louisdebut · 7 years
lovenchy respondeu a sua postagem: what are people saying about the cover??
that its gloomy and there’s too much negative space and that its clearly a way to sabotage louis
“too much negative space!........... oh my god.... they go out of their way to find things to complaing about
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eagleslouis · 7 years
@lovenchy jsjdjshdh its harry and family
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stylesonly · 7 years
okay but the fact that fans think they’re entitled to a viewing of public support from the other boys to louis is gross, like, i’m sure harry, liam, and niall all sent texts or called him and told louis that they were there for him, like why is that not enough???? why are you complaining like an entitled asshole, like they owe you public support.... gross
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picassobws · 7 years
lovenchy replied to your post: so do people realize when they make everything...
that idea is too complex for them lmao
honestly its like....they treat louis the same way the media does, only they think nothings wrong bc its ~gay
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mignonlouis · 7 years
lovenchy replied to your post “How did you became a fan of Louis? How did you find about him? Did he...”
basically after years of ignoring 1D completely, one day i saw a close up of louis’ face on my then dash, which prior to that was always free of any 1D content. i never really paid attention to how any of them looked before that. but this life changing pic was a very close up shot of his face from that day’s wwa tour, i couldn’t escape seeing it. the most beautiful thing i’d ever seen. after realising that he’s a 1D member i thought “how is this fair? why do they have an actual angel as a member??” that’s the story of how louis baited me into 1D. literally no one else could have done that. then i listened to his voice and saw how flamboyant he was in the older videos and i truly fell in love.
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buybtyonitunes · 7 years
@lovenchy replied to your post: i cant believe im saying this but some solo louies...
it’s literally a steve aoki and louis tomlinson song……… it’s literally listed as that on itunes.
yikes @ me sorry the last time i checked it was steve ft louis, but i stand corrected
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Sending love to lovenchy, softhie and louisbus1tattoo.. They are all so amazing. I love seeing them on my dash 💕
♥ ♥ ♥
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geneticistlarrie · 7 years
lovenchy replied to your post: Why is it always Louis people blame?? What about...
people are blaming louis actually….
Then their and my opinions do not match at all.
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peachesannndgravy · 7 years
I decided to unfollow some people cuz I feel they really are not here for Louis and only for Harry. My eyes open when Louis' promo started lots of them said they are taking a break but they were blogging things about Harry. So if you have people that love Louis and are not fake can you let me know so I can follow them. Thank you
Oh god….. well, here are the people that I follow that I believe are Louies or at the very least people that see right through Harry’s bullshit:
@louissoulmate @niallloverontheloose @imalouislouie @starlightandmemories  @peachbottomprince @tendertumpeachybum @blueges @lilafowlers @sololoueh @lovenchy @louis-is-a-skyfullofstars @thezouistattoo …. I follow a lot of blogs… I’m too lazy to look through every single page; however, this is a good start. Look through their notes && you’ll find people who you might like. 
Ok. I’ll look through all of them…. :)
@louis-my-king @swankyspankyhankypanky @realwonder @loveship67 @ithazzabelou @witheringspite @genuinelouis @spaceslouie @zaynsbus1tattoo @lanjev @starsinhisblueeyes @voldypottcastle @adrianegarza2 @gpalmora @popfan4ever @mynameisntwalter @softhie @ladycobra02 @thewestendgirl @coolmicha85 @momofthelarriess @beaming-lou  @butterflies-summertime @louisftlouie @halo-of-a-strong-heart @kingofpoplouis
any other Louies, feel free to add your name (&& follow me!! =] )
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eagleslouis · 7 years
@lovenchy said: “also, let’s not mention how everyone constantly talks about briana and babygate but ‘don’t talk about things you don't like!1′”
i didnt even think about that. bye. hypocrites. they talk about them (most of the time) to say how fake everything is... but if its so fake.. why does it bother them so much. 
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stylesonly · 7 years
Exactly. No one is this fandom can explain on any of the boys' behalf why they do what they do. However it's beyond me why fans feel that they need to see this display of friendship. The x-factor is over. The polls are closed now. This situation is very serious and if they need to get in touch w/ Louis. They can. And I want to make this clear. This is a very serious incident that happened to Louis and Eleanor. This isn't about nouis. Lilo. Or larrie.
Thank you! Louis’ friends are there for him, Oli didn’t publicly tweet about it, Calvin didn’t publicly tweet about it. Like come on, just because the boys are famous, does not mean that they have to publicly tweet about the situation. Eleanor and Louis have their support system IN PRIVATE and we are not entitled to that part of his life. End of.
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loveship67 · 7 years
I've been away, what happened to lovenchy? Did she delete?
I haven't been on much lately either. I don't know, did we lose another one? 😞
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organictm · 7 years
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I wanted to write a special thank you to every single one of you but i think that would be more annoying that nice so this is just a HUGE thank you guys!!! ily ily!! 
@dimpledgucci @paynespider @letyvigilc @somos-larry @barcajacketlouis @lovenchy @skyywalkerlouis
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Do you know any good Louies I could follow?
yeah! i scrolled thru my follow list real quick and these are the people i follow who come to mind, see on my dash all the time, etc. im sure some of them have even better suggestions, i always see louie follow suggestions floating around! also just a heads up that most if not all the louies i follow like or are at least cool with zayn (i can’t handle people who hate zayn on my dash lmao) and very few are harries as well (tbh most of us are pretty highly critical of harry and harries to put it lightly lol)
@hiiijacknlou @skyywalkerlouis @lovenchy @popfan4ever @baeklouis @sixteenandeighteen @teenytinyloulou @americana-psychotic @ithazzabelou @thefinalvow @louis-my-king @happylouwt @lt-backtoyou @louissolophotoshoot @we-ll-always-hold-on @achoolou @realwonder @louischeeseburgers @loukefic @sololoueh @eagleslouis @pointstohome @gettingaphdinlarry @windybunny @emolouie @radioactivearistocrat @louisdebut @mignonlouis @lilafowlers @tomlinpun @mynameisntwalter @softhie @respectinglouis @blazinginbus1 @louis-is-my-star
hope i didn’t miss anyone! like this if you are a radical louie so that anon can find even more blogs
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imalouie · 7 years
Can you rec me some Louie blogs?❤️
Sure! Just some of my faves 🌝(mostly louies): @jhoappreciationblog @bus1pride @pointstohome @louismodel @louisphotoshoot @louischeeseburgers @softangelouis @emolouie @realwonder @louisdebut @kittenlipslouis @certainthingshappened @eagleslouis @mignonlouis @celebratinglouis @blouemic @sololoueh @sixteenandeighteen @lt-one @lovenchy @louis-my-king @angeliclouie @achoolou @softhie
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vloggerliam · 7 years
Why are Louis fans like lovenchy calling out what liam said about Louis? They're talking about it being condescending and I'm like 👀. Seriously their fave did not make any direct reference to liam for the longest time and now they're expecting liam to kiss their faves ass. Over dramatic bullshit. Please keep Liam's name out of their trashy blogs please.
Hey,I’m sorry but I’m actually not aware of what they spoke about regarding Liam and Louis. The only thing I could find was them rationalising /only/ Nouis’ public support and stuff since they’re associated by Simon Jones (they didn’t imply Nouis aren’t actually close and neither do I for the record, but Simon Jones is real and so is their PR association) and Liam’s target audience and the other boys’ as well, which made sense to me. So idk what this is about but I’m curious?
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