#lpm 1
alien-girl-21 · 3 months
The need to write and publish a fic of joker out being tourists in my city........ but I am not doxxing myself......... but i could...........
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tortademaracuya · 10 months
"Como vas a estar arreglando bugs a unos dias de la entrega" hay gente a la que no le funciona la tesis
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marystulips · 2 years
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“The roses look nice.”
“No, Marlène, roses are not for graves, put them back. Mother asked for chrysantemums.”
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La Touissaint.
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captainadwen · 1 year
Made a joke in a fic and now I feel urge to follow through and write the og story
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sheila--e · 5 months
I have to walk from my school to my house and everytime I do I literally have a fucking Evangelion moment I swear to God. I'm freezing my ass off at the lights and mentally I'm on that fucking chair
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quemirabobo · 9 months
No sé si soy pelotuda, estoy quemada o esto no es español, ayuda
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lvpercalia · 2 years
Respeto tu decisión como diseñadora chequeando la maqueta pero reafirmo mi autoridad como ilustradora haciendo lo que se me da la gana de todas formas
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emma-xd-15 · 1 year
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Lincy en el estilo de @askcupsandcasinos del acto 1 :vvv (no me salio lpm)
Igual el estilo de ahora está muy bonito también
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Y un bonus Bv (van a jugar pulseada)
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
Karamatsu Matsuno de la serie Osomatsu-san porque tiene el swing, las pelotas y el carisma para ser latino honorario profesor de rumba. ¿Han visto algunos de sus trajes oficiales? ¿Su flow? Si lo llevamos a un Carnaval de Río le cambiamos la vida
MATSUNO KARAMATSU just trust me su futuro está siendo un gogo boy en una fiesta de orgullo (Krmts ícono bi tqm)
Karamatsu Karamatsuuuuuu porque lo quiero rescatar de su destino NINI de mierda y hacerlo mi sugar baby. Que me limpie la piscina de plástico no más, bbsote ♥️♥️♥️
Wn el Karamatsu!!! Está tan rico acá lo adoptamos los gringos son demasiado tikis mikis ayy ñiñiñi "es que es cringe🥺" DÉBILES no lo aprecian 😤😤😤
Karamatsu. Oime a ver: - NINI que se dedica a tocar la guitarra y cantar desde el techo de su casa de forma autodidacta y empírica. El que no tenga un primo que canta canciones de Maná en las reuniones que alce la mano. - Era actor en el colegio y a veces es ✨Dramátiko✨ de forma telenovelezca, les juro que todo su repertorio se lo aprendió a Soraya y a los wachos machos de Pasión de Gavilanes - tiene alma de Horse Girl. Lo mismo ^^^. - Cejas latinas LPM - tiene un Alter Ego que se llama Summer Kamen (BUSQUENLO) y si eso solo no basta para nacionalizarlo en Brasil o algún país caribeño pos entonces el sistema nos ha fallado🧐
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wesstars · 1 year
some of your favorite writers, if you had to list 5-7?
god anon you just had to go ahead and ask me the hardest question, huh... here we go
first up is, of course, my day 1 crazyoffher!! she has works for jenna, wednesday, and billie eilish. masterlist here trust me you'll get addicted you won't wanna miss these.
now, in no particular order:
marvelfilth: 🎥 girl tara need i say more?? i will actually say more, because the nat fics are top tier, also i love the wisdom teeth fic so much
alkivm: couple of cards lives in my head rent free. rent. free.
sytoran: you want top!reader? you will have it and then some. office hours and boudoir photography are some of my personal favorites.
somekindofpoet: i think i've read all of their works (LPM is just perfect. missed connections crew out here.)
talesofesther: has some of the first wednesday fics i ever read, sweet calamity (still a favorite) and yours only, i've read the whole wednesday masterlist i think
rollingsins: all hers and three's a crowd chefs kiss. the wednesday fics also yum
now for a very special mention... @evilrawr... coming soon
the list is in nooo way complete or comprehensive, i was indeed limited... but yeah. love y'all
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stardust-falling · 8 months
Hello.... Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
Top 5 favorite characters:
1 - Shen Jiu 2/3 - Yue Qingyuan, Shen Yuan 4/5 - Luo Binghe, Gongyi Xiao
Honestly, it's super hard to decide my favorites, hence the 2/3, 4/5 here lmao. Depending on the meaning of "like" I really don't dislike any SV characters (obviously OPM, QJL, WYZ can go get fucked if we're talking about emotional affection/blorbofication, but I do still enjoy them in a meta sense for their roles in the story). But because SJ is both my favorite in terms of "I feel affection for this character and he is my little scrungly blorbo" as well as "I want to study him under a microscope like a bug" he gets the top spot easily.
Top five favorite moments is pretty hard too, since things are my favorite for different reasons... So I'll pick my favorite scenes for analysis, not necessarily for emotional reaction or attachment, in no particular order. Going under a cut because I rambled, as usual:
I really, really like the entire Holy Mausoleum arc, but I specifically like the part where SQQ and LBH are confronted by OPM and QHT. I feel like it's here that we can really see beneath the unreliable narrator and actually see that SQQ truly does love LBH back. Holy Mausoleum in general just says a lot about Bingqiu without saying it directly, and I do encourage everyone who thinks that SQQ doesn't actually love LBH back please reread that part while looking for it because damn, SQQ's narration tries to hide how much he actually cares for this boy.
Qijiu extras, the scene in the Lingxi caves. Between SJ's paranoid and irrational internal monologue that shows that despite everything, he really doesn't actually see himself as he is or as a legitimate peak lord, Yue Qingyuan's appearance at a critical moment to keep SJ from spiralling past the point of no return (contrasting this to his inability to return to Qiu Manor in time), the fact that even though they are not on good terms, YQY is still able to calm SJ down from qi deviation, and that SJ tolerates both his presence and his touch, it shows a lot that despite his paranoia and his hurt, a part of Shen Jiu still trusts Yue Qingyuan. The fact that it's revealed that they're in the very cave that YQY was trapped in with Xuan Su is just the icing on the cake... the truth is laid out before them, just a step from being revealed, but still isn't... I just think this scene really is so important to show how 79's relationship stands on a deep level, both the trust that is still there as well as the barriers.
Skinner demon confrontation, after they're captured. The irony of the first mission being to take down a demon that's literally wearing someone else's identity as their own is great. There's also Luo Binghe's sexual awakening upon seeing SQQ shirtless, which is honestly quite funny to me as an ace person. But my favorite thing, I think, is the way that SQQ sets up Die'er's defeat by using LBH as bait which, while it is successful due to the genre's conventions, also makes Luo Binghe's trust waver... it sort of sets the tone for the entire emotional conflict of the novel. Despite SQQ knowing that LBH will be fine, since it has all been decreed by plot, he underestimates how much it will hurt him-- and he's thinking about hurting LBH in terms of how it will affect SQQ himself later on, rather than LBH's own pain. Then, afterwards, SQQ leaves LBH behind to go into seclusion, he gives LBH the new manual but doesn't move him out of the woodshed, and there's no indication that Ming Fan's bullying stopped during that time either. When SQQ returns, he ends up sacrificing himself and taking the poisoned hit for LBH... in a way this all just parallels the actual plot of the novel in short-form and I think that's very, very neat.
The water prison arc-- everything from LBH's visit where he stops LPM from attacking SQQ, where SQQ refuses to answer LBH's question because of his inaccurate perception of the situation, LBH's volatile emotions in this sequence, Gongyi Xiao's assumptions that LBH had assaulted SQQ and SQQ's complete obliviousness to that possibility, plus just GYX being the best boy ever tbh, he doesn't deserve to live in this messed up book and certainly doesn't deserve to die. This sequence has so much about how inaccurate perceptions of situations can lead to wildly off-base interpretations and how a lack of proper communication can escalate a conflict where it really didn't need to escalate. The "perceptions and interpretations vs. reality" idea is another major theme in SV, and this sequence really showcases a lot of that in a clear way.
Maigu Ridge. This one's controversial. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about it and let me just make a disclaimer that I'm not including this one because I enjoyed reading it on an emotional level. Maigu Ridge is FUCKED UP!! It's a massively fucked up situation for all parties! It's uncomfortable, and definitely something that warrants a trigger warning before reading the book-- and yet, it's so interesting to analyze from a hypothetical standpoint because the situation is just so, so messy in terms of who gives consent and who doesn't-- and does anyone really have the option to consent here, since both parties are under the complete control of the narrative-- in terms of who hurts who, etc. There are a lot of little details to debate, and of course there's the instant, knee-jerk surface reaction that people get, which I can totally understand especially if you didn't go in expecting this sort of scene and ended up getting triggered by it, but once you start to peel back the layers you can actually find that this scene is way more complicated than 'one party as the aggressor/one party as the victim.' It's a deconstruction and subversion of tropes, but also a really interesting place to analyze themes of consent as a whole, and the effects on the individuals involved. For this, honestly, people just need to remember that these are fictional characters. It's not saying anything about IRL survivors, and I'm a major proponent of considering massively fucked up situations through a fictional lens in order to understand the shades of gray that may exist in similar but less-extreme situations in real life, without the possibility of your deliberations causing harm to any party since in the fictional scenario, since none of the characters are real (I can't even begin to tell you how much of my own trauma I've processed based on extreme fictional scenarios). But on the flip side, if the scene upsets you or triggers you, it's perfectly valid to dislike it! It's also perfectly valid for you to dislike the Bingqiu relationship because of it! It's not for everyone and I completely get that, but also, keep in mind that people analyzing the scene in different ways doesn't have anything to do with how they'd react to real-life situations. It's all about what works best for each person.
Anyway that last one got really long, just because I've seen so much knee-jerk reaction in fandom with it and tbh, I feel like I have to cover my bases these days.
A lot of people say that SVSSS is less well-written than MXTX's other books, and while it does have issues, I wouldn't say that the book isn't well-written. I have no idea how much of what I talked about in those scenes above is deliberately intentional storytelling and how much just sort of happened, but those are just some of the reasons that I really do think it's actually a very good book, genuinely, and not the only scenes at that, I just limited to five here.
I hope you enjoyed reading all my ramblings-- SVSSS brainrot is real and the hyperfixation is going strong haha.
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darknebula85 · 1 year
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QUE BUEN MOMENTO PARA ESTAR VIVO LPM!!! Estuve 1 hora dándole al F5 hasta que por fin salió el capítulo, y vaya locura de capitulo (El de la foto soy yo btw, vestido de gala para la ocasión obviamente).
5/8/2023, Log of Darknebula85, 10:22 PM...
It has been glorious, I have enjoyed it as a child, in fact I just finished watching the episode and my mom sees me and says "Boy why are you so red???" And when I looked in the mirror I realized that I WAS RED FROM SO MUCH EMOTION HAHAHAHA. Remember when the G5 came out in the manga last year??? Now seeing it animated has been crazy. The sounds of the Looney tunes, the new ending, THE ANIMATION BROTHER, I loved it. Tomorrow I'm going to see it with some friends, I'm going to cook a fish in sauce with rice and some fries with rosemary, the cooking classes have to help XD. I am on social networks and I am also chatting with my friends, it is a very beautiful and exciting experience to see how many people are enjoying this moment. THOUGH, I do have to say that I didn't really like the direction of the episode, there was a lot of repeated scene and the pace at the beginning felt slow, but the whole G5 sequence was so good that it at least makes up for those minutes.
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And by the way people stop arguing about which transformation is better than the other, that if G5 is better than Ssj, that if Naruto is better than One piece, that if One piece is better than Naruto, don't be so stupid and enjoy everything equally AND STOP FIGHTING ABOUT SOMETHING AS IRRELEVANT AS WHO IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER. The three are god and it's over, let's all be friends.
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Source: https://twitter.com/Shotwilly?t=JJJkqtw3QvuxV1nbYesUog&s=09
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jnjlen-ou-skinjbir · 10 months
archibald for the ask thing!!! :-D
La Passe-Miroir/The Mirror Visitor ask game: give me a character's name and I will give you three headcanons + an AU! one for them
1 - Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't drink that much alcohol, and prefers champagne/a good wine over liquor. drugs are his poison of choice
2 - I can't explain why, but imo he isn't straight (not a lot of characters in the LPM/TMV universe I headcanon as straight tbh)
3 - He is definitely somebody who cares a lot for the people he loves, but without showing how much he actually loves them (except Victoria) : When he was creating shortcuts between the Arks during the time skip, he always came back with something for the folks he loves (a plushie/toy for Victoria, booze/tobacco/other for Gail and Fox, jewellery/trinkets for Berenilde and his sisters)
AU! - This how he would dress if the books took place nowadays:
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child-of-hurin · 1 year
I was thinking about two passages in LPM tome 1 that I love, that set the part comedic, part tragic tone of the novel's current civilization's complete loss of touch with the one that came before: first, the christian cathedral with stained glass and (classic? renaissance?) statues representing... the norse gods; second, an opera about Tristan and Isolde where the latter is in... a gondola, rowed by a gondolier with a huge hat.
But just to be sure I decided to look up Tristan and Isolde and Gondolas, and found this bit on information [in this website]:
With its distinctively dissonant “Tristan chord,” [Wagner's Tristan und Isolde] is music which, for many theorists, marked the beginning of the “dissolution of tonality” and opened the door to the tone rows of the twentieth century.
Franz Liszt’s haunting solo piano work, La lugubre gondola (“The Black Gondola”), is filled with intimations of “Tristan.” It opens with a solitary, searching line which suggests a dreamy remembrance of the rising sixth of Tristan und Isolde‘s “longing motif.” There are echoes of the tritone, one of the fundamental building blocks of Wagner’s “Tristan chord.” Drifting off into silence, this wandering, increasingly chromatic line is filled with harmonic ambiguity. As the music unfolds, it “finds itself” with a soaring and passionate statement. Yet, this evaporates into ominous parallel chords which sink five notes down the chromatic scale before rising again. The final bars seem to eviscerate tonality, gently outlining the whole tone scale before fading away.
While in Venice in December, 1882, Liszt saw a procession of black-draped funeral gondolas. He claimed to have felt an instant premonition of Wagner’s death. The experience was the inspiration for The Black Gondola, music in which the 6/8 swing of the gondolier’s barcarolle song becomes shrouded in ghostly shadows. Two months later, Wagner died in Venice.
Impossible to know, but obviously now I'm wondering if that jarring addition of a gondolier was, besides a funny way of portraying how disconnected these people are, a nod to this connection. We know the opera being performed can't be Wagner's original score, as there are only two male parts, but it clearly is a nod to it; might even be a modified version of it that survived, somehow...
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conobarco · 1 month
camine 1 cuadra y me embarre todo el pantalon lpm
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thezoneoftruth · 1 year
my (PERSONAL) scores for their stand-up:
linc: 4/10 with 1 lpm - so sweet, so earnest, you can’t have comedy without the courage to share parts of you to complete strangers and he got that in one. lacking in the jokes department so the laugh per minute (lpm) was low but i bumped him up bc it was so genuinely adorable
taylor: -10/10 with 5 lpm - very niche humor which appealed to me specifically. so bad that it actually turned around and became so good that it’s still a 10/10! died like a martyr but was the most comfortable and had the most stage presence, stayed upbeat the entire time!
scary: 5.5/10 with 3 lpm - had the most jokes that actually landed by far and embodied their character the most. actually used the character’s story and integrated it into the set well! the jokes landed less as it went on but easily second when it comes to stage presence and cadence
normal: 4.5/10 with 1 lpm - less of a stand up set and more of a manic recitation of someone’s diary, jokes landed like a pile of dough on the kitchen floor but normal carried the plot progression up a mountain on his back this episode and snuck some character exploration in there too!! like tori, loved the energy
hermie: 3.5/10 with 1 lpm - had some funny, edgelord humor throughout which fit the character he was playing. like scary, wove the character’s story into the jokes which i liked! little to no cadence or breaks in between to let the jokes digest so it felt very rehearsed and fast, manic in a diametrically opposed way to normal
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