size while most similar products are around 13″ long, this stainless steel towel bar is 17″ long and 10″ tall, ensuring that it can store even your biggest towels this amazing towel rack features 4 swing arms that can rotate 180°, allowing you to hang your wet and dry towels simultaneously, without them touching one another.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White - Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Accordion design this wall mounted wooden coat hook is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets on back, ready to hang on wall or door. Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack hanger is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 14 pegs in total, perfect solution for hanging coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, mugs, bags and dog leashes.
  Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black
Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black - Easy to use 360 degree rotating hanger hook, just simply hang on the closet rod or hook, no any hardware ideal belt organizer for closet or door storage. Non slip design soft touch surface belt rack hanger with rubber coating can protect your belts, ties, scarves snagging keep your ties, belts, scarves in the great shape, prevent them wrinkle and off the floor. Upgranded material new updated eco-friendly abs plastic belt hangers closet, more sturdy and durable for long time use no sharp edges to hurt your fingers. Space saving standard belt organizer size 14″x039″x11″, this belt holder takes up minimal closet space this fashion tie and belt rack can keep your closet more neatly. Large 11 belt hooks special designed with heavy duty 11 hooks to hold ties, belts, scarves, necklaces, bracelets, jewelry or other accessories each belt rack for closet size is 03 inches(thickness) x 12 inches (height), depending on the belt buckle, you can probably put at least two belts per hook.
  Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black
Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black - Ideal holder in all rooms — it could use in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, garage, balcony, and also the closet. Multiple functions — it is not only a cloth hanger holder, but also is a towel holder it is absolutely perfect for our hand towels it looks nice with any towel and with almost any bathroom theme. Special and retro design — this hanger holder is designed as a black industrial pipe it looks unique and vintage in your room plus the ends have a cap so your cloth hanger won’t slide off easily. Durable material — made of good iron material, strong hardness, not easy to break this item includes hardware to mount on concrete/tile walls or other type wall it’s a nice sturdy design with full metal construction. Suitable size — base diameter 65cm/25″ distance between base to longer roll arm is 195cm/77″ the max roll arm length is about 49cm/193″ pipe diameter 28cm/1″ save space simple durable cloth hanger holder, also convenient to use as a towel holder while showering please notice the size information before you purchase.
  EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige
EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige - Ezoware 24 clip natural wood swivel tie rack hanger for ties, belts, scarves, bags and more designed to save space and organize closets, wardrobes, or other hanging storage areas. Elegant natural light maple finish to match closet systems and decor constructed of hardwood and steel to ensure durability complimenting style sturdier with greater longevity than plastic tie racks and hangers peace of mind without worrying about snapping or cracking from plastic tie racks. Multi-purpose hang ties, belts, scarves, camisoles and other items using the single or double hooks. Increase the longevity of ties avoid wrinkles, creases, and fabric bunching by allowing the tie to lay flat and hang properly on the swivel hooks 24 hooks, 12 hooks per side hook length 25in maximum extension (both sides extended) 525in pack of 2 hangers to maximize closet and storage space. Compact design holds ties / belts / scarves using a swivel hook system that can be folded flat when not in use the hooks can be pulled outwards for tie display and easy access, or pushed in to save space.
  Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks)
Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks) - Space saving → organize all your gear on one rack to free up floor space and provide easy access. Easy to install→ all you need is an electric drill, and maybe a level to make sure it was lined up for mounting on into the wall studs the hooks can snap on the rail and move around on it, so you aren’t locked into a specific configuration for items that are extra wide (ladders), etc. Easily relocate→ hooks can be easily repositioned anywher on tracks of the panel when storage needs change and fast wall-mount hooks can install in a snap. One solution for all your organizing and storage problems → 10-piece different hooks hangers of different shapes and sizes meet all kinds of your needs when it comes to organizing the garden tools or garage tools, like rakes, shovels, ladders, robes, rain boots, axes etc and we got 5 steel rails, you can have it settled on the wall of your garage, basement or utility room, shed, even in your living room, if you like the industrial look. Heavy duty steel → our garage tool storage organizers are well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the fine work while processing it and this garage storage rack can totally hold up to about 420 lb rubber-coated sleeves prevent the tools from being scratched or from slipping.
  KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray
KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray - Expandable compartment is big enough to hold 13 size running shoes,hiking boots, high-tops, derby,chelsea. Multi-function door hanger not only for shoes, but sneaker,kids toys,cleaning supplies,food or toiletries. Dimensions 56 1/2″l x 22 1/3″w, each pocket measure 5 2/5″ in width and 7 4/5″ in heightperfect hanging shoe storage in pantry, floor,cabinet,kitchen,closet or kid room. 24 large breathable fabric pockets hold over 12 pairs shoes,free up your space and keep your things organized. 4 remove-able metal hooks for easy installation and disassembly, fit door within 1 2/3 inches such as closet door, cabinet door, pantry door or on the wall.
  Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray
Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray - Versatile & decorative sticks multi hook helps keep your home organized while simultaneously adding a modern decorative touch to it use the coat hooks to hang your daily essentials like coats, scarves, purses, umbrellas, bathrobes and more. Modern & functional sticks multi hook is a unique wall coat rack that will provide you with 5 flip-down hooks for ample hanging space in your entryway, bedroom, office or dorm room hooks flip up when not in use, creating a clean, seamless profile that’s great for minimalist décor styles. Designed by david quan for umbra sticks wall coat rack comes in several different finishes to match your existing design style it measures 19 ½ x 7 ¼ x 1 inches. Unique & strong the deceptive vivid sculptural design of sticks multi hook makes this wall coat rack look at first glance like a modern piece of art, until you notice that some of the “sticks” flip down to become hooks for hanging. Easy to set up & use sticks coat hooks come complete with simple step-by-step installation instructions and all the necessary hardware to easily mount it to virtually any wall in your home, office, or dorm room in just minutes.
  Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack)
Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack) - Easy to install, easy to use ~ installs in minutes with common tools includes all hardware the unique mounting system means you can place bike holders anywhere on the channel you want and they will not come off or move with use includes smaller bonus hooks to hang your helmets and other accessories no other wall mount bike rack system gives you as much flexibility. Made with heavy gauge steel ~ the koova garage bike rack is designed and manufactured to last a lifetime of use each steel component is cut, formed and powder coated in our very own charleston sc factory. Satisfaction guaranteed ~ have fat tires our specially designed and crafted bike hooks easily handle 3″ wide tires and each holder has been angled to correctly support your bicycles weight without damaging the rim, tires or spokes. Built to last, lifetime warranty ~ it’s one thing to say the koova bike rack system is the best we back it up with a lifetime satisfaction guarantee if for some reason you are not happy with our bike rack we will repair, replace or refund your money made in our factory to exacting standards and backed by our commitment to make the best product, you have nothing to lose get a koova bike rack today. Fits all types of bikes, even fat tire bicycles ~ unlike other systems that try to cram your bikes on a tiny holder, the koova bike rack was designed to easily store your largest cruisers and mountain bikes when we say your bikes will easily fit this rack, we mean it.
  SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks)
SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks) - 👔 equipped with 24 polished stainless steel swivel hooks for easy access. 👔 make of solid quality natural hardwood and chrome plated iron, rust resistant, provides extra strength and long-lasting performance. 👔 package included1 x tie rack. 👔 there are 24 hooks with swivel clip end, 12 hooks per side, organize and storage up to 24 ties that can save much space. 👔 clips keep your ties, scarves, towels and belts etc secure and easily accessible without harming the material.
  ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer
ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer - 👍my wife best love tie and belt hanger for closet–my wife used the belt organizer to hang belt,but later found it could be used in many placesthere is big surprise and love it,my wife strongly recommended it. pounds weight capacity–944″ x 866″,03 lbs,stainless steel rack hangers provide superior resistance, don’t worry about hanger deformation, durability makes you values for money. 👍multifunction belt and tie scarf organizer –one rack hanger can used to hang belts, shoes, hats, scarves, backpacks, handbags, purses, save space in the closet,also can dry the above all. to your “cart”–add 2 multifuntion rack hangers to your closet,you’ll love it for convenience. 👍materials for belt hanger wall mount–the surface is plastic coating to prevent slip, the inside is stainless steel, it will not rust the clothes accessories.
  Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black)
Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black) - Heavy duty steel → this hook can hold up to heavy stuff about 50 lb, like car tires, chairs, garden tools or power tools in your garage and it is well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the rubber coating. Easy to install & space saver→ with 2 screws, you can mount hooks securely to the wall free up some valuable space in your garage. Enough available length → 124inch long gives you more space to hang on the wall and the hooks are equipped with all the sturdy screws you need. Double hooks design → better than the single hook, the double design provide more options, like ski boards, snowboard, shovels, rakes, axes, large garden tools or power tools. Anti-scratch rubber hook → rubber-coated hooks prevent stuff from being scratched or slipping powder coating is a good looking, resists of rusting, chipping and cracking durable finish, environmental friendly. Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/97uTT0XAhuU/21-most-wanted-rack-hangers
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: 21 Most Wanted Rack Hangers
  Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4
Wallniture Wall Mounted Stemware Wine Glass Rack Hanger Storage Chrome Finish Set of 4 - Works like a charm these racks provide support for hanging up your glassware, so it protects your fragile collection from getting chipped or damaged you can hang one or more of these racks to create additional storage space for all your glassware great as coffee mug holder. No hassle installation each of this wall mounted or under cabinet stem racks are 5 inches wide, 11 inches deep and hangs 1 ½ inches below the cabinet you can store up to 3 glasses in each row with a base up to 3 ½ inches. Conserve space neatly organize your kitchen cabinets and counter to work more efficiently when cooking for yourself or for your family you can free-up valuable space and get rid of the clutter that’s preventing you from finding what you need with ease. Collector’s rack if you love collecting vintage wine glasses or fluted dessert bowls, this rack will be your favorite storage solution in the house you can hang it on the wall space under your kitchen cabinets or anywhere that will satisfy your needs. Cost-effective with this set of 2 bundle you will get more for your buck and showcase your stemware with ease instead of investing in a credenza or buffet you can utilize this rack over your liquor cart to create your own bar storage without breaking the bank account.
  DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing
DOKEHOM 4-Satin Nickel Hooks -(Available 4 and 6 Hooks in 4 Colors)- on White Wooden Board Coat Rack Hanger, Mail Box Packing - Board is made from mdf, painted white colour. Dimension 177″x37″x3″ (includes hooks) / 45x95x75cm. 2pcs screws, 2pcs white plugs and 2pcs yellow plastic covers included. 4-heavy duty satin nickel hooks. Mail box packing with epe foam has very strong protectation.
  Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White)
Youdepot Over The Door 7 Hanger Rack -Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (White) - It fits any standard door up to 1-3/4″ thick, for any bedroom, office, or entry way door. We always offer the best services to our customers,please do not hesitated to contact us any time,and we offer 60 days warranty for every purchase. No hardware is required for the simplest way to organize and make use of un-used door space. The best over the door hook for both style and organization,strong hooks to hold heavy coats and backpacks. Dimesions 167 x 96 x 2 inches (please allow about 03 inches measuring error).
  5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack
5-Layers Foldable Pants Rack Jeans Trousers Pants Hangers Multi Pant Hangers Multi Pants Rack - ❥ The clothes rail of each multi pants rack can be stretched horizontally in a horizontal direction you can pull out the corresponding clothes rail when you need a piece of clothing when you dry your clothes, you can correctly extract 2 clothes rails to make sure all clothing is ventilated note in order to ensure the balance of the muit pants rack, it is recommended that you take out 1 clothes rail each time, it is best not to take out multiple clothes rails at the same time. ❥ The end of the muit pants hanger has a plastic stopper and a transparent rubber coating protect your hanging jeans, trousers and ties without worrying about that clothes falling from the pants hangers. ❥ Made of high-quality stainless steel, the hook and tail plastic head are made of high-quality pp material, which is durable and tightly wrapped around the stainless steel tube to ensure that the steel pipe does not get from the plastic durable and guaranteed for 15 years the surface is smooth and will not rub or rust, ensuring that your clothes will not be scratched note amazon fba is the only way we are selling our product, please complain that seller if you order fake products that ship. ❥ Creativity comes from life, just to maximize the space to save your wardrobe 1pieces multi pants hanger can be used as 5 pieces you can hang jeans, trousers, ties, etc it saves 4 pants space for you when you hang the pants rack vertically. ❥ small and exquisite foldable, you can shrink it and put it in your suitcase when you are traveling or because of a business trip, you don’t have to worry about where your clothes and pants have no place to dry and hang.
  DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black
DIOMMELL 4 Pack Tie Rack Hanger Holder Hooks Organizer for Mens, 360 Degree Rotating Tie Racks, Black - Fits over closet rod and requires one step installation. Space-saving compact and tidying up your closet storage. Comes with 4 pcs per package box,you can share with your family hanger only tie not included. Plastic hooks can hold ties,belts,scarf,neck tie or other accessories. Made from quality polystyrene material, smoothly finished plastic ensures do not hurt the fabric.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, Walnut Color - Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets (easy to installed with the installation method), ready to hang on wall or door 📢 black friday & cyber monday deals. Accordion designthis wooden coat rack is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 13 pegs in total, perfect solution for organizing coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, bags and dog leashes.
  SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT
SONGMICS Over-The-Door Hook Rack, Wall-Mounted Coat Rack, Door Clothes Hanger with 4 Metal Hooks, for Living Room, Cloakroom, Bathroom, White ULHR24WT - Here, you’re gonna need this no more rummaging through every corner in your house for your keys, bags, hats, or coats every morning now, they can be well-arranged on the hooks in a neat row everything you need is just in front of you-what a time saver. It perfectly fits on your doors the door hook on the metal frame is about 2″ wide opening or closing the door will be a breeze-almost as if the hook rack isn’t there, because the frames are only 22 mm thick. 100% satisfaction songmics provides professional customer service before and after your purchase, don’t wait any longer and enjoy it now. Durability comes first sturdy metal hooks and high-strength engineered wood come together and provide a stable perch for heavy winter jackets and bags easily holds up to 35 lb after assembled and the hooks are not easy to deform. Hangs on doors, mounts on walls you’ll have a hook rack with the functions of both in one purchase say goodbye to hanging your coats on whatever chair you can find, this 2-in-1 over-the-door hook rack will be a perfect solution to tame the chaos.
  PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black)
PerriRock 5 Hanger Rack – Decorative Metal Door Hooks Hanger Holder for Home Office Kitchen Use Coat Hook Rack (Black) - We will offer you the best service customers team if you have any question, please do not hesitated to contact us any time we facous on a better products service for customers. Dimension 149 x 9 x 2 inches (please allow a tolerance at about 03 inches by measuring error). Color 5 rack with black. Advise lifted on the door within 1-3/4″ thickness. Using have very strong hooks to hold heavy clothes without breaking.
  Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish
Legacy Decor 8 Hook, 3 Tier Shelves Garment Coat Hat Rack Hanger, Wooden Espresso Finish - Espresso finished, wood coat rack with 3-tier storage shelves. Simple assembly required. 8 big hooks in a striking bronze finish for coats, scarves and jackets. Dimension 175” x 175” x 72”h. Three storage shelves are perfect for adding extra storage.
  Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″)
Swing Arm Towel Bar – Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Bathroom Towel Rack – Hanger Towel Holder Organizer – Perfect Towel Rack With 4 Arms – Polished Finish (10″ X 17″) - Unparalleled quality the heavy duty kes towel bar is made from the most durable stainless steel materials ensuring that it will never rust, corrode or lose its shine this bathroom towel storage hanger is definitely made to last for years, while its rust-resistant design ensures that your towels will stay clean and hygienic. Hassle free insallation installing this handy wall storage organizer will not take you more than 5 minutes note that no assembly is required while you can just mount the towel hanger fast and easy using the hardware provided it is so easy that you can definitely do it yourself. The perfect towel bar for any bathroom this elegant towel bar is a beautiful and functional addition to any bathroom, smaller or bigger in just one bathroom organizer you can hang 4 different towels where they can air dry simultaneously this space-saver towel bar is definitely a must for any small bathroom as instead of taking up space, it gives you more. Get it with confidence being so sure about the great quality and durability of this amazing product we offer you a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee try it today and in the improbable case that it won’t meet your expectations you will get your money back. Amazing design- greater size while most similar products are around 13″ long, this stainless steel towel bar is 17″ long and 10″ tall, ensuring that it can store even your biggest towels this amazing towel rack features 4 swing arms that can rotate 180°, allowing you to hang your wet and dry towels simultaneously, without them touching one another.
  OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White
OROPY Wooden Expandable Coat Rack Hanger, Wall Mounted Accordion Pine Wood Hook for Hanging Hats, Caps, Mugs, Coats, X Shape, 27″×10″, Rustic White - Material made of high quality pine lumber, healthy and eco-friendly (the actual product maybe slightly different from the pictures due to the different textures of the wooden material or manufacturing variations). Accordion design this wall mounted wooden coat hook is expandable, easily adjustable to the required width good choice for room that needs a little extra space or organization. Easy to install come with metal hanging gaskets on back, ready to hang on wall or door. Elegant design this decorative wooden coat rack hanger is perfect for organizing any entranceway, hallways, foyer, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Multi-purpose each rack comes with 14 pegs in total, perfect solution for hanging coats, jackets, hats, baseball caps, scarfs, belts, mugs, bags and dog leashes.
  Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black
Belt Hanger Rack Holder, Sturdy Belt Organizer with 360 Degree Swivel, 11 Large Belt Hooks for Closet, Non Slip Rubberized Belts Storage, Black - Easy to use 360 degree rotating hanger hook, just simply hang on the closet rod or hook, no any hardware ideal belt organizer for closet or door storage. Non slip design soft touch surface belt rack hanger with rubber coating can protect your belts, ties, scarves snagging keep your ties, belts, scarves in the great shape, prevent them wrinkle and off the floor. Upgranded material new updated eco-friendly abs plastic belt hangers closet, more sturdy and durable for long time use no sharp edges to hurt your fingers. Space saving standard belt organizer size 14″x039″x11″, this belt holder takes up minimal closet space this fashion tie and belt rack can keep your closet more neatly. Large 11 belt hooks special designed with heavy duty 11 hooks to hold ties, belts, scarves, necklaces, bracelets, jewelry or other accessories each belt rack for closet size is 03 inches(thickness) x 12 inches (height), depending on the belt buckle, you can probably put at least two belts per hook.
  Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black
Sumnacon Wall-Mounted Industrial Double Pipe Clothes Bar with Screws, Rustic State Metal Coat Hanger, Garment Holder Rack for Bathroom Cabinet Boutique Clothing Store, Black - Ideal holder in all rooms — it could use in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, garage, balcony, and also the closet. Multiple functions — it is not only a cloth hanger holder, but also is a towel holder it is absolutely perfect for our hand towels it looks nice with any towel and with almost any bathroom theme. Special and retro design — this hanger holder is designed as a black industrial pipe it looks unique and vintage in your room plus the ends have a cap so your cloth hanger won’t slide off easily. Durable material — made of good iron material, strong hardness, not easy to break this item includes hardware to mount on concrete/tile walls or other type wall it’s a nice sturdy design with full metal construction. Suitable size — base diameter 65cm/25″ distance between base to longer roll arm is 195cm/77″ the max roll arm length is about 49cm/193″ pipe diameter 28cm/1″ save space simple durable cloth hanger holder, also convenient to use as a towel holder while showering please notice the size information before you purchase.
  EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige
EZOWare [2-Pack Tie Belt Hangers, Adjustable 24 Clip Racks Holder Hook Hanger for Closet Organizer Storage – Beige - Ezoware 24 clip natural wood swivel tie rack hanger for ties, belts, scarves, bags and more designed to save space and organize closets, wardrobes, or other hanging storage areas. Elegant natural light maple finish to match closet systems and decor constructed of hardwood and steel to ensure durability complimenting style sturdier with greater longevity than plastic tie racks and hangers peace of mind without worrying about snapping or cracking from plastic tie racks. Multi-purpose hang ties, belts, scarves, camisoles and other items using the single or double hooks. Increase the longevity of ties avoid wrinkles, creases, and fabric bunching by allowing the tie to lay flat and hang properly on the swivel hooks 24 hooks, 12 hooks per side hook length 25in maximum extension (both sides extended) 525in pack of 2 hangers to maximize closet and storage space. Compact design holds ties / belts / scarves using a swivel hook system that can be folded flat when not in use the hooks can be pulled outwards for tie display and easy access, or pushed in to save space.
  Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks)
Wallmaster 15-PCS Garage Storage Systems All-in-one Wall Mounted Removable Hooks Organizer Adjustable Organization Rack Hanger for Rake Shovel Lawn Garden Tools (80inch Rail, 10 Hooks) - Space saving → organize all your gear on one rack to free up floor space and provide easy access. Easy to install→ all you need is an electric drill, and maybe a level to make sure it was lined up for mounting on into the wall studs the hooks can snap on the rail and move around on it, so you aren’t locked into a specific configuration for items that are extra wide (ladders), etc. Easily relocate→ hooks can be easily repositioned anywher on tracks of the panel when storage needs change and fast wall-mount hooks can install in a snap. One solution for all your organizing and storage problems → 10-piece different hooks hangers of different shapes and sizes meet all kinds of your needs when it comes to organizing the garden tools or garage tools, like rakes, shovels, ladders, robes, rain boots, axes etc and we got 5 steel rails, you can have it settled on the wall of your garage, basement or utility room, shed, even in your living room, if you like the industrial look. Heavy duty steel → our garage tool storage organizers are well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the fine work while processing it and this garage storage rack can totally hold up to about 420 lb rubber-coated sleeves prevent the tools from being scratched or from slipping.
  KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray
KIMBORA Over The Door Shoe Organizer 24 Large Fabric Pockets Hanging Shoe Rack Hanger Holder with 4 Otd Hooks, Gray - Expandable compartment is big enough to hold 13 size running shoes,hiking boots, high-tops, derby,chelsea. Multi-function door hanger not only for shoes, but sneaker,kids toys,cleaning supplies,food or toiletries. Dimensions 56 1/2″l x 22 1/3″w, each pocket measure 5 2/5″ in width and 7 4/5″ in heightperfect hanging shoe storage in pantry, floor,cabinet,kitchen,closet or kid room. 24 large breathable fabric pockets hold over 12 pairs shoes,free up your space and keep your things organized. 4 remove-able metal hooks for easy installation and disassembly, fit door within 1 2/3 inches such as closet door, cabinet door, pantry door or on the wall.
  Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray
Umbra Sticks Multi Hook Coat Rack – Modern, Unique, Space-Saving Coat Hanger with 5 Flip-Down Hooks for Hanging Coats, Scarves, Purses and More, Gray - Versatile & decorative sticks multi hook helps keep your home organized while simultaneously adding a modern decorative touch to it use the coat hooks to hang your daily essentials like coats, scarves, purses, umbrellas, bathrobes and more. Modern & functional sticks multi hook is a unique wall coat rack that will provide you with 5 flip-down hooks for ample hanging space in your entryway, bedroom, office or dorm room hooks flip up when not in use, creating a clean, seamless profile that’s great for minimalist décor styles. Designed by david quan for umbra sticks wall coat rack comes in several different finishes to match your existing design style it measures 19 ½ x 7 ¼ x 1 inches. Unique & strong the deceptive vivid sculptural design of sticks multi hook makes this wall coat rack look at first glance like a modern piece of art, until you notice that some of the “sticks” flip down to become hooks for hanging. Easy to set up & use sticks coat hooks come complete with simple step-by-step installation instructions and all the necessary hardware to easily mount it to virtually any wall in your home, office, or dorm room in just minutes.
  Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack)
Koova Wall Mount Bike Storage Rack Garage Hanger for 6 Bicycles + Helmets | Fits All Bikes Even Large Cruisers/Big Tire Mountain Bikes | Heavy Duty Powder Coated Steel | Made in USA (6 Bike Rack) - Easy to install, easy to use ~ installs in minutes with common tools includes all hardware the unique mounting system means you can place bike holders anywhere on the channel you want and they will not come off or move with use includes smaller bonus hooks to hang your helmets and other accessories no other wall mount bike rack system gives you as much flexibility. Made with heavy gauge steel ~ the koova garage bike rack is designed and manufactured to last a lifetime of use each steel component is cut, formed and powder coated in our very own charleston sc factory. Satisfaction guaranteed ~ have fat tires our specially designed and crafted bike hooks easily handle 3″ wide tires and each holder has been angled to correctly support your bicycles weight without damaging the rim, tires or spokes. Built to last, lifetime warranty ~ it’s one thing to say the koova bike rack system is the best we back it up with a lifetime satisfaction guarantee if for some reason you are not happy with our bike rack we will repair, replace or refund your money made in our factory to exacting standards and backed by our commitment to make the best product, you have nothing to lose get a koova bike rack today. Fits all types of bikes, even fat tire bicycles ~ unlike other systems that try to cram your bikes on a tiny holder, the koova bike rack was designed to easily store your largest cruisers and mountain bikes when we say your bikes will easily fit this rack, we mean it.
  SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks)
SUNTRADE Wooden Tie Hanger,24 Tie Organizer Rack Hanger Holder Hook (Black, 24 Hooks) - 👔 equipped with 24 polished stainless steel swivel hooks for easy access. 👔 make of solid quality natural hardwood and chrome plated iron, rust resistant, provides extra strength and long-lasting performance. 👔 package included1 x tie rack. 👔 there are 24 hooks with swivel clip end, 12 hooks per side, organize and storage up to 24 ties that can save much space. 👔 clips keep your ties, scarves, towels and belts etc secure and easily accessible without harming the material.
  ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer
ACUSKI 2 Pcs Multi-Purpose Semicircle Belt Hanger Racks Belt Organizer Storage,Ties Rack Hanger,Shoes Bags Purses Scarf Hats and Clothes Hanger for Closet,Stainless Steel No Slip Cabinet Organizer - 👍my wife best love tie and belt hanger for closet–my wife used the belt organizer to hang belt,but later found it could be used in many placesthere is big surprise and love it,my wife strongly recommended it. pounds weight capacity–944″ x 866″,03 lbs,stainless steel rack hangers provide superior resistance, don’t worry about hanger deformation, durability makes you values for money. 👍multifunction belt and tie scarf organizer –one rack hanger can used to hang belts, shoes, hats, scarves, backpacks, handbags, purses, save space in the closet,also can dry the above all. to your “cart”–add 2 multifuntion rack hangers to your closet,you’ll love it for convenience. 👍materials for belt hanger wall mount–the surface is plastic coating to prevent slip, the inside is stainless steel, it will not rust the clothes accessories.
  Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black)
Heavy Duty Garage Tires Hooks Wall Mounted Hanger Tool Organizer Rack Hardware Steel Metal Multi-Tools Storage Utility Hooks with Screws and Anchors(4, Black) - Heavy duty steel → this hook can hold up to heavy stuff about 50 lb, like car tires, chairs, garden tools or power tools in your garage and it is well made, you can tell from the quality of the steel and the rubber coating. Easy to install & space saver→ with 2 screws, you can mount hooks securely to the wall free up some valuable space in your garage. Enough available length → 124inch long gives you more space to hang on the wall and the hooks are equipped with all the sturdy screws you need. Double hooks design → better than the single hook, the double design provide more options, like ski boards, snowboard, shovels, rakes, axes, large garden tools or power tools. Anti-scratch rubber hook → rubber-coated hooks prevent stuff from being scratched or slipping powder coating is a good looking, resists of rusting, chipping and cracking durable finish, environmental friendly. Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Agilenano-News/~3/1x_lO0lx6SU/21-most-wanted-rack-hangers
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