#loved the insight into the citadel
hoarding-stories · 7 months
Really really loved the name cloak ceremony. It was so cinematic and helped me kinda *get* what it's really about.
Cuz I mean I knew the whole protection bit, names have power and obfuscating your real one will of course be wildly beneficial.
But I did have an "oh shit" moment where I realized the true decision behind choosing a name, and why Sky is so big.
It's a balancing game of finding yourself in an abstract, a facet of a word that fits who you are, what you hold dear, or what you want to become/exemplify, and the perception of others who won't know or see how you connect to your name but will fill in meaning based on their personality and values or assign expectations depending on history. To lose your true name to the cloak is to move into almost a bigger shell. Something that not only encompasses who you are but covers what you will become and how you are seen.
Sky is a big name, a title, because it's so big literally and metaphorically! It's always changing and always there, and there are so many ways to put meaning to it and interpret it. Sure, there are Suvi's predecessors, who both seem like major historical figures, who have their legacies and shoes to fill, but also, it's a major thing to exemplify by itself!
Continuing under the cut with the Archmagi's little speeches & Suvi's connection to her name cuz I think it kinda tells us a bit about their personalities.
What power then, that that great firmament might rain down. Whether thunder, lightning, great powers to cover all, and with its judgment mete out what it sees fit.
Of course the Archmage named Saber has a very weaponized view of the sky, concerned with the power it (& Suvi) holds and how it is used to defend or attack. (I wonder if he sees himself, above all, as a weapon to be wielded by the Citadel)
What cannot be seen, who's weightless weight we bear each day upon our shoulders, turns the mountains into dust. Subtly and the movement in spaces unseen. The dominion of your title.
Tbh Sand is the Archmage that interests me the most, I'd say her choosing of her name had to do with time. The invisible currents in the sky, the hidden stars during the day, the sun disappearing at night. Always shifting even when unobservable and moving ever onwards.
Things eternal. That have been with us since the dawn of time. Wisdom in the watchfulness of a constant partner ever above, defined by its distance.
Sorrow is also very interesting. The sky as something always there but never interacting. A monolith of cosmic knowledge, knowing from observation but not experience. (Perhaps a sorrow of missed connection)
Movement. Life, in a desert beyond which no growing thing can be seen from our vantage point. We see the beginnings, wisps of vapor that will become storms, rain to fall upon forest and field. A partner in a dance to sustain the world forever.
Serenity's view is one that I'm fond of, the sky as a nurturing force, full of change and life-giving, whose effects will spread beyond what can be observed. (Legacy, perhaps, the peace in knowing that the seeds you sow continue to grow for a long time, ripples in a pool).
The sky is not the weather or the wind, the sky holds all things, let it be known that vastness is yours. The sorrows it will bring you, that you and your road are vast and broad and lead to all places. Many who have destiny curse it. But what a burden, to be able to choose any path under the sun.
Less of what the sky itself holds or is, but instead acknowledging the freedom something so big has. Suvi can shape her and others' interpretations however she wants. There is space to spare, and the legacies of those before her haven't restricted anything at all. That there is the possibility of things going wrong, or being missed, but at least it was a choice that could be made. (Everything that can be said with silence, when it is best to talk and best to hold your tongue. The possibility in that empty space of what could come next)
...The version of the sky that Suvi will claim for her own is a sky that she saw when she was 6 years old. The dead of night. Stars visible. Snow gently falling. As her world got blown apart. And she remembers the explosion of magic, she's never seen anything that big, and she thought it would destroy everything, not just her but the world itself and yet the sky looked down and held it all and watched it all and persisted. That is the sky that she claims.
& when giving Ame her name:
That night, and the day we met Eursulon, contain everything in this world I seek to protect. All below one big sky.
Very inchresting & I know I'm not the best person to do a ton of meta on subject but, I was originally going to say Silence's view was similar, then Sorrow's, but neither are quite right. The sky is always there, through fear and joy, and remains a constant no matter what changes. It holds everything, stands in relief no matter what, feels it, but can weather it and remain unchanged. Suvi wants to be strong, to be able to go through and witness terrible things but remain stalwart in the face of it, protecting no matter what. To always continue. To see and have those happy times with those she loves and see them safe while still watching and waiting in just in case.
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ezziefae · 3 months
My thoughts on The Prisoner's Throne.
(spoilers ahead, and talk about Holly Black's planned book)
ps: I finished this book in one sitting on release day and needed days to process everything, that's why this is a late post. Enjoy!!!!
Heather and Vivi
Where were Heather and Vivi? They were present in the prologue but then they vanished. I was excited to see Vivi become friends with Wren, especially after the rude comments she made towards Wren in TQON. I wonder why Holly excluded them from everything after the prologue, such as the family drama scene at the feast. However, I appreciated how they were mentioned in the story, particularly when we learned that Oak and Heather's mom are close, and that Oak would sleep at their house.
Oak abdicating as heir
So yeah, Jude and Cardan have given Oak permission to resign from the throne as heir, and obviously Oak is taking that opportunity to do just that, just not yet….he has to stay heir for months since Jude and Cardan are going away together. I always knew Jude and Cardan were going to stay as High King and Queen of Elfhame, but only because Oak married Wren and therefore became King of the Ice Needle Citadel, but that didn't happen…Jude is letting him step down because she knows he's grown, and wants him to make his own choices, which is great. If Oak resigns, Jude and Cardan will need to have a child to maintain the royal lineage. So, it's VERY possible that we may see a Jurdan baby in the future.
political problem (Holly Black's next faerie book)
So finally we know what the next book will be about. We know that Jude and Cardan have plans to go to the Undersea. That was the plan Holly Black has been teasing at us for a long time now. This means we’re getting another Elfhame book (Holly didn't say an "Undersea book", she said "Elfhame" even though it's going to be set in the Undersea). In an interview online, Holly Black states that this book will possibly be a stand-alone. Many fans are speculating that this book is going to be a Nicasia POV, but from reading the interviews from Holly I believe it’s going to be either a Jude or Cardan POV (maybe even both). This would make sense since Holly has said many times that she's planning to give us more Jurdan, and that Jude still has a lot of story in her. The Prisoner's Throne leaves us with many unanswered questions, such as what happens to the Ghost, if Oak gets married, news about Wren and her family, and whether Jude and Cardan have children. A standalone book to wrap up these loose ends would be very needed.
Cardan saving and being protective of Jude
Do you guys remember the post I made about Cardan fighting alongside Jude? and how he will not sit on the sidelines to watch her fight? Fans who know Cardan well already knew this to be true, but this book further proved this. This isn’t the first time has Cardan stepped in front of Jude to save her from being impaled. My man sacrificed himself so Jude wouldn't get hurt. Many times during the Stolen Heir duology Cardan has been called a coward, but mannn he's no coward, he will protect those he loves dearly, it was so refreshing to get more of his protective side in this book.
Taryn and The ghost
Since TQON, fans have been speculating that Garrett and Taryn are involved in a romantic relationship. Although it wasn't confirmed in the book, The Prisoner's Throne offered some insight into this. We find out that Heather, Vivi, and Oak have all speculated about it. Furthermore, Oak reveals that even after 10 years, The Ghost has remained close to Taryn and her child Leander. In one chapter of TPT, The Ghost has a serious conversation with Oak, but when Leander interrupts them, Oak notices that The Ghost becomes a different person around Taryn's son. He changes his behavior and has an indulgent smile towards the boy. I personally find it adorable, and after all the hardships The Ghost has been through, I believe he deserves to find happiness, even if it's with Taryn of all people.
The Ghost’s tragedy *sobs into pillow*
I never expected The Ghost to become such a prominent character in the book. It was amazing how I started to develop an emotional attachment to the Ghost throughout the book, only for him to end up turning into a tree by the end. The chapter where the family feasts and Lady Elaine and the Ghost are found dead was pure chaos and full of royal family drama. I had such a good time reading that part, until the Ghost turned into a tree. Also, going back to the topic of the Ghost and Taryn, I feel bad for Taryn even though I know she is a terrible character. It was heartbreaking to see Taryn sob and hold the Ghost while he was slowly dying (We didn't get word from Taryn that they were dating but I think that part was enough comfirmation that they were indeed lovers). As far as we know, Taryn and the Ghost did not get a happy ending in this book :(
ps: This is why I believe holly black's next book will be a Jurdan POV, because the only way we get to know about the ghost is through them. Nicasia is not close to Wren, Oak, the Ghost, or Taryn, we will never get insight on what happens to them if this next book is a Nicasia POV. Also I've been hearing as of 3/12/24 that Holly might possibly write a Jurdan dual POV, so...more reason to believe that it will definitely not be a Nicasia POV.
Taryn Vs Wren
It's funny how Holly decided to create a lot of family issues in the second book of the duology. Many fans believe that this duology should have been a three-part series to resolve these issues. One major problem is that Taryn dislikes Wren and holds her responsible for what happened to The Ghost. Oak's family is also not very fond of Wren. It would have been nice to see a moment in the book where Oak's family and Wren could have worked together and gotten along, but that didn't happen. If Oak and Wren plan to get married, I hope that they can resolve these issues between them all.
Cardan VS Taryn
It shocked me that after 10 years of them being brother and sister in law, that they still don’t get along. I think Taryn was wrong to feel like she had to protect The Ghost from Cardan when he was only trying to help. In fact, it annoyed me a bit. While Cardan was respectful towards Taryn, he had every right to dislike her, unlike Taryn who had no reason to dislike Cardan. Moreover, I would like to mention the moment when they found the ghost almost dead and Cardan ignored Taryn and answered Jude instead, Cardan being petty to Taryn in the most respectful way is hilarious. I think that moment perfectly sums up their relationship.
Wren’s Family
Although I’m happy Wren's sister Bex reunited with Wren, I was very much expecting to get more closure from that, like seeing Wren's entire family together reunite in the book. It feels like that left a huge void at the end of the book.
Wren’s Transformation
Okay, that was absolutely shocking. Holly mentioned in one of her interviews that there would be a transformation in the book, and I guess that was it. Wren now has beautiful wings. Can someone please draw a picture of Wren with wings? Also, can you imagine what Oak and Wren's children would look like if they ever had any? Their child would have blue skin, hooves, and wings. That would be a very interesting looking child.
Wren VS Jurdan
Wren was so wrong for making Jude and Cardan appear weak in front of their court. While reading this part, I remember thinking 'Wren, please stop," I found this chapter fun to read, and seeing Jude and Cardan's reaction to Wren's power. It was interesting to see how Wren exposes Jude's geas and curse to almost the entire court, and how Cardan becomes overprotective of Jude while Wren was removing her curse. I love Cardan.
Where was Queen Annett?
Since the stolen heir, I believed that queen Annett was going to be a problem for Elfhame and Wren. As you may recall, Wren freed her prisoners, and I always believed Queen Annett would've punished Elfhame for it since Wren was with Elfhame's heir Oak. However, she did not appear in The Prisoner Throne at all. I wonder if Holly forgot to bring this issue up or if she has decided to address it in her upcoming faerie book. (Queen Annett is also pregnant, so I think she will definitely be brought up again)
Madoc's Character
I'm a bit disappointed. I was expecting a lot from Madoc in this book, but nothing happened, except the fact that Jude lifted his exile (temporarily?) It bothers me that she lifted his exile easily, does Jude not remember he caused many problems for them? Madoc is the reason why Cardan almost died, why Oak was put in danger, he's the reason why the royal family died, and why Orlagh was weakened. I at least expected that Jude lifting his exile would've caused political problems for her, since Madoc is a political criminal for Elfhame and the Undersea. I thought he would’ve at least made a big heroic or villainous move in The Prisoner's Throne, or found a way to at least redeem himself, but nope.
Oak and Wren's Ending
So…Oak does not become king of anything, which is shocking. Everyone believed that if he didn’t become the King of Elfhame he would at least rule the Ice Needle Citadel, which can still happen, since he did propose to Wren at the end of the book. But still, I find it unnecessary, I think that Wren should step down from being Queen, and run to the mortal world with Oak where they can live away from the royal duties. Oak has expressed many times he does not want to be king, but if he marries Wren he will be king, which doesn't seem satisfying to me. Wren never cared for power in The Stolen Heir, she only ever cared for love and her family, I think the ending felt incomplete and unfinished. A lot of stuff was built up from The Folk Of The Air series, and this duology was supposed to give us results, but it did not. Even Oak and Wren's love story felt rushed. I didn’t see much of a connection. It didn't give me much of what I felt when I read Jude and Cardan's love story (You guys are so welcome to disagree with me)
Jude and Oak
So if you read the book, you know how shocking Jude and Oak's relationship became. Especially that scene where they “duel” (And Jude was an absolute fucking badass in that scene) The way she tricked Hag and even Oak at first that she was going to trade Oak for Cardan. I was very impressed with Jude in this book, especially in this chapter where we see her ordering her archers, and her ripping her dress to be able to fight while she's all wet. Her dialogue was so badass: "What if I give you Oak's head instead of Cardan's" and even this quote "Well, then, what a wonderful opportunity for you to prove your loyalty and die for the High King." Chapter 23 (I was so gay for Jude in this chapter, she was so mommy material) Despite feeling a bit betrayed by Oak and believing that she had failed in protecting him, she still trusted him when it came to Wren.
Oak Vs Taryn
"For a moment, he thinks of going over there and dumping his red clover tea over his sister's head" (Chapter 19)
(Jaw was on the FLOOR when i read this) I think it really sucked that Oak's family never told him about this, and I understand that Oak had every right to feel so raged that his family hid his mother’s true killer from his knowledge. Oak and The Ghost have been close, we did get some insight of The Ghost going to the mortal world and train Oak with Magic. I really hope Oak and The ghost's issue gets resolved, but that can only happen when the ghost gets cured....I love family drama, and it shows.
Jurdan Kids
Going back to the topic at hand, Cardan and Jude have given Oak permission to abdicate, which leads me to believe that they are planning to have kids of their own. So far, there hasn't been any indication from Jurdan that they are against having children. Holly has given us insights into Jurdan taking care of Leander, which is incredibly heartwarming. For example, we find out that Cardan plays with Leander, and there's a part where Jude is in the mortal world with newborn Leander, and Oak remembers Jude playing with baby Leander with a toy, almost like she was playing with a cat. I think these are definite hints from Holly that Jurdan would make great parents. Holly did say that we would get an answer to Jude and Cardan possibly having kids in the Prisoner's Throne, and I believe this was it. I will definitely make a separate post on this.
I'm so happy this man is dead, it was long overdue. This man annoyed the crap out of us since the folk of the air series (it’s crazy that Jude and Cardan never decided to remove him from the living council, he never saw eye to eye with Jude and disrespected them constantly)
Lady Asha apperance
It turns out that Lady Asha is still in the court. She was only mentioned once when Lady Elaine was speaking with her. At that moment, I became suspicious and believed that Lady Asha was also part of the conspirators.
Locke appearance
The dream Oak had with Locke as a fox was fun and interesting. Even though it was a dream, it was cool to hear Locke again and how he acknowledged being murdered by Taryn.
Taryn is aging...but not Jude
FINALLY, we have some information on this topic. Oak describes Jude as looking very young, and Taryn as aging. He offers two possible explanations for this: either Taryn has visited the mortal world too often as her years are catching up to her, or becoming a mother has exhausted her. For a long time since TFOTA series, fans have speculated that since Jude is the Queen of Elfhame, she will never age. And it looks like Holly seems to support this, especially since Oak finally wonders "if Jude is quite as mortal as she once was". I from now on have no doubt about it, i am a "Jude will never age as long as she's Queen of Elfhame" believer.
The Cardan and Oak problem
it turns out that it wasn’t a big deal, Oak had been too much in his head, he was his own enemy when it came to Cardan, and it was amazing to see Cardan and Oak have a brotherly talk by the end of this book. Cardan’s character has really matured, and its amazing how comfortable he's become with his loved ones (i love him so much) I will admit, that when Cardan was talking to Oak about delaying his abdication of heir, I thought he was going to announce Jude’s pregnancy and you can't blame me, the way Holly wrote it made it sound like he was going to do that. (would’ve made me scream) but nope.
The beginning was slow, but I nonetheless enjoyed it. I love Oak and Wren, however, I felt that they could have had a stronger connection in the story. There were too many unanswered questions left in the book, and it did not provide any closure to Oak and Wren's future. I feel that the series should have been a three-part book series instead of a duology. Moreover, many of the main characters seemed to have lost their power, such as Oak's resignation as heir to the throne, Wren losing her godly powers, and Tiernan being fired from his position as Oak's guard. I think many new readers who have never read the Folk of The Air series might not have appreciated that. Despite this, I appreciate that Jurdan was not removed from the Elfhame throne. However, I think that Holly Black set up more problems in this book than solutions, which makes it feel neglectful towards Oak and Wren's story. I am excited about this book, and I am sad that we may not get more news on Elfhame until possibly 2026, as she is currently working on the second book of The Book of Night. Anyways, In other news, I have a virtual event with Holly Black tonight 3/12/24, so I will write anything important down, and I will try to ask good questions!
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hellishfig · 4 months
do i love suvi? of course i do.
do i think she will ultimately end up doing the right thing? i certainly hope so!
do i think she's gonna get there without some rough patches? absolutely the fuck not. she has a thousand things to unlearn before she can even begin questioning the citadel in any meaningful way.
she's taken the first step! she made an insight check into steel and didn't immediately trust what her mother told her.
but now she's on an airship of the citadel, wearing mage armor so what happened when ame almost cursed her cannot happen again, while she races across a snowy landscape and ominous empire music plays. i would love to listen to aabria roll around in that for a while. she's such a wonderful player and actress, and her portrayal of nuance in a young woman who has been told her entire life that obedience is love and control is important above all else is enthralling.
(also it would be hot to hear suvi be kind of evil. it was definitely hot when she said "bring them to me," last episode. i'm just saying)
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dragonflight203 · 4 months
ME1 replay thoughts, wrapping up the Citadel quests:
-The Quarians have uncovered the most mass relays. Logical enough, since they spend all their time in space
-Fist is long gone, but everyone is still talking about him like he's alive. Not sure if that's a bug or an oversight on Bioware's part
-There are a lot of humans in the Wards. I'm going to assume Shepard's in the Citadel equivalent of Chinatown for humans
-There aren't any Turians in the Wards until the Markets. Was that intentional on Bioware's part because of humanity's poor relations with them?
-Conrad's "wife" will love him hanging a picture of femshep in their living room. Uh uh. Sure.
-Starting the Keeper quest by speaking to Jahleed sure leads to different results! Had to fight Chorban. And volunteering to scan the Keepers means I missed out on the paragon points when I returned to Jahleed. :/ Worth seeing once, but not repeating in the future.
-The Keepers and the Citadel are a total blackbox. How did anyone get the idea that inhabiting this place was a good idea, much less making it the center of government? And why don't they at least research it?
-Yep, running all over the Citadel again to scan the Keepers is very aggravating.
-Just how did Septimus learn Xeltan's secrets?
-Turians only wear those hoods in the Wards, not on the Presidium. There are Turians in casual clothes on the Presidium, so I suppose the hoods are just super casual? Like hoodies?
-The Banes person who blackmails Dr. Michel is built up, and then goes absolutely nowhere. Others have said it more eloquently than me, but it is a letdown.
-Shai'ra's words are a bit disappointing to me. Insightful, I suppose, but not so poetic to be beautiful or helpful to be meaningful. I don't mind helping her, but I'm not counting the words as a reward.
-And again once she's done with me and asks me to leave, because she's everything she can for me... I'm just saying, Shepard could probably use a massage. Or someone that isn't a crewmate to talk to. This is what makes me feel used. At least invite me back for tea next time I'm on the Citadel or something.
It's like the consort wants to know everyone except Shepard.
-The Signal Source sidequest is probably the closest Mass Effect comes to foreshadowing the end of ME3, sadly enough. And a large chunk of players probably never started it, and even fewer probably finished it.
-I should have realized Tali would object to possibly resolving matters with the Signal Source peacefully. Of course she would assume it would turn on us. And it insisting that organics must destroy or control synthetics doesn't help.
Still nothing that even hints at Synthesis.
-Interesting. It's possible that Schells was involved in its creation.
The creator originally created a machine to help funnel money from gambling terminals. That machine became an AI, which created the Signal Source, and the original machine was destroyed when the creator realized it was sentient. And who did I just run into that created a device for winning at Quasar in Flux?
However, the Signal Source says the creator is currently serving time in a Turian prison, so Schells probably isn't the creator. They may or may not know each other. Or the Signal Source could have been lying about the creator, the Turian Prison, or both.
-Running all over the Citadel to check each shop is so tedious. Money will become meaningless soon enough, but right now I have very little. At least I picked up a half decent armor for Tali.
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fxl3 · 1 year
I keep thinking about Aabria's words at the end of "The Witch: Then and Now"; "Suvi's world is so small".
I just love the character insight that even though Suvi has been around so much power and among the big players in the empire, her world is still small.
There is so much she hasn't seen, so many people she hasn't met or allowed into her life. When we first meet her in the present she is standing alone, aloof, hoping that Silver will come up and talk to her.
Such a contrast to Ame's life at Grandmother Ren's cabin. Someone who has a responsibility to the area around her- one that I'm sure will hurt to leave behind.
P.S. There might have been some tension in Ame's voice when Grandmother Ren brought up suvi- maybe Ame is a little up set that Suvi left them behind and flew off to the citadel.
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rapidashrider · 4 months
One of the things I absolutely LOVE about Worlds Beyond Number is how much they all trust one another to make an amazing story out of fundamental flaws.
It’s easy to point to Suvi’s attitude of self-assured superiority when it comes to magic and the Citadel and call her the prideful one, but Ame, sweet and mercurial as she might seem, is actually more lacking in humility.
The revelation that Ame has failed to pick up on one of Grandmother Wren’s most foundational skills in relating to others shook Ame to her core because, while she feels overwhelmed by her responsibility, I don’t think it ever occurred to her until that moment that she might also be ill-equipped for it. For such a powerfully insightful woman, she lacks much real power of self-interrogation: there has been a really quite arrogant sense of “when I break the curse and unlock my knowledge that’s all I need” and it’s only now that there’s been even a moment of “oh hold on, maybe I don’t know all I need to know”.
Whereas Suvi lives in a structure where what you know and what you don’t know is absolutely core to your understanding of your place in society. So when she’s hesitant it’s because she knows she doesn’t have all the information she needs to face a situation confidently. She has misjudged that before and once bitten, twice shy.
She craves authority and respect, yes, but I think mostly because it comes as a form of approval in a currency she has been taught to value. And this arc, we’ve seen Suvi really let go of wanting that authority over, that respect from, her friends. She has invested pretty much all of her time and effort in supporting them to follow their own searches for meaning; even in uncovering information about her own parents it led her attention straight to Eursulon’s needs.
So for her to have done all that, and just beg Ame to listen to her and trust her, on the grounds that this exact scenario happened at Port Talon and went so badly, and that time it didn’t even come with a “you will definitely die” prophecy attached to it - to be in that situation and see it all just happening again but if they would just listen… - it’s really hard to know what it would take at this point for Suvi to keep following behind. It’s going to make a fascinating next chapter.
And I think, though the sense of abandonment and misery is still huge, she maybe understands Eursulon more (or at least since he’s a spirit she is perhaps more at peace with not understanding him). And Eursulon is a shield, a protector, so of course he would follow Ame. But Suvi is a sword raised by a Sword, and part of swordplay is knowing when to strike: a wisdom that Ame, panicking and overreaching, has forgotten to value.
God I just love them all so much.
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hrefna-the-raven · 2 months
Heart of Steel
Fallout masterlist - main masterlist
Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Song for this chapter:
Summary: You took the opportunity to ask Danse about having a private life within the Brotherhood while Maxson was on his way to see an old friend, someone he knew he could talk to.
Notes: I'm so obsessed with Maxson still being this traumatised boy that grew up all alone in the Citadel so here you go with some more insight into his thoughts and fears :) and some sweet funny misunderstanding with Paladin Danse because he's just adorable in his own way. This is not proof-read, finished it 10 minutes ago and decided to just post to not keep you waiting :)
Chapter 5 - Don't let me be misunderstood
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After finally being able to leave his quarters, you swiftly changed into your uniform and made your way towards the kitchen, your hungry stomach growling. The tables appeared unusually empty for this time of the morning, with only Danse sitting there, enjoying a simple breakfast of toast and roasted meat. A sudden question popped up in your head, causing you to wonder about the personal lives of the other soldiers and what activities the Brotherhood allowed them to engage in outside of their duties. Reflecting on your pre-war military life, you recalled being granted quite a fair amount of freedom, including the ability to marry fellow soldiers and enjoy leisure time after completing your duties. However these were different times, with different rules in a strange world. With a mischievous glint in your eye, you approached the Paladin, trying to strike up a casual conversation.
"Hey Danse", you said with a sly smile, "you've brought me to the Brotherhood and I've been curious about a few things we never had a chance to discuss. Like for instance how do you unwind after a long day of battling wasteland creatures?"
Caught off guard by your question, Danse shifted uncomfortably. He was known for his unwavering dedication to the Brotherhood and delving into his personal life was a topic he seldom broached. He believed that he had already divulged more than enough about his past during your encounter at the police station. However, he sensed that you were genuinely attempting to fit in, and he had no qualms about sharing any information that could ease your transition into the Brotherhood.
"Well," he pondered, his face turning slightly red at your sudden focus on him, "I, uh, usually spend my free time focusing on my duties, training and maintaining my power armor."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his response, wondering if Danse even might be the right person for this discussion. The Paladin you got to know made you ask yourself more than once if he even knew the concept of a life outside the Brotherhood.
"No, no, Danse", you said, trying to explain the intend behind your question, "this is all too strict, too much of the soldier life. I meant, do you have any personal hobbies or interests? Something that helps you relax?"
"Oh, I understand. Well, I suppose I enjoy tinkering with my weapons and keeping them in top shape or upgrading them. It gives me a sense of fulfilment."
Impressed by his unwavering commitment, you decided to delve deeper and inquire about what you truly wanted to know. You had no idea where things with Maxson would lead, but given how that man ignited a mix of curiosity, desire and occasional frustration in you each time your paths crossed, you didn't want to rule out any potential outcomes, especially not the ones you secretly hoped for. The way he tugged at your heartstrings despite being entrenched in his stubborn beliefs and the crushing weight that came with the leadership of the Brotherhood, meant something to you. He was by far not the first interesting person you encountered since emerging from the vault but along with him came that feeling of a deep connection, an understanding you'd find with no one else.
"And what about love?" you asked, raising an eyebrow, "do you think the Brotherhood has any against, you know, sexual encounters or relationships with...uhm...fellow soldiers?"
Danse's eyes widened at your question. You caught him alone and discussed all those very personal topics. Thinking back at when he first met you, you were rarely quiet, constantly poking at him with remarks, statements or queries. There had to be more to this than he first thought.
"Uh, well, the Brotherhood focuses primarily on our mission to protect and serve. Personal relationships can complicate matters, so they are generally discouraged but not forbidden. We do in fact have a few soldiers and initiates dating each other", he stuttered, "but uhm if you were specifically asking about me, I truly appreciate the sentiment but I'm sworn to my duty and not available for any...uhm...romantic relations with you."
As you stood there, nervously shifting from foot to foot, you couldn't help but feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment. This was definitely not the way you had planned this conversation to go.
"Oh, no no no! I apologise for the misunderstanding, Danse. I was actually referring to someone els...within the Brotherho...you know what? I'm glad we cleared that up. I'm just going to leave now. Bye and thanks."
You hurried down the long corridor, hearing Danse bid his farewells before you sprinted up the stairs and finally got out of sight. It almost made you laugh as you realized that talking to the Elder felt like a walk in the park compared to any conversation with Danse. You headed towards the airport beneath the Prydwen, switching on the radio attached to your Pip-Boy as you geared up for the shooting training. As you made your way closer, the sound of gunfire echoed through the air unleashed a wave of excitement within you. The Brotherhood of Steel's training exercises were renowned for their rigour and you were determined to prove your skills, hoping Maxson would be there to watch, giving you another opportunity to spend more time with him under the cloak of duty.
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Maxson made his way down to the airport, the weight of loneliness growing heavy on him, an all too familiar feeling. He needed someone to talk to, someone who'd listen, regadless whether they replied. Surveying his surroundings, he proceeded through a security door at the back of the main building. The dimly lit room emitted a faint aroma of oil as he approached the table. It was a whimsical, childish notion that led him here, but the instant he caught sight of it, a comforting sense of home enveloped him.
"Hello old friend", Maxson whispered tenderly, his hand resting upon the colossal robot head resting on the table.
He leapt onto the table, taking a seat beside the head, his legs dangling and swinging as he shut his eyes and drew in a deep breath. He felt the sadness of that little boy back in the Citadel who had no friends but was burdened with high expectations because of his name. He chuckled softly at thought that Rothchild wouldn't chase him away this time and if someone else were to stumble upon this place, he could simply claim to be inspecting the Brotherhood's most promising weapon. The perks of bring the Elder now instead of that little boy. He shook his head, scolding himself mentally for even being here, knowing all to well that he shouldn't try to make friends with a machine and yet, who else would listen to him without passing judgment? Perhaps you, but how could he discuss all of this with the person who started it all?
" I apologise for my absence and lack of visits all those years. It has been a challenging time for me, especially after losing Sarah. I didn't know what to do anymore, I was completely alone...", his voice trembled and tears formed in the corners of his eyes, " I trained, I fought and look at me now, Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, upholding the Maxson legacy and striving to protect the people." 
He couldn't hold the tears back anymore, all the weight of loneliness crushing him. He had managed to deceive everyone, including himself, until you entered his sacred space and saw through his facade from the moment you set foot on the Prydwen.
" But I feel alone, old friend, all the burden to bear yet never anyone to confide in, to share it with. But there is someone new in the Brotherhood, joined two days and you wouldn't believe how she's turning my life upside-down."
He chuckled, brushing away the tears from his face, the edges of his lips twitching into a joyful smile as he reminisced in the memories of last night.
"Believe me, if you could meet her you'd adore her too, she is everything I also thought I'd be when I grew up. Strong, kind and fearless in the face of true injustice. I envy her, she can be herself unburdened by the weight I have to carry...sometimes...I...I wish I could just leave, be someone else, be me but that was never my destiny, wasn't it? If you could you'd probably ask me what she means to me, well that is a difficult question. I hold great admiration her, I think there might even reside love deep in that broken heart of mine but I'm also afraid of her in a way. What if I disappoint her? What if I fail to meet her expectations? Given how persistent she was on tearing my defenses down, would she even care for expectations? Wouldn't she simply want the real me? But then again who exactly would that be?"
Arthur leapt from the table, pacing in circles before the head, his gaze fixed on the floor as he became lost in his thoughts. It eluded him how you'd even be able to like him, given how you disagreed with him on your first meeting. You remained a riddle, and the more he tried to unravel you, the more you seemed to fade into the mystery that defined you. A sigh escaped his lips; all his questioning and doubting amounted to nothing. He couldn't negotiate with the worries away that held his heart hostage; the only way out was to confront whatever lay ahead. He had to brace himself for whatever the next encounter with you had in store. His footsteps came to a halt in front of the table once more, his gaze shifting up to the visor of the robotic head. Gently, he placed a hand on it, tenderly tapping the cold metal.
"Thank you for listening my dear friend from days gone by."
He made his way towards the exit, his gaze lingering for one last moment.
"See you later, alligator", he chuckled with genuine joy.
As he flicked off the light and left the room, he knew he had to leave the little boy he missed so much behind, along with Liberty Prime as his friend, all for the sake of the Brotherhood. However, he also held onto a glimmer of hope that, with you, he'd found a new place he could finally find and cherish what that boy always longed for and it left him with a warmth he'd try to keep at any cost.
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Chapter 6 - Dream a little dream
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Feel free to reblog if you enjoyed the story :)
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goodqueenaly · 10 months
Feel free to wait to answer until after you finish up the posts on Jaehaerys's reign: if GRRM did a book(s) on J&A's reign in the style of ASOIAF, who would you like to have as the POVs?
How about not a freaking misogynistic sex-obsessed creep of a maester writing two and a half centuries after the fact?
No, honestly I don’t know why, if GRRM was so set on making a “historical” book about Jaehaerys I’s reign, he could not have written from the perspective of Princess Maegelle. He doesn’t even have to have made her a POV character (although I wouldn’t have said no to that, of course): he could so easily have written the majority of Jaehaerys’ reign as Maegelle’s chronicle of her father, somewhere between the Alexiad of Anna Komnena and the excerpted writings of Princess Irulan peppered throughout the Dune series. Why not have Maegelle comment not just on what could have been historically known about her father, but also her own experience with her brothers, sisters, and the other members of the Targaryen court? Why not have Maegelle inspired by the maesterly tradition of histories at the Citadel but also want to prove her own intelligence and insight?
Or if he wanted to go just straight POV, then the character I would have wanted to read most is Alysanne. Maybe I’m biased (lol), but I honestly think she would be the most interesting single figure from whose perspective to tell this story. I think I’ve said before, the point (IMO) of having a raging violent misogynist (like, say, Randyll Tarly) in the story isn’t to just simply say “gee, doesn’t life suck for women of Westeros”, but to explore how those attitudes affect women (not to mention men who do not perform according to the standards of that society, like Sam). Having Alysanne, ostensibly the perfect Targaryen queen, experience and react to that attitude from the man who proclaimed to love her but was in fact a cruel, sexist man would be, I think, the way to allow for Alysanne’s feelings and make her the central figure of focus and sympathy as F&B very much does not.
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verosvault · 5 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 4 "Under Pressure"
Timestamp: 00:15:46
Video Length: 4min. & 30sec.
Kristen talks to Cassandra & Kalina (Pt.1/3 | Pt.2/3 | ‣Pt.3/3)
Kalina: "Mistress, we can't interfere in the material world of Spyre, but- your worship is just based on mortal beings. There are mortals that are not in the material world of Spyre. We could absolutely go find followers without needing to further burden Kristen with the terrible weight of responsibility."
Kristen immediately disagrees with Kalina.
Kristen calls Cassandra her Meat Mama!!! 😭😭😭
Cassandra trying to be an intermediary and saying that Kristen can do her thing and Kalina can do another thing! Both things can happen!
Kristen: "Mine is about the beauty of how little control we actually have, and hers is about utmost harnessing as much control for yourself as you possibly can."
Another Kristen Insight Check
Brennan: "Cassandra tries to process that what you're saying is true...and really doesn't want to die."
🥲🥲🥲 That was put so nicely, but it's also so sad. 🥲🥲🥲
Kalina tells Kristen that she doesn't think they're at odds here!
Kristen: *attempts to scratch Kalina again*
Kalina: "Are you trying to scratch me again?"
Kristen: "Of course not."
Kalina: "Can I scratch you?"
Kristen: "Please don't"
Kalina: "Okay, I have before."
😭😭😭😭😭😭 KALINA CHILL!!! JEEZ!!! 😭😭😭😭 JDJSKCKSD!!!
No Emily! Don't say it's good to have Kalina back! 😭✋ Bro! I'm SHAKING! 😭✋
Ally: "A little pepper in the soup"
Brennan: "A little pepper in the soup. Ooh! That soup is seasoned!"
Brennan totally knows what he's doing by bringing Kalina back fr! 😭✋
Kalina: "There are a number of extradimensional spaces in and around Spyre that are not the material world itself that have mortals in them. They just built a mall in the Synod of Spyre, the Wizard Citadel, so that's a place that you can go find, you know."
Cassandra getting excited about having potential wizard followers! 🥺 So sweet fr! 🥺
Cassandra wants to help wizards! 🥺🥺
Kristen is trying to rein it in and she's gonna be going from 0 to 100! And Cassandra hasn't even seen anything above 0 yet! 😭✋
Wizards love mystery! They're always wearing big cloaks!! 😂🤣
Cassandra: "They have stars on their hats! So many of them have stars on their hats, and I have stars in my body."
Kristen is writing this down! 😂🤣💀 Kristen is trying to be super proactive now about Cassandra! We love to see it! 😂🤣👏💀
Kalina saying that they can do some pamphleting at the Synod Mall on the weekends since that's when they're usually busier!
They have a team going! Yay team! 😆
Kristen apologizes to Cassandra for hurting her feelings. 🥺 It's because Kristen was grouchy. 🥺
Cassandra says that Kristen doesn't have to be sorry and that she believes in Kristen! 🥺🥺✋✋
Cassandra: "When you're in the dark, I'm there holding your hand."
Kristen: "Thanks, Thank you."
Cassandra gives Kristen a kiss on the forehead! 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
Kristen comes back in her prayer room 🥺🥺👏👏🙏🙏
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ackermental · 2 years
Hi! Hi! I hope you’ve been having a beautiful day or evening so far! How are you? :D I saw this post this morning, and I love how you dissect and go into detail with different accounts of stories or opinions and I was genuinely wondering, is it true that Daemon cheats on Rhaenyra with a mistress? Or was that another false claim from Mushroom/The Maester? Also there is that dreaded claim that Daemon is only after the throne and not after Rhaenyra’s heart! I wanted to know your honest take on this, I love open discussion a ton and it gives me further knowledge and insight truly! :D (Ps LOL am I a sick fuck for actually smiling about the Mysaria comment towards Daemon about Rhaenyra? I’m sorry, but Daemyra could cause me to go bankrupt, I’m absolutely addicted to them, I simply CANNOT. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🐉🐉 anyways! Thank you for taking the time to read all this if you find time, I appreciate it as always! :)) DAEMYRA FOR THE WINNNNN MFSSSS 🔥🔥🔥!!!
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Please, don't feel like I'm dismissing you, but I've already answered the question about the ridiculous claim that Daemon didn't love Rhaenyra and only used her to get the throne in this post and I don't feel like repeating myself all over again.
And that post you sent me only proofs that people don't understand the Rogue Prince and the Princess and the Queen at all. My god, only a complete moron can write something like that, exposing their own stupidity for the whole world to see.
Maesters were the ones who used young girls for their own gain. They were the ones who told Viserys it would be perfectly fine to rape Aemma when she was eleven. They were the ones killing women and unborn children left and right. Oldtown Triad has so much blood on their hands, they are the ultimate creeps in this story, they are the ones who should make your skin crawl.
Here you have my take on F&B being a crooked mirror of historical sources in our own world.
How can you read those books and don't notice that Oldtown with it's Citadel, Sept and Hightowers is a reference to Vatican, only worse? Worse because in ASOIAF they are going to the Sept during the day, preaching to other people of Westeros about how they should live their lives while being assholes themselves, and then at night they go back to play with their creepy, dark magic. I shit you not, they are like some frickin’ Illuminati of the Seven Kingdoms. Like, Jesus, did any of those idiots even do some reasearch on Hightowers? Those fuckers are fanatic zealots!
And they are responsible for writing Westeros' history! They are the ones who control all letters aka communication system in that world.
When you hear the word 'maester' you're not supposed to think about some poor, educated fellows who were suffering under their masters' ignorance. You are supposed to think about priests, who were keeping all of the ancient knowledge to themselves, whispering lies to their lords, poisoning their minds and their bodies, while trying to control them.
I've never seen a 'history book' as biased as Gyldayn's. This man is contradicting himself not even every second page, but sometimes every second sentance. Maesters murdered Aemma and Laena in cold blood, at the least. You want to be a defender of women, take it out on some creeps grooming children or old men causing trauma for little girls? Oldtown Triad is right there for you.
And they hated the Blacks with a burning passion.
So you know what? I'm standing over there in the corner with those Black guys.
Here is me ranting to poor @ladyalianora about maesters being suss.
//Not to mention: this whole grooming shit? The brothel visits? Daemon teaching Rhaenyra how to suck dicks? Daemon having a lover? Even Gyldayn doesn't have the audacity to say those rumors are true.
Makes you wonder why did he put Mushroom's nonsense in his 'academic' work at all, doesn't it? (Not that the other sources, them being a septon and yet another maester, are any better). And the real reason he did it, was so the people would come to the same, idiotic conclusions as the person who wrote that post above.
It's insane, isn't it, how easy it is to manipulate history, if you only use the right tools. It's almost like GRRM was trying to make a point with F&B other than telling a story about 'huehue, incest, dragons, big fight'.
So what am I saying? That some of those things didn't even happen in the first place?
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to say.
It's almost like Daemon and Rhaenyra could've become close, fall in love even, after his return, without him teaching her how to fuck dwarfs 🤔🙄😯. It's almost like Hightowers accused him of grooming the Princess of Dragonstone in order to get rid of him for a second time 😮. By lying. You know? Just like they did it all those years before, by providing false witnesses and lying 😱😵. Or they simply had an affair and some Hightower spy told the King everything. Mind-blowing stuff, huh?
Two more asks about this, and I swear to god, I'll put those words above my bed.
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wilsons-journey · 1 year
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Watchful eye
Ever since their argument and breakup, Valefor has kept his distance from Kying. Still, he couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on the Warrior and his new Friend. Valefor wasn’t able to admit his feelings for the other Charr, but at least the boiling jealousy.
The respect for the Warrior forbid it Valefor to interfere. Besides he had to remind himself of his very own words: If Kying expected feelings or more, he should find someone else,... he won’t find that in Valefor. Never. That Kying did exactly this, took the red furred Charr by surprise.
He missed the time together with the other,... more than he would have liked.
So it was no surprise he once again kept a watchful eye on the Warrior. Him and his stupid little Friend,... But at least Kying was happy and well. That’s all Valefor wanted to know. Although jealousy gnawed at him, he withdrew pleased without doing anything stupid.
At the same time, he fantasized about killing that guy. If he couldn't make him bleed in reality, he should suffer in his mind. How easy it would be to snuff out his lights with a single, well placed strike. How lovely it would be to see his head detached from the body - or even better, see his inner parts spilled on the ground,... Slowly,... he should suffer.
Then a familiar crowing pulled him out of his thoughts.
There was work for him.
- To be continued.
— Follow up of:
(Tumblr,... again the wrong preview!!)
Another little, unplanned, filler. That's why this one is only a Screenshot edit and nothing drawn. I'll probably throw in something like this again here and there.
I wanted to include this scene as well. It maybe gives a tiny insight in Valefors thoughts. Why he has such problems admitting his feelings and being that brooding manchild, will be explained in detail later on. (Basicly he is just very afraid of getting hurt. Again. Last relationship nearly killed him and blessed him with huge trust issues.)
--- Part 2 will follow very soon. With Kying pov and a little drawing.
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
okay from an in-narrative pov, the deaths of alyssa, daella, and viserra + saera’s escape to essos serve as an indictment of westerosi patriarchal feudalism. grrm has never shied away from showing the horrors of westerosi society, for better or for worse. unlike asoiaf, however, a fake history written by a maester provides little room for compelling insights into gendered violence via the characters’ internal dialogue, like we get in the main series. what would a maester say of cersei or brienne? or even catelyn? i think fake history is a fascinating type of fiction, but women are so wildly absent from fire & blood. i think i ultimately wish the books had several points of view instead of just old guy maesters.
like, picture this: alysanne discusses how girls should be maesters. why not present the writings of an aspiring female historian from oldtown who became one of alysanne’s attending ladies? they weren’t authorized histories, surely, but even the citadel’s best efforts couldn’t prevent the documents from being circulated. if rumors were to be believed, queen alysanne herself shared the documents throughout the realm during her women’s courts. more likely, however, is that queen alysanne simply never forbade the sharing of these documents during these events. or more likely still—she was waiting for the documents to gain enough popularity that the old maesters would be forced to consider accepting lady [name] at the citadel.
even primary documents or accounts would have been interesting; consider letters between alysanne and daella, or saera targaryen’s private journal. love letters between elissa farman and rhaena targaryen. letters from viserra to saera, pleading for help—that were intercepted by jaehaerys when the maester showed him their contents. more descriptions of the targ women by their friends and attending women. literally a lot could have been done here is what i’m saying!
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asoiafandotherbooks · 7 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Death of the High Septon
The High Septon, a man of three-and-fifty, in robust good health, known for his strength, died in the middle of the night. Unsurprisingly, there were many rumors of the cause of the High Septon’s death.
The various theories:
1)            Suicide – either as a sacrifice to save Oldtown or he was too cowardly to face the wrath of Maegor.
2)            The Seven struck him down for the sin of pride, heresy, treason, and arrogance.
3)            Murder
Suicide could be the answer. The High Septon would hardly be the first cult leader to kill himself to avoid the consequences of his actions.
I have to go with the murder theory. The Hightowers have proven they will not let Oldtown be destroyed. The High Septon’s life would be a small price to pay in their eyes to keep Oldtown safe. It can’t be a coincidence that Morgan Hightower oversaw the High Septon’s protection. Lady Patrice Hightower, Lord Martyn’s maiden aunt and a reported witch, also paid the High Septon a visit at dusk. Others suggest the Archmaesters at the Citadel assassinated the High Septon. The Citadel may not like Targaryens but they would like their impending death by fire much less. Still others thought it the work of Visenya Targaryen, a rumored sorceress. We can eliminate Visenya – she would have used Vhagar.
As soon as the High Septon was declared dead, Lord Martyn Hightower had the Warrior’s Sons disarmed and arrested, including his own brother. The city’s gates were opened, and Targaryen banners raised along the walls. Lord Hightower’s men had the Most Devout rousted from their beds and marched at spearpoint to the Starry Sept to choose a new High Septon. All of this was accomplished well before Vhagar was seen approaching Oldtown.
The election of the new High Septon was easily accomplished. All septons voted for Septon Pater: an blind, stooped, and feeble, the ninety-year old was famously amiable. High Septon Pater had no problems anointed Maegor Targaryen in the Starry Sept.
Visenya returned to Dragonstone after Maegor was anointed in the Starry Sept but Maegor remained in Oldtown for the last half of 43 AC, holding court and presiding over trials. Maegor gave the captive Warrior’s Sons a choice: execution or the Night’s Watch. Three-quarters of the captives chose to join the Night’s Watch. Seven of the remainder, famous knights and sons of lords, were executed personally by Maegor. The rest were beheaded by their own former brothers-in-arms. Was this the soon to be members of the Nght’s Watch? Only one member of the Warrior’s Sons received a full pardon – Morgan Hightower. What a surprise! Well played, HIghtowers!
High Septon Pater formally dissolved the Warrior’s Sons and Poor Fellows – from now on, the Crown would guard the Faith. Maegor gave the surviving members until the year’s end to give up their rebellious ways – after that, bounties would be placed on their heads – a gold dragon for a Warrior’s Son and a silver dragon for a Poor Fellow.
Maegor reconciled with Ceryse Hightower, his first wife, while at Oldtown. Ceryse agreed to accept Maegor’s other wives while he restored Ceryse to all the rights, incomes, and privileges due her as wedded wife and queen. The Hightower held a great feast and even a second bedding/consummation so all men “would know this a true and loving union”.
To be fair, while Maegor took a second wife he didn’t divorce Ceryse. Aenys forced the separation when he exiled Maegor and Alys. We don’t know if Ceryse was given the option of accompanying the duo to Pentos. The nature of Fire and Blood doesn’t allow us insight into Ceryse, Alys, or Tyanna. We don’t know their feelings towards Maegor or how he behaved as a husband. So curious! I don’t include the Black Brides into the equations as their marriages were coerced and they didn’t have favorable opinions of Maegor.
Up next, the doomed rebellion of Aegon the Uncrowned.
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chosenbythecrystal · 8 months
hc + 🚶‍♂️ hc + 🏠 hc + 🌂 hc + 🐈 hc + 🎵
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Thematic Headcanons.
🚶‍♂️ for a habit-themed headcanon
When he's in his apartment by himself, Noctis has to have the tv on for background noise. It doesn't matter if he's on his phone, reading comic books, or sleeping – he has to have it on to make things feel less quiet.
🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
To Noctis, the Citadel never really felt like home. As a young child, it was just too big and he was often lonely. It was grand and he wanted for nothing, but there was no real warmth to it. In the flashbacks of Noct's childhood, and the brotherhood anime, we get a bit of insight into both his home in the Citadel and his apartment. We see that when Noctis and Regis have dinner, it's at this big, long dining table that is designed for more than two people but despite that, they sit at opposite ends.
He's always hated the throne room because in there, everything is official. Interactions are between the King and Prince, not father and son, and growing up, that was hard for Noctis.
That's why, in a sense, the Regalia feels more like home to him. During the Platinum Demo, we have young Noctis trying to wake up from his coma, and to do that, he needs to reach his safe place. In his mind, that isn't his room, or his father's study, or any other location in the Citadel: it's his dad's car because when they're in that car, they're just them. Just father and son.
🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Noctis hates the warm weather and the main reason for that is that he likes to cover up. If he complains in-game, Gladio will tell him to lose the jacket. Obviously in the game, you can choose whatever outfit you like (not that the weather actually impacts you in any way) but my Noctis at least, likes to cover up. He's never going to be seen with his shirt off in public, like Gladio, or wearing a tank-top like Prompto because he's too self-conscious. Most of this stems from the scar on his back from the daemon attack when he was a kid. Spanning from just above the middle of his back down to his lower back, it's pretty prominent, and not something he likes people seeing.
🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
Noctis absolutely loves animals and finds it easier to relate to them than to people. Even when he was the shy little boy who would hide behind his father's leg, he would come alive in the presence of an animal. Meeting Umbra and Pryna made him want a dog of his own, but the Citadel was no place for a pet. That didn't stop him trying to sneak stray pets inside though.
🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
Noctis is a dork, so you can bet that most of his playlists are dedicated to the soundtracks from his favourite video games and movies. He takes his earphones everywhere, but he only ever keeps one in out of habit. Cor and Gladio have lectured him on the dangers of not being aware of his surroundings too much.
You see him walking down the street and you think he's probably listening to some edgy shit and in reality, it's something like "I'm Just Ken" from the Barbie Movie.
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musemash · 2 years
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THE TOXIC DANCING TROLL THAT HAUNTED AMERICA – by the Lone Antifa & the Canuck Crank – revised & updated May 22, 2023
When mob boss DON VETO TRUMPLEONE lost his lunch, the ketchup sho nuff done hit da fan. That's just one of the more entertaining bombshells from the stalwart January 6 Committee. MFF is proud to honor America's independent fighting spirit by presenting complete recordings of all their public hearings, along with a wide variety of other helpful resources.
We recommend that you bookmark this post, because we plan to update it – as the Committee's brilliant work progresses toward their final report later this year. And considering the shocking recent  developments at MAGA-LARDO, a sizable chunk of humanity is quite possibly on the verge of celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Diwali, Al-Hijra, Pentecost, and Kwanzaa, all rolled into one. Here's hoping for a worldwide street dance by the end of this year – which we will gladly commemorate on MuseMash.
Our CAPITOL LAFF RIOT section presents the very best available comedy from the likes of Stephen Colbert, Randy Rainbow, Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Seth Meyers, Betty Bowers, Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Maher, Jimmy Fallon, Chelsea Handler, Vic Berger, the Good Liars, Sandy Riccardi, Desi Lydic, James Corden, and Liberal Redneck. CELEBRITY EXTORTIONIST focuses on the many ways BENEDICT DONALD betrayed his oath, his voters, and his country.
The TREASON TRIBUNAL playlist showcases the most extraordinary revelations, realizations, implications, and condemnations from the Jan 6 hearings. The INCITEMENTS TO INDICTMENTS section explores the newly announced Department Of Justice criminal probe; the FBI raid on The Don's Florida citadel, and the potential legal consequences now facing the ORANGE IMPOTUS.
You will find powerful commentaries on the WHITE TRASH HOUSE RESIDENT from Mary Trump, The Lincoln Project, Steve Schmidt, MeidasTouch, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Cohen, The Republican Accountability Project, and Don Winslow. In addition, we showcase insightful news analyses from Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, Chris Hayes, Al Franken, Brianna Keilar, Ari Melber, Joy Reid, Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, Francis Maxwell, George Will, and Morning Joe.  
At the bottom of this page, you'll find links to several newly revised and expanded companion posts, featuring a lot more directly related resources. These include the hilariously snarky early version of our music video paying tribute to the FELON IN CHIEF; and our final takedown of the dangerous theocratic fascist cult that connived to keep him in power.
The ancients had a custom known as DAMNATIO MEMORIAE – which means 'condemnation of memory'. This was a punishment whereby all traces of disreputable historical figures were utterly eradicated – such as statues, paintings, sculptures, buildings, books, etc. Considering that this shameless attention whore, failed businessman, sleazy charlatan, unrepentant sexual predator, and ludicrously incompetent insurrectionist will hopefully be jailed for treason, this is exactly how the CUCK A L'ORANGE should be memorialized.
All official acknowledgement of HIS ROYAL HEINOUS, his hijacking of the OFFAL OFFICE, and his crime family's evil regime, should be obliterated. A celebrity of the MANCHURIAN CANTELOUPE's calibre deserves nothing less. Consign his sordid story to a mouldy collection of tattered back issues of the NATIONAL ENQUIRER, kept in a garbage bag in the smelly bathroom of an S&M porn store. Surely, something like the following inscription will doubtless appear on his solid gold tombstone in the basement:
"What the good Lord admired most about me was my tremendous traitorization, God told Fox News I did more for traitorianity than anyone in the history of hamberders, my base loved me for my perfect traitoritude, the best people were always saying Donald J. Trump's traitorosity record in Nambia was unparalleled, I was quite frankly the greatest traitorist, everybody's favorite smocking hot traitorite, bigly yuuuuugest epitome of traitorishness, nobody but nobody did STABLE GENIUS TRAITORIZING better than my radioactive electric orange covfefing self, everyone said so, believe me, am I right?"
CULT OF THE LOSER – by Douglas Wood
And so it goes on, the cult of the loser, The cheater, the liar, the all-purpose abuser. “Mine, mine, mine, mine,” is his favorite saying, Tiny fists in the air, mouth open and braying.
“I cannot be stopped. Everything that I see Or hear of or touch belongs to me, me, me, ME! Papers and objects and people and things, Things that have wheels and things that have wings.
And parties and countries and cities and stuff – All of it’s mine, and it’s never enough! I must have it all – it has always been so, And the more that I have, the more my needs grow!
I need and I want, and I want even more, State secrets and boxes piled all over the floor. And congressional seats and governors mansions, Well, those are mine, too, in this endless expansion.
And don’t tell me no, that there are some stupid rules, Those rules are for stiffs and losers and fools!” So said the biggest loser of all, As he bayed at the moon, as he rode for a fall.
As he shovelled more stuff into his endless black hole, Where most folks have a heart or a brain or a soul – But not the Great Muck, not the World’s Biggest Loser, Not the cheater, the liar, the all-purpose abuser.
And his very fine cult was right there with him, too, A ship full of fools, nothing better to do. But the ship’s in rough waters, as The Law closes in Like a shark with a purpose and a cold, toothy grin.
This shark is called Justice, and we’re cheering it on. May it swallow the liars until they’re all gone, Or sink to the bottom of the great deep blue sea, No place for them here – with you and with me.
At least that’s the hope, for the cult of the loser, The cheater, the liar, the all-purpose abuser. The End.
CAPITOL LAFF RIOT The Dancing Donald Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts57B3mekxs America's Little Boxes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUwUp-D_VV0 The Good Liars Sizzle Reel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyU53aBDKBU The Donald & Little Donald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP0i4YAs9vA Trump Quotes Read By Cartoon Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DREO6cwbGeQ InfoWars: Trump Vs The Goblins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAXTafMVWWI How To Interview President Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCKkqaKu6ww Trump Goes Full White Nationalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDxS-ne3g9Q Donnie's Twitter Gets Roasted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A18debjXXXw It's Okay To Change Your Mind – We Did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k57rXjqQbp8 The Portrait of Dorian Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZKkUyrklpc Get Your Booty To The Poll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AytDzZ2ecCc 4 Years of Trump In 3 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFUGv6pdoVQ Billions And Billions And Billions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_aLESDql1U ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Long National Nightmare Is Different https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb8BYOjzGiQ The Donald Went Down To Georgia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC45rFRwbOI Don Veto's Bigliest Lies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw Trump Tweets Read By Villains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_PdO2v4Zkg Clang, Clang, Clang Went Josh Hawley! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07II_EJlcYg Jon Stewart Shreds Cucker Quarrelsome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aErmTELe10Q Filibuster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9G49X2oVyk We Can Coup It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-iXf5zScAU The Snake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4AonVXgBeg Hypocrite Hall Of Fame Nominees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FElCsjJKqY King Of Corona https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q37Cfqy31Ec MyPillow Mikey’s Wacky New Lawsuit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fno7789N2uU Trumpism Still The Dark Heart Of The GOP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ndwgrc-b0g Texts Full Of B-Movie Quotes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaMy0alz8M8 Orgies, Cocaine & Burner Phones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtqgrG7oWJw ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Pie: America's Truth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyEtLS-9KxU Unhinged Rally Promotes Slow-Moving Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rasnmWrGD64 Wretched Wrudy Wruins The Masked Singer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy_R2R_tetw Easier To List Trump Aides Who Aren't In Trouble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUCgkhanV4o The GOP's Pretend Panic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wudzWpYIGKQ Radical Left Maniacs & Testicle Tanning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyCeHBrm6sc Morning Joe Shocked & Appalled By UnMasked Rudy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbxymrhSve8 Relentlessly Stupid Cluster Of Weirdos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2AstPiquZ0 Rudy Colludy Gets Bad To Da Bone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-SuMTorGOU The Far Right’s Bogus 'War On Masculinity' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obUFIqkr-iI Donnie's Sweaty Chat With Piers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBcisRa8Lkg Heads We Win, Tails We Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDkjjGZ92NQ Perjury Taylor Greene Goblin Plays Dumb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxYDtW0QWoc Trump Turns Down Musk's Twitter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_62dC9DfOU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Don Veto’s Mess of Frightening Candidates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2qjvjcy92U Roasting The Press 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkeOtcmoaOI Trump Afraid Of Dangerous Fruits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIt_flcwKyw Texas Paul Vs The Party Of Weirdos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlGSfEawWT4 GOP Handmaid's Tale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g2CqOrFGak Toilet-Obsessed Weirdo Held In Contempt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRG4fIAgrUc Hannity Explains His Bootlicking Texts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzhTwvRotdk Roasting The Press 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR4f-3LcGh8 Stupidest People In Congress Awards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpFqMWmj9Oo GOP Judges Exposed As Liars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jbHMHN_mfo Roasting The Press 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqfnHU9i38E Mopey Prick Brags About His Bigly Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIaCYI1FxAE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Eminem Knees Rudy In Da Colludy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1a_DBZKJOQ Unkind Words For Mikey Pillow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T75ABe-kfeQ Rudy Colludy Keeps Incriminating Himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogCKWyYARDc A Tome of Titillating Trump Tall Tales https://claytoonz.com/2022/05/10/another-tome-of-titillating-trump-tales/ Don Veto Thought China Had A Hurricane Gun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=folR3L2FzEI Trump Planning A Video Streaming Service https://www.ajournalofmusicalthings.com/donald-trump-is-planning-a-streaming-service-no-really/ The Plot Against King Donald https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/16/former-trump-official-kash-patel-writes-childrens-book-repeating-false-claim-over-steele-dossier What's The Deal With Kellyanne? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ekatJMDC3g United States Of Dumb-Merica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dMOfwUP0F0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Prime Time Treason Finale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lwvWHEJQEo Ghoulish Collection Of Conmen & Weirdos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApLRKAyspLY Trump's Everything Woke Remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7VGUAi3C_8 CrimeTime For SuperCaliFragilisticExpialiDouchebags https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZdCvKXyAI4 Faux Snooze Won't Handle The Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY_wvR52_tQ Fox Will Show Reruns Of Benghazi Hearings https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/fox-news-unable-to-air-january-6th-hearings-owing-to-reruns-of-benghazi-hearings January 666: Schmuckosaurus Promo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOoDOzoWVgs The Muppet CrimeTime Treason Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpYv5MNpg6o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ8_X3FFxRU https://www.thewrap.com/colbert-gives-the-jan-6-hearings-a-fun-the-muppet-show-intro-video/ https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/jun/10/stephen-colbert-january-6-hearing-late-night Republicans Cry Foul As Hearings Begin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Xg5MpSvvA GOP & Fox Are Cover-Up Suspects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w6pJYaqUVQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- America's Got Treason 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyMzy6Q81-c Fox Deploys Weapons Of Mass Distraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahcgaZ9j2h4 Hearing We Go Again With Exhibit A-Hole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEcKTJgJiOg Drunk Rudy Colludy & The Bigly Yuge Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crdg2P-2EKY CSI Can't Believe Trump's Not In Jail Yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUGYlDyTEp0 Fox News Host Loses It When Called Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ1-cL8hEHA Somebody's Going To Jail For This, Right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuEoVYqa37Q Investigating The Thing We All Saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZznNSJNRbg Rudy Colludy Was Drunk On Diet Pepsi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjBRBcVMm88 Proud Boys Complain About Late Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncxCXzYrd0k Shocking, Disturbing, & Suuuuuper Juicy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDBu1b-pb4g They Said WHAT??!!-ergate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CFiJ9Szug8 Do As I Say, Not As I Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-rHbWq7jto A Baseball Bat With Justice Written On It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIy5E6zF9Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Fat Snake Has A Dream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpHU1m_RO6c Trump's Entire Career Based On Bullshit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zSMZXfcq2M Happy Insurrection Day: Trump Dangles Pardons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1arFVvy4oQ Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Commits Insurrection https://www.thewrap.com/colbert-mocks-uproar-over-arrested-staffers-by-listing-historys-greatest-puppet-crimes-video/ Trump Vs Pence 2024 Debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1x1pAsFiCg Scary Plotter & The Goblet Of Liars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw50MlFeB1U Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZQfpH1vY94 Rudy Colludy Has Lotsa Theories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m81ucemErlA How Scammy Doofus Weaponized The DOJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbqlFlstlHQ Hip-Hop Backlash To Loser Trump's Dumpster Fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rTy1KRD3hg Bill Maher Takes Down Trump Dissy Fit https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1222148141871033 A Week In The Life Of The GOP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrjxTG9OFyY Elmo Claps Back At Ted Cruz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFBRqqOc0pk When Fraudy Krueger Lost His Lunch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGNVG5XS4-U ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnie's Bitch-Fit Meltdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpXnrKxojgE Credible Nuggets Of Sedition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ih3MlJjSyw Fox News Stunned Into Awkward Pause https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irXvjn-ehHE The Sheer Awfulness Of Trump World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgGEwldM8js Plotters Laid Out A Blueprint For Arresting Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKiCCHVJCqU Don Veto Takes On The Secret Service https://www.facebook.com/steve.schlafly/videos/1471270066682595 Not-Very-Good-At-This-Fellas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1a7anEuj5A Radical Seditionists & Potato Shaped Goblins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7caqTRUJno Mutineer's Island: A Three Hour Tour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBA7xkdhRuk Roast Chickens & Churchill Busts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ9ES2jr3CI Trump's 'Get Out Of Jail Free' Card https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k80Qkb3LFL8 Fox & Friends Expose The Secret Service https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXTz21w_DJE The Laziest & Most Dangerous President https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8uARIIyz9s Running Coach Analyzes Hawley’s Heroic Sprint https://www.outsideonline.com/health/running/culture-running/opinion-culture-running/our-running-coach-analyzes-senator-josh-hawleys-january-6-sprint/ It's The Final Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad4mz8E_lUA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Laser-Focused On President J.F.K.F.C. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq4630ilmf0 Being Chickenshit Hurts Hawley's Fascist Cred https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/hawley-concerned-that-being-a-coward-is-overshadowing-his-work-as-a-fascist GOP's Band Of Losers, Weirdos & Incels https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1553912487753396224 Will Trump Run For President To Avoid Prison? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZsu1OQ-hFI Seven Years – No Indictments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5UXakOKFFo America Or Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmSM9WKBP_w Donnie Loses It In Embarrassing Outtakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=329yHXDvuYw OAN Reduced To Begging Leftists For Help https://god.dailydot.com/oan-beg-leftists/ Tantrum Outtakes & Hawley's Chicken Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBYsUDuA21Y Al Franken Skewers Trump’s Outtakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz-xbM6jaRY The Sound Of Josh Hawling Ass https://www.facebook.com/1008786921/videos/424725286254749 DOJ Probes Kermit The Potential Fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIy2hUrlgwo Biggest Con Game In Political History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUnz4thNioE Desi Lydic Foxsplains The January 6 Hearings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqFMA3tE9zs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Karm-A-Lago Time For The Former Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvneygfQ4iw MAGA Whiners Immune To Irony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbJvrg2TAGQ Who Ratted You Out, Donnie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcVSC-BgTww 'The Best Is Yet To Come!’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk94EKBWZJA Fox Demands Full Investigation Of Trump https://twitter.com/TheDailyShow/status/1557141679802548227 America's Most Tremendously Wanted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJoUmJMqSG0 Trump's Little Boxes https://www.castanet.net/news/Letters/380344/Trump-s-little-boxes QAnon 'Imbeciles' Attempt Citizens Arrests On Cops https://www.rawstory.com/qanon-2657876787/ The Wicked Witch Speaks https://www.facebook.com/1316568518/videos/10222367946610297 America's Got Treason 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzynlyXgsWc World's Greatest Fifth-Taker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnqqIl4uFzA MAGA Candidates Spread The Big Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buHIY1dDaeA Trick Or Treason For Hell Toupee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YYppfdNz68 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiKIokGgF20 Don Veto Goes Nuclear https://www.facebook.com/100002815833353/videos/2330238413797596 The Boy From Mar-A-Lago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxbZ8jgqfbo
CELEBRITY EXTORTIONIST All The President's Venom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpx19Ykhbdk Voters Elected An Imbecilic Con Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLDKdoOZsGM 'This Sad, Embarrassing Wreck Of A Man' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsgccOuZ0qg GOP Enablers Fueled Trump's Refusal To Concede https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi-NwD30ADs Georgia On His Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIJU3M-kKhI Trump's Call: From Mafia-Like Intimidation To Flattery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYjKmc0iGFQ Trump Wanted To Rescind 2020 Results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIIdcCOrHvo Trump Sues Clinton Over Russia Claims https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0ZBWUqlWvo Size Does Matter At Georgia Rally https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-georgia-rally-sees-smallest-crowd-in-state-since-2016-reporters/ar-AAVybod Will Trump Ever Be Indicted In New York? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWw5ZrParmM Two Rulings Against Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOvGU9zmrtk Can This Thug Become President Again? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU4JKV9Opt0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A Coup In Search Of A Legal Theory https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-federal-judge-just-added-rocket-fuel-to-the-case-for-prosecuting-trump/ar-AAVBrBB We Don’t Know Half Of Trump's Illegal Shit https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/03/donald-trump-missing-phone-logs-capitol-attack Were White House Records Tampered With? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/30/trump-used-white-house-phone-call-capitol-attack-jan-6-not-official-log Phone Gaps Suspiciously Tailored To Events https://news.yahoo.com/gaps-trumps-phone-logs-during-200220580.html Fake News Rally Fact-Checked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvYjl9h5-QI Evidence Links Trump To Coup Plot https://www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari/watch/-potus-participated-trump-busted-by-evidence-tying-him-to-coup-plot-136813125729 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53JakXCvQa0 Investigations Into Trump Not Going Away https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-investigations-into-donald-trump-arent-going-away/ar-AAVYTxI Fact Checking Delusional Trump Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlrRXz1yrxo Trump Deflects Blame For Riot https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/07/trump-interview-jan6/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NY Criminal investigation Of Trump Not Over https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/criminal-investigation-into-trump-and-his-company-continues-as-prosecutors-review-new-evidence-ny-da-says/ar-AAVYBv3 Clear Evidence Of Criminal Intent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2WTObOw1b8 This Is How You Fact Check A Liar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maTdriB6lsk Historians Wrestle With Trump's Legacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P_KaY3arAU Trump 'Groomed' Followers For Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJqqhJXkikI Donald Would Stop At Nothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tuAcRz50uo Trump's Influence Crashes After Media Flops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x34l8lpzxxU Peeling Back The Trump Onion In Georgia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVF6FZ00vqw The Party Of One Came Close To A Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7CHBCz9ARA Trump Is Contempt Personified https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFfH3vdc0BA Donald Is A Black Hole Of Need https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-eaW-GGjjo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump's Fear Of Flying Fruit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiQt1V4QGos Coup Attempt Was ‘Dry Run’ For 2024 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/luttig-warns-trump-coup-2024.html Torching Treasonous, Vengeful Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGzXwQu-ec8 The Don Wanted To Shoot Protesters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzonaaQVfec Trump Wades Into Current Culture Wars https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/politics/2022/may/news-exclusive-everything-i-said-was-right-donald-trump-wades-into-current-culture-wars Georgia Grand Jury Starts Criminal Probe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igm95taUBEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkb78uCbFe4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlcTQU5jfhY Trump Defends His 'Perfect' Georgia Phone Call https://news.yahoo.com/trump-reacts-georgia-grand-jury-155412112.html The Donald's Enthusiasm For State Violence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAfSzVH_MfU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Wanted To ‘Quietly’ Bomb Mexico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8dppGyTEfY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlV5x5Rjx7U Musk Would Overturn Twitter’s Trump Ban https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/elon-musk-reverse-twitter-donald-trump-ban-1235263248/ Trump Waged War On The Democratic Process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8kcavjDmS4 Trump Is The Architect Of The Coup Strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo_pa5W_eYg Trump On Trial: The Question Of Criminality https://www.brookings.edu/research/trump-on-trial/ Cohen Knows What Trump Is Planning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCMpj53HyXw Woodward: Trump ‘Conspired In A Criminal Way' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzTphpQqchk Trump's Frightening Compulsion To Dominate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLVzXO7aStc How Trump Bullied Mike Pence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n086YhxdjBw Only Thing That Mattered Was Loyalty To Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZRviPwF3sY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump's Words Were Seen As A Call To Arms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHraRyOd3gs Kinzinger: 'Donald Trump Is Responsible' https://www.cbsnews.com/news/january-6-committee-hearing-donald-trump-responsible-adam-kinzinger/ Trump's Refusal to Act During 1/6 Attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KuARbvmk-g Evidence Puts Trump At Heart Of Probe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_ziCKi9bvg Et Tu, Ivanka? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/10/opinion/jan-6-hearing.html The Don Melts Down In Truth Social Rant https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-truth-social-jan-6-hearing-ivanka-pence_n_62a352f1e4b0cdccbe4f3f9d Trump: 'Our Country Is In Such Trouble!' https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-reacts-january-6-hearing-capitol-attack-truth-social-1714516 Abusing Legal Process To Promote Big Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKsJRr4dlas Trump’s Secret Plot Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR4k6J8IXHE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Conned His Voters With Big Lie Grift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mi15g-Lkrc Trump Brought ‘Rumor After Rumor’ To Barr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg5-gDFsKCY MAGA  Aide Says 45 Knew He Was Lying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCHWArgsIq8 Michael Cohen Annihilates Trump & Barr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afULKIjdYxU Trump's Grift Bilked Donors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkRtTEMzjeI First Seditious President Of The USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lck4tV7Xao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW0qyGZ-Up8 Trump Demands 'Equal Time' To Refute 'Witch Hunt' https://www.mediaite.com/politics/trump-rages-at-slanderous-jan-6-committee-demands-equal-time-to-spell-out-the-massive-voter-fraud/ A Man & His Mob https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/a-man-and-a-mob-36b Mary Trump On Donald’s Criminal Intent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVhIIJtICFY Trump’s Mob Tactics & 'Rats' Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6DULYzYRVU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Greatest Grifter In The History Of The USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsNhN30KZNw How Trump Exploited His Fans https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/18/donald-trump-election-defense-fundraising-defrauded-fans Trump Has No Plausible Deniability https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/18/opinion/mike-pence-trump-jan-6.html Majority Of Americans Want Trump Indicted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2A2981b7Cs The Time To Put Trump On Trial Is Drawing Near https://www.ft.com/content/7f61bee8-89ce-4126-a71a-197725749f42 The Donald Continues To Build The Case Against Him https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2022/06/trump-continues-to-build-the-jan-6-committees-case-against-him-conservative/ Fox Host Abandons Trump On Air https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkjf5sDJ9Ag Mary Trump Not Shocked By Uncle's Violent Outbursts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqVHobcpWas Trump Linked To Armed Violence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9le-4YZjA Why Trump Always Walks Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSaZnZzYgy0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unhinged Trump's Sloppy Coup Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeBtX-hOEGE Trump Sought To Wield Violence By Loyalists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glZ6uMPs0CI The Don Melts Down Over Hutchinson Testimony https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-melts-down-on-truth-social-over-cassidy-hutchinsons-jan-6-testimony/ar-AAYY9CQ https://occupydemocrats.com/2022/06/28/meltdown-trump-vents-his-anger-after-jan-6-testimony-proves-extremely-damaging/ Why Uncle Donald Throws Food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er20KSoGD-M Trump’s Had Bad Moments, But Few Worse Than This https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-e2-80-99s-had-bad-moments-but-few-worse-than-cassidy-hutchinson-e2-80-99s-testimony/ar-AAYYx4l Trump Wanted To Enter House Chamber With An Armed Mob https://www.alternet.org/2022/06/yale-historian-donald-trump-desperation/ Hutchinson Further Damages Trump’s Reputation https://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2022/06/cassidy-hutchinson-further-damages-donald-trumps-presidents-reputation-your-scribe-apologizes-to-former-president/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hutchinson’s Testimony Should Be The End Of Trump https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/cassidy-hutchinsons-testimony-should-be-the-end-of-donald-trump Trump's Coup Plot Followed A Pre-Existing Script https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pX0u1i_muU Why Was Trump Mixing With An Armed Crowd? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwA3YZ_CZWQ Most Investigated, Least Prosecuted Man In US History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2YXD3C054w The President Lunged At The Steering Wheel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkzWxgq99Gg The Donald Has Humiliating Meltdown On Live TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1m5j1LisLI The Don's ‘Mob Boss’ Playbook May Be Deployed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZkLPSZP3E How To Convict Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6KgTfGkkhk Donald J. Trump, Meanest Of Mean Girls https://www.salon.com/2022/07/02/donald-j-trump-meanest-of-mean-girls-he-isoi-doesnt-want-to-be-our-friend-anymore/ The Don Is ‘Up To His Eyeballs In Criminality’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gVPwnERza4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Panicked Trump Spends Sunday Raging On Truth Social https://realpolitick.com/2022/07/not-normal-panicked-trump-spends-his-sunday-raging-on-truth-social-a-real-loser/ New Jan 6 Documentary Footage Revealed https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/05/trailer-trump-documentary-january-6-committee-holder-00043960 Trump: Jan 6 Panel 'Thugs' Ignoring 'Burning Cities' https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-jan-6-panel-criminal-charges-july-4-burning-down-cities_n_62c30d3ae4b0a21d842a1a2d Is Trump Bracing For Indictment? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NLcrJgWbpU Investigators Inch Closer To Charging Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc4cdCwk32o Trump's ‘Succession-Type Vibe' https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/unprecedented-documentary-filmmaker-alex-holder-jan-6-footage-1235173387/ Possible Trump Ties To Far-Right Militias Examined https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/07/next-jan-6-hearing-trump-far-right-militias I Was Betrayed By President Trump https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/10/opinion/capitol-police-jan-6.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump 'Terrified' As Walls 'Closing In' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-is-terrified-his-white-house-counsel-is-cooperating-with-jan-6-panel-mary-trump/ar-AAZpkkl?li=BBnb7Kz Trump's Jan 6 Actions Were Deliberate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVvMj1bmRZY Witness Trump Called Was WH Support Staffer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNLpfmBmCfY Trump Totally Obsessed With Jan 6 Committee https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-is-totally-obsessed-with-the-january-6-committee/ar-AAZzQeS Be There, Will Be Wild! https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1239063973575572 Why Trump Is 'Desperately Worried' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVYEIjmR9mM Looking Into Trump’s 187 Minutes Of Inaction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R56KDQP6x84 Was Trump ‘Detached From Reality’ – Or Calculating? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/was-trump-detached-from-reality-or-calculating-jan-6-committee-to-cap-case-against-ex-president/ar-AAZMyzf Shocking Moments From ‘Unprecedented’ Documentary https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/unprecedented-donald-trump-jan-6-documentary-discovery-plus-1235312905/ Strongest Evidence Of Guilt: Chart Tracks Trump’s Intent https://www.justsecurity.org/82247/strongest-evidence-of-guilt-chart-tracking-trumps-knowledge-and-intent-in-efforts-to-overturn-the-election/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Will Run For Office To Run From The Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCUnhLVy6QY Trump Campaign Chief Bannon Guilty In Jan 6 Case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DieR1T5AfM https://globalnews.ca/news/9009420/steve-bannon-trial-verdict/ Trump Planned To Falsely Claim Victory In 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTqbK1v3AEc Prime Time Hearing Shows Trump Playing Active Role https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsFZCXHzCN8 Mob Attack Was Intended By The President https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZass85aCfA Trump Sought To Say Most Rioters Acted 'Peacefully' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jan-6-hearing-trump-sought-to-say-most-rioters-acted-peacefully-in-deleted-clip/ar-AAZOSUZ Kinzinger: Trump ‘Chose Not To Act’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydQsq-P7tMw 'I Don't Want To Say The Election Is Over' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kih5hGkx5-M Trump Still Trying To Overturn 2020 Election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mO5fOAnAUE Trump Throws Unhinged Truth Social Tantrum https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-truth-social-jan-6-hearing-1366004/ https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-goes-on-unhinged-rant-following-prime-time-january-6th-hearing/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Ignored Call From Pentagon During Attack https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-ignored-pentagon-call-jan-6-1386637/ Modern Nero Watched Capitol Sacked From Dining Room https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/21/trump-modern-nero-watched-us-capitol-sacked-white-house-dining-room Trump Fired A Bullet Into The Heart Of Democracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K6iq-67Z2I Self-Awareness In Short Supply For Trump https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/26/donald-trump-washington-dc-speech-america-first Biden Tears Into Trump Over Violence Against Police https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/biden-tears-trump-violence-police-hours-ex-president-returns-dc-campai-rcna39860 Woodward & Bernstein: Trump's Political Obituary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EySfcMPxZs Trump Proven Unfit For Power Again https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/trump-proven-unfit-for-power-again https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/this-conservative-editorial-board-just-absolutely-trashed-donald-trump/ar-AAZ2bWo What Would America Under Fascism Look Like? https://hartmannreport.com/p/what-would-an-american-fascist-government 'Incitement By Silence': Murdoch Media Blisters Trump https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/incitement-by-silence-rupert-murdoch-s-newspapers-blister-trump-after-j6-hearings/ar-AAZTVlA Stick A Fork In Trump – The Ex-President Is Done https://www.thedailybeast.com/put-a-fork-in-donald-trump-the-ex-president-is-done?ref=home Donald Trump: American Monster https://www.irishtimes.com/world/americas/2022/06/12/trump-revealed-as-a-true-us-monster/
TREASON TRIBUNAL Meet The Jan 6 Committee Members https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/06/08/january-6-house-committee-members-list/7552965001/ Preliminary Hearing 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnFSSyoNu_k Top Moments Of The 2022 Hearings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py2XbbB4EzQ Public Hearing #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5Lo3lNO6JE Jan 6 Hearing Structured Like A Trial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGRIpGw1luw January 6th Was Trump's Plan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aybAvfnc7KI 'It Was Carnage, It Was Chaos' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/capitol-police-officer-says-it-was-carnage-it-was-chaos-during-jan-6-testimony/ar-AAYhZmd The Riot Was An ‘Attempted Coup’ https://www.mlive.com/news/2022/06/us-capitol-riot-on-jan-6th-an-attempted-coup-prime-time-hearing-told.html Officer Dunn Sheds Tears Watching Footage https://www.huffpost.com/entry/harry-dunn-jan-6-hearing_n_62a29a48e4b04a61734c6896 Trump Didn't Make A Single Phone Call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=368xvHBDMeA The Don's Allies Implicate Him https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/at-first-hearing-jan-6-panel-uses-trumps-allies-to-lay-out-case-against-him/ar-AAYhk4p How Fox Tried To Spin The Hearing https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/heres-how-fox-and-newsmax-tried-to-spin-the-january-6-committees-first-prime-time-hearing/ar-AAYhWT8 Dispelling The Thick Fog Of Propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prX93HS8IbY The Truth Won Last Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADCXg-qrz_0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Committee Warns Democracy 'In Danger' https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/jan-hearing-key-takeaways-committee-warns-democracy-danger/story?id=85302189 'This Case Could Be Tried' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtIBe8u_phY Tears, Tissues, T-Shirts https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/tears-tissues-t-shirts-what-it-was-like-in-the-hearing-room-during-the-jan-6-committee-hearing/ar-AAYiddW The Legal Legacy Of The Civil War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdct_1p58Ic When Have We Ever Seen A Coup Like This? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzR2rVKwrK4 DC Still Recovering From That Awful Day https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-jan-6-hearing-laid-bare-how-dc-is-still-recovering-from-that-awful-day/ar-AAYk18x This Was A Scheme, Not A Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e71qWO2pxBI Truth Versus Alternative Facts https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/10/the-guardian-view-on-the-january-6-committee-hearing-truth-v-alternative-facts The Hearings Could Change Republican Minds https://newsletters.theatlantic.com/the-third-rail/62a3496595033600218a4dbb/january-6-committee-hearings-trump-republicans/ Committee Still Has Surprises In Store https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/10/capitol-attack-hearing-analysis-trump-pence Set-Piece TV Can Still Pack A Punch https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/10/primetime-january-6-tv-hearings-us-capitol-attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearing #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBjc8rTcOY8 Fox News Switches To Airing The Hearings https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/watch/why-fox-started-covering-the-jan-6-hearings/vi-AAYpG2m?category=foryou Trump's Inner Circle Tried To Reason With Him https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2022/06/13/second-Jan-6-hearing-Trump-overturn-election/3971655068074/ ‘The Big Lie Was Also A Big Rip-Off' https://www.grid.news/story/politics/2022/06/13/january-6-hearings-day-2-the-big-lie-was-also-a-big-rip-off/ Trump Took Advice From Inebriated Giuliani https://www.indy100.com/politics/trump-rudy-giuliani-drunk-election A $250 Million Trump Con https://upnorthnewswi.com/2022/06/13/a-250-million-trump-con-six-key-takeaways-from-jan-6-committee-hearing-no-2/ Drunk Rudy & 2000 Debunked Mules https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-drunk-rudy-giuliani-bill-barr-ridicules-2000-mules-and-other-jan-6-hearings-day-2-highlights/ar-AAYpFhl Jan 6 Panel Says Trump Fleeced His Base https://health.wusf.usf.edu/2022-06-13/jan-6-panel-says-trump-fleeced-his-base-and-5-other-takeaways-from-the-2nd-hearing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearing #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD3wpyVmciE A Clear & Present Danger To Mike Pence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQzhJoZi1eQ Evidence Of Trump's Pressure On Pence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnt5UfWeBH8 New Details About Pence’s Terrifying Day https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/16/jan-6-committee-reveals-new-details-about-pences-terrifying-day/ hearings have revealed a ton of new material https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/heres-everything-weve-learned-from-the-january-6-committee-hearings-so-far/ar-AAYyNDy Pure 100-Proof Fascism, Completely Lawless https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2022/06/pure-100-proof-fascism-morning-joe-panel-hammers-completely-lawless-trump-election-plot-revealed-in-new-emails/ Trump Responds Defiantly To Jan 6 Hearings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DaCahQOfRg The Don Handed 'A Death Sentence' To Pence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDu8qZV-UPk Trump Calls Hearings A 'Disgraceful Performance' https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-fires-back-jan-committee-calls-hearings-disgraceful/story?id=85463648 Committee Makes A Criminal Referral – Its Own Way https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-jan-6-select-committee-makes-a-criminal-referral-%E2%80%94-its-own-way/ar-AAYz7zZ What Took Pence So Long To Do Right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZUTrru7b64 How To Trump-Proof The 2024 Election https://newrepublic.com/article/166843/january-6-trump-pence-luttig-electoral-count-act Jan 6 Committee Has Masterfully Trapped Trump https://www.rawstory.com/the-house-january-6th-select-committee-has-masterfully-trapped-donald-trump/ Trump Isolated As The Bad Actor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnxU5nCo_vM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearing #4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyDxH8mb2do 'There Were No Votes To Find' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10938891/Adam-Schiff-gets-prosecuting-Trump-latest-Jan-6th-hearing.html 'I Do Not Want To Be A Winner By Cheating' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bn_3fu8wCM Election Workers Recall Threats To Family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23dn9VXWCsg https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/election-worker-remembers-death-threats-after-trump-s-fraud-claims-be-glad-it-s-not-1920/ar-AAYImfN#image=AAYyZzS|12 Lady Ruby: 'I Felt Homeless' https://www.11alive.com/video/news/politics/ruby-freeman-i-felt-homeless-when-fbi-told-her-she-needed-to-leave-home-for-safety/85-1a51ed87-7384-4948-944b-ece3cd7cc129 Public Hearing #5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjMNdMqxuiQ How Trump Nearly Subverted Justice Department https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/06/january-6-hearing-day-five-trump-doj-2020-election Key Takeaways From DOJ Testimonies https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/23/politics/january-6-hearing-day-5-takeaways/index.html https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/5-key-takeaways-from-fifth-january-6-capitol-riot-hearing/ar-AAYNxWX Trump's Plan To Topple The Justice Department https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/miss-day-5-of-the-jan-6-hearing-trumps-plan-to-topple-the-justice-department-and-more/ar-AAYNOZB Hearings Could Lead To Criminal Charges https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jan-6-hearings-could-stymie-trump-s-attempt-to-delegitimize-criminal-charges/ar-AAYSAow ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearing #6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGe_C9Rbeak Top Takeaways From Surprise Witness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbaDqd76XKA An Exemplary, Courageous Witness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t56BBO8dix8 Cassidy Hutchinson Highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGtpFly2Q48 From Trusted Insider To Explosive Witness https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cassidy-hutchinson-e2-80-99s-path-from-trusted-insider-to-explosive-witness/ar-AAYYxmN All The Bombshells Cassie Dropped https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/all-the-bombshells-cassidy-hutchinson-dropped-about-trump-and-jan-6/ar-AAYXXfI Trump Aides Vouch For Hutchinson https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/as-trump-rails-at-cassidy-hutchinsons-jan-6-testimony-other-aides-vouch-for-her/ar-AAYYrJC Witness Tampering & Obstructions Of Justice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6TnUwX2m9I A Data & Information Cluster Bomb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmSkZN9G3Nk Star Witness Imperils ‘Criminal’ Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa3hOkAd70w AOC: Pardon-Seekers Should Be Expelled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6cv-XNwXBk Trump Coup Nightmare: 'Devastating' Smoking Gun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOcZRxBwZ1k Why A Surprise Hearing Was Critical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-kPUFN5cVE Witness Tampering By Mob Boss Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocYkJ_XBKGQ 'When You Try A Coup, You Have To Pay' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBi1ygbzdiI Cheney Rebukes 'Dangerous & Irrational' Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Gv7PauPhAl ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Americans Are Watching The Hearings https://sports.yahoo.com/20-million-people-saw-primetime-100051287.html Cracks In The GOP Armor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUGYzUoTnh8 An Ominous Warning Of The Demise Of A Great Tradition https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article262731102.htm Will this Finally Bring Down The Cult Of Trump? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/28/opinion/trump-jan-6-hearing.html This Hearing Is About As Historic As It Gets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5YcoWjkSto Case for Prosecuting Trump Just Got Much Stronger https://frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/the-case-for-prosecuting-donald-trump Lofgren: We Won't Allow Intimidation Of Witnesses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jagp7cXw8kM Trump Could Use 'OJ Simpson Defence' If Charged https://www.indy100.com/politics/trump-6-january-committee-testimony Threats Of Violence From Trump Supporters https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1544331441135386624 Grand Jury Subpoenas Giuliani & Eastman https://www.ajc.com/politics/fulton-grand-jury-subpoenas-giuliani-graham-trump-confidantes/POUNSTTUXZDGDB3D5LKA7TIQQM/ How Likely Are Criminal Charges For Trump? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/01/trump-january-6-hearing-testimony-doj-criminal-charges Mulvaney: Republicans Should Pay Attention https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article263174168.html Cheney: Multiple Criminal Referrals Of Trump Possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJzdMLccRZ4 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/07/03/jan6-trump-criminal-referrals-cheney/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cipollone Testimony ‘A Very Good Development’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x8PB26Cb_M Could Cipollone Be The John Dean Of Jan 6? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iKd0Lm8iG8 MAGA 'Hearsay' Defense Crumbles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-phy7hUE28 6 Questions I Hope Pat Cipollone Answered https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/6-questions-i-hope-pat-cipollone-answered/ar-AAZnbo8 Trump Lawyer Warned Of White House Felonies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyeBuDmHePM It’s Been A Bad Week For Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KboZ--xCFTM How Trump Has Been Consuming Jan 6 Hearings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmTtPkRwXxc Trump's Possible Ties To Militia Groups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyKV4yEz6v0 Bannon Cooperates Amid Growing Evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVQGLrNZbgw New Report On Jan 6 Mob's Weapons   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZvRD3Y-i_o Bannon Should Not Get A Public Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb8LBlYti7Q Next Hearing To Focus On Far-Right Militia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrD1f58_yJs Proud Boys To Take Center Stage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20OysmNdOpo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearing #7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7__28iw20 Top January 6 Reveals From Day 7 https://www.businessinsider.com/tamper-trouble-for-trump-unhinged-oval-office-tuesdays-hearing-reveals-2022-7 Trump Associates Tied To Violent Extremists https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-jan-6-committee-extremists_n_62cd883fe4b094232780b0eb The Craziest Meeting In The Trump Presidency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35R3bSsMZiA When All Else Failed, Trump Turned To Jan 6 Mob https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/when-all-else-failed-trump-turned-to-the-january-6-mob/ar-AAZvghg Trump’s Dangerous ‘Call to Arms’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jan-6-panel-lays-out-donald-trumps-dangerous-call-to-arms https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-7th-jan-6-public-hearing-homed-in-on-how-trump-invited-extremists-to-washington/ar-AAZvA1O Trump's ‘Random Riot’ Defense Crumbles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6goWJbCYy4 'Lies, Deceit & Snake Oil [Almost] Started New Civil War' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/lies-deceit-and-snake-oil-jan-6-hearing-witness-says-trump-claims-might-have-started-a-new-civil-war/ar-AAZuD5Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Tried To Contact Jan 6 Witness https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-tried-to-contact-jan-6-witness-liz-cheney-reveals-at-end-of-hearing Rioter Ayres Apologizes To Capitol Police https://twitter.com/JaxAlemany/status/1546948281997340672 Former Oath Keepers Media Director Speaks Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df9nXPMt6to ‘Unhinged’ Pivotal Meeting Led To The Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDZ3__-PblI Trump Aide Bannon Faces Two Years In Prison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo0uvS3XIGE What Jan 6 Committee Needs to Ask In Big Finale https://www.yahoo.com/video/jan-6-committee-needs-ask-231909334.html January 6 Insurrection: Minute-By-Minute https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/10/politics/jan-6-us-capitol-riot-timeline/index.html Next Jan 6 Hearing Will Be In Prime Time https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/18/politics/january-6-primetime-hearing-explainer/index.html Trump White House Officials Expected To Testify https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/two-trump-white-house-officials-expected-testify-prime-time-jan-6-hear-rcna38832 Power In Chaos: Bannon Disrupting Democracy https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2022/07/politics/steve-bannon-us-democracy/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Service Under Fire Over Deleted Jan 6 Texts https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/19/national-archives-deleted-jan-6-secret-service-texts-00046552 https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/watch/jan-6-committee-deleted-secret-service-texts-may-have-violate-federal-records-act-144458309548 https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/jan-6-committee-says-secret-service-started-handing-over-records-e2-80-94but-agency-may-have-broken-law/ar-AAZNgUP Next Hearing To Focus On Threat To Democracy https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/rep-elaine-luria-prepares-to-lead-jan-6-committee-hearing-focusing-on-threat-to-democracy/ar-AAZNiSE Jan 6 Committee May Call Out Pro-MAGA Lawmakers https://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-jan-6-committee-plans-013824717.html Secret Service Text Deletion Scandal Deepens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez7LdU_pJSg Kinzinger: Trump’s SUV Outburst Corroborated https://www.thebulwark.com/jan-6th-committee-corroborates-trumps-suv-outburst/ This Is So Much Worse Than Watergate https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/29/opinions/jan-6-cassidy-hutchinson-worse-than-watergate-hemmer/index.html Trump ‘100% Committed Crimes’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwbsCmzHRMk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearing #8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9nY48Ncdq0 Takeaways From Jan 6 Hearing Day 8 https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/21/politics/january-6-hearing-day-8-takeaways/index.html https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/two-takeaways-from-thursdays-jan-6-us-capitol-riot-hearing/ar-AAZQvmD Hawley's Sprint, Donnie's Outtakes, & Clark Kent   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOgjE7RdYZc Congressional Leaders Salvaged Democracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHFatDHEaJg Gutless Wonder Ran From The Mob He Cheered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-WdqFHci_Y Jan 6 Attack ‘Emboldened Our Enemies' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaqCVEioFDE Secret Service Texts Are Like Nixon's Lost Tapes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5egiGwPjIbg 'Not Just Dereliction, But Depravity' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcezgtI5pUY Commander-In-Chief Of The Insurrection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V8cDE4SiSQ The Jan 6 Hearings Are Wounding Trump https://news.yahoo.com/accumulation-jan-6-hearings-wounding-083000217.html Jan 6 Hearings Plot A Roadmap To Autocracy https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/23/january-6-hearings-us-democracy-roadmap-autocracy Liz Cheney's Fiery Closing Statement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlRnBAiGsl0
INCITEMENTS TO INDICTMENTS John Dean Calls For Feds To Indict Trump https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2022/03/john-dean-calls-for-feds-to-take-over-manhattan-das-halted-investigation-and-indict-trump/ Garland Under Pressure To Charge Trump https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/10/merrick-garland-charge-donald-trump-january-6 Biggest Failure Of A US Attorney General? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaFgau7ylHY The DOJ Must Prosecute Trump https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/prosecute-trump-january-6-doj/670511/ DOJ Now Investigating Trump Officials https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/-significant-and-long-overdue-schiff-on-reports-of-doj-expanding-jan-6-probe-136620101630 https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/doj-reportedly-investigating-officials-in-donald-trump-s-orbit-tied-to-january-6th-136733765521 A Clear Sign The DOJ Is Investigating Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LcL65AN_Pk There's Enough For DOJ To Open Trump Case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoG_9SM-Inw The DOJ Must Now Pursue Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzWoUAM2oS4 'We Trust The Attorney General' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOIVpDI0iwo DOJ Has Super Powers Compared To Committee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQqZgw5gxZ0 DOJ Must Fill Gap In Evidence Against Trump https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-07-20/jan-6-committee-justice-department-donald-trump-prosecution Garland's Silence On Trump Is Eroding Our Trust https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/jan-6-hearing-witnesses-prove-trump-s-criminal-intent-n1297424 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 6 Committee Has Given DOJ A Trial Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL-wMsf3aBg Garland: All Jan 6 Criminals Will Be Held Accountable https://www.politicalflare.com/2022/07/single-best-thing-merrick-garland-has-said-as-a-g-everyone-responsible-for-j6-will-face-prosecution/ Former Trump Insiders React To Prime Time Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2ZhVnzObA0 Cheney Exposes Fox News Audience To Jan 6 Truth https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-sunday-miracle-fox-news-audience-exposed-to-jan-6-truth-during-liz-cheney-interview/ar-AAZUXTX DOJ Investigating The Donald's Closest Allies https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/26/politics/justice-department-pence-short-jacob-trump-grand-jury/index.html Autocrats On The March From Moscow To Mar-A-Lago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE7v6bngN_k DOJ Now Investigating Trump's Role In Jan 6 Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrAMjl3WpDw Don't Buy The Secret Service Excuses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCjN96uOriU DOJ Conducting Probe Into Trump’s Jan 6 Actions https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/07/26/trump-justice-investigation-january-6/ Trump Is 'Like Houdini,' But He Has Met His Match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_TwGNoK_FE DOJ Homes In On Trump Efforts To Overturn Vote https://news.yahoo.com/justice-department-probe-homes-trump-231820090.html DOJ's Jan 6 Trump Investigation Is A Criminal Probe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46PX1S8KWq0 DOJ Probe Into 1/6 Is Making Major Strides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxQqS65vIy0 DOJ's Criminal Probe Of Trump Is Big News https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/07/27/big-news-doj-investigating-trump-criminal-probe-jan-6-attack The Most Wide Ranging Investigation In DOJ History https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/merrick-garland-not-rule-prosecuting-trump-jan-6-rcna40092 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DOJ Has Multiple Possible Paths To Trump Indictments https://news.yahoo.com/doj-multiple-possible-paths-trump-205618454.html Trump's Living MAGA TV Nightmare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWq9j01aEsc Breaking Down DOJ's Probe Into Trump’s Actions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMOE_XikETA Garland Doesn't Lie: DOJ Is Targeting Trump https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/column-garland-doesnt-lie-%E2%80%94-the-justice-department-is-targeting-trump/ar-AA101KiJ Leaks Of DOJ's Criminal Investigation Will Keep Coming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShG3JIs5et8 FBI Agents Conduct Surprise Raid On Mar-a-Lago https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11093449/FBI-agents-raid-Mar-Lago-Trump-says-home-siege-agents.html FBI Action Sparks Unhinged MAGA Tweets https://gizmodo.com/9-unhinged-tweets-fbi-raid-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-1849388563 FBI Search Focused On 15 Boxes From White House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8pIuu4mF4g Violent Comments Flood Far-Right Forums https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyyeoP4uooc Karma Boomerang For A Narcissistic Sociopath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsG2X1Mq_qU A Litany Of Excuses For A Legacy Of Corruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcyp8ufmBWE Public Hearing #9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBmE16yFQqc Pelosi On Jan 6: 'I'm Gonna Punch Him Out!' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwqFYvCQBAk Over To You, Garland https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1096004144370986 Final Public Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Uz0zoG_UM Consequences For The Donald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-hRybZy7tM
CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER: A POTUS ABSENT WITHOUT LAW https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/657180468385546240/resistance-tribute-part-1-clear-present-danger CIVIL WAR JUST AIN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/652682070929326081/trumpery-swan-song-act-3-civil-war-just-aint DA GANG DAT COULDN’T COUP STRAIGHT https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/639339651499474944/photo-gallery-the-coup-before-christmas-meets ANTIFA ARTS THERAPY FOR USA’S DAY OF RECKONING https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/672616628600635392/antifa-arts-therapy-for-usas-day-of-reckoning
Credits: Image #2 painted by Mark Bryan Douglas Wood website: https://douglaswood.com/
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kmurphy77 · 20 days
Day 16 Saturday, June 1st
Alfamatejo and Granada Spain
Our trip is coming to a close. This was our last day of actual sightseeing. We left Costa del Sol for a small village of less than 90 people, Alfamatejo. This is a farming community surrounded by fields of wheat and olive groves.
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We had a tour of an olive oil “factory”. We learned about the process of turning olives into olive oil and got to taste some of the results. It was very nice. Our local guide was a transplanted Englishman and was very entertaining.
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After the tour we were treated to lunch at the house of a local. The lunch was made personally by the pleasant woman with local and very fresh ingredients. It was a bit of insight into the daily life in this small community. The food was delicious and the woman was a gracious host. Definitely a unique experience.
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Then it was on to Granada and a tour of the popular attraction, a palace/fortress/citadel built by the Moors in the 13th century, Alhambra. It is elaborately decorated in the Moorish style and has several palaces within palaces. It also has extensive gardens, fountains and a summer palace where Spanish Royals stayed.
The Alhambra was lovely, the weather was hot and the day long but it was a great experience. Our day ended with a walk to the old section of Granada and mass in a beautiful church. Tomorrow on to Madrid and the end of our trip.
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