#lu and val’s parents are trash
maternity-morningstar · 2 months
Angel….im not gonna sit Here and blame you…you have your fair share problems…and im not begging you or anything to apologise right now , or anything..you have your shared things and stuff , and I understand the whole situation…but please..maybe go and talk with lucifer..? There isn’t anyone who is gonna make you do it…but I think lucifer is about to leave because..(don’t tell from me) but..he feels..really…really bad right now..about what he has done…and that you may..not be able to be redeemed..if one of the children is yours..and there for hellborn…
Just maybe go and try..at least..Please..?🩷
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*Angel knocks on Lucifer's door and enters slowly, seeing Lucifer looking worn out and sad but backing a suitcase slowly due to his pregnancy taking a toll on him*
Angel: Lucifer? Can I come in?
Lucifer: *looks over wearily* Angel, what is it?
Angel: I know. I'm not here to fight. *sits down on bed* Listen, I know I've been a real jerk lately. I'm scared, Lu. Scared of losing Husk, scared of screwing everything up. And I know that doesn't excuse what I've done, but... I just want you to understand where I'm coming from.
Lucifer: *sighs* I get it, Angel. Fear can make us do terrible things. I'm scared too. Scared of not being able to be a good parent, scared of the future. But blackmailing me? That hurt more than you know.
Angel: I know. And I'm sorry. I just... I panicked. I felt like I was losing control, and I lashed out. I didn't mean to hurt you, not really.
Lucifer: *softly* Angel…I forgive you for lashing out. I mean…I would hate me to if I were you. You’re trying to be redeemed after all and a baby would only trap you down here.
Angel: *tearing up* I don’t hate you! I’m sorry I was being an asshole! I’m sorry! And you’re not keeping me down here! I’m the one making mistakes! You didn’t even want— *freezes instantly* You…I made you…*gags*
Lucifer: *raises an eyebrow* Angel?
Angel: *immediately throws up in the trash can*
Lucifer: Angel? *goes to comfort him, but is pushed aside*
Angel: I ABUSED YOU!!! ME?! ABUSED THE DEVIL?! What kind of shit is this?! I hurt you! I hurt you so badly! And because I was mad you and Husk had consensual sex!! *crying hysterically*
Lucifer: Angel…please don’t cry.
Angel: I truly am no better than Val…
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carladuquette · 3 years
Merry Christmas Day! Here are some Elite holiday snapshots from Close your eyes that work as stand-alones. I wasn’t on tumblr last Christmas, sooo I’m posting them now 😂 Lu x Guzman and VaLu ahead. Brief somewhat explicit scene in the last snapshot.
** Lu's and Nadia's sophomore year at Columbia
The first Christmas she and Nadia flew back from New York, Lu told her friend about the tree trimming date she and Laura had every year. Her voice was hesitant- it felt like she was on thin ice, with all the history between them. She wanted to give Nadia a veto right, but at the same time she really, really hoped the other girl wouldn't use it.
Rather unexpectedly, decorating a tree with Guzman's mother, of all people, had become one of the things she most looked forward to each December. It had started when she was 14, the first Christmas she had been dating Guzman. When Laura had learned Lu's father hired a professional decorator to do their tree, she had invited Lu over to decorate theirs. Guzman had stuck around for five minutes and then escaped, and Marina had decided that at 14, she was extremely over tree trimming.
For three years, Lu loved going over to Guzman's to decorate with his mother. Then came senior year, her worst Christmas ever, followed by hers and Nadia's first Christmas in New York freshman year, when they hadn't yet saved up enough for flights back to Madrid over the holidays. Now that they were almost back in Spain, Lu longed to see Laura again, but she would leave the final decision up to Nadia.
"Are you sure you're ok with this?" Lu turned away from the plane window and looked at her friend. "You don't mind me trimming the tree with your boyfriend's mom?"
Nadia laughed. "Lu, I truly do not care. I don't even celebrate Christmas and Laura loves doing this with you, from what I've heard."
So do I, Lu thought.
It wasn't like she had ever shared anything like this with her own mother, even before they cut all ties.
** Christmas in Norway. Lu is 8, Valerio is about to turn 10.
It was still snowing. Lu knew that her mom hated the cold winter weather- that was hard to miss, the way she complained to her dad whenever she thought she and Val wouldn't hear. Lu wasn't sure about the details, only that they wouldn't go home to Mexico for the holidays because her dad had just started his posting in Oslo, and that her mom was mad about it.
When she had asked Valerio about it, he'd scoffed. "Your mom isn't mad about being stuck here, Lu. She's mad all the time because I'm here."
Lu had resolutely shaken her head. That obviously couldn't be right. This was the first time that she got to spend more than a few days at a time with her half-brother (their dad wanted them to drop the half because "family is family," but her mom insisted it was important to be correct about these things), and in the two months since their arrival in Norway, Lu had decided Valerio was the coolest person in the entire world.
She wanted to get him something really cool for Christmas, too, which was the reason she was going through his drawers right now. Lu knew she had to be quick, because Val didn't want her in his room if he wasn't there. She had just found what she was looking for when the door flew open.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Lu hid her treasure behind her back and nodded along with Val's yelling. "I told you not to go into my room! Get out or I'm telling dad!"
She mumbled "Sorry, I was just looking," and scooted past him.
On Christmas Eve Lu impatiently waited for Val to open her present. She only got distracted when her mother handed her a flat box with the words "something special, I think you're old enough to appreciate this now." Her small hands tore at the paper, opened the jewelry box - and then Lu gasped. Inside was a beautiful bracelet that sparkled in the light. She took it out and looked at the blinding white stone pendant in awe.
"That's a real diamond, princess," her mother told her as she fastened the bracelet around her wrist. "You can only wear it on special occasions. Look how beautiful it looks!"
She thought she heard her dad say "ridiculous" under his breath, but Lu didn't care. She hugged her mom tightly and only let go at the pained "Lucrecia, you're wrinkling my blouse."
When the time finally came, she gave Val his present and held her breath. He tore it open and whooped when he saw what was inside.
"This is so awesome! Where did you find one that looks exactly like my old one?"
Lu felt like she was floating - he liked it! For weeks, ever since his old Gameboy had died, she had heard Val beg their dad for a new one. And for weeks, their dad's answer had been the same.
"No one sells those old things anymore, Valerio. You should read more, anyway."
Now Val smiled at her so widely that her insides were all gooey. She practically skipped over to him and sat at his feet. "That is your old one," she told him. "I took it from your room the other day. I'm sorry! But Jan said his older sister could fix Gameboys so I brought it to school and he took it home and she looked at it and she really could fix it! She says it works better now than it did before."
Before she knew what was happening, Val had enveloped her in a hug. "Best present ever," he whispered in her ear. Lu never wanted Christmas to end.
The next morning, she was in tears. Her mom was yelling at her, her dad was yelling at her mom and Val sat mutely in a corner. Lu had gone outside to build a snowman in their giant backyard in the morning. She had forgotten that she had put on her bracelet earlier to see how the diamond reflected the light every time she turned her wrist. And now the bracelet was gone.
"I'm sorry," Lu cried again. "I, I forgot I was wearing it, I'm sorry, mom, maybe we can, maybe…" At this point she was hiccupping so hard she could barely talk anymore. "Maybe we can still find it if we go outside and look for it! I'm really sorry, mom, really, I didn't mean to-"
Her mom lowered her voice and fixed her with the cold stare that Lu hated. "It. Is. Snowing. Outside. Right now! How do you expect to find anything out there, let alone a small bracelet? I should have never trusted you with something this valuable."
Her father loudly said he had been against the idea from the start. Lu was full-on sobbing. She knew that her parents didn't like "this sort of behavior," but she couldn't help it. Val walked over and put an arm around her shoulder. His voice only shook the tiniest bit when he said "Hey, she didn't do it on purpose."
Her mom whipped around, looking like she had been waiting for Val to open his mouth. There was more yelling. By the time Lu was sent up to her room, she was glad to get away. She couldn't escape her parents' voices, though. Fragments of their argument were audible through the walls. Her mom was "sick of being stuck in this frozen tundra." Lu was pretty sure she also caught something about her and Val giving her mom headaches, "him especially. I still can't believe you had her child move here with us." Her dad was quieter so Lu couldn't make out what he was saying, but he first sounded like he was sorry and then, when the yelling continued, tired and frustrated.
When Valerio came downstairs the next morning, there were two suitcases in the hall. Lu's mom was putting on her coat, their dad, already fully dressed, walked toward the stairs and ran into him.
"Oh good, you're awake already," he said before yelling "Lucrecia, come down here."
When the two of them stood next to each other in the hallway in their pjs, eyes still bleary, their dad explained that they were leaving on a short trip.
"Your mothe-" He caught himself, briefly looking at Valerio and then at his wife. "Marisol needs a break, so we're going to see friends on Sicily. We'll be back by the time you start school again. Marie-Angela can't come in until tonight because she technically has Christmas Day off, but she'll be here in time to make you dinner. And then she'll move into her room here again. Now, be good. I don't want to hear about any trouble."
Lu seemed just as shocked as him.
"No!" She ran up to her mom. "We still haven't baked cookies! You said we'd do that during break. It's Christmas, you can't leave!"
Valerio's hands curled into fists as he heard his half-sister cry. Marisol merely patted her head, pushed her away - and then they were gone.
He tried his best to comfort Lu, who kept repeating she was sorry about the bracelet and that they should go outside and look for it until Valerio couldn't take it anymore.
"You are so dumb!" It broke out of him and he was sorry the second he saw the look on Lu's face. But he couldn't stop. "It's not about your stupid bracelet! And it's freaking freezing outside, we're not gonna dig through the snow for something we can't find anyway. You'll have to wait until it melts in a few weeks. Why don't you watch TV or something?"
Valerio started heading upstairs. "And don't come into my room!"
An hour later he lowered his Gameboy, looked outside and sighed. He felt bad about yelling at Lu. Marisol despised him, and his father, Valerio was pretty sure, didn't care too much about him either. But with Lu he had lucked out in the little sister department. He looked at the Gameboy in his hand and grinned. He wasn't going to come out and apologize to Lu, but that didn't mean they couldn't have fun together with the house all to themselves.
"Lu?" he called out sticking his head out the door. When he didn't get a reply, he went over to her room to check. She wasn't there. He couldn't hear the big TV playing in the living-room, either. Where was she?
"Lu, we can hang out in my room now if you want." Still no reply. He made his way downstairs and checked the living-room, the library and the kitchen. Nothing. And then his gaze drifted to the backyard. There, in the furthest back corner by the snowman, was a small shape the color of Lu's obnoxious pink winter coat. The shape was on the ground. And Valerio didn't see it moving.
His heart went cold.
He dashed over to the patio door. "Lu! LU!" She still didn't move. Valerio ran back to the front of the house, pulled on his boots and the first coat that fell into his hands, and rushed out into the yard. The snow was falling heavily now and got into his eyes. When he made it to Lu, he threw himself to the ground next to her. She was moving, he could see from up close - she was shivering. There were small valleys in the snow around her where it looked like Lu had been digging.
Valerio pulled her up by the shoulders. "What are you doing?" he shouted. "For how long have you been out here?"
When she looked up at him, he could see that her lips were blue. Her teeth were chattering so badly he didn't understand all of what she was saying, but he could make out "bracelet." Valerio wanted to scream.
Lu's soft whimpering brought him back. "Ok, we need to go back inside. Come on, Lulu." He reached for her hands to pull her up. That's when he saw she was only wearing one glove. Her left hand looked grey and felt like the ice sculpture at his dad's welcome party at the embassy that he had touched when no one had been looking. He blinked once. Then he hoisted her up and made his way through the snow back to the house.
Once inside Lu still didn't stop shaking after he had ripped off her coat and shoes, deposited her on the couch and covered her with a blanket. Valerio tried asking her why she had only been wearing one glove, but she couldn't speak, only made those small noises that were scaring him.
He didn't know what to do and he wanted his dad. No crying. No crying! He jumped up and ran over to the table to grab his phone. He was only allowed to use it for emergency calls (and for games), but this was definitely an emergency. "Come on come on come on." But his dad didn't pick up.
Valerio couldn't stop a few tears from falling. He and Lu were alone and he was older, so he was in charge, but he didn't know what to do to help her. Do something, a voice in his head screamed. Anything! He started rubbing her hand the way he had seen in that documentary about mountain climbers. Was that enough? What did he do when he was cold after hockey practice at school?
When the lightbulb went off over his head, Valerio jumped up so quickly that he knocked a glass off the coffee table. He didn't pay it any mind. With some effort he managed to drag Lu off the couch and up the stairs into the bathroom, where he took off their clothes until they were both in t-shirts and underwear. It still freaked him out how cold Lu felt, all over, not just her scary-looking hand.
"Ok, turning on the water now," he told her after maneuvering the two of them into the shower. When the hot stream hit her, she yelped and tried to pull away, but he didn't let her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but this will help. Sit still!"
Eventually, her skin began feeling less icy and the color slowly returned to her hand. It had to hurt though- she was crying, Valerio noticed with dismay. She was saying something, too.
"Mommy, I want mommy," she whimpered. "It hurts. Where is mom?"
Valerio pulled her close and let the water run over them. "She's not here," he said. "But I am. I'm here. I got you. It's you and me, Lulu. I got you. Promise."
Later, when they were cuddled up in his bed, Lu told him about going outside to look for the bracelet, how she had lost a glove but didn't want to stop looking because she thought that if she found the bracelet, they could call her mom and tell her and then she'd come home. "Please don't tell on me," she said in a small voice. "I don't want mom and dad to get mad."
If he said a single word now, Lu would be able to tell how mad he was, but not at her. So instead, Valerio just nodded and rested his chin on top of her head. A few minutes later, both kids were asleep.
** Marina's last Christmas. Lu is 16.
Lu adjusted her headband and checked herself in her pocket mirror one last time before she rang Guzman's bell. She was pretty sure that Marina would make fun of the satin red bow in her hair, but she had stopped caring what that wannabe rebel thought ages ago. Spending time with Marina occasionally was part of dating Guzman, and when their parents were around, Lu made sure to be polite and behave appropriately (unlike Marina). But she had no illusion about the fact that her boyfriend's sister didn't like her, and knew how she felt about her, too.
Well, she was dating Guzman, not Marina. Lu was going to do her best to make this Christmas Eve, the first she and Guzman got to spend together, special. Hopefully Marina would make an effort to-
Guzman opened the door with a pained face and the first thing Lu heard was Ventura shouting "You will apologize to your mother right now, Marina!"
Guess not.
"Thank God you're here, it's been fucking crazy today," Guzman said with a frustrated sigh.
Lu preened, but quickly caught herself. She probably shouldn't be excited about her boyfriend's family issues. But hey, he was happy to see her.
"Oh Bonbon, I'm sorry." She pulled him in for a kiss. "Here, why don't you take the presents?"
Lu picked up the large canvas bag she had dropped and handed it to Guzman.
"Lu, what the hell? We said no gifts!"
She stared at him. "I didn't think you had actually meant that!"
"What did you think I meant when I said- you know what, forget it. Come in."
Just as he pulled her in, Marina ran past them. She briefly stopped, let out an "ugh, great" when she saw Lu and proceeded up the stairs. "And a merry Christmas to you, too," Lu said dryly.
In the kitchen, Laura was sitting at the table downing a glass of wine, with Ventura pacing behind her. Lu put on her best Charm the Parents smile. "Good evening!"
Ventura shook her hand with a forced joviality, but Laura seemed genuinely glad she was there, Lu thought. When she saw the presents, she looked at Guzman. "Do you have something for your girlfriend, love? Didn't you tell me there'd be no gifts? Well," she winked at Lu conspiratorially, "thank goodness I prepared for this eventuality. Never trust men to handle things like that."
Lu smiled. Then she saw Guzman roll his eyes. She backpedaled that they really had agreed, she just wanted to show her gratitude for the invitation, but Lu could tell that he had checked out of the conversation. Her smile dropped.
Things didn't continue much better. Marina came back downstairs eventually and while there was no more screaming, the mood was tense. Lu tried to keep the conversation going, talked to Ventura about a literacy initiative that her dad was setting up in Mexico and mentioned how excited her and Guzman were about the project the two of them were working on together in art class. She ignored Marina's scoff, and the fact that Guzman only grunted in approval. She also praised the Christmas cookies she was offered, probably slightly overenthusiastically, but at that point she was getting desperate.
When Ventura and Laura were in the kitchen, Lu started kissing Guzman - she was doing most of the work here, too, although she could tell by the way his grip on her waist tightened that at least this effort might be successful. Then Marina dropped onto the couch right next to them.
"That's really the only way to shut you up, isn't it?"
Lu tore herself away from Guzman and faced Marina - she was done with her bullshit. "Listen, darling, you're sitting in a mansion without a fucking care in the world, with a family who is doing nothing but trying to have a nice Christmas. And you seem to be doing your best to stop that from happening. Would it kill you to show your mom a little respect?"
Marina laughed, but there was a bite to it. "Oh, I think mom is just fine. She has you, right? You're more than happy to play perfect daughter, with the tree decorating and the presents and everything. You even managed to get yourself invited today with that sob story of being home alone on Christmas Eve. Congratulations!"
Lu pressed her lips together. She had told Laura that her dad and Valerio were only flying in tomorrow when the older woman had asked about her plans during the tree trimming three days ago. She hadn't been angling for an invitation. Well, she hadn't planned on it, anyway, before Laura had brought it up. It only occurred to her now, seeing the way Guzman raised his eyebrows and looked away, that maybe she should have talked to her boyfriend before accepting his mother's invitation. But why shouldn't she spend Christmas Eve at his house? This was their third Christmas together!
"If you keep pinching your face like that it'll give you wrinkles," she told Marina. "I didn't have to 'get myself invited' here - Guzman and I are together. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but you don't get a vote on it. Honestly, I don't understand why you're so angry all the time. Maybe try smiling every now and then. Or is that too bourgeois for you?"
"Of course you don't understand why I'm angry!" Suddenly Marina was shouting. "You have no idea-"
Guzman had jumped to his feet next to her. "Marina, don't!"
Before Lu could ask for an explanation, Laura came in to tell them dinner was ready.
At least her presents were a success. Ventura whistled quietly when Lu gave him the Mexican tequila she'd been saving for this exact moment. Laura fawned over the black-and-gold Dior bag Lu had spent hours picking out. Marina merely managed a stunned "Oh" at the reproduction of a Degas sketchbook containing early versions of the Impressionist's famous ballet dancers. Only Guzman's reaction left something to be desired in Lu's eyes. All she got for the VIP Aitana concert tickets was a short "Thanks, babe" and a kiss on the cheek. He seemed to be angry, but Lu couldn't figure out what she'd done wrong.
Before Laura served dessert, Lu checked her phone and saw that her father had tried to call. She double-checked the time and was confused - he should be on a plane right now. With a pleasant smile, Lu excused herself and went into the living room to call him back.
When he told her he was still in Mexico City because there had been an issue with the jet a friend let him use, Lu couldn't believe her ears. "So you won't be here tomorrow morning? Can't you just get on a regular flight?"
"Lucrecia, please be an adult about this," her father said sharply. "You know how I feel about flying commercial. I'll let you know when they fixed the problem and I have a better idea of when I will be home."
Lu sat on the couch too stunned to move for a second. Then it dawned on her that if her dad wasn't coming… She couldn't help but let out a small cry, then called Val. He was livid. Apparently, their father had only let him know minutes ago that he would not be picking him up in Santiago, a detour the ambassador had previously insisted on.
"Lu, I had no idea either. I'm trying to get on a flight that's going anywhere in Spain, but with the holidays, everything is booked. I'll swim if I have to, but I won't make it by tomorrow."
The walk back into the dining room felt like she was trudging through jello. Lu made an effort to act like nothing was wrong, but Laura saw through her in seconds. When she had gotten the full story out of her, Laura's mouth hung open for a moment. But she collected herself quickly, with a decisive "Of course you'll stay with us!"
Guzman's forced smile and his quick kiss on her cheek made Lu feel worse than if he'd outright asked her to leave. She tried to refuse, but Laura wouldn't have it.
Coming back from the bathroom a few minutes later, Lu could hear Guzman's parents argue in the kitchen. "I just don't think we need a house guest right now, with everything our family is going through," Ventura said in a barely constrained whisper.
Lu heard Laura set her glass down. "Ventura, I am not sending her home to an empty house. She is 16! What kind of parent leaves their child alone on Christmas?"
The question hit Lu like a slap. As quietly as she could, she turned around and walked back into the living-room, where she had left her purse. She was just making sure that her phone was in it when she heard steps behind her. Lu quickly wiped her cheeks before she turned around. This was humiliating enough already.
Marina was looking at her, arms crossed but her face more open than Lu had seen it all night. "What are you doing?"
"I should go," Lu said. She picked up her bag and tried to get around Marina to pick up her coat, but the other girl wouldn't let her pass. Lu threw her hands up in frustration. If she didn't get out quickly, Marina would see her cry. Marina. That couldn't happen. "Will you let me through? I really should go. You don't want me here, your dad isn't happy and Guzman can't wait for me to leave."
Marina sighed. "Bullshit." In one fluid motion, she took Lu's bag from her and threw it back on the couch. "Text your dad that you're staying with us."
Lu was so surprised that she could only do as she was told. When she came back into the dining room, she saw Marina and Guzman talking - mostly Marina. When they saw her, Marina shoved her brother and he walked over to her.
"I'm sorry Valerio and your dad aren't coming," he told Lu honestly, taking both her hands. "Will you please stay with us? With me?"
For the first time since she'd gotten to Guzman's, Lu felt like she could exhale - like it was actually Christmas. As soon as she nodded, Guzman leaned down to kiss her. They only broke apart when Laura cleared her throat.
"I thought it might be nice to go to midnight mass," she said. "Be ready to leave in an hour."
"We don't go to church all year, mom!" Marina jumped at the chance for another discussion. "I am not going along with this fake charade! I don't think Jesus would appreciate it very much."
"Marina…" Laura sounded exasperated.
Guzman pulled Lu onto his lap and kissed her again, then grinned at her. "You know mom is only doing this because she knows you like to go, right?"
Lu laughed, hoping he couldn't tell how touched she was by the gesture.
Sitting in church later, Lu leaned forward as Guzman was reading the worship guide. She waited until Laura looked over at her and mouthed "thank you." The bells marking the beginning of the service started ringing just as she was leaning back.
** Last Christmas. Lu has been seeing Rafael for three weeks, Val and Leo have been together for eight months.
Because the time between Christmas and New Year's was always crowded, Carla had been hosting the winery's end of year party in early December for years. Lu always looked forward to it. It wasn't a stuffy sit-down dinner with endless courses and wine pairings. Instead, a group of around 100 people gathered in the winery's large cellar, listened to live music and sampled round after round of wine, with the occasional fingerfood snack. Lu always ended up completely smashed, and she knew she wasn't the only one. The waiters were too good with coming around with a new bottle what felt like every five minutes.
After wine number three or four, Valerio said something to the little group he was standing in with Leo, Carla and a couple of winery employees and turned to go upstairs. The look he gave her across the room sent shivers up Lu's spine. She handed Rafael her glass, excused herself and followed Val. She'd just reached the top of the stairs when she was pulled around the corner and pushed into the wall, with Val's lips and hands on her immediately.
"You can't wear that dress and then barely talk to me all night while you parade around your boyfriend," he murmured against her neck.
Lu pushed him away half-heartedly. "What if someone comes up the stairs?" She wanted to sound more upset, but the breathless way her voice came out nixed that.
Val smirked and pulled her a little further down the hall. Since no one was working anymore, the lights in this part of the winery had been turned off, leaving them in the dark except for the light coming from the stairs. Val kissed her again, slower this time.
No, she was not going to make it this easy for him. "Talk to a girl a little before you start ravaging her, where are your manners?"
Valerio laughed. "Ok. Fine." He played with a strand of her hair. "When will I see you for Christmas?"
Ah, the holiday puzzle. Lu realized it would take a little more planning this year, now that it wasn't just her-and-Val anymore. No "Depraved Orphans' Christmas" as Val had dubbed it a couple of years ago.
She told Val about her Christmas Eve plans, even though those had been the same for years -dinner with Nadia, Guzman and Laura. "And then…" She hesitated for a split second. "Rafael and I are at his family's Christmas Day."
"Are you serious?" Val dropped the strand of her hair. Lu couldn't fully tell in the dark hallway, but she was pretty sure the look on his face qualified as incredulous. "You've only been dating for a few weeks!"
Lu crossed her arms. She had no reason to feel defensive, and yet… "So? He makes me happy. And parents love me, you know that. Of course he wants to take me home! You'll be with Leo anyway, right?"
"Ah." Lu hated how knowing Val sounded. "I see. Sure, she's asked whether I want to come to her parents' for Christmas." He took a step toward her and Lu lifted her hand to play with the top buttons of his shirt. Val's voice was deep when he asked her "Does that mean I won't get to see you for Christmas at all?"
Lu pushed her hand into his shirt and slowly raked her nails across his chest. "Rafael's family does lunch on Christmas Day, I could be home in time for dinner."
"Leo's family does dinner."
"After-dinner cocktails it is." Lu didn't look away when Val roughly grabbed her hand and stared at her.
He took another step toward her so he was crowding her into the wall. "10 pm, your place."
The next thing she was aware of were Val's lips on her. The kiss was so rough it took her breath away. He wanted a struggle? Fine. Lu hooked her fingers in the short curls at the back of his neck and pulled, hard. Val growled and Lu smiled into the kiss triumphantly.
He made his way down her jaw, her neck, biting, sucking. By the time his hand went under her skirt, Lu was so sensitive that the brush of his fingers against her panties made her moan.
"Sssh, you don't want anyone to hear us, right?" Lu shook her head, but let out a yelp when he pushed one finger inside of her. It was like she had no control over her own body. Val slowed.
"If you can't be quiet, Lu…" No. There was no way they were going to stop now. Lu bucked her hips, desperate for more friction. Val covered her mouth with his other hand. He looked into her eyes and she nodded.
Val wasn't able to fully cover her screams, but Lu didn't care. His other hand was fucking her so hard and fast that she lost all awareness for her surroundings. When she came down from her high, it was Val's turn to grin at her triumphantly. He removed the hand that had her head pushed against the wall and slowly pulled out the other one.
Lu's breath was still coming out in short huffs and her legs gave out as soon as she lost the support. Val caught her quickly and held her up until she stopped shaking. "Hey." He leaned in and kissed her cheek, gently pushing her hair out of her face. "You ok?" He pulled away enough to look at her.
Lu blinked. The tenderness of the moment hit her so suddenly that her throat closed up. All she could do was nod.
Christmas Eve with Laura, Guzman and Nadia was lovely. Her 17-year-old self would've thrown a fit at the suggestion of having dinner with this particular group of people, but Lu was proud to say she had grown past her teenage narrow-mindedness.
Christmas Day lunch with Rafael and his family had been a success as well, even though for her, it had resembled a flawless performance more than something she genuinely enjoyed. Rafael had told her to "relax" as they'd pulled up to his parents' house. Cute.
His family ended up enamored with her, obviously, but things like that didn't just happen. Lu had a routine, a repertoire of stories, gestures, laughs that she'd honed for years and would adjust according to her audience. Of course his mom and stepdad had loved her. Of course his grandfather had been so delighted with her, he at some point during the afternoon had taken Rafael aside and whispered something into his grandson's ear all choked up while both men were looking at her. Rafael's brother had only shown average levels of enthusiasm, but that was normal - Lu knew that winning over people her own age always took her a little longer. She'd have Louis eating out of the palm of her hand by Easter.
Now she was ready for the part of Christmas she had been looking forward to the most. After the act she had had to put on all day, Lu was extra grateful for the fact she could be on the couch in her yoga pants and a tasteful red-and-gold Christmas sweater. For a couple of years, she had waited by the door for Val wearing intricate lingerie. But more recently, both of them had agreed on Christmas being more of a quiet affair.
They didn't even do presents (with one particular exception), a marked contrast to the stress Lu had gone through for years with her parents, or with Guzman and his family. No, Christmas with Val meant getting to enjoy the luxury of hours of uninterrupted time together without setting foot outside into the real world.
The key turned in the door just as she was dropping the ice into their martini glasses. Lu felt Val's arms sneak around her from behind and giggled as he was nosing her throat. "Merry Christmas, Lulu."
She turned around and kissed him. "Merry Christmas to you. And cheers."
Valerio accepted his glass. "Cheers." After taking a large sip, he grinned at her. "Wow, you're generous with the gin. Good thing I don't have anywhere to be tonight."
After their second round, when Lu was fully in Val's lap curled up like a cat, they briefly talked about their respective outings that day. They were adults after all. Try as she may, Lu couldn't fully push down the shot of relief that went through her when she heard the lack of emotion in Val's voice as he talked about dinner with the Monteros. She kept her own description of events short ("It was a success, no surprise there") and then got up to fix them another round of martinis.
When she came back into the living room, Val was splayed out on the couch wearing nothing but his briefs. At her giggle, he raised his eyebrows in mocked outrage. "What are you laughing at? This is what the ladies like!"
He tried to pull her down on top of him and she only managed to hold out long enough to set the glasses down on the table (with a considerable amount of their drinks ending up on the floor). She was laughing hysterically in no time. It should be illegal for someone who knew her this well to tickle her.
"You are wearing an unacceptable amount of clothes," he said loudly over her shrieks. "That sweater has got to go."
In the end, they were both on the floor in their underwear. Taking off everything else had turned out to be a great idea when Lu had bumped into the coffee table in her effort to overpower Val and given them both a martini shower. She was just starting to complain about the stickiness when Val licked her arm and then smacked his lips like he had tasted a good wine. "Screw body shots," he said, "this is the only way I will ever have martinis again."
They silently agreed to stay on the floor, which Lu was thankful for because her stomach hurt from laughing. Val had an arm slung over her waist and her head was resting on his chest. She only realized they had talked for over an hour when Val started to gently push her off of him.
"Hey." He laughed at her unhappy whine. "It's almost midnight and I do want to give you your present before Christmas is over."
Val got up to grab a small package from the pocket of his coat. He placed it in her lap and sat down facing her. They were so close that his breath ghosted over her face. Lu slowly unwrapped the soft package and felt her eyes well up when the paper fell away.
"Another pair for your collection," Val said softly, using his thumb to wipe away the one tear that was rolling down her cheek.
Lu slid her hands into the gloves. The grey leather was buttery soft, the cashmere lining made her feel like she had stuck her hands into a cloud.
"Thank you," she whispered. It didn't matter that she'd received a pair of gloves from Val every year since she was nine - it still felt like affection was being poured out over her until she was covered head to toe. And if she'd have a hundred pairs stacked away in her drawers, Lu was absolutely certain she'd never tire of the warmth that spread through her when Val handed her his gift. She had no recollection of Christmas in Norway when she was eight years old except for a single memory: Hot water running down her back and Val's "I got you" in her ear.
She bridged the short distance between them, leaned over with her gloved hands on his knees and kissed him. "I love you."
Val framed her face with his hands. "I love you, too."
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