#loved hearing about the late nights in the secret records room playing jump rope with cynos patience
cynomain69 · 4 months
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pictured: little boy on the playground pulling on his crush’s pigtails
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Parkner Bingo Card - Dancer Peter
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Dancing my Way to Your Heart
Peter had a secret from Harley. Lila wants to learn how to dance for her girlfriend and meets Peter.
Ao3 Link here
Peter had loved dancing since he was little. Maybe why he had dance recitals and danced whenever he had a moment. The problem was it was a hobby that he hadn’t told his boyfriend about. He just didn’t know how to tell Harley that he loved to dance. He had hidden it so well so maybe he made excuses when one of his old dance teachers asked him to help with a recital or they would ask him to teach some kid for them that was struggling and he couldn’t say no. He loved to help. Maybe that was why he was helping this one girl who was learning ballet for her girlfriend. 
“Abby likes the dance but she can’t dance apparently two left feet but I want to learn,” Lila told him. He nodded as he asked her about the specific dance.
“My aunt used to dance to this one. She learns ballet as a girl and I think it will make her proud to know I learned it not just for her but for Abby. She really likes Abby and approves of us,” Lila said.
“That sounds incredible. I have an aunt like that too,” Peter told her. Lila seemed surprised. “When I came out to her she was supportive and with my boyfriend.”
“Aunts are the best,” Lila said. Peter nodded before they went over the dance again. It was late when they ended and her dad was supposed to pick her up but he was of course running late.
“So why do you teach dancing?” Lila asked.
“My dance teachers ask me. I took a lot of dance classes when I was younger. It was a way to cope with my parents’ death at first but now its just a hobby for me,” Peter explained. “I’ve been dancing since I was five years old. My mom used to dance and I felt a connection to her when I dance.”
“Your boyfriend must be impressed,” Lila said.
“He doesn’t know. I told him I was seeing a movie with my best friend tonight or I’ll tell him that I’m working my internship,” Peter explained. Lila seemed surprised by that.
“You should tell him,” Lila said. Peter just looked at the door. He could hear someone next to the studio door and he waited until a man came in. Something was bugging Peter about him though. His spider-sense was going off. Lila turned as confused.
“Hey, I’m here to pick up Lila,” the man said acting like a dad but Peter could tell he wasn’t.
“You aren’t my dad,” Lila said.
“Of course I am,” the man tried but Peter pushed Lila behind him. 
“I’m sorry but I have to listen to Lila on this one,” Peter said. The man seemed irritated as he pulled out a gun. 
“You will move out of the way or I will shoot you,” the man said. Peter told Lila to go into the closet. She did so as he looked at the man who shot at Peter but Peter jumped out of the way doing a twist as he realized he was dealing with a idiot. The man kept shoting as Peter got closer until he knocked him out and grabbed some rope and tied him up. He didn’t realized he was hit until he touched his shoulder and there was blood. He pulled off his shirt and pressed it to his arm as one of the teachers ran in and asked what happened. Peter asked them to call the police and told them he was just grazed. Lila came out and the teacher lead her to another room. Peter dealt with the cops as the teacher found out where Lila’s dad was and told Peter to go home once the cops left. Her mom was now picking her up. He left heading to the tower figuring Tony would think he was just patrolling. Helen gave him a look and threaten that she didn’t want to see him for a week as Harley hovered over him.
“You know my sister’s girlfriend was almost kidnapped today as well. You both are just seeking danger today.
“Must be one of those days,” Peter joked as Harley dragged him upstairs only for Peter to run into Lila who was being held by none other than Clint Barton. Another girl was there, Harley introduced the two. His sister Abby. Of course, his parker luck made it so he was dating his student’s girlfriend’s brother. He just hoped Lila wouldn’t say anything. Once she was done hugging her father, Abby introduced the two and Lila seemed surprised but played it off as nothing as Clint held her close. It was all good until Harley bumped into his shoulder and Peter yelped. Abby looked at him as Lila realized something.
“You got shot,” Lila said. Harley seemed confused on how she figured out as Peter muttered yes. “That’s why Madame Lucille wouldn’t let me see you.”
“Madame who?” Abby asked. Lila looked at Abby and then Peter.
“Its a long story but I can’t tell you because its a surprise,” Lila said. Natasha Romanoff then joined them as she looked over Lila.
“Okay, I want to know how Lila knew you got shot though,” Harley looked at his boyfriend.
“It’s fine,” Peter said. “I just stopped her from getting kidnapped cause we happened to be at the same place at the same time.” Harley seemed to realize he wasn’t going to get more as he turned to Lila and she confirmed. This cause Clint and Nat to thank him which he didn’t want. He didn’t need to be thanked for what he did. He was just a small time hero all the time. Spider-Man never was thanked why should Peter Parker. Eventually, Harley told them that Peter needed to rest as he slipped away into Harley’s room. 
“So can I know the surprise for Abby?” Harley asked. Peter was concerned now. How would Harley react to finding out his secret hobby.
“How about I show you instead?” Peter suggested, before realizing his arm hurt so he could show Harley.
“Well,” Harley said.
“I just realized my arm is hurting,” Peter admitted. Harley shook his head chuckling as he kissed his boyfriend. 
“Hopefully it will be better soon so you can show me,” Harley said.
“I have a recording, but you got to promise not to laugh at me,” Peter told him. Harley nodded as Peter pulled out his phone and pulled up the video of him dancing to the song Lila was learning. Harley seemed entranced as he watched. Peter kept watching him waiting for him to make some snide comment. When it ended Harley turned and smiled at him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that you danced?” He asked.
“Only May knows,” Peter admitted. “I just don’t tell people.”
“Well once you are healed I would love to see you dance,” Harley told him. Peter was surprised but he smiled as he kissed Harley’s cheek. 
“You choose a song and I’ll come up with a dance,” Peter said. Harley smiled at him before a realization came over him.
“Lila is learning this dance for Abby,” Harley said. Peter nodded.
“She is amazing too,” Peter told him. “I take on students who need private lessons occasionally why I was with Lila today.” Harley smiled as he pulled Peter close.
“You just become more amazing the more I find out about you,” Harley said.
“Harls, my arm,” Peter whispered. Harley relaxed his arms as Peter rested on his shoulder. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Harley told him. Peter closed his eyes as he fell asleep. “I love you, Peter Parker, and one of these days I want to get married and have two point five kids and just be happy with you.” Peter smiled as his dreams went to his future.
Lila was beautiful as she danced. Peter had to admit that she was doing really well. Lila smiled afterwards. Nat was smiling at her proud of her niece as Abby pulled Lila into a hug thanking her. 
“I had a great teacher,” Lila admitted.
“I’m sure you did,” Abby said.
“Oh trust me her teacher is great at dancing,” Harley said. Peter scoffed.
“Don’t even start Harley or I’ll just forget about it,” Peter told him. Harley looked at him and Peter rolled his eyes. He could hardly say no to his boyfriend. 
“I’m still thankful you learned the dance,” Abby said.
“Maybe you can dance with me sometimes,” Nat suggested and Lila smiled.
“Can Peter join? He has some amazing dancing abilities,” Lila told her.
“He can if he wants,” Nat said. 
“Wait Parker dances?” Tony asked.
“Don’t start,” Peter said.
“I mean I would expect gymnastics but dancing?” Tony asked him again.
“He doesn’t like to talk about it. Mary used to dance as well,” May told him.
“He is really spectacular,” Harley said. Peter was hoping the attention would go back to Lila now. 
“Well I guess we will just have a dance night where Avengers and family can show off dance moves or maybe a talent show so we can find out some hidden talents,” Tony said. Harley seemed to agree as they all began to move the conversation on. Harley held on to Peter, glad that they found each other and the future they would have. 
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booksonablog · 5 years
Zachary Levi Imagine - Being Best friends - Turned Lovers Would Include
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Being best friends - turned lovers with Zachary Levi would include:
- The two of you being early childhood best friends
- Since elementary school, you always called him “Z”
- As kids, you guys mainly only had each other as far as friends go, the two of you did everything together, from creating forts to making up imaginary worlds in the backyard
- He would occasionally come over to make a fort with you and watch cartoons in your living room while your mom made you guys cookies
- Sometimes you would go over to his house where his dad taught the two of you how to play baseball
- The two of you actually joined a little league team and he was your biggest fan, always jumping and hollering every time you made a good hit
- Both parents adoring how close you little rugrats were
- One time, when you guys were little, the two of you were bike riding when he fell off his bike after running over a rock, causing two neighborhood kids to point and laugh at him while he remained on the ground, so you grabbed the rock and chucked it at their heads. Which you later got in trouble for, but while you were sent to your room, he would be outside your window creating a skit to make you laugh
- As teenagers, you guys were chill yet adventurous, always exploring if you weren’t watching movies
- Some nights you’d be hanging out in one of your guys’ rooms and watch movies all night till you had to go home
- other days,  he would insist that you’d follow him to a new place he discovered, which would sometimes be an arcade, a record shop, a comic store, a cool place in the woods or a lake
- Sometimes you guys would go into this hidden lake he found, and swing off a rope where you could dive into the lake, but eventually stopped going because soon other people found the lake and it lost its hidden coolness
- The two of you went to different schools, sometimes he would get out early, so you would see him waiting for you, biking or walking around, sometimes a basketball in hand or a bag of candy
- You guys would spend most of the day together and he would always walk you home
- The two of you were goofy together and always very affectionate
- He would give you piggyback rides, sometimes for fun and sometimes when you just didn’t want to walk anymore, you were always hugging him or playfully hitting him, he, on the other hand, was very playful and annoying, poking you and running away after telling him to quit so many times, mushing food on your face and running off, throwing pillows at you to start a war or holding your nose so you had no choice but to talk in a funny voice - sometimes you'd come home just to find him on your bed, laying there, or in your kitchen eating your food, "your mom let me in." Sometimes you'd walk in and find a note beside a nerf gun loaded with foam bullets and the two of you would break into war - on hot days you guys would have your own water balloon fight - neither of you had a pool, so to beat the heat, you guys would try and sneak into a private community pool - rarely you guys would go to the beach, there were too many students you guys didn't care for so if you went you guys would stay under the pier, barely going in the water if at all and then get ice cream and walk around the local shops - on rare occasions, the two of you would sneak onto his roof and sit there, watching the stars and the environment below, talking about life, joking around and occasionally enjoying the comfortable silence as you rest your head on his shoulder - as the two of you got older you started to date other people, each of you coincidentally not being too fond of the others' partner, needless to say, boyfriends and girlfriends came and went - you can recall a time when he dated this two-faced psychotic girl who would be nice and sweet while he was there but once he left, she was incredibly nasty to you  - for example, the time when the three of you went to a diner, this is the first time meeting her and she seemed okay, nice, but as soon as he went to go to the bathroom she whipped her head at you and told you bluntly to stay out of their relationship. You were confused, you didn't even nudge your head towards their relationship, but before you could defend yourself he came back.   - another time, she had already shown her true colors to you but you bit your tongue, not wanting to butt into their relationship, the three of you were leaving the theater when he left to get her jacket she "forgot," she threatened you that night to leave him alone, that the two of you couldn't be friends anymore, she didn't like that you guys had inside jokes, that when something funny happened he would look at you first, that you guys would laugh at the same stupid things in a movie, or even say the same thing simultaneously. This time, you told her politely that the two of you had been best friends for a very long time and it would remain that way and that you were again, no threat. She, however, protested and said that he agrees with her, to which you laughed and said he would never say that and that she wouldn't dare ask him, being the clever person you are. She yells in your face, "watch me," as she marches towards him, he was just walking out with her jacket in his hand, watching her yell at you. After she repeats her words he grew upset, but remained calm when telling her that you were his best friend that posed no threat and you wouldn't be going anywhere. In a fit, she threw her soda at you, you were cold, embarrassed and angry, but before you had a shot at her he took her jacket, dabbed off all the soda and handed it back to her before the two of you walked away laughing. - once he got his first car, the two of you drove everywhere, from a chill late-night car ride with the windows down and melancholy tunes playing loud to exciting mini adventures - the first time he scratched his car he told you   - "we've got a problem." "Lemme guess, you caused it." "no! I mean...barely, doesn't matter! Dad's gonna kill me if he sees this so you gotta help!" - it was soon after he started driving, that he realized he had deeper feelings for you   - one of the first realizations was when you had called him crying, when he answered the phone he could hear your sniffles followed by a "can you please come and get me?" He had sped all the way to you, where you waited inside a diner, soaking wet and alone. He gave you his hoodie to change into. He offered to buy you something hot but you insisted on him taking you home. On the drive home he listened to what had happened, your then-boyfriend was supposed to take you out for a nice date and everything went okay till he decided you weren't good enough for him. You cried, understandably so, he was ignorant and you were strong and more than good enough but it was just disappointing to you. In the driveway, one of the things Zachary told you was, "you deserve someone who values you." The two of you had stood staring at each other, till a light came on from your front porch and you had to thank him before hurriedly going inside - as you guys started to become young adults, he could recall your first long term boyfriend and him getting into a huge argument when he had gotten upset about you going out, especially with him.  - the two of them were arguing in the kitchen while you were gone, "Z" was arguing at the fact that you had your own life and could hang out with whomever you wanted, that he shouldn't be demanding and jealous and couldn't steal her away from everyone else. What's funny is he actually liked the guy but was starting to notice some red flags. The guy retorted, saying how that you guys were boyfriend and girlfriend and he wanted time alone with you, to which Zach said: "We need to spend time together too!" To which the guy ended it with, "She's not yours!" This had shut Zach up, an odd realization that the narcissist was right. He knew the guy was wrong about a lot, but he was right about that, you weren't his. He began to wonder if he was jealous, but he never mentioned it to you. The guy soon became your ex after realizing a few red flags yourself - boyfriends and girlfriends, though they came and went, had created quite the stir between you and "Z." Some painful things said from different occasions include:   - "All he ever did was use you, why can't you see that?!" - Zach   - "It was a mistake coming here!" - Zach   - "you said you'd always be there for me...so how did this happen...why weren't you there? - you   - "you were ready to abandon me for her!" - you   - "fuck you!" Both of you, on different occasions - As you grew into adulthood, the two of you guys had spent significantly less time with each other as that was life - However, you managed to talk every day, phone call, text, a rare facetime, and even scheduled days to see each other - one time, you guys had finally met up and had brunch together, catching up on adult things and he had said with a smile, "I miss this." It left a familiar butterfly flutter in your tummy, it reminded you of the secret crush you had also developed for him a long time ago - the two of you made an effort to start seeing each other more, eventually seeing each other every other day at the least - one day you went straight to his house from a terrible day at work. As soon as he opened the door you immediately started crying, he brought you to his chest, "shh, it's okay, come inside." He made you tea as he listened to you ramble on about your terrible day, afterward, he drew you a bath. When you got out he told you that you could spend the night at his place since it was already late, and so you did. You fell asleep in his arms that night. - soon, the two of you were on and off again as you each started dating other people, never dating at the same time and being equally unhappy deep down. You can recall many accounts where you would sob at night, you were in love with him, but it seemed it wasn't meant to be, little did you know he would have similar nights - as you eventually made your peace, or attempted to do so, he decided he'd put his foot down and lay his cards out   - one rainy night alone, you got up to make yourself tea before bed when you heard a knock on your door, making you jump. You checked the peephole, shocked to see your best friend. You opened the door, "Z-" "I'm in love with you." He panted, interrupting you and putting you in a state of shock. " I've been in love with you since we were kids and I didn't realize this till high school, I know I should have told you sooner, and I'm sorry if this is terrible timing but I have to tell you Y/N because I'm afraid I might die if I don't. I can't live without you, without thinking about you, hearing from you and seeing you - you're everything to me and I am so deeply in love with you." He left you stunned, watching as he panted, leaning in your doorway, hair dripping with rain. "Please, say something." You shook your head out of shock, his heart sinking to his stomach. You could barely form words, and somehow "I'm in love with you too" just wouldn't cut it, so you grabbed his face, pulled him down and towards you and kissed him with all the passion you had hidden away for years. He leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around you tightly, only breaking the kiss for air and a grin before happily confessing how long he'd been waiting to do that ♡
Writer’s Note: I had so much fun writing this! I hope you guys enjoyed it just as much ♡
Tags: @booklover2929​ 
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