#lovely writer ep12
airenyah · 3 months
yeah the problem was def mhok pitying day and not mhok living through the trauma of losing his sister, yeah, uh-huh, yup, that checks out 💀💀💀
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waitmyturtles · 9 months
I am actually flipping out, my heart doing a little 2021 THUD-THUMP-FLIP, at the thought of Nubsib LEANING IT to FAKING a relationship with Aoey to GET BACK AT AOEY. THE LEVELS.
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scarefox · 2 years
Yea, I really don’t trust the whole happy go lucky ending of this episode when we still have a whole ass finale in front of us 👀
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palepersonaturtle · 7 months
Rewatching some scenes of Shinyu and Hongjo and i have to say their realtionship progression after they started dating in ep 11 is so well written i mean yes it is not perfect but it is near perfect for me.
Especially the fact that it is not only that they are in love with each other but there is desire/passion(sexual) in between them which is expressed not only by their actions but also by their words which imo many kdramas lack in that part. And i am glad that the writers didnt shy away in showing us the sexual tension between the couple in their realtionship.
And it is right from ep4 okay when shinyu was like "if it is not kiss that can break the curse then is it...?" Shinyu was down bad horny okay.
One more example is that noncon kiss in ep7. I mean yes that was problematic and he deserved to be punched. But he was eager to show his feelings and desire to hongjo and wanted to know how she felt about him. Also his imaginary kiss and bed scene
And most importantly this desire was mutual. Hongjo was attracted to him too. She very much gave into that kiss in ep6 but alas shinyu slept. She was frustrated. The next day she is like "you were terrible at it"
And it gets more interesting when start dating
They are comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed the same night they get into relationship. Hong jo very much wanted to be with him you can see how she was frustrated when he didnt come to her room. Also love the way Shinyu was testing the waters with the whole "if you say another word i wont stay still..." dialogue. See she was shy but not scared of it.
And throughout ep11 and ep12 we can see that their is a mutual sexual tension between them. Also i love how Hong jo is able to show her desire too. She actively asks kisses from him, tries to seduce him in his office which shows that being single all through her doesnt mean she has to be naive in the physical intimacy part of their relationship. Yes as her first time in a relationship she gets shy and giddy but she has desires and she is very much aware about it too.
About, their breakup, i know people were like there comes the noble idiocy of ep13 but i actually enjoyed it. It is the way they showcased their longing for each other. Particularly, when shinyu gets drunk. It is the way he hugged her, nuzzled into her neck and smelled her. He not only missed her emotionally but also missed their hugs and kisses. And same for hong jo too that little smile she gives before being sad again and the way she gave into that hug. She indulges him not only for him but also for herself.
And so for me their reunion was much more sweeter and earned because the curse is gone now the main barrier between their relationship.
That spiderman kiss on the couch. Many people are like hong jo got shy. But i personally felt that she (and him too btw) actually was so turned on at that point that if she hadnt stopped it would have escalated into some thing more and which wasnt good for shinyu since he was injured. Same when they were sleeping together, look at the way hong jo is smiling and shinyu's gaze lingers on her lips.
Now on to the main lovemaking scene. That was planned mutually by them okay i mean not verbally but they both knew what was gonna happen and they both wanted it. Their phone conversation says it all. Also the way he was like "take your time to change" and then she comes wearing his white shirt when could have wore any comfortable tshirt of his. They didnt knew it was gonna happen right at that moment but tgey knew they knew that this was the night. And i loved that because it was consensual and it wasnt just heat of the moment. It felt very much earned and sweeter.
And throughout ep16 we can see that how much they both enjoy the physical intimacy and are pretty much normal about it now. Him saying that he cannot sleep w/o her. She jumping on him taking charge. It all feels natural with them
Lastly, it also shows the contrast with the relationship shinyu had with nayeon. You see he never felt any attraction towards her that he never felt the need to even hold her hands.
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hailarabbit281 · 1 month
Shirlulu hints from Lelouch of the Rebellion Exhibition Pamphlet Book
I don't know Japanese so it's done by all Google Translate. If anyone knows Japanese and would like to translate these, please feel free to do so
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Pretty and lively. Although she is busy with both the swimming club and the student council, her eyes are always fixed on Lelouch. She notices the dangerous expression he sometimes shows, and no matter what difficulties she faces, her feelings for him always win out in the end.
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好きという気持ちは強制されて成立するものではない。分かってはいる。だけどカップル認定してもらえるのなら、誰もが思 いを寄せる人の元へ走るのではないか。ミレイによって開かれた「キューピッドの日」。シャーリーはルルーシュを追った。彼 のいそうな場所へ・・・・・・。そして2人はとても自然に、イベント内でカップルとなった。
Feelings of love cannot be forced. Everyone knows that. But if they could be recognized as a couple, wouldn't everyone run to the person they have a crush on? Milly held "Cupid's Day." Shirley followed Lelouch. To the place where he was likely to be... And the two of them became a couple very naturally during the event.
Personal note: I like how it's obvious to the student body and very natural/expected for them to become a couple. There are always these cases where two people evidently care about each other enough for everyone around to think "It wouldn't be a surprise if they started dating any time soon", and Lelouch and Shirley is one example of such cases, showing that Shirley's feelings were definitely not one-sided at all.
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いつもそばにいた。平和な世界の象徴だった。疎 ましく思ったこともある。だけどそれは、本当に心 を許せる相手だったから。ありのままでいられる 相手だった。代わりの存在などどこにもいない。 目の前で消えていくその声を、姿をただ、見てい ることしかできなかった。ギアスは命を奪ってい く。大切な人を奪っていく。
Don't die, don't die!
She was always by his side. She was a symbol of a peaceful world. There were times when he felt lonely, but that was because she was someone he could truly open up to. She was someone he could be himself with. There is no replacement for her. All he could do was to watch her voice and figure disappearing before his eyes. Geass takes away lives. Taking away someone important to you.
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ギアスのためにシャーリーを失った悲しみがルルーシュの中で憎悪へ変換さ れ、その矛先がギアス嚮団に向けられた。
Lelouch's grief over losing Shirley to Geass transformed into hatred, and he directed that hatred at the Geass Order.
The script writer direction of the work
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Script by Ichiro Okouchi
I had decided to make the main character of my new show a cool hero.
He has supernatural powers, is full of talent, and has a great appearance. A super character who seems to have the whole world in his hands.
But even though he has everything, he can't get the things that are close to him that everyone else can have.
I wrote Lelouch as a boy with such a curse.
He has the absolute power of Geass, and is a great villain who has access to organizations, military power, power, and eventually even the world.
But he can't get small human happiness - friendship, family, or a lover. He has access to everything else.
But in the end, he gets friendship and a family.
In exchange for his life...
That was the character of Lelouch that I had in mind when I first started planning the show.
I worked on the character with the director and many other staff members, and it took the form of an animation.
How did it reach you all?
The trajectory of Lelouch exhibited here exceeded my initial imagination, becoming much more expansive and richer, almost like the life of a single person.
I believe this exhibition will not be complete until all of you who know Lelouch have seen it.
Thank you all for coming to see Lelouch this time.
I hope to be able to repay this gratitude by one day appearing before you all in person.
CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion
Personal note: In the OG anime series, Shirley is the only one that becomes Lelouch 's girlfriend after the Cupid Day event (if you listen to the outro of R2 Ep12, you will hear Lelouch trying to balance his Zero acitivies and planning out his date with Shirley at the same time). Lelouch has always taken Shirley's feelings seriously, and that's why he erased her love for him in R1 ( to relieve her of the pain he had caused her for killing her father) and then in R2, he didn't want to let Shirley take his hat at first out of fear of getting her involved in his shit again.
I have always taken Lelouch's vehement "NO!" when Shirley accused him of not being serious when he said that he liked her as him admitting that he liked her, just that he was being weighed down by many dangerous things to properly reciprocate her feelings. But Lelouch gave in to Shirley's straightforward sincerity, accepted Shirley's feelings and his own feelings as well at the end of the Cupid Day event.
And guess what, Shirley was taken away from him immediately in the next episode. And it's clearly the intention of the script writer: Lelouch seemed to have the whole world in his hands, seemed to have everything, except for the little normal happiness like friendship, family, or a lover. In the end, he got friendship (Suzaku) and family (Nunally), in exchange for his life. Notice that the "lover" part is still missing? Because Shirley is gone...
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jakowskis · 20 days
Day 13 - Favorite ship(s)? Any Torchwood OTPs? Go ahead, gush about them!
dude i multiship so hard in this fandom i dont think there’s a single combination i havent thought of + found a way to enjoy, and that extends to trios. AND i like tw poly. i am mashing them together like barbie dolls. i am having sm fun here in my room
even the ones i don’t exactly “like” still make me Feel Things (more on that later), and even the ones i tend to prefer as friends (more on that later, too), i can still see it if i want to yknow. that’s what’s fun about the slutty bisexy show! woo! they all compel me. 
nonetheless, here are the pairings i like the most, ranked by how often i think of them + how insane they make me. im not gonna gush a ton, actually, bc i get annoyed w how much i talk, so ill keep every explanation under 15 words
owen x ianto: I Want Them Covered in Blood Together (Gnashing My Teeth) (by fall out boy)
owen x andy: golden retriever boyfriend for owen bc sometimes it’s nice to not be angsty (gooseberry who?)
owen x jack: i dont know how they make me feel but they make me feel Something :/
ianto x tosh: THEY’D BE SO CUTE they’d be precious that’s all
tosh x andy: see above. tosh deserves a sweet bf (there are no girls to ship her with 😔)
owen x suzie: they’re mirrors, they’re the same… they intrigue me. also Hawt xD (im bi)
owen x gwen: better as besties imho but im still a bi moron who’s not immune
jack x ianto: overrated imho BUT i do still like them. sigh. dead line speech wahhh
gwen x rhys: i love their relationship troubles n the way it grounds the show. theyre cute
jack x the doctor: sending jack off to harass the doctor so the team can Rest (+ Im Compelled)
jack x gwen: they compel me a little. a teeny bit. not too much but a little
(can u tell i like owen ships. he just has such fascinating relationships w everyone)
ok i lied ill say a couple things. firstly my otp being owento… i’ve talked a bit about it but in brief it started out because i can't resist having at least one enemies/rivals to lovers ship per fandom and ep12 blew my mind a little - and then something just Clicked and they somehow achieved top ten ships of all time status in my brain?? idk what happened there. i usually go for canon-based ships, so having one that kind of lacks substance in the source media (allegedly; i think they’re fruity in canon. but u know what i mean like theyre not ‘canon’ in a show where there is in fact gay TEXT rather than just the subtextual shit theyre doing yanno) and is largely a beast of my own creation (+ the influence of the wonderful handful of fic writers we’ve had over the years) has been rlly fun. 
im largely preoccupied with those two, but i’ve found jack + his relationship with ianto kind of inherently haunts owen x ianto… if you’ve read my fic you know what i mean by that. i can’t see owento existing on its own, like janto fundamentally co-exists next to it so i have to take it into account, and then jack and owen also have a fascinating relationship so i’ve kind of just ended up spending a lot of time thinking about and figuring out owen x ianto x jack in all combinations, because there’s a lot of fascinating stuff going on there from every end. introducing owen to the equation also kind of… ig redeems janto for me, bc i found them offensively underwhelming in s1 and s2. they should be dark and fucked up, and they’re not. owen kind of… brings smth dark and fucked up to the table, and a lot of why i like shipping him with ianto is bc they bring shit out of each other - and owen, for his part, is capable of bringing out ianto’s repressed rage and forcing him to deal with things he’d rather try to compartmentalize and ignore… i find that super compelling, and i also find it useful for breaking down my issues with how jack & ianto’s relationship is initially presented. like, he’s a handy narrative tool for that hfsdjkf. point is, whether i like it or not, jack and his relationships with my girlies (owen n ianto are the girlies <3) is kind of also an intrinsic part of what most of my fixation-oriented brain power goes into thinking about. i’ve been developing this huge fic ‘verse fdhfjk.... Im Very Tired
sometimes i like fun, though, which is what’s behind a lot of those other ships. i’m generally into very dark + angsty + psychological themes, but sometimes fluff and domesticity and occasional silliness is nice, and that’s what’s behind owandy (i have an au where they meet before owen dies) and iantosh (+ gwen x rhys) as my sort of… alternative endgame. my comfort ‘au’. not an au, exactly, but an alternative fluffier world to the darker owento-based one i’ve crafted and spend most of my time thinking about fdshkfj. i also like sending jack off to go bother the doctor, in this ‘au’, because unfortunately i don’t think he’s conductive to the team’s happiness. i think he needs to find his own way to heal and that should probs include the doctor, considering how obsessed jack is with them + how much he needs to unpack All That Shit he has going on before he can be any sort of truly positive force in the lives of the tw team. so for now he’s banned from the polycule for jack crimes. listen, i love that torchwood’s inherently sad and dark and lonely, it’s what compels me, and i’m ultimately glad that’s the core of the show - but it doesn’t have to be. sometimes i enjoy a nicer alternative. i think they could fix it. and that’s what fandom + fanfic is for. 
i also have several ot3s i enjoy, mostly owen ones. i think he deserves a bf + a gf, i think it’d fix him. put that bitch in a bisexual sandwich and maybe he'd behave. in particular, i love owen x tosh x ianto, it’s the only place i ship owen/tosh bc i think ianto would keep owen in check and they’d all better each other. i love owen x tosh x andy for similar reasons. can you tell the four characters im biased towards fhdskj. (i love gwen just as much but she’s kind of doing her own thing with just rhys and jack imo fdkfjsd. perhaps torchwood is composed of two polycules and jack is the link between both of them)
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gunsatthaphan · 9 months
~ Thai BL Favorites List ~
I was tagged by the lovely @thatgirl4815 thank youuu!! 🥰 I haven’t done one of these in a while lol. 
Favorite Thai BL: So we’re going with the hardest question first, great djkghf. I can’t pick one all-time favorite but my current top 3 are The Eclipse, Lovely Writer and Not Me I think.  
Favorite Pairing: FK are my main babes but I also love JaFirst, EarthMix, JoongDunk and a few others. 
Most underrated actor: never gonna shut up about how versatile Tommy S. is and how the world has been sleeping on him for years lol but unfortunately he’s kind of retired atm so yeah. a crime. 
Favorite Character: Again, can’t pick one but at the moment Max & Pisaeng from BMF are my spirit animals lol the writers did a fantastic job with them and Gawin and Aou are mastering the portrayal imo. 
Favorite Side Character: Jade from Bed Friend. 100%. He’s my best boy. Can’t wait for Middleman’s Love 🥺 
Favorite scene in a BL: One that's been living in my head rent-free for 2 years now is the piano scene from Lovely Writer ep12. Them sitting by the piano in matching outfits and Gene telling Sib “I keep loving you more, more than you love me” is my cue to sob fjdkgkdf I love that part so so much. 
Favorite line in a BL: “keep looking at me like that..” HAH just kidding. I can’t think of one right now.  
Most Anticipated BL (& why): Only Friends for very obvious reasons djkghdf. I’m also really excited for Dangerous Romance though!!! I feel like PerthChimon are a good match, I just hope it won’t be bro central station lmao. 
Healthiest relationship in a BL: I always thought LeoFiat from DSN had a very green flaggy relationship lol - I really appreciated their levels of communication and mutual respect. 
Most toxic relationship in a BL: Shin and Keng from The Effect. Not only is this easily the worst bl I have ever seen but the level of toxicity and the romanticization of ass*lt, r*pe and gaslighting is beyond my understanding. Stay far away from this drama please. 
Guilty pleasure series: At the moment Be Mine Superstar lol it’s so trashy and full of crack but I’m obsessed with it lmao. Highly recommend. 
thanks again for the tag this was fun! I’m passing it on to @leonpob @boun-prem @laowen @firstkanaphans @firstkpp @akkayanmisser @firstyok @khaotunq @k-white and everyone else who’s in the mood!! 
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timotey · 2 months
Hey timotey i must say i love your ficlets about phayatharn ♥️♥️ so i was wondering can you write a ficlet about phayatharn smut after they reunited in ep12 ending? But i needed it to be like… Angry f***? Obviously tharn had no choice to leave phaya but phaya cant help but get angry with tharn because tharn left him alone for a whole year without knowing that tharn was alive or not. All these anger, fear, longing burst out of phaya and he wants to punish tharn. And tharn understands phaya's feelings and let him? I think that would be hot and on point thinking about their sex dynamic. I wanna write one but i am not a good writer so i am asking you 😭🙏
Hehe, I'm not sure I can even write angry sex. I'm always all about mush when it comes to smut. And them feels. But I can see Phaya needing to possess Tharn again - and for Tharn to feel possessed - making Tharn feel being back. Gosh, I really love their Dom/sub relationship *happy sigh*
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thatgirl4815 · 7 months
hi elle! first of all, i loooove your analyses and i've been checking your blog religiously after ep7 so i can calm down about the shitshow that is raymew...
now that i'm calmer, i have a few thoughts as a film major with a screenwriting obsession: according to one of the most well-known and accepted versions of the three-act narrative structure, we can say that the thatcar.mp3 blowing up was the halfway point of the story (ep6 of 12) where shit starts hitting the fan for real.
and the fallout of it is raymew: the false victory/defeat that usually occurs before we build up the actual climax. which will probably blow up in 11 because this is a thai bl and spill into 12 bc of what first said abt khao's intense scene in 12. and also you can't just have a whole-hour ep as an epilogue, especially in a series as messy (affectionate) as this.
i'm kinda done theorizing plotlines bc raymew fucking blindsided me, i didn't think they would actually go there. but looking at it as a false defeat (for sand and top) and a false victory (for ray and mew) it makes such perfect sense that as upset as i still am, i'm also kinda amazed at how brilliant the writers were for this...
so i have no idea what the actual climax is going to be, or how we'll get there, but i'm pretty confident about a sandray endgame from a narrative standpoint. i don't think that endgame is gonna be particularly healthy or happy, but i think it's gonna be pretty hopeful, if still somewhat ambigious.
(also on that note: i kinda love that jojo et al. are using the fixed pair concept to move the narrative along without spending a lot of time establishing the ships in the series (as angry as i am about the lack of sandray scenes lately...). we know that forcebook (topmew) and firstkhao (sandray) are likely ending up together, so they can introduce as much mess as they can into the story without fucking them up for good. i think it's a pretty genius way of subverting but also honoring the genre tropes we've come to know and love.
anyway, i'm done now klsdmgk keep up the brilliant work!!!
Hi Fen! That is so sweet of you! Honestly made my day. I’m trying to stay hopeful, mostly because so many people in the fandom seem to be in a very hopeless state right now over SandRay, but I still firmly believe it can work out between them. The way forward is rocky, but there is a way forward nonetheless.
I know Thai BLs have a tendency to let shit hit the fan in Ep11 and then clean it up in Ep12, and while I also fully expect that to be the case here, I hope that doesn’t mean they’ll rush through the resolution. I mean I would take an hour-long episode of SandRay: Adventures in Chiang Mai, but realistically I don’t think we’ll see much future stuff.
I’m thinking the climax for each couple will be much more personal—as in, within the pairs themselves rather than outside of them. So for SandRay this could be Ray’s addiction and commitment issues, etc. (It could have to do with Sand’s ex, but I think the bulk of that conflict will pass before Ep12). For TopMew, this could be about trust, with Top possibly making some grand gesture to win Mew back over, or Top demonstrating his love for Mew by saving Mew from himself (similar to next ep?)? For BostonNick, it could be Boston realizing his feelings for Nick and trying to win him back over, only to realize that Nick helped Mew get the sex tapes from Gap? Or that Nick really has moved on. Idk, I’m just brainstorming at this point, because yeah, after RayMew happened, I genuinely have no idea what to expect.
Side note, but I have a hunch Khao’s best scene in Ep12 is some sort of a mental breakdown? Maybe something similar to what we saw in Ep4. It’s got to be highly emotional to compete with the funeral scene in MLC. Maybe it’s Ray confronting his mother’s death again, but this time it’s Sand who pulls him out of his despair? Who knows.
Interesting point about how Jojo is using the established pairs…I really hope it is the case that FK and FB’s pairings make it out alive and all of this RayMew stuff is just for dramatics and will soon pass. That is the one negative to watching shows as they air (aside from the grueling wait between eps): I wish I knew how the couples will turn out so I don’t get my hopes up for nothing.
Also, because I know this is a hard time for all of us, I wanna say that my DMs and Ask box are always open! If we’re going to suffer, at least we can all do it together lol. <3
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blmpff · 10 months
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Step by Step (2023)
-> favorite shots per episode:
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6 - EP7 - EP8 - EP9 - EP10 - EP11 - EP12
-> extra:
Genre is: fiction JaabJane in reflections 1x5 Lovely Writer cameo hot Jeng vs cold Put PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH
-> Jeng appreciation posts:
oversized sweaterhands
-> Saint appreciation posts:
Vegas' lost brother new favorite red flag screaming crying etc no ♡ heartbroken but still hot hand kiss
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yellowrangerj · 2 years
not sure if anyone already made this theory/observation but. my take on the ep12 black/gram/gene + white scene
tbh, i always i thought the narratives were overlapping and somewhat off-balance in this part bc of rushed screentime, and that what black did was strange / extra selfish of him. sure, eugene is the only other person he earnestly cares about, but he pushed her away, so why would he go see her again? it could be chalked up to the writers wanting the dramatic moment of black seeing her with gram etc, but i think it wasn’t just that
at first, i wanted to assume the main reason for this encounter was that black can see from his phone history that white had reached out to eugene, and he wanted to make amends / give her closure, or else he would just leave her alone. i still think that’s somewhat relevant, but there’s two other points:
the juxtaposition of white’s monologue vs black going to see eugene. white thinks, “the idea of not being able to see sean anymore causes me so much pain. it’s the suffering my brother will never understand since he might have forgotten about our connection.” initially, i thought this was only dramatic irony in the sense that, at the same time white is upset over sean, black is also going to see eugene and ‘give her up’. they both care about the person they love, and despite black’s attitude, we can assume it also pains him
still, even before white jumps in the water to summon their twin connection, black was already uncharacteristically emotional. namely, when gram stops him and he doesn’t react at all except for a single tear. it’s fair for him to be more vulnerable with white or eugene, but crying? (i take black’s word for it when he says later, “i’m not crying. tears are just running down my face.”) you could see that tear and non-reaction to gram as the climax of white’s pain + black’s own emotions, but that’s more obvious what i think all of this means is that: seeing eugene + wanting to hug and kiss her isn’t black purposely contradicting himself-- it’s because white’s extreme feelings pushed those desires to the surface. everything here overlaps for a reason, and that reason is white
aaand mic drop. that’s all i got. also disclaimer this isn’t everything i think is reflected in this part, but just what i wanted to highlight
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s1ep12 gamer (the real ep12 according to the creator; i was looking at the wrong list before lol)
this one was actually decent. the pacing felt good. the characters didn't feel like they were speaking at 2x the speed. but of course, i still have my criticisms.
i mean it's really the same old song and dance at this point. we're like 4 episodes away now from the end of s1 and there's really nothing new to complain about.
i do love that they decided to make max weirdly muscular but only in his abdominal area. that was very funny and a little uncanny.
i will say, i do have a very episode-specific critique tho and it's the fact that marinette has to learn another lesson and the way the writers go about it. bc this is very much an adrienette episode. but my criticisms from before still stand: they completely talk past each other and don't listen to each other.
but 1) tikki scolding marinette for beating max out after the tournament. what bothered me about that was that tikki is absolutely right, max has been working hard to compete and marinette shouldn't have taken that away from him, necessarily, just bc she wanted to be partnered with adrien. like does she think her nerves are going to go away suddenly and she'll be able to compete without messing things up? but more importantly, what i really didn't like was the heel-face turn tikki did when marinette realized she had to take all her pictures of adrien down before he went over to her house. and tikki acts like that was the real reason she scolded marinette. like honestly? there's nothing wrong with marinette taking max's spot. and there's nothing wrong with max being really disappointed about it esp if he put in all that work to get there. and it would've been fine if marinette had done it for selfish reasons and then lost the tournament bc she was too flustered to be around adrien or too focused on adrien to focus on the game. that would've made more sense as a lesson for her. but no, instead we get a lukewarm plot device to akumatize max and marinette learns nothing. like do i want the narrative to constantly punish her? no, that's bad writing. but so is not following-through on your own narrative when she does need to learn a lesson. there's no character growth!!
2) adrien complaining about being bad at the game and marinette being much better. the scene just irks me bc like, it feels so forced from the writers. oh boo hoo the rich white boy is bad at video games. and the fact that marinette likes him so much she insults herself when it's clear she is better than him is so annoying.
3) this is an old complaint but i'm making it again: them knowing things they shouldn't know and it would be suspicious if they did. when chat noir rescues marinette from max, he comments that he heard she'd beaten him in a tournament. how would he know that???!!! UNLESS HE WAS THERE!!! if marinette had been in ladybug mode, that would've been a dead giveaway that chat noir was one of her classmates. like i highly doubt if chat noir really was just another random parisian citizen the gossip about a small high school game tournament would've gotten out that fast, or at all.
4) also another old complaint that i'm making again: chat noir's cataclysm being utterly useless. like why even try anymore? where is the creativity? why couldn't they have spent 10 seconds longer working on the logistics of the akuma fight to make sure the chat noir's power actually went somewhere? or better yet, if they're having so much trouble, they really should've just went back to the drawing board and figured out a different power for him.
yknow i think this is just a symptom of the bigger problem the creator has and it's casual racism toward e. asian people (and, honestly, just all asian people given the "kingdom of achoo") and his simultaneous fascination with oriental mysticism. bc ladybug and chat noir are supposed to represent yin and yang, and balance, creation and destruction. and they try to make it seem like it's balanced by having ladybug be really smart and competent while marinette has extremely bad luck. and adrien is rich and white i guess, but chat noir is,,,idk too flirty and irresponsible even tho it's implied that master fu gave him the ring to give him freedom in his stifled life. i honestly don't see the balance there. but i digress.
what i'm trying to get at is the creator has no idea what he's fucking talking about bc he's too racist to actually take care in learning about yin and yang, and what they mean/represent in the religious practices throughout asia. but specifically in china, since marinette is half-chinese and the miracle box has roots in ancient china.
if he actually enjoyed learning about chinese culture, i think he would've had a better understanding of what yin and yang represent, and thus had a better idea on how to balance ladybug and chat noir. instead of a weird and contrived: ladybug is perfect but marinette has constant bad luck and. whatever the hell is going on in adrien's perfect life.
5) i just remembered that i wanted to also talk about how terrible the set up for adrien/chat noir and gabriel/hawk moth is. like it's just convenient that adrien's dad is a reclusive and very disagreeable man, isn't it. i'm surprised the fandom didn't figure out he was hawkmoth sooner. also the fact that he's shown as extremely overbearing towards his son while at the same time neglecting to keep track of him at all when he's hawkmoth. like he would've never let adrien go over to marinette's for a silly game tournament! i feel like if he'd actually been paying attention, gabriel would've been able to figure out his son was chat noir in a heartbeat.
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paellegere · 5 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 2
finished season 2 this morning and it ended on a great note. i like the ending a lot more than i liked s1's, since it felt more natural and less contrived. the buildup to it was awesome, and the setup for season 3 is clear and motivating!
i think my biggest criticism of s2 is the pacing. it really wasn't bad, all things considered, but there were a few episodes i thought just didn't belong in the sequence they were. where s1 had this continual forward momentum going, s2 had occasional abrupt stops. example, the tonal difference between ep12 nightshifter and ep13 houses of the holy felt massive. nightshifter amps up the police subplot, ending with them worried about being implicated in another crime and therefore being on more police radars. houses of the holy kinda ignores that and has very little follow-up to them needing to lay low. it's only really brought up again when they're talking to henrickson and he mentions that they were flying under the radar up until now—which is all well and good, but that should have been felt after all of that happened. instead what we got felt more like a reset button where things went back to normal for them. a very "business as usual" case, as if they weren't being pursued by the law.
there were a few other negligible cases where i got a bit tired of binge-watching the series, which honestly didn't really happen in s1. so the pacing was a bit slower overall. nothing that was super obvious, but it did have its bumps.
but really, that's my only real criticism of it. i think the plots were strong this season, and the tension built really naturally over the course of it. if i had to wish for anything, it would have been development, of any kind, for sam's psychic powers—or otherwise the active rejection of that development. where the other psychics were growing their powers or gaining increasing command over them, sam remains oddly stagnant, which is something i wouldn't expect considering he's put into high-stress situations so often. if it's a matter of accepting the powers, then it would have been nice to see him struggle more with it. they just weren't very prevalent until they were relevant, which was fine in season 1 because they were still trying to figure out what the hell was going on, but now that they have an idea it felt more like things should be Happening with sam. maybe they will in season 3? honestly i can't remember, i watched it a decade ago.
the last 3 episodes of the season were honestly really great though. i love how all three of them play into each other, even though the A plot of ep20 is relatively unrelated to the season finale. it set dean up perfectly for his struggle in ep22 and gave weight to his wishing the world to burn without sam in it. hit right in the gut with all the context of who dean is as a person and what his wishes and desires are.
i still love the commitment to camp in this show and the way they use camp in a unique way that doesn't really come to mind when you think of camp. it gives the show its identity and the fact that the writers and actors don't shy away from it really makes it a great watch. there are some seriously funny episodes in this season, and it makes me even more excited for the funny episodes i know are coming up. gabriel/loki/whatever was especially a hit and i love the interesting storytelling format of that episode. the addition of new psychics was great, and i liked how different their personalities were and how they so clearly conveyed the ways they coped with their powers. they create a wonderful backdrop for sam, and it all came together well for the finale.
overall a great season—it had a few hiccups, but the tension and buildup was really good, and most of the episodes did a fine job at following up on the previous developments and keeping the momentum going. super excited to start on season 3 :)
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cowboyhorsegirl · 6 months
Ben Edlund aka one of the best writers on Supernatural aka The Creator of the Tick, joined in season 2 :) he’s wacky. He wrote episodes 05, 12, and 18 in season 2
Also it’s crazy to me that the guy that made the Tick was a writer on Supernatural
I've only seen e5 and e12 so far, and they were both great, but i loved ep12!! especially when ronald died, it was such a striking & emotionally evocative moment
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shortpplfedup · 3 years
Did Lovely Writer stick the landing, story-wise? Absolutely not. Did I enjoy the finale anyway? You bet your sweet ass I did!
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kristsingtobaby · 3 years
-not yet ready to say goodbye to this LOVELY WRITER FAM😭.
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