vampirepunks · 4 months
I’m curious what do you think about Higgs and Lou having a connection? Something about her pod gets his attention and how Sam says “he said you don’t know a goddamn thing about Lou.” Sure he doesn’t clearly say Higgs said it but knowing Kojima use of the He usually means a important character.
okay okay okay so I have Thoughts™ about this. Let's start with textual analysis and then shift towards wild speculations. It's messy, but bear with me.
So, body language, tone of voice, facial expressions. Those things say a lot. Higgs' overall demeanor is very familiar overall, not all that different from how he behaves in DS1, but there are a few subtleties that give him away.
Firstly, how he moves his guitar to his back as soon as he initiates conversation with Sam. He could have done this a few moments later to free up his hands, but he specifically chooses to move it aside at what appears to be the very start of the interaction. He's removing a barrier between them by doing so, consciously or not. His shoulders fall slack and he starts off with very open, unguarded gestures (hands at his sides, head held high) and shifts to a self-protective stance after noticing Sam's gun (arms folded in front of himself, hands folded, head tipped lower to focus more intently on Sam.)
This brings us to the moment he takes note of the BB pod. He doesn't hesitate to make a move for it, arms once again held in an open position as he stands up and goes to take it. When he does grab it, he isn't rough about it, using only as much force as necessary to dislodge it from its carrier. Now, this is where it gets interesting: he immediately turns his back to Sam. Whatever his reaction, Higgs doesn't want him to see it. He's anticipating something and he doesn't want Sam to pick up on whatever that is. He holds the pod carefully--tenderly, even--and cradles it in his hands, touching the front of it with a very delicate gesture. The tone conveys a very private, almost intimate moment. The camera lingers, the music softens. We see the little whoosh of air when he does so. My guess is, that phenomenon is related to his DOOMS; he's sensing the ghostly presence in the pod.
When he speaks, his voice is slower, gentler. He takes a moment, ponders his observations, and his eye motions reveal a deep thought process. The very subtle, quick, back-and-forth motions of his eyes as he reacts is... interesting. Psychologically, those kinds of side-to-side micro-movements typically indicate memory recall in the brain, a sign of bilateral activation for information processing and consolidation from long-term memory. Whatever he's thinking about, he's remembering something and contrasting it with the situation in front of him. He's snapped out of it, of course, by Sam asking if he killed Lou. His immediate reaction says it all: the second he hears it, his brow goes up, his mouth presses tight, and he turns his head. That conveys genuine surprise, maybe even confusion too. Not the likely reaction of someone who murdered the child in question. That stone-faced expression sticks for a moment. When he says, "You still don't know, do you?" nothing about his posture, tone, or expression indicates mockery or ill will. In fact, it's almost sympathetic. Again, using a softer voice, and he turns his full body back towards Sam. His brow lowers and his overall countenance remains tense, as though he's somehow bothered by the situation. Hell, he seems tired, as though he's exhausted of Sam not understanding. Contrast this with DS1's "You just don't get it, do you?" which is spoken in a highly aggressive manner. Higgs never lies to Sam (thank you, higgssupremacy, for reminding me of this!) and repeatedly tries to bait him, get him to listen, and observe the truth for himself, separate of his established assumptions. Higgs isn't content with telling Sam the whole story, he needs him to actually see.
The scene cuts away here, as in the next shot, he's no longer holding the BB pod and he's standing quite a bit further away from Sam. So, we'll focus on that first interaction.
Things I've taken away from this:
Higgs didn't kill Lou. If he was involved in her death, it wasn't intentional and harming Lou was not his objective.
He doesn't intend to harm Sam either, at least not at this moment.
Based on this and the lullaby in the teaser, his relationship to Lou is a caring one, potentially parental.
So, naturally, this isn't the first time he's interacted with Lou separately from Sam.
Now, I might be reaching, but I could almost swear if you listen closely when he touches the pod, you can hear a very faint sound reminiscent of ocean waves. (If somebody who works with audio wants to try and isolate the background ambiance, I'll kiss you on the mouth sloppy-style.) So, two things: 1) Did Higgs interact with Lou on the Beach? If so, when? 2) Is his ka still on the Beach? If so, how disconnected are his soul and body? Does he remotely "pilot" his physical body, or was his very being cleaved in half in a similar manner to Bridget and Amelie?
Now, I'm gonna put on my tinfoil hat and make an absolutely batshit leap of logic. I'm considering this a possibility, not a certainty, but... What if it wasn't Amelie that sent Lou back from the Beach when Sam took her out of the pod at the end of DS1? What if it was Higgs?
There are two potential explanations I can think of for how this would be possible, especially given the presence of the quipu when Amelie was the last one to have it: 1) Higgs and Amelie spoke again sometime after the ending, at which time she either gave it back to him or he took it. Not the most likely answer, as we're led to believe she died when she blew up her Beach (to "be the sacrifice"), which we see her do with seemingly no time in between, and she had the quipu in that final scene. However, time works differently on the Beach (aka, it doesn't) and she could have taken a moment to speak with him/kick him off her Beach and send him back to his own. 2) Higgs was still on Amelie's Beach when she razed it. Through yet indeterminate means, he survived this and either inherited what was left or was irreparably changed by such a world-bending event when he landed back on his own Beach.
So, that leaves Higgs alone on the Beach, whereupon Lou washes up on the shore. In this scenario, this is the moment in which Higgs sings to Lou. He repeats the same choice that started the Stranding to begin with: save a child, create a repatriate. Cosmic consequences ensue.
Reasons I think this theory works:
Saying "I'll always be with you" to Lou carries a lot of weight. Whatever happened between the two of them, it was enough that he felt he'd always be a part of her story in some way or another.
Several things happen when Lou repatriates - the timefall stops, the rainbow is no longer inverted, the sun shines without the cover of chiral clouds, the baby BTs in that final scene are suddenly white. The world has been changed. Healed, it seems, but at what cost? If Higgs' new theme is creation + redemption, it stands to reason that this could have begun with saving a life and inadvertently reversing the course of the Stranding, at least partially.
In the first dream sequence in DS1, Sam is shown connected to Lou by a black, synthetic-looking umbilical cord, before she turns into a BT and heads towards the Seam. In the trailer, Higgs has an umbilical cord that is almost exactly identical to that one.
Eternal recurrence. Always, always, eternal recurrence. Higgs repeats the decision Amelie made with Sam and irreversibly changes the course of the world and fate of humanity in the process, just as she did. A choice made out of compassion, regret, and a need for connection. He didn't know any better, how could he know better?
Higgs textually parallels Lady Macbeth. If we assume Lady Macbeth is both villain and victim, and that she (and Higgs) did not in fact die off-screen/stage as the audience is led to believe, how does that narrative continue? Lady Macbeth's guilt is heavily tied up in her involvement with the death of children (and the loss of her own child in some readings) and her inability to rid herself of her bloodguilt ("What's done cannot be undone") and this aligns with Higgs' acts of terrorism after meeting Amelie (an explicit example being Mama's baby) and his act of violence towards Lou in Edge Knot City, in stark contrast with his original reasons for becoming a terrorist ("How tender ’tis to love the babe[...] I would, while it was smiling in my face[...] dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to").
Higgs having turned Lou into a repatriate (and possibly have been accidentally responsible for "taking" her from Sam?) mirrors the conflict between Amelie/Bridget and Cliff. Someone who was (maybe, in Higgs' case!) responsible for a child's death, severing their natural connection to death, and proceeding to claim and love that child as their own, while the father rages on and demands to be given back his BB, trapped by grief for his stolen/lost child. Could that story end differently, this time? In a narrative about disconnection and opposition, could these two people choose to unite--to connect--instead, when it comes down to it? After all, Kojima implied that Higgs and Sam need each other. They are each the other's chiral counterpart, inseparable by their very natures and fates.
If Higgs was the one who said, "You don't know a goddamn thing about Lou," that sounds awfully defensive, doesn't it? Perhaps even protective/possessive? Like a parent defending their claim on their child?
I've also adopted GameLargo's theory that Higgs was the infant of the c-section in which the first true voidout occurred, inspiring the BB experiments to begin with. In this scenario, Higgs would have been "born" from a voidout. It can be inferred that BBs can possibly repatriate, in a sense, as long as they're in the pod, because they're not truly alive or dead and belong neither to this world or the other side. The world of the living staked its claim on him when he came back from the Seam, but his unique means of starting life inherently fractured his place in the usual order of things, thus turning him into a "natural" repatriate and explaining why his DOOMS powers are so different from anyone else's. Again, life from death. Logically, Bridges might have recovered dear baby Peter from the incident site when they investigated, studied him, and adopted him out when he wasn't of use to them, concealing/erasing the records of his existence as part of the BB experiment conspiracy. This overall concept further strengthens Higgs' ties to the human sacrifices committed by Bridges, his relationship to the extinction, as well as his potential to subvert these things and embody a creative force rather than a destructive one. A sudden connection with Lou makes a lot of sense in this context.
Ghost Lou possessing the samurai bot (the working theory among the fandom, as we're all familiar with by now) laughs joyfully while fighting Higgs, as if she's playing with him. He doesn't seem particularly scared, either, at facing such a clear threat, he's just alarmed and vaguely frustrated, like "wtf is happening right now, why is this thing attacking me, etc." You ever seen a baby throw things at their dad and squeal with glee at how he reacts? Yeah, this gives off that vibe.
...so yeah that's my absolutely unhinged take from what we know so far. Guess we'll see!
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vyragosa · 4 months
What do you think about Higgs’s joker smile looking like the slits of a puppet has around their mouth 😂 I’m already wondering about the symbolism of puppets
MY FIRST THOUGHT....honestly the fac that there's another puppet right there in the trailer too...it's so much because it's literally the only thing we are forced to notice about the makeup!
but it really might play into the puppet on strings wanting to cut them, i wonder if it actually is his own means of mocking it right?
since "higgs" was an herald of the apocalypse persona then this ghost...might be a mockery of the puppet on strings! with a guitar without a single string...are you a lone wanderer? !???!! aren't you a bit too cool right now ? ! !!!????!!!!!!!
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thosetwistedtales · 1 month
Hey awhile back you had a master post of Troy reading out loud Higgs’s journal would you be ok if I used the audio? If not that’s fine
I see no reason why not! Go for it friend! And thank you for asking first ☺️💚
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higgssupremacy · 2 months
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@love-bigboss1fan-me this is for you! Thanks for request! ❤️
I can doodle something for you
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sanctaignorantia · 2 months
Starting another text about how my mind is deteriorating as I think more about Death Stranding 2. Here we go!
Today we're going to talk about how I believe Fragile will be the friend who betrays us in the sequel, but not because she's bad, but because she had no choice or because she's in a risky situation.
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Let's start with a few points (which may be confusing because my memory isn't great, sorry). During my conversations with @love-bigboss1fan-me about Metal Gear and how Kojima's mind works within his worlds I came to a few conclusions. Let's get started!
-> Fragile and Higgs will be "on the same side".
If we were to put APAC as the common point between Higgs and Fragile then I could assume that both would be working "together", without knowing it, or knowing it, but still with a certain dislike between them.
How did I come to this conclusion? Coffin.
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Coffin is the only thing that closely links Higgs to Fragile and I am very suspicious of the ease with which Fragile closed Fragile Express simply to open Drawbridge. The Qpid that Sam will now wear is basically the same design as the necklace that Coffin wore. Higgs' cool sarcophagus has the same ideas, so we have Coffin linking Fragile and Higgs here.
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And you know what's bizarre? I was looking for these photos and then I thought "Fragile's father reminds me of Higgs…", the type of hair, the style, I don't know…
But then you ask yourself "why would Fragile be involved?" - Was the design of the new Qpid made by Drawbridge or APAC? The DHV Magellan is something that was given to Fragile by APAC so I assume that all the technology Drawbridge has is thanks to APAC, the ship, the Qpid and the "rings". And then we come to the second very funny thing that makes me think APAC has Coffin's finger in the middle.
I thought this new technology represented rings, but it could also be miçanga, remember?
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A bead (miçanga in brazilian portuguese) is a small decorative object made from natural materials such as stones, bones, shells, wood or, in most cases, glass. They are usually used to decorate necklaces (or any other ornament made from glass), and are recognizable because they have a small hole in the center for threading or stringing. They are then attached to a string, chain or necklace. Their colors and different shapes are widely used in fashion, handicrafts and decoration to create unique pieces. The use of beads originated in South Africa and surrounding countries, where they have a spiritual value, since these necklaces were used in their early days for prayer or devotion, or perhaps to ward off evil spirits. For indigenous peoples, their meaning is not purely aesthetic, for them there is a question linked to ancestry and corporeality. x
Coffin hands the miçanga to her husband and then he hands it to Fragile. The object is purely a bridge between mother and daughter and then becomes a bridge between Sam and Fragile.
These new miçangas will be used by us (Sam) and the entire Drawbridge team, each miçanga is a "knot" that is joined by a large cord, leaving everyone united.
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So we have the design of the coffins, we have the miçanga, we have APAC behind Drawbridge and Higgs (according to theories), then we have Coffin. "But ah… Coffin is dead!" - Cool, since when was that an impediment in Death Stranding? Since when, for Kojima, is killing someone the end of the line? And I'm talking now because I have knowledge of MGS and all the architecture behind "bringing people back to life through AIs" - here in Death Stranding 2 we'll be going into a world that's "very Metal Gear on Kojima's part" so I think it's important to take into account the fact that he's going to CONTINUE using Metal Gear references. And I say continue because DS1 already has a lot of references...
Coffin may be dead, but her ideals still survive somewhere, in someone, and just as we believe that Higgs raised this cult of Amelie as an extinction entity, we can assume that leaving Coffin with her ideals somewhere, germinating, would not be crazy. The next point would be to think that there is something behind Coffin, in case Coffin is "the face" of APAC? Probably. This is Kojima we're talking about, and in terms of manipulation, things work like an onion.
In DS1 Fragile tells Sam the "whole truth" that Higgs tells her, before she leaves him behind on the Beach. Knowing the unknown field that is Higgs Monaghan I would have thought that handsome son of a bitch had a card up his sleeve from the start. He had to. He didn't look like someone desperate in the face of imminent destruction. So taking on his big Hollywood starring role, because acting is also his "thing", it would be easy for him to keep telling truths that hurt and he obviously does with Fragile since he was "about to die", but what would stop him from telling her that he also worked with Coffin?
They are damaged goods and damaged goods with common points that hurt both parties, they are already deeply connected by the red thread of destiny, they are already part of that great string full of miçangas.
Assuming that in the trailer 1 when Fragile escapes with Lou, the vehicle she uses already contains the Drawbridge logo, then she will basically have had her team assembled since the beginning of DS2. I'm going to conclude that, in trailer 2, when we hear her telling Sam that she's closed down Fragile Express and set up Drawbridge, it's actually at the very beginning of the game, probably in one of the scenes where we have Fragile visiting Sam to look after Lou for a few moments. So these visits will be frequent in the same way that Fragile's insistence on Sam coming to work with her at Drawbridge will initially be frequent. When the trailer 1 comes to an end and Fragile invites Sam to meet her crew, that's Fragile's last attempt to convince Sam to work with her, and guess what? It works because Lou is gone… There's nothing left for Sam… AGAIN!
We have some points that I haven't been able to think about yet, like Higgs. If he's with APAC because there's Coffin's "face" behind it, then why is his cult for Amelie and not for her? That sort of thing. But let's leave it alone because I believe that, although Higgs and Fragile may have this much in common, they still have particularities that will set them apart.
-> Higgs is not so "bad".
Evil is a point of view, and in my honest opinion Higgs was never a villain, he was a victim.
As @love-bigboss1fan-me always reminds me, no robot/human character in MGS is a total villain. They always come across as "neither friend nor foe" (although most of them are more like friends, but they don't admit it). So I'm taking into account that Higgs in DS2 will be an anti-hero. Messing around and creating chaos is still his thing, he's there to do it and he enjoys it, but he's going to help us.
Higgs in DS1 wasn't afraid to get close to Sam, to look him in the eye, to break the safe distance of Sam's private zone. No, Higgs wasn't. Higgs would pierce any barrier Sam put between them. Higgs puts his tongue in Sam's cheek without trembling, he likes it. But in trailer 2 he simply keeps his distance, he hardly looks Sam in the eye. He touches the gun, a soulless husk, he touches the puppet, knowing that it is a soulless little husk, and then he touches Lou's empty pod.
But while Sam? Well, he only touches Sam with his words and, probably, with his truths. When he says later on that Sam will have to seek the truth and that the pain he's in will only get worse, I don't believe he's only talking about Lou because later on we have lines from Fragile indicating that "it wasn't her intention to string him along". And it's not as if Fragile is the villain, perhaps the lie she tells Sam is exactly the omitted truth "I didn't tell you because you never asked!".
If Fragile and Higgs have a link to APAC because APAC is linked to Coffin, then why should this be Sam's business? Sam doesn't seem to share his visions of Cliff out there, so "everyone take care of your family" and we'll be fine, but back to Kojima and his way of telling stories, we know that family isn't exactly what descends from our own blood or genes, family is what passes on and leaves a connection in us. And connections are what Death Stranding is all about. Humanity needs to connect, because humanity is the Great Family here…
-> Is it Higgs who "kills" Lou?
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I can see Kojima saying "we need to set it up so that everyone thinks Higgs is the one who shoots. Maybe he shoots Fragile, maybe Lou. But actually Higgs is shooting at whoever is chasing Fragile and Lou. Higgs is helping them."
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They don't look shot to me. The background isn't even the same color and for the situation to get to where it is, with this fire and destruction, then there was a lot of fighting, something that just one shot would have solved, one shot would have ended the show.
And Higgs, like a good son of a bitch, is going to help with his own intentions behind it. He's going to help Fragile and Lou, but maybe he's going to kill whoever's after them while acting as if he killed Lou and got Lou out of there (here comes the theory that Lou is closely linked to Amelie and then Higgs' interest with his EE cult). Higgs had opportunities to destroy Fragile and never did, Higgs had opportunities to destroy that baby in the pod and never did. Higgs talks too much, but he wouldn't kill them. Fragile gave him a choice, shoot or be trapped forever on the Beach. Fragile was merciful so I don't see Higgs wanting to get back at her.
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So how could Fragile become the "villain", but not because she wants to but because she "had no choice" or "is at risk"? APAC is a new face, a new company, Kojima likes to deliver the new as friendly and then that's not really a very friendly thing. We'll have APAC vs UCA then we have the top of the pyramid. These are dangerous names because they are names that have power, so these are the names that will be in control. Seducing Fragile and Higgs using their deepest connections isn't something new for Kojima either, we're still treading the same minefield as DS1 and the entire MGS franchise. The big problem is what's behind those masks, what's behind all the curtains when the show is about to start and then when it's over, what only the people who have that power in their hands will be seeing. We are just puppets, pawns.
You seduce them, hand them a fraction of that power through weapons and soldiers (for Higgs) and technology (for Fragile) while they believe they are using it for THEIR OWN INTERESTS, when in fact they are bait, they are "the pawn bridges" for the purpose of these "kings".
I don't believe that Higgs becomes "the villain" in DS1 because he wants to, and I don't need to explain his reasons. So here I don't believe that Fragile would be the "villain" because he wishes it when everything is about manipulations and well-rehearsed lies. Fragile is at risk because she does again what she condemned in DS1, she will ally herself again with something "faceless" because it gives her powe/and or has things in common (technology, dhv magellan, connect the world, make deliveries) and that will lead her into the hole. In the same way that we have Higgs doing again what he did in DS1, letting himself be seduced by icons. And we have Sam doing exactly what he didn't want to do in DS1, teaming up with a "great idea" to connect the world, this time, because it's the only thing he believes he's good at, and because he has nothing else left and because someone told him that it would heal him. THE SAME CYCLE IS STARTING ALL OVER AGAIN.
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And when I talk about cycles that repeat themselves, I talk about reincarnation, I talk about how a spirit needs to repeat the same things during its spiritual journey so that it learns from its mistakes and breaks this karmic cycle and thus evolves. We see this in MGS with Hal, for example, breaking the "karmic cycle" that his father Huey "started" and so on with "the future generations" or "descendants" that are placed in the story and that can also be interpreted as "future reincarnations" of the same "soul" = idea, ideal, character. And yet, we can compare the karmic cycle of all humanity, which, in both Death Stranding and Metal Gear, continue to practice/and or be part of the same "karmic cycle" that only generates its own destruction.
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padawanlost · 6 years
I'm curious do we know if it was Anakin that asked Padme to marry him or the other way around
We don’tknow. We never got to see the discussion where they decided to get married. However,it was heavily implied that the idea came from Padmé (or at least that’s how Isee it). This is what we know:
After theBattle of Geonosis, Padmé held Anakin’s hand the whole time they were travelingback to Coruscant.
Tounderscore that claim she could show the Temple’s senior healer her crushed andbone-bruised hand, the hand Anakin hadclung to as the waves of agony from his monstrous wounding burned through himwithout cease or mercy. But I’d better not. He isn’t supposed to be holdinganyone’s hand … least of all mine. It’s bad enough that Obi-Wan was awitness. [Karen Miller’s The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Once theygot there, Anakin was given to the Jedi Healers and Padmé was forbidden access.
“AnakinSkywalker is not your responsibility,” the Jedi healer said sharply. “He is aJedi and he is safely home among his fellow Jedi, who know precisely what to dofor him. Please, let us treat you so you might leave the Temple in good order.”A faint hint of censure crept into the Twi’lek’s eyes. “Indeed, I must point out that it’s not entirely proper for you to behere, for you to—” “And where else should I be?” Padmé demanded, not caringthat her raised voice was attracting the attention of three apprentice healersscurrying about their mysterious Jedi business. Not caring that she wasperilously close to making a scene, behaving in a manner unbecoming to a formerQueen of Naboo, a member of the Galactic Senate, a politician with a verypublic face. I am not leaving this place before they let me see him. [KarenMiller’s The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Obi-wanfinally shows up and begs her to leave before Yoda returns. When Yoda returnshe was told Padmé started “a scene” trying to get to Anakin. As soon as Obi-wanis healed (Anakin is still in a healing trance) Yoda orders him to go to Padméand tell her to stay away from Anakin.
“While Anakin sleeps, to Senator Amidala youwill go,” Yoda continued. “Ended his relationship with her must be, before moretrouble it causes. Know this better than most do you, Obi-Wan.” […]“MasterYoda, I fear the matter is not quite so straightforward,” he said carefully. “Ibelieve Anakin’s feelings are reciprocated. It’s likely Senator Amidala will resent my intrusion into her privateaffairs.” “Private affairs?” Yoda’s ears lifted, and his eyes opened wide.“Privacy there is not where a Jedi is involved. Of no importance are her feelings, Obi-Wan. This relationship you willend.” [Karen Miller’s The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Padmédecides she won’t let the Jedi destroy Anakin so she lies to Obi-wan, pretendsshe will break his heart but what she really is doing is finding an excuse forher and Anakin to go to Naboo alone.
So she hadto make him think he’d convinced her to abandon Anakin. The need for such a deception grieved her. She liked Obi-Wan, verymuch. And she knew he did love Anakin, in the pallid, self-contained way of theJedi. But Anakin’s love was like the heat of a supernova. In attempting tocontrol it, the Jedi would destroy him. I will die before I let that happen. [KarenMiller’s The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
“Maybe.Obi-Wan … I should be the one to make the break with Anakin. If itcomes from you, he’ll be angry, resentful, and I don’t want there to be troublebetween you. Besides, if it comes from you he might not believe it, and thenI’ll just have to tell him anyway.” He smoothed his beard, thinking. “Allright.” “Let Anakin escort me home toNaboo. Saying good-bye is going to be difficult. I’d like our parting to beprivate. Please, Obi-Wan,” she added, seeing his reluctance. “You owe methat much.” [Karen Miller’s The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
We don’t knowwhat happens after but once they are in Naboo, Padmé contacts Brotherhood ofCognizance and asks to perform their wedding ceremony.
It had been Padmé Amidala who remembered the Brotherhood from the Legislative Youth Program where she had once encountered alist of ancient and forgotten laws that had never been dissolved. One such lawstated that the Pontifex of the Brotherhood could still conclude an officialmarriage on Naboo, a habit that had been completely forgotten since the reignof King Narmlé when most people got wed by civil servants.[x]
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emiel-rxgis · 3 years
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conversation I’ve had with @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves​, @love-bigboss1fan-me​ and @moonmeydn​ about Geralt which happend spontaneously under one of my non related posts but I thought it’s too important not to share
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love-bigboss1fan-me · 3 years
Tagged by @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves thank you :)
1. Why did you choose your url?
I didn’t it was originally supposed to be Bigboss1fan since I’m a huge fan of Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid saga, but someone already had a similar user name so my sister chose this one.
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name and why you have them.
No side blogs.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Maybe 5-4 years? Hard to imagine it’s been that long.
4.Do you have a queue tag?
No I’ll just post when I think I have something noteworthy.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to talk to other Metal Gear fans and theorize with them and bounce ideas of each other. Then I found @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves and fell in love with the Witcher and she is an amazing person and knows Geralt very well if you want to know more about him or the world check her out.
6. Why did you choose your icon & header?
My icon always changes on what mood I’m in right now it’s Ciri because I enjoyed her character and her relationship with Geralt in the Witcher 3 and so far Geralt’s fatherly worries pull on my heart every time. I choose my header as a reminder to myself to always be myself and that will allow me to be free and not worry so much about what others think of me as long as I validate myself without being so worried about what others think of me and it’s something I work towards everyday because life is too short to worry.
7.What is your post with the most notes?
I just have these three the first one is my take on Death Stranding. Everyone used to call it a “Walking simulator” I wanted to show this game has heart and is more than what what it is at first glance and how it gets us to value the connections we make both online and off it. 
https://love-bigboss1fan-me.tumblr.com/post/189458097788/if-someone-asked-me-what-death-strandings-storyThe next one is Netflix’s first season of The Witcher after talking to @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves and everyone else on what the Witcher is and what it means to them I was inspired to write it. https://love-bigboss1fan-me.tumblr.com/post/638875223386701824/netflix-season-one-you-all-knew-i-could-not-say
Last is my two cents on The Hexer, The Witcher but the Polish version. Sure it’s campy, but the best things are. What can I say I love stories with both heart and soul it makes them worthwhile.
8. How many Mutuals do you have?
I don’t know
9. How many followers do you have?
I don’t know I haven’t been keeping track honestly, but if you do follow me thank you for doing so.
10. How many people do you follow?
34, different Witcher, Star Wars, Metal Gear Solid, nature, and story blogs.
11. Have you ever made a shit post?
I have been tempted believe me, but honestly it’s not worth it because you can’t tell a person’s tone all the time online they may mean it a different way then how it’s typed. So I don’t try to give in and waste my energy on it.
12. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Not very often and other times when I don’t have much else going on.
13. Did you have an fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Don’t get to excited because this only happened once. Someone was saying how the Metal Gear games are sexist and I didn’t agree. As a woman the women in the games never offend me like their men counterparts they have their own reasons for doing things that they do. For example when The Boss showed her scar I didn’t see this to be sexual or fan service this was her way of being vulnerable because this was a pregnancy scar, a reminder of what she gave up for her country. Even Quiet didn’t offend me I saw how she was dressed and saw it has her selling her body for revenge. This argument didn’t last since I never heard back from the person I sent that too and probably for the best that it ended there then continued.
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” post?
I don’t pay attention I will reblog what catches my eye.
15. Do you like tag/ask games?
This is my first one so far it was nice.
16. Which of your mutuals do you think is the most famous?
I couldn’t tell you, but I’m sure they are all popular.
17. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Sorry no
18. Tags?
Just one if you want to do it @emiel-rxgis
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coefore · 8 years
Hey I'm curious when you plan to update another chapter to Be Comfortable Creature, no rush since i heard you moved to Japan (contracts by the way)
I did write the full of chapter four, I’m waiting for it to get a beta editing :) and I’m currently writing chapter five! Just wait a couple of days more for the publishing of at least ch. 4!
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vampirepunks · 3 months
May we also mention she is perfectly fine with leaving Higgs in solitary confinement for a year and since time moves differently on The Beach it has been longer for him and she is willing to sacrifice B.Bs in the name of progress and Sam was going to be one of them if Cliff didn’t do something
Extremely valid points! Amelie showed no concern whatsoever for Higgs' safety after he was stranded, no remorse for the human sacrifice that went into constructing the chiral network (which ofc other characters are also complicit in), and took very little accountability for cursing Sam with immortality and presumably eternity on the Beach once he finally perma-dies, as his soul is seemingly unable to cross into the afterlife... It was a selfish decision of her that, per the novel, "made the world scream."
It's worth acknowledging that Bridget and Amelie seemed to make decisions somewhat separately from one another, and Bridget's lack of a soul made her act without the moral and emotional sentiments that we'd expect, but in dealing with the aftermath, Amelie still made the choice to break the world and damn Sam to permanent disconnection from the natural cycle of life and death. Also, we can only assume from context that Amelie was fine with stealing Sam from his family and making him into a sacrificial lamb. Amelie must have agreed with Bridget's course of action up to that point. This theme is similar to Coffin saying "so many sacrifices, I prayed that one would be the last" about Peter, as the somewhat more justifiable parallel--and that's only because Coffin was earnestly trying to save children, openly took responsibility for the harm she did, and genuinely, dearly loved Peter like he was her own flesh and blood son.
I see a lot of misogyny regarding Amelie (not cool) in the DS fandom, especially on reddit, and conversely, a lot of apologism and radfem-adjacent sentiments that imply or state she's somehow above criticism. It's not misogynistic to critique a fictional woman for harmful and abusive actions. It's not misogynistic to call out behavior separate of identity.
Overall, I think Amelie is a downright fascinating character with myriad layers of tragedy and nuance, and she's a core part of the story that can't be dismissed or downplayed. She has redeeming qualities and she's a powerful figure. She makes a purely selfless decision in the end and goes out as a hero redeemed (partially, in my mind but I digress). It's good writing! I get why some people like her and I respect that! However, I can't get down with excusing or minimizing her actions, especially by hurling accusations at people who point these things out. Amelie's emotional and psychological abuse of Higgs and Sam resonates heavily with my own experience of having an abusive mother--among other female family members--and I see a lot of my past religious abuse in what she did to Higgs. It's personal for me.
If the gender dynamics were reversed, if Higgs were a woman and Amelie a man, I guarantee you people would not hesitate to call it abuse.
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vyragosa · 4 months
Do you remember calling Higgs a version of Mary, well marionette puppets are also called little Mary
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vyragosa · 11 months
I haven’t seen this mentioned but another hint Higgs could be on our side this time is the necklace he is wearing since at the end everyone is wearing similar piece that mimics Amelie’s near their chest.
so essentially acting as an sign of membership? absolutely...absolutely
he did lament the quipu being gone but this one feels both personal and different in a way, higher up and smaller as well yes, (the fact that it holds bridget's DNA lol...)
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vyragosa · 8 months
Thinking about how Higgs would choose to wear Amelie’s face when no one else besides Sam and Fragile know what his face looks like. I guess arguably the UCA would know from Sam’s cuffs and Fragile by description but the Demens and the rest of DS world doesn’t know what he looks like.
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vyragosa · 9 months
Can we talk about how Higgs is the only one able to touch Amelie outside of The Beach. I don’t know if anything is mentioned in the novels but by them doing that it does sell the illusion of her being her own person when Bridges only knows her hologram.
GENUINELY????? (though it appears that because edge knot is apparently "close" to her beach i think in the novel it's described as the veil being incredibly thin there though i don't remember)
i surmise that he can touch her ass precisely because of his fucked up "connected to the other side" hands, which is, did get scolded by her for that, which, even more fucked up,
amelie ass physics haunt me.
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vyragosa · 9 months
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i need it like air you have no idea.
even better.
whether it's "we" literally for multiple consciousness
or simply, the sovereign We, that kingship that higgs did wish for
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vyragosa · 4 months
I know Sam says Higgs is out for revenge, but I don’t think he is. I think that’s what Sam thinks what Higgs wants after being stranded 😝 but I don’t know Higgs doesn’t seem interested in getting back at Sam at least that’s how it looks so far.
notice also how fragile was the one most feverishly defending higgs in the first game but now it seems to have evaporated? perhaps to deal with her own guilt of it her view completely changed now on him
but it also feels like he hasn't been up to something as unforgivable as blowing up cities so the change of attitude is very hard to grasp right?
he only seems to have a cult following, and amelie had been the icon of the new UCA so it's beyond muddy and what i'm most interest in
i think it's a pure conflict of interest now. !!!!!!!
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