n3xii · 9 months
pick a card - how you can find balance
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Hello everyone! today's pick a card will focus on:
-what you're placing all your energy into, what you're neglecting and how you can find more balance in between everything you're taking on at the moment. take a deep breath and allow your intuition to guide you towards your pile!!
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pile one
what you're focusing on- page of wands and king of coins, Saturn in Scorpio
for you guys im seeing a focus on growth, expansion and exploring new ideas. youare wanting to grow your money and maximize your potential, not only with money you have the potential to make but money you already have whether it be savings, inheritance, loans, investments. you're pouring your energy into ambition and practicality and achieving financial freedom. intuitively i feel like this pile wants to achieve great things at a young age, you feel that you are destined for entrepreneurship, or making bold career moves that are risky but still grounded in reality. so overall pile one, you're energy is being poured into your longterm stability and financial freedom, especially financial freedom that is achieved through inheritance, investments, trading, traditional methods such as stocks or selling something.
what you're neglecting- nine of pentacles
Overall, the Nine of Pentacles suggests that you may be neglecting essential aspects of self-care, financial management, and appreciating the abundance that is already around you. you're being encouraged to find a balance between working towards your goals and taking time to enjoy life's simple pleasures. in the pursuit of finding financial freedom at a young age and achieving long term stability, you may be stifling social relationships too. pile one, its more than ok to pour more energy into your friendships, you can work towards your goals while still enjoying life's simple pleasures. your friends may miss you, dont listen to online creators who tell you that you can go out and have fun while striving towards an extraordinary lifestyle. longterm stablity may be difficult but it doesnt have to be miserbale or lonely.
pile two
what you're focusing on- the hanged man, the ten of swords, mecury in libra
the Hanged Man and the Ten of Swords together suggest that your energy is being poured into surrendering to, accepting, and embracing change. You may be in a period of transformation, releasing old patterns, and finding wisdom in challenging experiences. im feeling shadow work vibes, meditating on your fears and triggers to find the root of them. i feel like this energy is specifically demonstrating you placing a ''halt' on your fears to really examine every angle of them. im seeing the image of a spider creating a web, and one day they just stop to sit in what they've created before continuing to make their web. This combination of cards encourages you to be patient, with your life's direction, to find meaning in the journey. any delays or setbacks happening right now are trying to get you to stop, like the spider has, to exmaine where you are and what your triggers are, to build a foundation of something you ahve to know what the foundation is. i feel strongly that you're also being halted to examine your friendships and assoications before webbing a foundation in them. i also think that this pile is pouring energy into deciphering what media is influencing you and how its effecting you mentally, as well as how your words influence others, how your words effect your mind and reality. you could be getting into affirmations and manifestation.
what you're neglecting- the 6 of pentacles
you may not like hearing this, but you're neglecting fair, and balanced exchanges of energy, time and resources. The Six of Pentacles indicates that you may be neglecting the balance between giving and receiving. It's important to assess if you are being too generous to others at the expense of your own well-being or if you are hesitant to receive help or support from others when needed. or alternatively, are you not aware of how much you're expecting from others without giving in return?
pile three
what are you focusing on- three of cups and two of cups, mars in aries
friendships, close connections, building bonds, creating loving and harmonious relationships. you're pouring your energy into the more emotional, social aspect of life. i also feel that you're energy is going towards being emotionally vunerable and open in your relationships, you're placing emphasis on giving people quality time, sharing moments of openness, building mutual bonds with people. i also feel that there is also of impulsiveness going on, i think while you are pouring energy into a deeper bond, you're going head over heels, this feels like emotional compulsion to go 100 percent in on someone. i also keep getting the message about you being in a social group or friendgroup in which you break off into a partnership with someone in that group, and instead of balancing your time and energy between everyone, you're impulsively poring your emotional energy into one person. that wont resonate with everyone though.
what you're neglecting- 4 of pentacles
stability, solid foundations. the Four of Pentacles advises you to avoid neglecting areas related to financial generosity, planning, adaptability, and emotional connections. This card can indicate that you might be neglecting to embrace change or holding onto outdated financial beliefs or habits. It's essential to be open to new ideas, adapt to evolving financial circumstances, and be willing to make necessary adjustments. this card may also be coming up to signal that you're holding too tighly on something and neglecting everything else in pursuit of holding onto one thing, in your case, a relatiosnhip or bond with someone.
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