#love your math simms
bottombaron · 10 months
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"very small subset" but also one of the "most requested"
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youngroyals-hc · 1 year
Wille and Simon are at workies when Wille's pencil led snaps. He whispers "fy fan" and goes to get another one from his backpack but Simon just catches his arm and says "just get one out of mine." Wille reaches over to the Garfield pencil case, pops it open, grabs a pencil and keeps working. Simon really tried not to notice or be distracted (something he was finding to be a lost cause when Wille was involved) but stared at his boyfriend as he continued on with his English homework. Wille, feeling Simon's eyes on him looks up innocently before saying "what's wrong, Simme?"
And Simon just splutters out "so you could open the pencil case!"
And Wille goes red and says "well of course I can Simon. You can't think I'm actually that incapable."
And Simon just goes wide eyed and says "Well apparently you desperately needed my help at the start of term!" And Wille looks away at some interesting corner of the library, chewing his lip. Simon immediately feels bad for making him embarrassed and reached out to curl his pinky into Wilhelm's.
"Wille? It's okay. I'm not mad or upset or anything, just confused. Can you tell me what happened baby?" And Simon knows he won't be able to avoid preening at the nickname but he's not above flattery to get his (slightly emotionally stunted, not that it was his fault), boyfriend to be honest with him. Wille turns and moved to hold onto Simon's hand properly, rubbing his thumb over Simon's knuckles as he breathes slowly out.
Finally, he turns and looks at Simon, eyes full of worry and says "I think you've probably worked it out by now, but Simme, I am terrible at flirting. Like, tragically so. I just wanted you to acknowledge me in any way earlier this year so yeah, I said and did a bunch of stupid stuff to try and get you to love me again."
And he looks so genuinely bashful that Simon doesn't know what to do with himself. He places his other hand over Wille, holding his hand between his delicately. He smiles genuinely at his boyfriend and says "I mean, your flirting worked on me so, I guess it can't be that bad after all. Or, I just never stood a chance against Wille's full, undivided princely charm" and Wille groans and hits his head on Simon's shoulder.
"If I knew what I did to get you to fall for me Simme, trust me, I'd be doing it every day." And Simon just laughs and kisses his Prince's dramatic forehead before scolding him for distracting him from his maths homework.
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nightshadelinnette · 6 months
OnS vampires as your school teachers (Part 2)
(As requested���)
(Not my art but dude's a slayyy)
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♤ Most of his students chose music only because he's good-looking and not because they have any passion for music. So whenever you walk through the corridor, you'll hear unpleasant demon-summoning noises coming from the music room than actual singing💀
♤ He's not aware of how badly his students sing because he always has his headphones on or he's just saving himself from their demonic singing. The school choir never fails to sound like a bunch of sheeps who just had throat surgery🗿
♤ He's fun-loving and easy-going and won't mind playing your favorite songs after lessons are over. His students once gifted him garlic bread on Teacher's Day to mock him (Since vampires are allergic to garlic) but nobody knows that he secretly loves garlic💀
♤ He looks absolutely MAJESTIC when he's playing the piano alone in the music room that many students are seen peeping at him outside the window admiring and daydreaming. He was later known as the "Piano Prince" among his students.
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Mathematics teacher
♤ His students think he's having a "Who's more serious?" competition with Mr. Urd. Unlike other math teachers, he doesn't get angry but you can always expect a flying chalk in your face if you disturb his class💀✌️
♤ He's always seen patrolling around the corridors with a HUGE AHH mathematics textbook that looks like a weapon. So you won't find anyone running or making a fuss in the corridors. There is also a paper in the notice board that says "Beware of THE Mr. René☠️"
♤ One of the students said "Math is trash, who even needs it when there are calculators?" he just calmly called them out of class saying he'd give them extra lessons as punishment but he blew them outta the window with a dynamite instead💀
♤ He surprisingly gets the most chocolates on St. Xhocolat's Day (Similar to Valentine's Day) Lacus likes to poke him around saying how he managed to become the school's heartthrob with just a deadpan expression🗿
Horn Skuld- School nurse
Chess Belle- Librarian
Mr. Lululu haha (Lucal Wesker)- Arts teacher
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shadowhuntertrash · 3 years
5 times physical affection was wilhelm and simon's love language
simon sighed happily as he and wilhelm walked from the bus stop to his house. wilhelm was staying for the weekend to make up for the one he missed all those weeks ago due to erik's car accident. it had been a scary time, erik had been in a coma for a month during which the boys found themselves in a sex scandle that erik, once he woke up and was healthy again, used to help wilhelm come out. it had been a crazy few weeks but it was one of their moments of calm that were few and far between. simon was brought out of his thoughts as he felt wilhelm's slightly calloused hand slip into his. simon thought it fit perfectly. "what are you thinking about?" wilhelm asked, squeezing simon's hand. simon smiled at him, it's all he's been able to do for a while. "everything, nothing." simon said with a shrug. wilhelm nodded and they lapsed into a comfortable silence only broken by simon's quiet words. "i'm really happy. you make me really happy." wilhelm looked at him with eyes that reminded simon of a puppy. "me too." he said sweetly, squeezing simon's hand once again.
simon yawned yet again as the numbers blurred on his paper. he was studying for the upcoming math test with madison who was surprisingly good at math. wilhelm and felice were on the other side of the table debating over something simon hadn't paid attention to. madison snapped her fingers in front of simon's face and he startled, his eyes met madison's whose held a familiar exasperated fondness. "okay, i think we're done for the night." simon gazed at her guiltily. "sorry," he mumbled around a yawn. she shook her head with a laugh as she gathered her things and motioned for felice to so the same. simon stumbled upright and gathered his things before wilhelm came over. they walked outside laughing quietly to themselves. "you’re welcome to stay over, you look dead on your feet." wilhelm said as he slung an arm around simon's shoulders. simon rolled his eyes and responded with a sarcastic, thanks. wilhelm laughed and stopped in front of simon, squatting down a little. "wille?" simon said as he let out a confused grunt. wilhelm laughed and gestured for simon to climb on his back. "up you go, your highness." wilhelm teased, simon couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of his mouth at the absurdity of the statement. simon braced his hands on wilhelm's shoulders and jumped, wrapping his legs securely around wilhelm's waist. wilhelm tightened his grip on simon's thighs and simon nuzzled his face into the crook of wilhelm's neck with a deep sigh. "thanks, wille." wilhelm tilted his head so it rested on simon's. "anytime."
"no, no no no. wille, i'm serious. i don't dance." wilhelm let out an exasperated groan. "simme, come on. just one. i'll show you how it's not hard and there's no one here to judge you." simon's eyes narrowed. "oh yeah, no one here to judge but my boyfriend and the freaking crown prince." erik laughed from his seat in the corner as he watched them, mirth swimming in his eyes. "i'm not on to judge, it took me seven months to learn the waltz." wilhelm laughed, his head thrown back in pure delight. simon's stubbornness wavered. he threw a glare at the princes before muttering a bitter, fine. "yes!" wilhelm exclaimed happily. wilhelm stepped closer and wrapped one arm around simon's waist and one hand clasped in simon's. simon let his free hand reach up to wilhelm's shoulder. wilhelm grinned at him, it was blinding. "brilliant, now just move your feet with mine. ready?" simon breathed through his nose and nodded. wilhelm took a couple steps and simon copied them well enough until he went opposite wilhelm and stepped on his foot. wilhelm laughed as blood rushed to simon's face and he stuttered over his apologies. erik laughed from his side of the room. "i encourage the stepping of feet simon, when i was learning he was set on learning with me and i swear half of my blisters were just from wille alone." this time it was wilhelm's turn to blush. "shut up." he muttered, pulling simon closer to him. erik and simon just laughed. they practiced for another fifteen minutes until simon decided he was embarrassed enough for the day. he had more fun than he let on but seeing wilhelm's face light up everytime he took a wrong step was what made it all the more enjoyable.
wilhelm hated public events. his anxiety set him on edge constantly as he greeted more people than he could count. simon being with him was a new thing but it made it simultaneously better and worse. it was always worse going out together because there were constantly eyes on them no matter what they did, but having simon's silent support at these events mean the world to him. it made him feel more at ease because simon always made him feel more like wille as opposed to prince wilhelm. he took a deep breath as he said goodbye to another person only to immediately be greeted by more unfamiliar faces. his chest was tighter than normal and he could feel his hands start to shake. it didn't take long for him to feel a gentle yet sturdy hand on the small of his back. simon was smiling charmingly at the couple wilhelm was talking to. "i'm very sorry to interrupt, but could i borrow wilhelm for a moment?" wilhelm wondered once again what he did to earn such an amazing boyfriend. the couple smiled politely if not a little stiff before leaving. simon stepped in front of him with an easy smile, his hand moving to wilhelm's side. "you doing okay?" he asked quietly. wilhelm felt the tension leave his shoulders as he looks at simon's soft eyes. he pushes their foreheads together briefly. "i am now."
wilhelm shouted in outrage as simon splashed water in his face. simon laughed, pleased he had caught wilhelm off guard. wilhelm retaliated by splashing water back into simon's face. simin exclaimed in mock anger and his curls that wilhelm loved so much clung to certain parts of his head. it shouldn't be cute, but it is. they splashed each other some more until wilhelm was able to trap simon's arms by his sides and drap his body over simon's smaller one until simon's giggles were all he could hear. simon turned in wilhelm's arms until he could wrap his legs around wilhelm's torso and his arms hooked loosely around wilhelm's neck. wilhelm burrowed his head into simon's chest, enjoying the warmth of simon's skin that it had soaked in from the sun. simon propped his chin on wilhelm's hair. they swayed there for a while, the water pulling them gently in all directions. wilhelm raised his head and peered into simon's face, he was met with a fond expression that warmed his chest. simon leaned forward and gently connected their lips. it wasn't rushed or lustful, instead soft and unhurried. as if they had all the time in the world. wilhelm smiled into it, simon was the only person he knew that could get him to stay in the moment instead of stressing over the future. with simon it was like there was no next moment, he couldn't see past this one, in the present, wrapped fully in simon. they broke the kiss and let their foreheads rest together, both smiling giddily. at that moment only one thought was going through both of their minds. i could stay in this moment forever.
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purplehoodiesimon · 3 years
This is nowhere near long enough to go on ao3 so I'm posting it here
Just 500 words of Wilmon fluff because we all need a little more of that in our lives. Ft he/they Wille
They're lying on Wilhelm's bed. It's a quiet Saturday afternoon, the sun shining lazily through the curtains as a movie plays on Wilhelm's laptop. "Simme, I'm bored," Wille says sleepily, yawning as he shifts around. He's curled against Simon's side with an arm slung over his chest, warm and relaxed. "Förlåt, nene," Simon says, carding his fingers through Wille's hair. "What do you want to do?" "I don't know," Wilhelm says, as they prop themself up on one elbow to look at Simon. "What do you want to do?" "Can we finish the movie and then do something else?" Simon asks, Wille scrunching their nose up. "I want to see how it ends." "I guess we could," Wille sighs, snuggling in to press his nose against Simon's neck. "I might fall asleep on you though." "That's fine, I don't mind. I love it when you sleep on me." Simon starts to turn the volume up, when Wille sits up again. "You love it when I fall asleep on you?" Wille asks, looking adorably confused, and Simon nods. "Why?" "You're cute, and soft, and warm, and it means you're comfortable. How could I not love it?" Wille blushes, ducking their head, and Simon laughs a little, turning his head to press a kiss against Wille's shoulder. "I love your blush too, it's adorable." Wille's flush darkens, and he glances around nervously. Simon waits patiently as he starts to say sometimes several times, knowing he'll get there in the end. "What else do you love about me?" He asks and Simon reaches out to pause the movie, sensing that this discussion will be a while. The movie can wait. Wilhelm's never been told much by the people around them how amazing they are. The only person seems to have been Erik and they lost him. "I love your hair, and your eyes, and how my hand fits perfectly here against your face. I love how authentic you are with me, you never put a fake smile on when it's just the two of us. I love the way you kiss me like every time is the first. I love how you help me with my math homework, and how you draw in the margins of your notes when we're supposed to be studying. I love—" "Wait, wait, stop," Wille says with a giddy grin. He covers his face as Simon gently pushes Wille's hair back and tucks it behind his ear. "It's too much." "Okej," Simon says softly, as they grab his hand, holding it tightly. Wilhelm makes an exasperated noise and they uncover their face, looking at him with an embarrassed smile. "Förlåt," they say. "Tack." "Det är okej, Wille," Simon says, holding him close. It takes a lot longer than a few months to undo years of self-esteem issues. "What you love about me?" Wille tilts his head, studying Simon for a second. Their answer is a quiet, reverent, "Allt." And Simon can't help pulling them into a kiss, the movie forgotten.
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valc0 · 5 years
My favorite Doctor Who Songs nobody else is talking about
So, since I’m now an authority in music recs (HOW?) I decided to put together this list of songs that I found and that nobody else (to my knowledge) suggested to me or is suggesting for DW playlists. Yes it’s gonna be mainly the Masters and Thoschei because I’m trash, buckle up.
1. Lights Out - MSI
Punch your lights out Hit the pavement That's what I call entertainment Causing problems makes you famous All the violence makes a statement
The Master alternative song to play if his Scissors Sister LP didn’t work. And on this hill I will die.
2. An Unhealthy Obsession -  The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
I brought a pack lunch and some coffee for my stakeout in your tree... outside your house Gotta be as quiet as a mouse, or else you'll call the police And I'll get done for somethin' stupid like disturbance of the peace And piece by piece I am collecting all the things you leave behind And when you don't I rummage through your bins to see what I can find
This song is pure crack and absolutely sends me. Someone needs to put it as background music in  World Enough and Time because this is Missy and Simm!Master singing and nobody will ever convince me otherwise
3. Not a Common Man - Matt Smith (Yes, him)
Look at history, open the books There are statues with great looks There are Gods, there are Kings I'm pretty sure I'm the same thing 
Basically Matt Smith singing how his dick is bigger than yours. Big roleswap Smith!Master energy in here.
4. Monolith - Twin Pumpkin
If freedom is the last thing then blood is everlasting But it's hard to let you go Been searching for a truth clear, I'm running on a loop here I will never let you go You better take me down before I
The Master being a weirdo and some midly angsty feelings (it will get worse)
5. Bullet With Butterfly Wings - there are a LOT of versions, pick your favorite
And what do you want? I wanna change What do you got When you feel the same? 
Feeling of isolation, powerlessness, feeling trapped as a rat, what else do you want to convince you this is Simm!Master?
More under the cut...it’s 23 in total folks...
6. Heat Stroke - Black Math
I'm running towards the goal I keep my head low One foot and to the next I passed ya yeah ya too slow You said you like the pressure? Well how you like my back? I'm getting farther from ya Taste my dust No looking back 
Another my dick is bigger song for the Master.
7. Creature - Bones UK
Call me up, call me in the morning Sticking your thorn in If that's what you need You can call me anything, baby It will not change me I'll still be me
It literally says “You can call me woman or call me man (I won’t fucking change, bitch)” and that’s very Time Lord of it.
8. Madness - Ruelle
Feel the fury closing in All resistance wearing thin Nowhere to run from all of this havoc Nowhere to hide From all of this madness 
Yeah, this is Thirteen on Gallifrey destroyed. Are we feeling the angst nearing, kids? It’s gonna get worseee.
9. Meaningless - Pain Of Salvation 
(TW: the video is morbid & can be triggering, watch a lyrics video instead)
I need something of my own I need something cutting to the bone I need something that is mine If that must be guilt, then fine 
Not a lot of people are into Prog Metal, but this is very melodic and I just...this is Missy regenerating into Dhawan!Master and realizing the Doctor left him again and—I’m sorry I got dust in my eye. There are also two previous verses that are just the equivalent of every smut fic plot ever written since Spyfall so... 
10. Control - Halsey
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
Applicable to either The Master, The Doctor (when feeling like a dumbass victorious) or Rose Tyler as the Bad Wolf. Very versatile song, 8/10
11. Violet Hill - Colplay
I don't want to be a soldier Who the captain of some sinking ship Would stow, far below So if you love me, why'd you let me go?
Twelve going on Gallifrey and kicking ass to get Clara back? No? Just me?
12. Mercury // Mars - Sleeping At Last
Rows of houses sound asleep Only street lights notice me I am desperate if nothing else In a holding pattern to find myself
We laid our names to rest Along the dotted line We left our date of birth And our history behind
The Doctor regenerating and the Time War respectively. Honestly, these guys are DW fans and wrote an album with planet names about the Doctor and I will never be convinced otherwise.
13. Get Better - Nothing But Thieves
Am I gonna get better, better? Because this feels like this might last forever Will I ever get better?
No, Doctor. You will never get better just fucking stop trying we love when you suffer, the score always gets higher when you suffer, ask the TrUe Dw FaNs out there. (tbf I like when they suffer)
14. Invincible - OK Go
When they finally come to destroy the earth They'll have to go through you first I bet they won't be expecting that When they finally come to destroy the earth They'll have to deal with you first
Eleven being Eleven and going on a rant on how he’s the fucking best and OK Go writing a song about him is something I would’ve never expected.
15. Neon Rust - Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
Away on the wind being blown to hell What happened, it was all going so well Sweet golden rose, don't ever rust Be ever so delicate, when lending your trust
Listen, I don’t even ship Tenrose and I’m not a huge fan of Rose character either, but this is Tenrose and I love this song! Also, it’s angty and super extra, just like Ten is.
16. A lot of Meg Myers songs:
Some People
Tear Me To Pieces
Make A Shadow
She’s a trove for Thirteen x Dhawan!Master songs and made me start a thoschei playlist just because of that. I mean...
Hurts to love someone, someone like you It's getting hard to find the light in your eyes Your face is a story and I know every line Trying to reach out but you're dancing out of time
Can you PLEASE be more specific with your pain?!? I don’t think this is SPECIFIC enough for Thirteen!!!!
17. Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation
I won't soothe your pain I won't ease your strain You'll be waiting in vain I got nothing for you to gain 
Anyone remember this being the only good thing about Twilight other than  Hayley Williams’ beautiful face—I mean—voice? Besides that, this is the perfect Twissy song, fight me in the pit. 
18. Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
I don't want them to know the secrets I don't want them to know the way I loved you I don't think they'd understand it, no I don't think they would accept me, no 
The angst! The pain! The unexpressed feelings...The Fam finding them on the floor, tussling over a bag of Cheetos like the stupid racoons they are...
19. Half Light - BANNERS
When you're in the half light It is not you I see And you live a half life You only show half to me 
This is pure Thoschei feels and nothing else but still manages to give me life.
20. Premonitions - Vaults
Let's take it right back to where we used to go But we never look back, no we only look forward To all the new pain and violence that we blame No we never look back, no we only look forward 
Look at me banging pans together and rant about the beauty of this song and how much it fits in my Thoschei obession.
21. Bad Company YONOAKA
So tell me what you want, tell me want you want Why have you come for me?  'Cause I was fine before you came to my door Now it's my blood you see  
I discovered this the day before The Timeless Children aired and I still stand by the idea that it’s oddly specific and I love it so much.
22. What Do You Want - Nico Vega
You've been lazy Maybe you're afraid Of sleeping in the dark Like a little baby With a nightlight Well baby, its bad You can go ahead and hate me For bringing in news But you could still choose Ain't going to be a party But you turn it all down 
The Master being a little shit to the Doctor and calling them both “lazy” and “a little baby” is now my religion. I’ll name it “Being an hopeless idiot”
23. Come On - Mondo Cozmo
'Cause come on, come on There's a fire in the sunrise Hello, hello, I'm the rider of the storm Come on, come on, we'll be staring at the skyline Hello hello, then we'll watch the city burn Come and watch the city burn
The Master serenading this one under Thirteen’s window with a guitar after he set fire to a car (That coincidentally was hers)
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hydrospanners · 2 years
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lost time  a story in songs
\\ chapter one the early years
cherry bomb the runaways hello world i’m your wild girl / i’m your cherry bomb
trouble finds you juliet simms if i come from the scene of the wreckage/ i look back and no one’s around / junkyard queen on the damage
play with fire war*hall i don’t know how to play it safe / i like walking on a razor blade / i keep burning like a wild blaze
freak show dead posey one for the money / two for the freak show / three gettin ready / throw in them chips tonight
\\ chapter two bysaes tyl
raise hell dorothy young blood, heaven need a sinner / you can’t raise hell with a saint
teach me to fight yonaka let’s make this public / let’s take it outside / put down your small-talk and teach me to fight
play with fire sam tinnesz, yacht money i love to watch these castles burn / these golden ashes turn to dirt / i’ve always liked to play with fire
devil inside crmnl set fire to the altar / middle finger to the sun / no time for the sacred / no one to save you when i’m done
fire burnin’ dead posey oh you tried to put me out / now i’m gonna burn this whole place down
\\ chapter three the shadow monarch
rebel pep squad they’re lying through their teeth and / say what they don’t mean / now i’m lookin for the loners who can fight like me
used to the darkness des rocs would you take my hand and take a life / i’m too damn young to give up on the night / i’m used to the darkness
heat stroke black math and you can’t touch me / cause you know that i can burn you / if you get too close / how you like me now?
giants neoni i’ll go down face to face / just put me center stage / my name painted in bloodstain / making war with anything / standing up in my way
thank god i’m not you himalayas i’m such a sinner / have been since birth / got an adrenal full of lust / but i could be so much worse / thank god i’m not you
\\ chapter four dragon over uthodurn
play dirty kevin mcallister, [sebell] do you wanna put up a fight? / or do you wanna get out alive
survivor 2wei, edda hayes thought that i would fail without you but i’m on top / thought it would be over by now but it won’t stop / thought that i would self-destruct but i’m still here
vendetta unsecret, krigare if you push / i push back / try to hide / but i’ll hunt you down like a maniac
\\ chapter five the father
big bad wolf roses & revolutions living like kings comes with a price / don’t it? / you’re rolling in riches / then you rolling the dice
start a war klergy, valerie broussard if history is dead and gone / then how did we get here my god
gun in my hand dorothy why did love put a gun in my hand? / in my bed, in my head, in my hand / was it for redemption? / was it for revenge?
killer inside of me willyecho think you’re a god / yeah but tonight / let’s see if you bleed like one 
alpha little destroyer mother destroyer yeah one in the same / mr preacher time to give up the throne / i’m master now damn it’s good to be home
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lovebugcody · 6 years
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Alight I’m bored af and dont want to do my chemistry so here is a “what’s onmy bookshelf” post.
Starting on the wall is my Harry Potter poster featuring the Molly Weasly quote of “Just becuase you’re allowed to us magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything”
First on the shelf are three books, The Ship (by Stefan Mani), The Ambler Warning (by Robert Ludlum) and Singing to the Dead (by Caro Ramsay). I have not started reading the first two but they are supernatural-type mystery books. Singing to the Dead i have started and it is a crime book with four things happening at once and the Scotland Yard is spread thin. After that is BZRK by Michael Grant and then the Gone Series also by Grant. It is probably one of my favourite book series’ and i have read the entire series twice now and will no doubt keep re-reading it. Totally recommend reading it if you are into Sci-Fi type books. Following that is the Alchemist Series by Michael Scott. It has the supernaturally element and includes various historical and mythological characters. Another incredible series.  Ornaments on this shelf are a ceramic lion, a Star Wars Funko figure, a clear controller (it lights up when it has batteries in it which is quite cool), a Doctor Strange QFig, a Wonder Woman figurine and a Simba and Cheshire Cat figurines from Britto (they are hand painted and really cool). The book end on this shelf is a purple plastic succulent.
NEXT SHELF From the wall i have two Harry Potter colouring books, both of which i got as birthday presents (14th and 15th) from someone i haven’t spoken to in a couple of years (we used to joke about how i was Fred and she was George and that because she was moving to a different state she should be Fred). Then i have ‘The Amazing Book is not on Fire’ and ‘Dan and Phil Go Outside’, and (true story) i started sobbing when i got DAPGO for Christmas in 2016. Sobbing on the living room floor. My mum found it very amusing. Next i have a book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. My cousin’s girlfriend gave me this book and it is really chill but had me hoked while i was reading it. Then a signed copy of Yassmin’s Story, an autobiograhy by Yassmin Abdel-Magied. She is lovely and very funny and has spoken at a writers event and a women in maths event that I’ve been to.  Then another crime / mystery novel called Long Gone by Alafair Burke. Another book i own that i still need to read.  So Much to Tell You is another book my cousin’s girlfriend sent me. It’s another chill story that is about a selective mute girl who is at a boarding school. It’s pretty addictive too. Then Horrible Histories Barmy British Empire. The only explaination is that i’m a massive history nerd.  Another book i own and still need to read is Killing the Beasts by Chris Simms Tales of Beadle the Bard and Most of the Harry Potter then a Harry Potter bobble head that was a one-of-a-kind at Nova Con. a couple of years ago.
POP FIGURES! Lucius Malfoy with a Death Eater Mask, Dumbledore, Captain America from Civil War and (the latest edition to the family) Peter Parker from Homecoming! I also have a Dick Grayson Lego figure from the Lego Batman movie (because i love that movie!) I also have my Senior Leader badge from primary school. Then five plastic succulents because lord knows i wouldn’t be able to keep them alive. Let’s not forget my lightsaber (red of course) sitting on my books. I also have a Scarlet Witch figure hidden behind a pot. 
I have 12 more books that i haven’t got on that shelf but meh
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flyfishingjobs · 4 years
Our goal is to be the best retailer in USA in the eyes of our customers, associates, and business partners.
We would love to have you join the SCHEELS team!
Overview: Fly Fishing Specialty Shop Manager – Full Time – Colorado Springs, CO
Have you ever dreamed about working in the Fly Fishing Industry? SCHEELS is seeking an individual motivated to join a team of associates that are passionate about Fly Fishing and the outdoors. As a fly shop manager, you will work with over 50 of the best brands in the industry including Simms, Sage Fly Rods, Fishpond USA, Umpqua and more. You are empowered to be the owner of your shop, from purchasing inventory to develop sales and margin, merchandising product, training and teaching associates, and working towards the goal to provide the best customer experience in retail! . Compensation for this position can range from $45,000 +/yr (includes commissions and incentives) depending on experience and skills.
Your career begins at SCHEELS! With over 115 years in business, SCHEELS is a leader in the sporting goods industry, driven to create the best experience in the USA for our customers. SCHEELS boasts the largest selection of sports brands in America—offering world-class brands, special attractions, and unmatched customer service.
SCHEELS Specialty Shop Managers enjoy going to work. You are an owner of your shop, empowered to be a buyer, merchandiser, and inventory manager, all while enjoying one of the best careers in retail. SCHEELS is an employee-owned, privately held business whose empowered associates and leaders drive the success of their store and the entire company.
SCHEELS empowers our associates to become experts in their shops to go above and beyond to meet the customer’s needs and expectations. SCHEELS associates talk-the-talk, and walk-the-walk, with the best product and expert training in the sporting goods industry. Mentorship and professional development training are a focus throughout your entire career.
We offer an exceptional array of employee benefits and we are proud of a workforce that takes advantages of the health and wellness benefits we offer.
The Essentials:
Greet all customers when entering and exiting the store
Promote the SCHEELS Visa Rewards card and be able to clearly explain all benefits
Accurately balance cash drawer at the end of the day
Maintain a clean working environment and personal work space
Engage in conversation with the customer to add a personal touch to each and every transaction.
End each transaction by saying “thank you” to every customer.
Assist in all other duties as assigned
Maintain a professional appearance on the sales floor
Ability to perform basic math; compute rate, ratio and percent; draw and interpret bar graphs
Ability to read and comprehend simple instructions, short correspondence and memo
Ability to write simple correspondence. Ability to effectively present information in a one-on-one and small group situation to customers and other employees
Ability to work assigned schedules which may include varied hours, evenings, weekends and holidays
What it takes to be a SCHEELS Expert: Customer Service
Genuinely and consistently treat co-workers, customers and business partners like they are the most important person including eye contact, a smile and a genuine “Thank you”Culture
Approach daily tasks, projects and follow-up communication with energy and sense of urgency
Cultivate a deep desire to become a knowledge expert in their role with the ability to apply their knowledge and experience with great impact
Show respect and appreciation for others and SCHEELS
Arrive to work and meetings 10 minutes early
Servant Leadership
Genuine interest and action in helping others before yourself, regardless of recognition or reward Teach-ability
Consistent eagerness to listen, learn, apply knowledge and accept critical feedback
Ability to adapt to a changing work environment
Ability to apply concepts of basic math, grammar, punctuation and spelling Dress Code
Meets SCHEELS dress and grooming expectations in support of professional, clean and welcoming environment for customers, co-workers and business partners Efficiency
Demonstrate pride and ownership of their work while meeting expected deadlines
Expert Experience: High School diploma, or General Education Degree (GED), one to three months related experience or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience.
Activity: Must be able to sit, stand, bend at the waist, climb, stoop, kneel, crouch, reach, walk, push/pull, lift, talk, and hear with or without reasonable accommodation.
Heavy work – Exerting up to 100 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 50 pounds of force frequently, and/or up to 20 pounds of force constantly to move objects
SCHEELS cares about the health and safety of our Associates. Associates are expected to follow all safety procedures and perform their job duties in a fashion that minimizes the risk of injury
Schedule: Must be flexible to work assigned schedule between 9a.m. and 9p.m., Monday through Saturday, 11a.m. and 6 p.m., Sunday. Schedule may include varied hours, evenings, weekends, and holidays, must be available minimum of three weekends a month. Average hours per week is 40 hours.
Benefits: SCHEELS offers a complete benefits package to include:
Employee Stock Ownership Program
Associate Discount
Health & Dental Insurance
Short Term & Long Term Disability Insurance
All State Accident Insurance
Employee Assistance Program
Paid Time Off
Holiday Pay
Maternity Leave
Equal Employment Opportunity
SCHEELS is an equal employment opportunity employer providing equal employment opportunities to individuals regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, physical or mental disability, race, religion, creed, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, genetic information, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. In addition, SCHEELS will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals when appropriate .
      Scheels: Fly Fishing Shop Manager Position Available Our goal is to be the best retailer in USA in the eyes of our customers, associates, and business partners.
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doctorwhonews · 7 years
Doctor Who Magazine: Issue 514
Latest from the news site: Looking ahead to the series 10 finale, the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine contains interviews with both Masters. John Simm tells the magazine about playing the Master with a beard:Yeah, I just grew it, and turned up at the readthrough, and said, ‘You know, I fancy a bit of this.’ Everybody seemed fine with it. I just thought, ‘Give a little nod.’ It was a nod to the Delgado and Ainley Masters. There’s a line in the final episode where he mentions ‘old-school’, and I made sure to give the beard a little stroke – a small nod to the old Masters. Michelle Gomez ponders on whether the Master could ever truly become good: Even the worst psychopath can’t be entirely bad. It’s basic math. A positive cannot exist without a negative, and so there always has to be a thread of goodness in somebody. What makes you thoroughly evil, I believe, is when you recognise that thread of goodness – you’re aware of it, you’re conscious of it – and you still decide to be evil. Then, yes, you’ve earned the crown of… of evilness? Evil-ality. You wear your crown of evil-ality. Also in this issue: * THE DOCTOR FALLS Writer Steven Moffat and director Rachel Talalay give DWM readers an exclusive preview of the series finale, The Doctor Falls. * MARK GATISS The writer and actor chats to DWM about his love of Doctor Who, his long association with series, and his most recent episode Empress of Mars. * CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY Showrunner Steven Moffat writes about how he has delivered his final Doctor Who script – the 2017 Christmas Special. * THE SOUL GARDEN The adventure continues for the Doctor and Bill in Part 3 of the latest comic strip story, written by Scott Gray, with art by Martin Geraghty. * MORE MASTER VILLAINY! This issue’s Fact of Fiction looks back at the 1981 Fourth Doctor story The Keeper of Traken – which featured an unexpected appearance of an old foe... * REVIEWS DWM reviews the latest TV episodes (The Lie of the Land, Empress of Mars and The Eaters of Light) as well as audio and DVD releases in the world of Doctor Who. * COMING SOON Previews of all the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases. PLUS! All the latest official news, the Watcher’s column, competitions, the DWM crossword – and more. Doctor Who Magazine 514 is on sale from Thursday 29 June, price £5.99. Doctor Who News http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2017/06/doctor-who-magazine-issue-514.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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