#lu controversy
lu-is-not-ok · 9 months
So is everyone gonna just ignore the fact that the leaked Document that PM sent over to the Union states that Vellmori was the one to resign herself and was the one who didn't want the info being spread around?
Like, I'm not saying PM handled this shit well, because they absolutely didn't, but the whole thing of her being fired is apparently just a straight up fucking lie.
And, if the Document PM sent to the Union is to be trusted (which, if they lied about that, I imagine that would be even more legal trouble than is worth for them with all this shit going on), that means that everyone being mad at PM for not saying anything more is being mad at them for Following Vellmori's Wishes.
Again, I'm not saying that PM handled Any of this well. They absolutely should have made sure that Vellmori didn't feel so threatened that she felt the need to resign. They absolutely fucked up in that department.
But the main thing people focused on, Vellmori's firing, allegedly just wasn't even real.
What the fuck is even going on anymore.
//Btw, here's the source for the translation of the Certificate of Contents that PM sent to the Union and which was later leaked.
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across-violet-skies · 4 months
so lately I've seen a lot of things about lu wild and people's opinions and stuff and I thought maybe I'd add my two cents in a way that (hopefully, if I can articulate my thoughts well) won't make anyone upset. feel free to scroll past this or whatever I just thought I would share my view :)
semi long post under the cut!!
so. wild. first off, I like him. he's fun, he got me into lu in the first place, his games are my favorite in the series, all of that.
he's popular and unpopular all at once. generally, according to a poll I ran recently where I asked for people's least favorite lu link and why, people who like wild the least (which doesn't necessarily mean they dislike him, mind you) said it was mostly bc he's just so popular.
which... yeah, ok. he has the most content I'd say, so that checks out. but I also think the problem (if there even is one?? I'm unclear) is NOT that there's too much content for Wild, but rather that the amount of content he has is just so much more compared to the rest of the links.
basically, I think the amount of Wild content is fine, but it's more about how little content there is for everyone else.
Wild fics are fine. wild fics are good! great, even. I've written some myself. you can't have too much I would say, but you CAN have not enough content for other characters, and I think that's where people have issue with it.
and yeah, the other links aren't as popular, so it makes sense that there'd be less fics. but also there's a chicken and egg situation here: is wild more popular bc of more content, or is there more content bc he's more popular (this literally doesn't matter. I'm looking too far into it. it's 1 am please excuse my rambles)
but also... any wild content seems to be more consumed? if that makes sense? like take my writing for example:
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two fics in a series together, two stories, around the same length, about similar subjects, written around the same time. one of these fics is wild-centric, and the other is hyrule-centric. I'm sure you can tell which one is which. (also, stats aren't everything. I'm happy with both of these stories, it's just an example to show the difference!)
the wild-centric fic has about 3x as many views, over twice as many kudos, and over twice as many bookmarks than the hyrule-centric one. the hyrule-centric fic has more comments and is part of a collection.
(these fics can be found here (wild) and here (hyrule). shameless self promotion)
anyways... yeah. again, I don't think there's a problem with people writing/enjoying wild content. always create for what you love! however, I think a lot of the dislike/less like of wild stems from the fact that any other character just doesn't have as much content available. I don't think it's the actual content or character that people take issue with.
(and again, I like wild. he not my favorite, but he's certainly not my least favorite. he's somewhere in the middle for me, maybe towards the favorite end more but still in the middle)
I hope this made at least some sense if you read this far!! I don't want to upset anyone so feel free to discuss things with me. I'm typically pretty easygoing online so don't be afraid to mention something I mightve glossed over or worded poorly, but just please be kind and respectful to other people because ultimately, its just an opinion/thoughts on other people's opinions and other people are ofc valid if they disagree :)
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sass-squat · 1 year
I don’t know how you guys did it but you all managed to tie two of the categories in the last poll 🤣 So as a result I will try to work on both simultaneously but I will most likely be focusing on the Linked Universe Winged Au since I already have a whole storyline/lore for it in mind 😈
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isasan347 · 6 months
Extremely controversial hot take (you don't have to publish it if you don't want) but I think Downfall Duo is overrated and I don't like how people only like Hyrule for the angst he can bring to Legend.
Mmm no yea I get that
Personally I love the downfall duo but I can see why you think they’re overrated.
Also yea I agree
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Jacob Elordi isn't even attractive
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For Rinna.
Lots of talk about your boy and an old associate of his from the Fire Nation.
How does that make you feel?
6/10. Three words drumming a confused, dissonant beat in her chest.  Fire. Nation. Soldier. It doesn't reach her expression, vaporized by the breath she inhales through her nose.
The tea shop cocoons you in honeyed hues, the air infused with the aroma of freshly steeped jasmine. Rinna cradles a porcelain cup in her fingers, her thumb gliding gently along the interlacing patterns. At the question, her mouth opens, half-closes again, her gaze drifting as if she might light upon the words that elude her.
“I think I could answer this five different ways, and they would all be true,” she muses. Another pause. The murmurs around you rush in to fill it. “Her name has come up a few times. I know it’s been years since he’s seen her and that he might never again, and I can tell that this pains him. I also know she’s still important to him and might always be, even if he's never said so explicitly. It’s obvious that whatever connection they had was profound and unique to them.”
The shop door opens, a breeze teasing a strand of chestnut hair loose. Rinna brushes it back behind her ear, a gesture both tender and resolute.
“Jealousy is not a shade I like to wear. It’s unbecoming on anyone, if I’m honest. But, such matters are delicate. She is a chapter in his story. I want to be a partner who approaches situations like these from a place of empathy and understanding. People have pasts, and the past shapes who we are. It’s only natural for it to intertwine with the present, that Lu Da would have shared intimate moments, experiences and connections, with someone before his path crossed mine.”
She takes a contemplative breath, her deep brown eyes tracing the intricate weave of a tapestry on the wall.
“Does that mean the talk of them doesn’t fan the tiniest spark of jealousy or any of its friends within me? I’d be lying if I said otherwise. It’s human nature, isn’t it? To feel a pang of possessiveness, even when you know it's irrational. And unfair,” she adds. “I don’t own Lu Da, just as he doesn’t own me. But our love isn’t fragile. I don’t feel threatened by ghosts from his past when what matters is the here and now. Our connection, our chemistry, the experiences we’ve shared—they’re uniquely ours, too.”
The sway of a tree branch beyond the window captures her attention for a fleeting moment before her gaze finds its way back to yours. There is a quiet strength in the way she straightens, the wistful smile on her lips.
“I have never met Ta Ming, and there is no reason to suspect I ever will. But piecing together what I know of this enigmatic Fire Nation soldier—” If there is a ripple in her tone at the words, it is fleeting, already gone— “of their relationship and what she meant to him, if by some twist of fate we ever find ourselves face to face… I would want to thank her. For loving him. For seeing qualities in him that often go unnoticed. How could I not honor their history, when it played a part in shaping the man I love?”
Rinna takes a moment to sip her tea, then places the cup in its saucer with a delicate clink, sitting back, graceful, resolved.
“But whatever they had is their story, and what we have is ours. A bond that transcends time and circumstance. And that’s all that really matters in the end.”
Send a △ and ask my character(s) a really invasive question.
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legendstrauma · 2 years
Someone called Shad being old homophobic and at first I just laughed but considering how we’ve been told in the past that “every Link has a special woman back home- usually defaults to Zelda except in Midna, Marin, and Malon’s case”…. I hate to admit it but they might not be wrong. I mean, all Shad’s attention from the fandom has been through people who ship him with Twi. Now he appears, and he’s some old guy instead of being a young adult like he is in LoZ-canon. We’ve basically been told Shadow won’t appear via the Four Background Clarification that set the fandom on fire for a brief moment months ago and he’s another popular gay ship pick within the fandom. And although almost all of the fandom seems to collectively agree that Ravio and Legend are husbands, Ravio has never reappeared back into the story or been spoken about again in LU-canon aside from those initial appearances. Maybe it isn’t intentional… but it feels a little icky.
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Luca Marinelli as Valerio - Slam (2016) ✨
|| Drawn for the @lmzine ||
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lorillee · 2 years
imo there's less than a 1% chance there will be an endgame romance (aside from like. implied frobin?) but if there's anything to be bracing about its not hanlu but nalu. all my love to hancock but luffy is simply too indifferent about her and nami often gets the heroine treatment in colorspreads etc
i like to brace myself for incredible disappointment because at least that way i wont be surprised
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whatyourehungryfor · 3 months
deeply sorry but i dont think i could fully accept jeffshauna into my life let them be in an unloving marriage out of guilt please
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lu-is-not-ok · 9 months
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Looks like the Union chairman is corroberating PM’s latest apology. If people don’t wish to believe PM (and I can kinda understand why), will they believe the Union?
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abysslll · 1 year
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mugentakeda · 3 months
lu ten googles "10 controversial topics to bring up during family dinners" before every family dinner
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kl125 · 4 months
In an effort to be more optimistic and positive and not give into the hate train (as well as acknowledge that adaptations will never be exactly the same as the source material, and that’s okay), here are things I genuinely enjoyed in the ATLA adaptation. Spoilers ahead.
- The acting. I think all of the actors did the best with what they were given. In particular, Gordon and Dallas did a phenomenal job bringing Aang and Zuko to life, respectively.
- Yue. I know this is a more controversial take, but I liked what they added to her story. She has more agency and confidence, and I liked the deepened relationship between her and the Moon Spirit, as well as her connection to Sokka.
- Having the people on Zuko’s boat be the battalion that was set to be sacrificed in the war was an absolutely GENUIS change. A fantastic example of taking the source material and using the new medium to expand on the lore and worldbuilding.
- Episode Six. No notes. Amazing episode from start to finish. The show really shines here.
- Expanding the story of Lu Ten and Iroh was really cool. I liked seeing how Zuko reacted to Lu Ten’s death, and how it strengthened his bond with Iroh. That whole sequence made me cry, including the subtle orchestration of “Leaves from the Vine” in the background.
- Along those same lines, Iroh was amazing!! Paul Sun-Hyung Lee brought the spirit and cheekiness of Mako Iwamatsu no doubt!
- Seeing more of the past Avatars, like Kyoshi and Kuruk, was great. I think they could have been incorporated into the story a little better, but overall, they were a net positive. Kyoshi in particular really stands out.
- Gyatso. That’s it. Just Gyatso. Fantastic. No notes! Absolutely perfect!
- Putting the Mechanist and Teo in Omashu actually makes sense, in terms of streamlining some of the important storylines. Sokka and the Mechanist create the War Balloon, which eventually progresses into the air ships, so it was necessary to include that part, and we still get all of that with the change. Plus, Danny Pudi was perfect as the Mechanist. The only thing we miss with this change is Aang getting upset over the changes at the Northern Air Temple, but I think the overall story works without that element (at least for the live-action).
As I have time to digest the story, I might end up liking more of the changes than I think, but for now, those are the main points.
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I'm a constant advocate for ecumenism, however I firmly believe that if you've grown up in or been raised in faith in the context of a strict denomination, you need to find a healthy Biblically based nondenominational church at some point and sit through a couple weeks of their preaching and involve yourself in fellowship there for a bit. like I know that American evangelicalism can become Too Much and has been reduced to stereotypes in some ways but nondenominationalism is in my experience very well rounded and often it's easier to find intentional community and fellowship in a nondenom or lower-pressure church than it is in strictly denominational spaces
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fefeman · 10 months
PM announced new units (w corps Ryoshu & Hong lu), so here's a reminder :
Don't break boycott for the hongussy
Don't ascribe too much meaning to it: like with the Zwei, it's still more likely it was already planned content rather than something made explicitly to distract from the controversy. (Next update might be a different case tho)
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